July 3, 2016 - Mission Viejo
July 3, 2016 - Mission Viejo
Volume 13, Week 27 July 3, 2016 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few” Luke 10:2 St. Kilian Parish Clergy Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor Rev. Paul Vu, J.C.L., Parochial Vicar Assisting Priests: Rev. Jim Dunning, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Larry Gibson Rev. Jerry Walker Msgr. Jack Campbell Rev. Chrysostom Baer Deacon Bob Kelleher Deacon Mark Martin Office Numbers Parish Office Religious Education Youth Ministry Music Ministry Fax Eucharist to the Homebound Parish Mission Statement Mass Times Saturday Evening: Sunday: 4:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. Spanish Mass: Sunday 2:30 p.m. (Misa en español) Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Adoration daily from 7-9 a.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. SERRA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Sacraments 586-4440 586-4550 586-7803 586-8414 454-1043 380-1972 Reconciliation Wednesday: 7:00p.m. and Saturday: 8:45a.m. Infant Baptism, Anointing of the Sick, Funerals Call the Parish Office Marriage Call Parish at least 6 months prior to Marriage Quinceañera Call the Parish Office Preschool—8th Grade Our Parish School 23652 Antonio Parkway Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Phone: (949) 888-1990 www.serraschool.org St. Kilian Parish is a Catholic community of faith responding to the call of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of Scripture, the celebration of Eucharist, and in living the sacramental life of the Church. We are committed to responding to each other through communities and ministries of faith and love, addressing our spiritual, social and educational needs. We believe that each of us is called to be a supportive, compassionate, and caring Christian witness in Mission Viejo, the Diocese of Orange and in the world. 26872 Estanciero Drive, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Phone: (949)586-4440 Fax: (949)454-1043 www.stkilianmissionviejo.org Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 The Parish Community of St. Kilian extends a warm welcome to our new pastor, Fr. Patrick Rudolph. Fr. Pat was born in Camp Pendleton to parents Pauline, a Special Ed teacher, and Phil, a career Marine who retired as a Sgt. Major out of El Toro and later taught school. The 5th of 6 children in the Rudolph family, Fr. Pat moved several times within California, Hawaii and North Carolina during which he managed to attend five different grade schools and two high schools. A graduate of University High School in Irvine and Cal State Fullerton, Fr. Pat then went to St. John’s Seminary and was ordained in 1988. St. Kilian is Fr. Pat’s 8th parish assignment and his 3rd as pastor. Welcome and God Bless You, Fr. Pat!!! St. Kilian would also like to welcome our new Confirmation Coordinator, Nathan Johnson. The eldest of three sons of Craig and Angela Johnson, Nathan was born in Los Angeles and has lived in Mission Viejo since 1996. He graduated from Capistrano Valley High School and went on to graduate from Loyola Marymount University with a degree in Theological Studies and a minor in Ethics. Nathan developed a passion for Youth Ministry while attending Holy Trinity Church in Ladera Ranch as a teen and focused his university studies on an intended career path in Youth Ministry. Nathan is looking forward to working with the teens and the rest of the St. Kilian Community. Welcome and God Bless You, Nathan! S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 3 BACKYARD THEOLOGY/SUMMER FELLOWSHIP 2016 TUESDAYS IN JULY: 5, 12, 19, 26 BOUNTIFUL POTLUCK AND FELLOWSHIP GATHERING at 6pm DINNER 6:30pm We provide the hamburgers and hot dogs; You bring a side dish to share! SPEAKER 7:30-8:30pm July 5 – SPEAKER: Fr. Steve Sallot Ordained a diocesan priest in 1980, Fr. Steve has ministered