10 - Braddock Street UMC
10 - Braddock Street UMC
SEPTEMBER 2015— Service Worship! In this issue... Staff Directory Trustees Update Church Wide Lunch UM Women New Members Thank You’s / Notes Youth Children’s Ministry Small Groups Reception Teams Library News Boy Scouts Missions Music Ministry September Sermons 2 2 2 3 4 4 6 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 To Jesus, serving the world was all about relationship building. When the woman who was hemorrhaging touched Jesus’ cloak, Jesus wanted to see her face and to tell her that her faith is what had made her well. The healing could have taken place by the simple exchange of power that Jesus experienced without him seeing the woman, looking her in the eye, and encouraging her with his words. Jesus healed so many people in this fashion. It always came with a touch, a look, a word acknowledging their faith. On Sunday, September 13, we will also have the opportunity to live in relationship with others as we serve. We invite you on that Sunday to come for worship dressed in your work clothes. As soon as worship is over, no matter which service you attend, you are invited to come to Our Health and learn more about how lives are transformed in this space, as we beautify the campus. when hopefully most of our tasks will be complete. In addition, Sharen Gromling will be giving tours to help us better understand some of the relationships that are being formed through the Our Health Campus and explain some ways we may be able to get involved in helping our neighbors beyond this day. We invite people of all ages and abilities to join us! To sign up, please go to the Events Some of our tasks will include painting (both page on our website and click on the red inside and out), landscaping, creating tool button for Service Worship or contact Joanna kits, organizing books, making ―I Care‖ cards Dietz ([email protected]), so for children who are going through crisis, and we have a rough estimate of folks for projects making lunch for the hungry group of and lunch. workers. We will work until mid afternoon, How Do You Spell Involvement? BLAST Youth Group - Contact Kristin Dawkins at [email protected] Children’s Ministry - Contact Patty Singhass at [email protected] Music Ministry - Contact Judy Connelly at [email protected] Small Groups - Contact Rev. Adam Sowder at [email protected] braddockstreetumc.org [email protected] 540.667.3366 Staff Directory Trustees Update Ministers We are continuing to repair and/or replace various parts of our building. The stairway to the sound loft is complete. It provides a much safer and stable access! Four exterior wooden doors on the education building were replaced with low maintenance glass doors to match our Sanctuary doors! The last four exterior doors are slated for replacement next year. The steel drainage plate between the buildings was re-leveled to remove a tripping hazard. As our facility ages, more repairs will be necessary. Please consider contributing to the maintenance fund using your yellow tithe envelopes. The BSUMC Congregation Lead Pastor Rev. Kirk Nave [email protected] Associate Pastor Rev. J. Adam Sowder [email protected] Minister of Mission and Service Rev. Joanna Dietz [email protected] Visitation Pastor Rev. Frank Sherman [email protected] Minister of Music Judy B. Connelly [email protected] Associate Minister of Music George Amos [email protected] Director of Youth Ministries Kristin Dawkins [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries Patty Singhass [email protected] Budget & Finance Administrator Helen Hodges [email protected] Worship Video Arts Brandon Bloodworth [email protected] Weekday Ministries Director Stacey Park [email protected] Building Superintendent Russell Hagerdon [email protected] Custodian Travis Custer [email protected] Secretary Kim Ludwick [email protected] Receptionist Jenny White [email protected] 2 Church Fellowship Luncheon! You’re Invited! A church wide luncheon will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 11, 2015, at 12:15 PM. Menu: Tender Roast Beef, Chicken Marabella, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Long Grain and Wild Rice, Tossed Salad, Homemade Breads, Beverages, Green Beans, Homemade Desserts. Reservations Requested – Please call the church office (667-3366) by Wednesday, October 7! FREEWILL OFFERING - Proceeds will go towards improvements to the church kitchen. Enjoy food and fellowship with your church! Braddock Street United Methodist Women ―Turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world‖ is the Vision Statement of United Methodist Women. Approximately 130 women are members of Braddock Street’s organization which supports local, conference and international efforts to fulfill this vision. There are currently four circles which meet monthly except during the summer, and during the year four general meetings are held, which include dinner and a special program. All women of the church from 18 years old to 100 are invited to attend United Methodist Women functions. The fall general meeting will be Tuesday, October 6, at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Rev. Joanna Dietz, Minister of Mission and Service, will be the presenter and will discuss specific activities that Braddock Street United Methodist Women can participate in to carry out its mission. Members and guests are invited, and reservations need to be made to Becky Sherman at [email protected] or 681-242-2395 by Monday, September 28. Cost of the dinner is $10.00. Individual circle information is as follows: Elizabeth Circle is led by Beth Esther Circle meets the second Eisenhauer and Stefanie Nave and meets Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the third Sunday of each month at 6:00 the homes of the members. Donna PM in Room 138 at the church. We are a Belford and Suzie Kendall are conurturing fellowship of women and some leaders. Members bring donations for of our local projects include assisting the various local nonprofits to each Charterhouse School in Edinburg, VA, meeting. The September meeting is supporting Jonah’s Clubhouse at scheduled for the 10th at the home of Braddock Street, and supporting the Nancy Dunlap, 401 Lynnehaven Drive; backpack ministry. The fall meeting is Jane Bauknecht, Director of the Adult September 20 and will feature time for Care Center, will present the fellowship, icebreakers and a meditation by Kate McKay. NEW Ladies’ Circle coming program. in September! This circle plans to meet during the day. For more information, contact Anne Brewster at [email protected]. Mary-Martha Circle is a day-time group that meets the third Monday of each month at 10:00 AM at the church in Room 132/133. Diane Kelly is the leader and the next meeting is September 21; Andrea Board will share her experiences in Haiti. Mary-Martha directs donations to the Laurel Center. Susanna Circle, led by Susan Creasy and Susan Morris, meets the second Thursday at 10:00 AM at the church in Room 137. At each meeting items for various local groups are collected. The September 10 meeting will include a presentation concerning the World Thank Offering. Braddock Street United Methodist Women invites all women to consider becoming a part of the organization and to find the circle that is right for them. Please contact Susan Creasy, Membership Chairperson, at [email protected] or 667-4193 or the circle leaders if there are questions. 3 New Members, Thank You’s, Notes and Gifts! Welcome New Members! Coming to us from Libertyville, IL - Lucinda Angell and Harold Ogg Dear Braddock Street UMC, I want to thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to serve as an intern this summer. It has been a true pleasure to meet you all and to help serve with you through the course of this internship. From VBS to helping outreach families, Monday night dinners to being a helper for Singgg Camp, I have been truly blessed to serve the community of Winchester. I can't wait to take everything I have learned here back home and out into the world with me. This summer as an intern I was supposed to think about where I was being called to serve within the ministry. I am happy to say that I will be following my initial call from God to serve in Youth Ministry. So I would like to say a special thank you to everyone that went on the New Jersey mission trip. Every person on that trip helped me realize that serving youth is where I need to be. As I start my senior year at Randolph-Macon, please know that all of you will be in my prayers. I wish you all the best as you prepare for this up coming year. Thank you again for all you have done for me. Blessings, Susan Pullin Thanks to all who contributed to the Evans Home Summer Trip! Your gifts allowed these children to have an experience that they would not ordinarily be able to have! Brother s and Sisters, As the Braddock Street Backpack Food Ministry begins its second year, my spirit sings with gratitude and thanksgiving for your support of the program! Many thanks to the congregation of Braddock Street, participants of Vacation Bible School, and the VBS team