June 28, 2015 - Church :: Red Hook, NY
June 28, 2015 Church of Saint Christopher South Broadway and Garden Street, Red Hook, NY 12571 !!www.stchrisredhook.org © Richard Lisle 2013 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick F. Buckley, Pastor George Sevigny, Lay Trustee Rev. Xavier S. Santiago, Parochial Vicar Kenneth Anderson, Lay Trustee Rev Msgr. Charles P. Coen, Pastor Emeritus Rick Moglia, Finance Council Chairman Gwen McCann, Parish Council President CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am 9:00am Family Mass, 10:30am & 12:00 noon Monday-Saturday 9:00am at the Church Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am at the Holy Spirit Chapel For Holy Days schedule, consult bulletin Adoration: First Fridays after the 9:00am Mass until 6:00pm Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Baptism: Phone Rectory to make arrangements Baptism Classes: 2nd Monday of month, 7:30pm-Rectory (by appointment) Marriages: Phone Rectory 6 months in advance Sick Calls: Phone Rectory at any time. Please do not wait until the last moment. Hospital Visits and Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. This includes anyone going to the hospital for a serious operation or who has a relative who is gravely ill. Rectory Summer Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday—9:00am to 4:00pm; Closed Friday PARISH OFFICES Rectory 7411 South Broadway 845-758-3732 Fax: 845.758.1214 Diana Calio—Secretary Patricia Grassi & Maureen Terranova—Assistants [email protected] Religious Education 30 Benner Rd 845.758.5506 Alison Belfance— CRE Nancy Pope — CRE Assistant [email protected] Parish Center/Maintenance 30 Benner Rd 845-758-5689 Joseph Scala — Maintenance Supervisor Sacristan John Dorrian JUNE 28th, 2015 + THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Welcome to the Parish of Saint Christopher! We hope that all new residents to the Red Hook area will feel at home in our parish and strive to be an active part of our faith community. Please take a moment to stop in the Rectory office to fill out a membership form and to meet a member of the Pastoral Staff. This Week at St. Christopher Sunday, June 28 St. Christopher Food Pantry 12noon1:00pm Parish Center Time: Intention: Requested by: Anna & Peter Lorang & Louis Rosanno Tom & Mary Anna Egan and Family 7:30 AM Barbara Vosburgh The Family 9:00 AM Philip Seymour Red Hook Commons (Building 15) 10:30 AM Catherine Mueller Francis Mueller 12:00 Noon Pro Populo Sat June 27 Monday, June 29—Sts. Peter & Paul 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 30—Martyrs of Holy Roman Church Wednesday, July 1—Blesses Junipero, Priest Thursday, July 2 Sun June 28 Mon June 29 Friday, July 3 - First Friday St. Thomas 9:00 AM Rectory Office Closed First Friday Mass 9:00-10:00am Church Adoration followed by Benediction 10am-6pm Church -Daniella DeStefano -The DiStefano Family -Chris Corkins -Jerry Corkins Tues June 30 7:00 AM HSC Eugene Riordan Jim & Margaret Mary Cayea Betty Folster Ken Folster Tony Grassi Patricia Grassi Edward Reilly Jane Fiorella Christine Corkins Campbell Family 9:00 AM Thanksgiving to St. Jude Nora Mercier 5:00 PM -Intentions of Seniors ———————— -Shirley A. Arelt -Tom & Mary Anna Egan 7:30 AM Intentions of Our Lady’s Guild ———————- Saturday, July 4 Independence Day First Saturday Mass 9:00am Church 9:00 AM AA Meeting 7:00-8:00pm Don Bosco Hall Wed July 1 Sunday, July 5 9:00 AM Thurs July 2 SUMMER IS HERE! 9:00 AM Our office hours will be 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Thursday, and we will be closed on Fridays during the months of July Fri July 3 and August. The 7:00am Masses in the Holy Spirit Chapel on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be suspended temporarily during July & August as well. We will resume our regular schedule again in September. 9:00 AM Sat July 4 Have a happy and safe summer! !"#"$"%"&"'"("!")"*"+"""'"$"+","'"#! • • ! June 21, 2015 Regular Collec3on……………………. Ψϳ͕ϳϴϮ͘ϵϱ! Fuel Collec)on……………………………………………………$ 3,732.25! Sun July 5 9:00 AM Arthur & Eileen Coughlin Rick & Rita Coughlin This week’s second collec/on is for the !"#$%&'(&%)"&*#+,"-&."#,%! Next week’s second collec/on!!"#$%&"'()%'*+"&*$,(-./+(01.