08/15/1896 - Atlantic County Library System
08/15/1896 - Atlantic County Library System
jgT M. 53. services to-morrow. Seriinon by Pastor Bishop in-the morning. Jlvening, Epworth League and public services combined, commencing promptnd NJERVOUS Tac;* -purify the ly at 7:3f> and lasting just one hour. BLOOD and give HBALTHY Therala an evident increasing interest Bction tr The entire system; •Curd DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, in these meetings. During the heated 1ONSTJPATION and PIMPLES* term, every effort will be made to render these,services profitable but in no respect tedious. Best in EWorld! GeUltfi Begins! Sold Everywhere! ' R-I-P-A-N-S The-modern standard Family Medicine : ~ Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. A beautiful line of Spring Suits At $7,50 Boys' Pants at 40 c. Fay Building. Capt. "Wescott, of the Baptist Boys' Brigade of Atlantic City, was in town on Monday, making arrangements for the encampment, which is to begin Sept. 7th, at the Park, It ia expected that on their arrival they will be met by tho4ocal' Brigade and the Sons of Veterans and escorted to their grounds. This Brigade is the pride of Atlantic City, and will doubtless be a stimulant to our boys. ' Hnrh! hnrk! hear the dogs bark; Tho Italians have gone for the year; Somo'vrlth ragp, but most with bags Of more chink than farmers could clear. C3J" Pursuant to call, a number o ^Republicans meL-Tuesday evening, anc -talked over the'subject of "organizing a campaign club/ Orville E. Hoyt was chosen chairman, J. Murray Baasett secretary. It was resolved to organize a "Sound Money Club," and a committee of five authorized to receive •applications lor membership^draftr constitution, and secure a hall. A second meeting will be called later. . ®" Burglars entered W. H. Tillery's little shoe store .some time Sunday night, and carried off fifty or more pairs of shoes. Entrance was effected through the cellar, the inner door bolt catch being broken with a jimmy of some kind, as was that, on the next door,— giving a clear access tb the store. The parly must have cleared out hastily, as a sack was left, into which they had put six pairs of shoes. No clue to-the robbers, j^ Shoes. Shoes, Shoes B©, Two vagrants were prowling around Capt. Loveland's promises aboul midnight last Friday. Capt. Crowley Shoes made to order. Loveland and Charles Geppert capturec Repairing done at short notice one of them (an Italian), and as he could not give a satisfactory account o: himself, Policeman Garton locked him up. In the,morning Justice Atkinson If you want a good reliable articli recognized him as the man who paid a of foot-wear, at a reasouabli flue last year for stealing tools from . • . price, you can get It at Abel Wood's engine about a year ago. Boots, Shoes, Bubbers._J . Teacher of GUITAIl and MANDOLIN Agent for Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos and other instruments. Also, Music both vocal and instrumental. Repahim promptly attended to. For terms am prices apply at residence in tho evening or at Herman Fiedler's Cigar Store. Hammonton. N.J. TAKE THE PHILADELPHIA IMftUIEEE time, he'was discharged with a hint to leavo town at once, which ho seemec glad to do. ' unoalled-1'or letters iii the Hammonton Post-Office, on Saturday Aug. 8, 1800 : Eocco Ilcrtono Mr. Ulacomo Cocozza. LulguJCnpparroijo AVIIholm F. ClifUunm Mr Galzarauo Francesco Maria Uonionlco l-'unllln Murlu Uomoulco Dl Fullo Mr Carmmola TommuHollo Mrs JumeH Juyco LnlKO Lloratoro tiato FagOBtlno Mr