Forward magazine spring 2016


Forward magazine spring 2016
The official Guide Dogs magazine
Spring 2016
Meet the
Guide Dogs Annual
Awards 2015
Decades of dedication.
A combined 100 years of puppy
Romance rekindled.
Childhood sweethearts
and a dog named Todd
Also inside:
The impact of sight loss
on mental health
TV personality
pup Clover
The guide dog who
inspired an artist
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Helping to make a better
world for the dogs
who make a better
world for people
Guide Dogs Annual awards advert.indd 13
04/01/2016 13:52:48
17 Regulars
5. Welcome
from our CEO
6. News
Stories from across
Guide Dogs
9. Guide Dogs in the
media special
Featuring Clover, star of
ITV’s This Morning
10 25. What’s on?
Guide Dogs’ diary
34. Caption
What’s our pup saying?
11 People and dogs
20. Thank you to our
14 16 Making dreams
come true
Changing lives with
gifts in Wills
11 Stella – a model
guide dog
Introducing artist
Emelye Purser
17 Dogs of the
world unite!
Our amazing global
sponsored dog walk
12 A day in the life…
…NAP visit co-ordinator
Jennifer Barber
17 Brent’s Bark
Guide dog pup
Zebedee meets
Ricky Gervais
13 A romance
A love story spanning
five decades
18 Guide Dogs Annual
Awards 2015
And the winners are…
14 On the
campaign trail
Update on Guide Dogs’
latest campaigns
22. We’ll never forget
25. In memory
26. New partnerships
34. Your letters
10 Taking gifts
to Belarus
Meet a guide dog
owner on a mission
15 15 Decades of
100 years of
puppy walking!
Please recycle
this magazine
18 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Name a Puppy
What will you call yours?
A name is the first gift that a guide
dog puppy receives. The Name
a Puppy scheme gives you the
chance to become part of their life
changing story.
To say thank you, we will provide a beautiful
photograph and a series of ‘Pupdates’
detailing the pups progress, and subject to
sponsorship level, we will also make sure you
get to meet the pup you have named too!
For more information
email: [email protected]
call: 0118 983 0190
or visit:
Contributors: Tracey Gurr,
Melissa Gerbaldi, Lucy
Llewelyn, Kitsy Kinane, Niall
Foley, Joe Bullimore, Annabel
Williams, Emma Hockenhull,
Rachel Kitchin, Stacey Wilson,
Lorraine Joseph, Chris Rose.
Designed by: Guide Dogs
Contributions: Send items to
Forward at the Head Office
address or email forward@
Unfortunately, due to the sheer
volume of ideas we receive,
we cannot acknowledge
every item. We reserve the
right to edit or refuse. Forward
is available in Braille, large
print, audio CD and online
as audio and text files. It is
also available as a PDF from
our website and in a range
of languages – for this and
mailing enquiries call
0870 240 6993*. You are
receiving this copy of Forward
magazine as one of our
valuable supporters. If you no
longer wish to receive it please
contact us, call 0870 240 6993*
or email
[email protected]
Founding Editor: The
late Captain Nikolai
Liakhoff MBE FRZS
Full colour advertising is
available in Forward.
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publication dates and
circulation, please call
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Blind Association, Hillfields,
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Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Chief Executive’s welcome
for everyone with sight loss,
and that when someone
loses their sight we’re here
to help them get back on
their feet. There’s a special
feature on Clover on page 9.
Welcome to the Spring
edition of Forward. One of
the key values of the Guide
Dogs charity is that we are
passionate and determined.
That determination expresses
itself in many different ways
and we saw some
magnificent examples of it at
the Guide Dogs Annual
Awards in December: our
cover star is Elaine
MacKenzie, winner of our
Inspirational Guide Dog
Owner Award. A tireless
campaigner for the charity,
Elaine didn’t even let an
attack on her guide dog,
Una, stand in her way – read
more about her and our
other winners on page 18.
Talking of winners, Clover the
guide dog pup is still winning
the hearts of everyone
she meets on ITV’s This
Morning. Clover, her puppy
walker, Emma, and training
supervisor, Jay, are giving
us a unique opportunity
to tell millions of viewers
about our life-changing
work, getting across the
message that we’re here
our goals, no matter what
challenges come our way.
In 2016 we aim to support
even more people with
sight loss to get out and
about on their own terms.
We’ll need all the passion
and determination we can
muster, but with all of you
on board, I’m confident
we’ll continue to go from
strength to strength.
When she finishes her
training, Clover will join
the thousands of guide
dogs who transform the
lives of people with sight
loss. I’m very proud to say
that, through our different
services, we supported
Best wishes
more than 10,000 people
in 2015, giving them the
means to live life as they
Richard Leaman
choose and step out into
the world again. You can
read more about our
fantastic achievements in our
forthcoming Impact Report.
Another amazing
achievement is that, despite
major challenges, we are
continuing to bring in the
crucial funds we need for
our work. Over the last
year, charities have been
scrutinised and criticised
as never before and we’ve
been working extremely hard
to ensure our organisation is
in a good position to meet
new challenges head-on
and that we make the most
of every penny donated.
We couldn’t possibly do this
without you and I am very
grateful that we have so
many incredibly dedicated
supporters. Your loyalty,
hard work and enthusiasm
help keep us focused on
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
significant symptoms of depression when
screened, currently just two of the 639 low
vision services in Britain screen people
for depression. It also shows that almost
three-quarters of those who screened
positive for depressive symptoms were
not being treated for their depression.
Guide Dogs research
reveals impact of sight
loss on mental health
In January we released results from our
three-year research trial into the link
between sight loss and depression. In
the first study of its kind, we revealed
that an astounding 43% of people with
sight loss face developing depression –
among the highest prevalence of any
health condition or disability. We worked
with researchers from Cardiff University
to screen over 1,100 people attending
low vision clinics where psychological
screenings are not currently available.
Our research revealed that, although 43%
of those living with sight loss displayed
The research clearly shows that this
issue needs to be taken more seriously
and psychological screenings and
treatment need to be integrated
into low vision services.
Chris Glover, from Crewe, (pictured with his
wife Joanne and guide dog Stokes) joined
our Head of Strategy and Research, Jenny
Cook, at BBC Broadcasting House for several
radio interviews on the subject. Chris told
BBC Radio 4 In Touch presenter, Peter White:
“When I lost my sight I was very vulnerable
and low. Nobody asked how I was feeling, or
how my family was feeling. It was all about
the practicality rather than the emotional
impact. I ended up having a breakdown
before I was able to ask for help.”
A second phase of research
is now planned to determine
how psychological support
should be made available.
reflecting their views, raising concerns and
being active in their local mobility teams.
The MTSUR conference in Teignmouth, Devon
last autumn was a great success, welcoming
several new representatives. Chief Executive
Richard Leaman updated reps on key
developments within Guide Dogs and there
was a lively question and answer session.
Raising your voice
Guide Dogs’ Mobility Team Service User Reps
(MTSURs) play a vital role in the charity. They
represent our service users across the UK,
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Many MTSURs are also involved in national
projects, such as Friends of Guide Dogs
and campaigning work. Their insights
are invaluable in helping us review and
improve our services. For more information
about MTSURs, please contact your
local Guide Dogs mobility team.
A place to ‘go’ in Birmingham
Guide dogs and other assistance dogs finally have
a place to relieve themselves now Network Rail has
built a spend area in Birmingham’s New Street Station
redevelopment. It means assistance dogs travelling
through the city can make themselves comfortable and
concentrate on their owners’ needs.
Big Lottery – huge
Guide Dogs Northern Ireland
will benefit from £700k of Big
Lottery funding for a fiveyear partnership project
between Guide Dogs, Blind
Children UK, Angel Eyes and
Sense. The project will see
family-focused habilitation
support centred around
local groups in each of the
Health and Social Care Trusts.
(‘Habilitation’ is the process of
helping children with a visual
impairment achieve as much
independence as possible).
Esther Small, mum of Victoria
aged two, said: “It’s fantastic
that this new project will help
more families in a similar
situation to us. I know these
charities have been an
invaluable source of advice
and support to us over the
last 18 months and Victoria
has also benefited greatly
from this early intervention,
which is so crucial for
visually impaired children.”
Engagement Officer
Sue Bushell said:
“Locals and visitors
have been raising the
issue for years and
the spend area will
make a big difference
to them (and their
Guide Dogs Local Volunteer
Awards 2016 – who will you nominate?
New for 2016, these awards
celebrate our volunteers’
fabulous contribution to
Guide Dogs. The awards will
be held in locations across
the UK in June. There’ll be
six awards, based on Guide
Dogs’ values:
entered into Guide Dogs’
national People Awards.
Got someone in mind?
Make your nomination
localawards – it couldn’t
be simpler. Nominations
close on Friday 9 April 2016.
¬¬ Customer focused
¬¬ Inclusive and
¬¬ Passionate and
¬¬ Dedicated to superior
¬¬ Trustworthy
¬¬ Maximising impact
The winners of the local
awards will be those
who’ve demonstrated
one of these values most
clearly in their work with
Guide Dogs. They’ll then be
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Paving the way to success
A delivery of tactile paving from Cardiff
Council and their suppliers, Visul Systems,
may seem quite ordinary,
but for the team at Guide
Dogs Cymru it was first
class. This paving will
enable them to mock up
a number of scenarios, so
the people they support
with sight loss can become
familiar with their footsteps
and gain confidence when
out and about.
Guide Dogs Cymru Engagement Officer
Nathan Foy and his guide dog Mason.
Otis moves
from left to right
It’s not often that guide
dogs are trained to work
on their owner’s right hand
side; still less often trained to
work on the left and then retrained to work on the right.
However, that’s exactly what
happened with Otis when
his owner, Brian Walters,
lost the use of his left hand. Thanks to the
hard work of the trainers at the Shrewsbury
Mobility Team, the partnership between
Brian and Otis is stronger than ever.
Isaac sets Welsh
wheels in motion
Guide Dogs Cymru is
celebrating the qualification
of its first dog for a
wheelchair user. Isaac’s
star potential was spotted
at just nine months and his
puppy walking training was adapted to
include picking up items dropped on the
floor. He was trained by the Cardiff team in
collaboration with Dogs for Good, enabling
him both to guide and perform task work.
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
News in brief
A Defender for Guide Dogs
Jaguar Land Rover’s manufacturing
plant in Solihull has donated a new Land
Rover Defender to Guide Dogs, complete
with Guide Dogs
artwork. It will be
used for publicity
as well as more
general transport.
The plant already
co-sponsors two
puppies, Jag and
Molly’s a
hospital hit
Guide dog Molly has
become an instant
hit among staff at
the Royal Shrewsbury
Hospital as they take
her for walks around
the hospital grounds while her owner, Rosemary
Bethall, undergoes treatment. “Molly’s just
adorable,” said Ward Matron Debbie Millington.
A double celebration
Trevor Maltby celebrates two half
centenaries this year: 50 years as
a guide dog owner – he’s now
with his seventh dog, Veda; and
50 years of marriage to his wife
Hazel, also a guide dog owner.
