COM324 - Television Production


COM324 - Television Production
COM324 - Television Production
MWF 10:50-Noon - McEwen 205 – Spring 2009
Students explore the principles and techniques in television broadcasting and other
video media. Studio and field assignments emphasize the aesthetics of television
production and the centrality of effective audio. Students research, write and produce
news, public service announcements, commercials and entertainment programming.
Prerequisite: COM 220
Further develop television production skills and techniques and
apply them to the creation of news and entertainment programs.
• Introduce the tools of technology used in production, postproduction and distribution of video through broadcast television
and the Internet.
• Create an awareness of the roles of television studio personnel
and apply those roles in a production environment.
• Examine and apply theories in presenting images and
information to the production of television information and
entertainment content.
• Enhance knowledge from previous courses in writing, shooting
and editing television programs.
Television Production Handbook – 10th Edition – Herbert Zettl
5 Good Quality MiniDV Tapes
External FireWire Drive
Valid School ID
Nicole Triche
[email protected]
Office: McEwen 004
Office Hours:
MWF 8-9am
Online Office Hours:
TTh 9-10am
And By Appointment
I will always try to check e-mail
twice a day (during the week) and
respond promptly. I will not be
checking email after 7pm so
please do not send me any emails
that need immediate attention
after that time.
Attendance will be taken daily at the beginning of class. Two
tardies will count as an absence. The School of Communications
Policy allows you two absences. If you miss more than two classes,
your grade will be lowered by three points for every additional
absence. Six absences will cause you to fail the course. If you are
absent from class you are still responsible for all assignments. There
will no make-up quizzes or tests.
We have a great deal to cover this semester so come to class
prepared to think and to work. Attentiveness is a requirement. If
your attention is compromised you are likely to miss an important
point. Cell phones must be turned off during class. Computer
activities that are not class related will not be tolerated. Your grade
will be affected if you choose to abuse your computer privileges.
During class discussions everyone is expected to share their
thoughts as well as listen attentively when someone has the floor.
We are here to learn from each other. Out of respect for your
fellow classmates and in the spirit of open discussion, intolerant or
insulting comments will not be permitted. When we are in the
studio you will be a member of a team and are expected to behave
as such. You are working towards the common goal of a successful
show so help each other out.
Special Needs
If you are a student with a
documented disability who
will require accommodations
in this course, please register
with Disabilities Services in
the Duke Building, Room 108
(278-6500) for assistance in
developing a plan to address
your academic needs.
You will be using equipment
provided by Elon for most of your
assignments. When you check out
equipment follow the equipment
usage policy, treat the equipment
well, and return all equipment on
time, properly stowed, and
unscathed. When you are using
equipment in the studio make sure
you use it properly and carefully. A
broken piece of equipment can ruin
a show.
Academic Integrity
Elon’s honor pledge calls for a commitment to Elon’s
shared values of Honesty, Integrity, Respect and
Responsibility. To be clear about what constitutes
violations of these values, students should be familiar
with the Judicial Affairs policies in the student
handbook, including violations outlined at
ions/default.xhtml. Students with questions about the
specific interpretation of these values and violations as
they relate to this course should contact this instructor
immediately. Violations of the academic-related areas
will be documented in an incident report to be
maintained in the student’s judicial record, and may
result in a lowering of the course grade and/or failure of
the course with an Honor Code F.
Final Exam
Monday May 18th 11:30am
You must be present at the
assigned exam time. No early
or late midterm or final exams
will be given. Make your travel
plans accordingly.
Grading Scale
Course Work
Descriptions and rubrics of for your assignments will be
posted on Blackboard when they are assigned. All
assignments have firm deadlines. Late work will not be
accepted. If you are absent from class you are still
responsible for your assignments.
News Package – 10%
Entertainment Package – 10%
93 and above
59 and below
Grade Breakdown
Commercial – 10%
A Range
Distinguished Work
Show Open– 10%
B Range
Above Average Performance
Skills Tests – 10%
News Show Performance – 10%
Entertainment Show Performance – 10%
In Class Performance/Homework – 10%
Midterm Exam – 10%
Final Exam – 10%
C Range
Acceptable Performance
With Basic Understanding
D Range
Passing Performance
Despite Difficulties