The Compass - Braddock Street UMC
The Compass - Braddock Street UMC
May 2016 In this issue... Staff Directory Small Groups Thank You Music Ministry Children’s Ministry Missions Youth Ministry Boy/Cub Scouts Church Office UM Women May Worship Baptism Nurture News Volunteer Week Our candidates are (as pictured below): Benjamin Oates, Jonathan Brewster, Mary McKay, Kate Rudolph, Jonathan Clippinger, Havana Landers, Parker Gregg, Trey Craft, Sydney Collins, Madeline Johnson, Katlyn McGeachy, Michael McGeachy, Kayla Roberts (not pictured). Leaders are Matt and Christy Landers. Lessons have been taught by a large number of our church leaders helping the youth know not only the lesson material, but ways Braddock Street has been a church home and place of faith for them. In addition to lessons, students have served in at least two service projects and will be on a retreat May 6-7. Please keep them in prayer during this time as they prayerfully consider if they are ready to claim their faith as their own as well as join Braddock Street. 2 2 2 3 4 6 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 College Graduates: High School Graduates: Katie Baker Seth Bridgeforth Megan Clowser Colleen Connolly Olivia DeArment Olivia DeChristopher Megan Gaynor Bethany Hagenbuch Mattea Holloway Jeffrey Jones Bryce Newlin Katie Nerangis Victoria Reese Riley Thousand Tabor Thwing Richard Bock Grace Eisenhauer Braxton Terry Advanced Diploma Graduates: Lindsay Dove —[email protected] —540.667.3366 Staff Directory Ministers Small Groups Lead Pastor Rev. Adam Sowder ([email protected]) The BSUMC Congregation Rev. Kirk Nave [email protected] Associate Pastor Rev. J. Adam Sowder [email protected] Minister of Mission and Service Rev. Joanna Dietz [email protected] Visitation Pastor Rev. Frank Sherman [email protected] Minister of Music Judy B. Connelly [email protected] College Age Small Group Beginning May 8! 10:45 AM, Room 103 (Parlor) A new group for 18-24 year olds will be running from May 8-July 31 on Sunday mornings. Gary Paulsen will help facilitate a small group time working with the book of Acts. Come hang out with your friends again, make some new ones, and have an age specific faith group while you are home for the summer! Contact Kristin Dawkins at [email protected]. Associate Minister of Music George Amos [email protected] Director of Youth Ministries Kristin Dawkins [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries Patty Singhass [email protected] Budget & Finance Administrator Helen Hodges [email protected] Worship Video Arts Brandon Bloodworth [email protected] Weekday Ministries Director Stacey Park [email protected] Building Superintendent Russell Hagerdon [email protected] Custodian Eric Triggs [email protected] Secretary Kim Ludwick [email protected] Receptionist Jenny White [email protected] 2 Thank you: Dear Braddock Street UMC, Thank you for letting us use the church. Thank you for helping our girl scout troop. We also had so much fun at the dance. From Samantha, Brooke, Caitlin, Abby, Hannah, Sadie, Audrey, Olivia, Jill, Jen and all of Girl Scout Troop 40515. (For Facility use for Father/Daughter dance) To Braddock Street UMC, Even though it rained on our Easter Basket Give-A-Way event, it did not dampen the love and spirit of all that came out to help and those who received baskets for their children. Our heartfelt love and appreciation goes out to each of you that helped to make this yearly event a success. We continued to give the baskets out throughout the week until they were all gone. From all of us at CCAP we want to thank you for your continued support. Over 500 children were blessed with an Easter Basket! God bless you all, Fran Ricketts, President of CCAP Dear Braddock Street UMC, We just wanted to thank you for your incredible hospitality and letting Fresh Expressions use your wonderful facility for the Winchester Vision Day! You all were amazing in helping get everything set and the day was a success because of you. God bless your church and ministry that flows out of it. ~Kris, Travis and Luke, Fresh Expressions Music Ministry Judy Connelly ([email protected]) Recognition of Music Ministry - Music Ministry is such an important part of all worship experiences. Therefore, each year we set aside a time to recognize and thank all those who have made the commitment to serve in this ministry. This year, the Children’s Choir will receive certificates following the musical on Sunday, April 24, at the 9:45 AM Service. All other musical ensembles will be recognized on Sunday, May 8, at all services. SINGGG Camp Registration forms are available. SINGGG (Sing God’s Glory), the Northern Shenandoah Valley Music and Arts Summer Day Camp, is now accepting applications. The camp will be held Monday, July 11, through Friday, July 15, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM for rising 2nd - 7th graders at