Our warmest congratulations.
Our youngest speaker?
Lani, from Cardiff, is only six
but she’s already an expert
on guide dogs! She gave a
presentation to classmates
at Birchgrove Primary School,
complete with photos of
guide dogs, and handed out
stickers, bookmarks
and leaflets.
Guide Dogs in the media
Guide Dogs in the media
As the star of the show, Clover regularly
rubs shoulders with high-profile guests,
including the Duchess of Cornwall, Prime
Minister David Cameron, Jamie Oliver and
Nicole Scherzinger. She’s visited the set
of Coronation Street, where she met cast
extra Annie Giles-Quinn and her guide dog,
Mr Quin, and accompanied This Morning
presenter Alison Hammond to the Animal
Hero Awards.
Winning hearts
and minds
Young guide dog puppy Clover joined the
team of ITV’s This Morning last September.
Since then not only have viewers and guests
on the popular show fallen in love with her,
she’s also proving to be a great ambassador
for Guide Dogs.
It’s not just Clover who’s getting the attention:
guide dog owner and recent graduate Emily
Davison was interviewed on the sofa about
how her guide dog Unity is helping her
achieve her goals – giving viewers a better
understanding of the challenges of living
with sight loss. The show has also featured
our access campaign, with interviews and
a story about a guide dog owner who was
refused access to a supermarket.
Clover has become a hit on social media
with thousands of followers. Please share, like
or follow her Facebook and Twitter accounts
with your friends and family to boost her
followers even further!
This Morning is following the first year of
Clover’s life, giving us a unique opportunity
to showcase the hard work that goes into
training our guide dogs. Viewers can follow
every step of her progress, with Clover and
her puppy walker Emma appearing on the
programme two or three times each week.
Clover is a bright and confident pup; she’s
learnt all the basic commands and she’s
making great headway. With the help
of presenters Holly Willoughby and Phillip
Schofield, viewers were able to watch Clover
and some four-legged friends in action when
we held two puppy classes at the studio.
Annie Giles-Quinn with her guide dog Mr Quin
and Clover.
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Guide Dogs in the media
Other media highlights
A myth-busting story marked the official
launch of last year’s Guide Dogs Week.
Focused on people’s misconceptions of what
guide dogs do, it featured in the Daily Mirror
and Metro newspapers and on their websites.
Guide Dogs Week also provided the
platform for our moving neon artwork
video, which told the story of guide
dog owner Becky. It was covered in
national media including Sky News, The
Independent, The Sun and Yahoo! News
online. The
video also
popular on
social media,
more than
The Times’ Animal Life
supplement featured
our access campaign
and carried an obituary
for fundraiser Scott
Cunningham’s former
guide dog, Travis.
Photos of adorable guide dog puppies at
our National Breeding Centre featured in the
Daily Mail, both in print and online, in The
Times and on ITV News online in September.
The story marked the start of the new
school year,
that the
pups were
their journey
guide dogs.
Taking gifts to Belarus
Guide dog owner Pat Alexander doesn’t just volunteer
for Guide Dogs. The Samaritans Purse ‘Operation
Christmas Child’ appeal is also a cause close to her
heart. Last year, it took her on an unforgettable trip to
The charity’s mission in Belarus was to distribute
hundreds of shoe boxes filled with Christmas presents
(including scarves and hats knitted by Pat) to
disadvantaged children. She says: “The children were
so grateful. It was an amazing but very humbling
Pat has been a guide dog owner since 1991 and
each of her six dogs has made a huge difference to
her – enabling her to move when her job relocated,
travel to a training day with Samaritans Purse, and go
into a local school to help children read. She couldn’t
take her guide dog to Belarus but she says: “Normally
I wouldn’t go anywhere without my guide dog. When
I give talks to children, I explain that confidence is
spelt g-u-i-d-e-d-o-g!”
10 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
A model guide dog
Stella – a model guide dog
Eight years ago,
with her sight
Emelye Purser was
struggling to get
around. After being
knocked down
by a car when out
with her young son,
she applied for a
guide dog.
Since then, not only has
labrador Stella changed
Emelye’s life completely,
she’s also inspired Emelye
to take up painting again.
Stella has made a huge
difference to the family’s life.
So much so that Emelye and
her husband felt able to have
two more children. Emelye
says: “Stella walked with
all of them and the buggy
and was never fazed at all.
She took care of all of us.”
Emelye has a hereditary
condition that meant she
lost her vision. She’s also
extremely light sensitive.
Through her right eye she
can only see shadows and
movement but a recent
corneal graft operation on
her left eye has given her
a small window of sight.
Having always been artistic,
this miracle motivated
her to return to painting
for pleasure. “With new
determination, I started
painting again,” she says. “I
looked at Stella – she has
beautiful black eyes against
a yellow coat. I sat right
next to her to see her – she
loves to pose for me.”
paint. When she can, she
says: “It gives me a huge
sense of achievement.” She
believes it’s important to
paint what she sees. “Even
if it’s distorted,” she says, “I
want people to understand
what it’s like and see what
I can see. The detail may
not be perfect but I can
capture the character
of dogs and people.”
Emelye’s sensory art uses
touch and smell. She
explains: “For example,
if you crush petals on
paper, you get amazing
effects. It’s tactile which I
love; the smell is great – it’s
quite mind-blowing for
someone with sight loss.”
Emelye’s vision varies a
lot so she can’t always
To see more of Emelye’s art, visit
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Day in the life
A day in the life of…
Name a Puppy visit co-ordinator
Jennifer Barber
Our supporters can make a
real difference to the life of
someone with sight loss by
joining our Name a Puppy
scheme. In return for a specific
level of donation, supporters
follow the journey of their
named puppy. A real highlight
is the chance to meet the
puppy. It’s volunteer Jennifer’s
role to organise those
meetings and, on the day, to
make sure the donor, puppy
walker and puppy enjoy the
best possible experience.
Meeting two puppies
named Toby
“We had a lovely pet dog called
Toby, so it was a natural choice to
name our guide dog puppy Toby.
We receive regular updates about
his progress and when we met
him, we fell in love immediately!
The person with sight loss who gets
Toby will be very lucky and we’ll be
so delighted to give someone a
new life.” Christopher and Sylvia
The role combines Jennifer’s previous experience
as a puppy walker and her career in events, her
interest in meeting people and love of variety,
“it’s just right for me,” she says, “I love it!”
Over eight years Jennifer has organised 70 puppy
visits. Before each one she speaks to the puppy
walker to help put them at ease, gets to know the
puppy and liaises with the donor (who could be
an individual, a school, pub or business, among
others) to arrange a suitable venue.
“Meeting Toby and his puppy
walker was an incredible
experience and to know that my
support will change the life of
someone who is blind or partially
sighted makes me so proud.” Terry
Once the initial introductions are done, “I stand
back and enjoy it,” Jennifer says. “They’re there to
meet, I’m there to support.”
The best part, she says, “is seeing
the pleasure the donor gets from
meeting the puppy and how
much the puppy walker enjoys
‘showing off’ their puppy.”
The Name a Puppy scheme gives you the chance to
connect with Guide Dogs in a really special way. For
a minimum donation of £5,000 or £10,000, you get
to name and meet the puppy and receive regular
updates on its journey to becoming a life-changing
guide dog. To find out more, call Alison Parker on
0118 983 8737 or email [email protected]
12 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Snapshot features
Getting back to nature
After meeting at a conference,
My Guide Ambassador Rosalind
Wallace and Julia Duncan from
The Conservation Volunteers
(TCV) Scotland vowed to make
the outdoors more accessible
to people with sight loss.
My Guide training was given
to volunteers and staff at TCV
Scotland and their partner
organisations, and Julia
organised days with National
Trust Scotland for My Guide
partnerships and guide dog
owners to learn about the
environment. They have
also taken an active part in
conservation work.
Julia said: “When we started
running these sessions, they
told us they found them
empowering. It’s great to
make that difference to
someone’s life.”
Colin Gallagher, Head of
Mobility Services in Edinburgh,
said: “What TCV Scotland
have done is brilliant – they’ve
created some really enriching
experiences. Our My Guide
service is all about getting
people with sight loss out and
about in our communities. TCV
Scotland has helped us fulfil
that ambition”.
dated for three months
then went their separate
ways, married other
people and had families.
A romance
While life kept childhood
sweethearts Pat and Dennis
Wilson apart for decades,
fate had a way of bringing
them back together.
Pat and Dennis met as
students at the Royal Blind
School in Edinburgh. They
In 1999, having returned to
Edinburgh after a decade
in London, Pat met Dennis
for the first time in 30 years,
when she volunteered to
help Dennis with a mailshot
for his RNIB Scotland
fundraising job. Then Pat’s
husband passed away
suddenly, while Dennis
and his wife separated.
Dennis and Pat started to
rekindle their romance,
and in 2012, five decades
after holding hands in
the playground, the
couple said “I do.”
“Our friends and family joke
that our love story is very
Mills and Boon. Life wanted
us to be together, we just
My Guide service user Freda
Steel at a National Trust
Scotland day
didn’t know it,” said Dennis.
A special guest at their
wedding was Pat’s
guide dog, Todd.
Upon developing hearing
loss, Dennis considered
applying for a guide dog
again. That’s when the
couple approached Guide
Dogs with a unique request.
“We talked with our Guide
Dog Mobility Instructor about
training Todd to support
both of us,” explains Dennis.
“We proceeded with a
plan very carefully. It was
important not to overwork
Todd. But he relished the
challenge, and there’s no
question about who is the
named driver! Pat gets first
choice, and I will use my
long cane. Todd and I are
just part of the pack!”
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Guide Dogs campaigns
On the campaign trail…
Guide Dogs’ campaigns have been going from strength to strength over the last
few months with lots of exciting developments in several of our key campaigns.
Back in November we celebrated Transport Minister
Andrew Jones’ birthday with the help of over 1,200
campaigners, who sent the Minister a birthday card.
The Minister was delighted with his cards and told us
he is very supportive of Guide Dogs’ work.
Pavement Parking
The meeting was a great chance to discuss our
campaign on pavement parking, which in December
entered Parliament again for the second reading of
the Pavement Parking Bill. Although the bill did not
progress any further the Government were convinced
enough by our arguments to fund their own enquiry
into the problem of pavement parking, which is a
huge step forward for the campaign.
Access All Areas
Talking Buses
People from all over the
country will be joining us
in Westminster to speak
to their MP directly about
the issue of assistance
dog owners being refused
access to goods and
services because they
have their dog with them.
We handed in our Big 5
Petition to the five biggest
bus companies in Great
Britain – Stagecoach, First,
National Express, Go-Ahead
and Arriva. With a grand total
of 29,531 signatures it was
definitely enough to make
them sit up and listen. Bus
company First has now piloted Talking Bus technology in
Leeds and we are working with the other bus companies.
We’ll also be handing in
the Access Petition. You
can find a paper version
of it with this magazine.
