St. Michael Catholic Church – Lincoln, NE
St. Michael Catholic Church – Lincoln, NE
St. Michael Catholic Church 9101 S. 78th Street, Lincoln, NE 68516 Parish & School Office: 402-488-1313 Rectory: 402-328-8480 “Home of the Marauders” April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday Welcome Parishioners and Visitors! Blessed Easter to you! We are happy that you have come to share in the celebration of Mass with us. If you have come as a stranger, we hope you will leave as a friend. Come back often and know you are always welcome here at Saint Michael’s! If you are new to the area and need to register, please do so by visiting our website:, then click on “Our Parish”, then “Join our Parish”. Or, you may call the Parish Office at 402.488.1313. Mass Intentions: Monday, April 21, 2014: Easter Monday 7:30AM Matthew C. Heelan+ by Tom & Marilyn Heelan Tuesday, April 22, 2014: Easter Tuesday 7:30AM Barbara Yeck+ by the Anderson family Wednesday, April 23, 2014: Easter Wednesday 7:15AM Tom Kozisek+ 8:15AM All the Poor Souls+ 7:30PM Ruth Ekeler+ Thursday, April 24, 2014: Easter Thursday 7:15AM Bill Ponec+ 8:15AM Ernest & Olga Janak++ Friday, April 25, 2014: Easter Friday 6:30AM All the Poor Souls+ 7:15AM Judy Perry Phipps by Joan Perry 8:15AM Special Intention—D.E. Saturday, April 26, 2014: Second Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday 5PM Laura Gardner+ Sunday, April 27, 2014: Second Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday 8AM Matthew & Brier Hurlbert & family by Rod & Annie Dietrich 9:30AM St. Michael Parishioners 11AM Val Kapustka+ by Juanita Kapustka Remember in Prayer… Staff Contact Information Father Kenneth Borowiak—Pastor Rectory: 402.328.8480 Office: 402.488.1313 Cell: 402.525.2566 Email: [email protected] May the healing hand of God rest on these people and all others in need. Loved ones who are sick/hospitalized: Butch DeVries, Bob Mullendore, Levi Sukup-son of Jerry & Sara Sukup Loved ones who have died: Verlin Meyer, Louis Kotera—father of Barb German & Al Kotera Father Nicholas Kipper—In Residence Register Office: 402.488.0090 Cell: 402.326.8243 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Denise Ray—School Principal Office: 402.488.1313 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Betsy Ashman—Business Manager Office: 402.488.1313, ext. 52502 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Nikki Dolan—School Admin. Asst. Office: 402.488.1313 Email: [email protected] Sr. Milred Busch, O.S.B.—Pastoral Admin. Asst. Office: 402.488.1313, ext. 52503 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Jackie Nisley—Parish Admin. Asst. Office: 402.488.1313 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Teri Ott—Parish Admin. Asst. Office: 402.488.1313, ext. 52504 Email: [email protected] This week, please pray those pursuing the religious life: Sister Peter Marie— School Sisters of Christ the King, 1st Vows, Ascension parish, Overland Park, KS Sister Mary Immaculata—School Sisters of Christ the King, 1st Vows, Immaculate Conception parish, Gresham, NE If you wish to add the name of a family member to the Prayer List, please contact Sr. Mildred Busch, by phone: 402.488.1313, ext. 52503 or by email: sr. [email protected] CALENDARS/ PARISH NEWS April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday PARISH SCHOOL MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2014 MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2014 TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2014 TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2014 No School 7:00PM RCIA 9:30AM Women of Faith, Activity Rm 6:30PM Parent Baptism Class, Activity Rm No School WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 School Resumes 6:00PM CCD Godteens ENDOW 6:15PM Adult Catechesis WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 THURSDAY, APRIL 24 2014 FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2014 Midterm 4th Quarter $1 Day—Slipper Day THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 STEWARDSHIP Our Return to the Lord: Apr. 13, 2014 Plate $624.17 Adult Envelopes $7,087.00 Youth $50.00 Bank Draft $10,412.00 TOTAL $18,173.17 Construction Loan: Payments since 12/31/2013: Parish Bills: Apr. 9, 2014 FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2014 School Bills: Apr. 9, 2014 Maintenance/Repairs - equipment TOTAL Subscriptions - Time TOTAL SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2014 SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2014 Divine Mercy Sunday Visit for news / parish events! MINISTER’S SCHEDULE Father