July 21, 2013 - St. Kilian Catholic Church
July 21, 2013 - St. Kilian Catholic Church
A Family of Faith Volume 10 Week 30 July 21, 2013 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Mission Statement St. Kilian Parish is a Catholic community of faith responding to the call of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of Scripture, the celebration of Eucharist, and in living the sacramental life of the Church. We are committed to responding to each other through communities and ministries of faith and love, addressing our spiritual, social and educational needs. We believe that each of us is called to be a supportive, compassionate, and caring Christian witness in Mission Viejo, the Diocese of Orange and in the world. St. Kilian Catholic Church 26872 Estanciero Drive, Mission Viejo, California 92691 Phone: (949) 586-4440 Fax: (949) 454-1043 www.stkilianchurch.org MASS TIMES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 and 5:30 PM, Sunday: 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM & 5:00 PM. Monday - Friday - 6:30 and 9:00 AM, Saturday 8:00 AM. Rev. Bruce Patterson, Pastor Rev. Wayne Adajar, Parochial Vicar Assisting Priests: Rev. Larry Gibson, Rev. Jerry Walker, Rev. Colm Conlon, and Rev. Chrysostom Baer. Deacon Bob Kelleher and Deacon Mark Martin SERRA CATHOLIC SCHOOL (Quad-Parish School) 23652 Antonio Parkway Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Phone: (949) 888-1990 www.serra school. org Angeline Trudell, President Mrs. Carol Reiss, Principal, Grades K-4, Mrs. Catherine Muzzy, Principal, Grades 5-8 Offices and Ministries Parish Office 586-4440 Religious Education 586-4550 Youth Ministry 586-7803 Music Ministry 586-8414 Stephen Ministry 768-6933 Ministry To The Homebound Rosie O’Brien 380-1972 Adult Faith Formation & RCIA 586-4440 Sacraments Reconciliation/Confession Wednesday: 7:00 PM & Saturday: 2:00 PM Infant Baptism Call the Parish Center for information 586-4440 Marriage Contact Parish Priest at least six (6) months prior to Marriage Anointing of The Sick Contact the Parish Center Eucharistic Adoration: Daily: end of the 6:30 AM Mass till just prior to 9:00 AM Mass First Friday: 7:00 AM Friday to 8:00 AM Saturday Funeral Call the Parish Center for information 586-4440 Page 2 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor’s Page Dear Friends in Christ, As we come very close to the opening of our new church, I want to give you a quick progress report. As you can see, the building itself is nearly finished. Some time in the next few weeks the landscaping, the doors and glass for the arched entry, the pews, statues, altar, tabernacle, reliefs and, of course, the mosaic altarpiece will arrive. One of the things that I have learned about building a church is that there are often any number of plan changes that take place, for a variety of reasons. Executing a set of glass Stations of the Cross in the windows proved more daunting than we imagined, for example. So with time running out, we ended up actually borrowing the Stations from St. Callistus parish, which has now moved onto the Christ Cathedral campus, in order to make our August deadline. We will continue consulting with Arte Granda, the same liturgical furnishings studio that is doing most of our other artwork, for creating our own Stations later on. The wood reliefs depicting Jesus and the Woman at the Well and the Prodigal Son are nearly finished, as are most of the other furnishings. While we are sending most of the original furnishings from the original St. Kilian to a parish in Mexico, we are retaining the original crucifix, which will be hung inside the new Blessed Sacrament chapel, the tabernacle itself, which we will use on occasions like Christmas and Holy Week when we need a temporary tabernacle for hall liturgies, and the statues of the Sacred Heart, St. Kilian and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. We don't have designated spaces for them yet, so we will evaluate that once we're inside the new space. Since the parish was required to sign an agreement with the city to not include any installation of outdoor statuary in this construction plan, we hope to return to them after we complete all the work on both the church and the courtyard/parking with a proposal for an outdoor Marian shrine to replace the existing one. Toward this end, Father Jim has expressed a desire to find donors