Newsletter 1 - Ayesha - London Muslim School


Newsletter 1 - Ayesha - London Muslim School
Principal’s Blog
New Logo, New HT, New activities,……New improved Ayeshas
Starting a school is a difficult process and Alhamdulillah, our previous Headteachers did a great job in
getting the school off the ground and progressing the school over the last 5 years.
As you are all aware our new Headteacher, Br Mohamed Sidat, has been with us since July 2014. Alhamdulillah we have seen a few changes at the school already and many parents have commented on the improvements that they can see already.
We are planning more changes as you can see in other pages of this newsletter. Our aims are to improve
outcomes for all pupils at our school and offer additional activities organised by the school which will enrich the curriculum and hence provide enjoyable experience at Ayeshas.
There is one significant that we are planning to introduce to our school from the week beginning 6 th October 2014. Each Friday we will be closing the school at:
12noon for the Primary school and 12:15pm for the Secondary school
Parents who are unable to pick up their children at this time may still pickup children at the normal times.
In the period between 12/12:15 till home time: Primary pupils will be supervised by teaching assistants and will be engaged in a variety of activities
e.g. Painting clubs, Quran Clubs, games and educational activities etc.
 Secondary pupils will be supervised by teachings assistants and will be engaged in homework club and
educational programmes.
The main reason for making this change is that we have introduced a number of initiatives which will help
to improve the teaching and learning in our school. These initiatives involve additional administrative
work for our teaching staff and we need to ensure that these are carried out and completed to the fullest.
The half day will allow our teaching staff and management to meet these initiatives and hence this will
ensure smoother operation of the school with all staff following the high expectations and exemplary
standards set by our management team.
We are sure that you will support us In order to help us plan this, please complete the slip below and inform us of your choice in this matter by Wed 24th September 2014.
Jazakallahu Khairun
Shakil Ahmed (Principal)
Can all parents return the slip below for what they would like to do for Fridays afternoons:
My child’s name: …………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………Year ………...
Please tick one option:
Ayesha Community School
NEWSLETTER 1 - 2014-15
Friday 19th Sep 2014
New Year
I hope you are all well and in good health. Ameen.
As the New Year has started I would like to welcome all new students, parents and our new teachers. There are exciting times ahead for ACS and I
hope that everyone will be able to participate and
contribute towards this new initiative and venture
that we are all undertaking. As the New Headteacher I would like everyone to read what and keep up
to date as to what is happening at the school. We
would like your support with new local, national,
international trips, many new activities and in-order
for us to fully reach our potential.
Br. Mohamed Sidat (Headteacher)
Ayesha Community School
Magazine / Newsletters
We hope to publish monthly newsletters and initially a quarterly magazine. If you would like to
Excellent Results
What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a sponsor, donate or advertise then please contact
us for further information.
human soul. Joseph Addison
If you would like to advertise in our future newsResults from some of our top 4 GCSE students:
letters and magazines please contact:
Ayesha Osman 3A* 5As 3Bs Aneesa Zamani 1A* 7As 1B
Fatuma Miguil 1A* 5As 4Bs Aziza Elhalfawy 1A* 5As 3Bs [email protected] or ask for brother
Muhammad by calling the admin office.
Our Key stage 3 SATS results:
Zaynab Ishtiaq Khan Reading 5 Eng SPAG 5 Maths 6
Muhamed Abdulla Reading 5 Eng SPAG 5 Maths 6
Abdulaziz Muhamed, Hadiya Parkar, Assiya Hamdi, Mahad Aweys, Izhan Ahmed all received level 5s in Reading,
Jzk to all our students and parents for their support!
New logo, What do you think?
New ideas for website—Give us your views
[email protected]
If you have an opinion on anything or any concerns that you have regarding the school get in
contact with us: [email protected]
Please also complete the attached questionnaire
New year / Results / Opinions
Fundraising and events
Consent Forms
Home School Agreement
Parent Questionnaire
Adult Courses
Themes of the week– Islamic ethos
My child will leave school at the earlier time (12:00 / 12:15pm) on Fridays from 10th October 2014
My child will leave school at the normal time (2:50pm) on Fridays from 10th October 2014
Why not get in touch with us and help us to promote the school:
Parent Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
New website coming soon | Why not join our Friends of Ayesha School (FACS) contact us via Facebook for more details.
Parent / Guardian Signature: ……………………………………………………………………... Date: ……..../09//2014
School website:
a/c name Ayesha community School
Tel: 0203 411 2660 / 078868 56798
A/c no 43446197
Sort Code 09 01 27
What's happening at ACS!!
As part of our new school initiative we have decided to initiate some new activities that we would be
beneficial to the social, moral, psychological and educational welfare of all students. They are as follows:
Local trips: Invictus, Tahfeedh Clubs, Hadith Clubs, Sports, Art Exhibition, Science Exhibition, Outdoor
wall painting, London Eye, science museum etc.
