Nuove mobilità sostenibili: veicolo elettrico e la sua
Nuove mobilità sostenibili: veicolo elettrico e la sua
Direction de la Mobilité Électrique Nuove mobilità sostenibili: veicolo elettrico e la sua filiera, una priorità per Francia e Italia “Le iniziative di EDF per lo sviluppo del veicolo elettrico” Milano 23/05/2012 EDF Direction de la Mobilité Electrique 6 Mars 2012 Main involvements of EDF in EV R & D works on batteries and charging equipments Standards and normalization groups and workshop IEC, ISO, 61851, 15 118, … Legal framework “Green book” on charging infrastructures Large scale trials (public finance, ADEME) Own EV fleet : 1000 vehicles to be purchased Sodetrel, subsidiary (100% own offers EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 by EDF), dedicated to electro mobility How charging infrastructures will extend in France Market projection Expected EV / PIH market millions units 4,5 Use and location 1000 units Home and office socket Sidewalk/parking - Normal charge 2,0 Sidewalk/parking - Fast charge 2015 2020 2025 900 4 000 9 000 60 340 750 15 60 150 975 4 400 9 900 0,5 Total 2015 2020 2025 Gradually spread Very first commitments 14 urban conglomerates committed to install charging station for electric vehicles EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Impact on electricity consumption in France No problem regarding electricity production 2 millions of cars charging by 2020 => 5 to 6 TWh consumption (550 TWh were produced in 2010) 1 % of French electricity consumption in 2010 Expected annual consumption in TWh Expected growth for EV and PHV vehicles (car park) 4,5 in Million units ~13,5 2,0 ~6 0,5 ~1,5 2015 0,1 in 2012 ? . 2020 2025 2015 2020 2025 . No major problems related to the load curve, provided : • we manage the workload to avoid peak periods courbe de charge VE &VHR ‐horiz on 2020 Source: ERF R&D, November 2009 EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 C DC AMOS _2020:typique hiver courbe de charge VE &VHR ‐horiz on 2020 2 2 :3 0 2 3 :3 0 1 9 :3 0 2 0 :3 0 2 1 :3 0 1 7 :3 0 1 8 :3 0 1 6 :3 0 1 3 :3 0 1 4 :3 0 1 5 :3 0 1 2 :3 0 8 :3 0 2 2 :3 0 2 3 :3 0 2 1 :3 0 1 9 :3 0 2 0 :3 0 1 7 :3 0 1 8 :3 0 1 5 :3 0 1 6 :3 0 1 4 :3 0 1 2 :3 0 1 3 :3 0 9 :3 0 C DC AMOS _2020:typique hiver 1 0 :3 0 1 1 :3 0 8 :3 0 65000 7 :3 0 65000 5 :3 0 6 :3 0 70000 4 :3 0 70000 3 :3 0 75000 2 :3 0 75000 9 :3 0 1 0 :3 0 1 1 :3 0 80000 6 :3 0 7 :3 0 80000 4 :3 0 5 :3 0 85000 2 :3 0 3 :3 0 85000 0 :3 0 1 :3 0 90000 MW 90000 0 :3 0 1 :3 0 MW • we anticipate the introduction of the charging infrastructure to minimize local network reinforcements Why are we doing large scale trials? Technical Part 9 Test / experiences feedback on the infrastructures and material used during the experimentation. 9 Test EDF’s PLC technology 9 Help to define standards and specifications Demand forecast 9 Common call for tender led by “La Poste” for EVs Partnerships & experimentations 9 EDF market positioning regarding e-mobility EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 9 Establish business models and tariff headings with manufacturers 9 Help define profitable solutions 9 Price of gazoline may trigger PHEV market Communication Business model Marketing 9 Understandings consumers behaviors regarding new products (charging) Some projects involving EDF The Kleber Project with Toyota 70 PHEV and 155 public and private charging points Project kick-off : April 27, 2010 Groupement VENAP Carsharing in Nice Cote d’Azur : Project Autobleue with SODETREL and Veolia 70% VEOLIA TRANSPORT ALPES MARITIMES, filiale 100% Veolia Transport 210 EV in carsharing and 140 public charging points (70 stations) Project kick-off : April 9, 2011 Projet SAVE “Seine Aval Véhicules Électriques” with Renault, Schneider Electric, Total 100 EV and 300 charging points (curbside, users home, workplace) Project kick-off: April 7,2011 Mini E (Paris) with BMW and Veolia 50 EV and 50 private charging points Project kick-off : December 15, 2010 EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 30% SODETREL, filiale 100% EDF Electric Vehicle Comfort, pleasure, sustainable development Range extender Opel Ampera Renault Fluence Citroën C-zéro Plug In Hybrid Toyota Prius Plug In Hybrid Hybrid Constraint, limits, binding Freedom, autonomy Gazoline engine What are electric vehicles ? EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Diesel engine Impact on environnement, green house gas, particules Toyota Plug In hybrid vehicles at Strasbourg EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Exemple of EDF’s charging spots Sidewalk charging spot Charging spot in company outdoor parking lot Charging spots at home or in in-door company parking lot EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 The Kleber Project 100 PHEV in the conglomeration of Strasbourg 3 years of experimentation Partners: private & public Localization and supervision of the infrastructures 170 public and private charging points EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Project e Mini with BMW Mini E project Start: November 2010 Partners: BMW, EDF and Véolia Goal Organization : 9Field of a fleet of 50 mini E in Paris with 9 BMW suppliers EVs 9 EDF in charge of the charging spots BMW 9EV rental to firms (25 Mini E) and private customers (25 Mini E) for 2 X 6 months EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 in private areas: « 3kVA » normal charging What influences the electric vehicle market Public Access to charging stations TCO EV Price of gazoline Price of the battery Driving