Collection of Feline Stories is the Cat`s Meow!
Collection of Feline Stories is the Cat`s Meow!
the Shelter Scoop Summer 2013 IN THIS ISSUE Collection of Feline Stories ......1 Spotlight on Our Staff.............2 Spotlight on Our Volunteers......2 Happy Tails..........................3 Shelter News........................4 The Path to Forever Homes......5 Long-Termers.......................5 New Digs for the Dogs.............6 Adopt-A-Kennel Program..........6 Shop Online and Help HCHS......6 Dog Walk............................7 Planned Giving.....................7 HCHS Events & Services ..........8 A 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization Director of Shelter Operations Deb Crute, LVT Shelter Staff Beth Cressman LVT, Supervisor Laura Wright, Supervisor Brandi Carufe, Kaitlin Cronin, Devin Gardner, Tessa Hartwell, Kathryn Jackson, Garrett Jester, Lori Rheel, Joel Schermerhorn, Maria Schermerhorn, Judy Sidorowicz, Elaine Stefanelli,Tim Yeary PetSmart Adoption Center Staff: Christina Russell, Coordinator Fay Amatrano, Erin Sinnott Board of Directors Marion Ott, President Laura O’Connor,Vice President Brent Truitt, Treasurer Amanda Fucci-Bartoszek, Secretary Beth Adams, Lynne Attanasso, Nicole Franzese, Cathy Karlin, Dick Stinson, Dale Trethaway, Jennifer Truitt Newsletter Committee Deb Crute, Kenny Fass, Amanda Fucci-Bartoszek, Marion Ott, Brent Truitt, Jen Truitt Newsletter Contributors Beth Cressman, Kelly Haas, Laura Wright P.O. Box 88, Delhi, NY 13753 ~ (607) 746-3080 e-mail: [email protected] website: Collection of Feline Stories is the Cat’s Meow! What do you get when you pair a retired schoolteacher and a freelance artist who are both cat lovers? A wonderful book with lots of “cat-titude!” Mary Jane Henderson and Aubrynn Nealis conceived of the idea for Cat Whiskers: A Book of Special Cat Stories and Colorful Illustrations after discussing a book written and published in 1938 by Delaware County resident Bess Hughes Burns, entitled Cat Tales. This book, along with their love for animals, inspired the two women to collaborate on a more recent collection of cat stories that were gathered from many local residents. Over 100 copies of the book were published, with all of the proceeds from the book sales donated to HCHS. A benefit book signing of Cat Whiskers, hosted by O’Neill’s Shire Pub in Delhi on March 8th, was a local triumph. There was a huge turnout, which packed the bar and restaurant, and a line out the door with people waiting to get their books signed. The books were sold out in less than 2 hours! Thank you to Mary Jane, Aubrynn, those who contributed cat tales for the book, the Shire Pub, as well as all who came out to support Cat Whiskers and the shelter. We appreciate the hard work that went into this very special project. And congratulations to those who were lucky enough to get a copy of this local treasure! Printed By Courier Printing Corporation Copyright 2013 Heart of the Catskills Humane Society w w w . h e a r t o f t h e c a t s k i l l s . o r g Spotlight on Our Staff Our family’s involvement with HCHS started in 2003, when we moved into the log home next door. We would occasionally walk dogs, but mostly tended to the Rainbow Bridge Garden and brought one or two of the adoptable shelter dogs to the Annual Dog Walk. Around that time, I was doing “backyard” dog agility with my Chihuahuas, Bo and Boquet, and I later donated our obstacle course to the shelter. In the summer of 2008, I started as a volunteer and by September, had become a part-time employee, cleaning and caring for the shelter cats. In July 2009, I adopted McDoogle, a Schnauzer/Yorkie/ Dachshund mix. He is such a sweet and loveable boy. In 2010, we fostered a sweet Yorkie, Mocha, and we are currently fostering a quirky kitty, Isaiah. My brother and I have also and keeping to myself. But just ask my parents and brother and they will tell you that if you get me on the right subject, I can talk your ear off! For example, ask me something about gardening and it will eventually lead into how my chickens, rabbits, and ducks play an integral part of the gardening cycle through composting organic materials and food scraps. I also love to take photos of animals, flowers, natural scenery, and family events. ~Maria Shermerhorn mowed Lilac Lane and the shelter’s grassy areas for several years. When I am working at the shelter, I am there to get the job done as efficiently as possible without cutting corners. Because I am always busy, most people think of me as very quiet Maria also mentioned that her family really appreciates the good neighbors they have at HCHS, and all of us here can sincerely return the compliment. The Schermerhorns are wonderful neighbors who not only keep an eye on things for us, but always have a friendly smile, a helping hand, and a kind word! Spotlight on Our Volunteers Pat Svegl, or “Aunt Pat” as she is affectionately called by the shelter staff, has been a fun-loving and dedicated shelter volunteer for many years. Aunt Pat prefers to work “behind the scenes” and helps with a wide variety of tasks such as