January 11, 2015 - Church :: Red Hook, NY
Church of Saint Christopher South Broadway and Garden Street, Red Hook, NY 12571 !www.stchrisredhook.org PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick F. Buckley, Pastor George Sevigny, Lay Trustee Rev. Xavier S. Santiago, Parochial Vicar Kenneth Anderson, Lay Trustee Rev Msgr. Charles P. Coen, Pastor Emeritus Rick Moglia, Finance Council Chairman Gwen McCann, Parish Council President CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am 9:00am Family Mass, 10:30am & 12:00 noon Monday-Saturday 9:00am at the Church Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am at the Holy Spirit Chapel For Holy Days schedule, consult bulletin Adoration: Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:00pm and First Fridays after the 9:00am Mass until 6:00pm Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Baptism: Phone Rectory to make arrangements Baptism Classes: 2nd Mondays of the month, 7:30pm-Rectory Marriages: Phone Rectory 6 months in advance Sick Calls: Phone Rectory at any time. Please do not wait until the last moment. Hospital Visits and Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. This includes anyone going to the hospital for a serious operation or who has a relative who is gravely ill. PARISH OFFICES ZĞĐƚŽƌLJ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!Religious Educaon ! ! ! ϳϰϭϭ^ŽƵƚŚƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!ϯϬĞŶŶĞƌZĚ ! ! ϴϰϱͲϳϱϴͲϯϳϯϮ&Ădž͗ϴϰϱ͘ϳϱϴ͘ϭϮϭϰ! ! !!!!!!!!!!ϴϰϱ͘ϳϱϴ͘ϱϱϬϲ! ! ! ! ŝĂŶĂĂůŝŽͶ^ĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJ ůŝƐŽŶĞůĨĂŶĐĞͶZ DĂƵƌĞĞŶdĞƌƌĂŶŽǀĂͶƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EĂŶĐLJWŽƉĞͶZƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚ! ! ƌĞĐƚŽƌLJΛƐƚĐŚƌŝƐƌĞĚŚŽŽŬ͘ŽƌŐ [email protected] WĂƌŝƐŚĞŶƚĞƌͬDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ! ϯϬĞŶŶĞƌZĚ ϴϰϱͲϳϱϴͲϱϲϴϵ :ŽƐĞƉŚ^ĐĂůĂͶDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ^ƵƉĞƌǀŝƐŽƌ ^ĂĐƌŝƐƚĂŶ :ŽŚŶŽƌƌŝĂŶ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JANUARY 11th, 2015 + THE BAPTISM of OUR LORD Welcome to the Parish of Saint Christopher! We hope that all new residents to the Red Hook area will feel at home in our parish and strive to be an active part of our faith community. Please take a moment to stop in the Rectory office to fill out a membership form and to meet a member of the Pastoral Staff. This Week at St. Christopher Sunday, January 11—BAPTISM of OUR LORD AMC Parents Meeting 12noon-3pm School Gym Girl Scouts Meeting 7:00-8:00pm Don Bosco Hall Monday, January 12 Time Intention Requested by -Intentions of Eleanor Spiciarich -Catherine Stickley -Dorothy Clancy Sat January 10 CYO Basketball Practice 4:00-9:00pm School Gym 5:00 PM Tuesday, January 13– St. Hilary -Her Family (2nd Anniversary) Religious Ed Classes Grades 1-6 4:30-5:45pm School CYO Basketball Practice 6:30-8:30pm School Gym Sun January 11 Holy Name Meeting 7:30-8:30pm Parish Center 7:30 AM Angelina Zunich Kenneth & Marcella Appell RCIT Class 7:30-8:30pm School 9:00 AM Madeline Hughes Janet Michienzi 10:30 AM James Rogers The Ricci Family 12:00 Noon Pro Populo Wednesday, January 14 Our Lady Queen of Peace Holy Hour 2:00-3:00pm Church Cub Scouts Den 5 Meeting 4:00-5:30pm Don Bosco Hall Religious Ed Classes Grades 1-6 4:30-5:45pm School Children’s Choir Practice 5:45-6:45pm School Library Youth Alive: “Beatitudes” 6:30-8:30pm School Tue January 13 CYO Basketball Practice 6:30-8:30pm School Gym Thursday, January 15 Mon January 12 Alan Ducker Liz Mezzacappa 7:00 AM Adele Trombetta The Ricci Family 9:00 AM Unannounced Intention 9:00 AM Religious Ed Classes Grades 1-6 4:30-5:45pm School Wed January 14 Youth Alive- “Beatitudes” 6:30-8:30pm School 9:00 AM CYO Basketball Practice 6:30-8:30pm School