Fairfield Newsletter Autumn 1 2012


Fairfield Newsletter Autumn 1 2012
Autumn 1 Newsletter 2012
This summer, for the fifth year in a row, we produced our best ever GCSE
results. 99% of pupils obtained 5 or more A* - C grades and 78% obtained
5 or more A* - C grades including GCSE English and Mathematics.
Despite the challenging economic circumstances, fewer Year 11 leavers
were NEETs (not in education, employment or training) than last year.
The above outcomes were particularly pleasing because Year 11 had come
from a lower starting point than previous years and because, across the
country, results had suffered as a result of the fall in English grades.
To continue to maintain our high standards this year, we will focus on the following:
Areas where there is room for improvement in pupil achievement
Providing the highest quality of teaching
The curriculum, in terms of literacy, numeracy and as the provider of a greater
variety of rich experiences and opportunities
(L-R) Erin Valentine (7A*s, 5As), Chloe
Jones (10A*s, 2As), Sarah Hogan (7A*s,
5As), Rebecca Lai (10A*s, 2As) and Anna
Hart (8A*s, 4As)
The last point is absolutely critical to ensuring that every single girl makes outstanding progress and our staff training this year will
focus on teaching and learning.
At the start of the year, I would like to draw your attention to the long list of extra-curricular activities on offer this term and I ask you
to encourage your daughter to find something in which to get involved. For new pupils, the Friday Friendship and SHINE (Students
Happy In a New Environment) groups are great ways to get to know people.
Mr J. Hedley
The Big Tidy Up
2012 Leavers’ Prom
Just before the end of the
last term, when we were in
Year 7, our Form went out
onto Fairfield Avenue and
tided up lots of rubbish. We
did this out of respect for the
We had to wear bright green plastic tabards to protect our
clothes and we each had a litter picker and glass proof gloves to
protect our hands. We had a special box for glass and bottles
and, if there was any broken glass, we had to inform Mr Di
Paola and he came to move it for health and safety reasons.
We collected over 20 full bin bags. We found various pieces of
rubbish including food wrappers, cans, and glass bottles. Our
Form made an effort to clean all the alley-way up, but in the last
3 months the rubbish has been building up again. Mr Di Paola
might be asking for volunteers to help clean to alley again so
get thinking if you would
like to help us improve the
All of our Form
recommend helping to
clean the Avenue as we all
had a brilliant time.
Georgia Evans and Jessica Phillips, 8F
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
At the end of the
summer term, Fairfield
High School for Girls
held its annual Prom to
say a final farewell to
Year 11.
The evening started at
7pm with our former
pupils arriving in style
in stretched limousines
and executive saloons. The girls looked stunning; they had
spent most of the day preparing for the event, donning
expensive ball gowns and prom dresses and getting their hair
and nails done.
Organised by the Head Girl and her team, the event comprised
a gourmet three course meal, a highly experienced photographer
and DJ. This year the girls had also organised elegantly lit table
decorations, disposable cameras to capture the event and a
sweets table full of traditional
After a gorgeous meal and a
speech from Mr Hedley, pupils
danced until late and had a
thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Mr Williams
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 1
Head Girl Team news
Planetarium visit
Before the holidays,
Year 7s had the
As Head Girl I believe it would be nice to include a bulletin from
me, or any other member of the Head Girl Team, in each
newsletter. The purpose of this would be to give you a general
insight into what it is like to be on the Head Girl Team, what
we’re all up to, upcoming events and so on.
looked at the dome
but once inside it
was brilliant!
The beginning of a new half term and my first as Head Girl has,
as expected, brought lots of new tasks into my school day. With
the Head Girl Team I have spent many hours tweaking the
Prefect Rota and discussing, as a Team, things we would like to
achieve. These have been very enjoyable of course!
Mr Green talked about space. The planets, stars and star signs
were great to look at, spinning around the dome, it was really
Prefecting has been our biggest task, although we are now
moving on to planning the Year 7 Christmas Party, alongside the
Lead Prefects who have adopted a new role this year, working
closely with Year 7. Party planning is a love of mine, and the
first step to take is deciding a theme for the whole event to be
based on. Once the theme is ticked off the list, we can go into
further depth in order to make the party one that Year 7 will
remember in years to come.
Mr Green told us to close our eyes if we got
dizzy because he was going to spin the stars
around really fast - it was great fun to watch.
After it was over, no-one wanted to leave!
We would love to go and watch it again!
Georgia Lomas, 8E
Pupils visit Slattery’s Chocolatier
During the summer term, 80 Year
10s (now Year 11) pupils took part
in a Food Technology competition
to design and create a dessert
which could be served in a
restaurant. We had to make sure
it looked appetising and tasted just
as good. Mrs Middleton and Mrs
Duncan invited two members of
the office staff to come and judge
the desserts. 21 winners were
chosen and the prize for each was
an afternoon visit to Slattery’s
On behalf of the team (Georgia Hampson,
Lauri Dale, Emily Coward and Joanna Leigh) I
would like to make sure that every girl knows
they can approach us with any questions or
queries. I know when I was a younger pupil
I was always curious as to what the Head Girl
Team were up to – if this is you too, please
Happy first half-term!
Holly Beddingfield, 11C
‘Lionheart Enterprise’ Regional Final
This event took
place in July, at
Stadium in Bolton
for the winning
team of the Year
chocolatier in Whitefield.
The visit took place on Tuesday,
7th June 2011. We stayed from
10am until 1pm. During this time
we were given the opportunity to
look around the shop and buy a
few things. After that, we then
went upstairs and listened to a
talk about chocolate, where we
learnt many interesting things we
didn’t previously know and
watched as the lady who ran the
course transformed chocolate into
things like truffles and chocolate lollies.
The team was a
comprising Emily
Currie, Katie Bromley, Elena Farres, Chloe Dootson, Emma
Bragg, Shuly Begum, Emma Wilde and Olivia Barker. They
pitted their business skills against many other schools from
across the region in a challenge to design a product which
would help paramedics to save more lives. Their idea of a
special foam which stabilised knife wounds impressed the
judging panel and they ended a very intensive day winning the
category of ‘Best Marketing Plan.’
We were then allowed to prepare and make our own hand made
chocolates. Any chocolates and lollies we
made we were allowed to take home for free.
Notice to Parents
This was a wonderful opportunity; we all
really enjoyed ourselves and ate lots of
Thank you to Fairfield for
arranging this for us. Good luck to all the
Year 10s next year!