Anzlul) Perry Vlnceimo I'urpetnva ClulHoppo rumtllara M Allonorovoll FruncoHco Kumoiito A Anna Uunocla MlHH It 1C Uobortu llullonla Hclilnvo li'OUlCION. More tluiu 500,000 other pooplo arc reading it every day. They can't afford to mien I t , and neither can you. The AHBOoiatod PrcHu, tbo boot nervlcn of epooial dispatches in tbo titnto, and complete correspondence from tho Lolilgh Valley, tbo Boliuylklll Vftlloy, CboHl.er Valley, Central Pennsylvania, and Now Jersey, jjlvoa nil tlio news in dotall to Inquirer leadora. PageH on xporting subjects, articloa of apodal Inturunt to wommi, real estate, Ilimnelal nnd marlno IntoHI/foiioo, nro thoroughly covered each day in Tho Inquirer. THEN THERE'S The Sunday Inquirer Vlnireuzo 'Clprloiio 1'Yilu Oluprlno Peraons bulling for any of tho above Ictteru will please utato that It hub boon advertiaod. .JOHN T. FUBNCII. P. M. Old Pooplo Old pooplo who require niodioino to regulate tho bowels and kldnoyd will Und the true remedy In Electric Hitters This medicine doou not Htlmulatn, and jontalim no whinky nor other intoxluunt, lint iiut/i an a tonlo und ullorativo. It acts mildly on tho utonmoli and boweln, JliiH Btrength and nlvinu tone to tho organn, thoroby aiding Nature lu tho [lerformauce of tho fnnoMoim. JCIeotrio liitturH in un oxccllont appetizer, and aid" (llirvation. Old pooplo lind it jiint exactly what they need. Price Til) ounts and ©1, at C'rofl'n Phurniacy. The very boat paper Win. Kutliorlord, puhllahad anywhere. Ooinnilniilonor of Deeda, Notary Contalim oontrlbutlona by all tho leadPubllo, Heal Kntato and Iimurauno, ing authorti, nowxy luHi'ni I'rom evurvlluiiiinouton.N..T. whoro, oarefully condnoted ilepui tm'iitn ou uthlotloa — both nmatenr and prolim. atonal, — tho utuuo, nooloty, iho oluho, Tuo l/lv4;M finoret HOolotk'H.frutornal ordern, innnlo, Mrs. I'luilin Tliiiiniii), ol'.Tunotlon Oltyl lltflraturo, military inullorn, tho lutvBt II., wan told by hor dootorn ah» had conHoloutlllo InventtoitB, oto. mimptlon and tliat tlioio waa no hope lor A mout popular feature of the Hiimluy uir, hut two bottled Or. ICln^'u New Inqulroi- la u beautifully colored copy of )looovory cinnpletoly cured lier, and iihu Dome fiiiiuiiia palntinu lituiied eunh wook iiyn it iKivml luir HI'M, All'. Thou. ICggerit, 88 an nit mipploment. ill* Florida Ht., Han Franoliioo, null'orod Kim a dreadful cold, approaching uon'For Sale by all iiinptlon, tried without mmilt ovnry tiling IHO, then l)9ii«lit one bottlo of Dr.iClng'n Vow DUoovury, and in two wookn wan HUIJHOieil'TION KAT1CH J)y mull, poBtugo puld, to any purt of the oi I. id) ID nutnrally thankful. It 'n United titateu or C'anudn, — Biioh rruultn, of which thoBU uro Biunjilon, Daily Edition, < >m> (/out a copy Unit prove the wondurfnl elllnuoy of thin Haiuliiy Kdltloii, Kiro cti), u copy medicine In couglm and coldu, Fruetrla, Dally Kdltlon, : 4:1 per Year bottloi tit Croft'a I'hariuacy. Hunday Edition, $'_'/)() j)or Veur 1 Cheapest and Best The People's Bank •>- Directory. Of Hammonton. N. 3i MUNICIPAL. Authorized Capital, ^50jOOO Paid in, ^30,000. Surplus, ^14000. CLEHK. J. L.O'Donnoll. COLLECTOR <t TnnAsuRBB. A. B. Davis. llABsnAL.I B. ohourrts. JUSTICES. Jolm Atkinson, G. W. Pressey, ,T. B. Ryan. Con8TAui.Kfl. Qco. Bornehouso, W. B. Wolle, Borij. Foglotto. OVBHSEKR OP HionwAvs., VT. H. Bnrgoss. Ovr.nsEEK OP THE POOR. Johu W. Logan. NIGHT POMOE. J. H. Garten. S. E.Browni .,. TOWK COUNCIL. Wm. Cunningham, Prcs't, John C, Andorsoo, Daniel M. Bollard, George Kiqg, J. P. Patten, Alvin Adams. Moeta last Saturday ovo each month. BOARD OP EDUCATION. 