who would sponsor a statue of the Pieta, to both honor Mary and to remember our loved ones, especially children, who have died. I think this is a wonderful idea and I give my full support. We won't be able to tackle this until the beginning of the New Year, but it will certainly be something to look forward to. Another thing to look forward to is designing an acceptable votive candle rack plan for the devotional niches to Our Lady and St. Joseph. Because of fire safety concerns, we were not allowed to include these in this phase of construction, but we feel that we can come up with a viable solution so that people may once again enjoy the wonderful tradition of being able to light a candle as part of their prayer. Regarding salvage efforts, the parish team that is coordinating this is getting the pieces in place for the week prior to our Dedication Mass on August 24. They will need a small army of volunteers to help move pews, chairs, doors, fixtures, cabinets, sinks and just about anything that we can unbolt from the old church into trucks for transport. We should be hearing from them shortly on the details. The last Mass in the existing church will be Sunday, August 18, at 5 p.m. All the rest of that week will be dedicated to removing all furnishings before the following weekend, because the very next Monday, August 26, demolition begins. We will have a special opportunity to say our farewells to the original St. Kilian’s during the weekend of the 18th. I'll keep you posted as we move into high gear making ready for the Dedication. May God bless our work and bring it to completion. Fr. Bruce S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 3 ~ Dedication Mass Information ~ RESERVATIONS and WAITING LIST We had a quick and overwhelming response to the invitation to the Dedication Mass! A waiting list has been started, so please add your name to the list. Click on the RSVP link at www.stkilianmissionviejo.org If you do not have internet access, call (949)586-4440. Our hope is to accommodate as many people as possible from the waiting list, so don’t give up! We are considering all seating options, and will have better information as we get closer, so stay tuned and watch for any updates through email. NOTE: If you successfully reserved seats for the Dedication Mass, and have since determined that you can not make it, or do not need all your requested seats, please send an email to [email protected] or call (949)586-4440. Thank you! PARKING Parking will be offsite at Mission Viejo High School, 25025 Chrisanta Drive. The Church parking lots are reserved for clergy and handicapped parking only. There will be no access to the Church parking lots on the day of the Dedication. GENERAL PARKING As guests of the Dedication Mass, we want to make this day as enjoyable as possible for you. We have arranged for ample offsite parking at Mission Viejo High School. Please proceed directly to the marked upper lots of Mission Viejo High School and park your car. Parking attendants will direct you to an air-conditioned shuttle that will transport you in comfort to and from the Dedication Mass and reception. There will be four shuttles running from 7am to the conclusion of the reception. HANDICAPPED PARKING If you require special assistance or need handicapped parking, please note that when making your reservation so we can make accommodations for you. For those requesting handicapped parking, you will receive a special placard with your tickets. Please bring it with you on the day of the event so that you will have access to the church parking lot. CHILDCARE Childcare is available for children ages 2 to 12. Please check parish website for more information, and include your request with your RSVP response. Page 4 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time A few words from the Dedication Committee… We’d like to thank everyone in our St. Kilian parish family for your patience and support as we plan our first Mass in our new church. We received an overwhelming response to the Dedication Mass invitation, and in order to accommodate as many parishioners as we can, we have created a waiting list for the Dedication Mass. We humbly ask for your prayers as we do our very best to include everyone. With God’s grace, we will make the Dedication of our new church a day to remember. A day when we can truly say, “I rejoiced when I heard them