Newsletter - Poway Senior Center
It’s not what we do…… it’s the difference we make Activities Nutrition Resources Advocacy Education Volunteerism MAY 2016 DIRECTORY Poway Senior Center is located at 13094 Civic Center Drive. Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 858-748-6094 Fax: 858-748-3019 PSC STAFF Executive Director– x 301 Leslie Hoffman Office Manager, Membership - x 310 Kathleen Jaramillo Programs Mgr./Volunteer Services Mgr. / Senior Voice Editor - x 305 Mary Supanchick Nutrition/Home Delivered Meals/Admin - x 304 Denise O’Neal Nutrition Transportation - x 309 JoAnne Montano Kitchen Chef - Jim McWhorter Bookkeeper - Barbara Greenberg Kitchen Steward - Now Hiring! BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Shar on Peter son Vice President - Ed Oliva Secretary - Cynthia Elizondo May 19 at 9:30 am Poway Senior Center Library Treasurer - Mar c Hennen Toni Kraft Gina Storr City of Poway Liaison Robin Bettin BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: 3rd Thursday of every month. Find us on Facebook or visit our web page at: PROFESSIONAL SENIOR SERVICES HICAP 1-800-434-0222, (858) 565-8772 1st Tuesday of every Month. 9 a.m. to 11a.m The Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program provides counseling and help with Medicare Insurance. Client calls HICAP to set an appointment. Facilitator: Jerry HearAsist Hearing Aid (858) 391-1224 Free full hearing aid check and hearing test to determine whether hearing aids will help. Jeff has over 25 years experience; his office is located at Poway Valley Center, 13342 Poway Road, Poway. Facilitator: Jeffrey Wolmer JFS Rides & Smiles (858) 637-7320 Rides & Smiles is the largest volunteerbased transportation service in San Diego County — providing nearly 350 rides per month to over 300 riders by over 100 volunteer drivers. Located inside Poway Senior Center. Legal (858) 565-1392 x 205 2nd Tue of every Month. Please call North County Senior Legal Services to set an appointment. Facilitator: David Schwartz S.H.A.R.E (858) 229-6874 or (858) 229-6875 Low-cost groceries once a month through Poway Share. Reserve your food package, priced from $6.00 to $36.00. Order Deadline is Thursday May 19. Distribution is Saturday May 28 Menus are available in Poway Senior Center Lobby or online at [email protected] Elder Help Home Share (858) 748-9675 Assists persons seeking affordable housing by matching them with home providers, primarily older persons, who wish to remain in their homes and communities. Located inside Poway Senior Center. Facilitator: Kimberly Sloan SEAPORT Home Health & Hospice (619) 624-0203 Grief Support Group 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Letters from Leslie; Welcome to May! Such a lovely month with sunshine and warmth working its way into the calendar and our lives. I must say I prefer warmer weather and I cannot wait until I get to dive in the ocean waves later this summer. One of my sisters from Texas will spend a week with me in May. Ever since bringing my mother to live with me, each of my three long distance sisters comes separately to stay for a week to that I can relax and my mother can have a change of pace. It leaves all of us refreshed at the end of the week. As you enter May, I wish for you too, many moments of refreshment. Leslie 2 Poway Senior Center will be CLOSED on Monday, May 30th in observance of ACTIVITIES Presidential Primary Elections Poll Site at Poway Senior Center Precinct: 462110 Tuesday, June 7, 2016 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Vote at the Poway Senior Center! An official polling site for Precinct 462110 will be held in Activity Rooms 1 & 2. Wii Bowling!! It’s fun and free! Wednesday, April 20 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. wii Game coach, Steve de la Torre, will be available to set up the game and give you easy bowling tips if you need it. All you have to do is show up and have fun! BOWLING VIDEO GAME located in Poway Senior Center Library Lounge Memory Café Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 Memory Café is all about having a casual get together and a place to enjoy the company of new friends to share stories and information about Memory Loss experiences….all in a friendly relaxed setting. Light refreshments served! We look forward to seeing you! Line Dance Wednesdays 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fridays 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Learn to Line Dance every week with Duffy. Bring your friends and have a fun afternoon with us. FREE Estate Planning Seminar Thursday, May 26 10 a.m. - 