Activities Nutrition Resources Advocacy Education Volunteerism JULY 2016 POWAY SENIOR CENTER ANNUAL MEETING Thursday July 21 9:30 am The Annual Poway Senior Center meeting is open to all PSC Members, as well as anyone from the community interested in senior issues. This meeting is a great opportunity to hear about new and future plans for the Center. You are invited to ask questions and offer your input. President Sharon Peterson will give the year end summary. DIRECTORY Poway Senior Center is located at 13094 Civic Center Drive. Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 858-748-6094 Fax: 858-748-3019 PSC STAFF Executive Director– x 301 Leslie Hoffman Office Manager, Membership - x 310 Kathleen Jaramillo Programs Mgr./Volunteer Services Mgr. / Senior Voice Editor - x 305 Mary Supanchick Nutrition/Home Delivered Meals/Admin - x 304 Denise O’Neal Nutrition Transportation - x 309 JoAnne Montano Kitchen Chef - Jim McWhorter Bookkeeper - Barbara Greenberg Kitchen Steward - Levi Gonzales BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Shar on Peter son Vice President - Ed Oliva Secretary - Cynthia Elizondo July 21 at 10 am Poway Senior Center Library Treasurer - Mar c Hennen Toni Kraft Gina Storr Skip Baker Diane Robie City of Poway Liaison Robin Bettin BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: 3rd Thursday of every month. Find us on Facebook or visit our web page at: http://powayseniorcenter.org/ PROFESSIONAL SENIOR SERVICES HICAP 1-800-434-0222, (858) 565-8772 1st Tuesday of every Month. 9 a.m. to 11a.m The Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program provides counseling and help with Medicare Insurance. Client calls HICAP to set an appointment. Facilitator: Jerry Legal (858) 565-1392 x 227 2nd Tue of every Month. Please call North County Senior Legal Services to set an appointment. Facilitator: David Schwartz SEAPORT Home Health & Hospice (619) 624-0203 Grief Support Group 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. HearAsist Hearing Aid (858) 391-1224 Free full hearing aid check and hearing test to determine whether hearing aids will help. Jeff has over 25 years experience; his office is located at Poway Valley Center, 13342 Poway Road, Poway. Facilitator: Jeffrey Wolmer S.H.A.R.E (858) 229-6874 or (858) 229-6875 Low-cost groceries once a month through Poway Share. Reserve your food package, priced from $6.00 to $36.00. Order Deadline is Thursday June 16. Distribution is Saturday June 25. Menus are available in Poway Senior Center Lobby or online at [email protected] Farmers Market Coupons while supplies last! Coupons provided by AIS (Aging and Independence Services) Coupons packets worth $20.00 per person are good at WIC Certified Poway Farmers Market, available at POWAY SENIOR CENTER. Stop by Poway Senior Center Reception Desk to see if you qualify, and sign up. 2 JFS Rides & Smiles (858) 637-7320 Rides & Smiles is the largest volunteerbased transportation service in San Diego County — providing nearly 350 rides per month to over 300 riders by over 100 volunteer drivers. Located inside Poway Senior Center. Elder Help Home Share (858) 748-9675 Assists persons seeking affordable housing by matching them with home providers, primarily older persons, who wish to remain in their homes and communities. Located inside Poway Senior Center. Facilitator: Kimberly Sloan ACTIVITIES Memory Café Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 Memory Café is all about having a casual get together and a place to enjoy the company of new friends to share stories and information about Memory Loss experiences…. all in a friendly relaxed setting. Line Dance Wednesdays 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fridays 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Learn to Line Dance every week with Duffy. Bring your friends and have a fun afternoon with us. Retirement Funding Solutions Thursday, July 14 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Activity Room 1 Presented by Robert Skolnick of Retirement Funding Solutions. Learn about the many benefits of a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. These include getting tax free income, paying off debt and/or a mortgage, increasing cash flow and getting additional access to capital in a line of credit. The potential to increase your quality