say, let us go to the house of the Lord.” Planning for the Dedication Mass has gone very quickly, which makes us realize that in no time at all, we’ll be celebrating many beautiful and cherished events—all in our new church. Weddings have already been scheduled. In a few short months, we'll celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, and soon after that, in November we’ll remember our Catholic saints, and all of our beloved dead. We’ll begin our Advent preparations, and have our beautiful, early-morning celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We can look ahead with joy to Christmas pageants and glorious Easter Vigils; to Baptisms, First Communions, and Confirmations. Together, we can look ahead to many years of celebrations and remembrances. To deep and powerful prayer services. To confession. To Eucharist. To worship of the Blessed Sacrament. So while the Dedication Mass is important, it’s good to remember that it truly is but one brief moment in our rich, St. Kilian parish experience, and in the Kingdom of God. So please join us as we pray for all those work for the Church and the Kingdom, and for all who labor this summer. Lord Jesus, you spent time with your apostles as they labored with their fishing. You gave them guidance and strength; and granted them success. Be with us over these summer months. Help us to make the most of our work. Untangle the knots, Smooth out any rough ways, Keep us focused on serving you, rather than ourselves. In all we do, help us remember the words of your servant, Augustine: “Where there is love, there is no labor.” We ask you this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 5 I Give Electronically You Can Too! New cards are available in the pew pockets for those households that contribute to the parish electronically but would like to participate in the offering during Mass. We are aware that the symbolic act of giving during Mass is an important part of stewardship. If you are contributing electronically and would prefer a visible way to participate in the offering, please use these cards to place in the collection basket and they will be collected along with the rest of our donations. Thank you to those households who participate in electronic giving. If you are interested in signing up, please contact the Front Office at [email protected] or pick up a form at the back of the church. ST. KILIAN PARISH FINANCIALS May 2013 Sundays/Holy Days Capital (Pink) Building Fund Budget $ 88,000 15,000 12,500 Actual $ 86,343 15,327 33,855 Surplus/(Shortage) ( $ 1,657) 327 21,355 ** Year To Date (July 2012 through June 2013) Sundays/Holy Days * $ 1,075,000 Capital (Pink) 190,500 Building Fund 212,500 $ 1,039,720 216,685 376,960 ( $ 35,280) 26,185 ** 164,460 ** * Includes Christmas and Easter ** Due to multiple, one-time donations. Faith Reflection on Immigration God revealed himself to Abraham through the guise of strangers in need of food and shelter. Jesus, the Word Made Flesh, reaffirms this identity when he says, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Pope Paul VI wrote: “We shall always insist upon giving a generous welcome to others which is at once a duty of human solidarity and Christian charity. . . . [They should be] welcomed with brotherly love, [with] examples of upright living in which genuine and effective Christian charity and the highest spiritual values are esteemed” (Populorum Progressio: On the Development of Peoples). For more on the Catholic Church’s work on immigration reform, go to: www.justiceforimmigrants.org. To act locally: www.rcbo.org/respect-life, (714) 282-3105. Page 6 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings Week of July 22, 2013 Monday, July 22, 2013 6:30am John L. Hubbell & Ed Miller † 9:00am Kathryn Puehn & Frank Custode † Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:30am Jim McGann & Bernie O’Connor † 9:00am Maria and Alexander Bencivenga & Raimondo Ceccarelli † Wednesday, July 24, 2013 6:30am Marina Malazarte & Margaret Mary Lee † 9:00am Bart Gentile & John Touhey † Thursday, July 25, 2013 6:30am Int. of All Priests & Edith Paez 9:00am Jean Braman & Dick Cooper † Friday, July 26, 2013 6:30am Anita Esparza & Frank Frisco † 9:00am Mark Annee & Marion Holland † Saturday, July 27, 2013 8:00am Edward Hack & Dino and Amalia Cafaro † 4:00pm Charlie White & Paula Zambito † 5:30pm George Wm. Wereskla & Elaine Moog † Sunday, July 28, 2013 6:00am Carl and Frances Soloman & Joseph and Regina Maurer † 7:30am George Olsen & Michael Charlton † 9:00am Marie Cutler & Tony and Gloria Gonzales † 10:45am James F. Wood & David Herbster † 12:30pm Jennie and William Kopp & John and Marie Silverio † 5:00pm The Parishioners of St. Kilian Church While we always want to encourage friendship and fellowship, we ask everyone to be considerate of those who are praying in Church before and after Mass. Monday Exodus 14:5-18 Exodus 15:1bc-2, 3-4, 5-6 John 20:1-2, 11-18 Tuesday Exodus 14:21-15:1 Exodus 15:8-9, 10 & 12, 17 Matthew 12:46-50 Wednesday Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15 Psalm 78:18-19, 23-24, 25-26, 27-28 Matthew 13:1-9 Thursday 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 Psalm 126:1bc-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6 Matthew 20:20-28 Friday Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 11 Matthew 13:18-23 Saturday Exodus 24:3-8 Psalm 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15 Matthew 13:24-30 Sunday Genesis 18:20-32 Psalm 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8 Colossians 2:12-14 Luke 11:1-13 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday Night 7:00 – 8:00 pm Rosary Chaplet of Divine Mercy Benediction S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 7 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN OVERSEAS: 4:00 PM: 5:30 PM: Afghanistan: Andrew Marrett, Jason Pallotta, Michael Marshall, Alfredo Samson Jr., Brian Mazza, Caleb Ainley, Jill A. Rough, SATURDAY, July 27th Nathaniel Crain, Jordan Franco, Tim Krall, Jeff Krall, Nathan Krall Adam O’Neill, Robert Blonski-Clark. Joe Liebl, Jimmy Liebl, Reanna Liebl Bahrain: Christian Goodnow. England: Kyle Hunt. SUNDAY, July 28st Germany: Austen Swaim, Andrew Hill. Volunteer Isle of Crete: Richard Erk, III. Mary Muzzy, Sarah Patin, Olivia Roselli Kyle Pellegrino, Michaela Buhain, Adam Zens Korea: Matthew Plakos. 6:00 AM: 7:30 AM: 9:00 AM: 10:45 AM: Nick Castelli, Joey Castelli, Anthony Castelli 12:30 PM: Jack Alegre, Nicholas Alegre, Michael Alegre 5:00 PM: Chris Bean, Lindsey Bean, Grace Bean HOME! Kevin Roepe. Thanks Be To God! To include a family members name serving overseas, please contact: Carolyn McNamara @ [email protected]. NOTICE !!! Saturday Confession Times Are Changing! Beginning August 31 Saturday Confessions will be heard immediately following the 8:00am Mass Saturday August 17 will be the last day for confessions heard at 2:00pm Those who are sick: Gerry Knoke, Rhodora Sangalang, Bob and Lorraine Epperson, Manuel Quintero, Nicolasa Silva, Concepcion Gallegos, Vivian Litterst, P.J. O’Conner Jr., Glenda Nuque, Gus Christopoulos, Raelynn Hoffa, James Derum, Chris Connally, Jean King, Keith King, James Derum, Raelynn Hoffa, Joe Blanda, John Odom, Judy Thomson, Sharon Nestor, Marie Ward, Jean Thompson, Karen Tran, Carmen Oropeza, Toni Edwards, Tom Goodall, Joyce Reynolds, Bill Bivens, Bea Lukens, Debbie Benner, Chris Lawson, Charles O’Neill, Darlene Little, Jan Brick, Ryan Kelly, Gloria Gorney, Rosalie Brice, Sam Piazza, Rachel Pesota, Bill Collins, Maurie Franke, Terry Chaffin, Steve Werner, Caroline Thorton, Kathy Sabatino, Diane Cloyd, Patsy White, Mary Wittenmeier, Jeanne Lussier, Spyro Tsacoumangos, Joan Thompson, June Carpenter, Bill Wasowicz, Mitch Needelman, Richard Ytzen, Dick Holmes, Lois Mendoza, Shawn Haggergy, Kim Baty, Stacy Maslyn, Dick Boultinghouse, Matt Flood, Linda Ross, Lou Collins, Dolores Rodarte, Peggy Liewer, Helen O’Connell, Shirley Hayes, Pam Hurley, Donald Patrick, John Lopez, Johnny W. Keenan, Angeline Rutowicz, Carrie Bodan, Bob Brunson, Fe Alcoseba, Michael Ryan, Georgia Knott, Aggie Todd, Renie Hanlin, Sonny Davidson, Deb Hooper, Maxine Murphy, Carmen Jones, Nena Martinez, Aurura Cabrera, Larry McCamish, Laura Rodriguez, Clara Hurley, Pamela Zimmerle, Fredrick Nove, Marcelle Doueiry, Pat Drennen, Patrick Norris, Bob Dean, Mary Ruth Rivet, Andrew Bold, Carolyn Young, Michelle Ranbert, Lucas Olson, John Peterson, Veronica Fernandez, June Carpenter, Ashley Goetz, Ron Young, Nancy Griffith, Joan Callahan, Jack Frisch, Dorothy Ortiz, Angelina L. Reyes, Rosario Lambaren. Those who have died: David Ashdown, Keiko Villegas, Edward Hormozi, Kenneth Dugan, Linda Burton-Howes, Corazon Rodriguez, Daniel Porche, Betty Greaney, Grace MoDavis, Martha Soria, Micheline