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BULLETIN AND INSERT FEBRUARY 7, 2016 Our Lady of Peace 1000 3rd Avenue Conway, PA 15027 Fr. Jim Kurtz, OFM Cap, Pastor Jim Weiland, Deacon 724-869-3024 “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” Mass Schedule Saturday: Vigil-4:00pm (1st weekend of Nov. thru Palm Sunday) 5:30pm (remainder of the year unless otherwise noted) Sunday: 8:30am and 10:30am Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri. 9:00am (unless noted otherwise in the bulletin) Holy Days: See Schedule in Bulletin Office Hours Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 4:00pm Sacraments Baptism Parents are required to attend a Preparation Class, normally held on the second Sunday of every other month. Date and time of baptism are arranged at this session. In order for a child to be baptized parents must be a registered member of the parish for at least three months prior to the baptism. One parent must be a practicing Catholic who actively participates in the life of the Church including regular attendance at Mass. Please call the parish office in advance to register for the class. Rite of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00pm (1st weekend of Nov. thru Palm Sunday) 4:30PM (Easter to 1st weekend of November) Anytime by appointment With Our Lady of Peace as our model of faith, hope, and love, we are a committed Catholic Christian people working together for God through worship, education, and service to achieve spiritual growth. As a parish family devoted to Christ, Marriage Marriage requires a period of spiritual preparation. we welcome others to our faith community. Couples should make an appointment with the priest at least six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. Pre-marriage classes, as well as meetings with the priest, are necessary. One party to be married must be a registered parishioner and practicing Catholic who actively participates in the life of the Church including regular attendance at Mass. RCIA We welcome those who are interested in becoming Roman Catholic Christians. To enter a program of formation and prayer contact the Religious Education Office. Ministry to the Sick/Elderly Please call the Parish Office if a relative has been admitted to the hospital. Those unable to attend Mass because of age, sickness or disability, may receive Holy Communion at home. If you know someone who would benefit from a visit, please call the Parish office. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can be administered prior to going into the hospital or at home by calling the Parish Office. Sponsors To act as a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation requires a person to be a registered member of the parish for at least three months and to actively participate in the life of the Church including regular attendance at Mass. February 7, 2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! “Holy, holy, holy!” Ancient languages, like the Hebrew used in the scriptures, did not always have a way to express superlatives in one word. Isaiah could not say God was “holiest,” so he used the threefold repetition of the same word. This bit of scriptural minutiae about these “three little words” that we sing at every Mass serves as a reminder that answering God’s call has to be grounded in awareness of God’s holiness. In Isaiah and in the Gospel passage today, we hear accounts of the revelation of God’s power and might: the seraphim in the temple and the miraculous catch of fish. These are not wondrous revelations for their own sakes. They lead to a response in mission, Isaiah’s “Here I am, send me!” and the disciples’ leaving everything to follow Jesus. And so must our own “Holy, Holy, Holy!” lead us to Christ in the Eucharist every Sunday, and to a life following him day by day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — In a vision Isaiah is called to be a messenger for the LORD of hosts. Isaiah responds, “Send me!” (Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8) Psalm — In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord (Psalm 138). Second Reading — Paul reminds us of the gospel he preached through which we are saved, if we believe it (1 Corinthians 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]). Gospel — Jesus directs Simon to take his boat into deep water for a miraculous catch of fish. Simon and his partners leave all to follow Jesus (Luke 5:1-11). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. DURING LENT – WE WILL HAVE A 9:00AM MASS EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR WEEKDAY 9:00AM MASSES ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. BLESSING OF THROATS after all Masses this weekend World Marriage Day On Sunday, February 14th, at the 10:30AM Mass we will celebrate World Marriage Day by honoring those couples from our parish who will be celebrating their 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 wedding anniversaries in the year 2016, as well as those who have been married for over 50 years. All married couples who attend the mass will be asked to renew their vows. Following is a list of those who have responded that they wish to be listed in the World Marriage Day booklet. Cathy & Anthony Nigro 25 years Kim & Dan Quinn 30 years Carol & Mike Lavra 30 years Janet & James Duke 35 years Kathy & Jim Blanarik 40 years Mary Kay & John Varhol 40 years Nancy & Stanley Duplaga 50 years Diane & Larry Kardasz 50 years Bonnie & Joe Makarewicz 51 years If your name does not appear above and you would like to be listed, please complete the following and drop in today’s collection or call the parish office at 724-869-3024 before Tuesday, Feb. 9th (9am to 3pm). C------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE PRINT WORLD MARRIAGE DAY Names Anniversary Celebrating Phone OLOP 2016 Guide Book and Directory OLOP will be publishing a Guide Book & Parish Directory for 2016. The parish will publish the name, address, and phone number using your preference for listing from last year’s Guide Book (that is if your phone number was unlisted last year it will be unlisted this year and so on). Note, we have been updating the information as it has been provided to us. If you have changed your address, or phone number and have not notified the parish office please call so that our Parish Directory will be accurate. Call the parish office at 724-869-3024 ONLY if you would like to change your listing or update your listing. All changes must be made before February 14th. The book will be directly mailed to every household in our Parish and is being provided at no cost to our Parish. The 2016 Guide Book and Directory is and shall remain the property of OLOP Parish and is intended for the private use of the members of this congregation only. Use of this book by any one for a business purpose or for telephone or mail solicitations is strictly forbidden. Guide Book & Directory Advertising Opportunity We have contracted Guide Book Publishing to publish a Guide Book & Directory for our congregation that will be updated and delivered directly to your homes annually. This book will be the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of our Church. The book is being provided at no cost to our Church. Local businesses are being solicited to advertise in the book. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertizing in our book, please call the Parish Office at 724-869-3024. Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It ‘will pay’ to advertise in our new Guide Book & Directory. CCD Schedule Change There WILL be CCD on Sunday, Feb. 7 and Monday, Feb. 8. The students will be participating in a Stations of the Cross Event on both days. There will not be CCD on Sunday, Feb. 14 or Monday, Feb. 15 due to President’s Day weekend. Baptismal Seminar On Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 9:30AM in the church there will be a Baptismal Preparation Program for those parents who have recently given birth or are expecting in the near future. The program addresses the importance of baptism as well as the responsibilities of parents in sharing the faith with their children. Please call the parish office at 724-869-3024 to register. Home Study Event Our Lenten Home Study Event will be on Sunday, Feb. 14 following the 10:30AM Mass in Rooms 4 & 5 of the Education Building. All Home Study students are required to participate in 3 of the 4 events during the school year. This is the 3rd event offered. UPCOMING EVENTS/TRIPS AT OLOP 3 in 1 Youth Group Change Our next 3 in 1 Meeting will be on Sunday, Feb. 21 at 6:30PM at SS Peter and Paul Ukranian Catholic Church located at 404 6th St, Ambridge PA for an Open Gym Night. Join us for a night of basketball, scatter ball, dodge ball, and any other games that the kids want to play. The kids from SS Peter and Paul’s Youth Group will be joining us for the fun, pizza, chips, and drinks will be on the menu for the night. All students from 7th-12th grade are invited to attend. RSVP to Cindy Deschaine at 724-869-4473 ext 2 or [email protected]. Operation Rice Bowl Each year, the CCD students participate in Operation Rice Bowl which collect money through the Lenten practice of almsgiving. We have decided to make this opportunity available to all parishioners that would like to participate. In the back of the Church are Rice Bowl packets that you can take home. There is a lot of information and a Lenten calendar to guide your Lenten journey. All Rice Bowls are asked to be returned when lent is over to the Main Office or they may be placed in the back of the Church on the table where Father Jim prepares for Mass. All proceeds will be sent to Catholic Relief Services. The Operation Rice Bowl packets will be available for pick up beginning on Ash Wednesday in the back of the Church and the Religious Education Office. Movie