&21(*/(34&*2" 10:30 AM Frances & Frank Fallon Lisa Dolan God bless you for your continued generosity! 12:00 Noon Pro Populo From the Pastor’s Corner CYCLE B JUNE 28, 2015 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time A nd they ridiculed him." So he hung his head in shame and slunk gloomily out the back door? So he pleaded and whined and called them all names? No. Instead, Jesus " put them all out" and went about his business, raising Jairus' daughter from the dead. Jesus wasn't concerned about what others thought. And lest we imagine that everyone around him was constantly worshiping him and adoring his divinity, today's reading reminds us that even in the presence of the Lord, skeptics were a dime a dozen. So should we be surprised if we must deal with a bit of ridicule ourselves? As faithful Christians, we will at times be called to chart a course that doesn't make sense in the eyes of the world. And, yes, some people will say we're crazy. We may be called to take a stand for the unborn or the elderly in a culture that considers life to be expendable. We may be faced with a decision at work that requires us to adhere to an ethical code that our boss thinks is laughable. Perhaps we will have to sacrifice a relationship because of pressures to ignore Christian morality. Or maybe the situation could be as simple as dealing with the smirks that arise when we say a prayer before eating at a restaurant. Whether we face a snicker or blatant discrimination against our religious freedom, we should not flinch or waver when such opposition comes our way. Jesus faced it and so will we. The question is only how we will respond. Today, Jesus gives us an example of calm confidence as he marches forward with his mission. He knew that he was doing the right thing, and that was enough for him. It should be enough for us too. Blessing for Independence Day God our Father, from whom all good gifts come, we are thankful for rest and food. Grant that, in all we do or say, we keep your goodness always in our thankful hearts. We entreat you to bless all those who work to keep us safe, and ask your blessings on all those who work to share our blessings with others around the world. We ask all this in the name of our brother and Savior, Jesus. Amen. Look What’s Happening at St. Christopher Parish! ! VACATIONBIBLESCHOOL! August10Ǧ14,9amȄnoonat St.John’sReformedChurch, UpperRedHook Ages4Ǧgrade6 ǤǤ TheReligiousEducationoficewillbeclosed! July15,August610,andallFridays.! Pleasecall7585506ifyouwouldliketo! registerforclasses.! Dear St. Christopher Families, It is with a very heavy heart that I write to you today. My husband’s work schedule has changed and requires me to be available for my children in the afternoons and evenings. It is because of this change that I am unable to stay on as Coordinator of Religious Education. Your parish has become my parish. Your children have become my children. You have all become my family and it is extremely difficult for me to make this decision. I hope to stay involved here as much as I can, and ask you to pray for me as I begin a new journey. Many Blessings, Alison Belfance Knights of Columbus Ecumenical Council 5632 FLAG FOOTBALL 2015 REGISTRATION Open to all children between the ages of 5 to 15* Fall season begins September 12th DUEJULY1,2015:! ♦ ♦ ♦ Conirmationfee Registrationform Sponsorform ! Pleasemailorbringto30BennerRoad. Register early—Now through August 22nd @ $85/player Or August 23rd through September 11th @ $95/player www.kofcflagfootball.org *Must be age 5 or older on or before Sept. 1, 2015 **$10 discount for additional family/players If you have any questions, please contact: John Reilly at 914-466-3437 or Jay Kenny at 347-247-2136 or Lew Gardner at [email protected] ! CALLINGALLCURRENT Ǩ ! ! TheSt.ChrisReligiousEducation! programbeginsinirstgrade.Ifyourchild isnotyetregisteredforthe201516school year,pleasecometotheREof!iceat30BennerRd.toregister.Pleasebringacopyof yourBaptismalCerti!icate! ST. ISAAC JOGUES YOUTH CONFERENCE ABLAZE “I have come to the earth to set it ablaze. How I wish it were already ignited.” (Luke 12:49) July 10-12, 2015 on the grounds of St. Ambrose, Latham This weekend event provides teens with a chance to make new friends, explore their faith, and connect more