50Plus News - City of Coquitlam
50Plus News - City of Coquitlam
Dogwood 1655 Winslow Ave. 604-927-6098 Glen Pine 1200 Glen Pine Crt. 604-927-6940 Fall 2016 50 Plus News For future planners: Registration for this issue is on Thursday, August 11. Registration for winter programs is on Thursday, December 8. View the guide online, receive bus trip information, and subscribe to our email list at: coquitlam.ca/dogwood | coquitlam.ca/glenpine | CityofCoquitlam Registration for this issue is on Thursday, August 11. Registration for winter programs is on Thursday, December 8. Inside 50 Plus News Registration Information There are 3 easy ways to register for our programs and events: 1. Online: 2. Over the phone: 3. In person: coquitlam.ca/registration »» 604-927-4FUN (4386) Mon – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. (except statutory holidays) Sat/Sun, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. »» Payment by Visa, MasterCard or American Express »» Staff assisted registration Register at these facilities: Dogwood Pavilion 1655 Winslow Ave. Glen Pine Pavilion 1200 Glen Pine Crt. »» Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week »» Payment by Visa, MasterCard or American Express required Registration Information 2 Staff at your Service 2 Annual Pass 3 Living in Harmony 4 Volunteers & Services 4 Bus Trips 6 Special Events 8 Food Services 13 Talks & Workshops 14 Drop-in Fitness 20 Registered Programs 22 New: All registered programs including bus trips are available for internet registration. Prices listed do not include applicable taxes. Look for the following symbols to find where programs and activities take place: Dogwood Pavilion Glen Pine Pavilion Dogwood and Glen Pine email news updates are now available. Receive updates on Pavilion programs, activities and bus trips, subscribe at: coquitlam.ca/50Plus Arts, Crafts & Hobbies 22 Cards & Games 25 Computers 25 Cooking 27 Dance 27 Health & Fitness 29 Performing Arts 31 Languages 31 Life-Long Learning 31 Outdoor Recreation 34 Staff at your Service DOGWOOD PAVILION Recreation Complex Supervisor: Judy Hamanishi Program Coordinators: Lorraine Hauser, Jennifer Couture, Joanne Pickford Recreation Leader: Darcy Harrison Stroke Branch Coordinator: Margaret Hansen Office Staff: Heather Spencer, Sheri Greenwood, Hugh Fong Mary Nordby, Maren Omstead Food Services: Jill Skabar, Sharon Burke, Christel Wackerbauer, Debbie Vanhalst, Eva Qevani GLEN PINE PAVILION Facilities Supervisor: Helga Ovington Program Coordinators: Carol Morris, Samantha Cooke, Sue Todd/Lindsay Duncan, Kevin Powell Recreation Leader: Darcy Harrison, Justin Chan Office Staff: Charlene Walford, Alicia Powell, Raluca Radu, Omeed Lakhani, Jocelyn Adams, Hugh Fong, Shawna Williams Food Services: Monica Hanser, Erin Riordan, Christel Wackerbauer, Roberto Arciaga, Steve Chum, Debbie Vanhalst, Eva Qevani Building Service Workers: Paul Grewal, David Wong Groups & Clubs: Visit coquitlam.ca/50Plus for a listing or pick up a copy at the front desk of your local pavilion. 2 50 Plus News Glen Pine & Dogwood Pavilion 50 Plus Pavilions Dogwood and Glen Pine are operated by the City of Coquitlam Parks, Recreation and Culture Department. They are public recreation centres for adults aged 50 and better, with all adults welcome during certain times of the day. Annual Pass An Annual Pass is required to participate in activity groups or after a maximum of two activity visits. The 2016 Annual Pass is $16.67 plus applicable taxes. This pass entitles you to participate in activities at Glen Pine Pavilion and Dogwood Pavilion. The pass is complimentary for those over 90. All Dogwood and Glen Pine pass holders receive a card with their photograph. Please wear your lanyard and take a minute to swipe your card every time you visit Glen Pine. Pavilion Annual Pass holders can provide medical information and emergency contact numbers to the front desk to be kept on file and confidential. Oh, no! It was cancelled? Sometimes excellent courses are cancelled due to low registration. Register early to avoid disappointment. Get Connected, Get Active Financial Assistance for Recreation Coquitlam residents with low income may be eligible for financial assistance to access basic recreation programs. Find out if you are eligible by contacting Community Services at 604927-6076, email [email protected] or visit coquitlam.ca/recaccess. Refund Policy We reserve the right to cancel programs. Withdraw 5 days or more before the start of a program for full refund (unless otherwise noted). Service fees apply when less than 5 days notice given. No refunds on 3rd day of class or later. NOTE: Cash refunds over $60.00 will be issued by cheque from the City of Coquitlam which may take up to two weeks. Scent Free Buildings For everyone's comfort, this is a friendly reminder to please refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, and other scented products while attending the pavilions. Battery & Cell Phone Recycling Not sure what to do with your old batteries? Dogwood Pavilion is now an official recycling location for consumer batteries and cellphones. For more information on which batteries we can accept, see the drop box on the hostess desk as you enter the building. Planned Giving The Glen Pine 50 Plus Society and the Dogwood Pavilion Seniors Society welcome any contribution in memory of a Glen Pine or Dogwood friend. When updating your will, consider giving to either the Dogwood Pavilion Seniors Society or the Glen Pine 50 Plus Society. Donations support activities at both locations. For more information, please contact Dogwood Treasurer Barry Lang at 604-936-8436 or Glen Pine Treasurer Sylvia Verc at 604-942-1531. Official tax receipts are issued for donations and letters of acknowledgement are sent. 50 Plus News 3 Living in Harmony By Dora Jellema A s winter approaches, BC enthusiasts look forward to sports such as skiing and snowboarding, whereas over the border in Alaska is a very different story. There one finds ongoing preparation for a season of dog sled racing, culminating in the 'last great race' in March when the Iditarod race is run. The Iditarod is a 1,000 mile marathon test of endurance for man and dog alike. Its name is derived from an Athabascan native word haiditarod meaning 'far distant place'. The more than 50 participants must have proven skill in wilderness survival with their dog teams that are part huskies, cross bred for their speed and endurance. They face harsh conditions of weather and terrain, between Anchorage on the south coast and Nome on the Bering Strait. Each team of 16 dogs covers 100 miles a day for at least 10 days and the race is not over till the last team arrives to receive the 'red lantern' award, symbolic of the light in a window to ensure safe home coming. The start of the race in Anchorage is ceremonial, followed by the real start 80 miles north in Willow. From there the race takes these hardy teams into sparsely populated territory. 26 check points on the way include careful veterinary health checks of the dogs who wear bootees to avoid ice cuts on their paws and are traced on the route by micro-chips the vets have injected in their necks. The drivers, known as mushers, sleep on the trail with their dogs, enduring white out blizzards with wind chills reaching 100 degrees below zero. As such there are two compulsory day long rest stops along the way. Living in harmony is relevant in the interdependence of mushers with each other and with their dogs. It is reminiscent of gold rush days, following the same path used to deliver winter supplies to prospectors. Also, a memorable run was held in 1925 when ice bound Nome suffered a diphtheria epidemic with no access to treatment. That year 20 mushers and their dogs were involved in a relay to carry antitoxin serum that ships and planes were unable to deliver. There is still a statue of the lead dog, Balto, standing in Central Park, New York to mark that admirable rescue mission. Volunteers & Services Lend a Helping Hand The following is a list of groups seeking volunteers. If you have another passion you would like to share with Dogwood or Glen Pine, please feel free to contact: Jennifer Couture: 604-927-6094 [email protected] Darcy Harrison: 604-927-6943 [email protected] Volunteer opportunities are available online at coquitlam.ca/volunteer. Click on Parks, Recreation & Culture Volunteering then select Dogwood Pavilion or Glen Pine Pavilion from the list. 4 50 Plus News Computer Instructors If you are familiar with Windows 10, like helping people, and are patient with beginners, please join the team of computer instructors! If interested, please check at the front desk and someone will put you in touch with the computer group. Volunteer Interviews All volunteers at both pavilions must attend an interview session run by Coquitlam Volunteer Services. Make your appointment at the front desk, or call 604-927-4386 to register for an interview. All city volunteers must agree to a police screening check and provide two references. Pavilion Food Service Volunteers Volunteers are needed for all areas of food services at both Dogwood and Glen Pine Pavilion. We are looking for people who are comfortable handling food and cash to run the Tea Garden/ Bistro and work in the Lemon Tree and/or Boulevard Café. We are also looking for people comfortable using a commercial dishwasher. Training will be provided. If you are interested please contact: Jill Skabar: 604-927-6085 [email protected] Darcy Harrison: 604-927-6743 [email protected] Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Volunteers & Services Blood Pressure Clinics Pavilion Libraries Have your blood pressure checked by a volunteer retired nurse. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Both libraries accept newer book titles and magazines in good condition. Please no hard cover books. Feel free to borrow the books and magazines and remember to return them to our library after you have enjoyed them. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 12 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Gift Shop Librarian: Barbara Muskeyn Marge Kroeker Librarian: Aileen Sams Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Open during regular facility hours Glass/Crystal Chip Repair Lapidary volunteers perform this service on chipped crystal, wine glasses, etc. See the front desk about this service. A nominal fee is charged. Sunshine Lady Host & Hostess Group Glen Pine 50 Plus Website Hostesses/Hosts provide a friendly welcome to everyone who visits Dogwood and Glen Pine. You will also find them assisting at all our Special Events and New Faces Orientations. For more information, please call: Susan Williamson: 604-461-3527 The Sunshine Lady expresses concern when a member is ill or bereaved. Let Anne know if a member at Glen Pine is in need of a card by notifying the front desk at Glen Pine 604-927-6940. Dogwood 50 Plus Website www.dogwood50plus.com Dogwood Pavilion Senior's Society has launched its own website, intended as a source for interesting information about Dogwood activities. Do you have any interesting tidbits of news or photos to add or do you want your activity advertised? Simply email your information to [email protected] www.glenpine50plus.com Glen Pine Pavilion Senior's Society has launched its own website. This website is intended to provide information at your finger tips on activities and events at Glen Pine. We welcome your suggestions or recommendations to better serve your needs. Just email your information to [email protected]. Lynda Wray: 604-475-3421 Looking for information on Pavilion Groups, Clubs & Support Services? Our pavilions host over 80 groups and clubs covering a wide range of activities. All groups are led by volunteers. Contact and meeting infomation is included in the directory. Pick up a copy of the Groups, Clubs & Support Services Directory at the front desk of your local pavilion or find the most up to date information online at coquitlam.ca/50plus. Here is just a sample of the many groups and clubs you can get involved with! Dogwood 1655 Winslow Ave. 604-927-6098 Glen Pine 1200 Glen Pine Crt. 604-927-6940 Spring 2016 Groups, Clubs &s Support Service Band Choir Golf Rose Society Bingo Crafts Hiking/Walking RV Club Board Games Cribbage Lifewriting Scrabble Bocce Dance Lawn Bowling Slo-Pitch Book Group Cantonese Opera Singing Dominoes Mahjong Snooker Dragon Boating Painting Table Tennis Drama Photography Tennis Floor Hockey Pickleball Veterans Gardening Quilting Volleyball Genealogy Roller/Ice Skating Woodworking Card Games Carpet Bowling ood coquitlam.ca/dogw ine coquitlam.ca/glenp CityofCoquitlam Chess Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. 50 Plus News 5 Bus Trips Bus Trip Advice Arrive 15 minutes prior to departure. Pay attention to when and where the bus will pick you up for the trip home. The bus will not wait for any late-comers. Trip leaders will make every effort to locate you but the bus will leave as scheduled. If you are not returning with the bus, please sign off with the trip leader. Return times are approximate. Please make travel arrangements for returning home with this in mind. Dress appropriately for the weather and trip. We do not assign seats. Trip leaders will assist those with mobility concerns. When you register, inform the front desk if you need to bring a wheelchair or a walker. We require a minimum two week notification to arrange wheelchair transportation. We do our best to make the trip accessible and accommodate participation. For trips to the USA, bring your valid travel documentation (passport, enhanced drivers licence). It is your responsibility to buy extra medical insurance. Be aware that laws prohibit some merchandise from being brought back across the border. BC Ferries offers a discount to seniors over 65. If you are under 65, you must pay the full ferry fare. On Dine Out! trips, the main focus is the restaurant. Opting out of the meal for the secondary trip feature is NOT permissible. Substitutions made on your own are not permitted. If you are unable to make the trip, please notify the front desk to confirm alternate arrangements. Please take note of Glen Pine Extended Parking requirements. You may obtain a parking pass in advance of your trip or if you leave your License Plate # at time of registration, a parking pass will be made up in advance as long as the trip leaves during regular front desk hours. NOTE: Bus trip pick up spots are at Dogwood and Glen Pine (Spirit Square on Burlington Drive across from City Hall, meet in the Hub when Glen Pine is open). These are the only designated stops or pick ups. Depending on the destination, the bus will pick up at Dogwood or Glen Pine first. Prices include school bus transportation unless otherwise stated. REFUND POLICY: Full refund shall be issued if the request is made 5 days in advance of the bus trip. No refund under 5 days. As many trips are prepaid, we need ample time to find a replacement for last minute cancellations. One week prior to a bus trip, if there is space remaining, a nonannual pass holder may register. If a bus trip is full, place your name on the wait list. There is a strong possibility that another bus can be booked or another day planned. For theatre performances, we try our best to have you sit with whom you wish but there is no guarantee. If you need seating assistance, please speak to your designated trip leaders before boarding the bus. They can be identified by their name tags. Visit coquitlam.ca/50plus to subscribe to the Bus Trips List Serv, with updates on new trips and related information. Sep 7 Vancouver Art Gallery: Picasso Sep 2 Visit to Grouse Mountain Ride up (and down!) the mountain via the Skyride, take in the Lumberjack Show, listen to ranger talks at the Grizzly Bear Habitat, watch a movie in the Theatre in the Sky, and more summer activities. Dress for the weather with good walking shoes. Meals on your own. Leave Glen Pine at 9:45 a.m. Estimated return at 6:15 p.m. Leave Dogwood at 10 a.m. Estimated return at 6 p.m. 576504 F Sep 2 $62.00 6 50 Plus News Known for his enormous contribution to the canon of great art in the 20th century, Pablo Ruiz y Picasso (1881-1973) is one of the masters of Modernism. Examining the significance of the six women who were inspirational to his artistic development, Picasso: The Artist and His Muses is the most significant exhibition of Picasso’s work ever presented in Vancouver. Lunch on your own at the Vancouver Art Gallery or browse nearby shops. Leave Dogwood at 9 a.m. Estimated return at 4 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 8:45 a.m. Estimated return at 4:15 p.m. 576550 W Sep 7 $29.50 Oct 2 Hastings Race Course and Silks Buffet Hastings Race Course has been capturing the imagination of Vancouverites and visitors since 1889. The course features live thoroughbred horse racing and simulcast racing from other prestigious tracks. Feast upon a lovely buffet lunch at Silks. Try your luck at the new casino. A thrilling, appetizing, delightful, and perhaps lucky day! Leave Dogwood at 11:15 a.m. Estimated return at 6 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 11 a.m. Estimated return at 6:15 p.m. 576350 Su Oct 2 $50.00 Oct 6 Tea & Trumpets: The Look of Love The music of love through the centuries including beloved operettas by Strauss and Lehár. UBC Opera Ensemble joins host Christopher Gaze and new Assistant Conductor William Rowson. Tea and cookies served in lobby of the Orpheum Theatre. Leave Dogwood at 12:30 p.m. Estimated return at 4:45 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 12:15 p.m. Estimated return at 5 p.m. 576551 Th Oct 6 Bus Only 576552 Th Oct 6 $37.00 $8.