December 6, 2015 - Our Lady of the Lake
December 6, 2015 - Our Lady of the Lake
DECEMBER 5, 2015 Kevin Christopher Barbara Kevin Christopher Barbara Mariah A pollonia Batallas Mariah A pollonia Batallas Anthony Francis Bellafiore Anthony Francis Bellafiore Evan Francis Benham Evan Francis Benham Parker Sebastian Bigelow Sabrina Odile Bonetti Sabrina Odile Bonetti Nicholas Owen Bunner Nicholas Owen Bunner Taylor James Cameron Taylor James Cameron Gabriella Rose Chartrand Gabriella Rose Chartrand Kaylynn Christina Chiarenz Kaylynn Christina Chiarenz Isaiah Zachary Constant Isaiah Zachary Constant Kyle Michael Cuddahy Kyle Michael Cuddahy Gianna Mary DelleChiaie Gianna Mary DelleChiaie Shelagh Bridget Fluharty Shelagh Bridget Fluharty Miguel Michael Gomez-Gaudet Miguel Michael Gomez-Gaudet Bridget Philip Hadorn Bridget Philip Hadorn Evan Maximilian Hanson Evan Maximilian Hanson Thomas Francis Hastings Thomas Francis Hastings Samuel Thomas Hayes Samuel Thomas Hayes Jennifer Teresa Healy Jennifer Teresa Healy Julia Louise Hebert Steven Sebastian Hoffmann Catherine Mary Jokela Thomas James Joyce, Jr. Chad Oswald LeBlanc Faith Camillus LeBlanc Derrick Francis X avier Leger Cohen Sebastian Mabie Annika Theresa Maki Nathaniel A nthony Mansour Matthew A nthony O'Donnell Danielle A ngela Richard Cameron John Sicard Joseph Lawrence Souza Judith Rosalia Swift Brendan Pius Tobin Matthew Matthew Wheeler OUR LADY OF THE LAKE LEOMINSTER, MA Second Sunday of Advent DECEMBER 05th - DECEMBER 13th 05th SATURDAY 11:00 PM Confirmation with Bishop McManus 5:00 PM J ulie Maillet, Fir st Anniver sar y Thomas E. Nutting, First Anniversary 06th SUNDAY Second Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM Thomas Nutting, Fir st Anniver sar y Sam Bolognese 9:45 AM Dennis Raspuzzi, 14th Anniversary Robert S. Gulick, 16th Anniversary 11:45 AM People of the Par ish 5:00 PM Paul Hur tubise, Birthday Remembrance 07th MONDAY Saint Ambrose 8:00 AM Char les Shor es, J r . Raymond & Catherine Ethier 6:45 PM J r . High Teaching Mass 08th TUESDAY Immaculate Conception of the BVM 8:00 AM Ruth Dufresne, Birthday Remembrance Klye Wilson, 2nd Anniversary 7:00 PM Fr . Paul Sullivan Mario & Margaret Gada 09th WEDNESDAY Saint Juan Diego 8:00 AM Gene & Lillian Decato Eileen Mancino 10th THURSDAY 8:00 AM Communion Service 6:00 PM Rosary for the Unborn 11th FRIDAY Saint Damasus 8:00 AM 12th SATURDAY Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:00 PM Phillip Ragusa, 35th Anniversary Ruth Medeiros, 11th Anniversary 13th SUNDAY Third Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM People of the Par ish Jeanne Leblanc 9:45 AM Ar thur Mor r is, 2nd Anniversary Madeline & Harry Dooley 11:45 AM Ir ene Lantr y, Fir st Anniver sar y Dora Wood, First Anniversary 5:00 PM Louise Dion, 13th Anniversary Vernon Holman, Sr., Birthday Remembrance The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is Tuesday, DEC 8th. Masses will be held at 8AM and 7PM in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holy Year of Mercy On Sunday, December 13th, at 4PM, Bishop McManus will inaugurate the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Diocese of Worcester with the celebration of Solemn Vespers at Saint Paul’s Cathedral. The Bishop has asked that representatives from all of the parishes in the Diocese be present for this ceremony. Each parish will receive a Jubilee Cross from the Bishop. Father Dennis will be attending and is willing to drive if anyone from the parish would like to attend. Please call the parish office this week if you are interested in going. Pope Francis invites us to focus on mercy throughout this jubilee year as a way to celebrate the seasons of the Church’s liturgical year. The following quote from Pope Francis helps us on our Advent Journey. Advent – Waiting to Encounter Mercy Incarnate “In the life of every Christian there is an experience of a personal encounter with Jesus Christ who called us to follow Him and share in His mission. We must learn to treasure in our hearts the living memory of that call, when Jesus passed my way, gazed at me with mercy and asked me to follow Him. Try to revive the memory of that moment when His eyes met yours, the moment when He made you realize that He loved YOU! But do I remember it? Have I forgotten it? Have I gone off on paths that made me forget it? Lord, help me, for You know that I want to encounter You and to let myself be embraced by Your mercy. Mary sustains us on our journey toward Christmas, for she teaches us how to live this Advent season in expectation of her Son. For Advent is indeed the time of waiting for Jesus, who will visit us all on the feast of Christmas, but also, each one, in our own hearts. The merciful Lord is coming! Let us wait for Him!” Ordination Ceremony Seminarian WILMAR RAMOS will be ordained to the Order of Deacon by Bishop Robert J. McManus on Saturday, December 19th, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral in Worcester. Everyone is welcome to attend. Car-pooling will be available for anyone who wishes to attend. Please call the parish office if you need a ride by Wednesday, December 16th. Wilmar will serve as a Deacon at the 5PM Mass on Saturday, December 19th, and he will preach the homily, his first as an ordained deacon. We will have light refreshments in the parish family center after the Mass for those who wish to congratulate Wilmar and wish him a Merry Christmas before he leaves for Columbia on Monday, December 21st to visit his family. SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT MINISTRIES IN ACTION Food Pantry News Thanks to the donations from our Religious Education children, parish family, and our pie bakers we were able to feed over 464 families through our “Thanksgiving For A ll” program this year! A special thanks also to Hollis Hills Farm and Sholan Farms for apple donations, the Davis Family for apple and carrot donations, Cumberland Farms for the bread donations, and a gift card donations that were received from Walmart, Hannaford’s and Market Basket. Greeting Ministry needs your help to coordinate the scheduling of greeters. We need someone to head up this ministry. If you are interested is taking on this ministry, please contact Fr. Dennis. Thank you to Boy Scout Troop 12 for getting our church all clean and ready for the Christmas season. We appreciate their service and commitment to our parish. Open Finance Meeting with members of the Finance Committee on Monday, December 14th, 7PM. Please forward any of your questions in advance to Fr. Dennis or Tracy Kennedy so that we are prepared to answer them for you. All are welcome. BROWN BAG MINISTRY The next BBM meal prep is DEC 12th for the Days Inn in St. Joseph’s Hall and our parish Kitchen at 3PM. Days Inn: DEC 12, JAN 09, FEB 13. Our Father’s House: DEC 19, J AN 30, APR 23, MAY 21, JUN 25. OLL Feast of St. Joseph: MAR 19 Sign up to help through Sign Up Genius. The link is on our website now: We will begin to prepare the church for Christmas at 1PM, Sunday, DEC 20th. We need a lot of helping hands for about 45 minutes to get everything out of the attic. We need other people who would be willing to help decorate the trees in the lobby, Family Room, St. Joseph’s Hall, and the Church. ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES Advent Series at St. Boniface Contemplative (Centering) Prayer is being offered at St. Boniface. Presented by Nancy Cieri with Fr. William Meninger, OCSO, formally from St Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer. All are welcome! December 7th, 14th, and 21st, following the 6:30PM Mass. Contact Nancy for more information: [email protected] or 978-582-6983. The Women’s Bible Study will meet this Monday, DEC 07th, 7PM, at an off site location. For information, please contact: Lorraine Mendoza, 978-582-4020, or Nancy Maciel, 603-892-0763. DISCOVERING OUR FAITH Join us Wednesday, DEC 09th, 7-8:30 PM in the Sts. Joachim and Anna Room, (Family Rm), as we look at four of the documents from the USCCB. Contact David LaLiberty for more information at 978-537-1134 or email [email protected]. TIME OUT RETREATS “A Time for Everything” Women’s Retreat Weekend will be held at Miramar Retreat Center in