leaders for your unending generosity! Feeding the hungry, especially children, helps fulfill such a basic but extremely important need. I have no way to measure the positive impact you have made on the lives of these children and their families, but have no doubt it is significant! Together, Fully Relying On God, I look forward to continuing with you in mission! With sincere thanks, Anne Brewster Thank you to everyone who made a donation to Jonah’s Clubhouse for the 2015-16 school year. I am truly blessed by the outpouring of support from this congregation! Your monetary donations made it possible to give several scholarships and to purchase some items for the classroom. Lots of games, puzzles, craft and school supplies were donated as well. We will continue to accept games and toys that are appropriate for ages 5-10 at anytime during the school year. And if you would like to sub, share a gift or talent with the children, or just come and play, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you, Jessica Shores Program Coordinator, Jonah’s Clubhouse 4 Hello Braddock Street! How is everything? I hope all is going well with all of you, and if it isn’t, I will be praying that the Holy Spirit be with you in whatever it is that you are in the midst of going through. My summer has most certainly been one for the books! My time spent at the VAUMC conference center has been beneficial to me in so many ways, too many to name and not enough space to name them, but I will provide for you the biggest highlights of my summer. First, I saw that BLAST went on a mission trip to New Jersey and along with that visited New York where one of the youth mentioned ―We should go visit Elijah.‖ I was pretty bummed that I could not be there with you all, but I know Susan aka ―Pam‖ (those who participated on the mission trip will get it just ask them) was just as if not more amazing to be with. She and I were able to spend time together prior to and at the conclusion of the internship so I too was able to experience her awesomeness. I would also like to say a special thank you to everyone who participated in the epic Happy Birthday video I received on my birthday! This summer I was able to assist in Thanks the formation of annual conference, help out at the Camp Rainbow Connection summer camp for adults with disabilities, visit the Eastern Shore of Virginia where the two other interns and I were blessed to visit Camp Occohannock and where we were also given a peek into the reality that is the lives of those we often deem ―invisible people‖ and the ―invisible children‖ of the USA. Each one of these three experiences of the many that I’ve had this summer destroyed any preconceived notions, stereotypes, negative attitudes and uneducated thoughts that I may have held against any of these events, people or places. In short I’ve learned that experience truly is the best teacher in many cases, and that to truly understand one another we must step away from the safety of our thoughts and feelings which will in turn make for a greater understanding amongst one another which leads to an elevated state of living, ultimately bringing us closer to the kingdom of Heaven here on earth and in our hearts and minds. I will be returning to Wesley Theological Seminary this fall to continue my studies and continue in my to everyone who helped out at Monday Night Dinners during July and August: Laura and Tommy Bast, Cindy Willingham, Linda Devers, Helen Light, Jo Cosola, Kim Struyk, Craig Sewell, Geoffrey Chase, Jeannie Wright, Donna Belford, Donna and Gary Paulson, Jennifer Carper, Shelley Lewis, Jane and John Capehart, Debbie Connolly, Marcella and Don Shirley, Phoebe and Ken West, discernment process. God has shown me so much this summer, brought me into the presence of amazing individuals who have helped me in great ways, and overall has given me a better vision of what the kingdom manifested on Earth actually looks like! May God continue to bless and keep you always! Until next time! Sincerely, Elijah Ferebee Dee and Bill Bauserman, Barbara and Butch Swope, Regina Baldwin, Terry Kellas, Carolyn Plank, Sally Moore, Kim and Jim Markle, Becky and Greg Ratlief, Suzie Kendall, Ann and Hal Goodman, Mindy and Mike Hanrahan, Cookie and Jim Beaupre, Jan Brown, Bill Stiles, and Barbara White. Darry Milanov, our Kitchen Manager, enjoyed meeting and greeting new faces and appreciated leadership from some seasoned Kitchen Crew as well! Gifts Received It is with gratitude that Braddock Street UMC acknowledges the following gifts: In memory of Harold Patton by Donald and Pat Packard, Jane S. Smith, Gary and Kay Longerbeam In memory of Dot Haines by Shirley Louthan, Richard and Georgia Hodson 5 Youth Ministry by Kristin Dawkins ([email protected]) Youth Summer Mission Celebrations! doing crafts. We also had time for some group worship and devotions as well as a day trip to get in the water. It was a physically challenging trip with no A/C, very limited electric (it never came on for more than 2 hours a day!) and no running water. However, the spiritual joy of the country is rich! We each learned many lessons and have a new love for our ministry partner, Praying Pelican. Thank you for your support. I know the things witnessed on this trip will shape each of us for the rest of our lives. Haiti welcomed 16 youth and sponsors for a week of tree ministry, work projects and kids programs. In the morning we offered fruit trees to neighbors (even planting them if they wished) along with God's love and an invite for children to come to the church in the afternoon. Work project for the week was mixing concrete and laying floors for a new building set to house missionaries and church projects. The afternoons were filled with up to 150 children singing, playing games, watching Bible skits and He didn't ask for anything. The community elected to help him fix up his barn, where he was storing tools and supplies for the community repairs. The top is a hang out loft for his youth group. His wife and daughters sell eggs, lettuce, veggies and fresh cut flowers in front of it on the weekends. It was an honor to fix up this place for such a deserving family. We even caught a few wayward escaped chickens one morning for them! There is still much to be done to help this area recover. Efforts will most likely go into the next five to ten years. There was much destruction but also much hope. Thank you for supporting us as we serve Jesus. New Jersey saw 20 youth and sponsors for a week of work along the coast hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. After a whirlwind tour of NYC, including Ground Zero, we spent a week scraping, painting and repairing a barn. Why a barn instead of a home you ask? Glad you did! The pastor and family who is responsible for overseeing all volunteers and giving countless hours as well as his own money helping his community for two and a half years had never received anything for his efforts. 6 Kasey Clayton Dear Braddock Street UMC family, TEAMeffort wants to thank your church for sending the youth to serve on a mission trip to Union Beach, New Jersey. They represented your church well as they painted and repaired a barn. You can be proud of their accomplishments. We know many lives in the Union Beach community were changed by their words and actions. It was exciting to see your youth put their faith into action. Because of their work, lives were both changed in the people we worked with, as well as the participants in your group. The TEAMeffort staff thanks you for supporting your youth group on their summer mission trip. We enjoyed serving alongside of them! ~TEAMeffort Missions Staff Youth Calendar for September: 2 6 9 13 13 13 16 20 23 27 30 Senior High Devotion at Chick-fil-A, Rutherford Crossing, 6:30AM! BLAST Youth Group Mtg. from 6:00-7:45 PM in Room 214! Senior High Devotion at Chick-fil-A, Rutherford Crossing, 6:30 AM! Confirmation Sunday at the 11:00 AM Service! BLAST Youth Group Mtg. from 6:00-7:45 PM in Room 214! Service Worship Morning! Senior High Devotion at Chick-fil-A, Rutherford Crossing, 6:30 AM! BLAST Youth Group Mtg. from 6:00-7:45 PM in Room 214! ―See You at the Pole‖- prayers at EVERY school flagpole, 7:00 AM! (NO Senior High Devotion at Chick-fil-A) BLAST Youth Group Mtg. from 6:00-7:45 PM in Room 214! Senior High Devotion at Chick-fil-A, Rutherford Crossing, 6:30 AM! Prayer Partners for Youth and College! Prayer changes lives. One goal this year is to provide each youth of Braddock Street United Methodist Church an adult who will lift them up in regular prayer. This is an anonymous ministry. The youth will know someone is praying for them, just not who specifically. You will receive a letter telling the youth’s name, grade, school, address and birthday. You are encouraged to send regular ANONYMOUS notes to your youth (suggested monthly) reminding them you are praying for them. No gifts please, just cards and letters. This is the gift of prayer. In May we will have a Sunday College Bound! evening Prayer Partner Service where you will meet your youth and worship together. Another exciting