February 2016 - Woodchurch High School
February 2016 - Woodchurch High School
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 This half term has been very productive, with Year 8, 10 and 11 pupils sitting exams. Our exam process has been developed to prepare pupils from Year 7 for their final GCSE exams in year 11. Government changes now mean that exams at the end of the GCSE programme will carry 100% of the marks. Pupils, therefore, are required to develop greater learning skills, so revision and homework are crucial. We have a great deal of support for our pupils at school with homework clubs, after school revision sessions and Saturday College. However, we would ask for your support in ensuring that home study is carried out nightly. This newsletter will update you on other events which have taken place and, as you can see, we continue to offer our pupils so many fantastic learning and enrichment opportunities. MP Visit We were delighted to welcome Margaret Greenwood, MP, to school on Friday 12th February. Ms Greenwood met with representatives of all year groups, including School Council members, and discussed a wide range of topics including the Labour Party leadership, Trident and the Junior Doctors’ strike. Pupils were interested to find out about the working day of an MP and how Ms Greenwood was able to represent the diverse needs of constituents across the West Wirral constituency. Ms Greenwood followed the meeting with a tour of the school and discussions with key members of staff. Both Ms Greenwood and her aide were very impressed with the excellent behaviour of pupils and their knowledge of the subjects discussed. We hope Ms Greenwood will be a regular visitor to school. On Thursday 11th February we held our annual Take Your Parents to School Day. A number of parents of Year 7 pupils went back to school to experience life as a pupil at Woodchurch High School. Parents joined in lessons and had the opportunity to learn about the Internet and the changes that have taken place in Maths and English. Parents greatly enjoyed the day and gave very positive feedback: “Enjoyed all lessons. They were taught in a fun way. It’s great to see how children interact with teachers and peers.” “I had a wonderful time today and thought the reception I received was first class.” “Absolutely brilliant. A great day – good to see teachers engaging with pupils.” Also on 11th February we held our Year 8 Options Day, when pupils and parents/carers together had the chance to look at subject stalls and speak to staff and pupils studying the courses. Form Tutor guidance interviews provided support and direction on the options available for Key Stage 4. Again, the Year 8 parents/carers expressed appreciation of the way in which the school had provided guidance through options taster sessions, options evenings and the day itself: “The student on the Graphic Art was very helpful and told us lots about the subject.” “The teachers have given me good advice; really helpful.” “I felt a lot better helping my daughter with her Options after being here.” “The Options Evening presentations really helped. My son already had a strong idea of the Options he wanted to choose before we came. Talking to some of the subject leaders in the hall just confirmed his choices.” At Woodchurch we continue to develop our young people as independent learners. Our ten Successful Learning criteria are used in lessons to promote good learning habits in the pupils. There are ten criteria G1 to G10 and they range from G1: getting on time and settling quickly to G10: hold yourself responsible for your learning and that of others. The ten criteria have been selected to cover all aspects of learning and should pupils adhere to them then they are more likely to be successful learners and make progress. Each month in Woodchurch we have a different Successful Learning focus. At the end of the month, staff nominate pupils who they feel have excelled in that specific focus and letters are sent home congratulating them. Each year also have twenty-five "Behaviour For Learning Champions". These are pupils have have been identified as having excellent BFL skills. They are used in lessons to support group work and the learning of others and outside of the classroom they are used to work with other pupils to help them develop their BFL skills. For example, a group of Year 9 pupils have been working with Year 7 pupils and helping them understand and adhere to our Successful Learning criteria. Some Year 10 pupils have also been working with Year 8 pupils who are successful in many areas of the criteria, but need some support in developing their understanding of all ten criteria. It's all about learning at Woodchurch! From the beginning of next half term, it is our intention to close the Main Car Park Gate (inside the grounds, internal gate at Sports Centre) between 3.00 pm and 3.30 pm each day. This change will be made in an effort to ensure the safety of our pupils at the end of the school day. It has been observed that Parents/Carers are parking illegally within the car parks to wait for pupils to finish school. This has caused severe congestion but, significantly, it is a Health and Safety Hazard, as pupils are having to negotiate through parked cars to get to parents who are collecting them. The disabled access car park immediately beside the main school entrance is for the use of blue badge holders and the special transport vehicles only. This area must not be used drop off or pick up pupils as this causes congestion and disruption for those pupils who need to use this car park for access. As a school we always strive to keep all our pupils safe, which has led to us making this decision. Thank you in advance for your co-operation and support. Year 11: Succeeding in Exams: On Tuesday 9th February, Year 11 parents and pupils were invited to attend an evening session by a leading educational specialist on Succeeding in Exams, Mr Andrew Newton. The session started with a fascinating explanation on how the brain actually works, and how to stimulate it and make it work in a positive way for learning. Mr Newton then tried some brain gym exercises and experimented with some brain quizzes and picture based brain exercises. These were equally challenging for both pupils, their parents and Mr Chapple! Reflecting on the outcome of these brain exercises, Mr Newton then went on to look at healthy revision routines and techniques, focussing particularly on the need for planning a good routine, eating healthily, living healthily and getting enough sleep. He has left a booklet with the Year 11 Pastoral Team, with all this information in it. If you were unable to attend the session and would like a copy, please contact Mr Chapple or Mr Hesketh, who will be pleased to post a copy to you. The highlight of the evening was when parents were separated from their children for the final session of the evening. Mr Newton worked with parents in the Main Hall, discussing exam stress from a parental perspective, whilst Mr Chapple led the Year 11 pupils in an analysis of their recent