October Final for Web - Galveston Bay Power Squadron


October Final for Web - Galveston Bay Power Squadron
October, 2007
look around the room and direct you to someone
knowledgeable in that area.
Our Fall Season is upon us and
your Squadron has lots of activities planned for you. There will
be a dinner meeting every month
for the rest of the year with interesting guest speakers and an opportunity for everyone to visit, connect and network
on boating and Squadron activities. I would especially like to encourage new members to come to
these meetings. If you have problems or questions
about your boat or any possible subject or area of
boating activities, there will be seasoned members
there who would be glad to share their knowledge
and experiences with you. Come up to me at a meeting and mention your area of curiosity and I will
On the weekend of 22-24 September, USPS District
21 will host two separate events in Port Aransas.
The first is a beach cleanup and the other is a Nautical Cooperative Charting event. Both of these activities are examples of the Squadron performing
valuable public service back to our community.
Please consider helping in these areas.
October Monthly Meeting
Friday 05 October
November Monthly Meeting
Friday 02 November
Place: MARIOS FLYING PIZZA restaurant
Address: 618 W. NASA Parkway
Time: Social at 1830, Dinner at 1930
with 16
at Buffett
1700, Dinner
at entrees
1800 including
fettuccini alfredo, lasagna, zucchini, pizza,
Dinner:soup, salad, dessert, coffee or tea or
soft drink. Cash bar (beer & wine)
Regatta by
David Steigerwald and Scott Schaunaman
Dress: Casual Yes, telephone committee
Dress: Casual
There is still time for any GBPS member to sign up
for the D21 Cruise to Cozumel on October 25-28th.
This is an excellent opportunity to meet and connect
with our members and members from other squadrons and learn things that will help make us a better
(See “From the Bridge” Continued on page 5)
Place: Gulf Greyhound Park)
Time: Social at 1830, Dinner at 1930
Time: Social
at Roast
1700, Beef,
at 1800
roasted chicken,
barrel roasted potatoes, peas & carrots,
Dinner:corn on the cob, garden salad, corn bread,
rolls, strawberry shortcake
Yes, telephone
Program: Houston
Reservations: Yes, telephone committee
Dress: Casual
Price: $22.00
Price: $XX.00
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
Galveston Bay Breeze
Official monthly publication of the Galveston Bay Power Squadron, a
unit of the United States Power Squadrons®.
GBPS Office Phone: 281 474-7145
Online Bay Breeze at: www.GBPS.org
Address correspondence to:
Now Hear This!
Galveston Bay Breeze
406 Audubon St.
League City, TX 77573
Editor: Lt Michael Hancock, AP
[email protected]
E Board Meeting
CoCh Planning Meeting
GBPS Monthly Meeting
CoCh Nautical Event
Operations Training
Leadership Development
Boating Activity
Predicted Log
Harvest Moon Regatta
D21 Fall Conference Cruise to
Watergate In-The-Water Boat
Photo By: P/C Jesse Comeaux, JN
P/Lt/C C.J. Settles, AP,
P/C Ray Kearney, SN and P/D/Lt/C Billie Kearney, N
Lt Jinx Manning, P
D/Lt Natalie Laffere, JN
P/C Marvin Radney, AP and June
Henry Milam, P and Carol A. Milam, P
P/C Bill Strybos, SN
Dean Hanson, AP
DonnaLee and Craig Zimmerman
All members of the Bridge
Any article appearing in this publication is to be assumed as representing the opinion of the author and is not to be considered as reflecting the policy of the Galveston Bay Power Squadron or the USPS
unless so designated.
The Bridge: 2007-2008
Executive Officer:
Squadron Education Officer:
Administrative Officer:
Assistant SEO:
Assistant Treasurer:
At-Large Member:
At-Large Member:
At-Large Member:
Cdr Joe Jordan, AP
Lt/C Kenn Manning, AP
Lt/C Frank Lotz, AP
Lt/C Frank Boerner, AP
Lt/C Lana Sands, P
Lt/C Susan Morawski, SN
1st/Lt Janet Boerner, AP
1st/Lt William Whipkey, AP
Tricia Lotz, S
Andrea Comeaux, S
Mary Carrier, S
Contributors are welcome to e-mail copy to the editor, or it may be
mailed to address shown above. Or, if you wish, just bring yourself
and your ideas to monthly meetings. Your joining in on this event is
the important thing!
Copy deadline goals are as follows:
Initial Copy Deadline ------ 2200 day of monthly meeting, 80% of
copy due.
Final Copy Deadline -- 2200 SUN after monthly meeting, 100% of
copy due.