Christ Episcopal Church, in connection with the Vacation Bible School held in the morning at Grace Lutheran Church. Children may plan to attend both events. For children who attend both the Vacation Bible School and SINGGG Camp, supervision will be provided for the walk between venues, as well as lunch. You may register for SINGGG Camp online at or pick up an application outside the Church Office, in the Choir Room or in the Greetorium. Looking forward to seeing you at SINGGG! The Winchester Chapter of the American Guild of Organists cordially invites you to Friday, May 13, 2016 In the manner of A Strolling, Progressive Dinner ~ Recitals 5:30 PM Appetizer and Recital Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 6:30 PM Catered Main Course and Recital Christ Episcopal Church 8:00 PM Recital and Dessert Braddock Street United Methodist Church All proceeds will benefit the Shenandoah Valley Youth Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra The Blue Ridge Choristers and Top of Virginia Youth Ensemble Advance reservations are required for this event. You may register and pay online at under Events or send your check (payable to WAGO) to Braddock Street UMC, attention Judy Connelly. ~ Cost is $20.00 per person.~ ~Additional donation for the above mentioned ensembles is greatly appreciated!~ Response deadline is Tuesday, May 3. 3 Children’s Ministry May - June Children’s Sunday School News Sunday, May 1 (Communion Sunday) All the children’s classes will go straight to the Sunday School rooms and then travel to the Sanctuary for Communion. Sundays, May 8, 15, 22, and 29 Regular schedule for all children’s classes. All will meet in Worship at the 9:45 hour and travel together to Sunday School after the Children’s Time. Sunday, June 5 - Introduction to Surf Shack On Sunday, June 5, all children will meet in Room 205 for a special introduction to Surf Shack, our Vacation Bible School this year! There will be activities centered around our theme. Kids, don’t miss it! Sunday, June 19 - Summer Sunday School series begins and continues through Sunday, July 31. Mr. Ray with the 2nd Grade Sunday School Easter Celebration 2016 - Flowering the Cross! Vacation Bible School 2016—Surf Shack T heme: Catch the wave of God’s amazing love. Discover how to surf through life with God and others! This year’s adventure includes energizing music, interactive Bible fun, super science, cool crafts, hands on mission work, delicious dinner and more. Dates and T ime: The fun begins Monday, June 6, and goes through Friday, June 10, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Sunday, June 12, is the Finale Singing. Volunteer: To volunteer go to and click EVENTS, then on the SignUpGenius link for VBS. Be sure to register your child! Cross Training - A free martial arts experience with a Biblical teaching and foundation. Leader is Tracy Einstein. Join us on the first and third Wednesday night from 6:00 to 8:00 PM through May. All children and youth in grades 1 - 12 are welcome. For more info contact Kristin or Patty. 4 Patty Singhass ([email protected]) A Mom and Child Need Your Love... Just For Two Brief Hours For many new moms, MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a lifeline! We now have a waiting list for moms. Why? Because we need servants to assist with childcare. Rocking that little baby, hugging that toddler, and holding that little hand - these are the needs. Has God called you to serve the church and serve families in our community? You can see that this flourishing ministry needs you! MOPS needs you! This nurturing group meets just two times a month on the first and third Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:30 AM (our childcare leaders leave by noon). Love Needed - We provide the training! You provide the love! All interested in serving with this awesome ministry should contact Jennifer Ellison, BSUMC MOPS Coordinator at [email protected] or Patty Singhass, MOPS Staff Liaison at [email protected]. What is MOPS? MOPS is a grassroots movement that believes moms are world influencers…We believe that incubating hearts and giving justbecause-hugs can change the course of history. That’s why we connect moms all over the world to a community of women, in their own neighborhoods, who meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood. MOPS groups are rallying women to be more honest, to feel more equipped and to find our identity by journeying alongside one another. We are moms, and we believe that better moms make a better world. ~ From The Braddock Street Weekday Preschool is now enrolling for the 2016-2017 school year. Spaces are available for children ages two through five. Please contact Stacey Park, Director of Weekday Ministries, at [email protected] or 540-667-8915 for more information. Outdoor Classroom - Coming Soon! We are excited to announce that renovations are being made to our playground! The Weekday Ministries Board approved the construction and purchase of equipment to create an outdoor classroom. The outdoor classroom area will feature a nature discovery center, a music center, an outdoor easel, blocks, and picnic tables. Research shows that children’s learning is enhanced when they are actively engaged in the learning process and outdoor classrooms combine learning with physical activity. This space will enable teachers to extend children’s learning beyond the classroom and provide additional opportunities for hands-on learning experiences. 