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Bus Trips Nov 19 VSO Pops: Best of Broadway Oct 7 Museum of Anthropology & First Nations Artist Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun is showcased in this provocative exhibition of paintings, drawings, sculptures, and installation works that confront the colonialist suppression of First Nations peoples and the ongoing struggle for Aboriginal rights. Guided tour of the Museum's collection of BC Natives Arts & Culture. Museum café onsite for snacks/lunch. Leave Dogwood at 9:15 a.m. Estimated return at 2:30 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 9 a.m. Estimated return at 2:45 p.m. 576553 F Oct 7 $29.00 Nov 6 Joseph & The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat The biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colours comes to life in this delightful Andrew Lloyd Webber musical set to an engaging cornucopia of sounds from country western and calypso to disco and rock 'n' roll. This sparkling show by Align Entertainment is packed full of unforgettable songs. Leave Dogwood at 1 p.m. Estimated return at 5:15 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 12:45 p.m. Estimated return at 5:30 p.m. 576554 Acclaimed Pops conductor Stuart Chafetz presents a stroll down the Great White Way in a tribute to the Best of Broadway. You will hear music from Guys and Dolls, Chess, South Pacific, West Side Story, The Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Cats, and many more all-time Broadway favourites at the Orpheum Theatre. Leave Dogwood at 6:45 p.m. Estimated return at 11:15 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 6:30 p.m. Estimated return at 11:30 p.m. 576558 Sa Nov 19 $55.00 Bus Only 576559 Sa Nov 19 $8.00 Nov 26 Vagabond Theatre presents Forever Plaid A quartet of male singers takes a detour to heaven on the way to their first big concert. They posthumously take the stage for one final gig in this goofy 1950s nostalgia trip. Fantastically funny and timelessly tuneful, their close harmonies and charming choreography take you on a journey through your favourite pop hits of the 1950s, such as Moments to Remember, Heart and Soul, and Love is a Many Splendored Thing. Forever Plaid is a festive-season treat that is not to be missed! Forever Plaid is one of offBroadway’s most popular and successful musicals, a deliciously fun revue chock-full of classic barbershop quartet harmonies and pitch-perfect melodies. Leave Dogwood at 1 p.m. Estimated return at 4:30 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 12:45 p.m. Estimated return at 4:45 p.m. 576600 Sa Nov 26 $30.00 Dine Out! Sep 16 Lunch at Newlands Golf & Country Club Return visit to Newlands Golf and Country Club to dine on the delicious buffet lunch. Lunch payment on your own approx. $16.00 with tax/gratuity. Beverages not included. Lunch is followed with a visit to Fort Langley to walk around and browse the many interesting shops. Leave Dogwood at 11:15 a .m. Estimated return at 4:45 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 11 a .m. Estimated return at 5 p.m. 576302 F Sep 16 $13.00 Oct 4 Trolls Seafood & Horseshoe Bay Scenic drive to Horseshoe Bay and a hearty lunch at Trolls Restaurant, a favourite for seafood. Reasonable prices for lunch on your own; includes a special seniors menu. Time to browse the shops or go for a walk taking in the gorgeous scenery. Dress for the weather with comfortable shoes. Leave Dogwood at 11:15 a.m. Estimated return at 4:15 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 11 a.m. Estimated return at 4:30 p.m. 576351 Tu Oct 4 $13.00 Su Nov 6 $30.00 Nov 29 Nov 17 Tea & Trumpets: From Russia with Love Thrill to a program of full-blooded, passionate Russian classics. This concert features music by Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and more. Tea and cookies will be served in the lobby of the Orpheum Theatre. Leave Dogwood at 12:30 p.m. Estimated return at 4:45 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 12:15 p.m. Estimated return at 5 p.m. 576555 Th Nov 17 $37.00 Bus Only 576556 Th Nov 17 $8.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Lunch at the Sylvia & Pacific Centre Begin the afternoon at the charming and quaint Sylvia Hotel followed by a visit to downtown's Pacific Centre to do some Christmas shopping or perhaps to window-shop at Nordstrom or Holt Renfrew. Lunch is on your own for approximately $25.00 (tax & gratuity included). Leave Dogwood at 11:15 a.m. Estimated return at 5:15 p.m. Leave Glen Pine at 11 a.m. Estimated return at 5:30 p.m. 576560 Tu Nov 29 $13.00 50 Plus News 7 Special Events – Listed in date order Note: Full refund shall be issued if the request is made 5 days in advance of the event. Special Events Note: A full refund for special events shall be issued if the request is made 5 days in advance of the event. Tables are assigned at registration. Listening devices for the hearing impaired are available at Glen Pine for use during special events/live performances. Number of devices are limited so speak to staff about booking one to use during the event. Sep 12 & Nov 7 Sep 17 Community Heritage Picnic Step back in time at Blue Mountain Park! Grab a partner and start practicing your three-legged racing skills. You’re going to need them at the 1925-themed Community Heritage Picnic. You can expect all sorts of games, such as tug-ofwar, potato sack race, ring toss and bean bag toss. There will be also be crafts, music and food, and a farmers market too! coquitlam125.ca/picnic Sa Sep 17 12 – 4 p.m. FREE New Faces Orientation Join us at Dogwood Pavilion's Welcome Back BBQ. This is a perfect way to get together with friends to welcome everyone back to start off the fall session. Enjoy music with The Flanagans and burgers with all the trimmings, includes coffee/tea and dessert. Sponsored by the Dogwood Senior’s Society. 572106 W Sep 14 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. $6.00 Sep 15 End of Summer Brunch at Glen Pine Celebrate the end of summer by joining us for brunch! This annual brunch in Spirit Square (weather permitting) will feature the Lemon Tree Kitchen's best breakfast fare. Entertainment by the Glen Pine Singers. 570598 Th Sep 15 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $10.00 8 50 Plus News Oct 1 Glen Pine Live: Really Rod: A Tribute to Rod Stewart Oct 5 Sep 20 – 24 Dogwood Welcome Back BBQ Hands-on and interactive activities with the Glen Pine 50 Plus Society groups and clubs. Your chance to explore different options for fun, entertainment, and social interaction in our multicultural community for the 50 Plus. Full Itinerary will be made available online and at the facility closer to the event date. Sa Oct 1 3 – 5 p.m. FREE Join us after Culture Days for music from Clayton Owens, who will amaze you with some of Rod's great hits including Forever Young, Tonight's the Night, Hot Legs, and Maggie May. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Sa Oct 1 5:30 – 10 p.m. $28.10 Learn about Dogwood Pavilion's annual pass benefits. Dogwood is a community centre for adults and seniors who wish to be more active, meet friends and enjoy good times participating in leisure activities. Includes a facility tour and refreshments. Please pre-register. 572608 M Sep 12 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. FREE 572609 M Nov 7 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. FREE Sep 14 Oct 1 Culture Days at Glen Pine Coquitlam 2016 55+ BC Games Approximately 4,000 athletes, their families, coaches, 1500 volunteers and fans will converge upon our city for one of the largest community celebrations sport has seen in many years. This annual British Columbia event showcases the outstanding athleticism of BC competitors 55+ and promotes the benefits of leading an active, healthy lifestyle. For event information go to www.55plusgames.ca so you can cheer on your friends and our visitors! Sep 30 Pub Night: The Dapper Dominik Show Dominik Heins and Wendy Bollard have come together to create a show that has audiences travelling back in time to the jazz age where Dominik and his band audition three very different women. The show is filled with great characters, fun costumes and, of course, fantastic music. Doors open at 5:15 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. Entertainment starts at 7:30 p.m. F Sep 30 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. $28.10 Thanksgiving Luncheon Enjoy a yummy Thanksgiving turkey luncheon in the Boulevard Café. On the menu: turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, carrots and brussel sprouts, with coffee/tea and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Pre-registration required by October 1. 572915 W Oct 5 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. $13.50 Oct 6 Thanksgiving Luncheon Come join us for our Thanksgiving Luncheon in The Great Room! A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be served. Sal and Pancho will be the entertainment for the event! 574703 Th Oct 6 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. $13.50 Oct 14 One-Act Play: "Seconds Out" Two ex-wives hear the reading of the will of their ex-husband, hoping for great rewards. However, there are funny and surprising conditions. Come for an afternoon of good laughs. Tea/Coffee and treats provided. Presented by the Sunrise Players. 570669 F Oct 14 1:30 – 3 p.m. $5.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Special Events Themed Lunches at the Lemon Tree Café Get into the fall spirit while singing along to your favourite tunes. Admission is free without lunch. Oct 27 Nov 10 Autumn Celebration Luncheon Remembrance Day Luncheon Join us to celebrate Remembrance Day with a roast beef lunch and a performance from Svitlana Rozumovska. We'll be celebrating everything autumn with our musical guest Thomas Mac Kay. 574702 Th Oct 27 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. $10.40 574698 Th Nov 10 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. $10.40 Oct 20 Great British Columbia Shake Out Drop, Cover and Hold-On! Practise with us, and the rest of the province, for the offical BC shakeout. At 10:20 a.m., listen for the announcement, we will then ask everyone, regardless of the activity they are participating in, to Drop, Cover and Hold On. We practise this to highlight the need to be prepared in the event on an earthquake. Th Oct 20 10:20 a.m. Oct 28 Pub Night: Oktoberfest Authentic German music and Austrian dancers will be featured at Dogwood's Oktoberfest event. The Rheinlander Band and the Edelweiss Dancers are set to entertain you. Doors open at 5:15 p.m., dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Entertainment begins at 7:30 pm. Ein Prosit! F Oct 28 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. $28.10 Nov 24 Summer in the Winter Luncheon Try something different! Enjoy BBQ kababs in November and enjoy Music Variations. 574699 Th Nov 24 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. $10.40 Oct 31 Halloween Lunch Dress up if you wish and join us in the Boulevard Café for some scary chili! Those in costume will be entered in a draw for prizes. No pre-registration required. Purchase your own meal. M Oct 31 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Nov 1, 3, 8, 9 Pavilion Influenza Vaccination Clinic The community Pharmacist from Safeway will be at Dogwood and the Pharmacist from London Drugs will be at Glen Pine to administer the annual flu shot to Pavilion Members and members of the public. Please pre-register at the front desk. Bring your Care Card for free vaccine for seniors. Tu Nov 1 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Tu Nov 8 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Th Nov 3 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. W Nov 9 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Nov 3 Carpet Bowling Tournament Cheer on the teams at the 38th Annual Carpet Bowling tournament. Lunch and refreshments provided for participants. Spectators can purchase their lunch from the Boulevard Café. Catch the action in the Mike Butler Room. Th Nov 3 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Nov 16 Glen Pine Live: Caelestra Featuring the heavenly voice of Soprano Lambroula Maria Pappas, the Celtic flute of Michelle Carlisle, and the songs of fantasy-folk songwriter Britta Curkovic, Caelestra will take you on a journey back in time and around the globe, performing in full medieval costume. Enjoy jigs and reels, soul stirring ballads, sprightly renaissance tunes, and traditional Celtic music with rich vocal harmonies and music played on flute, harp, guitars, hand drums, and cello. W Nov 16 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. $12.50 50 Plus News 9 Special Events – Listed in date order Note: Full refund shall be issued if the request is made 5 days in advance of the event. Special Events Nov 17 Nov 20 Old Fashioned Christmas Home for the Holidays: Bazaar Christmas Decorating Join Charlene and the Glen Pine Hostess Group to celebrate 'Home for the Holidays in the Hub'. The Christmas trees will be decorated and we welcome everyone to an afternoon social with Christmas cookies and eggnog refreshments. Enjoy Christmas music and the chance to visit with friends new and old as we kick-off the holiday season. 570624 Th Nov 17 1:30 – 3 p.m. FREE Nov 17 Line Dance Socials Join Lynda and Austin for a special fall celebration dance social. Beverage and cookie/square included. 576477 Th Nov 17 10:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. $8.00 Nov 17 Smartphone & Tablet Support Session Do you have a smart phone or tablet and are wondering how to make it work? Volunteers from the Poirier Youth Program Committee will help you figure out your device. Please bring your device with you. Pre-register to help with planning purposes. 572613 Th Nov 17 4 – 5 p.m. FREE Nov 19 Dancing with the Stars Dinner & Dance Candace Zanini hosts an evening of good music and good eats for couples or singles. Ballroom, Latin, line-dancing, you choose! Light buffet dinner served. Bar on-site. Four tables available for reservation for groups of 6 – 8 people only. Sa Nov 19 6:30 – 11 p.m. $27.75 Festival seating: 571604 Table 5: 571605 Table 6: 571606 Table 7: 571607 Table 8: 571608 10 50 Plus News Dec 4, 6, 8 Drama Club Christmas Presentation Hand-made gifts, knitting, cards, tree decorations, and a selection of items for everyone on your Christmas list. The Glen Pine Crafters and other crafters in the community will amaze you with their home-spun handiwork. Limited number of tables for selling wares available for $15.00. Admission to the event is FREE. Su Nov 20 12:30 – 4 p.m. Nov 23 Dogwood Presents: Steve Elliott's "Elvis Gospel Show" Elvis Presley was first and foremost a gospel singer. He grew up in the Deep South where gospel music was heard in every church. It was the soul of the south and the precursor to rock & roll. Elvis won his Grammy awards for his gospel songs which were his roots. Light refreshments served at intermission. 574568 W Nov 23 2 – 4 p.m. $15.00 At the time of going to press, the play has not been chosen but you will know from experience that you will get a good show. Watch for flyers and posters in the fall. Tickets will be available in November from the Dogwood Designs Gift Shop or Drama Club members. For information call Dale at 604-939-6172 or Sylvia at 604-936-2069. Su Dec 4 1:30 p.m. $5.00 Tu Dec 6 7:30 p.m. $5.00 Th Dec 8 1:30 p.m. $5.00 Dec 8 Line Dance Socials Join Lynda and Austin for special themed holiday line dance social. Beverage and cookie/square included. 571625 Th Dec 8 10:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. $8.00 Nov 26 Lights at Lafarge With a mug of steaming hot chocolate, join your family and friends at Lafarge Lake for the grand finale of Coquitlam 125. Get a start on your Christmas shopping at the artisan fair with one-of-a-kind, locally made gifts, enjoy the songs of the season and watch the special screening of the film and legacy art project. And then get prepared to be awestruck when the seasonal light display of more than 50,000 lights is turned on. coquitlam125.ca/light. This is an outdoor/indoor event at Town Centre Park and the Evergreen Cultural Centre. Sa Nov 26 2:30 – 5:30 p.m. FREE Dec 2 Heritage Woods Christmas Tea Heritage Woods Secondary School cordially invites you to our 10th Annual Seniors Christmas High Tea. Enjoy some Christmas cheer and special performances by the Heritage Woods choir and a fun sing-a-long. More details to come. School Bus: 573849 F Dec 2 12:15 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Own Transport: 573850 F Dec 2 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Dec 9 Christmas Dinner Celebrate the holidays with a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Catered meal by Centennial Secondary School. Christmas entertainment, including a sing-along, will be by Choral Connections, a community based adult choir with over 70 members. Doors open at 5:15 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. Entertainment begins at 7:30 p.m. Register by November 25. F Dec 9 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. $28.10 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Special Events Dec 11 Dogwood Songsters’ Christmas Concert: ‘Tis the Season It is Christmas time again! Get into the Christmas spirit with a sing-a-long to old and new carols with the Dogwood Songsters’. Light refreshments will be served. Tickets will be available in November. Where to purchase them in advance will be advertised in late October. Su Dec 11 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $6.00 Dec 13 & Dec 16 Yoga for the Food Bank Yoga instructor Loura Yuen would like to invite all Yoga participants - everyone welcome - to a morning Yoga class to celebrate the upcoming festive season. Admission is a toonie plus a donation to the local Food Bank. Non-perishable food items and special treats for the holidays will be accepted. Please pre-register so we know how many are coming. Please bring your own yoga mats and other props if you have them. 573843 Tu Dec 13 9:30 – 11 a.m. $2.00 573844 F Dec 16 9:30 – 11 a.m. $2.00 Dec 14 Christmas Luncheon Come celebrate Christmas in Glen Pine’s Great Room with a traditional Christmas turkey meal and the entertainment of Allen Boolinoff from Sincerly Yours. 