Festival Program
Festival Program
Sydney / 29 October — 16 November Melbourne / 5 — 23 November Gold Coast & Perth / 15, 16 & 23 November Auckland / 16 & 23 November 1 Festival Program S P O NS O RS , PA R T N ERS & F RIEN DS O F J IF F — CH AI ( )ח יS P O NS O R — SILV ER S P O NS O RS — B RO NZE S P O NS O RS — Ben Annika & Sophie Landa M EDI A PA R T N ERS — 2 S P O NS O RS , PA R T N ERS & F RIEN DS O F J IF F — CIN EM A PA R T N ERS — CU LT U R A L & P RO G R A M M IN G PA R T N ERS — F RIEN DS O F J IF F — 1 Giant Mind Alex & Rosie Linden Arkady Shtrambrandt Baco Juices Cadrys Handwoven Rugs David Simons David Woollands Doughboy Escala Partners Fraid Family Genovese Coffee Golden Sheaf Hotel ITN Architects Jackie Vidor & Phil Staub Lauren & Bruce Fink Leon Gorr Leonid Madorsky Lorelle & Tom Krulis Michael Roseby Peter Ivany Philip Zajac P & R Weinman Rampersand River Capital Sandra & Barry Smorgon OAM Sassafras Sweet Co. See-Saw Films Simon and Lisa De Winter The Choc Top Ice-cream Company Trialia Wines Viv & Phil Green Westfield YO-CHi 3 The 2014 Jewish International Film Festival CO N T EN T S — Melbourne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sydney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Gold Coast, Perth & Auckland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Opening Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Closing Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Films (in alphabetical order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 — 5 8 K EEP U P WIT H A L L T HIN GS J IF F — Subscribe to JIFF e-news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J IF F.CO M . AU/SIG N U P Be our friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAC EB O O K .CO M /J E WIS HIF F Tweet @J E W IS HIF F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or follow #J IF F14 F ES TI VA L T E A M — F ES T I VA L DI R EC TO R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eddie Tamir C O P Y W R I T ER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miriam Kauppi F ES T I VA L M A N AG ER P U B L I CIS T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annette Smith & S H O R T S P RO G R A M M ER . . . . . . . . . . . . Tamar Simons F ES T I VA L I D EN T I T Y & D ES IG N . . . . . . . . Studio Round A DV ER T IS I N G , S P O N S O RS H I P W EB D E V ELO P M EN T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Morgan & G RO U P B O O K I N GS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lindy Tamir T R A I L ER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clayton Jacobson M A R K E T I N G M A N AG ER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Ristovski M AT ER I A L S & C O N V ERS I O N S . . . . . . . . . JORR Pty Ltd M A R K E T I N G AS S IS TA N T . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgina Wills M A R K E T I N G I N T ER N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erin Rosenberg 4 F ES T I VA L AS S IS TA N T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benji Tamir ALSO — AC C O U N T S M A N AG ER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Mahoney A S P ECI A L T H A N KS TO T H E D EDI CAT ED C L AS S I C CI N EM AS M A N AG ER . . . . . Jeremy Goldman T E A M S AT C L AS S I C CI N EM AS , E V EN T CI N EM AS E V EN T CI N EM AS M A N AG ER . . . . . . . . . . Fiona Pulford A N D T H E B RI D G E WAY CI N EM A Welcome A N OT E F RO M T H E F ES TI VA L DIR EC TO R — JIFF 2014 brings you Australian premieres of the cream of the new crop of Israeli and Jewish-themed films. In this year’s program there are 43 major international festival award winners and audience pleasers. The cinema remains a sacred place. In the dark, without external distractions, we can put ourselves in the shoes of the characters on screen and share an experience with our fellow cinema-goers. We may share the same, joyous ride or have an entirely different response. Once the lights come up we can celebrate or argue together. A film-festival is an opportunity to challenge the routine of our thoughts on politics, religion, news and whom we choose to sit next to! So dive into the program. Enjoy the obvious hits as well as the smaller, hidden gems. We are thrilled to launch JIFF in Perth, the Gold Coast and Auckland. If you have missed any films from festivals past, enjoy our new Video on Demand (VOD) service. Go to jiff.com.au and click on the ‘Shop’ tab. Stay tuned for our Holocaust Film Series in March 2015, which will feature more than 30 Australian premiere feature films and documentaries. Thanks to all our generous sponsors and friends. Thanks to our JIFF team and in particular Festival Manager Tamar and my partner Lindy. —E ddie Tamir, Festival Director 5 Melbourne Film Program Wednesday 5 Sunday 9 (continued) Wednesday 12 7. 15 P M 1 .0 0 P M Brave Miss World 24 12 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 Opening Night Party ★ 8 . 3 0 P M Opening Night Film — Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem ★ 1 . 15 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes 12 . 15 P M Voices From the Booth 53 of Sholom Aleichem 51 3 . 4 5 P M The Outrageous Sophie Tucker 47 Thursday 6 12 .0 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 12 . 15 P M Night Will Fall 44 2 . 3 0 P M Run Boy Run 49 2 . 4 5 P M King of the Jews 34 2 . 3 0 P M Gett, The Trial of 3 . 3 0 P M The Green Prince 32 ★ 6 .0 0 P M Etgar Keret: What Animal Are You? 28 ★ 6 . 15 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 2 . 4 5 P M A Place in Heaven 19 6 . 3 0 P M Young Perez 57 6 . 4 5 P M Lost Town 39 9.0 0 P M Run Boy Run 49 9. 15 P M Regarding Susan Sontag 48 Viviane Amsalem 16 6 . 4 5 P M The Dove Flyer 27 8 . 3 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 Thursday 13 7.0 0 P M 8 . 4 5 P M Night Will Fall 44 12 .0 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 My Old Lady 42 9. 10 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 9. 2 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 12 . 15 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem 51 Monday 10 12 .0 0 P M Because I Was a Painter 23 ★ 2 . 3 0 P M The Last Mentsch 36 12 . 15 P M Gett, The Trial of Friday 7 12 .0 0 P M The Decent One 25 Viviane Amsalem 16 12 . 15 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes 2 . 3 0 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 of Sholom Aleichem 51 2 . 3 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 2 . 4 5 P M Young Perez 57 2 . 4 5 P M The Outrageous Sophie Tucker 47 2 . 4 5 P M Arabani 22 6 . 3 0 P M Write Down, I Am an Arab 55 6 . 4 5 P M Magic Men 40 9.0 0 P M The Wonders 54 9. 15 P M Anywhere Else 21 6 . 3 0 P M The Decent One 25 6 . 4 5 P M Shtisel 50 ★ Friday 14 Saturday 8 9.0 0 P M Yalom’s Cure 56 12 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 1 . 4 5 P M Do You Believe in Love? 28 9. 3 0 P M The Israeli Code 33 12 . 15 P M Operation Sunflower 45 2 .0 0 P M Write Down, I Am an Arab 55 2 . 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 4 . 15 P M The Last Mentsch 36 Tuesday 11 4 . 3 0 P M Voices From the Booth 53 12 .0 0 P M Kol Nidre 35 ★ 6 . 4 5 P M The Green Prince 32 ★ 12 . 15 P M Anywhere Else 21 Saturday 15 7.0 0 P M 2 . 3 0 P M Life Sentences 38 1 . 4 5 P M Natan 43 9. 15 P M The Farewell Party 29 2 . 4 5 P M Zero Motivation 58 2 .0 0 P M 24 Days 18 9. 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 6 . 3 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 ★ 4 . 15 P M Run Boy Run 49 6 . 4 5 P M Orange People 46 4 . 3 0 P M Etgar Keret: What The Decent One 25 2 . 4 5 P M The Good Son 31 Sunday 9 9.0 0 P M The Good Son 31 11 .0 0 A M Transit 52 9. 15 P M The Farewell Party 29 Animal Are You? 28 6 . 4 5 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 11 . 15 A M Shtisel 50 TIC K E T S Online at www.jiff.com.au, over the phone during box office hours (03) 9524 7900 or at the Classic Box Office. F ES TI VA L FIL M PAS S ES Adults $95 / Classic Members $80 Adults $180 / Classic Members $150 20 Adults $340 / Classic Members $280 5 10 SIN G L E TIC K E T S Adults $20 / Concessions $18 / Classic Members $17 O P ENIN G NIG H T C LOSIN G NIG H T 6 Adults $35 / Classic Members $32 Adults $29 / Classic Members $26 EL IGIB L E CO N C ES SIO NS Students, health care card holders and pensioners. Proof of concession must be presented. Festival passes are for separate, preselected sessions for one person. All films selected must be different from one another. Festival passes cannot be used for higher-priced events. Please see the events page for specific ticketing details. Passes are available online or at the box office. Only Classic Members receive concession price on passes. Tickets & Venue Saturday 15 (continued) Tuesday 18 (continued) Saturday 22 7.0 0 P M 6 . 3 0 P M Gett, The Trial of 1 . 4 5 P M Magic Men 40 The Dove Flyer 27 Viviane Amsalem 16 ★ 9. 15 P M The Farewell Party 29 9. 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 Sunday 16 4 . 15 P M Night Will Fall 44 9.0 0 P M Young Perez 57 4 . 3 0 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 9. 15 P M Zero Motivation 58 6 . 4 5 P M Zero Motivation 58 11 .0 0 A M The Outrageous Sophie Tucker 47 7.0 0 P M 12 .0 0 P M The Accursed 20 1 .0 0 P M Kol Nidre 35 12 . 15 P M Magic Men 40 3 . 3 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 ★ 2 . 4 5 P M The Outrageous Sunday 23 6 . 3 0 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes 11 .0 0 A M Natan 43 of Sholom Aleichem 51 6 . 15 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem 51 Viviane Amsalem 16 9. 3 0 P M The Decent One 25 Sophie Tucker 47 3 . 4 5 P M A Match Made in Heaven 41 The Farewell Party 29 9. 15 P M Gett, The Trial of Wednesday 19 11 . 15 A M The Accursed 20 6 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 2 .0 0 P M The Last Mentsch 36 6 . 4 5 P M King of the Jews 34 11 . 15 A M The Israeli Code 33 6 . 4 5 P M Life Sentences 38 1 .0 0 P M Because I Was a Painter 23 8 . 3 0 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 ★ 9.0 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 1 . 15 P M The Dove Flyer 27 8 . 4 5 P M The Decent One 25 9. 15 P M A Place in Heaven 19 3 .0 0 P M Brave Miss World 24 Monday 17 Thursday 20 12 .0 0 P M Gett, The Trial of 12 .0 0 P M The Decent One 25 3 . 4 5 P MThe Outrageous Viviane Amsalem 16 Sophie Tucker 47 5 . 15 P MTheodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem 51 12 . 15 P M Do You Believe in Love? 26 12 . 15 P M Regarding Susan Sontag 48 2 . 3 0 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 2 . 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 6 .0 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 7. 