November 2, 2014 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
November 2, 2014 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
CHURCH OF ST. JOSEPH Garden City, N.Y. 11530 RECTORY 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 Rectory Fax No. 746-0719 Rev. Msgr. James P. Swiader, Pastor Rev. Gregory Breen, Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Scolaro, Associate Pastor Deacon John J. McKenna Deacon Andrew Ciccaroni PARISH MEMBERSHIP We welcome those who are new to our parish and ask them to call the Rectory for registration information. If you are moving, please notify the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Evenings: In Church at 5:00 PM Sundays: In Church at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 11:45 AM, 1:00 and 5:30 PM; in Auditorium at 10:00 AM except July & August Weekdays: 8:00, 9:00 AM Monday through Friday with 12:10 PM on First Fridays. Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: See printed announcements prior to the Holy Day for Mass Schedule. Monday evenings: 8:00 PM with Miraculous Medal Novena in Convent Chapel, except legal holidays. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING THE SICK The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first Saturday of the month immediately following the 8:30 morning Mass. You may also call the Rectory to arrange for anointing and Holy Communion for the homebound. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 1:00 to 2:00 and 6:00 to 6:30 PM Also, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays of the month 9:00 to 9:30 AM Eves of Holy Days and First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Sister Kathleen Corr, O.P., Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 MUSIC AND LITURGY Mr. Joseph Cangialosi, Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Anna Maria Sirianni, LMSW, Director 120 Fifth Street 747-7120 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CCD Mrs. Susan Mirabella, Director 121 Fourth Street 741-7787 SCHOOL Dr. Eileen Kilbride, Principal Mrs. Regina Cioffi, Assistant Principal 450 Franklin Avenue STEWARDSHIP Sister Louise Cullen, RSM, Director 121 Fourth Street 741-5632 YOUTH MINISTRY Mr. Philip Malloy, Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament is celebrated every Sunday at 2:30 PM. Please note: there are no baptisms on the fifth Sunday of the month. Registration is necessary prior to the date of Baptism. Instruction is required for parents of first children. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance. Weddings may be celebrated Fridays: 5:00 PM, Saturdays: 11:00 AM, & 3:00 PM, Sundays: 3:45 PM THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION RCIA is a process welcoming new members into the Roman Catholic Church. Anyone who is not baptized or is baptized in another Christian Church and wishes to become a Catholic, or is baptized in the Roman Catholic Church but seeks the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, should call the Rectory at 747-3535. 747-2730 Season Date2, 2014 November All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK PRAYERS FOR THE SICK “If anyone is sick among you, ask the community to pray…” Please pray for: Lisa Adams, Ann Altman, Ana M. Alvarez, Vladimir Sunday, November 2 (Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed) Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 7:30am Concetta Ca sale 9:00am Joseph Montalbano 10:00am(Aud) Frances J. Sullivan 10:30am Parishioners of St. Joseph Parish 11:45am Jo and Bill Porter 1:00pm All Souls Novena, Kinn and Reis Family, George Olvaney (Anniversary), Edward Connolly, Harry Penson, Lee Odette, Cheryl Cardone 5:30pm Jeanne and Joseph Onorato Alvarez, Felicitia Alvarez, James J. Ashe, Deborah Auricchio, Joanne Auricchio, Robert Auricchio, Teagan Baralo, Karen Batta, Betty Belger, Adelina Bera, Jennifer Blake, David A. Brown, Victoria Bunone, Kathy Burns, Lorraine Cagliostro, Theresa Camoia, Patrick Cancroft, Joan Cashman, Francesca Consolazio, Dominick Consolazio, E. Virgil Conway, Rose Curth, Barbara DeGroot, Petra Dehler, Jean Doherty, Sheila Dollard, Daniel Hogan Cheatham, Joseph Erugellis, Edward Flaherty, Robert Franz,Jr., Jack Gearns, Joseph Gottlieb, David Galison, Rosemary Griffith, Babies Noelle and Genevieve Heggarty, Ron Hildreth, Edward Johnson, Carlin Kenny, Chris Lamendola, Jane Leonard, Vincent Lodato, Anne H. Logan, Joseph Martens, John Joseph McCarthy, Marie Martin, Jayne McGratty, Maureen McElwreath, Bob McGuire, Vinko Mender, James Mulhearn, Alexander Sean Muller, Angela Munnelly, James Melzone, Ellen Nieman, Matthew Noah, Marissa O’Brien, Joe Oliva, Rose Occhini, Cecelia Ortiz, Brian Rey, Elodia Rich, Kathryn Rudy, JoAnn Russo, Maria Pashayan, Rita