copying, mailings, cleaning and organizing the storage areas of the shelter, and getting the materials for all of our fundraisers ready in advance so the events can go as smoothly as possible. other favorite pastimes. Pat uses her creative talents to benefit the shelter as well. She has blessed Pat and her husband, John, who have the shelter with her love for sewing been married for 28 years, live in a by donating soft and colorful cat two-room renovated old school house hammocks for our cat cages, which and have three cats of their own that the kitties love! She also created a they adore. Pat can share another of beautiful, original quilt made from her hobbies, bird watching, with her all of the Annual Dog Walk t-shirts, kitty, Scrappy Doo (so named for her which hangs in our reception area spunky and bold personality), that she at HCHS. Pat includes reading and adopted from HCHS. Their other cats, working in her flower beds among her Smokey Joe and Rusty, were both 2 Heart of the Catskills Humane Society Become a Volunteer Call Today! (607) 746-3080 found and rescued from the outdoors as tiny kittens. Rusty is a traveling cat and enjoys going to tractor shows and flea markets with Pat and John. They are three lucky cats! We truly appreciate the time Aunt Pat puts in at the shelter and, of course, the good-natured teasing that takes place between Pat and the staff whenever she is volunteering at HCHS, which always creates a lighthearted atmosphere! Happy Tails Burroughs We adopted Burroughs from you a few months back. Our other older cat Dax (who is also polydactyl) and Burroughs get along terrifically. They box, wrestle, and chase each other around quite a bit. We’ve learned that Burroughs is very clumsy, but he’s also very smart as he seems to learn from his mistakes. We love him dearly. Adopting Burroughs has proven to be just what this family needed. Thank you for your time, and thank you, thank you, thank you for Burroughs! ~John Winter Hale Sunny Here are just a few of the wonderful tales about pets who, because of your support, have now found their forever homes... Winchester & Charlotte Hazel & Soda In December 2011 I adopted Winchester, and one year later on Christmas Eve we brought Charlotte home. It wasn’t long before “the kids” became best friends— playing tug of war, wrestling around the living room, and snuggling together on the couch. Don’t get me wrong, adopting two senior beagles has not always proved to be the easiest task, and we’ve definitely had some tough moments; however, I wouldn’t trade either one of them for anything. Rescuing my two senior kids was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. Thank you, Heart of the Catskills, for allowing me to bring these two exceptional dogs into my life. I only wish I had met them sooner, so that I may have more time to love them! ~Tracey Brown I adore Hazel and Soda. They seem to find the weirdest positions to sleep in (Soda sleeps on his back with his legs in the air, and Hazel tries to sleep in the window sill but falls off). They both will go absolutely crazy when they have their toys. Sometimes Soda tries to steal Hazel’s food. It’s just adorable the way he does it. He’ll take his paw and dip it into her food and then lick it. Hazel will just stare right at him while he’s doing it. I would be so bored without these two. I love them so much. ~Kristina Armstrong Angus After 15 years of having my cat, Bow, his time came to pass. I went to HCHS and told them that I needed to hold a cat and cry. While in the cat room, all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and there was Sunny. I sat down on the floor with her and cried, and she purred and let me tell her all about Bow and what a good cat he was. Three months later, I decided it was time to get another cat. Sunny had been in the shelter for two years, so I adopted her! To me, she is the most beautiful cat in the world, has a heart of gold, and is full of sunshine. Sometimes it’s not the little kitten that catches your heart, but the older cat. I’m a great believer that the cat picks you and not the other way around. ~Bette Shaw Angus has been a welcome addition to my home. He was a quick study and has adjusted to it here with ease. His favorite activities are lounging, eating, and being a joyous presence. Thank you all so much! ~John Schneider Opt to Adopt! Foster Caregivers Needed HCHS is looking for foster caregivers for kittens and their moms. All you need is an extra room to keep them in while they are in your care, attention, a little time, and lots of love! If interested, please call or email HCHS for more information. Do you want to keep informed on HCHS updates? Visit www.heartofthecatskills. org and sign up to receive our Shelter Scoop e-mail bulletins. 