Borowiak began the meeting with a prayer. SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2014—5PM Mass Daryn Walters Jenna Fiala Bryan & Stacy Sullivan Grant Bergevin, Kaleb DeJonge, Matthew Easley, Kyle Himmelberg . SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2014—8AM Mass Acolyte: Lector: Ushers/Greeters: Servers: Jerry Bixenmann Shane Farritor Bill & Margy Wagner Cole Sellhorn, Nathan Ullman, Carson Walters, Noah Walters . SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2014—9:30AM Mass Acolyte: Lector: Ushers/Greeters: Servers: Ted Sasse Jackie Nisley Butch & Caroline Hug Conner Gokie, Kyle Riley, Dominic Wurtz, John Wurtz . SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2014—11AM Mass Acolyte: Lector: Ushers/Greeters: Servers: Chris Lewis Brad Koehn Kent Hoxmeier; Dan Hutchinson Ian Broyles, Roberto Coleman, Alex Coleman, Eric Kowerter PARISH COUNCIL Meeting Minutes— Parish Council met on Thursday, April 10, 2014, 5:30PM Attendees: Fr. Borowiak, Kent Davenport, Chris Kruse, Chris Lewis, Carl Marks, Kris Morgan, Teri Ott, Denise Ray, Tony Renze Parish Finances: General Checking Account: $108,589.52; Moving Mountains: not available at this time; Construction Loan Balance: $3,682.468.24 Future Planning Update: A meeting with architects took place March 26, 2014. Two parishioners were selected from each of the four areas (Worship, Parish Life, Education, and Administration) to provide specific input. For an estimated (future) 1,400 families, the architectural firms devised complete site plans that would encompass 3-4 phases. There was a unanimous agreement on the drawings/design of a potential church. A number of questions were raised regarding the diocesan involvement of the capital campaign: What is St. Michael’s involvement? Will the diocese allow us to build? Could we act as a pilot parish, of building in conjunction to the Diocesan Campaign? Father has outlined a projection to the Bishop, and has presented it to the Bishop and his staff. Updates and details of this process can be found on the website, under Fr. Borowiak’s blog. $180,000.00 SCRIP: . Sales: No sales$16,574.00 at time of printing. Profit: $566.13 1:00PM ENDOW, Activity Rm 7:00PM Prayer Shawl Mtg, Scooter’s at 56th & Pine Lake Rd. Acolyte: Lector: Ushers/Greeters: Servers: $3,700,846.28 . $168.80 $0.00 . $20.00 $0.00 St. Michael Church wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual parish members and provides much needed donation consistency for our parish budget. To enroll, please complete a form found online at (click on Stewardship, then E-tithe). Or, contact Jackie at 402-488-1313, ext. 52514. Portable Classrooms: The playground will be moved by hopefully mid-May. Portables will be moved in and utilities hooked up. Parish Council Constitution: Prior to the meeting, Council members made comments and suggestions for revising certain sections of the Constitution. The Council briefly reviewed them. Tony Renze will compile them and send to Teri Ott, who will distribute to Parish Council members for discussion at May 2014 meeting. Music Program: Margaret Tomek has been hired as the Music Program Director. Parish Tithing: Tabled for next meeting. Other: None. MINISTRY NOTES FROM SISTER MILDRED BUSCH April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday [email protected] 402.488.1313, ext. 52503 BAPTISM CLASS—The April Parent Baptism class will be held on Tuesday, April 22 at 6:30 in the Activity Room. Please email or call to let me know you are interested. LITURGICAL MINISTERS Schedules for May, June, July, and August have been sent. Please put the dates on your calendar. I would also ask that if the email address I am using is not your preferred one, please let me know. Thanks! CATHOLIC TRIVIA #83 1. How many mysteries do each of the four sets have? A. Seven B. Six C. Five D. Four 5. How many books are in the Old Testament Catholic Bible? A. 122 B. 16 C. 46 D. 57 9. What word describes the highest act of love and reverence shown to God alone? A. Idolatry B. Honor C. Reverence D. Adoration 2. In which year did the Church permit Catholics to attend Saturday evening Mass to fulfill the Sunday obligation? A. 1970 B. 1950 C. 1980 D. 2000 6. What is the meaning of the word “Gospel”? A. Letters to the Faithful B. Joyful Proclamations C. Good News D. Truths of Jesus 10. Which Catholic doctrine states that the Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from original sin? A. The Assumption B. The Ascension C. The Nativity D. The Immaculate Conception 3. The pope is unable to sin personally due to the declaration