Gym Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00-8:15pm Church Friday, January 16 CYO Basketball Practice 4:00-8:00pm School Gym Friday Night Hoops 8:00-10:00pm School Gym Saturday, January 17—St. Anthony, Abbot Joseph & Anna Cavanna Audrey Mondello and Family 7:00 AM Ray Swift The Hare Family 9:00 AM Fidelis Nwachukwu The Killian Family Thurs January 15 Fri January 16 9:00 AM CYO Basketball Practice 8am-7pm AA Meeting 7:00-8:00pm Don Bosco Hall Holy Name Breakfast 8:00-11:00am St. Christopher Food Pantry 12noon-1pm Parish Center CYO Basketball 1:00-4:00pm School Gym School Sat January 17 9:00 AM Clare Freaney John & Kathy Kelly 5:00 PM Intentions of Holy Name Society ____________________ 7:30 AM Intentions of Carol Bangert (lvg) Pete & Debbie Williams 9:00 AM Antoinette Gorga The Korb Family 10:30 AM Mark Joseph Mondello –Memorial Mass- The Mondello Family 12:00 Noon Pro Populo Sun January 18 !"#$%&'!()*+&#*,&"!! ! Fr. David G. O’Brien Victor T. Mitchell School Gym Sunday, January 18 • • • —————————— ! ! &0&111111111111111111 23 December 28, 2014 Regular Collec5on…………… 23 "0 '+#)3111111 23 Thank you for your generosity! From the Pastor’s Corner January 11th, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals." That was a lowly job. Removing someone's sandals back in the days when everyone walked everywhere on dusty, sandy desert ground was a dirty task. So when John the Baptist said he wasn't even worthy for that humble duty, he was emphasizing an important point. John understood Jesus' real identity. He knew that this was not just another good man, not just a wise teacher or a gifted leader. John realized that Jesus was truly God-made-man. And because of this, the prophet also comprehended how perfect Jesus was. In relation to this perfection, John honestly acknowledged his own sinfulness with this analogy about the sandals. But look what happened: even though John proclaimed that "one mightier than I is coming after me," Jesus showed up at the Jordan River and asked John to baptize Him! Jesus humbled Himself by going through this ritual of cleansing and purification, even though He didn't need to. John may have thought himself unworthy, but that didn't stop Jesus from coming to him. Jesus wants to come to us too. Not because we have "earned" His love or because we are "worthy" of some great honor, but simply because He loves us. God sent His Son to us to be one of us, to walk among us, to care for us and guide us. When we were baptized, He counted us among His beloved children in a special way, but that joyful bond is not a thing of the past. By our baptism we are always His children, even when we may be disobedient or belligerent ones. His love is not calculated or quantified; it is a free gift. May we appreciate this gift enough to show our gratitude by a life well lived. © Liturgical Publications, 2015 D ear St. Christopher’s Family, Now that we are back in the thick of a cold winter, I wanted to take some time to express my warmest thanks to all who made our Advent and Christmas Liturgies at St. Christopher Parish a prayerful and family experience. Most especially, please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your generosity towards this year’s Christmas collection and for all that you did to help our neighbors in need through the Christ Tree Program. On behalf of Fr. Xavier and the entire staff, I would like to wish all of our family and friends a holy and joyous New Year. God bless, Fr. Pat Look What’s Happening at St. Christopher Parish! WINTER WHIRL 2015 DINNER DANCE S A T U R D A Y ! J A N U A R Y 24th, 2 0 1 5 ____________________________________________________! 