574700 W Dec 14 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. $17.00 Dec 15 Dec 19 Grandma & Me: Christmas at Dogwood Bring the little one in your life to celebrate the holiday season. Enjoy making a Christmas craft, cookie decorating, and a Christmas sing-a-long. Geared towards children ages 3 – 6. Grandpa is welcome too! 572512 M Dec 19 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. $7.75 Christmas Luncheon Dec 19 Join us for a traditional turkey meal with all the trimmings and Christmas music with the Centennial Secondary Choir. Th Dec 15 12 – 2:30 p.m. $17.00 Dec 18 Holiday Variety Show Celebrate the holiday season with a wonderful variety show. Every year Glen Pine's funny and talented entertainers cheer you up you with their lively songs, skits, and dances. Family, friends, and grandchildren are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served. 570599 Su Dec 18 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $5.00 Christmas Tea Coquitlam Public Library and Dogwood Pavilion are hosting a Senior's Christmas Tea at the Poirier Branch of the library (575 Poirier Street). Share Christmas memories over tea, coffee, and goodies. Enjoy singing along to Christmas carols and play Christmas trivia games—you might even win a prize! To register, call 604-937-4155 and leave your name and phone number. 576018 M Dec 19 2 – 3:30 p.m. FREE Dec 29 New Year’s Brunch Celebrate the New Year with a brunch and entertainment from Gordy Van. 574701 Th Dec 29 10 – 11:30 a.m. $10.40 Movies Come watch a movie with your friends—classics, first runs, dramas, musicals and comedies. Doors open 30 minutes before movie begins. Movie listing at the front desk will show dates and times. Movie selection subject to change. Dogwood Pavilion Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Glen Pine Pavilion Fridays at1:15 p.m. ADMISSION: $1.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. 50 Plus News 11 Special Events Special Events – Listed in date order Note: Full refund shall be issued if the request is made 5 days in advance of the event. BE PART OF THE STORY! COMMUNITY HERITAGE PICNIC September 17 | 12 – 4 p.m. Step back in time at Blue Mountain Park! Grab a partner and start practicing your three-legged racing skills. You’re going to need them at the 1925-themed Community Heritage Picnic. You can expect all sorts of games, such as tug-of-war, potato sack race, ring toss and bean bag toss. There will be also be crafts, music and food, and a farmers market too! coquitlam125.ca/picnic LIGHTS AT LAFARGE November 26 | 2:30 – 5:30 p.m. With a mug of steaming hot chocolate, join your family and friends at Lafarge Lake for the grand finale of Coquitlam 125. Get a start on your Christmas shopping at the artisan fair with one-of-a-kind, locally made gifts, enjoy the songs of the season and watch the special screening of the film and legacy art project. And then get prepared to be awestruck when the seasonal light display of more than 50,000 lights is turned on —watch for something special! coquitlam125.ca/lights This is an outdoor/indoor event at Town Centre Park and the Evergreen Cultural Centre. DON’T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR COQUITLAM STORIES! As part of our Coquitlam 125 legacy, we’ve been asking community members to share their stories. We want to hear from you! What does Coquitlam mean to you? Have you lived here your entire life? Are you new to the community? Do you know of a Coquitlam hidden gem? We want to hear about it! Visit coquitlam125.ca/stories for details and to submit your story online. Visit coquitlam125.ca—your source for all things celebration in 2016! CITYOFCOQUITLAM | #COQUITLAM125 12 50 Plus News Food Services Boulevard Café AT DOGWOOD PAVILION Telephone: 604-927-6085 | Email: [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION Boulevard Café Monday – Friday 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tea Garden Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Serving beverages & snacks • Join us for the Welcome Back! Barbecue on September 14 • Please pre-register using barcode: 572106 • Regular hot meals resume September 6 • Last day for hot meals in 2016 is December 13 Soup and sandwiches will be available on December 14 • Kitchen will be closed December 15 to January 2 • Muffins and beverages available in the Tea Garden from December 1 to December 16 • Hot meals resume January 5 Find the Boulevard Café menu online at coquitlam.ca/dogwood Lemon Tree Café AT GLEN PINE PAVILION Telephone: 604-927-6946 | Email: [email protected] HOURS OF OPERATION Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Beverages & Snacks: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Light Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuesday Dinners: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Dinners resume Sept 27, 2016. Saturdays: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Upstairs Bistro: Muffins & beverages -- schedule based on volunteer availability You can now enjoy a glass of wine or beer with your good at the Lemon Tree Café. Visit with friends, enjoy a wholesome meal, and relax with a beverage of your choice. Cheers! • Themed Lunches are listed under Special Events -- see page 9 for details • Regular hot meals resume September 6 • Last day for hot meals in 2016 is December 13, soup and sandwiches will be available on December 14 • Kitchen will be closed December 15 to January 2 • Muffins and beverages available in the Bistro from December 1 to December 16 • • Hot meals resume January 5 Self service coffee station located in the HUB -- pay at the front desk Lemon Tree Café menu online at coquitlam.ca/glenpine Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. 50 Plus News 13 Talks & Workshops Sep 8, Oct 11, Nov 23 Please pre-register for any talk or workshop, even if it is free. If you plan to attend this will guarantee you a seat. We welcome drop-ins but cannot promise you will be admitted. Sep 1 All About Nordic Walking Retirement Math Learn how to do the math on benefits, taxation, income planning, and review other important information related to retirement. Presented by David Perkins Assante Wealth Management. 572814 572815 Th Sep 8 9:30 – 11 a.m. W Nov 23 7 – 8:30 p.m. FREE FREE 573564 Tu Oct 11 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Part B Planning to 'rightsize' your home you're now ready to take the next step? Designed for those 6 – 12 months away from moving, you'll discuss topics such as: getting the most for your home, renovating vs staging, how to choose a realtor, mistakes to avoid, and an inside look at popular condo options for seniors in the Tri-Cites. Guest speaker: Verna Hutchinson from Stage Presence Home Staging. 574124 W Sep 28 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Sep 13 Nordic Walking uses two specially designed poles to work the upper body while walking, burning 30 – 46% more calories than regular walking! Imagine cross country skiing without skis. Learn about the benefits then sign up for classes we have with Lori North. Presented by Angela Sealy, Nordixx Pole Walking. 576951 Th Sep 1 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Sep 6 West Coast Railway Association The West Coast Railway Association (WCRA) is a non-profit society that collects, preserves, and exhibits railway artifacts at their Heritage Park in Squamish. Knowledgeable historians will introduce you to WCRA and the Heritage Park. You'll learn about rail travel and the history of trains, in particular the Royal Hudson #2860. General travel by train will also be discussed. 573698 Tu Sep 13 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Sep 14 & Nov 4 BUDGETING: It's Not a Dirty Word Understanding Hearing Loss Six simple steps to help you create a budget you can stick to, and free up money for the future. Geared towards retired people and seniors. Presented by Primerica Financial Services. 573831 Tu Sep 6 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Did you know 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65 have hearing loss, but only 30% of those with hearing loss do something about it? Hearing loss can be so gradual that you don't even notice it -- you might just feel people are not speaking clearly or loudly enough. Come to learn more and get your hearing tested. Sep 14 & 28 Sep 8 Wealth & Taxation Matters Learn strategies to help manage your wealth, especially if you have complex needs. Discuss the value of having solid taxation plans in place to maintain and retain your finances during retirement. Presented by James Leung, Edward Jones. 571422 Th Sep 8 2 – 3 p.m. FREE 14 50 Plus News Right-Sizing Your Home Presented by Krista Petersen and Tracey Clermont from KORE Realty Central; seniors' real estate specialists, investors, homeowners, and condo specialists. Part A Time to 'rightsize' your home but not sure where to start? Learn where to get help, how to streamline your belongings, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Designed for people in the early phases (more than a year away from moving). Guest speakers include financial planner, Laura Wittal from Royal Bank of Canada and Downsizing Specialist, Kathleen Boland, from Everything Organized. 574123 W Sep 14 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Presented by Connect Hearing Presentation 570584 W Sep 14 10 – 11 a.m. Complimentary Testing 570585 W Sep 14 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Presented by Sears Hearing Presentation 573771 F Nov 4 10 – 11 a.m. Complimentary Testing 573772 F Nov 4 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE FREE FREE Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Talks & Workshops Sep 26 BCCEAS Workshops to Educate & Empower Sep 15 Sleep Better Explore reasons and remedies for sleeplessness, including lifestyle changes. Presented by Council Of Senior Citizens Organization of BC, Senior’s Health and Wellness Institute. Delivered by a trained senior volunteer. 573957 Th Sep 15 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Presented by the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy & Support. These workshop cover critical topics enabling seniors to access important information and support. Government Benefits for Seniors Review a number of federal and provincial government benefits for seniors - including Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Fair Pharmacare, BC Senior Supplement, and SAFER. Facilitated by Nighat Afsar, BCCEAS' Legal Advocate. 572817 M Sep 26 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Sep 27 Mindful Eating: A Joyful Sep 15 Relationship with Food Reducing Pain & Inflammation Without Medication Develop a clearer understanding of how the body works and discover some natural ways (without side effects) that you can implement right now to reduce inflammation, degeneration, and pain in your body—giving you a life filled with more vitality, energy, and joy. Presented by Jon Ley (Chartered Herbalist, Certified Detoxifcation Specialist and Life Coach). 575001 Th Sep 15 7 – 8:30 p.m. FREE Sep 20 Garden Club: Show & Tell & Dahlias Show & Tell: Everyone is encouraged to bring their lovely flowers, plants, and garden art for display. All contributors have a chance to talk about their display(s). Contributors are eligible for a $10 prize in the raffle. Guest speaker, Margaret Nakahara’s will present on dahlias, including a demonstration on floral design. Meet in the Poirier Library this month. Everyone is welcome. For more information call Margaret Manery at 604-931-3433. Tu Sep 20 7 p.m. FREE Learn mindful eating skills to heighten the pleasure of eating healthy. Overcome habitual or emotional eating. Mindful eating is among the easiest mindfulness practices, which can improve inner peace, health, happiness, and quality of life while reducing stress and other negative qualities. Practice-oriented class. Light dinner is included. 572803 Tu Sep 27 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $22.00 Sep 29 Joy of Writing Stefano Mazzega, local writer, will be interviewing a number of other local writers. The genres will be varied. Each will be providing a short reading then answering a few questions about their work and process. The session is intended to raise the awareness of some of the skilled works that have been created in our community and to encourage those who 'want to be writers' among us, to put fingers to keyboard. 575082 Th Sep 29 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Oct 4 125 Years of Coquitlam's History Join City of Coquitlam Archivist, Emily Lonie, on a journey through 125 years of Coquitlam's history as told through the archival records held by the City of Coquitlam Archives. Explore each decade since Coquitlam's incorporation in 1891. Includes photographs from Fraser Mills, Colony Farm, Riverview Hospital, Westwood Racetrack, Minnekhada Lodge, and a host of documents preserved by the City of Coquitlam Archives. Stay after to ask about donating historical material (photographs, documents, letters, diaries, etc.) to the archives. 575081 Tu Oct 4 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Sep 28 Retirement Portfolios: Myths & Truths Is there a perfect portfolio mixed to ensure your retirement funds last through your lifetime? Presented by Investors Group. 573028 W Sep 28 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Sep 28 & Oct 5 Older Adult Home Safety Learning to prepare for age-related possibilities. Identify warning signs that you are struggling and recognize the potential hazards in your home. Discover simple ways to make life easier for yourself and considerations for older adults with special needs. There are various simple and practical things we can do to protect ourselves, and in some cases, our spouses. Presented by Robin Elliot. 576475 W Sep 28 7 – 8:30 p.m. FREE 576476 W Oct 5 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Oct 5 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation A beginner class for those new to mindfulness meditation or wishing to refresh their practice. A great place for those who have diffculty calming the mind or are simply curious about mindfulness and meditation. 572707 W Oct 5 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $9.00 Oct 6 FortisBC Have you got questions about your FortisBC bill? Looking for tips on how to save energy? FortisBC will be onsite to answer your questions and give you tips on conserving energy in your home. They will be set up in the main Hub area. So please drop by. No registration required. 576200 Th Oct 6 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. FREE 50 Plus News 15 Talks & Workshops Oct 6 Tree Pruning Join City of Coquitlam Field Arborists to learn the best way to prune the trees at your home, including proper pruning and cutting methods, and the best time to prune. 573613 Th Oct 6 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Oct 7 Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) What is the RDSP? Learn about the savings plan, who qualifies, and how to apply for the available grants and bonds. Presented by Primerica Financial Services. 573832 F Oct 7 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Oct 7 MLA Selina Robinson MLA Selina Robinson represents the constituents in Coquitlam-Maillardville and is the Opposition Spokesperson for Seniors. Join Selina at Dogwood Pavilion for a coffee and a chat. This is your opportunity to share your concerns and bring your questions. 573958 F Oct 7 2:15 – 4 p.m. FREE LIFE-SIZING SERIES Nov 2 Part 1 & Part 2 Combo Talk Oct 13 & Nov 14 Part 1: Smart Talk on Strata Living 573842 W Nov 2 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. FREE There are many reasons, opportunities and choices to consider when looking at transitioning from a conventional single family home. Learn about transitioning to a condo, or townhouse under a Strata organization. Discuss the motivations, challenges, and potential benefits of this popular lifestyle. Presented by Terry Hyska, Strata Specialist with Royal LePage. 573837 Th Oct 13 1:15 – 3:30 p.m. FREE 576614 M Nov 14 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Oct 20 & Nov 21 Part 2: Dollars & $ense There are many potential cost benefts to consider when transitioning to strata living. Discuss the common day-to-day expenses, monthly strata fees, and how to proactively plan for forecasted and unexpected costs. Presented by Terry Hyska, Strata Specialist with Royal LePage. 573838 Th Oct 20 1:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.FREE 576615 M Nov 21 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Enhancing Health Promotion Techniques This series is brought to you by the Douglas College Therapeutic Recreation Department. The students value your participation and your input for their course of study that they have prepared and researched. Every year is a new crop of students even if you have attended in the past, it will be all new! Laughter is the Best Medicine This humor for health session provides participants with the opportunity to experience the physical and psychosocial benefits of laughter. Enjoy the lighter side of life while enhancing your health. 574253 F Oct 14 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. FREE Nutrition & Stress Look at the relationship between food, stress, and health. Discuss eating for a health immune system. Perhaps there will even be a tasty treat to tempt your taste buds! 574256 F Oct 21 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. FREE 16 50 Plus News Sleep Well Tonight Discuss the role of sleep in helping us to manage stress and share techniques for getting the rest we all need and deserve. 574257 F Oct 28 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. FREE Therapeutic Breathing Discuss breathing as a basis to all relaxation techniques. We will experiment with diaphragmatic breathing and a variety of relaxation techniques. 