Jessica Hardy, 11F
Tel: 0161 370 1488
Mr Johnson
We are pleased to advise
parents that we now have
two defibrillators installed in
the school and that various
appropriate training in their
Mr Cook
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 2
Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad
Library news
We now have nine Kindles
available for pupils to use in
the Library at break, lunch
and after school. They hold
a selection of classic
literature and foreign
l a n gu a ge di ct io na r i es;
further titles will be added
over the coming weeks.
Pupils will be able to suggest books they feel will be a good
addition to the selection, particularly books to be read by our
Reading Group or to share with friends.
In September, four of our gifted and talented mathematicians
sat the exam for the Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad, run by the
United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT). The paper is an
incredibly challenging set of problems which pupils work on for
three hours. Successful applicants receive training to represent
the UK in the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad.
We are currently awaiting results from this but the Maths
department would like to congratulate Holly Beddingfield (11C),
Niamh Farren (11E), Chloe Dootson (11E) and Lauren Reynolds
(11G) for their hard work and enthusiasm.
Miss Bates
Mrs Mutter
History revision classes
Year 10s visit Alton Towers
Are you studying History?
Is your target grade an A*, an A or a B?
Would you like to fab up your knowledge for your Controlled
Would you like to enhance your already-gigantic brain functions
before the January Paper I Exam?
Are you thinking of doing A-level History?
If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then you
may be interested in...
At the end of the last term, 89 Year 10 pupils (now Year 11)
were invited to go on an exciting trip to Alton towers. This was
a reward for their excellent behaviour and organisation
throughout the year.
We departed from school in 3 big coaches at 8.30 am. Then after two long hours of scary tight squeezes and many traffic
issues - we arrived! Lots of group photos were taken whilst we
waited on our longed-for full day passes.
This is a group to help you to improve your Higher Order
Thinking and thereby improve your performance in your
Controlled Assessment and in your G.C.S.Es.
We shall be meeting in F24 on Mondays after school (2.45pm3.45pm), starting after half term.
Order of play for next half term is as follows:
5th November: Joseph Stalin – Fiendish or Frightfully
19th November: Joseph Stalin - Would you take him
home to meet your mother?
3rd December: The Treaty of Versailles – Would it have
been more jolly with the Germans at the Party?
17th December: Does Santa rule his Elves with a
Totalitarian Regime?
Once in the park, we were joined by several other schools.
Although we had to wait roughly 2 hours for the popular ride
Oblivion, we started talking to some other nice girls who were
also from an all-girls school which was on the other side of the
country! It was interesting to find out the differences between
their school compared to ours. They told us how they felt about
also being in an all-girls school, and obviously told us they loved
At the end of the day, we had been on the majority of exciting
rides (such as Oblivion and The Rapids), had a delicious Burger
King, had two professional photos taken of us with our friends
and of course shopped in the Ice Age store. Then, to end the
day on a high, we went home traffic free!
Overall, the day was fantastic and a great opportunity; it’s an
amazing way to be rewarded. On behalf of all the pupils who
went, we would like to thank everyone who was involved in
making it happen and the
teachers who kindly
accompanied us there.
Please let Miss Ridehalgh know if you are interested in
Miss Ridehalgh
Tel: 0161 370 1488
Lauri Dale, 11G and Georgia Hampson, 11F
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 3
Science Faculty News
Since the last newsletter there have been several Science-based activities to educate and to stimulate thought. As always, many
thanks to the staff, pupils, parents and visitors who have helped to make these activities such a success.
Dr Beckett
Director of Study, Science
Chester Zoo
Chester Zoo photography competitions
In July, the whole
of Year 7 went to
Chester Zoo. We
crowded onto the
coaches and were
very excited as we
set off. It was a
nice sunny day
arrived we were
allowed to explore
the zoo with our
friends and see all
the different animals. It was a great experience to see the
amazing animals close up.
All Year 7 pupils on the Chester Zoo trip were able to enter 2
Most of us went to see the new dinosaur exhibition. It was like
going back to the past – they looked so real. For many of us,
the monkeys were the favourite animals, with their cheeky faces
and playful behaviour. Others liked the butterfly house the best.
There were all different
types and colours of
butterflies and if you
were lucky they would
land on you. Some girls
also got to do a ‘Handson’ lesson which was
really fun and very
interesting. They got to
learn about different
animals, their habitats
and adaptations.
When the time came to go home, we were a bit upset because
we wanted to stay and have more fun and excitement! We all
had a fantastic time and had lots of fun – it rated a 10/10. We
couldn’t think of a better place to go.
The Photography Competition saw a large number of entries.
After careful deliberation, Georgia Marsh's photograph of an
elephant eating was declared the winner of the Animal
category, with Kyla Ravenscroft's picture of a resting tiger being
In the Plant category, the winning photograph was Wing Chen's
composition of budding orange flowers with dark leaves, which
just beat Laura Rose's meadow scene.
The judges felt that the entries of Phoebe Verigotta, Amelia
Cantwell-Hyde, Amy Rockett and Chloe Cheetham were also
worthy of special mention.
In the Chester Zoo Ecology Quiz, the overall winner was Jordan
Riley. Other noteworthy entries were made by Katie Sonley,
Georgia Lomas, Lucy Brooks, Melissa Hamlet and Jodie
Well done to every pupil who entered!
Dr Beckett
Director of Study - Science
1st Place - Animal category
1st Place - Plant category
2nd Place - Animal category
2nd Place - Plant category
A big “thank you” to all the science teachers – they made this
amazing trip possible.
Article written by pupils in Science group 8.3.
Quiz winners
A-Z Newsletter Quiz (Summer 1 2012 newsletter) winners are:
Molly Ryall Thomson (Year 8)
Georgia Lomas (Year 8)
Cristy Outhwaite (Year 11)
Charys Finn (Year 8)
Science A-Z Quiz (Easter 2012) winners are:
Hafsa Farrukh (ex Year 7)
Misha Farooq (ex Year 8)
Shelly Khatun (ex Year 9)
Caitlin Doherty (ex Year 10)
Anna Hart (ex Year 11) )
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Cub Scouts
Throughout September, a local Cub Scout pack visited Fairfield's
Science laboratories to complete their Science Badge. Mr
Rhodes, Miss Moss, Dr Cahill, Dr Beckett, Mrs Limen and Mrs
Davenport helped the cubs to undertake activities such as
monitoring the growth of seedlings, growing crystals, making a
periscope and measuring the effect of exercise on pulse rate.