behaviour traits to see how stress was effecting them. After half an hour, the two groups merged, with parents being asked to slot in between the pupils, but away from their own children, to discuss the results. The ensuing discussions were fascinating, with both parents and pupils stating this was the most enlightening and interesting part of the evening. Parents were able to understand exam stress from a pupils' perspective and Year 11 pupils were able to appreciate their own parents' worries and stresses with regard to the exam season. Both parents and pupils felt much more informed and relaxed about how to cope in the upcoming few weeks. Indeed, there are a mere 9 weeks before exam season begins. Year 11 pupils have been invited to another Presentation Morning at 8.30am on Thursday 25th February to collect their trial exam results. This will be the final opportunity to experience the thrill (or disappointment!) of collecting exam results, before the actual GCSE Results Day in August 2016. We hope parents will be able to attend this short presentation morning and we look forward to celebrating the successes of all pupils. These final few weeks are now crucial to complete Controlled Assessments, finalise or amend a good revision schedule for the run up to exams, ensure pupils are discussing strengths and weaknesses with their subject teachers, accessing past papers on the school VLE and other websites, establishing a healthy regime at home and school, and trying to keep stress under control. Remember pupils should review the basics too and read the exam questions to ensure they answer exactly what is asked, and look at the exam scoring at the bottom of each page to answer accordingly. A school life balance is important, but as Woodchurch school life draws to a close, it is important for pupils to take advantage of the many opportunities on offer. Every subject area has after school revision classes and teachers/mentors are more than willing to offer 1 to 1 sessions for pupils who ask. Enjoy these last few weeks and months, as, after all, school days are the best days of your life! So, make the most of every remaining minute. Can I respectfully remind parents of the school uniform rules and general school rules which, if not adhered to, will result in sanctions for your child: Fizzy drinks are not allowed anywhere in the school building or its surround. Aerosol cans should only be taken out and used when in the sports centre after PE lessons. The spraying of these aerosol cans in the school or on the bus has resulted in severe asthma attacks for some of our pupils. Consequently they may only be used when necessary after PE. School Skirts should be no more than 2” above the knee and should be of a non-jersey fabric. School shoes should be as described on our website. Trainers and trainer-shoes are not allowed. Only one pair of small earrings (one earring in each ear) and a watch are allowed. No other jewellery is permitted. Make–up should be kept to an absolute minimum and nail varnish is not permitted. Pupils wearing inappropriate make-up or nail varnish will be asked to remove it. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in this matter. If you wish for any further information or to discuss these issues further please feel free to contact your son/daughter’s Pupil Progress Leader. Please also note this advanced notice: we are changing our uniform slightly in September and a pupils will be required to have a Woodchurch High School bag for their books, planners and PE kit. There will be several to choose from and they will be available to purchase, with the child's name inside, from the Wirral Uniform Shop. This decision has been made to reduce the cost of the uniform and the bags will be cheaper than other bags that some parents feel under pressure to purchase for their child. We will ensure that parents are kept up to date with all information regarding this matter. The Parent Teachers Association (PTA) – New Members Required The PTA raises funds for the school. Are you interested in helping your child’s school? Can you give up any free time? As little or as much as you can, with NO permanent obligation. The PTA consists of Parents and Friends of the School. In the school year to date, the PTA has raised over £1300 and are aiming for an annual Target of £5000! All monies raised are donated back to the school to assist with needy causes. We meet at the school on the 2nd Monday of every month and would be delighted to welcome new volunteers / members. Our next meeting is Monday 14th March – School Staff Meeting Room 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm. Art Graphics Following the Art Graphics trip in December to Liverpool where the year 11 pupils took photographs of various buildings around the city, Mrs Landrum kindly offered her expertise in Photography and took the pupils’ side profile. They then got on with the task of learning how to manipulate and edit the photos to create the desired 'Double Exposure' outcome as seen here. Mr Marshall, who accompanied the trip in December, will be invited in to see their end of year exhibition in June. Rocket Science Year 7 have begun looking at Rocket Science in their Technology lessons this week as part of their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) project. Year 7 pupils will be learning about aerodynamics and rocket design in order to build the most successful rocket they can; they will then launch their water powered rockets into the air as a class competition. Year 7 have used the Technology department’s wind tunnel to help them learn more about aerodynamics and how this affects the design of rockets in the real -world. The wind tunnel is just one of the many pieces of specialist equipment and machinery the Technology department uses to enhance teaching and learning for all pupils. Year 8 Robotics The Technology department has six Lego Mindstorm EV3 kits that are used to teach pupils about robotics, these are used each week by the Year 8 Robotics Club that begins again on 1st February with a new group of pupils. Any Year 8 pupils that are interested in Engineering are encouraged to attend Robotics Club on a Monday after school. Pupils can sign up using the sheet on the Technology Staff Base door. Performing Arts The year 10 Performing Arts students have been developing plays based around the slave trade for their most recent controlled assessment. They used a variety of inspirations including poetry/monologues and dance to create highly artistic pieces created around a no linear structure. Woodchurch Pantomime Our year 9 and year 11 GCSE Drama students performed their own unique versions of “Cinderella” to a number of our local feeder schools just before Christmas. Our students acted as independent production companies to research/plan/write/rehearse and provide all the technical elements for their pieces. As you can see from the photographs they did an amazing job. English Study Support takes place in English rooms 10 and 11 for an hour after school every Thursday. Pupils from every year group are encouraged to