574258 F Nov 4 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. FREE Visualize the Connection between Leisure & Health Use guided visualization as a technique to recapture joyful, leisure experiences. Learn about psychoneuroimmunology, which tells us that leisure, pleasure, and joy enhance health. 574254 F Nov 18 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. FREE Exploring Meditation This session aims to demystify mediation by introducing participants, in an informal way, to a variety of meditation techniques. Participants will be given the opportunity to try some different approaches to meditation. We will also discuss the benefits of meditation and how to incorporate some into our day to day lives. 574259 F Nov 25 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. FREE Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Talks & Workshops Oct 13 & Oct 27 Oct 24 & Nov 3 Fire Prevention & Safety Don't wait—check the date! Smoke alarms need to be replaced every 10 years. Join Kim Saulnier, Fire Inspector for Coquitlam Fire and Rescue as she talks about fire and fall prevention and safety. The focus will be on the home but will also discuss some fire safety issues relating to public buildings. She will have a video presentation and some handouts. Find out about smoke alarms, what to do in the event of an emergency, kitchen fire safety and smoking. 572920 Th Oct 13 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. FREE 573959 Th Oct 27 10 – 11 a.m. FREE Oct 18 Personal Planning Documents Wills, Power of Attorney, Representation Agreement, and Advanced Directives. Learn what they are, how they work, important facts to be aware of. Presented by Bart Aldrich, Notary Public and Linda Mizuguchi from Burquitlam Funeral Home. 576613 Tu Oct 18 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Oct 18 Mount Frosty & Elfin Lakes Double Feature Join Terry McCullough for two presentations. Hiking to the top of Mount Frosty, the highest point in Manning Park. The hike was in October through beautiful golden larches and stunning views. Then an overnight snowshoe to Elfin Lakes in March. The changing light through the afternoon, evening, and the next morning provide many beautiful images. Slide shows are set to music, so minimal discussion during the shows, but plenty of time for questions afterwards. 572807 Tu Oct 18 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Oct 18 Garden Club: Extending the Season Guest speaker Karen June Myskiw. Meet in the Centennial Room. Everyone is welcome. For more information call Margaret Manery 604-931-3433. Tu Oct 18 7 p.m. FREE Travel Presentation: Turkey Oct 19 AED Demonstration Workshop An automated external defibrillator (AED) has been installed in Dogwood Pavilion, Glen Pine Pavilion, and in the Centennial Room adjacent to Dogwood Pavilion for use by the public in emergencies. It automatically diagnosis life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. We will demonstrate how to use it, so you are prepared if needed. You will not have the opportunity to practice using the device. 573836 W Oct 19 1 – 2 p.m. FREE Oct 20 Odyssey of the Mind Odyssey of the Mind encourages creativity, teamwork, and resourcefulness. Teams complete problems such as building a small vehicle, constructing wood structures, or creating small machines or devices, all while developing a humourous sketch that frames their presentation! Find out how you can benefit from Odyssey at this fun and interactive information session. 574251 Th Oct 20 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Oct 20 & Nov 28 HEROS Personal, Family and Community Preparedness Learn about typical earthquake damage and hazards and how to protect yourself inside and outside of your home. Details regarding emergency supplies, family communication, schools, and community preparedness will be discussed. 572108 Th Oct 20 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE 573565 M Nov 28 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Local photographer and Dogwood member, Eunice Hodge, visited Turkey before the current turmoil. Turkey was a magical place with much history and beauty. As a cross roads for Greeks, Romans, and Eastern civilizations, it traces it's history back to the stone age. See it in the spring from Istanbul to Ephesos and from Cappadocia to Ankara. 573568 M Oct 24 1:15 – 3:15 p.m. FREE 573835 Th Nov 3 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Oct 24 Managing Arthritis Symptom Are you tired of just managing symptoms without improvement? Learn what you can do to turn around this condition, working at the root level versus instead of just treating symptoms endlessly. Presented by Jon Ley; chartered herbalist, certified detoxifcation specialist, and life coach. 575000 M Oct 24 7 – 8:30 p.m. FREE Oct 26 Year End Tax Planning Ensuring you claim all of your available tax deductions and credits to save significant amounts of tax does not start when you are about to file your taxes, it is supposed to be a year round activity. The end of the calendar year does have important tax consequences that provide extra motivation to focus on tax planning. Presented by Investors Group. 573029 W Oct 26 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Nov 1 Klondike Gold Rush It is a 'ripping good tale' as they say, a fun romp through a gold rush that took place not all that far from us. Presenter Pat Kramer is a researcher, photographer, author and professional speaker. She has written 14 guidebooks, many about British Columbia. 574450 Tu Nov 1 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE 50 Plus News 17 Talks & Workshops Nov 1, 17 & Dec 8 Nov 9 Nov 17 Learn About The Compass Card Centennial Stamp Club: The World of Stamps Protecting What Matters Most Join Chris Chan from Translink and learn all about the Compass Card. Get an overview of Compass, find out where you can buy it, how to use the Compass Card and tickets and the benefits of registering your card. Chris will also talk about planning your trip to make it as smooth as possible. Bring your smartphone or tablet, if you have one, and Chris will do a walk through of the trip planning functions. There will be plenty of time for questions. Join Wolfgang Richter, Secretary/Treasurer of the club, who will talk about the various activities and services of the club. Claire Zopf, a member who is an avid topical stamp collector, will share a sampling of large wild mammals on stamps. Zopf has done numerous displays at stamp shows and has won a bronze medal, placement ribbons and even a Best in Show. 576251 W Nov 9 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. FREE Give yourself a foundational knowledge of three important types of insurance: life insurance, disability insurance, and critical illness insurance. Presented by James Leung from Edward Jones. 571451 Th Nov 17 2 – 3 p.m. FREE Nov 15 576950 576900 Tu Nov 1 Th Dec 8 1 – 3 p.m. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE FREE Tulia Kidzone; Kilimanjaro & Elfin Lake 575156 Th Nov 17 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE British Columbia is one of the world's most breathtaking places. Join painter and photographer Frank Townsley, author of British Columbia - Graced by Nature's Palette, as he shares some incredible images capturing British Columbia's landscapes, flora and fauna. Frank will discuss photography, the regions of our province and the stories behind some of his inspiring shots. 573575 Tu Nov 22 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Nov 4 Falls Prevention Mobile Clinic A multi-disciplinary approach to the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries. Participants will have the opportunity to sit one-on-one with various health professionals for 20-minute sessions, including a pharmacist, nurse, kinesiologist, and physiotherapist. Various aspects of the participant's fall risk status will be assessed and interventions will be discussed. To register for the clinic call 604-587-7866. 570581 F Nov 4 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. FREE Nov 8 North to Alaska & Beyond A slide show presenting a 2008 cruise up the Inside Passage to Alaska, hiking the Chilkoot Pass, and taking the White Pass Yukon Railway. Photos of Whitehorse, Valdez, Seward, Dawson City, and Denali National Park. Lots of mountain scenery and wildlife. Slide shows are set to music (45 mins), so minimal discussion during the shows, but plenty of time for questions afterwards. Presenter: Terry Mccullough 573952 Tu Nov 8 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE 18 50 Plus News Join Brad Spring as he shares scenes volunteering at an orphanage in Kenya, Africa. Also slide shows on a hiking excursion up Mount Kilimanjaro and hiking to Elfin Lake, near Squamish. Slide shows are set to music, so minimal discussion during the shows, but plenty of time for questions afterwards. 576850 Tu Nov 15 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Nov 22 British Columbia: Graced by Nature's Palette Nov 16 Of Ice & Mammals: Fossils from the Close of the Ice Age in the Salish Sea Region Recent finds of large extinct mammals from Late Pleistocene ice age deposits in the San Juan Islands, Olympic Peninsula, and Vancouver Island provide insights into the newly de-glaciated landscape between 12,000 and 10,500 radiocarbon years ago. Join Michael Wilson, emeritus Faculty, Earth and Environmental Science, Douglas College, as he discusses the discovery of giant bison, ground sloth, short-faced bear, mastodons, and more. These finds will be discussed looking at the environmental changes associated with the advance and retreat of the Last-Glacial ice. 573588 W Nov 16 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Nov 28 How Money Works The Rule of 72, Balanced Investing vs a GIC, High cost of Waiting, Dollar Cost Averaging your Investing. Presented by Primerica Financial Services. These presentations provide access to information and support for those retired and for seniors in their quest for continued financial education. 573833 M Nov 28 1:30 – 3 p.m. FREE Nov 29 Making Weight Loss Sustainable & Fun Address weight loss at the root cause versus treating or managing weight endlessly. Presented by Jon Ley, chartered herbalist, certified detoxifcation specialist, and life coach. 575002 Tu Nov 29 7 – 8:30 p.m. FREE Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Talks & Workshops Nov 30 Coquitlam 2016 Make Up & Skin Care for Women September 20 – 24 Learn what products will nourish, hydrate, and best protect your skin. Also, what makeup best compliments your skin tones, and highlights your unique beauty. Presented by Shoppers Drug Mart, Como Lake Village 575358 W Nov 30 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Celebrate sport! September 20 – 24th Coquitlam will host up to 4000 athletes competing in 22 sports! Join in the festivities. You’re invited to the Opening Ceremony September 21 at 7 p.m., Poirier Sport & Leisure Complex, 633 Poirier St. See you there! 55plusgames.ca Nov 30 Living With What You Have How did you plan your retirement? Has everything worked out or are there options that you can still work on? Presented by Investors Group 573032 W Nov 30 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Dec 1 Online Registration Workshop If you want to register for programs at the pavilion from the comfort of your home, this workshop will show how to do it. The instructor will demonstrate and walk you through the process step by step. You will leave with an instruction handout so you can do it on your own. There will be the opportunity to ask questions. Be ready to register for the next session. 575923 Th Dec 1 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Dec 1 CALM Workshop for Seniors Learn how chemicals in the environment can affect your health and safety, including household chemicals, air quality, gardening tips, food/safe food handing, drinking water, extreme heat, and safety with consumer products. Presented by Health Canada. 576561 Th Dec 1 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Dec 21 Planned Tax Will Discussion about income taxes on an estate and how the use of a 'tax planned will' may provide tax savings for a surviving spouse and/or the next generation of heirs. Having a will that is tax proof may be the best Christmas gift for you and your family. Hosted by Investors Group. 573033 W Dec 21 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Dec 6 Stress: How to Deal With It None of us can lead totally stress-free lives; however, excessive stress harms the quality of life of many seniors. Identify and handle sources of stress. Presented by Council Of Senior Citizens Organization of BC, Senior's Health and Wellness Institute. Delivered by a trained senior volunteer facilitator. 573956 Tu Dec 6 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. 50 Plus News 19 These classes require workout clothing and running shoes. Bring a towel and water. Drop-In Fitness Yo u r p ic tu re h ere! Use your ONE PASS to drop-in for these and more fitness classes! Schedules available in facilities and online at coquitlam.ca/fitness. See a full listing of drop-in programs at coquitlam.ca/dropins. CARDIO/STRENGTH BODY TONING Light cardio, weights, bands, and floor work with great music to keep you motivated. FITNESS ADVANCED Five components of fitness included: warm-up, aerobics, flexibility, muscle endurance, and cool-down. It's time to pick up the pace! ZUMBA® Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves create a one-of-a-kind fitness program. The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms along with resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body. ABS, BACK, GLUTES, & STRETCH Motivating movement to music that includes five components of fitness: warm-up, aerobics, flexibility, muscle endurance and cool-down for those starting an exercise program. A full body workout ending with yoga. Interval training develops core strength and endurance. Includes the use of balls, bands, and weights. LOW IMPACT Using hand weights and bands, tone your body using strength training, mental fitness and balance training techniques. TOTAL FITNESS BEST EVER STRETCH Stretch your body to improve joint mobility flexibility, balance, and breathing techniques to improve your circulatory, nervous, and respiratory systems. PILATES STRENGTH/RESISTANCE FITNESS BEGINNERS Includes warm-up, cardio, stretching and light weights to keep your body supple, limber and toned. YOGA/PILATES/STRETCH BODY IN BALANCE FUNCTIONAL FITNESS Designed to increase core strength using specific movements and positions. Some Pilates experience is useful. PILATES: BEGINNER Designed to increase core strength using specific movements and positions. You'll learn the basics of how to engage your core. YOGA: DEEP STRETCH YIN Slow paced yoga suitable for everyone. Postures are held for a longer period of time to target the deep connective tissues in the body, increasing flexibility, and range of motion. An energetic workout incorporating strength, cardio, and core. A total body-toning and strength workout incorporating hand weights, resistance bands, and exercise balls. DANCE SPECIALTY CLASSES Experience the power, peace, and strength of yoga to harmonize your body, mind, and spirit. BELLY DANCE JOINT WORKS YOGA: HATHA INTERMEDIATE Explore this ancient art form of core conditioning to strengthen, tone, and increase your stamina. Mobilize, strengthen, and increase your fitness level. You can stand or sit during this exercise class. Developed by the Arthritis Society. YOGA: YOGA/PILATES FUSION BHANGRA DANCE WORKOUT OSTEOFIT® FOR LIFE Energetic cardio workout to Bollywood music to strengthen and tone. Improve strength, posture, balance, and agility through the use of functional exercises, resistance training, and appropriate stretches. DANCE MIX Combination class of line dance, Latin Moves, Bokwa, and more. No partner or experience needed to enjoy the upbeat music and fun atmosphere. LATIN MOVES Get into shape dancing to hot Latin beats in a fun dance workout alternative. TAI CHI/QIGONG Promote good health, flexibility, and balance through relaxing, non-stressful movements. YOGA: HATHA BEGINNER For those looking to deepen their yoga practice. The best of both worlds. Stabilize, mobilize, and increase the mind-body connection through a combination of yoga and Pilates. Where is the schedule?? We want you to always have the most up-to-date and correct information about our fitness class offerings. We've moved the schedule online so it can be updated at a moments notice. Don't want to go online? Just drop into any Coquitlam recreation facility and ask for a copy at the front desk! Find the fitness schedule online at coquitlam.ca/fitness or pick up a copy at your local pavilion. 20 50 Plus News Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Drop-in Fitness GETTING STARTED . . . Let Us Help! We offer a variety of orientations, starter programs, and training sessions to get you started working out. Find the best program for you, no matter your fitness level or experience. FITNESS ORIENTATION FITNESS STARTER An orientation of the facility, the equipment and safe use. at Glen Pine (19 yrs +) $2.00 A start to your workout program. Our staff will show you different exercises and techniques that you can take away to build your own program. at Glen Pine (19 yrs +) $37.45 PERSONAL TRAINING Train with our certified personal trainers. They will assess your level, learn about your goals, and lead you through a custom training program. Find out more at coquitlam.ca/personaltraining. PERSONAL TRAINING COSTS Individual Tandem 1 Session $55.00 $78.00 3 Sessions $157.50 $226.00 5 Sessions $250.00 $358.75 10 Sessions $475.00 $680.00 ONE PASS FEES & DROP-IN ADMISSION RATES Valid at all facilities April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017. Single Visit 10 Visit Pass 50 Visit Pass Adult (19 — 64 yrs) $5.71 $45.71 $214.29 Senior (65 — 84 yrs) $4.29 $34.29 $160.95 $2.86 $22.86 $107.14 1 Month Pass 4 Month Pass 12 Month Pass Adult (19 — 64 yrs) $53.29 $175.19 $417.33 Senior (65 — 84 yrs) $40.00 $131.33 $313.00 Super Senior (85 yrs+) $26.62 $87.72 $208.67 Super Senior (85 yrs+) Yo u r p ic tu r e h e re! Countless Options … Life happens—your fitness pass should be as flexible as you are. With your ONE PASS, enjoy universal access to all our facilties and drop-in fitness programs, such as basketball, swimming, and skating. We’re making it easier for you to commit to a fitness plan, and ultimately yourself. To see a full listing of the activities included with your ONE PASS go to coquitlam.ca/onepass Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. 