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 4
Colleges Convention
European Day of Languages
On 24 September,
‘European Day of
Languages’ with a
series of themed
lessons and a
theatre production
in French.
This annual event took place on the 10th October, with all Year
11s taking time out to attend and help make their minds up on
where they are heading after Fairfield. The Hall was full of
stands from all the local colleges, many of whom brought past
Fairfield girls with them to help with the presentations.
There were additional stalls from colleges from further afield
such as Xaverian and Oldham Sixth Form and the event was
again attended by representatives from Manchester University
who helped with those girls looking even further into the future!
Apprenticeships options were also represented by way of a talk
by Mrs Kindley and a stall from Damar Training, an
apprenticeships provider in the field of law and accountancy.
Mr Johnson
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Fairfield participated in the
nationwide Macmillan Coffee
morning, again this year.
Organised by Mrs Basterfield, Mrs
Jessop and Mrs Knowles and
thanks to numerous supporters,
pupils and staff were treated to
delicious cakes, biscuits and
Mrs Jessop sold yummy
chocolate with scrumptious cream and sprinkles!
Departments involved included: English, Geography, History,
ICT, Maths, Music, Science and Modern Languages. Pupils
undertook a range of activities from testing moisturisers from
across Europe to looking at foreign-language adverts, ‘booking a
holiday’ and researching the pitfalls of online translators!
One of the highlights of the day was the French play which
involved a large amount of audience participation, both from
pupils and the staff! The main actor, Pierre, had to compose
himself on a number of occasions due to laughing along with us
so much.
Many thanks to everyone who took part in making the day a
great success.
Mr Devine
Visit by Tameside College
Thanks to everyone who baked, donated, helped and supported,
we raised £143.38 for this very worthy cause.
Friday Friendship Club
Friday Friendship is a club run for all Year 7s and it is a place
where Year 7s can meet up, bring their friends or make new
friends and have fun.
This club is organised by Mrs Searle and Mrs Graham. We also
have some Year 8 and Year 9 helpers. The helpers are girls who
have attended Friday Friendship themselves and are trained to
help with the planning and organisation of the club.
We also cover a variety of topics by discussion/or activity sessions
Settling in to Fairfield and getting to know each other
Understanding friendship
What is bullying and what can be done
Emotions and feelings
Stranger danger
Peer pressure
Smoking, drink and drugs
Health and wellbeing
On the last Friday of the summer term, pupils from Year 9 (now
Year 10) had a visit from two members of the Catering
Department of Tameside College
who came to give us a ’Food
We were split into two sessions and
each session was divided into two
groups. One group was with Ray,
who was very funny and Derek, who
was very professional!
I was in Ray’s group and we made home-made pasta and a
sauce, each from scratch. After we did all the cooking we had
the chance to taste the food that we had made.
The other half of the group, who were with Derek, made fruit
pies, shortbread and home-made bread. When all the cooking
was finished they got to take the food home.
At the end of the sessions we were given a
talk about catering at Tameside College, to
see if we wanted to take up a Cadet’s course
at the College.
Alongside this we play games, participate in fun activities and
have parties. We also work together with other clubs within the
Everyone was very enthusiastic about the
course. We had a lot of fun with the chefs
and learnt lots.
We meet every Friday, in the Drama room at one o'clock.
Mrs Graham and Mrs Searle
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Chloe Kelly, 10E
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 5
PE Department News
We have had a busy start to the new academic year. Inter-school competitions are underway and extra-curricular activities are being
well-attended. The very poor weather has not only affected PE lessons, but has unfortunately also caused the cancellation of several
Tameside competitions.
Mrs Dolan
World Marathon Challenge
Tameside has a comprehensive competition calendar and
Fairfield has entered virtually all the competitions. We will be
hoping to build on the great success we had last year. So far
this term we have taken part in Badminton, Football, Netball and
Athletics, details of which are included below.
Over a two week period, our KS4 Badminton team played in the
heats of the Tameside Badminton competition. Despite their
best efforts, the team were runners up. However, they went on
to play in the Plate Final, played here at Fairfield on 3rd
October. The team of Hannah Bancroft, Samantha Ashton,
Danielle Humphrey and Emma Nathaniel beat Alder and
Droylsden to win Gold.
Fairfield has once again entered teams in the Tameside Monthly
Football League U14 and U16 competitions. Both teams have
made a good start.
U14 Football Squad
Beth Thorley 9D
Beth Taylor 8B
U16 Football Squad
Emily Shorrock 11F
Olivia Lockett 11E
Mackenzie Holland 8D
Imogen Ward 8B
Georgia Pownell 11F
Tamara Keighley (GK) 10E
Megan Banks-Carr 8G
Megan McHugh 8G
Phoebe Hughes 7B
Maddison Schofield 7C
Lucia Cicchirillo 10B
Samantha Ashton 10F
Niamh Howson 10C
Owing to the poor weather, the Year 8 and 9 tournaments were
cancelled. However, the senior team played their tournament
and will be playing in their league before half term .
Senior-Year 10/11 Netball Squad
Emily Summerfield
Amy Lees
Megan White
Hannah Bancroft
Emma Nathaniel
Leonie Ormsby
Olivia Power
Georgia Williams
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
On Tuesday 16th October, sixteen Year 8 pupils teamed up with
fifteen boys from West Hill to take part in the World Marathon
Challenge at Sportcity. It was part of an event where teams of
children across the world competed in a challenging
simultaneous relay race in support of Save the Children.
Seven teams from Greater Manchester took part at this
particular venue. Local running legend, Ron Hill, started the
Each child ran a 200m stretch, six or seven times each, passing
a baton to their team-mates. Each team covered a total of 26.2
miles – a full Olympic marathon. Their aim: to beat Patrick
Makau's brand new world record marathon time of 2 hrs 3 mins
and 38 seconds and/or Paula Radcliffe’s time of 2 hrs, 15mins
and 25secs
Unfortunately, the Tameside team had to run outside on the
400m track, completing the 105 laps + 195m opening leg in
rain, wind and cold. Despite this, the team of 31 completed the
marathon distance in 2hours, 9 minutes and 14secs winning the
outdoor event.