Christy, Rosemary Tabb, Frank Frisco, Leetta VeltonJohn Becker, Albert Budig, Robert Gunderson, Aguileo Flores, Gerda Maleman, Theresia Tabar, Diano Felli, Bill Piazza, Dennis Flanagan, Edward Hack, Fred Zens, Barbara Everts, Kathleen Cook, Christine Arcero, George Loo, Joyce Nardelli, Pauline Wentworth, Robert Reinartz, John Bodan, Freda Janssen, David Alvarez, Rosa Andrade, Alida Creedon, Dorothy Laguna, Rosella Recouper, Marie Cutler, Hilda Bayhi, William Monfils, Maureen Coletti, Lawrence Theodore Bennett, Nestor Ilagan, Marian Holland, Louis Castillo, Deborah Armstrong-White, Donna Coticchia. Page 8 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time SKY stands for St. Kilian Youth. SKY is where the teens of our parish share their faith and have lots of fun. SKY NEWS • There will be no SKY on Sunday, July 28th due to the Steubenville Conference. • Join SKY on Sunday, August 4th to learn how to spread the good word to the people you love! • On Sunday, August 11, SKY will be discussing the tough topic of depression. • All high school teens (including new Freshmen) are encouraged to join the St. Kilian Youth Group! • Grab a friend and join SKY every Wednesday at 5:30PM for Mass at St. Edwards in Dana Point, followed by a bonfire with the other local Catholic youth ministries! CONFIRMATION NEWS: • Registration for Confirmation will be held in the Fall of 2013. Dates will be announced this Summer. Watch the Bulletin for details. • For Candidates entering Confirmation 2, you may attend SKY meetings this summer to meet your 2 SKY meetings per year commitment. See the Bulletin or visit the parish website to find out when you can come to SKY. NEED SERVICE HOURS? Our next visit to the Catholic Worker will be in August. Watch here for the date. All family members are invited to serve together. If you are interested in serving our homeless community, please email: [email protected] to sign up. We will meet at 7 a.m. in the church parking lot and should return around 11 a.m. A reminder email and permission slip will be sent the week prior. SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL For 4 & 5 year olds Now-September 15 During 9 AM Mass All children 4 and 5 years old are invited to be a part of our Summer Sunday School program. The class meets during the 9 AM Mass on Sundays. The children hear bible stories, sing songs, make crafts and have snacks. Registration forms are available in the church and on our website. This is a great opportunity for our youth to earn service hours as assistants. Contact the RE Office for more information. St. Kilian Vacation Bible School is proud to announce the theme for this year…. Fan Fare please… KINGDOM ROCK Here ye, here ye, VBS is coming Where Kids Stand Strong for God August 5-9, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM $65.00 per child, Kindergarten-6th Grade Picture yourself in a colossal castle! You’re surrounded by strong stone walls , brightly flaming wall sconces and a view of the King’s royal throne of red velvet. Strap on your shield and be ready to appear when it’s time to explore KINGDOM ROCK! Don’t miss out on this Epic Adventure: [email protected] ENROLL NOW! Stand Strong! email: [email protected] S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 9 Cubby Corner Cub Scouts Pack 714 is at St. Kilian Parish! Calling all First through Fifth Grade Boys! Come join the adventure of Scouting!! Cub Scouts is a fun-filled program for boys to learn, develop skills, build friendships, provide service to their community, deepen their faith, and most of all - have FUN!! Cub Scouting is a path for boys to learn to “do their best” in ALL aspects of their lives. It is a program for families to enjoy together and make memories for a lifetime. Interested families are welcome! Homeschoolers welcome! Welcome packets will be available at the Pack meeting and at the Office of Religious Education at St. Kilian. Join us for any or all of the following activities: Mon., July 22, 9:00–3:30: LaBrea Tar Pits / Page Museum at 5801 Wilshire Blvd., LA 90036 - $5.00 children (ages 3-12), $12.00 adults, $9.00 students (ages13-17) with ID, Under 3 is free Wed., Aug. 7, 6:00-9:45pm: Picnic and “Back to the Future” at Lake Mission Viejo at 22555 Olympiad Fri-Sun, Aug. 16-19: Family Camp at Idyllwild CA (Tent or RV camping) Mon., Aug. 19, TBD: Soka University Tour (earn a patch) - 1 