50 Plus News 21 Registered Programs Share Your Ideas for Programs Lorraine Hauser, Jennifer Couture or Joanne Pickford at Dogwood Pavilion and Carol Morris or Sue Todd/Lindsay Duncan at Glen Pine encourage members to let us know what you would like to see offered at your pavilions. If you have a talent, hobby, interest or slides from a trip that you would like to share or you know someone (neighbour, friend, relative) who might be interested in giving a talk or doing a program, we want to hear from you! Drop by our offices or leave the information with the front desk and we will get back to you. You might notice a change to the start dates for programs this fall. The 55+ BC Games are coming to Coquitlam, September 20 – 24, 2016! Join the fun and celebrate the athletes. Volunteer, share your energy and enthusiasm to make the games a success. To accommodate the games, all registered programs will start after the games, beginning the week of September 26. ARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIES Astrology at Dogwood This FUN course will help you develop personal insight into yourself. Includes a description of the 12 Zodiac signs your strengths and challenges; which signs are spiritual, creative, expressive, emotional, stable and changeable. Will also include instruction on how to read charts. Each participant will have their chart done for the workshop. Instructor: Brenda Schauer 572508 W Oct 5 – Oct 26 1 – 3 p.m. $41.50 22 50 Plus News Listed in Alphabetical Order Crafts: Aromatherapy, the Art of Blending Crafts: Pure & Simple Soap Making! Discover an alternative form of healing using plant extracts. Learn the top ten essential oils, their therapeutic properties, and how to safely and effectively use them everyday. Discuss creating your own essential oil medicine cabinet. In class, create blends for lymphatic drainage, scarring, acne, and other ailments. Create a personal synergy blend, a roll-on, a massage oil, a solid scent perfume, and a perfume spray. Recipes and blends provided. All supplies included in course fee. 573612 W Oct 12 6:30 – 9 p.m. $35.00 Make and take home a long lasting herbal floral soap and a batch of citrus explosion soap using a pre-blended, true and tried formula. Explore different ingredients, methods, and techniques you can use to create exciting soaps. Learn about trouble-shooting, history, and packaging/decorating your soaps. You'll receive a finished bar of soap and recipes for pet soap, laundry soap, and herbal shampoo. All supplies included in course fee. 572705 Tu Nov 1 6:30 – 9 p.m. $40.00 Crafts: Winterize Your Skincare Crafts: Holiday Centerpiece City gardeners will pass on their tips and tricks while assisting you to make a centerpiece for your holiday décor. All supplies are included. 572704 Th Dec 8 1 – 3 p.m. $17.00 Crafts: Holiday Centerpiece or Wreath City gardeners will pass on their tips and tricks while assisting you to make a centerpiece or wreath for your holiday decor. All supplies are included. 573848 Th Dec 15 1 – 3 p.m. $17.00 Crafts: Holiday Greeting Cards Make 2 homemade holiday cards with volunteer instructor Anita Simson. All supplies included. Registration required. 572506 F Dec 2 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $5.00 Crafts: Making Greeting Cards Design and create your own personalized greeting cards. No experience required. Please pre-register to save a spot. Bring $5.00 for the supplies payable to the instructor on the day: Gloria Kovish 573846 F Sep 30 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $5.00 573847 F Oct 21 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $5.00 573845 F Nov 18 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $5.00 574120 F Dec 9 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $5.00 Use essential oils, organic butters, and botanicals to customize your own head to toe skincare in this hands-on class. Create a hydrating body lotion, shea butter lip balm, sugar lip polish, and a body exfoliant. You'll receive recipes on hair rinses, detanglers, conditioners, dandruff control treatment, and deep conditioners. All Supplies included in course fee. 572706 Tu Nov 22 6:30 – 9 p.m. $40.00 Colouring Fun Social Colouring is not just for kids anymore! Come for a social morning or afternoon of colouring, with a light refreshment to share, with others curious about this activity that has been touted to generate wellness, relaxation, brain stimulation and joy. Bring your own colouring book and colouring supplies if you have them or come and share our colouring sheets and supplies. You never know until you try. Instructor: Fay Wong 576502 Th Oct 6 1 – 2:30 p.m. $5.00 576501 W Nov 30 10 – 11:30 a.m. $5.00 Creative Journaling Are you ready for an amazing new adventure? Open your mind and tap into your imagination as you explore your inner realm with colours, shapes, images, symbols, and words. Enjoy guided meditations, enlightening exercises, and dynamic conversations leading you onto the path of authentic living. No previous art experience required. Instructor: Fay Wong Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Registered Programs Listed in Alphabetical Order 572809Tu 572808 Th 572810 Tu 572811 Th Sep 27 – Oct 18 Sep 29 – Oct 20 Oct 25 – Nov 15 Oct 27 – Nov 24 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 Doodle Joy If you like colouring, you will love Doodle Joy, a meditative art that takes you to the relaxed zone, alleviating stress, worry, and anxiety. Doodling has been proven to sharpen focus and mental retention while improving attitude and outlook on life. Stimulate your creativity and self-confidence in this transformative series that naturally leads to enhanced quality of life. No previous art experience required. 572812 W Oct 5 – Oct 26 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $45.00 572813 W Nov 2 – Nov 23 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $45.00 Drawing: Intermediate In this drawing program, participants will focus on accuracy and proportion in rendering objects. Skills learned in Drawing level 1 will be improved. Not suitable for beginners. Instructor/Artist: Sara Graham 572509 W Sep 28 – Nov 30 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $87.60 Knitting: Intermediate Project Knitting In this program, you will continue to develop your knitting skills while working on a project of your choice. Suggested projects include: sweaters, shawls, afghan and a bed jacket. Bring project idea and all supplies. Basic knitting skills are required. 572511 M Oct 3 – Nov 28 9 – 11:30 a.m. $41.00 Painting: Acrylics Intermediate Learn to use the brush, color mixing, color theory, preparing the canvas, composition, the greyscale and capturing the light in a fun low pressure environment in this 10 week class. Painting Experience is Required. 572712 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 29 9 – 11:30 a.m. $87.50 Lapidary Classes: Introductory Lapidary is the art of forming stones and minerals into decorative items. Five classes will give you a basic foundation in the cutting and polishing of semiprecious materials. Additional $10 fee payable to instructor at the first class to cover costs of materials. Alternative times may be available; inquire in the lapidary shop. 576303 W Sep 28 – Oct 26 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $25.80 576304 W Nov 2 – Nov 30 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $25.80 Crafts: Beaded Bezel Bezel 574557 Tu Oct 18 – Oct 25 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $15.20 574559 Tu Nov 15 – Nov 22 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $15.20 Crafts: Knitted Wire Create earrings or pendant with a size 0 or smaller knitting needle. Bring your own 22 gauge craft wire (round) and knitting needles. Pattern supplied. 576003 Tu Oct 4 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 576004 Tu Oct 25 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 Crafts: Silversmithing: Silver Rose Make a beaded bezel for your cabochon. Free form or template style. Bring your own rock. Wire and beads are a cost of $5 payable to the instructor. 576006 Tu Oct 18 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 Learn how to fold and form sheet silver to create a Christmas rose pendant. Additional fee payable to instructor to cover the cost of the silver. 576007 M Dec 5 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 576008 M Dec 12 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 Crafts: Copper Christmas Decoration Crafts: Silversmithing: Spinner Ring Use your imagination to create a personalized tree decoration out of copper, wire, and rock. Makes a beautiful gift. Supply costs of $5.00 payable to the instructor. 576015 Tu Dec 6 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 576016 Tu Dec 13 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 Crafts: Gem Trees A gem tree is a wire structure that holds small polished tumbled stones. Bring your own 22 gauge wire and a large rock base for your tree. Tumbled stone supplied by instructor for $1.25 per gram. 576013 Tu Nov 22 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 576014 Tu Nov 29 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $7.60 Crafts: Introduction to Silversmithing Make your own beautiful spinner ring. The ring consists of four rings put together with the center ring able to spin around the other three. Prerequisite: Introduction to silversmithing, ring class. Additional fee payable to instructor to cover the costs of the silver. 574565 Tu Nov 29 – Dec 13 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $22.95 Crafts: Wire Wrapping Basics Learn the art of wire wrapping. The lapidary room hosts an introductory wire wrapping class and subsequent drop-in sessions on Tuesday afternoons. Cost is $5 payable to the instructor for the intro class and $2 for each drop-in after. 574567 Tu Sep 6 – Dec 13 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $5.00 Two introductory silversmithing classes will get you started making either a ring or a bezel. A stone is needed for the bezel class. Additional fee payable to instructor to cover the cost of the silver. Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. 50 Plus News 23 Registered Programs Painting: Chinese Free Style Painting: Watercolour Introduction Chinese Free Style painting involves freehand brushwork. It is based on simplicity, by capturing the essence of a scene of nature, using minimal brush strokes to complete a painting. No preliminary sketches are required. The special Chinese paintbrush is used to apply the ink and watercolors onto the rice paper creating the final form. Artist/ Instructor Ming Yeung. Supply list can be picked up at Dogwood Pavilion. 575114 W Nov 2 – Dec 7 1 – 3:30 p.m. $68.75 Painting: Exploring Acrylics Designed to accommodate individual levels and interests, the emphasis is on colour mixing, transparent versus opaque qualities and the versatility of acrylic paint. Demonstrations and one on one instructions. Instructor: Eileen Harder 572520 M Sep 26 – Dec 5 12:30 – 3 p.m. $87.50 Painting: Introduction to Silk Painting Over 10 weeks, discover the wonderful world of silk painting! You'll be using vibrant French dyes on habotai silk and experimenting with different silk painting techniques such as waterbased resists, dilutants and salt. This is a process-focused course rather than project-based. There are lots of serendipitous discoveries to be made. Come and see the possibilities! Instructor: Kathy King 572713 M Sep 26 – Dec 5 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.$154.55 Painting: Introduction to Silk Painting – Mini Course Over 4 weeks we will begin a short journey into the wonderful world of silk painting! You'll be using vibrant French dyes on habotai silk and experimenting with two different silk painting techniques water-based resists and dilutants. This is a process-focused course rather than project-based. Come and see some of the exciting possibilities you can make on silk! Instructor: Kathy King 576163 Th Oct 13 – Nov 3 9:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. $64.00 24 50 Plus News Listed in Alphabetical Order Learn the basics of watercolour painting in this 4 week class. Explore techniques such as composition and colour. Instructor: Hayley Melvin. 572709 Tu Oct 4 – Oct 25 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $28.00 572711 Tu Nov 29 – Dec 20 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $28.00 Painting: Watercolour Painting: Workshops with Tammy Pilon In these workshops, you will learn important techniques while creating your masterpiece. Please check individual course descriptions below for specific workshop details and location. Please pick up supply list in advance. Instructor: Tammy Pilon. Fall Trees in Watercolour Learn to paint a vibrant fall scene with autumn trees using wet-in-wet and dry brush techniques. Using Tammy's special brushes, you will create easy foliage and leaves. 576253 Th Sep 29 – Oct 6 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $48.10 Simple Acrylic Landscape Workshop Learn to create a contemporary looking acrylic landscape following easy step-by-step instructions. No previous experience necessary. Supplies included. 575300 Th Oct 13 7 – 9:15 p.m. $21.62 Acrylic Landscape with Glazing Learn to create glowing colours in your landscape paintings with the use of glazing which changes your opaque acrylic paint into a transparent. (3 half days) 576254 Th Nov 10 – Nov 24 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $72.10 Winter Watercolour Scene Workshop Learn to create beautiful snow covered trees and frosty winter landscapes that can be turned into greeting cards or framed for your wall. Bring your own supplies. See supply list. 574792 Tu Dec 6 – Dec 13 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $47.50 Explore techniques such as composition and colour. Returning and new members welcome. Special attention will be given to beginners. Supply list can be picked up at Dogwood front desk. Instructor: Hazel Graveness 572521 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 29 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $104.75 Painting: Watercolour Drop-in This is a drop-in session for past students of Hazel Graveness. Time is for working on projects, no instruction given. Tu Sep 6, 13 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $2.00 Tu Dec 6 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $2.00 Photography: Digital Photography for SLR cameras Join Wayne McCartney from Kerrisdale Cameras as he walks you through the basics of digital photography. This course is designed for people with their first, or new SLR (Single Lens Reflex) Digital Camera. Topics covered include basic functions, shutter speeds, F-stops, modes, flash, lenses and exposure. 572530 Th Sep 29 – Oct 27 7 – 8:30 p.m. $45.20 Woodcarving with Bob Graves Learn and develop new skills to create a variety of carvings from wood including animals, caricatures, and relief panels. Continuing students are welcome to learn new techniques and work on projects. Supplies can be obtained from the instructor. Instructor: Bob Graves 572528 W Sep 28 – Nov 30 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $38.25 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Registered Programs Listed in Alphabetical Order Woodcarving: Fantasy Houses Learn to select and care for your carving tools and learn how to develop a Fantasy house design out of bark in this 10 week class. No carving experience is necessary in this beginner's class. Returning students are welcome to work on their projects. 572529 M Sep 26 – Dec 5 1 – 3 p.m. $38.25 574502 W Oct 5 – Dec 7 $38.25 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. CARDS & GAMES Cards: Bridge: Hand Evaluation & Slam Bidding Marty Bergen's hand evaluation system and RKCB leading to slam bidding will be discussed over 3 classes. Not for beginners. Instructor: Dennis Peacock. 577451 M Sep 26 – Oct 17 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $15.00 Cards: Learn to Play Canasta Interested in learning how to play Canasta or if you have not played in years and need to have a refresher on this card game? Canasta, a game of the Rummy family was the most popular American game in the early 1950s and continues to be played today. Canasta is a matching card game in which the object is to create melds of cards of the same rank and then go out by playing or discarding all the cards in your hand. Learn how to play with our volunteer instructor JoAnn Thompson. 572804 F Oct 21 – Nov 4 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $7.50 572805 F Nov 18 – Dec 9 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.$10.00 Cards: Poker Game Basics Interested in learning how to play poker or if you have not played in years and need to have a refresher on this classic and popular game? Poker is a game of skill, strategy, and luck with many variations but mostly, it's just really fun and social. 