Bulletin 9-18-16 - Holy Family Parish


Bulletin 9-18-16 - Holy Family Parish
Holy Family Parish
Cedar County
October 9, 2016
The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(All contact information: 402 area code)
Father Eric Olsen
Deacon Sylvan Thoene
Deacon Shane Kleinschmit
Secretary ~ Lynette Pinkelman
357-2465 or 254-3311
Catholic Education
East Catholic~ Head Teacher Mary Klug
DRE ~ Deacon Shane Kleinschmit
Music Directors
Marsha Wuebben ~ Ss. Peter & Paul
Cathy Paltz ~ Immaculate Conception
Heather Heimes ~ Sacred Heart
Holy Orders: Those discerning a call to the Priesthood or
religious life should contact Fr. Olsen or Fr. Andy Roza,
Vocations Director at (402) 558-3100
Sacrament of Baptism; Pre-Baptism class required for
1st child. Call Fr. Olsen to make arrangements for Baptism.
Sacrament of Marriage: Contact Father Olsen to arrange
your marriage. Please call at least six months before the
date you wish to marry.
Sacrament of the Sick: Please call Fr. Olsen to let him
know when you are hospitalized or homebound.
Parish Addresses, Email & Web site
Mailing Address 1
PO Box 65, Wynot NE 68792
Mailing Address 2
PO Box 63 St. Helena NE 68774
Holy Family Parish Email
[email protected]
Parish Web Site
Sacred Heart Church
807 Emerson Ave. Wynot NE 68792
Immaculate Conception Church 108 E. 9th St. St. Helena NE
Ss. Peter & Paul Church
106 W. 889 Rd. (Bow Valley)
Hartington NE 68739
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. 4:00-4:45 PM;
Sun. 8:00-8:45 AM & 10:30-10:45 AM & 20 mins. before
weekday Masses, or anytime by appointment.
Hospitalized or Homebound: Please call Deacon Sylvan
to let him know that a family member, friend or neighbor is
hospitalized or homebound. We will come to the homebound with Holy Communion on weekends.
Prayer Chain: Judy Verschoor, 357-2240, or
[email protected]
Adoration & Pro-Life Committee: Judy Verschoor,
357-2240 or [email protected]
Parish Secretary Hours: Tuesdays 9-3 & Thursdays 9-3 ~ Bulletin items due by Thursday @ 10:30 am
Mass Schedule
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Immaculate Conception
Sacred Heart
Ss. Peter & Paul
Sacred Heart
Ss. Peter & Paul
Immaculate Conception
Sacred Heart
Ss. Peter & Paul
Ss. Peter & Paul
Immaculate Conception
Ss. Peter & Paul
The People of Holy Family Parish
+Gail Uhing
+Peter & Crescentia Loecker
Comm. Srv. (+Gerri Lynn Pinkelman)
+Orville & Shirley Sudbeck
+Frank, Viola, & Daryl Leise
+Sally Promes
+Emery & Alma Fischer
+Louis & Dorothea Kleinschmit
+Mike Hinrichsen
The People of Holy Family Parish
** Father will say the Monday Mass privately for Gerri Lynn Pinkelman **
Parish Adoration Schedule:
Tuesdays 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Ss. Peter & Paul * Wednesdays, 8:30 am—5:00 pm, Immaculate Conception
Thursdays 8:00 am-7:30 pm, Sacred Heart.
Spirit Catholic Radio 88.3 FM KVSS *** www.formed.org—Parish Code: YNZYEW
Pastor’s Report
It seems that scarcely a week goes by when there isn’t some furor
over so-called homosexual “marriages” and the purported
“discrimination” resulting from it. Whether it is some business owner
refusing service to a “same-sex” couple or even some church organization letting an employee go because of their sexual inclination, almost
every week we are bombarded with these stories.
It seems to me that much of this confusion results from the equivocation of terms. When opposing sides use words like “homosexual”,
“marriage”, and “discrimination” they are not using these words in the
same way.
For starters, let’s look at the word “homosexual”. The Catholic
Church, following the example of Jesus Christ, resists the temptation
to label persons based on their sexual attractions. Instead of labeling
people homosexual or heterosexual, the Church prefers to speak of
people…people with homosexual attractions or people with heterosexual attractions (or any other “attractions” that people may have).