University Dr, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Wed., Aug. 21, 6:00-9:45pm: Picnic and “Hotel Transylvania” at Lake Mission Viejo at 22555 Olympiad Please RSVP for any of the above activities. We will resume our monthly Pack meeting and weekly den meeting schedule on Mon., Sept. 9, 2013. Pack 714 has a reputation for excellence and innovation in the Saddleback District of Orange County Boy Scouts of America. Help us grow this fabulous program at St. Kilian. For more information, please contact Linda Shepard (parishioner) at: [email protected] or 949-770-6232. SHARE YOUR MEMORIES WITH US It will soon be time to say goodbye to the place that many of us grew up in, the Church where we were baptized, confirmed and married. A wonderful way we can honor St. Kilian’s Parish is by sharing the many wonderful memories we have gathered throughout the years. Please look through your photo albums and consider sharing your memories with us. Pictures can be emailed to [email protected] or left in an envelope for Denise Uhl at the parish office. Please be sure to label your photos so they can be rightfully returned. Deadline to turn in photos is August 1, 2013. Page 10 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Kilian's Altar Server Ministry Existing and Newcomers All Existing and Trained Altar Servers must register on our new management website www.stkilianaltarserver.org in order to receive updated schedules and important information. Anyone who has not registered by August 18, 2013 WILL NOT be included in future schedules. If you are New to Ministry or trained at another Parish you may also register on this site. Please make sure to check the "New Server" box so the Coordinator can identify you. Training sessions will be held beginning in September and based on availability. For more information, please contact Michael Vu at [email protected] EUCHARIST TO THE HOMEBOUND Eucharistic Ministers to the homebound bring the Church to those who are unable to join our community in worship. Ministers pray, share the Word, bring the Eucharist and friendship to the homebound. Please call Rosie O’Brien @ 380-1972 for more information. SINGERS AND INSTRUMENTALISTS You are invited to join the St. Kilian Music Ministry as we praise the Lord through music. Rehearsal Times: Adult Choir: Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. Children’s Choir: Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. Fil-Am Choir: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Grace Notes (young adults): Thursdays at 5:45 p.m. Instrumental Musicians: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Shine Down (for teens in high school): Sundays at 3:30 p.m. Respect Life Recites The Rosary Every Wednesday at 12:00pm On the corner of Christanta and La Paz For further information, contact: Ron Gryzanoski at (949) 380-7972 JOIN US WEDNESDAY MORNINGS Have you ever wanted to have a better understanding of the Scripture Readings at Sunday Mass, or just wanted to have a better understanding of the Bible? Then please join us after the 9:00 Mass on Wednesday mornings as we come together to become familiar with “At Home with the Word.” Questions, call David Booth @ 768-3791. This study is great for those familiar with the bible and new seekers. ROSARY GROUP MONDAY NIGHT Come join us in the Parish Center at 6:00 pm for dedication to our Blessed Mother. This group has been meeting since 1979, praying spirituality, trusting in the Power of Prayer. All are welcome! Call 949-215-5177. Medjugorie Rosary Group Meets on Thursday at 9:30am Rm. 4 Pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and share special intentions. For information call Kathy 830-2013 Women’s AA 12 X 12 - Thursday 9:30 am, St. Kilian Church, Mission Viejo For information call Alice 949-939-1331 SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM Dear Mom and Dad, I’m really growing! At 22 weeks I’m as long as a ruler and weigh about a pound. Please pray for me every day. S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 11 September 14, 2013 Norman P. Murray Center An evening of food, live music, dancing & more!! Watch for additional information in next week’s bulletin. St. Kilian Church Fundraiser At T K BURGERS Mission Viejo Wednesday, August 14, 2013 7:00am to 10:00pm Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Be sure to join in for some great