576455 Tu Sep 27 – Oct 18 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.95 576456 Tu Oct 25 – Nov 15 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.95 576457 Tu Nov 22 – Dec 13 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.95 Nintendo Wii Sports & X Box Games Curious about the Nintendo Wii and would like to try it out? Here is your chance to experience this new technology that has become a very popular activity in many community centres. Wii has put the fun back into physical activity and is therapeutic for all ages. Try bowling, boxing, baseball, tennis, golf and more with just the use of a remote control with our coaches. 571194 M Sep 12 – Dec 19 1 – 3:30 p.m. FREE COMPUTERS Android Basics: Phone & Tablet In this program, you will learn some of the common functions of your Android device. Topics covered will include: setting up email, managing contacts, downloading apps, security and more. Please bring your Android phone or tablet along with you to class. Instructor: Vicki Kendall. 576468 W Nov 2 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 Apple Mac OS X Learn to Play Poker Learn to play poker with Pat Burns. You will learn Texas Hold'em, Double Omaha, Kings and Little Ones, and High Chicago. Beginners welcome, registration is required. 572507 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 15 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $27.85 There is no doubt that OS X looks and feels very different from any version of windows. Get a general tour of the MAC OS X operating system. Bring your laptop with you. 576307 W Sep 14 10 – 11 a.m. $10.65 576308 W Oct 12 10 – 11 a.m. $10.65 576309 W Nov 9 10 – 11 a.m. $10.65 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Beginners Excel Learn the basic skills of using Excel. See how this powerful spreadsheet software can help with organizing your volunteer or group organization, and advance your job skills. 576312 Tu Nov 29 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 Computers: Cloud Technology The Cloud storage has become a convenient way of storing digital data from all devices like iPhones, iPads and computers. Learn how the stored data can be downloaded from any other device, eliminating the need to have your own device with you. 573705 M Sep 26 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 573706 W Nov 9 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Computers: Computer File Management Create and manage files on your computer by learning to save, retrieve, rename and find. Learn how to organize documents and photos in your personal digital fling system. 573717 M Oct 24 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.50 573718 W Dec 7 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.50 Computers: Drop-in Sessions Have a computer question? Come by the computer room to ask. We will help make understanding computers easy. Glen Pine: Currently the drop-in sessions deal with Windows based systems and iPads only. Dogwood: Bring in your android phone, iPhone, tablet, iPad, laptop or list of questions about desktops and printers. Together we will solve the mystery. F Sep 9 – Dec 23 2 – 4 p.m. $3.10 M Sep 26 – Dec 12 1– 3 p.m. $3.10 Gmail, Contacts & Calendar Learn these Google programs that will work with any of today's technologies. Access your email and calendar from your computer, iPad, tablet, or phone. This course will cover the basics of email, setting up contacts and setting up your calendar. Instructor: Vicki Kendall. 576465 W Oct 5 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 50 Plus News 25 Registered Programs Computers: Google the Complete Package Learn how to use all the free applications that are available from Google such as: social networking, search options, Google Earth, YouTube and more! 573713 M Oct 17 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 573714 W Dec 14 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Google Drive with Docs Learn about Google's Cloud technology called Drive. As well as the Google word processing software called Docs. We will cover the basics of this free software and how cloud technology works. Instructor: Vicki Kendall. 576466 W Oct 26 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 Internet Basics Confused by the Internet? Looking for more skills for navigating the World Wide Web? While using Google Chrome, we will discuss browser skills, hyperlinks, downloading, uploading, search engines and URL's. Skills are transferable to other browsers. Instructor: Vicki Kendall 576464 W Sep 28 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 Computers: Introduction to Computers This 4 week course is a broad overview of the basics of computers and is a must for anyone with no computer experience that includes: Hardware, software, email and the internet and applications. 573725 F Oct 7 – Oct 28 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $54.60 Introduction to Computers Windows 10 will be used. This course is a broad overview of the basics of computers and is a must for anyone with no computer experience wishing to advance to the next level. Instructor: Dot Harinen 576310 F Sep 30 – Oct 7 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $24.30 576311 F Nov 4 & Nov 18 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $24.30 26 50 Plus News Listed in Alphabetical Order Introduction to PowerPoint Social Media: Twitter & Pinterest In this course, you will learn how to use your own photos to create a slide presentation for your family. Applying different transitions between slides, using different colour backgrounds or adding captions will result in an appealing presentation. Basic computer skills are essential for working with the PowerPoint software. Instructor: Jessica Nelson. 576313 Tu Oct 18 – Oct 25 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $24.30 576314 Tu Nov 15 – Nov 22 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. $24.30 Come explore two of the most popular social media programs and stay connected with the latest news and trends. Instructor: Vicki Kendall 576469 W Nov 9 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 iPad Introduction Learn the basic functions of your iPad including: internet, Email, camera, FaceTime, (Apple's version of Skype), using maps with the GPS function, finding useful apps in the App Store and keeping them updated, and other useful functions. Bring your iPad. Instructor: Mary Jacob 576315 Tu Nov 22 1 – 2 p.m. $10.65 576316 Th Nov 24 1 – 2 p.m. $10.65 Computer: Maintaining a Healthy Computer Maintaining a Healthy Computer covers the following: Data backup, viruses, spyware, de-fragmenting a hard drive, Windows updates, and disk cleanup 573700 M Sep 12 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 573701 W Nov 23 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Private Computer Lessons Not finding the computer course that you were looking for? Need one-on-one support? The volunteer based Dogwood Computer Group is now offering private lessons to individuals and small groups. Cost is $20 per hour (minimum one hour). All proceeds will be used for upgrades to hardware and software in the computer lab. Please email DogwoodComputerGroup@gmail. com for more information or to set up an appointment. Windows 10 Intro Whether you are a new user or upgrading, this course will help you learn the basic skills of Windows as well as the new features of version 10. Instructor: Vicki Kendall. 576460 W Nov 23 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 Windows 10 Upgrade If you have been using Windows and have just upgraded to Windows 10, then come for an introduction to what's new. Instructor: Vicki Kendall 576462 W Oct 19 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 576463 W Dec 7 1 – 3 p.m. $13.65 Computers: Windows 10 Introduction Part 1 Learn the basics of the Windows 10 operating system. 573689 W Oct 5 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 573690 M Nov 7 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 573691 M Dec 5 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Computers: Windows 10 Introduction Part 2 A more in depth look at how Windows 10 works. Recommended pre-requisite: Windows 10 Introduction Part 1 573692 W Oct 12 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 573693 M Nov 14 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 573694 M Dec 12 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Smartphones: Health & Your Smartphone Learn how to use your smartphone to help you track your health! Whether you are tracking your fitness, your diet, or even your sleep, you will learn how to maximize use of your smartphone to keep you on a healthy path. 574455 W Sep 28 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Registered Programs Listed in Alphabetical Order Tablets & Smartphones: Editing & Adding Text to Photos Learn how to edit pictures, and specifically, how to add texts to your favourite pictures on your tablet or smartphone! 574456 W Oct 26 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 DANCE Easy Indian Cooking Prepare a simple Indian meal including a lentil, a seasonal vegetable, and spiced rice dish. For beginner cooks or people new to Indian cooking. Food tasting and recipes included. Instructor: Geeta Sethi 573851 Su Oct 2 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $20.95 Indian Cooking Tablets & Smartphones: Making a Picture Movie Learn how to make a movie on your tablet or smartphone using the pictures you already have taken! 574458 W Dec 21 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Teresa Rehman, Community Services Librarian at the Coquitlam Public Library, will demonstrate some Indian recipes to help celebrate the Diwali Festival. Dishes will include roti, simple curries and dhal (lentil soup). You will taste samples of all the dishes prepared. Teresa will also show you how to mix spices. 576404 Th Nov 3 1:30 – 4 p.m. $15.20 Tablets & Smartphones: Protection in the Cyber World Learn how to make your 'invisible guard' strong with tips on the most simple and powerful ways to protect yourself in the cyber world! 574457 W Nov 30 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 Tablets & Smartphones: Video Calls Learn how to use your tablet or smartphone to have face-to-face communication with your family or friends, no matter how far apart you are! 574454 W Sep 14 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $13.65 COOKING Cooking Indian for the Festive Season Give your menu an Indian twist during the festive season. Come and learn how to make pakoras (fried vegetable dumplings) and butter paneer(vegetarian option for butter chicken). We will also make an Indian fruit relish/chutney to go with the pakoras. Food tasting is included. Instructor: Geeta Sethi 573854 Su Dec 4 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $20.95 Food Skills for Families Cook simple nutritious meals common to Canada while learning healthy cooking/ eating skills that can also assist in meeting your budget. You will eat what you have prepared at the end of each class. This is a hands on cooking class - must commit to the whole session. Sponsored by the Canadian Diabetes Association. Food Skills for Active Seniors 574260 M Sep 26 – Nov 7 1 – 2 p.m. FREE Food Skills for Families 573942 W Oct 5 – Nov 9 6 – 9 p.m. FREE Healthy Indian Vegetarian Meals Incorporate Indian spices with different whole foods to create a wholesome nutritious meals. Recipes and food tasting included. Instructor: Geeta Sethi 573852 Su Nov 6 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $20.95 Ballroom & Latin Advanced Social Ballroom dance for the experienced dancer. You'll have the opportunity to express and enjoy the movement. Prerequisite: Ballroom/Latin Intermediate. Instructor: Candace Zanini at Glen Pine Pavilion 571561 Th Sep 29 – Oct 20 8:45 – 9:45 p.m. $40.00 571563 Th Nov 3 – Dec 8 8:45 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. $60.00 Ballroom & Latin Dance Intermediate Build on steps you already know and learn a few new ones. Partner not required. Prerequisite: Ballroom/Latin Beginners. Instructor: Candace Zanini 571558 Th Sep 29 – Oct 20 7:45 – 8:45 p.m. $40.00 571560 Th Nov 3 – Dec 8 7:45 – 8:45 p.m. $60.00 at Victoria Hall 571432 Th Sep 15 – Oct 20 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.$60.00 571435 Th Nov 3 – Dec 8 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.$60.00 Ballroom Intermediate for Couples For returning students who have taken Beginners and are ready to master more complicated routines. Instructor: Kathy Bramley 571428 M Sep 26 – Nov 14 1 – 2 p.m. $47.95 Belly Dancing Basics Intro to Sushi Making Impress your friends and family with the art of sushi making! Expand your cooking repertoire with this easy, healthy, and delicious cooking class. 570058 Th Oct 20 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $35.95 572513 W Nov 30 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $35.95 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Ballroom Beginners Build from the basics of ballroom dance. Prerequisites: Ballroom Introduction, or some experience in ballroom dance. For couples or partners only; both people must register. Instructor: Karen Weiner 571616 W Sep 28 – Oct 26 8:30 – 9:25 p.m. $50.00 571617 W Nov 2 – Dec 7 8:30 – 9:25 p.m. $50.00 Belly Dancing, this middle eastern dance, while fun, has the added bonus of increasing your core balance, toning your abs, increasing your flexibility and posture. This program will introduce you to the basic techniques, postures and shimmies. Parvaneh will break down the moves and help you understand and enjoy the art of Bellydance. Instructor Parvaneh Ranjbar 571104 W Sep 28 – Nov 30 1 – 2 p.m. $68.50 50 Plus News 27 Registered Programs Country/Western Two-Step Beginners High energy with great country music for couples. No experience needed. Partner required. Instructor: Jill Symmes 574500 Tu Oct 4 – Nov 8 8:25 – 9:25 p.m. $60.00 Listed in Alphabetical Order Latin Introduction Line Dancing Advanced 5 This is an introduction to Latin dance for the absolute beginner. For couples or partners only; both people must register. Instructor: Karen Weiner 571609 W Sep 28 – Oct 26 7:25 – 8:20 p.m. $49.50 571610 W Nov 2 – Dec 7 7:25 – 8:20 p.m. $49.50 at Victoria Hall Instructors: Carol/Steve Graham 571618 Tu Sep 27 – Oct 25 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. $49.50 571619 Tu Nov 1 – Nov 29 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. $49.50 Latin Fun With Kathy Friday Night Out Lesson & Social What to do on a Friday night? Why not Ballroom dance! Start with a lesson followed by practise time in a social setting for dancers who have taken lessons or have experience with Ballroom and Latin dance. There is an option to just take a lesson then leave OR just come in for the social time. Glen Pine has a great dance floor with easy parking on Friday nights at the new Burlington Drive parking lot. Refreshments and drinks available for sale at the Bistro. Lesson & Social 571571 F Sep 16 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. $25.00 Lesson Only 571572 F Sep 16 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. $15.00 Social Only 571568 F Sep 16 8:30 – 10:30 p.m. $20.00 Lesson & Social 571569 F Oct 14 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. $25.00 Lesson Only 571567 F Oct 14 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. $15.00 Social Only 571570 F Oct 14 8:30 – 10:30 p.m. $20.00 Lesson & Social 571564 F Dec 9 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. $25.00 Lesson Only 571565 F Dec 9 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. $15.00 Social Only 571566 F Dec 9 8:30 – 10:30 p.m. $20.00 28 50 Plus News If you want to Latin dance, but you don't have a partner, don't despair. This no partner dance class, for the beginner, guarantees you will learn all the Latin dances – Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Meringue, Salsa, Bachatta, Tango, Cumbia and Swing. Instructor: Kathy Bramley 571106 Th Sep 29 – Nov 17 1 – 2 p.m. $47.95 Line Dancing Introduction Line dancing class requires no partner just a love for good music and the ability to move and follow the sequence of steps. No experience required. Instructor: Austin and Lynda. 571621 Sa Sep 10 – Dec 3 12:45 – 2 p.m. $39.00 Line Dancing Beginner Level 2 Line Dance for dancers who have taken Introduction to Line-dancing and have at least a year of line dance experience. Instructors Austin/Lynda assess readiness for next level. 571623 Th Sep 8 – Dec 1 12:30 – 2 p.m. $44.00 Line Dancing Intermediate 4 Must have previous line dance experience (at least 2 years) – have completed Introduction to, Beginner and Intermediate several times. Instructors Lynda/Austin assess readiness for the next level. 571624 Th Sep 8 – Dec 1 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.$44.00 Must have previous line dance experience (at least 3 years) – have completed Introduction to, Beginner and Intermediate several times. Instructor Lynda/Austin assess readiness for this level. 571622 Sa Sep 10 – Dec 3 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.$54.00 Toonie Tuesday Dance Drop-in Bring a partner and enjoy the music and the dancing. Opportunity to practice your dancing if you are currently taking lessons. Sign in at the Front Desk. Volunteers Jack Fong will be available to assist dancers. 571629 Tu Sep 6 – Dec 20 3 – 4:30 p.m. $2.00 Western Beginner Line Dancing For the absolute beginner; take it slow and easy, have fun and learn to dance. The small class size is ideal for a more personalized instruction. No partners needed. Instructor: Kathy Bramley 571107 Th Sep 29 – Nov 17 2:15 – 3:15 p.m. $47.95 Western Intermediate Line Dancing No beginners, for those who have taken beginners level a number of times. Here is your opportunity to build on the dance steps you have learned and develop more advanced steps. Instructor: Kathy Bramey. 571105 Th Sep 29 – Nov 17 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.