Please do share it with
friends and family and
gather as many signatures
as possible to show
the Government how
important this issue is to
guide dog owners.
We are also gearing up for the Buses Bill, the biggest piece
of bus legislation for 10 years, and will try to make sure that
Talking Buses gets a mention in any upcoming changes.
Can you see the problem?
Guide dog owners Nathan Foy and Hilary
Lester worked with Gwent Police on a short
video entitled ‘Can you see the problem?’
It highlighted the problem of pavement
parking and was shown in the local cinema
prior to each film screening.
Sign up for campaign updates at
14 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
100 years of puppy walking
Decades of dedication
Guide Dogs’ puppy
walkers play a vital
role in our dogs’ early
lives, helping ensure
they’re well-behaved,
friendly, responsive
and at ease in
different environments.
Meet Jackie Scragg
and Doris and Fred
Milligan, who between
them have devoted an
astonishing 100 years
to puppy walking.
guard’s van of the train on its
own to travel to Exeter for the
next stage of its training!
Jackie is one of our first ever
puppy walkers. Amazingly,
she responded to an advert
in 1956, the year Guide Dogs
introduced the scheme as a
way to improve the chances
of puppies succeeding as
guide dogs. There was no
staff supervision and after
puppy walking her first
puppy, she had to put it in the
Summarising her experience
of walking 30 puppies Jackie
says: “Dogs are wonderful
While much has changed
about puppy walking,
Jackie’s motivation over 60
years remains the same. “It’s
heart breaking to see the
puppy go but I know they’re
going to make a difference,”
she says, “and make
someone terribly happy.” She
talks of the pride she feels
when she sees one of her
young pups transformed into
a responsible guide dog.
Doris and Fred started puppy
walking in 1974 when their
children were at home. Doris
says: “We love dogs and love
helping people, so it was a
marvellous thing to do for
people with sight loss.” Only
now, 46 puppies later, are
they hanging up their leads.
They’re very proud that their
last puppy, Marie, is their third
one to become a brood
bitch (a guide dog ‘mum’).
A lot has changed since
they started, particularly the
much busier environment
guide dogs have to cope
with. That’s reflected in the
work Doris and Fred have to
do to ensure the puppies are
relaxed and confident in all
Doris says: “It’s been a
wonderful experience and
I wouldn’t have missed it
for anything. Give it a try –
we couldn’t stop once we
If you’re interested in becoming a puppy walker, we have opportunities in various locations
across the UK. To find out more, visit or call 0118 983 8789
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Transforming lives
Making dreams
come true
The charity Guide Dogs is
part of the National Free
Wills Network scheme
which offers people aged
55 or older the chance to
have their Will written or
amended for free through a
local solicitor throughout the
month of March.
Guide Dogs takes part in this scheme
because gifts left in Wills are so important
to us: in fact, two out of three guide dogs
are funded in this way, and although
there is no obligation to leave a gift, we’re
extremely grateful when people do.
Leaving a gift helps train more guide
dogs like John. John was named through
a gift in a Will and was actually puppy
walked by a member of Guide Dogs staff,
so the whole team saw him grow up. It
16 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
was a sad day for them when he went
off to training school, but he was a star
pupil, and they were so proud when
he was matched to new owner Len.
When Len’s sight started deteriorating he
contacted Guide Dogs for support. Soon
after expressing an interest in having a
guide dog, Len was partnered with John.
“When I met John, all my dreams came
true”, says Len. “He has enabled me to do
the simplest of things on my own, things we
all take for granted, like a visit to the shops
or the bank. He has given me back my
If you’d like to support us in this way and
use the free Will writing service to look
after what’s important to you, simply
or call 0345 686 4309. You will need to
contact the solicitor during the month of
March, although the actual appointment
can take place after that deadline.
Transforming lives
Dogs of the
world unite!
Something incredible is
happening on 17 April 2016.
Dogs Unite will join forces
with Blind Foundation New
Zealand and Guide Dogs
Victoria, Australia to host
an international sponsored
walk: Global Dogs Unite!
This fantastic fun day out
for family and friends will
celebrate the wonderful
job guide dogs do all
over the world.
We’ll be hosting our UK
Global Dogs Unite event
at Dinton Pastures Country
Park, Reading, Berkshire.
As well as a Dogs Unite
sponsored walk, there’ll be
global-themed activities,
fun challenges for you and
your dog, and a guide dog
demonstration – plus the
park’s inclusive children’s
playground will guarantee
a fun-filled day out for all!
Can’t make our Dinton
Pastures event? Don’t worry!
We’re encouraging heroes
across the UK to take the
lead and do their own global
walk at a time and place
to suit them on 17 April.
All participants will receive
their own special
Global Hero pack,
so register today at
Brent’s Bark
Staff from the Communications Team and puppy walker Lynda Graham were lucky enough
to take golden retriever guide dog puppy Zebedee on the set of Ricky Gervais’ new film at
the end of last year.
The film ‘Life On The Road,’ due for release in August, follows the character David Brent in
the years following ‘The Office’. A Guide Dogs collection box features in the film, which
prompted the invitation for the team to visit.
Puppy Zebedee soon became the star of the show as he walked on set to the delight of
the cast and crew and a very smiley Ricky Gervais. Having met everyone, Zebedee posed
for some photos, which later appeared on Ricky Gervais’ Facebook and Twitter accounts
under #BrentsBark, where he said it was his “favourite set visit ever”. The posts received
thousands of likes and shares and hundreds of comments for Guide Dogs. The crew also
joined in by posting photos of themselves with soft toy guide dog puppies!
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Guide Dogs Annual Awards 2015
The London Hilton on Park Lane saw many inspirational people gather to celebrate the
2015 Guide Dogs Annual Awards. The venue went back to the golden age of the 1920s for
the ultimate in style for the worthy winners. The host, comedian and writer Dave Spikey of
Phoenix Nights fame, warmed the audience with a comedy routine before reducing many
to tears with the unforgettable stories behind the awards. And the winners were…
Inspirational Guide Dog Owner Award, in partnership
with Royal Canin – Elaine MacKenzie
Decided by public vote, this award is for a guide dog owner who
has achieved something exceptional and Elaine certainly fits the
bill. Having given at least 200 talks about Guide Dogs’ work over
the years, Elaine has devoted much of her time to the charity
as a campaigner, information officer and Guide Dogs Scotland
ambassador. The retired civil servant also turned the horror of
an attack on her beloved guide dog Una into a way to help the
charity by sharing her experience with politicians and the media.
Guide Dog of the Year Award – Beyond the Call of Duty
– Nicky Askew and Tillie
Nicky believes she owes her life – and her family’s lives – to yellow
labrador retriever Tillie. Guide dog Tillie alerted the family to a fire
downstairs while they were upstairs getting ready for bed. When
Nicky went downstairs and sprang into action with her husband to
put the fire out, Tillie was still at her side encouraging Nicky to get to
a safe place.
Guide Dog of the Year Award – Life Changing
– Lynette Proctor and Pippa
Having endured years of bullying at school, Lynette achieved
top results and went onto study English literature and fine art at
university. Just one year into the course, Lynette felt defeated by
her deteriorating sight loss, dropped out of university and became
isolated and depressed. Being partnered with Pippa in 2013
changed her life forever, giving her freedom and independence.
18 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Guide Dogs Annual Awards 2015
Lynette returned to college, has a full-time job and embraces
daredevil fundraising activities such as scuba diving with sharks.
My Guide Partnership Award – Nathan Edge and Pete Jones Hall
When guide dog owner Nathan decided to take on the challenge
of running the London Marathon after coming to terms with losing
his remaining vision overnight at 19, he won the bonus prize of a
beautiful friendship with his guide runner, Pete. Nathan and Pete
were one of the first sighted guiding running partnerships made
through My Guide and have proved to be such a good match that
they are planning to run the 2016 London Marathon to raise funds
for Guide Dogs.
Young Persons Achievement Award, in association
with Blind Children UK – Tiri Hughes
Being registered partially sighted at age seven hasn’t stopped Tiri
achieving her goals be they ever so high. In 2015 Tiri was not only
awarded 11 GCSEs; she also gained a place on the GB Women’s
Disability Gymnastics Squad, winning gold medals in her age
group and category in both the British Disability and Welsh Open
Gymnastics Championships. Tiri is continuing her education at the
Royal National College for the Blind in Hereford, taking A’ levels in
maths, chemistry, biology and psychology.
Collaboration of the Year Award – Chief Inspector Nathan Clark
Having helped a guide dog owner overcome the effect of a
terrifying dog attack, Nathan was well placed to revolutionise the
way his officers handle reports of dog attacks on guide dogs, setting
a “gold standard” for other forces across the UK. Nathan put an
action plan in place, including having specially-trained officers
who know how to deal with dog attacks on guide dogs and wider
awareness training for all officers in Norfolk, so they know just how
devastating attacks on guide dogs are.
Breaking Down Barriers Award – Mary Rasmussen and Nelson
When Mary was almost knocked down by a lorry in Aberdeen City
Centre because the council had changed the road layout, she was
determined to resolve it for the sake of others with sight loss. Mary
canvassed the council to add features such as tactile paving so that
people with sight loss can navigate the busy spot safely.
We are very grateful to all our sponsors, especially our headline sponsor, Royal Canin, as
well as our other sponsors Specsavers, Ricoh, Proximity and MC&C, who helped make the
evening such a great success. Special thanks to our guests who took part in the fundraising
activities on the night, helping us raise thousands of pounds for our life-changing work. We’ll
be back with a bang for another glittering night of achievements in May 2017; details will be
confirmed nearer the date.
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Our supporters
Thanks to our supporters
If it’s one thing our fundraisers have by the bucket-load, it’s stamina. You
demonstrate that in so many ways: running marathons, walking for miles,
swimming in icy seas – but also by supporting Guide Dogs with such loyalty,
year in and year out. Like Martin and Mavis Brennan who’ve been fundraising
for an incredible 40 years, and Easingwold fundraising group – a tiny group
that’s raised a colossal amount of money. Of course, we warmly welcome all
fundraisers, whether they’ve been with us for decades or are just doing a oneoff event – I just wanted to express my admiration for those of you who can
teach the rest of us a thing or two about staying power!
Director of Fundraising and Marketing
Brave swimmers joined Snorkel the dog for the
annual New Year’s Day Dip in Swansea Bay
and raised £1,800. It’s become an important
fixture in Swansea’s festive calendar and
fancy dress is very much encouraged.
Congratulations to guide dog
owners Martin and Mavis
Brennan, who celebrated their
diamond wedding anniversary last
September and more than 40 years
of fundraising.
Luke Jackson
and Para Patel
completed the
Dorney Lake
Triathlon and
raised over
David Mathias
ran a triathlon
as part of NFU’s
fundraising and
raised £362.
20 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Easingwold is a small village near York
with a fundraising branch of just four to
six volunteers. As older age approaches,
they’re now stepping down but over the
last 27 years, they have raised an amazing
£250,000. Their dedication is inspirational.