of life is substantial. Refreshments will be served! AARP Smart Driving 2 – Day Course Wednesday, July 13 and July 27 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bill Bond Rooms 2 & 3 A comprehensive, innovative, classroom, driver training program designed specifically to help mature drivers refresh and improve their driving skills. The material covers the effects of aging and medication on driving, basic updated legislation on driving rules, license renewal, local traffic hazards, adverse road conditions energy saving and collision prevention measures. Learn more about newer vehicles, air bags, front wheel drive, ABS braking and more. Due to physical changes of aging, many mature drivers have increasing difficulty with yielding the right of way, backing, turning, changing lanes as well as entering and leaving highways. This program instills confidence and enables the mature driver to maintain their driving licenses longer while driving more safely. $15.00 Members/ $20.00 non-Members. Sign up at the Poway Senior Center reception desk 3 How to Build a Social Life as a Senior Citizen Taken from WikiHow on the internet TIPS: No matter what you're doing, always offer to help others, and don't be afraid to ask for help, either. In pursuing new activities and knowledge, you can build a social life simply by sharing your newfound zest for life. Here are some ideas for activities: Book clubs: Scan the bulletin board at your local library or book store for book clubs that meet periodically and share opinions about a particular book or author. Golf: Visit a recreation golf course in your area. Hit a few balls on the driving range to see if you like it. Inquire with the program coordinator or on-site pro about groups of other seniors that may need another member. If there are not senior groups, be proactive and start one! Sewing/Knitting/Crochet/Quilting: These timeless activities are always great hobbies. Check out the local craft or fabric shop for postings on clubs or groups that share these hobbies. Or offer to teach - your skills are in high demand from younger generations rediscovering their utility and relaxing nature. Gardening: This can almost become a job as much as an activity, depending on how much you want to do. Whether it’s just puttering around a small flower bed, or becoming an expert on roses and orchids; gardening is a very popular pastime. Garden clubs abound and many cities have a community garden where individuals maintain their own plot within the garden to plant, nurture and harvest their favorite growing elements. If you are already an experienced gardener, share these skills with others by giving demonstrations or mini-lectures through clubs or botanical gardens. 4 Scrapbooking: You are sure to have years of photos and memorabilia that tell your life's story! Introduce yourself to this popular activity by attending a scrapping party or taking a class at your local craft retailer. Visit your local senior center. Take a trip to learn what activities are offered; something is certain to tickle your fancy. Further ideas you might like consider include: Season ticket packages for concerts and/or plays. Painting Building bird houses, making doll clothes, volunteering at your hospital or shelter. Adult education classes. Perhaps you'd like to learn about computers, or obtain your high school diploma or degree. Many facilities offer physical classes such as low-impact jazzercise or yoga. Join a chess or bridge club. Reading and story-telling to youngsters at the library $1.00 for 1 ticket $5.00 for 6 tickets Basket Contains: Gardening Gloves 2 Gardening Tools “Let Love Grow” wooden sign 2 Flower, 1 Herb Seed Packets Metal Sunflower sign Plastic Carrying bucket 5 Bistro Hours: 11:15 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. Requested donation for seniors 60+ is $4.00. Non-senior fee is $ 6.00. Must sign in to be eligible. Transportation for lunch: $3.00 roundtrip requested donation. Call to see if your zip code qualifies, and arrange scheduling. No eligible person shall be denied a meal because of inability to contribute. Menu subject to change. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 Hot Dogs Baked Beans Potato Salad Chilled Oranges 30% of the cost of lunch and transportation is supported by HHSA Aging and Independence Services. Funds are welcome from public contributions and your lunch donation 6 FRIDAY 4 5 Poway Senior Center County Style Pork Closed Ribs BBQ Baked Beans Mixed Vegetables House Salad Bananas & Strawberries 6 Lemon Pepper Tilapia Fillets Steamed Rice Steamed Asparagus Chilled Cantaloupe 7 Mushroom Chicken Over Rice Steamed Carrots & Broccoli Chilled Oranges 8 Seasoned Beef & Rice Steamed Carrots House Salad Mandarin Oranges 11 Baked Chicken Mac-N-Cheese Glazed Carrots Dinner Rolls Chilled Watermelon 12 Baked Meatloaf w/ Gravy Mashed Potatoes Mixed Vegetables Banana 13 BBQ Beef Brisket House Potato Salad Steamed Peas/Carrots Hawaiian Sweet Rolls Chilled Oranges 14 Bea’s Egg Casserole (includes; eggs, cheese, ham, & bread) Hash Browns Nectarine & Peaches 15 Chicken Cesar Salad Creamy Tomato Rice Soup Dinner Rolls Mandarin Oranges 18 Turkey Wrap Potato Salad Dinner Rolls (?) Chilled Cantaloupe 19 Baked Fried Chicken Mashed Potatoes House Salad Cut Oranges 20 Beef Pot Roast House Scalloped Potatoes CA Blend Vegetables Chilled Peaches 21 Tostadas Mexican Rice & Beans House Salad Apple Slices 22 CHEF’S CHOICE 25 Teriyaki Chicken Egg Rolls Fried Rice Steamed Peas/Carrots Chilled Peaches 26 Baked Potato Bar w/ Chili & Fixings Seasoned Succotash Mandarin Oranges 27 Stuffed Green Pepper Green Beans w/ Butter Sauce House Salad Dinner Roll Fruit Cocktail 28 BBQ Chicken Orzo Pasta CA Blended Vegetables Cut Oranges 29 Spanish Rice Steamed Broccoli Garlic Bread Chilled Strawberries For your Information Poway Senior Center is a Cool Zone Mon - Fri 8am to 4pm For information on cooling centers in your community call 1 (800) 952-5210 Tips for Seniors Coping with Hot Weather Summer heat, especially extreme heat, can create unhealthy conditions for many. Drink plenty of fluids – During hot weather, you will need to drink even if you don’t feel thirsty. Seniors often lose their sense of thirst as they age. Avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine as they can cause you to loose fluids. Consult with your doctor if you or a family member have been prescribed a fluid-restricted diet or diuretics. Wear appropriate Clothing and Sunscreen – Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. In the hot sun, a wide-brimmed hat will keep your head cool. Sunburn affects your body’s ability to cool itself and causes a loss of body fluids, so when outdoors, use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. Stay Cool Indoors – The most efficient way to beat the heat is to stay in a cool area. If you do not have an air conditioner or evaporative cooling unit, consider a visit to a mall or public library for a few hours. A cool shower or bath is also an effective way to cool off. Open your windows to cooling breezes, particularly in the evening. Use a Buddy System – Those with special sensitivity to the heat, such as children, the frail elderly and individuals on certain medications, should be prepared for power outages. If you are especially vulnerable to heat, have a friend or relative call to check on you twice a day. Use Common Sense – Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest part of the day, usually mid to late afternoon. Avoid hot foods and heavy meals. Never leave infants, children, elderly or disabled persons or pets in a car. Bring your pets indoors with you to protect them. Give your outdoor animals plenty of fresh water, leave the water in a shady area and consider wetting the animal down. For information and assistance on services and programs in your area call 1 (800) 510-2020 7 PSC ACTIVITY SCHEDULE MONDAY MAH JONG 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Activity Room 2 Taye Hashiguchi 858-484-3792 Alice Johnson 858-487-9495 AIS FEELING FIT EXERCISE 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Terri Brownlee 858-382-3799 PACE TV (3rd Monday) 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bill Bond Room 3 Esther Bloom Mike Goupill 858-538-6197 SD KNITTING GUILD ** NOT MEETING IN JULY SEE YOU NEXT MONTH! Meets on the 4th Monday 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Maggie Whitson 619-596-0788 sandiegoknittingguild.com NEEDLE CRAFTERS 12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. Activity Room 1 Lori Clenney 858-449-4124 TUESDAY HICAP (1st Tuesday) 9 a.m. - 11 a.m Jerry - 1-800-434-0222 STEPPING OUT GROUP FOR SINGLES (1st & 3rd Tuesday) 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Activity Rooms 1 & 2 Walk-ins Welcome!! LEGAL (2nd Tuesday) by appointment only 10 a.m - 3 p.m. Craft Room Attorney 858-565-1392 x 205 PLAY BINGO Anyone 18 and over! 12:15 p.m. - 4 p.m. Bill Bond Rooms 1, 2 & 3 $10.00 buy-in CANASTA CARD PLAYING 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Activity Room 2 Virginia Bokhari 858-883-2424 Cell: 619-851-3391 BINGO COMMITTEE MEETING (3rd Tuesday) 4 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 WEDNESDAY TAI CHI - Defensive Moves Free to anyone! 