“Out and About” with the Executive Officer


“Out and About” with the Executive Officer
JUNE 2014
“Out and About” with the Executive Officer
Hurricane season is back again! Sorry I will miss the Hurricane Stay-Away meeting; however I will
be in Nicaragua drilling water well for a village. Clean water is a big thing for many people on earth.
The clean water from the well allows increased health and well-being for the residents.
Gemini represented Galveston Bay Sail & Power Squadron at the Texas Mariners Cruising Association’s (TMCA) Spring Fling in Port Arthur. Several Vessel Safety Checks (VSCs) were conducted by
us and other District 21 squadrons. Plans are in the making for conducting those we missed. We
had our VSC done just before we left on the trip. A good time was had by all.
Water Activities Day Events (WADE) is held in June and July. This is an opportunity to share our
boating knowledge and skills with the next wave of boaters. Come for an hour, a day or all three
days of each event. Get with F/Lt Candy Capuano-Day to schedule yourself into one of these three
day events. Many of our members volunteer every year. Find out how your donation of time and/
or money makes a difference in the life of the kids. Remember we sponsored one of these kids this
year. This is a prime example of our “Civic” side of the USPS triangle.
We are going to need some help in July conducting a Co-op Charting event with Sea Scouts from
Dallas. This is planned to be a short excursion out on the bay on a mid-week morning. We need
boats and people to assist with the effort. Your contact is: Lt Charles Gautier. Later that evening
we are hosting a pot-luck dinner for the scouts and their leaders at the Squadron Building. Your
contact for that is: F/Lt Candy Capuano-Day. She will let you in on the details.
Since it is hurricane season again, it’s time to check your lines for wear and tear. Replace worn out
lines with new ones. Locate your chafe gear and check its condition. Are your fenders in good
shape? Is there someone who can check on your boat if you are out of town when a storm is expected? Maybe more important is your insurance policy paid! Many boats can survive a hurricane
if proper precautions are taken.
Until next month, remember to wear your life jacket! See you on the water!
Lt/C Jim Hammond, SN
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
The Bridge: 2014-2015
The Galveston Bay Breeze
Official monthly publication of the Galveston Bay Sail &
Power Squadron, a unit of the United States Power
Cdr Michael Upchurch, S
Executive Officer:
Lt/C James Hammond, SN
Address correspondence to:
Education Officer:
Lt/C Pam Sanders, S
Galveston Bay Sail & Power
P O Box 336
Seabrook, TX 77586-0336
Administrative Officer:
Lt/C Richard Robinson, JN
Lt/C Kay Powers, S
Immediate P/C:
P/C Janet Boerner, SN
Galveston Bay Breeze Editor
P/D/Lt/C Billie Kearney, N
1312 Skylark Rd
Pasadena, TX 77502
At Large Members of the Executive Board:
F/Lt Candy Capuano-Day, P
Kay Foster
Send your articles to Billie Kearney at
[email protected]
Lt Charles Gautier, P
Assistant Editor: Cdr Janet Boerner, SN
Elected Assistants:
Proofing Coordinator: Lt Jinx Manning, P
Assistant SEO:
P/C Janet Boerner, SN
Staff: (photography, proofing, distribution, etc.):
Assistant Secretary:
P/C Charles, Scott, SN
P/C Linton Arbaugh, JN
P/Lt/C C J Settles, AP
Assistant Treasurer:
P/Lt/C Ron Marta, JN
P/D/C Charles Ashford, SN
P/C James Tyson, JN
P/Lt/C Henry Milam, AP
Lt/C Carol Milam, AP
P/C Charles Scott, SN
Lt Marian Scott, S
June Radney
All members of the Bridge
Squadron website
Bay Breeze Contributors
Contributors to the Bay Breeze are welcome to e-mail
copy to the editor, or mail to address shown above. Or, if
you wish, just bring yourself and your ideas to monthly
meetings. Your joining in on this event is the important
Copy deadline goals are as follows:
Initial Copy Deadline --- 2200 on the Tuesday after
monthly meeting. Please let Editor know if you need an
Final Bay Breeze Proof Session-—-Strickler Building
2nd Tuesday following the GBSPS meeting at 1300 unless notified otherwise..