3 Shelter News Three Woofs for the Shire Pub & The Andes Hotel! HCHS would like to give a special thank you to Sally and Ed O’Neill, owners of the Shire Pub in Delhi and The Andes Hotel, for their amazing and “paw-some” support over the past several years in hosting fundraisers at their restaurants that have benefited HCHS. Events like their Annual Beer Festival, the Toga Party, and the Cat Whiskers book signing have all been great successes. And, the funds raised at these events have helped us to keep our doors open for the homeless animals that need us. Thanks Sally and Ed— you are “pawsitively” wonderful supporters, and we appreciate all you do for HCHS! Toga Party Benefits Animals On October 13th, O’Neill’s Shire Pub hosted a special Toga Party event featuring regional party band, Esquela, to benefit HCHS. The Toga Party became a widely-popular party practice following the 1978 hit film, Animal House. Appropriately, Esquela performed select songs from the movie as well as an evening’s worth of fun, danceable music. Patrons were invited to attend adorned in traditional, Greek/ Roman “toga” attire and were asked to make a donation to HCHS in any financial amount, or donate essential, daily supplies for the shelter. It was an evening full of great music and dancing for the animals… and the toga tradition continues! 4 HCHS Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day We’ve Been Adopted! The cats and dogs of HCHS are very lucky to have been “adopted” by a great group of dedicated college men from the Kappa Sigma Epsilon fraternity on the SUNY Delhi campus. KSE is a group that works together towards a shared vision with principles to achieve their goals by being a “men for others” organization. They have chosen HCHS to be one of their “others” as a beneficiary for their Alumni Weekend Memorial Golf Tournament during SUNY Delhi’s Centennial Celebration this year. In addition, the college brothers donate their time and energy onsite at the shelter walking dogs, socializing cats, and helping out with projects. While HCHS is in the business of adopting out wonderful cats and dogs, how lucky are we to have been adopted by this wonderful group of men? Thirty-One Helps HCHS Supporters Get Organized In April, the United Ministry Church of Delhi hosted a ThirtyOne fundraiser for HCHS. These fun and functional products to help our supporters stay well-organized, including bags, purses, totes, and more, all benefited the shelter’s cats and dogs with orders placed that evening and online. We are very grateful for the time and energy that went into organizing this event and for the funds raised! Heart of the Catskills Humane Society The Annual Delhi St. Patrick’s Day Parade was held on March 23rd, where the HCHS parade float received best runner-up! For three years, it has been a pleasure for our cats, dogs, shelter staff, and shelter and SUNY Delhi volunteers to participate. Our best float decorations are always the animals, which has even gotten some of them adopted over the years! Petco Adoption Partnership HCHS is happy to announce our newest adoption partnership with Petco in Oneonta, NY! The Petco management and staff have been wonderful to work with, and we are grateful for this “purr-fect” opportunity for our animals. Please visit our wonderful cats available for adoption at the adoption center at Petco where they are all waiting for their “fur-ever” homes! Spring Dance 2013 Everyone enjoyed a fun night at HCHS's 2013 Spring Dance at Hanah Mountain Resort in Margaretville! Don’t forget, it’s not too late to renew your annual HCHS membership! Still Paving the Path to Forever Homes It is hard to believe that on May 25, 2013 we celebrated our 10th unveiling of new pavers in our Heart Walk path on the shelter grounds. Looking back to the fall of 2007, we had a suggestion from one of our devoted supporters to look into selling engraved pavers as a fundraising idea. It took many months of research, meetings, and decisions before we knew the type of paver we wanted to use, who we wanted to hire for the engraving, and where the best place would be to install our beautiful Heart Walk. Our first biannual installation and unveiling of the engraved bluestone pavers took place on Saturday, November 8, 2008, in front of the Gazebo on the grounds of our animal shelter. Over the years, we have had many people, both individuals and groups, purchase pavers in honor of special friends, beloved pets, special birthdays, weddings, and many other occasions. We also have several pavers engraved with company logos from businesses in the communities that we serve. As you walk along the Heart Walk path and read all of the inscriptions on the pavers, you feel all of the emotions that people express when they compose the wording for their pavers. Each and every paver has a very special meaning to someone, and we are so thankful that they are sharing these heartfelt feelings with us. We hope you will help us continue to expand our Heart Walk path around the shelter grounds by purchasing a locally-quarried bluestone paver in either 4” x 8” for $100 or 8” x 8” for $200, and at the same time help us care for our area’s homeless animals! If you would like more information on the Heart Walk or to purchase a paver, please visit our website or contact HCHS. Long-Termers Looking for their Forever Homes!! Did you know we have lots of cats and dogs that have been at our shelter for a very long time, waiting for their