National Trips: University of Cambridge, Oxford, Royal courts, Stadiums, etc.
International Trips: Spain, Turkey, Umrah etc.
Invictus 2014 - As part of our inclusion strategy we
were invited to Invictus games and hence our Year 8A,
8B And 10A have attended these games last week. By
watching these games students were able understand
the rules of both archery and wheel chair rugby and
develop a sense of British identity by supporting the
British players. Furthermore, students were able appreciate the passion and dedication in people who are
not so able as them and therefore build on their cultural development by recognising the similarities and
differences between different groups of people.
So please book your place NOW!!
Congratulations to all pupils who have been shortlisted for the Young Muslim Writers Awards. These
 Key Stage 1 Poetry –
Fadhlullah Agbaje - Cherries Are Nice, As Small As Mice
 Key Stage 1 Poetry Abdurrahman Sheikh Mohamud - Allah Loves Children
 Key Stage 1 Poetry Aisha Kamuka -The Cat and his Friends
 Key Stage 2 Poetry Saffiyah Baig - In the Deep Dark Forest
 Key Stage 2 Poetry Safa Mundiya - Summer Slides
 Key Stage 1 Short Story – Sufyan / Samir - The Syrian Story
Themes of the week
Notice: It is important that all pupils come on
time and go home on time, a reminder to parents that constant lateness will result in pupils
being sent home. This also to protect our students as parents might drop them early and
students might loiter around outside of the
school premises. Again we take truanting and
lateness very seriously.
Have you heard about our new breakfast club for year
1 to 6?
Location: Year 3 Class
Time: 8:00am-8:25am
Frequency: Daily
Cost: £1 per day
Start Date: 29/09/14
Booking: via Sr Sonia
(Main Office)
Why should Students attend this activity? So that...
 They have the correct provision of food at the start
of the day.
 Meet the Social needs of children and build their
social skills.
 Improving School relations with parents and
meeting their needs (work timings / drop off times)
 Provide children a calm and safe environment before School.
 Provide the opportunity for additional ‘learning’
through play activities.
 Provide time to complete Homework.
 Attending breakfast club may also assist children to
arrive to school on time.
We will:
 Provide healthy and nutritious breakfast.
 Support children with their homework.
 Encourage children to socialise and learn through
 Provide interesting activities i.e. games / videos
Young Muslim Writers Award
Small change to calendar
There is a possibility that Eid-ul-Adha
will be on Saturday 4th October, in which
case Arafat day will be on Friday 3rd October 2014.
If this is the case, then the school will be
closed on 3rd October.
Parents can visit our website on Monday
29th October 2014 regarding this.
The school will resume as normal on
Wed 8th October as per our school annual calendar.
Theme of the week 3 - Excellence of knowledge
Theme of the week 4 - Serving and honouring others
Theme of the week 5 - Inculcating good character
Fund Raising Events
As you are aware we have huge plans for the
school and therefore we would like all students, and parents to participate. We will be
collecting on a daily basis so that we can increase attainment, islamically nurture our students to become better citizens and at the
same time allow them to participate in helping
worthy causes.
Themes of the week 2 - Islamic theme - Respect to
parents, teachers, parents and helping each other.
**Please emphasise this at home**
Safeguarding / Health & Safety
Please note: Parents are not allowed in the play
ground areas or the school building due to
health and safety reasons. This is so that the
children are safe and protected by intruders and
any potential harm. Please do not be offended if
told to leave as this is a strict school policy.
Parents must make appointments if they wish to
see the Headteacher or class teacher. Parents
that need to enter the premises, must report to
the reception office and be escorted to and from
their destination.
Mobile Phones / Tablets
Please note Mobiles are not permitted to be used by
pupils in the school. If pupils bring them then they are
responsible for them.
They need to be locked during school time in lockers
and any pupils caught with the gadgets will be taken
of them and confiscated for a week.
Home School Agreement and Parent survey
As part of our school improvement plan we have included these 2 docunts in this newsletter. It is important that you complete the relevant sections and forward to the school
by Thursday 25th September 2014.
As you aware we would urgently to expand our current provisions and facilities. In order for us to achieve
this we would like your support. You can donate or sponsor a child or towards expansion costs and we
would accept Zakah, Sadaqah, Lillah and Waqf donations.
As part of our School Improvement Plan we would like to hear your views. In order for us to reach our
potential and the high standards that parents and students expect we would appreciate if you could
complete the questionnaire below and return to the school.
Child’s Name:………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Class:……..
Internet Permission
As the parent or legal guardian, I grant permission for my child to use the internet whilst at
school. I understand that pupils will be held accountable for their own actions and that although
the school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure pupils cannot access inappropriate materials some materials on the internet may be unacceptable. My child will comply with the school
rules as a user.
Name of parent / Guardian:
Name of Pupil:
Signed________________________________(parent/carer) Date______________________
There are many occasions in school when photographs are taken of our pupils such as assemblies,
sporting/charity events, local press coverage, school website and a range of other activities.