0. P, Osgood, president; J. L. O'DonnoH, clerkjTKdwin Adams, L. Monfort, Dr. Edward ;Norlh, P.H.Jacobs, Mies Ncllio Scoly, Mrs.'M. M. Beverage, Miss AnnaProssey. • . • Meets second Tuesday in eaoh month. -' RELIGIOUS. BAPTIST. Rev. J.-C. Killian, pastor; Sunday services : Preaching 10 30, Sunday-school 11.45, Junior 0. E. 3.00 p. m., Christian Endeavor 6.30, Preaching 7.3B. Weekday prayer meeting Thursday evening 7.45. ' CATHOLIC, ST,; JOSEPH'S. Rev. Spigardi jcotot. Sundavjuiflss_lfli30 a. m., vespers al MO p;m. EPISCOPAL, ST. MARK'S. ROT. A. C. Proscott, rector. Sunday: morning prayer 10.39, a. m., [second and fourth Sundays celebration of the Holy Eucharist 7.30 a. m.], Sunday-school 12.00 noon, Evensong 7:30 p.m. Friday eve Evensong, 7.30. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. G. F. Bishop pastor. Sunday services r~oiasB~9:SO,™a.m preaching 10.30, Sunday-school 12.00 noon Epworth League ",00 p. m., preaching 7.30, Class' Tuesday, nnd Wednesday evenings 7.45, Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. . Mission at Pine Road. PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. H. R. Randall pastor Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a. m., Sunday school 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 p. in C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 p.m, Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. Mission? atFolsom and Magnolia. Italian Evangelical. Rev. Thomas Fragalo, Pastor. Sujylay School at 10.30 a.m. Preaching at 9 a.m. Saturday, 7 p.m., preaching. UHIVERSAHST. Rev. Costello \Veston pastor. Sunday cervices: preaching 10.30 a. m Sunday ecbool, 12^00 noon, pruaohiog 7.3( p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEJIPERAKCE UNIOS Mrs. Chan. E. Roberta president, Mrs. S. E Brown secrctarj', Mrs. \Vm. Rutherford corresponding secretary. « TOCKO WOMABS CHKISTIAHTEBPERAKCE UNION Miss Minnie B. Nowcomb president, Jdrs J. R, Moore secretary, Miss M. E. Olnoy cor. soc'y. PRATEENAL. ARTISANS ORDER OF .MUTUAL PROTECTION A. P.'Simpson, M. A.; A. B. Davis, Secretary Meets first Thursday evening in each month in Mechanics' Hall. Wigstpw LoDOE I.JO. O-JP. John M.Austin N. Q.; William H. Bernshouse, Secretary, Meets every Wednesday evening, in Masonic Hall. TRIDE I. 0. R. M. Charles R. J. BYRNES, President. M. L. JACKSON, Vice-Pres't W. R. TILTON, Cashier I, BASE BALL. HAMMONTON 12. is a Duplex No. 9 Certificates of Deposit issued, bearing Interest at the rate of 2 per cent, per annum if hold sis months, and 8 per cent if hold one year. Clip of Coffee easy to understand, bean* DinnmiTit days—fuegday^ and Light ruoning, ' Fridav of each week. A. H.Phillips. W. A. Faunce, A. H. Phillips & Co. Fire Insu^anceo' — MONEY—*•':' . FOB Mortgage Loans.. : Single or double thread stitch— a modern .'. .invention. Every machine guaranteed. Are_yojiJniprested ? So L<] (or a catalog Agents wanted. W. & W. Manufacturing Co., 1312- Chestnut St., Phila. FOR SALE BY -' - - W. H. Bernshouse : • Hammonton, N. .T. Rr» BrSnm Correspondence Solicited. 1328 Atlantic Avenue, canthtote otsome«lmple — (nil ttll IllRn IUOU thing to patent/ Atlantic City, N. J. HAMMONTON, N..J.,- AUGUST 15J 1896. VOL. DIBECTOBS: B. J. Byrnes, ..< . M. L, Jackson," George El vins, . .