11a.m. Activity Room 1 Presented by Karin Schumacher, Learn how a properly designed and Maintained Estate Plan can protect you on the many issues that may come up when planning Estates. Such as beneficiaries, health care decisions, legacy of a family business and more. FOR YOUR INFORMATION 2016 Board Of Directors Elections Wednesday, May 11, 4 p.m. - Deadline to submit Nomination Forms. IMPORTANT, Nominations must be endorsed by a petition of signatures made up of at least twenty (20) Poway Senior Center members in good standing, names will be verified against the current roster. Friday, May 20 – Ballots - Ballots mailed to the membership for voting Friday, June 10, 4 p.m. – Deadline to return ballots – Ballots must be received by June 10 (not just postmarked) Friday, June 24 – Election Results Posted at Poway Senior Center and results will be announced in the July 2016 Poway Senior Voice newsletter. Thursday, July 14 – Introductions - New Board Members introduced at the Annual Meeting (date subject to change) If you have any questions, please contact PSC Executive Director, Leslie Hoffman at: (858) 748-6094 x 301, or check out the elections link on our website at AARP SMART DRIVING REFRESHER COURSE Wednesday May 18 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m Bill Bond Rooms 2 & 3 1-day, Refresher Course for people who have taken the AARP Initial Defensive Driving Class within 4 years of the course date. Please sign up at the reception desk. $15.00 fee AARP members $20.00 non-members How the AARP Smart Driver Course will help you: Update driving skills and your knowledge of the rules - and hazards - of the road. 4 Learn about normal age-related physical changes and how to adjust your driving to compensate. Reduce your chances of receiving a traffic violation, getting into an accident, or becoming injured. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount to course graduates! (Some states may have restrictions on accepting an online driver improvement course for insurance discounts. Please consult your insurance agent for more information about discounts in your state.) FOR YOUR INFORMATION Wishing Well Fundraiser ….YOU can make a difference starting today! Support our Poway Senior Center family. Your participation helps us create a place where love, companionship, and healthy options come true for seniors in our community. Over the next month, we ask that you consider supporting our Wishing Well Campaign to help us, make wishes come true. 7th Annual I-15 Corridor R E A LT O R ® S O F T B A L L TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER LOCATED AT 18448 BERNARDO DRIVE, SAN DIEGO Show your support for Seniors and enjoy a day filled with FOOD & FUN! Watch the friendly competition between local Realtors to win the Annual Trophy! Root for your team and raise big money to support two local senior centers. A Big thank you to the Realtors for Raising Funds for Poway Senior Center and Ed Brown Center. To register as a sponsor or to find out more about this event go to 5 Bistro Hours: 11:15 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. Requested donation for seniors 60+ is $4.00. Non-senior fee is $ 6.00. Must sign in to be eligible. Transportation for lunch: $3.00 roundtrip requested donation. Call to see if your zip code qualifies, and arrange scheduling. No eligible person shall be denied a meal because of inability to contribute. Menu subject to change. MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 4 5 6 Baked Chicken House Pasta Salad w/ Broccoli Cantaloupe Baked Potato Bar w/ Toppings Succotash Mandarin Oranges Grilled Polish Sausage Sauerkraut Potato salad Fresh Oranges Tuna Noodle Casserole Peas & Carrots Fruit Cocktail House Meatball Sandwich Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Chilled Pineapple 9 10 11 12 13 Shepherd’s Pie Steamed Broccoli Fresh Honeydew Chicken Parmesan Boiled Noodles Creamed Peas Chilled Peaches Carnitas Street Tacos w/ fixings Fresh Watermelon Lasagna Garlic Bread House Salad Chilled Cantaloupe Oven Fried Chicken Mashed Potatoes Steamed Zucchini Fresh Berry Medley 16 17 18 19 20 Chili Dog/Hot Dog California Pasta Salad w/ Broccoli Fresh sliced Oranges Chicken Cordon Bleu Mashed Potatoes Steamed Carrots Strawberries w/ Cream Baked Meatloaf w/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Mixed Vegetables Chilled Peaches Stuffed Pollock Fillets Rice Pilaf Steamed Zucchini & Eggplant w/ Marinara Cantaloupe Ravioli w/ Marinara Sauce Steamed Broccoli Fresh Watermelon 23 24 BBQ Beef Brisket Potato Salad Steamed Peas & Carrots Strawberries & Whipped Cream 