5 Mission and Service Rev. Joanna D i et z ( j oanna@br addockst r eet umc. or g) Thank you for supporting Habitat for Humanity! During Lent, we raised over $2,000 for Habitat’s Interfaith Build, which will break ground by the beginning of May. Thank you very much for your support of Tori and Anita! The work is not complete though. We now need teams to go out on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to get the house built. If you are interested in helping with the build, please let Joanna know. We are excited to see this house built before December 31, 2016! In addition, we also had a crew of 45 Braddock Street folks come out to clean up vacant lots, gut a house for a renovation, paint a shed, do landscaping, and other miscellaneous projects for our Service Worship on April 10. We got a lot done in a short period of time! Thanks to everyone who contributed to our very successful day!! 6 Serving the World Sign Up for Summer (July & August) Monday Night Dinners To sign up, go to our website and click on Mission and Service. For more information email Megan Pugh at [email protected]. Help us make a smiley face this summer! Vacation Bible School Mission Support We are inviting the children who live in the square between Braddock St., Cork St., Kent St., and Gerrard St. to join us for VBS this year. We will be out in that part of the community on Saturday, May 28, from 10:00 AM-Noon and again on Saturday, June 4, from 10:00 AM-Noon, knocking on doors and inviting the children to join us and getting them registered. We are looking for volunteers to knock on doors. This is an exciting way to get to know our neighbors and invite them to learn more about God during our VBS week! If you are interested in helping, please contact Joanna. 7 Mission and Service Celebration of Life The Braddock Street Angels invite you to join us in several special events celebrating the lives of all the people we love and have lost to cancer and celebrating the lives of all the people we love who are survivors. A survivor is not just an individual who has won the battle with cancer, but includes everyone who is currently undergoing treatments. Our team is dedicated to helping people celebrate more birthdays and reaching out to individuals who are currently dealing with cancer. Please help us by letting us know anyone who is currently dealing with cancer and the contact information. This ministry is for everyone regardless of who they are or where they live. We are all in this together. Upcoming Events: Mother’s Day Brunch - If you have not purchased your ticket(s), they will be available in the church office though Thursday, May 5. Proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. Sale of Luminaries - You are invited to purchase a luminary in honor or memory of a loved one. They will be sold in the Greetorium Sundays, May 22, 29 and June 5 for $5.00 each. The luminaries will be placed around the track during the Relay Event. One of the most powerful parts of the Relay Event is when the luminaries are lit at 9:30 PM. Relay Event - The Relay for Life Event will be Saturday, June 11, 2016, at James Wood High School. The event will take place from noon until midnight. Relay for Life celebrates both survivors and those who have lost their battle with cancer. The opening ceremony will start at noon followed by the Survivor Walk and the Caregiver Walk. At 1:00 PM, there is a luncheon for all cancer survivors plus one guest. You must register to attend the luncheon. Registration forms are in the church office or can be obtained from the local American Cancer Society office located at 1833 Plaza Drive, Winchester. Thank you for your support!! Camp Overlook Funding for Scholarships Ca m p in g Min is tr ies with a Ch r is tia n focu s ca n h a ve a lon g-la s tin g effect on th e d is cip les h ip of ou r ch ild ren . Ca m p gives ch ild ren th e op p or tu n ity to gr ow a n d s tr etch a s th ey d ive in to th e grea t ou td oors a n d exp er ien ce th e won d er of God u n p lu gged fr om tech n ology. We a r e excited to h a ve 1 3 ch ild r en s ign ed u p for Ca m p Over look th is s u m m er ! We a re look in g for h elp p r ovid in g s ch ola r s h ip s for th e ch ild r en to exp r es s th e va lu e we p la ce on th is 8 life-ch a n gin g exp er ien ce. Ca m p s cos