Saint Christopher / Saint Sylvia
The Parish Family of January 3, 2016 Saint Christopher / Saint Sylvia PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick F. Buckley, Pastor George Sevigny, Lay Trustee Rev. Xavier S. Santiago, Parochial Vicar Kenneth Anderson, Lay Trustee Rev Msgr. Charles P. Coen, Pastor Emeritus Rick Moglia, Finance Council Chairman Gwen McCann, Parish Council President CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am 9:00am Family Mass, 10:30am & 12:00 noon Monday-Saturday 9:00am at the Church Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am at the Holy Spirit Chapel For Holy Days schedule, consult bulletin Adoration: First Fridays after the 9:00am Mass until 6:00pm Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Baptism: Phone Rectory to make arrangements Baptism Classes: 2nd Monday of month, 7:30pm-Rectory (by appointment) Marriages: Phone Rectory 6 months in advance Sick Calls: Phone Rectory at any time. Please do not wait until the last moment. Hospital Visits and Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. This includes anyone going to the hospital for a serious operation or who has a relative who is gravely ill. Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Friday—9:00am to 4:00pm PARISH OFFICES Rectory 7411 South Broadway 845-758-3732 Fax: 845.758.1214 Diana Calio—Secretary Patricia Grassi & Maureen Terranova—Assistants [email protected] Religious Education 30 Benner Rd 845.758.5506 Ellen Farina— CRE Helen Moore— CRE Assistant [email protected] Parish Center/Maintenance 30 Benner Rd 845-758-5689 Joseph Scala — Maintenance Supervisor Sacristan John Dorrian January 3, 2015 + The Epiphany of the Lord Welcome to the Parish Family of Saint Christopher/St. Sylvia! We hope that all new residents to the Red Hook area will feel at home in our parish and strive to be an active part of our faith community. Please take a moment to stop in the Rectory office to fill out a membership form and to meet a member of the Pastoral Staff. Intentions of Holu This Week at St. Christopher/St. Sylvia Sunday, January 3 Epiphany Of the Lord Time: No Teen Mass Today Intention: Requested by: Gertrude Owens Thomas & MaryAnna Egan Sat January 2 No RCIA Today Monday, January 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton CYO Basketball Practice 4-9:00 PM Gym Rosary Prayer Group 7:00-7:30 PM Church Tuesday, January 5 St. John Neumann 5:00 PM Intentions of Seniors ———————— Sun January 3 7:30 AM Intentions of Our Lady’s Guild ______________ 9:00 AM William Stuck Love, Faith & Charlie 10:30 AM Robert Maleonskie Joyce & Kenneth O’Loughlin Pro Populo ——————— Michael L. Schneider, Jr Korb Family 7:00 AM Unannounced Intention ———————- 9:00 AM Robert Bradley Murphy Family Donna Vetere Mr. & Mrs. Lavigne 7:00 AM James Francis Costanzo, Sr. Pete & Debbie Williams 9:00 AM Rajarathinam John & Betty Kennedy Christine Corkins Her Husband 9:00 AM Vito Fontana Betty & John Kennedy 5:00 PM Dolores Cayea Kim Knapp 7:30 AM Chris Corkins Rossi Family FEBRUARY 7TH. 9:00 AM William Anagnos Anagnos Family !"#"$"%"&"'"("!")"*"+""""'"$"+","'"#" 10:30 AM Robert Maleonskie Betty & Andy Valente 12:00 Noon Pro Populo ________________ Religious Ed. Grade 1-6 4:30-5:45 PM School CYO Basketball Practice 6:30-8:30 PM Gym RCIA/Teens Class 7:30-8:30 PM School Wednesday, January 6 St. Andre Bessette Religious Ed. Grade 1-6 4:30-5:45 PM School 12:00 Noon Children’s Choir 5:45-6:45 PM School Mon January 4 CYO Basketball Practice 6:30-8:30 PM Gym 9:00 AM Thursday, January 7 St. Raymond Religious Ed. Gr. 1-6 4:30-5:45 PM School CYO Basketball Practice 6:30-8:30PM Gym Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00-8:00PM Church 4:00-9:00PM Gym Friday, January 8 Wed January 6 CYO Basketball Practice Saturday, January 9 9:00 AM Thurs January 7 CYO Games All Day Gym Defensive Driving Class 8:00-3:00pm Parish Center Youth Alive Prayer/ Parent Mtg. 1:30-3:30pm Church AA Meeting 7:00-8:00 PM Don Bosco Hall Fri January 8 Sunday, January 10 Baptism of the Lord No Coffee Social Today —————— —————- RCIA 10-12 PM Rectory Epiphany Party 1:00-4:00 PM Gym Teen Fusion Mtg. 6:00-8:00 PM Parish Center PLEASE NOTE: NO TEEN MASS THIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 3RD. THE TEEN MASS WILL RESUME Tues January 5 ●!December 20, 2015 Regular Collec4on…………...