$47.95 Western Ultimate Advanced Line Dancing Lots of variety, dances you know and new dances to enjoy. Come alone or with a friend, no partners necessary. No beginners please. Instructor: Kathy Bramley 571426 M Sep 26 – Nov 14 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.$47.95 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Registered Programs Listed in Alphabetical Order HEALTH & FITNESS Aging With Strength Intimidated by weight training, but curious about what it can do for your fitness level. Specifically designed for older adults and presented by a certified fitness trainer, this three week program will include: weight room orientation and etiquette, strength exercises done with weights – featuring the upper body one session and the lower body in the final session. Small class size will ensure personal instruction. 573000W Oct 12 – Oct 26 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. $18.75 573001 W Nov 9 – Nov 23 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. $18.75 Fitness: Essentrics A completely original workout that draws from the flowing movements of Tai Chi which creates heath and balance, the strengthening theories of ballet which create long lean flexible muscles and the healing principles of physiotherapy which help create a pain free body. This workout is suitable for all ages and abilities with just a few easy modifications. 572898 F Sep 30 – Nov 4 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. $48.00 FREE Try-IT 572897 F Sep 16 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. FREE Fitness Starter Program Alpine Centre Orientation Recommended for all users of the Glen Pine fitness room. People are introduced to the machines; how to turn the machines on and off and are advised of safety issues and weight room etiquette. 572922 W Sep 7 10 – 11 a.m. $2.00 572924 W Oct 5 10 – 11 a.m. $2.00 572925 W Nov 9 10 – 11 a.m. $2.00 572926 W Dec 7 10 – 11 a.m. $2.00 Ball Fit This class is recommended for anyone with or without a joint condition. Focus is on balance, joint mobility, strength and flexibility with the use of fitness ball and resistance equipment. Perfect for pre or post operative joint replacement of knees or hips. Instructor: Beth Bexrud 571108 W Sep 28 – Nov 30 9 – 10 a.m. $66.00 Core, Balance & Strength Training for Women This program is designed for those wanting to learn different techniques to improve core, balance and strength. We will show you exercises to keep both your muscles and bones strong, strengthen your core, improve your balance and proper techniques to prevent injury. 572719 Tu, Th Oct 4 – Oct 20 2 – 3 p.m. $45.00 572720 Tu, Th Nov 1 – Nov 17 2 – 3 p.m. $45.00 572721 Tu, Th Nov 29 – Dec 15 2 – 3 p.m. $45.00 A comprehensive starter program with a certified weight trainer to get you moving safely and effectively. During this 45 minute session at the Alpine Fitness Center, you will be provided with a basic fitness program to help achieve the results you want. Instructor: Corinne Bader, BCRPA certified. 572932 Th Sep 29 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. $37.45 572933 Th Oct 13 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. $37.45 572934 Th Oct 20 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. $37.45 572935 Th Nov 10 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. $37.45 572930 Th Nov 17 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. $37.45 572936 Th Dec 8 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. $37.45 572929 Th Dec 22 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. $37.45 An entry level exercise program for seniors with balance and mobility impairments, who are otherwise unable to attend a community exercise class. Improve strength, balance and coordination. Referral required. Contact Fraser Health Fall and Injury Prevention at 604-587-7866 or email [email protected]. 1 – 2 p.m. $97.00 570693 M, W Sep 26 – Dec 5 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.$97.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. For people who want to keep walking for exercise but are pre/post surgery or have mobility concerns. ex. Parkinsons, MS, Stroke Recovery. This hands on information session will introduce you to Nordic walking. Learn how you can enjoy walking using specialized poles with a rubber cushion foot tip that reduces stress to your hips, knees and ankle joints. Combine the aerobic and strength building benefits of cross-country skiing with the convenience of walking. Burn up to 28% more calories. Poles will be provided. Instructor: Lori North 572134 F Sep 30 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. $6.10 Nordic Walking Beginner Enjoy walking using with specialized poles with a rubber cushion foot tip that reduces stress to your hips, knees and ankle joints. Combine the aerobic and strength building benefits of cross-country skiing with the convenience of walking. Burn up to 28% more calories Poles will be provided. Instructor: Lori North 572132 F Sep 30 – Oct 21 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. $24.50 573795 F Sep 30 – Oct 21 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. $24.50 Pickleball: Ladies Only Get UP & Go 571109 Tu, Th Sep 27 – Dec 6 Nordic Walking Adaptive Information Session Pickleball players will learn and work on proper stroke technique, game rules, and strategies through fun drills and games. This program opportunity is led by experienced female instructors in a safe and non-competitive environment with your peers. Equipment supplied and ALL levels welcome! 571974 Su Sep 25 – Oct 30 1:45 – 3:15 p.m. $33.30 571975 Su Nov 6 – Dec 11 1:45 – 3:15 p.m. $33.30 571976 Tu Sep 27 – Oct 30 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.$22.20 571977 Tu Nov 1 – Dec 6 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 pm.$22.00 Mindfulness Meditation Release stress and anxiety. Improve health, quality of life, inner peace, and insight. Group meditation with an experienced teacher is a powerful aid for your practice. Prerequisite: Introductory class or some practice experience. LearnMindfulness.org 572708 W Oct 12 – Nov 23 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $53.55 50 Plus News 29 Registered Programs Listed in Alphabetical Order Yoga: Intermediate Mindful Qigong: Revitalizing The Life Force For those looking to expand their yoga practice. Prerequisite Yoga - Beginners several times. The gentle stretch of Hatha Yoga gives new energy and vitality. Tension, stiffness and those little aches and pains tend to disappear. Learn the gentle healing movements for the health of body and mind. The practice promotes health, wellness, inner peace and longevity while relieving stress and anxiety. Also learn how to develop qi (energy) and mindfulness. Welcome new and returning participants. Instructor: Sung Yang 572136 Tu Oct 25 – Nov 15 3 – 5 p.m. $30.40 Minds in Motion Minds in Motion is a fitness and social program for people experiencing early stage memory loss due to Alzheimer's disease or another dementia and a friend, family member or care partner. A certified fitness instructor conducts the fitness portion of the program, and a facilitator ensures participants are welcomed and involved in activities or just enjoying social time in a relaxed atmosphere. Light refreshments will be provided. Located at Centennial Pavilion and offered by the Alzheimer Society of B.C. For more information contact Sonia at 604-675-5157. 571111 W Sep 28 – Nov 2 1 – 3 p.m. $29.10 571112 W Nov 9 – Dec 14 1 – 3 p.m. $29.10 Support Group: Leisure Connections The program is sponsored by the Glen Pine 50 Plus Society in collaboration with the City of Coquitlam and other community partners. This program is designed for a person 60+ with mild dementia living in the Tri-Cities area who would benefit from a social, recreation and interactive program. The program provides respite for caregivers who are supporting their loved one. This program is held Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Glen Pine Pavilion. For information, please call Angela Parkinson 604.464.2246. She will provide information about the program and arrange an assessment to make sure the person is suited to participate. 573834 Tu Sep 27 – Dec 20 11:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.$260.00 30 50 Plus News Yoga: Beginner Improve your concentration, relaxation, flexibility and energy through stretching, postures and breathing techniques. Instructor: Bernadette Rollin 571446 F Sep 30 – Dec 9 11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.$85.00 Yoga: Chair This is a gentle program for those with limited mobility who prefer to sit in a chair. Improve your concentration, relaxation and flexibility. Instructor: Bernadette Rollin 571447 F Sep 30 – Dec 9 1 – 2:30 p.m. $85.00 Yoga: Gentle Yoga/Chair Yoga Instructor: Loura Yuen 571448 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 1 6:30 – 8 p.m. 576670 Tu Nov 8 – Dec 6 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. 571449 M Sep 26 – Oct 31 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 576669 M Nov 7 – Dec 5 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Instructor: Bernadette Rollin 571450 F Sep 30 – Dec 9 9:30 – 11 a.m. $85.00 Instructor: Loura Yuen 575914 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 1 9:15 – 10:45 a.m. 575915 Tu Nov 8 – Dec 6 9:15 – 10:45 a.m. $51.00 $42.50 $51.00 $42.50 $42.50 $42.50 Yoga: Restorative Slow paced yoga suitable for everyone. Deep stretching and Yin postures are held for a longer period of time to target the deep connective tissues in the body, increasing flexibility and range of motion. Restorative yoga postures open the body, and work to de-stress and calm the nervous system. 570698Tu Oct 4 – Nov 8 7:45 – 9:15 p.m. $51.00 570699Tu Nov 15 – Dec 13 7:45 – 9:15 p.m. $42.50 570700Th Sep 29 – Nov 3 7 – 8:30 p.m. $51.00 570701 Th Nov 10 – Dec 15 7 – 8:30 p.m. $51.00 Yoga: Therapy for Seniors Reduce aches and pains, increase circulation and mental clarity, deepen flexibility, and strengthen muscles. Designed for everyone to achieve mental and physical fitness, learn yoga postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. This class is practiced sitting in a chair or standing using a chair for support. No yoga experience needed. Instructor: Heather Dawson 570716 M Sep 26 – Nov 7 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. $51.00 570717 M Nov 14 – Dec 19 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. $51.00 570718 Th Sep 29 – Nov 3 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. $51.00 570719 Th Nov 10 – Dec 15 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. $51.00 Instructor: Liz Brown 574121 F Sep 30 – Nov 4 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. $51.00 574122 F Nov 18 – Dec 23 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. $51.00 Postures are simplified. Work on aligning the body through breathing and spinal cord exercises. All levels welcome. Decrease pain and stiffness and increase range of motion. Instructor: Loura Yuen 571453 W Sep 28 – Dec 7 9:15 – 10:45 a.m. 571454 M Sep 26 – Dec 5 9:15 – 10:45 a.m. $85.00 $85.00 570696W Nov 9 – Dec 14 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. 570697 W Sep 28 – Nov 2 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. $51.00 $51.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Registered Programs Listed in Alphabetical Order PERFORMING ARTS Music: Drumming for Vitality Studies have shown that drumming boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, increases concentration and coordination, and reduces overall stress and anxiety. In this 8 week class, participants will explore the world of rhythm through use of African drums and other small percussions from around the world. Instruments are provided 573960W Oct 5 – Nov 23 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. $80.00 Ukulele Beginners Looking for something new to try? Gordon Smithers, Director of the Heritage Uke Club will get you started. Ukulele for the absolute beginner. Learn chords and strums, working towards a set of songs by the end of the course. Please bring your own ukulele. 572606 Tu Oct 11 – Nov 15 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $68.60 572605 Su Oct 16 – Nov 20 2:15 – 3:45 p.m. $68.60 Ukulele for Beginners This 6 week class covers the basic mechanics of fretting, thumb picking and strumming and immediately applies them to songs ranging in genre from Classical to Blues, Jazz, Folk, Rock and Pop. You'll also develop a working knowledge of music theory that includes the musical alphabet, chromatic scale, diatonic scales, key signatures, chords progressions and traditional musical notation. Uke can do it! Students must bring their own ukulele. 572718 Su Oct 16 – Nov 20 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. $51.00 Spanish Conversational Ukulele Song Circle Come sing and play-a-long with ukulele instructor Gordon Smithers. You will learn a new song each week while you improve your ukulele skills in a fun and comfortable environment. Not suitable for true beginners. Need to have taken at least one set of ukulele lessons or have equivalent experience. 575008Su Oct 16 – Nov 20 12:30 – 2 p.m. $68.60 LANGUAGES English Survival In these courses, you will learn fun and practical basic English for everyday use. Meet new multicultural friends, have fun and learn together! Gain confidence to speak English with anyone in everyday conversations. Beginner 1 is for those who know minimal English. Beginner 2 is for those who know some basic English. Beginner 1 575151 Tu Sep 6 – Oct 18 12 – 1:30 p.m. 575152 Tu Oct 25 – Nov 29 12 – 1:30 p.m. FREE FREE Beginner 2 575153 Th Sep 8 – Oct 20 9:30 – 11 a.m. 575154 Th Oct 27 – Dec 1 9:30 – 11 a.m. FREE FREE Ukulele Intermediate Beginner Instructor: Leticia Najera 572518 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 15 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Beginner Continued Instructor: Aida Riano 572515 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 15 8:45 – 10:45 a.m. Instructor: Leticia Najera 572906F Sep 30 – Nov 25 2 – 4 p.m. Instructor: Leticia Najera 576158 Su Oct 2 – Nov 20 12:15 – 2:15 p.m. Intermediate Instructor: Aida Riano 572517 M Sep 26 – Nov 21 8:45 – 10:45 a.m. $67.05 $67.05 $67.05 $67.05 $67.05 Intermediate Continued Instructor: Aida Riano 572514 Tu Sep 27 – Nov 15 10:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. $67.05 Advanced Instructor: Aida Riano 572516 M Sep 26 – Nov 21 10:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. $67.05 LIFE-LONG LEARNING Arm Chair Travelling Presentations World Traveler Ron Booiman is presenting an exceptional array of travel photographs covering six continents and 27 years of travel. Time to Relax while listening to Ron's interesting stories & viewing his wide array of world photos. Spanish Chat Continue to develop your ukulele skills with more advanced strumming patterns, 12 bar blues progressions, two and three chord songs, basic scales and soloing. Prerequisite: Ukulele for Beginners. 572607 Tu Oct 11 – Nov 15 1 – 2:30 p.m. $68.60 Hola! Learn to speak and write Spanish without struggling. We offer a variety of levels and times to suit everyone. NEW! Hola! For anyone wishing to engage in full Spanish immersion chat with others who have taken lessons, want to practise and feel comfortable. Facilitated by a Spanish-speaking instructor who will assist with topics and guide the flow of conversation in Spanish. 572907 M Oct 3 6:30 – 8 p.m. $9.00 572908 M Oct 17 6:30 – 8 p.m. $9.00 572909 M Nov 7 6:30 – 8 p.m. $9.00 572912 F Sep 30 1:45 – 3:15 p.m. $9.00 572914 F Nov 25 1:45 – 3:15 p.m. $9.00 572916 M Sep 26 6:30 – 8 p.m. $9.00 573821 M Nov 21 6:30 – 8 p.m. $9.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Topic: Peru - Land of the Incas Includes the Amazon Jungle, Arequipa Frozen Ice Maiden, The Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca, Cusco & Famous Machu Picchu 570641 Tu Sep 27 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Topic: Jordan & Israel - The Holy Lands 570642 Tu Oct 25 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Topic: India UNESCO Heritage Sites & Culture, The Ganges River 'Lifeline of India, Taj Mahal, Famous Bombay, Grand Forts & Exotic Experiences 570643 Tu Nov 22 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE Topic: TBA 570644 Tu Dec 13 1 – 2:30 p.m. FREE 50 Plus News 31 Registered Programs Arthritis Workshops The Arthritis Society encourages all people living with arthritis to be informed and involved in their treatment process and to be an active participant when it comes to leading as healthful a life as possible. In this series of workshops, members can become better informed on facing these challenges and on living well with arthritis. Understanding Arthritis This Arthritis presentation will include information on pain management, exercise, medication and complimentary therapies as well as information on The Arthritis Society and the education programs and services available to you! Learn about strategies and techniques to improve your lifestyle. 570462 W Sep 14 1:30 – 3 p.m. FREE Tips, Tricks and Tools to Manage Your Joints You may have arthritis, but it doesn't have YOU! While arthritis can make daily activities challenging and painful, this interactive workshop will provide information about the many tools, gadgets and techniques to help make daily tasks easier. Join us for information and tips to help you take control of your arthritis. 570464 W Oct 26 1:30 – 3 p.m. FREE Circle of Life Workshop with Sasha Samy Embark on a journey of self-exploration, creativity and fun engaging in spontaneous drawings of the circle, guided meditation, music and authentic sharing. Facilitated by Sasha Samy, MA. Author of Shadow To Light. 