in several parishes in Orange County. He spent ten years at Mater Dei High School as Rector working to redevelop the school through a major capital campaign, meanwhile completing a Masters Degree from USF in Private School Administration. Fr. Steve became the pastor of St. Edward the Confessor and in June 2004, he also became the administrator of a neighboring and largely Spanish speaking parish named San Felipe de Jesus in Capistrano Beach. In 2013, he became the Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese of Orange. TOPIC: “From One Corner of the Kitchen” A view of our church of Orange and the adventure of being part of it. UPCOMING TUESDAYS….. July 12 – SPEAKER: Renée Bondi – “Peace in the Fast Lane” July 19 – SPEAKER: Deacon Steve Greco – “Transformation Through Praise” July 26 – FACILITATOR: Fr. Bruce Patterson – “Pilgrims on the Journey” With special guest speaker, Dr. William “Bill” G. Hoy Tuesday, August 9, 2016 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. St. Kilian Catholic Church 26872 Estanciero Drive Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Please RSVP by July 29th to Becky Lomaka at O’Connor Mortuary by email at [email protected] or by phone at 949-581-4300. Light refreshments will be served. -Revitalize your sense of Spiritual Care -Discover the importance of being present -Gain a renewed sense of the importance of the funeral ritual -Understand the role of community in bereavement & how to include families in planning -Review the new Guide to Catholic Funerals and Words of Remembrance St. Kilian Prayer Shawl Ministers presented Fr. Bruce with a prayer shawl to take with him to his assignment at St. Norbert’s. We will miss you, Fr. Bruce! Page 4 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings Week of July 4, 2016 Monday, July 4, 2016 6:30am Welzenbach Family † 9:00am Leonard James Berwick & Mike Mallard † Tuesday, July 5, 2016 6:30am Will and Myrtle Hess & Jennifer Unterman † 9:00am Ted Tingle & Josette Mattea Espiritu † Wednesday, July 6, 2016 6:30am Elisabeth Lassigne, Hugo Castillo & Emma The † 9:00am Aceles Peters, Fortunato Rivera & William Michaels † Thursday, July 7, 2016 6:30am Laurence and Elizabeth Larkin & Mieczystawa Rajchel † 9:00am Int. of Heidi Hudson and Lisa Brooks Friday, July 8, 2016 6:30am Peggy Barrett & Denise Taylor † 9:00am Dale Andersen & Lourdes SanJuan † Saturday, July 9, 2016 8:00am Michelle Corona & Mercedes Michaels † 4:30pm Gail Crew & Marge, Audrey and Joseph Tinervia † Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:00am Mario Lapeyrade & Frank Rapisarda † 9:00am Sam and Evelyn Franconi & George and Laura Graziano † 10:45am Virginia Gatto, Umelina Marques & Dale Andersen † 12:30pm Int. of Michele and David Lucas 2:30pm Bertha Bringas † 5:00pm The Parishioners of St. Kilian Monday Hosea 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22 Psalm 145:2-9 Matthew 9:18-26 Tuesday Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 Psalm 115:3-6, 7ab-8, 9-10 Matthew 9:32-38 Wednesday Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Psalm 105:2-7 Matthew 10:1-7 Thursday Hosea 11:1-4, 8c-9 Psalm 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16 Matthew 10:7-15 Friday Hosea 14:2-10 Psalm 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17 Matthew 10:16-23 Saturday Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 93:1-2, 5 Matthew 10:24-33 Sunday Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Psalm 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36, 37 Colossians 1:15-20 Luke 10:25-37 Holy Hour Fridays 7-8 p.m. (except First Friday) Recipe for Grace: 1.Rosary 2.15 minute meditation 3.Chaplet of Divine Mercy 4.Benediction & Exposure of Blessed Sacrament S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 5 This Week @ St. Kilian Sun Mon Tue 3 4 5 9:30 a.m. Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Parish Office Closed 10 6 9:30 a.m. Share the Word Food Drive NO Anchor (moved to Thursday) Wed NO Ministry Meetings 11 6 p.m. Backyard Theology Fr. Steve Sallot 7 p.m. Christians in Commerce (MEN ONLY) 12 Thu Fri Sat 7 8 9 9:40 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:00 p.m. Anxiety & Depression Support 7 p.m. Financial Peace University Our Patron Saint Feast Day 7 p.m. Career Transition Ministry 6:30 p.m. SKY NEW DAY AND TIME! 13 8:00 p.m. Anchor 14 7 p.m. Holy Hour 15 16 9:30 a.m. 9:40 a.m. Share the Word Prayer Shawl Ministry Dining Fundraiser Tap House All Day 7 p.m. Christians in Commerce 6 p.m. Backyard Theology Renée Bondi Recycling Drive 7 a.m.- Noon 6:00 p.m. Anxiety & Depression Support 6:30 p.m. SKY 8:00 p.m. Anchor 7 p.m. Financial Peace University 7 p.m. Holy Hour Page 6 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer Requests Please pray for... Requests to add a loved one’s name to the bulletin prayer lists should be made by email to [email protected]. Bulletin requests are due by Monday at noon due to publishing deadlines. The names of deceased or ill loved ones shall remain in the bulletin for one month (4 bulletins). The request may be renewed by emailing the request again. If you are interested in a Mass intention please contact the office to schedule the Mass. If you have any questions, please email or call 949-586-4440. Those who are sick: Those who have died: Glenn Swaim Gail Lawson-Babeshoff Elizabeth Strong Mark Smith Mercedes St. Hilaire Elodia Ricca James Romero Carlos Forero Ann Rametta Jason Vantilborg Bailey Daugherty Juan Tataje Eliette Sidney Pitta Fredda Schlacter Silvia Ocana Irene Judge Jennifer Unterman Josette Mattea Espiritu Marjorie Nemec Julia Valdez Sheila Mae Dimaano Dovenmuehler Sharon Nestor Marie Ward Shelley Elias John Cirrito Arlene Dalton Mary Wittenmeier Dolores Rodarte Nancy Bold PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN SERVING OUR COUNTRY: Afghanistan: Zach Moreland, Stephen Bohanan, Renee Barrett, Adam O’Neill, Jordan Franco, Robert Charles Holmes, Jr. Bahrain: Christine Cawayan, Richard Erk III Beirut: Christopher Centeno Djibouti, East Africa: Andrew Hill Gabon: Adam Pastor Georgia: Reece Ludwig Japan: John Richmond, Vince Ramos Germany: Austen Swaim Hawaii: Robert Ortiz , Sara Hunt Iraq: Ryan Burke Middle East: Ryan Voght Okinawa: John Richmond, Alfredo Samson, Jr. Pacific: Theodore Bucierka, Patrick O’Mara San Diego: David Rehnberg, Diego Walker South Dakota: Kyle Hunt Tunisia: Daniel “Justin” Fowler To include a family member’s name serving our country, please email [email protected] We remember Jason Vantilborg Carlos Forero Juan Tataje Who entered their new and eternal lives in Christ. Our Parish condolences are extended to their families. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 7 St Kilian Food Pantry Monthly Food Drive THIS WEEKEND!!! (July 2nd & 3rd) Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group Please join us on Tuesday, July 5th at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Center, rooms 4 & 5 Drop off your donations at the tables outside after Mass or drop off at the Parish Office anytime during the week. The St. Kilian Food Pantry provides groceries to people in need each week. Cash donations are always welcome. Thank you. Your generosity is much appreciated! You are not alone. Come join others who are going through the same trials as yourself. Questions? Please call the Parish Office at 586-4440 www.mvcaregiversupport.com Weekly Parish Offering June 25/26, 2016 Cash/Checks $17,761 EFT 5,560* Total $23,321 In our parish budget, the Finance Council has determined that we need, on average, $28,613 per week in the Sunday collecƟon to cover our operaƟng expenses. Thank you for your conƟnued generosity! *Weekly average over preceding three-month period. Page 8 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pray the rosary