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
Saturday 07 June 2014
May 2014
Seminar—Hurricanes and Boats
Stay Away Hurricane Party
June 2014
E-board Meeting
GBSPS Monthly Meeting
Stay Away Hurricane Party at Strickler
Education Bldg.
ABC Class
16-18 WADE
Cooperative Charting
Seminar—Marine Radar—no day set yet
Bring a Dish—Pot Luck
Squadron will furnish Hot Dogs
and all of the trimmings
Strickler Education Building on
ground of Lakewood Yacht Club
Bring Flowers to toss in the Lake. Petals only
A GBSPS tradition.
July 2014
Independence Day
E-board Meeting (if needed)
ABC Class
GBSPS Co-Ch and Boating Activity
July—No official Meeting
Saturday 12 July
14-16 WADE
GBSPS Monthly Meeting
E-board Meeting
Co-Ch and Boating Activity
Shrimp Boil
Marvin & Betty Frank’s house
Tiki Island
Make your reservations for all dinner meetings thru the
call committee or
Betty Frank, 409 497-8051
Friday 01 August 2014
[email protected]
GBSPS Monthly Meeting
No details yet
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
Minutes of the Galveston Bay Sail and Powers Squadron
E-board meeting 29 April 2014
Board Members present: Cdr Michael Upchurch, Lt/C James Hammond, Lt Charles Gautier, Fl/Lt
Candy Capuano-Day, Lt/C Pam Sanders, Kay Foster, Ronnie Foster, Lt/C Kay Powers. Others present
P/D/Lt/C Billie Kearney.
Determination of Quorum was made by Secretary Kay Powers. Meeting was called to order by Cdr
Michael Upchurch at 1900. Invocation: Ronnie Foster; Pledge of Allegiance: James Hammond
Minutes of 08 April 2014 were approved.
Treasurer’s report was read by Cdr Michael Upchurch: GBSPS financial accounts are in order and
there are a few outstanding invoices. He reported that the Nomination Committee was actively seeking nomination for Treasurer vacancy.
Executive Officer James Hammond Report:
Annual Coop-Charting seminar was held 19 April at
the Squadron Building. The seminar was led by Lt Charles Gautier and P/C Ray Kearney. The
presentation was informative. Although, I had participated in an event many years ago, I learned the
reason behind how the information was gathered and reported. I was told that the behind the scenes
development of the Power Point show was the work of Billie Kearney and our District CoCh Chair
Clint O’Connor. I vowed to “steal” some of the slides to use for the ABC and Piloting courses. Some of
the group went out-on-the-water to put into practice knowledge learned in the classroom. Plans are
to do some charting in the Inner Coastal Waterway (ICW) on the way to Port Arthur for Spring Fling.
Another possibly event is to chart at night which would involve checking Aids to Navigation (ATONs)
for lights.
Keels and Wheels is scheduled for 03 - 04 May. We will be in a different location on the Lakewood
grounds this year. We will located on the South side of the inner harbor. The Sea Scouts will share a
booth with us. They plan on demonstrating knots, bends and hitches. We hope this change will draw
more people to the booth.
We plan on doing Vessel Safety Checks (VSCs) at Texas Mariners Cruising Association’s (TMCA)
Spring Fling on 16 - 17 May in Port Arthur, We were caught by surprise when Sail Angle announced
that the Sabine Squadron was hosting this as a D/21 event. There certainly are enough boats for
everyone to inspect; maybe a record number over two days.
Safe Boating Week is 17 May through 23 May. It starts during the Spring Fling. We encourage everyone to wear their lifejacket and be especially careful. Practice what we preach in class; out-on-thewater.
Education Office Pam Sanders report: Basic Navigation seminar was held on 24 April. James
Hammond taught the class. The seminar had ten attendees.
All the attendees are attending the Piloting class that starts on 01 May. The Piloting class has twelve
people registered to attend.
Educational material will be available at Keels and Wheels. We will be attending TMCA Spring Fling
and handing out educational material.
Administrative Officer Report: Cdr Upchurch reported that Richard Robinson has arranged the
speaker for the Stay Away Hurricane party speaker. The speaker has sailed around the world.