3 0 P M C losing Night Drinks ★ 2 . 4 5 P M Lost Town 39 2 . 4 5 P M Because I Was a Painter 23 6 . 3 0 P M Brave Miss World 24 6 . 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 ★ 8.30 PM C losing Night Film — 6 . 4 5 P M The Last Mentsch 36 6 . 4 5 P M A Match Made in Heaven 41 9.0 0 P M The Decent One 25 9.0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 Monday 24 — Wednesday 26 9. 15 P M Life as a Rumour 37 9. 15 P M 24 Days 18 Encore Sessions: Tuesday 18 Friday 21 12 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 12 .0 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 12 . 15 P M Orange People 46 12 . 15 P M Orange People 46 2 . 3 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 2 . 3 0 P M Yalom’s Cure 56 Above and Beyond ★ Please check jiff.com.au for session times 2 . 4 5 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes 2 . 4 5 P M Young Perez 57 G RO U P B O O K IN GS Min. 20 people, $14/ticket Bookings online or [email protected] EN Q U IRIES [email protected] or (03) 9524 7979 T ER MS & CO N DITIO NS Persons under the age of 15 must be in the company of a parent or adult guardian. R EF U N DS/ E XC H A N G ES Please check your booking carefully at the time of purchase as all tickets are nonrefundable. Tickets can be exchanged for the equal dollar amount up to 24 hours prior to the session start time for a $2 fee at the box office only. Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced. ★Accompanied by an event. See pgs. 8–9 for more information. of Sholom Aleichem 51 V EN U E Classic Cinemas 9 Gordon Street, Elsternwick Tel. — (03) 9524 7900 www.classiccinemas.com.au A kosher pop-up falafel & sabich stall by Hamawi’s Kitchen will be open onsite throughout the festival. J E WIS H FO O D Free parking available at the Elsternwick Station car park in Horne Street. PA R K IN G 7 Melbourne Events WEDNESDAY 5 NOVEMBER Curator and Head of Collections, Jayne Josem OPENING NIGHT PARTY & FILM will reveal the fascinating story of Auschwitz survivor and Jewish artist, Walter Preisser. Jayne will present a video featuring Preisser’s artworks and a testimony from Melbourne survivor and JHC Museum guide, Joseph Spring, who attributes his survival to Preisser’s protection. 12.00 PM Because I Was a Painter SPEAKER Jayne Josem Celebrate the Opening Night of JIFF 2014 with Isman and the Desert Island Folk, a fresh indie-folk Melbourne band. This will be followed by the award-winning film Gett, The Trial of Vivianne Amsalem (pg. 16). 7.15 PM Isman and the Desert Island Folk 8.30 PM Gett, The Trial of Vivianne Amsalem TICKETS Adults $35 / Classic Members $32 Drink & food included. Tickets are not available for the screening only. SATURDAY 8 & SUNDAY 9 NOVEMBER THE GREEN PRINCE MONDAY 10 NOVEMBER A Q&A with the film’s writer, director and producer Nadav Schirman, follows the screenings of The Green Prince (pg. 32). SATURDAY 6.45 PM The Green Prince SUNDAY 3.30 PM The Green Prince SPEAKER Nadav Schirman ISRAELI TV SPOTLIGHT After a screening of Shtisel panelists will discuss the place of Haredim in Israeli society. 6.45 PM Shtisel SPEAKERS Sonia Slonim, Shavi Slodowitz and Ittay Flescher SUNDAY 9 NOVEMBER TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER EXPLORING ETGAR ZINGEN KINDERLEKH The Melbourne Jewish Writer’s Festival presents Dvir Abramovich, Australia’s leading expert on Modern Israeli Literature, and literary reviewer Tali Lavi, for a fascinating conversation about Israel’s hippest, coolest and best-selling author and film maker Etgar Keret to discover why he’s an international star. 6.00 PM Etgar Keret: What Animal Are You? (pg. 28) PARTNER Melbourne Jewish Writer’s Festival SPEAKERS Dvir Abramovich and Tali Lavi An afternoon of Yiddish with melodies performed by the students of Sholem Aleichem College followed by the 1939 Yiddish classic Kol Nidre. 12.00 PM Kol Nidre PARTNER Sholem Aleichem College MONDAY 10 NOVEMBER THE ART OF SURVIVING Following the screening of Because I Was a Painter (pg. 23), Jewish Holocaust Centre 8 TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER NIGHT WILL FALL ACJC Director Mark Baker will talk about ethical and historical issues that the film raises relating to knowledge of the Holocaust after the liberation of the camps, the use of grotesque imagery for the the re-education of Germans, and the questions that extend to our present day reception of images that dehumanise the dead in an age of visual fatigue. 6.30 PM Night Will Fall ACJC SPEAKER Mark Baker PARTNER Stick around for a bonus screening of Cannon Films classic, Breakin’. The Go-Go Boys Jewish Museum of Australia QUIZMASTER EXTRAORDINAIRE Adrian Elton 8.30 PM PARTNER TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER MAKE ME A MATCH To coincide with our screenings of A Match Made in Heaven (pg. 41) and Do You Believe in Love? (pg. 26), JIFF presents its own take on dating. Do you love film? Are you Jewish? And are you single? If so, speed with style! Join 30 other singles at After the Tears to meet new people and maybe even your one and only. 7.00 PM Speed Dating at After the Tears PARTNER Fast Impressions Details and bookings via fastimpressions.com.au TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER GRASPING THE GETT Following the screening of Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem (pg. 16), join lawyer Harriet Warlow-Shill and Rabbi Avrohom Jacks for an in-depth discussion about the Jewish Divorce, a gett, in contemporary Jewish Australia. 6.30 PM Gett, The Trial Of Vivian Amsalem SPEAKERS Harriet Warlow-Shill & Rabbi Avrohom Jacks SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER THURSDAY 20 NOVEMBER DYING WITH DIGNITY SO YOU MADE A SHORT, WHAT NEXT? Dr Rodney Syme has been an advocate for medically assisted dying for more than 20 years and was the President of Dying with Dignity Victoria for 10 years. Following the screening of The Farewell Party (pg. 29), Dr Syme will discuss his belief in the rights of individuals to determine when, where and how their lives will end. 3.30 PM The Farewell Party PARTNER Dying With Dignity Victoria SPEAKER Dr Rodney Syme Sited as one of Indiewire’s 12 Directors to Watch, Talya Lavie’s feature film Zero Motivation (pg. 58) is an example of how emerging filmmakers can create successful features after making a short. Join the Managing Director of Village Roadshow, Joel Pearlman for a panel of industry professionals discussing the transition from short film to feature filmmaking. 6.30 PM Zero Motivation SPEAKER Joel Pearlman For details see the website jiff.com.au SUNDAY 23 NOVEMBER SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER CLOSING NIGHT DRINKS & FILM JEWISH GENIUSES A drink and some music before a screening of Above and Beyond (pg. 17). 7.30PM Drinks and music 8.30 PM Above and Beyond TICKETS Adults $29 / Classic Members $26 To celebrate the Israeli filmmaking duo, The Go-Go Boys and the opening of the Jewish Museum of Australia’s Andy Warhol’s Jewish Geniuses, join us for a post-film pop quiz! How much do you know about Jewish geniuses? Or the eclectic and abundant variety of movies made by Cannon Films? Tickets are not available for the screening only. Please note details were correct at the time of printing and may change. Visit jiff.com.au for updated details. 9 Sydney Film Program Wednesday 29 Sunday 2 Wednesday 5 7. 15 P M Opening Night Party ★ 11 .0 0 A M The Good Son 31 12 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 8 . 3 0 P M Opening Night Film — 11 . 15 A M Young Perez 57 12 . 15 P M Voices From the Booth 53 Gett, The Trial of 1 . 15 P M Brave Miss World 24 1 . 4 5 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 Viviane Amsalem ★ 1 . 4 5 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes 2 .0 0 P M Do You Believe in Love? 26 of Sholom Aleichem 51 Thursday 30 3 . 4 0 P M The Outrageous Sophie Tucker 47 12 .0 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 12 . 15 P M Night Will Fall 44 3 . 5 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 ★ 2 . 10 P M Run Boy Run 49 6 .0 0 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 2 . 2 0 P M The Last Mentsch 36 6 . 4 5 P M The Outrageous Sophie Tucker 47 7.0 0 P M My Old Lady 42 6 . 3 0 P M Young Perez 57 7.0 0 P M Lost Town 39 8 . 5 0 P M Run Boy Run 49 9.0 0 P M Regarding Susan Sontag 48 Thursday 6 7.0 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 12 .0 0 P M The Decent One 25 8 . 3 0 P M 24 Days 18 12 . 15 P M Transit 52 8 . 4 5 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 2 . 15 P M Gett, The Trial of Monday 3 2 . 3 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 Viviane Amsalem 16 9.0 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 9. 15 P M The Dove Flyer 27 12 .0 0 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 Friday 31 6 . 3 0 P M The Green Prince 32 ★ 6 . 4 5 P M A Match Made in Heaven 41 12 .0 0 P M The Decent One 25 12 . 15 P M The Farewell Party 29 9.0 0 P M Magic Men 40 12 . 15 P M Because I Was a Painter 23 2 . 2 0 P M The Outrageous 9. 15 P M Write Down, I Am an Arab 55 Sophie Tucker 47 2 . 10 P M Anywhere Else 21 2 . 3 0 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes 2 . 3 0 P M Magic Men 40 Friday 7 6 . 3 0 P M The Decent One 25 11 .0 0 A M The Green Prince 32 ★ 6 . 4 5 P M Shtisel 50 12 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 Saturday 1 8 . 4 5 P M The Israeli Code 33 2 .0 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 4 . 15 P M The Last Mentsch 36 9.0 0 P M Yalom’s Cure 56 2 . 15 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 6 . 4 5 P M The Farewell Party 29 Tuesday 4 Saturday 8 7.0 0 P M The Decent One 25 12 .0 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 4 .0 0 P M A Place in Heaven 19 9.0 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 12 . 3 0 P M Arabani 22 4 . 3 0 P M Run Boy Run 49 9. 15 P M Night Will Fall 44 2 . 15 P M The Decent One 25 6 . 4 0 P M Gett, The Trial of of Sholom Aleichem 51 4 . 3 0 P M Life Sentences 38 2 . 3 0 P M A Place in Heaven 19 Viviane Amsalem 16 6 . 4 5 P M Night Will Fall 44 7.0 0 P M The Dove Flyer 27 7.0 0 P M Orange People 46 9. 15 P M The Farewell Party 29 8 . 4 5 P M The Farewell Party 29 9. 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 9.0 0 P M The Good Son 31 Available online at jiff.com.au or at the Event Cinemas Box Office. Join Cinebuzz for free and earn points throughout JIFF. TIC K E T S SIN G L E TIC K E T S Adults $20 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $18 O P ENIN G NIG H T Adults $35 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $32 C LOSIN G NIG H T Adults $29 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $26 10 F ES TI VA L FIL M PAS S ES Adults $95 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $80 5 Festival passes are for separate, preselected sessions for one person. All films selected must be different from one another. Festival passes cannot be used for higher-priced events. Please see the events page for specific ticketing details. Passes are available online or at the box office. Tickets & Venue Sunday 9 Wednesday 12 Saturday 15 11 .0 0 A M The Accursed 20 12 .0 0 P M Gett, The Trial of 4 . 