- . ElamStodkwoll G; P. Saxton, ~ O. F. Osgood, W. R. Tilton. A. J. Smith, J.. 0. Anderson. W. L. Black. Protect your Ideas: they may bring you vrealth. Wrlto JOHN WKDBEBBtJRN & CO., Patent Attolw noys, WasblDgton, D. O., for their 81.800 prlro otter and list at two bondrod Inventions wonted. olicit your Orders -And Ilecords. Meat every Tuesday's sloop IB tho Masonlo Hall. JUKE 28,1800. M. B. TAYLOR LODOE, F. k A. M. W. DOWN TUAINB. TIP TKAISS. L. Black, Mudier; Alonzo B. Davis, Secretary -, limn ii'n ll'li Hum Him tiua 2nd and 4tb Friday nights In Mnaonio Hall. Hun Hun. 81111. Hi. Ace. Aec, Kx. Ace. Ace. Ace. Bx Ace. STATION ACT. Acn. A,:,' Kxp. Acc. Ai:c Acc JR. ORDKR UNITED AIIKRICAH MECIIAMICS l>.-ra. 1>.!U. ni.-jp.ni. (l.lll 'U.til. p.tn. A; T. Lobley, F. S. Moots every" 'Friday 0 00 R O D .1 45 5 IHI 7 5,'jllO &u!t 20 i> :io IMKI I'lilk.lolplila 7 -Id K -III l r>u| 10 :iii 7 iVi .ft :ui 7 111 (Timidcu U US 8 0{J 863 5 (W H (Uill IHI 4 211 ! 5 37 II 111 evening In Mechanics' Hall. 7 ;i2 K ::i 1 4- .1n "/ 7 « H'M 7 W CalllliKRWooil S 1-1 II 12 4 3:1 7 111 8 20 1 !IU « 2'J 4 Oi (1 l£l 7 !IU ; H II (1 M GEN. D. A. KOBHEM, Post, G. A.R. Charles 4 1-2 1 46 llmlJonllflJ 8 25 12 21] lu so 7 lli i 11 1 £1 8 XI 7 25 rt (15 1145 E. Roberts, Coinuiunder; W. II. II. Bradljurj Klrkwuml H 42 •1 2J IHO D Ml H Oi! 1 12 S '17 n :ui 4 f>~> 7 ICi 7 Ml 0 81 Adjutant; L. Beverage, Q. M. Mooto 1st anc 1) (III11 4!r A (IS Ilcrllu ill 11 7 mi 1 nii S M 4 as II 51 7 ll,"i 7 :«l II IK 3rd Saturday nights In Mechanics' Hall. 11 (III 111 51 .'> la Ata> i| :ti1 7 II I'.! W> 1) IHI 4 W II AH K 5t< 7 ill (I 12 t, 't , 7 W I1.' 17 ... I) M 4 62 ii Kill- in A HI ....Wixtorfonl 7 (111 (1 -III 7 ','(! (1 UA WOIIANH* EELII:I' Conrs. Prosidc.it, Mrs 0 IB 4 6i Anc»ra t» in'i2 on 507 7 1<> (1 IS 7 'JO U K (1 411 7 M II Si M. E. button; Secretary, Mils Lenno Adamu, 11 22 t>m 11 2.'l 12 111 r> \i il 1:1 7 Hi 12 :i7 (I ;IH 17 IS 7 2(1 ...WIllMluW J(l. (1'VOj. 1st und 3rd Satuiday ovo, Musunio Hall llainliionlon II Mi 0 !I(I B 21 ft nil 11 -11 12 2(1 n -1H II 12 7 !«l i) or.l? 1(1 12 :m II II (1 H;' '? II 5 51) OBK. D. A. KuaHBirL.CAUp BOND op VBTKHKltvoix) U 4:> 0 117 il M 5 fill 7 m (I Hi II fill 5 «7 ANH, No. 14. Cupt., Wm. Cunningham; First 7 (1(1 l)fi(> fi« ii iw 11) (11 II 115 KffR llarltor. II (V( 11 115 |ll 411 r, ','4 Abs(\'X)ti 02,1 ii :ui :> 40 (1 3u ;< u4 t Sorgl., A. V. W. Selley. Every W«dne«day 7 111 K) 1U 0 111 t It' 10 21 lfl Atluntlo (Jlly (i ;i> o •!:> v m 111 22 (1 22 u m in jii II 2,i » (!•') 6 'M (1 20j4 62 evo, Union Hull. TUB UAUUONTOH ATHLETIC ABBOCUTION, David Coltroll, prosiilcnt; Daniel B, Berry, secretary; M. B. Wliittlcr, oaptaln. Aloets ovury Monday ove, at Annotation Hull. Hammonton llano Bull Club. 1'res., J)r. 0. June 28,1M)0. Cunningham. doc. and Manager, W. Dul'uy. DOWN THAINS. HP TRAINS. Hlnlorhood Branch, No. (0, 0. Iron Hall ol / 1 Baltimore. Karnli A. Hood, Pret't. Carrlo A. o. m. n. m. p.m. [>. Ill p.m 1«. m p. lu STATIONS. A.m. a.m. 11.111, ih lin. H. 111. |> In p.m !>. in |i. m. King, Sno'y. Moots "In Moohsnlcs' Hall Oral 11 -10 7 K S 1,1 10 111 10 M 1 4011 100 A3 in m BOO 10 45 1 00 II IK) 4 ll'l ft 40 (1 .'III Philadelphia und third Wednesday ovo'n, 8 o'clock. Oamtlt.!! il m 7 -\-i H (ill !l M 10 III 4 '.'H (1 SO II III 10 13 8 15 1(1 57 1 12 :i ii 4 •!!) ft fa (Mil „ VOUIIITRER Fine Co. John M. Austin, H Ji! 0 M> il 'Ji II 01 II 51 - W|.>lOolMli|i>wouil 1 111 4 aro \5i lla.Mon Ilrlglil. u in 1) 11 II III 5 till 1 111 ll 15 i a? Iirr.uiJuut; Cliaa. W. Austin, ecorotnry. Meets Hlill 1100 7 an AMI JkUgnolln H :w •1 IHI II OH i ill (1 17 7 (HI .. . Jlnl Monday evening of eaoh month. !> M 7 '-!! l» :w H 4 7 ii m 7 III Clnmunton 11 51 A 8<l 1 45 ln<lii|,omlmit 1'lro Co. Moots first Wodnoi ii -Jl HAD :l 10/1 17 1 M 0 .'III 7 :m ....XVIlllnmatown Jnuo.,.. 