deeply in a personal relationship with God. The conference includes dynamic music, inspiring speakers, awesome praise and worship, great food and lots of fun. Contact Jessica Farley @ www.joguesyouthconference.com 518-249-8786 What a great way for teens to spend a summer weekend becoming a “Soul on Fire” St. Christopher’s & St. Sylvia’s Parish Picnic Saturday September 12, 2015 12noon to 3pm @ 30 Benner Road This is a welcoming to all parishioners of our newly formed parish. Mark your calendars for an afternoon of fellowship, food, children’s games, music, and fun! Peace and Forgiveness CONGRATULATIONS RED HOOK CLASS OF 2015 May God bless you! are exemplified by the parishioners of the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. Please keep our Military and their families in your prayers. “He gave strict orders that no one should know this...” Grow closer to your spouse in full privacy on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For more info: www.wwme.org ! 877.NYS.WWME ext. 3 DEFENSIVE DRIVING There will be a Defensive Driving Class at St. Christopher’s Parish Center, 30 Benner Road JULY 25, 2015 ! 8:30 AM—3 PM Cost is $38 a person To register or for more info, contact Bill Owens at 845-756-2481 Summer months are fun months vacations, outdoor activities, more time spent with family, friends and neighbors. Summer is a time to relax, a time to let our minds wander and wonder. Sometimes, when we operate at a slower, more enjoyable pace we may find ourselves more drawn to God, more open to his call to journey to him. Perhaps you have felt drawn to God in the Catholic Church and think that maybe now is the time to figure out if this is a journey to which God is calling you. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) can help you figure this out by bringing you to a deeper understanding of Jesus and the Catholic faith. When Jesus asked his disciples what they were looking for, he invited them to come and see. So, why not come and see what RCIA is all about. Meet others like yourself as together we learn about the Catholic Church and explore more deeply our journey of faith. You are invited to join us when RCIA starts meeting again on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14th. For more information or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Eileen Cassidy, Cassidy through the parish office at 758758-3732 or email me at [email protected] Please pray for those who are suffering from this loss. FRIDAY, July 3rd is FIRST FRIDAY 9:00 AM Morning Mass will be followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 6:00 PM Come spend an hour with Our Lord! Two guardians are needed for each hour. Sign-up sheet is in the back of the Church. Of all Catholic religious practices, one of the most beneficial and spiritual is the HOLY HOUR. This is a full hour of prayer and spiritual reading in church in the presence of the BLESSED SACRAMENT. As the Holy Hour begins there is a grateful realization that this is a prayer that is not rushed. There will be time to think and time to pray. And so the noises and distractions of life fade into the background. Like the shouting of school children as recess ends when the school bell rings. The Lord God is here. Nothing else matters. The multicolored, ever changing of nothingness that is our time in history drops away. This could be any century. Time means nothing: We are facing eternity. WE REACH OUT TO GOD. In your prayers, please remember the sick, especially: John Aeolus ● Frances Allen ● Paul Anderson Carol Bangert ● George Botti ● Brianna Chase John Colon ● John Conway ● Holly Daly John Dykeman ● Janice Farinacci ! Charles Fasce ● Jason Fell Fr. Cassian Folsom ● Thomas Galbraith ! Jeannette Gordon Haley Hines ● Brian James Alex Katz ! Pam Kaliche Fr. Peter Kulandai ● Sylvia Ledenko ! Kevin Ledwith ● Frank Lovallo Mary Machete ● Nora Mercier ! Marlene McGowan-Yedic Gina Maculski ● Thomas Richard Malone ! John Manning Anne Milanesi ● Mary Ann Mondello ● Eric Moore ! John Moran Bill Murray ● Richard Murray ● Gloria Najim Sally O’Connor ● Josephine Pastrana ● Frank Pasqua, Jr.