theShelter Scoop - Heart of the Catskills Humane Society
theShelter Scoop - Heart of the Catskills Humane Society
the Shelter Scoop Summer 2014 IN THIS ISSUE Motorcycle Club Fundraiser .....1 “Take a Hike” Fundraiser.........1 Spotlight on Our Staff.............2 Spotlight on Our Volunteers......2 Happy Tails..........................3 Shelter News........................4 Ways to Help........................4 Spotlight on Foster Families......5 Funds Help HCHS...................6 Why Adopt an Older Dog?.........6 Dog Walk............................7 Double Your Gift-giving...........7 HCHS Events & Services ..........8 A 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization Director of Shelter Operations Deb Crute, LVT Shelter Staff Beth Cressman LVT, Supervisor Laura Wright, Supervisor Brandi Carufe, Kaitlin Cronin, Devin Gardner, Kathryn Jackson, Lori Rheel, Trina Rosenblum, Joel Schermerhorn, Maria Schermerhorn, Judy Sidorowicz, Elaine Stefanelli,Tim Yeary PetSmart Adoption Center Staff: Christina Russell-Lamont, Coordinator Fay Amatrano, Erin Sinnott Board of Directors Marion Ott, President Laura O’Connor,Vice President Brent Truitt, Treasurer Amanda Fucci-Bartoszek, Secretary Beth Adams, Lynne Attanasso, Nicole Franzese, Cathy Karlin, Dick Stinson, Dale Trethaway, Jennifer Truitt Newsletter Committee Deb Crute, Kenny Fass, Amanda Fucci-Bartoszek, Marion Ott, Brent Truitt, Jen Truitt Newsletter Contributors Beth Cressman, Laura Wright Printed By Courier Printing Corporation Copyright 2014 Heart of the Catskills Humane Society P.O. Box 88, Delhi, NY 13753 ~ (607) 746-3080 e-mail: [email protected] website: Worn & Weathered Motorcycle Club Fundraiser Fifty motorcycle kickstands went up at 11:00 AM in the parking lot of HCHS on a beautiful, sunny, and chilly Saturday morning on August 24, 2013. The Worn & Weathered Motorcycle Club of Stamford held their first annual poker run to benefit the homeless cats and dogs at the shelter. Registration started at 9:00 AM with lots of hot coffee, donuts, and the cutest cat and dog cupcakes you have ever bitten into! Folks brought items from the shelter’s wish list and visited with the furry residents while waiting to start their long road trip touring beautiful Delaware County. The shelter staff watched in awe and with big smiles as the motorcycles were revved up, and they rode two-by-two down the driveway to Route 10 on their way to raising a total of $1,000 for HCHS! Beth Cressman’s “Take a Hike” Fundraiser I wanted to do something special to commemorate the two-year anniversary of my final chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I am an avid hiker and have always wanted to hike the notorious Devil’s Path in the Catskill Mountains in one day. I decided to go ahead and up the challenge by hiking it barefoot and turning it into a fundraiser. So, last June, I hiked the 23-mile, sixmountain trail while barefoot, totaling over 7,000 vertical feet. I started in 40-degree rain, had a brief window of beautiful sunlight, waded through waist-high rapids upstream from a raging waterfall, trekked through thunderstorms complete with a lightning strike right in front of me on a mountain summit, and ended (finally!) with a giant cut on my foot that I had been hiking on for the final 14 miles. And all of this while hiking with my amazing little 15-pound shelter dog, Mimi! This experience definitely represented triumph through tragedy. Best of all, I ended up raising money for two charities near and dear to my heart. A little over $1,100 each went to Delhi’s Relay for Life and to the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society, where I have joyously worked for almost 13 years now. A year later, I remain cancer-free and continue to enjoy our beautiful Catskills and helping homeless cats and dogs find their forever homes. w w w . h e a r t o f t h e c a t s k i l l s . o r g Spotlight on Our Staff Fay Amatrano started working at HCHS as an adoption assistant at our PetSmart Adoption Center in Kingston back in 2010. She has been one of our most reliable and dedicated employees. Fay is always willing to fill in for vacancies and drop everything to make a trip from Kingston to the shelter for a special needs cat. She also works a second job at a local bar/music venue, and she has recently started collecting their returnable bottles and cans for regular donations to the shelter! Fay lives with two wonderful mutts— a Husky/Shepherd mix named Timber Fay’s adoption center supervisor says she is a great asset and one of the best adoption assistants she has worked with in her seven years. Now that is a real, heartfelt compliment, and we could not agree more! Fay Amatrano and a Terrier mix named Fooey (an HCHS alumnus); three great cats— Tweek Bug, Mamma, and