attend, as it gives them the opportunity to meet with an English teacher and receive support relating to the scheme that they are currently studying. Pupils can also receive support with their homework and any Literacy issues that have arisen in other subjects. The timetable is as follows: KS3 Study Support En10 Year 10 Study Support Year 11 Revision Media Support Drama Production En4/5 En7 Drama Studio En11 25.2.16 Miss Farley Miss Jones Mr Jones Miss Coombs Mr Dawson 3.3.16 Mrs Crick Mr Williams Mr Baccino Mr Dickenson Mr Dawson 10.3.16 Miss Hough Mrs Wilson Mrs Langcake Miss Evans Mr Dawson 17.3.16 Miss Evans Miss Broad Miss Coombs Miss Clarke Mr Dawson 24.3.16 Miss Clarke Miss Griffiths Mrs Wilson Mr Jones Mr Dawson 31.3.16 Mr Dickenson Miss Barney Miss Willis Miss Broad Mr Dawson 21.4.16 Miss Farley Miss Jones Mr Jones Miss Coombs Mr Dawson 28.4.16 Mrs Crick Miss Broad Mr Baccino Mr Dickenson Mr Dawson 5.5.16 Miss Hough Miss Milosevic Mrs Langcake Miss Evans Mr Dawson 12.5.16 Miss Evans Mr Williams Miss Coombs Miss Clarke Mr Dawson 12.5.16 Miss Clarke Miss Barney Miss Willis Mr Jones Mr Dawson 19.5.16 Mr Dickenson Miss Griffiths Mrs Wilson Miss Broad Mr Dawson 26.5.16 Miss L Williams Mrs Wilson Miss Griffiths Miss Coombs Mr Dawson 9.6.16 Miss Farley Miss Barney 16.6.16 Mrs Crick Miss Broad 23.6.16 Miss Hough Mrs Wilson 30.6.15 Miss Evans Mr Williams 7.7.15 Miss Griffiths Mrs Wilson 14.7.15 Mr Dickenson Miss Milosevic Star Wars Media Trip Each year, the exam topic for GCSE Media Studies is different. In 2015, it was TV News. For 2016, it will be Science Fiction Movies. With this in mind, the Media department organised a trip to see StarWars: The Force Awakens on Thursday 17th January - the film’s first day of release. Forty-six pupils had a lesson in school on the Star Wars franchise, and how it has become so successful prior to boarding a coach to the Odeon Cinema in Bromborough with four members of staff. The trip was a great success with pupils and staff all enjoying the film and excitedly discussing Star Wars on the way home. It is hoped that the Media cinema trip will become an annual event. On the 11th February, forty-seven pupils and five staff are embarking on the annual overnight trip to London. They will visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour in Leavesden, where they will have two lessons from film professionals as well as taking part in the studio tour. On the second day, they will visit the London Film Museum to see the James Bond exhibition and go on a sightseeing tour of London. Year 11 Ty Newydd Writer’s Residential On Friday 15th January, twenty Year 11 boys visited Ty Newydd in Wales for the weekend with the English department. Ty Newydd is a house which dates back to the 15th century. It was also the former residence of David Lloyd George and is now the National Writing Centre of Wales. Established in 1990, thousands of aspiring and budding writers have since passed through its front door. Over the weekend, the boys completed three full sessions of English in preparation for their upcoming mock examinations, as well as cooking and walking in the Welsh countryside. Grammar Revision As grammar now carries a bigger percentage in GCSEs, Mr Jones is starting after school grammar revision every Monday in English 9. The aim is to encourage pupils to develop their confidence with their grammar and recognise when they have made basic errors, such as forgetting to use capital letters and full stops. The first session will focus on homophone and the following week basic punctuation will be studied. New dates will follow next half term. Creative Writing Club Miss Willis has introduced a creative writing club for Year 8 pupils. The club is on a Thursday after school and is open to any pupil that likes to write for pleasure or is interested in creative writing. This is an excellent opportunity for pupils to have specialist support with developing their writing and their imaginations. Year 7 Year 7 have now started their Shakespeare scheme of work and have made excellent progress. They have been focusing on the life of the famous playwright and have learnt about what life was like in Elizabethan England and how this influenced Shakespeare’s work. Using their knowledge, they have produced posters, leaflets and tour guides about The Globe theatre and have developed their understanding of how Shakespeare’s plays were performed. Year 7 pupils have also been studying the plays Macbeth and Romeo & Juliet and have been reading important scenes in order to understand the key character’s feelings. The Shakespeare scheme of work is developed to introduce Shakespeare to our Year 7 pupils and begin to prepare them for the work they will be doing during their GCSE years. Year 8 Year 8 have worked well this half-term after completing their trial exams. In the first week of January, pupils sat GCSE level papers to introduce them to the style of examinations and prepare them for their next three years at Woodchurch. Year 8 have also been working on PSCHEE this half term within their English lessons. Pupils have been exploring Drink Driving in the Media; they have created some excellent adverts and storyboards as well as some fantastic analysis writing on the topic. Year 8 Options Year 8 are currently in the process of selecting their GCSE options for Year 9. The pupils will all take English Language and English Literature, but we also offer two more brilliant courses within the Curriculum Area. Pupils also have the option to take Performing Arts and Media; both courses are really exciting and will help pupils to develop lots of new skills to support them with English. Year 9 The Year 9 scheme of work for the Spring term is centred around Shakespeare’s Macbeth. This scheme is designed to prepare Year 9 pupils for their English Literature GCSE and to develop their confidence when reading and translating Shakespeare’s language. Year 9 have been reading key scenes from the play and have explored the presentation of different characters, particularly focusing on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and the dynamic of their relationship. Pupils have engaged well with the scheme and demonstrated a mature approach to the themes within the play. Year 10 Year 10 have been continuing with their study of Macbeth and developing their responses to character in preparation for their GCSE exam. Study packs, which include a copy of Macbeth, A Christmas Carol and study files are still available to purchase from Miss Griffiths for £5. These study packs are an invaluable resource which all Year 10 pupils should be equipped with in preparation for their GCSEs. Year 10 have also recently completed their first English Language Mock GCSE examination, we were impressed with the mature attitude and the pupils’ commitment to their studies. Year 11 Key Dates Year11 are to be congratulated on their performance in the recent Mock Walk Through Day. They worked hard all day preparing for their exams and we are very impressed with their commitment to revision. Please see the table below for key dates of