$10,000.40! ●This week’s 2nd Collection is for Catholic Communications/ Catholic University God bless you for your continued generosity! 9:00 AM Sat January 9 Sun January 10 They made their way through the streets and alleyways as the bright light in the sky was ready to descend where the faithful gathered to usher in another year. Their expectations were that this year would be much better than the last, where peace and joy would take the place of war and hurt. As they hurried to view this majestic event, their anticipation was beyond all imagination. Approximately two thousand years ago, three wise men descended upon a little town in Bethlehem, guided by a lone bright star on a cold, dark desert night. These were learned philosophers and astrologers who traveled from the far ends of the earth. They brought with them gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts were the best commodities that their lands had to offer. Gold was fit for a king, frankincense for a priest, and myrrh to anoint the body of a man. These wise men all traveled from afar following the bright light of a star. They made their way across dangerous lands filled with bandits and smugglers. They traveled through bustling city streets and filthy alleyways with just the sandals on their feet and cloaks draped around their backs. Their brief encounter with that sly fox, Herod, was a stark reminder of why their mission was so important. These wise men, otherwise known as the magi, would not be deterred from fulfilling their mission, which was to behold the Prince of Peace. They set out “….And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was…” (Mt. 2-12) Upon entering the house they prostrated themselves before the child Jesus. Although they opened their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, the real gift is what they received that night - Jesus. Through a dream, they were warned not to return to Herod. The magi made their way back to their countries along other routes. Their lives would be changed forever. As we begin yet another new year, our lives are changed forever, simply because we have beheld the child Jesus here at this altar in the holy Mass. All God asks of us is to come before Him and prostrate ourselves before the Holy Eucharist. This means that we are to humble ourselves in the depths of our hearts. To come before God with a complete submission of our wills, by emptying our souls of any darkness and allowing the light of God’s love to penetrate our innermost recesses, is essential for our growth in the spiritual life. To leave our beautiful Church and proceed along different paths means to leave our old personas behind and bring Christ into our homes. Those travelers that I mentioned at the beginning of this story, were the many revelers who gathered in Times Square just a few nights ago. They followed the bright glow in the sky that emanated from the crystal ball that descended upon Times Square. They came in the darkness of night to bring in the light of another new year. Our hope is that we, like the magi, will find the light of Christ and bring that peace and joy into a world that is not much different than two thousand years ago. Happy New Year…Fr. Pat Look What’s Happening at St. Christopher / St. Sylvia Parish! DON’T FORGETEPIPHANY PART Y Grades1!! ! WelcomeBack!! WehopeyouhadaveryBlessedand peacefulChristmasHoliday!! ! for all our St. Christopher/St. Sylvia VOLUNTEERS that signed up! NEXT SUNDAY - January 10th 1:00-4:00 PM @ THE SCHOOL, 30 BENNER RD. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR OUR PARISH! Therewillbealotcomingupinthenextfewmonths, especiallyfortheSecondGradewhowillbepreparing fortheirFirstReconciliationand FirstHolyCommunion.! SecondGrade...MarkyourCalendars! FirstReconciliationParentintheGym: Tuesday,February2,2016 ParentsandStudents:YouthAliveRoom Saturday,Feb.20,2016(11:00am&1:00$%Ȍ (YouwillreceiveyourtimeattheParentmeetingon February2nd.)! ! DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS January 9th, 2016………...8:30AM -3:00PM @ St. Christopher’s Parish Center………...Cost-$38 To register or for more information: contact Bill Owens @ 845-756-2481 ! The Adult Faith Formation Team would like to TherewillbeaninformalvisittotheChurchtosee invite all parishioners to partake in theconfessionalsonMonday,February29,2016 The Pilgrim Image of Divine Mercy Program to from4:30PMȄ5:30PM.Pleasebringyourchild celebrate the Year of Mercy. toviewwheretheywillreceivetheir Please sign up in the notebook in FirstReconciliation.! the back of the church if you are ! interested in having the Divine ! Mercy Image in your home. Be FIRSTRECONCILIATION sure to attend the Mass that you Saturday,March5,2016@11:00AM! have signed up for in order to Pleaseplantoarriveatleast15minutesbefore!! receive the Image . ! (The program begins next Sunday, January 10th) Confirmation MARK YOUR CALENDARS The first Confirmation Parent meeting will be Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the gym. YOUTH ALIVE ! ! MARKYOURCALENDARS! Youth Alive Parent/Student Prayer Service and Meeting scheduled for Saturday, January 9, 2016 1:30 PM in the Church If you haven’t already done so, please remember to send in your Spring 2016 registration! INVITE JESUS INTO YOUR HOME IN AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY! Please keep our Military and their families in your prayers. The Coffee Social for Jan.10th is cancelled BUT will return on Sun., Feb.14th. SEE YOU THERE! March for Life Washington, D.C Friday…January 22nd 2016 Theme: Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand-in-Hand 43rd Anniversary of Supreme Court legalizing abortion. Local buses heading to Washington: ●St. Columba Church, Hopewell Junction Info. & reservations: contact George at 226-6896 ●St. Mary's Church, Wappingers Falls Info. & reservations: Contact Rich at 297-7930 Tickets for buses from both churches are $35/adults & $25/students. Masses will be offered @ 4:30AM before the pilgrims board the buses. Reservations and payments are required by Jan. 5 ●●●●● ●St. Mary's Church, Kingston Bus leaves @ 4am on Jan. 22 Contact: Al Kafel 845-338-1734 Tickets- $25 adults, $20 students, call for family rates BULLETIN BLURB NEWS We are back to our regular schedule for bulletin announcements...Please submit them by noon on the Monday before the bulletin you want it in. For example: To submit a blurb for Jan. 10th, it has to be submitted by the Monday before, which would be Jan. 4th. Please email your blurb to: [email protected] and write Bulletin in the memo line………………………...Thank you! My Dear Parishioners, I don’t know where to begin and how to thank you enough for your overwhelming support that I have received at this difficult time over the loss of my brother-in-law. Everyone of you has helped me so much, either by praying or donating to my sister’s family. I thank you for your sympathy cards, Mass cards, prayer enrollment cards, and condolences. I sincerely believe that God has brought me to this wonderful parish in Red Hook to live with wonderful and generous people. First of all, I thank Fr. Pat for his moral support and encouraging me to go home at this crucial time. He has been very good to me during this time of loss and for that I will be ever grateful. I thank every one of you for what you have been to me and for your generosity. I will never, ever forget your moral support, prayers, and your financial help to my sister’s family and to me, as well. I promise you, that I will always be grateful to you for what you have been to me for the last 14 years. May God bless you and keep us all in His loving care and protection. May our Blessed Mother lead and guide us to her loving son, Jesus. I wish you all a Happy, Healthy, and Blessed 2016 New Year. Thank you. God Bless, Fr. Xavier Santiago In your prayers, please remember the sick especially LOOK WHAT’S HERE! !"#$%&'(%)"'*+,'(-)*%.+,/#0+1))2#+'"3+1))2*4(#+++++++++ T"#$ " &''# () *+$ ,"-# '. *+$ -+/0-+ ! ! These resources present a practical and effective program to help Catholics know their faith and can deepen our understanding and love for the Catholic faith. They feature some of the most inspiring Catholic speakers -- bishops, priests, deacons and eminent Catholic lay men and women. When these resources are gone -they're gone and a new set, with different titles and speakers, will be ordered. We encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity… for yourselves and to share with others. We ask for a donation of $3.00 per CD…….