2016 BRANA Policy Handbook PDF - Blue Ridge Area of Narcotics
2016 BRANA Policy Handbook PDF - Blue Ridge Area of Narcotics
Blue Ridge Area of Narcotics Anonymous . 2016 Area Service Committee Policy & Guidelines Handbook 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Forward 3 The Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous 4 The Twelve Concepts of N.A. Service 5 Definition of the A.S.C. 6 Unity Invocation 6 Area Service Committee Meeting Format 7 Rules of Order Spreadsheet 8 Article I: Name of the A.S.C. 9 Article II: Purpose of the A.S.C. 9 Article III: Meetings 9 Article IV: Voting / Motions Procedures 10 Article V: Election of Trusted Servants 11 Article VI: Removal or Impeachment of Trusted Servants 12 Article VII: Qualifications & Responsibilities of Trusted Servants 12 Article VIII: Guidelines for Subcommittees 18 Article IX: Standing Subcommittee 19 Article X: Ad Hoc Committees 23 Article XI: Parliamentary Guidelines 23 Article XII: Amendment of Guidelines 23 Article XIII: Post Office Box 23 Article XIV: Budget 23 A.S.C. Budget Forms 25, 26, 27, & 28 Motion Form 29 G.S.R. Report Form 30 Trusted Servant Nomination Info Form 31 New Policy pages 2 31, & 32 FORWARD 1 This Area Service Committee Handbook of Policy & Guidelines is the latest revised version of all previous BLUE RIDGE Area Service Committee (B.R.A.S.C.) Handbook of Policy & Guidelines. This is a supplement to the N.A. World Services approved A Guide to Local Services in Narcotics Anonymous and is not intended to replace or contradict that guide, the policies of the Blue Ridge Area groups, policies of the Central Atlantic Region of Narcotics Anonymous, or the Twelve Traditions or Twelve Concepts for N.A. Service”. The purpose of this Area Service Committee Policy & Guidelines Handbook is to serve the Homegroups in BLUE RIDGE Area of N.A. This handbook was developed as a service to the trusted servants of B.R.A.S.C., who are most effective when they are prepared and organized. All Trusted servants of B.R.A.S.C. & the Home-group G.S.R.’s are to be provided with a copy of this A.S.C. Handbook of Policy & Guidelines. Upon a trusted servant no longer holding their position, this handbook should be passed along. New groups will be provided a copy after they have been seated at the ASC. This handbook is also available online at www.brana.org Copyrighted material and registered trademarks from NA publications are used with permission of NA World Services Inc. in accordance with NA Intellectual Proper Bulletin No. 1. . The BRANA logo adopted January 2005 is not at registered trademark. 3 THE TWELVE TRADITIONS of NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS We keep what we have only with vigilance, and just as freedom for the individual comes from the Twelve Steps, so freedom for the groups springs from our Traditions. As long as the ties that bind us together are stronger than those that would tear us apart, all will be well. 1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on N.A. unity. 2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. 3. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. 4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters effecting other Groups or N.A. as a whole. 5. Each Group has but one primary purpose - to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. 6. An N.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the N.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, or prestige divert us from our primary purpose. 7. Every N.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. 8. Narcotics Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers. 9. N.A, as such, ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve. 10. Narcotics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the N.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy. 11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. 12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. Twelve Traditions are reprinted for adaptation by permission of A.A. World Services, Inc. 4 TWELVE CONCEPTS for N.A. SERVICE 1. To fulfill our fellowship’s primary purpose, the N.A. groups have joined together to create a structure which develops, coordinates, and maintains services on behalf of N.A. as a whole. 2. The final responsibility and authority for N.A. services rests with the N.A. groups. 3. The N.A. groups delegate to the service structure the authority necessary to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to it. 4. Effective leadership is highly valued in Narcotics Anonymous. Leadership qualities should be carefully considered when selecting trusted servants. 5. For each responsibility assigned to the service structure, a single point of decision and accountability should be clearly defined. 6. Group conscience is the spiritual means by which we invite a loving God to influence our decisions. 7. All members of a service body bear substantial responsibility for that body’s decisions and should be allowed to fully participate in its decision-making processes. 8. Our service structure depends on the integrity and effectiveness of our communications. 9. All elements of our service structure have the responsibility to carefully consider all viewpoints in their decision-making processes. 10. Any member of a service body can petition that body for the redress of a personal grievance, without fear of reprisal. 11. N.A. funds are to be used to further our primary purpose, and must be managed responsibly. 12. In keeping with the spiritual nature of Narcotics Anonymous, our structure should always be one of service, never of government. Copyright © 1989, 1990, 1991 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. 5 DEFINITION OF THE AREA SERVICE COMMITTEE (A.S.C.) The Blue Ridge Area Service Committee is made up of Group Service Representatives (GSR’s), trusted servants of the administrative committee and chairpersons of all standing subcommittees within the Blue Ridge Area. This body meets monthly to serve the needs of our member groups. The most important service that the A.S.C. provides is support of our groups. Whenever a group has a situation or need which it has not been able to handle on its own, its representatives can come to the A.S.C. for help. These situations are almost limitless in scope. But we have learned that we can get much accomplished when we work together. An A.S.C. performs other functions that are helpful to the groups. It can help new groups get started or give aid to floundering groups. Workshops or learning days may be conducted to guide trusted servants. Special Events can be held to build unity. A stock of literature may be maintained for the groups to purchase. The A.S.C. is ultimately responsible to the groups it serves. In order to provide these services the A.S.C. needs the active participation of all trusted servants. Groups support the A.S.C. both financially and spiritually. Money is necessary to provide services and as our Area grows the financial needs of the A.S.C. also grow. In order to provide a full line of services, a steady, reliable flow of money is necessary. Additional funding may be provided through other area activities. These alternative sources of financial support are helpful though the bulk of financial responsibility falls on the groups and our members. The active participation of each G.S.R. is essential for a successful A.S.C. G.S.R.’s will keep their groups informed and represent their groups’ conscience in most A.S.C. decisions. G.S.R.’s should evaluate each vote in terms of the needs of those they serve in their group, the needs of addicts seeking recovery, and the needs of N.A. as a whole, In addition to this, G.S.R.’s can participate in helping to carry out the A.S.C.’s other functions, such as: attracting new members and those yet to come, planning and implementation of standing or new subcommittee functions, and give aid to groups with services which require more than a monthly A.S.C. meeting. In order to coordinate its services, the A.S.C. Quorum elects trusted servants yearly. Each March all A.S.C. Trusted servant position will become open, and new elections will be held. Leadership and the ability to organize and manage time give the A.S.C. direction. This incentive must come from the A.S.C.’s trusted servants. Members may serve on only one A.S.C. elected position at a time. Serving on an Ad hoc committee or a temporary assignment are not elected positions therefore not a conflict. Upon election, administrative committee trusted servants or standing subcommittee Chairpersons shall resign as a G.S.R. as soon as practical, but not to exceed one month. Their group then elects a new representative, thus ensuring all active Blue Ridge Area groups equality of representation. UNITY INVOCATION “We contribute to unity in our meetings by exercising loving care in the way we speak and the way we treat one another.” It Works How and Why, Tradition One, pp. 131-132 6 AREA SERVICE COMMITTEE MEETING FORMAT 1. Openi ng Pra y er Read: 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts, Definition of the A.S.C. and Unity Invocation 2. 