1, -l.'i «... day evening In oaoli uiontli. U01 b :io 7 I t 1 fill Ou.l«r llrook o l/i ;i in a 10' o i") 7 Jll n 05! ....In :no mi 0 11! 2 111 II Fill 7 40 ...Wlniloiy Juno. (I'vo),.. f, HI 1) III 11 D'J •1 111 :i 47 i I I 7 05 7 411 lliunmuuum n as 7 01 7 III M Al 1(117 :i io fi in o 0) 10W H 411 r> i\ 1) 'U ,....?.. l)a()<»tu Biiainosa Organizations. K 1:1 /I ','f ft Oi tt S'l 7 fin Fruit flrowors' (Iinon, II. J. Monfori socretury, « III 11 'III H l!l U K ! .1 ill1 5 51' u 5'J (|.|> H m EgK 'lUrtKir flhlppnra of fruit nnil produce. H lit 0 -IH 4 fi ' II L'll K 01 Fruit Uruworn' Aguuoliiiion, (1. W. Klv'no aco- 1(1 IHI 1 41 M IK t 'M 5 11 jll 20 7 Oil 7 fo ii Oil i :u 5 .H U W) 10 10 1'J 10 H as (. All.utloOily rotary, al.|p|iur> of frull uiul |irocluou. Iliiuiiiioniiin Loan nnd llullilln;; Aignolatlon, W. H. Tllton iinnrcl ,ry. in. itnil IIM'l! p. in, H C N N A Y T K A I N H I . M Y o ll.u ul,,ii HH fi,! l o W 4 : l l u w t i Iritlnit, iii'c.,1, U|> (nilllH, iiotMinnut.liilliili, K:l)l », in, mi .1 «:l>:t |i. in ; r»|iri..ri, n:'IV i ifl Ii<;li7|>. i VViirUlnKini-ii'B finni unil HinlilliiK Aeaoolutlon, W. II. ll«rn«ho,^i., f-,,ro nry. Pnoplo's D u n k , W. 11. TJIton onshlor. llittiiiiMinton Iin|irovvinrut Aflflnclutlon. M. l'X)U Jiiolmon |.rmliluni, \V. H. Dcrnnliouno BOO'}', O. W. 1'roHnuy Iroaiiuror. f> V „ provided it is GOOD and also made right/ of the Nineteenth Century draws nighV and merchants must reflect!. Bead: —TcHhree-fourths-eup—Royal Java and Mocha (ground fine) add two or three cups cold water and one egg (beaten one minute), boU three minutes, then fill to quantity desired with hot water, and serve. We recommend "Royal" blend above all others, as being the finest flavored coffee this-town holds, and when made by the /above receipt cannot fail to give {satisfaction. We are the sole agents in Hammonton for both Royal and White House, also a high grade coffee. So don't waste time looking for them elsewhere, nor waste money on "ieapeircoffees said torbe just as good. kinds, we have them all from 18 c, to 30 c. TKe-progresa^of-lhe-ages— has brought Gasoline Stoves, Bine Flame Oil Stoves, and what not stoves, and thus the bottom has been knocked from the price of wood. Notice .this-: For aT brief period ~ we shall sell OAK "WOOD delivered to any part of the town for Geo.BMns —Groeeiv Frank E. Roberts Beautiful lin© of Shirts Wm. Bernshouse, STEAM Hammonton, IT. J., Justice of the Peace. Oflloo, Booond and Ohorry Bto. Lumber Yard. All varieties of the Finest Mill Work, Saeh, Doors and Blinds. FIRST GRADE Wm. Commissioner of Deeds, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Ol', Nov. ;lrd uro already well under wuy. A now /PRESIDENT of the UNITED STlTES la to be elected, and the MEW YOEK WEEfcLK TRIBUNE will, IIH ulwiiyit, lio fiiuud In tliu tlilnlu'Ht ol Iho (i^lil., biitl.lliix vl((or, iinly IV)r 'auuml butineii prinoii'lo, wlilch will iii'in.n jiroKjieTili/ to thf, JVi((iof». Tlio Now Yoik \V«"l'ly Tl'llmiH' IH ma only llin liindliiK Id'liiilillcan (iiipor tit tlio iidiuitij, lint in jirei-tiiitiHiittti/ <t In (tiiiniialgn IIOWH und diuoiiHiiloim will liiKinmt ovoi.y AiiiDi'lnan oulr.mi, • i All the news of tliu dny, Foieldli C'nmfnpoiidoiion, A«riciiltinul Dopnrliiiunt, Market llepoi'i.n, nluirlHiorUm ouiiijilnto In inuili miiuhur, Ciomlo I'luturcn, Fuslilon 1'hiina with I'luborittn OottorlptloiiH, anil a variety of Ittmm ol' liniiuuliold lutuioot up an lilinil family pupur. Wn funimli tliu