$.50 per brochure……$5.00 per book Checks can be made payable to St. Christopher’s. Donations will be used towards the purchase of additional materials. John Aeolus ● Frances Allen Paul Anderson ● George Botti Martin Blumenthal ● Brianna Chase ● Scott Clements John Colon ● John Conway ● Holly Daly Anthony DeBellis ● John Dykeman ● Janice Farinacci Charles Fasce ● Jason Fell ● Terrence Flynn Fr. Cassian Folsom ● Rita Froehlich ● Thomas Galbraith Jeannette Gordon ● Arthur Hallenbeck ● Haley Hines Brian James ● Alex Katz ● Pam Kaliche ● Fr. Peter Kulandai Sylvia Ledenko ● Kevin Ledwith ● Frank Lovallo Mary Machete ● Nora Mercier ● Marlene McGowan-Yedic Gina Maculski ● Thomas Richard Malone ● John Manning Pat Michitsch ● Anne Milanesi ● Mary Ann Mondello Eric Moore ● John Moran ● Richard Murray ● Gloria Najim Sally O’Connor ● Frank Pasqua, Jr. ● Joe Piccard Michael Qianonni ● John Rall ● Maureen Randene Thomas Richards ● Tammy Richards ● Olivia Rooney James Rudy ● Anna Safford ● John Sculco ● Lisa Slayton Robert Smith ● Samantha Smith ● Elizabeth Trow Mary Verlin ● Bryan Williams ● Peggy Williams Alice Zelasco Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. “And behold, the star that they (Magi) had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.” SAVE THE DATES THE PARISH PRISON MINISTRY ….will meet on JANUARY 13 at 3:30 (instead of 4PM) at the Parish Center. Please watch for an announcement in next weekend’s Parish Bulletin TEEN FUSION LOCK-IN…. @ THE SCHOOL JANUARY 30th—31st WINTER WHIRL 2016….@ THE SCHOOL FEBRUARY 6TH 6PM-10PM Tickets go on sale in Jan. & more information will follow. OUR LADY’S GUILD RETREAT DAY...for women of the parish, is scheduled for Saturday, APRIL 23, 2016 at Mariaopolis Luminosa in Hyde Park. More details will follow. THE FLU, COLDS, AND GERMS...OH MY! It’s cold, flu and germ season again! Just a reminder: if you are sick or just getting over being sick, we ask that you please refrain from drinking from the Chalice at Mass and offering a simple gesture instead of shaking hands during the Sign of Peace. SOCIETIES & CONTACTS Adult Faith Formation, Tom Sullivan…………….845-758-3732 [email protected] Adult Choir Director, Richard Totman ......... ........ 845-876-7444 Basketball Coord., Chris Wood……[email protected] Battered Women ........................................... ........ 845-876-1554 Holy Name Society Pres., Steve Korb .......... ........ 845-758-3732 [email protected] Knights of Columbus GK, Bill Paccione ...... ..... ...845-758-5913 [email protected] Our Lady's Guild Pres., Barbara Rizzolo ...... ........ 845-758-4132 ST. CHRISTOPHER/ST. SYLVIA PARISH SEEKING TENANT St. Christopher’s is seeking a tenant for office space formerly rented by Astor Counseling Services at our 30 Benner Rd. location. Tenants must be “Not-forProfit.” Please contact the Rectory for more information ● 845.758.3732 ● [email protected] [email protected] Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group ............... 845-758-3732 Respect Life Committee, Barbara Totman……….845-758- 4128 St. Christopher Food Pantry ................................... 845-758-3732 Senior Citizens President, Betty Bader .................. 845-758-5758 Youth Choir Director, Charles Robitaille .............. 845-758-0580 RCIA, Eileen Cassidy ............................................ 845-758-3732 [email protected] Bereavement Committee, Eleanor Troy................. 845-758-3732 Teen Fusion, Kathy Marici .................................... 845-758-3732 [email protected] “A Great Place to Live, Laugh & Play” Red Hook Auto Quality Service Age Restricted Manufactured Housing Community In The Heart of Columbia County 3459 Route 9 Hudson, NY 12534 518-851-9917 [email protected] Phone: 758-3000 151 Rte. 199 Red Hook, NY 12571 46 Freeborn Lane Tivoli, New York 12583 Kim Koehler 845-758-1001 Ken Migliorelli, Owner [email protected] 845.757.FARM Red Hook, NY FSC JOHN A. GRADY, CPA 48 W. Market St., Rhinebeck (845) 876-4911 845-876-3835 800-836-3835 The First Diner to be listed in New York State’s Historic Register. Visit our web site: & Like Us on Facebook SERVING DAILY 6:00AM UNTIL 9:00PM Open 7 days a week - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner KIDS MENU - Call 758-6232 for take-out orders Financial Services Center, Inc. Accounting, Tax, Financial Planning & Insurance Services 3944 Rte 9G, Red Hook, NY • 845.876.1919 7265 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 Mane Attraction Hair Design Valerie Scovel (845) 758-9446 Nora Mercier Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Contact me today: (845) 876-1660 (Office) (845) 216-4397 (Cell) [email protected] 8 Prince Street • Red Hook 845-758-0096 • 51 Elizabeth St., Red Hook 758-0930 • Professional Income Tax Prepa!"