3. Roll Call: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Regional Committee Member (R.C.M.), R.C.M.- Alternate, Virginia Regional Convention Committee (V.R.C.C.) Director, V.R.C.C. Dir. Alternate, Literature Chair, Policy Chair, Outreach Chair, Special Events Chair, etc… , Ad-hoc Subcommittee Chairperson/s, and Home-groups. 4. Quorum determination 5. Secretary’s Report (Vote on accepting previous meeting minutes) 6. Open Forum for members to address the A.S.C. (Each January all A.S.C. Trusted Servants & G.S.R.’s will present an “Inventory Report” to the A.S.C. body.) 7. G.S.R. Reports 8. A.S.C. Trusted Servants Reports 9. Subcommittee Reports 10. Ad-Hoc Committee/s or other special reports 11. Old Business 12. New Business 13. Nominations & Elections 14. Announcements 15. Review business of the day 16. Closing Prayer 7 Parliamentarian “Rules of Order” Spreadsheet from “A N.A. Guide to Local Service” TYPE OF MOTION Able to interupt Second Debate required needed ADJORN END THE MEETING NO YES NO SIMPLE MAJ. AMEND CHANGE LANGUAGE IN A MOTION NO YES YES SIMPLE MAJ. COMPLETELY CHANGE A MOTION BUT PRESERVE THE INTENT CHALLENGE CHAIR’s DECISION ON AN ISSUE NO YES YES SIMPLE MAJ. YES YES YES SIMPLE MAJ. TO SEND AN ISSUE/MOTION TO A COMMITTEE FOR STUDY/DEVELOPEMENT NO YES NO 2/3’s MAJORITY CHAIR ASKED TO EXTEND OR LIMIT TIME MEMBERS SHARE ON DEBATE HALT DEBATE ON MOTION OR ISSUE YES NO NO SIMPLE MAJ. YES YES NO SIMPLE MAJ. AN IDEA A MEMBER, COMM, OR T/SERVANT WANTS ADOPTED TO MAKE THE COMMITTEE RETURN TO IT’s AGENDA TO BE ALLOWED TO ASK A NO YES YES VARIES YES NO NO NO YES NO NO NO CLARIFICATION OF RULES OF ORDER, WHEN THEY APPEAR YO HAVE BEEN BROKEN YES NO NO NO TO ASK CHAIR ABOUT “RULES OF ORDER” TO STOP DEBATE & VOTE NOW ON A MOTION AT HAND TO MAKE PERSONAL REQUEST TO THE CHAIR OR THE COMMITTEE YES NO NO NO NO YES NO 2/3’s MAJORITY YES IF URGENT NO NO NO NO YES YES SIMPLE NO YES NO SIMPLE MAJ. NO YES YES 2/3’s MAJORITY NO YES NO SIMPLE MAJ. YES NO NO NO AMEND BY SUBSTITUTION APPEAL RULING OF THE CHAIR COMMIT EXTENT OR LIMIT DEBATE HALT DEBATE MAIN MOTION ORDER OF THE DAY POINT OF INFORMATION POINT OF ORDER PARLIMENTARY INQUIRY PREVIOUS QUESTION PERSONAL PRIVILEGE RECONSIDER RESUME MOTION REPEAL MOTION TABLE WITHDRAWAL OF A MOTION Vote needed QUESTION/NOT OFFER INFORMATION TO REOPEN FOR DEBATE A MOTION PREVIOUS PASSED RESUME CONSIDERATION OF A MOTION PREVIOUSLY TABLED TO VOID THE EFFECT OF A MOTION PREVIOUSLY PASSED TO PUT OFF CONSIDERATION OF A MOTION FOR A TIME ALLOWS MOTION MAKER TO TAKE BACK A MOTION AFTER DEBATE HAS STARTED 8 ARTICLE I NAME of our AREA The name of this area is Blue Ridge Area of Narcotics Anonymous (B.R.A.N.A.). The name of this committee is the Blue Ridge Area Service Committee (B.R.A.S.C.). The geographic area served by this committee includes but is not limited to the counties of Augusta, Rockingham, Page, Shenandoah, and Rockbridge, and the towns and cities of Harrisonburg, Lexington, Staunton, Waynesboro, and other localities within those counties in the central Shenandoah Valley area of Virginia. ARTICLE II PURPOSE of our A.S.C. The primary purpose of the BLUE RIDGE Area Service Committee is to help our member groups carry the message of Narcotics Anonymous. Our secondary purpose is to administer and coordinate activities for the welfare of N.A. groups in the Blue Ridge Area. This committee shall support their needs and serve as a link between the groups and the Central Atlantic Region of Narcotics Anonymous. The B.R.A.S.C. shall be a link between N.A. and our public community, and a resource to promote unity within the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous. ARTICLE III A.S.C. MEETINGS Section 1: The regular monthly meetings of the BLUE RIDGE - A.S.C. shall be held on the second Sunday of each month at 4:00pm at a centralized location chosen by group-conscience. (For 2016 this location is the Verona Un. Methodist Ch. 406 Lee Hwy. (Room 146) in Verona, VA.) Section 2: Each year all BLUE RIDGE - A.S.C. Trusted Servants & Home-Group’s will present an “Annual Inventory” report at the January A.S.C. meeting – during the “Open Forum” section of the A.S.C. These reports may include such things as: accomplishments, challenges, attendance, participation in group and/or service activities, finances, and goals for the future. Section 3: Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson of the A.S.C. and shall be called upon receiving a written request by members of the A.S.C. committee. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the request. Only the business that is stated in the request shall be conducted, At least 7 days notice shall be given. Section 4: A majority (51%) of registered voting participants (as determined by Home-groups on the BLUE RIDGE AREA - Meeting List) shall constitute a quorum, in absence of a quorum the day-today normal customary business will be taken care of by the trusted servants that are present. 8 9 ARTICLE IV VOTING & MOTIONS PROCEDURE Section 1: Who Votes / Who Makes Motions 1. Any attending G.S.R. (OR G.S.R. /Alternate, OR Home-group designated replacement In the ABSENCE of the G.S.R.) of a recognized Home Group may vote. 2. The BLUE RIDGE – A.S.C. Chairperson can vote in the case of a tie, but only in A.S.C. Procedural, Monetary, & Activties matters. 3. Voting will be done by verbal voice vote or a show of hands. A Roll Call vote can be taken when requested by a G.S.R./G.S.R. - Alternate or an A.S.C. Trusted Servant. 4. Motions amending the B.R.A.S.C. Handbook of Policy and Guidelines must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. All other motions: procedural, monetary, activity, etc... require a Simple Majority Vote (51% / 49%). 5. Any member of N.A. can make a motion, but a motion must be seconded by a G.S.R. , or G.S.R./Alternate or Home-group designated replacement in the G.S.R.’s absence only. Section 2: How to Submit, Discuss, and Vote on Motions, Amendments, etc… 1. All Main Motions, Amendments, and Pro’s & Con’s, (Main Motions & Amendments must be “Seconded” by a G.S.R. or an Alternate) must be written on the approved “Motion Form”, filled out correctly, and given to the A.S.C. Secretary. A “New Business” MOTION must be submitted to the A.S.C. with 10 copies (One copy each, go to the A.S.C. Secretary & the Policy Comm. The other (8) will be distributed to G.S.R.’s). 2. Motions should be submitted at the start of the “New Business” portion of the A.S.C. and will be read aloud by the A.S.C. Secretary or A.S.C. Chairperson. 3. The Chairperson asks if there are any questions for the Motion Maker. No member may speak on a Motion more than once - unless all others desiring to speak on the motion have exercised their 9 opportunity. The Chairperson shall allow members to discuss the motion, but may limit the debate to a reasonable length of time. 4. The Chairperson shall then ask if any members wish to make a formal “Pro” or “Con”. There shall be no more than two Pro’s and two “Con’s on any motion. All pros and cons must be submitted both verbally & written to the A.S.C. body & Secretary during the Main Motion discussion time. The written “Pro’s & Con’s” must be submitted to the A.S.C. Secretary before the end of the A.S.C. business meeting, so that they may be attached to the related Motion Form and included in the A.S.C. Minutes. 5. The Chairperson asks are there are Secondary Motions or Amendments: If there are any, go back to (Line 3). If there are none, go on to (Line 7). 6. On matters of parliamentary procedure, such as Lay on the Table, Recess, Amended, Commit, etc., the number voting in the affirmative required for adoption (regardless of type of majority required, whether simple or 2/3), shall be determined by the number of G.S.R.’s present and voting yes or no. (Abstentions have no effect on the outcome of the vote). 7. The Chairperson asks if G.S.R.’s are ready to vote (Policy changes go back to Home-groups for a group conscience, but Procedural matters can be voted on immediately). Voting will be done by: a verbal voice vote, a show of hands, or a group “Roll Call” vote. 8. An adopted motion shall take effect at the close of the Area Service Committee Meeting, unless otherwise stated in the motion. 