6:00pm-11:00pm ! St. Christopher's School Gym Entertainment provided by Red Hook's own "Beveragés" BASKETBINGO! March8,2015! Wearelookingforneworgently useditemsforthePennySocial heldduringBasketBingo.Please bringitemstotheReligiousEducationOf9ice. Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport! GRADES WefollowRedHookschoolsfor weatherrelatedclosings.Iftheycloseor cancelALLafterschoolactivities,ReligiousEducationisalsocanceledthatday. SACREDGIFTS Ȅ2015Calendars Pleaseconsiderdonatingyourunwanted2015calendarstotheSacredGiftsprogram.Thecalendarswillbedistributedtolocalprisonsfordistributionamongthe prisoners.Boxeswillbeavailableinthebackof thechurchandintheschoolfromJanuary4th throughthe20th.Thankyou! YOUTHALIVE! IfyoudidnotattendthePrayerNight,please pickupyourfolderinouroficeASAP.! ! 1/20SexintheCityofGodPart2, (BOYS)6:30Ǧ8:30pmintheSchool ♦ 1/27SexintheCityofGodPart2, (GIRLS)6:30Ǧ8:30pmintheSchool ♦ 1/14&1/15,6:30Ǧ8:30pminthe ♦ Ziti, meatballs and dessert Tickets: Adults - $15; Seniors: $10 Children (4-12) $5 ! 3 and under free ADVANCE SALES ONLY! Tickets on sale after Masses starting 1/10/15. Tickets will be on sale after Religious Education classes at St. Christopher's School starting week of 1/12/15 - 5:30-6pm. BASKET BINGO DONATIONS The Basket Bingo Team is looking for new or gently used items for the Basket Bingo Penny Social that will take place on Sunday, March 8, 2015. If you would like to donate an item or items, please call Alison or Nancy at the Religious Ed Office: 845.758.5506 ADULT FAITH FORMATION BIBLE STUDY Fr. Xavier will be leading an Adult Bible Study, focusing on the Gospel of Matthew, beginning on Thursday, February 19th from 7 to 8pm in the Parish Center. Classes will continue on Thursday nights through the end of April. (A schedule will be handed out at the first class.) If interested, please call the Rectory to sign up: 845.758.3732 ANDY COONEY CONCERT! St. Christopher’s will be hosting an Andy Cooney Concert on Sunday, March 1st, 2015 at 3:00pm. Tickets available at the Rectory Office. $30 reserved seating / $25 unreserved. Call Maureen at 845.758.3732 !"#$%#&'&()&$% OurirstParentMeetingwillbeheldat 6:30pmonJanuary26thintheschool.! for more info. MARCH FOR LIFE in WASHINGTON D.C. JANUARY 22ND, 2015 Join us on pilgrimage to Washington DC as we gather with hundreds of thousands from throughout our nation to pray and publically witness so that hearts and minds may be opened to the Gospel of Life and laws may be changed to reverence all human life. Buses will be traveling to Washington DC from all over the Archdiocese. If you are not able to make the trip, please consider making a donation so that others can attend. For a complete listing of locations and further info, go to: www.NYFamilyLife.org or email [email protected] • • Local Buses include: St. Columba buses will leave St. Columba Church at 5am after 4:30am Mass. St. Mary’s bus will leave from Holy Trinity Church at 5am after a 4:30am Mass there. In your prayers, please remember the sick, especially: John Aeolus ● Frances Allen ● Paul Anderson Carol Bangert ! Christopher & Katlin Barkovich Aldo Bellini ! George Botti ! Daniel Cambalik Brianna Chase ! John Colon ! John Conway ● Holly Daly James Dempsey ! John Dempsey ! John Dykeman ● Janice Farinacci Charles Fasce ! Jason Fell ! James Flanagan !Fr. Cassian Folsom Vito Fontana ! Thomas Galbraith ! Jeannette Gordon !Haley Hines Brian James ! Alex Katz ! Pam Kaliche !Fr. Peter Kulandai Sylvia Ledenko !Kevin Ledwith !Frank Lovallo ! Mary Machete Marlene McGowan-Yedic !Gina Maculski !Thomas Richard Malone John Manning !Anne Milanesi !Mary Ann Mondello ! Eric Moore John Moran !Bill Murray !Richard Murray ! Gloria Najim Sally O’Connor ! Josephine Pastrana !Frank Pasqua, Jr.