The year seven
children at St
Hild’s Church of
England School
have decided
to support
Guide Dogs
over the next
five years. They
have already
raised £104
to sponsor a
puppy and £651
from a ‘let’s
glow’ dress-inneon day.
Our supporters
Inhabitants of
Corwen, North Wales,
completed a walk in
memory of Simpson,
the first guide dog
to live in the town.
His owner, Mike
Webster, received the
cheque at a special
presentation and
said their generosity
‘touched his heart’.
Staff at the Arnold branch of
Lloyds bank raised £320 through a
collection and raffle.
Staff at Mabey Bridge, a
company that designs
and manufactures
modular bridges, have
raised enough to name
a guide dog puppy
Mabey. They gave
him a warm welcome
when he came to visit
their offices with his
puppy walker.
Volunteers from Leeds and
district branch took over Otley’s
Buttercross to sell homemade
produce and other items and
raised £802.
Tessa Kirkwood
held her annual
coffee morning
in Cambridge
and raised
34 volunteers from Plymouth
branch raised more than £1,400 at
their annual flag day in August.
Guide dog owner
Angela Fearn
bravely took to
the skies and
completed a
tandem skydive,
raising more than
Whittlesford Social Club held
a race night and presented a
cheque for £1,000 to guide dog
owner Malcolm Copper and
puppy walker Dee Bevan.
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Canine obituaries
If you would like to pay tribute
to a guide dog you have
known, please send your tribute
(up to a maximum of 25 words)
to [email protected]
or to Forward at Hillfields,
Burghfield Common,
Reading, RG7 3YG.
We’ll never
Alice 22.8.04 – 18.9.15
Guide dog to Sylvia
Beese. You brought
so much love and joy
to everyone you met
and we all miss you
so much. God bless.
Amos 20.1.06 – 17.8.15
Faithful guide and
companion to
James Lynes. Gave
unconditional love
to so many. You
placed a paw
mark on so many
people’s hearts.
Andy 9.2.01 – 31.8.15
Puppy walked by
Doreen and Archie.
Did not become
a guide dog and
remained our much
loved boy and loyal
companion. Forever
in our hearts.
Aston 26.3.05 – 19.9.15
Following very
sudden terminal
illness, sadly died. We
held her close to us
at the end and are
so devastated. God
bless you Treasure!
minds running free.
Andy, Helen, Alice,
Holly, Granny.
Brock 13.7.03 – 17.9.15
God took his paw, we
had to part. It eased
his pain but broke my
heart. Rest in peace,
Bryan Maindonald.
Erica 25.12.00
– 24.10.15
Beautiful and loving
guide to Claire for
many years and
retired to Carol and
Ian. Sadly missed.
Brought happiness
to all who met her.
Clyde 23.3.06 –
Died extremely
suddenly. Simply
the best and
sadly missed.
Crispin 2.1.04 – 19.7.14
Retired to Sarah
Davy. A marvellous
dog who lit up all
our lives. Such a
soul mate. Thank
you for all the years
he spent with us.
Emma 16.5.03
– 14.12.15
For our beloved
Emma Acton-Royle.
We will never forget
you. You will always
be in our hearts and
22 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Ezra 13.6.10 – 10.11.15
Ezra was my first
companion, he will
be hard to follow.
Taken too soon by
cancer. I will miss
him deeply. Loved
by all, Dale.
Faldo 20.3.04 –
Thank you my old
friend, you changed
so many lives. In
schools the children
folded their arms,
you crossed your
paws, and everyone
said “awh”.
Gemma 9.5.02
– 14.8.15
Guide to Lee Taylor.
Thank you for being
my eyes and ears.
Retired to Eileen and
Roy Taylor. Special
girl, we all miss you.
Hooch 8.4.00 – 8.9.15
Retired early to
puppy walker. Ten fun
years. Loved by all
eight grandchildren.
Happy until the
end. Missed by all.
Julia and Wayne
Marshall. X
Hudson 21.6.01
– 25.9.15
Rehomed to June
and Roy Scott.
Much loved by us
all. Mentor to many
guide dog puppies.
Running free again.
Canine obituaries
Jan 28.10.01 – 15.10.15
Faithful guide to the
late Patricia Lewsley.
Retired to Pat’s
partner Paul Nicks.
A gentle soul, loved
by all who knew
her. Rest in peace.
Maureen Clark. A
great ambassador.
Run free my
Kellybelly, love and
miss you so much.
Nushka 24.5.02
– 18.7.15
Guide to Phil Jarvis
and retired to Bill
and Daphne Glover.
We all miss you very
much, little lady.
her and she them.
Keep swimming
my Pearly-Girl.
Robin 25.6.01 – 9.9.15
A much loved guide
Mickey 13.2.09
to Gillian Deane
– 20.10.15
and retired to Judith
Fourth guide to Bryan
his puppy walker.
Rigg and a marvellous Oatey 6.11.01 – 13.8.15 Greatly missed.
J’dee 4.6.07 – 30.9.15 ambassador for
Retired early
Night night Bobs.
The most adorable,
Guide Dogs. Thank
but continued
loving, faithful, loyal
you and God bless
as wonderful
Royston 20.5.04
guiding partner to
Mickey, so sadly
ambassador for
– 3.12.15
the last golden beat
missed by everyone.
Guide Dogs. Such a
Thanks for the
of his heart, that
character. Loved so
pleasure to share
has left paw prints
Nell 23.1.04 – 11.12.15 much and missed by with you Roy, your
in all our hearts.
Nell, first guide to
all who knew him.
life journey. Always
Jackie Clark, kept
playful, always
Jemma 26.3.02
by her and Martin
Pascoe 28.5.02 – 5.9.15 hungry, always
– 7.9.15
in her retirement.
Guide to Bob Morley, pleased to greet.
Puppy walkers Brenda Good night, God
retired due to injury
A great friend,
and Peter. Adopted
bless my darling girl.
aged eight to Ann
sadly missed.
by Frances and Alan
Forever in our hearts. Robbens. Much loved
after being withdrawn
by all who knew him.
Sage 13.10.03 – 11.9.15
from training. A
Nicki 14.3.00
Faithful guide to
true gem. We’ll
– 13.10.15
Pearl 27.5.05 – 31.10.15 Trevor Maltby. Puppy
love and miss you
Retired brood bitch,
Retired to Muriel
walked by Ruth
forever sweetheart.
mother of 39 pups.
Pounder. True
Oliver and family. Put
Calm, gentle and
friend. Precious,
peacefully to sleep.
Kelly 25.9.05 – 25.9.15 happy to the end.
Endearing, Adorable, God bless you Sage,
Guide to Cherie
Privileged to share
we’ll never forget you.
Hodgson. Retired
her life for 14 years.
Loveable. The whole
early to puppy walker She will be missed.
village welcomed
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Canine obituaries
Teasel 10.4.02 –
‘Loaned’ to Alison
May as her guide
dog. Retired back
home to Marilyn and
John Thompson. Our
‘Weasel’ and her licks
will be sorely missed.
Valdez 30.6.08 –
Rehomed to Christine
Hartley. He loved
humans and dogs
alike and had many
friends. His short
life was filled with
fun. Sadly missed.
Vickie 30.10.99
– 22.11.15
Puppy walked prior to
working in Edinburgh
then returned to us
on retirement. A lady
of character who
will be sadly missed.
Walker 11.6.05 –
Faithful guide to
Sue Rothery. Puppy
walked by Sandra
Brand. Guided one,
lived with a few,
loved and sadly
missed by many.
Wanda 15.5.00 –
My perfect
companion. We
shared fourteen
incredible years. I
miss you desperately
Waggy Princess.
Run free now and
play all day sweet
angel. God bless.
Wheeler 5.10.01
– 6.10.15
Retired to Alan,
Lorna and Nicola
Bailey. Fundraiser
par excellence, a
gentle giant and
true star. Missed
beyond measure.
Run free big boy.
Wilma 1.9.00 – 3.7.15
Wonderful guide to
Ellie, long and happy
retirement with Gail.
Much loved by both.
Run free beautiful
girl. See you again at
the rainbow bridge.
Wyn 7.11.03 – 23.9.15
First guide to Nicola
Croft. Loved by all
who knew her. Sleep
well my lovely Wyn. I’ll
never forget you. Love
and hugs from Nicky,
Rae and Dennis.
Need tax advice?
Guide Dogs works closely
with other charities
which have similar aims,
including RNIB.
Did you know that RNIB has a tax advice
team? They support people with sight
loss across the UK with tax-related issues.
The service, supported by HM Revenue
24 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
and Customs (HMRC), provides help to
individuals with claiming tax allowances
such as the Blind Person’s Allowance and
the Marriage Allowance, queries related
to income tax, tax on savings interest, VAT
relief and help with tax credits issues. They
can help people resolve tax problems
through their good contacts in HMRC.
To get in touch with the team,
call 0345 330 4897
or 0151 702 5721,
email [email protected] or visit
What’s on?
Redbridge Fun Day
7 May, 11.00–16.00
Join us for a 30th birthday
celebration at the Redbridge
Guide Dog Training School,
Woodford Green. With dog
demonstrations, craft stalls,
refreshments and a children’s
area, it will be a great day of
fun for the whole family. For
more information,
call 0845 372 7421*.
Yorkshire 100K
18-19 June
Walk, jog or run 100K along
the Pennine Way. Registration
fee is £50 with a fundraising
target of £250.
In memory
Bill Logan
It is with deep sadness we
announce the sudden
death of Bill Logan on 18
October 2015. Bill worked
mainly as a Guide Dog
Mobility Instructor in Forfar
and Inverness and made an
immeasurable professional
and personal contribution to
Guide Dogs. Our thoughts
are with Bill’s wife, Fetna,
and their family and friends.
Prudential Ride London
to Surrey 100
31 July
We’re delighted to be part of
this iconic cycling event. Take
on this 100-mile challenge
through the streets of London
and across the hills of Surrey.
Cross the finish line and get a
hero’s welcome. Registration
is £49.
Great North Run
11 September
Challenge yourself and take
on the UK’s biggest half
marathon. It’s flat, friendly
and a great challenge!
Registration is £20.
To find out more and to
sign up for these events,
call 0845 600 6787*, email
[email protected]
or visit
*Calls cost 3p per minute
plus your telephone
company’s access charge
Nan Phillips
It is with sadness that South
Wales puppy walkers say
farewell to Nan Phillips,
who passed away on 12
April 2015. She walked 11
puppies, as well as boarding
guide dogs and fundraising.
She will be missed by all.
(JoJo) Downer
We are sad to report the
death of JoJo Downer on
30 October 2015. Born blind,
she became a guide dog
owner in 1967 and had six
guide dogs, all of whom
gave her immense pleasure
as well as independence.
She worked tirelessly as a
fundraiser and speaker
and will be treasured and
loved forevermore.
Betty Harmer
Llanelli and district branch
regret to announce the
death of Betty Harmer on 26
September 2015. She joined
the branch after becoming
a guide dog owner and
brought her lifelong
experience of fundraising
(she was a retired major with
the Salvation Army) to us. She
will be very much missed.