Kontli .F<irM4\y K<n>iil»ll<'nn iimi tlio York \V«)okl> Trlbuno,— both inti/oru Oue.Yoar for $1.25,— cash in advance. Addrcaa all ordom tu TtllO ItlM'LIIllJC.V N, l l i < i n i n o i i l < i i u I1AMMONTON, N.J. Insurance placed only In tho most rollablii companion. ; ; Boodo, Loaaou, JHortfingoB, Eto. Odrofiilly drawn. A Specialty. Near the Railroad Stations, Hammonton, N. J. OCEAN TICKETS nnd from all portaoi Europe. Corrcapouilisnoo HOlloltod. ' Bond a poutal oard order for A true akotoh of Uooimoiiton. llanufuotiiior and Dealer In FALSTCY SHINGLES Posts, Pickets, etc. BBURY OUATE8. Foleom, N. J. 8®. Lumber jawed to order. Order* received by mnll prorai/tly lUlofl/ 1'rlcoH Low. ........ FERTILIZER. -•: ;-- •- • : < - - - . _ - • • - Dr- " - ; '- ' Arrangements have been made to keep in stock one of the beat fertilizers made at the present time, and guaranteed as per analysis on the bags. Manufactured by Brumfleld & Foster, Colora/Md., and will be kept in stock atftho new freight depot, C. §• A. R. R. Apply to J. H. BROOKER, agent, at the depot, or to ~ Jobir Scuffiii; Justice of the Peac®, Commissioner of Deeds Pension & Claim Agent. Bellevue Ave. and Second St., HAMMONTON, •:'.*? : N.J. V ''. -"' All business placed in my hands will be promptly attended to. WM. I have but $500 of subscriptions to n J. JL. canning factory • stock, and not one of BESEDENT the subscribers is a farmer or fruit grower. Comment is unnecessary; It HAMMONTO1T, : : jr. J. seems much easier to raise crops to be thrown into Boston Harbor, the East Office Days,— Every week-day?' GAS ADMINISTERED. River, and the Delaware. . ' for extracting with gag, ..Wit. RUTHERFORD. - - Noobarge te«th are ordered. • P. S. Only $10 a share. Come in and subscribe. $jr It may prove convenient for those who have bank accounts to remember the facts given below1, which We quote from a circular sent out by a prominent bank: _.= Banks throughout the country decline to par checks with so-called "restrictive endorsements," such as the vectivos on Conly when he made his error on Saturday, declaredf, few weeks ago that he was the. only good baseman Hammonton bad. Gartside waa the STEAM-—'• >*'•' ' tivoly : For Deposit, For Deposit only, Manufacturer of the Finest For Deposit to the Credit of, For Credit of, For account of,- For Collection. None of the above phrases should be used as a part of any indorsement made upon Items which you may wisb banks seventh sent out an expedition tb view to collect. It will save much delay if the eclipse, while ho trotted around these recommendations are strictly complied with, thus avoiding tho necesAnd dealer in to 3rd. sity of returning the items." The score : The weather has boon extremely HAMMONTON. n H o A .is hot hero, as elsewhere, this week. MerWait. en................................1 0 0 1 1 cury ran up to 100 in the shade on Naylor, cr.. 2b ..................... 3 $ f J 1 Tuesday. In tho great cities, deaths Hitchner, p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I ' l 0 2 0 Cunningham, 'Mi.. ............... a 1 0 0 1 from boat' were numerous, and prostraConloy, ib.. of..;..................2 0 0 1 1 tions numbered many hundreds. At Gartsldo.o........_.................1 3 IT 1 2 Second Street and Bollovne ATO., Winslow many laborers in tho clay pits Muthlu. If..................... . . . . . . . .1 1 2 0 0 Cordory, Ib..........................1 1 5 0 1 were compelled to quit work. Our Ludorltz, rf.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 2 1 0 1 farmers were discreet enough to fioek Garmonts mado in the best manner. 