July Events
July Events
Dodge City First United Methodist Church I. N. K. I Now Know July, 2015 First United Methodist Church, Creating Opportunities for people to encounter Christ in ways that they might believe and be made new. July Events July 5 Our new pastor, Rev. Jerre Nolte Will be here OFFICE CLOSED FRIDAY JULY 3, 2015 THE DAY BEFORE INDEPENDENCE DAY TABLE OF CONTENTS: Pg. 2 Tania’s Column 3 Melyssa’s Column 4 Bryce’s Column 5 Sarah’s Column & Joyful News 6 UMW Book Reviews 7 Congregational News 9 Obituaries 10 Vital Stats 11 Calendar From my heart to yours “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” John.13:35 (NKJV) I want to share a very personal matter, how I was impacted by the words of Pastor Lance in his last sermon preached. After he gave a summary about his work, and the hours he spent in the ministry of our church, he said the most important and valuable element, through which one can and must measure, is love. Every day I think we should implement these wise words for the proper development of the ministerial life of our church. With pain, but with love and gratitude at the same time, we have given a farewell to Rev. Lance and his family. And today I want to use the words of our brother Mike Morrison, in his farewell proclamation to them, to say what we will continue to do: "creating opportunities for people to encounter Christ, believe in Him, and become new." I also take this opportunity to say that our congregation of DC First UMC gives a loving welcome to our next pastor, Rev. Jerre Nolte and his wife; and we are confident that God has sent them to our congregation and community to continue to reach souls for the Kingdom of heaven. Let the people "know that we are all disciples of Christ, for the love of others." In the love of Christ, Pastor Tania Desde mi corazón al tuyo “En esto conocerán todos que sois mis discípulos, si tuviereis amor los unos con los otros” – Juan.13:35 Quiero compartirles de manera muy personal, cómo fui impactada con las palabras del Pastor Lance en su último sermón predicado. Entre tantas cosas importantes y de gran relevancia que él expresó, hubo algo que tocó especialmente mi corazón. Después de haber hecho un resumen acerca de su trabajo, y de las horas que él invirtió en el ministerio de nuestra iglesia, él señaló que el elemento más importante y valioso, a través del cual se puede, y debemos medir, es el amor. Creo que cada día debemos poner en práctica esas sabias palabras para el buen desarrollo de la vida ministerial de nuestra iglesia. Con dolor, aunque con mucho amor y agradecimiento al mismo tiempo, le hemos dado una despedida al Rev. Lance y a su familia. Y hoy quiero usar las palabras de nuestro hno. Mike Morrison, en su proclamación de despedida hacia ellos, para decir que esto es lo que nosotros seguiremos haciendo: “crear oportunidades para que la gente se encuentre con Cristo, crean en El, y sean hechas nuevas”. También aprovecho este espacio para decir que nuestra congregación de la Primera IMU le da una amorosa bienvenida a nuestro siguiente Pastor, el Rev. Jerre Nolte, y a su esposa; y estamos seguros que Dios les ha enviado a nuestra congregación, y comunidad para continuar alcanzando a las almas para el Reino de los cielos. Que la gente “conozca que todos somos discípulos de Cristo, por el amor hacia los demás”. En el amor de Cristo, Pastora Tania “In God we live, move, and exist.” Acts 17:28a We are reminded that God created us to live a life for him, using all that is gifted to us. I heard these words on the radio, “God gives us a partner to work together to be more like Christ.” While this quote was focusing on a husband and wife, it causes me to think of the many relationships we have together in family, church, friends, activities, and work. I enjoy these relationships much more when we are doing life together rather than life dictating what we choose to do. Connections, connections, connections. The more we make an effort to connect with God and those around us, the more we are able to find the blessings. We can come alive just as God intends as we work together to help others connect with the love and grace given by God. This is my favorite time of year. It is when our church comes alive with the many in our church family and community working together to share the love of Jesus during VBS! Not only are the kids connected, but all ages! This is apparent through Bible Stories, teams, music, mission, games, snacks, fellowship, science, and crafts. This year our theme is G-Force. God’s power is recognized through our ability to be in action through the Love of God! What an awesome time to remember and celebrate all the ways we can MOVE, ACT, CARE, FOLLOW, and SHARE! God Bless! Melyssa Who wants to MOVE? Decorate, prepare, lead children to each center Who wants to ACT? Act out the Bible Stories Run sound and/or media during Opening/Closing of VBS and VBS Celebration on July 19th Who wants to CARE? Support our teams and church to share the Good news Who wants to FOLLOW? In Jesus’ teachings to bless and be blessed by serving Who wants to SHARE? Gifts of your