● Joe Piccard Michael Qianonni ! John Rall !Maureen Randene ● Thomas Richards Tammy Richards ! Olivia Rooney ! James Rudy ● Anna Safford John Sculco !Edward Seliga !Lisa Slayton ! Robert Smith Samantha Smith ! Vincent Suderi !Elizabeth Trow ! Mary Verlin Bryan Williams ! Peggy Williams ! Lori Wooden ! Alice Zelasco Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. For reservations on the St. Mary’s bus and/or info, contact Rich at 845.297.7930 and George Morton 845.226.6896 for the two St. Columba buses. Prices: $35 Adults/$25 Students (adjusted by need). Please keep our Military and their families in your prayers. DEFENSIVE DRIVING class at St. Christopher’s is scheduled for January 31st, 2015 from 8:30am to 3pm. ————————————————————————— Cost is $38 a person. For info, contact Bill Owens at 845. 756.4175. In 2013, Pope Francis declared a Year of Consecrated Life be celebrated throughout the world. YCL began on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2015. Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life Come Home during the Christmas Season! Ifyouorsomeoneyoulovehasbeen awayfromtheChurch… ! comehomethisChristmasSeason toSt.Christopher’s. O God, throughout the ages You have called women & men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, & obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give You thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith & models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to You. Continue to enrich Your Church by calling forth sons & daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Though Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son Who lives and reigns with You in unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. AMEN. ST. CHRISTOPHER PARISH SEEKING TENANT St. Christopher’s is seeking tenant for office space formerly rented by Astor Counseling Services at our 30 Benner Road location. Tenants must be “Not-for-Profit.” Please contact the Rectory for more information if you, or someone you know, might be interested. 845.758.3732 ! [email protected] FEBRUARY 8th, 2015 ST.CHRISTOPHER’S SOCIETIES & CONTACTS Adult Faith Formation, Tina Wert………………...845-758-3732 [email protected] The search begins for the longest married couple in the Archdiocese of New York! To enter: Couples must be sacramentally married for a minimum of 65 years and reside in the Archdiocese of NY. The longest married couple(s) will be honored on Sunday, February 8th at the Church of St. Patrick, 26 Hunter Street, Highland Mills at the 12:00pm Mass (principal celebrant will be the Most Reverend Peter J. Byrne, Auxiliary Bishop) with a reception to follow. For further info or reservations, contact Izabella Nagle at: 646.794.3190 ǁ [email protected] Mail entries that include the couple’s name, address, and the date you were married (month, day, year) to: Family Life/Respect Life Office 1011 First Avenue New York, NY 10022 Attn: Izabella Nagle Deadline for entries is January 30, 2015 Adult Choir Director, Richard Totman .......... ....... 845-876-7444 Basketball Coord., Chris Wood……[email protected] Battered Women ............................................ ....... 845-876-1554 Holy Name Society Pres., Steve Korb ........... ....... 845-758-3732 [email protected] Knights of Columbus GK, Colm Neilson ...... .... ...845-337-1937 [email protected] Our Lady's Guild Pres., Barbara Rizzolo....... ....... 845-758-4132 [email protected] Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group ............... 845-758-2845 Respect Life Committee, Maureen Haege ............. 845-758-5410 St. Christopher Food Pantry .................................. 845-758-3732 Senior Citizens President, Betty Bader .................. 845-758-5758 Youth Choir Director, Charles Robitaille .............. 845-758-0580 RCIA, Eileen Cassidy ............................................ 