Continued on Page 8
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
Nautical Knowledge
The May ABC class had three students: O. B. and Karen Thomas, and Dale Langston. Both Karen and
O.B. did extremely well on the test. Dale had taken the squadron boating course 10 or 15 years ago,
and he just wanted to audit ABC as a refresher. Dale has submitted an application for membership.
The Piloting class includes several Sea Scouts and adult leaders along with several members. It’s a
full class! Piloting will have a break for Spring Fling and resume Thursday, May 22.
One of the very best things about Education in our squadron is that it’s a team effort. There are three
people on that team I wish to thank for their special diligence and dependability.
Joanna Daniel works almost every ABC class. She’s there early, brings goodies, registers students,
orders and picks up lunch, enters student information on a downloaded version of the USPS education site, files, cleans, tidies, and checks on the rest of us and our families. She is the Superwoman of
Education Volunteers. Joanna has been quietly involved in Education for years, and her efforts keep
the ABC class humming along every time.
Linton Arbaugh has been teaching Chapter 3 of the ABC class most of the time since he stepped
down as Commander. This is arguably the most important material for ABC students to absorb because it includes charts and navigating, anchoring, a long and important section on adverse conditions and emergencies, and communications afloat. Students pay attention to him too; rarely does
anyone miss a test question over this chapter.
Candy Capuano-Day pulls double or triple duty for most ABC classes by helping with the pre-class
busy period when everyone arrives at once and by frequently teaching parts of Chapter 4. She also
tells classes about the W.A.D.E. program, Vessel Safety Checks, and squadron activities. Before we
know it, she has students turning in membership applications and volunteering for the next activity.
She is the squadron’s busiest ambassador.
Thank you Joanna, Linton, and Candy for your loyalty and generosity, and most especially for sharing
your unique personalities in such a productive and positive way.
NOW, who else would like to join us? Marine Radar is scheduled for the June seminar and needs
an instructor. Seminars are two-hour events on a week night. The instructor manuals and PowerPoint slideshows are on the shelves waiting for you. Adding your personal experiences to the prepared materials makes the seminars more interesting and more valuable. The two hours will fly by,
and I promise that you will enjoy the experience.
Other seminars need instructors, and so do advanced classes and electives. My goal is to have at least
three people to teach each course or seminar so no one gets burned out. Consider asking a friend to
teach with you. Team teaching is a great alternative. We will have an Instructor Training class in the
early fall, but even if you haven’t taken Instructor Training, you can help someone else with a class in
the meantime.
Talk to me about what you’d like to teach and what you’d like to learn: Pam Sanders 713-962-8878
or [email protected]. If enough people are interested in a course, I’ll schedule it when you
want it.
Lt/C Pam Sanders, S
Squadron Education Officer
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
A Special GBSPS Education Feature
Thanks to P/C Charles Scott for sharing a valuable lesson from a harrowing experience during a sailboat race from Corpus Christi to Galveston.
Charles was one of two on watch observing lightning on the horizon. A line of thunderstorms from
Victoria to Beaumont was moving toward them at 40 mph. The skipper had them reef the mainsail
and change to the smallest jib.
The wind slackened, changed direction, then turned cold. The boat heeled over almost parallel to the
water. The wind shredded the mainsail and peeled the jib off of its tape.
The skipper decided that since they were in a race he wanted to continue racing and put up the storm
sail in lieu of the main. Charles saw 55 mph on the anemometer, and Scholes Field registered 90 mph
before the anemometer blew away.
The sail did help keep the bow into the wind, but the boat had been seven miles out of Freeport when
the storm started, and it was 14 miles out when the storm was over.
The boat that won the race was a 24 footer whose skipper had everything sealed tight, took down the
sails, and had the crew sit on the deck in their life jackets.
Charles said that the proper course of action when faced with a storm of that magnitude is to take
down all the sails and concentrate on protecting the crew and boat first rather than worrying about
the race.
On the last page of this issue of the Galveston Bay
Breeze is a flyer with information regarding who
we are and what we do. Feel free to print and
distribute as you see fit.
Thank you from the Member Involvement Chair
I would Like to thank Charles Gautier, Glenn Mathis, and my husband Paul for getting the table and
Chairs. Ruth Abelt and Pam Sanders and Katharina Upchurch for helping with the cooking and
Susan Morawski who helped clean up, The Judges were Christian Robinson (Richard's son) and
Chelsea and their friend. They said they really enjoyed themselves and judging Bloody Mary’s was
not as easy as they thought it would be.