Night Join us for an evening of relaxation for the Our Lady of Peace Movie Night on Feb. 19 at 7PM in Rooms 4/5 of the Education building. Our February feature will be “Joyful Noise”. Music and film superstars Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah duet in this gospel choir dramedy about an unlikely partnership between two strong-minded women who are forced to work together to save a small town gospel choir after budget cuts threaten to shut them down. Popcorn, coffee, and water are provided. Congratulations to the following January Sweepstakes winners.... January 25 #867 Lou Tovey $50 January 26 #356 Rich/Rebecca Palladini $50 January 27 #578 Rich Hribar $50 January 28 #637 Susan Ruckel $50 January 29 #224 Sharon Territo $50 January 30 #021 Peter Neville $100 January 31 #579 Angie Gidaro $500 Spain and the Portuguese Riviera including Fatima.....Our Lady of Peace Church is sponsoring a trip to Spain including Costa del Sol and the Portuguese Riviera leaving June 9-21, 2016. This exciting trip starts in Spain's dynamic capital city of Madrid and continues on to historic Cordoba, Grenada's rolling hills with olive groves, classic country beauty in Ronda, the "Garden of the Architect" with waterfalls, courtyards, and secret gardens in Seville, and Costa del Sol an absolutely beautiful resort area with cascading flowers and whitewashed buildings. From there we travel to Portugal and the Portuguese Riviera where we will enjoy exploring Lisbon, perhaps walk the beach promenade in Cascais or shop for hand woven works and tapestries. We will travel Portugal's Silver Coast, a region filled with sleepy villages, rich vineyards and centuries old castles. We will visit the medieval walled city of Obidos and fishing villages, then visit Fatima, the world famous Marian pilgrimage site. Please call Jackie @ 724-869-9908 or Jim @ 724-775-8127 for more information. Penguin Hockey Game and Casino Trip The Apostolate Committee of Our Lady of Peace Church is sponsoring a bus trip to see the Pittsburgh Penguins vs the Columbus Blue Jackets on March 11-12 (Friday and Saturday). We will leave about 12:30pm Friday from Northern Lights Shopping Center checking into the Doubletree Hotel Columbus North in Columbus, Ohio. Trip includes tickets to the hockey game, breakfast, a 5 hour stop at Hollywood Casino Columbus (casino bonus TBA), hotel, bus, beer on the bus, (you can byob, snack, soft drinks, whatever, on the bus). Cost for the trip which includes everything above plus the tips is $255 per person double occy, $235 per person triple occy, $225 per person quid occy, $320 single occy. Only 45 tickets are available. For info or reservations call John at 724-869-9908. Sight and Sound Theater presents Samson... Our Lady of Peace Apostolate Committee is sponsoring a bus trip to Lancaster PA on May 14-15 to see the Sight and Sound Theater’s new production of Samson. This two day trip includes tickets to see Samson, with its colorful characters, extraordinary feats of strength, and amazing special effects. Samson will literally ‘bring down the house’ as he stands between colossal columns and starts to push. If you’ve seen any plays at this theater before, you know what a great experience it is to see one of these productions! We will have lunch at Bube’s Brewery, a historic 19th century brewery and museum complex which is made to look like Roman catacombs. Along with a play at the brewery, we will enjoy a meal of soup, bread, lasagna, boneless breast of chicken, shrimp and dill tart, and a beverage. We will tour the catacombs, art gallery, and Coopers Shed Store. Then off to the Heritage Hotel in Lancaster. After check in it’s off to see Samson at Sight and Sound. Dinner on your own after the show could be had at Loxley Restaurant and Bar in the hotel. The next morning enjoy a full included breakfast, Mass at St. Anthony’s, then on to one of the largest Civil War museums in the nation. A Smithsonian Affiliated museum, we will see rare artifacts from both sides. Price of the trip includes bus, hotel, tickets to Samson and the play at the Brewery, a full buffet lunch, tour of the catacombs, breakfast, Mass, and tour of the Civil War Museum, and all tips. Seats are limited. Cost: $299 per person double occy, $282 per person triple occy, $269 per person quad and $363 per person single occy. A $100.00 deposit is due with reservation, $100.00 by March 15, with the balance due by April 15. For info or reservations call Jackie at 724-869-9908 or Ellen at 724-869-3320. February 9th Fat Tuesday Paczki Sale (pronounced “Poonch Key”) BEST DONUTS IN THE AREA!! DURING LENT.... ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10, 2016 The distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday will be at the following times (during scheduled Mass or Liturgy of the Word Service): 9:00AM Mass Noon Liturgy/Word Service 5:30PM Liturgy/Word Service 7:00PM Mass We will NOT have a Meager Meal on Ash Wednesday. SORRY! A traditional Fat Tuesday donut which is covered in sugar. Our Lady of Peace parish is taking orders for Paczki. Please complete the form below and drop in the collection basket, drop off or mail to the parish office. Forms must be received by February 8, 4pm. Paczki will be ready for pick-up from 5am-12:00 Noon on Fat Tuesday, February 9 in Stephens Hall. Lenten Fish Frys: Feb 12, Feb. 26, March 11, March 25 (Good Friday), April 8, and May 6, 11AM to 7PM in Stephens Hall. Easter Memorial Flowers Envelopes for this purpose can be found in your regular contribution envelope packet for February/March. This envelope is pink and is marked Easter Flowers. If you require additional space than what is on the envelope to list names, simply enclose a paper with additional names. The Memorial Flowers will be placed on the altar in honor of loved ones or in memory of departed loved ones. The names of the memorials and donors will be published in the Easter bulletin. If you have misplaced this envelope, simply put your contribution in a plain envelope, marked with your name and daytime phone number, name of person you are requesting memorial flowers for, and amount. Donations for flowers are $10, $15, and $20 per plant. Please place your envelope in the regular collection basket. Deadline for submission is March 18. Name 2015 TOTAL CONTRIBUTION REQUEST FORMS If you would like a Total Contribution Form for tax purposes for this past year please fill out the form below. Extra forms will be in the back of the Church until mid-April. Telephone requests will not be honored. Starting the end of January, letters showing the total contributions (both envelopes and Parish Share) will be mailed out every Friday to those that submitted forms by mail, collection basket, or dropping the request off to the parish office. C-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015 TOTAL CONTRIBUTION LETTER PLEASE PRINT Please mail my 2015 total contribution letter to: Phone Name The cost of a dozen of Paczki is $8.00. Paczki Order Doz. Time for pick-up Amount $ Address City WALK-INS ALSO ACCEPTED Zip Phone SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF FEB 13 AND FEB 14 Sat. 4:00PM Mass Extraordinary Ministers: Altar Servers: Joanne Papada Rob Petukauskas Sheila Shillingburg Emily Dean Victor Franc Extraordinary Ministers: Teri Fleeson Justine Bajek Deacon Jim Extraordinary Ministers: Diane Marr Denise Marr Carol Vicinie Lector: Maria Angeloni Sun. 8:30AM Altar Servers: Megan Barrett Joey Barrett Lector: Dave Folmar Sun. 10:30AM Altar Servers: Mitchell Deschaine Kylee Salyers Lector: Dody Lewarchik MASS INTENTIONS FOR FEB 6- FEB 14, 2016 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6 VIGIL - FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00PM For All Living and Deceased Parishioners SUNDAY FEBRUARY 7 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30AM ` Claire Pushak - by Earl & Peggy Pfaff 10:30AM ` Ida Brawdy - by Patty Hribar Mon. Feb. 8 Tues. Feb. 9 Wed. Feb. 10 9:00AM ` Alvina DiBenedetto - by Donna Buczynski 9:00AM In Honor of the Holy Face of Jesus ASH WEDNESDAY 9:00AM ` Frank Hribar (Anniv of Death) by Hribar Family Thurs. Feb. 11 9:00AM ` Edward Hribar - by Patty & Judy Hribar Fri. Feb. 12 9:00AM ` Joseph, Mary R and Rose Marie Fausti by Fausti Family SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 VIGIL - FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 4:00PM ` Anna Maria Folmar - by Dom & Ellen Rinaldi SUNDAY FEBRUARY 14 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 8:30AM For All Living and Deceased Parishioners 10:30AM ` Albert ‘Red’ Vicinie - by Carol Vicinie ********************* LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence (no meat). The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence in the United States. 2. The obligation of abstinence (refraining from eating meat) begins at the age of 14. The law of fasting (limiting oneself to one full meal and two lighter meals) obliges all between the ages of 18-59. No one should consider this obligation lightly. 3. Those individuals who have a medical condition in which fasting may be considered harmful are not obliged to fast, but should perform some other act of penance or charity. 