December Christmas Party Galveston Yacht Club January Business


December Christmas Party Galveston Yacht Club January Business
December 2006
The D/21 Fall Conference
Cruise was beyond all
expectations. Hats off to the
Beaumont Squadron for a
job well done. Congratulations to all. There was so
much to do and yet so much
free time; it all fitted
together wonderfully.
Please, take a look at the
many spring classes set to go
early in 2007. Lt/C Frank Lotz and staff have laid
out an excellent array (see page five for details).
Operations Training and Leadership Development
Training classes are set for 18 November. All new
committee chairs and incoming Bridge Officers are
encouraged to attend. Galveston Bay won the
Prince Henry Award for the best ratio of graduates
from AP to JN and JN to N. Congratulations to Bill
Fink, Bob Carter and Mike Trznadel.
Have you noticed the excellent fall weather? It
certainly has accented the fall season and gives us a
new change of clothes. Be sure to dust your fall and
winter wardrobes. We have lots of events just
around the corner. Our mothers would be proud to
see us dressed up for our Christmas party and the
Boat Lane Parade. I wish all our parents were here
to join us and to enjoy festivities with us.
Finally, comes a few odds and ends. Dot and I are
still working to get our VSCs in before the end of
November. There is a nice Boating Activity to
Harborwalk 17-19 November which can be reached
by land or water. Please, enjoy your Thanksgiving
and see us back here for the Christmas Meeting at
the Galveston Yacht Club. I understand we will
have live music during the evening. Again, thanks
to Bill Whipkey for his unselfish time donated to
collect funds at our monthly meetings. Thanks, Bill.
Fly your Ensign Proudly,
Commander Phil Welch, SN
December Christmas Party
Galveston Yacht Club
January Business Meeting/Election
Elks Lodge, Kemah, Texas
Saturday, 02 December
Place: Galveston Yacht Club, 601 Holiday Dr
See Map Inside on page 10 for Directions.
Social Hour: 1830 Meeting & Dinner: 1930
Dinner: Three 4oz. Parts Each of Grilled Red Fish,
Chicken Milanaise and Roasted Sirloin
With New Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables and Desserts
Drinks: Coffee, Tea and Water Cash Bar available
Reservations, Yes, by 24 Nov telephone committee
Live Music for Dancing by Two Play, Austin, TX
Dress: Uniform A w/Bow Tie, Ladies Cocktail wear
Price: $30
Friday, 06 January 2007
Place: Elks Lodge, Kemah, 623 Hanson Rd.
Just West of Home Depot on 2094 before bridge
Social Hour: 1830 Meeting & Dinner: 1930
Dinner: Prime Rib with Potato, Salad, Vegetables
Drinks: Coffee, Tea and Water
Elks Lodge Cash Bar Open to GBPS
Reservations, Yes, through telephone committee
Speaker: None
Dress: Uniform “F” w/black Tie or Casual
Price: $20
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
Galveston Bay Breeze
Official monthly publication of the
Galveston Bay Power Squadron, a unit of
the United States Power Squadrons®.
Now Hear This! 2006
GBPS Office Phone: 281 474-7145
Online Bay Breeze at:
Address correspondence to:
Galveston Bay Breeze
4323 Lemon Tree
Houston, TX 77088
Editor: Cdr Phil Welch, SN
[email protected] or phone: (281) 820-0649
Photo By: D/1st/Lt Dot Welch,SN
P/C Jesse Comeaux, JN
Lt Mike Barido,P
P/Lt/C C.J. Settles, AP,
P/C Ray Kearney, SN and P/D/Lt/C Billie Kearney, N
Lt Jinx Manning, P
D/Lt Natalie Laffere, JN
P/C Marvin and June Radney
Henry Milam, P and Carol A. Milam, P
P/C Bill Strybos, SN
Dean Hanson, AP
D/1st/Lt Dot Welch, SN
All members of the Bridge
Any article appearing in this publication is to be assumed as representing the
opinion of the author and is not to be considered as reflecting the policy of the
Galveston Bay Power Squadron or the USPS unless so designated.