Beetle Juice (the last two are HCHS alumni); and a Ball Python named Snakey (not from Spotlight on Our Volunteers Here at HCHS, when we think of amazing and reliable volunteers, we think of Rhonda Bevins! When Rhonda is not working as the Office Manager for Tops Markets in Stamford or taking care of her own furry menagerie of five dogs and nine cats, she can be found volunteering for the shelter in numerous ways. Rhonda is often our go-to woman at weekend adoption days and bake sales to benefit the shelter. She is not shy about asking for donations for the homeless animals, which makes her a wonderful fundraiser! She willingly fills in when we need someone to transport cats to our adoption center in Kingston, and she decorates a gorgeous tree for our Holiday for the Heart event every year. Rhonda also takes a very active part in our Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk, sitting on the committee, holding down the fort at the cat tent, and often baking tasty treats and using her crafty, creative skills to fashion special cat toys to sell. 2 HCHS!). Fay only chooses vacation destinations that allow dogs, and she and her boyfriend love to take them hiking and to the dog park in Kingston. Rhonda Bevins But Rhonda’s most special gift is her willingness and ability to be a loving foster mom to litter after litter of kittens, and then letting them go to be adopted into loving homes. Rhonda has been volunteering at HCHS for eight years and fostering kittens for six years. She has nurtured over 13 litters of kittens in that time! Rhonda says that fostering is her form of relaxation: “I love to nurture the momma cats, and I love watching the kittens grow and learn to play. And there is nothing that compares to hearing them purr for the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society Become a Volunteer Call Today! (607) 746-3080 first time! There is no better form of relaxation than playing with a kitten.” People often ask Rhonda how she is able to let them go after watching them grow up, and her answer is always the same: “Yes, it is hard, but I am pre-loving them for their future fur-ever homes! They go on to a home so I have room to foster the next batch of kittens.” Rhonda admits that she does cry sometimes when they leave, but that there are happy tears mixed in with the sad. She truly finds such joy in her kittens finding their very own homes: “I give a piece of my heart to every cat and kitten that I foster, and they in return give a piece of theirs to me.” You can see why Rhonda Bevins is an HCHS treasure. Thank you, Rhonda, for all you do for our homeless animals and for doing it all with cheerfulness, a sense of humor, and a heart willing to open wide for the next little one in need! Happy Tails Slide I just wanted to say how much we love the new addition to our family. We adopted a tuxedo named Slide from you last week. We are back in Connecticut and Slide, who we renamed Sly, is very happy and doing well. Thank you for our wonderful cat! ~The Niemynski Family Tally Here are just a few of the wonderful tales about pets who, because of your support, have now found their forever homes... Chunk To say the least, Chunk has proven to be an amazing addition to our family. The moment I laid eyes on him I just knew that he was the one. It was love at first sight. He has such a unique personality, from the way he struts when he walks to the gentle way he puts his paw on your cheek to make you aware of his presence. Whether he is chasing the laser pointer around the house at 4G speeds or giving his toy mouse a run for its money, he never turns off his purr-motor. Chunk has definitely become king in our castle, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for allowing Chunk to bless this family in his new fur-ever home. ~The Schmidts Sienna I just wanted to let you know that little Sienna is doing really well. For the first week my resident cat Dandelion (also a Heart of the Catskills alum) hissed and growled at her, and she would just purr at him. Now they are lying together and eating together. She is so sweet and friendly and loves to lie in the sunny windowsills. ~Kate Henderson Rufus Yoshi Tally is absolutely wonderful! We love her to pieces. She adores children, which is great because there are many in the neighborhood. We hike an hour or more every morning, and then we go to the old school grounds every afternoon and play ball with the other dogs and swim in the creek for another hour. We can’t keep her out of the water, especially when there is a stick in the picture! After all that exercise, she’s a couch potato at home. She also gets along just fine with the cats, who really like her. She’s really settling in and becoming our baby. Thank you so much! ~Dorian and Eric Huneke After