● Joe Piccard Michael Qianonni ● John Rall ● Maureen Randene ● Thomas Richards Tammy Richards ● Olivia Rooney ● James Rudy ● Anna Safford John Sculco ● Edward Seliga ● Lisa Slayton ● Robert Smith Samantha Smith ● Vincent Suderi ● Elizabeth Trow ● Mary Verlin Bryan Williams ● Peggy Williams ● Lori Wooden ● Alice Zelasco Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. ST. CHRISTOPHER PARISH SEEKING TENANT St. Christopher’s is seeking tenant for office space formerly rented by Astor Counseling Services at our 30 Benner Road location. Tenants must be “Not-for-Profit.” Please contact the Rectory for more information if you, or someone you know, might be interested. 845.758.3732 ! [email protected] In February of this year I was officially awarded the rank of Eagle. In June, the Ceremony to recognize this achievement was conducted. I feel greatly honored to have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and realize there are many that helped me through my journey. My Parents, Scout Masters and other Scout Leaders from Troop 42 deserve much of the credit. However, just as much credit should be given to the Parish of St. Christopher’s, Father Pat and the Holy Name Society. Without their help and assistance I would not have been able to become an Eagle Scout. Thank you very much for your support and prayers during my journey. Sincerely, Ben Kocik – Eagle Scout ST.CHRISTOPHER’S SOCIETIES & CONTACTS Adult Faith Formation, Tina Wert………………...845-758-3732 [email protected] Adult Choir Director, Richard Totman ......... ........845-876-7444 Basketball Coord., Chris Wood……[email protected] Battered Women ........................................... ........845-876-1554 Holy Name Society Pres., Steve Korb .......... ........845-758-3732 [email protected] Knights of Columbus GK, Bill Paccione ...... ..... ...845-758-5913 The Holy Name Society of St. Christopher’s will hold its TWELFTH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Monday, October 5, 2015 Red Hook Golf Course • • • Registration: 10:00-10:30am Tee-Time: 12:00noon Lunch on the turn & dinner included Mark your calendars! Tell a friend! And plan on joining us for a great day out on the golf course! Details to follow. For more info, please contact Joe Scala at 758.5689 [email protected] Our Lady's Guild Pres., Barbara Rizzolo ...... ........845-758-4132 [email protected] Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group ................845-758-3732 Respect Life Committee, Maureen Haege ............. 845-758-5410 St. Christopher Food Pantry ...................................845-758-3732 Senior Citizens President, Betty Bader ..................845-758-5758 Youth Choir Director, Charles Robitaille ..............845-758-0580 RCIA, Eileen Cassidy ............................................845-758-3732 [email protected] Bereavement Committee, Eleanor Troy .................845-758-3732 Teen Fusion, Kathy Marici ....................................845-758-3732 [email protected] “A Great Place to Live, Laugh & Play” Red Hook Auto Quality Service Age Restricted Manufactured Housing Community In The Heart of Columbia County 3459 Route 9 Hudson, NY 12534 518-851-9917 [email protected] JOHN A. GRADY, CPA 48 W. Market St., Rhinebeck (845) 876-4911 www.bogushgradycpas.com Phone: 758-3000 151 Rte. 199 Kim Koehler 845-758-1001 Red Hook, NY 12571 The First Diner to be listed in New York State’s Historic Register. Visit our web site: www.historic-village-diner.com & Like Us on Facebook [email protected] Red Hook, NY SERVING DAILY 6:00AM UNTIL 9:00PM Open 7 days a week - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner KIDS MENU - Call 758-6232 for take-out orders This Space is Available 845-876-3835 800-836-3835 7265 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 www.bottinifuel.com Nora Mercier Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Contact me today: (845) 876-1660 (Office) (845) 216-4397 (Cell) [email protected] 8 Prince Street • Red Hook 845-758-0096 • www.zulchtax.com 51 Elizabeth St., Red Hook 758-0930 • Professional Income Tax Prepa!"#$%&'&(%)*+*),"-.&/,0*%100.&203"31&"%)&4$356$!57!$83 9&7":!$--&"%)&;"-10&<"=&9&;>"--&/,0*%100&?