25 26 27 Beef Pot Roast Mashed Potatoes California Blend Veggies Bananas Herb Chicken Mashed Potatoes Ratatouille Chilled Pineapple Taco Soup w/ Toppings White Corn Chips Potato salad Fresh Berries 30 CLOSED FOR MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY 6 TUESDAY CHEF’S CHOICE 31 Stuffed Cabbage Casserole Rice Chilled Sliced Pears 30% of the cost of lunch and transportation is supported by HHSA Aging and Independence Services. Funds are welcome from public contributions and your lunch donation MEET JIM MCWHORTER My name is Jim McWhorter and I have been the Kitchen Manager for the Poway Senior Center since late December 2015. My Food Service background is extensive. Starting at the age of seventeen to present I have done most phases in this service oriented business. It all culminated in opening the Old Telephone Company Restaurant in 1981. In1987 I bought the corner of 7th and Main Street in Ramona. We were a highly celebrated operation with a lot of business. I sold my business in 1993 then moved on to a six plus year stretch with the Compass Group (the largest Food Service Company in the world). I ran the California mandated nutritional guidelines for a juvenile detention center. Fascinating but I felt more inclined to Senior Care since our family helped nurture my mother in hospice. It was very rewarding for my four sisters, my brother and me. I gravitated to Ramona Senior Manor. I worked two years running the nutritional program with the help of the Scripps Hospital Dietitians guiding me. Since I grew up in Ramona I knew all the residents and they knew me. Now here I am today, The Poway Senior Center. Be assured I will always strive to put the best meal out to all the members of our Center. Interested in being a Business Associate Member? Shop here! Join us in making a difference in our senior community - become a “ BAM ” of Poway Senior Center. Poway Senior Center Gift Shop Open Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Call Kathleen for details!! 858-748-6094 x 310 Put your Ad in the Poway Senior Voice Newsletter! For details call 748-6094x305 Our monthly rates are: Business card 2”x 3” Price per month $50.00 1/4 7page* 5.5”x 4.25” 1/2 page* 5.5”x 8.5” Price per month Price per month $75.00 (3/$215 6/$440) *Special rates: $110.00 (3/$310 6/$600) *Special rates: Full page 8.5”x 11” Price per month $250.00 (NO DISCOUNT) 7 PSC ACTIVITY SCHEDULE MONDAY MAH JONG 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Activity Room 2 Taye Hashiguchi 858-484-3792 Alice Johnson 858-487-9495 AIS FEELING FIT EXERCISE * 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Terri Brownlee 858-382-3799 PACE TV (3rd Monday) 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bill Bond Room 3 Esther Bloom Mike Goupill 858-538-6197 SD KNITTING GUILD Meets on the 4th Monday 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Maggie Whitson 619-596-0788 NEEDLE CRAFTERS 12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. Activity Room 1 Lori Clenney 858-449-4124 TUESDAY HICAP (1st Tuesday) 9 a.m. - 11 a.m Jerry - 1-800-434-0222 STEPPING OUT GROUP FOR SINGLES (1st & 3rd Tuesday) 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Activity Rooms 1 & 2 Walk-ins Welcome!! LEGAL (2nd Tuesday) by appointment only 10 a.m - 3 p.m. Craft Room Attorney 858-565-1392 x 205 PLAY BINGO Anyone 18 and over! 12:15 p.m. - 4 p.m. Bill Bond Rooms 1, 2 & 3 $10.00 buy-in CANASTA CARD PLAYING 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Activity Room 2 Virginia Bokhari 858-883-2424 Cell: 619-851-3391 BINGO COMMITTEE MEETING (3rd Tuesday) 4 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 WEDNESDAY TAI CHI - Defensive Moves Free to anyone! 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 QUILTERS 10 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Craft Room GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP SEAPORT Home Health & Hospice (1ST & 3RD Wed) 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 Beverly Wilson 619-749-2665 MEMORY CAFE Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Library Meeting Room Shirley Worobieff 858-391-9484 POKER GAMES 12 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Activity Room 1 Dorothy Dean 735-4877 CERAMICS 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Craft Room Jan Rubacky 858-679-0625 JEWELRY & CRAFTS WORKSHOP1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Activity Room 2 Barbara Buxbaum 858-689-6951 LINE DANCE LESSONS Wednesday’s 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 8 WII BOWLING With Steve De la Torre (3rd Wednesday) 