july 10, 2016 fifteenth sunday in ordinary time
july 10, 2016 fifteenth sunday in ordinary time
ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH - FORT WAYNE, INDIANA JULY 10, 2016 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE CHARLES Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 p.m. BORROME0 Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. CATHOLIC WEEKDAY 6:15 & 8:15 a.m. CHURCH 7:00 p.m. HOLY DAYS Check the bulletin for schedule of Masses RECONCILIATION Tuesday, 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. (until last heard) Saturday, 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ROSARY Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne/South Bend Msgr. John Suelzer, Pastor Fr. James Kumbakkeel, O.S.B., Parochial Vicar Fr. Royce Gregerson, S.T.L., Parochial Vicar Business Administrator, Robert Carroll Director of Adult Education, Casey Ryan Directors of Music & Liturgy, Karen Hope and Tim Robison Directors of Religious Education, Amy Johns and Lisa Schleinkofer Youth Ministry Coordinator, Stacey Huneck School Principal, Robert Sordelet Asst. Principal, Sr. Genevieve Raupp, OSF Asst. Principal, Kevin Hoersten Monday-Friday After morning Mass St. Charles Parish Office Wednesday, 3:00 p.m. 4916 Trier Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46815 Saturday, Before and After the 8:15 a.m. Mass Phone: (260) 482-2186 Fax: (260) 471-2144 Office Hours—Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Church Website: www.stcfw.org Sunday, 7:00 p.m. E-mail: [email protected] ADORATION & BENEDICTION Friday, 7:30 p.m. St. Charles School 4910 Trier Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46815 Phone (260) 484-3392 Fax (260) 482-2006 School website: www.stcharlesschoolfw.org E-mail: [email protected] MORNING PRAYER Monday-Friday-7:45 a.m. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 10, 2016 ST. CHARLES FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017 July 3, 2016 (Beginning of New Fiscal Year) Budgeted Collection Needed Collection (524) Electronic Withdrawals-Weekly (96) Percentage of envelopes/withdrawals - 31% Total Collections Vigil, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Cindy Sterba Sunday, July 10, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 30.10-14/Col 1.15-20/Lk 10.25-37 7:30 a.m. Thomas Sweet 9:00 a.m. Sandra Hobbs 11:00 a.m. Thomas Knorr 5:00 p.m. For Our Parish Community 7:00 p.m. Rosary Monday, July 11, St. Benedict, Abbot Is 1.10-17/Mt 10.34—11:1 6:15 a.m. Michael Nelson 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Deceased of Al & Helen Vodde Family 6:30 p.m. Vocation Prayer 7:00 p.m. Rosa Barile Tuesday, July 12, Weekday Is 7.1-9/Mt 11.20-24 6:15 a.m. Lee Grasinski 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. John Stoody 6:30 p.m. St. Monica’s Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. Special Intention (M.T.) Wednesday, July 13, Weekday Is 10.5-7,13-16/Mt 11.25-27 6:15 a.m. Seminarians of Mount St. Mary’s Diaconate Class of 2017 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Edith O’Morrow 7:00 p.m. Eugene Rose Thursday, July 14, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin Is 26.7-9,16-19/Mt 11.28-30 6:15 a.m. Special Intention (JNS) 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Richard Lauer 7:00 p.m. Thomas & Vivian Cooney 7:30 p.m. Reconciliation after 7:00 p.m. Mass Friday, July 15, St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Is 38.1-6, 21-22,7-8/Mt 12.1-8 6:15 a.m. Stephen & Clara Schenher 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Kay Peterson 7:00 p.m. Mary Jo Tippmann 7:30 p.m. Adoration and Benediction Saturday, July 16, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mi 2.1-5/Mt 12.14-21 8:15 a.m. Joseph & Linda Ruffolo 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation Vigil, Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Raymond & Catherine Heck Sunday, July 17, Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18.1-10/Col 1.24-28/Lk 10.38-42 7:30 a.m. Lillian Gilmartin 9:00 a.m. Ellen Kitt 11:00 a.m. Jack & Mary Alice Lambright 5:00 p.m. For Our Parish Community 7:00 p.m. Rosary This Week TOTAL - $ $ $ 37,500.00 30,751.65 2,951.00 $ 33,702.65 $ (3,797.35) $ (3,797.35) THANK YOU For Your Support of St. Charles Borromeo The good Samaritan was also a good steward, giving his time and his treasure to meet his neighbor’s need. At the end of this familiar story, Jesus urges his hearers—and us—to go and do the same! Saturday, July 16 5:00 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mary Ellen Gentis, Edward Koors, Shirley Powell, Gene & Marilyn Tippmann (C Carolyn Tyndall) Servers: Ruperto Nicolas, Molly Ream, Zach Schubert, Hayden Tippmann (MC Volunteer Needed) Lector: Debra Rorick, Deb Wagner Offertory: Usher’s Choice Sacristan: Donna Kaiser Sunday, July 17 7:30 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Debra Nelson, Max & Anne Tinkel, Bob Vodde (C Maggie Kleber) Servers: Joseph Bulanda, Elizabeth Onion, Katie Roy (MC Daniel Roy) Lector: Dorothy Oross, Michael Wilkins Offertory: Usher’s Choice Sacristan: Cheryl Roy 9:00 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Sam Buckley, Olivia Koehler, Mike & Susan Maskal (C Kathy Suever) Servers: Noah Maskal, Aly Woenker, Jack Woenker, Katelyn Woenker (MC Luke Maskal) Lectors: Bev Peters, Dennis Redding Offertory: Usher’s Choice Sacristan: Arlene Burgener 11:00 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Colleen Krohn, Mary Elaine O’Brien, Stewart & Debbie Schenkel (C Darlene Simpson) Servers: Katie Feipel, Eve Miller, Maria Schenkel, Freddrick Tippmann (MC Lucas Krohn) Lectors: Dave Nuerge, Jerry Nuerge Offertory: Usher’s Choice Sacristan: Tom & Connie Kronstain 5:00 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Timothy & Hanna Eakin, Collette Rainey (C Jill O’Sullivan) Servers: Thomas Hennegan, Braeden Hensler, Rory O’Connor, Trent Rider (MC Adam Lehn) Lectors: Derek Pillie Offertory: Usher’s Choice Sacristan: Sean O’Sullivan USHERS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY ARE TEAM C. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH - FORT WAYNE, INDIANA HAVE YOU MADE YOUR APPOINTMENT? PICTORIAL DIRECTORY 2017 Online scheduling Available! Tuesday thru Friday July 19 thru 22 July 26 thru 29 August 2 thru 5 Appointment Times—2:00p.m.—8:30 p.m. Saturday, July 23 & 30 August 6 10:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Allow 1 hour for the Photo Session July 10 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Acting with Mercy † Reading I Deuteronomy 30.10-14 (God’s command clear) † Reading II Colossians 1.15-20 (Christ’s fullness and reconciliation) † Gospel Luke 10.25-37 (The good Samaritan) To schedule your photography appointment online, simply go to www.ucdir.com, click on schedule your photography session on the right side, enter in1310 in the Church Code field and enter scb1 the Church Password field. Follow the prompts to schedule your family’s appointment time. If you have 6 or more in your family please use 2 consecutive time slots. The online scheduling option is available Monday through Friday. Appointments fill up quickly, so schedule as soon as possible to secure your preferred date and time. If you don’t have access to a computer, call Gerry Niccum, (260) 485-6581 to schedule an appointment. SPECIAL NOTE: So updates can be made, the website for online signup is not available from 12:00 midnight Fridays thru 12:00 midnight Sundays. CHECK YOUR CALENDAR ! ! ! VOLUNTEERS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE GATHERING SPACE AFTER MASSES TO SCHEDULE APPOINTMENTS AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. KEY PASSAGE: But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. (Luke 10.33-34) Adult: When have you gone out of your way to help a stranger in need? Child: Would you help a new student who needed help? Why or why not? Due to the July 4th holiday, the monthly meeting of the St. Charles Chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be held on Monday, July 11, 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Office Conference Room. ST. CHARLES SUMMER LIBRARY HOURS Please pray for the following members of our parish community who will marry soon. Please enter building through door #13 (corner parking lot) Mornings: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Wed., July 20 Evenings: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. July 12 & 26 Students, entering grades 3-8 of St. Charles are encouraged to pass at least one Accelerated Reading test over the summer months. Plans to give many awesome prizes! II Michelle Krusen - Eric Dutkiewcz “It is a good and holy thought to pray for the dead.” We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of Lillian Gilmartin, Robert O’Keefe, Mary Honekamp, Alvin Kosiak and Maggie Edwards. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 10, 2016 ST. CHARLES ATHLETICS TEAM INFORMATION ST. CHARLES VOCATION COMMITTEE CARDINALS FOOTBALL 2016 It’s a simple concept: love God with your whole being and put that love into practice. How is God calling you to love? Have you considered the way of loving called the Priesthood or Religious Life? (Luke 10>25-37) St. Charles Football will start practice on Monday, August 8. Equipment handout will take place on Sunday night, August 7. We are hoping for another big turnout! If you are an incoming 5, 6, 7, or 8 grader who is interested in playing St. Charles football, please email Coach Talarico at [email protected] and ask to be put on the team email list so that you will receive information on voluntary summer workouts. It’s going to be another fun year on McKenna Field! Coach Talarico ST. CHARLES VOLLEYBALL 2016 Try outs to be held the first week of August for grades 5 thru 8. Please watch carefully in the bulletin for more specific dates and times. 5th Grade is in need of a volleyball coach. Please c o n t a c t L a u r a Z i m m e r m a n a t [email protected] if you are interested! CARDEGLE CROSS COUNTRY, 2016 (ST. CHARLES/ST. JUDE) Summer conditioning runs for current and potential Cardegle cross country runners will begin Monday, July 11, and continue Monday and Wednesday evenings at 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Shoaff Park. Open to 5th thru 8th grade boys and girls. Parent participation is welcome and encouraged-come run with us. Participation is voluntary and emphasis is on building fitness, preparing for the upcoming season and having fun. Must have school physical to participate. For more information, call Dan Kaufman, 414-6543 or Chris Kaufman, 414-6730, or visit cardegles.com or Cardegles Cross County on Facebook. HASA 300 CLUB 2015-2016 - $150.00 July 4 Bob & Linda Marshall JOB OPPORTUNITY AT OUR SUNDAY VISITOR There is an opening for a Managing Editor for their Periodicals at Our Sunday Visitor. For more information or to apply, applicants can go to osvjobs.com. VOCATION CROSS PROGRAM Next weekend, July 17, The Whisler Family, will take home the Vocation Cross. They will pray daily throughout the week for an increase in vocations. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY FORT WAYNE DISTRICT COUNCIL Presents CHARITY-FEST Dinner-Dancing-Auctions JUNK YARD BAND Saturday, October 1, 2016 Open 6:30 p.m.—Music 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. USF Goldstine Performing Arts Center 431 W. Berry Street Tickets in advance,$25 At the door, $30.00 If interested in purchasing tickets, please call Bob Gerdom, 485-3775. Just Neighbors, which is located just down the street on State Street, temporarily houses homeless families—offering emergency shelter for families. We need your help. St. Charles Parish has signed up to help with providing meals for one week, the week of July 24-29. All we need is for you to look at your calendars, and see what day or days you would be available to bring a prepared dish (a main dish, or a vegetable, or a salad, or a dessert). Then on July 16/17, we will have signup sheets in the back of church for you to volunteer what food item you will bring. We also need people to help with activities for children—since we all know that kids are done with their meal first before the adults! This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us here at St. Charles—to address the emergency shelter needs of homeless families. If you would like to sign up now, please contact Maggie Kleber at 485-4717. Thank you in advance for all you do for our ‘neighbors down the street.’ Margaret Digan & Maggie Kleber (Just Neighbors Volunteer Coordinators) ST. CHARLES YOUTH MINISTRY Disciple Small Groups meet weekly. If you are interested in joining a small group, or interested in training to be a small group leader, please contact Stacey. CHALLENGE GIRLS CLUB “LIVE IT” DAY CAMP July 18, 19 & 20, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. For all girls entering 5th thru 10th Grades ! Tons of fun and team building activities to help you live life with courage, kindness and mercy. Please call Laura Gerth, (260) 749-0101 if you have any questions. SAVE THE DATE—Saturday, July 16 thru Sunday, July 17 Men’s Campout for Teens—Registration Forms to come. Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stcharlesoratio And on Twitter: @StCharlesTeen Office Phone: (260) 484-7307 Google Voice (Text): (260) 207-4677 Email: [email protected] ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH - FORT WAYNE, INDIANA C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S S T. C H A R L E S C L A S S O F 2 0 1 6 Jason Kochanski Monsignor Hession Scholarship Herb Widner Cross Country Award Emma Pillie Christian Attitude Meghan Walden Monsignor Hession Scholarship Christian Attitude Vivian J. Welch Memorial Scholarship Samuel Cornewell Vivian J. Welch Memorial Scholarship Patrick Finley Holy Name Scholarship Christian Attitude Bradley A. Merriman Scholarship Molly Ream Rosary Sodality Scholarship Nolan Fischer Ella Hughes Vocation Committee