of papal infallibility. A. True B. False 4. What are the two types of sin? A. Mortal B. Unimportant C. White Lies D. Venial 7. What do the Old Testament books Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1Maccabees, 2Maccabees share in common? A. Books in the Protestant version of the Bible; but not in the Catholic version. B. Books missing in both the Catholic and Protestant Bibles C. Books in the Catholic version of the Bible; but not in the Protestant version D. These are New Testament books. PRAYING THE ROSARY There have been requests for recitation of the Rosary before Masses on Sunday. We would like to have volunteers to lead the Rosary in the Day Chapel 25 minutes before each Mass begins. If you would like to help with this, please call the Parish Office at 402-488-1313. Leave a message if no answer. 8. The literal meaning for this word is “witness.” Name this word. A. Saint B. Martyr C. Doctor D. Attendant ANSWERS: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A&D 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.D EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Contact: Kari Westmore 402.360.1444 [email protected] Available hours in white. To sign up for an hour, you can visit: and use the email address: [email protected] to sign up. Or, contact Kari via email or phone. SUNDAY 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM MONDAY 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM TUESDAY 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM WEDNESDAY 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM THURSDAY 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM FRIDAY 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM SATURDAY 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY / CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Divine Mercy Sunday is April 27, 2014. Jesus of Divine Mercy Circle of the Parish Council of Catholic Women will be handing out holy cards and pamphlets after Masses on Palm Sunday to assist you in praying the Novena of Divine Mercy which begins on Good Friday, April 18. Divine Mercy is especially important this year as it coincides with the canonization of John Paul II, the Pope of Mercy, on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27, 2014. There will also be someone in the chapel each day of the Novena (April 18, Good Friday-Saturday, April 26, and Divine Mercy Sunday) at 3PM leading the Chaplet and all are invited to come pray for salvation of souls, our nation, our parish, and our families. If you are unable to come to the Church at 3PM each day during the Novena, please consider praying in spirit with us by saying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy each day. The message of Mercy is most important for our day and time. There will be cards available to help you pray with us for this Novena. If you would like to assist in leading the chaplet during the time of the Divine Mercy Novena, please contact Carolyn May at 402-499-8044 or [email protected] MINISTRIES, ORGANIZATIONS, & PARISH EVENTS April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PARISH COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (PCCW) Grand Knight: Chris Kruse 402.770.5787 [email protected] [email protected] President: Kathy Rentschler Congratulations—to fellow Knight, Dr. Gene Schwenke for recently being honored with the “Dynamic Catholic Award” in recognition of his contributions to our Parish life. Thank you—to all Knights who assisted with the road clean-up on April 12, 2014. Volunteers needed—for the Knights Mass on Sunday, May 11, 2014 at 9:30AM. If you can assist, please contact Grand Knight Chris Kruse. Knights UNL Football Concessions— Thank you to Glen Steffensmeier, Axel Malmstrom, and Tom Malmstrom for your efforts this past weekend. First Degree Exemplification—is scheduled for Knights at St. Patrick’s on April 27, at 1:30 PM. If interested, please contact Charlie Medinger. BRIDGE CLUB FORMING Calling all bridge couples! Would you be interested in forming a Bridge Club? Men or women, young or old, all are welcome! If interested, please contact Fran Olson at 402.770.6511 or [email protected] ST. MICHAEL BUILDING PRAYER Loving and provident God, Creator of all and Builder of the Universe, we, the parish family of St. Michael, humbly ask your continued blessing on the spiritual, human and the financial commitment we have made for the building of our new school and church and the fulfillment of Your Kingdom on earth. Unless You build the house, we labor in vain to build it. Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of God, St. Joseph the builder, and our patron, St. Michael the Archangel, bring to perfection the good work You have begun in us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Christ’s resurrection reminds us that we too are called to a new life. 402.423.8210 [email protected] No Coffee & Rolls—Next date is May 4 in the Lower Level of St. Michael’s. Next meeting—May 1, 2014, at 7PM, in the Activity Room. Looking ahead— April 25-26: LDCCW Convention at St. Peter’s. Speakers are Fr. Perkinton, Sr. Peggy Kucera and Christine Watkins. Questions, call Kathy. April 27: Divine Mercy Sunday-Novena chaplet is being prayed (April 18 to April 27) in Day Chapel daily at 3PM. May 1: May Crowning at St. Michael School May 11: Mothers Day. Be watching for a great Mother’s Day Sale on Carnations for Mom! Ladies of St. Michael’s: April 13, 2014 Happy Easter from the PCCW!! It is such a rich part of the Church year. We hope you had a chance to come to some of the Lenten programs, Stations of the Cross, and/or Holy Hours. Many people have worked hard to provide opportunities for all of us to enrich our Lenten preparations, and we thank them! Christ's Resurrection gives us a chance for joyous Alleluia's! Easter coincides with the spring time of the year when all the living plants “resurrect” from their winter sleep. It gives one “Hope” for our Christian life ahead. We have much to be thankful for, especially those who have been very generous with their time and talent in the last few weeks. We had the celebration of Confirmation in March. Jackie Swanson cooked the meal for the priests. Caroline Hug and Agnes Anderson helped serve the meal. Clean up crew was Carol Davenport, Carol Kearns and Diane Sullivan. Carnations were pinned by Linda Terrano & Andrea Thomas. Serving reception were Nicole Bennet, Susie Heileger, Kris Morgan, Mary Brock, Jennifer Klein and Jen Quaranta. First Communion was celebrated here at St. Michael's April 5, 2014. Several ladies baked cakes in their spare time. We had a great response to people frosting cakes that was held over 2 evenings. Jackie Nisley shared her expertise at making mint chalices and hosts as well as “piping” frosting onto cakes. Those helping were Chris Moffat, Judy Charleson, Linda Terrano, Ila Hergott, Paula Fritz, Jean Dubas, Carol Kearns, Mary Brock, Teri Ott, Betty Flynn and Kris Morgan. Several came both nights giving their time and talent. It was truly appreciated. Serving reception on April 5 was Linda Terrano, Chris Moffat, Jean Dubas, Judy Charleson, and Paula Fritz. It was a beautiful day. The children had big smiles as we handed them their own First Communion Cake. St. Ann's Circle organized and served the Mother Daughter Friend evening dinner April 8, 2014. They were able to transform the Commons into a beautiful space. Many people worked that event, unfortunately I can't name them all in this letter as much as I would like to. Cheryl Petrig leads that group and has many willing and capable hands to do this event. Most recently was the DDP/CSA dinner held April 11. Organizers were Kris Morgan, Jackie Nisley and Mary Brock. Each took an area and gathered workers (again too many to mention) to work various times and areas. They spent most of the day preparing the Commons, cooking and serving food, and CLEAN UP. Much time was spent to make the Commons look great for those who were coming from other parishes in town. A great time to share what we have here at St. Michael’s—we are very blessed!! We had a pancake breakfast at the end of March. So my point is to THANK ALL OF YOU!! It couldn't get done without your commitment to St. Michael's. You will also notice that there are several names above that are repeated several times. They keep GIVING and I truly appreciate their support for the PCCW. It does not go unrecognized!! You are a great team to work with!! Also, I want to thank Fr. Borowiak for his support of the PCCW and our events!! That being said, the PCCW welcomes ALL WOMEN of the parish to be a part of what we do. It is a great way to meet new and current members. We work TOGETHER to celebrate, to serve, to pray, and thank God for all He gives us, Including the ultimate sacrifice of his Life. Happy Easter! Sincerely, Kathy Rentschler, president ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL INFORMATION April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday SCHOOL FAMILY MATCH Offered again this academic year, families of St. Michael School have the opportunity to participate in a generous offer made from an anonymous donor. This donor will match dollar for