food. Breakfast - omelette, eggs, breakfast burritos Lunch & Dinner - Burgers, fries, onion rings and much more Great menu!!! 20% of your total bill (minus tax) will go directly to the building fund! Valid on dine-in and take-out Help us continue to Raise the Roof!!! Feel free to contact Cecelia (949) 212-9315 with any questions. California Pizza Kitchen 25513 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo Please pick up your CPK card in the church office. Each time you dine - NOW through Sept 30, 2013 20% of your bill comes back to St. Kilian Church Building Fund. FUNDRAISER COMING EVENTS August 14th—TK Burgers, Mission Viejo September 14th—Taste of St. Kilian September 25th—Flamingos, Laguna Hills October 16th—Bravo Burger, Mission Viejo Catholic Charities of Orange County can help you apply for CalFresh Food Stamps Need help with food? If so, CalFresh, formerly known as Food Stamps, may be the answer. CalFresh is a federally funded program that helps people and their families with little or no income buy nutritious food. Catholic Charities of Orange County (CCOC) can help you apply for CalFresh (Food Stamps) benefits. To find out if you qualify, call our CalFresh Specialists: Jenny Rodriguez - 714-347-9601 or Michael Tijerino - 714-668-1130 Ext. 207 Page 12 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. KILIAN CHURCH/ FAMILY OF FAITH BACKYARD THEOLOGY/SUMMER FELLOWSHIP 2013 CELEBRATING THE YEAR OF FAITH July 23, 30 All Are Welcome-Bring A Friend BOUNTIFUL BBQ POTLUCK AND FELLOWSHIP Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert GATHERING: 6:00 BBQ and Potluck: 6:30-7:30 DATE: July 23 SPEAKER: Dr. Kathy Schinhofen TOPIC: “Becoming the Eucharist We Celebrate.” SPEAKER: 7:30-8:30 DATE: July 30 SPEAKER: Darrell Miller TOPIC: “Why Am I Still Catholic?” KILIAN KIDS CLUB A program for the children whose parents attend Backyard Theology. The children come together for food, fun, Fellowship, craft, songs and bible stories. SIGN UPS ARE REQUIRED For more information please call 586-4440 Or [email protected] THERE WILL BE A FREE WILL OFFERING THIS SERIES IS OFFERED BY ST. KILIAN ADULT FAITH FORMATION FOR WHOLE COMMUNITY CATECHESIS A Day At The Del Mar Races Sponsored by the St. Kilian Women’s Council August 22nd 2013 Departure time is at 11:00 AM from the lower parking lot. (Please arrive 20 minutes earlier for check in). We will return at 7:00 PM The cost is $49.00, which includes bus transportation plus driver gratuity and seating in the Club House Terrace Restaurant. Make your check payable to “St. Kilian CCW” by August 3rd. Mail to: Carole Grod, 27031 Moro Azul, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 For more information and to sign up for the trip, call Carole @ 949-582-2761 AD PAGE AD PAGE AD PAGE ~ Dedication Mass Underwriting ~ We are so close, yet we still need your help! The dedication of a new church is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Please consider helping our parish celebrate this special and solemn occasion by funding one of our many expenses, or by donating needed goods and services. Thank you so much for your kind generosity! “For we are God's co-workers; you are God's field, God's building.” Corinthians 3:9 OPPORTUNITIES ❑ Reception Tent/Rentals ❑ Reception Dessert ❑ Photography/Videography ❑ Parking and Shuttles ❑ Program and General Printing ❑ Reception Catering ❑ Flowers ❑ Delivery/Cleaning Clergy Vestments ❑ General expenses ❑ Other amount 2 available 4 available 4 available 4 available 4 available 9 available $ 1,000 Generously donated $ 750 $ 500 $ 350 $ 250 Generously donated $ 75 Generously Donated $__________ All donations to underwrite the expenses of this special day are greatly appreciated . Please print clearly and return with completed payment form. ❑St. Kilian Parishioner ❑ Business Name_______________________________________________________________________ Business Name _______________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________State_________Zip Code ________________ Home Phone ____________Cell Phone ______________Business Phone ________________ Email Address________________________________________________________________ Credit Card # ___________________________________Expiration date_________________ Security code ________Name on CC__________________________Amount $____________
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