Afterwards half of those that attended went on to Keels and Wheels, THANK YOU ALL.
I need help with Member Involvement 23 July 2014 — Pot Luck Dinner details to come.
F/Lt Candy Capuano-Day
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
little educational and safety dessert)
Last week I went to Gemini to prepare her for a move to a new slip. Not that far really, two down from
where she was. It was about 1300 when I arrived to begin work. The weather: bright sunshine, no
clouds, slight breeze from the southwest. I moved our hose down to the new slip to wash off the bird
stuff on the main and finger pier. Wash down complete, I moved a couple of dock lines that were not
needed to hold the boat in her old slip. I am little thirsty so I drink a soda that is aboard. Back to work.
The containments of the dock box need to be moved; however the new dock box is dirty inside. Of
course that will never do. A bucket of lightly soapy water and a scrub brush will take care of it. A little
harder then I first thought it would be. Around 1600 Charles Scott arrives to make the move from old
to new slip. He has been at the Keels and Wheels for three hours. We move the boat and containments
of the old dock box to its new location. All lines are made up the way we want them and the boat is secure. It is time for some liquid refreshment. What do all sailors crave all a hard day’s work? Rum by
gum!! We sit and talk for awhile. Then Charles says he is really tired and heads for home. I stay to finish up and secure the boat. About 1700 I too leave the boat. I notice walking down the pier that I am
really tired. So much so that it is hard to load up the car. Gotcha!! I am suffering from de-hydration or
heat exhaustion. The problem: too much sun and not enough water. At home, I drank several glasses
of water one after another. I did not fully recover until the next day.
Lesson learned: watch for the signs of de-hydration or heat exhaustion. They include: heavy sweating
and thirst, muscle cramps, weakness and fatigue. Severe de-hydration can lead to the more serious
condition of heat stroke. Its symptoms include the entire list above plus headache, nausea, and vomiting. Drink lots of water when you are working in the sun. Sodas do not work and certainly alcoholic
beverages are not the right choice. Take frequent breaks. Get out of the sun and into the shade on a
regular basis. Most of us know this already; however, we get busy and forget to hydrate properly.
Lt/C Jim Hammond, SN
Helpful Hints
We have had a cool spring, but summer is on its way. Add heat to dehydration (thank you, Jim Hammond), and you have heat exhaustion and heat stroke. One way to combat the problem is to “water
load” in anticipation of outdoor activity and continue drinking while exposed to heat. The key is to
drink on schedule:
24 ounces two hours before activity
16 ounces 15 minutes before activity
8 ounces every 15 minutes during activity
If you feel funny, dizzy, tired, or have a headache, STOP what you are doing, get something to drink,
and rest in the shade or in air conditioning. You may need to give up for the day. I’m a s-l-o-w learner.
I had to pass out twice and get really puny lots of times before I started paying attention to these precautions.
Check Web MD, OSHA, and medical school sites for more information or just Google dehydration and heat exhaustion.
Lt/C Pam Sanders, S
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
E-board Minutes continued from Page 4
Members at large:
Candy Capuano-Day report: GBSPS will host a pot-luck dinner for the Dallas Sea Scouts on Wednesday, 23 July. Will need thirty people to bring dishes for this event.
The Member Involvement luncheon was fantastic. Had several Past Commanders attend the luncheon.
Keels and Wheel work schedule is completed.
Plans for Pancake Breakfast are completed. Speaker will be a representative from WADE.
I want to THANK the GBSPS members for their support of WADE. We collected $134.00 from the hat
that was passed at the dinner meeting at Top Water Grill. The members voted GBSPS would donated a
scholarship. GBSPS had two members that donated scholarships Mary Carrie and Cdr Upchurch.
Charles Gautier report: The next scheduled GBSPS Co-Op Charting event is 10 May. He plans on this
Coop Charting event be held in the evening in an effort to check Aids to Navigation for lights.
New Business:
The audit report for the watch year 2013-2014 was given by chairman of the audit committee Billie
Kearney. Other members of the committee are Susan Morawski and Ronnie Foster. The Committee
found all monies to be accounted for and the books are balanced. The committee recommends that
actual versus budget figures be reported to the E-board on monthly basis.