dollar every school family from pre-school through 8th grade, up to $2,000.00 per family. If you are able to offer any contribution towards this matching fund, it is a great way to help grow our funds for our school. Up to now, we have 25 families who have 94 Home of the Marauders contributed a total of $27,474. PIUS X FOUNDATION OFFICE FROM: RE: Michelle Birkel, Director of Development Pius X High School Scholarship Application Forms The process for applying for tuition assistance/scholarships at Pius X has changed for the 2014-2015 school year. Previously, applications were due in the fall of the year. The new dates allow for tuition assistance to be awarded in June with recipients being notified prior to school starting in August. The online application can be found on the Pius X website beginning Tuesday, April 1. The deadline for applying is Friday, May 30. The application is available in both English and Spanish. Click on “Apply for 2014-2015 tuition assistance” and then “Click here to apply for tuition assistance/ scholarships.” Parents or students needing assistance in applying for scholarships due to language barriers or computer access are encouraged to contact the Guidance Office at 402-488-0931 or the Pius X Foundation at 402-488-1046 for assistance. We are here to help you! There is a $30 application fee when submitting the online application. Each family is asked to pay half of this cost or $15.00, which can be paid by credit or debit card. Pius X will cover the remaining $15.00 fee. The majority of the scholarships are based on financial need. Parent(s) or guardian(s) wanting to be considered for tuition assistance based on financial need must complete the FACTS Grant & Aid assessment section of the online application. You will need your 2013 Income Tax Return to complete the application. All information provided is kept confidential. After completing the online application you will need to mail or fax the supporting documentation to FACTS. The tax information needed to verify your application is shown in the FGAA Checklist that is found online. If you are only applying for nonfinancial need scholarships, you do not need to fill out this portion of the application. Note: Award decisions are not made by FACTS, but by the Pius X Scholarship Selection Committee in June 2014. TUITION ASSISTANCE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR PIUS X STUDENTS! If you are a student attending PIUS X HIGH SCHOOL during the 2014-2015 school year, then you can be applying for scholarships NOW. The majority of the scholarships are based on financial need. We will be awarding over $57,500 in scholarships this next school year. Applications are being accepted and the deadline is Friday, May 30. Please contact the Pius X Guidance Office at (402) 488-0931 or Pius X Foundation Office at (402) 488-1046 with questions. The online application can be found on Pius X’s website: Please select “Apply for 2014-2015 tuition assistance,” and then “Click here to apply for tuition assistance/scholarships.” If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 402-488-1046 anytime. JOB OPENING Pius X High School is seeking a reading specialist to teach 2 sections of reading to 9th grade students in the 2014-15 school year. Visit to apply. Must have a current teaching certificate. CATHOLIC IN-HOME CHILD CARE Immediate openings for full or part-time. Christ-centered family setting. Birth to 8 years old. Individual, loving attention. Summer openings for school-aged children with structured and fun environment. Contact parishioner Casie Otte, 402-314-7741, [email protected] UPCOMING EVENTS April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday AREA EVENTS / SAVE THE DATES April 20, 2014: Easter Sunday Apr. 22 nd Marian Mantle Silent Strength Prayer Group—will meet at the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital from 3-4PM in the Flanagan Room. Bring your rosary; we recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet & pray the rosary, in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows & other prayers for the return of prodigal children to the church. Mass is held at 4PM in the Chapel for those who wish to attend. If you have questions, call Kathy 402-423-3810 or email: [email protected] Apr. 26th Pius X High School BOLT Event—will be held on April 26th. Please consider supporting the event by purchasing a lottery ticket. Tickets are $100 & there are four cash prizes including the $10,000 grand prize. Contact Dave & Kaela Stamper at 402-483-7232 for more information or to purchase a ticket. Apr. 27th