being at the shelter for several months and looking for the right match, Yoshi (second from left) finally found the perfect family to call his own! I took him home where he has friends and lots of space, and now he is one happy boy! He is now called Bonz, and he is shown here with his brother and two cousins. They love to play together! Bonz is a great dog, and we are definitely his forever home. ~Donna Bender Opt to Adopt! I needed a fifth dog like I needed another head. Then, earlier this year, I saw Rufus! It broke my heart that, after 13 years, his family moved and left him behind. I was at the kennel in a heartbeat. Then I found out he had CHF and needed to take a half pill twice daily. No big deal! He fit in beautifully. A few months have passed and I have a new best friend. He clearly just wants to be next to his human. I couldn’t picture life without him! I want to extend my assurance that you will not be sorry if you adopt a special needs or older dog! I encourage those that are able to look toward rescuing an older dog. The benefit is two-fold! ~Maureen (Rufus’ Mom) 3 Shelter News Benefit Fundraiser at Crazy River Café Char Roberts and Artie DeBari, owners of The Crazy River Café, and their customers in Margaretville displayed lots of heart for Valentine’s Day this year when they held a hugely successful benefit fundraiser for HCHS on February 9th. The parking lot was overflowing very early that day, and there was only roadside parking for most of the event! Local artisans and merchants in the area generously donated many wonderful items for raffling during the day, and customers donated a truck load of items from the shelter’s wish list. WIOX Radio joined the fun with Artie Martello performing his Catskill Mountain Magic, and Ben Rounds providing musical entertainment for all those who attended. A huge heartfelt thank you to the Crazy River Café and the entire community who shared their big hearts for our homeless cats and dogs! Shandaken Theatrical Society Benefit for HCHS On March 9th, the Shandaken Theatrical Society Playhouse in Phoenecia staged a fabulously successful HCHS benefit performance of the comedy play, Sylvia, about a stray dog that is found and the man that she rescues. The Phoenecia Diner and Mama’s Boy generously donated a delectable champagne brunch to start out the performance, and then the actors and actresses put on an artistic and professional laugh-out-loud performance that brought both smiles and tears to their pet-loving audience. The theatre atmosphere was cozy and inviting, and there was a lot of buzz from the audience about returning for future performances. HCHS thanks all who were involved for such a pawsome fundraiser! 4 Emerson Resort Fall Festival Over Columbus Day weekend 2013, HCHS was invited to a two-day Fall Festival in Mount Tremper at the Emerson Resort & Spa. Enjoying sunny fall skies both days, the event was well attended by young and old, with lots of food, fun, and festivities. With the addition of a number of unique and interesting donations from a generous donor, plus many of our own items, the weekend was very successful. Possibly the best part of the whole experience was that two of our shelter kittens, Full Moon and Thingamabob, found their fur-ever homes. We look forward to many more of these special outreaches! Chili Cook-Off On Saturday, October 5, 2013, the International Chili Society held a chili cook-off at Woodstock Harley Davidson in Kingston. HCHS volunteers raised funds by selling shelter t-shirts and bracelets. Cats were on hand for adoption and were the star attraction of the day. Many adopters from PetSmart in Kingston stopped by to share their adoption tales as well as to sample some of the delicious chili. Look for us later this year at this annual event! Update: 19 Basset Hounds at HCHS Some of you may remember that the shelter took in 19 older Basset Hounds in July of 2013 when their owner unexpectedly passed away. We are happy to report that as of May 10th, the last Basset Hound from that group was adopted and went to his forever home! Thanks to all of you who donated funds for their care and came to visit them, and to all those wonderful supporters who fostered several of them too! We have a pawsome community of animal lovers with lots of heart! Heart of the Catskills Humane Society Ways to Help! Would you like to sponsor one or more of the cat cages or dog kennels that house our animals during their stay at HCHS? By participating in our Adopt-AKennel or Cage Program, your sponsorship will help fund the food, vaccinations, and spay or neuter surgery for each cat or dog housed in it while they wait for their forever homes! For more information, please visit our website or contact HCHS. If you are interested in becoming part of our