12 11 1»MJ 8 shady places during tho hottest hours. Scouring and Repairing promptly done. reasonable. Batipfaotlon guaranPARSON A. A. Wednesday night brought a slight relief Ratoa teed In every ouso. R HOA E — very alight. A Quo shower Thursday Wagner, 3 b..........' ..............1 2 0 2 0 night, continuing on Friday morning, CollliiH, 'Jt>, . 0 2 2 3 1 Hill. Ib 3 1 10 1, 0 refreshing man land beast, and gave Htanton, ua 2 1 1 4 U vegetation a now lease of Ufa. Uull.e MACCARONI, Imported Groceries JOHN ATKINSON, Hammonton. •.AND Real Estate & Insurance Agt LOCAL BUSINESS HOUSES. Kollublo uud onlor(,rlil(,([ jiurtlon, In tholr roapuotlvo linen, whom wo can rocouiinond. Kor dotuilfl, soo tholr ndvoritaomontit. Wm. Brtkrr, tlnsmltli. llojt A Bonn, publtchom, ]irlntora. ( I n t o Bliioh, ololhlng, lallorlriit. 11. Mol>. Mttlo, Imrilwura, lurnltur"o, ourjiolii. Huliort Blflol, jowulur. M. it. Judkaiiu, iiioiit uiul produce. Ii, W. d.gluy, hiirnnnn. (J. W. I'rcinoy.Jmtloo. W, H. lloriiBiKiuno, oci.il. Dr. J. A. Wang, .li.nllnl. John AlUI'ison.Juntloottnil tullor. John Murilonk, nh(ioB. Win. Itulliarforil. ronl n n l n l o anil liii-urunne. Win. lloruiiliouro, iilinlng oilll. liimliar. J. H. Tliujrnr, iiiuilml Inntriiiiioniii. l(«nry K r a m e r . ( V u l ' u m ) , oodar liinibor. MonfortOyolo do, lilnjolon, unulrloa. I). 0. Harhurl, uliiioa, <J<ior»o Klvln.t, ilry K»OI|II, (jrooorloa, olo. Krunk H. Hobarta, K ri>ooriua. Junob Kokliitrill. iiiont. anil prixluon. Vrull dronari' Iliilnn, punorul iiiorolinndl.o. Jhua. CunuliiKlinni, I'li/nloinu m i l Mur^-ocni. loo. Al. llowloi, monl nnd pru.iuiia. J . I). Hini.ll, bailor mill o.iureoilo.ier. I. (looiliimn, aliilhlui; un,| |,,nj. I. It. Mi'lnt^ru, inuai ninl |friMluna. Wm, (I. Jlijo.l, llv«ry mid )ir,u,illii(( itnbloa. VIM. L. IlUok, Ur/ «o i,|g, ^rm'arlo*, olo, ). D. l'«u, iiiui-uuii.nl, vnriiiiuiull!. CUin Htookwull, outfit aioru. »'. Itunoru, luuoouruiil, mriuuoclll. GEO. W. PEESSEY, MR. EDITOK : I have noticed for a number of weeks past the congregating of young boys, from eight to seventeen years old, in groups on the shady side of Bellevue Avenue. Their profanity, obscenity, and vulgar remarks to ladies and young girls passing by is gross In the extreme,—too gross for publication. Among these groups are occasionaHy—found-sonre-nice boyH.^passing, they, boy-like, "take a seat" with the rest. Of course, the tendency is downward for these, as these lounging groups are propagators of immorality. I will give you the names of some of the leaders, and in the interest of decency I ask those in authority to suppress the nuisance. Hammonton is big enough to have a day-police, in addition to the excellent officer now on duty every night. Tailor, Atlanf lo €51% R.'R. Hammonton. • The Hammontons walloped the Parson A. A. of Camden, last Saturday, and that after we had tried to give them the game, but they would not accept it. , Evidentlyrthe "ministers" are used to a direct delivery, but Hitchner's curves were tooTevasiveT^and^theirngestures with the stick were sometimes far from graceful. Hitchner certainly did do himself credit, striking out two for each inning. Only sixteen of the domines reached 1st in the game, on hits, bases on balls,, errors, or anything else. Nine of these were left on bases. _•_ ._ 7~MilIeFaid verjrwell uTtBelrst dfthe game, allowing but three of our doughty men to reach 1st in first four innings, and two of these'" were put out at 2nd. Hoffman waa substituted in the box in the eighth —the last inning our boys batted. With a red-headed catcher and first-baseman, it looked for some time as if the home team would be white-waehed ; but, fortunately, the pitcher's hair was a, few shades off color, and our boys got onto his left hand work, developed a batting streak, and twenty young hopefuls camped on 1st in the last four innings.