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Library/Lounge Convenient pull out page to tape to your Fridge! THURSDAY SHERIFF’S PATROL (3rd Thursday) 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. Bill Bond Rooms 2 & 3 Nancy Prast 858-748-9050 BRIDGE 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Activity Room 2 AIS FEELING FIT EXERCISE * 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Patty Frisby 619-276-2216 FREE HEARING SCREENING (1st Thursday) 10:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Craft Room Jeff Wolmer of HearAssist SATURDAY FRIDAY TOPS 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Activity Room 1 Mary Wagner 858-566-4436 LINE DANCE LESSONS With Duffy PLAY BINGO Anyone 18 and over! 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Bill Bond Rooms 1, 2 & 3 $11.00 buy-in Friday’s 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Bill Bond Room 1 TABLE TENNIS 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Library BOARD GAMES: SCRABBLE & RUMMIKUB and others! 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bistro Room Virginia Bokhari FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING (2nd Thursday) 10:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Craft Room Gideon Abraham of Seniors Helping Seniors BRIDGE 12:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Activity Room 2 JoAnn Conte 858-484-0294 Specialty Classes * Feeling Fit free to non-members Specialty classes are led by qualified instructors requiring reimbursement and charge a fee, some of which is returned to PSC to support programming. TAI CHI / Monday 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Bill Bond Room 3 Cielo Demish - 858-487-4484 **$5.00 Instructor Fee WATERCOLOR CLASS 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Bill Bond Rooms 2 & 3 Nancy Oleksa [email protected] **Instructor Fee based on semester time please email SILVER AGE YOGA / Friday 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Bill Bond Room 1 Helena Bray 858-271-9125 **Donation ** 9 BINGO DAUBER TUES. & SAT. TEXAS BLACKOUT TUES. & SAT. FREE Progressive Game Always Pays $1199 Count Starts At 48#’s with 1# Added Each Week Not Won $500 The Count For The Texas Blackout Progressive Starts At 48#’s & 1# Is Added Each Game Day Until Won. If not Won, the Game Will Continue For A Consolation Prize Of $200. Tuesday May 3 - Mothers Day 1/2 packs to ladies Saturday May 7 - Mothers Day 1/2 packs to ladies Tuesday May 17 - Free Break Opens Drawing Saturday May 21 - Free Break Opens Drawing Terry Lee won $500.00 PowayBall on March 22 10 Helen Springer won $500.00 PowayBall on Arpil 16 COMMUNITY SUPPORT: 11 $1.00 for 1 ticket $5.00 for 6 tickets Thank you for your Support! These fun monthly Opportunity Drawings also serve a good purpose, as an ongoing fundraiser which supports programs at Poway Senior Center Baskets are on display in the Poway Senior Center Lobby. 12 Tickets are sold at the reception desk. Ask Ms. Medicare Dear Ms. Medicare, Why use a Licensed Health Insurance Agent? You want a Medicare health insurance plan that fits your personal medical needs, your doctors, and your budget. You want a plan that you’ll still be happy with a year from now. A licensed health insurance agent wants those same things for you! When it comes time to shop for a new Medicare plan, a licensed agent can make a big difference for you and not just any agent will do. Consider the following points for using a licensed health insurance agent: 1. An agent’s services are never a cost to you. Agents ar e compensated by the health insurance plan and not by you. It doesn’t matter if you buy the plan direct from the health insurance carrier or whether you utilize an agent, the cost (or no cost) is always the same. An agent continues to earn a commission as long as the member stays connected to the agent. This incentivizes the agent to help the member with their needs and concerns. 