845-758-3732 [email protected] Bereavement Committee, Eleanor Troy ................ 845-758-3732 Teen Fusion, Kathy Marici .................................... 845-758-3732 [email protected] “A Great Place to Live, Laugh & Play” Red Hook Auto Quality Service Age Restricted Manufactured Housing Community In The Heart of Columbia County 3459 Route 9 Hudson, NY 12534 518-851-9917 [email protected] JOHN A. GRADY, CPA 48 W. Market St., Rhinebeck (845) 876-4911 www.bogushgradycpas.com Phone: 758-3000 151 Rte. 199 Kim Koehler 845-758-1001 Red Hook, NY 12571 The First Diner to be listed in New York State’s Historic Register. Visit our web site: www.historic-village-diner.com & Like Us on Facebook [email protected] Red Hook, NY SERVING DAILY 6:00AM UNTIL 9:00PM Open 7 days a week - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner KIDS MENU - Call 758-6232 for take-out orders Original Oil Paintings Art Lessons Commissions House & Boat Portraits 845-876-3835 800-836-3835 10 E. Market St., P.O. Box 627 Red Hook, NY 12571 7265 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 845-835-8197 www.bottinifuel.com Nora Mercier Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Contact me today: (845) 876-1660 (Office) (845) 216-4397 (Cell) [email protected] “Your friendly Red Hook neighbor” 8 Prince Street • Red Hook PAUL HALLENBECK REAL ESTATE 845-758-0096 • www.zulchtax.com 51 Elizabeth St., Red Hook 758-0930 6370 Mill Street - Rhinebeck, NY 12572 • Professional Income Tax Prepa1,9%-$:$;-+(<(+8,*3$=8)(-#))3$>)/,/#$,-+$?%/@0%1@A1%B/ C$A,21%**$,-+$D,*#)$!,E$C$D5,**$=8)(-#))$F%-)8*9-G www.hallenbeckrealestate.com LYCEUM CINEMAS Taste Budd’s Café 40 West Market St. Red Hook, NY Café Fare, Pastries, Chocolates, Gourmet Bevarages, Gifts 758-3311 • 876-8000 Movies To Go 758-3300 Let us customize your life… One clothing item at a time… www.greatmovieslowerprices.com 7AM - 9PM (8AM - 9PM Sunday) (845) 876-1165 or [email protected] 7270 Broadway • Red Hook, NY 12571 This Space Available DR. JAMES M. ROSS General Dentistry For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Catering For All Occasions 7361 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY Telephone: (845) 758-5100 Fax: (845) 758-5127 845-758-0758 www.griffsdeli.net 84 W. Market St. • Red Hook, NY 12571 Office Hours by Appointment Paul Kerwick at (516) 673-6301 or Email: [email protected] 7 West Market Street • Red Hook, NY 12571 Phone: 845.758.5555 • Fax: 845.758.5556 www.mondelloupstateproperties.com Our goal is to provide personal and professional service to our local community, as well as to visitors from out of town. FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. [email protected] THE LOCAL FLOWER MARKET Thelocalflowermarket.com (845) 758-3569 !"#$%&'#$()$'"(*+$,-+$.#/$01(#-+*23$)%$.*#,)#$0##*$4#*'%5#+$,-+$'%50%1/,6*#7 Give us a call at 845-758-5555$%1$)/%.$62$%81$%&'#$,/$ 7 West Market Street in the Red Hook Village Dawn Valentine Florist and Gifts 5 Old Farm Road, Suite E Red Hook, NY 12571 L-R: Catherine Mondello, Terese Mondello, Margaret Mondello NOVEMBER 6, 2014 4:52 PM ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369 P&S DONNA M. NEBEL Construction Corp. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW REAL ESTATE - WILLS & ESTATES BUSINESS LAW Dave Seymour, President Custom, Modular & Panelized Additions, Renovations & Commercial RED HOOK PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 1 Dogwood Street • Red Hook, NY 12571 87 East Market Street Red Hook, NY Full Service Plumbing & Heating Contractor Water & Septic Systems Residential • Commercial 63 Pond View Dr., Red Hook 845.758.8700 [email protected] www.p-sconstructioncorp.com [email protected] FREE Estimates & Prompt Service THE AWARD SHOP Quality Garden