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
to our new partnerships
New partnerships are listed by mobility team. Each listing details owner, guide dog, town,
breed, puppy walker and brood bitch holder. Warm congratulations to all our new qualifiers.
Colin Best & Twiglet from
Ballynahinch GSD, Lena
Reid from Newtownabbey,
Orrlene McMillen from
Bangor * Nicola Williams
from Shrewsbury
David Bingham & Morris
from Newtownabbey
GRxL, Vicky Paterson
from Glasgow, Geoffrey
Seaman from Dunblane *
Helen Daw from Bedford
Hazel Flannigan & Kelty
from Armagh L, Grace
Brock from Dunfermline,
Colin Tremble from
Dunfermline * Jackie
Ellison from Coventry
Gemma Holmes & Waffle
from Limavady LxGR,
Derek & Margaret Hyslop
from Dunfermline * Ingrid
Moss from Warwick
Paul Hunt & Yeoman from
Belfast LxGR, Andrew
Hopes from Cupar * Jane
Innes from Stourbridge
Pat Hutchinson & Spice
from Newtownards LxGR,
John & Margaret Ure
from Carnoustie * Judith
Adlington from Coventry
Geraldine McNicholl &
Questa from Coleraine
GRxGR, Yvonne Madden
from Glasgow * Erica
Dowse from Coventry
Arlene Miller & Yazz from
Limavady L, Daphne
Barfoot from Belfast
* Caroline & Michael
Evason from Warwick
Maralyn Judith Boxall
& Lily from Winscombe
GRxL, Gail Lawson from
Leamington Spa * Susan
Bennett from Southam
Peter O’Kane & Emily
from Armagh LxGR, Betty
Brown from Melrose *
Janie Macqueen from
Fenny Compton
Tony Breach & Dudley
from Birmingham GRxL,
Margaret Tasker from
Rugby * Katherine
Knight from Rugby
John Strange & Seymour
from Carrickfergus LxGR,
Sally McCaffrey from
Strathaven, Jacqueline
Atkinson from Linlithgow,
Jimmy & Anne Kelly
from Alloa * Ingrid
Moss from Warwick
Rosie Chandler & Sally
from Little Witley LxGR,
Sonia Baxter from Crook
* Lisa Hall from Redditch
Andrew Bailey & Eaton
from Hereford GRxL,
Belinda Hunter from
Leeds * Yvonne Edwards
from Cradley Heath
Zoe Bates & Lucky from
Sutton Coldfield GRxL,
Diane Godfrey from
Holcombe * Susan
Bennett from Southam
Anna Binns & Emily from
Birmingham L, Andy
& Karen Lavis from
Bristol * Eve Smith from
Tanworth In Arden
Keith Currie & Pax
from Birmingham L,
Richard Elcoat from
Ticknall * Janet Ball
from Stourbridge
Nina Davis & Katy from
Birmingham GRxL, Julie
Greaves from Leicester
* Jessica Macgregor
from Warmington
Suzanne Eaton & Flossy
from Hereford LxL, Colin
& Jenny Edwards from
Warwick * Claire Aluko
from Northampton
David Elsmore & Oreo
from Lichfield GRxL, Judith
Lowe from Stourbridge *
Sian Evans from Rugby
Lee Greatbatch &
Jimmy from Worcester
GRxL, Elizabeth Lovatt
from Leeds * Beth
Julian from Leicester
Dennis Holman & Sparkey
from Worcester GRxL,
Clair Davies from Cardiff,
Patricia Williams from
Abertillery * Marion
Vernall from Ledbury
Stephen Keith & Vince
from Birmingham
GSD, Ester Naylor
from Halesowen, Keith
Lyon from Walsall *
Rosemary Jackson
from Leamington Spa
Justin May & Usef from
Kidderminster LxGR,
Bosiljka Despinic-Jovetic
from Solihull * John
Rogers from Bromsgrove
Ann Nicholls & Gromet
from Fairford GRxL, Jillian
Ann McDonald from South
Shields * Nicola Greensill
from Wolverhampton
Jason Payne & Pedro
from Hereford GRxL,
Elaine Bishop from
Bromsgrove * Jeanette
Hannon from Oldbury
Stephanie Sergeant &
Megan from Birmingham
L, Pauline Ellis from
Kineton * Julia Maxwell
from Kenilworth
Jennie Walsh & Gracie
from Plymouth L, Ian &
Avril Wonnacott from
Okehampton * Catherine
Parker from Telford
The photos on these pages are illustrative only; they do not correspond to listed partnerships.
26 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
Nicola Roseanne
Cockburn & James from
Cardiff L, Jacqueline
Mundell Perkins from
Oxford * Barbara
Wilkinson from Pershore
Don Collins & Yarna
from Caerphilly LxGR,
Linda Richardson
from Newcastle Upon
Tyne * Jane Innes
from Stourbridge
Julie Richards & Tracey
from Llanelli L, Hilary Reed
from Westbury * Darrin
Grocock from Lutterworth
Alex Sansome & Jasper
from Caernarfon
GRxL, Myra Lee from
Sutton Coldfield * Jane
Field from Warwick
Lesley Sayers & Flynn from
Neath LxGR, Sarah Nagy
from Milton Keynes * Sally
Barsby from Buckingham
Ann Earlam & Quanta
from Nr Chester GRxGR,
Mandy Price from
Kidderminster * Erica
Dowse from Coventry
Peter Timperley & Tex
from Ammanford GSD,
Vikki Holt from Redditch
* Nicola Williams
from Shrewsbury
Jill Goodwin & Fifi from
Blackwood LxL, Bland
from Burnley * Claire
Aluko from Northampton
Anthony Tyrer & Norton
from Llandudno LxGR,
Janet & John Young
from Derby * Ian Hendry
from Birmingham
June Goulding & Daisy
from Caldicot L, Catherine
Onions from Nottingham,
Garth Munton from
Derby * Fiona Steed
from Droitwich
Elaine Greenhill &
Isaac from Ebbw Vale
GRxL, Cicely Smith
from Bristol * Dianne
Merker from Malvern
Michael Hall & Zebedee
from Abergele GSD, Moya
Jones from Stourport-onSevern, Carole Tavender
from Rugby * Mandy
Matkin from Cannock
Malcolm Hughes & Ashby
from Abergele L, Gillian
Chard from Penarth * Sian
Simmons from Kenilworth
Christine Stabe & Cherelle
from Cardigan GRxL
Central Midlands
from Shrewsbury * Lisa
Hall from Redditch
Gail Margaret Hammond
& Gemma from Kettering
GRxL, Shirley Smith from
Kingsbury Episcopi * Louise
Stephenson from Warwick
Kerry Pearce & Vanya
from Studley GRxL, Susan
Rhodes from Coventry *
Janet Paget from Rugby
James King & Kimber from
Milton Keynes L, Tracey
Brunsdon-Jones from
Tewkesbury, Margaret Lee
from Tewkesbury * Szymon
Janik from Kenilworth
Beverley Muldoon &
Grecco from Leamington
Spa GRxGSD, Elizabeth
Bullimore from Pontypool
David Neal & Danny from
Worcester L, Sharon Allen
from Stonehouse, Jackie
Horton from StratfordUpon-Avon * Darrin
Grocock from Lutterworth
Alison Banham & Elmo
from Stafford L, Amy Smith
from Warwick * Darrin
Grocock from Lutterworth
Juli Nicholson & Grace
from Leicester GRxL, Carol
Kimberley from Hinckley
* Louise Stephenson
from Warwick
David Beardwood &
Ursula from Coventry
GRxL, Kathryn Bennett
from Mountain Ash * Ginny
Turner from Leicester
Sarah Oattes & Cracker
from Tamworth LxGR, Julie
Lee from Hartlepool, Stan
Millward from Darlington *
Joan Raxter from Redditch
Robert Beck & Fitz
from Leamington Spa
LxL, Sheila Towler from
Todmorden * Claire Aluko
from Northampton
Claire Palmer & Wendy
from Coventry L, Hazel
Pape from Banbury, Barr
& Ann Breckenridge
from Solihull * Robert
Jones from Rushden
Margaret Mansell & Jazz
from Pontypool GRxL,
Jacquie Wilson from Sale *
Beth Julian from Leicester
Sarahjane Commarford &
Tessa from Farnborough
GSD, Tony Murray from
Kenilworth * Andrew
London from Hereford
Laura Price & Grace from
Pontypridd GRxGSD, Liz
Truman from Taunton,
Mandy Cunningham
from Warwick
Pauline Cooper & Vinnie
from Wellingborough
GRxL, Janet Heaps from
Kidderminster * Janet
Paget from Rugby
William Green & Scooby
from Tamworth LxGR,
Andrew Theresa Jeffs
Stephen Parnell &
Eddie from Brackley
GRxL, John & Beryl
Hope from Gloucester
* Amanda Hilton from
David Priest & Monty from
Hinckley GRxL, Isabel
Laskey from Scarborough
* Helen Daw from Bedford
Pauline Rose & Meadow
from Craven Arms
LxGR, Leslie & Melvene
Johnson from Redditch
* Sally Elliott from Olney
Bob Sime & Topper
from Coventry GSD,
Elaine Whiteley from
Solihull * Nicola Williams
from Shrewsbury
Matthew Smith &
Urwin from Nuneaton
GRxL, Wendy Lilley
from Torquay * Ginny
Turner from Leicester
Andrew Stringer & May
from Northampton
LxL, Malcolm & Sandra
Davies from Barry, Ben
& Yve Strawson from
Cwmbran * Claire Aluko
from Northampton
Veronica Taylor & Rio
from Atherstone GRxL,
Joanna Hellard from
Bridgwater * Jill GordonLennox from Worcester
David Tinkler & Vann from
Kettering GRxFCR, Freda
Gabriel from Tewkesbury *
Alison Jordan from Stafford
Anthony Williams & Sam
from Leicester LxGR,
Roger & Eileen Trethewey
from Torquay * Lisa
Hall from Redditch
Richard Wilson &
Zaffa from Leicester L,
Graeme Williams from
Leicester * Samantha
Hanley from Telford
Lorna Patrick & Smithy
from Northampton
GR, Patricia Stansbie
from Coventry * Emily
Aram from Derby
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
Sheila Wiltshire & Emmie
from Birmingham L, Janet
Boswell from Llantwit
Major * Darrin Grocock
from Lutterworth
Carol Dodd & Quincey
from Perth LxGR,
Patricia Rae from
Carnoustie * Christine
Fowler from Southam
Alexander Elliot &
Chester from Edinburgh
L, Gordon Henderson
from Edinburgh * Robert
Asker from Coventry
Helen Main & Geordie
from Cupar GRxL, Andrea
Clark from Kinross, George
& Elizabeth Paterson from
Inverkeithing, Eilidh Rattray
from Crossgates * Jane
Roberts from Wellesbourne
William McBride &
Stanley from Glenrothes
GRxL, Margaret Gibson
from Ballater * Sarah
Stanley from Rugby
Monica McGill & Sadie
from Linlithgow GRxL,
Catherine Reid from
Strathaven * Anthony
Stobart from Solihull
Alison Small & Quigley