growing Planned Giving Program — such as including HCHS in your wills, insurance, or other estate plans— or would like more information, please download our Planned Giving Guide from our website, or call Brent Truitt at (845) 586-5108. Help us continue to expand our Heart Walk path around the shelter grounds by purchasing a bluestone paver, and at the same time, help us care for our area’s homeless animals! If you would like more information on the Heart Walk or to purchase a paver, please visit our website or contact HCHS. Don’t forget our homeless four-legged friends the next time you shop ‘till you drop! For more information on iGive or eBay Giving Works, please visit the HCHS website. Don’t forget, it’s not too late to renew your annual HCHS membership! Spotlight on our Foster Families Meet the Millers— foster and 4-H club family extraordinaire! In January of this year, Christine Miller and her daughter Madison started a journal to track their HCHS foster care journey. But their actual volunteering started five years ago when their 4-H group called “Thistle Be the Best Little 4-H Club” started visiting the shelter regularly to walk dogs, socialize cats, and collect donations from the shelter wish list. Then in early 2012, the Millers started their foster journey with their first foster, a black cat named Owl, who has since found his forever home. In August of 2013, they fostered their first mother cat with a litter of kittens. The kids, Madison and Gus, affectionately named the kittens Princess, Prince, Charming, and Fuzzy Face. And then came their first foster puppy in December of 2013, and it has been a fostering whirlwind ever since! Here are a few entries from their fostering journals for you to enjoy: First foster puppy, Holly: “The cutest puppy you would ever see! Holly got to spend Christmas with us and she went home on December 26th. While we were fostering her, she got to spend her days at ‘doggie day care’ at Grammy’s house sleeping on the floor on her blanket by the stove and breakfast bar. She went all the way to the North Pole [NY] with us only to find that they were closed due to an ice storm! She did great on the 14 hour car trip though! We really, really miss Holly, but are glad she’s got a great home now.” Christine Miller Third foster dog, Po: “Po is the black and tan Coonhound with a big and loving heart. He just wants to curl up in our laps. When we brought him home, he loved to ride in the car with his feet on the console and his face close to ours. He loved to sleep in bed with us and laid his head on our chests. We took him to Petco for an adoption day, and a wonderful family walked through the door like they came to Petco that day to find him, and they fell in love and adopted him. He has almost an acre of fenced in yard in his new home and a Golden Retriever buddy named Charlie. And his new name is Sweet William.” Seventh foster cat, Delacotta: “Delacotta had been waiting to be adopted at the Petco adoption center, but after a while, it was time for her to come back. We asked if we could foster her instead of having to bring her back to the shelter and Deb said yes. She’s been a little shy but has started warming up a little in the last few days. She loves to sit on the piano amongst the flowers and listen to Madison play. We’re hopefully going to be able to send her to the PetSmart adoption center in Kingston and find her forever home there soon.” Christine started taking their foster dogs and also some shelter dogs to Petco in Oneonta on Saturday adoption days back in January. The Millers have set a goal of getting 50 dogs and cats adopted from the shelter in 2014, and they are well on their way with a total of 13 dogs and 9 cats adopted as of May 10th! In addition, they have been taking shelter dogs and cats to be filmed and highlighted on the Delhi Telephone Company cable channel and website once a month! And their Hobart Cub Pack 39 is committed to raising $1,300 for our Annual Dog Walk this year in September— the amount it costs to operate the shelter for one day. How paw-some is that? There is no doubt that this amazing family can do whatever they set their minds to. Stay tuned for an update in our next annual Newsletter and see how they did Gus Miller meeting their goals! Madison Miller Foster Caregivers Needed! HCHS is looking for foster caregivers for kittens and their moms. All you need is an extra room to keep them in while they are in your care, attention, a little time, and lots of love! If interested, please call or email HCHS for more information. 