4 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 Viviane Amsalem 16 12 .0 0 P M Voices From the Booth 53 1 . 15 P M Kol Nidre 35 12 . 3 0 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem 51 3 . 3 0 P M The Outrageous Sophie Tucker 47 2 . 15 P M Because I Was a Painter 23 4 .0 0 P M The Decent One 25 2 . 3 0 P M Orange People 46 6 .0 0 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes 6 . 3 0 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 of Sholom Aleichem 51 5 .0 0 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 6 . 5 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 7. 15 P M The Farewell Party 29 9. 15 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 9. 3 0 P M The Decent One 25 6 . 4 5 P M Magic Men 40 6 . 15 P M Night Will Fall 44 8 . 4 5 P M The Farewell Party 29 Sunday 16 8 . 3 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 9.0 0 P M Life Sentences 38 12 .0 0 P M Magic Men 40 8 . 4 5 P M Etgar Keret: What Animal Are You? 28 12 . 15 P M Natan 43 Thursday 13 2 . 15 P M Run Boy Run 49 12 .0 0 P M The Israeli Code 33 2 . 3 0 P M Brave Miss World 24 Monday 10 12 . 15 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 4 . 15 P M The Outrageous 12 .0 0 P M Young Perez57 1 . 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 12 . 15 P M The Outrageous 2 . 15 P M Operation Sunflower 45 4 . 4 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 6 . 3 0 P M Gett, The Trial of 6 . 3 0 P M Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes Sophie Tucker 47 Viviane Amsalem 16 ★ 2 . 15 P M Zero Motivation 58 Sophie Tucker 47 of Sholom Aleichem 51 2 . 4 5 P M Natan 43 6 . 4 5 P M Because I Was a Painter 23 6 . 5 0 P M Anywhere Else 21 6 . 3 0 P M Brave Miss World 24 9.0 0 P M The Dove Flyer 27 7. 3 0 P M Closing Night Drinks ★ 7.0 0 P M The Decent One 25 ★ 9. 15 P M Night Will Fall 44 8.30 PM C losing Night Film — Above and Beyond ★ 9.0 0 P M The Last Mentsch 36 9. 10 P M Life as a Rumour 37 Friday 14 12 . 15 P M Do You Believe in Love? 28 Monday 17 — Wednesday 19 Tuesday 11 12 . 2 0 P M Orange People 46 Encore Sessions: 12 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 1 . 4 5 P M The Outrageous Please check jiff.com.au 12 . 15 P M Magic Men 40 2 .0 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 Sophie Tucker 47 for session times 2 . 3 0 P M Young Perez 57 2 . 3 0 P M The Last Mentsch 36 6 . 3 0 P M Zero Motivation 58 6 . 4 5 P M King of the Jews 34 8 . 4 5 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 ★Accompanied by an event. See 9.0 0 P M The Wonders 54 Min. 20 people, $14/ticket Bookings: [email protected] pgs. 12–13 for more information. G RO U P B O O K IN GS V EN U E EN Q U IRIES [email protected] or (03) 9524 7979 Event Cinemas Level 8, Westfield Shopping Centre 500 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction Tel. — (02) 9300 1500 www.eventcinemas.com.au T ER MS & CO N DITIO NS Persons under the age of 15 must be in the company of a parent or adult guardian. R EF U N DS/ E XC H A N G ES Please check your booking carefully at the time of purchase as all tickets are nonrefundable. Tickets can be exchanged for the equal dollar amount up to 24 hours prior to the session start time for a $2 fee at the box office only. Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced. T H R EE H O U RS F R EE PA R K IN G WIT H TIC K E T VA L IDATIO N 11 Sydney Events WEDNESDAY 29 OCTOBER THURSDAY 6 & FRIDAY 7 NOVEMBER OPENING NIGHT PARTY & FILM THE GREEN PRINCE Celebrate the Opening Night of JIFF 2014 with Ilan Kidron, lead singer of the awardwinning The Potbelleez, and his dynamic and eclectic band Glass whose contemporary takes on classics and wicked twists on the contemporary will get you in the party mood. This will be followed by the award-winning film Gett, The Trial of Vivianne Amsalem (pg. 16). 7.15 PM Ilan Kidron and the Glass Band 8.30 PM Gett, The Trial of Vivianne Amsalem TICKETS Adults $35 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $26 A Q&A hosted by Encounters@Shalom with the film’s writer, director and producer Nadav Schirman, following the screenings of The Green Prince (pg. 32). THURSDAY 6.30 PM The Green Prince FRIDAY 11.00 AM The Green Prince PARTNER Encounters@Shalom SPEAKER Nadav Schirman Drink & food included. Tickets are not available Pieced together by a rich archive of recovered letters and photos The Decent One (pg. 25) permits us a chilling insight into a notorious war criminal. Following the screening, join National Film and Sound Archive CEO Michael Loebenstein to discuss the role that archival film plays within documentary storytelling. 7.00PM The Decent One PARTNER National Film and Sound Archive SPEAKER Michael Loebenstein for the screening only. SUNDAY 2 NOVEMBER DYING WITH DIGNITY Dr Sarah Edelman is a clinical psychologist, author and President of Dying with Dignity, NSW. Gideon Cordover is a NIDA graduate, communcations co-ordinator at Dying with Dignity NSW and member of the national executive of the Voluntary Euthanasia Party. Following the screening of The Farewell Party (pg. 29) join Sarah and Gideon in conversation to discuss the rights of individuals to determine when, where and how their lives will end. 3.50 PM The Farewell Party PARTNER Dying With Dignity NSW SPEAKERS Dr Sarah Edelman & Gideon Cordover 12 MONDAY 10 NOVEMBER EMBRACING ARCHIVE For details see the website jiff.com.au THURSDAY 13 NOVEMBER GRASPING THE GETT Following the screening of Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem (pg. 16), National Council of Jewish Women NSW presents a panel discussion on the Jewish divorce, a gett, in contemporary Jewish Australia. 6.30PM Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem PARTNER National Council of Jewish Women NSW SPEAKERS Harriet Warlow-Shill, Rabbi Moshe D Gutnick & Elysse Borghi THURSDAY 13 NOVEMBER SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER MAKE ME A MATCH CLOSING NIGHT DRINKS & FILM To coincide with our screenings of A Match Made in Heaven (pg. 41) and Do You Believe in Love? (pg. 26) JIFF presents its own take on dating. Do you love film? Are you Jewish? And are you single? If so, speed date with style at our match-making event! Join 30 other singles at the AACTA Bar to meet new people and maybe even your one and only. 7.00PM Speed Dating at AACTA Bar PARTNER Fast Impressions Please join us for a drink before the spectacular and inspiring Above and Beyond (pg. 17) to officially close the festival. 7.30PM Drinks in the AACTA bar 8.30PM Above and Beyond TICKETS Adults $29 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $26 Tickets are not available for the screening only. Details and bookings via fastimpressions.com.au Please note details were correct at the time of printing and may change. Visit jiff.com.au for updated details. 13 14 Gold Coast, Perth & Auckland GOLD COAST PERTH AUCKLAND Saturday 15 Saturday 15 Sunday 16 8 . 3 0 P M Gett, The Trial of 8 . 3 0 P M Gett, The Trial of 12 . 3 0 P M Run Boy Run 49 Viviane Amsalem 16 Viviane Amsalem 16 2 . 4 5 P M Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem 16 Sunday 16 Sunday 16 5 . 10 P M Night Will Fall 44 12 . 3 0 P M Run Boy Run 49 12 . 3 0 P M Run Boy Run 49 7. 15 P M The Farewell Party 29 3 .0 0 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 2 . 5 0 P M The Last Mentsch 36 5 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 5 .0 0 P M Night Will Fall 44 Sunday 23 7.0 0 P M Zero Motivation 43 7.0 0 P M 12 . 3 0 P M Young Perez 57 Sunday 23 Sunday 23 5 .0 0 P M The Decent One 25 12 . 3 0 P M Young Perez 42 12 . 3 0 P M Young Perez 42 7. 15 P M 2 . 4 5 P M The Farewell Party 29 2 . 4 5 P M The Go-Go Boys 30 4 . 5 0 P M The Decent One 25 4 . 4 5 P M The Decent One 25 7.0 0 P M 7.0 0 P M The Farewell Party 29 2 . 4 5 P M Zero Motivation 58 Above and Beyond 17 Above and Beyond 17 Available online at jiff.com.au or at the box office. GO L D COAS T & P ER T H O N LY Join Cinebuzz for free and earn points throughout JIFF. TIC K E T S SIN G L E TIC K E T S GO L D COAS T & P ER T H Adults $20 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $18 AU C K L A N D Adults $20 / Concessions $18 EL IGIB L E CO N C ES SIO NS Students, health care card holders and pensioners. Proof of concession must be presented. F ES TI VA L FIL M PAS S ES GO L D COAS T & P ER T H O N LY 5 Adults $95 / Cinebuzz Students & Seniors $80 Festival passes are for separate, preselected sessions for one person. All films selected must be different from one another. Festival passes cannot be used for higher-priced events. Please see the events page for specific ticketing details. Passes are available online or at the box office. G RO U P B O O K IN GS Above and Beyond 17 Min. 20 people, $14/ticket T ER MS & CO N DITIO NS Persons under the age of 15 must be in the company of a parent or adult guardian. R EF U N DS/ E XC H A N G ES Please check your booking carefully at the time of purchase as all tickets are non-refundable. Tickets can be exchanged for the equal dollar amount up to 24 hours prior to the session start time for a $2 fee at the box office only. Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced. V EN U ES GO L D COAS T Event Cinemas Robina Town Centre, Robina (Corner Collyer Quays Lido Promenade) Tel. — (07) 5592 7000 www.eventcinemas.com.au P ER T H Event Cinemas 57 Liege Street, Innaloo Tel. — (08) 9446 8222 www.eventcinemas.com.au AU C K L A N D The Bridgeway Cinema 122 Queen Street, Northcote Point Tel. — (09) 481 0040 www.bridgeway.co.nz 15 / DIRECTOR — Ronit Elkabetz & Shlomi Elkabetz French, Hebrew (English subtitles) FRANCE, GERMANY, ISRAEL — 2014, 115 MIN F E AT U R E LANGUAGE — O P ENIN G NIG H T FIL M — Gett, The Trial of Viviane Amsalem “In this expertly written, brilliantly acted film, Viviane struggles against her passive-aggressive husband and the rabbinical judges to legally end her marriage.” — Variety Winner of Best Film at the Jerusalem Film Festival, 2014, screened in Directors’ Fortnight in Cannes 2014 to critical acclaim and nominated for 12 Ophir Awards (Israeli Oscars). Gett is a contemporary exploration of divorce and longterm relationships punctuated by lighter moments. It is also a rare insight into the rabbinical court and its treatment of women. Viviane is refused a gett; a Jewish divorce, which can only be given by a court of rabbinical judges and with the consent of her husband. The exhausting and absurd protocols Viviane is forced to endure, and the anguish caused by not being able to start a new life, does not stop her. SYDNEY — Wed 29 Oct ★ from 7.15pm Sun 2 Nov 6.00pm Mon 3 Nov 12.00pm Thu 6 Nov 2.15pm Sat 8 Nov 6.40pm Tue 11 Nov 8.45pm Wed 12 Nov 12.00pm Thu 13 Nov ★ 6.30pm Sat 15 Nov 9.15pm MELBOURNE — Wed 5 Nov ★ from 7.15pm Sun 9 Nov 6.15pm Mon 10 Nov 12.15pm Wed 12 Nov 2.30pm Sat 15 Nov Mon 17 Nov 6.45pm 12.00pm Tue 18 Nov ★ 6.30pm Thu 20 Nov 2.30pm Sat 22 Nov 9.15pm GOLD COAST, PERTH & AUCKLAND — see page 15. 16 M E A N T TO B E (B AS H ER T ) USA — 2014, 87 MIN DIRECTOR — Roberta Grossman / LANGUAGE — English, Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY C LOSIN G NIG H T FIL M — Above and Beyond “The Machal forces were the diaspora’s most important contribution to the state of Israel.” — David Ben-Gurion This gripping documentary unfolds like The Great Escape, a true-life war-time adventure story. In 1948 rumors began — the United Nations was going to establish Israel as the Jewish state, provoking an attack from five surrounding Arab armies. A group of World War Two pilots, American and South African, volunteered to fight for Israel in the War of Independence. These men were the ‘Machal’. Wearing German helmets, uniforms and parachutes, this ragtag band of brothers flew planes left behind in Europe by the German army and made of spare parts. (As one Machal member recalls, “The irony of it did not escape any of us.”) Produced by Nancy Spielberg, Above and Beyond tells the little-known history of the scavenging and deal-making that supplied aircraft parts and planes for the men who turned the tide of this war and established Israel’s now-enviable air force. T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT SYDNEY — Sun 16 Nov ★ from 7.30pm MELBOURNE — Sun 23 Nov ★ from 7.30pm GOLD COAST, PERTH & AUCKLAND — see page 15. 17 FRANCE — 2014, 110 MIN Alexandre Arcady / LANGUAGE — French (English subtitles) F E AT U R E DIRECTOR — 24 Days (24 JOURS) A chillingly relevant, true-crime story that sent shockwaves through France. Jerusalem Film Festival 2014 and the Toronto Jewish Film Festival. This is a white-knuckle police drama about the real-life, anti-Semitic targeting of Ilan Halimi, a 23-year-old Parisian-Jewish man who was kidnapped, brutally tortured and killed by a suburban gang, The Barbarians. This feature film is based on the book by Ruth Halimi, his mother, and is a gripping portrayal of a family torn apart and of an inept investigation by French police not willing to see the crime’s racial undertones. It is, ultimately, Ruth who realises the truth that the police are too slow to acknowledge — her son was targeted because he is Jewish, and the kidnappers assumed his family were wealthy. Backed by a terrific cast including Pascal Elbe (The Other Son). 18 T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT SYDNEY — Sun 2 Nov 8.30pm MELBOURNE — Sat 15 Nov 2.00pm Thu 20 Nov 9.15pm ISRAEL — 2013, 118 MIN DIRECTOR — Yossi Madmony / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) F E AT U R E A Place in Heaven (HA’MAKOM BE GAN EDEN) “Madmony’s ambitious screenplay masterfully merges the epic and the anecdotal. His protagonist, like the flawed heroes of the Old Testament, registers as recognisably human.” — Variety Toronto Film Festival 2013. From the director of Restoration (2011). This is a story of epic, biblical proportions that spans 40 years of Israel’s modern history, the mythology behind the new country’s heroism and the power of allegory in determining national and personal identity. But at its core, this is a film about the complicated relationship between a father and a son. Israeli director Yossi Madmony has created a stunningly cinematic, character-driven portrait of a man looking back at his life, his decisions and their weight. Returning from a daring mission, a fired-up, brazen, hungry soldier says he would happily trade his place in heaven for shakshuka. Forty years later he is a retired general on his deathbed. His estranged son, an ultra-orthodox Jew, tries to save his soul. T H E SIT UATIO N (H A M AT Z AV ) SYDNEY — Tues 4 Nov 2.30pm Sat 8 Nov 4.00pm MELBOURNE — Wed 12 Nov 2.45pm Wed 19 Nov 9.15pm 19 ISRAEL — 2014, 240 MIN Hagai Levi / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) S ERIES DIRECTOR — The Accursed From the creator of In Treatment, Hagai Levi. “Innovative, megalomaniacal, bold, and dizzying in its insightfulness.” — Yediot Aharonot A TV docudrama series that covers writer Pinhas Sadeh, poet Yona Wallach, philosopher Moshe Kroy and painter, Aviva Uri. The subversive attitudes and experimental work of these figures challenged the status quo. Sadeh is considered an agitator not only for his work, but for his controversial lifestyle. Wallach’s sexually liberated, slang-infused poetry cemented her as a figure of rebellion and social conscience. Kroy, the rock star-like lecturer led a tempestuous life in Israel, then Australia. Uri pioneered the abstract-art scene of her time. These Israeli cultural heroes dwelled on the fringes of the mainstream, fluctuating between genius and madness. The final episode, ‘Epilogue’ reveals this production’s groundbreaking approach to the documentary form and of Hagai Levi himself. S C R EEN I N G as a four-part series with a 10-minute intermission. 20 S TO RY T EL L ERS (M AGGIDS) SYDNEY — Sun 9 Nov 11.00am MELBOURNE — Sun 16 Nov 11.15am Wed 19 Nov 12.00pm / DIRECTOR — Ester Amrami English, German, Hebrew, Yiddish (English subtitles) GERMANY, ISRAEL — 2014, 87 MIN LANGUAGE — F E AT U R E Anywhere Else (ANDERSWO) No matter where you go, you cannot escape yourself. Anywhere Else, from first-time Israeli director Ester Amrami, was in competition at the Berlin Film Festival in 2014. Noa has moved to Berlin to indulge her wanderlust and do a post-graduate degree in untranslatable words. After a period of reinventing herself away from her home in Israel, revelling in her independence from her loving, yet claustrophobic family, things in Berlin start to sour. Her research is stalled and there is strain with her German boyfriend, Jörg. Noa escapes back home for a holiday. But when Jörg surprises her there, her Israeli and German worlds collide, with tense, often hilarious consequences. This is a clever family dramedy covering the transition between new worlds and cultural translation. M E A N T TO B E (B AS H ER T ) SYDNEY — Fri 31 Oct 2.10pm Sun 2 Nov 7.00pm Thu 6 Nov 2.30pm Sun 9 Nov 8.30pm Sun 16 Nov 6.50pm MELBOURNE — Fri 7 Nov 2.30pm Sun 9 Nov 8.30pm Tue 11 Nov 12.15pm Thu 13 Nov 9.15pm Fri 21 Nov 12.00pm Sun 23 Nov 6.00pm 21 ISRAEL — 2013, 82 MIN Adi Adwan / LANGUAGE — Arabic, Hebrew (English subtitles) F E AT U R E DIRECTOR — Arabani Winner Best Screenplay Jerusalem Film Festival, 2013. A compelling family drama about identity in a country with many faces. After being estranged from his Druze village and family for 17 years, Yoseph returns with his two Israeli, teenage children. His marriage to a Jewish Israeli woman has just ended and he plans to settle down there. His arrival causes friction inside the closed, conservative Druze community and also with his mother Afifa, who accepts him and his children as part of her family again. Amongst the politics and difficulties of integration, the children, who only know life inside Jewish Israel, begin to connect with their father’s culture. And despite the tensions, Semadar, Yoseph’s daughter, unexpectedly finds love. 22 OT H ER IS R A EL SYDNEY — Tue 4 Nov 12.30pm MELBOURNE — Thu 13 Nov 2.45pm / DIRECTOR — Christophe Cognet English, French, German, Hebrew, Polish (English subtitles) FRANCE, GERMANY — 2013, 104 MIN LANGUAGE — D O CU M EN TA RY Because I Was a Painter “I hardly dare to say it, but for a painter, the beauty of it was incredible. It was absolutely vital to reproduce it.” — Zoran Music, Dachau survivor This is an unprecedented investigation into the artworks created secretly by inmates in Nazi concentration camps and by survivors after liberation. Through interviews with the small number of living artists who survived the Nazi camps, Because I Was a Painter examines the stirring, secretly created images of faces, bodies and landscapes to explore the very notion of art and an artist’s impulse to create, even in the darkest of circumstances. The film confronts notions of beauty and representing the horrors of extermination. Can something created under such circumstances, in such places, ever be beautiful? T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT SYDNEY — Fri 31 Oct 12.15pm Wed 12 Nov 2.15pm Thu 13 Nov 6.45pm MELBOURNE — Mon 10 Nov ★ 12.00pm Thu 20 Nov 2.45pm Sun 23 Nov 1.00pm 23 ISRAEL, USA — 2013, 88 MIN Cecilia Peck / LANGUAGE — English, Hebrew, Italian (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — Brave Miss World Nominated for a 2014 Emmy Award, this is a portrait of a remarkable woman whose resilience and strength of character transcends trauma to help others. In 1998, six weeks before being crowned Miss World, Israeli woman Linor Abargil was raped at knifepoint. This documentary follows her as she tours the US, South Africa and Europe to meet other victims of rape, including Joan Collins and Fran Drescher. She helps them — and by extension, herself — to heal by encouraging them to speak out. With her unique, straight-talking empathy she empowers the women she meets by refusing to allow the stigma of shame to compound their suffering. Followed and supported by her family, Abargil tries to find purpose in what happened to her, eventually drifting away from her modelling career to find comfort in religion. 24 T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT SYDNEY — Sun 2 Nov 1.15pm Mon 10 Nov 6.30pm Sun 16 Nov 2.30pm MELBOURNE — Sun 9 Nov 1.00pm Mon 17 Nov 6.30pm Sun 23 Nov 3.00pm AUSTRIA, GERMANY, ISRAEL — 2014, 94 MIN DIRECTOR — Vanessa Lapa / LANGUAGE — German (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY The Decent One Awarded Best Documentary at the Jerusalem Film Festival, 2014, screened at the prestigious Berlinale Panorma, 2014, nominated for Best Documentary, Ophir Award (Israeli Oscars), 2014 and an early tip for an Academy-Award nomination in 2015. In 1945 a young soldier comes into the possession of a suitcase filled with private letters, documents, journals and photographs belonging to Heinrich Himmler. The Decent One uses these extraordinary, never-beforeseen materials to access the deluded, unwavering and unnerving life and mind of the merciless “architect of the Final Solution”. The film divulges the contents of letters to and from Himmler’s wife, daughter and mistress, and uses archival footage of Himmler’s time growing up in the 1920s with Adolf Hitler. The film describes Himmler’s ironic detachment (“In life one must always be decent, courageous and kind-hearted,” he writes), and how he was perceived by those closest to him. A chilling insight into how the ideologies of a once lowermiddle-class man turned him into a notorious war criminal. SYDNEY — Fri 31 Oct 12.00pm Sat 1 Nov 7.00pm Mon 3 Nov 6.30pm Tue 4 Nov 2.15pm Thu 6 Nov 12.00pm Sun 9 Nov 4.00pm Mon 10 Nov ★ 7.00pm Sat 15 Nov 9.30pm MELBOURNE — Fri 7 Nov 12.00pm Sat 8 Nov 7.00pm Mon 10 Nov 6.30pm Sun 16 Nov 8.45pm Mon 17 Nov 9.00pm Thu 20 Nov 12.00pm Sat 22 Nov 9.30pm GOLD COAST, PERTH & AUCKLAND — see page 15. H AU N T ED HIS TO RIES 25 ISRAEL — 2013, 50 MIN Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — Dan Wasserman / LANGUAGE — Do You Believe in Love? (HA’SHADCHANIT) Awarded Best Documentary at the 2014 Kracow Film Festival. “I don’t believe there is love in the world. If you believe it — good for you.” — Tova Shamsion This charming, irreverent documentary features the irrepressible Tova, a matchmaker who does not believe in love, but who has made more than 550 matches in her career. She specialises in matching people with disabilities and Tova herself is in a wheelchair as a result of muscular dystrophy. But her health problems do nothing to dampen her spirit, quell her cynicism or hold back her caustic wit. Her unique brand of tough love, her approach to her life — which she knows will be cut short — and her commitment to her clients is what drives this funny, heartwarming and endlessly entertaining film. From the producers of Life in Stills (JIFF 2012) and Before The Revolution (JIFF 2013) this is a film about making the most of the time you have. S C R EEN I N G W I T H S H O R T FI L M Total Loss Over 30 DI R EC TO R Sharon Danon / IS R A EL — 4 M I N Shiri is single and over 30. Her family and country all want her to put her womb to good use. They beg her to get married, but Shiri has other ideas... 26 M E A N T TO B E (B AS H ER T ) SYDNEY — Wed 5 Nov 2.00pm Fri 14 Nov 12.15pm MELBOURNE — Sat 8 Nov Thu 20 Nov 1.45pm 12.15pm ISRAEL — 2013, 108 MIN DIRECTOR — Nissim Dayan / LANGUAGE — Arabic, Hebrew (English subtitles) F E AT U R E The Dove Flyer (MAFRIACH HAYONIM) Three-time Ophir-Award (Israeli Oscars) nominee, 2013. Between the years 1950–51 close to 130,000 Jews left Iraq. The most ancient community in the world ceased to exist. A box-office smash hit in Israel based on the best-selling book of the same name, this is a fascinating insight into a seldomcovered part of history. Sixteen-year-old Kabi is from a Jewish family in Iraq. When his uncle, Hazkael, is arrested, Kabi joins the Zionist underground. This feature film covers the final years of the Jewish community in Baghdad in the 1950s before its expulsion to Israel. The film portrays a family living in a world of contradictions and ambivalent relationships; the complex existence of the Jewish community in Iraq, which had strong ties to the surrounding Muslim world and Arabic culture, yet at the same time feared for its safety. SYDNEY — Thu 30 Oct 9.15pm Sat 8 Nov 7.00pm Thu 13 Nov 9.00pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 6.45pm Sat 15 Nov 7.00pm Sun 23 Nov 1.15pm IN G AT H ERIN G (K IB B U T Z G A L U YOT ) 27 ISRAEL — 2013, 58 MIN Gur Bentwich / LANGUAGE — English, Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — Etgar Keret: What Animal Are You? Poignant, absurd and hilarious, What Animal Are You? is a personal and playful journey with one of world literature’s most original voices. This is an entertaining and intimate documentary portrait of celebrated Israeli writer Etgar Keret. Gur Bentwich, a filmmaker and Keret’s friend, follows him on a whirlwind book tour to New York. Between readings and interviews, Keret reflects on his life as a writer and the recent death of his father. The sharing of his off-kilter take on life, family and career is the centre of this portrait of the artist. During the trip Keret meets with notable New Yorkers such as writer Nathan Englander and presenter of This American Life, Ira Glass. S C R EEN I N G W I T H S H O R T FI L M Knock at the Door DI R EC TO R Eliran Elya / IS R A EL — 10 M I N The late Assi Dayan stars as a successful writer coerced at gunpoint to deliver a good story in this absurdist yarn based on an Etgar Keret short story. 28 S TO RY T EL L ERS (M AGGIDS) SYDNEY — Sun 9 Nov 8.45pm MELBOURNE — Sun 9 Nov ★ 6.00pm Sat 15 Nov 4.30pm ISRAEL — 2014, 95 MIN DIRECTOR — Tal Granit and Sharon Maymon / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) F E AT U R E The Farewell Party “… be moved by this tender, unexpectedly charming tale…” — Hollywood Reporter Nominated for the most Ophir Awards (Israeli Oscars) in 2014 including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay. Winner of the People’s Choice Awards and the Brian Award at Venice Film Festival 2014. Sassy, poignant and full of heart, this is a compassionate, off-beat comedy about life, death and friendship. Ezikiel and his friends at a Jerusalem retirement home build a euthanasia machine to help their terminally ill friend. When rumours of the machine begin to spread, more and more people ask for their help, and the group is faced with an emotional, ethical dilemma. Not least when Ezikiel’s own wife approached the group. Based on the best-selling novel by Katharina Hagena, this darkly comic, but ultimately uplifting film, comments on our society’s obsession with youth and the wisdom of those who have lived full lives. SYDNEY — Thu 30 Oct 12.00pm Sat 1 Nov 6.45pm Sun 2 Nov ★ 3.50pm Mon 3 Nov 12.15pm Tue 4 Nov 8.45pm Sat 8 Nov 9.15pm Tue 11 Nov 2.00pm Wed 12 Nov 8.45pm Sat 15 Nov 7.15pm Sun 16 Nov 4.40pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 12.00pm Sat 8 Nov 9.15pm Tue 11 Nov 9.15pm Thu 13 Nov 12.00pm Sat 15 Nov 9.15pm Sun 16 Nov ★ 3.30pm Tue 18 Nov 2.30pm Wed 19 Nov 9.00pm Sat 22 Nov 7.00pm GOLD COAST, PERTH & AUCKLAND — see page 15. T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT 29 ISRAEL — 2014, 88 MIN Hilla Medalia / LANGUAGE — English, Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — The Go-Go Boys Screened as part of Cannes Classics 2014. “They made movies, talked a great game and put showmanship back into show business.” — The Hollywood Reporter The Go-Go Boys tells the inside story of two Israeli-born cousins, the late Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus, who, in pursuit of the ‘American dream’, turned the Hollywood establishment upside down. Together they produced more than 300 films and founded the most powerful independent film company in the world, Cannon Films, which was responsible for Israeli and mainstream, Hollywoodblockbuster, action/exploitation hits during the duo’s 1980s hey day, starring the likes of Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Charles Bronson. Up close and personal, and with the complete cooperation of the film’s subjects, the film examines the complex relationship between two contradictory personalities, whose combined force fueled their successes and eventual split. A film about filmmaking and two dogged, exceptional characters with modest origins taking on the big boys. SYDNEY — Sun 2 Nov 8.45pm Wed 5 Nov 1.45pm Fri 7 Nov 2.15pm Wed 12 Nov 6.30pm Thu 13 Nov 12.15pm Sat 15 Nov 5.00pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 9.10pm Mon 10 Nov 2.30pm Sun 16 Nov ★ 8.30pm Sat 22 Nov 4.30pm GOLD COAST & PERTH — see page 15. PA R T N ER DIS C O U N T Jewish Museum of Australia Present your The Go-Go Boys cinema ticket at the JMA to receive I N H O N O U R O F Les Erdi OAM 50% off entry to the temporary Andy Warhol’s Jewish Geniuses exhibition (20 Nov — 24 May). 30 A L L T H E WO R L D ’ S A S TAG E ISRAEL — 2013, 107 MIN DIRECTOR — Shirly Berkovitz / LANGUAGE — English, Hebrew(English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY The Good Son “The Good Son tells the poignant story of a young Israeli man… who takes the radical step of changing his gender — without telling his family first.” — International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, 2013 This is the incredible story of Or, a 22-year-old Israeli man who secretly plans to have sex-reassignment surgery. Or’s own home videos make up the first part of the film — the emotionally gruelling lead-up to the procedure, lying to his family about going to university abroad and stealing from them for the operation in Thailand. Then he teams up with filmmaker Shirly Berkovitz, who not only documents the remainder of Or’s lonely and guiltridden journey through recovery and personal reinvention, but also acts as friend and confidant. This is an extraordinary tale about overcoming self-doubt, conflicted loyalty and being true to one’s self. SYDNEY — Sun 2 Nov 11.00am Tue 4 Nov 9.00pm MELBOURNE — Tue 11 Nov 9.00pm Fri 14 Nov 2.45pm S C R EEN I N G W I T H S H O R T FI L M Salomea’s Nose DI R EC TO R Susan Korda / G ER M A N Y — 2 0 M I N Salomea remembers the day her beloved brothers, Max and Karl, disfigured her for life, The Day of Tragedy. A tragicomedy about sibling rivalry, disfigurement and the pain that binds us. With Barbara Sukowa as the voice of Salomea. OT H ER IS R A EL 31 GERMANY, ISRAEL, UNITED KINGDOM, USA — 2014, 99 MIN Nadav Schirman / LANGUAGE — Arabic, English, Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — The Green Prince Winner Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize, 2014. Nominee Best Documentary Ophir Awards (Israeli Oscars), 2014. This is a gripping account of terror and betrayal, based on the New York Times best-selling book, Son of Hamas, a memoir by Mosab Hassan Yousef. Yousef, a Palestinian from Ramallah, grows up ready to fight Israel. He is arrested for smuggling guns at 17, interrogated by Israel’s security service and sent to prison. While there he is turned, and he agrees to spy for Israel. For him, there is no greater shame. For his Shin Bet handler, there is no greater prize — operating the oldest son of a founding member of Hamas. The Green Prince is less about political struggle, though, than it is about the personal toll that these men’s moral choices have on them, and the relationship between ‘source’ and ‘handler’ — adversaries who cannot help but be emotionally tied to each other. AUS T R A L I A N E XC L US I V E Each screening will be introduced by international guest, director Nadav Schirman and will conclude with a Q&A. 32 T H E SIT UATIO N (H A M AT Z AV ) SYDNEY — Thu 6 Nov ★ 6.30pm Fri 7 Nov ★ 11.00am MELBOURNE — Sat 8 Nov ★ 6.45pm Sun 9 Nov ★ 3.30pm ISRAEL — 2013, 50 MIN DIRECTOR — Ayelet Dekel / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY The Israeli Code “There is a great sense of national pride. In a sense there is even great national arrogance… We love flags.” A light-hearted but intelligent documentary that explores the quirks, intricacies and chutzpah of Israeli society. The Israeli Code examines the Israeli public sphere with sociologist Gad Yair and photojournalist Alex Levac who untangle, with humour and a typically Israeli no-nonsense approach, the DNA of a society and its love affair with mobile phones, public displays of patriotism and the ever-pervasive use of guilt as emotional currency. By scrutinising the Israeli way of life, with two filmmakers who, for a living, examine it without bias, this film is an accessible way to survey the complexities of contemporary Israeli life for the uninitiated, and a delightful analysis for those who have experienced it first hand. SYDNEY — Mon 3 Nov 8.45pm Thu 13 Nov 12.00pm MELBOURNE — Mon 10 Nov 9.30pm Sun 23 Nov 11.15am S C R EEN I N G W I T H S H O R T FI L M Eden Rests DI R EC TO R Natalie Chen, Hadar Sitruk, Ofer Kapota / IS R A EL — 6 M I N Tel Aviv’s history comes alive through this beautiful animation and the story of the first cinema — The Eden. T H E SIT UATIO N (H A M AT Z AV ) 33 ISRAEL, FRANCE, BELGIUM — 2014, 56 MIN Yair Qedar / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — King of the Jews (MELECH HA’YEHUDIM) Official Selection, Docaviv, 2014. By the age of 30 he was crowned Israel’s national poet, affectionately known as The King of The Jews. When he died in 1934, 100,000 people attended his funeral in Tel Aviv. But who was Chaim Nachman Bialik? This documentary, narrated by Chaim Topol (Fiddler on the Roof) puts Bialik’s poetry at the centre of this loving investigation. This documentary also looks at the role Bialik played in the collective Israeli consciousness and his influence on founding the burgeoning Jewish state. Beautifully animated, and put to music in songs sung by renowned Israeli singer, Ninette, this portrayal of the life, art and influence of Bialik is as beautiful and profound as any of this great artist’s poems. S C R EEN I N G W I T H S H O R T FI L M What Do We Have in Our Pockets? DI R EC TO R Goran Dukic / IS R A EL — 4 M I N A most unusual love story unravels when the objects in a young man’s pockets come to life. Based on a short story by Etgar Keret (p. 28). 34 S TO RY T EL L ERS (M AGGIDS) SYDNEY — Tue 11 Nov 6.45pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 2.45pm Tue 18 Nov 6.45pm USA — 1939, 88 MIN DIRECTOR — Joseph Seiden / LANGUAGE — Yiddish (English subtitles) F E AT U R E Kol Nidre The original, long-lost classic by Yiddish cinema pioneer Joseph Seiden is restored to its former glory. A bissel of this, a bissel of that, Kol Nidre has a little bit of everything. This iconic film was first screened in New York in September 1939 and has been delighting audiences ever since. This musical melodrama tells the story of Jenny, a young woman torn between two childhood boyfriends. Refusing to marry Joseph, who has become a rabbi, she elopes instead — causing scandal. Surprisingly risqué for its time, Kol Nidre is a rousing tearjerker that explores assimilation, cultural identity, family, and generational conflict, gender roles, and marital expectations. Starring Lili Liliana and Leon Liebgold, the renowned Polish husband and wife (who also star in The Dybbuk), comedienne Yetta Zwerling and entertainer Cantor Leibele Waldman, with music by Sholem Secunda. M E A N T TO B E (B AS H ER T ) SYDNEY — Sun 9 Nov 1.15pm MELBOURNE — Tue 11 Nov ★ 12.00pm Sun 16 Nov 1.00pm FI L M R ES TO R AT IO N A N D N E W EN G L IS H S U B T I T L ES BY — The National Centre for Jewish Film www.jewishfilm.org 35 / DIRECTOR — Pierre-Henry Salfati English, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Yiddish (English subtitles) GERMANY — 2013, 93 MIN F E AT U R E LANGUAGE — The Last Mentsch (DER LETZTE MENTSCH) The past informs identity, but even more importantly, so can living in the present. Seventy-year-old Marcus Schwartz, who now lives in Germany, has concealed and rejected his Jewish heritage after surviving the horrors of Auschwitz. As he begins to think about the end of his life, Marcus decides he wants to be buried in a Jewish cemetery. But first he must prove he is Jewish. To make his journey by car to his old village on the Hungarian-Romanian border, he enters into a partnership with a young Turkish-German woman fleeing her own checkered past. A cinematic and heartfelt road movie, powerful in its depictions of identity in crisis and coming to terms with the past. 36 ROA D T RIP SYDNEY — Thu 30 Oct 2.20pm Sat 1 Nov 4.15pm Mon 10 Nov 9.00pm Tue 11 Nov 2.30pm MELBOURNE — Sat 8 Nov 4.15pm Thu 13 Nov 2.30pm Mon 17 Nov 6.45pm Sat 22 Nov 2.00pm PERTH — see page 15. ISRAEL — 2013, 133 MIN DIRECTOR — Assi Dayan / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY Life as a Rumour “Assi Dayan [tells] the story of his life in his voice, with captivating honesty… The result is one of the most powerful documentaries ever made in Israel.” — Yedioth Aharonot Best Documentary, Ophir Awards (Israeli Oscars), 2013. Assi Dayan (1945—2014) devoted his life to distancing himself from his father, famous Israeli general, Moshe Dayan. The actor, director, writer, and producer was one of Israel’s most famous and provocative filmmakers, as well as a womaniser, alcoholic and drug addict. This is also the story of the Dayan family, of intergenerational struggle and the relationship between a founding father and a rebellious son. Born just before the Jewish state was declared, Assi Dayan’s tumultuous life story and the narrative of the nation merge and clash. With archival footage, private films, photos and clips from his many iconic movies, this film shows Dayan’s success in Israel and abroad — which was interrupted time and again by psychiatric illness. This is Assi Dayan, with heart-breaking honesty, taking stock of his life. A L L T H E WO R L D ’ S A S TAG E SYDNEY — Mon 10 Nov 9.10pm MELBOURNE — Mon 17 Nov 9.15pm 37 ISRAEL — 2013, 92 MIN Nurit Kedar & Yaron Shani / LANGUAGE — Arabic, Hebrew (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — Life Sentences (MISHPATAI HAIM) “A remarkable documentary portrait of a man whose very body and soul reflect Israel and Palestine’s complexities.” — Jerusalem Film Festival Jury, 2014 Best Documentary Jerusalem Film Festival, 2013. For the first part of his life, Nimer Ahmed lives with his sister and parents; his Jewish mother and Arab father in an Arab-Jewish community. When, in the late 1960s it is discovered that Ahmed’s father, Fauzi al Nimer, is behind dozens of terror attacks in Israel, his mother flees with the two children, taking refuge in an Orthodox community in Montreal, Canada. The family keeps its past a secret. More than a simple portrait of the human cost of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Life Sentences is about Ahmed’s isolated childhood and conflicted adulthood, and the power of family secrets to shape and stunt identity. A deeply psychological family drama, this film also shows Ahmed’s healing through facing his father and his past. 38 T H E SIT UATIO N (H A M AT Z AV ) SYDNEY — Sat 1 Nov 4.30pm Wed 12 Nov 9.00pm MELBOURNE — Tue 11 Nov 2.30pm Wed 19 Nov 6.45pm USA — 2013, 85 MIN DIRECTOR — Jeremy Goldscheider & Richard Goldgewicht / LANGUAGE — English D O CU M EN TA RY Lost Town How far will you go to find yourself? Avrom Bendavid-Val obsessively searches for the lost Polish town of Trochenbrod — made famous by Jonathan Safran Foer’s book, Everything is Illuminated — to understand better his deceased father. All but 33 of Trochenbrod’s 5,000 Jewish townspeople were killed by Nazis. Bendavid Val’s search for the town, and efforts to recreate its stories and sense of community triggers a resurgence of interest in it. He documents the stories of the few remaining survivors who haven’t seen each other in more than 60 years, and brings them together at the now empty site where Trochenbrod once stood. Lost Town uses original animation and survivor testimonials to tell this story of how far one man will go to find and claim his identity and to connect to his past. T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT SYDNEY — Wed 5 Nov 7.00pm MELBOURNE — Wed 12 Nov 6.45pm Mon 17 Nov 2.45pm 39 / DIRECTOR — Guy Nattiv & Erez Tadmor English, Greek, Hebrew (English subtitles) ISRAEL — 2013, 100 MIN F E AT U R E LANGUAGE — Magic Men (HA-BEN SHEL ELOHIM) Nominated for Best Actor and Best Picture Awards (Ophir Awards, Israeli Oscars), 2013. A beautiful and quirky film about living life to the fullest, second chances and the magic of everyday life. Seventyeight-year-old Avraham is a Greek Holocaust survivor and an amateur magician. He is reunited with his estranged, Hassidic son, Yehuda, for a road trip through Greece in search of the man who saved his life more than 50 years ago. Along the way, the duo encounters the beautiful Greek prostitute, Maria, who joins them on their journey. Meanwhile, Yehuda is on a quest for his father’s acceptance. A heart-warming story of a father and son full of magic and lessons about the powerful pull of the past. 40 ROA D T RIP SYDNEY — Mon 3 Nov 2.30pm Thu 6 Nov 9.00pm Tue 11 Nov 12.15pm Wed 12 Nov 6.45pm Sun 16 Nov 12.00pm MELBOURNE — Thu 13 Nov 6.45pm Wed 19 Nov 12.15pm Sat 22 Nov 1.45pm ISRAEL — 2014, 75 MIN / DIRECTOR — Natalie Ginat, Ronnie Kay & Shay Werker Hebrew (English subtitles) LANGUAGE — D O CU M EN TA RY A Match Made in Heaven (SHIDUCH MI SHAMAIM) Unprecedented access into the mysterious and veiled matchmaking culture of the Haredi (ultra-orthodox) community in Israel. A Match Made in Heaven is an intimate, behind-the-scenes look at the process of finding a mate for ultra-orthodox people. The film’s narrative, which follows a series of characters over their journey to find a partnership, and following that, hopefully, love, also explores the personal and family pressures that inevitably also play a role in the search these men and women go through. Via the personal stories, comments and journeys of its subjects, the film gives the audience a window into what these communities really believe about marriage. It also shines a light on the rituals and customs that, from an outsider’s perspective, seem restrictive and dated. At a time when marriage in the modern, secular world is in decline, this film asks: why do Haredi relationships last? And how does it work? M E A N T TO B E (B AS H ER T ) SYDNEY — Thu 6 Nov 6.45pm MELBOURNE — Sun 16 Nov 3.45pm Thu 20 Nov 6.45pm 41 USA, FRANCE — 2014, 104 MIN Israel Horovitz / LANGUAGE — English F E AT U R E DIRECTOR — My Old Lady A quirky and delightful romantic comedy starring some of Hollywood’s best. Screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, 2014. An uplifting, superbly acted story about what life can do to you while you’re making other plans, and about making the most of the time we have. A down-and-out, harried New Yorker (Kevin Kline) travels to Paris to sell a valuable apartment he has inherited from his estranged father. Once there he finds the apartment inhabited by a refined older lady (Academy-Award winner Maggie Smith) and her daughter (Kristin Scott Thomas). She tells him that, legally, he cannot sell the apartment until she dies. My Old Lady is the directorial debut of renowned playwright/screenwriter Israel Horovitz. 