time, your talents, your resources, and passions Share with friends, neighbors, on Facebook and social media Of this special fun-filled week! VBS Rally: July 8th 6:30 Haven’t signed up yet? Many hands and feet needed! How can you be a part? Fill out a yellow sheet at the VBS Central or look over the opportunities below and contact Melyssa Free registration is online at www.firstchurchdc.com and VBS Central at the church Student Ministries A Note From Bryce "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland...to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise" - Isaiah 43:19, 21 Xenophobia. The fear of the unknown. It is one of the most common fears - although is usually not quite as overwhelming as a fear of heights, spiders, or enclosed spaces. It is something that we often can choose to ignore. We can stay within our comfort zone for large portions of our lives. Yet, as we transition to our new pastor this month, it is a fear that some of us will have to face head on. As the Israelites were preparing to return to the Holy Land after years in captivity, they too were facing some unknowns. So God sent Isaiah to speak words of comfort - "See I am doing a new thing..." God was letting the Israelites know that the unknown was being given to them by the same God that granted their ancestors freedom from Egypt. God was telling them that he would provide for their needs and care for them. As we face our own fears in this time of transition, may God's words through Isaiah provide you comfort as well. God is about to do a new thing here in our church. God will care for us and provide for us, so that we too may proclaim God's praise. Weekly Programs Sunday School: Through the summer, our Sunday School Program will be based out of "Living Your Faith Through The Tough Stuff." Each week we will look at difficult situations, and how we are called to live our faith in the midst of these times. The youth Sunday School class will meet in the RZ room from 10-11. Summer Evenings Youth summer evenings provide a casual opportunity for our youth to encounter God in worship and fellowship. Youth will have a chance to choose worship songs, pray, and pick an activity. Summer evenings will meet in the RZ room from 6:00-8:00pm on Wednesdays. What to Know: Our workcamp this past month was a wonderful experience. Our youth served the homeless community in Lincoln, NE, served with an addiction recovery/homeless shelter in Salina, as well as at UMMAM, Youthville, Friendship Feast, and the Meadowlark House here in Dodge City. In working here, our youth learned what opportunities were available for mission work in our own backyard. Two of our youth have already spoken with one of the agencies to see how they can help in the future! In addition to our service, the workcamp provided wonderful connections with the youth from Centenary UMC in Beatrice, NE. Upcoming Dates: Summer Evenings July 1 Sunday School July 5 Summer Evenings July 8 Sunday School July 12 VBS July 12-16 Sunday School July 19 Summer Evenings July 22 Overnight July 24 Sunday School July 26 Summer Evenings July 29 SARAH SAYS Yesterday's Blessings and Looking For the New Blessings Exodus 16, Joshua 5:10-12 When the people fled Egypt with Moses as their leader and wandered in the desert- they learned to depend on God for manna and quail to eat each day. You remember that they could only collect enough for that day, not more, but all through the 40 years that they were in the wilderness they were provided food to eat every day- manna and quail. They learned to depend on God for their daily needs. Then when they crossed over the Jordan River into the promised land the manna and quail stopped. They had to look for new sources of food. But once again they learned that God would provide. They could depend on God here in this new place and in this new way. I'm finding myself hearing this Bible story in a new way as we are in this time of pastoral transition. I find myself grieving and looking back gratefully at Lance's ministry here, thinking about how God grew us personally and as a congregation through his leadership. But does God want us to stay there living in yesterday's blessings? No, I think that like those who were living in the new land, God wants us to look for the new blessings in each day. Our Provider wants us to see that the blessings continue as we step into this new chapter with Rev. Jerre Nolte. New blessings, continued provisions - that we can continue to depend on- if we will just watch and trust our faithful God. Joyful News! Summer is Here! The Children at Joy! have been very busy with all of their summer activities. The school-age program has been on the go to the swimming pool, the city library, The Alley, and to Pizza Hut to make pizza. They have been on out of town field trips to Tanganyika and Great Bend Wetlands. The school Age Children are so excited about more field trips to come! How Fun!!! The Toddler and Preschool classes will be enjoying a Water Fun Day on Friday’s at the center on the playground once a week. This is such a fun activity they look forward to. They get to run through a sprinkler and have water races! It’s also fun to see them get their friends wet and also their teachers with the water bottles!! The infants look forward to their walks in the big stroller. Please keep the children and staff of Joy! in your prayers during this busy summer. We hope all of you have a fun and safe summer! Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July from all of us at Joy!CDC. Peace and Joy! Christina Brown Please help us! If you know someone has gone into the hospital, will have surgery or needs a visitplease call the church office- 227-8181 (Anytime day or night- if it's after office hours you can leave a message on the answering machine.) Or call Sarah - 338-7526. Thank you!! We'd rather hear 6 times than not at all! UMW READING PROGRAM Faith and Struggle on Smokey Mountain by Benigno P. Beltran Studies have shown that Filipinos are among the most religious people in the world. On early Easter morning, before the sun comes up, they celebrate the Resurrection with fireworks, parades, and songs in the streets of Manila. The celebration of faith becomes feverish as participants dance and shout. Community is very important and religion encompasses this feeling of belonging. A community of 25,000 lived on Smokey Mountain in the heart of Manila. The people there relied on their relationships with each other to give them strength. Smokey Mountain was closed in 1995, because it was just that: a burning heap of trash where several tons of garbage was dumped every day. It was a toxic existence and the scavengers risked their lives daily when they climbed the mountain looking for salable junk – plastic, metal, and even food. Many children did not live to the age of five and infants were often stillborn. Father Ben lived in the garbage dump for thirty years and in that time the scavengers, especially the children, taught him about hope and human dignity. This is their story. Pat Kolb Education for Mission (2015) Because Amelia Smiled by David Ezra Stein This fanciful children’s book takes the reader around the world on a wonderful journey of human connectedness. It is beautifully illustrated by Stein and carries an important message for all of us: A simple smile can make a difference far beyond the person it is meant for. If we remember to smile even when it isn’t easy, we will lift a heart somewhere; maybe even our own. This book is a must read. Pat Kolb Nurturing for Community (children 2015) Thank You Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love and support in the final days of our time here in Dodge, especially on the 21st. Kristi and I want to share our new address with you. Lance and Kristi Carrithers 6858 E. Mainsgate Rd. Wichita, KS 67226 My phone remains 620-255-4210. Kristi’s phone remains 620-255-4073. My Email is [email protected] and Kristi’s is [email protected] Blessings, until we meet again. --Lance TRANSITION TEAM Our bishop, Scott Jones, has encouraged our congregation to form a transition team for our new minister, Jerre Nolte. I have been encouraged to read a small book about the importance of starting well. The first three months of a pastor’s appointment to a new congregation often set the tone for the pastor’s whole ministry in that church. A crucial aspect of this transition is the relationship between the pastor and the lay leaders of the church. I have formed a committee and we will meet monthly for about 8 months with Rev. Nolte and serve as a focus group for him to review plans, share ideas and test changes before they are implemented. I have asked 13 people(listed below) to be on this transition team. We would appreciate your prayers as we proceed with this mission. Beth Love Brad White, Matt Foos, Steve Cauble, Gabriel Galeas, Alma Flores, Ann Frigon, Greta Clark, Ben Kennedy, Jan Scott, Kay Young, Sandy Tarter, Floris Jean Hampton, Angie Koehn NEW MEMBERS Javed & Nasim Inayat became members by profession of faith at the 8:55 a.m. service on June 7, 2015. Leah Hayes became a member by transfer from another Methodist Church at the 10:00 a.m. service on June 21, 2015. LISTS, LISTS, LISTS! Below are the names of those who are sponsoring flowers, broadcasts, bells, and Upper Rooms for the month of July. July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 PULPIT FLOWERS Shirley Rumsey Sarah Godbey Dee McKnight available July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 RADIO BROADCASTS - $100 Charlcie Black available Judy Lenz available TOWER BELLS - $75 WEEK OF June 28-July 4 July 5-11 July 12-18 July 19-25 July 26-Aug 1 Kornechuks Wiles Kathie Schlereth Kornechuks Austens UPPER ROOM SPONSOR 2015 Ann Frigon & Preferred Investments SYMPATHY We express our sympathy to… …Doug Shipe & family on the death of his brother. …Nikki Myers & family on the death of her mother. …the family of Arlene Davis. …Stephanie Fuhrmann & family on the death of her cousin. …Steve Myers & family on the death of his brother. …the family of Rod Rohn. Out – of – Town Bulletins Theo Melia, Colleyville, TX Bonita Hizar, Goddard, KS Bonita Hizar, Rose Hill, KS Guests in Worship Sunday