5 Funds Help HCHS Wash and Dry with Ease— Plus Upgraded Dog Runs! As you can probably imagine, the shelter goes through a mountain of laundry each and every day, from blankets to towels, to pet beds and washcloths. The daily, continuous use took its toll on the string of relatively basic washers and dryers we have gone through. They required frequent repairs and, in fact, have been replaced several times over the past few years. That has now changed. Thanks to an anonymous funding source, we now have commercial grade machines that can keep pace with our daily needs. They can take the punishment of the mountains of bedding (and pet hair) we throw at them. And, coming up this summer, that same funding source is making it possible for us to upgrade our outdoor dog runs If you have ever visited the shelter during mud season or even after a small amount of rain, you may have noticed that our outdoor dog runs quickly get overrun with water and mud. And, given the frequency of precipitation up here in the Catskills and the resulting water and mud, our ability to actually use the runs for outdoor play and socialization for our dogs is limited. To solve the problem, we asked for and received the funding necessary to have landscaping work done to keep the dog runs dry. When that work is done, the dogs will be able to use the runs at all times and seasons, and the runs will be more presentable to potential adopters. And, after that, we are hoping to find funding to replace the plastic dog houses that we currently have in the runs with a more permanent pavilion-type covering. Thanks to all of our generous donors— small and large, anonymous or named. Your support makes projects like this, and operating the shelter on a daily basis, possible. ASPCA’s Top 10 Reasons to Adopt an Older Dog 1.What You See Is What You Get: Older dogs are open books— from the start, you’ll know important things like their full-grown size, personality and grooming requirements. All this information makes it easier to pick the right dog and forge that instant love connection that will last a lifetime. 2.Easy to Train: Think you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Older dogs are great at focusing on you— and on the task at hand— because they’re calmer than youngsters. Plus, all those years of experience reading humans can help them quickly figure out how to do what you’re asking. 3.Seniors are Super-Loving: Dogs already in their golden years are devoted and grateful. It’s an instant bond that cannot be topped! 4.They’re Not a 24-7 Job: Grownup dogs don’t require the constant monitoring puppies do, leaving you with more freedom to do your own thing. 5.They Settle in Quickly: Older dogs have been around the block and already learned what it takes to get along with others and become part of a pack. They’ll be part of the family in no time! 6.Fewer Messes: Your floors, shoes, and furniture will thank you for adopting a senior pooch! Older dogs are likely to already be housetrained—and even if they’re not, they have the physical and mental abilities to pick it up really fast. With their teething years far behind them, seniors also are much less likely to be destructive chewers. 7.You Won’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: Providing a loving home for a dog in their golden years is not a less serious commitment, but it can be a shorter one. 8.They Enjoy Easy Livin’: Not that older dogs don’t require any exercise— they do— but they’re not going to need, or want, to run a marathon every day. 9.Save a Life, Be a Hero: At shelters, older dogs are often the last to be adopted. Saving an animal’s life offers an unparalleled emotional return on your investment, and you’ll feel the rewards every day you spend together. 10. They’re CUTE! © 2014 ASPCA (this list can be found at *We here at HCHS certainly think that similar reasons can be said for the adoption of an older cat! HCHS Senior Pals Program: Are you 60 or older and looking for that special cat or dog, but are unable to afford the expense of vet bills, spaying/neutering, etc.? Well, HCHS has a Senior Pals Program that may be just perfect for you! Through a grant from the Werner Dannsheimer Testament Fund, HCHS is able to provide a loving cat or dog, five years or older, who has been waiting for their forever home. To learn more about our Senior Pals Program, please call HCHS or visit our website. 