The Year 8 girls representing Fairfield were: Megan McHugh,
Amie Comer, Flora McConnell, Isobel Carmody, Georgia
Richardson, Devonne Upton, Phoebe Veriogotta, Elizabeth
Waters, Olivia McGee, Georgia Lomas, Brittany
Nutting-Ashworth, Imogen Ward, Freya Perkin, Megan
Banks-Carr, Molly Cordingley and Sian Lloyd. A fantastic effort
- well done!
Year 10 pupils, Hannah Bancroft and Alice Kenyon, have been
selected for the England Cadet squad and Year 11 twins, Molly
and Sarah Van Essen have been selected for the England
Juniors. They flew to Finland and competed in their first
International at the start of September. Congratulations!
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 6
Olympic football
Back to Sport/Get Fit
On Tuesday 31st July, 10 pupils
had the experience of going to
the Olympics. We were chosen
because of all the sport we play
for school. There were two
pupils from each Year Group and
we were glad to be part of the
chosen ones!
The sport we spectated was women’s football (USA v North
Korea) and it was hosted at Old Trafford. The USA won the
game 1-0 and celebrated right in front of where we were sat.
They were the eventual gold medal winners of the whole
competition so it was good to see them play.
Tameside Sports Trust has started a number of new sessions
during the early evening using our sports hall. Several of the
activities are aimed at 16years+, including Back to Badminton
(Tuesdays 6.00-7.00pm), Back to Netball (Wednesdays 6.00pm
- 7.00pm) and Active Zumba Dance. The Zumba sessions are for
those who are 12 years and over and take place on Thursdays,
6.00-7.00pm, so it could be a good family activity to get
involved in. There is also a badminton session for 9 - 16 year
olds on Tuesdays 5.00-6.00pm.
The cost: Under 16 - £3 and 16 years+ - £4 per session.
However, there is an introductory price of £1.50 for
students and £2 for adults for the next few weeks. Why
not have a go?!
Even from a distance you could feel the excitement as the
stadium was filled with expectant football enthusiasts. The
atmosphere was electric! Rio Ferdinand was amongst the crowd
and we managed to sneak a glimpse of him.
You can check availability
On behalf of all the 10 pupils who attended we would like to say
thank you to the teachers
who nominated us - it was
an experience we will
never forget and a big
thank you to Miss Adderley
for giving up her time and
taking us.
Outdoor PE lessons
Pupils will be outside for a number of their PE lessons and, as
the weather is getting colder, they will need to bring tracksuit
bottoms/leggings and a sweatshirt/fleece, as well as their shorts
and polo shirts. Proper trainers should also be worn for PE. (See
Fairfax uniform pages).
Georgina Gledhill and Beth Thorley, 9D
GCSE PE visit Debdale Outdoor Centre
On Monday 17th September, the Year 11 GCSE P.E. class, and a few from the Year 10 class, went to Debdale Outdoor Centre where
we took part in kayaking or sailing as part of our practical assessment. The weather wasn’t very pleasant, however the wind created a
more exciting sailing experience. As for the kayakers they had a rougher ride!
On the first day we all got a briefing on safety in the water and then we were split into the different groups. In sailing we had to work
in pairs to assemble the small Pico boats. We were taught how to rig up the boat, steer and control the sail and tie useful knots to
stop the boat from floating away once in the water. Once everything was safe we were let loose and we sailed away. The windier it
was the faster the boats went and the more fun it was. There were a few capsizes which was very entertaining for the people left dry
in the other boats. We learned valuable skills and most of us gained a sailing qualification.
From where we were in the boats the kayaking looked like hard work, especially on the arm muscles. They were constantly moving
around Debdale reservoir and hardly ever stopped for rest. They also had to purposely capsize their kayaks, which many did not
enjoy. On the last day we did a few fun things and played a few games. The sailors had the choice to try and perform a dry capsize
but most of us failed and fell into
the water. Overall we all had a
really good time and it was a
great opportunity to learn new
Keirah Spalding, 11F, Joanna Skelly, 11B, Emily Shorrock, 11F, Georgia Pownell, 11F and Emily Summerfield, 11F.
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 7
Pastoral care at Fairfield
At Fairfield we pride ourselves on our strong pastoral care. We have a number of additional ways that we can support
students. I have outlined some of them below, and detailed what they can offer and how they can be accessed.
Miss J Mawdsley
Assistant Headteacher, Inclusion, Pupils and Families.
Key Stage 3 Learning Mentor
Key Stage 4 Learning Mentor
The Key Stage 3 Learning Mentor at Fairfield is Mrs
The Key Stage 4 Learning Mentor at Fairfield is Miss
Mrs Knowles is based in the Student Support Centre, near the
Drama room. She has an ‘Open Door Policy’, where pupils are
able to pop in before and after school, at break or lunchtime.
The Key stage 4 Learning Mentor is based in the office at the
end of the Creative and Expressive arts corridor.
Pupils may visit Mrs Knowles alone, or with a friend, to discuss
issues which are worrying them. Issues may include:-
Attendance and punctuality
Home life or emotional issues affecting learning
Difficulties with transition from year to year or primary
school to secondary
Looked after children
Young Carers
Mrs Knowles works closely with all staff to address the needs of
individual pupils.
The Key Stage 3 and 4 Learning Mentors can help the girls by
A Personalised response
Study support
Organisational support
Revision strategies
Course work catch up sessions
School intervention
Anger management sessions
Self esteem
Motivational interviews
Stress management
Open door policy
Confidentiality where appropriate
There is an open door policy which means girls can come and
see Miss Hannible before morning registration, at break, at
lunchtime and after school. They can discuss any problems they
might have be it at home or in school.
These issues could be:
Attendance and punctuality
Home life
Mental Health Issues
Physical Health issues
Emotional problems
Coursework problems
The Key Stage 3 and 4 Learning Mentors can refer girls to other
agencies available in and outside school for support these
School Nurse
Health Mentor
Branching Out
Relateen, school counsellor
During exam season we can offer:
Revision sessions
Revision techniques
Relaxation sessions
SHINE (Students Happy In a New Environment)
SHINE is a pupil mentoring service run by Miss Woodhouse and Miss Kennerley and a number of Year 9 and 10 pupils who have
undergone mentoring training. The group is aimed at Year 7 and 8 pupils who are having difficulties settling in to school and making
new friends, have low self-esteem, confidence issues or are the victims of bullying. These pupils are referred by form tutors or the
pastoral heads, and parents can also request that their daughter attends SHINE if they are worried about any of the above issues.