We would like to finish the school on Fridays at 12:00/12:15pm so that we
can further train our staff to raise standards. Do you agree?
If you cannot pick up your child at 12:00/12:15pm we would provide extracurricular activities would this be acceptable for you?
To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, we need your written permission for photographs/
video recordings to be taken of your child. Please be assured that photographs taken by staff will
not be used in a commercial way.
We are hoping to take secondary students on International trips:
Please select where you would like your child to go:
I have no objection/I have an objection (please delete as appropriate) to my child’s photograph
appearing in the media or on the school website.
Signed__________________________________ (parent/carer) Date______________________
Other (please state)
We would also like parents to volunteer for the following: (Please tick as
many as you can)
After school activities
Weekend activities
Local Trips
National Trips
International Trips
Please tell us if you would like us to arrange any courses for you (as parents). Please specify the course names.
From time to time we take children on visits as part of their school work. When we are planning
visits that will use a coach or when we are asking for a contribution towards the cost, we always
give separate information to parents. Sometimes, however, we like to take children out for short
visits in the area around the school (for example to look at local shops or houses). The children
are supervised at all times and always comply with Barnet council’s rules about supervision.
I give my permission for my child to leave the school premises for local supervised outings.
Signed__________________________________ (parent/carer)
At ACS we believe that children are educated most successfully when there is a strong partnership between the child’s home and her school. This means working towards the same aims with
agreed responsibilities and expectations. The development of the ‘whole’ child remains our main
concern – to equip children both socially, emotionally, physically and academically to meet the
demands of our society. Parents and teachers share the responsibility of fostering positive attitudes in our children which should be reflected in all aspects of their school life.
All parents and children attending the School are invited to sign this partnership document to
show their agreement with its principles.
We are hoping to set up a tuition centre in the near future to give further
support to our pupils. Would you be interested in such a service
SECONDARY SCHOOL — Home School Agreement
The Pupil will……
Come to school everyday, fully prepared and try her best at all times and join in lessons fully.
Adopt a positive attitude to school life and participate fully in school life
Be responsible for taking communication from school to the home and vice versa
Follow the School’s Pupil Code of Conduct
Treat others as they would like to be treated – with kindness and respect
Tell Mum, Dad or a teacher if anything or anyone is upsetting or worrying them
Look after her own belongings and school property
Try to complete homework tasks on time and will catch up with lessons and homework if absent.
Signature …………………………………… (Pupil)
FACS—Friends of
Ayesha Community School
We have identified a number of areas where parents and others can help the school. The
contribution that FACS have already achieved has already made a significant difference to
the school. Our FACS team is BIG in heart but small in number. So please …..
Name: …………………………………………………………………….
Parents will……
1. Make sure that their child attends school by 8.20 am each day, properly equipped (with writing,
drawing and PE kit) and with correct uniform
2. Encourage their child to have a positive view towards school life
3. Check that their child does their homework regularly (weekly) and sign the child’s homework
diary on the weekly basis
4. Support the school and all the policies including the school’s behaviour policy
5. Inform the school about any problems or changes in circumstance that may effect their child’s
work or if she is absent
6. Encourage and help their child to catch up on missed work if they are absent from school for any
7. Make an appointment with the school to see any teacher or Headteacher,if they have anything
to discuss with the school
8. Regularly attend parent’s evenings and consultation meetings regarding their child’s progress
9. Make sure that their child has a good night’s sleep
10. Try and help the school in fund raising and any other ways.
Signature: ……………………………… (Parent / carer)
Name: ………………………………………………………………….
The School will……
1. Aim to help each child achieve her full potential (in terms of attainment, physical ability and creative skills)
2. Provide a secure and caring environment where all members respect each other
3. Have a clear behaviour policy and reward achievement.
4. Keep parents informed of school developments and how they can help their child’s progress
5. Meet with parents regularly to discuss your child’s progress
6. Send home an annual report detailing the child’s progress and how they can improve
7. Set, mark and monitor homework.
Signature…………………………………… (Teacher)
Name: …………………………………………………………………...
The next FACS meeting is on Friday 26th Sept at 09:30am
Your contribution can make a big difference
We look forward to seeing you there
Improving Literacy - As part of our School
Improvement Plan we are asking parents
to help our children read at home. Please
support us in this venture.
Adult Courses / workshops (coming soon)
Islamic studies, Tajwid, Fiqh, Literacy and
Numeracy (for parents).
If you are interested in attending email us:
[email protected]
Classtime for parents - In addition to this
we are asking parents to come to school
and see how your child is progressing.
A new Aalimah Class for adults is starting on
18th October. Contact [email protected]
Please inform your family and friends.
Phonics passport—Finally please ensure
that your child is up to date with the new
phonics passport.
Other Courses
We have accreditation for AAT accountancy
courses, if you are interested please let us
If you would like us to provide other courses
for you then please inform us by writing to
[email protected]