sipadan - Eco-Photo Explorers
sipadan - Eco-Photo Explorers
MARCH 2010 THE Local Diving Specialists OHIO Great diving in the buckeye state SPLENDID SIPADAN NEW JERSEY WRECK USS Algol’s final duty station for divers and fish Hear the siren call of the celving island BENEATH THE SEA It’s SHOWTIME! Volume 6 Issue 3 $1.95 US/$2.25 Canada BYE,BYE, LATEX! Waterproof redefines drysuit diving comfort, care and performance... with its revolutionary new silicone seal system. Bye, bye, latex. Comfort awaits! Find out more at your authorized Waterproof retailer. Silicone Wrist Seals To locate an authorized retailer visit: Silicone Neck Seal MARCH 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Northeast & Midwest Dive News ABOUT THE COVERS The complete resource for diving in the Northeast and Midwest. Publisher / Editor-in-Chief Rick Stratton [email protected] Editorial Director Bob Sterner - Hoboken, NJ [email protected] Art Director IJ James Production Manager Kathy Reed Writer/Editor Jamie Farris Accounts Manager Dianna Ritchie Advertising/Sales (360) 240-1874 [email protected] Circulation/subscriptions 360-240-1874 Dive News Magazine is committed to promoting the sport of scuba diving in the Northeast and Midwest. We will present a practical, unbiased point of view regarding all aspects of the sport of scuba diving. The Dive News Magazine believes in honesty and integrity in business and will support all efforts related to this. We encourage readers to participate in determining the content of this publication by giving us their opinions on the types of articles they would like to see. We invite letters to the editor, manuscripts and photographs related to diving or diving-related business. Send us your stories and photos! IMPORTANT NOTICE The Dive News Magazine reserves the right to refuse service to anyone it chooses. The contents of Northeast and Midwest Dive News are opinions of individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, editor or any of its staff. The publishers and contributors assume no responsibility for any mishap claimed to be a result of use of this material. Diving is an adventure sport and contains inherent risks. Improper use of diving equipment or improper diving techniques may result in serious injury or death. Readers are advised to use their own best judgment in each individual situation. MOVING? In order to continue receiving your magazine uninterrupted, please notify Northeast Dive News when you change your mailing address. To ensure uninterrupted service, please contact us six to eight weeks before the change of address occurs. You can call us at 360-240-1874 PST or email us at [email protected] or mail at: BEDROCK PUBLICATIONS P.O. Box 1494 Oak Harbor, WA 98277 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 ▲Michael Salvarezza and Christopher P. Weaver make up Eco-Photo Explorers, a New York-based organization formed in 1994 to help promote public interest in protecting the underwater environment through knowledge and awareness using underwater photography. ▲ Synowiec has been involved in the diving industry since 1988 when he began as a stock boy for Michigan Underwater School of Diving. His talent for sales and his love for diving led him to where he is today – owner of Divers Incorporated in Ann Arbor, MI and Divers Incorporated-White Star, located at White Star Quarry, Gibsonburg, OH. NORTHEAST US DIVES 12 Beneath the Sea Beneath the Sea Celebrates its 34th Anniversary on March 26-28 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center, Secaucus, N.J. with a bevy of activities to mark this auspicious occasion. Join us as we celebrate 34 years of diving enthusiasm at the nation’s largest consumer dive show. By NEDN Staff 18 The USS ALGOL: On Final Duty You sank my battleship...and I’m ok with that! Many of the shipwrecks in the Northeast have found their final resting places beneath the waves as a result of tragic circumstances but the USS Algol went willingly and is now resting quietly, providing marine life a home and divers a new place to explore. By Michael Salvarezza and Christopher P. Weaver MIDWEST DIVES 24 Don’t Overlook Ohio The Buckeye State has great inland diving opportunities, take it from a guy who was born and raised in Michigan, but does a good portion of his dives in the state of Ohio. Why? Because Ohio, especially northwest Ohio, has some of the best inland diving I have ever had the privilege to experience. In fact the diving is so good you might get used to seeing that “Welcome to the Buckeye State” sign. By Rich Synowiec TROPICAL DESTINATIONS 30 The Lure of Sipadan Island Dawn barely warmed the horizon as we rolled into the water and descended to the top of the wall on Sipadan Island. Almost immediately, they appeared out of the darkness, like a herd of buffalo galloping across the prairie…bumphead parrotfish on the move. By Sandy Sondrol 3 EDITOR’S NOTE NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS M arch brims with anticipation for the local diving season that is just around the corner. Spirits of even the hardiest of yearround Northern divers pick up as blustery winds blast away the last remnants of winter. email Bob at: [email protected] Like birds gathering for seasonal migration, divers are flocking to dive shows from the Meadowlands of New Jersey to Milwaukee to meet buddies old and new, and to begin planning summer dives. Planning is an important step now, and digging into the gear locker can soothe the itch to get wet. Check the hydrostatic testing dates stamped on tanks. Getting any that are out-of-date retested will take the longest time of maintenance tasks. What about your regulators? Looking good on the outside and functioning up to spec are two different things. This piece of critical life support equipment is supposed to be serviced annually for a reason, and you don’t want to find out why while penetrating a wreck. Look over suits for holes or other wear. Squeeze into wetsuits to start stretching them back into shape. MARCH TOWARD Beyond gear maintenance there’s skill maintenance. Being comfortable and safe in the water takes time and energy. Are there courses that could help you get more out of diving? This may be the time to get that certification in nitrox, mixed gasses or intro to cave. If it’s been awhile since your last rescue diver course, sign up for a refresher. Some classes have pool sessions, which get you wet before captains put their boats back into the water. The more you anticipate the season’s what ifs the more you’ll grow as a diver. At Northeast and Midwest Dive News we appreciate your support that is enabling us to grow as a forum for local diving and beyond. When we launched at Beneath The Sea we were met with a show floor filled with quizzical skeptical faces. Five years later, we’re catching up with friends at the show booth. Now make sure to drop by to tell us the stories and show us the pictures that you want to share through these pages with all your buddies in the region’s biggest dive club. REDEFINE youR sNoRkElINg ExpERIENcE! “I was amazed that the kapitol Reef snorkel was barely noticeable attached to my diving mask ... What a joy to breathe through this snorkel! I wish I would have tried it long ago. It’s true … it almost breathes for you!” - Doug gossage, owner and operator of goose’s scuba shack ☎ 877.527.4865 4 st. george, uT 84790 [email protected] Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS DEAR BOB, My photo in the December issue of Joe Romeiro and Briana Darcy was incorrectly credited. My picture is the one in which Darcy is in the water at the surface while shooting a photo during her first shark dive. The image of the blue shark was properly credited to Joe Romeiro. Amanda Cotton Hudson, Fla. December 2009 THE Local Diving Specialists BLOCK ISLAND SHARK DIVE Are A re you out of your freaking mind? LAKE ERIE WRECK DIVE Diving the Boland DISCOVER MINDBLOWING BONAIRE Lush reefs and diverse marine life in the Caribbean Volume 5 Issue 12 $1.95 US/$2.25 Canada DEAR AMANDA, Thank you for calling this to our attention. I got my start in journalism as a photographer and I’m a total nut about making sure photos are properly credited. Safe diving, Bob Sterner PUBLISHER’S CORNER Midwest Dive News Wins Big at Our World-Underwater M idwest Dive News, the Midwest’s only print and online dive magazine, recently attended Our WorldUnderwater in Chicago, the Midwest’s longest and oldest consumer dive show. The show was highly successful and well attended by consumers and vendors. The exhibit floor was crowded with attendees on Saturday and Sunday. The many vendors at the show were happy with the crowds and the positive, upbeat vibe of the show. Midwest Dive News’ promotion at the show was a “funraiser” spin-to-win contest to benefit Diveheart, a Chicago, Ill.-based non profit that helps disabled people learn to scuba Rick Stratton and Dan Ensing dive. We had a “wheel of fortune” that contestants could show off Dan’s new Aqua Lung spin when they made a $5 donation to Diveheart. There was Vyper 2 Dive Computer. a great variety of prizes up for grabs, including Aeris Macro Special Thanks to Our Sponsors Fins, DUI Weight and Trim Systems, Aqua Lung products and the grand prize Aqua Lung Vyper 2 dive computer, and the Pinnacle Aquatics 3mm wetsuit. New subscriber Dan Ensing, Oak Forest, Ill., was surprised and happy to win the Aqua Lung dive computer, and Gary Stevens from Mokena, Ill won the wetsuit donated by Pinnacle Aquatics. In all, we raised $375 and sold nearly 75 subscriptions, besides handing out nearly 1,000 magazines. Dive News was also happy to co-host a disabled scuba symposium with Diveheart, the International Association for Handicapped Divers and Scuba Diving International-Technical Diving International. In all, it was a fun and productive weekend for everyone. Rick Kaplan Scuba Exclusive Distributor of SEAC Sub and Green Force® A NEW VISION Visit us at Beneath the Sea March 26-28 in Booths 115 & 214 LED Lights Extreme efficiency Reliability, Unbreakable Shock-proof Long life span A full line of BC’s and Dive Equipment to meet your Recreational or Technical Diving needs. HID Lights Route 73 & 10 Morris Ave., Maple Shade, NJ. 08052 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 Highly Efficient High output with a small bulb. Uses less power Longer burn time. Adjustable light head (877) 434-8325 5 HOT NEWS NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS WOMEN DIVERS CRUISE INTO 10TH YEAR On Thursday, March 25 the Women Divers Hall of Fame will host a cruise on the Spirit of New Jersey. Boarding begins at 6:30 p.m. with the cruise running from 7-10 p.m. The boat will depart from the Lincoln Harbor Marina. This cruise will be in celebration of the WDHF’s 10th Anniversary weekend. WDHOF members, family and friends will enjoy the lights of New York City, a buffet dinner, wine, beer and soft drinks as well as music with a DJ and dancing. The pier is about 15 minutes from the Meadowlands Expo Center and transportation will be available from the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel to the pier and back. For more info visit ANNUAL APRIL FOOLS DIVE Join Jim Vafeas, Craig Morris and their jolly bunch of fools from Tiedemann’s Diving Center, Levittown, N.Y., for its annual April Fools Dive at Dutch Springs in Bethlehem, Pa. Saturday, April 10. For those who have not been in the water for a while it’s a great way to shake out those cobwebs and make sure all your winter-overhauled equipment is ready for another season of intense diving! There will be a BBQ available to cook up anything you would like during the surface interval lunch break. For info visit TV AD FEATURES SEASCAPES The next time you’re watching television and see a commercial for the Nintendo Wii game Endless Oceans 2, think of Seascapes Diving Center in Syosset, NY. Actors, director, cameramen, light crew, sound crew, safety divers and more folks took over the shop for a whole day in late January to film in Seascapes’ pool. Dive instructor and Seascapes’ manager, Walter Sclafani was on hand to lend his expertise to the project, answering questions from the director and making suggestions as needed. According Sclafani, three of the four actors involved were certified divers, which lent even more credibility to the filming. Everyone was also familiar with the product they were there to promote. “It was really neat,” Sclafani said. “The fact that everybody knew about the (Nintendo) Wii, which is supposed to be more interactive. This is a game that hits all ages. This is something almost every age can play.” The commercial was produced by Optic Nerve USA, a production company located on New York Harbor. 