CALIX Meeting—For those concerned with Alcoholism. Mass begins at 5PM at Ryan Memorial Chapel in Madonna, located at 5401 South St., with covered dish meal to follow. For more information, call Craig C. at 402.438.6319. Apr. 27th MAGNIFICAT Prayer Meal—quarterly prayer meal will take place on Sunday, April 27, at 6:00 PM at North American Martyrs parish hall, 1101 Isaac Dr., Lincoln. The special guest speaker will be Sr. Mary Gianna, DLJC, a survivor of the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO. Register soon, by sending $20.00 payable to Magnificat to Annette Wemhoff, 931 W. Harvest Dr., Lincoln, NE 68521. Student price $15.00. Deadline, April 18. Information call Rhonda at 402-489-3819 or Barb 402-489-6905. May 2nd Fish Fry at Catholic Social Services—We’re back! Serving our fish specialties from 5-7PM at 23rd & O Streets. Thank you for your continued support of the St. Gianna Women’s Homes for women suffering domestic violence & the threat of abortion. May 3rd Golf Fundraiser—Have fun & help raise funds! It's the 2nd Annual Knights of Columbus (St. Isaac Jogues Council) FourPerson Golf Scramble begins at 9AM at the Highlands Golf Course. Cost is $80 per person for green fees & lunch. Includes flag and door prizes. Proceeds go to Matt Talbot Kitchen, Nebraska Right to Life and others. RSVP to Jeff at [email protected] May 6th Catholic business Women of Lincoln—All Catholic Women are invited to join the Catholic Business Women Lincoln Chapter for our meeting, starting at 11:45AM, at Blessed John 23 rd at 3700 Sheridan Blvd. Park in north parking lot & enter through northeast doors. Speaker is Kevin Clark, who will talk about the Beauty of Catholic Church Architecture. All new comers welcome! Come bring a friend/your lunch and be inspired to put YOUR Faith into ACTION!! If you have questions or would like to RSVP, contact Denise at: [email protected] or text/ call 402-202-7494. Save the Date—8th grade future Pius band members: please save these dates for our Pius Summer Band Camp: July 30-Aug. 1, and Aug. 4-8, 2014. In memory of: Joe & Rena Beaderman ........................................................................................................................................ by Joe & Sue Beaderman Our parents ............................................................................................................................................................... Harley & Judy Charlson Terry Gerch ................................................................................................................................................................................ by Tina Gerch Charles & Jane Frederick, Gary Frederick, Denise Frederick .......................................................................................... by the Gokie family Clarence Kampschnieder ....................................................................................................................................... by Loren Kampschnieder Kelvin Roehrs ......................................................................................................................................................... by Loren Kampschnieder Nicholas & Alice Klein, James & Caroline Kouma ................................................................................ by Garrett & Jennifer Klein & family Herman & Anne Hruska, Jerry & Blanche Podany ............................................................................... by Garrett & Jennifer Klein & family Liam John Love ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... by the Love family Gene Maly ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... by Jenny Maly & family Deceased family members of Carl & Helen Marks ............................................................................................................................................. by Carl & Helen Marks Juanita Armstrong , Glen & Lea May ............................................................................................................................................................... by Steve & Carolyn May Sally Mickells ....................................................................................................................................................................................... by Dan & Tiffany Mickells family John J. Peed, Dennis M. Peed .................................................................................................................................................................................. by Mary Ann Miller Frank