The Bridge: 2006-2007
Executive Officer:
Squadron Education Officer:
Administrative Officer:
Assistant SEO:
Assistant Treasurer:
At-Large Member:
At-Large Member:
At-Large Member:
Cdr Phil Welch, SN
Lt/C Joe Jordan, AP
Lt/C Frank Lotz, AP
Lt/C Kenn Manning, P
Lt/C Susan Morawski, SN
Lt/C Lana Sands, P
1st/Lt Janet Boerner, AP
1st/Lt William Whipkey, AP
P/C Al Bieser, AP
P/D/Lt/C Jack Peters, AP
Frank Boerner, AP
Write your Bay Breeze Articles in
Harmony with the Theme of the
“Engine Maintenance”
Boating Activity: Cruise to Harborwalk
GBPS CoCh Event
E-Board Meeting
Theme: “Offshore Navigation”
Christmas Party Galveston Yacht Club
Proofing of the Bay Breeze 1900
Clear Lake Boat Lane Parade
Theme: “Marine Electronics”
New Year’s
E-Board Meeting 1900
GBPS Annual Business Meeting
Proofing of the Bay Breeze 1900
CoCh Planning Meeting 1900
CoCh Event
E-Board Meeting
Contributors are welcome to e-mail copy to the editor, or it may be mailed
to address shown above. Or, if you wish, just bring yourself and your ideas to
monthly meetings. Your joining in on this event is the important thing!
Copy deadline goals are as follows:
Initial Copy Deadline ------ 2200 day of monthly meeting, 80% of copy due.
Final Copy Deadline -- 2200 SUN after monthly meeting, 100% of copy due.
Final Bay Breeze Changes ----------- 1000 TUE, i.e., No Changes after 1000.
Final Bay Breeze Proof Session------------------ Strickler Building 1900 TUE.
Final Bay Breeze Edition to printer ------------------------------------1000 WED.
Final Bay Breeze Edition to US Post Office ------------------------- 1000 FRI.
Final Bay Breeze Edition to webpage ------------1000 MON.
Carnival Cruise’s Midnight Appetizer Tray
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
Samuel Arch Harwell passed
away on 22 October 2006.
William W.
Kenneth O.
Reyburn D.
Gabe W.
Raymond T.
Karen L.
William T.
James L.
Linda Kay
David R.
Daryl J.
Rita R.
Judy A.
John O.
Richard C.
Strybos Jr.
Sam was a businessman
whose career included banking,
securities, management, and
property development. He was an entrepreneur
an entrepreneur and developed and owned a
number of personal ventures. He was the
Director of the five-county Brazos Valley Small
Business Development Center in Bryan, Texas.
After returning to Houston in 2001, he was
Executive Director of Armand Bayou Nature
Center. Sam was self employed at the time of
his death.
Sam and wife Pam Sanders recently purchased
a boat, The Cuddle Fish a 25 ft Albin Trawler.
They joined Galveston Bay Power Squadron,
taking classes to prepare for retirement cruising.
Sam had attacked boating with his usual drive
and determination to learn everything he could
about it.
He was enrolled and taking
Seamanship, Piloting and Marine Electronics at
the time of his death.
We extend our sympathy to wife Pam and
daughter Sydney.
The above comes from the national Database.
Help us update the national database monthly.
Roster chair, Billie Kearney, would like your
current information. Any new ZIP Codes, phone
numbers, home, cell or work, or if you have moved
or if your birthday is not listed, please e-mail her at
[email protected]. Corrections are made
every month of the year. GBPS current roster can
be viewed and/or downloaded at It
is up to date and accurate, and we thank you for
your help.
Jesse Comeaux and his daughter, Donna, enjoy the
Complimentary Sunday Cocktail Party
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
D/21 Fall Conference Pictures
Operations Training Seminar
18 November 2006 at 0830
Strickler Building LYC
On Saturday, 18 November from 0830 to 1145 at
the Strickler Building at LYC, we will have our
annual OT Seminar. At OT, we explain how the
squadron is organized at the local, District and
National level and how the various programs are
This seminar is very important for new members
who are curious as to what USPS is all about. We
develop the "Who we are and what we do" concept.