ministry is providing a prayer partner for each college student. These are our church members who are away at school or recently graduated and studying at home. These students WILL KNOW who is praying for them and be able to make contact with prayer concerns/praises. This prayer partner stays with the student throughout college as another connection of care to our church. The need is great and I’d like to ask if you are willing to take one of each or two youth so that all may be covered in prayer. It is my prayer for the adults that this is a meaningful and rewarding program for them as well. Dozens of previous students who have graduated have specifically asked to BE a prayer partner to a youth because it meant so much to them to be prayed for! Prayer truly does change lives. See Kristin Dawkins for more information or to sign up, email to [email protected]! 7 Children’s Ministry Patty Singhass ([email protected]) September’s Save the Date! Sunday, September 6 - No evening activities for children Sunday, September 13 - ―Good and Faithful Servants‖ is our Sunday evening small group for children ages K-5th grade! September 13 is our first meeting for this school year and we will continue to meet Sunday evenings from September 13 to November 1! We begin at 6:00 PM and go to 6:30 PM; then from 6:30 to 6:45 PM, the children enjoy snack time! Immediately following, we have our Children’s Choir rehearsal from 6:45-7:30 PM. Note: An alternate activity can be provided for children who do not wish to attend the Children’s Choir rehearsal. Please contact Patty if you wish to enjoy an alternate activity! Childcare will be available for parents who attend Sunday evening small groups. Parents should RSVP Patty for childcare. Our Sunday School Leaders! Sunday School leaders needed! Please prayerfully consider volunteering for our Children’s Ministry! The children will adore you! Contact Patty for more information. BSUMC Babysitters Club! Calling all youth interested in babysitting! Now is the time to sign up to become a new member of the BSUMC Babysitters Club! To sign up or for more information about this wonderful ministry of our church, please plan to attend the next Babysitters Club meeting on Sunday, September 20, at 12:10 PM in Room 214. Please contact Patty if you plan to attend! Cross Training for Youth and Children! BSUMC offers this FREE martial arts small group for children and youth (grades 1–12). Come and enjoy a great time of training, reflection, exercise and fun! The class is taught by Tracy Einstein and meets in our Fellowship Hall each Wednesday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This is a group you will enjoy! Note: Parents are welcome to stay during the class and study and relax. Contact Patty for more information. Mountain Movers Preteen Youth Group! All 4th-5th graders are invited to meet every other month for fun on Fridays from 5:00 to 8:00 PM in Room 205. The group will enjoy fellowship and faith learning and building activities with a mission action focus. Dinner is served by parents on a sign up basis! The group held their first meeting on Friday, August 28. The other meetings for this school year are October 23, December 18, February 5 and April 1. You may contact Patty or Kristin ([email protected]) for more information. 8 Small Groups Rev. Adam Sowder ([email protected]) For a Complete List of Offerings see the handout at the Connections Table in the Greetorium. Disciple I (Fast Track) is ready for you! Join Gary Paulson in this newly redesigned program that is now only 24 weeks long. Meetings will last a brisk 75 minutes. Disciple I is a systematic approach to reading, studying, and discussing both the Old and New Testaments, providing a comprehensive overview of the Bible. Class begins on Monday, September 21, at 7:00 PM in Room 205 with an orientation session and continues each Monday thereafter. Email Gary Paulson at [email protected] or call the Church Office to sign up. Cost for the course is $30.00. Please RSVP so that we may order your materials! Disciple III Remember Who You Are: Study The Prophets and The Letters of Paul with Sara Holloway in this long term study. The driving idea we will examine is the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Class runs from 6:30 – 8:30 PM and begins on Monday, September 14, in Room 137. Email Sara Holloway at [email protected] or call the Church Office to sign up. Cost for the course is $30.00. Please RSVP so that we may order your materials! Rick’s Group: Are you a part of Rick’s Group? Join us after the season 6 premier of The Walking Dead as we discuss faith, ethics, and discipleship as well as consider the question, ―What would you do?