from Dundee GRxGR,
Aileen Murphy from
Dunfermline * Erica
Dowse from Coventry
Alistair Winton & Newton
from Hartlepool GRxL,
Debbie Williamson from
Glasgow, Janey Hamilton
from Glasgow * Glennis
Snape from Birmingham
Carole Brown & Nellie
from Tiverton LxGR,
Stephanie Brighton from
Upminster * Sally Barsby
from Buckingham
Jessica Elliott & Thistle
from Radstock GSD,
Andrea Eaton from
Clevedon * Nicola
Williams from Shrewsbury
Andrew Flowers & Bill from
Bristol LxGR, Jane Swift
from Stourbridge * Sylvia
Burgess from Buckingham
Christopher Lee & Tucker
from Paignton L, Helen
Sansome from Solihull
* Emma Watson from
Leamington Spa
Elizabeth Lynes & Mister
from Saltash L, Christine
Brown from Leigh-on-Sea
Joy Morris & Yazmin from
Illfracombe STPxL, Robert
Stafford from Ottery St
Mary * Annette Smith
from Swadlincote
Steven Moseley & Toffee
from Bristol L, Hedley
Austen from Clevedon,
Janet Colley from Bristol *
Jill Wassell from Warwick
Pauline Ann Partridge
& Julie from Penryn
L, Wendy Lewin from
Malvern * Barbara
Wilkinson from Pershore
Jan Peters & Celia from
Bristol LxGR, Kath Kelly
from Tamworth * Jane
Walters from Leicester
Stephanie Read & Rusty
from Torquay COLxGR,
Richard Bailey from
Southampton * Regina
Cardo from Kingswinford
Janet Reading & Fudge
from Bristol GRxL, Sheila
Morris from Bromsgrove *
Jayne Hallam from Walsall
Douglas Robertson &
Bear from Liskeard GSD,
Janet Steyn from Plymouth
* Rosemary Jackson
from Leamington Spa
Elsie Rosson & George
from Perranporth
GRxL, Lorna Boyde
from Bangor * Danielle
Vaughan from Wigston
Marion Searle & Maddy
from Newton Abbot L,
Valerie Lurcock from
Newton Abbot * Lindsey
Watts from Coventry
Jason Sheppard &
Mistral from Bristol GRxL,
Lesley Burchnall from
Lutterworth * Sue Walters
from Stourbridge
Tony Webb & Ranger from
Bude GRxL, Barry Maltby
from Solihull * Jill GordonLennox from Worcester
Ian White & Jimmy from
Paignton STPxL, Bob &
June Owen from Solihull *
Sue Price from Claverdon
Robert Blackwood
& Jasper from Irvine
GRxL, Diane Hare from
Dalkeith * Glennis Snape
from Birmingham
Sandy Bryce & Archie
from Dunfermline GRxL,
Jacqui Gormley from
Ballyclare * Janet Klaar
from Stourbridge
Neil Gay & Zooby from
Lochgilphead LxGR,
Douglas Walker from
Ardrossan * Tracy Twomey
from Leamington Spa
Sheena Holt & Nancy
from Ayr GRxL,
Alexander & Jackie
Weir from Lauder * Jacki
Hauenstein from Telford
Jo Long & Freddie from
Inverness GRxGSD,
John & Val Zimny from
Dundee * Kathleen Brooks
from Wellesbourne
Sinead McFarlane &
Quest from Tain, Ross-Shire
GRxL, Carol McDonald
from Edinburgh * Lesley
Reddy from Warwick
Elisabeth Molloy &
Eric from Glasgow
LxGR, Gordon & Fay
Simpson from Forfar *
Janie Macqueen from
Fenny Compton
Linda Mooney & Josh from
Glasgow GRxL, Allison
Durbidge from Arbroath *
Beth Julian from Leicester
Elizabeth Stirling &
Honour from Aviemore
L, Christine Henderson
from Chester Le Street
28 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
Darren Tambin & Yvie
from Durham GRxL,
Susan Irwin from
Donaghadee * Glennis
Snape from Birmingham
Jennifer Bembridge
& Hilda from Boston
GRxGR, Jean Ruff from
Redcar * Erica Dowse
from Coventry
Lauren Bibby & Magic
from Hull L, Margaret
Mattingly from
Morecambe * Rhiannon
Hutchings from Snitterfield
Keith Boddy & Dalby
from Lincoln GSD, Stacey
Dawn Roberts from
Mansfield * Mr & Mrs
Tindall from Coventry
Tyrone Corcoran &
Zak from Lincoln GSD,
Reverend Barbara
Holbrook from
Nottingham * Mandy
Matkin from Cannock
Brian Harrison & Hunter
from Louth LxGR, Joan
Hoenich from Newcastle
Upon Tyne * Tracy Twomey
from Leamington Spa
Lee Jones & Mario
from Cleethorpes L,
Carolyne Jones from Sale
* Rhiannon Hutchings
from Snitterfield
Susan Pallister & Quinn
from Hull GRxL, Barbara
Ann Mead-Mason from
Poulton-le-Fylde * Lesley
Reddy from Warwick
Bob Pearson & Jeff
from Hull GRxL, Philip
Bowers from Stoke-onTrent * Karen Robbens
from Leamington Spa
Sarah Rogers & Katie from
Horncastle L, David Walker
from Stockport * David
Yarwood from Birmingham
Judy Shaw & Ike from
York L, Pat Moran from
Halifax, Kay Kelly from
Stockport * Eve Smith
from Tanworth In Arden
Sophie Courtney &
Jumble from Leeds L,
Ann Price from Chester,
P Hill from Bolton * Sheila
Higgins from Milton Keynes
Roger Elgood & Rexel
from Saltburn-By-TheSea GSD, Mr & Mrs
Clarke from Winsford
* Rosemary Jackson
from Leamington Spa
Margaret Firth & Venus
from Leeds GRxL, Stephen
Collins from Chester
Le Street * Elizabeth
Crabtree from Blockley
Rachel Hanks & Sheba
from Brighouse L,
Sheila Etchells from
Macclesfield * Claire
Green from Southam
Cheryl Hill & Joker from
GRxL, Maria Kinney
from Liverpool * Beth
Julian from Leicester
Stan Lovell & Casper
from Scarborough L,
Norma Karen Harrison
& David Normandale
from Malton * Robert
Asker from Coventry
Steven Robinson & Guss
from Sowerby Bridge
GRxL, Margaret Black
from Mold * Louise
Stephenson from Warwick
Paul Sharp & Peter from
Leeds GR, Linda Webb
from Stafford * Pam
Kimmins from Birmingham
Keren Stubley & Dolly from
Lincoln GR, Bea Gray from
Carluke, Julie & Steven
Wilson from Glasgow
Jacqui Brewer & George
from Warrington LxGR,
Sharron Marie Burns from
Wallasey * Linda Langman
from Milton Keynes
Marie Brookfield &
Whispa from Southport
LxGR, Norman Frank
Feely from Wirral * Ingrid
Moss from Warwick
Louise Cannon & Harmony
from Liverpool GSD,
Sandra Holmes from
Woolton * Cora Blaver
from Northampton
Lynn Collins & Holly
from Greasby GRxGSD,
Pauline Hickey from
Mancot * Siobhan
Haney from Coventry
Claire Farrell & Tia
from Chester L,
Valerie Shawcross
from Buckley * Jackie
Ellison from Coventry
Dawn Gerrard & Helena
from Runcorn L, Frank
Williams from Poultonle-Fylde, Claire Domville
from Timperley
Jayne Gould & Poppy
from Liverpool GRxL, Colin
Howells from Malpas *
Jane Field from Warwick
Lesley Hunt & Veda
from Liverpool L, Peter
Fearnhead from
Wirral * Alison Ashley
from Daventry
Sam Proctor & Royce from
Congleton L, Alison Cooke
from Wirral * Sarah Brettell
from Stratford-Upon-Avon
Gillian Walters & Sammy
from Wirral L, June Collins
from Northwich * Alison
Ashley from Daventry
Jessica Watson &
Jingle from Wilmslow
L, Elaine Brennan from
Liverpool * Lorna Morgan
from Birmingham
J Kara Ayres & Jaydee
from Northampton
GRxL, Lynne Knapp
from Huntingdon *
Wood from Leicester
Carol Abram & Shirley
from Staines-UponThames GRxGR, Lyn
Stubbs from Ely * Erica
Dowse from Coventry
Colin Audus & Cole from
Whitstable LxGR, Annie
Leith from Berkhamsted
* Linda Langman
from Milton Keynes
Duncan Clarke & Digger
from New Malden L,
Heather Lowe from Bolton
Doctor Nick Clarke & Eva
from Holmfirth L, Sara
Dixon from London * Darrin
Grocock from Lutterworth
Paul Clayton & Nola
from London GSD,
Niccola Meekings from
London * Philip Plant
from Leamington Spa
Michelle Craig & Dexter
from Watford GSD,
Clive Seeley from Bury
St Edmunds * Mr & Mrs
Tindall from Coventry
Christine Dolyak &
May from London L,
Leyla Redman from
Chelmsford * Lindsey
Watts from Coventry
Jennifer Eshalomi &
Beau from London L,
Angela Welford from
Crowborough * Szymon
Janik from Kenilworth
Jean Emily Gant & Iris from
Luton LxGR, Angela & Paul
James from Chelmsford *
Joyce Bartlett from Rugby
Lauren Jackson &
Umber from Orpington
GRxL, Jackie Ralph
from Uckfield * Ginny
Turner from Leicester
Beverley Leigh & Velda
from London GRxFCR,
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
Tracey Bishop from
Chelmsford * Alison
Jordan from Stafford
Jo-Ann Moran & Ike from
London L, Pat Tuffs from
Dartford * Sarah Mitchell
from Stratford-Upon-Avon
Barry Moulds & Lester
from Grimsby LxL,
Anne Gallagher from
Keighley, Jack Roper
from Rochdale * Gordon
Macrae from Over Norton
Robert Murthwaite &
Eamon from London
L, Estelle Susans from
Bromley * Darrin Grocock
from Lutterworth
Tony Sheeran & Crystal
from London LxGR,
Elizabeth Lamb from
Walton On The Naze *
Joan Raxter from Redditch
Harry Dackombe &
Jolly from Herne Bay
LxGR, Kim Stacey from
Billericay * Kathryn
Bayliss from Walsall
Valerie Upchurch &
Stanley from Bexleyheath
GRxL, Malcolm Moore
from Sidcup * Ginny
Turner from Leicester
Derek Dawkins & Dax
from Sevenoaks GRxL,
Sue Hudson from High
Wycombe * Jane Knifton
from Leamington Spa
Robert Andrew Wise &
Hooch from London GSD,
Roy Brown from Hemel
Hempstead * Cora Blaver
from Northampton
Annette Hawkins & Robbie
from Peacehaven GRxL,
Phillip & Jean Wellby from
Leighton Buzzard * Philip
Swallow from Warwick
Karen Parker & Suzi from
Mitcham L, Elizabeth Carr
from Maidstone * Dawn
Collins from Telford
Tracey Jennings &
Margie from Redhill
L, Carol Haynes from
Worthing * Tricia
Ducker from Blisworth
Amit Patel & Kika
from London L, Lucy
Cole from Swindon,
Andrea Capewell from
Newbury * Szymon
Janik from Kenilworth
Cyril Thomas & Falcon
from Brighton L, Kirstie