Marriage Banns I. Cory Charles Carbajal and Shannon Elizabeth O’Dea I. Vincent Michael Green and Elise Marie Flocken CAREER TRANSITION MINISTRY Are you unemployed, about to be laid off, thinking of changing your career or looking for help? Are you frustrated with the job search and wondering why God is testing you? If you answered yes, the St. Kilian Career Transition Ministry welcomes you to join this group. Through faith and love we help each other make the best of a trying and challenging time. Mondays Wednesdays Thursdays Mon-Fri Saturdays 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 9:45 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 7:30 a.m. Parish Center Church Parish Center Church Church Food Pantry June 2016 We invite you to attend the meeting: Thursday, July 7th at 7:00 p.m. Room 12 in the Parish Center. If you are an employer or parish member or know of any employment opportunities or information that would be helpful to those searching for employment, please contact the Career Transition Ministry. They need your help. For information contact: Jim Graver (949) 581-9599 [email protected] or Ken Herberger [email protected] 293 Families Served 1338 Individuals Served 31 Homeless Served 353 Served at Mobile Food Pantry Being a Laborer for the Kingdom of God “Everything that you do should serve to build and expand the kingdom of God.” Tadeusz Dajczer, The Gift of Faith, (Ft. Collins, CO: IAMF, 2012), 199. S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 9 High Park Tap House 23641 Via Linda Mission Viejo (949) 215-3600 DATE: Wednesday July 13 TIME: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. High Park Tap House will donate 20% on all regularly priced food and beverage menu items when the flyer is presented. Watch next week’s bulletin for the flyer. COME JOIN THE FUN! We have a very special marriage encounter weekend coming up for you. It will be a non-residential weekend. You won’t be spending the night. It will include only Saturday and Sunday. The weekend will be held at St. Jeanne de Lestonnac in Tustin. So, if you need some spark and romance in your marriage with better communication, sign up for this weekend, July 23 and 24. For more information, call Jim & Cheryl at 949-551-9156 or John & Maggie Lee at 714-873-5136. If you prefer to sign up on line, you can do so at our website: www.OCWWME.org DINING FUNDRAISERS July 13th August 17th September 14th October 12th November 9th The Tap House - Mission Viejo TK Burgers - Mission Viejo Don Gustavo’s - Mission Viejo Pick-up-Stix - Mission Viejo Tutto Fresco - Rancho Santa Margarita Page 10 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Focus Seminar for Seniors Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Orange is providing a Focus Seminar for Seniors and for those caring for their parents or relatives at St. Martin de Porres Church, featuring experts on the following subjects: ♦ Elder Care Placement ♦ Fiduciary ♦ Medicare ♦ Hospice/Palliative Care ♦ Assisting Seniors in Downsizing ♦ Scams Aimed at Seniors ♦ Advance Planning for Burial St. Martin de Porres Church Parish Center Wednesday, July 13, 2016 6-8 p.m. Please RSVP to Deacon Mike Shaffer at [email protected] or at 714-309-2933. S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 11 Cub Scouts Pack 714 At St. Kilian Parish Adventure is Calling Boys and their Families! In-coming Kindergarten through 5th grade boys, siblings and parents are welcome to attend any of the following: July Activities -- TBD Wednesday, August 10, 2016 6:30-9:45 p.m. Picnic, games, “Zootopia” Lake Mission Viejo Friday-Sunday, August 12-14, 2016 Family Camp San Mateo Campgroup, San Clemente (tent & dry RV) Wednesday, August 24, 2016 6:30-9:45 p.m. Picnic, games “Inside Out” Lake Mission Viejo Boys ENTERING kindergarten in September will be part of the new LION program Monthly Pack Meetings resume: Monday, September 