6 Heart of the Catskills Humane Society Howl-o-Ween: 11th Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk The 11th Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk & Fair held on September 14, 2013 at the American Legion Field in Delhi was a howlin’ good time! The theme was Howl-o-Ween, and everyone involved got into the “spirit” of the event. The weather was beautiful, and everywhere you looked there were dogs and people dressed in delightful costumes. Some memorable costumes included folks riding ostriches, a pair of dogs dressed as bunches of grapes, another pair of dogs dressed as the Sheriff and the Jailbird, and a favorite all around— a member of the HCHS Board of Directors dressed as a giant cat scratching post complete with a fuzzy ball toy on a spring! Some highlights included the Haunted Hay Dog Maze and Bean Bag Toss, the Candy Corn Cat Tent, the Musical Sits & Downs contest, the Funniest Costume contest, and Psychic Readings with your dog. Folks ate in the Barking Cauldron Café and perused various craft items, t-shirts, and pet gear at the Beastie Boutique. We had some exciting new vendors including Island Girl Henna and photos with your dog by Candid Canine. The shelter dogs strutted their stuff in the shelter dog parade with many dressed as other animals including a turtle, a hippo, and a monkey! They were very good-natured about the whole thing and met many new friends throughout the day. HCHS would like to thank all of the volunteers who planned and helped with the event as well as the supporters who raised pledges and attended the Dog Walk. Without you, we could not make this such a fun and successful day in support of the homeless animals. Make sure you save the date for the 12th Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk! It will be held on Saturday, September 13, 2014 from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM. And we have a change of venue this year— the event will be held at the SUNY Delhi upper soccer fields. So what can you expect when you arrive? Well we do not want to give too much away, but you may be met by some “pup-arazzi” on your way in! So make sure you are ready to walk the red carpet, because this year’s theme is Hollywood Goes to the Dogs! Double your gift-giving opportunity to HCHS! Does your employer participate in a charitable matching gift program? If so, please consider HCHS! Many companies will match their employees’ contributions to a charitable organization of their choice. That means you can help our shelter animals x2! 2013 Sponsors Count Barkula Delhi Liquor Store 55 Main Street, Delhi, NY 13753 607-746-2321 Joanne Callahan Associate Broker, ASP Century 21 Chesser Realty 160 Main Street, Delhi NY 13753 Cell: 917-612-4054 [email protected] Sittin’ Pretty B & B Construction– Roxbury CADI– Delhi Chet Delameter– Hancock Delhi Animal Hospital East Meredith Fire Department The Sand Agency– Ocean, NJ Two Old Tarts– Bovina– Delhi Wags Brookside Veterinary Hospital– Arkville Clark Companies– Delhi Elite Home Inspections– Walton LT York Contracting & Jacalyn Clark– Delhi Margaretville Liquor Store Otsego Auto Crushers– Oneonta Price Chopper– Delhi The Village Closet Ltd. – Trout Creek Watershed Post Woofs Blue Dog Grooming– Oneonta Candace Vancko– Delhi Cash Advance– Albany C&C Feeds– Walton Coldwell Banker Timberland Properties– Delhi Community Bank, N.A. – Delhi D&D of Walton, Inc. Delhi Diner Delhi Motor Company Erickson’s Automotive, Inc. – Arkville Five Star Subaru of Oneonta National Bank of Delaware County– Walton Ray’s Fine Wines & Spirits– Delhi Second Nature Construction– Delhi Ted Martin Builder, Inc. – East Meredith Uncle Alan’s Antiques– Delhi 7 Heart of the Catskills Humane Society 46610 State Highway 10 P.O. Box 88 Delhi, NY 13753 “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ~Mahatma Gandhi MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! Look for HCHS at these upcoming area events! Roxbury Sidewalk Festival: Saturday, July 5, 2014 Margaretville Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Flea Market: Saturday, August 2, 2014 Join us at these HCHS Events: 12th Annual Woofs & Wags Dog Walk & Fair Saturday, September 13, 2014 SUNY Delhi (upper soccer fields), Delhi Keep an eye out for pledge forms in August! HCHS Annual Meeting and Biannual Heart Walk Unveiling Saturday, October 25, 2014 Annual Meeting at the Delaware County Historical Association, Delhi. Heart Walk Unveiling at HCHS. Do you want to keep informed on HCHS updates? Visit and sign up to receive our Shelter Scoop e-mail bulletins. Complete Services Offered Public Low Income Spay/Neuter Vouchers Dog & Cat Adoption Services Microchipping for Adoptees Pet Listings on Humane Education Programs Senior Pals & Animal Angels Programs Dog & Puppy Training Classes Junior & Adult Volunteer Program Barking Books Reading Program Cremation Services & Memorials Lost & Found Registry Lilac Lane Pet Memorial Garden HCHS is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 11am to 4pm, and by appointment. We’re located at 46610 State Highway 10 in Delhi, just two miles north of the Village. Turn at the Delaware County Historical Association, where you will see our sign. We Welcome Your Visit! w w w. h e a r t o f t h e c a t s k i l l s . o r g
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A 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization