naadac 2013 atlanta eating disorders – addiction or psychiatric
naadac 2013 atlanta eating disorders – addiction or psychiatric
NAADAC 2013 ATLANTA EATING DISORDERS – ADDICTION OR PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS? “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher (1788 – 1860) Addiction Or Psychiatric Model? Hospital / RTF / Outpatient Settings? “The Great Food Debate: Intuitive Eating Or Structured Food Plan – Anything Goes Or Eliminating The Offending Substances / Foods? “Focus on Weight?” Dual And Tri-diagnosed Patients“What Are We Dealing With Here”? Tolerance Withdrawal [Physical / Psychological] More For Longer Periods Than Intended Unsuccessful Effort To Cut Back Or Control Significant Time To Obtain Or Recover From Effects Decreased Activities Due To Dependency [Isolation] Continuation Despite Consequences Question: How Many Of The Above Criteria Need To Be Met To Qualify As Dependency –Aka Addiction? Answer: 3, 4, 5, 6, Or All ? * ASAM Nature of Substance, Nature of Person, and Dose / Longevity of abuse are the variables Destruction of D2 Receptors with Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating: Reward Circuits Refined / processed foods = High Glycemic Foods = Increase in Eating Disorders and related illnesses [Diabetes/ CAD/ Obesity, etc] Factors: Sugar / Flour / Volume / Caffeine…Likely dose dependent and idiosyncratic 156 LBS. That's how much added sugar Americans consume each year on a per capita basis, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Imagine it – 31 five pound bags for each of us per year! 42 LBS. was the average per capita consumption in the early part of the 1900’s. Increase has to do with processed foods / additives [high fructose corn syrup, etc.] Grew by more than 20% [per capita] from ‘87 to ’97 [Look at History of Tobacco Industry] Anorexia will show elevated levels of dopamine after a meal Restricting anorexics will experience elevated levels of dopamine as unpleasant – anxiety provoking Anorexics have a tendency to dislike effects of stimulants or dopamine enhancing drugs Binge Eating / Purging will show elevated levels of dopamine but few D2 receptors Binge eaters will experience elevated levels of dopamine as rewarding / pleasant Higher incidence of cross addiction / abuse to both alcohol and drugs as effects are “pleasant” U. Bailer– UCSD 2012 – Int’l Journal Eating Disorders Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in the individual pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors. The addiction is characterized by impairment in behavioral control, craving, inability to consistently abstain, and diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships. Like other chronic diseases, addiction involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death. Most Frequent Problems Accompanying An Eating Disorder • Mood Disorders [Clinical Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Bi-polar]… Estimate 70-90% • Substance Abuse / Dependency [Alcohol, Rx Drugs, Etc.] Estimate 40-60% Personality Disorders [OCD, BORDERLINE] … Estimate 20-30% Attention Deficit Disorders [ADD OR ADHD] … Estimate 20-30% Compulsive Disorders And “Process Addictions” − Gambling − Sex / Multiple Relationships − Spending / Shoplifting − Compulsive approach to work, school, etc. [perfectionism] Self Injury … Estimate 10-20% PTSD – History Of Sexual Or Emotional Trauma … Estimate 40-60% Adderal and ADD / ADHD Medications [Abused For Appetite Depressant Properties] Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin / Opiates [Abused for appetite Suppressant Properties] Laxatives - Correctol, Ducolax, Etc./ Ipecac [To Induce Emesis] / Exercise Sugar / White Flour / Volume [Leading To Dopamine And Insulin Responses] Alcohol Drugs – Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines. Nicotine, Caffeine [ Appetite Suppressant] Nicotine – Fear Of Weight Gain – Obstacle to Quitting Nicorette [Used for Weight Loss] Process Addictions / Compulsive Behavior [Shopping, Sex, Work, Gambling] Switching Forms Of Eating Disorders - Bulimia Solution Becomes Restricting - Binge Eating Becomes Binging And Purging, Etc. Assumes an underlying issue requiring insight and “working through” or “cognitive “restructuring” as a prerequisite to recovery Approaches food / weight issues via “intuitive” eating and/or learning to control either binge foods or “forbidden / bad / high calorie” foods Does not ascribe to an “addictions” model and often describes successful treatment as a “cure” rather than “remission”: Not a life-long illness Poorest means to measure acuity of an eating disorder is body weight. [DSM] Most effective way to assess an ED to the extent that ED interferes with quality of life and functioning [physical, emotional, spiritual] Tendency to “Switch positions on the Titanic” – Bulimia to Restricting or Anorexia to Binge Eating Belief that “working through issues” is key [must resolve “underlying issues” in order to be cured] Assumes ED is an addictive process with physical, emotional, and spiritual [existential] components Assumes “disease” is life-long with periods of prolonged remission and often punctuated by relapses followed by continued recovery May incorporate CBT, DBT, Mindfulness, Medication, and relevant 12-step community based support groups when indicated Does not offer a “cure” and requires a lifelong commitment to recovery Usually involves a structured food plan which limits or eliminates “binge foods” / addictive behaviors [rituals] May not be suitable for “Restricting Anorexics” with no history of “addictive relationship with food or purging” Usually involves a need to treat cross-addictions and “dual and tri-diagnoses” concurrently “One Size Does Not Fit All” Inpatient (Hospital Based) Residential (Non-Hospital Based) Partial Hospital (Day Treatment) Intensive Outpatient (Half-Day Treatment) Outpatient (Therapist, Dietician, etc.) Blended Medical / Addiction Model Role of Medication Mindful Eating Model Structured Food Plan Cognitive Behavioral Techniques “Constructive Living Model” Treatment of Dual and Tri- Diagnoses Therapeutic Environment Into the Solution… Prescribed by a dietician familiar with eating disorders Often involves weighing, measuring and monitoring amounts Schedule of eating 3 to 5 times daily Limits or eliminates junk food Focus on “mindful” eating Blind “weights” monitoring S.E.R.F. – Components S = Spirituality E = Exercise R = Rest F = Food Plan Individual Rx for each of these components depending on ED specifics MILESTONESPROGRAM.ORG - 800 347. 2364 ED Support Group PA, NY, FLA [800-347-2364] OA (Overeaters Anonymous) OA.ORG ABA (Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous) ANAD Support Groups EDREFERRAL.COM Guide to ED Recovery – download at iBooks [Free] Discussion? Questions? For information / Milestones in Recovery Program: [email protected] 800 347. 2364 800 347-2364