examinations. Revision classes are also being held to enhance pupils’ understanding of different text types prior to their GCSE English Language exams in May and June. Year 11 pupils are continuing to complete mock exams throughout the academic year which will help staff assess progress before the summer exams. Please support your child with revision and homework. Date Monday 21st March Topic Mock Language Exam IIII Friday 6th May Mock Walk Through Day III Monday 9th May Mock Language Exam V Monday 23rd May English Literature Unit I Exam Friday 27th May English Literature Unit II Exam Tuesday 7th June English Language Unit I and II Exams Geography Support Sessions Support sessions for all KS4 classes are held every Tuesday lunch time in Humanities 5, this is to support pupils with homework and preparing for tests and exams. So come along bring your lunch and get those grades, or alternatively come along for a chat about all matters Geography! Humanities are having a Parent support evening for year 10 Parents/Carers on the 25th February 6-7pm- looking at how to revise and what they need to do to support their child. Congratulations to the following pupils for their recent excellent performance: Year 7 Ciaran Charles Angus Farley Heather Fox Keira Jones Year 11 Callum Cooper Matthew Hassall Ellie Rhodes Leon Makin Billy Cliff Year 8 Jonathan Bruffell Benjamin Muirhead Marshall Dreelan Karl Holland Tom Hudson Luke Black Year 10 Sam Hudson Ben Williams Mia Stewart Megan Wilson Blake Langley Beth McDonough Hannah McNee Cerys Mack Year 11 History revision sessions are on Monday lunchtime and Tuesday 3.15 each week. Medieval Britain Topic Well done to pupils from 7X1 who built model castles as part of their Year 7 History work on Medieval Britain. The pupils are - Jez Forshaw, Tom Rylance, Sam Moorhead, Bethany Mather, Aisha Hammett, Louise Southall, Alex Martin, Latoya Hinchliffe, Kathryn Sheard, Sarah Thomas, Chloe Stewart and Lewis Fryer. Year 9 Harry Natton Ben McSherry Jack Shaw Thaila Barker Luke Holmes-Thompson Matthew Hassall Matthew Bradford Ben Davies Year 10 Luke Hillan Ben Owens Kristi Stephenson Year 7 Buddhist Centre Trip Last month, 45 Year 7 pupils visited Oxton's Buddhist Centre to learn about Buddhist beliefs and practices as part of their KS3 Religious Studies. Pupils were given the opportunity to meditate, ask questions and explore a Buddhist place of worship. As an incredibly popular visit, a further trip has been arranged so that more pupils can take advantage of this excellent opportunity. On Holocaust Memorial Day 2016, pupils from our school took part in a conference to remember and learn from events of the past. During the day, pupils from Year 8 and Year 9 listened to a talk from a second generation Holocaust survivor and took park in three workshops based on anti-Semitism and the application of the Christian value of Forgiveness to past events. It was an incredibly moving and emotional day. Pupils were captivated by what Freddie (our speaker) had to say and were anxious to express their conviction of justice for all humanity. In the picture, Harry Natton (9XV) and Lucy Atherton (9XV) receive two Holocaust Memorial candles on behalf of the school. Revision Workshops Big News!!! As part of our continuing revision programme Year 11 have a big revision event planned for after school every Monday 3.30 – 4.30pm. RS staff will be at hand to help with exam technique and structure. This is a very important tool to have to hand in your exam box. Even if you think you know how to answer exam questions for RS still come along. There will be WJEC examiners to hand to guide you on your way. Humanities Support Club Friday lunch times we have a Humanities support club for all pupils. Teachers offer their lunchtimes to support pupils who need 1:1 support with class work, homework’s or who would like to know more information about a topic they are studying. This study support is open to all pupils of all year groups. Go the extra mile and visit us on Friday lunch time in Humanities 2, come for 5 minutes for come for 30minutes – it’s up to you ! In RS we would love to put everyone’s name on the success scroll of honour, but unfortunately we can’t. This term however we have focused on the year 10 pupils who are above target. Here they are, and what a list it is too. We are really proud of our Year 10 pupils who have really put a lot of effort into their revision and exams. Keep going!! The following Y10 pupils have repeatedly achieved or exceeded their target grades in RS milestone assessments - a huge well done to all of them! Year 10 - Excellent exam results: Callum Elston Alex Lamb Josh Caddick Anna Marrin Jade Moutlon Abbie Royal Leah Hemmings Lois Keeler Rebecca Copple Hannah Bendrey Joe Mensah Brad Pyper Tom Hodson Morgan O'Loughlin Steven Gillan Rev’d Turner would like to say well done to Thaila Barker for all her effort in RS recently The Religious Studies Subject area has continued to strengthen links with Chester Diocese and Chester Cathedral. Year 10 pupils will be attending a conference this term to be held at the Cathedral – more information to follow. Age UK Visitor to Health and Social Care On Thursday 14 January one of the Year 9 GCSE Health and Social Care classes was pleased to welcome Mr Ray Collings, Senior Manager for Community Support Services at Age UK Wirral . The class has recently been learning about the needs of individuals in later adulthood and how for some people this life stage can present a number of issues due to failing health, bereavement or loneliness. Mr Collings explained about the increase in the elderly population on Wirral and across the country. He described the excellent work that Age UK Wirral does in terms of its wide range of activities, support and facilities, and he talked of how these activities can benefit individuals by giving them opportunities to stay healthy and happy as they get older. The students found the talk very interesting and asked Mr Collings a lot of questions, both about the organisation and his own career. Mr Collings is hoping to meet the Christian Values reps later in the term in the hope that school may be able to financially support Age UK Wirral in its valuable work. Options in Health, Social Care and Early Years Next year the Health, Social Care and Early Years Department will be offering two courses: BTEC First Certificate in Health Social Care, which has been running for many years, and BTEC First Award in Children’s Play, which we are offering for the first time. Ms Oldham recently spoke about the courses in a Year 8 assembly and she and Mrs Kennedy have run two taster lessons to give pupils a “flavour” of learning in the department. They were delighted that 60 pupils attended to find out a bit more about the subjects. The lesson was on why play is important and how different toys help children develop. Ms Oldham and Mrs Kennedy would like to thank Thaila, Rebecca, Joanna and Becky; the Ambassadors did a great job supporting them in the taster sessions. NHS Careers Competition for Schools During the past few weeks the two Year 9 GCSE