2. Agents can do the shopping for you. Agents ar e appointed and cer tified by each insur ance plan they represent. This entails a thorough background check, rigorous licensing processes, and continuing education every year by each insurance carrier. They understand the numerous plans, their benefits, and can help you understand your options and which plan will best suit you. 3. Agents are and continue to be your advocate. Your agent continues to go to bat for you, even after enrollment. Your agent is a liaison between you and the insurance plan to help resolve any issues, concerns, or questions that you may encounter. Your agent can keep you aware of any upcoming changes in your insurance plan and also, any new plans that enter into the market that may offer better benefits for you. As mentioned, not any agent will do. With so many choices and confusion about Medicare, you can trust that your Bridlewood agent will have the knowledge and professional service you need and deserve. Bridlewood focuses on Medicare insurance products like Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, and Prescription Drug plans only, and when you focus on one thing, you become very good at it. Bridlewood was voted #1 Insurance Provider for 2015 by the readers of the San Diego Union-Tribune. Bridlewood’s motto is “Medicare Made Easy” and, we can make Medicare easy for you too! Peggy Tomasello Agent 858-722-3227 [email protected] 13 Reference to products, or services does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Poway Senior Center, its Board, or staff. B U S I N E S S O f P o w a y A S S O C I A T E M E M B E R S S e n i o r C e n t e r 2 0 1 6 IN-HOME CARE INSURANCE/FINANCIAL SERVICES Seniors Helping Seniors 858-774-8194 16959 Bernardo Center Dr Ste 214, SD "We match seniors who want to help OTHER seniors w/ meal prep, companionship, transportation, respite care & MORE" Affirmative Home Care 760-424-2400 518 S. Citrus Ave "Your Family is Our Priority" Autumn Insurance Agency 858-722-3227 14149 Twin Peaks Rd #6, Poway "An Independent Insurance Agency specializing in Medicare Plans with all Major Carriers. Call for a no cost analysis of your Medicare needs" SharMarc Financial Advisors 858-451-7722 15708 Pomerado Rd Ste N209 "Offering a unique approach to your financial wellbeing" AltaGolden In-Home Support and Adult Day Care Program for Tejus Trivedi Health Insurance Agent 858-410-0018 "Your personal, FREE, Dementia 858-779-9254 10531 4S Commons Dr, Ste 705, SD 16885 W. Bernardo Dr #212 "Experienced caregivers for in-home resource for all MEDICARE enrollment questions. I represent multiple Top Tier Health Insurance companies. tasks, appointments, personal care, etc. Call for a free 1/2 day at our Adult Day Care Dementia Program!" Call me NOW to help you." Simply Settled Senior Solutions 619-955-2607 Simon Loli Insurance 619-250-1316 10531 4S Commons Dr Ste 581, SD "A life management company 4009 Carmel View Rd “Independent life & health insurance agent for seniors and their families providing resources that make it easier offering no charge consultations and assessments on all Medicare plans, long term care, final expense & more” to transition into the next phase of their lives." Accredited Home Care Services 619-265-1234 3570 Camino Del Rio North #108 SD "Over 35 years of service providing caregiving services in the home! We also offer complimentary in-home assessments and are CAHSAH certified." Scan Heath Plan 760-666-0065 12671 High Bluff Dr Ste 170, SD "Dedicated to helping Medicare members stay healthy and independent for over 35 years" Kaiser Permanente Sr Advantage SENIOR LIVING 619-641-4359 10990 San Diego Mission Rd Sunrise Independent Living 858-349-8687 New York Life Insurance - Dutton Consulting Serving All of San Diego County! "A place to call Home. Private 4365 Executive Drive Ste 800 rooms starting at $795" Infinite Care Advocates 858-674-6903 16870 West Bernardo Dr, Ste 400 "Assisting families create comprehensive senior transition plans and finding their elder loved ones the best place to live" CarePatrol 760-494-7800 P.O. Box 130427 "A free senior living referral service" Bridlewood Insurance Services, Inc 877-267-5514 CA Lic#:0181004 11440 Bernardo Court Ste 300, SD Voted 2015 Best Insurance Provider by SD Union Tribune, "We Make Medicare Easy!" REAL ESTATE SERVICES R.B. Haley Fine Homes & Estate 12396 World Trade Dr, Ste 306, SD Seacrest Village@Rancho Bernardo 858-485-0700 12730 Monte Vista Road "Senior Living in the Jewish Tradition" Senior Assistance Foundation for the Elderly (S.A.F.E.) 760-532-7512 888 Rancheros Dr. Ste E "A 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to making homes safer for seniors who choose to age in place. We provide and install necessary saftey products." Belmont Village Senior Living 858-486-5020 13075 Evening Creek Dr South The Remington Club I and II 16916 Hierba Dr, SD Gateway Gardens Poway Bocce Club SPORTS 3032 Eden Valley Ln, Escondido 14 Grondin Construction Inc 9835 Carroll Centre Rd Ste 103, SD 14 HEALTH SERVICES Kenneth Berrin, DDS 858-486-2224 13132-B Poway Rd (In the Library Plaza) "Compassionate and friendly dentist serving Poway for over 24 years! We offer comprehensive, affordable, honest/practical solutions. Plus FREE sleep apnea testing." Oak Tree Dental 858-748-2101 13368 Poway Rd "General and cosmetic dentistry for the entire family" 858-673-6340 Poway Dermatology 15725 Pomerado Rd, Poway CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 14 619-405-5006 858-397-5755 858-487-1197 Hearasist Hearing Aids 13342 Poway Road, Poway 12751 Gateway Park Rd 855-292-7844 858-391-1224 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Poway Transmissions 858-679-8000 13933 Poway Rd #A, Poway " Check light on? Making Noise? Let us check it for free and give you a no pressure quote." MEMORIAL SERVICES 858-549-1682 Dignity Memorial 5600 Carroll Canyon Rd cemetery services." 