t b etween $ 2 7 0 -$ 4 5 0 p er week . S om e of ou r ch ild ren a r e u n a b le to a tten d ca m p with ou t th es e s ch ola r s h ip s . If you feel led to s p on s or a ch ild for a week of ca m p (or for a p a r tia l s ch ola r s h ip ), we in vite you to s en d a ch eck to Br a d d ock S tr eet UMC with “Ca m p Over look Sch ola rs h ip ” in th e m em o a r ea . Th a n k y ou for h elpin g to form y ou n g d is cip les ! Serving the World Heroin Addiction - Community Forum at Braddock Street On Sund a y, Ma y 15, w e w ill ho st a c o nversa tio n a b o ut hero in a d d ic tio n fro m 2:00-4:00 PM. This event is sp o nso red b y the Va lley Interfa ith Co unc il. Severa l p ro m inent sp ea kers w ill sha re ho w w e c a n resp o nd a s a fa ith fa m ily to this g ro w ing c ha lleng e in o ur c o m munity. All a re invited to jo in us. Thank you, Braddock Street! We collected $865 for the Winchester Rescue Mission this Easter season through your generosity and kindness. Youth Ministry Kristin Dawkins ([email protected]) May Youth Calendar: 1 4 6-7 8 11 15 15 18 22 22 25 (Sun.) No BLAST, Apple Blossom (Wed.) Chick-fil-A Senior High Devotion, 6:30 AM at Rutherford Crossing (Fri.-Sat.) Confirmation Retreat (Sun.) No BLAST (Wed.) Chick-fil-A Senior High Devotion, 6:30 AM at Rutherford Crossing (Sun.) Confirmation Sunday! (Sun.) End of the Year Party at the Ratlief’s Pool, 6-8:00 PM (Wed.) Chick-fil-A Senior High Devotion, 6:30 AM at Rutherford Crossing (Sun.) Graduation Sunday! (Sun.) Sierra Leone Mission Meeting, 4:00 PM (Wed.) Chick-fil-A Senior High Devotion, 6:30 AM at Rutherford Crossing 346 Green Spring at the Ratliefs! Cook out with hamburgers and hot dogs. We will swim, play ball and other fun things! Bring a side dish or dessert to share and your swimming things (don’t forget your towel!). 9 Troop 3 Trail Troop 3 went camping over the cold and snowy weekend of April 8-10. The troop set their campsite up with a dining fly, tents and a fire ring. The weekend served as the first campout for the Cub Scouts that crossed over in February’s ceremony. The scouts learned about the patrol method, scout skills, Tenderfoot requirements and how to stay safe in the wilderness. Each patrol planned its own menus and learned the art of how to cook at a campsite. Scoutmaster Jeff Zarbo led a Scouting Heritage merit badge. The coming months will be very busy for the troop as they are planning a backpacking trip and will be traveling to the Adirondacks for a week of summer camp. Scouting is a great program for boys. Cub Scouting is for boys 7-10 years old and Boy Scouts is for boys 11-17. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cub Scouts Spring has finally sprung! The sun is setting later, the birds are chirping and Pack 3 is busy scouting, OUTDOORS. The Webelos II Den completed the Cub program and crossed over into Troop 3. They each received the Super Achiever award and earned their Arrow of Light along the way. We wish them well as they begin the next step of their scouting journey. Our Webelos I Den visited a safari park and volunteered with the Special Olympics. The Bear Den just returned from a weekend camping trip where they practiced campfire cooking skills, hiking and outdoor safety. Our Tiger Den has been very busy finishing up their first year as Cubs. They went on a family hike, completed their God and Family unit and even visited the local SPCA. Summer will bring a week of resident camp at Camp Rock Enon for the Wolves, Bears and Webelos, a fishing trip, and Scout Night at the Frederick Keys, where the scouts and their families will watch a baseball game and then camp on the field for the night. Even more activities are in the planning stages for the second half of summer. Do you know any 1st-5th graders who may be interested in being a part of these activities and much more? Encourage them to attend a den meeting. There is no obligation to join and they just might find that Pack 3 really is the place to be! For more information, please contact [email protected]. From the Church Office: Lost and Found: The following items have been turned in to the church office. Items will be kept only for a short period before they are donated or discarded. Recent items found: reading glasses, 1 ladies brown leather glove, 1 black T-shirt (child’s XS) and 1 silver and pink pig bracelet. Changes & Updates: Members, if your address, name, cell phone, home phone, or email changes or if there is a birth in your family, please notify the Church Office so we may keep up with you! If you or a loved one is hospitalized, please let us know. Braddock Street is a large family; we need your help! Thank you! 10 United Methodist Women Kits for Conference Braddock Street United Methodist Women has a history of providing Kits for Conference. This year is no exception as the ladies have been involved in assembling kits for the past