A complete Income and Expense report for the year with bank balances was submitted to the
Commander and Secretary for our permanent records. Ron Marta is the assistant treasurer and in the
absence of a full time treasurer is collecting and paying our bills for the present time.
Cdr Michael Upchurch adjourned meeting at 2100.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lt/C Kay Powers , S
New member Steve Huntsberger
It’s nice to have a D/C in the Squadron to do the pledge. Thanks Kenn Manning!
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
Breakfast with GBSPS Friends
Pancakes and Bloody Marys
What a way to start a Saturday morning.
Cooking the bacon is
Ruth Abelt.
Candy showing off the
Katharine is cooking
on one griddle and
Pam on another
Below to the left;
Christian Robinson
and Chelsea
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
This ‘N’ That by Jinx & June
The hour was too early for some but the weather was gorgeous and the temperature was ideal for an
outside breakfast meeting. Those who attended our May 2014 meeting at were greeted with the smell
of bacon cooking and were rewarded with six entries of Bloody Marys to sample, in addition to egg
casseroles, pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice. Many people worked behind the scenes to see
that we had tables, chairs and all the necessary equipment to keep the delicious food warm and fresh
and ready to eat. Thanks to all who contributed their time and effort to assure that we had a successful morning, especially our charming hostess, Candy Capuano-Day.
Hats off and a big thank you to those who brought Bloody Marys for the occasion. The contributors
were Candy Capuano-Day & Pam Sanders. Kenn & Dale Manning, Billie & Ray Kearney, Jo Anna
& Mark Hanna , Charles Ashford and arriving at the last minute, Ed Richards. Candy & Pam took
first place with their entry, with the Mannings coming in second and the Kearneys winning third. All
of the ones this reporter sampled tasted totally different from one another and were delicious. It
made me very glad I wasn't one of the judges.
Katharina Upchurch was still having " sea legs " after coming through two storms in the Gulf on a 41'
Bayfield. Winds topped 44 knots on Mike Gandy's boat with our own Ad Officer, Richard Robinson
also aboard. Katharina said it was a challenging but great cruise and evidently, scary at times, since
the boat suffered quite a bit of damage. We hope to hear more about the details when Richard gets
back in town and we're so glad you are all back safe and sound.
James and Corrine Stanley made two trips to Louisiana recently. First they went to New Orleans and
while there, they spent four hours at the World War 2 Museum. Later they went to Baldwin, LA with
their church group for a Mission Trip. James worked on houses and Corrine packed health kits. On a
free afternoon, they visited another museum that had planes from the twenties and thirties.
That first grandchild the Jordans were expecting has arrived. She was the first girl in two generations. Jan said Adalynn Grace is now one month old and is just adorable ! Also, they are expecting a
very special addition to their limousine fleet. It is a creme colored 1935 Chevrolet pickup truck and
will be among other things, part of the " Cowboy Package " for their wedding business. Congratulations !
Jim Hammond and family will be in Nicaragua to drill a water well the first week in June. Jim's son
and daughter-in-law and their two children will be there also as part of the group called the Living
Waters, a group that helps people who are without fresh water. That's a great thing to do.
Continued on page 11
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
This N That Cont’d from page 10
It was so good to see Jim and Jo Tyson, who live in Katy now, you know, and it's not all that easy for
them to get here. They will be crewing in the HYC offshore race on 08-09 May with GBSPS members,
John and Julie Mastroianni. They hope to have a great representation for GBSPS. Good luck to all of
The Student Support Services at the College of the Mainland surprised Susan Morawski recently by
presenting and honoring her with an award for her dedication and support of the students in the TRIO
program. TRIO offers support of all kinds for disadvantaged students and the first in the family to
attend college. How special is that ! Thanks, Susan.
Dale and Kenn Manning will be heading to Kentucky for the occasion of their grandson, Shane Smith's
graduation the first part of June. Shane will be attending Center College in the fall.