Boyce from Bishop’s
Stortford * Andrew
Starr from Rugby
Elspeth Pearce & Fergus
from Feltham GRxL, Lynda
Petit from Wallingford *
Jayne Hallam from Walsall
Annette Bearsby & Freddie
from Tonbridge GRxGSD,
Jackie Day from St Albans
* Ruth Smith from Warwick
Katherine Ramo & Cora
from London LxGR, Linda
Masher from Sidcup *
Joan Raxter from Redditch
Ellen Bratby & Maisie
from Sevenoaks GRxL,
Karen Bateman from
Huntingdon * Catherine
Gray from Brackley
Mike Robinson & Harry
from Chichester GRxL,
Sarah Robson from
Ware * Sue Walters
from Stourbridge
David Chandler &
Gordon from Maidstone
LxGR, Joan Smith from
Malmesbury * Helen
Cookes from Nuneaton
Julie O’Brien & Emily from
Polegate L, Jesse & Cath
Powis from Chelmsford
* Linda Morris from
Jessica Read & Millie
from Tonbridge GRxL,
Norma & Terence
Dumbrell from Longfield
* Lorraine Harrison
from Kidderminster
Christopher Smith & Rex
from Seaford LxL, Cath
Goulborn from Otley *
April Williamson from
Lisa Squirrel & Star from
Folkestone LxGR, Helen
Nelson from Sevenoaks *
Lisa Hall from Redditch
Christo Thiardt & Tug
from Canterbury GSD,
Paul & Deborah Welch
from Ashford * Trudy
Evans from Coventry
Valerii Tolkach &
Hartley from Blackpool
LxGR, Maureen Martin
from Sheffield * Jane
Plant from Solihull
Sarah Bayley & Babs
from Preston L, Jean
Greenway Cole from
Buxton * Catherine
Parker from Telford
Michelle Chadwick &
Zena from Manchester
GSD, Maria Thorburn
from Glasgow * Mandy
Matkin from Cannock
Lynne Cooper & Nigel
from York LxGR, Heather
Reid from Perth, Robert
& Doreen Beattie from
Stirling * Carolyn Minty
from Cheltenham
Anthony Finn & Yoda from
Lancaster LxGR, Pamela
Jeffery from Derby, Wendy
Gingell from Ilkeston,
Graham & Mary Moorcroft
from Derby * Jane Innes
from Stourbridge
Jeanette Fyfe & Otto
from Sale LxL, John &
Wendy Raisbeck from
Saltburn-By-The-Sea *
Anne Baulch from Rugby
Jack Glaister & Darcy from
Stockport GRxL, Fishwick
from Burnley * Jane Knifton
from Leamington Spa
Nikki Helme & Lois
from Preston LxGR,
Jennifer Higgins from
Nottingham * Kathryn
Bayliss from Walsall
Gillian Holland & Jeeves
from Oldham GRxL,
Farrelly from Leeds * Beth
Julian from Leicester
Katie Humphreys &
Queenie from Warrington
LxGR, Hilary Percival
from Warrington * Mary
Edwards from Warwick
Aisha Hussain & Pearl from
Cheadle GR, Christina
30 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
Moverley from York * Pam
Kimmins from Birmingham
Richard Stevens &
Charlie from Chorley
L, Fiona Trimble from
Nottingham * Robert
Asker from Coventry
Mike Urry & Rex from
Stockport L, Mike Barwick
from Durham * Rhiannon
Hutchings from Snitterfield
Graham Ward & Redfern
from Fleetwood LxGR,
Jean Barber from
Thornton-Cleveleys * John
Rogers from Bromsgrove
Michael Buchan & Jolly
from Greenside STPxL,
John & Gus Davidson
from Lockerbie * Sue
Price from Claverdon
Laura Craig & Simba
from Hartlepool GRxL,
Gary Dixon from Wigan,
Karin Quarrie from
Warrington * Anthony
Stobart from Solihull
Jane Dobbin & Ernie from
Newton Aycliffe LxGR,
Stuart Donaldson from
Cupar * Janie Macqueen
from Fenny Compton
Charlie Eastwood & Prince
from Hartlepool GSD,
Robert & Vera Gordon
from Aberdeen * Mandy
Matkin from Cannock
Alexandra Mackie &
Neena from Durham
GRxL, Lorna Money from
Glasgow * Lucy Savage
from Chipping Norton
Jack McGrath & Murray
from Crook GRxL, Bea
Gray from Carluke,
Victoria Macready
from Glasgow * Helen
Daw from Bedford
David Russell & Hamish
from Sunderland LxGR,
Hugh & Jane Begg
from Dundee * Hazel
Cross from Evesham
David Scoon & Warwick
from Sunderland
LxGR, Fiona McWhirter
from Kirkcaldy * Ingrid
Moss from Warwick
Suzanne Todd & Zea
from Barnard Castle
LxGR, Daniel McKeeman
from Dunfermline *
Tracy Twomey from
Leamington Spa
George Wilson & Odelle
from Durham GR,
Rachel Discombe from
Aberdeen * Christine
Fowler from Southam
Claire Bland & Iris from
Sheffield L, Joanne Martin
from Derby * Eve Smith
from Tanworth In Arden
Caroline Bowman &
Captain from Nottingham
LxGR, Wendy Jackson
from Bury * Joan Raxter
from Redditch
Jeremy Brooks & Yoko
from Nottingham
LxGR, Margaret &
Edward Docherty from
Stirling * Jane Innes
from Stourbridge
Wayne Brunson &
Braddy from Nottingham
LxGR, Elaine Haywood
from Burnley, Vincent
Joseph Thorpe from
Wakefield * Jackie
Evans from Droitwich
Huw Davies & Hunter
from Barnsley L, Kathleen
Booth from Burntwood,
Lizz Johnson from Leeds,
Vincent Joseph Thorpe
from Wakefield * Eve Smith
from Tanworth In Arden
Edward Gray & Junior
from Barnsley GRxL,
Sharon Forshaw from
Warrington * John
Lovett from Telford
Michele Hazelhurst &
Oakley from Worksop
GRxL, Bertha Morral
from Belper * Trudy Bond
from Wellesbourne
Victor Lusha & Nutmeg
from Barnsley GRxL,
Doctor Claire Doidge
from Sheffield * Jacki
Hauenstein from Telford
Ray Shacklock & Ludo
from Sutton-in-Ashfield
GRxL, Sue Thornhill
from Nottingham *
Emma Watson from
Leamington Spa
Sue Walker & Elvis from
Buxton LxGR, Alan
Turnbull from Peterlee
* Janie Macqueen
from Fenny Compton
Hazel White & Quilla
from Newark GRxL,
Andrew Caldwell from
Bolton * Sarah Mann
from Cheltenham
Malcolm Woodrow &
Andrew from Doncaster
LxGR, Sylvia Thomson from
Bridge Of Don * Joan
Raxter from Redditch
Rebecca Atkinson &
Ruby from Norwich
LxGR, Verity Smith
from Ipswich * Sharon
Cranston from Daventry
Ruby Blyth-Smith &
Ziggy from Norwich
L, Pat & Les Bird from
Dagenham * Samantha
Hanley from Telford
Angela Bull & Rambo
from Dereham L, Sally
Ayling & Mr Oly Higgs
from London * Robert
Jones from Rushden
Clare Burman & Saffron
from Ipswich GRxL,
Jacqueline & Neil Liberty
from Benfleet * Dianne
Merker from Malvern
Jad Elbourn & Dennis
from Cambridge GRxL,
Rosemary Parker from
Rochford * Katherine
Knight from Rugby
Russell Hart & Vargo
from Sudbury GSD,
Julia McClellan
from Leatherhead *
Rosemary Jackson
from Leamington Spa
David Hornett & Prince
from Cambridge GRxL,
Joanne Rodgers from
Benfleet * Jeanette
Hannon from Oldbury
Victor Hunt & Carling from
North Walsham GRxL,
Helen Winsome Kilpatrick
from Belfast * Jean Midson
from Northampton
Avril Johnson & Fabian
from Norwich STPxL,
Wendy Hartwell from
Braintree * Annette Smith
from Swadlincote
Robert Johnson & Cally
from Lowestoft LxGR,
Lorna Fryer from Ashford *
Joan Raxter from Redditch
David Kelly & Oscar from
Great Yarmouth LxL, Lucy
Emsden from Warwick *
Anne Baulch from Rugby
Geraldine McKeag
& Quinta from Bury
St. Edmunds LxGR,
Jack & Tricia Morris
from Swanley * Mary
Edwards from Warwick
Caroline Pryke & Ulay from
Halesworth GRxL, Emma
Evanson from Chelmsford
* Lorraine Harrison
from Kidderminster
Corin Sargent & George
from Bury St. Edmunds
GRxL, Sandra Emsley
from Southam * Louise
Stephenson from Warwick
Kenneth Smith & Barnie
from Lowestoft GR,
Jan Caulfield from
Halstead * Stuart Toulson
from Bridgnorth
Sarah Terrill & Uska from
Huntingdon GRxL, Joan
& Richard Chamberlain
from Romford * Ginny
Turner from Leicester
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
Ryan Woods & Duke
from Great Yarmouth
GRxL, Carolyn Buckley
from Gloucester *
Jessica Macgregor
from Warmington
Ian Allaway & Anna
from Farnham GRxL,
Donald Baker from
Sevenoaks * Philip
Swallow from Warwick
Christopher French &
Farley from Banbury
LxL, Sandra March from
Maldon * Claire Aluko
from Northampton
Hazel Greatorex &
Gismo from Crowthorne
LxGR, Sarah Connolly
from Witham * Sally
Elliott from Olney
Michael Gurney & Tess
from Milton Keynes
GSD, Linda Bonnar from
Cirencester * Nicola
Williams from Shrewsbury
Elsie Hambrook & Lara
from Aylesbury GRxL,
Ann & Tony Ridler from
Luton * Susan Bennett
from Southam
Janet Jones & Goldie
from Bourne End GRxL,
Joanne Hudson from
Chelmsford * Louise
Stephenson from Warwick
Natalie Jones & Sidney
from Oxford L, Pat Walsh
from Colchester * Mr &
Mrs Phipps from Lechlade
Christopher Mustchin &
Kenton from Bognor Regis
GRxL, Penny Gillespie
from Letchworth Garden
City * Ann Hubble
from Birmingham
Amanda Pike & Fable
from Southampton
LxL, Sheila Bleach from
Worthing * Claire Aluko
from Northampton
Angela Ridley & Leo from
Burgess Hill GRxL, Diana
Holmes from Tonbridge
* Jude Jennison from
Liz Roe & Rosie from Milton
Keynes LxL, Elizabeth
Hooley from Welwyn
Garden City * Anne
Baulch from Rugby
Darren Clutton & Quincey
from Shrewsbury L,
Maureen Martin from
Sheffield * Jason Webb
from Birmingham
Danny Barker & Felix
from Southampton LxL,
Martin & Sandra Elliott
from Ilford * Claire Aluko
from Northampton
Carol Crackle & Kasper
from Wolverhampton
L, Dean Thomas from
Telford * David Yarwood
from Birmingham
Royston Kenneth Cox &
Harley from Westbury
GSD, Carol Edwards from
Bedworth * Cora Blaver
from Northampton
Julie Diskin & Oona from
Stoke-on-Trent GR, Diana
& Clarence Treweek
from Leeds * Christine
Fowler from Southam
Leslie Fowler & Wag from