Scaglione, Jack Sheehy, Kathleen Smith, Thomas Smith, Fran Klein Sneath, Alan Sorrentino, Emma Tynan Quinn, Stephanie Ryan, Liz Sarno, Julia Schwartz, Carol Schwinn, Mildred Tyszka, Jo Van de Water, Catherine Vogt,, Msgr. Charles Guarino, Chistina Zerna, Teresa Zerna, Linda Espinal, Teodoro Espinal Monday, November 3 (St. Martin de Porres. Priest) Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 8:00am Helen Roberts Brosnan 900am Mary and Frederick Palmer 8:pm Novena Mass Tuesday, November 4 (St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop) Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 8:00am Brian Lawrence Gray 9:00am Mary and Frederick Palmer Wednesday, November 5 Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 8:00am All Soul’s Novena 9:00am Kenneth Laucella Thursday, November 6 Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 8:00am Rosemarie Episcopia 9:00am All Soul’s Novena DECEASED Please pray for the repose of the souls of: Ellen A. Palermo Filomena Gross Friday, November 7 Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 8:00am All Soul’s Novena 9:00am Luigi Hroncich 12:10pm Irene Abate Second Time Alphonse Persico—St. Joseph, Garden City, NY Lauren Raphael—St. Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre, NY Saturday, November 8 Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 8:30am John and Gertrude Edmond 5:00pm All Soul’s Novena Kinn and Reis Family, Dolores Castellano Constance and Carmine, Guerriano Ann Asselta, Benito Esposito Carlos and Roseann Masiero Richard Haggerty—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Bensalem, PA Mary Curtin—St. Joseph, Garden City, NY Christopher Masi—St. Rose of Lima, Rockaway Beach, NY Dana Silecchia –St. Joseph, Garden City, NY Sunday, November 9 (Dedication of the Lateran Basilica) Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 7:30am Robert Gorman 9:00am Sr. Caroline D’Esposito 10:00am(Aud) Paul Demaria 10:30am Cummin Clancy 11:45am Margie Vermaelen 1:00pm Lucille and William Brignola Parishioners of St. Joseph Ray Carew, Hector Ramos, Mary Quinlan Theodore Fell, Elena Jude Maggi 5:30pm All Souls Novena Weekend Mass Celebrants Saturday, November 8 5:00pm ................ Fr. Scolaro Sunday, November 9 7:30am ............ Msgr. Swiader 9:00am ............ Msgr. Swiader 10:00am ............. Fr. Scolaro 10:30am ............. Fr. Kettelberger 11:45am ............ Fr. Kettelberger 5:30pm ............. Fr. Breen Reminder to all Lectors, Altar Servers, and Extraordinary Ministers, Please Sign in for your service at least five minutes before Mass. November 2, 2014 This schedule is subject to change, to meet the needs of the parish. 2 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY 2 November 2014 November 2, 2014 munion, go not with your wrists extended, nor with your fingers separated, but placing one hand as a throne for the other, which is to receive so great a King, and in the hollow of the palm receive the body of Christ, saying, Amen.” Having received the host, the communicant then steps to one side, takes the host and reverently places it in the mouth. The communicant should not walk away carrying the host. We encourage parents to share the points above with their children. The approach to receive Communion has that single intent: to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. It is not an appropriate time to come forward to receive a blessing in lieu of the Eucharist if for some reason an individual is not able to receive. This is also true for children below the age of reception. This has become a practice adopted in some parishes, but it is really not proper. A personal blessing should not be accepted as an alternative to the Eucharist. A public blessing will be extended to the entire congregation at the end of the Mass. And speaking of that final blessing, all in the congregation are most strongly encouraged to complete the celebration in its entirety, which includes the final hymn. Leaving directly after Communion is certainly not fitting. Finally, it is probably appropriate to review again whom the Church invites to the Eucharist. At the direction of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, every missalette carries guidelines about Communion for non-Catholic Christians. (You can find it on the inside cover of our missalette.) The bishops tell us that while we welcome fellow Christians, united in a common baptism, to share prayer with us, we cannot share Communion until we share oneness of faith and worship. Therefore, in the main, Protestant Christians cannot be invited to receive Communion. Catholics themselves must be properly disposed to receive Communion. Those who are conscious of grave sin or whose personal lives are not in conformity with Church discipline should not receive Communion without sacramental Confession first. These practices as given to us by the Church are offered not for their own sake but to foster greater appreciation of the living Christ who presents himself to us in the celebration of Mass. As was said last week, when we are more strongly united to Christ in the Eucharist, we pray that his presence in our hearts will be reflected in greater charity, compassion, and more generous service to one another in our parish, and indeed to all we encounter, especially any in need. Dear Parishioners, Last week I offered some observations drawn from the recent liturgical ministers’ meetings that were held in early October. I would like to continue with other suggestions that were shared. In the conversations with the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, points regarding reverence for the Eucharist and the manner in which we receive Communion were reviewed. Preparation for Communion, the Eucharistic Fast, is still an expected practice to properly dispose oneself to receive the Body and Blood. We are expected to refrain from solid food and liquids (except water) for one hour before receiving Communion. Medication, of course, may always be taken. The faithful are encouraged to respect the integrity of the Eucharist, the integral connection between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist; between the Word of God and the Real Presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine. We do not attend Mass just to receive Christ in Holy Communion. We come to encounter the Lord, who is present in Word, in Sacrament, in the community, in the celebrant, and in the unity of the Liturgy. Approaching the Communion station is a time to be focused on the Eucharist without distractions. So, it is not an appropriate moment to greet friends or chat. A reverent bow should be made while the person in front is receiving the Eucharist. The communicant then steps forward. The communicant should not wait to be standing in front of the minister and then bow. Communion on the tongue is always acceptable. This option has not been abrogated. The faithful should receive Communion in a manner they find most reverent; there is no “preferred” practice. The proper response to “The Body of Christ” is, “Amen.” This ancient word acknowledges more than just a belief in the sacramental presence of Christ. It signifies a personal acceptance of and participation in the Paschal mystery, which the Eucharist embodies. “Thank you” or other formulae should be avoided. “Amen” says so much more. We “receive” Communion; we do not “take” communion. Therefore, for the individual receiving Communion in the hand it is not appropriate to reach out with two fingers ready to “take” the host from the minister’s hands. The communicant’s hands should be presented with palms open, one hand placed over the other (not side-by-side.) Note: Receiving Communion in the hand is not a recent novelty but an ancient practice, referred to by the Fathers of the Church. In the words of St. Cyril of Jerusalem: “When you approach to receive com- Msgr. Swiader 3 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY November 2, 2014 St. Joseph Parish Directory Rectory: 516-747-3535 Rectory Office / Receptionist ....................................................................... Ext. 10 Pastor: Reverend Msgr. James P. Swiader ....................................................................................... Ext. 13 Associate Pastor: Reverend Gregory F. Breen ................................................................................. Ext. 11 Associate Pastor: Reverend Joseph Scolaro ……… ……………………… ………………………….Ext. 20 Deacon Jack McKenna…………………………………………. …………………………………..516-747-3535 Deacon Andy Ciccaroni………………………………………………………………………...…...516-747-3535 Adult Faith Formation: Sr. Kathleen Corr, OP, Director ................................................................. Ext. 12 Music and Liturgy: Mr. Joseph Cangialosi, Director ....................................................................... Ext. 29 Youth Ministry: Mr. Philip Malloy, Director .................................................................................... Ext. 30 Bulletin / Parish Registration: Mrs. Adrienne Kuczwaj .................................................................... Ext. 27 Executive Secretary: Mrs. Barbara Stay ........................................................................................... Ext .16 Facilities’ Manager: Mr. Frank Mondo ............................................................................................ Ext. 18 St. Joseph School: Dr. Eileen Kilbride, Principal ................................................................. 516-747-2730 Mrs. Regina Cioffi, Assistant Principal Religious Education: Mrs. Susan Mirabella, Director .......................................................... 516-741-7787 Parish Social Ministry: Anna Maria Sirianni, LMSW, Director .......................................... 516-747-7120 Stewardship: Sr. Louise Cullen, RSM, Director .................................................................... 516-741-5632 Parish Trustees: Mr. Michael White • Mr. Thomas O’Brien Pastoral Council: Mr. Christopher Adams • Mrs. Maria Franco• Mr. Gregory Hesterberg • Mr. Joseph McCarthy • Mr. Neil McGoldrick • Mr. Richard Russell • Mr. Thomas Scaturro • Mrs. Dorry Tompsett • Mrs. Maureen Wallace Emergency Anointing number (when Rectory Office is closed): 516-434-1516 Parish Mission Statement The parish of St. Joseph celebrates the Good News of Jesus Christ by giving witness to His real presence in our midst We express our faith through prayer, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments. We continually form and strengthen our faith by embracing and teaching the Word of God and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We comfort and give hope to the sick and the grieving and reach out to those in spiritual or material need with compassion and love. We offer hospitality and warmly welcome all people to share the joy and peace of Jesus. Founded in Faith Growing in Hope Serving with Love 4 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY November 2, 2014 Stewardship A Way of Life NEWS FROM ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL Early Childhood Open House will be held on Monday, Stewardship Reflection The Feast of All Saints and All Souls Day reminds us of our connection to all those who have gone before us, those who have given us an example to follow and those who continue to care for us and pray for our intentions. November 1st is especially a day to remember: ***those who have inspired us when we needed more faith, hope or love. ***those who challenged us to be better people ***those who loved us even when we felt that we didn’t deserve it. November 3 from 9:30am to 11:00am. Please come and see the wonderful things that are happening in our Early Childhood Program. This will be followed by Registration on Wednesday, November 5. Our 4 year olds in the PreK program are having a Prayer Service on Tuesday, November 4 at 1:00pm in the church. This is a prayer service to honor our Veterans. If any Veteran would like to attend this (very short – 15 minute) prayer service…you are more than welcome!! Take some time this week, to remember the gift that these people were in your life and On November 2nd we remember all those who have gone before us. Sr. Louise Cullen RSM Stewardship Coordinator There will be a School Board Meeting on Tuesday, November 4, at 7:30pm in the Faculty Room. Please join us for our Monthly Liturgy, prepared by the 3rd Grade, on Friday, November 7, 2014 at 9:00am in the church. Mom’s Faith Sharing Our Mom’s faith sharing group meets on Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30AM in the St. Agnes Room. Our next meeting is on November 6th. The Mom’s Faith and Life Sharing Group is an opportunity to feel spiritually renewed, refreshed and revived!!! Congratulations! Whether you are moms with tots or teens, we invite you to give yourself the gift of time to connect with your faith in a supportive setting You can enjoy a cup of coffee and the company of other women while discussing spiritual issues as it relates to motherhood. We would like to congratulate John & Lorraine Reynolds who were the recipients of the St. Agnes Medal of Service on Sunday, October 26, 2014, at the Cathedral of St. Agnes. This award was established by Bishop Murphy in 2007 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Each year an individual or a married couple from every parish in the diocese is recognized for service and dedication. “Honorees are lay people whose love of the Church has been shown through their devotion to the Holy Father, to our diocese and to their parish,” said Bishop Murphy. “They are the unsung heroes in our midst who build up our parish communities by extraordinary service in parish ministry, parish administration or some significant volunteer role.” All our Best Wishes to you, Lorraine & John! Contact Person: Sr. Louise Cullen RSM Deanna O’Connor - 214-6430. [[ This is the last opportunity to order your copy of At Home with the Word: This book includes scriptures for each week with reflections and questions regarding the scripture. Fill out the form below and return to Rectory or Sr. Louise. Contribution: $5.00 for each book. Name _________________________ Phone________________ Number of Books_____ Amount enclosed _______ 5 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY November 2, 2014 Nocturnal Adoration November 7th, the First Friday of November, is a special opportunity to spend time in quiet communion with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday classes will meet as scheduled. There are No classes on Tuesday because of a school holiday. [ Our Nocturnal Adoration Society invites all parishioners to visit the church anytime between the hours of 9:00 PM on Friday and 8:00 AM on Saturday. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration throughout the night, and Benediction will take place just before the 8:30 AM Mass on Saturday. Religious Education Board There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 7th at 7:30pm in the Office. Catechetical Service Awards St. Joseph Parish is happy to announce that the following Catechists were honored by Bishop Murphy in recognition of their years of service to the Catechetical Ministry here at St. Joseph. The awards were presented at a Diocesan Ceremony at St. Agnes Cathedral on October 28th: The Bishop Mc Gann Aware was presented to Phyllis Mistretta for 40 years of service; the Pius X Award was presented to Mark Cohen, Leslie Foxen, Jane Grant, Dorothy Horan, Colleen LaGreca and Connie McManus in recognition of their 10 years of service. We thank them for their contribution to the proclamation of the Word of God here at St. Joseph. Eucharistic Adoration We also want to give parishioners the opportunity to pray before our Eucharistic Lord during the day. On November 7th, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the loggietta (the “crying room”) f rom 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon. At 12:00 noon the Eucharist will be reposed to the Tabernacle, and our regular 12:10 PM Mass will begin. *Please note: on First Fridays when we have a Funeral Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will not be exposed during the day. Could You Not Watch One Hour With Me? (Mt 26:40) For more information contact either: Terry Tener at 747-5713 Jack McGowan at 741-8420 DONATIONS REQUESTED On Thanksgiving Day, we will be preparing and delivering complete hot dinners to homebound senior citizens. We are in need of donations of turkeys, mini loaves of bread, individual non-carbonate beverages, desserts, and cash to complete the meals. Donations may be dropped off at our home at 35 Maxwell Road, Garden City. Please call us to arrange a convenient drop-off time. FIRST FRIDAY—is a day of prayer for peace and for the people of the parish. Masses on First Friday are 8:00am, 9:00am and 12:10pm Confessions will be heard on Thursday, November 6 from 4 to 5pm. All deliveries will be starting at 12 noon on Thanksgiving Day and are accompanied by a visit. Please call us if you are interested in helping to deliver the meals. Last year we provided 400 meals and we expect this year that our numbers will be similar. Please consider helping us with this wonderful project either by donating toward the meal or giving your time to help deliver! Please contact us at 746-8331 with any questions. Thank you for your support each year! Melinda and John Alford The next meeting of the Rosary Altar Society will be Friday, November 7th after the 9:00am Mass in the St. Agnes Room. Due to a scheduling conflict our designated speaker is not available. We have been very fortunate to secure Anna Maria Sirianni, Director of Parish Social Services here at St. Joseph Church. Anna Maria has over 20 years of service as an Outreach coordinator . at St. Anthony’s Church in Oceanside. A woman with a kind and generous heart, a wonderful sense of humor and above all the true spirit of Christ. 6 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY 7 November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY 8 November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY 9 November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY November 2, 2014 EAGLE PROJECT HONORS FALLEN CHAMINADE GRADUATES My name is James Noyes, an Eagle Scout candidate from Boy Scout Troop 243, sponsored by St. Joseph Church, and a member of the parish I am seeking donations to cover the costs for the “Gold Star Alumni Memorial Wall” built at Chaminade High School, where I am currently a senior. Chaminade’s “Gold Star Alumni” are the 56 Chaminade alumni who have given their lives in defense of our country as members of the military. My project was planned and completed in time for the dedication of Chaminade’s Gold Star Alumni Stadium on September 6, 2014. You can see the memorial wall when you enter the gate to the new stadium. All proceeds will be used to cover the costs of the project and any excess will be donated to Chaminade. Checks should be made payable to “Boy Scout Troop 243” with “James Noyes Eagle Project” in the memo line. All checks should be mailed to James Noyes, 61 Brixton Road, Garden City, NY 11530. Thank you for honoring those who died for our country and for supporting this project. James Noyes WIDOWS AND WISDOWERS DIVORCED AND SINGLE CATHOLICS OF LONG ISLAND NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER NO. 1 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Non-Denominational—All are welcome Tuesday, November 25, 2014 @8pm The meeting is held every Fourth Tuesday at St. Francis De Chantal School 1309 Wantagh Ave. in Wantagh L.I. Please bring proof of Single Statue to join Refreshments after meeting For further info call Carol (516)794-4933 or Eileen (516)661-4353 SPIRITUALITY FOR SINGLES 2014 FALL HOLIDAY SINGLES DANCE Saturday, Nov 22, 2014; 8:30PM to 12 midnight St. Aidan Parish - Msgr. Kirwin Hall, 525 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596 Hot Buffet, free wine & beverages, dessert, Live Music & Dancing all evening All Singles Ages 30+ are welcome, $25.00pp Info: (516) 561-6994 or [email protected] The St Agnes Men’s Prayer Group Of Rockville Center would like to invite you to: The Call to Fatima (story and the message) presentation at St. Agnes Cathedral Parish Center on November 12, 2014 from 7:30pm. to 9:00 pm. This event is open to Men, Women, and Children. Spreading the Fatima message to save souls was the main wish of Sr Lucia before her death as her private doctor told Fox News religious correspondent Lauren Green for a TV interview with Dr Branca Paul and Thomas McCormack in New York. Mr. Steve McDonald St Agnes Men’s Prayer Group St Agnes Cathedral Parish Centre 29 Quealy Place Rockville Centre, New York 11570 10 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY November 2, 2014 Please consider participating in our annual Thanksgiving program to provide holiday dinners to our neighbors in need. In partnership with Our Lady of Loretto Parish Outreach and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Parish Outreach, St. Joseph’s parishioners provide Thanksgiving dinners to families who are known to these programs and who are not able to provide a holiday meal for themselves. Sign up forms may be found in this weekend’s bulletin. At the church and auditorium entrances you will find boxes to drop off your completed forms; you may also fax, email or mail your form to the addresses listed on the flyer. Please return your completed form no later than Thursday, November 6, 2014. Additional information about the program will appear in upcoming bulletins. ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH INVITES YOU TO “SPONSOR A FAMILY” FOR THANKSGIVING 2014 Once again this year, we have the opportunity to help those less fortunate give their families a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. The Sponsor a Family program serves as many as 300 families – well over 1,400 adults and children – in two neighboring parishes, Our Lady of Loretto in Hempstead, and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Roosevelt. In an attempt to help the receiving parishes streamline their distribution, and our donors simplify their shopping, we are making some changes to the “suggested shopping list” we usually provide. More detail will be published in the bulletin and in the letter of instruction you receive after you have signed up. The deadline for signing up is Thursday, November 6, 2014. There are several ways to sign up: Return the bottom portion of this form to one of the “Sponsor a Family” boxes at the church entrances; Fax the form to Lita at (516) 208-9122; Email your name, address, phone number and desired family size to [email protected]; Mail the form to St. Joseph’s Parish Social Ministry at 120 Fifth Street. All food is to be dropped off at St. Joseph’s School/CCD entrance on Fourth Street on Saturday, November 22 between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. If you have any questions, please contact Lita Carballeira at 431-8959, Pat DiMattia at 294-9316. Thank you for your support, and may God bless you and your family during this holiday season! ***************************************************************************** I would like to sponsor a family of (please circle one): 4 6 8 10 people OR where need is greatest (e.g. 2 small families OR any size – circle one) ____________________________________________________________________________________ NAME PHONE NUMBER ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ____________________________ FAMILY CODE (Office Use Only) ____________________________ # OF FAMILY MEMBERS (Office Use Only) 11 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY 12 November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Day Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY 13 November 2, 2014