$%0,-#%@ “Your friendly Red Hook neighbor” PAUL HALLENBECK REAL ESTATE 6370 Mill Street - Rhinebeck, NY 12572 www.hallenbeckrealestate.com Dawn Valentine Florist and Gifts [email protected] THE LOCAL FLOWER MARKET Thelocalflowermarket.com (845) 758-3569 5 Old Farm Road, Suite E Red Hook, NY 12571 LYCEUM CINEMAS 758-3311 • 876-8000 Movies To Go 758-3300 www.greatmovieslowerprices.com Let us customize your life… One clothing item at a time… (845) 876-1165 or [email protected] 7270 Broadway • Red Hook, NY 12571 DR. JAMES M. ROSS General Dentistry Catering For All Occasions 7361 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY Telephone: (845) 758-5100 Fax: (845) 758-5127 845-758-0758 www.griffsdeli.net 84 W. Market St. • Red Hook, NY 12571 Office Hours by Appointment For Advertising Information, call PAUL KERWICK at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3427 [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MAY 28, 2015 3:52 PM ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369 P&S DONNA M. NEBEL Construction Corp. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW REAL ESTATE - WILLS & ESTATES BUSINESS LAW Dave Seymour, President Custom, Modular & Panelized Additions, Renovations & Commercial RED HOOK PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 1 Dogwood Street • Red Hook, NY 12571 87 East Market Street Red Hook, NY Full Service Plumbing & Heating Contractor Water & Septic Systems Residential • Commercial 63 Pond View Dr., Red Hook 845.758.8700 [email protected] www.p-sconstructioncorp.com [email protected] FREE Estimates & Prompt Service THE AWARD SHOP Quality Garden Center PLAQUES • TROPHIES ENGRAVING Bulk Mulch, Trees Shrubs & Stones Fully Insured Est. 1973 (845) 758-8100 \ www.the-award-shop.com Quality Landscaping & Home Improvement 7387 SOUTH BROADWAY RED HOOK, NY 12571 Installed Hardscape, Stone Work Unilock & Gardens 845-758-2737 FAX 845-758-3853 [email protected] Chris Leggett 4301 Route 9G Germantown, NY 4-Wheel Computer Alignment & Balancing Cars, Trucks & Motor Homes 518-537-3340 Family Owned and Operated Since 1917 EACH ROOM: REFRIGERATOR, MICROWAVE, HAIR DRYER, A/C & CABLE TV FREE WI-FI Ph: 845-876-5900 F: 845-758-2950 6938 Hwy. 9 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Parishioner Watertight Plumbing & Heating, Inc. TRIEBEL’S GARAGE, INC. 7317 South Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 Complete Auto & Truck Repair • Cooling System Service • Air Conditioning Repairs Hydraulic Hoses Fabricated Spring U-Bolts in Stock www.Burnett-White.com The Rhinebeck Motel 24-Hour Towing Machine Shop Welding 758-5042 MICHAEL BAUTISTA CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional 1 Albany Avenue Suite G-3A Kingston, NY Christopher Stehling Red Hook, NY 845-758-6319 Licensed & Insured Master Plumber 24 HOUR PHONE 845-758-5800 Alternate Daytime Number 845-876-4222 Est. 1952 Bruce J. Troy Kenneth Giek 845-758-6000 758-6977 KOL-ROCKLEA MEMORIALS Monuments~Mausoleums Cemetery Lettering Monument Cleaning & Restoration~Cemetery Services DAVE COHEN - BRUCE TROY BILL WAMBACH, MANAGER Jen Stokes, Proprietor 1 East Market St. Red Hook T: 845.758.9030 [email protected] www.jandjgourmet.com JUNE VISCONTI INSURANCE Pat Kelly, President Carpentry Contractor 6MÄJL! *LSS! 12 East Market St. Red Hook NY 12571 www.JuneVisconti.com SERVICE SINCE 1958 • Room Additions [email protected] [email protected] J&J’s Gourmet Café & Catering Pat Kelly Construction Co., Inc. Est. 1979 7370 South Broadway Red Hook, NY Tel: 845-331-1077 Cell: 518-441-4457 Red Hook & Rhinebeck • Interior Renovations • Roofing/Siding Windows/Doors • Decks/Porches CJ’s ITALIAN RISTORANTE & PIZZA Website Coupons Visit our website at: Custom Homes • Renovations • Additions • Restorations Reynolds & Elaine Tate Tel: 845-876-1990 • Fax: 845-876-7977 [email protected] www.patkellyconstruction.com (845) 876-3283 2OG3RVW5GDW5RXWH* 5KLQHEHFN www.cjsrhinebeck.com 845-876-7711 Mark Goldhirsch, DC Chiropractic & Nutrition www.drmarkg.com [email protected] One call takes care of it all! ROYAL FLUSH Edward J. Mercier, AAMS® SEPTIC SERVICE Branch Manager First Vice President - Investment Officer 6423 Montgomery Street, Suite 10 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-9710 • 1-800-477-2505 [email protected] COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL PUMPING • REPAIRS • INSTALLATION ROBIN DALEY 845-876-2691 87 E. 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