12, 2016 6:45-7:45 p.m. Parish Hall For more information, please contact Linda Shepard (parishioner) at [email protected] or 949-770-6232 CAVE QUEST Vacation Bible School is FULL!!! (waiting list only…) Volunteer Positions still available Contact the RE Office for more information. Thanks to everyone who signed up. We are busy creating the Underground Adventure… See you soon! Page 12 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUMMER BREAK for Children’s Liturgy of the Word In our second year of the Diocese of Orange Priests vs. Seminarians Annual Basketball Game, the Priests look to continue their winning streak against the Seminarians. Can the Seminarians make a comeback and bring home the trophy? Funds raised from this year’s event to go toward Seminarian Education. 5:30 p.m. Social & Good Trucks 7:00 p.m. Game Time Tickets sold online only through Eventbrite. No tickets sales at the door. Questions, please contact the Vocations Office at 714-282-3033 Friday, July 15, 2016 from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Mater Dei High School 1202 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92707 HOW TO PURCHASE TICKETS: Via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/priests-vs-seminariansbasketball-game-tickets-25662230422 Via Diocese of Orange Website http://www.rcbo.org/events/priests-vs-seminariansbasketball-game/ We hope all of our families have a blessed summer, and we look forward to seeing everyone in September, when Children's Liturgy of the Word will resume during the 10:45am and 5:00pm Sunday masses. Thank you to all of our volunteers for your dedication to this ministry and thank you to all of our children who come with open hearts to "hear the Gospel, live the Gospel." If you are interested in volunteering in this wonderful ministry, please contact Pam Elliott at 949/683-6313. Do you feel a call to be part of our LITURGICAL TEAM? We need YOU!!! We are looking for assistance in many areas of our Liturgical Ministry and would love to discuss finding a way for you to get involved, serve God and meet others in the Parish. Please contact Kimberly Bauer if you are interested at [email protected]. God Bless you!!! SAVE THE DATE! Saturday & Sunday, OCTOBER 8th & 9th The usual fun-filled weekend with our faith community and beyond! Stay tuned for weeks to come — for reminders, opportunities for sponsorship and volunteering, and info on new activities! START saving books now for our BOOK NOOK! Keep them at home for now though—we will let you know when we are ready to receive... 27856 Center Dr., Mission Viego, CA SYLVAN TUTORING for your child. All ages and subjects!!! F ASSESREE if you SMENT menti this ad on Sylvan of Mission Viejo 27762 Vista Del Lago, Ste A-10 949-462-7160 Complimentary Diagnostic Assessment for St. Kilian Parishioners SAT/ACT Prep • STEM • Robotics • Coding Reading • Math • Writing • Study Skills • Homework Help PROBATE • WILLS • TRUSTS Estate Planning ~ Trust Litigation Conservatorships Trust Administration Immediate Arrangements Free Consultation • House Calls PUT YOUR TRUST IN OUR HANDS. NEIGHBORHOOD CAR CARE *FREE Shuttle & WIFI Waiting Service *5 Yrs. 100% Cust. Sat. in 5 years Survey *Parishioners *30 Yrs. Experience OIL CHANGE & FILTER $24.95 (up to 5 Qts. Oil) Most Cars, + Tax & Waste $15 Off Maintenance Flush Most Cars, + Tax & Waste We Don’t Recommend Anything You Don’t Need…Guaranteed! COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR 23761 #A Via Fabricante (at Obrero) Ask for St. Kilian 10% off Discount! 