Now, perhaps, we can see why there is no discrimination in prohibiting
people to “marry” those of the same gender. In fact, allowing people
with such inclinations even to enter civil unions would be creating a
special right for persons with same-sex attractions. After all, anyone,
regardless of their inclinations, has exactly the same right to get married. Everyone is free to marry a member of the opposite sex. If
someone wishes not to do so, whether it’s because they haven’t found
the right person, they have some religious calling or they are only attracted to those of their same gender, then they are free to make that
choice. There is no discrimination.
Of course, discrimination is another word that often gets confused.
For all too often we can become convinced that discrimination is an
intrinsically evil thing. Of course, discrimination certainly can be evil.
However, it can also be permitted and even praiseworthy. For instance, we discriminate against robbers, rapists, and murders by locking them up and taking away their rights. We also discriminate
against those wanting to act in an evil way by placing restrictions on
things that might tempt them to do so. This is why we lock banks,
stores and houses, place restrictions on guns, speed limits, alcohol,
drugs, cigarettes and countless other things. We discriminate against
women (or men, depending on your perspective) by making them go
to separate bathrooms. We even discriminate against people because
of their sexual orientation. After all, if someone is attracted to children, should they then be allowed to act on these attractions, teach in
schools, supervise day cares, even if their attraction is biological?
Clearly, discriminations of these kinds are not only accepted societal
practices, but useful ones as well.
This distinction may seem trivial, but, in reality it is vital. If a person is
defined by their attractions, then it is necessary to act on that attraction to attain fulfillment.
This is why people that refer to
“homosexuals”, “heterosexuals” or “whateversexuals” so often assume
that acting on these inclinations is synonymous with having these inclination. Being a “heterosexual” necessitates acting on “heterosexual”
Unfortunately, the word “discrimination” is often misused when referring to persons with same sex inclinations. Rather, what people often
Notice the difference between this “wisdom of the world” and “the refer to as discrimination is really cooperation. For instance, suppose I
wisdom of God”. Rather than labeling people as “homosexual” or am the owner of a car wash and someone pulls in with an LGBT
“heterosexual”, the Church only speaks of persons…persons with ho- bumper sticker on their car. It would be discrimination for me to remosexual attractions or persons with heterosexual attractions. As fuse to service that car. After all, washing a car doesn’t by itself mean
human persons blessed with intellect and free will, we should be free support for the actions or beliefs of the owner.
to act, or not act, on any of our attractions. If we aren’t free, then we
are animals. Thus, when the Church, speaks of persons with homo- However, if I am in the catering business and refuse to cater a ceresexual inclinations rather than “homosexuals”, she is saying something mony involving two persons of the same gender attempting to be marvery different than the world. The Church presumes that persons ried, that’s not discrimination. That’s refusing cooperation. In fact,
should have true freedom, or at least the ability to develop it.
there are legitimate, moral reasons for refusing to cooperate in evil
actions that I would hope all Catholics, and even non-Catholics would
This has tremendous ramifications for marriage. Of course, the word support. If I am in the scalpel making business, should I not have the
“marriage” itself is often confused. For the culture’s definition of mar- right to refuse to sell my scalpels to abortionists? If I am in the T-shirt
riage is not the Church’s definition of marriage. The culture seems to making business, should I not be protected from violating my condefine marriage as some form of social contract that gives a couple science by refusing to make t-shirts supporting the KKK? This is why
certain societal privileges. Given this definition, it is clear why so first amendment protections are necessary. They protect the conmany see absolutely no issue with persons of the same gender uniting sciences of people so they are not forced to cooperate in actions that
in “marriage”, and why it makes sense that so many support it.
violate their conscience.
This, however, is not the Church’s understanding of marriage. The
Church teaches that marriage is the total and complete gift of self
from one spouse to another. This gift is so complete that the couple
united in marriage stop being two separate individuals, but rather, as
scripture says, become one flesh. It is here that we can begin to see
why the Church, not only won’t, but can’t allow persons with same sex
inclinations to marry each other. There is no way two persons of the
same gender can complete this one flesh union. Why?
Think of it this way. In the sacrament of marriage, what is the physical sign that the two spouses have become one flesh? It is the marital
act. When a married couple engages in normal, natural marital relations that are open to children, they renew their wedding vows, not
with their words, but through their actions. In fact, these two have
the potential to become so one in this renewal that nine months later
you may have to give a name to the fruit of that love.
Another area where the Church has and will continue to come under
fire is regarding its employment practices. I must admit, at first this
was particularly puzzling to me. After all, if I worked at Coca-Cola and
found out that my director of marketing was promoting Pepsi in his
free time, he wouldn’t be my director of marketing for long. Of
course, I may have always suspected that he preferred Pepsi. He may
have been drinking Pepsi in the privacy of his own home without my
knowledge for years. He may have been the best marketing director
I’ve ever had. But, the minute he posts something about his love for
Pepsi on Facebook, he is now not working for me, but against me. At
work, he’s promoting Coke, but I know this is a sham because at
home, he’s not only drinking Pepsi, he’s promoting it as well. So
wouldn’t I have to let him go? Why would the Church be any different
when someone, even someone very good, and qualified publically and
intentionally, work against her mission?
Unfortunately, none of this is going away anytime soon. In fact, it’s
This can NEVER happen in relationships between the same genders. going to get far worse before it gets even a little better. But, that’s
(Nor, by the way, does this “renewal of wedding vows” take place in ok. Jesus Christ rose from the dead. We know this ends well, even if
sexual acts between married couples when such acts are not normal, we don’t yet see how it can get there.
natural and open to children.). The physical sign of a one flesh union
is impossible between members of the same gender. Additionally,
although not complete proof, no “one flesh fruit” (i.e. children) is EVER
possible from such unions. This is why the use of the word “marriage”
when applied to these type of relationships is offensive to Catholic
Christian ears. For regardless if society deems them to be social contracts worth of societal privileges, they can never be the total and
complete gift of self from one spouse to another.
Winter weather & Funeral policy regarding the Weekly Tues/Wed/Thurs Adoration program and Monday Holy Hours: If
school is cancelled due to bad weather, or there is a funeral at the site of the Holy Hour or Adoration, those activities will be
cancelled for that day.
Monday Divine Mercy Holy Hours in October are at Immaculate Conception, St. Helena from 9:30 to 10:30. Please join us!
Fall in Love with your FAITH! Pick up a CD, book, booklet or pamphlet at the Lighthouse Catholic Media stand at the back of
each church and learn more about your faith today! The more you learn, the more you will love our beautiful, Catholic faith!
One GREAT new CD is “Men and Women are from Eden!” This CD could change your life and your marriage! Suggested donation for books is $6, CDs $4 and booklets $2. Your generosity makes it possible to add new titles often.
October Dedication: Holy Rosary, Respect for Life, Holy Angels; Divine Mercy Exclamatory Prayer: Mary unite me with Jesus,
Holy Father’s Intentions: Universal: Journalists-That Journalists, in carrying out their work, may always be motivated by respect for
truth and a strong sense of ethics. Evangelization: World Mission Day-That World Mission Day may renew within all Christian communities
the joy of the Gospel and the responsibility to announce it.
PRAYER CHAIN: Many thanks to Carol Thoene who has taken care of our Parish Prayer Chain for several years. Judy Verschoor will be
doing it now so if you have a prayer request OR would like to be a part of the Prayer Chain, please contact Judy at 402-357-2240
or [email protected]
The Pro Life Rosary at the Fatima Grotto in Bow Valley, will be prayed on Thursday, October 13, at 7:30 pm.
The prayer intention for this month is respect for life. Please join us!
The American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring our Annual Bingo Party-Oct 16, from 1:00pm-3:30pm. Come and win some
money and enjoy a sandwich, bars and more. See you at the Sacred Heart Hall-Wynot on Oct 16th.
The Hartington Senior Center will be sponsoring a Meal in St. Helena on Monday, Oct 17th at 12:00. Please reserve your spot
before noon Friday, Oct 14th . Reserve your meal at the St. Helena Store or by calling the Hartington Senior Center at 254-6698. Everyone
is invited over 60 and under 60. Invite all your friends and neighbors to join you!
Parish Council Meeting: Tues, October 18th. 8:00PM at Ss. Peter & Paul, Bow Valley.
Finance Committee Meeting: Tues, October 25th. Holy Family Parish Office, Bow Valley.
Sacred Heart Parish Breakfast: The Fall Pancake Breakfast will be held October 30th from 9am-1pm. Fresh sausage from
B&B Locker will be available for purchase at the breakfast. If anyone has any questions or would like to make donations please
contact Ryan & Angela Boeckman (402)357-3515 OR Chad & Heidi Boeckman (402)357-2173.
The Holy Sacrament of Confirmation
Sunday October 9th at Ss. Peter & Paul , Bow Valley. Please keep all candidates
in your prayers during this time.
++ Everyone is welcome to the Church Basement after Mass for juice,
coffee, and rolls to Celebrate this HOLY SACRAMENT! ++
Grant Beste * April Folkers * Kejuan Freemont * Autum Guenther * Sam Harms
Kaitlyn Heimes * Trystan Heimes * Katelyn Heine * Lauren Heine * Lexie Heine * Benjamin Hite
Whitney Hochstein * Gretchen Kleinschmit * Rebekah Kleinschmit * Haley Klug * Gabe Krie
Garrett Lange * Michaela Lange * John Lauer * Bode Noecker *
Cole Noecker
Wes Noecker * Shaelee Planer * Luke Reifenrath * Owen Sudbeck * Mackenzie Sudbeck
Skyler Sudbeck * Noelle Wieseler * Peyton Wieseler * Keke Wilson * Bailey Wuebben
Kenlee Goeden * Abby Hochstein * Jacob Keiser
News & Notes...
Danny & Marlene Wieseler, October 10, 1985 * Dan & Mary Pick, October 11, 1974 * Steve & Karen Noecker, October 11, 1997
Keith & Charlene Sudbeck, October 12, 1996 * Brian & Lynette Pinkelman, October 14, 1989
Books Available!
There are still copies of REDISCOVER JESUS available at each church site. Pick up a copy for
yourself, a family member or friend! Sacred Heart History Books, call Carol Tramp at 402-357-3311. Ss. Peter & Paul
History books, hard cover $10, soft cover $5; are available at the parish office or Art Kathol Appl. Mother Love Prayer
Books are available for order (there are a few copies available at the parish office). Cost is $16. Payment must be made at
time of order. Contact the parish office for more information or to place an order.
Ss. Peter & Paul Foresters have frozen sausage available at Art Kathol Appliance for $4 pound.
The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is beginning in all parishes & missions throughout the Archdiocese. Every household will receive information regarding this essential appeal at your home this week. Gifts received provide support to the educational, ministerial & spiritual works
of our Catholic faith. Your support of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal will continue a tradition of charity and stewardship across the Church
of northeast Nebraska.
Congratulations to: Jake & Cassidy Reifenrath on the Baptism of their daughter Charlotte Rose, on Saturday Oct 1st,
at Ss. Peter & Paul, Bow Valley.
Pro Life Yard Signs & Vote Pro Life Yard Signs are available for $10 each from our parish Pro Life Committee. Contact Minette at
[email protected] or 402-357-2669 or Judy Verschoor at [email protected] or 402-357-2240 if you would like to purchase one. This is a
great way to share your faith & beliefs during this Pro Life month and as the elections near.
Many thanks to all who attended the Oct. 2nd Life Chain. We had 58! Thank you to Duane & Marsha Wuebben
for permitting us to use their property again this year; thank you to Fr. Olsen who led us in prayer; to East Catholic
School, for lending us their portable sound system (it worked out great!); To the Pro Life Committee members who
brought refreshments, and thank you to Sabrina Paltz for taking pictures.
Thank you to the Golden Living Center for all the loving care I received; Thank you to Father Olsen for his visits and prayers, and to all
who visited me, sent cards, and prayed for me while I was hospitalized and in recovery. May God bless all of you... Joan Suing
Pray for the Living and the
Every day we are to bring our needs, the needs of our loved ones, and the needs of the whole world into the
merciful Heart of Jesus.
Prayer is the one work of mercy that we can always do at any time and in any place, and it covers all the other works of mercy. St. Faustina says, “If I cannot show mercy by deeds, I can always do so by prayer.”
According to the Diary of St. Faustina, the most important group to pray for is unrepentant sinners in the state of mortal sin, especially
those who are dying. It is also very important to pray for the souls in purgatory who are unable to help themselves…they are depending
on us!