Final Bay Breeze Changes ----------- 1000 TUE, i.e., No Changes
after 1000.
Final Bay Breeze Proof Session------------------ Strickler Building
1900 TUE.
General Meeting
CoCh Nautical Event
Boating Activity—Moody
Mike &
Monthly Meeting
D21 Christmas Boat Lane
October, 2007
Since GBPS will be 50 next May, Nat
Laffere is going through old issues of the
Galveston Bay Breeze to gather some historical information. Nat has been around since the beginning, and is a great resource for historical articles
that will appear over the next few months
A group of Houston Power Squadron members conceived the idea of having a bay area squadron and
assisted in the formation of Galveston Bay Power
Squadron. A charter was granted on 06 May 1958.
We will be celebrating our Fiftieth Anniversary in
May 2008 and are planning a gala celebration to
commemorate that event. Please plan to attend.
Our Squadron newsletter is the source of the following information. The Galveston Bay Breeze had a
very humble beginning without a name and was
just a mimeographed sheet sent out occasionally to
announce meetings, etc. If you remember this printing medium, it was very messy and purple. By
1965, we were improving. A contest was held to
select a name for the newsletter. “Bell Buoy” and
“Galveston Bay Breeze” were submitted to National
and the latter was accepted. P/C Jarrell Crow was
the contest winner. Our first issues were 6” x 8 ½”
and printed in black and white.
The gossip column was born in November 1966 “This & That by Jinx and Nat” (Both these ladies
are still around). In 1967, we had our own cartoonist. Tom Richnow drew “Breezy Bill” (so named
because we had so many Bills in GBPS).
Contributors to the paper became known as the Bay
Breeze Bunch. We met at each other’s homes to
compose the paper and later enjoyed a meal together. The “paper party” was a very popular event.
The Galveston Bay Breeze
1965. Public classes were held in schools, and Elective and Advanced Courses were held in Member’s
homes. Dinner meetings were held at LYC, HYC,
and Ellington Officer’s Club where we enjoyed eating for $3.00 per person and drinking for 45 cents
each. Even the yacht club prices were dinner for
$4.75 per person and drinks for 65 cents. Those
days are gone forever!
In 1966, GBPS was already #1 nationally in percent
of members with Elective courses. We won the
Vincent Trophy, the only educational award given
in D/21 that year. In 1967, the Fall Piloting Class at
Gulfgate Auditorium had 263 enrolled, 20 proctors,
and six alternates. In 1968, we had 135 persons attend the August dinner meeting at the Galvez Hotel.
Most meetings were dinners then, unlike our more
informal format of today. In Sept. of 1968, our
money raiser was an annual Fish Fry at Paul
Barkley’s Manor (the old Gov. Ross Sterling mansion in LaPorte). We had 200 attendees play Bingo
and buy Raffle tickets.. A good time was had by all
and we raised sufficient money to meet our expenses.
See next month’s Galveston Bay Breeze for more
Sea Scouts and USPS
A cooperative agreement is in place at the national
level between the Sea Scouts, BSA and USPS. This
cooperative agreement provides of numerous activities that are of benefit to both organizations. I firmly
believe that an active relationship with the Sea Scouts
is of benefit to GBPS for a number of reasons.
Working with the Sea Scouts is consistent with our
overall mission that includes boater education. Such
cooperation can serve as a conduit for new members
as the Sea Scouts move into adulthood and continue
as active boaters. Because of the skills acquired by
Sea Scout members, these potential USPS members
will join us well prepared for leadership and education roles in the organization.
In the interest of full disclosure, I must say that I
have a personal interest in this relationship. My 15
year old daughter, Megan, has recently joined Sea
Forty-seven Charter Members had grown to 159 in
(Sea Scouts Continued on page 5)
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
The Starboard Side:
The Port Side:
Our Squadron Boating Course, presented to the public, is
also open to our members. As a member you may sign up
as a “Proctor” earning points toward a Merit Mark, refresh what you used to know and catch up on the latest
rules and regulations. Such a deal! Our next course will
be presented at LaPorte Fitness Center each Saturday in
October, starting on 06 October.
Stanley Clark, AP winner of
the GBPS Tom Welch award in
2006 has added the USPS Educational Proficiency Award to
his list of accomplishments.
You too can add your name to this prestigious
award by completing S, P and AP along with
three electives.