9. No changes other than clerical can be made to the Blue Ridge Area Narcotics Anonymous Area Service Committee Handbook of Policy and Guidelines without those changes first being sent back for a group conscience. 10 Section 3: Types of Votes Motions to amend or change policy, financial matters, etc… require one of the following types of votes from each Voting Member of the BLUE RIDGE - A.S.C: 1. Yes: Means that a G.S.R. has decided to vote yes for the motion. 2. No: Means that a G.S.R. has decided to vote no against the motion. 3. Abstain: Means that a Group is not presenting a vote. Abstentions do not count for - or against - the determination of a vote. ARTICLE V ELECTION OF TRUSTED SERVANTS Section 1: Qualifications and responsibilities for A.S.C. Trusted Servants are located in Article VII of these guidelines. 1 0 Section 2: The Trusted Servants of the BLUE RIDGE – A.S.C. shall be: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Virginia Region Convention Corporation Director, Virginia Region Convention Corporation Director - Alternate, Regional Committee Member, Regional Committee Member Alternate, Literature Chair, Outreach Chair, Special Events Chair, Policy Chair, and any Ad Hoc committee Representative/s. All these positions are elected at the March A.S.C. – by the Home-group G.S.R.’s. Section 3: Home-groups should be made aware of all A.S.C. Trusted Servants terms expiring each January. All A.S.C. Trusted Servants should be nominated in February of each year. All A.S.C. Trusted Servants will be elected each March. All newly elected A.S.C. trusted servants should work with the current A.S.C. Trusted Servant (T.S.) until they assume the elected position. Section 4: No A.S.C. Trusted Servant shall hold more than one A.S.C. office at a time, unless otherwise approved by the A.S.C. A member may hold more than one A.S.C. Trusted Servant position on a ProTemp basis. No trusted servant should serve more than two terms consecutively in the same office. Section 5: Upon election to an A.S.C. trusted servant position, a N.A. member, if serving as a G.S.R., shall resign from the G.S.R. position as soon as practical, but not to exceed two months. Section 5: Process of election:. 1. The Secretary shall read qualifications and responsibilities from A.S.C. Guidelines before the nominations are opened to establish that vacancy’s qualifications and responsibilities. 2. Nominations are accepted from G.S.R.’s and require no second. The Chairperson will then ask for nominations from the floor which require a second by a G.S.R. or G.S.R. Alternate. 3. A motion must be made and seconded to close nominations. 4. Nominees must be present at the time of their nomination and election. Each nominee should state his or her qualifications for serving the fellowship in this specific Trusted Servant position. The nominee can for example share about: their clean time, their sponsorship status, familiarity with the Twelve Steps, Traditions, & Concepts, past service experiences in N.A., and the abilities they have to fulfill the Trusted Servant position. After all nominees have stated their qualifications, the committee may direct questions to nominees and members may present two Pro’s & two Con’s. 5. The A.S.C. Secretary will give the nominee a Trusted Servant/Nominee form . The Secretary may request clarification and include the nominee’s qualification statement which will be placed in A.S.C. Minutes. 6. A list of accepted nominee’s and their qualification information from the nomination process will be recorded in the A.S.C. Minutes and taken back to Home-groups by the G.S.R.’s . The Home-groups may then determine the nominee of their choice, and the G.S.R.’s will then cast their votes at the next A.S.C. Voting is by paper ballot. If there are more than (2) nominations, the voting is a process of elimination until one nominee receives a majority of the vote. 11 7. 8. 9. 10. If there is only one nomination for a position a two-thirds majority is required. If the vote fails, the election is returned to the home groups for further consideration. This procedure is repeated until all elections are concluded. For election of Chairperson and R.C.M. , the Vice-Chairperson and R.C.M. Alternate have an implied “Vote of confidence” when groups consider their election. If either of these Trusted Servants fails to get a 2/3’s vote, the nomination process and election is returned to the Home-groups for further consideration. ARTICLE VI REMOVAL OR IMPEACHMENT OF TRUSTED SERVANTS Section 1: An A.S.C. Trusted Servant may be removed from their position for non-compliance. A 2/3’s vote of the G.S.R.’s constituting a quorum is required for removal. 1. The maker of the impeachment motion will have (3) minutes to show cause for impeachment and then the trusted servant in question has (3) minutes to respond to the accusation. Voting is by paper ballot. 2. Non-compliance includes: relapse, non-fulfillment of the duties of their position as described in Article VII of these guidelines, absence at (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Area Service Committee without prior notification to the A.S.C. Chairperson. 3. A Trusted Servant of the A.S.C. may resign by providing written notice to the A.S.C. Chair-person, preferably, offering as much notice as possible prior to the next A.S.C. meeting. ARTICLE VII QUALIFICATIONS & RESPONSIBILITIES OF A.S.C. TRUSTED SERVANTS 1 1 Section 1: Qualifications of the A.S.C. Chairperson: It is suggested that the Chairperson have at least three years of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps, Traditions, & Concepts of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in N.A. service, or as the A.S.C. ViceChairperson, for at least (1) year. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. . Responsibilities of the A.S.C. Chairperson: 1. Will attend all Area Service Committee (A.S.C.) meetings. 2. Will arrange the agenda for each A.S.C. meeting (There is a suggested agenda in this policy handbook). 3. Will open the A.S.C. meeting at the appointed time by taking the chair and calling the meeting to order. 4. Will refrain from expressing or discussing a personal opinions when presiding. 5. Will acknowledge and welcome all new G.S.R.’s, new participants, and visitors. 6. Will recognize members who are entitled to participate on the A.S.C. floor. 7. Will conduct business with impartiality and fairness and in every way compatible with the spiritual nature of our fellowship. 8. Will state and/or put to a vote all questions that legitimately come before the meeting as motions or that otherwise arise in the course of proceedings, and announce the result of each vote. 12 9. Will enforce the parliamentarian “Rules of order” relating to discussion, order, and motion 10. Will respond to inquiries and questions of members relating to information bearing on the business of the A.S.C. meeting. 11. Will appoint all Ad-hoc committee Chairpersons from available volunteers. 12. Will delegate the general correspondence of the A.S.C. committee. 13. Will declare the meeting adjourned when so voted. 14. Will be a Co-signer on the A.S.C. committee’s bank account with the A.S.C. Vice- . Chairperson and Treasurer. 15. Is responsible to see that the duties of all A.S.C. Trusted Servants are carried out to completion. . In the absence of any trusted servant actions the Chairperson will see to it that their . duties and responsibilities will be carried out. 16. Will share responsibility for the P.O. Box with the A.S.C. Secretary. 17. Funding for the Chairperson is based on the A.S.C. annual budget. It is the responsibility of . the Chairperson to ensure that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the budget, will need approval by the A.S.C. A .written motion and a vote is required for approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. ( 2016 Budget for the Chairperson is $ 0 ) 18. The Chairperson will give a verbal/written report monthly to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. . Secretary on all activities, goals, issues, and financial expenditures undertaken since . the last A.S.C. meeting. 