SHINE runs twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday lunch times and pupils are encouraged to bring a packed lunch so that they can
all eat and socialise together. Activities are planned for every session that encourage team work, confidence building and develop
social skills. Each pupil is also paired up with a personal mentor, and time is set aside for 1-1 mentoring sessions. There is a
rewards incentive for attendance, and every term pupils have a celebratory session where prizes and certificates are given out, and
pupils have had lunch provided for them.
The progress of pupils is closely monitored and many of our SHINE mentees have gone on to become confident, motivated and
successful pupils in all aspects of their school life.
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 8
School Nurse
This is a counselling service offered by Relate, for young people
who are affected by difficult relationships or the past or current
breakdown of their parents' relationship.
The school nurse will be in school every Monday if you have any
health concerns. She runs a drop in session on a Monday
lunchtime in the Pastoral Meeting room or you can make an
appointment to see her.
If things are getting you down at home, you may think it's your
fault. You may feel angry and confused and possibly torn
between your parents.
You may have concerns about the future and how things will
turn out. It can be quite difficult to discuss the way you feel
with your parents, without worrying about making things worse.
If you wish to make an appointment to see the School Nurse
please contact Mrs Murphy either directly or through your form
Peer Mentoring
When things at home aren't right, it can have an impact on
other aspects of your life such as friendships, school or your
overall happiness and ability to cope with life.
Every year we offer Peer Mentor training to Year 9 pupils to run
our SHINE and Peer Mentoring groups.
At times like this, it sometimes helps to talk to someone outside
the family, who has some understanding of the difficulty you
may be having.
Pupils are asked to submit detailed application forms and
successful candidates are then trained up over a number of after
school sessions, to work with other pupils, offering support,
advice and a ‘friendly face’.
If you would like to see a Relateen counsellor, please speak to
Mrs Murphy. There may be a short waiting time before seeing
the counsellor.
This year, 16 Year 9 pupils were chosen to be trained as Peer
Mentors and all successfully completed the training.
successful pupils are:
Health Mentors
Our health mentors are in school every Monday and
Wednesday. If you wish to arrange an appointment with them,
please see Mrs Murphy.
How can they help you?
They are here to support young people and are someone to talk
to or if you need any help or advice about how to be healthy.
They can offer more specific advice on issues that you may
have to face as you get older. These include:
Healthy weight
Alcohol and drugs
Emotional health and wellbeing
Kayley Thompson, 9A
Abbie Carney, 9A
Rachael Bragg, 9B
Bethany Wellfair, 9C
Rebecca Hart, 9C
Natalie Ratchford, 9D
Chloe Ledward, 9D
Letticia Bayley, 9D
Jessica Matlock, 9E
Courtney Rudder, 9E
Jade Taylor, 9E
Emma Conroy, 9E
Charlotte Ginder, 9E
Saba Ahmed, 9F
Jemma Hemmings-Fitton, 9F
Ellie Clarkson, 9G
Careers and Aimhigher Progression Adviser
Mrs Kindley joined the school in September 2011 as Fairfield’s Careers and Aimhigher Progression Adviser. She works closely
with other members of the Progression Team and our Connexions Adviser to ensure that all our pupils have the information,
advice and guidance that they need to make good decisions about their future.
Before coming to Fairfield Mrs Kindley worked as a Graduate Officer for Aimhigher. This was a government initiative designed
to raise aspirations and encourage young people to consider university and Higher Education as an option for them. Within this
role she designed and delivered 1 to 1 and group activities in schools and colleges around Tameside to give young people more
information about university, student life and the benefits of Higher Education. As Mrs Kindley is a university graduate herself,
she also acted as a role model for the young people that she worked with.
Within Fairfield, Mrs Kindley helps our pupils to consider their next steps, be that Year 9 options choices, college and
apprenticeship applications, university and later careers. She runs a ‘Progression Drop In’ at lunchtimes within the library which
means that pupils can come to her and ask any questions they have about their futures. For those who need a little more
support, Mrs Kindley meets with them one to one to signpost useful information sources and advise them of the best routes to
the careers they aspire to. She also creates information leaflets and bulletins to keep our pupils up to date on issues such as
student finance and college open days.
We believe that good quality information, advice and guidance can make a real impact on the lives and choices of young people
and we are glad that Mrs Kindley is a part of this at Fairfield.
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 9
Pastoral care cont.,
Connexions PA
Our Connexions PA for 2012-13 is Jayne Harris. She will be working with targeted young people in Years 9, 10 and 11 to ensure that
they get the support that they need.
The Connexions service is provided by Careers Solutions on behalf of the local authority. Connexions works with schools, colleges and
other organisations to provide impartial information, advice and support to young people.
Mrs Kindley
Year 11 Diagnostic Careers Event
In September, the Progression Team arranged for every girl in Year 11 to have the opportunity to discuss their ideas and plans for the
future with a Connexions Personal Adviser. These interviews took place over four days from the 25 th-28th September.
The aims of the event were to check the progress of the girls’ careers and progression planning and to identify any pupils who needed
further support. It is important to us that our girls make good decisions regarding their future and choose options that will enable
them to succeed. Due to this, we especially wanted to encourage the girls to think carefully about their choices for next year, and
choose the college and apprenticeship courses that are best for them.
119 girls were identified as needing further support with careers and progression and will be scheduled to have an additional careers
interview with our Progression Adviser or Connexions PA over the coming weeks.
Mrs Kindley
Birds of Prey visit Fairfield
Numeracy Leaders
In July 2012, Year 8s (now Year 9)
went into the Sports Hall to enjoy a
show about birds of prey for around
2 hours.
This year sees the start of a new group known as Numeracy
Leaders. Some of our excellent mathematicians in Year 10 are
working hard to support younger pupils who are struggling to
make the expected progress in maths.
When we went in we all sat around
the Hall, leaving space for the birds
in the middle. A bird handler then
came in and he talked to us about
the birds and then brought in one of
them, it was a very big bird!
Every Monday lunchtime, our Numeracy Leaders work in small
groups with pupils identified for support by the Maths
department. Currently Year 8 pupils are being supported in this
way, with other groups being identified later in the year.
The bird walked around the hall and the handler told us that we
could stroke it if we wanted. The handler then explained to us
how the bird hunts.
A further 2 birds were brought in, one after the other, and they
were both equally as big as the first!