This seminar is also very informative for members
who have not attended one in several years as
programs change with time and the latest updates
from national will be discussed.
D/Cdr Charles Strong and wife, Ginny Strong
Complimentary Lunch will be enjoyed by
Following lunch, Joe Jordan will give a
Leadership Development Seminar.
All participants will qualify for having taken this
most important class. It looks nice on your resume
when you are recommended for a position from the
Nominating Committee at Squadron, District or
National USPS Levels.
Lt/C Kenn Manning, P
Brenda and Dan Joyce
Host Squadron Cdr Cathy Schexnider, Ken Ortolon
Brenda Joyce and Dot Welch enjoy Costume Night
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
The Starboard Side:
We had a nice turnout at our LaPorte Boating
Course in October. Five students found out about
the course from our members: John Knox, P; Jack
Peters, AP and Bill Carr, AP.
Five from our boat show representatives.
Five from friends of GBPS including Bob Lutz.
Three from the Internet.
One from an Insurance Company.
One from GBPS Vessel Examiner (Tricia Lotz, S).
The Port Side:
Prince Henry the Navigator has returned to
Galveston Bay Power Squadron. GBPS received
this prestigious award at the Fall 2006 USPS®
District 21 Conference.
Next year our first boating course will be the four
Saturdays in February at the Eddie V. Gray
Wetlands Center in Baytown. Start spreading the
word. I’ll be sending you a poster about the end of
December. Who knows, maybe you will be
recognized for getting a student on board next year.
The government of Portugal awarded a
replica of Prince Henry the
Navigator, as a trophy, for each of the
Districts of USPS® to promote the
study of Navigation.
District 21 determines the winner from
an index using ratios of AP to JN plus JN to N over
a two year period. Credit, for winning this award,
goes to Bill Fink, SN, P/C Robert Carter, SN
and Lt Mike Trznadel, SN, plus numerous other
GBPS Instructors and Students including Lt James
Tyson, JN; Thomas Anderson, JN; Keith
Wingate, JN and Michael Murphy, JN.
Remember, Educational opportunities abound in
GBPS. We do need your help. Contact any of us.
Stay safe over the holidays,
Lt/C Frank Lotz, AP, SEO
[email protected]
Our fall member classes are winding up and it’s
time to be thinking about what you are going to take
next year.
Piloting starts Thursday 04 January.
Navigation begins Monday 09 January.
An all new Jr. Navigation will begin in January,
subject to receiving the new texts.
Weather starts Wednesday 10 January.
Engine Maintenance will begin 15 January.
An all new Seamanship starts 28 February.
A Public Boating Course is set for Baytown in
early February and precedes the Seamanship course.
Advanced Piloting begins 05 April following the
04 January Piloting Course.
Instructor Development will be held
06 March through 10 April.
Glen and Peggy Mathis on stage for “know your
spouse questions.” They got the best laughs of all.
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
50 Gather at Monument Inn for
November Meeting
TCU roommates, Jinx Manning and Rita Kirtpatrick
Susan Morawski displays check from Exxon-Mobil
Foundation for matching funds generated for
service contributed by Fred and Carol Coffee.
Phil Welch rewards Speaker, Tom Deen, for a well
received, entertaining and educational speech on
Maritime Law.
Clark and Lillian Dickerman, Our only couple that
are both P/C’s and SN’s.
New Members, Rick Olsen and Donnell and Craig
Zimmerman, pose with P/D/C Charles Ashford after
taking USPS Pledge.
Bill Whipkey, Asst. Treasure, set up for check-in.
Many thanks for all your hard work, Bill.
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
D/21 Conference Pictures
D21 Conference Aboard Ecstasy
Besides the monsoons en route to Galveston and
the intermittent showers thereafter, the D/21 Fall
Conference was very successful. Eighty cabins
were booked for the cruise. GBPS had 26 members
and family attending: Charles Ashford, Terri
Hemingway, Bill and Mary Barrow, Bill and Betty
Carr, Frank and Patricia Lotz, Jack and Barbara
Peters, Jesse and Donna Comeaux, Ray and Billie
Kearney, Les and Nat Laffere, Joe and Janis Jordan,
Glenn and Peggy Mathis, Frank and Janet Boerner,
Philip and Janice Parker, Phil and Dot Welch.