SAIL Course begins 06 November following the
“Harvest Moon Regatta”. This is a two-part
course with two separate exams. The first part is
an introduction to sailing and includes basic elements of sailing, boat design, rigging, and basic
sailing rules. The second part covers advanced
sailing and includes stability and balance, sail
trim, heavy weather and racing and race management. Check our web site www.gbps.org for
more details. Call or send me an e-mail if you
would like to enroll.
Next year opens with the Public Boating Course scheduled on each Saturday in February 2008 at the Eddie V.
Gray Wetlands Center in Baytown, starting on 12 February.
Check out our advertisement about Boater’s Education in
the Mariner’s Log.
USPS has released two new seminars. "Boat Handling
Under Power" which shows boaters how to depart and
dock under a variety of conditions and "Sail Trim" that
shows in clear and simple terms how to use and adjust
sails for optimum performance under a wide range of
conditions. Each one comes with a USPS Captains Quick
Guide and Student Workbook. If you want to know more
contact Lt Keith Wingate, JN.
Lt/C Frank Lotz, AP, SEO
[email protected]
Happy Birthday to all
September belated birthday greeting to Jack Peters
And for October…
William R.
Larry J.
John B.
Michael W.
Randy D.
Linda K.
Bares II
Frank H.
Janis Lynn
John J.
Charles E.
Laura E.
Garry L.
Marsha L.
John Anthony
John G.
Antonio M.
John Byron
If you have moved, changed telephone numbers or Email address or have a cell phone, please get this Information to Billie Kearney, at my new email address, [email protected] or give me a call at 713 946-3995.
P/D/Lt/C Billie Kearney, N
Roster Chair
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
(From the Bridge Continued from page 1)
Be planning now for the D21 party at the Hilton to
watch the Annual Christmas Boat Lane Parade on
December 8th.
Years ago when a boat was stolen, it was stolen in the
water. But with the rise in popularity and affordability
of trailerable boats, fully ninety-five per cent of boats
stolen today include the theft of trailer with the boat
on it. Some states still do not require a boat owner to
have the most basic proof of ownership, such as a title.
This makes it fairly easy for a dishonest business to
become a fencing operation giving thieves a way to
unload their stolen merchandise.
Next May we will celebrate a very special event in
the life of our Squadron; our 50th Anniversary. A
committee and several sub-committees will soon be
formed to help plan for this event. Please consider
volunteering for one of them.
Finally, as the year winds down we will be looking
for new people to take on jobs and positions for the
2008-2009 Bridge Year. Committees will need
Chairmen, classes will need instructors and a lot of
appointments by the Commander will need to be
made. If you are interested in volunteering in any
of these areas, please do not be shy. Let somebody
on the E-Board know where you would like to pitch
in and help. In the front of the GBPS Directory,
there is a list of all the committees and appointments. We will also need three members at large
for the Executive Board next year. These people
attend all E- Board meetings and vote on important
matters affecting the Squadron. If you would like to
be on the Bridge someday, this is an excellent position to gain knowledge and experience. Members at
Large are elected at the January meeting. If you
would like to be considered for one of those positions, you should make your interest known to the
Nominating Committee members, Betty Carr, Jesse
Comeaux and Al Bieser. Their contact information
is in the GBPS Directory or on our website by
clicking on Directory.
If you leave your trailer in the driveway or on the
street, you might consider removing one of the tires
and putting one side of the trailer on a block‑ it should
only take a few minutes, but you are virtually guaranteed that your boat will be there in the morning. If you
are traveling, look for a motel with a well lighted
parking lot, preferably one with a security guard who
patrols the lot during the night.
At home if you have a fenced side yard where you can
store your boat and it can't be seen from the street that
is ideal. The best way to keep your boat from being
stolen at home is to hide the fact that you even have a
Lt Elaine Proctor, AP
GBPS Safety Officer
(Sea Scout, Continued from page 3)
Scout Ship 468. This amazing group of Scouts
have a number of boats including a Little Harbor
38, Catalina 30, Hunter 27, and a variety of Sunfish and catamarans. They have a very active program of boating, education, and good fun activities.
Your Administrative Department has done a lot of
hard work to prepare for the next three dinner meetings at nice restaurants with interesting speakers.
Please mark your calendars, and bring some friends
or relatives, especially those who might be interested in taking our Public Boating Classes and joining the Squadron.
Since joining she has gone sailing, participated in
training activities, and become a PADI certified
SCUBA diver. This is truly an amazing opportunity for young people age 14 to 21.