949 ) 7 0 7 - 5 9 9 1 (9 Est. 1976 (949) 582-1166 26021 Marguerite Pkwy. (At Oso Pkwy.) Pavilions Center $3.00 Off 16” Large Pizza with Coupon DAKOTA PLUMBING Lic. #867759 * New Installs & All Repairs-Sewer/Water/Gas * Water heaters * Leak Detection * Rooter & Drain Cleaning EISENBART & SONS Dr. Christopher P. Travis is known in the dental community as a prominent and excellent prosthodontist. He specializes in the dental art and science of restoring and maintaining oral function and has extensive training in materials and methods in order to achieve esthetic results important for a natural look. This is accomplished by replacement of missing teeth and structures with artificial devices. A Division of Keifer-Riley Glass Replacement Windows Entry & Patio Doors Vinyl, Aluminum, Wood Clad License #684821 949-768-5733 23725 Via Fabricante, M.V. Parish Member (949) 204-7556 Parishioner - Justin Law Offices of Eric Becker Dr. Christopher P. 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Free Appetizer with this ad Reserve online at www.DelizieMV.com 25380 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 855-6866 Mention or this Ad f al Addition Savings PARISHIONERS 949-842-8328 [email protected] BRE #01751159 BRE #01317331 www.TheGoldMedalGroup.com 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm SPACE AVAILABLE Connie Belmont Owner Parishioner 25800 Jeronimo Road, #701 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 [email protected] To Advertise Here... ALISO AIR,INC. Air Conditioning & Heating Contact VICTORIA QUINN today at (800) 231-0805 • [email protected] LIC. #526420 (949) 589-2021 Phone: 949-855-0622 • www.fastframe.com Parish Member Traditional & Personalized Funerals, Memorials, & Advance Planning Our Family Servicing the Community Since 1898 Laguna Hills Chapel and Crematory FD 1293 Catholic Family Owned 004990 St Kilian Church (C) www.jspaluch.com Irvine & San Juan Capistrano Arrangement Offices • Se habla español For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 30% OFF ON JEWELRY REPAIRS & CUSTOM DESIGNS RITA’S JEWELRY PEARL WATCH BATTERY RESTRINGING 99 $299 PER INCH SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY $2 24451 ALICIA PKWY. #7 MISSION VIEJO INSTALLED WHILE YOU WAIT MOST WATCHES 949-951-1360 Parishioner NO LIMIT APPRAISALS BY GIA CERTIFIED SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY Bernard Mesholzadeh G UIDING Y OUR WAY TO REALTOR O PTIMAL O RAL H EALTH ! HENRY KIM, DMD, MMSc Parishioner BRE#01338903 Harvard Graduate Dental Specialist 4th Degree KofC Usher Ministry 949.472.5499 25982 Pala Dr., Suite 200 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 562-760-0519 [email protected] www.henrykimdmdpc.com Smog Station Foreign/Domestic Full Brake Service Tires/Batteries Tune-Up Specialist Air Conditioning GREGG’S MISSION VIEJO MOBIL 23002 Alicia Pkwy., Mission Viejo (949) 586-7902 Gregg Hammork, Owner If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! PROSTHETIC, IMPLANT & ESTHETIC DENTISTRY 800.393.9954 We are MOBILE service care! We’ll come to the comfort of your home or office. No Waiting Room. No Sitting in Traffic. Longer Doctor-Patient Service. Call/Text/Email and schedule your appointment! 949-751-2023 Dr. La is calling you! 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SUITE 109 Dr. Margaret Almajano CALL: 949.472.4300 Top 2% In Nation 10% of my commission back to St. Kilian’s in your name. CCD Teacher for over 30 years. Helping Families Like Yours Since 1980 25909 Pala Drive • Suite 100 • Mission Viejo, CA 92691 004990 St Kilian Church (B) FREE TEETH WHITENING CALL FOR DETAILS “South County’s Home Care Provider” www.jspaluch.com 949.322.1240 [email protected] Parishioner Since 1975 DRE License: # 00781143 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Living T rusts Wills • Probate Parishioner (949) 545-6777 J OHN C. C ONNOLLY Attorney at Law FREE CONSULTATION WE ALSO BUY/SELL GOLD, SILVER, DIAMONDS, CURRENCY,WATCHES 24422 Del Prado #1 Dana Point, CA 92629 House Visits Available Upon Request Parishioner (949) 859-7464 LIVING TRUSTS WILLS/PROBATE Estate Planning Lunch Specials Law offices of MICHAEL T. WALSH WINDOW CLEANING starting at $6.50 Mon-Sat 25342 McIntyre Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 