42 M E A N T TO B E (B AS H ER T ) SYDNEY — Thu 30 Oct 7.00pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 7.00pm IRELAND — 2013, 66 MIN DIRECTOR — David Cairns & Paul Duane / LANGUAGE — English, French (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY Natan “Paul Duane and David Cairns [have unearthed] an extraordinary, largely forgotten story and invested it with eccentric energy in this superb documentary.” — Irish Times Bernard Natan is considered by some to be one of the fathers of French cinema. He dominated the French film industry during the 1920s and 1930s and made the renowned Pathé film company a success and produced Le Misérables and Joan of Arc. So how is it that he has been all but forgotten? Natan is an investigation into an intriguing and complicated character who, along with commercially successful and lauded films to his name, also had an alleged career in early gay and BDSM pornographic movies. This documentary finally brings the truth to light by digging up an extraordinary tale that writes Natan back into the history of European cinema. It also asks what, after imprisonment and death, is left of a person but their reputation? And how does what is believed to be the truth about a person inform their legacy? A L L T H E WO R L D ’ S A S TAG E SYDNEY — Mon 10 Nov 2.45pm Sun 16 Nov 12.15pm MELBOURNE — Sat 15 Nov 1.45pm Sun 23 Nov 11.00am 43 ISRAEL, UK — 2014, 90 MIN André Singer / LANGUAGE — English D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — Night Will Fall “A remarkable and often harrowing documentary that interweaves horrific footage… with a Hollywood twist involving Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder. Night Will Fall is a must-see documentary.” — Screen Daily Winner Jewish Experience Award Jerusalem Film Festival, 2014. Winner Honourable Mention Sheffield Doc/Fest, 2014. During the liberation of the concentration camps, allied soldiers and cameramen, who were the first to witness the almost unbelievable scenes, shot reels and reels of footage, documenting what they saw. With this footage, film producer Sydney Bernstein, together with a team that included Alfred Hitchcock, began to make German Concentration Camps Factual Survey. They worked with and edited thousands of hours of material with the aim of creating a document that would show the world and the German people what had happened. But the project was shelved and the footage lay, untouched, in the London Imperial War Museum. Until now. Night Will Fall, tells of how the project was finally, only this year, released in all its uncompromising detail. SYDNEY — Thu 30 Oct 12.15pm Sat 1 Nov 9.15pm Tue 4 Nov 6.45pm Wed 5 Nov 12.00pm Fri 7 Nov 12.00pm Sun 9 Nov 6.15pm Tue 11 Nov 12.00pm Thu 13 Nov 9.15pm Sat 15 Nov 4.40pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 12.15pm Sun 9 Nov 8.45pm Tue 11 Nov ★ 6.30pm Wed 12 Nov 12.00pm Fri 14 Nov 12.00pm Sun 16 Nov 6.00pm Tue 18 Nov 12.00pm Thu 20 Nov 9.00pm Sat 22 Nov 4.15pm GOLD COAST, PERTH & AUCKLAND — see page 15. 44 H AU N T ED HIS TO RIES / DIRECTOR — Avraham Kushnir English, French, German, Hebrew (English subtitles) ISRAEL — 2014, 105 MIN LANGUAGE — F E AT U R E Operation Sunflower This is a thrilling, fictionalised account of how Israel built its nuclear capabilities and the moral implications. It is the 1960s and Israeli intelligence is nervous. Iran is bringing missiles out of its bunkers. Soon it will be just a ‘push of the button’ away from being able to launch them at Israel. Racing against time, the head of the Mossad and a reluctantly recruited scientist work to create a nuclear option for Israel. Together with France and Germany, they must find a way to protect Israel against its potentially imminent destruction, while facing their own moral qualms about building a bomb capable of unthinkable destruction. A tale of mistrust and paranoia, set in the recent past, that resonates as loudly as ever today. T H E SIT UATIO N (H A M AT Z AV ) SYDNEY — Thu 13 Nov 2.15pm MELBOURNE — Fri 14 Nov 12.15pm 45 / DIRECTOR — Hannah Azoulay-Hasfari Arabic, Hebrew, Moroccan (English subtitles) ISRAEL — 2013, 90 MIN F E AT U R E LANGUAGE — Orange People A film celebrating Israeli-Moroccan culture, female relationships and the quirks in every family, no matter how bizarre. Winner of the Jury Prize at the Women’s Film Festival in Rehovot in 2013. Orange People offers an insight into the vibrant cultural life of ancient and modern Moroccan culture — with a touch of the culinary and supernatural. Grandma Zohara occupies a special role within the Moroccan community in Israel. By holding an object belonging to her clients, she can access a family’s past through her dreams. With her insights she advises people who come to her. But Grandma Zohara is ready to retire. And she discovers that her daughter, Simone, also has the same power in her dreaming. Simone, however, has ambitions other than taking over her mother’s role as community mystic. 46 SYDNEY — Tue 4 Nov Wed 12 Nov Fri 14 Nov 7.00pm 2.30pm 12.20pm MELBOURNE — Tue 11 Nov 6.45pm Tue 18 Nov 12.15pm Fri 21 Nov 12.15pm IN G AT H ERIN G (K IB B U T Z G A L U YOT ) US — 2013, 96 MIN DIRECTOR — William Gazecki / LANGUAGE — English D O CU M EN TA RY The Outrageous Sophie Tucker “What the hell! I am what I am. And if the man I’m with can’t handle me, you better believe I’ll find one who can.” Before Mae West, Bette Midler, Madonna and Lady Gaga, Sophie Tucker enchanted her audiences with her bold, bawdy and brassy style. This documentary covers the early days of this iconic Vaudeville superstar’s career as she ruled 1920s flapper culture in the US. The film uses Tucker’s 400plus recently discovered personal scrapbooks to retrace her 60-year show-biz career, including a 1962 tour to Australia. Nicknamed ‘The Last of the Red Hot Mamas’, Tucker was born to an orthodox Jewish family. Always pushing the boundaries, her blues-infused songs, sexual innuendo, infectious charisma and irreverent humour catapulted her to stardom. She was responsible for signature tunes such as Some of These Days and My Yiddishe Mama. This loving portrait of the entertainer is fun, sassy and uplifting. A L L T H E WO R L D ’ S A S TAG E SYDNEY — Thu 30 Oct 6.45pm Sun 2 Nov 3.40pm Mon 3 Nov 2.20pm Sun 9 Nov Mon 10 Nov 3.30pm 12.15pm Fri 14 Nov 1.45pm Sun 16 Nov 4.15pm MELBOURNE — Sun 9 Nov 3.45pm Mon 10 Nov 2.45pm Sun 16 Nov 11.00am Wed 19 Nov 2.45pm Sun 23 Nov 3.45pm 47 USA — 2014, 101 MIN Nancy Kates / LANGUAGE — English D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — Regarding Susan Sontag Winner Tribeca Film Festival Special Jury Mention, 2014. “A vast look at the life of the cultural critic, from her personal love life to her bold, brilliant writings on art and politics.” — The Huffington Post Passionate and gracefully outspoken throughout her career, Susan Sontag became one of the most important literary, political and feminist icons of her generation. The documentary explores Sontag’s life through images, archival materials, accounts from friends, family, colleagues, and lovers, as well as her own words, read by actress Patricia Clarkson. This film is a fascinating look at a towering cultural critic and writer whose works on photography, war, illness, and terrorism still resonate today. More than any other thinker of her day, Sontag was watched, viewed, photographed and stared at. And she looked back. 48 S TO RY T EL L ERS (M AGGIDS) SYDNEY — Wed 5 Nov 9.00pm MELBOURNE — Wed 12 Nov 9.15pm Mon 17 Nov 12.15pm / DIRECTOR — Pepe Danquart German, Hebrew, Polish, Yiddish (English subtitles) FRANCE, GERMANY — 2014, 112 MIN LANGUAGE — F E AT U R E Run Boy Run (LAUF JUNGE LAUF) A cinematically epic, true story of the way in which one boy’s will to survive defined him and inspired others. A superb film adaptation based on Uri Orlev’s 2004 novel about the survival of Yoram Friedman, featuring exceptional performances and stunning cinematography. Academy Award-winning filmmaker Pepe Danquart tells the remarkable true story of nine-year-old Srulik, who escaped the Warsaw ghetto in 1942 and learned to survive in the wilderness, until winter forced him to seek shelter. Then, after changing his name to Jurek, he passed himself off as a Christian orphan and survived the war under incredible circumstances while being hunted down by those who suspected his true identity. T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT SYDNEY — Thu 30 Nov 2.10pm Wed 5 Nov 8.50pm Sat 8 Nov 4.30pm Sun 16 Nov 2.15pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 2.30pm Wed 12 Nov 9.00pm Sat 15 Nov 4.15pm GOLD COAST, PERTH & AUCKLAND — see page 15. 49 ISRAEL — 2013, 110 MIN (3 EPISODES) Alon Zingman / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) S ERIES DIRECTOR — Shtisel Winner of Best TV Drama, Best Director, Best Script, Best Actor and more at the Israeli Academy Awards for Television, 2013. This critically and internationally acclaimed TV series has hooked audiences with its portrayal of the Shtisels, an ultraorthodox family living in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem. A shy and introspective man, Akiva is the youngest of the Shtisel family. He lives with his father, Shulem, a rabbi at the local yeshiva where Akiva takes a teaching job. Akiva is still mourning the passing of his mother, and is hesitant to fulfil his father’s wish that he find a wife. That is, until he meets Elisheva, the twice-widowed mother of one of his students. Shtisel is a fascinating glimpse into a tight-knit religious community. It is also a heartfelt representation of the universal issues of love and loss that affect all families and communities. 50 IS R A EL I T V S P OT L IG H T SYDNEY — Mon 3 Nov 6.45pm MELBOURNE — Sun 9 Nov 11.15am Mon 10 Nov ★ 6.45pm USA — 2014, 75 MIN DIRECTOR — John Lollos / LANGUAGE — English, Yiddish (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem No one reflected the Yiddish world better than Sholom Aleichem, whose characters and stories have kept Yiddish culture a living, breathing, questioning, bickering, laughing and crying thing. The legendary Theodore Bikel, the greatest living performer of Sholom Aleichem’s work, has much in common with Aleichem — wisdom, humor, humanity, talent and a gift for Yiddish. In this film, narrated by Alan Alda, the now 90-yearold Bikel’s performance of selected stories, songs and monologs from his stage show, Sholom Aleichem: Laughter Through Tears, are intertwined with an examination of Sholom Aleichem’s life and work. It is a joyous mix of acting, storytelling, music and biography. C O U R T ESY O F The National Center for Jewish Film www.jewishfilm.org A L L T H E WO R L D ’ S A S TAG E SYDNEY — Fri 31 Oct 2.30pm Sun 2 Nov 1.45pm Sun 9 Nov 6.00pm Wed 12 Nov 12.30pm Sun 16 Nov 6.30pm MELBOURNE — Fri 7 Nov Sun 9 Nov 12.15pm 1.15pm Thu 13 Nov 12.15pm Sun 16 Nov 6.15pm Tue 18 Nov 2.45pm Wed 19 Nov 6.30pm Sun 23 Nov 5.15pm 51 / DIRECTOR — Hannah Espia English, Filipino, Hebrew, Tagalog (English subtitles) PHILLIPINES — 2013, 93 MIN F E AT U R E LANGUAGE — Transit “The deportation of children born to foreign workers in Israel comes under the spotlight in [this] affecting human drama.” — Variety Multi-award-winning film including Best Director, Best Actress in the Philippine Film Awards and the Philippines’ submission to the 2014 Oscars. Transit is a window into the world of foreign workers in Israel, told by families threatened with having their children deported to the Philippines. It tells the story of Moises, a Filipino single father working as a caregiver in Herzliya. Moises and his Filipino neighbors, Janet, and her daughter Yael, find out the Israeli government plans to deport children of foreign workers. Afraid of the new law, they decide to hide their children. This story of conflicted identity and the cultural pressures of fitting in is an insight into a side of Israel not often talked about. One that, for outsiders, can throw their futures and allegiances into turmoil. 52 OT H ER IS R A EL SYDNEY — Thu 6 Nov 12.15pm MELBOURNE — Sun 9 Nov 11.00am ISRAEL — 2014, 49 MIN DIRECTOR — Lina Chaplin / LANGUAGE — Hebrew, Russian (English subtitles) D O CU M EN TA RY Voices From the Booth Official Selection at Docaviv International Film Festival In Israel, you meet them many times a day; at the gates of schools, the entrances to underground parking, shopping malls and the luxurious lobbies of high-tech firms. There is a community of guards, approximately 180,000, mostly of Russian origin, who work in security booths across Israel. The protagonists in this optimistic, slice-of-life film immigrated to Israel leaving behind lives as intellectuals, musicians, writers and one, as a surgeon. This film gives voice to what they gave up and explores how these members of blue-collar society in Israel have kept their talents, and therefore their spirits, alive. SYDNEY — Wed 5 Nov 12.15pm Sun 9 Nov 12.00pm MELBOURNE — Sat 8 Nov Wed 12 Nov 4.30pm 12.15pm S C R EEN I N G W I T H S H O R T FI L M I Got Rhythm DI R EC TO R Sheer Levav / IS R A EL — 5 M I N Zelig is a former famous jazz musician and a lonely, bitter widow. Sheniqua is a foreign worker from Africa. They find a way to converse through a joint love of music and rhythm. IN G AT H ERIN G (K IB B U T Z G A L U YOT ) 53 ISRAEL — 2013, 112 MIN Avi Nesher / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) F E AT U R E DIRECTOR — The Wonders Nominated for Best Actor Ophir Awards (Israeli Oscars), 2013. “A brilliant, elegant, very original mystery.” — The Jerusalem Post From one of Israel’s most beloved directors, Avi Nesher (Turn Left at the End of the World, The Secrets, The Matchmaker) comes this offbeat mystery which combines film noir, psychological drama and quirky animation — all put to a contemporary, urgent soundtrack by the hugely popular Israeli band, Hadag Nahash. Arnav, a graffiti artist in Jerusalem, witnesses the kidnapping of a mysterious stranger. The captive, Rabbi Shmaya Knafo, is believed to be a modern-day prophet. Arnav is determined to find out what is going on. Is Rabbi Knafo a prophet, or just a clever con man? And who is this mysterious woman who seems to be involved? This is a visually stunning, quirky ride full of twists, turns and shocking revelations. 54 M E A N T TO B E (B AS H ER T ) SYDNEY — Tue 11 Nov 9.00pm MELBOURNE — Thu 13 Nov 9.00pm / DIRECTOR — Ibtisam Mara’ana Menuhin Arabic, Hebrew (English subtitles) ISRAELI, PALESTINIAN — 2014, 73 MIN LANGUAGE — D O CU M EN TA RY Write Down, I Am an Arab “An appropriately poetic portrait of this influential voice… which ultimately teaches how much easier it is to love than to hate.” — Point of View Magazine Winner of the Audience Award at Doc Aviv, 2014 and Official Selection Hot Docs, 2014. Mahmoud Darwish was the Palestinian national poet and one of the most influential writers of the Arab world. In 1964 Darwish was imprisoned for his defiant poem, Write Down, I Am an Arab. At around this time he met and fell in love with Tamar Ben-Ami, a young Jewish-Israeli to whom he wrote love letters in Hebrew, which she kept secret for decades. Darwish was speech writer and confidant to Yasser Arafat, and for years during and after his exile, was a powerful voice for Palestinian people until his death in 2008. Through his poetry, secret love letters and exclusive archival materials, this film unearths the story behind the man who spoke for the Palestinian people. T H E SIT UATIO N (H A M AT Z AV ) SYDNEY — Thu 6 Nov 9.15pm MELBOURNE — Sat 8 Nov 2.00pm Thu 13 Nov 6.30pm 55 SWITZERLAND, USA, FRANCE — 2014, 74 MIN Sabine Gisiger / LANGUAGE — English D O CU M EN TA RY DIRECTOR — Yalom’s Cure A fascinating look into a brilliant mind. Here, Yalom provides profound insight into his own inner life and work. An important film event for anyone interested in the human mind and our capacity to understand it and each other. Best-selling author, popular scholar and existentialist, 80-year-old Irvin D. Yalom is one of the most influential living psychotherapists in the world. This documentary is a journey through the many layers of the human mind, in which Yalom shares his insights and wisdom, which stress the importance of relationships. Dr Yalom’s books have sold millions of copies and critics describe him as ‘mind-bending’, ‘stunning’, ‘inspiring’ and ‘life-changing’. 56 S TO RY T EL L ERS (M AGGIDS) SYDNEY — Mon 3 Nov 9.00pm MELBOURNE — Mon 10 Nov 9.00pm Fri 21 Nov 2.30pm FRANCE, ISRAEL, BULGARIA — 2013, 103 MIN DIRECTOR — Jacques Ouaniche / LANGUAGE — French (English subtitles) F E AT U R E Young Perez The moving story of the world-champion boxer whose physical and inner strength helped him survive a boxing ring in Auschwitz. Based on the true story of the rise and fall of world-champion boxer, Victor ‘Young’ Perez. The Jewish Perez flees Tunisia for France and becomes the youngest world champion in boxing history in the 1930s. But his career and personal life spiral out of control. Alone, and with his reputation in tatters, he is deported to Auschwitz where he is forced to box for the entertainment of a camp commander. Cinematically rich scenes of his halcyon days as a celebrity athlete, his relationship with Italian actress Mireille Balin and the depiction of his fall from grace make Young Perez a story about strength and redemption. Brahim Asloum — a real-life boxing champion who plays Perez — brings all the intensity of a champion who endures an incredible fall, to this complicated role. T RI U M P H O F T H E S PIRIT SYDNEY — Wed 5 Nov 6.30pm Mon 10 Nov 12.00pm Sun 2 Nov 11.15am Fri 14 Nov 2.30pm MELBOURNE — Fri 7 Nov 2.45pm Wed 12 Nov 6.30pm Tue 18 Nov 9.00pm Fri 21 Nov 2.45pm GOLD COAST, PERTH & AUCKLAND — see page 15. 57 ISRAEL — 2014, 100 MIN Talia Lavie / LANGUAGE — Hebrew (English subtitles) F E AT U R E DIRECTOR — Zero Motivation Already one of Israel’s most successful films and nominated for 12 Ophir Awards (Israeli Oscars), 2014. Winner of Best Feature and the prestigious Nora Ephron Prize, Tribeca Film Festival, 2014. An army story with a difference — here, at a remote desert army base in southern Israel, the female clerical staff are at the centre of the action. Zero Motivation tells the stories of three soldiers engaged in battles against the absurdity of the bureaucracy that governs their lives, armed with staple guns, paper shredders and strongly worded letters. After growing up on macho, male-dominated films about war and heroism, first-time feature director Talia Lavie extends the same attention to the women who do compulsory military service in offices all over Israel. An hilarious, poignant and crowd-pleasing black comedy, Zero Motivation will resonate with anyone who has ever done menial, seemingly pointless work, while trying to maintain their love life, sense of dignity and sanity. SYDNEY — C O - P R ES EN T ED BY See-Saw Films Thu 30 Oct 9.00pm Sat 1 Nov 9.00pm Tue 4 Nov 12.00pm Fri 7 Nov 2.00pm Sat 8 Nov 9.30pm Mon 10 Nov 2.15pm Tue 11 Nov 6.30pm Thu 13 Nov 1.30pm Sat 15 Nov 6.50pm MELBOURNE — Thu 6 Nov 9.20pm Sat 8 Nov 9.30pm Tue 11 Nov 2.45pm Fri 14 Nov 2.30pm Sat 15 Nov 9.30pm Mon 17 Nov 2.30pm Tue 18 Nov 9.15pm Thu 20 Nov ★ 6.30pm Sat 22 Nov 6.45pm GOLD COAST & AUCKLAND — see page 15. 58 T H E SIT UATIO N (H A M AT Z AV ) Presents — 59 We’re with you all the way. We help you buy Premium apartments in prime locations Vendor finance options Tenant guarantee 100% completion record We help you manage Property & Strata Management Onsite building managers We help you sell Resale of your Meriton apartment Intimate market insight Faster results Meriton offers a complete and tailored solution when it comes to finding your perfect apartment, with idyllic locations across Sydney, Brisbane and Gold Coast, and luxurious finishes to match. Expertise. Quality. Certainty. That’s the Meriton difference. 60 Professional maintenance Proud to support the Jewish International Film Festival MEERKIN & APEL LAWYERS 56 GREVILLE STREET PRAHRAN TELEPHONE 613 9510 0366 WWW.MEERKINAPEL.COM.AU xceptional Cinema ErdiGroup is proud to support the Jewish International Film Festival 2014 www.erdigroup.com.au 61 Available from your local supermarket 62 63 Sydney — Event Cinemas, Bondi Junction 29 October — 16 November Melbourne — Classic Cinemas, Elsternwick 5 — 23 November Gold Coast — Event Cinemas, Robina 15, 16 & 23 November Perth — Event Cinemas, Innaloo 15, 16 & 23 November Auckland — The Bridgeway Cinema, Northcote Point 16 & 23 November 64 jiff.com.au