If you have suggestions for activities we can
share with these young people, please let me
know. If you know of somebody, perhaps your
own child or grandchild, who would enjoy being
a part of a Sea Scout ship, please contact me at
832-746-8120 or [email protected] for more
Mike Hancock, AP
Fly your ensign proudly,
Cdr Joe L. Jordan, AP
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
A great time was had at
the home of
Harless Benthul
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
to National. Since Galveston Bay Power Squadron
will be 50 years old next year, we are now eligible
to have our burgee edged with gold and Jack did a
great deal of research to send with the application,
explaining the meaning behind the design of our
burgee. Thanks, Jack – you have protocol and flag
etiquette down to a science.
After two months of having workers in and around
their house, remodeling is complete! Billie and Ray
Kearney are thrilled to have peace and quiet at last.
Wow! A call went up for help to push Charles
Scott’s car out of the mud and lots of guys rushed to
the rescue. The most splattered were Phil Welch and
Frank Boerner. Imagine Charles’ shock and dismay
when he realized his emergency brake was on. It did
help end the meeting on a happy and hilarious note,
The Morawaski's daughters, Shaun and Erin, were
in town for a visit Labor Day weekend. Erin and
husband, Blake, are looking forward to the birth of
their first child in February. Another beautiful
grandchild for John and Susan to love! We were
pleased to meet and greet the Morawaski's good
friends, Lonnie and Mona Ellis, from Fort
Worth. Susan and Mona have been good buddies
since way back in Grade 2. Such a wonderful, lasting relationship is a joy to experience!
This ‘N’ That by Jinx & June
Over 70 people had a great time at our Labor Day
party at Harless Benthul’s lovely, new seaside
home. While Harless was busy conducting many
different tours of his tropical paradise upstairs, others were gathered in lawn chairs under the house
visiting and enjoying being together. Thanks to Cdr
Jordan’s bull horn, we were able to have a very successful meeting and it was wonderful having the
food prepared and served by someone else. Their
pecan and buttermilk pies brought raves. You were
a gracious host, Harless! Many thanks!
Fred Spiegelberg’s son, George has been in Zimbabwe, Cameroon and Mauritania on missions for
the State Department. Did you hear that big sigh of
relief from Helen and Fred when he got out of Zimbabwe?
Gerry Bennett and hubby, Bill Schaaf will be leaving soon, sailing out of Boston to Nova Scotia, Bar
Harbor and ending up in Montreal, Canada. From
there, they will board a scenic cruiser for a three
state Fall foliage trip.
Kenn and Dale Manning are busy resting up from
their move to a condo they bought at the Point at
Egret Bay. Now they’re in Harris County instead of
Galveston County, just down the lake from their old
place at Legend Point.
Finally Karen Coady’s crew brought a girl into the
family. Son, Greg and wife, Angeli, had their fourth
child in August and it’s a GIRL! Jaya Shelini Lewis
weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was warmly welcomed by
brothers Coady, 7, Kinton, 4, and Kavin, 3. Of
course, “Gram” has already been to Nashville and
was proudly showing off pictures at our Labor Day
Frank Boerner was happy to announce that his son
Lt. Lester Boerner had just returned from his
FOURTH tour of duty in Iraq. His job is supervising
the maintenance of a group of EA6B Prowler aircraft which are used for electronic jamming and surveillance.
Our flag Lieutenant, Jack Peters has submitted our
fiftieth anniversary gold edged burgee for approval
Have you seen C.J.'s ponytail? We inquired if an
earring is in the offing. He's not sure!
Marion and Charles Scott are looking forward to a
Windjammer barefoot cruise in Costa Rica, plus
several days of touring and enjoying the beautiful
country by auto.
Phil Parker, looking hale and hearty, was enjoying
the barbecue at the Labor Day meeting, especially
the ribs. We missed his lovely wife, Janice, who
recently underwent knee surgery. She's healing fine
and we hope to see her at the next meeting at
Mario's in Webster.
(This “N” That Continued on page 9)
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
(This “N” That Continued from page 8)
Whenever I meet up with Jack and Jill Eirera, I
think of the old nursery rhyme, "Jack and Jill went
up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Well, this time
Jesse Comeaux caught up with them and brought
them to the Labor Day barbecue. They are former
GBPS members and it was great seeing them
again. Jesse and Jack are working together again.
A quorum was present so the Cdr called the meeting to order.
The Cdr discussed the changes that National has
made regarding dues for USPS. He will ask the
Rules Committee to review the details of the
change so they can make a recommendation to the
E-Board for a possible change in the way GBPS
bills our members for their dues.
How about the new laminated meal tickets created
by the Meeting and Entertainment Committee, approved by E-Board, and printed by Kinkos? We
think this was a great idea! Our ticket-takers,
Marvin and June, enjoyed talking to everyone, even
the jokesters who wouldn't hand over a ticket until
they were holding a plate.