Numeracy Leaders has been very successful so far with the Year
10 pupils gaining experience in teaching, mentoring and
supporting others as well as working as part of a team. The Year
8 pupils have been developing their mathematical skills and
Amber Parker-Marshall, 9C
The Maths department would like to thank the Numeracy
Leaders Anya Cottrill (10C), Taylor Bishop (10C), Georgia Woolfenden (10A), Lucy Gurney (10C), Hannah Bancroft (10G), Amy
Foster (10A), Charlotte Hough (10B), Victoria Davies (10B),
Georgia Woolfenden (10A), Eleanor Wellfair (10A),
Welsby 10A, Hannah Bancroft 10G for their dedication, hard
work and enthusiasm so far.
Work Experience
Ms Bates
In the Summer term, all of Year 10 took part in the annual Work
Experience programme. We again worked with the agency
‘Engaging Brighter Placements’ who match the girls’ career
interests with appropriate work places. Many girls went out and
found their own placements which lead to some interesting and
challenging experiences in some cases.
Library resources
Although we didn’t get to see any fly (this activity could not take
place outside due to bad weather), it was a great day and very
The feedback from the placements was, as usual, extremely
positive with some girls being asked back for Saturday jobs!
The process will start again soon for the current Year 10 and we
are hopeful of obtaining even more quality placements and
extending links with local companies and industries.
Mr Johnson
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
The school Library is available for pupils to use during break, at
lunchtimes and after school until approximately 3.30pm.
Pupils can take time to read the books, magazines and Kindles
(see page 3 for more details), do schoolwork or use one of the
many computers.
The library is a vital resource for pupils and is an ideal quiet
space to finish homework or carry out research.
Pupils can request new books, if they are not already stocked, or
take advantage of the selection recommended by Mrs Mutter.
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 10
Focus on the Music Department
Hairspray: The Musical
This year, we are putting on Hairspray: The Musical as the school production. Hairspray is a musical about happy go lucky teenager
Tracy Turnblad, who teaches 1962 Baltimore a thing or two about racial integration after landing a spot on a local TV dance show.
The first round of auditions took place on the 2nd and 5th October and over 80 people auditioned. Call back auditions for main parts
took place on the 16th and 17th October.
The production now has a full cast in place and music rehearsals will begin the week after half-term where every member of the cast
will learn all the songs. Acting and dance rehearsals will begin after Christmas and will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays after
school. The production takes place on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th April 2013.
Key Stage 4
Jeff Rich Drum Workshop
On Monday 8th October
2012, Jeff Rich visited the
percussion master class to
all Year 8 pupils. Jeff is
the former drummer with
Status Quo and has played
with Def Leopard amongst
many other bands.
In Key Stage 4, two examination pathways are offered by the
Music Department.
Edexcel GCSE Music is delivered as a two year full GCSE course.
During the course, pupils have to learn about 12 piece of music
ranging from classical to popular music and beyond which they
are examined on at the end of year 11. Pupils have to compose
two differing pieces of music, which they must fully evaluate.
They also have to perform two pieces of music, one piece as a
soloist or accompanied solo, and one as part of a musical
BTEC First Award in Performing Arts is also offered by the
Department. This is a vocational course which trains pupils how
to work in the world of Musical Theatre. Pupils will undertake
lessons in acting, singing and dancing and use them to stage a
musical production.
Key Stage 3
Music is studied by all pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9. Through
music lessons pupils will learn how to compose, perform and
write about music which they study.
Topics studied during Key Stage 3 include Vocal Textures,
Indian Music, Blues Music, Song Writing, Glee Performance,
Variations, Ground Bass and Advert Music.
Rock Band School
Rock band school takes place on Tuesday afternoons between
2.45pm – 3.30pm. It is suitable for both advanced players and
complete beginners
Playing in a great band with your friends, in front of a cheering
audience is one of the best experiences life can offer - but how
do you get there?
Band School on a Tuesday afternoon is offering an exciting new
after school club that aims to give you the skills to join a band
or take your existing band to the next level. Band School will
teach you how to:
Organising rehearsals effectively
Write songs
Improve your individual and band sound
Sing vocals and harmonies
Build a band website and use social media to promote
your band
Make best use of available technology
Arrange gigs
Set your gear up including PAs
Record a demo and design artwork
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Jeff talked about the development of the drum, from its origins
as a piece of wood hit with a stick through to the development
of military drums and the modern day drum kit. Pupils came up
and performed with Jeff, playing on African Drums and more
modern ones.
Jeff then demonstrated how the modern drum player develops
their skills through exercised called rudiments and then gave a
solo drum performance, which was excellent. Pupils were
invited up to play a range of percussion as large groups,
keeping beat with Jeff when he was performing using the drum
Pupils enjoyed the session and said “he taught us what
different drums were and how to play them” and “It was fun
and everyone got involved”.
Peripatetic Music lessons
A number of different teachers visit the school on a weekly basis
to delivery lessons on various instruments. These currently
include voice, piano, brass, woodwind and guitar.
If your
daughter is interested in learning how to play a musical
instrument, they should collect an information leaflet from their
music teacher.
Vocal Intensity (Choir)
The school choir is now called Vocal Intensity. We meet
regularly on Thursdays in G39 between 2.45pm and 3.45pm.
Vocal intensity is attended regularly by around 35 pupils and 2
members of staff. We sing a range of music from African chants
and songs through to modern popular music.
Vocal Intensity sings at the Young Voices series of concerts at
the MEN Arena where they form part of a 6000 strong choir
performing with top recording artists such as Randolph
Matthews and Connie Talbot, runner up in the 2007 series of
Britain’s Got Talent.
Currently, Vocal Intensity are preparing for the Christmas series
of concerts.
The Christmas Showcase takes place on
Wednesday 19th December 2012 at 6.30pm in the school Hall
and Vocal Intensity always perform as part of our school carol
service which takes place on Thursday 20th December 2012 in
the Moravian Church.
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 11
Pupil Voice
Craft Club
Congratulations to the Pupil Voice Teams for 2012-2013. The
following pupils from each form have been elected by their
peers to represent them within the school. The representatives
will be expected to :
Button bracelets
Felt tissue pockets
I’ve been going to Craft Club ever since I started at Fairfield.
You can go along with your friends or make new ones.
You can make lots of things like fun seasonal gifts, unique
birthday cards and creative gift bags and you
can do all these with the help of Mrs Bradbury
and Mrs Mutter who are very nice and happy
to help.