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 QUILTERS 10 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Craft Room GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP SEAPORT Home Health & Hospice (1ST & 3RD Wed) 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 Beverly Wilson 619-749-2665 MEMORY CAFE Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Library Meeting Room Shirley Worobieff 858-391-9484 POKER GAMES 12 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Activity Room 1 Dorothy Dean 735-4877 LINE DANCE LESSONS Wednesday’s 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 JEWELRY & CRAFTS WORKSHOP1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Activity Room 2 WII BOWLING With Steve De la Torre (3rd Wednesday) 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Library/Lounge 8 Convenient pull out page to tape to your Fridge! THURSDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY SHERIFF’S PATROL (3rd Thursday) 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. Bill Bond Rooms 2 & 3 Nancee Prast 858-748-9050 TOPS 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 Mary Wagner 858-566-4436 LINE DANCE LESSONS With Duffy BRIDGE 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Activity Room 2 PLAY BINGO Anyone 18 and over! 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Bill Bond Rooms 1, 2 & 3 $11.00 buy-in Friday’s 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 AIS FEELING FIT EXERCISE 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Patty Frisby 619-276-2216 TABLE TENNIS 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Library BOARD GAMES: SCRABBLE & RUMMIKUB and others! FREE HEARING SCREENING (1st Thursday) 10:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Craft Room Jeff Wolmer of HearAssist 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bistro Room Virginia Bokhari Shop here! Poway Senior Center Gift Shop FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING (2nd Thursday) 10:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Craft Room Gideon Abraham Open Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. of Seniors Helping Seniors BRIDGE 12:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Activity Room 2 JoAnn Conte 858-484-0294 Specialty Classes Specialty classes are led by qualified instructors requiring reimbursement and charge a fee, some of which is returned to PSC to support programming. TAI CHI / Monday 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Bill Bond Room 3 Cielo Demish - 858-487-4484 **$5.00 Instructor Fee WATERCOLOR CLASS 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bill Bond Rooms 2 & 3 Nancy Oleksa [email protected] **Instructor Fee based on semester time please email SILVER AGE YOGA / Friday 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Helena Bray 858-271-9125 **Donation ** 9 BINGO DAUBER TUES. & SAT. TEXAS BLACKOUT TUES. & SAT. FREE Progressive Game Always Pays $1199 Count Starts At 48#’s with 1# Added Each Week Not Won The Count For The Texas Blackout Progressive Starts At 48#’s & 1# Is Added Each Game Day Until Won. If not Won, the Game Will Continue For A Consolation Prize Of $200. Saturday July 2 - Independence Day Celebration Free Dauber with Buy-in Tuesday July 5 - Independence Day Celebration Free Dauber with Buy-in Tuesday July 19 - Free Manager Special with Buy-in Saturday July 23 - Free Manager Special with Buy-in Congratulations to Rudy Halabuk won $1,199 on the Progressive Game on Saturday June 4th 10 $500 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Volunteer openings for the following Bingo Positions: Volunteer for Bingo! Bingo Caller Break Opens Cashier, Managers Enjoy an afternoon or evening of