572154 W Sep 28 – Oct 19 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. $32.00 572156 Th Sep 29 – Oct 20 2 – 4 p.m. $32.00 Listed in Alphabetical Order Meet Our Local Authors New! Local authors visit Glen Pine to share their work, their stories and to discuss their life experiences. Meet them, listen to them read excerpts from their books and chat about your ideas and your stories. Readers and writers all welcomed! Bonnie Herron My Courage Rises, a Jane Austen - inspired novel. "I didn't set out to write about Jane. The fact is that Jane Austen inserts herself into my novel seemingly without my conscious bidding; she supports my heroine, as she copes with considerable challenges in her life. Strong female characters are the stuff of Jane Austen's novels; it seemed natural for me to write about a heroine who is familiar with Anne Elliot, Elizabeth Bennet, and Emma Woodhouse." - Bonnie Herron. Learn more about Bonnie and My Courage Rises at: www.mycouragerises.com 576408 Tu Sep 13 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Ruth Kozak W. Ruth Kozak is a Canadian travel journalist with a strong interest in history and archaeology. A frequent solo traveller, Ruth lived for several years in Greece and instructs classes in travel journalist and creative writing. Ruth's first historical fiction novel Shadow of the Lion: Blood on the Moon (volume one) was published by www.mediaaria-cdm.com UK in 2014. Volume two, The Fields of Hades will be published in Oct. 2016. 576409 F Oct 28 10 – 11:30 a.m. FREE Philosopher's Café You don’t have to be a philosopher, you only need an opinion! Share your thoughts and hear what others have to say. Join our new Moderator Margaret Macdonald an Associate Professor at SFU whose research interests include Intergenerational programs, Pedagogical documentation and Innovative Curriculum Development in early childhood education. SFU's Philosophers’ Café is a series of informal public discussions in the heart of our communities. Since 1998, this award-winning program has engaged the interests of scholars, seniors, students, philosophers, and nonphilosophers through stimulating dialogue and the passionate exchange of ideas. Presented by Simon Fraser University. Topic: How have family dynamics been shaped by social expectations and economic conditions? 571655 Tu Sep 13 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Topic: How has the tyranny of commercialization changed our lives and the lives of our children? 571654 Tu Oct 18 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE Topic: Can we (as a society) overcome hatred and marginalization? 571656 Tu Nov 15 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. FREE 32 50 Plus News Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Registered Programs Chronic Pain Self Management Do you live with chronic pain or support someone who does? From the University of Victoria Centre on Aging, this FREE 6-workshops gives people the confidence and motivation they need to manage the challenges of living with chronic pain conditions. Pre-registration required for this workshop, [email protected], 604-940-1273 Register directly by going to www.selfmanagementbc.ca . 571154 Tu Oct 11 – Nov 15 1 – 3:30 p.m. FREE 576470 Sa Oct 1 – Nov 19 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. FREE Alzheimer Society of BC Workshops For more information, contact the Alzheimer Society of B.C. at 604-298-0780. There is no charge, but as space is limited, registration is required. Please call Dorothy with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. to register at 604-449-3792. Revolutionary Approach to Stress Stress affects every part of our being. Mindfulness is the perfect antidote as it integrates a mind, body and heart approach to wellness. Learn essential strategies for managing stress and building greater resilience for years to come. Facilitated by Fay Wong 576604 M Nov 28 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $20.05 576605 W Sep 28 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. $20.05 Poetry: Adventures in Verse Bring along your own poetry, or poetry which you would like to read or have read. Readings and discussion to follow. Led by Dennis Probst who has a background in amateur theatre in England. Light refreshments included. 572611 Su Sep 25 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $3.00 572610 Su Oct 30 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $3.00 572612 Su Nov 27 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. $3.00 The Role of Genetics, Epigenetics & Personality Dr. Cousineau outlines and elaborates on the role of genetic and epigenetics on the development of personality. Traits such as psychopathy, the big 5 personality traits, intelligence, confidence, and resilience will be discussed. A study on the nature/ nurture debate as it relates to the issues. 577150 Tu Oct 19 – Nov 8 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. $20.25 Family Caregivers Series Education series for family members and friends who are caring for a person with dementia. Learn about dementia and practical coping strategies. The series covers the following topics: basic information on dementia and its impact on individuals, caregivers, families and the community;· practical tips and tools on effective ways of facilitating communication with the person with dementia; information about how the formal health care system works and how to navigate it and tools for recognizing and dealing with caregiver stress. 571421 Th Sep 8 – Oct 13 1 – 4 p.m. FREE Transition to Life in Care This session is designed to help family caregivers who are considering residential care options for a person with dementia. General information will be provided on how to access residential care in the community, as well as a review of some important considerations when choosing a facility. The session will also explore the challenges families face when making decisions about residential care, and review some strategies for preparing for the transition. 571420 W Nov 9 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. FREE Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Life in Residential Care This session focuses on the process of adjustment after a person with dementia has moved into a residential care facility. Learn about the changes to your role as a caregiver that this transition can bring, and how to enhance your visits. The session will also review strategies for working effectively with a care team and offers tips for acting as an advocate within a residential care setting. 571419 W Nov 16 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. FREE Shaping the Journey – Living With Dementia A five- session education series for people with dementia and their care partners to explore the journey ahead in a positive, informative and supportive environment. Participants will learn about dementia, explore strategies for coping with changes and maximizing quality of life, review information on planning for the future, and meet others who are going through similar experiences. Please call Dorothy at 604-449-3792. There is a screening process prior to registration to ensure the program will benefit the family. 575861 Th Nov 10 - Dec 8 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. FREE 50 Plus News 33 Registered Programs The Theologian's Cafe You don't need to be a theologian or even a church (or temple or mosque or meeting house) goer to participate, you only need to have an interest in the subject. Air your views and to listen to those of others on religious, spiritual and related topics. Participants from all religious affiliations (and those without one) are welcome to this nondenominational Café. The moderator for the program is John Slattery. He has degrees in Physics, Philosophy, Education and a Diploma in Theological Studies. Keeping the Faith - Or Not Are you an 'apostate', a 'heretic', or one who has simply drifted away from one's birth faith? Or have you maintained your religious beliefs (or your beliefs about religion) more or less steadfastly from the beginning? What causes a person to lose or question his or her faith? And what are the consequences? 571554 M Sep 12 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Religion and the Secular Society What is the 'secular society' and how has religion tried to respond to it? Through rejection? Through accommodation? Will religious establishments just continue to wither away regardless of their responses? Or are there opportunities for regeneration? 571555 M Oct 17 1 – 3 p.m. FREE The Good Death All of us will die and most of us have experienced the death of others. So what makes for a good death? What role does religion have to play in defining or making possible a good death? And what do make of various religious responses to the newly legalized option of doctor assisted dying? 571556 M Nov 14 1 – 3 p.m. FREE Rituals This is the season of rituals. Ritualistic behaviour is among the oldest of human practices. All religions (and many secular groups) have their own rituals. We may also have our own individual or family rituals. But what roles do rituals play in our religious or secular lives? Why do we have them at all? And when might a ritual become obsolete? 571557 M Dec 12 1 – 3 p.m. FREE 34 50 Plus News Levels of Intensity: BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE CHALLENGE YOURSELF Hike: Mundy Park & the Riverview Forest (12 yrs +) University of Fun Stuff Imagine university with no homework, no late night studying and no need for coffee to keep you going. Join Jim McArthur as he presents The University of Fun Stuff (UFS), University like you never experienced. Fall 2016 Poetry, imagination and consciousness; a discussion about the meaning of poetry and its effect on the brain. 572454 Th Oct 20 – Nov 24 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $31.50 OUTDOOR RECREATION Note: Outdoor Recreation programs include participants of all ages and are not limited to those 50 Plus. Bring your kids and/or grandkids! Outdoor Ed: Map Reading & Backcountry Navigation: Introduction (12 yrs +) Learn how to read a map, use a compass and other navigational tools (GPS, phone apps, ex.)? The main focus will be on map reading and how a good map can be used effectively to navigate our wilderness areas. No prior knowledge needed but even the advanced will pick up some useful tips. at Glen Pine Pavilion 573479 Th Oct 6 7 – 9:30 p.m. $8.00 Outdoor Ed: Backcountry Navigation: Eagle Mountain Practicing map and compass navigation, taking bearings, using triangulation to determine position, reconciling map features with real features, and using the map to determine sensible route choices. Maps will be supplied, bring your own compass and any other electronic navigation aids you may have (GPS, smart phone etc.) Recommendation: Map Reading & Backcountry Navigation: Introduction course prior to participation. at Eagle Mountain 575051 Sa Oct 8 9 – 2 p.m. $9.00 575052 Sa Oct 29 9 – 2 p.m. $9.00 A member of the Burke Mountain Naturalists will guide a trip through the forest, lake & wetland areas of the well known Mundy Park and the not so well know forest and streams of the Riverview Forest. Time will be taken to enjoy nature along the way. Roundtrip is 10km with some elevation change. at Mundy Park, Chilko Drive 572919 Su Oct 16 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. $9.00 Hike: Coquitlam River (12 yrs +) To celebrate World Rivers Day, a member of the Burke Mountain Naturalists will guide a trip along the Coquitlam River. Time will be taken to explain how nature and humans coexist in the watershed of this urban stream. Minimal elevation change. Roundtrip is 6km, minimal elevation change. at Coquitlam River, Lions Park Entrance 572918 Su Sep 25 3 – 6 p.m. $6.00 Hike: Crunch, Peak, Creek: An Urban Adventure! (12 yrs +) The hike starts off by climbing the famous Coquitlam Crunch but that is just the beginning. From the top of the Crunch head over to Ridge Park where you will climb to the summit and make your way to a fabulous viewpoint overlooking the eastern half of the Tri-Cities. From here, head down to Hoy Creek which offers a beautiful green corridor back to our starting point. 14km, 550m of ascent. at Coquitlam Crunch 573476 Su Oct 30 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. $12.00 Hike: First Blood at the Old Gravel Mine (12 yrs +) Starting from the trail head for the Munro Lake Trail, divert off to a seldom hiked trail towards an old gravel mine, the location of a film set for the first Rambo movie 'First Blood'. The site has lots of interesting artifacts from our recent local industrial heritage. The round trip is less than 3km but expect a few rough sections and clambering. at Pinecone Burke Provincial Park 573477 Su Dec 4 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. $6.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Levels of Intensity: BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE CHALLENGE YOURSELF Registered Programs Hike: Franks' Trail & East Burke Lookout (12 yrs +) Hike: Miller Ravine & the Chines (12 yrs +) Holiday Walk: Winter Wonderland (3 yrs +) This hike will take you along the trails on the lower eastern sections of Burke Mountain, starting with the Flow and Hustler trails, then Frank's Trail and along the Lower Line Trail to a spectacular viewpoint looking east over the Fraser Valley. Return via one of the mountain bike trails that descends to Conifer Road. 7.5km, 410m of ascent. at Pinecone Burke Provincial Park 573478 Su Nov 13 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. $9.00 Join us on a guided hike through the lush upper section of the Miller Ravine while taking time to enjoy nature. The group will then descend into the steep forested area of the Chines before regaining elevation to make a loop back to the starting point. On a clear evening, great views of the mountains to the north can be seen. Roundtrip distance is 4km with a cumulative elevation gain to 130m. at Miller Park, Oakview Street 572917 Su Sep 18 2 – 4 p.m. $6.00 Bring out the whole family and get in the holiday spirit. Join us for evening walk around Lafarge Lake to take in the bright lights and enchanting displays. Warm up with some hot cocoa. at Town Centre Park 573569 W Dec 21 7 – 9 p.m. $2.50 Hike: Jug Island & Whiskey Cove Loop (12 yrs +) Hike along the trail to Jug Island Beach taking in views of Bedwell Bay and Eagle Ridge. Return via Whiskey Cove while admiring the views of Indian Arm and Burrard Inlet. Roundtrip distance is 10.2km with an elevation gain of 230 m. at Belcarra Park 573481 Sa Oct 1 1:30 – 4 p.m. $6.00 Hike: Lindsay Lake Loop (12 yrs +) Starting from the equestrian parking, head up the Halvor Lunden Trail and explore the upper reaches of Eagle Mountain high above Buntzen Lake. With 1100m of ascent in only 15km distance expect a lot of very steep sections. The spectacular viewpoints and mountain tarns however make the effort all worthwhile. at Buntzen Lake 573474 Sa Sep 10 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. $12.00 Hike: Sasamat Lake & Belcarra Bluffs (12 yrs +) The highlight of this hike is visiting the spectacular viewpoint at Belcarra Bluffs, with views out over Burrard Inlet from SFU to Downtown Vancouver. Route will take in Sasamat Lake, Woodhaven Swamp and Admiralty Point, as well as many other interesting places and less known connecting trails. There will be some steep sections but a panoramic lunch near the highpoint of Belcarra Regional Park will definitely reward the effort. 15km, 750m of ascent. at Belcarra Park 573475 Su Oct 9 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. $12.00 Applicable taxes will be added to quoted prices. Golf: Get Golf Ready for Women: Level 1 Get golf ready introduces women to the golf swing, putting, chipping, equipment, rules, golf terminology and etiquette in 5 lessons. Take your skills out on the course on the last class. Rental equipment included. In partnership with Eaglequest Golf at Eaglequest Golf Centre 573654 W Sept 14 - Oct 12 7 – 8 p.m. $129 Outdoor Ed: Basic Bike Maintenance Workshop Bring your bike and an instructor from HUB cycling will demonstrate how to do a basic inspection to make sure it's in good running order. Learn how to clean and oil your bike, check your brakes and gears, fix the dreaded flat tire and a few other tricks to make your riding experience more enjoyable. at Victoria Community Hall 575150 Sa 24-Sep 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. $2.50 50 Plus News 35 The Great British Columbia TM Oct 20 Great British Columbia Shake Out Drop, Cover and Hold-On! Practise with us, and the rest of the province, for the offical BC shakeout. At 10:20 a.m., listen for the announcement, we will then ask everyone, regardless of the activity they are participating in, to Drop, Cover and Hold On. We practise this to highlight the need to be prepared in the event on an earthquake. More information at shakeoutbc.ca Dogwood Pavilion Glen Pine Pavilion 1655 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3J 0E7 Phone: 604-927-6098 Fax: 604-933-6113 coquitlam.ca/dogwood 1200 Glen Pine Court, Coquitlam, BC, V3B 2P7 Phone: 604-927-6940 Fax: 604-927-6578 coquitlam.ca/glenpine HOURS OF OPERATION Office closes half hour prior to these times Monday & Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Sunday: 12 – 4 p.m. CLOSED September 5 Labour Day October 10 Thanksgiving Day November 11 Remembrance Day HOLIDAY HOURS December 25 – 27: Closed December 28 – 30: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. December 31 – January 2: Closed January 3: Regular hours resume HOURS OF OPERATION Office closes half hour prior to these times Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. (4:30 p.m. until September 8) Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (resumes September 11) CLOSED September 5 Labour Day October 10 Thanksgiving Day November 11 Remembrance Day HOLIDAY HOURS December 24 – 27: Closed December 28 – 30: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. December 31 – January 2: Closed January 3: Regular hours resume