Rideau Park United Church


Rideau Park United Church
Rideau Park United Church
Sunday, February 21, 2016 - Lent II
10:00 a.m. service
Welcome to Rideau Park United Church. Please note: Audio loops are available from the ushers.
Prayer requests for today’s services can be noted on the lists at the entrances. Childcare for preschoolers is available in room B-12 (lower hallway). Quiet activity boxes are also available for
children in the chapel each Sunday. *Indicates where the congregation is invited to stand as able. After the
service you are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation in Beecroft Hall.
Sunday, February 21, 2016 - Lent II
These words are offered so you might centre your thoughts and spirit as you come to
worship, during the season of Lent:
To bow the head in sackcloth and in ashes or rend the soul,
such grief is not Lent’s goal; but to be led to where God’s glory flashes
God’s beauty to come near.
Make clear, make clear, make clear where truth and light appear,
make clear, make clear, make clear where truth and light appear.
Percy Dearmer, 1928 – 109 VU
Lighting of the Chancel Candles: Psalm 43: 3 - “O send out your light and your truth;
let them lead me...”
*Call to Worship
ONE: With a heart of love, God welcomes us, and we welcome God.
With a word of hope, God walks with us and we walk with God.
ONE: With a jump for joy, God delights in us, and we delight in God.
We give thanks to God, for a history full of faith, for a future full of hope.
ONE: Let us worship God.
*Processional Hymn: 218 VU
We Praise You, O God
*Prayer of Approach and Jesus’ Prayer (p. 921 VU)
Prayer of Confession: (unison–seated)
O God, as we explore your faithfulness to us in this season of Lent, help us to deepen our
commitment to you. When we would avoid the difficult questions, give us courage. When
we would limit our love for others, open our hearts. When we would doubt your faith
in us, bless us with the Spirit. O God, we confess we never really feel ready to move ahead,
forgive us and call us to trust in you, Amen.
(A time of silent reflection and prayer)
Words of Assurance
Joyful Noise:
“All Things Bright and Beautiful”
Royal Oak
A Time for all God’s Children
Hymn: 18 MV - Lord, Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary (sing 3 times)
(Following the hymn, the children are invited to go to their Sunday School classes.)
Responsive Reading: Psalm 27, p. 754 VU with sung refrain
Lay Reader: Doreen Taylor-Claxton
“Hide Not Thou Thy Face”
Scripture Reading: Genesis 15: 1-6
*Hymn: 174 MV
Lay Reader: Doreen Taylor-Claxton
A Life Story That Lives On
Elizabeth Bryce
Soil of God, You and I
David Melhorn
Introduction of Officers 2016
Unison Prayer:
Loving God, you have called us all to serve you,
and these people to serve you in particular ways.
Send your Holy Spirit upon us all, to keep the promises we have made.
May our leadership reflect your love and grace always, Amen.
Sung Response: 454 VU
May God who creates you give you light,
May God who sustains you make you wise;
May God who protects you give you joy,
May God who surrounds you give you peace.
Offertory Music:
“Lord, O Harken Unto My Crying”
Leigha Magennis
Offertory Response: 116 VU - verse 1
Giver of the perfect gift, only hope of human race,
hear the prayer our hearts uplift, gathered at thy throne of grace.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Concern
The Life and Work of the Church
*Hymn : 634 VU
To Abraham and Sarah
Commissioning and Benediction
“Fugue in D”
Reminder: Please note that the services at Rideau Park are live-streamed on our web site:
www.rideaupark.ca on Sunday mornings only. Good to know if you’re stuck at home due to
illness, or bad weather, or out of town!
Rideau Park News
2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9
(613) 733-3156 rideaupark.ca
Upcoming Worship Events
Sunday, February 21
Lenten Theme: Prayer
Sunday, February 28
Baden Powell Sunday
Sunday, February 28
Lenten Theme: Food-Eating
Many, many thanks to everyone who attended and helped with Unit 2’s Valentine Coffee
Party. We have been hosting this for over 35 years but could not have continued without
the help and support we have received from so many, too many to mention by name.
It was a success financially, but more so as a pleasant, warm event on a cold winter morning!
Our fabulous Winter Dinner will feature Chicken Cordon Bleu, Rice Pilaf, vegetables and
Fruit Cobbler. Please plan to join us on Friday, February 26 at 5:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Tickets
available at coffee time or, during the week, from the church office. Adults - $18.00 ea.,
children under 12 - $10.00 ea.
The premiere performance of our own Choir Director Andrew Ager’s “Concerto Grosso”
will be given by Ottawa’s Thirteen Strings on February 28, 8:00 p.m. at Dominion-Chalmers
Church. More information is available at thirteenstrings.ca.
Wednesday, March 9, 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.- Climate Action after Paris: next steps for Faith
Communities. Speakers: Mardi Tindal, United Church of Canada; Tony Clarke, Polaris Institute; Graham Saul, Ecology Ottawa. At Centretown United Church, 507 Bank St, free parking
at Glashan Public School. For more information: [email protected]. Co-sponsored by Citizens
for Public Justice and Ottawa Presbytery.
Big Soul Project: One of Ottawa’s favourite choirs is coming to Rideau Park. Saturday,
March 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. Big Soul Project is a fundraiser for our Anglican and Catholic
neighbours’ refugee outreach committee. Tickets ($25.00) are available from the church
office at RPUC or between services this week, or at the door ($30.00). For more information
please go to - www.bigsoulproject.com.
Churchpost is available for pickup on the Sunday School Counter today.
Silent Meditation in Lent: You are invited to join with our meditation group on Sundays
from 9:10am to 9:30am in our meditation room in the Lower Sunday School Hallway. Maybe Lent is a good time to give meditation a try. Labyrinth Walking: Sundays in Brackenridge
Hall. Rideau Park owns a beautiful Chartres style rainbow labyrinth, and our labyrinth will be
open before and after our 10:00 a.m. service each Sunday in Brackenridge. Walking a labyrinth is an ancient form of Christian prayer and contemplation. All ages are welcome to give
labyrinth walking a try.
Animate - Sunday Morning after church - our 2016 Lenten Study: In each session, the group
will watch a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith, spend time on personal
reflection and journaling, share ideas with the group gathered. Our ministers are sharing the
leadership of this six week program. A personal Animate journal may be used during the
study and they are available for purchase. The schedule is as follows: February 21: Prayer Oriented toward God with Brian McLaren; February 28: Food -Eating, with Jesus by Sara
Miles; March 6: Worship -Seeking God's Presence with Mike Slaughter; March 13: Sacraments -A Tapestry of Traditions with Phyllis Tickle; March 20: Money- The Joy of Sharing with
Shane Claiborne; April 3: Service -The Needs Right in Front of You with Enuma Okoro. We
will meet on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. in the Parlour. Childcare will gladly be provided on
Harmony Club for Seniors 60+ will meet on Wednesday, February 24. Beginning at 11:00
a.m., members gather to play cards or for conversation. At 12:00 p.m., a delicious lunch will
be served (cost is $6.00). From 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Gunter Kurz will present on:
“Camino de Santiago - A Journey of a Million Steps”. Please spread the word that presentations are open to all, without charge or prior notice. For anyone who is not yet a member
to join us for lunch, registration is required by Thursday, February 18. Please call Marg Nelson. Please note that, at this time, our volunteers need more helpers to prepare food for our
Harmony Club luncheons. Please contact Marion McGahern.
Religion in Life - Part 2 - Guiding and Scouting members at Rideau Park United Church are
eligible to participate in a special program to explore their faith called Religion in Life. Those
who participate are awarded a special badge that can be worn on your uniform. Level 2 is
aimed at Guides (grades 4,5,6), older Cub Scouts (grade 5) and Scouts (grades
6+). Participants do not need to have level 1 to take part in level 2. Sessions will take place
DURING Sunday School. Please Note: Level 2 will be offered over 2 sessions: February 28
and March 6. All interested participants are asked to register with the instructor, Andrea
Winter Fellowship Luncheon: Enjoy good food and interesting conversation on March 6 at 12:30
p.m. Menu: Chicken and Tasso Jambalaya with fruit cobbler for dessert. $10.00 for adults,
$5.00 for children ages 5-14. Tickets available in Beecroft today or from the office during the
week. Hope to see you there!
UCW Easter Memorials – On Easter Sunday the Sanctuary is filled with flowers. All are placed
there in remembrance of a loved one. Anyone wishing to place an Easter memorial in the
sanctuary for Easter Sunday morning, in memory of a loved one, is asked to call Mary Harris
or Marcia Gosse . Cheques should be made payable to Rideau Park UCW and
given to Mary or Marcia. The deadline to order is Sunday, March 13.
After Easter, the Pastoral Care team, members of the UCW and friends deliver all the flowers
to over 80 members of our congregation who are on our Pastoral Care list. If you are able to
help deliver flowers on Easter Sunday, please contact Marcia. Thank you.
Peace of mind, lower blood pressure, greater calm in crisis, heightened mindfulness, greater intimacy with God… these are some of the benefits of meditation. Why not join our group
for meditation from 9:10 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Sundays? Why not give meditation a try? And
if you would like to know more about meditation in the Christian tradition you can visit:
http://rideauparkspirituality.blogspot.ca Or speak to Steve to learn more about our group.
Healing Pathway is a 25 year old United Church program that develops the skills and gifts of
healing hands within the Christian tradition, and fosters development of healing ministries in
congregations and other communities. Currently First United Church, Glebe St James, Trinity
UC, Glencairn in Kanata and Manotick United have Healing Pathway ministries. Rideau Park
has started its own Healing Pathways ministry and is currently offering half hour healing sessions, two Sunday evenings each month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Upcoming dates
are: February 21, and March 6 and 20, 2016. Important: An appointment is needed to participate, and you can do this by email at [email protected]. Want to know
more? Please speak to Steve or to Brian Neal.
Please keep in mind worshippers who have limited mobility. Parking in the parking spots beside
Cunningham makes it easier for them to come to church, so if you don’t have the need, please use a
parking spot on the Beecroft side or in the back parking lot. Thank you.
Activities Calendar: February 21– February 27
Sun. Service
Lenten Theme: Prayer
Oasis (AA)
8:00pm Brackenridge
Ringing Praise
Touch of Brass
50+ Fitness
La Bell Ensemble
Social Action
Bible Exploration
Harmony Club
50+ Fitness
HearSay for Families
Joyful Noise 2
Joyful Noise 1
NoteAble Sound Chimes
Grace Notes
Chancel Choir
Winter Dinner
Coffee Hour Volunteers
Feb 21
Mary & Keith Harris
Janet Buske-Wischer
Christel Kurz
Feb 28
Joanne Rodgers
Ron MacPherson
Joan Pettit
Christy Harris
Mar 6
Jeff & Kimberly Allo & Family
Julia Vargas & Ariana
Lois Jensen
Sunday Duty Officers
Feb 21
Janet Dundas
Feb 28
Judy Paré
Mar 6
Marg Stinett
Counting Volunteers
Feb 22
Rod Hagglund
Feb 29
John Scollick & Brian Hamilton
Mar 7
Bob Roden
Main Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm
Ministers’ pager number: 613-786-4340
Visit our website: rideaupark.ca
Prayer Chain: Ext 227 or [email protected]
Church Staff: 613-733-3156
Elizabeth Bryce—Minister
ext 224
Steve Clifton—Minister
ext 225
Georgina Fitzgerald—Minister
ext 226
Andrew Ager
ext. 223
Iain Macpherson—Interim Choir Director Thurs
ext 301
Debi Brown—Administrator
Mon, Wed-Fri
ext 228
Debby Gerro—Admin. Assistant
ext 229
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]