New tendencies in Mexican Cinematography


New tendencies in Mexican Cinematography
New tendencies in
Mexican Cinematography
Pablo Soler Frost
Mexican novelist, poet and filmmaker
6pm Thursday, 3 March
Copland Lecture Theatre
Australian National University
This lecture will argue that, despite the many problems facing the production, post-production and exhibition
facing Mexican cinematography, the amount of talent being displayed in the finished work of the most
accomplished Mexican directors is outstanding. Its presence in international film festivals and the awards they
have earned shows this. But perhaps it is not strong enough to change, firstly, the vicious procedures of
distribution and exhibition in Mexico, suffocation by Hollywood, and the lack of unprotect since the NAFTA
agreements and, secondly, the fact that the television duopoly does not produce Mexican films. Talent may be
enough to liberate the inner person, but it is not strong enough to alter rooted structures.
Free and open to the public, refreshments served.
Australian National
Centre for
Latin American Studies