We were delighted to welcome these guests at our services: (June 21, 2015) In – Town Jason, Amy & Michael Hennigh, Delores McKnight. Out – of – Town Chuck & Linda Buchmueller, Nathan Buchmueller, Nichole Domack, Calvin, Taylor & Elijah Ntinika, Peggy Tuxhorn, Dennis Williams, Dick & Joanne Doherty. (May 24, 2015) In – Town Erasmo Vega. Out – of – Town Elaine & Jack Shult, Norma Immroth, Stephanie Porsch. (May 31, 2015) In – Town Jasmine Bishop. Out – of – Town Kaetlyn & Ashlyn Bounds, Clyde & Judy Burrows, Gena Kay Epp, Calvin, Taylor & Elijah Ntinika, Rebecca Ashley Gonzalea, Erasmo Vega, John & Shnita George. (June 7, 2015) In – Town Jason, Amy & Michael Hennigh, Skyeler Herrera, Perry Jarolim, Richard & Laura Mae Swartz. Out – of – Town Ronna Keagle, Jim & Mary Shultz, Travis, Joel, Terry, Evie & Reichel. (June 14, 2015) In – Town None. Out – of – Town Shelly Alexander, Marlin Brown, Pam & Eli Hampton, Chuck & Linda Buchmueller, Scott & Amy Gurtner, Kiefer Trowbridge. YOU’RE INVITED Everyone is invited to the welcoming reception for Rev. Jerre and Jalynn Nolte being held in the parlor at 9:45 a.m. on July 5, 2015. OBITUARY Arlene C. Davis (March 19, 1932 - June 6, 2015) Centennial, Colorado - Arlene C. Davis, 83, died June 6, 2015 at Centennial, Colorado. She was born on March 19, 1932 in Hodgeman County, to Edward and Marguerite (Brown) Drach. Arlene attended and graduated from Dodge City Senior High School in 1950. On November 28, 1957, she married Donald E.Davis in Dodge City. Arlene grew up on a farm in south Hodgeman County, and lived most of her adult life in Dodge City. Arlene helped with the family business, Davis and Sons Sand Sales. She also worked at the High Plains Journal for thirty years retiring in 2006. Other employment through the years included John's Body Shop and Muetings' Nursery. In 2009 she moved to Aurora, Colorado, to be closer to her children and grandchildren. Arlene was active in her church and community. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Dodge City, where she sang in the choir, taught Sunday School, and was a member of the church's Women's Circle. Arlene was also active in the Ford County Extension program, serving as a member of the Sunny South Extension Homemakers Unit and a 4-H leader. She also was an active member of TOPS KS # 411, serving in several leadership roles. In 2006, Arlene was honored as the TOPS State Queen of Kansas. She was also a devoted mother who volunteered in her children's schools as a band booster and room mother each year. Survivors include her children, Richard Davis and wife, Genie of Denton, Texas; Ed Davis and wife Vicki of Centennial, Colorado; and Lori Thompson and husband John, Aurora, Colorado; three granddaughters, Jill Davis, Jessica Davis and Haley Thompson; one brother Norman Drach of Dodge City and one sister, Marjorie Keller of Tustin, Calfornia. Arlene was preceded in death by her husband, Donald and her parents Edward and Marguerite Drach. Memorial service was held at Swaim Funeral Home, Dodge City, on Saturday, June 13th, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. with Rev. Randall Jahnke presiding. Inurnment followed at Maple Grove Cemetery in Dodge City. Memorials are suggested to the First United Methodist Church of Dodge City, or the Alzheimers Association, in care of Swaim Funeral Home, 1901 6th Avenue, Dodge City, Kansas. 67801. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guest book at www.swaimfuneralhome.com. The Church’s Vital Statistics Date Worship Attendance Last Year Worship Attendance Sunday School Last Year Sunday School Giving Last Year Giving 5/24 256 276 113 85 7,816 7,971 5/31 317 284 109 95 11,576 12,695 6/7 281 257 97 94 17,277 14,729 6/14 288 313 69 n/a 10,858 8,200 6/21 286 266 n/a 91 8,766 10,184 YTD 7,668 8,094 2,556 2,453 321,689 322,221 YTD avg 320 324 111 102 Ministry & Mission Giving Needed for 2015: $77,563 Received as of 6/21/15: $38,527 Still Needed: $39,036 Persons From Our Congregation Living in Nursing/Rest Homes (Does not include those in Independent Living Apartments at Manor of the Plains) Please remember in prayer those in nursing/rest homes. If you know of anyone we have missed, call us at 227-8181. Trinity Manor Georgene Nuss Darleen Mapel Velma Faulds Patsy Craven Haviland Gladys Blake Arizona Dick Kline Sterling House Jim Creevey Don Miller Gus Crump Inez Stoltz Elkhart Larry & Janet Maurer Montezuma Lucille McGrew Manor of the Plains Lula May Woodson Bob Borthwick Dale Tuxhorn Rex McGugin Dora Lee Starks Irene Hastings Robert Harden Everett Fieser Norma Schoen Bob Meanor Good Samaritan Dorothy Huck Virginia Bierce Linda Mahieu Topeka Leon Allen Anna Allen Garden City Marjory Howarter Ilah Stone Jacquelin Kirmer First United Methodist Church …a community of joy! 210 Soule Dodge City, Kansas 67801 (620) 227-8181 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 148 Dodge City, Kansas 67801 Change Service Requested . REMEMBER M & M’s First United Methodist Church’s Mission Statement: “Creating Opportunities for people to encounter Christ in ways that they might believe and be made new.”