Thursday, 26 Oct 2006, Boarding and
Orientation—Carnival had seated D/21 in the same
area but had put us at dining tables with members of
other squadrons. We like to sit with our friends;
however, this was a good way to get acquainted
with other nice people. As a surprise, each cabin
received a bottle of wine compliments of our travel
agent, Mary Jane.
Friday, 27 Oct 2006, was the official USPS
District 21 Fall Conference aboard the Carnival
Cruise Ship ECSTASY hosted by Beaumont Power
Squadron. Although the unusual ambience (bar
supplies and orange Chinese lanterns) in the
Chinatown Lounge made us feel like an “organized
mob”, everything was planned and very business
like. Programs had been slipped under our doors
and a printed booklet was distributed.
contained the 14 Commanders’ pictures and reports.
Also, pictures of the current D/21 Bridge Officers
and their reports. Joe Dorn interrupted the first part
of the program with a skit. He arrested Sheriff
“Dead Eye” Strong on various charges. He was
released on bail, but is being carefully watched. Tin
badges were given to the attendees so they could
help this surveillance.
This whole act was
announcing the D/21 Spring Conference of 29 Mar
– 1 Apr 2007 to be held at Lakeway Resort in
Many Awards were given out: GBPS was happy
to bring Prince Henry home again! We also earned
a NOAA Honorable Status for work done in
Cooperative Charting. Our Commander announced
that we have 263 Active and 22 Family members,
30 new members since the last conference, 20
course completions, 16 members present, 10
delegates and 4 alternates. D/C Strong presented a
Dot Welch, Ecstacy’s Captain and Phil Welch
Charles Ashford and daughter, Terri
Arrest of “Dead Eye” Strong
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
D21 Conference Aboard Ecstasy
“Ding Dong Dumas” Award to the Chief’s
representative R/C Howard Yoas, SN. Other
business of interest: SN will require six elective
courses; D/21 Star Squadron Award Program was
revised. Suggestions for saving money: the
ENSIGN is to have only six issues; Merit Marks
will be submitted electronically; teleconferencing
will replace some National Operating Committee
meetings; proposed 3 Districts going together for
conferences. The meeting was adjourned.
Friday evening featured the Formal Captain’s
Cocktail Party and Dinner. Saturday, 28 Oct 2006
in Cozumel.
Sunday, 29 Oct 2006, A Members Memorial was
held on the stern of the ship to honor those who
passed away since the Spring Conference: GBPS
lost Marion (ChiChi) Ashford, P on 12 Aug 2006;
Romney Eddie Dansby, AP on 08 Oct 2006; Sam
Harwell on 22 Oct 2006. A poem and hymn
followed remarks by D/C Charles Strong, AP. This
was an appropriate and very moving tribute to our
departed members.
Leadership Development,
CoCh and DB2000 workshops were held during the
All-in-all, this was one of the best conferences
D/Lt Nat Laffere
P/D/Lt/C Billie Kearney
Jack and Barbara Peters
GBPS get together at Cocktail Party
Chief’s representative, R/C Howard Yoas, SN
Honors GBPS with CoCh Awards.
Our Captain and Entertainment Director pose with
Jan and Joe Jordan.
GBPS receives USPS Membership Growth Award
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
Safety Officer’s Report
I stumbled upon an article in Go Boating
magazine that I thought was quite interesting. It
had to do with things to consider when looking for a
boat. We all have ideas about what we would like
to have in our next boat. We feel that the length,
type of power, speed, accommodations, number of
heads, location of the galley are all terribly
important, but there is one thing more that might be
easily overlooked. Ease of maintenance!
If you can’t reach the spark plugs under the
exhaust manifolds, neither can the service man
when it comes time for giving your engine a tuneup. What should be a very simple job might
become a complicated one and consequently a lot
more expensive than you anticipated. We owe it to
ourselves to look at any boat we might be
considering to see how accessible service items are.