Scholarship May the Light of Christ Guide The Class of 2016 Harrison Howe Erin Neuhaus Herb Widner Track & Field Award Olivia Eisaman Herb Widner Cross Country Award Anna Morris in Their Life’s Journey! Lucas Krohn Kettman Memorial Scholarship FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 10, 2016 SCRIP NEWS What Is SCRIP? - Sometimes we forget that some of our parishioners just might not know what SCRIP is. So we want to take this opportunity to briefly explain SCRIP. SCRIP is a fundraising program where we have the opportunity to purchase gift cards and certificates at a discounted price then sell them for face value. The difference becomes profit for the parish and for each person who chooses to participate. (If you purchase a $100 gift card to Meijer, which currently has a 6% credit it generates a $6 profit - $3 for St. Charles and $3 for the purchaser.) If you purchase gift cards to pay for groceries, gas, restaurants, home improvements, movies, clothing, pet supplies, prescriptions and such, you could potentially earn significant profit for the parish and for yourself. Don't continue to make these purchases and turn your back on this potential profit. Please feel free to contact the SCRIP office if you have questions and would like to get started - 969-4027. In the past the parish has been able to do some amazing things because of the profit generated by SCRIP. Built the New Rectory Helped Pay Off the Kindergarten Building Refurbished the Parish Office Donated Towards the New Pipe Organ Helping with the Loan Payments for the Gathering Space Thousands of Dollars Earned by St. Charles School Families to Help Pay Tuition • However, over the past 2 years, sales have steadily dropped. We are really puzzled as to why. Why would anyone refuse free money! If you used to be a SCRIP purchaser but have gotten away from it, we highly encourage you to come back. We miss you and continue to try to make it easier than ever. Back-to-School Coming Soon - Without trying to rush the summer, we feel obligated to remind our school families that school begins exactly one month from today. Some of the best deals are offered to the early shoppers. Regardless where you choose to shop, be sure to have SCRIP gift cards to pay for your purchases. You don't want to miss out on the opportunity to earn SCRIP credit on your back to school purchases. And don't forget to use SCRIP for the purchases you'll be making for your college students. VOLUNTEERS - Remember to let the SCRIP coordinators know if you will continue to share your time with us. Be sure to fill out your new VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT form. Fri., July 15 Sat., July 16 Sun., July 17 Lavonne Gerardot, Kathy Johns, Gerry James, Judy Smith Mary Bloom, Cindie Rosswurm, Shelly Kosiarek Angela Bauer, Mary Jones, Denette Pearson YOUNG ADULT ROOFTOP SUMMER PARTY July 16th, 8:00pm - 11:00pm Home for the summer? Wondering why everything settles down right when your schedule opens up? The Theology on Tap Summer Party will be from 8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 16, on the top of the diocesan offices’ parking garage (915 S. Clinton St.). Join other young adults in the community for a night of fun games, cool drinks (BYOB!), music and friendship on the top of the diocesan offices’ parking garage — the perfect location to watch the Three Rivers Festival Fireworks that night. Visit www.diocesefwsb.org/tot-fw for more information. Cardinal Fest 2016 5K Walk & Run September 18, 2016 Save the Date! The Third Annual Cardinal Fest 5K Walk & Run will be held on Sunday, September 18, at 1:30 p.m. as part of Cardinal Fest Weekend! This event provides an opportunity for families to participate in a healthy, fitness-oriented activity while supporting the church. It is a win-win! Cardinal Fest is now accepting sponsors, and the options are outlined at http:// cardinalfest.com/cardinalfest5k.html. Please take advantage of this targeted marketing opportunity for your business. Visit the website or email [email protected] for more information! SCHOOL TUITION GRANTS Your July envelope packet contains an additional envelope which may be used for this purpose. Those who have the financial means and those who have raised their children, but perhaps could not give adequately when their children were attending Catholic schools, are encouraged to contribute. This school year, 20162017, over $25,000 will be used to help families pay for partial or full scholarships. (Eisaman Property Mgt) Please patronize our Sponsors! Call or see our advertisers first! They make our bulletin possible.
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