19. The Chairperson will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting . each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting. Section 2: Qualifications of the A.S.C. Vice-Chairperson: The office of Vice-Chairperson is a (2) year commitment. The first year of service is spent becoming familiar with the job, attending all A.S.C. , subcommittee meetings & special events and filling in for the Chairperson if he or she is absent or unable to fulfill their duties. After serving for (1) year as the ViceChair, it is customary for the Vice-Chair to receive a “vote of confidence” towards election as the A.S.C. Chairperson. The recommended qualifications for the Vice-Chair are that they have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Vice-Chair should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or as a G.S.R. , for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. . 1. . . . . 2. 3. 4. Responsibilities of the A.S.C. Vice-Chairperson: In the absence of the Chairperson, will fulfill the duties of the Chairperson. W i l l at t e n d a l l A . S . C . & S u b c o m m i t te e m ee t i n g s . And, will be a liaison . between the A.S.C. subcommittees. This is to help assure coordinated functioning of all the A.S.C. Sub-committees according to policy guidelines. The Vice Chairperson shall be a non-voting member of all subcommittees. Will be a co-signer on the A.S.C. committee’s bank account with the A.S.C. Chairperson and Treasurer. Maintain and distribute a monthly calendar of A.S.C. service & special events. Funding for the Vice-Chairperson is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget. It is the responsibility of the Vice-Chairperson to ensure that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the budget, will need approval by the A.S.C. A written motion and a vote is required for approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the Treasurer to ensure accountability 13 5. 6. and/or reimbursement. ( 2016 Budget for the Vice-Chairperson is $ 0 ) The Vice-Chairperson will give a verbal/written report monthly to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary on all the activities, goals, issues, and financial expenditures undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. This Vice-Chairperson will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting. Section 3: Qualifications of the A.S.C. Secretary: It is suggested that the Secretary have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or as a group secretary for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Responsibilities of the A.S.C. Secretary: W i l l a t te n d a l l A r e a Se r v i ce Co m m i tt ee ( A .S . C . ) m e et i n g s . In the absence of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and the R.C.M. will call the A.S.C. meeting to order and preside until the election of a “Chairperson Pro-temp”. Will keep a paper & electronic record of the proceedings of the A.S.C. committee. The Secretary will keep a “running” twelve months of paper copies of the A.S.C. Minutes for members veiwing. Each month the Secretary will load on the Secretary’s computer “Thumb-Drive” a copy of that months A.S.C. Minutes. Will keep a file of all written policy motions. Will keep a file of all committee reports. Will keep and update the A.S.C. committees participant list, and to call roll where it is required. Will require that all motions be written on approved Motion forms before being accepted on the A.S.C. floor. All Amendments and Pros & Cons must be submitted in written form before the closing of the A.S.C. for them to be accepted for inclusion on the Motion form and in the A.S.C. Minutes. Will notify the participants of each special meeting, utilizing such methods of notification as is agreed upon by the A.S.C. Will distribute E-Mail copies of the A.S.C. Minutes to each trusted servant and to each Homegroup G.S.R. no later than 10 days following each A.S.C. meeting. Also, will distribute written copies to Trusted Servants and/or G.S.R.’s who request them. Will type and mail any correspondence of the A.S.C. - which is not a function of other trusted servants or subcommittees. Will read the Minutes of the previous A.S.C. meeting. And, will make any necessary corrections which will be noted in the next month’s Minutes. The cost of the A.S.C. Post Office Box shall be included in the Secretary’s Budget. ( $66.00) The address for the B.R.A.N.A. - P.O. Box is: P.O. Box 623, Harrisonburg, VA. Funding for the Secretary is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to ensure that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the budget, will need approval by the A.S.C. A written motion and a vote is required for approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. ( 2016 Budget for the Secretary is $ 130.00 ) . 14 14. 15. 16. The Secretary will give a verbal/written report monthly to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. The Secretary will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting. Will share the responsibility & key for the A.S.C. P.O. Box with the Chairperson. Section 4: Qualifications of the A.S.C. Treasurer: It is suggested that the Secretary have at least two years of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or as a group treasurer for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. Responsibilities of the A.S.C. Treasurer: 1. W i l l a t te n d a l l A . S . C . m ee t i n g s . 2. Will be the custodian of the committee’s funds. Treasurer will maintain financial records concerning A.S.C. business, and any other special events, workshops, etc… 3. The Treasurer will maintain at least a year’s worth of printed Bank Statements for fellowship review. 4. Deposits all funds received into the A.S.C.’s bank account. 5. The Treasurer is allowed to participate in online banking. 6. Will follow procedures and disburses funds as described in the B.R.A.S.C. Policy Handbook . The W.S.O. Treasurers Handbook is also a resource that can be used by the Treasurer. 7. Will reco ncile the A.S.C. bank account with the R .C.M. 8. In the absence of a Literature subcommittee chairperson, the Treasurer will be the literature custodian, following guidelines on replenishment of literature supplies as approved by the A.S.C. 9. Funding for the Treasurer is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the budget, will need approval by the A.S.C. A written motion and a vote is required for approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. ( 2016 Budget for the Treasurer is $ 25.00 ) 10. The Treasurer will give a verbal/written report monthly to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 11. The Treasurer will give a verbal & written annual financial inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting., and will present a “Proposed A.S.C. Budget” for the following year. 12. Home-groups will add an additional 15% to any literature totals. Section 5: Qualifications of Regional Committee Member ( R.C.M.): It is suggested that the R.C.M. have at least (2) years of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have . 15 a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The R.C.M. should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or as the R.C.M. - Alternate, for at least (1) year. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. Responsibilities of Regional Committee Member: 1. Will attend all Area Service Comm. & Regional Service Comm. meetings. 2. Will represent the BLUE RIDGE A.S.C. at each Central Atlantic Regional Service Committee meeting, 3. 4. 5. 6. every other month (even numbered months). Will make available to the Central Atlantic Region of N.A. (C.A.R.-N.A.) Regional Service Conference (R.S.C.) a current BLUE RIDGE Area of N.A. “Meeting List” & special event flyers. In the absence of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson at the A.S.C. , the R.C.M. will serve as the A.S.C. Chairperson. Will present a written and oral report to the each regular A.S.C. meeting covering the business of the previous C.A.R.-N.A. – R.S.C. meeting. Will serve as a communication link between the Blue Ridge Area with all the other areas of the Region. Will attend as many Area service & special event functions as possible. May serve as a member on Regional Service Subcommittees. Will reconcile bank statements with the A.S.C. Treasurer. 7. 8. 9. 10. Funding for the R.C.M. is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget and it is the responsibility of the R.C.M. to ensure that these funds be utilizied in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, only expenditures beyond the budget need approval by the A.S.C. a written motion is required. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. (2016 Budget for the R.C.M. is $ 100.00 ) 11. The R.C.M. will give a verbal/written report monthly to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 12. The R.C.M. will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting.. Section 6: Qualifications of the R.C.M. - Alternate : The office of R.C.M. - Alternate is a (2) year commitment. The first year of service is spent becoming familiar with the job, attending all A.S.C. and R.S.C. meetings and filling in for R.C.M. if he or she is absent or unable to fulfill their duties. After serving for (1) year as the R.C.M. - Alternate, it is customary for the R.C.M. – Alternate to receive a “vote of confidence” towards election as the R.C.M. The recommended qualifications for the R.C.M.-Alternate are that the R.C.M. - Alternate have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The R.C.M. should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or as the G.S.R. for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. Responsibilities of the R.C.M. - Alternate 1. Will attend all A.S.C. & R.S.C. meetings. 16 In the absence of the R.C.M., will serve as Regional Committee Member. Will attend as many A.S.C. service & special event functions as possible. Funding for the R.C.M.- Alternate is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget and it is the . responsibility of the R.C.M. – Alternate to ensure that these funds be utilizied in a responsible . manner. Provided the funds are available, only expenditures beyond the budget need approval . by the A.S.C. a written motion is required. Any activities involving a receipt of money should . be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. . ( 2016 Budget for R.C.M. - Alternate is $ 0 ) 5. The R.C.M. - Alternate will work with the R.C.M. in formulating a verbal/written . report monthly to be given to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, . issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 6. Will assist the R.C.M. in preparing the annual inventory report. 2. 3. 4. Section 7: Qualifications of Virginia Regional Convention Corp. Director: It is suggested that the V.R.C.C. Director have at least (2) years of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The V.R.C.C. Director should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or as the V.R.C.C. - Alternate, for at least (1) year. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the V.R.C.C. , the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. . 1. Responsibilities of the V.R.C.C. Director Will attend all V.R.C.C. and A.S.C. meetings. 2. . Will represent the BLUE RIDGE A.S.C. at each V.R.C.C. Service Committee meetings, every other month. (Odd numbered months) 3. Funding for the V.R.C.C. Director is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget. It is the responsibility . of the V.R.C.C. Director to ensure that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided .the funds are available, expenditures beyond the budget will need approval by the A.S.C. A written motion and a vote are required for approval. This Trusted Servant will give a written report to the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. (2016 Budget for the V.R.C.C. Director is $ 0 ) 4. The V.R.C.C. Director will give a verbal/written report to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary . on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. mtg. 5. . The V.R.C.C. Director will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting. Section 8: Qualifications of the Virginia Regional Convention Corp. Director - Alternate: The office of V.R.C.C. Director - Alternate is a (2) year commitment. The first year of service is spent becoming familiar with the job, attending all V.R.C.C. and A.S.C. and meetings and filling in for V.R.C.C. Director if he or she is absent or unable to fulfill their duties. After serving for (1) year as the V.R.C.C. Director - Alternate, it is customary for the V.R.C.C. Director - Alternate to receive a “vote of confidence” towards election as the V.R.C.C. Director. The recommended qualifications for the V.R.C.C. Director Alternate, are that the V.R.C.C. Director - Alternate have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The R.C.M. should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or as the G.S.R. for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the A.S.C. and our Home-groups. . 17 . Responsibilities of the V.R.C.C. Director - Alternate 1. Will attend all V.R.C.C. and A.S.C. meetings. 2. Will represent the BLUE RIDGE A.S.C. at each V.R.C.C. Service Committee meetings, every other month (Odd numbered months) in the absence of the V.R.C.C. Director. 3. Funding for the V.R.C.C. Director- Alternate is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget. It is the responsibility of the V.R.C.C. Director to ensure that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the budget will need approval by the A.S.C. A written motion and a vote are required for approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. (2016 Budget for the V.R.C.C. Director - Alternate is $ 0 ) 4. The V.R.C.C. Director - Alternate will work with the V.R.C.C. Director in formulating a verbal/written report to be given to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities, undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 5. Will assist the V.R.C.C. Director in preparing the annual inventory report. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL POLICY GUIDELINES FOR ALL A.S.C. SUBCOMMITTEES 1. The A.S.C. may establish subcommittees deemed necessary to perform certain duties. These standing subcommittees shall be formed upon approval of the voting members of the A.S.C. Standing subcommittees may include, but are not limited to, Outreach, Literature, Policy, Special Events, and any other standing subcommittees which are deemed necessary to carry out the work of the A.S.C. The Chairpersons of these subcommittees shall be elected by the voting members (G.S.R.’s) of the A.S.C. 2. It is suggested that the Subcommittee Chairpersons have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or the subcommittee itself, for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort, necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. , and our Groups. 3. The subcommittees are responsible for electing their own Vice-Chairperson and Secretary, but may not have a treasurer. Subcommittee funding is to be coordinated through the A.S.C. Treasurer. Each year in January the Treasurer meets with the Subcommittee Chairpersons to go over expenses of the Subcommittee. The subcommittees may later ask the A.S.C. to amend budgets or approve special requests, but expenses may not exceed the established budget without prior A.S.C. approval. 4. Any plans that involve special financial expenditures - not included in their standing approved budgets - require a written motion be made to the A.S.C. body, and approved by the A.S.C. voting quorum. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. 5. All standing subcommittees of this A.S.C. shall create and adopt guidelines which are consistent with B.R.A.S.C. policy, A N.A. Guide to Local Services, the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of N.A. Service, and the best information available from the World Service Office (W.S.O.) in the form of World Service Conference (W.S.C.) approved handbooks and policy guidelines. 6. The guidelines of each standing subcommittee shall be subject to: review and approval, by the B.R.A.S.C. and the G.S.R.’s. 7. Each subcommittee shall submit a verbal/written report the A.S.C. and the A.S.C. Secretary of accomplishments, goals, issues, and upcoming plans, to the A.S.C. every month. 8. Subcommittee Chairpersons shall attend all Subcommittee & A.S.C. meetings. 18 9. The Subcommittee Chairpersons will give a written report to the A.S.C. & the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 10. The Subcommittee Chairpersons will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting.. 11. The Subcommittee Chairpersons and/or committee members are encouraged to attend related Subcommittee meetings at the regional service level. ARTICLE IX 1 . SUBCOMMITTEE POLICIES 6 Section 9: Outreach Subcommittee The Outreach subcommittee serves as an outstretched hand of an established N.A. community to isolated groups and addicts, particularly in large rural areas. By phone, mail or in person, they make sure that no group and no addict has to go through it alone if at all possible. The subcommittee helps keep geographically isolated groups and addicts in touch with the mainstream of the N.A. fellowship. . Section 1: Qualifications of the Outreach Subcommittee Chairperson: It is suggested that the Outreach Subcommittee Chairperson have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or the subcommittee itself, for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. , and our Groups. Section 2: Responsibilities of Outreach Subcommittee & Chairperson: 1. Will organize and coordinate a variety of service requests and initiatives. 