excitement and fun at Poway Senior Center! Every Tuesday afternoon and Saturday Evening, Poway Senior Center hosts Bingo, and the proceeds benefit PSC programs and activities. Each year, these games produce approximately 50% of the revenues for our operating budget, which makes it a very important program. Bingo is volunteer managed and we welcome NEW Bingo volunteers to assist in counting and distributing tickets, behind-the-scenes operations. Volunteers are asked to commit to a monthly schedule. No prior experience is necessary, but job skills help, and a Sheriff’s background check is required, and you must be over 18 to participate. Applications are available from Managers during Bingo, Tuesdays and Saturdays, or contact Mary Supanchick at 858-748-6094 x 305. Join our Poway Bingo Family! Poway Senior Volunteer Patrol You Are Not Alone (YANA) Free Program The San Diego County Sheriff's You Are Not Alone (YANA) program is intended for citizens living alone who, for whatever reason, are homebound. Poway Senior Volunteers check on the welfare of YANA participants in Poway with personal calls and/or visits to their homes on a regular basis. SVP members check to make sure that YANA clients are eating, not injured, or have medical needs and that there is no any abuse of any kind, financial, physical, emotional and verbal. If anything out of the ordinary is discovered, the appropriate authorities are promptly notified. There have been times when lives were saved because SVP members called for medical attention. More often, however, the calls or visits may be the only contact the YANA client has with other people. To enroll or recommend someone for this free program, please call 858-232-8000 or send e-mail to: [email protected]. Then you or your loved one can be secure knowing that trained volunteers will be performing periodic welfare checks. Poway SVP members deliver YANA holiday baskets 11 FOR YOUR INFORMATION A s k M s . M e d i c a re Dear Ms. Medicare, Why Should a Consumer Choose a Medicare Supplement Plan? Would you like to be able to go to any doctor, any specialist, any medical facility without having to ask for a referral? Maybe a Medicare Supplement plan is for you. A Medicare Supplement plan does exactly what is sounds like - it ‘supplements’ or fills the holes and gaps that Original Medicare doesn’t pay for. Basically I explain it like this, Medicare pays 80%, and your Supplement plan pays the remaining 20%. Here are some common questions: Q: Can I apply anytime of the year for a Supplement plan, or do I have to wait for Open Enrollment? A: You can apply for a Supplement plan anytime of the year. It’s the separate Part D drug plan we need to take a look at. Q: There are different lettered Supplement plans, which should I choose? A: There are only two I’ll write for you, Plan F which I have nicknamed plan “ Fabulous” or the N plan which is the “Nice plan”. Plan Fabulous pays whatever Medicare doesn’t pay. You are never going to see a bill, co-pay or deductible. The Nice plan has a $20 co-pay each time you see a doctor and a one-time per calendar year deductible of $166. Generally, If you go to the doctors less than 20 times per year. The N plan will save you money. Q: I heard plan F is going away in the year 2020? A: Yes, that’s true, but that’s 4 years from now. You will be able to stay on Plan Fabulous if you already have it. It’s just the new people enrolling after 1/1/2020 who will not be eligible. Q: Will they have a replacement plan for F? A: Yes, it’s called plan G (let’s say G stands for “ Great” ). Only difference between F and G is, with plan G you pay the $166 annual deductible and then it acts like an F plan the rest of the year, and pays for everything. Best of Health, Peggy Tomasello Agent 858.679.7635 Office 858.722-3227 Mobile 858.748.5766 Fax 877.854.1125 Toll Free [email protected] 12 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Interested in being a Business Associate Member? Join us in making a difference in our senior community - become a “ BAM ” of Poway Senior Center. Call Poway Senior Center Office Manager, Kathleen Jaramillo for details!! 