Read the test reports and know what items might
need to be serviced, from the steering cable, to
sparkplugs, and even to replacing internal fuel tank.
In the interest of keeping maintenance costs and
our blood pressure in line let us all check carefully
before purchase.
Lt Elaine Proctor, AP
Safety Officer
Continued from left hand column.
P/D/Lt/C Jack Peters has been working to get
computer hookup in the Building for use by our
Instructors in our Classes.
Lt/C Lotz discussed a Membership Youth Poster
Contest for young people—3 age groups: 6-8, 9-11
and 12-14. He requested that information be posted
in the Bay Breeze for interested members or they
can look for information about this contest on
P/C Harless Benthul, Legal Officer, reported that
it is time for GBPS to file their Report for Nonprofit
Organization with the Secretary of State, which is
due 09 November, 2006. Also, P/C Benthul
requested that the Commander designate a new
Registered Agent for the Secretary of State (a
person that accepts mail on a routine basis—
approximately every four years). Billie Kearney
has agreed to fill this position.
The meeting was adjourned at 2125.
Respectfully submitted,
Lt/C Lana Sands, P
As a quorum was present the Cdr called the
meeting to order. Lt/C Joe Jordan discussed an
upcoming Leadership Development Course which
will be held Saturday, 18 November, 01-03. As
Lt/C Jordan is concerned about falling membership
in the Squadron over the last few years, he is
working on a “Customer Service” Survey
Questionnaire to be sent to members who have been
in GBPS five years or less.
Lt/C Frank Lotz reported that 50% of the recent
Safe Boating Course members completed the
course. A motion was made and seconded to accept
Boris E. Jones, Elizabeth Anne Jones, Craig B.
Zimmerman, DonnaLee Zimmerman (a family
membership), John L. Hovan and Kathleen M.
O’Neill (additional active member) as new
members of GBPS. Motion carried. Lt/C Lotz
received a round of applause for the Education
Department for receiving the Prince Henry
Education Award. This prestigious award is given
to the Squadron who has the largest number of N
and JN completions in a year’s time. GBPS was the
first Squadron to win this award when it first came
into being. Lt/C Lotz attributes our success in
regaining the award this year to Bill Fink, Mike
Murphy, Keith Wingate, Rita Ash and Dot Welch.
Lt/C Kenn Manning was out of town so Cdr
Welch discussed our Friday, 5th January meeting at
the Elks Lodge. The menu and the price needed to
be decided so, after much discussion, a motion was
made and seconded to charge $20 per person for the
meeting price and our choice for dinner will be
prime rib with all the trimmings. Motion carried.
Lt/C Lana Sands distributed copies of the minutes
and asked that the Board review them. A motion
was made and seconded to accept the Minutes with
minor corrections. Motion carried.
Lt/C Susan Morawski, reported that we are
solvent and that our bills are paid.
Continued in right hand column.
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
Annual Christmas Boat Parade
on Clear Lake
09 Dec 2006 at 1700
This excellent D/21 Christmas party is located just
opposite NASA at the Nassau Bay Hilton Hotel,
12th Floor, over looking South Shore Harbour.
Admission is $15/person which includes beer, wine
and cocktails. As always, at a Squadron event like
this, please bring a Hors D’oeuvres.
Please make your check out P/D/C Charles T.
Ashford, SN in the amount of $15 and mail to
Charles at 614 North Flamingo, Seabrook, TX
77586. Checks should arrive by 01 December and
include information regarding the number attending,
your phone number and the amount enclose.
Directions to
Galveston Yacht Club
District 21’s
Geodetic Charting
Port Isabel, TX
01-03 December 2006
Hotel: Casa Rosa Inn
761 W Hwy 100
Port Isabel, TX 78578
Reservations: 956.943.2052
Geodetic Assignments
J = Broadway
Events held at the LMYC
Search & Recovery
Lighted Boat Parade
Italian Dinner: Marcello’s
D/Lt Chris Rakestraw
Phone: 956.245.7880
Email: [email protected]
December 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
We had the pleasure of meeting new members,
Craig and Donna Lee Zimmerman, at the November
meeting. They recently moved from Clear Lake to
Dayton where they are residing in a 102-year old
farmhouse, with fabulous hardwood floors which
Donna loves.The move to the farm became
necessary so Donna could have plenty of room for
her 5 horses. By the way, they have a sailboat also.
This ‘N’ That
by June & Jinx
It was such a treat visiting with the Dickermans at
the November meeting. They are just recently back
from attending the National Convention of
American Ex-Prisoners of War held in Nashville,
Tennessee. Clark was especially thrilled to spend
three days reminiscing with the Tail Gunner from
his B17 Bomber crew. The two of them are the only
ones left from their crew of nine men. Clark and
Lillian also expect to spend Thanksgiving in Dallas
with about 30 or more immediate family members.
Then in January, the whole clan is going to be
aboard the Royal Caribbean for their grandson’s
We were pleased to hear that Susan Mouw is now
doing well after a long, rough summer fighting a
heart problem.
A check for $500 to the Squadron was a welcome
donation from Exxon Mobil. Fred Coffey made the
presentation at the November meeting.
We're glad to have you aboard Rick Olsen, and
know that you are looking forward to connecting
with our members and attending the Squadron's
boating courses. Rick is from Buzzard Bay. Many
of you may recall the name Buzzard Bay, as it is
featured prominently, on an USPS 1210 TR Chart
used in the AP course.
Former members Ron Lane and Gene Bonner were
visiting in the area recently to attend the graduation
of their daughter from Medical School.
David Trant is planning on entering the Air Force in
January as a Lieutenant Colonel. He will be a flight
surgeon. Debbie will be holding down the fort and
staying flexible for David, as well as planning their
daughter’s wedding in March.
John and Susan Morawski's daughter, Erin, won a
grant recently, presented at the Early Childhood
Conference in Dallas.
Jan and Joe Jordan report a fantastic good time on
the Carnival Cruise for District 21 Conference.
They enjoyed all the fun stuff and meeting so many
people from GBPS and all the District Squadrons.
It was a great mini-vacation and a successful
conference. They hope to do it again and have
many more people aboard.
The Welches graciously donated a pair of tickets to
“A Tuna Christmas” to be held at the Grand Opera
House in Galveston. Dot had numbered spoons and
our guest speaker drew the winning number which
belonged to lucky Charles Ashford. Before he got
back to the table, daughter Terri announced that he
had a date for the evening and she was it. Way to
go, Terri!
If you didn't attend the November meeting at
Monument Inn, you missed a fantastic meal and a
lawyer/comedian, who presented an enjoyable
program. The fish, shrimp, stuffed shrimp, crab and
oysters were yummy.
Ray Kearney, we missed you at the Monument Inn
meeting. By the way, Ray, did you throw away the
beige sox after the District 2l Conference cruise?
The Radneys would like you all to know they are
preparing their grandson, Matthew, 10 years of age,
to become a Squadron member. As a cub scout, he
has won the "Rain Gutter Regatta" with his sail boat
5 years in a row.
Joke question of the month by John Morawski.
How does a parrot stay on a pirate's shoulder?
Answer - "Polygrip".
October 2006
The Galveston Bay Breeze
Bay Breeze Buddies
Gerry Bennett and Bill Schaaf
Billie & Ray Kearney
Brian Smith
Mary Ann Smith
Bill & Mary Barrow
Joe & Jan Jordan
Jane & John Krommenhoek
Eric & Jane Sample
Donald & Sylvia Moore
Fred & Carol Coffey
Les & Natalie Laffere
Henry & Carol Milam
Bill & Betty Carr
Marvin & June Radney
Alison Benthul
Gabe & Betsy Strybos
Ronald S. Marta
Karen Coady
Jack Peters
Charles & Lorraine Gautier
Anthony & Carolyn Hall
Kenn & Dale Manning
Lana Sands & Keith Schwabe
Mike & Judy Trznadel
Bay Breeze Buddies
Glenn & Peggy Mathis
Frank & Trish Lotz
Dot & Phil Welch
Bill & Lenora Tarnow
Dianne Hammond
Jim Hammond
Jinx Manning
John & Susan Morawski