forever homes? One of the misconceptions we hear is that our shelter pets only have a “certain amount of time.” However, that is not true at our shelter. As long as animals are mentally and physically healthy, they are adoptable and have no time limit. Below are two of our “long-termers” who continue to wait for a new home— do you have a place in your heart for them? Snickers is a six-year-old Australian Shepherd/Lab mix that came into the shelter on February 17, 2010. She has beautiful blue eyes with a slight vision impairment. She loves to play, especially with stuffed toys which she “nurses” on. Snickers knows how to sit, gets along well with other dogs, and really enjoys walks. Beanie is a three-year-old black and white short hair cat that entered the shelter on September 2, 2010 with his siblings and mother. He only has one eye, but that doesn’t stop him from being an affectionate boy. Beanie is very talkative and likes to “squeak.” He would enjoy a home where he can be indoors but also hang out on an enclosed porch. Double your gift-giving opportunity to HCHS! Does your employer participate in a charitable matching gift program? If so, please consider HCHS! Many companies will match their employees’ contributions to a charitable organization of their choice. That means you can help our shelter animals x2! 5 New Digs for the Dogs If you haven’t visited the shelter lately, stop by and see the beautiful new area for our adoptable dogs while they await their forever homes. Thanks to a generous donor and some grant funding, our indoor kennels have undergone a complete overhaul! New windows, new lighting, and fresh paint make for a brighter and more cheerful environment, not only for the canines, but for the humans who come to visit (and hopefully adopt) them, as well as for our shelter staff and volunteers. There are also sturdier new doors that make transferring dogs between the kennels, the puppy run, and outdoor play areas easier and more efficient for the staff. Long gone are the old, noisy hallway fan and the rusty, unused overhead heater. Now we have energyefficient heaters, overhead fans, and a Adopt-A-Kennel or much crisper look all-around. One of the Cage Program most noticeable improvements is the new sound silencer panels on the ceiling and walls. It’s not exactly a monastery in Would you like to sponsor one there now, but it sure is a lot quieter than it used to be. We even installed a sound or more of the cat cages or dog system in the kennels. (Did you know that playing soothing background music kennels that house our animals helps to keep the dogs calm and quieter?) during their stay at HCHS for a month, six months, or a year? All of this would not have been possible without the support of a generous donor By participating in our Adoptwho identified a need, and then stepped up to fund it. Income that we generate A-Kennel or Cage Program, through donations, membership dues, adoption fees, and fundraisers is just barely your sponsorship will help fund enough to cover the $1,350 a day that it costs to operate the shelter. Big capital the food, vaccinations, and improvement projects, like the kennel renovations, are made possible only spay or neuter surgery for each through grants, generous donations, and planned giving. cat or dog housed in the cage or kennel while they wait for So stop by and check out our dogs’ new digs. Even if you are not looking their forever homes! For more to adopt right now, you will enjoy seeing the improvements and might even information, please visit our consider joining our Adopt-A-Kennel or Cage program and sponsor one of the website or contact HCHS. beautiful new kennels. (And, if you are like many of us, you might just adopt a new pooch anyway!) Shop Online and Help HCHS at the Same Time! Shop online through where up to 26% of each purchase you make is donated to HCHS. You can shop from over 1,200 stores such as Amazon, BestBuy, Lowe’s, Travelocity, Staples, and many, many more. We are listed on under our corporate name: Humane Society of Central Delaware County, Inc. HCHS has also become a certified eBay Giving Works nonprofit organization. This means that if you sell items on eBay, you can now donate a percentage of your sale to benefit the shelter. So how does it work? Simply list an item on eBay, select HCHS as your charity, and choose the percentage you want to donate (between 10% and 100%). When your item sells, PayPal Giving Fund, eBay’s nonprofit partner, will collect your donation and send it to HCHS. And remember all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law! For more information on iGive or eBay Giving Works, please visit the HCHS website. And don’t forget our homeless fourlegged friends the next time you shop ‘till you drop! 6 Heart of the Catskills Humane Society Long Live Ruff & Roll: 10th Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk & Fair Long Live Ruff & Roll, HCHS’s 10th Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk & Fair, was a rockin’ success! Held at the American Legion Field on September 15th, event-goers enjoyed beautiful fall weather; burgers, pie, and