Lt/C Kenn Manning asked Mary Carrier to discuss
any progress regarding free advertisement for
GBPS in the Houston Community Newspapers.
Lt/ C Frank Lotz reported on the Boating Course
which began on 11 July at Clear Lake Shores. The
course had 32 registered students but only 15 took
the final exam and they all passed. There are two
future Public Boating courses scheduled: one on
06 October and one in 2008, 02 February.
Talk about a trooper, Charles Ashford's daughter,
Terri Hemmingway, could be called one. She
drove all the way from Arkansas to Seabrook with
a broken right foot. Plus, while trying out the unfamiliar new crutches, she fell and broke three lefthand fingers. Being a devoted daughter, she was
with Charles for all his radiation treatments at M.D.
Anderson. The patient, Charles, was seen pushing
Terri in a wheel chair. Every MDA patient needs
an advocate and Terri was determined to be there
for her Dad. We are proud of you, Terri!
GBPS Member Courses get underway 05 September with a schedule of all courses listed on our
website, www.gbps.org. Lt/C Lotz distributed copies of the August issue of the Mariner’s Log which
showed our GBPS advertisement.
Lt/C Lotz also reported that two new seminars,
Boat Handling Under Power and Sail Trim, have
been added to the USPS University Seminar Series
and that Lt Keith Wingate, our Seminar Series
Chairman is reviewing the seminars.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bill Barrow
who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
Lt/C Susan Morawski sent her report which showed
that we are still solvent and that all our bills are
Respectfully submitted,
Lt/C Lana Sands, P
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
October, 2007
The Galveston Bay Breeze
16 – 18 November 2007
On Saturday 17 November is opening night for Festival of Lights. The holiday magic glistens at the Sixth Annual Moody Gardens Festival of Lights with more than a million lights and dozens of festive scenes. It’s a
winter wonderland with live musical entertainment, holiday shopping, pictures with Santa and ice skating at
the area’s only Outdoor Ice Rink! It starts at dusk and is open until 10:00pm. Ticket prices are $5.95 per person (children 3 and under Free).
If you arrive by boat, slips are 50 amp power, price per foot to be determined (TBD). We will monitor VHF
CH-68. Please make your reservations through Mike and Judy. We need: arrival and departure dates, name of
boat, length, width, power amp, number of guests for Saturday night dinner. There are 16 slips, so hurry and
get your reservation in ASAP. All empty slips as of 13 November 2007 will be cancelled.
As guests of the Moody Gardens Hotel, we can use their pool and hot tub; so bring your bathing suits.
Friday night dinner will be BBQ your own choice of meat at 1900. Please bring a dish to pass and BYOB and
your own means to BBQ.
Saturday morning breakfast is at 9:30am. Bring something to eat and enough to share. Saturday afternoon we
will have a Dock party at 1600. BYOB and a finger food snack.
Saturday night dinner will be at The Terrace Restaurant located on the lobby level of the Moody Gardens Hotel at 1800. You must RSVP with us for dinner reservations. Dinner menu is $13 - $25.
For reservations or information, please contact Mike or Judy Trznadel at 281-538-0253.
[email protected] DEADLINE is 13 November 2006.
Bay Breeze Buddies
Linton D. Arbaugh
Charles Ashford
Al Bieser
Frank Boerner
Janet Boerner
Joe & Gaylynn Brikha
Austin Ulmer, Nathan & Keagan Brooks
Candy Capuano
Bill & Betty Carr
Abby, Baylea, & Rufus Carr
Karen Coady
Fred Coffey
Carol Coffey
Andie & Mike Comeaux
Jesse Comeaux
Joe & Joyce Coniglio
Marvin & Betty Frank
Charles & Lorraine Gautier
Jean Hamilton
Jim Hammond
Dianne Hammond
Pat & Bill Hayward
Lucky Jo
Joe & Jan Jordan
Laura & Les Kane
Ray & Billie Kearney
Jane & John Krommenhoek
Natalie & Les Laffere
Frank & Tricia Lotz
Ed Richards & Kendra Mahoney
Kenn & Dale Manning
Jinx Manning
Carol & Henry Milam
John & Susan Morawski
Janice Parker
Philip Parker
Jack Peters
Marvin & June Radney
Charles Robinson
Betsy & Bill Strybos
Judy & Mike Trznadel
Jim & Jo Tyson
Taylor MacQuen Advertising
Beth & Boris Jones
Ronald S. Marta
John Paterson
Jack Tschupp
Bill Whipkey