768-3811 www.FlamingosMexicanGrill.com PLAN AHEAD BEAT INFLATION • MINIMIZE FAMILY DISTRESS YOUR BELIEFS, YOUR WISHES, YOUR FAITH Mention this ad for a $500 Discount at Ascension Cemetery for EXP 12/31/16 Advance Plan of Casket Interment Call Today to Find Out More • Excellent References • Reasonable Prices • 15 Years Experience • Licensed & Bonded • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • Residential • Commercial • Free Estimates Two offices to serve you Laguna Niguel/Newport Demetrio D. Fernandez, Jr., DMD (949) 829-8411 Polish Polish Married Married Couple Couple COSMETIC & FAMILY 949-701-7494 Dentistry Saint Margaret Sunday Missal MISSION HILLS MEDICAL/DENTAL CENTER 25982 Pala Drive • Suite 130 • Mission Viejo An ideal companion for personal prayer. www.dfernandezdmd.com In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Kababayan! 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Wedding Cantor/All Mass Occasion Singer Classically Trained, Contemporary Repertoire Former Christ Cathedral Wedding Cantor/Coordinator AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Commercial & Residential LIC #461076 949-492-1361 Bilingual: English & Spanish 949-648-9389 [email protected] www.rohanandsonsinc.com The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes GRAND OPENING Securities offered solely through (AIC) Member of FINRA/SIPC 714.834-1617 [email protected] Check It Out Today! GENERAL DENTISTRY Purchase or Refinance — All Types of Home Loans GRAND AVENUE WE BEAT ALL THE BIG BANKS AND CREDIT UNIONS NMLS #1050975 NICHOLE VERBURG, Parishioner ** Reverse Mortgage Specialist ** 949.422.4924 or 800.293.2133 Eva Janiszewski, M.D. Family Practice (949) 458-2992 24896 Chrisanta Drive., Ste. 130, Mission Viejo Local Parishioner Comprehensive Medical Care for the Entire Family 10% of our commission donated to St. Kilian Church FREE Thai Tea or Soda w/any Meal (w/this ad) 7 Days a Week • 10am-10pm 23775 EL TORO ROAD LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (in the 99¢ Store Plaza) 949.446.8333 Realtor® Cal BRE #01820716 | Notary Public ANDY: 949.292.6227 004990 St Kilian Church (A) BUSINESS PHONE SYSTEMS CA Telephone Systems (949) 581-2995 Our goal is to change the way people view assisted living. We create warm and welcoming homes through caregivers dedicated with passion and integrity. Learn More (949) 257-8449 Parishioner Owned www.sacredheartelderly.com [email protected] Realtor® Cal BRE #01954140 | Notary Public 949-362-1142 Tumawag lang po. SACRED HEART ASSISTED LIVING Parishioner LYNN-Z: 949.241.6913 [email protected] Armentina Diao Light, DMD Vi r g i n i a L a p i r a D a v i d , D M D 15 Mareblu, Suite 280, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 www.SoldByWoodfill.com www.jspaluch.com Plumbing Painting Electrical Repairs Fencing, Gates & Doors Odd Jobs Hauling Service ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 949-293-5691 Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Bishop Vann invites you to join him, Archbishop Gomez, other bishops, and thousands from Southern California in solidarity and prayer for humanitarian relief for immigrants and just and compassionate immigration reform. We also want to recognize the wonderful efforts of parishes throughout Southern California that are caring for immigrants and helping them to prepare for relief and a path to citizenship in the upcoming: Mass in Recognition of All Immigrants Sunday, July 17, 2016 at 4:00 pm (Pre-Procession Gathering at 3:00 pm) Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels 555 W. Temple Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012
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July 21, 2013 - St. Kilian Catholic Church
We believe that each of us is called to be
a supportive, compassionate, and
caring Christian witness in Mission
Viejo, the Diocese of Orange and in
the world.