2. The Chairperson is to attend all subcommittee & A.S.C. meetings. 3. Funding for the Outreach Events is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget and it is the responsibility of the subcommittee chairperson that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the standing budget need a written motion & A.S.C. approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. ( 2016 Budget for the Outreach Committee is $ 700, with the following breakdown: Outreach Literature: $250, Outreach Printing: $60, Meeting List: $240, Web-Site: $150 ) 4. The Chairperson will give a verbal/written written report to the A.S.C. and the A.S.C. Secretary on all the actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 5. The Chairperson will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting. 6. The Chairperson shall prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the A.S.C. Treasurer each January. 7. Will be the central contact for recruiting and directing members to various Outreach service opportunities. 8. The Outreach Subcommittee is encouraged to have a member attend Regional Service Outreach Subcommittee meetings. 9. Will keep updated and accurate information on to volunteers for the A.S.C. subcommittees. This may include volunteers for the H&I panels, help-line volunteer’s lists, twelve step lists or other service initiatives engaged in by the subcommittees. Will maintain these lists in accordance to guidelines established by the applicable subcommittee. The information should only be distributed on a “Need to Know” basis. Sensitive or personal information will be held in strict confidence. . 19 10. Will respond to requests for information or assistance from those without access to our service structure or our groups. 11. Our Outreach efforts, Hospitals &Institutions efforts, Public Relations efforts, Web-site efforts, and B.R.A.N.A.- Meeting Lists efforts, will join together as one subcommittee named “Outreach”. One A.S.C. elected “Outreach Committee Chairperson” will oversee all these areas of N.A. service and be the single point of accountability for these service commitments. The purpose of combining these subcommittees is to help strengthen the Committee’s unity since their goals are similar in nature. The Outreach Chair may appoint, or elect, coordinators for the: H&I, P.R. , Web-Servant, & Meeting List, efforts. 12. The responsibility for the B.R.A.N.A. – A.S.C. Web-Site is to fall under the responsibilities of the Outreach Committee. The Outreach Chairperson shall appoint someone to fulfill this duty. However, the Outreach Chairperson will oversee this position and be the single point of accountability for this service commitment. The B.R.A.N.A. – A.S.C. Web-Servant shall abide by this B.R.A.N.A. Policy in fulfilling the web-servant duties. The B.R.A.N.A. – A.S.C. Web-site: www.brana.org serves the BLUE RIDGE Area of N.A. Home-groups. All materials on this site shall be free from any materials except for information about the B.R.A.N.A. – A.S.C., the B.R.A.N.A. Home-groups, the Central Atlantic Region of N.A., and Narcotics Anonymous World Service. The B.R.A.N.A. Web-site ( www.brana.org ) is strictly about carrying information about the B.R.A.N.A. – A.S.C. , B.R.A.N.A. Home-groups, to addicts seeking recovery and the general public. Access to this web-site is controlled by several usernames & passwords. These need to be stored and changed regularly. These passwords should be guarded, and only persons with a justifiable – need to know – should be given these passwords. Anyone given these passwords is not to pass them to any other party, except with consent of the groups of the BLUE RIDGE Area of N.A. The cost of the web-site www.brana.org (approximately $ 150.00) shall be added to the Outreach Committee yearly budget. 13. The Hospitals & Institutions members of the Outreach Committee will conduct panels that carry the N.A. message to addicts who may have no other way of hearing about recovery through Narcotics Anonymous. Treatment panels are conducted for the patients at addiction treatment centers, mental facilities and therapeutic communities. Correctional panels are held for inmates at jails, prisons and forensic hospitals. 14. The Public Relations members of the Outreach Committee will take actions to inform addicts and others in the community of the availability of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous. The avenues open to P.R. include: print media, radio, television, posters, mailings, attendance at conventions of related fields, and presentations to groups such as attorneys, judges, clergy or police groups. The ways and means are extensive. The committee also will coordinate with the Regional Phone Line to maintain an up-to-date list of N.A. meetings in the Blue Ridge Area. 15. A contact, or contacts, within BLUE RIDGE Area should be on file with the C.A.R.-N.A. Any addict seeking recovery will be given a telephone number of an N.A. member in the Blue Ridge Area who can direct them to an N.A. meeting. 16. The responsibility for updating and printing the” BLUE RIDGE Meeting List” is to fall under the responsibilities of the Outreach Committee. The Outreach Chairperson shall appoint someone to fulfill this duty. However, the Outreach Chairperson will oversee this position and be the single point of accountability for this service commitment. The $ 240.00 a year for printing the meeting list every quarter shall be a part of the Outreach Committee Budget. . Section 10 - Special Events Subcommittee The Special Events Committee is tasked with holding events which helps to promote unity among our fellowship and provide a safe, fun, atmosphere for our members to interact with each other. These events can also help introduce our members: family, friends, and/or the public to our fellowship. These events may also produce funds to help our Area carry the N.A. message to addicts seeking recovery. Section 1: Qualifications of the Special Events Subcommittee Chairperson: It is suggested that the Special Events Chairperson have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence 20 from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or the sub -committee itself, for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. body, and our Home-groups. Section 2: Responsibilities of the Special Events Subcommittee Chairperson: 1. The S.E. Chairperson is to attend all subcommittee & A.S.C. meetings. 2. Funding for the Outreach Events is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget and it is the responsibility of the S.E. Chairperson that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the standing budget need a written motion & A.S.C. approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. ( The 2016 Budget for the Special Events Committee is $ 250.00 ) 3. The S.E. Chairperson will give a verbal/written report to the A.S.C. and the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 4. The S. E. Chairperson will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting.. 5. Any functions planned by this subcommittee must be presented to the A.S.C. before commitments are made, including the cost for the event, a proposed date and a general description. 6. Special Events is encouraged to have a member attend Special Events Subcommittee meetings at the regional service level. Section 11 - Literature Subcommittee: The Literature Subcommittee is tasked with collecting literature orders from our Home-groups & our members and dispensing these orders to them. The Literature Subcommittee may create, develop, review, give input on, and hold workshops on new N.A. literature. Also, the Literature Subcommittee may choose to produce a recovery Newsletter for our area fellowship. Section 1: Qualifications of the Literature Subcommittee Chairperson: It is suggested that the Literature Subcommittee Chairperson have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or the subcommittee itself, for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time & effort necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. body, and our Home-groups. . S Section 2: Responsibilities of the Literature Subcommittee Chairperson: 1. The Lit. Chairperson is to attend all subcommittee & A.S.C. meetings. 