Health and Social Care classes have been taking part in an NHS Schools’ competition. Pupils did an online quiz about their interests and were then matched up with a number of careers that might suit them. They used various different websites to find out about one of those careers, and then produced a job description and a poster to encourage more young people to consider that career. Some of the entries were excellent and they have all been sent off to London for judging. We look forward to finding out if any are going forward to the regional finals. A team of five Year 10 pupils from Woodchurch High School have been representing Liverpool FC in the Premier League Enterprise Challenge 2015/16. Twenty-nine school groups representing Premier League and Football League Clubs, made it through to this year’s Play-Offs. The business and skills based challenge is run by the Premier League and Sport Relief, which this year tasked pupils with working on a strategy to help encourage fans to spend more time at stadiums on match days. The Play-Offs were hosted at Manchester City on 3rd February 2016; our team did so well to get so far in the competition but they were unfortunately just beaten by Manchester United on the day. Mrs Hulse, teacher of Business Studies said: “The five Year 10 pupils have been an absolute joy to work with throughout the competition, their hard work, dedication and ability to work as a team has been so encouraging. They have been a credit to Woodchurch High School, their families and themselves. Although the competition is over for them, they should be extremely proud of their achievements and the skills that they have learnt and developed along the way.” Gemma Smith, Liverpool FC Foundation Project Lead said: “The Premier League Enterprise Challenge is a fantastic way of allowing local high school students to learn about the inner workings of a football club. The challenge gives them the opportunity to increase their business knowledge, develop presentation skills and build confidence. Team ‘Eventus’ from Woodchurch High School in Wirral have worked extremely hard over the past couple of months and seen off lots of great competition. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with them.” Andrea Cooper, Head of the LFC Foundation added: “The Premier League enterprise challenge forms a key part of the LFC Foundation’s educational programmes. This year we have seen 10 teams from five Merseyside schools enter the Liverpool FC Club heats and it is fantastic to see how enthusiastic and hard-working the teams have been to date. We are delighted to have Woodchurch High School represent the LFC Foundation at this year’s play-off. We wish them all the best.” Learning Journeys Throughout the department, we have started to implement a new scheme called learning journeys. These will be used by every class and every child within that class. They will be used to map the progress that they are making throughout each topic and can be used as a checklist to make sure students can do all aspects of a topic before moving on. An example: KS 3 Stage 7 Algebraic Proficiency Learning Journey I understand the role of the = sign Know the meaning of expression, term, formula, equation, function and identity Know basic algebraic notation (the rules of algebra) Use letters to represent variables Identify like terms in an expression Simplify an expression by collecting like terms Know how to multiply a (positive) single term over a bracket (the distributive law) Substitute positive numbers into expressions and formulae Given a function, establish outputs from given inputs Given a function, establish inputs from given outputs Use the order of operations correctly in algebraic situations Students should be ticking and dating sections that they have completed in class as well as noting the page in their book that they did this on. Learning Journeys Which of the following is an equation, formula, expression or identity. What do the following mean? 3a 3a = a + a + a 3a + 2b + 2a – b x 3(x + 5) 4 4t + 3u Simplify these expressions d2 m(n – p) 4( a + 7) 4(a + 2b) – 2(2a + b) T = 4h + 10 2c + 5 = 11 5ef The cost of a plumber’s bill is £40 per hour plus a £20 call out fee. How much would it cost to call out a plumber for a 3 hour job? Find the value of these expressions when a = 4. 3a2 + 4 What is the algebraic formula for this? If the bill for the plumbers job is £260 how long did the job take? 5(a – 6) Key Words / symbols Never heard before? Heard of but not sure what it means? 2a3 Know what it means and can explain it in context Jot down your ideas here... Expression Term Simplify Substitute Equivalent Identity Expand Distributive law These are the parts of the learning journey in which we define key words in each topic and we answer questions to prove that we understand each of the topics. Go to www.mymaths.co.uk and login at the top of the homepage. School login : Woodchurch School password : Vector Each of the lessons in the library has an Online Homework. Your child will be directed to do these tasks by their teacher. On the next page your child should enter their private login and password in the pink 'My Portal' box. This information should be written in their planner. Your child will be set a number of tasks by their teacher and these will appear under MyTasks. They must complete both pages of the Online Homework and then Checkout for the scores to be saved to the database. If no lessons are appearing then you have a Pop-Up Blocker installed. You MUST allow to use Pop-Ups. Tasks can be attempted again, accessing through MyResults, where you can see all their results and track their results by Level by clicking MyLevels. It will also tell you which questions your child could and couldn’t do, how many times they have attempted the worksheet and when they last tried it. A system of Traffic Lights indicates how successful your child has been. Green light : they have good skills in this area. Amber light : they still have difficulties and may need to attempt the task again. Red light : they need to go back and relearn the topic. Try the Lesson again or get them to ask their teacher for help. If you do not have internet access at home, your child will be able to complete their work on the computers available throughout the school. Please take some time looking through the website with your child and monitor their progress regularly. Please contact your child’s maths teacher if you have any more questions. We still have lots of revision materials available in school. Revision guides cost £3, revision guides with a workbook cost £4 and calculators cost £4. They are available at all times from the maths staff base. We have now started using PiXL maths for students to answer exam style questions. Once they have attempted it themselves, the website then takes them through a video answer to the question in which it helps fill any gaps in a student’s knowledge. This is an imperative practice implanted by the department in which students can have a methodology explained as to how to go about preparing for upcoming