Congratulations to Glenn Mathis' granddaughter, Madeline, who received the outstanding Senior
scholarship award of $ 50,000.00 to Cal Arts in Valencia, CA. Also, her sister, Chloe, is graduating from
Oak Ridge School in Arlington, TX. Glenn is justifiably proud of all his granddaughters. Victoria is an
outstanding clarinetist in Flower Mound TX, and Rachel is the nationally ranked gymnast we have all
been reading about in the Bay Breeze. As a result, Glenn has been making quite a few road trips lately.
Our condolences to Pam Sanders on the passing of her father Ed Sanders.
Billie Kearney has two grandchildren graduating from High School and heading for College this fall..
Grand-daughter Brooke Golden will be attending A & M University and Grandson Patrick Golden will
be attending the University of Texas.
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
There is just something about a uniform! Our speaker was Leonard Meyers, a
Sea Scout leader and also a member of GBSPS. Leonard presented our Cdr with
a patch from the Scout Jamboree. He spoke to us about the Sea Scout program
and the importance of working with our youth in fun and at the same time
educational activities. Boy Scouts of America was formed in 1910, the Sea
Scouts in 1912 and USPS® in 1914.
We had six entries for the Bloody Mary tasting contest. Ed Richards - Dale & Kenn Manning - Charles Ashford - JoAnna Hanna Candy Capuano-Day & Pam Sanders - Ray & Billie Kearney.
The winners are Dale 2nd place, Candy 1st place and Ray 3rd place.
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
Happy June Birthday
C. J.
Tracy A.
T. Kevin
Richard Alan
Susan S.
Linda A.
Benjamin E.
Marvin E.
on the WaterLifestyle.com
1600 Second Street, #996
Seabrook, TX 77586 USA
Tyson III
James Tyson
Jo Tyson
Candy Capuano-Day
Glenn Mathis
Billie Kearney
Ray Kearney
Ronald S. Marta
Katharina Upchurch
Michael Upchurch
Bill & Betty Carr
Janet Boerner
Frank Boerner
Jinx Manning
Charles Ashford
Gerry Bennett & Bill Schaaf
Marvin & June Radney
Kay & Ronnie Foster Linton Arbaugh
Raymone & Zina Underwood
Charles & Marian Scott
Marvin Frank
Betty Frank
Gabe Strybos
Betsy Strybos
Mike Trznadel
Judy Trznadel
Charles & Lorraine Gautier
Ed Richards & Kendra
James Hammond
Dianne Hammond
Susan & John Morawski
June 2014
the Galveston Bay Breeze
Celebrating 100 Years of Recreational Boater Education
AMERICA’S BOATING COURSE is a basic boating certification class held the second Sat-
urday of each month from February - November, 8:00 a.m. to about 5:00 p.m. ABC
covers terminology, required safety equipment, regulations, adverse conditions, knots
& lines, navigation, and more, all taught by experienced boaters for ages 12 and up.
Cost is $60 and includes materials, USPS textbook, both the USPS and Texas Parks
& Wildlife certifications*, snacks, and lunch. Two people sharing the same book and
materials may attend for $90.
*Texas recommends a boating safety course for everyone and requires a boating safety course for anyone
born after 08/31/1993 who operates a power boat over 15 hp or a windblown vessel over 14 ft.
MONTHLY SEMINARS are FREE and include a growing list of topics including 2-hour
versions of many of the Member Courses listed below plus Hurricanes & Boats, Powerboat Handling, Radar, Using GPS, Weather Forecasting, Sail Trim, and Anchoring.
Seminars are held selected weeknights from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Excellent USPS seminar materials are available for purchase.
ADDITIONAL AND ADVANCED COURSES previously available only to members are now
available to the public! Seamanship, Piloting, Navigation, Engine Maintenance,
Cruise Planning, Weather, and Sail are taught in small, personalized evening classes
from 4 to 12 weeks in length. Classes meet at 7 p.m. once weekly. Cost varies by
course depending on text and materials used.
LOCATION for all classes and seminars is the Power Squadron Bldg at Lakewood
Yacht Club, 2425 NASA Pkwy, Seabrook, TX, unless otherwise noted.
CONTACTS are Pam Sanders 713-962-8878 [email protected] and Jim Ham-
mond 832-385-1357 [email protected].
PREREGISTRATION is available on the United States Power Squadron site http://
www.usps.org/ via the Education button, Courses and Seminars.

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