It is held in the Library on Tuesdays between
2.40pm and 3.45pm and it’s great fun! We
look forward to seeing you!
Zoe Higham, 9B
Listen to the views of others
Represent their form at meetings
Contribute to the school newsletter
Support the school at evening events
Contribute to the Teaching & Learning at Fairfield
The Pupil Voice Team will be taking part in a training session at
the end of term which will equip them for their duties
throughout the year ahead.
Congratulations to them all.
The Head Girl Team
Form Name
Megan Jackson
Tish Bayley
Paige Morris
Jasmine Smith
Darcy Payne
Jade Taylor
Carla Rigby
Jessica Matlock
Chloe Roberts
Josie Edge
Hamno Bano
Jemma HemmingsFitton
WAGOLL is a method that we use as part of our Teaching and
Learning Policy to model exceptional work to all pupils, and also
as a way of celebrating the achievements of those pupils who
have produced exceptional work.
Grace Rainey
Francesca Bonworth
Sumaiya Ahmed
Pooja Bhavsar
Cerys Hooley
Abby Thorpe
Mia Hellawell
Katherine Scholes
Examples are routinely presented in individual classrooms and
we also have a WAGOLL board just outside the Hall doors, where
everyone can see outstanding work when they attend assembly.
The following pupils have had their work on the WAGOLL board:
Morgan Kerr
Ellie Smith
Abigail Thompson
Ashleigh Peatfield
Summer Brassington
Anya Cottrill
Madison Swainbank
Danielle Humphrey
Morgan Brown
Olivia Power
Laura Rose
Amy George-Davidson
Imogen Ward
Danielle Mathews
Abbey Newman
Leah Solomon
Krishna Udani
Fabbiha Iqbal
Holly Carley-Hannan
Ying Liang
Rhian Appleyard
Phoebe Tucker
Nayaab Jilani
Sarah Edwards
Jodie Cawthorne
Jodie Griffiths
Hafsa Farrukh
Zara Altaf
Molly Thomas
Lucy Meagh
Chloe Davies
Becky Sidebotham
Amelia Bryan
Becky Dixon
Kyra-Li Lowe
Harriet Ward
Kayley Thompson
Molly Yates
Nicole Dyer
Krystal Byrne
Rachael Bragg
Georgia Holden
Zoe Sankey
Jessica Hardy
Holly Richardson
Lauren Cooke
Tilly O'Reilly
Olivia Healey
Raine Hollingworth
Danielle Scholes
What a Good One Looks Like! (WAGOLL)
What A Good One Looks Like
Year 9
Beth Thorley
Year 9
Courtney Rudder
Year 9
Aimee Lewis
Year 9
Kayley Mylchreest
Year 9
Liz Mercer
Year 9
Lauren Mercer
Year 9
Amy Mottershead
Year 8
Elana Warburton
Year 8
Megan Sutton
Miss Ridehalgh
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 12
Extra Curricular activities
These are the activities taking place within school at the moment.
Join in, make new friends, learn new skills or catch up on homework/coursework.
Open to all pupils
Technology Block
Various – see Mrs
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Mrs Graham/Miss
Open to all pupils
Every day
7.30am - 8.00am
Sunrise Club
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
Drama Studio
Every day
7.30am - 8.00am
Homework Club
Mrs Procter
Open to all pupils
Every day
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Peer Counselling
Miss Woodhouse
Open to all pupils
Drop in Centre
(Opp History office)
Every day
Break and lunch time
Mr Jump
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Table Tennis/Board
Mr Gauld
Year 7
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Chess Club
Mr Gauld/Mrs
Open to all pupils
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Numeracy Leaders
Miss Bates
Years 8 & 10
1.00pm - 1.20pm
Drama Club
Mrs Basterfield &
Year 10 pupils
Years 7 & 8
Drama Studio
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Mr Jump
Years 7, 8 & 9
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00/5.00pm
Golf taster sessions
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
(limited numbers)
See Mr Gauld
Table Tennis
Mr Gauld
Year 8
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Duke of Edinburgh
Cooking Skills
Mrs Middleton
Years 9 & 10
2.40pm - 4.15pm
Rock Ensemble (Band)
Mr Howard
Open to all years
2.45pm - 3.30pm
Miss Adderley
Open to all years
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00pm
Craft Club
Mrs Mutter & Mrs
Open to all pupils
2.45pm - 3.45pm
Art & Design
Homework Club
Mr Evison
Open to all pupils
12.40pm - 1.40pm
Sports Hall activities
including Dodgeball,
Badminton, Fitness,
Mrs Dolan & Miss
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
Tuesday &
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Crown Green Bowls
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
(limited numbers)
See Mr Gauld
Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, until
Half Term, weather
12.55pm - 1.25pm
Miss Woodhouse
See Miss Woodhouse
Tuesday & Thursday
12.40pm - 1.40pm
Literacy Leaders
Miss Bell
Years 7 & 9
Tuesday & Friday
1.00pm – 1.20pm
Microsoft Club
Miss Nisbet
Years 9, 10 & 11
12.55pm - 1.25pm
Table Tennis/Board
Mr Gauld
Year 9
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Young Enterprise
Miss Bates
Year 10
2.40pm - 3.40pm
Mrs Loney
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00-pm
2.40pm – 4.00pm
One Wednesday per
month (see Mrs
Knowles for details)
2.40pm - 3.30/4.00pm
Design Technology
Technology Staff
Breakfast Club
Personal Survival
Miss Adderley
Years 10 & 11
Denton Swimming
Pool (see Miss
Fairfield Young
Mrs Knowles, Mrs
Graham & Miss
All young carers
Conference Room
See overleaf for continuation of extra-curricular activities.