Duxbury, JAN 15th-17th. For more information, contact Peggy Patenaude (see above) or Miramar at 781-585-2460. Visit for description of both retreats. A 40-hour position (3PM-11PM shift) for a CNA (must be certified to pass medications) LPN or RN is open, at the Presentation Health Care Center, 99 Church Street, Leominster. Applications are available at the front office or you may call for further information, 978-5377856. The Presentation Health Care Center is a licensed rest home owned and operate by the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rosary for the Unborn Thursday DEC 10th, 6PM There is a Rosary group that prays the rosary every Thursday at 3:30PM in fr ont of the Planned Parenthood at 391 Main Street in Fitchburg. We invite our parish family to pray for the candidates who participated in the recent Rite of Welcoming who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Please pray for them as they continue their faith formation journey. RCIA Candidates: Melody Batista Farrell, Kesha Brouillet, Hilary Nolin, Jen Trevino, Norman Maxim, Scott Brissie. Beginnings Candidate: Allison Flaherty. DECEMBER 05/06, 2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION High School Peer Retreat Team will meet this Sunday, DEC 06th, from 8:15AM-9:30AM in the St. Katherine Drexel Room, M8. If you would like to help on the High School I retreat, please come to this meeting or call Lisa for more information. Join us in celebrating: “JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.” Our fir st thr ough fifth gr ade students will present their beautiful dramatization of the Christmas story during class times (4:15-5:15PM) on Monday, DEC 7th, and Tuesday, DEC 8th, capped by a birthday party celebration in the church hall. After dropping children off at 4:15PM, parents and friends are invited to find a seat in the church and await the Gospel dramatization! A TEACHING MASS FOR JUNIOR HIGH STUDENTS, FAMILIES AND FRIENDS. As a culmination of their study of the Eucharist, our 8th grade students have planned, prepared, and will serve at a special liturgy on Monday, DEC 7th, during their class time. During the Mass, commentary will be provided to help us understand and appreciate the symbols and rituals that are used in our worship. Please feel welcome to join us for this Mass. ICE CREAM PARTY Advent booklets for children were distributed this past week at religious education classes. If you would like a booklet, they are located in the parish family center. An ice cream party will be held on Sunday, JAN 3, after the 9:45AM Mass in St. J oseph’s Hall for all those children who have completed their Advent work books. Bring your book with you and come and join us as we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany (Little Christmas). Calling All High School Seniors! Bring your appetite, your talent, and a Christmas tree ornament to help decorate the new rectory with Fr. Dennis and Fr. Carlos. All levels of decorating experience will be welcomed! Pizza and ice cream sundaes will help to make the evening bright!!! Come and join us! Sunday, December 13th, after the 5PM Mass. Please RSVP to either Fr. Dennis or Fr. Carlos. Poinsettia/Cyclamen Sale The High School Youth Group will be holding its annual Christmas Plant Sale this weekend. Plants will be available for sale before and after all Masses. we will sell out, so purchase early and often! GINGERBREAD HOUSES FOR AUCTION Gingerbread houses created by our Jr. High students will be on display in the parish family center this weekend. Please consider making a bid on these beautiful creations so you can bring some Christmas spirit into your home! All proceeds will go to fill the shelves of our parish food pantry. The Gingerbread houses will go home to the highest bidders on Sunday, DEC 13th. Bethlehem Village Set Up All 3rd Grade Children are invited to help Fr. Dennis and Fr. Carlos set up the Bethlehem Village on Saturday, DEC 12th, 9AM-11:30AM. RSVP to Elizabeth Rawlinson, Ext. 108, by DEC 10th. Please meet in the parish family center and bring a bag of small stones! Local TV stations, Channels 