50 YEARS AND COUNTING FOR B&B DIVING SPECIALTIES The official party’s not until May, but B&B Diving Specialties in Hillsville, PA is already celebrating 50 years in business. “We’ve been a fullservice shop since 1960,” said owner Bob Tyger. “It was started by my dad and uncle. I worked there all through high school.” It’s the family-friendly approach that Tyger feels has helped the business last so long. “We try to make it a family activity. That’s worked out good for us,” he said. “We run it like dive shops were run in the 60s, very friendly and we always have time for people. Having the shop right at the quarry, it makes it nice.” 6 The shop is located between two quarries about 45 miles north of Pittsburgh. Though out in the country, so to speak, Tyger said they draw divers from about a 150-mile radius, including Cleveland, Ohio, Pittsburgh and Erie. But the best thing about being in business, according to Tyger, is having the water right outside the door. “It’s really helped, especially between that and having stuff in stock. People will come to dive and see something, hold it, and not have to look in a catalog to buy. That’s a big plus for everybody,” he said. For more information you can contact B&B Diving Specialties at (724) 667-9448. EARN AMA CREDITS AT DAN WORKSHOP Attendees of the upcoming Divers Alert Network Diving Fatalities Workshop can now take away more than just information about the causes and prevention of diving fatalities. The fatalities workshop has been awarded accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education for CME credit, and those who attend and complete the two-and-a-half day program can earn up to 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s). Hosted by the DAN research department, the workshop will be held April 8-10 at Durham, N.C. For info visit or call DAN Research at (919) 684-2948 x.260. FREEDIVING CLASS IN FLORIDA Freediving Instructors International and Barry University in Miami Shores, Fla., have teamed up to offer freediving certifications at the collegiate level. Barry University offers the world’s only four-year degree in the recreational scuba diving industry, producing aquatic professionals with experience to lead the diving industry. Instructors Martin Stepanek, Niki Roderick, and Brett Scaglione present students with the knowledge and skills needed to become safe, competent freedivers. For info, visit FLORIDA SHOP HOSTS SUDS BENEFIT Divers Discount, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., will host its second Soldiers Undertaking Disabled Scuba Flea Market March 13-14 from 10 a.m.4 p.m. Volunteers from South Florida Divers Inc. will assist at the event to raise funds for disabled heroes. All proceeds go directly to SUDS, a non-profit group helping improve the lives of injured soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. For more info call (954) 761-1426 AGGRESSOR HOSTS NEW REEF SPECIALTY Aggressor Fleet, Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society and Scuba Schools International are teaming up to offer a Reef Ambassador Specialty Certification. The specialty course is intended to build awareness of the importance of reefs in maintaining the health of the oceans. “Reef Ambassador is a collaborative effort to bring awareness to how we all play an important part in our oceans health and well being. SSI feels privileged and honored to be a part of such an altruistic endeavor and our hat is off to Aggressor Fleet and Oceans Future for creating such a program,” stated Doug McNeese, SSI President and CEO. The course is currently offered aboard the Turks & Caicos Aggressor II and Cayman Aggressor IV, but it will soon be available to guests aboard other Aggressor yachts around the world. For information, call (800) 348-2628, or visit Learn more about Ocean Futures Society at Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS ACTIVITIES NORTHEAST MIDWEST ACTIVITIES March 2, 6:30 p.m., Innerspace Explorers, at On the Border Restaurant, Rocky Hill, Conn. Newly Discovered Shipwreck in Fishers Island Sound,, Adam Cohen, [email protected] March 3: Free Pool Scuba Experience, 7:309 p.m., Skaneateles Community Center, Auburn, N.Y. Sponsored by Finger Lake Scuba, Auburn, N.Y. (800) 764-3483 March 4: Fundamentals of Underwater Navigation, free seminar, Capt. Saam’s Scuba School, 863 East Main St., Stamford, Ct. (203) 327-2822. March 4: Discover Scuba Class, 7:30 p.m. Ocean City Aquatic Center, Northfield, N.J. Call East Coast Diving Supply, Northfield, N.J., to sign up. (609) 646-5090. March 6: Artificial Reef Association March Symposium at North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, 6-9 p.m.. Call Discovery Diving, Beaufort, N.C., to sign up. (252) 728-2265. March 6: Boston Sea Rovers Saturday Evening Film Festival, New England Aquarium’s Simons IMAX Theater, Boston, Mass. Visit for information. March 9: 7:30, SECONN, Olympic Pizza Restaurant, 372 West Main St., Norwich, Conn. Newly Discovered Shipwreck in Fishers Island Sound,, offi[email protected]. March 24: Finger Lake Scuba is the 19th hole at the United Way Indoor Golf Tournament at Holiday Inn, Auburn, N.Y., 1-9 p.m. Call Finger Lake Scuba for details, (800) 764-3483. March 25: Seascapes Dive Club, 7 p.m. Syosset, N.Y. Info: 516-433-7757 March: 1,8, 15, 22, 29: Free Scuba Seminars at Aquarius Scuba Diving Centre, 4020 Dudas St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Space is limited so call ahead: (416) 604-4203. March 7: Sea Level Scuba’s Ice Breaker Dive, White Star Quarry, Gibsonburg, Ohio, 11 a.m. Contact Dale if you wish to be part of this dive: [email protected] March 17-21: Toronto Sportsmen’s Show at Metro Toronto Convention Centre, south building, 222 Bremner Blvd. Toronto, Ontario. Visit for information. March 19-21: ScubaFest, presented by Ohio Council of Skin and Scuba Diving Inc., Crowne Plaza North, Columbus, Ohio. Keynote Speaker: Ralph Wilbanks. Info: March 20-21: Adventure Travel Show at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Chicago, Ill. March 20: Discover Scuba, free, 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at ScubaFest, Crowne Plaza North, Columbus, Ohio. Email for info at [email protected]. March 21: Discover Scuba, free, 1 p.m. at ScubaFest, Crowne Plaza North, Columbus, Ohio. Email for info at [email protected]. March 28: Palm Sunday dive, 11 a.m., White Star Quarry, Gibsonburg, OH. Contact Dale if you wish to be part of this dive: [email protected] March 31: Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Helix Building, 310 S. Racine, Chicago. MARCH APRIL April 10: 6th Annual Spring Into Diving Event, 7 p.m., George School Pool, Newtown, Pa. Call A-1 Scuba Diving & Snorkeling Adventures, Trevose, Pa, for information: (215) 355-9945. April 11: Discover Scuba, free, Sunken Treasure Scuba, 664 Geiler Hollow Road, Jersey Shore, Pa. Call for information: (570) 398-1458. MAY May 16-17: DUI DOG Days, Rally and Demo Tour, Dutch Springs, Pa. MARCH Something for everyone... Low Cost Compact Olympus FE-360 Advanced Compact Fisheye FIX Canon G11 APRIL April 5: The PADI Diving Society - Divers Incorporated Chapter monthly meeting. 7 p.m. at Divers Incorporated, Ann Arbor, Mich. April 6: Toledo Submariners Club Meeting, Maumee, Ohio, 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting. Call Dale at Sea Level Scuba, Northwood, Ohio, with questions. (419) 691-2991. April 18: Fun Dive, 11 a.m., White Star Quarry, Gibsonburg, OH. Contact Dale if you wish to be part of this dive: [email protected] April 25: Toledo Submariners Early Bird Dive, 1 p.m., White Star Quarry, Gibsonburg, Ohio. We will provide hotdogs, please bring dish to pass. Info: [email protected] Check us out online for a complete list of upcoming activities! Digital SLR Aquatica Canon 7D • Free lifetime tech support on purchases • Expert underwater shooters on staff • Service • Instruction • Travel Underwater Video & Photo Monterey, CA 831.645.1082 Derry, NH 603.432.1997 We dive, shoot and service everything we sell! Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 7 BOSTON SEA ROVERS NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS FILM FESTIVAL MARKS A YEAR OF TRANSITION for Boston Sea Rovers I t is an event steeped in 56 years of tradition, but this year’s Boston Sea Rovers’ film festival serves as a harbinger for a bigger and better 2011. The Sea Rovers’ goal over the last 56 years has been to bring the “best and brightest talents of the ocean and diving community together for a weekend event focused on education, entertainment and enlightenment.” While the clinic’s format has been reinvented over the years, the club wanted an event that better serves its mission, answering the call to evolve as times change. With that in mind, the film festival on March 6 will not only provide a fantastic night of entertainment for the diving community, it will serve as the backdrop to unveil the Sea Rovers’ plans for 2011 and beyond. Changes to the clinic’s location and format have been designed to please the diving public and supporters within the diving industry and it will all be revealed during the sold-out film festival. The Simons IMAX Theater in Boston, the special venue for this year’s event, doesn’t have appropriate space for exhibitors. The group is focused on providing a new and improved venue ! AR E Y L L NA E P O for the 2011 clinic, which will feature improved exhibitor space, better access for exhibitor set up and more affordable accommodations. In addition, the new space will feature low-cost, or even free, parking, which organizers hope will help draw additional attendees and reduce exhibitor costs. This year’s event will focus solely on the film festival, which is the stuff of legends. Oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle will be on hand. Other presenters include underwater cinematographer Michael Pitts, who will share footage from “Life,” the BBC’s latest national history series; filmmaker and explorer Wes Skiles who will share footage of cave expeditions; ocean activist Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of Jacques Yves Cousteau, with footage from his latest projects; and Dr. Greg Skomal, who will present results of his studies of the recently discovered great white shark population off Cape Cod. The evening will also include a reception after the show aboard the motor vessel Majesty, which will be moored alongside the Aquarium. 717-866-5801 Open 199 Millardsville Rd. Richland, PA Thurs: 4pm-7pm Sat & Sun: 8am - 6pm WE OFFER: Scuba Lessons • Rental Gear • Air Fills • Paintball Air Fills Fishing • Handicap Access • Camping Facilities •28 acres of attraction filled water •max. depth of 58 ft. •72” Quest boat wreck •Sign up today to get PADI certified. •season passes still available. •Wreck dive day trip spots available. COMPLETE DIVE SHOP: Featuring The dive park specifically designed for adventure, excitement, convenience & safety 8 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS BOSTON SEA ROVERS 2010 Film Festival Speakers: Dr. Sylvia Earle Called “Her Deepness” by the “New Yorker” and the “New York Times”, a “living legend” by the Library of Congress and “Hero for the Planet” by “Time” magazine, Earle is an oceanographer, explorer, author and lecturer with a deep commitment to research through personal exploration. Earle has led more than 70 expeditions worldwide involving more than 6,000 hours underwater. She is president of Deep Search International and chair of the Advisory Council for the a Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies. She has authored more than 150 scientific, technical and popular publications, lectured in more than 60 countries and has appeared in hundreds of television productions. Michael Pitts Regarded as one of Britain’s leading underwater cameramen, Michael Pitts specializes in filming underwater, but is equally happy shooting on the surface or from the air. Pitts has been awarded an Emmy for photography on two BBC landmark series: David Attenborough’s “Private Life of Plants” and “Blue Planet.” Pitts has more than 20 years of experience making wildlife and science documentaries for the BBC and independent companies. He is HSE registered and holds all necessary qualifications and medical requirements to film underwater, and has trained in Trimix and Rebreather diving. A tiny Buddy-signaling device which enables divers to Keep in Touch. Dive comfortably knowing your buddy is near Instant send, immediate response, on one of 500 private channels. Tap a button and your Buddy’s unit will flash lights & sound, and You will receive an acknowledgement. Color indicates distance. Friendly to fish and other divers. Use in pairs or groups. Actual Size (415) 662-2256 We invite dealer inquiries Philippe Cousteau Philippe Cousteau is the son of Jan and Philippe Cousteau Sr., and the grandson of Jacques Yves Cousteau. As a member of the legendary family, Philippe is continuing the work of his father through EarthEcho International, the non-profit organization he founded with his sister and mother and of which he serves as CEO. Philippe is also chief ocean correspondent for both the Animal Planet and Planet Green channels, where he works on various ocean and water-focused documentaries. Wes Skiles Photographer Wes Skiles began learning his craft in one of the most demanding environments on earth – underwater caves. As a teenager, he explored Florida’s underwater labyrinths, capturing images of the unexplored realms. He developed and refined the technique for which he became known: using multiple slaved strobes to dramatically illuminate and photograph this underwater environment. Skiles works as a freelance photographer for “National Geographic” magazine, and his work has been featured in numerous diving publications. Dr. Gregory Skomal Dr. Gregory Skomal is a marine biologist, underwater explorer, photographer, aquarist and author. He has been an avid scuba diver and underwater photographer since 1978. His research the last 25 years has focused on sharks. His most recent book is “The Shark Handbook.” In September, 2009, Skomal was the head biologist in charge of tracking and tagging a group of great white sharks congregating close to the islands off Chatham, Mass. He will share stills, film footage and data. Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 Visit us now at for our 2010 class schedule and information on: 5 FABULOUS TRIPS Including: ROATAN in April BAHAMAS in June COZUMEL in July FLORIDA KEYS ARUBA in May in October (610) 746-4016 231 Nazareth Pike (Route 191 North), Bethlehem, PA 18020 9 LONG ISLAND DIVE ASSOCIATION NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS LONG ISLAND DIVERS ASSOCIATION GOES TO BENEATH THE SEA By Bill Pfeiffer he Beneath The Sea Exposition is generally regarded as the kickoff for the local dive season, and is attended by thousands of Long Islanders who want to check out what is new in the industry, rub elbows with other members of the dive community, attend seminars, workshops, social events, and much, much more. In fact, even if you spent all three days at the event, it would be impossible see it all. For us at the Long Island Divers Association, BTS holds many of the same attractions as it does for the rest of the dive community, especially the chance to reconnect with people that we may not have seen since last dive season, or even since last BTS. In past years, we T have used the show as an opportunity to display artifacts our members have brought up from local wrecks and beaches, show videos and slide shows of local diving events, take reservations for the annual AquaWoman dive and maybe sign up a member or two. We also take the opportunity to distribute promotional material in support of all of our local dive boats, shops and clubs, who are the backbone of the local dive industry. The 2010 Beneath The Sea Expo will find LIDA once again joining forces with groups that we have had the pleasure of working very closely with during the past year. Working alongside Aaron Hirsh from the graphic design company AEROX, LIDA, Cultural Charters • training • WreCk & shark Diving & MOre RESEARCH VESSEL w w w . g a r l o o e n t. c o m WRECK D I V E S* *Single and multi-day trips OREGON – USS SAN DIEGO COIMBRA – VIRGINIA –CAROLINA U869 – USS BASS – BLOCK ISLAND U853 AND MANY MORE • Five double occupancy cabins • Heat & Air Conditioning • Four heads with showers • Entertainment Center • Gourmet Chef (for overnights) ANDREA DORIA EXPEDITIONS n o w o F F E r i n G - Tr i p c a n c e l l a t i o n i n s u r a n c e * * (**on multi-day trips – call for details) d i s c o u n t s f o r e a r ly b o o k i n g s CUSTOM SIGHTSEEING TRIPS Tri-island Tour: nantucket, Marthas Vineyard, Block island FALL FOLIAGE TRIPS 252-726-9432 Cruise up the Hudson river a photographers dream! C A P TA I N H A N K G A R V I N c a p t r e e b o at b a s i n , n y 914-589-1368 10 713 Shepard St., Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 WWW.OLYMPUSDIVING.COM Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS LIDA AT BENEATH THE SEA Research Divers and the Historical Diving Society have created a 50 foot long multi-dimensional display that will be jam packed with local artifacts recovered by local divers, the Dreamland Bell, the pride of Coney Island, recovered by Gene Ritter and the CRD team, and a vintage dive gear display by Bob Rusnak and the Historical Diving Society, straight from the Long Island Maritime Museum in Sayville. Also featured in the HDS section of the display, visitors will have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets to win a brand new Desco MK V diving helmet, valued at over $5000.00. As if all of this were not exciting enough, our members will be featured in the Dive Voyager Productions video documentary “MK V Diving On The Black Warrior”, premiering Saturday morning. Dive Voyager Productions videographers Steve and Maureen Langevin and Bjoern Kils will also be presenting their video “Raising the Anchor of the Stolt Dagali” on Saturday afternoon. The Dive Voyager Productions crew has been incredibly strong supporters of LIDA and Northeast diving. They are frequent presenters at the Long Island Divers Association Film Festival, featuring fresh, contemporary documentaries on a wide array of topics of interest to all divers. All in all, this promises to be a very exciting weekend, the culmination of a year of very hard work for all of these organizations, and the start of a new year filled with lots of exciting new projects. We would like to thank Zig and Joanne and the staff of BTS for their generosity and support, without which this success story would not be possible. See you at BTS! Bill Pfeiffer is the President of the Long Island Divers Association and we at Northeast/Midwest Dive News count ourselves lucky to work with him (and LIDA). ■ Long Island Divers Association Serving the Long Island and Greater New York Diving Community for More Than 25 Years! QC Scuba Wantagh, NY 516-826-7222 Hampton Dive Center Riverhead, NY 631-727-7578 Sea Turtle Dive Charters East Hampton, NY 631-725-0565 Kings County Divers Brooklyn, NY 718-648-4232 Scuba Network Carle Place, NY 516-997-4864 Lockness Dive Boat Freeport, NY 516-298-2633 Swim and Scuba Rockville Centre, NY 516-872-4571 Captain Mike’s Diving City Island, NY 718-885-1588 Long Island Scuba Lindenhurst, NY 631-225-8450 LIDA is a not-for-profit regional organization dedicated to the promotion of local diving and is staffed completely by volunteers. Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 11 BENEATH THE SEA NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS Beneath the Sea Celebrates its 34th Anniversary on March 26-28, 2010 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center Secaucus, N.J. B Act I: Noon, Friday, March 26th … Places everybody, Places … eneath the Sea begins its 34th year focused on the local tech/wreck diving community by offering a seminar series with Divers Alert Network and Public Safety Diver that explores risk management for public safety teams. New technology and new information can minimize risk and keep teams safer and stronger, longer. These two Friday programs present the timeliest topics focused on public safety diving. Each is designed to keep you safer in the water while doing difficult jobs. Technology, surface supply, incident command, physical fitness and communication each play an important role in maintaining the focus, fitness, and final success of the Public Safety Diver. On hand will be the top names from each of these business sectors, including Faith Ortins from Diving Unlimited International; John Hott, Ocean Technology Systems; Jon Jackson, a public safety diving veteran of the Charlotte Fire Department; Steve Orusa, field team manager from Chicago; John Carner, field expert from Ohio; and Jeff Snyder of Sea Visions. The DAN section of the Public Service Diving Friday explores controversies and trauma management. Also on Friday, March 26, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. the Beneath the Sea Ocean Pals, Marine Careers Day will host a series of lectures, discussions, and workshops explaining how to achieve success and a future in a marine career. The 2010 Marine Careers program is an opportunity to learn just what it will take for students to create a successful career in one of the many related marine fields. Here’s a preview of some of our outstanding speakers: Dr. Phil Nuytten: Underwater technology inventor, author, publisher, manufacturer Dr. Joe MacInnis: Advisor to the Titanic Discovery teams, deep-sea explorer with James Cameron, author, Scientist Dr. Eugenie Clark, World-class authority on sharks and shark behavior Zale Parry: Instructor, environmentalist, actress, underwater photographer, author James Caldwell: Navy diver who assessed atomic bomb tests, leader in underwater communications Barbara “Bobbie” Scholley, Capt. (Ret.) and Nancy McGee: Women Divers Hall of Fame representatives Jim Clark: Civil engineer designing and using underwater technology Dr. Sylvia Earle: National Geographic explorer, former chief scientist of NOAA, 2009 TED winner George Buckley: Assistant director, Harvard Extension School, and director of Marine Ecology Project, Bonaire, Netherlands, Antilles Captain Donovan Withers: Assistant director of Maritime Technology at Kingsborough Community College Keith Ellenbogen: Professor at Parson’s School of Design, Underwater Photographer, researcher of the endangered Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. We carry all major brands at competitive prices Great Gear, Great Prices Wherever you are, Indian Valley Scuba is your local Dive Center with locations across America to serve you! KINGsToN, NEw YoRK 800-825-2452 Mobile Air Station / Air & Nitrox Fills Sales / Service / Cressi Sub 914 466-5775 12 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS Throughout the day, workshops promote Marine Careers perspectives, as students are encouraged to learn by having fun. The fun comes when students participate in workshop activities that are also challenges to their skills and mental agilities: Commercial Diving Simulation: Lenny Speregen of L.S.Industries and Silver Screen Marine simulates a mechanical construction project taken straight from the movie “Men of Honor”. Students will have an opportunity to do a valve assembly, barehanded, wearing gloves, and then blindfolded, while being timed! And, then, the students will “dress up” in a commercial diving rig and practice doing an inspection along a mural of pier structure. Teams will compete for prizes! BENEATH THE SEA Scholarship Tips: Learn about the marine-related scholarships that are available and the requirements needed to apply; and, participate in an exercise to help guide you in writing your own application essay. Marine Careers Exhibitors: Our Marine Careers Exhibitors share great information about marine careers, internships, community activities, and academic opportunities. Speak directly with representatives from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Southampton College at Stony Brook, Kingsborough Community College, Seacamp Association, Maritime College SUNY, Barry University and University of Rhode Island Ocean Engineering and Oceanography Departments. Marine Creatures Identification Competition: Rogest will challenge your knowledge of marine creatures – hot competition, prizes, and lots of fun learning! Six hours later the exhibition floor opens to those who have been attending the Public Service Divers conference and the public. Nearly 400 exhibitors fill the floor of the Meadowlands Exposition Center and spill into the entrance hallway until 9 p.m. Now go on over to the Tech/Wreck Party, it’s free with your ticket, and meet all those guys you dove with all summer, pounding off-shore in some six-pack, or in the luxury of a 36foot cutter. Meet friends, share experiences or maybe find a new dive buddy. The party is a place to meet the Pioneers of Northeast BENEATH THE SEA ™ New York Regional 34th Annual Consumer Dive & Travel Exposition © 2009 CAL MERO, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, LEAFY SEA DRAGON MEADOWLANDS EXPOSITION CENTER - SECAUCUS - NJ March 26th, 27th, 28th 2010 DON’T MISS ALL THESE MAJOR ATTRACTIONS! • 400 EXHIBITS • MORE THAN 70 SEMINAR PROGRAMS • SPECTACULAR IN-DEPTH WORKSHOPS • PRODUCT DEMOS • SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS • UNIQUE TRAVEL DESTINATIONS • DOOR PRIZES • SILENT AUCTION • BOOK SIGNINGS • BENEATH THE SEA INTERNATIONAL UNDERWATER PHOTO IMAGING COMPETITION • WELCOME PARTY FOR ALL • MEET THE FISH & FAMOUS • DIVER OF THE YEAR AWARDS BANQUET • WOMEN DIVERS HALL OF FAME 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION • OCEAN PALS SEA OF SWEETS PARTY • CAYMAN ISLANDS’ INTERNATIONAL SCUBA DIVERS HALL OF FAME DECOMPRESSION PARTY • INTERNATIONAL UNDERWATER FILM FESTIVAL • OCEAN PALS INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL & OCEANSCAPES POSTER CONTEST AWARDS • HISTORICAL DIVING SOCIETY ARTIFACTS GALLERY • OCEAN ARTS GALLERY • WOMEN DIVERS HALL OF FAME PICTURE GALLERY • INTERNATIONAL IMAGING COMPETITION WINNERS GALLERY • CHAMPAGNE RECEPTION TO HONOR THIS YEARS LEGEND OF THE SEA • MARINE CAREERS PROGRAM • FRIDAY NIGHT TECH/ WRECK PARTY • ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM NYC AND FREE PARKING EVERYWHERE! BENEATH THE SEA™ 2010 DIvE & TRAvEL ExpOSITION | 495 NEw ROCHELLE RD., STE. 2A, BRONxvILLE, NY 10708 914 - 664 - 4310 | E-MAIL: [email protected] | www.BENEATHTHESEA.ORg | www.MECExpO.COM Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 13 BENEATH THE SEA diving, like Mike DeCamp, this year’s inaugural recipient of Beneath the Sea’s Northeast Diving Pioneer award. At 5 p.m. and in another part of the stage, Dr. Phil Nuytten will be celebrated as Beneath the Sea 2010’s Legend of the Sea with a toast and a roast at a private Champagne Reception held in his honor. Nuytten is an inventor, a designer, a successful businessman, a songwriter and a publisher of Canada’s “Diver” magazine. Because of his insightful invention of the segmented hard suit divers can work thousands of feet beneath the sea. Difficult work in aquifers and water delivery tunnels is made if not convenient, then practical because of underwater vehicles designed and built by this visionary. One party always leads to another, and Nuytten’s champagne reception gives way, at 7 p.m., to Meet the Fish n’ Famous dinner and Silent auction to benefit the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center. Of course you can meet Nuytten there as well as Dr. Eugenie Clark, she’s to be Beneath the Sea 2010’s Pioneer, also known as the Shark Lady. Dr. Joe MacInnis will be there, straight off a cruise with James Cameron, as will the Beneath the Sea Diver NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS of the Year. Both the Women Divers Hall of Fame and the Cayman Islands International Scuba Divers Hall of Fame celebrate their 10th anniversaries as well, and the NOGI celebrates its 50th anniversary. Cathy Church will be there, as will Leslie Leaney of the Historical Diving Society, “Her Deepness” Sylvia Earle will be there, Stan Waterman of “Blue Water, White Death” fame, and Mike DeGruy emcee, TV host, naturalist. If you want to meet these people, if you want these people to meet you, and know what it is you’re doing at Beneath the Sea, this is the party and silent auction are the places to be. What’s that you say? When I had a post-dive ear issue, everyone turned a deaf ear and told me just to let it heal. But DAN actually listened to what I had to say, and because of them, I can hear today. DAN was there for me. Luke Clyburn DAN Member DAN is here for you. For more information, contact Divers Alert Network 6 West Colony Place Durham, NC 27705 Toll Free 1-800-446-2671 * Testimonial given October 2007 *Insurance not included with Membership. Membership and insurance information applies only to DAN America. Additional fees apply to add insurance plans. DAN insurance programs administered by DAN Services, Inc. DAN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 14 AG-5683 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS BENEATH THE SEA Photo courtesy Long Island Diver’s association and taken by Christopher Mazz The Exhibit floor opens at 9 a.m. Vendors will be ready to tell you all about their product, services or destination. Speakers and workshops are in full swing in conference rooms scattered about the Meadowlands. At 5 p.m. the Diver of the Year Awards Reception and Banquet begins. Industry leaders gather to honor those singled out for honor and recognition. The Women Diver’s Hall of Fame will introduce its inductees, and a tribute to the achievements of this year’s Legend of the Sea: Dr. Phil Nuytten will be showcased. Diver’s Alert Network and Rolex present their scholarship winners and the DAN/ROLEX award. Following the awards Banquet, everyone heads across the hall to the International Film Festival, (part of your dinner ticket), this year hosted by Mike deCamp, filmmaker, reporter and humorist. What a special film festival it will be this year: Stan Waterman and Leandro Blanco listen to “Voices,” then we see a rarely shown, so seldom seen, retrospective of the Williamson brothers underwater photography beginning in 1916 when they were the first to photograph Beneath the Sea. Also featured will be Nancy McGee introducing the collaborative efforts of herself and Anna Deloach in the world premier of “Sensational Seas II,” Terry Maas’ “Last Sardine,” and Bill Fisher and Joe Romiero take a stand for sharks in: “Death of a Deity,” while the illustrative Dr. Joe MacInnis takes us on a voyage with James Cameron. Following the film festival, is the Cayman International Scuba Divers Hall of Fame decompression party, which is included in your dinner ticket. There you will meet the stars of the film festival as well as all the other VIP’s when everyone gathers to celebrate the hall of fame’s 10th Anniversary. Then we’ll all dance the night away. © Diver’s Cove More fun than huMans are allowed to have! DIVE THE PLANET Mastering the challenges of today’s diving world SINCE 2004 MOVE INTO THE FUTURE WITH PDIC INT’L Quality...Personal...Facilities Worldwide DON’T JUST BE ANOTHER INSTRUCTOR... We carry a very full line of scuba and snorkeling equipment, and offer all of the NAUI dive certification courses. We service and repair all scuba-related equipment, including all types of dry suits and rescue suits. We sponsor economical exotic diving trips to premier diving locations all over the world. 800.762.9249 860.767.1960 •High Quality •Assistant Instuctor Standardized instruction •Technical Diving for over 30 yrs. •Advanced Open Water •Facilities located •U/W Crime Investigation worldwide •All levels of Continuing •Instructor Trainer Education •Instructor/Nitrox Call or write for your FREE info! Instructor BECOME A PDIC INSTRUCTOR PDIC INTERNATIONAL, USA P.O. Box 3633, Scranton, PA 18505 USA 570-342-9434 Fax 570-342-6030 email: [email protected] website: www.PDIC-INTL.COM Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 7 Essex Plaza, Essex, CT 06428 SALES SERVICE INSTRUCTION AIR FILLS TRAVEL BE DIVERSIFIED & MAKE MONEY DIVE COOPER RIVER Owner and lead instructor Robert Bradley has been diving since 1992 105 E. Wesmark Blvd. Suite 4, Sumter, S. Carolina 29150 (803) 773-3483 15 BENEATH THE SEA Poster Contest Winner K-2 Poster Contest Winner 3-5 Sunday is Ocean Pals Day at Beneath the Sea. Children under 12 accompanied by a parent admitted free. Ocean Pals will display the winning posters from this year’s poster contest: “Global Warming: Help Keep Our Oceans Cool.” Then, from 10 a.m. to mid-afternoon, Ocean Pals is having a daylong party and special program for children called “A Sea of Sweets Party.” Ocean Pals is an environmental educationthrough-art program for the children of the world. To build their interest in oceans and the environment, Ocean Pals and Beneath the Sea conduct an international oceans 16 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS Poster Contest Winner 6-8 Poster Contest Winner 9-12 environmental theme poster competition. The annual theme is presented in class study, then, with only their imagination as their guide, children create their impressions of this theme. The theme this year is: Global Warming: Help Keep Our Oceans Cool. The children create insightful art and 12:30 p.m. Sunday is when they are presented with their awards. Ocean Pals also hosts the Sea of Sweets party with family fun stations where the whole families can paint each others faces, do arts and crafts, get tattoos, toss rings and compete at games. If that’s not enough, there will be singing, raffles, prizes given away, arts and crafts to learn. The Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center has been an important part of the Ocean Pals program for many years. Beneath the Sea is a “notfor-profit” public service, membership organization. Ocean Pals is a special project of Beneath the Sea. For information visit, call (914) 664.4310, fax (914)664.4315, or write: BTS, 495 New Rochelle Road, Suite 2A, Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 ■ Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS BENEATH THE SEA Two Worlds One Camera SeaLife’s new 10-Megapixel Camera is easier to use than any camera ever made. The NEW Easy Set-up mode is a 1-2-3 on-screen picture guide that takes the guess work out of setting up the camera for better pictures on land and underwater. Different from regular land cameras inserted in a waterproof housing, SeaLife Cameras are custom-made for the unique underwater light conditions and the specific needs of divers, snorkelers, and explorers on land. The underwater color-correction program can handle any diving condition around the world, awakening the vibrant colors. Easy to use and even easier to expand. Long-life rechargeable lithium batteries. Continuous Video and Spy Mode. Autofocus to 2”, large 2.7” LCD, 5X optical zoom. Rigorously depth-tested at 200ft. The NEW DC1000 $549.95 MSRP DC1000 Maxx $1599.95 MSRP the following SeaLife Authorized Dealers: VA VA IA IA IN Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 MN MI MI IL IN OH WI OH IL WI MI PA PA NH NH NJ NJ NY NY 717.39.SCUBA Lancaster Scuba Center Lancaster, PA 717.39.SCUBA Uncle Joe’s Scuba Caoraopolis, PA 412.262.2664 Uncle Joe’s Scuba Caoraopolis, PA 412.262.2664 Adventure Scuba Chantilly, VA 703.263.0427 Adventure Scuba Chantilly, VA MIDWEST 703.263.0427 Blue Water Divers Arnolds Park, IA MIDWEST 712.332.6370 Blue Water Divers Arnolds Park, IA Indy MPH Watersports 712.332.6370 Indianapolis, IN 317.842.1988 Sea the World Chicagoland Scuba Center Farmington Hills, MI Lake Zurich, IL Indy 847.540.7211 MPH Watersports Divers 248.478.6400 Incorporated Indianapolis, IN Ann Arbor, MI 317.842.1988 734.971.7770 Scuba Center Minneapolis Illinois Institude of Diving Minneapolis, MN Glen Ellyn, IL Scuba North 612.925.4818 800.469.3483 Chicagoland Scuba Center Traverse City, MI Lake Zurich, IL 231.947.2520 847.540.7211 Scuba Emporium Southern Ohio Diving Academy Orland Park, IL Kettering, OH 708.226.1614 Illinois Institude of Diving Sea the937.298.2999 World Glen Ellyn, IL Farmington Hills, MI 800.469.3483 248.478.6400 Scuba Systems Aquatic Adventures Dive Center Skokie, IL Brookfield, WI 847.674.0222 262.938.6827 Scuba Emporium Southern Ohio Diving Academy Orland Park, IL Kettering, OH 708.226.1614 Anchor Bay Scuba Aqua Center of Green Bay 937.298.2999 Fairhaven, MI Green Bay, WI 586.725.1991 920.468.8080 Scuba Systems Aquatic Adventures Dive Center Skokie, IL Brookfield, WI 847.674.0222 Aquatic Adventures of MI Divepoint Scuba Centre 262.938.6827 Brighton, MI Stevens Point, WI 810.225.9868 715.344.3483 Anchor Bay Scuba Aqua Center of Green Bay Fairhaven, MI Green Bay, WI 586.725.1991 Divers Incorporated 920.468.8080 Ann Arbor, MI 734.971.7770 Aquatic Adventures of MI Divepoint Scuba Centre Brighton, MI Stevens Point, WI Scuba North 810.225.9868 715.344.3483 Traverse City, MI 231.947.2520 MI National Aquatic Service East Syracuse, NY National Aquatic Service 315.479.5544 East Syracuse, NY 315.479.5544 Scuba Network Carle Place, NY 516.997.4864 Scuba Network Carle Place, NY 516.997.4864 Swim and Scuba Rockville Centre, NY 516.872.4571 Swim and Scuba Rockville Centre, NY 516.872.4571 Lancaster Scuba Center Lancaster, PA MD MD CT CT Divers Cove NORTHEAST Essex, CT Divers Cove 860.767.1960 Essex, CT 860.767.1960 New England Dive Center Wallingford, CT New England Dive Center 203.284.1880 Wallingford, CT 203.284.1880 Underwater Playground Edgewood, MD 410.679.6413 Sea Dive Solomons, MD 410.326.4386 Sea Dive Solomons, MD 410.326.4386 Diver’s Den Dive Shop Manchester, NH 603.627.2536 Diver’s Den Dive Shop Manchester, NH 603.627.2536 Atlantic Divers Egg Harbor Township, NJ 609.641.7722 Atlantic Divers Egg Harbor Township, NJ 609.641.7722 East Coast Diving Supply Northfield, NJ 609.646.5090 East Coast Diving Supply Northfield, NJ 609.646.5090 Leisure Pro New York, NY Leisure Pro 212.645.1234 New York, NY 212.645.1234 NY NY Available at NORTHEAST Available at the following SeaLife Authorized Dealers: SeaLife Cameras are made for the real world of diving - for you DC1000 Elite $999.95 MSRP 17 NEW YORK THE USS ALGOL On Final Duty NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS NY PA NJ X Diver takes a close look at a jellyfish. Photo © Eco-Photo Explorers Story and photos by Michael Salvarezza and Christopher P. Weaver A lthough many of the shipwrecks in the Northeast have found their final resting places beneath the waves as a result of tragic circumstances, some have made their way to the bottom intentionally and are now resting quietly in the noble service of providing marine life and human beings with new reef environments to inhabit and explore. The USS Algol is one such ship. On Nov. 21, 1991, the USS Algol (AKA-54) became part of New Jersey’s artificial reef program. At 12:30 p.m. that day a series of explosive charges tore through her hull as if it were made of thin sheets of paper. Minutes later, the Algol was resting almost silently at 120 feet on the soft, sandy bottom 14 miles off of New Jersey’s Shark River Inlet. The serenity beneath the sea was disturbed for many hours by the sounds of belching air escaping from the holes and other cracks and crevices of her hull. Launched and christened the James Baines on Feb. 17, 1943, in Oakland, Calif., and affectionately known as the Steamin’ Demon, she was converted months later on Dec. 3 to an auxiliary cargo attack vessel and renamed the USS Algol. With eight decks, 459 feet of hull and rising nearly 100 feet high, the Algol was truly a massive sight to see. Being well designed, she was able to carry a wide assortment of equipment such as tanks, trucks and other needed artillery hardware as well as to ferry troops to and from shore during amphibious beach assaults. This was accomplished by her 14 LCVP boats complete with two 30-caliber machine guns and eight LCM boats, which sported two 50-caliber machine guns. These landing craft were not going out unprotected! The Algol itself carried a wide array of armament, consisting of a five-inch mount, four double 40-millimeter mounts and six double 20-mm mounts. After being fully commissioned on July 21, 1944, the Algol was hastily pressed into active duty. On Jan. 13, 1945, she successfully transported reinforcements for the 25th infantry division that was making an amphibious assault in the Lingayan Gulf. Sixteen days STINGRAY DIVERS Scuba Diving • NorthStar Adventure • Aqua Park 4733 Hanoverville Rd., Bethlehem,PA 610-759-2270 18 Scuba Lessons • Scuba Diving Gear Snorkeling Gear • Air-Nitrox-Trimix-Argon Service All Scuba Equipment 762 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211 718.384.1280 | Fax: 718.302.0465 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS NEW YORK USS Algol is under way along the shore. File Photo later, she was putting other U.S. troops ashore in the Zamabales of Luzon. The Algol also participated in and survived three amphibious invasions of Okinawa in April of 1945 without sustaining any damage to herself or loss of life. After a brief rest and being inactive in November 1947, the Algol was once again thrust into harm’s way. This time the place was Korea, Aug. 30, 1950, and the task was to ferry vital supplies and personnel to awaiting U.S. Marine troops. She also took part in two more invasions. The first was at Inchon on Sept. 17, 1950, and the second at Wonsan in October. On Dec. 4, 1950, the Algol assisted in the evacuation of Chinnampo. Years later on Jan. 2, 1958, she was finally put to dry- dock and de-commissioned but not after receiving two World War II battle stars and five Korean War battle stars. In 1983, the late Senator Edwin B. Forsythe petitioned the U.S. Maritime Administration for a surplus Liberty Ship to be used as part of New Jersey’s Artificial Reef Program. When no such ship was found, the USS Algol was substituted. The Algol was about to begin her final tour of duty. The sinking was finally arranged for Nov. 21, 1991. The Steamin’ Demon was truly an unbeaten hero to many and scores of loyal crewmembers came from across the country to say their final goodbyes and witness the sinking of their ship as she began to proudly serve The name says iT all sound insurance. The ONLY true dual function surface/subsurface signaling device. Ideations Design, Inc. Phone 800-275-4332 Fax 206-285-6897 Models to fit all BC’s Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 19 NEW YORK NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS Cunner crowd the viewfinder. Photo © Eco-Photo Explorers her final duty as a living artificial reef, a permanent home to local marine life. As part of the artificial reef program, the Algol was cleaned of all pollutants and floatable material prior to its sinking. Portholes and other large objects were removed as well. Seven months after the sinking, the Algol was still easily recognizable, sitting perfectly upright on the bottom. She lies in close proximity to several other prominent New Jersey shipwrecks, such as the Stolt D’Agali and the Coney Island. The Algol still appeared pretty much as it did when it was sunk, with little or no marine Frilled anemones grow on the hull. Photo © Eco-Photo Explorers growth to disguise its features. Although still sterile, the Algol was just beginning to attract some aquatic life. Today, the Algol’s superstructure has been completely covered with mussels and other shellfish, and schools of blackfish, bergall, Pollack and black sea bass are routinely spotted on the wreck. Macro Photographers have been delighted to spot several colorful nudibranchs on the forward boom control structure. Like all of the shipwrecks in these waters, the Algol’s exterior has also become covered with anenomes, shellfish and other various plants and animals, and a thriving fish haven has been created. uemis SDA The Scuba Diver Assistant now available online and at your local dive center Developed as the most intuitive, user friendly scuba companion, it lets you easily monitor your dive. The full color screen is the best in class, with high contrast and 170˚ viewing angle. Wireless transmitter for cylinder pressure, RGT and air consumption. Programable for Air, Nitrox and Oxygen. Upload your data via USB to your online dive log. Recharge via USB connection, charger or solar cell. Comes in 6 stylish colors. Dealer inquiries welcome 20 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 NORTHEAST DIVE NEWS Divers who descend to the Algol will generally find visibility of 20 to 40 feet. Because the ship is intact, and sitting upright, navigation along its exterior is not difficult. Swimming along the main deck at a depth of 100 feet divers will pass over open cargo bays, past pieces of the ship’s superstructure and will notice various items such as gun turrets, winches, boom control structures and cable reels. For the more experienced diver, penetration is possible into the main superstructure and below decks. Because of the orientation of the wreck, and because of the preparation of the vessel for intentional sinking, navigation is relatively easy. However, penetration of any wreck requires specialized training and equipment. In 1991, the Algol began the next phase of her distinguished career as part of the New Jersey Artificial Reef program. Today, this “intentional” shipwreck appears as any other shipwreck in these waters would: covered with marine growth and serving out the remainder of her existence in the seclusion of the ocean world. As a wreck, the Algol has plenty to offer. Divers new to wreck diving will enjoy seeing a recognizable shipwreck with all its features intact. More experienced divers can explore the deeper recesses with numerous interesting passageways, rooms and compartments. Photographers have many opportunities to photograph an intact NEW YORK wreck. People interested in studying the creation and development of marine habitats are be able to witness the Algol’s transition from a military vessel to an artificial reef. The USS Algol, on final duty 14 miles off the coast of New Jersey, has truly become one of the area’s diving hotspots. ■ Michael Salvarezza and Christopher P. Weaver have documented a world of adventure topside and underwater through their Long Island, N.Y.-based business EcoPhoto Explorers. They are popular lecturers and their work has been published in leading diving and general interest magazines. Learn more at Learn to dive anytime. anywhere. with Continue your dive education by taking the following PADI Courses online: • Advanced Open Water Diver Course • Enriched Air Diver Course Visit to view all PADI online course offerings! © PADI 2010 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 21 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS HOT NEWS & ACTIVITIES PLAN YOUR SEASON AT SCUBAFEST around the world. “The angle is I left a successful career in the media to become a volunteer and pursue my passion for growing adaptive scuba diving around the world,” said Jim Elliott, Diveheart’s president and founder. The Downers Grove, Ill., organization helps individuals with disabilities and wounded veterans through scuba diving, which can help them improved their range of motion, circulation and self-esteem. It also aids children with autism, who benefit from the pressure aspect of the sport. Learn more at With snow giving way to green growth, the dive season is just around the corner. Get ready for it by dropping in on Scubafest March 19-21 at Columbus, Ohio. With more than 10,000 square feet of exhibits everything you need for a season of diving will be under one roof. Experience the adventure of tropical diving by visiting with destinations including the Cayman Islands, Dive Australia, Deep Blue Adventures, Nekton Dive Cruises, Wakatobi Resort, and more. And don’t forget the Great Lakes area diving represented by Straits Scuba, Aquatic Adventures of Michigan, Aquatic Adventures (Ohio), Portage Quarry, Gilboa Quarry, Rec & Tec Dive Charters, Straits Scuba, Whitestar Quarry, Madura Dive and many more. For info visit NY SHOW TO SPOTLIGHT REVOLUTIONARY DISCOVERY BOOK CHRONICLES 40 YEARS OF OW-U Our World -Underwater has announced the release of a new book celebrating the popular dive show’s anniversary this year. “Forty Years of Our World-Underwater” chronicles four decades of this show with historic and recent pictures and text written by Cris Kohl, the Chicago-based author and Great Lakes historian. He also has served as a presenter at many of the shows. Proceeds from sales of the book will go to the non-profit Tim Early Foundation. For info visit MONEY, CNN FEATURE DIVEHEART The discovery of the Great Lakes’ oldest confirmed shipwreck – a British warship used in the American Revolution – will be the keynote presentation for the March 6 Great Lakes Underwater conference at SUNY Oswego, N.Y. Underwater explorer Jim Kennard will share the exciting story of how he and diving partner Dan Scoville located the HMS Ontario, considered an underwater “Holy Grail”. For information, call SUNY Oswego at (315) 312-3042, or visit MARES RECALLS NEMO CONNECTOR. The o-ring in Mares’ Nemo Quick Connector can fail and cause a slow leak of breathing gas through the Quick Connector. For this reason Mares is recalling the unit and advising divers to stop using the unit immediately. The company the gas leak “could require a diver to surface quickly and face possible risk of injury or running out of air.” The o-rings in some units may have been replaced in an earlier service campaign, but this recall requires replacing the entire metal quick connector female fitting at the end of the high pressure air hose that holds the o-ring. Contact an authorized Mares dealer / service center in your area to schedule the removal and substitution of the Nemo Air computer Quick Connector Assembly Female with the new Nemo Air computer Quick Connector Assembly Female. For detailed information visit Diveheart is hoping a feature this month in “Money Magazine” and a segment on Cable News Network will increase awareness of its scuba therapy program, and spark interest in the sport of scuba diving Instruction | Sales | Travel | Fun | Service | Instructor Development Whether you are a recreational, technical, rescue, scientific or disabled diver, we are there to help you with the best advice, training, travel, equipment and service. We also offer many tropical and exotic diving opportunities. All of our courses are taught at Scuba Schools Interational’s highest standards. FROM RECREATIONAL TO TECHNICAL DIVING Capital City Scuba Advanced Tri-Mix, Custom Gas Blending & Argon 515 E. Grand River Ave, Lansing, MI Store Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 7pm | Sat 9am - 5pm | Sun Closed 2100 Grand River Annex, #100, Brighton, MI ph: 517.853.9500 810-225-9868 1-866-600-DIVE 22 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS REGIONAL NEWS OHIO NAUI DIVE STORES PROMOTE SCUBA WHILE SUPPORTING COMMUNITY tm WhiteStar Quarry By Scott Evans, NAUI Midwest Territory Representative T he Ohio region offers great opportunities for local diving. Area stores promote local diving and fund raising – all in one. With numerous dive sites, including quarries, lakes and rivers, there are plenty of chances for divers to explore their own backyard; and many shops are using those local opportunities to get their customers diving. And as our current economic situation improves, shops are focusing efforts on goodwill and becoming part of the community. Several National Association of Underwater Instructors dive stores have been actively fundraising for the community. Dale Kreiner, owner of Deep Six Specialists (NAUI Tec Facility) in Akron hosts an annual cookout and overnight dive at White Star Quarry, to be held July 17. Call (330) 724-8737 or email [email protected]. Pirates Day, complete with treasure hunt prizes, raffle and food will beheld Sept. 18 at Lake Anna in downtown Barberton. Proceeds from these events go to the Great Lakes Historical Society. A little further south, Cincinnati Dive Center (NAUI Pro Platinum facility) owner Scottie Fahey hosts and annual event that raises money for a theater fund at area schools. “The previous owner of the store established this event and we A full service TDI-SDI 5 Star Facility NACD Facility Teaching Rec diving to Tech diving We are located at 3040 Woodville Rd Northwood, Ohio 43619 419-691-2291 Dive Store 419-691-0592 Dive Fax [email protected] e-mail web site We are factory authorized repair facility for Poseidon; Dive Rite; Tusa; OMS Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 have kept it going,” said Fahey. “We have a foundation that supports local school schools and many other great causes.” Contact Fahey at (513) 521-3483. “Fundraiser events just make good sense. Divers get a chance to dive and help a local cause,” said Jeff Rice of Portage Quarry and Recreational Facility, near Bowling Green. Portage Quarry (NAUI Resort Location), one of the oldest continually operating quarries in Ohio, hosts Mid-Ohio Dive Club each September. The event is focused on getting handicapped people diving. “This is a great event,” said Rice. “Last year we were able to take a dozen handicapped divers diving. We have made the site handicapped accessible and our staff has the necessary experience to make their dives enjoyable.” Call (419) 352-9203 for information. So as the season approaches and you begin to plan your local dives, consider participating in a good cause. To locate a NAUI facility in your area, visit NAUI has been teaching the world to dive safely since 1959. As the largest nonprofit and most respected dive training and certifying organization in the world. NAUI offers a full range of training program, from skin diver through instructor course director, with dozens of specialty courses, including nitrox and technical diving. ■ Since 1971 FULL SERVICE DIVE FACILITY: True 2 the name R U ready… training, sales, service, charters & grOUp travel In everything that Scuba North does, we stress quality, safety, and value, making us Northern Michigan’s “Outfitter For Underwater Fun” 13380 S. West Bayshore Dr., Traverse City, MI 49684 Phone: (231) 947-2520 03.30.10 Premiere Dealers Only 23 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS OHIO FAVORITE DIVES DON’T OVERLOOK OHIO The Buckeye State Boasts Great Inland Diving Opportunities White Star Quarry Photo by Rich Synowiec By Rich Synowiec F unny thing, while I was born and raised in Michigan, I find that a good portion of dives I’ve logged is in the state of Ohio. Why Ohio? Well a couple of different answers come to mind but the easiest one is “convenience.” While I love diving shipwrecks in the Great Lakes and enjoy diving the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers, and I REALLY enjoy trips to exotic destinations Gilboa Quarry The Midwest’s Premier Dive Site • 14+ acre limestone quarry • Wooded campgrounds • Great location for diving and dive training. • People come from all over the world to dive our facility • Shallow side at 5 - 65 feet for recreational enjoyment • Deep side at 130 plus feet for technical training • Many sunken treasures • Aquatic life is second to none • Cottages and rooms available on site with showers and heated dressing rooms! did we mention the guiness book of world records I am sometimes privileged to take, I am not always able to get away to do that type of diving. Ohio, especially northwest Ohio, has some of the best inland diving I have ever had the privilege to experience. Even after hundreds of dives in each of the quarries near my home, the convenience, excitement and comfort never seem to wear off. While it is easy to get friends and family excited about a “fabulous tropical getaway,” Isle Royale C H A R T E R S (419) 456-3300 24 White Star Quarry Gibsonburg, Ohio A favorite local dive destination since 1977 We offer recreational and technical charters from Grand Portage, MN, to Isle Royale from Mid-June through Mid-September. Isle Royale Charters specializes in scuba diving trips. Spend 5 days / 4 nights aboard the Lake Superior Diver, our 38ft USCG Registered dive boat. (269) 270-8334 We offer air & O2 for safety stops. 3763 Old St. Rt. 224 Ottawa, OH 45875 they sometimes look at you with disbelief when you tell them you are going diving in Ohio this weekend. Divers from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky regularly flock to the quarries in Ohio to practice, train, enjoy the social atmosphere, and most importantly keep active in between those “fabulous” adventures. I KNOW you want to join us so here’s a bit more about them. nitrox fills with onboard APRIL 1 - DEC 31 Open every day 8am - Dark Training Platforms | WiFi Hot Spot Free Parking Winter Dives Available-see website for details Buoyancy Course Underwater Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS OHIO FAVORITE DIVES White Star Quarry, Gibsonburg White Star Quarry is part of an 800-acre park managed by the Sandusky County Park District. It is a fantastic inland dive site with a lot to offer experienced and novice divers. It is open from April 1 through Dec. 31 with some other weekends dedicated in the winter to ice diving. The visibility is typically “good” to “fantastic,” even with a lot of new divers training there. On weekends and Wednesday evenings in the summer there is a scuba concession on site that has air fills, nitrox fills and gear rentals. At any time the park is open divers can enter the water after filling out the “onyour-honor” fee envelopes available at the main dive entrances. Weekday diving has the best visibility on average. The most unique feature in the bottom is a building that is a remnant of the dry days of the quarry. This concrete structure is one of the most fantastic underwater sites Stairs underwater at White in any inland lake or quarry that I have ever Star Quarry in Gibsonburg, seen. The “Crusher Pit,” as it is known, is Ohio. Photo by Glen Hall. an underwater building foundation that used to house the gravel crusher of the quarry. The basement of the pit is at a depth between 70 and 80 feet and has a spiral staircase, artifacts and machinery scattered on its bottom. This underwater room also has a tunnel, accessible by permit during the summer, which once was the path of the conveyor that passed the gravel through a block house out of the quarry. This 14-acre lake is filled with fish, underwater forests and more quarry remnants as well as some other items placed there just for divers. White Star has five sunken vessels, two vehicles, a trailer, a motorcycle and training platforms – lots of cool places to explore. Except for two spots with depths of more than 60 feet, most of the quarry has a bottomland averages 45 feet, making it perfect for novice to intermediate divers. For the rest of the family, since White Star Quarry is part of White Star Park, hiking trails, a swim beach, children’s playgrounds, camping and picnic pavilions are all part of the park experience. There is lots of parking, a nearby campsite, picnic tables and lots for the outdoor enthusiast to explore. ScubaFest March 19-21 Columbus, Ohio Columbus North Windy City diving Chicago’s Finest Dive Charter (630) 209-2445 www.WindyCityDiving.Net JOIN US IN FLORIDA & KISS A MANATEE Chicago’s Oldest & Premier Dive Center DIVE ST KITTS MAR 28 - APR 4 Trip To Bonne Terre Mine MAr 27-28 438 Roosevelt Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 800-How-Dive (469-3483) (815) 267-8400 24222 W. Lockport St. Plainfield, IL Full Service 5 Star SDI and PADI Facility also teaching TDI, IANTD, and ERDI Classes - We can take you from Recreational to Technical to Full Cave or even Instructor Level Courses. Service - Air & Nitrox Rentals, Repair, Dive Club and more! Inquire about 2009 dates & tickets! Local Trips: Bonne Terre Mines, Mall of America Shark Dive Tropical Travel: 2009-Bonaire 2010-Guadalupe Island Great White Trip Public Safety Diving and equipment for Police and Fire Dept. Dive Teams Featuring Ralph Wilbanks Discoverer of the CSS Hunley Speakers • Exhibitors • Workshops • Discover Scuba • Presentions by Valerie van Heest • David Trotter • Mike Brittsan and More! • UW Photo Competition Door Prizes • Auction • Casino Night Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 Our online store has over 4000 products and gives you the best prices with FULL manufacturer warranty Monthly Specials Check out our website 25 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS OHIO FAVORITE DIVES Gilboa Quarry, Gilboa In 1991, Dan Diller had the fantastic idea of turning a little inland lake into a diving Mecca, and it was an instant hit. Its fantastic abundance of fish and the fact it is one of the deepest inland lakes in the area has made Gilboa Quarry a magnet for divers from around the country. Today Gilboa is one of the most popular dive sites in Ohio. According to owner Mike Williams, more divers are drawn to Gilboa each year than all other Ohio quarries combined. Instructors from around the country go there to teach deep and technical diving courses because almost two-thirds of its bottomlands has depths over 120 feet, and some parts of the deep side reach nearly 140 feet. The wall at Gilboa Quarry is one of the coolest dives in Ohio and the water clarity is good most of the time. On the shallow side of the quarry, Williams has put together an underwater maze of dive sites including one of the largest training platforms imaginable. In all, there is over 10,000-square-feet of topside and underwater platform. Within easy reach of the training platform are a number of underwater sites that are close together and easy to navigate. The crown jewel is a Gulfstream airplane on its gear that divers can explore inside and out. Along with the plane, divers can visit a school bus with clouds of fish, a helicopter, sailboat and lots of other underwater sites in depths ranging from 15 to 60 feet. Among the aquatic creatures are paddle fish. These magnificent creatures are found in shallow water on the deeper side, so care and a briefing by Williams can make it an awesome diving experience. Diver underwater at Gilboa Quarry in Ottawa, Ohio. Photo by Will Graham. The Caribbean of the Midwest Make MerMet SpringS your Southern dive deStination! When it’s too cold up north in the Spring, visit us at Mermet Springs. So.... What’S neW? Thanks to you the shops and the divers that support us we are able to again make additions and improvements! We just added 5 new pavilions (3 with water frontage!) ALL pavilions except the West dock have lights and electric outlets We now have over 8,500 square feet of covered pavilion space for YOU! NEW tank tables are already in place. And remember Use of the pavilions is FREE! Pavilions should be reserved in advance • Recreational Scuba Diving • Instructional Scuba Diving • Air Fills • Nitrox Fills • Equipment Rentals Enjoy a day of diving in a park setting. Spring fed water, Artifact Park, Variety of fish, Easy access to water, Shaded picnic area. Open 6 days a week (closed Tuesdays) May-October Open weekends in November & April • Air and Nitrox Fill Station • Large Rental Department • Covered Pavillions • Showers and Flush Toilets • Camping • 15ft. to 120ft. Depths • Boeing 727 Passenger Jet • Underwater Rope Guidelines • More than 200 Spoonbills (618) 527-DIVE (3483) email: [email protected] WWW.MerMetSpringS.coM 26 (815) 939-7797 2738 E 2000 North Rd., Kankakee, IL Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS OHIO FAVORITE DIVES NAUI celebrates 50th at Legends of Diving EVENT All Diver’s invited to share in the festivities with two West coast legends, and two legends of Mexico. Plane underwater at Portage Quarry in Bowling Green, Ohio. Photo courtesy Rich Synoweic Portage Quarry, Bowling Green APRIL 12-19, 2010 days at the four star WyNDhAm 1133.00* Seven CozUmEL REsoRT & sPA Cozumel, Mexico with all your food & drinks. 2 dives per day with unlimited FREE shore diving. Not just a dive trip ... it’s a dive event! Located just one mile south of Bowling Green in northwest Ohio, the Portage Quarry Recreation Club is a complete recreation facility that caters to divers and non-divers. Visiting divers can see some very cool underwater structures, wall diving and plenty of fish. The onsite dive shop includes tank rentals, nitrox fills, equipment, and PADI instruction. Annual events include the DAN barbecue, country blowout, Handicapped Scuba Association barbecue weekend, and International Legends of Diving. Recreation includes concerts, beach swimming and beach volleyball. There are literally dozens of underwater attractions a diver can explore. I enjoy diving on the Hansa Jet, a sunken plane that is sitting on its gear complete with the forward sweeping wings. Another favorite is the silo, a remnant of the dry days of the quarry and one of the gathering places for hundreds of fish. All around the quarry are unique sites that have been placed by the Great Lakes Wrecking Crew, who are imaginative and creative in their underwater sites. For topside recreation, there are convenient camp sites, swimming with a combed sand beach, sand volleyball and hydro bikes for rent. Portage Quarry is the home of the annual topside events including the July 4th BlowOut, and HotSand Volleyball tournament. The quarry is also close to the Slippery Elm Trail, which provides a relaxing opportunity for leisurely walking, jogging, biking, or roller blading if you want to get off the property for a while. The Midwest’s Premier Dive Training Facility TRAIN WITH US no one will offer you more! • Only PADI 5 Star CDC in the Midwest • Proud to have 2 Platinum Course Directors on Staff JOIN US IN 2010 On the archipelago dive fleet in Bali, Indonesia DID yOu knOw? We have certified over 20,000 PADI divers CLASSES ALL YEAR LONG (not just the summer) Often cOpied, never equalled 708-226-1614 Orland Park, IL [email protected] Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 $ For more information go to: *Double Occupancy and Run of the House. If you pay by cash or check you can get an additional 3% discount with a $300 deposit if booked by February 28. Contact Gwen at 419-306-3923 or [email protected] Dive Milwaukee’s Shipwrecks! LEN-DER CHARTERS Lake Michigan Dive Charters Captains Jerry Guyer tony Bach amanda schenk Coast Guard Certified • Dive groups up to 14 divers • Single or double tank dive trips • Individual divers are also welcome • Over 30 years experience running shipwreck diving charters 414-482-1430 318 S Water St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 3919 OaktOn, SkOkie, iL •86○In-StorePool •Tri-Mix&ArgonFills •AdventureDiveTravel •WreckDiving Join us on our National Geographic Photo Dive Trips! Led by Larry and Nancy Boucha Fiji-BeqaLagoonResort March 25 - April 3, 2010 DryTortugas Vandenburg-Spree May 7 - 12, 2010 Cozumel UltimateDiverChallenge Bonaire-DiviFlamingo July 17 - 24, 2010 Sept. 25 - Oct. 2, 2010 UltimateDiverChallenge Chick trip / guy trip July 24 - 31, 2010 coral spawning Dive with the photo judges! NorthSulawesi|Oct. 30 - Nov. 7, 2010 847.674.0222 27 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS OHIO FAVORITE DIVES Divers at Twin Quarries in Circleville, Ohio. Photos courtesy Twin Quarries. Circleville Twin Quarries The Circleville Twin Quarries (actually four quarries in all) were formed during the construction of the US-23 bypass around Circleville. The quarries are the remains of “borrow pits” for aggregate to build the railroad overpass, as well as road foundation material. These pits filled with water, and formed the small lakes on either side of the highway. I know a number of people with whom I have dived frequent the twin quarries because of their convenience. I have not yet been there for diving. I got a lot of the information below from their website. Three of the four quarries on the east side are part of the Circleville Twin Quarries site. Although only about 25 feet deep, the quarries bu UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Ma il t offer an excellent area for training as well as gear checkout, or even just a day of splashing around. A dive shop offers air fills and sales. The South Quarry has the most items submerged: a couple of buses, training platform, catamaran, plane, kayak, ambulance, bowling pins, a memorial to a fallen sheriff’s deputy and more. This body gets the most divers, and thus, visibility often suffers. The bluegill are numerous. The North Quarry also has a bus and a few cars, and doesn’t get as much traffic so visibility is much better. A small quarry to the east of the North Quarry is open to fishing. Camping sites are also provided in this area. When asking my dive buddies about this quarry and the best time to dive there, they say when the freshwater jellyfish are there. fo r s qu bc ks a gu d s, sn lity ag - r or a es eg ke nd va an ul ls lu d at - f e mo or in re s s ... Browse our on-line catalog WWW.REEfPHOTO.COM Patented magnifying viewfinder is the only one available with a diopter control built in! Now you can tune your housing viewfinder to match your eyesight. Wings - Back Plates Manifolds - Valves SPG’s & Hoses or call Toll Free 877.453.8927 28 Introducing the new leader in underwater innovation Unique port latching system makes changing ports easier and reduces the chance of o-ring extrusion. MORE THAN A CAMERA STORE! Our mission is to provide you with the most comprehensive and competitive source for photo and video equipment, education and service available anywhere. Housings currently available for Nikon D90, D300, D300s, D700, and Canon 7D cameras. Port adapters are available for other mfg. ports including Ikelite, Aquatica, Sea & Sea, Nexus, Subal and coming soon, Seacam! Magnifying viewfinder available for Sea & Sea, Nexus, Aquatica, and Ikelite. Visit for more information, news and updates. Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 MIDWEST DIVE NEWS OHIO FAVORITE DIVES Make a S plash in Kingston Typically found in the fall, these tiny creatures are fun to watch and difficult to photograph. When you are trying to keep actively diving and want to avoid the problems associated with diving in the Great Lakes or when you are between dive trips, taking a trip to a quarry in Ohio can be a fun “mini vacation” for you, your dive buddies and families. The summer dive season is approaching quickly. Put an Ohio quarry on your schedule and see what inland diving is like! ■ Svetlana Rytchkova, all rights reserved Diver riding a plane! Photos courtesy Rich Synoweic Visit Kingston - Ontario’s only World Heritage Destination and Canada’s First Capital! Strategically built at the convergence of the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario and the Rideau Canal - now UNESCO designated World Heritage Sites along with Fort Henry and the Kingston Fortifications. See award-winning Victorian architecture, experience cultural, historic, entertaining events in our vibrant Downtown, tour eclectic art galleries, craft shops, Farmers’ market, museums and historic sites. Taste trip through over 200 bistros and street-side patios. Bring your wet suits and diving gear, because just off the Kingston shores, you’ll find over 400 wrecks preserved in our clear fresh waters. After the dive, cruise the world famous 1000 Islands!. dEvotEd to GREat lakES Scuba divinG & maRitimE HiStoRy WyNdHAM MILWAUKEE AIRPORT & CONvENTION CENTER maRcH 5 & 6, 2010 (FRiday-SatuRday) Friday 3:00PM-7:00PM - Exhibit Hall Open - FREE to the Public Friday 7:30PM-9:00PM - Special Presentation Saturday 8:00AM-7:00PM - Exhibit Hall Open & Presentations Exhibits, workshops, and presentations cover just about every aspect of maritime history and Great Lakes scuba diving. You can listen to and interact with leading dive industry professionals, extreme explorers, maritime historians, and Great Lakes authors! Exhibitor Hall Admission FREE and open to the public. StandaRd full-day admission $20.00 until March 5th. Tickets $25 at the door on March 5th and 6th. Platinum ticket pricing includes full-day admission and reserved front row seating to all scheduled presentations, a full-color program, a 10th anniversary Ghost Ships Festival t-shirt and beer glass, 10 raffle tickets, and a personalized platinum ticket holder ID card with neck lanyard. Toll Free: 1-866-665-3326 or PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AT WWW.GHoSt-SHiPS.oRG Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 kedco_divenews_010.indd 1 21/12/09 9:47 AM 29 MALAYSIA THE LURE OF TROPICAL DESTINATION SIPIDAN ISLAND the only oceanic island in Malaysia Photo by Sandy Sondrol Photo by Sandy Sondrol Story and Photos by Sandy Sondrol D awn barely warmed the horizon as we rolled into the water and descended to the top of the wall on Sipadan Island. Almost immediately, they appeared out of the darkness, like a herd of buffalo galloping across the prairie…bumphead parrotfish on the move. Bumpheads spend the night in the shallows and move into deeper water to feed at sunrise. Once they reach the wall, the herd breaks up and the hundreds of big fish head off, but for now the school moved along the top of the reef in an unending stream. I positioned myself ahead of the herd and was surrounded as they flowed by without even a glance. I lost count of the number of photos that I shot. By sunrise, the show was over; the bumpheads had cascaded over the edge of the wall and disappeared into the depths. The morning brightened and as the divers broke into smaller groups, I watched a swirl of travelle jacks begin to work the area for breakfast. Beyond them, a large school of barracuda was visible, doing the same. Sipadan Island lays about 10 miles off of the northwest coast of Malaysian Borneo. In order to reach it, we had traveled by air and road, but the final portion of the trip was by small boat, covering the final 10 miles to Mabul, Sipadan’s closest neighbor, and the location of the area’s dive resorts. The island of Sipadan has no resorts, with only a small contingent of Malaysian military and a few marine park rangers living there. It once held multiple resorts, but they closed and moved to Mabul several years ago to conserve the pristine beauty and turtle nesting sites on Sipadan. The Malaysian government actively works to conserve Sipadan and its surrounding waters. Dive operators must reserve space, by individual diver name, far in advance, and each diver must personally go ashore to check in each day before they dive. Once in the water, it is clear that conservation efforts have paid off. Long visibility, high numbers of very large turtles plus the vast schools of fish intertwine for a breathtaking underwater experience. During the five days that we dived Sipadan, the scene seldom varied in the frequency and number of fish and critters. 