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 13
Extra Curricular activities cont.,
Fairfield Amnesty
International Group
Dr Cosgrove & Miss
Year 10
Alternate Wednesdays
and Thursdays
1.00pm - 1.20pm
Table Tennis/ Board
Mr Gauld
Year 7
Drama Studio
12.25 pm – 1.20 pm
Mr Jump
Open to all years
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Learning Leaders
Miss Bates
Years 7, 8 & 10
1.00pm - 1.20pm
Mr Jump
Years 10 & 11
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00/5.00pm
Maths GCSE resit
revision (Nov exam)
Mrs Hill & Miss Fisher
or Mr Wilson
Y11 by invitation
G49, G57 or G58
(see teacher)
2.40pm - 4.00pm
Vocal Intensity
(school choir)
Mr Blaylock
Open to all pupils
2.45pm - 3.30pm
Friday Friendship
Mrs Graham & Mrs
Open to all Year 7s
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Indoor Rowing
Mrs Dolan
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.25pm
Miss Adderley/Mrs
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00pm
Manga Club
Miss Woodhouse
Open to all pupils
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Table Tennis
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
Drama Studio
2.45pm - 3.45pm
Science Bistro
Science Department
Lower school - See Dr
Science Corridor
See the school calendar
for dates
6.00pm - 7.30pm
Art and Design success
This year’s cohort of pupils achieved an incredibly high standard variety and quality of work. AQA Examination Board rewarded them
with exceptional GCSE grades: 100% achieved A*-C, 48.48% of those achieved either A* or A.
Their determination, creativity, tenacity and dedication to task was absolutely commendable. Well done everyone, pupils and staff.
Several pieces of the artwork by the 2011-12 GCSE pupils are shown below.
Mr Evison
Head of Art and Design
‘Here and Now’
(External Test Examination)
Megan Sargent
(External Test Examination)
Grace Knight
‘Lucy in the Sky with
(Song Illustration)
Hannah Starkie
‘To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf’
Anna Hart
‘Iconic Character’
(Pop Art Exercise)
Lauren Wilde
Key Stage 3 Spelling Bees
The end of last year saw 3 fiercely contested competitions taking
place in G48, the very first annual Fairfield Spelling Bees! The
talent on show was amazing, with outstanding girls representing
each form of the 3 Year groups, they demonstrated great spelling
skills and lightning fast reactions but, as is always the case, there
could only be one winner. The 2012 Champions are indicated on
the table to the right.
Anisha Parekh and Nicole Yeung
Chloe Ledward and Ashley McLaughlin-Watt
Leah Solomon and Fabbiha Iqbal
Year 8 take the award for highest points scored in all 3 competitions with an incredible 20 points, 7 above the nearest competition.
Well done! All girls received a certificate and there will be a trophy to the winning forms. Many thanks to all the girls who took part,
now let’s get training for next year!
Miss Bell
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 14
Important information regarding attendance
Approved holiday list 2012-2013
Important information for Parents/Carers regarding
school attendance
Autumn Term 2012
Friday 26th October
Please find below important information from the Local Authority
that we are required to share with all parents concerning
absence from Fairfield High School for Girls. It is for information
only and outlines the actions that could be taken against
parents/carers regarding attendance.
Monday 29th October to Friday 2nd November - Half
Term Holiday
Penalty Notices for Non-School Attendance
Section 444(A) of the Education Act 1996 empowers the Local
Authority to issue Penalty Notices in cases of unauthorised
absence from school. This means that when a pupil has
unauthorised absence of 10 sessions (5 days) or more in any 12
week period (where no acceptable reason has been given for the
absence) or if their child persistently arrives late for school after
the close of registration, their parents or carers may receive a
Penalty Notice fine of £60, which must be paid within 28 days. If
payment is made after 28 days but within 42 days, the penalty is
increased to £120. Where a fine remains unpaid after 42 days,
the matter will be referred to the Borough Solicitor, who will
consider instigating criminal proceedings.
In law, an offence occurs if a parent or carer fails to secure a
child’s regular attendance at school.
Tameside Education
Welfare Service, in conjunction with schools and Greater
Manchester Police, will use these powers as an early deterrent to
prevent patterns of unauthorised absence developing.
Parents may also receive a Penalty Notice without a warning
letter for the offence of failing to secure regular school
attendance for the following reasons:
If their child is stopped on a truancy sweep more than
If they go on holiday in term time without the school’s
permission or are late returning from an extended holiday
If they have not co-operated with the Education Welfare
Service following a referral from school after they have
taken steps to address the absences with the parent/carer
and pupil
If their child fails to return to school following a fixed term
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 also makes it an offence
if a parent fails to ensure that their child is not in a public place
during the first 5 days of a fixed term or permanent exclusion.
Penalty Notices may be issued in relation to this matter.
The Local Authority and schools are committed to providing the
best possible future for your child. If you have concerns about
your child’s attendance at school or if you are experiencing any
difficulties, contact school and ask for help. Support is also
available from the Education Welfare Service on telephone
number 0161 342 2297.
Break up for Half Term
Monday 5th November
Thursday 20th December
Friday 21st December
School resumes
Term Ends
Staff Training Day (2)
Spring Term 2013
Monday 7th January
Friday 15th February
Term Begins
Break up for Half Term
Monday 18th February to Friday 22nd February - Half
Term Holiday
Monday 25th February
Thursday 28th March
School resumes
Term Ends
Summer Term 2013
Monday 15th April
Monday 6th May
Friday 24th May
Term Begins
May Day - Bank Holiday
Break up for Half Term
Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May - Half Term
Monday 3rd June
Monday 8th July
Friday 19th July
School resumes
Staff Training Day (3)
Term Ends
Autumn Term 2013
Autumn Term 2013 will commence on Monday, 2nd September
2013 for staff and Tuesday, 3rd September 2013 for pupils.
Lost Property
Six weeks into the new academic
year and we already have l0 coats,
10 hoodies and 12 umbrellas.
There are also numerous PE kits,
cases, glasses, keys and
other miscellaneous items. Please
be aware that where possible, lost
property not claimed will be sent
to a local charity at the end of each half term as we do not
have the facilities to store unclaimed items indefinitely.
All unclaimed lost property is displayed in the junior entrance for
the last two weeks of term. If your daughter has lost any items
since the start of the new academic year can you please
encourage her to have a look at the items displayed or to speak
to Mrs Cheetham regarding smaller items.
Please, please put names in everything!
returned promptly.
They can then be
Fund raising for British Heart Foundation
A cake sale, organised by Georgia Richardson and her form 8D, has raised £50 for the British Heart Foundation.
The event was successfully hosted by Eleanor Lightfoot, Amy Summerfield, Tuesday Skade, Riya Joshi, Abbi Mason, Carris Mallon and
Hannah Orchard, overseen by Mrs Knowles and Mrs Basterfield.
Rhian Appleyard baked some delicious cakes and pupils were treated to lots of yummy delights! A huge "Thank You" to everyone who
supported by baking, helping and buying!
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 15