858-748-6094 x 310 Poway Senior Center Loan Out Closet... Donate for a good cause! We need help filling our closet back up! Our supply is low on Wheelchairs. Can you help us to help others in need? Put your Ad in the Poway Senior Voice Newsletter! For details call 748-6094 x 305 Business card size 1/2 page* 5.5”x 8.5” 2”x 3” Price per month Price per month $110.00 *Special rates: $50.00 (3/$310 6/$600) 1/4 page* 5.5”x 4.25” Full page Price per month 8.5”x 11” $75.00 *Special rates: Price per month (3/$215 6/$440) $250.00 Thank you! (no discount) 13 Reference to products, or services does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Poway Senior Center, its Board, or staff. B U S I N E S S O f P o w a y A S S O C I A T E M E M B E R S S e n i o r C e n t e r 2 0 1 6 IN-HOME CARE INSURANCE/FINANCIAL SERVICES Seniors Helping Seniors 858-774-8194 16959 Bernardo Center Dr Ste 214, SD "We match seniors who want to help OTHER seniors w/ meal prep, companionship, transportation, respite care & MORE" Affirmative Home Care 760-424-2400 518 S. Citrus Ave "Your Family is Our Priority" www.affirmativehomecareinc.com Autumn Insurance Agency 858-722-3227 "An Independent Insurance Agency specializing in Medicare Plans with all Major Carriers. Call for a no cost analysis of your Medicare needs" SharMarc Financial Advisors 858-451-7722 15708 Pomerado Rd Ste N209 "Offering a unique approach to your financial wellbeing" www.LPL.com/sharmarc.advisors AltaGolden In-Home Support and Adult Day Care Tejus Trivedi Health Insurance Agent 858-410-0018 "Your personal, FREE, Program for Dementia 858-779-9254 10531 4S Commons Dr, Ste 705, SD resource for all MEDICARE enrollment questions. I represent 16885 W. Bernardo Dr #212 "Experienced caregivers for in-home tasks, appointments, personal care, etc. Call for a free 1/2 day at our multiple Top Tier Health Insurance companies. Call me NOW to help you." www.eHealthandLife.com Adult Day Care Dementia Program!" www.AltaGolden.com Simply Settled Senior Solutions 619-955-2607 Simon Loli Insurance 619-250-1316 10531 4S Commons Dr Ste 581, SD "A life management company 4009 Carmel View Rd “Independent life & health insurance agent for seniors and their families providing resources that make it easier offering no charge consultations and assessments on all Medicare plans, long term care, final expense & more” to transition into the next phase of their lives." www.simonloliinsurance.com www.SimplySettledSD.com Accredited Home Care Services 619-265-1234 Bridlewood Insurance Services, Inc 877-267-5514 CA Lic#:0181004 11440 Bernardo Court Ste 300, SD 3570 Camino Del Rio North #108 SD "Over 35 years of service providing caregiving services in the home! We also offer complimen- Voted 2015 Best Insurance Provider by SD Union Tribune, "We tary in-home assessments and are CAHSAH certified." Make Medicare Easy!" www.BridlewoodInsurance.com www.Accreditednursing.com Home Helpers Home Care 858-218-6090 New York Life Insurance - Dutton Consulting 11706 Alderhill Terrace "Our goal is to deliver the same excep- 4365 Executive Drive Ste 800 855-292-7844 tional in-home care we would expect for ourselves and our families." www.HomeHelpersHomeCare.com/SDCare.com Kaiser Permanente Sr Advantage SENIOR LIVING The Remington Club I and II 16916 Hierba Dr, SD 858-673-6340 www.TheRemingtonClub.com Senior Assistance Foundation for the Elderly (S.A.F.E.) 13075 Evening Creek Dr South HEALTH SERVICES Kenneth Berrin, DDS 858-486-2224 13132-B Poway Rd (In the Library Plaza) "Compassionate and friendly dentist serving Poway for over 24 years! We offer comprehensive, affordable, honest/practical solutions. Plus FREE sleep apnea testing." www.Poway-Cosmetic-Dentist.com 858-486-5020 Hearasist Hearing Aids 858-391-1224 13342 Poway Road, Poway www.BelmontVillage.com 760-532-7512 888 Rancheros Dr. Ste E "A 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to making homes safer for seniors who choose to age in place. We provide and install necessary saftey products." www.SafeSeniorFoundation.org Belmont Village Senior Living 619-641-4359 10990 San Diego Mission Rd Sunrise Independent Living 858-349-8687 Scan Heath Plan 858-720-9153 Serving All of San Diego County! "A place to call Home. Private 12671 High Bluff Dr Ste 170, SD "Dedicated to helping Medicare members stay healthy and independent for over 35 years" rooms starting at $795" www.SunriseLivingSD.com www.ScanHealthPlan.com Seacrest Village@Rancho Bernardo 858-485-0700 Oak Tree Dental 858-748-2101 12730 Monte Vista Road "Senior Living in the Jewish Tradition" 13368 Poway Rd "General and cosmetic dentistry for the entire www.SeacrestVillage.org family" www.OaktreeDentalPoway.com Gateway Gardens 12751 Gateway Park Rd AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Poway Transmissions 858-487-1197 MEMORIAL SERVICES www.rhf.org Dignity Memorial 909-273-3746 5600 Carroll Canyon Rd "We provide preplanning, funeral & cemetery services." www.DignityMemorial.com CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 858-679-8000 Grondin Construction Inc 13933 Poway Rd #A, Poway " Check light on? Making Noise? 