2. Funding for the Literature Subcommittee is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget and it is the responsibility of the subcommittee chairperson that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the standing budget need a written motion & A.S.C. approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. ( The 2016 Budget for the Literature Committee is $ 25.00 ) 3. The Literature subcommittee Chairperson will give a verbal/written report to the A.S.C. and the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. . 21 4. The Lit. Chairperson will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting.. 5. The Lit. Chairperson should work closely with the A.S.C. Treasurer in placing literature orders. However, all money collected from groups & members for purchasing literature will go to the A.S.C. Treasurer. The A.S.C. Treasurer will handle all these monies and is responsible for paying for these literature orders. 6. Distribution of literature should be conducted at the A.S.C. monthly meeting, but may additionally be done at other times as determined by the Literature subcommittee. 7. Literature Subcommittee is encouraged to have a member attend Regional Service Literature Subcommittee meetings. 8. The Literature Subcommittee may choose to produce a N.A. recovery newsletter for our area fellowship. Section 12 - Policy Subcommittee: The Policy subcommittee is responsible for cataloging, reviewing, formulating, and recommending policy at the Area Service Committee. This subcommittee produces an updated Policy Handbook each year that will be distributed to our groups and members. Section 1: Qualifications of the Policy Subcommittee Chairperson: It is suggested that the Policy Subcommittee Chairperson have at least (1) year of uninterrupted abstinence from all drugs; have a sponsor and have some experience with the “Twelve Steps & Traditions of N.A.” The Chairperson should have had previous service experience in the N.A. service structure, or the subcommittee itself, for at least (6) months. A nominee should have leadership qualities, the ability to organize, communicate, and complete required tasks. Also, they should have a desire to serve, the willingness to give the time, effort, and resources necessary to do the job, and the humility to be able to accept the group conscience of the subcommittee, the A.S.C. body, and our Home-groups. Section 2: Responsibilities of the Policy Subcommittee Chairperson: 1. The Chairperson will attend all Committee & A.S.C. meetings. 9. Funding for the Policy Subcommittee is based on the B.R.A.S.C. annual budget and it is the responsibility of the subcommittee chairperson that these funds be utilized in a responsible manner. Provided the funds are available, expenditures beyond the standing budget need a written motion & A.S.C. approval. Any activities involving a receipt of money should be coordinated with the A.S.C. Treasurer to ensure accountability and/or reimbursement. ( The 2016 Budget for the Policy Committee is $ 90.00 ) 2. The Policy Chairperson will give a verbal/written report to the A.S.C. and the A.S.C. Secretary on all actions, goals, issues, and financial activities undertaken since the last A.S.C. meeting. 3. The Policy Chairperson will give a verbal & written annual inventory report at the A.S.C. meeting each January, during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting.. 4. If the A.S.C. refers matters to this subcommittee it must perform a thorough analysis of the referral including: researching past history in the Blue Ridge Area on the issue, and, how it is dealt with in other N.A. areas and/or at the regional level. A report to the A.S.C. on this issue should include the advisability of the policy, the best method of implementations and/or possible alternatives. 5. All matters referred to the Policy subcommittee by the A.S.C. take priority over other issues for the subcommittee. 6. Once a year the subcommittee should update the printed version of the B.R.A.S.C. policies and guidelines, incorporating all revisions since the last printing. In the interim between printings a supplemental list of all changes should be kept and made available to the A.S.C. . 22 7. The Policy subcommittee is encouraged to have a member attend Policy Subcommittee meetings at the regional service level. ARTICLE X AD-HOC COMMITTEES Section 1: The A.S.C. may face questions or special projects that do not fit into any existing subcommittee’s responsibilities. In such cases, the A.S.C. may create an ad hoc committee to address the issue. Ad-hoc committees are set up for specific purposes and a limited amount of time. When they have finished their assignment, they are disbanded. In creating an ad hoc committee the A.S.C. should clearly specify the committee’s purpose, what authority and resources it will be given, and how long it should take to complete the assignment. The A.S.C. Chairperson may appoint the entire ad-hoc committee or just a chairperson who will choose the remaining members of the committee. Once the ad-hoc committee’s work is completed, the committee will be dissolved. ARTICLE XI PARLAMENTARY GUIDELINES The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” and the “N.A. GUIDE TO LOCAL SERVICE”, shall be utilized by the BLUE RIDGE - ASC as a guide to expedite the business of the committee. These rules may be applied as long as they are consistent with the Twelve Traditions & Twelve Concepts, and this policy handbook, and any other rules the A.S.C. may adopt. ARTICLE XII AMENDMENT OF GUIDELINES 1. These policy guidelines may be amended by a 2/3’s vote at the regular annual inventory meeting in January. A special meeting may be called by the Policy Committee, provided that the exact wording of the amendment has been submitted in writing before the end of the A.S.C. meeting to the secretary to be included in the Minutes, as well as announced at the previous A.S.C. meeting. 2. Amendments to policy shall be made as the need arises and added to existing policies as a supplemental list. Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote. 3. Amendments to policy shall be incorporated into the printed version of said policies annually in January. All amendments to policy are to be taken back to Home-groups after being presented to the A.S.C. and recorded in the A.S.C. Minutes prior to being voted on. ARTICLE XIII A.S.C. BUDGET Section 1: Income to the BLUE RIDGE AREA of N.A. comes from groups, individual donations, sale of literature, and fund raising activities within the fellowship. The B.R.A.S.C. will operate on an annual budget proposed by the Treasurer and approved by the A.S.C. quorum. Section 2: The Budget shall be presented at the January A.S.C. , and if necessary, amended to the will of the A.S.C. at that meeting and returned to the Home-groups for a vote. A simple majority vote by groups will establish approval. Rejected Budgets will again be amended to the will of the A.S.C. and can be adopted immediately by a 2/3 vote at that meeting. Section 3: The Blue Ridge - A.S.C. shall maintain a “Prudent Reserve” at 1/6 of the annual budget. Access to the Prudent Reserve will be limited to emergency situations. However, budget shortfalls may be met by withdraws not to exceed $100.00 from the Prudent Reserve with a majority vote of G.S.R.’s present at the A.S.C. . 23 Section 4: The B.R.A.S.C. shall contribute to C.A.R.-N.A. Regional Service Committee any balance in excess of the Prudent Reserve Calculated on a bi-monthly basis, timed to coincide with the Regional Service Committee bimonthly meeting. 2 1 24 Date:___________ A.S.C. Treasurer Report Blue Ridge Area of N.A. Home-groups A Chance for Gratitude Courage to Change Clifton Forge Group Covington Group Find a New Way to Live It Can Be Done Just For Today Keep it Simple Never Alone Surrender To Win Step By Step Together We Can Triumph Over Tragedy We Do Recover Literature Order TOTAL: A.S.C. Donations by Groups TOTAL: TOTAL TOTAL: Minus A.S.C. Meeting space rent ASSETS BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME TOTAL ASSETS EXPENSES Deposit into Banking account OUTREACH LITERATURE OUTREACH MEETING LISTS OUTREACH PRINTING EXPENSES OUTREACH WEB-SITE SPECIAL EVENTS COMM. POLICY COMMITTEE LITERATURE COMMITTEE A.S.C. CHAIRPERSON A.S.C. VICE-CHAIRPERSON A.S.C. TREASURER A.S.C. SECRETARY REGIONAL COMM MEMBER V.R.C.C. DIRECTOR A.S.C. MEETING RENT C.A.R.-N.A. DONATION FREE STATE SERVICE OFFICE VERIZON NTELOS/LUMOS SUMMARY ASSETS EXPENSES TOTAL PRUDENT RESERVE ABOVE PRUDENT RESERVE CAR-NA Donation available - . 