30 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 TROPICAL DESTINATION MALAYSIA Two Mandrin P hoto by Bill S h s i W e wer arro Celebrating 25 years of the best Diving in borneo you ! here Borneo Divers, founded in 1984, was the first full service professional dive operation in Borneo. Borneo plays host to an amazingly diverse range of scuba destinations. From diving with more turtles than you can imagine in Sipadan Island to the pristine coral atoll and hammerhead sharks. Borneo diving means visiting a modern and progressive Asian country where English is very widely spoken. Enjoy some of the wonderfully rich waters that surround Sabah, Borneo which hosts most of the Malaysian dive resorts. Relax here, where our white sand beaches are fringed with coconut trees. A beautiful setting to complement the excellent diving & the best value for your money! 7 nights/8 Days Starting From 1,499* $ *includes all transfers, accomodations, meals 3 boat dives a day, unlimited shore dives and hotel tax. Subject to availability and certain blackout dates apply. 1-800-298-9009 [email protected] Award Winning dive travel expert to SE Asia, the Pacific, Caribbean & Beyond “Life is Complicated, Vacations Shouldn’t Be” Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 31 MALAYSIA TROPICAL DESTINATION The walls there are truly vertical, many of them beginning only feet below the surface and dropping straight down beyond sight. Routinely, large turtles came up along the wall from deep below us, and leveled out near by before continuing up for a breath. There are very few predators and they seemed to mostly disregard us. The northeast portion of the wall is the area known as “Barracuda Point.” It is there that we saw the bumpheads during that early morning dive, and also where most of the schooling travalle and barracuda are found. During the second day of diving, my dive buddy, Bill Sarro, swam right through the school of travalle, with them swirling around him. It made a great photo opportunity, and he said that the experience was breathtaking, looking from the inside out. Like most of diveable Asia, Sipadan and Mabul are great spots for small creatures, as well. When you are not diving at Sipadan, the divetech @ Cobalt Coast dive resort ggrAnd CAyMAn Malaysia Apr 10 - MAy 15 - Free giFts For you! Truly more in every visit CoMe visit And you’ll be treAted to A CoMpliMentAry bottle oF wine And A Free underwAter sCooter dive! 4-nights $920 / 7-nights $1595 oCeAn rooM, boAt + shore diving, hot breAkFAst, tAxes, trAnsFers+ Warm water 100’+ visibility Sheer walls all the diving you can do! 1-888-946-5656 32 1-877-773-4846 206-367-0956 We are dive travel specialists with over 25 years experience creating dream vacations. As we continue our best service on our South Pacific destinations, we now offer special resorts and dive boats in magical Malaysia. [email protected] | Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 TROPICAL DESTINATION MALAYSIA Photos by Sandy Sondrol sites around Mabul provide plenty of critters. Straight off shore from Borneo Divers resort is a steep mini wall that makes a great night dive. Every night brought stories of mandarin fish, and one of our group even shot rare video of their mating dance. An afternoon drift dive along one of the walls near Mabul brought me face to face with a crocodile fish that seemed willing to pose for me as long as I stayed there. Borneo Divers built their Mabul resort about six years ago; after the government had closed Sipadan and they had to move. Even though Mabul is small enough that I could walk around the entire island in less than 30 minutes, there are four resorts, a village, a school and a regional police barracks located there. Everything edible, except fish, must be brought in from the mainland, 10 miles away, and garbage is shipped back the same way. However, it is notable that dive it! SnorKel it! learn it! Find it! Two oceanfront properties – Two different locations both offer value with a view! Modern, fully A/C studio, one & two bedroom apartments. Three bedroom villas also available at Bonaire Seaside. Great diving & snorkeling in front of each property. Dive partners offer boat & shore diving & free Nitrox upgrades Drive & Dive Packages include accommodations, diving & rental trucks Ft. lauderdale, Florida Something For all ageS & SKill levelS • Wreck Diving capitol • Short Boat riDeS • Drift DiveS • WarM Water • accoMMoDationS W/DiScounteD rateS South Florida diving headquarterS specializes in RefeRRals, checkouts and Guided dives. Join uS and we will complete your training! Bonaire Seaside Call toll free 800-382-1094 [email protected] [email protected] Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 We have over 13 yearS experience taking DiverS & SnorkelerS to the reefS anD WreckS off South floriDa. let uS Be your guiDe. ReseRvations & info (800) 771 dive (3483) e-Mail [email protected] 33 MALAYSIA TROPICAL DESTINATION when Mabul Divers built the sanitation system for their resort, they made it large enough to handle the sanitation needs of the village, as well, and offer connections to the villagers at no cost. It is that sort of community awareness and ecologic concern that bodes well for the future of both Mabul and Sipadan. Once back on Borneo, we still had a great adventure ahead. Our trip had been planned by Scuba Travel Ventures, a dive travel company based in San Diego. They strongly recommended that we spend some time during the trip experiencing Malaysia above the surface. This was my first trip to Malaysia, and there is much to see. In keeping with a theme of preservation and conservation, once dry, we spent the ensuing days exploring the Kinabatangan River and Sipilok Orangutan Sanctuary. The river is a wildlife preserve with a group of small ecolodges. At the edge of the preserve, we were met by small boats and ferried up river several miles to Sukau River Lodge. Built along the bank, it permits access to the river and the surrounding wildlife preserve, the home to Proboscis and Leaf Monkeys, Civet Cats, Otters, Crocodiles and (although we didn’t get a chance to see them on this trip) Pygmy Elephants. The wildlife is best seen by boat. During late afternoon and sunrise boat trips, we saw clans of the monkeys and a multitude of forest birds and smaller critters. The proboscis monkeys were fascinating. Their distinctive noses give them both their name and gender identity. The males have noses that are wide and rounded, much like a stubby trunk, while the females’ noses are very pointed. They live in clans high in the trees, near the river bank and create a noisy backdrop both to the resort and on the boat trips. We also spent a night at Sepilok Nature Resort, doing both night and daytime rainforest hikes and enjoying the beautiful Photo by Sandy Sondrol Make one stop and dive all of Curaçao With 5 locations and 7 boats Ocean Encounters offers you the best diving experience on every coast of the island. 1-877-728-2239 Santa Barbara Plantation, Porta Blancu, Nieuwpoort, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles [email protected] 1 800 858 2873 ResoRt, spa & Casino Dolphin Academy • Sailing & Boating • Shopping • Horseback Riding • Meet The neighbor Right at Your Front Door Bike Rentals & Tours • Jeep Safari • Scuba Diving & More! the southern Caribbean’s best kept secret 1-877-Breezes / 877 273-3937 • for the best shore dives around the island Tel:+599 9 465 8288 Cell:+ 599 9 510 3099 1-800-328-7222 | [email protected] 34 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 TROPICAL DESTINATION resort. The number of smaller creatures within the rainforest is fascinating, and hiking there after dark is truly an experience not to be missed. Our guide found everything from tree frogs to sleeping birds to reptiles to civet cats and shared a multitude of information about the eco-system of the rainforest. The following morning we moved next door to the Orangutan Rehabilitation Center, where young orangutans are raised and integrated with older ones before moving into the sanctuary. Since orangutans are normally solitary creatures, the rehabilitation center is the only place that they can be seen and photographed in group settings, and with any predictability. We spent several hours with the orangutans, and it was really intriguing. Although they are fed by humans, the orangutans are free to roam at will, and several times individuals came up quite close to us, apparently just being curious. Having been there once, do diving Sipadan and Mabul warrant a second trip? Absolutely yes! Now that I know what magnificent diving these islands offer, I know that a second trip will yield even more rewards. Plus, the array of fascinating opportunities draws me back to the land as well. In fact, I leave in May of 2010 for my second trip. Besides diving Sipadan and Mabul, this next trip will include a trek to the top of Mount Kinabalu, the tallest peak in Southeast Asia. Stay tuned.■ MALAYSIA “without equal” D i V E R E S o R t “Truly is the epicenter of {marine} biodiversity.” Robert Borland, July -08 “A five star diving resort in a remote part of the world.” Beverly Lindner, Nov -08 w w w. wa k at o b i . c o m Get a FREE DVD on with ref: DiveNews Photos: Mark Snyder, Didi Lotze, Shawn Levin, Jett Britnell Voted #1 For more information, please see: Scuba Travel company in the USA by Cyber Diver for last 5 years! Scuba Travel Ventures Borneo Divers Tourism Malaysia Our experienced ALL dIVeR stAff checks out EVERY resort & live-aboard we represent in over 20 countries for scuba diving. About the Author Raised beside a lake in Iowa, Sandy Sondrol grew up a self-described “water rat,” and made his first dives in the mid-1960s. In 1994, he left his law practice and moved to Grand Cayman to become a dive instructor and boat captain for Bob Soto’s. After nearly 10 years in Cayman, it was back to the states to join Nekton liveaboards for three years. He later became the associate publisher of Dive Chronicles, and today works as a full-time freelance writer and photographer. He holds a USCG 500ton captain’s license with 4,000-plus days at sea and is a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer with nine specialties and more than 4,500 dives. You can see more of his work at: Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 Call Now to Book your next Dive Trip 1-800-737-3483 email: [email protected] new websIte comIng eARLy 2010 35 GEAR CHECK COMPILED BY STERNER EDITORIAL SERVICES A flashy way to dive Apeks lightens up Diver masters who want to be easily seeen by their guppies on night dives might want to strap on a Tektite Mark-Lite strobe to their kid. The Xenon strobe is only 5.75 inches long and weighs but a few ounces, yet it blasts a powerful 180-degree beam of light that lets every diver in the area know where you are. Another handy use is to clip it off at t anchor line to be a visual aid to ease relocating the boat. One AA cell can power the strobe for up to six hours or 10 hours a Lithium cell. The Xenon bulb is rated for 100,000 flashes, and the unit is depth rated to 1,000 feet. The rugged little Mark-Lite was designed for military customers and was shown at the recent SHOT tactical equipment show at Las Vegas. Consumer models are available in black, royal blue, rescue orange and fluorescent yellow. Dive a compact BC Mini-B takes a new approach to streamlining dive gear with its all-in-one buoyancy vest and regulator kit. Unlike most vests, the Mini-B mounts the scuba tank horizontally instead of vertically on the back, which it asserts is easier the back. Models are available to hold cylinders from 11 to 74 cubic feet of compressed air, enough for shallow excursions or short dives to deeper depths. Regulator and gauge hoses tuck away in a back-mounted rucksack that also contains the bladder and power inflator for buoyancy compensation. The unit is fitted with internal pockets for trim weights. Between uses all gear can stowed in the pack to ease storage and transportation. All components are mounted to backboard with a one-size-fits-all harness system. The company is offering a course in “micro diving” to acquaint consumers with its product. Travelers facing weight restrictions will appreciate Apeks’ new Flight regulator. Said by the company to be the lightest reg in the world, the yoke valve version weighs in at 25 ounces and the DIN model, only 21 ounces. In water, the unit is nearly neutrally buoyant. Weight was cut by the use of high-tech polymers that are as rugged and corrosion resistant as they are light in weight. Yoke first stages were designed with a unique knob that does not extend outward as it is unscrewed. Keeping it flush maintains a compact size and minimize entanglements. The second stage is