‖ Class begins on Monday, October 12, at 6:30 PM in Room 103. Contact [email protected] for more information! “The Meaning of Marriage-Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God”: Join Ron and Beth Light at their home on Tuesdays starting October 6 at 6:30 PM. The study will focus on the book, ―The Meaning of Marriage‖ by Timothy Keller. Books are $13. Please RSVP [email protected] to sign up and place your order! September is the beginning of another year for Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) at Braddock Street UMC. MOPS is a community of women who have at least one child in the birth to kindergarten age range. Our meetings typically consist of a devotion, topic discussion, and craft/service project. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 10-11:30 AM. Our first meeting is September 17. Childcare and snacks are provided but please RSVP so we can plan appropriately. We have three childcare rooms available...infant, preschool, and elementary age homeschooled children. The only fee is for MOPS Membership which is $24.95 and includes a package of materials to use for this year’s theme, magazine subscription, and weekly emails. Scholarships are available if needed. All other expenses are covered by the church for which our group could not be more grateful. So THANK YOU BRADDOCK STREET for supporting this wonderful ministry! We are very excited for this year’s theme, A Fierce Flourishing, based on Isaiah 55:12. "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." We invite you to flourish with us! Please contact Jennifer Ellison for more information or to RSVP at: [email protected] or (540) 204-3282. 9 When There Is Grief, How Can You Come Alongside? The ―Reception Teams‖ at Braddock Street UMC serve in the ministry of hospitality by providing receptions (following a funeral service) for church families during their bereavement. There are four teams Cruise Ship Quiz that are headed up Night by two co-captains. Volunteers who are willing to provide donations of food and/or serve on the day of the reception are contacted by the co-captains. The teams work on a rotating schedule so each team takes a turn. Presently, we are looking for additional ladies who are willing to be a part of this very special ministry. Will you prayerfully consider joining one of the reception teams? It goes beyond words how much Becky Sherman grieving family members are comforted to know we are the hands and feet of Jesus at such a time as this. Please contact Becky Sherman, Reception Coordinator, at (681) 242-2395 or email her at [email protected]. We wish to offer a big thank you to all the ladies who are already participating in this most needful ministry at BSUMC! Church Library News Ellen Adams, long time member of BSUMC and first-time author, has presented a complimentary copy of her new book, Journey of the Heart - A Family Affair, to the church library. The memoir, published by Balboa Press under the pen name--Nora Rebecca Day--tells the inspirational story of one mother with dementia and the companion by her side. As countless victims and caregivers have personally experienced, a diagnosis of Alzheimer's, or other type of dementia, can be devastating news. But, the journey can also become one of unexpected growth with the discovery that a loving and merciful God is the compassionate liaison between the hard, cold facts of an illness with no cure and the infinite mysteries of grace. Additional copies are available through Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com. Boy Scouts Troop 3 Trail - September Troop 3 spent a weekend in August camping at Kernstown Battlefield and helping the Battlefield Association with needed repairs and maintenance to their facilities. The scouts planned and organized the weekend on the 350 acre facility. The troop heads to Portsmouth, VA over the September 25–27 weekend to tour the Nauticus Museum. They will board the Battleship Wisconsin for an overnight and will take a cruise on the bay to view US Navy vessels. The picture is the sunrise at Kernstown Battlefield the morning of August 16, 2015. Sincerely, Greg Eisenhauer 540-542-2159 office 540-974-1443 cell Invitation to Join Cub Scout Pack 3! We would like to invite all boys in 1st-5th grades to join our pack. If you enjoy fishing, camping, hiking, and having FUN with friends, please contact our Cub Master, Jim Siefert, at 