Basingstoke LxGR, Carole
Truman from Bolton *
Ingrid Moss from Warwick
Susan Fletcher & Hudson
from Telford GRxL, Kerry
Barlow from Merriott * Sue
Walters from Stourbridge
Jane Wigley & Paula
from Shoreham-BySea L, Rachel Spillane
from Newbury * Phipps
from Lechlade
Butch David Freeman &
Uska from Burton-on-Trent
L, Patricia Joyce from
Abingdon * Jeanette
Hannon from Oldbury
Fiona Williams & Fletcher
from Headington
GRxL, Diana Clarke
from Swindon * Ginny
Turner from Leicester
Hermine Hodson & Merlin
from Lichfield GRxGSD,
Stacey Dawn Roberts
from Mansfield * Sue
Herman from Warwick
Carol Abram & Shirley
from Staines-UponThames GRxGR, Lyn
Stubbs from Ely * Erica
Dowse from Coventry
Linda Robinson &
Hannah from Newport
GRxL, John Balderson
from Keighley * Susan
Barford from Southam
Mike Robinson & Harry
from Chichester GRxL,
Sarah Robson from
Ware * Sue Walters
from Stourbridge
Rajinder Singh & Yannis
from Wolverhampton
LxGR, Philippa Skinner
from Wirral * Alison Morton
from Leamington Spa
Joanne Tomson & Venus
from Newcastle LxGR,
Keith & Mary Dodd
from Bristol, Angela
Smith from Bristol * Gill
Moss from Banbury
Ken Whitcombe &
Barton from Telford L,
Janice Lancaster from
Manchester * Lucy Savage
from Chipping Norton
Paul Oakley-Cleife &
Gilly from Portsmouth L,
Carol Weatherley from
Beckenham * Catherine
Parker from Telford
Jennifer Parker & Otto
from Eastleigh LxGR, Anna
Green from Chelmsford
* Sally Elliott from Olney
David Shockley &
Freddie from Calne LxL,
Elizabeth Millard from
Coventry * Claire Aluko
from Northampton
Suzanne West & Darcy
from Broadstone L,
Elizabeth Ellis Churchill
from Leeds, Margaret
Kenworthy from
Holmfirth * Fiona Steed
from Droitwich
Welwyn Garden City
Jade Brothwell & Herbie
from Spalding GRxL,
Loraine Baker from
Colchester * Sue Walters
from Stourbridge
Louise Carter &
Spedan from Harlow
LxL, Gill Maynard from
Southampton * Anne
Baulch from Rugby
Angela Cotton & Jess
from Potters Bar L,
Philippa Bushe from
London * Barbara
Wilkinson from Pershore
Barbara Hunt & Trudy
from Colchester L,
32 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
New partnerships
Cleo Jennings from
Luton * Jackie Ellison
from Coventry
Joan Jewell & Uri
from London LxGR,
Sue Langdon from
Longfield * John Rogers
from Bromsgrove
Christine Mason & Nelson
from Watford STPxL,
Lynda Graham from
Harpenden * Annette
Smith from Swadlincote
Mark Pivac & Hero
from Saffron Walden
GSD, Paula Guy from
Sittingbourne, Daniel &
Katherine O’Donoghue
from Gillingham * Cora
Blaver from Northampton
Eileen Wild & Sandy
from Dunstable GRxFCR,
Geof & Patricia Twite
from Chelmsford * John
Rogers from Bromsgrove
Ken Woodward & Parky
from Colchester L, Toni
& Adrian Voller from
Godalming * Barbara
Wilkinson from Pershore
Could you be a brood bitch holder?
We are always looking for more volunteer brood bitch holders,
who look after our guide dog ‘mums’ in their own homes. You
need to live within an hour’s drive of our National Breeding
Centre, near Leamington, not work more than four hours per day,
have a secure garden, and be able to transport the guide dog
mum to and from the centre. For more information, please call
0845 372 7432* or email [email protected]
*Calls cost 3p per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge
Breeding Stock
Archie * 08.07.15 * GSD
* Stud * Mr P Meadows
from Lutterworth * Mrs J
Scott from Newton Abbot
Hebe * 11.08.15 * L *
Bitch * Mrs J Paget
from Rugby * Mr DM
Manley from Bradford
Orla * 10.09.15 * GSD *
Bitch * Mr & Mrs Tindall
from Coventry * Mrs K
Ramos from Warwick
Darcy * 08.07.15 * L *
Bitch * Miss J Baines from
Burton-on-Trent * Mrs J
Dixson-Smith from Kenley
Helen * 08.07.15 * L *
Bitch * Mrs J Brinkworth
from Nuneaton * Mrs C
Farmer from Kenilworth
Ruby * 08.07.15 * L *
Bitch * Mrs J Paget from
Rugby * Ms H Reaper
from Livingston
Domino * 22.10.15 * GR *
Stud * Mr P Maycock from
Bromsgrove * Mrs K WroeBrown from Colchester
* Mr & Mrs B Croucher
from South Ockendon
Hilly * 26.10.15 * GR *
Bitch * Mr P Maycock
from Bromsgrove *
Mr P Maycock from
Ruby * 11.08.15 * L *
Bitch * Mrs E Watson
from Leamington
Spa * Mrs T Kirkwood
from Cambridge
Joni * 20.10.15 * L *
Bitch * Mrs S Dowling
from Crowborough
Sammy * 20.10.15 * L
* Stud * Mrs E Watson
from Leamington Spa
* Mr & Mrs P & A Russell
from Nottingham
Eva * 16.09.15 * GR *
Bitch * Mrs M Court from
Halesowen * Mr & Mrs S
& J Flack from Chigwell
Hamlet * 08.07.15 * L *
Stud * Mrs J Paget from
Rugby * Mr & Mrs J
Wallace from Edinburgh
Marie * 22.10.15 * GR *
Bitch * Mr P Maycock
from Bromsgrove * Mrs D
Milligan from Clitheroe
x – Crossbreed
CCR – Curly Coat Retriever
COL – Collie
Tansy * 20.10.15 * L *
Bitch * Mrs J Klaar from
Stourbridge * Mrs F
Cave from Bromsgrove
Ms J Meyers from
Tess * 08.09.15 * L *
Bitch * Mrs J Klaar
from Stourbridge *
Mrs C Weatherley
from Beckenham
Ulster * 16.09.15 * STP
* Stud * Outside Bred
* Mr & Mrs Landsberg
from Milton Keynes
Verity * 08.07.15 * GR
* Bitch * Mrs D Bright
from Kidlington *
Mrs JC Rodwell from
Milton Keynes
FCR – Flat Coat Retriever
GR – Golden Retriever
L – Labrador
GSD – German Shepherd Dog SPIN – Spinone
IWS – Irish Water Spaniel
STP – Standard Poodle
Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
Over to you
Thanks to Kerry EdwardsPritchard from Cheltenham
Ladies College for this photo
of some of the girls finding
out more about Guide Dogs
as part of the school’s
Wellbeing Programme. The
girls loved meeting both
guide dogs and puppies and
are now hoping to raise
enough to name a puppy.
We love buddy dog Eddie
so much! He has settled so
well into our family. We
have 11-year-old twins Alex
and Jamie and 15-year-old
Sam. Alex is blind and has
cerebral palsy and severe
learning difficulties, and
Jamie has significant
learning difficulties. Eddie is
interacting and teaching
them so much that I’m
convinced he’s a magical
healing dog!
I think the whole buddy
dog scheme is amazing.
Without it we’d never have
been able to have a dog
and feel like we are lottery
winners with Eddie. You did
an amazing job with Eddie,
and there are five very
happy people here whose
lives have been absolutely
transformed for the better.
Sian Russon
Caption competition
Thank you to puppy walker Geoff Heslop for sending
in this picture of young puppy Page watching
Yorkshire playing cricket at Headingley. What do you
think Page is thinking? Please send your caption idea
on a postcard to Forward, Guide Dogs, Hillfields,
Burghfield Common, Reading RG7 3YG or email
[email protected] with your name and
address. There’s a £10 Marks and Spencer voucher
for the winner.
The winner of the last caption competition was Mrs J E Marshall from
Southampton with: “Pssst! I’ll take the blame for the puddle if you tell me
where they hide the biscuits.” Congratulations – we hope you enjoy your voucher.
Competition rules
This competition is open to anyone resident in the UK, except employees
of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, their families and anyone
connected with the competition. No purchase necessary. Proof of posting
cannot be accepted as proof of delivery. No responsibility can be accepted
for entries delayed, damaged or mislaid or wrongly delivered. Illegible
entries will be disqualified. Only one original entry is allowed per envelope.
34 Forward Magazine | Spring 2016
The winners will be notified by either post or telephone and the results will
be published in the next issue of the magazine. The winners must agree to
the publication of their names, photographs and any publicity, if requested.
In all matters concerning the competition the Editor’s decision is final. No
correspondence can be entered into. Entry implies acceptance of the rules.
The closing date for the competition is 27 May 2016.
2:00 PM
11:00 PM
Will you
you leave
leave a
a gift that’s full of life?
Guide dog Pippa is there for her owner Lynette all day, every day.
Guide dog Pippa is there for her owner Lynette all day, every day. She’s
the confidence
to start enjoying
life again
given given
her theher
to start enjoying
her wholeher
again without
side, can
my friends
can be
relying on
by my
be my friends
not says
my carers,”
says Lynette.
in your
not friends
my carers,”
Lynette. Please
leave aPlease
gift in your
Dogs and
with sight
help people
loss live every
day to
full.every day to the full.
incredible impact of gifts in Wills,
us on 0800 953 0113.
or call us on 0800 953 0113
Guide Dogs is a working name of The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. Registered Office: Hillfields,
Burghfield Common, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 3YG. A company limited by guarantee registered in England
and Wales (291646) and a charity registered in England and Wales (209617) and Scotland (SC038979)