examinations. Students can get the PiXL maths app for their phones for them to revise at any given time, as well as getting homework set on the site. Year 11 Revision Foundation Basics Timetable—3.15 pm—4.15 pm Date Topic Teacher Room Tue 23 Feb Interpreting scatter graphs Mrs Hale M9 Tue 1 Mar Designing questions for a questionnaire Mr Tapia-Jones M4 Tue 8 Mar Transformations Mrs Roper M8 Tue 15 Mar Using a calculator Mrs Kowalski M10 Tue 22 Mar Rounding numbers correctly Mr Nixon M6 Tue 29 Mar Rotational & line symmetry Mr Camsell M2 Tue 19 Apr Circles Mrs Kowalski M11 Tue 26 Apr Measuring lines and angles Mr Jones M11 Tue 3 May Averages Miss Duffy M5 Tue 10 May Volume Mrs Hale M9 Tue 17 May Algebra - simplifying Mr Tapia-Jones M4 Tue 24 May Algebra - substitution Mrs Roper M8 Tue 7 June Area and perimeter Mrs Lewins M9 Year 11 Revision FOUNDATION Revision Class 3.15 - 4.15pm Date Topic Teacher Room Tue 23 Feb Interpreting scatter graphs Mrs Lewins Mrs Roper M10 M8 Tue 1 Mar Designing question for a questionnaire Mr Jones Mrs Kowalski M11 M10 Tue 8 Mar Transformations part 1 Mr Nixon Miss Duffy M6 M5 Tue 15 Mar Transformations part 2 Mrs Hale Mr Camsell M9 M2 Tue 22 Mar Pythagoras' Theorem Mrs Roper Mr Tapia-Jones M8 M4 Tue 29 Mar Drawing graphs Mrs Kowalski Mr Jones M10 M11 Tue 19 Apr Using a calculator Miss Duffy Mrs Lewins M5 M10 Tue 26 Apr Rounding numbers Mr Camsell Mrs Hale M2 M9 Tue 3 May Rules of indices Mr Tapia-Jones Mr Nixon M4 M6 Tue 10 May Drawing pie charts Miss Duffy Mrs Lewins M5 M10 Tue 17 May Bearings Mr Camsell Mrs Hale M2 M9 Tue 24 May Fractions, decimals and percentages Mr Tapia-Jones Mr Nixon M4 M6 Tue 7 June Circles Mrs Kowalski Mr Jones M10 M11 Year 11 Revision HIGHER Revision Class 3.15 - 4.15pm Date Topic Teacher Room Wed 24 Feb Changing the subject of a complex formula Miss Easton Miss Watson M9 M7 Wed 2 Mar Applying vector methods for proofs Mr Doyle Mr Aubrey M1 M3 Wed 9 Mar Substituting into a formula Mrs Dewis Mr Crick M11 M3 Wed 16 Mar Equations of parallel and perpendicular lines Miss Watson Miss Easton M7 M9 Wed 23 Mar Bearings and scale drawings. Mr Aubrey Mr Doyle M3 M1 Wed 30 Mar The quadratic formula Mr Crick Mrs Dewis M3 M11 Wed 20 Apr Rules of indices, surds Miss Easton Miss Watson M9 M7 Wed 27 Apr Setting up and solving equations Mr Doyle Mr Aubrey M1 M3 Wed 4 May Cumulative frequency curves and box plots Mrs Dewis Mr Crick M11 M3 Wed 11 May Histograms (including finding the median). Miss Watson Miss Easton M7 M9 Wed 18 May Recurring decimals Mr Aubrey Mr Doyle M3 M1 Wed 25 May Transformation of graphs Mr Crick Mrs Dewis M3 M11 Wed 8 June Trigonometry with right-angled triangles, trig area Miss Easton of non-right angled triangle. Miss Watson M9 M7 Year 11 Following the trial exams and work done on past papers in class, all GCSE MFL pupils now have clear targets to work on in preparation for the final exams in May. The French listening and reading exams are on May 17th and the Spanish take place on May 20th. Teachers are working on exam technique in lessons and it is essential that pupils put these techniques into practice working independently on past papers at home. All relevant exams, including sound files for the listening papers, are available on the MFL section of the VLE. Pupils should also continue to work on developing their understanding of a wide range of vocabulary by focusing on a different topic area each week. Subject staff will provide lists of core vocabulary and can suggest how best to commit them to memory. Having someone at home to help test recall will be invaluable. Study support sessions on Thursday after school are ongoing. KS3 How to help at home part 2 In MFL lessons we encourage pupils to always produce first drafts of extended writing tasks and then check them carefully before producing a final version. The same approach can be adopted when completing written homework assignments. Quantity Have they included all the information asked for? Could any additional details be added to sentences e.g. adding adjectives, using a connective (and, but, because) or ‘5Ws and H’ (who, what, where, when, why, how) Quality Have they avoided repeating the same phrases by using a variety of vocabulary? Have they included examples of grammar points covered to date in class? Accuracy Have they checked spellings using vocabulary sheets on the VLE? Reading their work aloud can also help pick out errors. Have they checked for missing words by translating their work back into English? Linguists of the Month Congratulations to the following pupils who have particularly impressed the MFL staff this half term with their outstanding attitude and effort: Year 7 Grace Taylor, Ella Sutton, Nicole Rowlands, Lois Makin. Year 8 Nathan O’Rourke, Abigail Snowden, Nathan Bowen, Ben Muirhead, Benjamin Richards, Mia Prendergas, Sophie Farragher. Year 9 Sophia Martindale, Thaila Barker, Faye Hoyland. Year 10 Courtney Hulmston, Emily Perry, William Phillips, Callum Ebbs. Year 11 Kayleigh Davies, Shannon Carr, Josh Lipscome, Rachael Kendall. Colegio Legamar, Madrid In addition to the link established for some of our Year 9 pupils with Colegio Inglés in Zaragoza, we have recently established another one with Colegio Legamar in Madrid for able linguists in Year 7. This link has been made through contact with a former language assistant, Elena Alvarez, who worked at Woodchurch in 2013-14. We look forward to learning more about the school and day to day life in Madrid. Pupils will be put into pairs to work as language coaches to help their partner develop effective writing skills in the foreign language. As with the link for Year 9 pupils, this is a pilot project which we hope to extend to other pupils if successful. Youth Sports Trust Wednesday 20th January we hosted an event that was attended by 130 additional needs pupils from schools across the Wirral, both primary and secondary. The event was to showcase the school as the HUB site on the Wirral for wheelchair sports. The HUB site is funded through the Youth Sports Trust, and this funding pays for specialist sports wheelchairs, specialist equipment and the HUB site to run on a Friday after school and on a Sunday morning. The HUB site, is a key indicator of the links WHS has with other school schools, Claremount school in Moreton have been fundamental in the set up of the HUB site after school on a Friday delivering wheelchair sports activities, and also Greenbank Sports Academy have been fundamental in the set up the centre that runs out of the school on a Sunday morning, involving young children from the Wirral with disabilities in various sporting activities. Both links have been key to the school in supporting our continued drive to provide the best possible opportunities for pupils with disabilities to achieve in sport and be aspirational and to succeed. The event was attended by Baroness Sue Campbell, who is the person who originally set up the Youth Sports Trust and is a influential person in sport and school sport. Sue was very complimentary of the school, the activities on the day, and the provision that is available to pupils