ice cream sodas at the Hard Ruff Café; as well as classic 50’s-style music and dance as they perused the sights with their four-legged friends. Everyone got into the spirit of the event. We saw several Elvis impersonators (human and canine), as well as cool cats sporting leather jackets and pretty girls in poodle skirts and saddle shoes. Many of the shelter dogs were dressed as “Pink Ladies” and got lots of attention after strutting-their-stuff to the song You Ain’t Nuthin’ but a Hound Dog during the shelter dog parade. The shelter’s cool cats, not to be outdone by the dogs, had a chance to show off their feline charms in the Kool Kats tent where folks were able to vote on the photos in the Feline Furtography contest and buy handmade cat toys, blankets, and feline themed tasty treats. Some other highlights included a cruise-in car show, a hula-hoopster demo and contest, a 50’s dance demo, a Best Elvis Impersonator contest, and our rockin’ doggie maze and obstacle course. A good time was had by all, and we would like to give a big thank you to everyone who participated and supported the shelter cats and dogs! And what will be the theme for the 11th Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk, you ask? Here’s a hint… you might want to start teaching your dogs some new tricks, and they might just get some treats! Yes, this year’s theme will be Consider Planned “Howl-o-ween,” and we have some really fun and creative ideas in the Giving with HCHS works, such as trick-or-treating at the If you are interested in tents (for dogs and kids); bobbing becoming part of our growing for hot dogs; a costume contest with Planned Giving Program— prizes for the scariest, cutest, and most original costumes; a pumpkin carving such as including HCHS in contest; and maybe even a haunted your will, insurance, or other house! So mark your calendars for estate plans— or would like Saturday, September 14, 2013, and more information, please come with your furry, four-legged download our Planned Giving friends to the American Legion Field Guide from our website, or call on Route 10 in Delhi, and be ready for Brent Truitt at (845) 586-5108. some tricks, some treats, and some fun! 2012 Sponsors King of Dogs Delhi Liquor Store 55 Main Street, Delhi, NY 13753 607-746-2321 Joanne Callahan Associate Broker, ASP Century 21 Chesser Realty 160 Main Street, Delhi NY 13753 Cell: 917-612-4054 [email protected] Sittin’ Pretty B & B Construction– Roxbury CADI– Delhi Chet Delameter– Hancock Delhi Animal Hospital Dianich Excavating– Davenport Two Old Tarts– Bovina– Hamden Wags Elite Home Inspections– Walton Margaretville Liquor Store Otsego Auto Crushers, LLC– Oneonta Phyllis Grooming From the Forest Kennels– Delhi Wadler Bros.– Fleischmanns Woofs Andes Hotel Becker’s Tire Service, LLC– Grand Gorge Brookside Veterinary Hospital– Arkville Buena Vista Inn– Delhi C & C Feeds– Walton Coldwell Banker Timberland Properties – Delhi Community Bank N.A.– Delhi Curtis Lumber– Delhi D & D of Walton, Inc. Delhi Diner Delhi Motors Company Delhi Telephone Company Erickson’s Automotive, Inc.– Arkville Five Star Subaru of Oneonta Joel Canfield’s Back Yard Enterprise - Treadwell Public Restaurant- Roxbury Second Nature Construction- Hamden Uncle Alan’s Antiques & Oddities- Delhi 7 Heart of the Catskills Humane Society 46610 State Highway 10 P.O. Box 88 Delhi, NY 13753 “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ~Anatole France MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! Look for HCHS at these upcoming area events! Roxbury Sidewalk Festival: -Saturday, July 6, 2013; 10 AM–3 PM Margaretville Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Flea Market: -Saturday, August 3, 2013; 9 AM–4 PM Delhi Telephone Company Open House: -Wednesday, August 7, 2013; 11 AM–2 PM Central Catskills Great Outdoor Experience Festival, Margaretville: -Saturday, August 24, 2013; 10 AM–4 PM Belleayre Ski-Tember Fest: -Saturday, September 28, 2013; 10 AM–6 PM Join us at these HCHS Events: 11th Annual Woofs n’ Wags Dog Walk & Fair Saturday, September 14, 2013 American Legion Field, Delhi Keep an eye out for pledge forms in August! HCHS Annual Meeting and 11th Biannual Heart Walk Unveiling Saturday, October 26, 2013 Annual Meeting at the Delaware County Historical Association, Delhi; 12 PM–1:45 PM Heart Walk Unveiling at HCHS; 2 PM Complete Services Offered Public Low Income Spay/Neuter Vouchers Dog & Cat Adoption Services Microchipping for Adoptees Pet Listings on Humane Education Programs Senior Pals & Animal Angels Programs Dog & Puppy Training Classes Junior & Adult Volunteer Program Barking Books Reading Program Cremation Services & Memorials Lost & Found Registry Lilac Lane Pet Memorial Garden HCHS is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 11am to 4pm, and by appointment. We’re located at 46610 State Highway 10 in Delhi, just two miles north of the Village. Turn at the Delaware County Historical Association, where you will see our sign. We Welcome Your Visit! w w w. h e a r t o f t h e c a t s k i l l s . o r g
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