909-273-3746 "We provide preplanning, funeral & DONATIONS March 16– April 15 Bingo Donations – $1,585.50 Transportation Donations – $57.00 Cash Donations (HDM, Lunch & Other) – $6521.05 Agustin Castro Alma Louise Dornsife Ana and Raymond Royer Anita Sansoucie Ann Marie Setz Barbara Collinson Barbel Pezeshgi Blanca Cararaza Burma Elom Carlos and Zanaida Macadaan Carolyn Wright Chris Hogland Claudia Cortez Coy Besich Diane Reich Dominic Montemarano Frances Thomas Frank Gonzales Frank Tulumello Gayle Shinn Gisela Koestner Glen Wadleigh Harold and Janice Dunham Harold Kuhn Henry and Sue Zebick Jim McDougall Jinney Biondolillo J. McDonald Julie Garcia Karen Norton Karen Pretschner Karen Silverman Kathryn Clenney-donation of a BUNN Coffee Maker Gifts are often given to PSC in memory of one who has passed away or in honor of a friend at the time of a birthday, special occasion or just to say “Thank you.” Other gifts may purposefully benefit the program of the donor’s choice. Kenneth Mink In Memory of Lezlie Pollack Linda Mumby Ottilie Gruner Louise Butler – Yoga Class Anita Kerr Martha Landis Mary and Anthony Garcia A special BIG Thank You Mary Mond to NCL for presenting Mary Wood Poway Senior Center with a Max Harrison check for $682.50 from their fashion show proceeds. Maxine Brunton Melody Burke Moralee and Charles Armstrong Naomi Rico NCL Monthly Basket Proceeds Nancy Oleska – Watercolor PSC MEMBERSHIP Class NEW MEMBERS Nora Homogenes William Wright Our Incredible Needle Crafting Carolyn Wright Group! Gloria Nishioka Patricia Hollister Cynthia Elizondo Roberta Adams Fannie Freeman Robert C. Good RENEWALS Rose Magmi Ed Oliva Antoinette Kraft Sally McConaughy Connie Eskelson S.D. Knitter’s Guild Linda Mumby Sheriff’s Volunteer Patrol Karen Larrabee RSVP Barbel Pezeshgi Shirley McKnight Clayton Harris Steve Fitzpatrick June Baker Thomas and Mary Ann Norton Jayne Harding Tomi Morris Gretchen DeVoe TOPS #CA 2232, Poway Sally McConaughy Chapter Kenneth Mink Vera Mundt Jen Mao Virgina Acosta Pamela Baltis Yolanda Loveras Zamora Lauralee Maudlin Yue Hua Price Lys Barawid Thank you … Gerald McCutchen Anonymous Donations! 15 POWAY VALLEY SENIOR CITIZENS CORPORATION 13094 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID San Diego, CA Permit No. 1019 Poway Senior Center will be CLOSED on Address label Monday, May 30th in observance of Advertise in the Poway Senior Voice Newsletter! For details call 748-6094x305 POWAY SENIOR CENTER 2016 Membership Application Receipt Number # ___________________ New Today’s Date: Renewal (Please Print) one person per application Phone # ( / Membership Expiration Date: Name: ______________________________________ Address: / / / Date of Birth ___/___/_____ City: State: Zip: ) ________________Email Address: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT Name: ______________________________________Phone: ( Relationship: ) ___________________ _____________ Membership Classification Membership (1 yr) All PSC Members receive: $35 I w ould like a add a donation of: Total Amount: $ ______ ( Please make check out to the Poway Senior Center or PVSCC) Poway Senior Voice Newsletter mailed to their home Good feelings for supporting your Poway Senior Center with membership dues. Thank you!
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Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 858-748-6094 Fax: 858-748-3019
Poway Senior Voice - Poway Senior Center
Poway Senior Center is located at 13094 Civic Center Drive.
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 858-748-6094 Fax: 858-748-3019
Poway Senior Voice - Poway Senior Center
Friday, June 13, 4 p.m. – Deadline to return ballots – Ballots must be received and not
just postmarked.
Friday, June 27 – Election Results Posted at Poway Senior Center, and results will be
Poway Senior Voice - Poway Senior Center
Vendors can check for spaces available on our website at
please call Kathleen to reserve your space at 858-748-6094x310.