703-282-2105 or [email protected]. Visit us and see - Pack 3 is the place to be! 10 Missions Ebola update: No one who received the vaccine has become ill. During the week of August 10, The Lancet published very promising results of an Ebola vaccine trial that proved to be 100 percent effective. The rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine was given to more than 7600 high-risk people in Guinea, who live in communities with cases of Ebola. Researchers tested the vaccine using a ring vaccination approach, which simply means that they vaccinated a ring of close contacts around each Ebola case. Furthermore, the vaccine appears to be well-tolerated with very few severe side effects. With the promise of these initial results, the trial will continue in Guinea and the inclusion criteria will be expanded. There is also a possibility that the vaccine trial could expand into Sierra Leone and Liberia, and support the final push in "getting to zero." Let us pray for a conclusive end to the Ebola crisis that has plagued Sierra Leone for the past 14 months. Please pray for strength, hope, healing, and resilience for the people of Sierra Leone as they struggle to reclaim livelihoods and reestablish communities. Source: Helping Children Worldwide.org SHELLED PECANS for SALE MAMMOTH SIZE HALVES Braddock Street’s backpack ministry is up and running for the second year, delivering extra food to selected children at Redbud Run Elementary. Our goal is to include breakfast, lunch, and snacks every other weekend for kids who receive free/reduced breakfast and lunch at school. We are thankful that milk boxes are being purchased with donated funds this year. Individual raisin boxes, meat products, soup, Chef Boyardee, mac&cheese, juice boxes, small cereal/oatmeal packs, vegetables, pudding, etc, are still being collected and can be dropped off in the Mission Room (134). Feel free to check with Anne Brewster or Joanna with any questions. Thank you for using your hands, feet, and resources to share the love of Jesus with these children! Fully Rely On God From this year’s crop! $12 per pound bag! Buy 2 or more pounds for $1 less per pound! Order Now/Pay Upon Delivery! Contact Persons: Megan Pugh @ 662-4738 or [email protected] or Phoebe West @ 869-1827 or [email protected] Perfect for holiday baking! Fundraiser for BSUMC’s Relay for Life team, Braddock Street Angels. ORDER FORMS available in the Church Office on the Bookcase. Feel free to take orders at your workplace, in your neighborhood, etc. 11 Music Notes by Judy Connelly Children’s Choir We enjoy singing. It’s fun. Music plays a big part in our lives and we take satisfaction in using it to express our hearts and as a tool to explore our relationships with God. It’s good for us. But that’s not why we sing. Singing is a way of serving the Lord. But that’s not why we sing. Singing is a way of our giving back to God. It’s part of our sacrifice of praise that we prepare and offer to the Lord. But that’s not why we sing. Singing is a form of prayer. But that’s not why we sing. Singing impacts my body. It forces us to become physically involved when we express worship. But that’s not why we sing. Singing is something the Bible commands us to do. But that’s not why we sing. Worship is one of the few things that we know goes on in Heaven. It’s powerful enough to shake Heaven’s very gates. Music accompanied many major events in the Bible. It led God’s people forward in battle. Even Jesus’ birth was announced through song, as will be His triumphant return. But that’s not why we sing. Why do we sing? One simple reason. God deserves our praise. This is good and right and true. But worshiping the Lord is something that we each must decide to do for ourselves. We choose to sing. We must not withhold from the Lord the glory that is due to Him from ourselves. Source: That’s Why We Sing by T.J. Smith Extraordinary Hospitality - that’s the theme for Music Ministry in 2015-16. We invite everyone to join us! Come, let us worship the Lord in song. Find the musical ensemble for you and be prepared to experience extraordinary hospitality - give God your finest. For more information about the music ministry, please contact Judy Connelly at [email protected]. September Sermon Series: Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 12 Matters of Life and Death—Psalm 139:1-18 Other Religions—John 14:1-10 Family Conflict—Matthew 18:15-22 Sexual Orientation—1 Corinthians 13:1-13
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Contact Kristin Dawkins at [email protected].