Center PLAQUES • TROPHIES ENGRAVING Bulk Mulch, Trees Shrubs & Stones Fully Insured Est. 1973 (845) 758-8100 \ www.the-award-shop.com Quality Landscaping & Home Improvement 7387 SOUTH BROADWAY RED HOOK, NY 12571 Installed Hardscape, Stone Work Unilock & Gardens 845-758-2737 FAX 845-758-3853 [email protected] Chris Leggett 4301 Route 9G Germantown, NY 4-Wheel Computer Alignment & Balancing Cars, Trucks & Motor Homes 518-537-3340 www.Burnett-White.com The Rhinebeck Motel EACH ROOM: REFRIGERATOR, MICROWAVE, HAIR DRYER, A/C & CABLE TV FREE WI-FI Ph: 845-876-5900 F: 845-758-2950 6938 Hwy. 9 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Parishioner 758-5042 MICHAEL BAUTISTA CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional 24-Hour Towing Machine Shop Welding Family Owned and Operated Since 1917 7317 South Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 Complete Auto & Truck Repair • Cooling System Service • Air Conditioning Repairs Hydraulic Hoses Fabricated Spring U-Bolts in Stock Christopher Stehling Red Hook, NY 845-758-6319 Licensed & Insured Master Plumber 24 HOUR PHONE 845-758-5800 Alternate Daytime Number 845-876-4222 758-6977 KOL-ROCKLEA MEMORIALS Monuments~Mausoleums Cemetery Lettering Monument Cleaning & Restoration~Cemetery Services DAVE COHEN - BRUCE TROY BILL WAMBACH, MANAGER Tel: 845-331-1077 Cell: 518-441-4457 [email protected] Jen & Joe Stokes, Proprietors 1 East Market St. Red Hook T: 845.758.9030 [email protected] www.jandjgourmet.com JUNE VISCONTI INSURANCE Pat Kelly, President Carpentry Contractor 6MÄJL! *LSS! 12 East Market St. Red Hook NY 12571 www.JuneVisconti.com SERVICE SINCE 1958 • Room Additions [email protected] J&J’s Gourmet Café & Catering Pat Kelly Construction Co., Inc. Est. 1979 7370 South Broadway Red Hook, NY Red Hook & Rhinebeck 1 Albany Avenue Suite G-3A Kingston, NY Watertight Plumbing & Heating, Inc. TRIEBEL’S GARAGE, INC. Est. 1952 Bruce J. Troy Kenneth Giek 845-758-6000 • Interior Renovations • Roofing/Siding Windows/Doors • Decks/Porches CJ’s ITALIAN RISTORANTE & PIZZA Website Coupons Visit our website at: Custom Homes • Renovations • Additions • Restorations Reynolds & Elaine Tate Tel: 845-876-1990 • Fax: 845-876-7977 [email protected] www.patkellyconstruction.com (845) 876-3283 2OG3RVW5GDW5RXWH* 5KLQHEHFN www.cjsrhinebeck.com 845-876-7711 Mark Goldhirsch, DC Chiropractic & Nutrition www.drmarkg.com [email protected] One call takes care of it all! ROYAL FLUSH Edward J. Mercier, AAMS® SEPTIC SERVICE Branch Manager First Vice President - Investment Officer 6423 Montgomery Street, Suite 10 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-9710 • 1-800-477-2505 [email protected] COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL PUMPING • REPAIRS • INSTALLATION ROBIN DALEY 845-876-2691 With you when retirement is only the beginning Fertilizers • Shavings Feed, Fencing, Pet Food & Supplies • Lawn & Garden Supplies • Lime, Bedding, Straw Investment and Insurance Products: Q NOT FDIC Insured Q NO Bank Guarantee Q MAY Lose Value Nutrena • Blue Seal•Purina Feeds Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2013 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0313-00950 [86189-v2] 876-1559 • 758-3601 Fax: 758-8002 68 Firehouse Lane, Red Hook, NY 12571 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. NOVEMBER 24, 2014 11:19 AM 87 E. Market Street (Route 199), Suite 103 • Red Hook, NY 12571 845-758-0100 ANDRE MOGLIA & CO CPA’S TAX and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for INDIVIDUALS, BUSINESSES and ESTATES PAYROLL • BOOKKEEPING • CONSULTING [email protected] 845-897-2570 Rhinebeck • Fishkill • Pleasant Valley ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369
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