Mitchell, Byron Keslar, Dwane & Jaunita Mitchell .......................................................................................................................................... by Karen Mitchell Ed Jones, Lorraine Jones, Bill Morgan ............................................................................................................................................................. by Mike & Kris Morgan Our loving parents ................................................................................................................................................................................................ by Dick & Fran Olson Ed Perry ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. by Joan Perry Arthur & Fritzi & Roger Broers .................................................................................................................................................................................. by Linda Terrano Deceased parents of Bill & Margaret Tomek ............................................................................................................................................... by Bill & Margaret Tomek Deceased family members of Howard & Agnes Schroer .............................................................................................................................Howard & Agnes Schroer In honor of: Alyce Morgan .................................................................................................................................................................................................... by Mike & Kris Morgan Judy Perry Phipps.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. by Joan Perry Living Parents of Bill & Margaret Tomek ..................................................................................................................................................... by Bill & Margaret Tomek Thomas Fritsch, DDS, PC Family dentistry with emphasis on patient comfort. 1600 N. 56th SCHLEGEL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Complete Automotive Repair & Transmission Specialist TODD SCHLEGEL Most insurances accepted 5041 Rent Worth Ct. Lincoln, NE 68516 402-421-7121 402-617-7914 St. Michael’s Parishioner 467-3636 St. Michael Spirit Wear Available at Apparel & Promotions, LLC Promotional Products, Screenprinting and Embroidery Tony Renze John Love - St. Michael Parishioner 402-488-0934 [email protected] or 402-613-3201 VintageHeights Bryant, Katt & Associates Certified Public Accountants Veterinary Hospital Jason J. Bryant, C.P.A. 6211 ‘O’ Street Lincoln, NE 68510 Phone: 402.486.1040 Fax: 402.489.8150 [email protected] Mike Schafers [email protected] 5020 N. 57th Lincoln, NE 68507 CNC Machining Industrial Tooling & Welding (402)464-9595 8400 Old Cheney Rd 402.489.0501 Dr. James Himmelberg (402)464-9602 Fax ***Space Available*** Please contact [email protected] if you wish to advertise! St. Michael Parishioner ***Space Available*** Please contact [email protected] if you wish to advertise! LOREN KAMPSCHNEIDER L.P. Stewart & Sons, Inc. Certified Financial PlannerTM -Rock -Gravel -Sand -Dirt -Boulders -River Rock -Snow Removal Helping people with their planning and investment decisions since 1983. Lifetime Members of St. Michael Mike / Jim 402.423.5676 Call me at 402.484.7538 if I can be of service to you. Husker Lawn Service Perry L. Demma Certified Public Accountant 402-475-4060 Income Tax / Financial Planning / Business & Personal Mowing * Aerating * Power Raking Yard Clean-up * Fertilizing * Mulching Joel Brott, owner 402-423-6445 207 South 9th St., Lincoln 5630 S. 84th St., Suite 100 402.483.2900 We can help all health conditions. * Free Consultations* North 27th & Superior South 14th & Pine Lake East 70th & Van Dorn 402-476-2600 402-421-2700 402-483-4709 Chad Wemhoff, PT [email protected] ***Space Available*** Please contact [email protected] if you wish to advertise! Dr. Margo Schnell St. Michael Parishioner Williamsburg 40th & Old Cheney 402-420-2600 Committed to you and your family through excellence in dentistry! Wills. Trusts. Estates. Kent Endacott is a fellow of ACTEC, an organization comprised of the nation’s top trust and estate attorneys. 402-437-8536 [email protected] ***Space Available*** Please contact [email protected] if you wish to advertise! St. Michael parishioner 1-888-449-4596 ELECTRICAL | DATA & VOICE CABLING ACCESS CONTROL | IP CAMERAS IT SERVICES | BUSINESS TELEPHONE SYSTEMS ***Space Available*** Please contact [email protected] if you wish to advertise! Robert Koch, MD 73rd and Pioneers 402.488.7337