4. Pastors and parents are to see to it that minors, though not bound by the law of fast and abstinence, are educated in the authentic sense of penance and encouraged to do acts of penance suitable to their age. 5. All members of the Christian Faithful are encouraged to do acts of penance and charity during the Lenten season beyond what is prescribed by the law. 6. As a general rule, a request for a dispensation from the obligation of abstinence on Fridays of Lent will not be considered unless some serious reason is present. The attendance at social events, banquets, wedding rehearsals or receptions, or funeral wakes are not considered sufficient reason to request a dispensation. IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING MASS INTENTIONS: If you have the Mass intention scheduled and would like to take up the gifts at that Mass, please arrive 15 minutes early for Mass and inform the ushers that you would like to take the gifts up. Thank you. OFFICE PHONES - Dial 724 and the number below Parish Office/Parish House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869-3024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax 869-3025 Email: [email protected] OLOP website: www.olopconway.com Facebook: OurLady ofPeace Conway Twitter: @OurLadyofPeaceC Instagram: @ourladyofpeaceconway Diocese of Pittsburgh Sexual Abuse Hotline: 888-808-1235 PARISH ADVISORY COUNCILS: Finance Council Members: Jim Angeloni, Patti Columbe, Dom Rinaldi and Bonnie Makarewicz Parish Pastoral Council Members: Jim Angeloni, Stanley Duplaga, Jerry Fleeson, Pat Keeley, Steve Lesko, Anita Myers, Chris Petukauskas, Jean Pittman OLOP Library - regular hours: Monday thru Friday, 10am to 4pm and evenings by appointment (Cindy at 724-869-4723) FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 31, 2016 Offertory Collection 225 $4,581.00 Offertory Collection not in envelopes $132.00 Online Giving $776.00 Total $5,489.00 REMINDER: Weekly operating expense for running the parish is $7,500 Want a better way to get DELICIOUS fish??? Our Lady of Peace Lenten Fish Fry ** February 12** OPEN 11:00am - 7:00pm A dinner contains cole slaw, roll & coffee and your choice of fries, mac & cheese, or baked potato CALL AHEAD Takeouts Available 724-869-5723 LBake Sale (Buy the whole dessert or enjoy a piece with your dinner) j$8.50 - Shrimp Dinners j$8.00 - Adult Fish Dinner(Baked or Fried) Children under age 6 eat in the j$8.00 - Adult Chicken Dinner dining room free. j$7.50 - Senior Citizen Fish Dinner j$7.50 - Senior Citizen Chicken Dinner j$8.00 - Senior Citizen Shrimp Dinner All parishioners are asked to j$6.50 - Children (ages 12 & under) Fish Dinners please donate baked goods. j$6.50 - Children (ages 12 & under) Chicken Dinner Thank you! $7.00 - Fish Sandwich $1.50 - side order Baked Potato $1.50 - side order - French Fries $1.50 - side order - Cole Slaw $1.50 - side order - Macaroni & Cheese Paczki: Feb. 9th Upcoming fish fry dates: Feb. 26th Mar. 11th th Mar. 25 Apr. 8th May 6th Thank you for your support!!! SAINT ANTHONY BREAD SALE The excellent expression of devotion to St. Anthony, known as St. Anthony’s Bread, goes back to the thirteenth century. It has been the source of many favors and graces, and has also been of great aid to the poor and the needy. According to the most ancient chronicles, a child of Padua, even while the great basilica was being built, fell into a barrel of water and was drowned. In her grief the mother called on St. Anthony for help, and promised she would donate the child’s weight in grain for the poor if she were restored to life. While the mother was still praying, the child arose as if asleep. This miracle gave rise to the pious practice of giving alms to the poor as a petition, or in return for favors received through St. Anthony’s intercession. The practice received its present name from a favor received by a pious girl named Louise Bouffier at Toulon in France in the last century. She promised loaves of bread for the poor in exchange for St. Anthony’s help. Her shop later became a center of devotion to the Saint: the alms of those whose favors were heard were given to the numerous poor families of the city. The Franciscan’s still encourage this act of charity to those in need as a laudable method of sacrifice and of thanksgiving to St. Anthony. Should you wish to take part in this tradition, Our Lady of Peace Parish will have a bread order and donation on Sunday, March 20. The priest will bless the bread before 8:30AM Mass (Palm Sunday morning), which will be fresh baked at Mcginnis Sisters. The bread will be delivered fresh baked that morning. It will be available for pickup during the Easter Bunny Breakfast at Stephens Hall that morning (from 9:30am to 12:30pm). All bread is homemade and can be frozen. The breads will include: Irish Soda Bread Easter Bread (plain) Cranberry Orange Bread Easter Bread (with raisins) Apple Cinnamon Bread All breads are $4.50 each loaf When ordering please include how many loaves per item you would like. All orders must be prepaid and picked up the morning of March 20 (Palm Sunday) by 12:45PM. Orders may be dropped off at the office or in the collection basket. Any questions, please call Jackie at 724-869-9908 or Ellen at 724-869-3320. E-------------------------------------------------------------------- EASTER BREAD ORDER FORM - Deadline to order is Friday, March 11 (All bread is $4.50/loaf) Phone #: Name: Easter Bread (plain) # of loaves Easter Bread (with raisins) # of loaves Irish Soda Bread # of loaves Cranberry/Orange Bread # of loaves Apple Cinnamon Bread Amount enclosed: $ # of loaves