in school time, and out of school time. On the day the pupils took part in Wheelchair tennis, football, rugby, athletics, Boccia, fitness training, bench hockey, table cricket, goal ball and seated volleyball. Year 10 Netball The Year 10 Netball team took part in a County competition on Saturday 30th January at Wirral Grammar School for Girls. All pupils involved played extremely well, winning three matches, losing two and drawing one. The girls narrowly missed out on qualification to the regional round by one point, a real shame as they had worked so hard. The girls’ behaviour was fantastic throughout the day and they should be very proud of their performance. All the pupils thoroughly enjoyed the competition and were a credit to the school. It may be winter but it’s still busy on the farm. Luckily, we have the help of three hard working Year 9 pupils – Anya Stanton, Chloe Harper and Megan Kearney who are working toward their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award qualification. The girls work on the farm after school every Monday as part of their volunteering unit. After cleaning out the rabbit hutches the girls handle the rabbits to carry out a health check and also get the rabbits familiar with being handled. Before they leave for the evening Anya and Megan take the two rams (Enzo and Elmo) for a walk. Walking the rams is good as it reduces the need to trim their hooves. The boys also enjoy stopping to eat grass. Working with the rams is also good for the girls also as they get practised at handling and working the sheep – a skill that they need for their BTEC Animal Care qualification. Other news on the farm – the alpacas are given a haircut! The schools three alpacas (Scout, Roddy and Basil) are shorn annually but they still need their fringe trimmed every few months. In the picture Basil is waiting patiently while his fringe is finished. It didn’t last long, like any two year old, Basil started to protest – but at least he can now see where he is going! On Friday 5th February Woodchurch High, in conjunction with the Ogden Trust, held our first annual careers fair dedicated to Science and Technology. We welcomed 16 ambassadors to the school, who all volunteered to spend the day chatting to pupils about what they do for a living and why they do it. Ambassadors also brought with them pieces of equipment so pupils could get a hands on experience of what they do on a day to day basis. Mike Buttery, who works for ............., designing and developing space probes even brought with him a piece of the actual Hubble Space Telescope. The ambassadors were all people who currently work (or spent a life time working) in the Science and Technology industries. The types of careers represented included astrophysics, particle physics, vetenary sciences, statistics, analytical chemistry, tropical medicine, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, IT and computer science, nuclear safety and nuclear engineering. Mike Buttery, who works for ESR Technology, designing and developing space probes, even brought with him a piece of the actual Hubble Space Telescope! Years 9, 10 and 11 spent the day chatting to the ambassadors, finding out what they do for a living, how they got into their career and why they like it. We were also joined by staff and pupils from Upton-by-Chester High school and West Kirby Grammar school. The feedback from the ambassadors, Woodchurch High pupils and the visitors was overwhelmingly positive. The visiting schools both said how grateful they that they had the opportunity to attend and they pupils were already discussing what careers they could pursue in the future. Comments from Woodchurch High pupils included ‘Sir that was great, I now know what I what do when I leave school’, and ‘I had no idea you could do that with Science’. One year 10 pupil, Ben Wagstaff, has even been offered a work placement with the Liverpool John Moores University Astrophysics department! None of this would have been possible without the generosity of the STEM ambassadors who took time off work to spend the day at Woodchurch High and to help broaden the horizons of our pupils. This half term has been a really busy half term for us – even though it’s only been six weeks we have had a really active time of showing compassion to others around us. We have continued to raise money for charity with XV and YV forms stepping up the mark – from organising raffles through to cake sales and other things. We recently also did our first “Change the World Friday”. Each form had an envelope which we asked for it to be passed around for pupil to put any loose change in which they had which they were willing to donate to charity. We were thrilled that over £100 was raised in one day that way – with mainly 1 and 2p’s. This half term we also have done the annual Year 7 ‘Give me a tenner’ challenge. Each from was given £10 and asked to use it to invest and sell goods or services. This is an ongoing project and we will update you on the monies raised next time, however last year over £720 profit was returned which went to charity. This year we are awarding a prize fund to the winning form as well as the other profits going to charity. We are supporting the Philippine Community Fund (PCF) in this project – a project which helps provide food and education to children who live and work on rubbish dumps. Archbishop of York Young Leaders As part of the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award one form group went to Holy Cross Church to begin a project on transforming part of the graveyard into a wildflower meadow. Pupils completed a litter pick, weeded, dug and cleared. They also created a Bug Hotel. Rev Anne was delighted with our pupils’ efforts and hopes that in the next few months we can do further work on this project for the local community. Another form are going to a Birkenhead Court Care Home to organise an activity afternoon, paint residents nails and serve tea and coffee. We will also be making bird boxes in school for some work with Merseyforests. There are also a number of other projects being arranged for next half term, including visits to Winston Place nursery and building more Bug Hotels. Pupils are reminded to be working on their personal projects – helping others. Rotary Club—Youth Speaks On a separate note, our work with the Rotary Club of Birkenhead is continuing well. We were pleased to put two teams in for the Youth Speaks competition. Feedback was very positive, with pupils selecting the themes of “How easily influenced are we?” and “Is prejudice always a bad thing?” We also had a representative of Stick and Step visit our school interact team to discuss with pupils the work of their charity. As always, should you have any questions or queries about anything in this article please email me – [email protected]. Many thanks for your time and ongoing support, and may I, and the Christian Value Reps, wish you an enjoyable half term. At Woodchurch High School, we consider the Safeguarding of our pupils highly and strive to ensure that all pupils are safe and secure at all