9835 Carroll Centre Rd Ste 103, SD Let us check it for free and give you a no pressure quote." www.GrondinConstruction.com REAL ESTATE SERVICES Retirement Funding Solutions 858-335-1983 619-405-5006 3131 Camino del Rio N. Ste. 190, SD "Specializing in Home Equity 12396 World Trade Dr, Ste 306, SD "We work with seniors Conversion Mortgages / Reverse Mortgages" to meet their housing goals. Selling/buying, downsizing, relocating closer to family, retirement living and beyond, or aging in place. Con14sultations and home valuations are always FREE." www.RBHaley.com SPORTS Poway Bocce Club 3032 Eden Valley Ln, Escondido R.B. Haley Fine Homes & Estate 14 858-549-1682 DONATIONS May 16, 2016 – June 15, 2016 Bingo Donations – $1428.50 Transportation Donations – $39.00 Cash Donations (HDM, Lunch & Other) – $4442.85 Alma Louise Dornsife Barbara Kincade Beverly Flynn Beverly Tansey Bob and Joan Bleich Bruce Smart donated craft supplies Camille Di Girolamp donated puzzles Carol Bruton Carol Franzen Carol Wigent Coffee Donations! Elaine Holland Ellen Wallace Eugenia Moraz Flor de Lys Barawid Frank and the Tai Chi Club Frank Gonzales Georgia Afendoules Grant & Lillian Tu Jane House Jeffrey Wolmer Hearasist Hearing Aids SD Knitting Guild Laura Reeves LE Brownhonma Louise Dornsife Louise Gaboury Lu Hosepian donated misc household items Luis Guerena Maggie Cooper Martha Landis Mary Ann Johnson Nancy Oleska Watercolor Class NCL I Love Gardening Basket Proceeds Norma Griffith Poway Ladies of the Elks #2543 Renate Leopold Sam House William and Jean O'Daniel St Gabriel Catholic Church Society of St. Vincent de Paul Trudy Robbins Verna Hollaway William and Hiroko Fukihara Gifts are often given to PSC in memory of one who has passed away or in honor of a friend at the time of a birthday, special occasion or just to say “Thank you.” Other gifts may purposefully benefit the program of the donor’s choice. We are grateful for the financial support of these friends and wish to publicly acknowledge them for their gifts. We also wish to thank those donors who want to remain anonymous. PSC MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Verna Hollaway Constance Still Glaucia Adda Remington Beverly Flynn Lori Clenney Lee Walker Jack Huggard Monica Rollins Keith Cheney Eugenia Moraz Patty Arnett Luanne Evenson Raymond Gay Barbara Gay Satish Shah Edward Fiala Mary Fiala Cindy Larson Jerry Larson Fern Reeves Florette Sinofsky Peggy Stephan Cornelia Lane Arleen Gruber Curtis Gowenlock Anna Gowenlock Dennis Conroy Leonard J. Elliot Naomi Title NEW MEMBERS Carolyn Small Julieta DeGuzman Danilo DeGuzman Rita Greene Nancy Jalaty Elaine Biggie 15 POWAY VALLEY SENIOR CITIZENS CORPORATION 13094 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID San Diego, CA Permit No. 1019 Advertise in the Poway Senior Voice Newsletter! For details call 748-6094x305 POWAY SENIOR CENTER 2016 Membership Application Receipt Number # ___________________ New Today’s Date: Renewal (Please Print) one person per application Phone # ( / Membership Expiration Date: Name: ______________________________________ Address: / / / Date of Birth ___/___/_____ City: State: Zip: ) ________________Email Address: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT Name: ______________________________________Phone: ( Relationship: ) ___________________ _____________ Membership Classification Membership (1 yr) All PSC Members receive: $35 I w ould like a add a donation of: Total Amount: $ ______ ( Please make check out to the Poway Senior Center or PVSCC) Poway Senior Voice Newsletter mailed to their home Good feelings for supporting your Poway Senior Center with membership dues. Thank you!
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