25 1 BLUE RIDGE AREA of Narcotics Anonymous A.S.C. Treasurer Quarterly / Y.T.D. Budget Report INCOME 1st QUARTER 2nd QUARTER 3rd QUARTER 4th QUARTER Year To Date GROUP LITERATURE INCOME GROUP DONATIONS SPECIAL EVENTS OTHER TOTAL EXPENSES OUTREACH LITERATURE OUTREACH MEETING LISTS OUTREACH PRINTING EXPENSES OUTREACH WEB-SITE OUTREACH TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS COMM. POLICY COMMITTEE LITERATURE COMMITTEE A.S.C. CHAIRPERSON A.S.C. VICE-CHAIRPERSON A.S.C. TREASURER A.S.C. SECRETARY REGIONAL COMM MEMBER R.C.M. ALTERNATE V.R.C.C. DIRECTOR V.R.C.C. DIR. ALTERNATE A.S.C. MEETING RENT C.A.R.-N.A. DONATION - FREE STATE SERVICE OFFICE VERIZON NTELOS/LUMOS CURRENT PRUDENT RESERVE 26 Blue Ridge Area of N.A. - Yearly HOME-GROUP FINANCIAL Report __________ Home-groups JAN-FEB MAR-APR MAY-JUN JLU-AUG SEP-OCT NOV-DEC TOTAL 1 A Chance for Gratitude . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Courage to Change . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Clifton Forge Group . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Find a New Way to Live A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE It Can Be Done . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Just For Today . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Keep it Simple . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Never Alone . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Step by Step . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Surrender To Win . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Triumph Over Tragedy . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Together We Can . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Clifton Forge . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Covington . A.S.C. DONATION LITERATURE PURCHASE Group . A.S.C. DONATION 27 PROPOSED A.S.C. BUDGET _________ Blue Ridge Area of N.A. INCOME ________ BUDGET ________ ACTUAL INCOME / EXPENSES ______ PROPOSED BUDGET GROUP LITERATURE INCOME GROUP DONATIONS SPECIAL EVENTS OTHER TOTAL EXPENSES OUTREACH COMMITTEE OUTREACH LITERATURE OUTREACH MEETING LISTS OUTREACH PRINTING EXPENSES OUTREACH WEB-SITE SPECIAL EVENTS POLICY COMMITTEE LITERATURE COMMITTEE A.S.C. CHAIRPERSON A.S.C. VICE-CHAIRPERSON A.S.C. TREASURER A.S.C. SECRETARY $100.00 (Sec. $ 34.00 & P.O. Box $66.00) REGIONAL COMM.MEMBER R.C.M. - ALTERNATE V.R.C.C. DIRECTOR V.R.C.C. DIR. ALTERNATE A.S.C. MEETING RENT C.A.R.-N.A. DONATION FREE STATE SERVICE OFFICE VERIZON NTELOS/LUMOS TOTAL CURRENT PRUDENT RESERVE 0 28 BLUE RIDGE AREA of N.A. AREA SERVICE MOTION FORM Motion Number: ________________________ Date: ___________________ _____ Motion Maker: __________________________________ Motion Seconded by: ___________ __________________________ Motion: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intent:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amendment:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Amendment Vote Tally) For: _________________ Against: __________________ Abstention:________________ Pro’s:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________Pro Maker:__________________________________________ Pro’s:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________Pro Maker: _________________________________________ Con’s:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________Con Maker: ______________________________________ Con’s:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________Con Maker:______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MOTION: Tabled: ____________ Sent back to Policy Comm.: ____________ Back to groups – for vote:________________ (Motion Vote Tally) For: ___________ Against: ____________ Abstention:____________ Date: ______________ 29 Blue Ridge Area of Narcotics Anonymous Area Service Committee - Group Service Representative (G.S.R.) Report Form Group name: G.S.R. name: . G.S.R. Phone #: G.S.R. E-Mail: Alternate G.S.R. name: . Alt. G.S.R. Phone #: Alt. G.S.R. E-Mail: Group business meeting attendance: . Average Group meeting attendance: Average number of “Newcomers” per Group meeting: Total Monthly 7th Tradition Collections: $ . Group Literature order: $ Group Area Service Committee donation: $ . Group supplies cost: $ .Group rent: $ Group Prudent Reserve: $ Date: . . . . . . . . . . Group Needs: . . . . . . . . . . Group Report: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nominations / Elections: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Motion Vote/s._____________________________________________________________________ ____________ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . In Loving Service, .Date: 30 . BLUE RIDGE AREA OF N.A. A.S.C. TRUSTED SERVANT NOMINATION INFORMATION CLEAN DATE: _________________________________________________________________________ DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH A SPONSOR: YES or NO __________ DO YOU HAVE A WILLINGNESS & DESIRE TO FULFILL THIS POSITION: YES / NO ___________ DO YOU HAVE ANY PREVIOUS SERVICE EXPERIENCE IN NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ DO YOU HAVE ANY PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE ON THIS COMMITTEE OR TRUSTED SERVANT POSITION: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARE YOU WILLING TO MAKE THE EFFORT TO LEARN THIS POSITION AND ASK FOR HELP WHEN NECESSARY?: YES / NO _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ DO YOU HAVE THE SKILLS NEEDED TO FULFILL THE POSITION: YES / NO_______________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ DO YOU HAVE THE RESOURCES NEEDED TO FULFILL THE POSITION: YES / NO_______________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ DO YOU HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE 12 STEPS, TRADITIONS, & CONCEPTS: YES / NO_____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 31 NEW ADOPTED POLICY HANDBOOK CHANGES Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 32 NEW ADOPTED POLICY HANDBOOK CHANGES Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 The Policy Committee has prepared this updated 2016 BRANA POLICY HANDBOOK. This Handbook includes all the policy changes since 2012. Our Policy Committee has also included recommendations for some additional changes that have not been previously introduced or approved by a Group-Conscience vote. They are as follows: 1) Changing the clean time recommendation of the A.S.C. Chairperson from two years clean, to (three) years clean. The pages of these changes are: Page 12 - ARTICLE 7 – Section 1 – Line 1, 2) Establishing a fixed time of the year for elections of A.S.C. Trusted Servants (March of each year). The pages of these changes are: Page 6 – paragraph 6 – line 2, Page 11 – ARTICLE V – Section 2 – Line 5 / Section 3 – Lines 1 thru 3. 3) The committee recommends removing from the A.S.C. Chairperson’s responsibilities presenting an “Inventory” to the A.S.C. each September, and recommending that all A.S.C. Trusted Servants and G.S.R.’s give a “Yearly Inventory” report to the A.S.C. at every January A.S.C. during the “Open Forum” section of the meeting. The pages of these changes are: Page 7 – line 6, page 9 – Section 3, Page 13 – ARTICLE VII – Section 1 – Item 19, Page 14 – ARTICLE VII – Section 2 – Item 7, Page 15 – ARTICLE VII – Section 3 – Item 15, Page 15 – ARTICLE VII – Section 4 – Item 11, Page 16 – ARTICLE VII – Section 5 – Item 12, Page 17 – ARTICLE VII – Section 6 – Item 6, Page 17 – ARTICLE VII – Section 7 – Item 5, Page 18 – ARTICLE VII – Section 8 – Item 5, Page 18 – ARTICLE VII – Section 8 – Item 5, Page 19 – ARTICLE VIII – Item 10, Page 19 – ARTICLE IX – Section 2 – Item 5, Page 21 – ARTICLE IX – Section 2 – Item 4, Page 22 – ARTICLE IX – Section 2 - Item 3, 4) To add the following language to Page 10 - ARTICLE IV – Section 2 – Item 3 – Line 3 & 4, the following language: “The Chairperson shall allow members to discuss the motion, but may limit the debate to a reasonable length of time.” 5) To add the following language to Page 11 - ARTICLE V – Section 4: No A.S.C. Trusted Servant shall hold more than one A.S.C. office at a time, unless otherwise approved by the A.S.C. A member may hold more than one A.S.C. Trusted Servant position on a Pro-Temp basis. No trusted servant should serve more than two terms consecutively in the same office. Page 11 - ARTICLE V – Section 5: Upon election to an A.S.C. trusted servant position, a N.A. member, if serving as a G.S.R., shall resign from the G.S.R. position as soon as practical, but not to exceed one (to two) month(s). 34