pleasure, comfort, pride, … EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 TCO thermic car Charging infrastructures Car pooling & sharing Company Parking facilities Sidewalk 95% are normal charge • User home and workplace • Public charging infrastructures to boost user confidence in overall system Public Parking User Homes Key challenges Public charging infrastructures : Coherent standards Speed of roll out Viable economic model to finance and run charging points yet to be developed Optimize the charging periods throughout the day in order to minimize the impact on the electricity grid Fast charge and batteries exchange Prohibitive cost Daily average distance driven is less than 40 km in France (equivalent to ~3h of normal recharging) EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Standardisation toward a normalisation not yet achieved The main technical areas of actions for normalisation Vehicule Plug Plugs IEC 62196 (SC23h) Data & communication Data transfer JWG IEC/ISO V2G Infrastructure Plug Plugs IEC 62196 (SC23h) Cable Battery cells IEC SC21A Battery assembly ISO TC22/SC21 Battery Charger Vehicle wiring security ISO TS22/SC21 Recharging interface IEC 61851 (TC69) Fixed circuitry IEC 60364 C15 100 The main concern lies in the connection between the vehicule and the grid (mode and type of connection) Recommendation: A simple, secured and low-priced solution EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Today or tomorrow: soon ! EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Improving intermittent production with batteries EDF Grid Solar panels 1.charging Consumption Meter Inverter Household electricity consumption 2. Stock & V2G EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Production Meter Vehicle telematics and services More services : 9 To find charging stations anywhere in town, to know wether it’s available and to book one 9 To simply plug and charge … and pay later, automatically 9 To drive in any foreign country and be able to charge my car New business models : 9 Public: car sharing as part of local authorities transport policy 9 Private: car pooling within private companies … and more services : 9 Booking a car for a given trip, optimizing autonomy 9 Optimizing charging time and electricity bills 9 … more « smart » services to come ! EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Smart grid, renewable energy and electric vehicule Optimizing stock and distribution 1. - charging Consumption meter 2. - Vehicule to home or to grid Re inject electricity on the grid ? €€€? Smart box: Production meter dedicated to optimization Self consumption of electricity ? EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Food for thoughts … Electromobility with charging vehicles will – slowly - become a part of our transport pratices, Batteries will improve the development of renewable and intermittent energies, Smart meters, boxes and communicative devices will both optimize: production, demand and stock for electricity (water, gas,..?) provide electric mobility users with more services New models of electricity sales will appear with internet and IT support Electromobility will significantly reduce CO2 worldwide ! EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Thank you for your attention EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 The SAVE Project : Seine Aval Electric Vehicles Project made public July 2nd,2009: Partners: Renault, EDF, Schneider Electric, Total, La Poste Local authorities: The Yvelines Department and the EPAMSA (Établissement Public Mantois Seine Aval) and Île-de-France District Objectives 9 Technical Dimension: Experimentation involving a fleet of 100 EV (3 different types Renault –Nissan :Kangoo, Leaf, Fluence) to be tested in real life conditions over a period of 1 to 2years 9 9 9 9 9 Leasing at market price to private clients including vehicle, battery and charging services Economic Dimension: 9 EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Vehicles testing Autonomy Batteries Charging infrastructures (normal charge, fast, the « quick drop ») Overall costs and charging infrastructures The French initiative: federating key players Oct. 08 President N.Sarkozy’s speech Implementation of R&D plan «Clean Vehicles» Jan. 09 National discussion regarding the automobile industry Announcement of the « carbon-free vehicles » plan Feb. 09 • Support to research via « fond démonstrateur » of ADEME (public fund) • National roll out plan for charging infrastructures • About 100 000 electric vehicles by the end of 2012 Oct. 09 Launch of the National plan for the development of VE & PHEV Apr. 10 Oct. 10 Fev. 11 Headways of the national plan for the development of VE & PHEV 13 pilot local authorities since 2010 Public infrastructures roll out will really begin in 2015 2010 Paris Motor Auto show first commercial offers from manufacturers in France The “Green book” on charging infrastructures is published Local authorities have a reference guide for implementing charging infrastructures Avr.11 Nice launches Autobleue: electric car sharing July 11 A decree stipulating the conditions of pre-equipment in new buildings and existing homes and offices Dec 11 Paris launches Autolib, the electric car sharing with Bolloré’s Blue cars 2012 Renault will sell Kangoo, Fluence, Twizzy and Zoé EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Charging stations Simple plugs On wall Ground system EDF - Direction de la Mobilité Électrique mai 2012 Plugs with access control Contactless smart charge Charging stations for car pooling