two months. In March the Elizabeth Circle, chaired by Beth Eisenhauer, put together 25 school kits. Notebook paper, crayons, scissors, pencils, and other school related items were put in colorful canvas bags to be used by students anywhere in the world when a need arises. Also, in March Esther Circle, co-chaired by Suzie Kendall and Nancy Dunlap, assembled 122 health kits. A wash cloth, comb, nail file, 6 band aids, a bar of soap, and a toothbrush were wrapped in a hand towel and enclosed in a gallon size sealable plastic bag. While these seem like a group of simple, small items, they are invaluable when a disaster occurs. Deborah-Ruth Circle, led by Anne Brewster, and Mary-Martha Circle, led by Diane Kelly, purchased items for 30 sewing kits. Mary-Martha then assembled the kits; each included 3 yards of fabric, 1 pair of fabric scissors, 1 package of needles, 1 spool of thread, and buttons, packaged in a gallon sealable plastic bag. These kits foster independence rather than dependence as the recipients can make clothing to fit their size and culture. ( In May Susanna Circle, co-chaired by Susan Creasy and Susan Morris, will put together 25 layette kits. Each kit will contain 6 diapers, 2 onesies, 2 sleepers, 2 blankets, a sweater, and 2 diaper pins, used to hold the kit together. A special feature of these kits is that the ladies knit the sweaters. Shelby Raines, a member of United Methodist Women, and her husband will transport the 202 completed kits to the Virginia Annual Conference held in June in Roanoke, Virginia. For the first time at Braddock Street, six United Methodist Women will travel to UMCOR Sager Brown in Baldwin, Louisiana, in December to be further involved in mission with the kits. There they will be working in the warehouse receiving, sorting, packing, and shipping supplies for disaster relief around the world or they will be working in the community. Those scheduled to participate are Sue Boltz, Rev. Joanna Dietz, Megan Pugh, Becky Sherman, Phoebe West, and Carolyn Woodrum. 11 Nurture News: May Worship Schedule May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 Stephen Ministry: Braddock Street UMC is a The Bible and Science: Creation Genesis 2:4b-17 The Bible and Science: Transcendence and Intimacy Psalm 8 Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 What Keeps You Up at Night: Not Enough Time Ecclesiastes 3:1-12 What Keeps You Up at Night: Relationships Ruth 1:6-18 Stephen Ministry congregation, which means we have equipped people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. The Stephen Ministers have received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care. Folks in need of care meet with their caregiver faithfully for about an hour a week as long as needed. If you are experiencing a challenge or crisis in your life and believe you could benefit from the emotional and spiritual care of a Stephen Minister, please contact Pastor Kirk Nave or Pastor Adam Sowder, who will connect you with a Stephen Minister based on your particular needs. Why didn’t anyone from church visit me? If you are admitted to a hospital, you are usually asked about your religious affiliation. In years past, churches would then be contacted about your hospital admission. Unfortunately, because of confidentiality laws, hospitals can no longer contact churches. So, if you are in the hospital, please let the church know so that you can be held in prayer and receive visitors, if requested. Handicap Parking: Baptism: Landon Rohrbaugh April 3 Landon is the son of T.J. and Jennifer Rohrbaugh. Most folks know that Braddock Street provides handicap parking in the front of the church. But those spaces often fill up quickly. There is additional reserved parking in the staff parking lot by the alley. To access that parking, enter the alley off Cork Street; the parking lot is on the left. Attendance Records: Nurture Committee is working to update attendance records and contacting folks who have not signed the attendance pads over a period of weeks. If you haven’t signed in on Sunday mornings, you may receive a phone call from a member of your Braddock Street family checking in to make sure everything is okay. ~Nurture Committee Chair Susan Chesley Braddock Street Church Spotted for Volunteer Appreciation Week! April 11-15 was Volunteer Appreciation Week. Here are some quotes from Facebook where we were spotted: Habitat for Humanity about Service Worship: “What an incredible day!” Our Health: “Our Health sends their volunteer salute out to Braddock Street United Methodist Church!” And from the staff at Braddock Street UMC: Thank you for the countless hours (numbering well into the thousands) each of you gives to serve in our community and the world around us. You truly embody the hands, feet, and spirit of our Risen Lord. Thank you for all that you do! 12
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