pneumatically balanced and small in size to minimize drag. Women’s models have slightly narrower mouthpieces to accommodate the smaller jaw structure of women. Pliable braided hoses are used for safety and practicality. Although flexible and lightweight, the hoses are twice as strong as conventional ones, Apeks says, and kink resistant. The company claims that air flow remains unobstructed even if the hose is knotted. Flight regulators are available in green/black, pewter/ black and pink/black color combinations. Poseidon grows in USA Poseidon’s Discovery rebreather isn’t new, but its commitment to marketing the unit in the United States, Canada and Mexico is. The Swedish company began the year by establishing Poseidon Diving Systems Inc., with a warehouse at Woodlands, Texas, and a corporate office at Los Angeles. The move is intended to support customers and distributors in the Americas, and ease cooperation with training agencies and their instructors. The Discovery rebreather earned the Best of What’s New Award from “Popular Science” after it was introduced in November 2008, touted as the world‘s first rebreather for recreational divers. Some 10,000 instructors worldwide have been certified on the unit. Poseidon hopes the expansion into American markets will further popularize the Discovery and other Poseidon products. Suggest products to review and read earlier Gear Check items by product categories at Dive Parry Sound Reef Runner Divers Costa Rica Come Dive the Wrecks of Georgian Bay’s 30,000 Islands Diver’s Nook 55 Boes St. Parry Sound, Ontario (705) 746-9757 36 Puerto Viejo • • • • • • PADI OPEN WATER TO DIVE MASTER COURSES PROFESSIONAL STAFF BEST RATES IN COSTA RICA DAILY 2 TANK BOAT DIVES MARINE BIOLOGIST GUIDED TOURS CALL FOR RESERVATIONS! (506) 2750 0480 (506) 8337 2033 Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 BOOK LOG COMPILED BY STERNER EDITORIAL SERVICES TROPICAL DIVE DIRECTORY Face up to book bargain A listing of participating dive shops, charters, live aboards and resorts in tropical locations around the world. Listed in alphabetical order by country. The biggest compendium of diving facts has become the best deal, too. Jeffrey Gallant has moved his “Diving Almanac” to Facebook, the social networking Web site. More than 3,000 indexed articles, 500 records, 600 who’s who profiles, 1,200 businesses and centuries of diving history are available free of charge. All readers have to do is click through to the Facebook page and establish a password to gain access to regular updates and the archive of facts and figures. What’s more they can exchange ideas with other readers around the world through the networking site. For those who like the feel of paper books, the 2009 almanac can still be ordered online as well. This 694-page soft cover from Porbeagle Press is a handy reference for settling discussions at dive club meetings and for quick reads in moments between tasks. It is the definitive toilet-tank topper for the complete diver. Soft cover BAHAMAS Aqua Cat Cruises 888.327.9600 Blackbeard’s Cruises 800.327.9600 Lost Island Voyages 866.YOU.SAIL Sea Dragon 954.522.0161 Small Hope Bay Lodge 800.223.6961 Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas 888.35.SHARK UNEXSO 800.992.3483 ISBN: 978-0-9781078-2-6. ‘Hamerhead’ nails shark facts Of all the sharks in the sea, hammerheads have to be the strangest with their unique wide snouts. Learn why scientists feel the creatures developed this hammer formation and a myriad of facts about the species in “Hammerhead Sharks” by Alessandro de Maddalena and Alex “The Sharkman” Buttigieg. The 128-page book from Ireco Press is filled with color photos and black and white drawings of hammerheads that the authors have produced over decades of studying sharks. De Maddalena is president of the Italian Ichthyological Society and a member of the Mediterranean Shark Research Group. The book is a compendium of centuries of shark research by scientists around the world. Although the authors present information in scientific terms, they explain everything in laymen language that is easy to read yet highly informative. The text is bilingual (Italian and English). The foreword was written by Ron and Valerie Taylor, the Australian shark experts who helped produce classic films such as “Jaws” and “Blue Water, White Death.” The book can be ordered directly from the publisher, which is accessible through the author’s Web site. BELIZE Reefs, Ruins and Rainforests BONAIRE Divi Flamingo Beach Resort 800.367.3484 CANCUN Scuba Cancun 998.849.4736 COZUMEL ISBN: 978-88-86253-34-5 Conch Republic Divers 800.274.3483 Horizon Divers 305.453.3535 Key Dives 800.344.7352 ROATAN CoCo View Resort Roatan 800.282.8932 Utila Lodge 800.282.8932 TURKS & CAICOS Oasis Divers - Grand Turk 800.892.3995 WEST INDIES ISBN: 978-1-60559-097-4 underwater~encounters1 Bequia Dive Adventures 784.458.3826 LIVE ABOARDS Aggressor Fleet 877.348.2628 Read earlier Book Log reviews by genre or call attention to books and videos to review at Northeast & Midwest Dive News MARCH 2010 Albatros Charters 888.333.4643 FLORIDA Take your kid to ‘Scuba School’ If your young guppies are becoming interested in scuba diving, consider getting “Scuba School.” The 50-page soft cover from Hameray is one of a series of books Elizabeth Cook wrote to draw interest to the sport among the younger generation. Its six chapters introduce readers to the Underwater Zoo of creatures and plants. They then progress through Classroom, Learning About Gear, More Things to Learn, First Open Water Dive and Earning the C-Card. The book closes with appendices on protecting the planet, fun facts, a glossary and an index. Cook says the text is aimed at third- through eighthgraders, although it seemed more fitting to the youngest readers of that age spread. She covers scuba basics, the fun and the hazards without getting too technical or scary. The layout is breezy, lending a fun mood to the contents. Adding to its sense of excitement are color images of underwater photographer Robert Yin. Belize Dive Wholesaler 800.282.8932 Reefs, Ruins, and Rainforests 877.222.3549 WANT TO BE LISTED HERE? Call us: 360.240.1874 email: [email protected] CONNECTICUT NORTHEAST A listing of participating dive shops, charters, resorts, and independent instructors NORTHEAST Dive Master Services Inc. Kingston Mobile Air Fills Phoenix Scuba & Water Sports, Inc Lackawanna (716) 822-2816 Store Lindenhurst (631) 225-8450 Store Mamaroneck (914) 381-1884 Store Leisure Pro Ltd. New York (212)645-1234 Store Pan Aqua Diving Inc. New York (212) 736-3483 Store Enfield Scuba & Watersports Enfield Store Divers Cove LLC Essex (860) 767-1960 Store Scuba Made Easy Pawcatuck (860) 303-4612 Instructor Seaview Scuba Inc Quaker Hill (860) 442-7279 Store International Scuba Diving Southington (860) 621-8265 Store Capt. Saam’s Scuba School Stamford Store/Charter A+ Pro Divers Plattsburgh (518) 561-7748 Store/Charter New England Dive Center Wallingford (203) 284-1880 Store Swim and Scuba Rockville Centre (516) 872-4571 Store Wantagh (516) 826-SCBA Store Salty Dog Dive Center Wilmington DELAWARE Aqua Visions Store NORTH CAROLINA MAINE Barclay’s Skindivers Paradise Long Island Scuba QC Scuba (302) 994-3483 Discovery Diving Auburn Beaufort (207) 784-7300 Store Olympus Dive Center Northeast Charter Boat Company Eliot/Portsmouth (603) 235-5526 Charter Outer Banks Dive Center Portland (207) 775-3467 Store/Charter Underwater Playground Edgewood MARYLAND Store Diver Jim’s / Belmont Scuba Belmont (617) 484-5246 Store Diver’s World Burlington (781) 272-5164 Store Indian Valley Scuba Buzzards Bay (508) 232-1121 Store Northeast Scuba Chelmsford (978) 256-2300 Store B & B Diving - 2 quarries Andy's Sport Shop Fitchburg (978) 343-6330 Store Randy's Dive Shop Gloucester (978) 525-3432 Charter Onset (508) 291-7282 Store Lancaster Scuba Center At The Waters Edge Westfield (413) 532-5110 Store Boston Harbor Diving Co. Winthrop (617) 846-5151 Charter Buzzards Bay Diving Ctr. (603) 357-4430 Store Diver's Den Dive Shop Inc. Manchester (603) 627-2536 Store Dive Winnipesaukee Wolfeboro (603) 569-8080 Store/Charter Store (610) 746-4016 Store Coraopolis (412) 262-2664 Store Erie Store Harleysville (215) 256-6000 Store Hillsville Store Irwin (724) 863-0752 Store Jersey Shore Store Lancaster (717) 397-2822 Store Divehards International Pittsburgh (412) 363-3483 Store Willow Springs Resort Richland Sunken Treasure Scuba Ctr. A-1 Scuba Diving Keene (252) 449-8349 Store NEW HAMPSHIRE UW Sports of New Hampshire Bethlehem Uncle Joe's Scuba Burlington Scuba Easy Diver Nags Head Store next to Dutch Springs MASSACHUSETTS Anchor Diving Services Morehead City (252) 726-9432 Lehigh Valley Dive (410) 679-6413 (252) 728-2265 PENNSYLVANIA (717) 866-5801 Facility/Shop Trevose Store RHODE ISLAND Wholesale Diving Equipment NEW JERSEY East Providence (401) 434-5058 Distributor/Store Newport Diving Center Newport (401) 847-9293 Store Scuba Made Easy Newport (401) 742-4898 Store Tri-State Area (401) 787-1517 Instructor Venture III Belmar (732) 928-4519 Charter Simply Scuba Gypsy Blood Dive Brielle (973) 949-4599 Store East Bay Dive Center Warren (401) 247-2420 Store Egg Harbor Twp (609) 641-7722 Store Giant Stride Dive Shop Warwick (401) 732-8808 Store Hoboken Dive Center Hoboken Store Avie's Ski/Sports Westerly (401) 596-0375 Store East Coast Diving Supply Northfield (609)646-5090 Store (401) 742-4898 Instructor (804)320-7000 Store Atlantic Divers NEW YORK Finger Lake Scuba VIRGINIA Auburn (800) 764-3483 Store/Charter Ballston Spa (518) 879-8866 Store Adventure Scuba Company Bottom Time Dive Charters Blind Bay ( 518) 561-7748 Charter Chesapeake Bay Diving Center Jeanne II Diving Charters Brooklyn Charter Kings County Divers Corp Brooklyn (718) 648-4232 Store Stingray Divers Brooklyn (718) 384-1280 "Euphoria" Dive Boat Center Moriches Clayton Pisces School of Dive National Aquatic Services Dive Adventures Thousand Island Dive Excursions Ed's Pro Dive Center Lockness Dive Boat Atlantis Divers Atlantis Chantilly (703) 263-0427 Store Portsmouth Store Lynnhaven Dive Center Virginia Beach (757) 481-7949 Store Store Burlington (802) 865-2771 Store (631) 878-4179 Charter Victory Sports Colchester (802) 862-0963 Store (315) 686-5542 Store East Rochester (585)381-2842 Store East Syracuse (315) 479-5544 Shop Elmira (607) 368-2096 Shop Freeport (516) 298-2633 Charter VERMONT MIDWEST NORTHEAST DIVE DIRECTORY ILLINOIS Below H2O Aurora (630) 820-2531 Store Windy City Diving Chicago (630) 209-2445 Charter Enterprise Marine Des Plaines (847) 640-8113 Charter Glen Ellyn (630) 469-3483 Store Ill. Institute of Diving Frogg Pond Dive Shop Glenview (847) 358-3848 Store Highland Park (847) 432-5055 Store Haigh Quarry Kankakee Quarry Lake Zurich (847) 540-7211 Store Moline (309) 797-9721 Store Sentry Pool & Scuba Scuba Emporium Dive Right In Scuba Scuba Systems Pearl Lake Mermet Springs Orland Park Store Plainfield (815) 267-8400 Store Skokie Store South Beloit (815) 389-1479 Lake Vienna Quarry INDIANA MIDWEST Berry Dive Center CANADA MIDWEST MIDWEST DIVE DIRECTORY WISCONSIN Apostle Island Store/Charter Aqua Center Green Bay (920) 468-8080 Store Adventure Charter Boats Milwaukee Charter Pirates Cove Diving Milwaukee (414) 482-1430 Store Northland Equipment ONTARIO Marlins Scuba Wet Beaver Scuba Burlington Instruction/Charter Cardinal (613) 862-0907 Charter Windmill Point Park Inc. Fort Erie Quarry Gore Bay Aqua Sports Gore Bay (516) 596-1239 Store Colt Creek Diving New Market (905) 898-5338 Store Parry Sound Goose's Scuba Shack, Inc. Dyer (219) 322-7222 Store Diver’s Nook Lake County Divers Supply Hobart (219) 942-0016 Store AquaSub Scuba Diving Ctr. Richmond Hill Store N'Pursuit Adventure Charters, Inc. Hobart Store Scuba 2000 Richmond Hill (905) 771-1500 Store Hart City Scuba Elkhart (574) 264-3528 Store Thousand Isl. Pleasure Diving IOWA Matt Leydens' Dive Shop Rockport (866) 659-2334 Charter St. Catharines Store/Charter Diver's Den Tobermory (519) 596-2363 Charter/Store G & S Watersports Tobermory (519) 596-2200 Store Toronto Store Dan’s Dive Shop Des Moines (515) 288-6312 Store MICHIGAN Thunder Bay Scuba Alpena (989) 356-6228 Store Divers Incorporated Ann Arbor Store Sub Aquatic Sports Battle Creek (269) 968-8551 Store (705) 746-9757 Store/Charter Aquarius Scuba Diving Centre NEWFOUNDLAND Ocean Quest Conception Bay S (709) 834-7234 Charter NEW BRUNSWICK Bruno's Dive Shop Clinton Twp (586) 792-2040 Store/Charter Rec & Tec Dive Charters Clinton Twp Charter Enveco Diving Bereford (506) 542-1011 Store All Seasons Diving Co Dryden Charter The Dive Shack Saint John (506) 634-8265 Store Confederation Divers Shediac Store Fair Haven (568) 725-1991 Store Sea the World Anchor Bay Scuba Farmington Hills (248) 478-6400 Store The Dive Shop Flint Store Easy Dive Canada LTD Wet N Rugged Sports Galesburg (269) 381-2101 Store Capital City Scuba Lansing (517) 853-9500 Store Lansing (517) 485-3894 Store Mantas... Rogers City (989) 734-7590 Store/Charter Shelby Township Store Traverse City (231) 943-3483 Store ZZ Underwater World Great Lakes Divers Great Lakes Divecenter Great Lakes Scuba Scuba North Traverse City NOVA SCOTIA Cape Breton Is. (902) 345-2215 Store Store MINNESSOTA Scuba Center Minneapolis (612) 925-4818 Store Smith Diving Fridley (763) 574-1280 Store Scuba Center Eagan (651) 681-8434 Store Joplin (888) 565-3483 Store Dive Stop New Melle (636) 398-4464 Store Odyssey Scuba and Travel Waynesville (573 )774-DIVE Store MISSOURI Extreme Sports Scuba, Inc OHIO Safety Service Divers Amherst (440) 988-5079 Store Portage Quarry Bowling Green Quarry Gibsonburg (419) 637-3483 Quarry Aqua Specialists Cleveland (261) 252-4885 Store Southern Ohio Dive Academy Kettering (937) 298-2999 Store Sea Level Scuba Northwood (419) 691-2991 Store White Star Quarry DOLPHIns... ... aLL aWaIt YOu In KOna, HaWaII. Join Kona Honu Divers to experience the best diving in Hawaii. CaLL nOW! 888 333-4668 to make your reservations today! CRYstaL CLEaR WatER... WWW.KOnaHOnuDIvERs.COM EDUCATION IS KEY... ...TO REBREATHER TRAINING IANTD Rebreather Instructors and Manuals take you on the training adventure of your life... Open Water Recreational thru Expedition Trimix TO ORDER, EMAIL [email protected] For additional IANTD dive publication, facility and instructor listings visit: WWW.IANTD.COM Or call us direct at (786) 704-9722.