#$%&'&(%)*+*),"-.&/,0*%100.&203"31&"%)&4$356$!57!$83 9&7":!$--&"%)&;"-10&<"=&9&;>"--&/,0*%100&?$%0,-#%@ “Your friendly Red Hook neighbor” PAUL HALLENBECK REAL ESTATE 6370 Mill Street - Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Dawn Valentine Florist and Gifts [email protected] THE LOCAL FLOWER MARKET (845) 758-3569 Let us customize your life… One clothing item at a time… 5 Old Farm Road, Suite E Red Hook, NY 12571 (845) 876-1165 or [email protected] 7270 Broadway • Red Hook, NY 12571 DR. JAMES M. ROSS General Dentistry Catering For All Occasions 7361 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY Telephone: (845) 758-5100 Fax: (845) 758-5127 845-758-0758 84 W. Market St. • Red Hook, NY 12571 Office Hours by Appointment FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 9, 2015 4:23 PM ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369 THIS SPACE IS Donna M. Nebel RED HOOK PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. ATTORNEY 1 Dogwood Street • Red Hook, NY 12571 Real Estate Wills & Estates Business Law 87 E. Market St.,Red Hook, NY 845-758-8700 [email protected] THE AWARD SHOP Quality Garden Center PLAQUES • TROPHIES ENGRAVING Bulk Mulch, Trees Shrubs & Stones \ Quality Landscaping & Home Improvement 7387 SOUTH BROADWAY RED HOOK, NY 12571 Installed Hardscape, Stone Work Unilock & Gardens 845-758-2737 FAX 845-758-3853 [email protected] Chris Leggett 4301 Route 9G Germantown, NY 4-Wheel Computer Alignment & Balancing Cars, Trucks & Motor Homes Full Service Plumbing & Heating Contractor Water & Septic Systems Residential • Commercial 845-758-6000 FREE Estimates & Prompt Service 758-5042 MICHAEL BAUTISTA CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ 518-537-3340 professional 24-Hour Towing Machine Shop Welding 1 Albany Avenue Suite G-3A Kingston, NY Family Owned and Operated Since 1917 TRIEBEL’S GARAGE, INC. 7317 South Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 Complete Auto & Truck Repair • Cooling System Service • Air Conditioning Repairs Hydraulic Hoses Fabricated Spring U-Bolts in Stock Tel: 845-331-1077 Cell: 518-441-4457 24 HOUR PHONE 845-758-5800 [email protected] Alternate Daytime Number 845-876-4222 Est. 1952 Bruce J. Troy Kenneth Giek [email protected] 758-6977 KOL-ROCKLEA MEMORIALS Monuments~Mausoleums Cemetery Lettering Monument Cleaning & Restoration~Cemetery Services DAVE COHEN - BRUCE TROY BILL WAMBACH, MANAGER Jen Stokes, Proprietor 1 East Market St. Red Hook T: 845.758.9030 [email protected] JUNE VISCONTI INSURANCE Pat Kelly, President Carpentry Contractor 6MÄJL! *LSS! 12 East Market St. Red Hook NY 12571 SERVICE SINCE 1958 • Room Additions [email protected] J&J’s Gourmet Café & Catering Pat Kelly Construction Co., Inc. Est. 1979 7370 South Broadway Red Hook, NY Red Hook & Rhinebeck • Interior Renovations • Roofing/Siding Windows/Doors • Decks/Porches CJ’s ITALIAN RISTORANTE & PIZZA Website Coupons Visit our website at: Custom Homes • Renovations • Additions • Restorations Reynolds & Elaine Tate Tel: 845-876-1990 • Fax: 845-876-7977 [email protected] (845) 876-3283 2OG3RVW5GDW5RXWH* 5KLQHEHFN 845-876-7711 One call takes care of it all! ROYAL FLUSH Edward J. Mercier, AAMS® SEPTIC SERVICE Branch Manager First Vice President - Investment Officer 6423 Montgomery Street, Suite 10 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-9710 • 1-800-477-2505 [email protected] COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL PUMPING • REPAIRS • INSTALLATION ROBIN DALEY 845-876-2691 Mark Goldhirsch, DC Chiropractic & Nutrition [email protected] With you when retirement is only the beginning Contact Karla Naylor to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 888-4574 x3330 Investment and Insurance Products: Q NOT FDIC Insured Q NO Bank Guarantee Q MAY Lose Value 87 E. Market Street (Route 199), Suite 103 • Red Hook, NY 12571 845-758-0100 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2013 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0313-00950 [86189-v2] © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 9, 2015 4:23 PM ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369
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