4, 5, & 7, will provide the following detail for inclement weather closures: Leominster School Closed: No mor ning Mass, No Religious Education, No Meetings, and the Parish Office will be closed. Leominster School Delay: No mor ning Mass, Parish Office will be delayed in opening. No Religious Services: No Mass. No Religious Classes: No Religious Education. No Evening Activities: No Religious Education or Meetings. Closed: All Chur ch Activities are Cancelled. Our Parish Phone Line will also have information. Sincere thanks to our OLL family for helping us raise $6,881 for the MS Challenge Walk. Gratefully, the Paine Power Walkers. Next Weekend’s Celebrants Deacon Tim Cross to preach at all Masses DECEMBER 12th, Saturday 5:00 PM Fr . Dennis O’Br ien DECEMBER 13th, Sunday 8:00 AM Fr . Dennis O’Br ien 9:45 AM Fr . Car los Ruiz 11:45 AM Fr . Dennis O’Br ien 5:00 PM Fr . Car los Ruiz DECEMBER 05/06, 2015 THIS WEEK’S PARISH EVENTS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 05th Poinsettia Sale & Gingerbread House Auction 11:00 AM Confirmation 06:00 PM Squaw-No-Cook 07:30 PM AA Meeting th SUNDAY, DECEMBER 06 Poinsettia Sale & Gingerbread House Auction 08:15 AM Peer Retreat Team Meeting 08:30 AM Beginnings Class 08:40 AM Kindergarten Class 11:30 PM Teen Music Ministry Practice 03:00 PM Partners with Pilgrims on the Journey The Women’s Guild still has Advent candles available for purchase. Contact the parish office if you are interested. Christmas Giving Tree Our annual Christmas Giving Tree program has begun! Gift tags outlining the name, age, and gift ideas will be available on the bulletin boards at the church entrances and on the windows of the parish center lobby. This year we will be servicing a senior center as well as those who come to our door for assistance. If you or your family can reach out to purchase one of the these gifts, your generosity will be greatly appreciated. We ask that all gifts be returned “unwrapped” and with the tag attached by Sunday, DEC 13th so that Christmas gift pickups may be made in on time. Parish Support NOV 21/22 NOV 28/29 186/172 Sunday Envelopes $ 4,889 $ 5,049 24/14 Make Up Envelopes $ 1,102 $ 1,295 03/04 Paid Ahead Envelope $ 285 $ 91 Loose Cash $ 1,554 $ 1,857 SUNDAY COLLECTION $ 7,830 $ 8,292 Monthly Maintenance $ 492 $ 35 Fuel $ 410 $ 125 PARISH TITHING Campaign/Human Devel. $ 391 Human Services $ 196 Food Pantry $ 196 OLL Scholarship Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 829 THIS WEEK’S PARISH EVENTS MONDAY, DECEMBER 07th 04:15 PM Grs. 1-5 Christmas Pageant 06:45 PM Grs. 6-8 Jr. High Mass 07:00 PM Women’s Bible Study, off site TUESDAY, DECEMBER 08th 04:15 PM Grs. 1-5 Christmas Pageant 07:00 PM Cub Scout Committee Meeting 07:00 PM Immaculate Conception Mass 07:30 PM RCIA Classes, meet after Mass WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 09th 06:00 PM Cub Scouts Pack 3 Meeting 07:00 PM 12 Steps Meeting 07:00 PM Adult Folk Group Practice 07:00 PM Discovering Our Faith THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th 09:00 AM Dominoes 09:30 AM Raffle Meeting 06:00 PM Rosary for the Unborn 07:00 PM BSA Troop 12 Meeting 07:00 PM Adult Choir Practice 07:00 PM Mother of Multiples 07:00 PM Prayer Shawl FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11th 04:15 PM Choir of Angels Practice 06:30 PM High School Youth Group Meeting 07:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th 08:00 AM North Leominster Little League Mtg 09:00 AM Bethlehem Village Set Up 09:00 AM Baptismal Prep. 03:00 PM Brown Bag Ministry, Days Inn 07:30 PM AA Meeting SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th 08:15 AM Peer Retreat Team Meeting 12:30 PM Kylee’s Kids Christmas Wrap 02:30 PM Teen Music Ministry Practice 03:00 PM Partners with Pilgrims on the Journey 06:30 PM Teens Decorating Rectory. Support Elderly Religious at Next Week’s Collection A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K-12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to the collection for the Retirement Fund for the Religious, the basket will be passed a second time on DEC 12/13.