Our works of mercy, both corporal and spiritual, will always appear inadequate compared to the needs of the world around us. But our
Lord does not ask us to meet every need. We are only asked to do what we can and leave the rest to Him as He works out His loving plan
for each human soul. Remember the “five loaves and two fish principle.” St. Andrew said to Jesus, “There is a lad here who has five barley
loaves and two fish; but what are they among so many?” (John 6:9) That meager supply, when offered in faith to Jesus, was found to be
enough to feed multitudes. So will our seemingly meager efforts to practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, guided by His Spirit
and offered up to Jesus. He can work miracles with such little offerings. Some of those miracles we will never even see with our own eyes
until we meet Him face-to-face in Heaven. It is then when He will give us the grace to see what He see; it is then when He will turn His
loving gaze upon us and we will hear those blessed words from His own lips: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matt 25:23)
Putting it into action:
Pray for those in need, especially those mentioned in the Corporal Works of Mercy (the hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, sick, imprisoned and dead)
Pray especially for unrepentant sinners, particularly those who are dying
Make sacrifices for the conversion of sinners
Youth, School & CCD News
HyVee gift cards are always available from Mary at East Catholic (254-2146)
and from Heather Klug (357-2388).
The school receives 5% back, and these cards can be used at any HyVee store.
East Catholic Fun Facts!
The 2014 salutatorians at Wynot Public School and CCHS and the 2015
salutatorians at CCHS were all East Catholic Students
Please save the following labels for East Catholic School again this year:
Food Town will also have the grocery receipt collection. Place your receipts in the jar by the store entrance.
Keep sending your ink cartridges, but please check the list sent home to see if your cartridges qualify, also cell phones!
CCD News:
A Special Thank You goes out to The CCD TEACHERS: Kindergarten/1st grade, Tammy Wieseler; 2nd grade, Ray Lenzen;
3rd grade, Shar Hochstein; 4th grade, Shelby Hochstein; 5th grade, Sami Wieseler; 6th grade, Kenny & Jennifer Wieseler;
7th grade, Heather Heimes; 8th grade, Linda Bruening, & High school Deacon Shane & Marnie Kleinschmit.
Please keep them in your prayers this school year!!
>Holy Family Parish High School Students !!!
Join us for another “Youth Group” event. We will be traveling to Ponca State Park for the “Haunted Hayrack Ride” !! Spaces are
imited so contact Deacon Shane or Marnie Kleinschmit by Oct 10th. We will meet at 7pm Oct 15th at Sacred Heart, Wynot for evening
prayer prior to leaving. Cost is $7 per person. This is a “first come first serve event” so get your spot now!!! After Oct 10th any open
seats will be offered to all area high school students.
Cedar Security Bank Branches:
Fordyce, Hartington, Wynot
Please help support our local Food Pantry. Donations accepted at any of our bank locations. Oct 1-Oct 31st.
>Hartington Senior Center Fundraiser Breakfast: October 9th 9:00am-12:30pm adults under 60 $7, Children under 5-FREE.
Pancakes, Waffles, or French Toast. Sausage, eggs, tator tots, fruit cup, juice and coffee.
>PLEASE JOIN US in praying the PATRIOTIC ROSARY for AMERICA on Sat., Oct. 15 at 11 am at the South City Park, Crofton, NE. As
human efforts fail to solve America's key problems, we turn to God, thru His Holy Mother, asking for urgent help. In case of inclement
weather, rosary will be held in St. Rose Church. General public invited. Refreshments served afterwards. Sponsored by St. Rose Respect Life
>Holy Trinity Parish, Hartington, is having their Fall Dinner Sunday, October 16th from 11am –1:30pm at Mngr Werner Activity Center
Serving broasted chicken & ham. Mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable, homemade salads & desserts. 7th grade-adult $9, K-6th grade $5.
Pre-K & younger Free. Call 402-254-6496 for take out orders. Kids games & more.
>St. John the Baptist Parish in Fordyce-NE will have their annual Polka Mass on October 23rd. Meal following at St. John’s Parish
Center. Serving from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m. Brats, kraut, ham, potatoes, corn, salad, dinner roll, dessert, & drink.
Adults – $8, children (6-12) – $5, under 5 – Free.
In these dark and violent days, do we not long to bask in the Light that is Christ?
We are so blest to have Him available in our churches 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
He's waiting for YOU to stop by for a visit!
If you would like to sign up for a specific hour of Adoration
(We have some people interested in Tues. evenings, but need a few more to fill it in), please call Judy at
357-2240. If you're unable to commit to a specific hour a week, please stop in any time, even if just to say hello!
Jesus LOVES YOU and is waiting for your visit!
Saturday, October 15, 5:00 pm
Gift Bearers:
Work Groups:
Please do not clean on Tuesdays during Adoration
Carol Thoene
Brian Pinkelman
Alea & Lucas Reifenrath
Rick Noecker & Rich Pedersen
Dean & Teresa Lammers
Rosary Leader (Glorious Mysteries)
October 15: Ron & Diane Hochstein
Group 4: Randy & Mary Wiebelhaus, Danny & Marlene Wieseler.
Week of Oct 10: Brian & Lynette Pinkelman, Chris & Marlys Pavlic,
Tim & Kathy Pick
Week of Oct 17: Mike & Sara Reifenrath, Don & Laurie
Schulte, Ben & Stacie Pinkelman
2016 CCW Officers: P Karen Thoene VP Rita Pedersen
S Sonya Schroeder T Deb Arens
Maintenance Contact: Kenny Kruse 357-2107
Parish Council Members:
Jeff Dickes, Mark Jackson, John Lange
October Money Counters
Doris Hochstein & Brian Lange
Finance Council Members:
Judy Pinkelman, Jolene Weinandt
Sunday, October 16, 9:00 am
Gift Bearers:
October Work Groups
Lorie Pinkelman, Deanna Schulte,
Donna Bruening, Sue (Dean) Wieseler
Alice Klug
Roy Reichle
Nolan & Carter Klug
Brad Klug & Calvin Schulte
Tom & Tanya Kuchta
2016 CCW Officers: P Tina Foxhoven VP Mary Suing
S Erica Foxhoven T Amanda Klug
Maintenance Contact: Lyle Klug 357-2270
October Money Counters:
Tanya Kuchta & Mick Wiepen
Parish Council Members:
Larry Schumacher, Lyle Klug, Mick Wiepen
Finance Council Members: Kathy Schmidt & Rich Bruening
Sunday , October 16, 11:00 am
Gift Bearers:
October Work Groups
Please do not clean on Thursdays during Adoration
Chairladies: Michelle Klug, Kathy Lauer, Heather Heimes, Kimm
Hans, Tammy Burbach, *Ann Driver, *Nancy Pick
Men’s Chairmen: Rick Burbach, Kevin Klug, Allen Rolfes, Don
Wuebben, Doug Pinkelman, Wes Hans.
Linda Bruning
Crystal Lenzen
Beau & Trystan Heimes
Stan Hans & Volunteer
Larry & Joann Driver
Rosary Leader (Glorious Mysteries)
October 16: Kathy Young
October Money Counters:
Terry Pinkelman & Loren Boeckman
2016 CCW Officers: P Carmen Lauer VP Julie Hans
S Susan Lenzen T Jenna Hans
Maintenance Contact: Aaron Burbach 357-2118
Parish Council Members:
Matt Pinkelman, Deb Harms, Carmen Lauer
Finance Council Members:
Frederick Pinkelman, Terry Pinkelman
Stewardship for Weekend of October 1, 2016
Sunday Envelopes
Votive Lights
World Mission
$ 5014.85
$ 5,635.85
Non Budgeted Receipts for Weekend of October 1, 2016
SH Bldg.
The St. James Marketplace
89039 570 Ave
St. James, NE 68792
Open May 7 thru Dec. 4, 2016
Saturday & Sunday 10 AM - 5 PM
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Home- (402) 357-2515
C-Store - Groceries/Snacks
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Sun. 8am - 2 pm
101 W. 5th
PO Box 103
Wynot NE 68792
Tim Steiner
Sheila Steiner
Bus: 402.667.3285
Home: 605.665.0383
Cell: 605.661.7950
Fax: 402.667.1601
Email: [email protected]
89850 Hwy 81, S. Yankton NE 68774
Serving Northeast NE & Southeast SD
Office (402) 254-6980
Hartington NE
Serving Northeast NE & Southeast SD
Office (402) 254-6980
Hartington NE
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