times. We are the guardians of your children/ wards whilst they are at school and feel that we need to be certain that when releasing pupils from school for appointments or other similar circumstances, we do so wholly and completely with the permission of Parents / Carers. Therefore in unexpected circumstances where a request is made to release pupils from school, Pupil Services Office Staff will ask Parents Carers a series of Security Questions which will be based around information which is recorded within Sims (The School’s Information Management System). Once these security questions have been answered appropriately, Pupil Services Office Staff will release pupils from school as requested. We would also request that when sending a note regarding appointments during the school day, you indicate clearly that you give permission for your child/ward to make their own way home or to the meeting venue specified by Parents/Carers. This indication of permission will be recorded in school for reference purposes. These actions are being implemented for the sole purpose of keeping Woodchurch High School Pupils Safe at all times and we thank you for working with us and for your co-operation. This office is located on the ground floor of the school behind Main Reception. The office deals with a wide variety of tasks including Main Switchboard into school Pupil Welfare Attendance (Pupil Absence Line 0151 641 8218 – Direct Line to Answerphone- please leave the pupil name, form, reason for absence and expected date of return to school if known) Pupil Records (Sims) Lost Property Parent Communication Sale of School Ties and Badges For your further information, please note the following: Office Hours are 7.30 am to 5.00 pm. The switchboard is available from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm Switchboard options: Press 1 to report a pupil absent Press 2 for Inclusion Press 3 for Exams Press 4 for Finance Press 5 for all other enquiries Pupils should report to the Pupil Services Office if they arrive late to school, or if they need to sign out for appointments during the school day. Parents should call the Pupil Absence Line to report a child ill, late, attending a medical ap pointment or other reason for absence from school. The Pupil Services Office has a small float of money available for pupils who have forgot ten/lost their lunch/bus money. Please ensure this is repaid promptly in order that we can maintain a float for use in emergencies. Sims is the School’s Information Management System, which maintains all pupil records in cluding any emergency contact numbers. If any information relating to your son/daughter/ ward changes, for example emergency contact details, address, medical information, free school meals information etc, you should ensure this information is sent into school for the attention of Mrs King, Office Manager. Lost Property is a major issue within school. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled. Lost Property displays are held each term. If your son/daughter/ward has lost any items, please encourage them to attend the display and retrieve any items, before they are dis posed of at the end of each term. Parentmail is the system used in school to communicate “electronically” with parents in or der to get vital/important/urgent information to our Parents/Carers as quickly as possible. Parents/Carers should ensure that school has an up to date e:mail address, which will be registered with “Parentmail” on your behalf. School Ties cost £2.50 and our new design School Badges are £2.00 Could I also ask your assistance in ensuring that your son/daughter/ward arrives to school with the correct equipment for their timetabled lessons each day ie PE Kits and Cooking Ingredients. Also to ensure that they do not forget lunches or lunch/bus money. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact school and speak to Mrs King, Office Manager, or a member of the Pupil Services Office Team. Wind Turbine On Tuesday 12 January two engineers from Border Hydro came to service the school wind turbine, a job that was to take around five hours. Always keen to create learning opportunities for pupils, Ms Oldham asked the engineers if they would be able to talk to a group of pupils about the turbine and its maintenance. David Postlethwaite explained that it is a 6 kilowatt, Class 1 turbine with copper coils and a red box called an inverter that sends the electricity to the National Grid. He described how the blades turn to track the wind and said that, unlike the turbines in the Dee estuary, its design means it has no brakes, and the speed of the tips reaches 120 mph. During the session Mr Jones’s Year 9 Engineering group showed great interest and asked many excellent questions. Thanks to David for his fascinating talk; he is a great role model for our pupils. Eco Conference Lynn Struve, Wirral Eco Schools Co-ordinator, has recently contacted school about the possibility of us hosting an Eco Schools Conference later this year. These conferences are held all over the country and are very prestigious. Thirty or more Eco Co-ordinators from schools in the North West will hopefully attend to find out about some of the projects and initiatives here, as well as possibly at other local schools. Fair Trade Workshops On Wednesday 27 January we were pleased to welcome Jason Ward, Global Learning Support Officer from Liverpool World Centre. Jason spent the morning running two very interesting workshops with Eco Reps. He worked initially with the Year 8 reps, then the Year 7s and Eco Committee members also attended at their convenience. Pupils considered the Fair Trade logo, the wide range of Fair Trade products (Did you know there are over 100?) They also found out exactly what Fair Trade is all about, why it is important and how the Fair Trade premium helps to build schools, healthcare centres, water pumps and more, thus raising the standard of living for farmers and other community members in developing countries. At the end of the sessions pupils made a pledge of what they plan to do personally to support Fair Trade, and they put forward a wide range of ideas for activities that school could do during Fair Trade Fortnight from 29 February – 13 March. Watch this space! Friday 12th February 2016 Close for Half Term Monday 22nd February 2016 School re-opens to all Tuesday 2nd March 2016 Wednesday 3rd March 2016 Thursday 4th March 2016 School Production School Production School Production Monday 7th March Friday 11th March 2016 Year 7 Exams Monday 14th March Friday 18th March 2016 Year 9 Exams Tuesday 15th March 2016 10X Parents’ Evening Thursday 17th March 2016 10Y Parents’ Evening Monday 21st March Wednesday 23rd March 2016 Year 9 Exams Thursday 24th March 2016 Easter Assemblies Friday 25th March 2016 Good Friday Bank Holiday—School Closed Monday 28th March 2016 Easter Monday Bank Holiday—School Closed Tuesday 29th March 2016 School re-opens to all Tuesday 29th March Wednesday 30th March 2016 Year 9 Exams Friday 1st April 2016 Close for Spring Break Monday 18th April 2016 School re-opens to all