— — "---------_».,_ Hill, their first baseman, seemed like a veritable mountain to our boys, with his summit continually bathed in the golden sunset slory. Never but once did the Visitors find it possible (and they appeared to try hard enough) to to make an overthrow in his direction. Cordery was a new player on our team, and had little opportunity' to show what be is made of; but he evidently satisfied his admirers. Some of ^A COMPLAINT. And Fancy Paste, 25 c., 35 c,,, 40 c., 50 c. Jo GOODMAN PABSON A. A. 7. NO. 33 Bring UB your orders for Job Printing. Win. HOOD Huoooonor to Alex. Altkou Iluiiiinoutuv Hotel Livery and Boarding Stable. Carting and Delivering of all kinds dono promptly, on ehoit notice. Hlnglo and Ooublo Onrrlagoa to hire, v \>3 tho day or hour. 0 0 7 1 1 1 1 0 0 1) lloltiuuu, of., i>_ ciiow, ir. 1 0 1 0 0 MorrlH, r f Miller, p.. of. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 7 2»t 1!) 4 * Wagner batted out of turn. f Ccinly lilt by butted ball. Hiiimncmton 0 0 0 0 a a s < x—1'J 1'arBou A A 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 J a- 7 Tliroo baao hit,—Uurulilo. Ijtift on. UUHO,—Hum. 0,1'uruon 0. Btruolt out,—llltoltuer IH, Miller I), Hoffman 2 Htolim IJIUIOH,—Hum. K, I'liroon H. 1'unHOil pulla,—Uunnlilo 4, (Jail tl Vital liiiiio on orrora,—Ham, 3,1'uroon f, Klrst Imno on culled bullii.—HlloliiKir 4, ' ' Minor i), iioirnmii U ' lilt by liltoliod bull—Matlilu, Oonly, Ouimliiulium Wild I'ltobea,—llltolior. Miller Umpire, Uullunu. Tluiu, ill. 'Mm. DKAU "OLD HOOHTKH": I rcud your luttor laet wook with Interest. I can BOO tho possibility of the hon, If It woru not for tho dogn. Our bruthron, tbo Itallaun, not only defy Urn liiwu of our town, but koop enough doga to out up all tho hoiiH and rooatura In It. I have loat In tho nolghlrarhood of filly chlclceiic, killed hy dogu alneo January. Now. "Old Rooster," what I want you to do la, to tuko your comb and acratch nt tlio problem, //mo to got rlil of tliu dojin. OLD HKN. It mixkon no particular diflorenco what tho Chicago convention declared for; tlio country In uolriK todealarofor MuKluloy mid prutootlon in tlovembor. gfflu To-morrow morning, nt tho Baptist Church, Rov. H. T. Taylor will prcaoh, In tho absence of tho pastor. Subject : Saved by grace through faith In Christ only. Eph. 2 ; 8-10. There will bo no mooting nt 0:80, but at 7:30 tho Y. P. 8. C. 1$. wl^luwo charge. A good program has boon prepared, commencing with a ton minutes' song eorvlco, followed by fivc-inluiito papora on "SooliiK God In Nature. " A now C. E. Hymn leaflet will bo used. All. arc Invited. , , l i l i ,1 (HBT Jolm 11. Roberts, of Hammonton, la principal-elect of tho public schools In rjouthport, Conn. In tho Southpovt Chronicle of Aug. 10th, It ia eald that at tho mooting when .Mr. H. wan oloctod, ono of tho Hoard enld ho "hud received many application!!, nil of thorn well recommended, but was moro favorably lm|iroaaad with Mr. Roberta than otliorn booiuiHo of hla experlonco and personal characteristic!! ; believed Win to bo ft man of high moral and Intellectual altalnmonta." Tho gentleman was correct In hm decision. UK rfcf IM'M JSrnlcn Salve Tho beat ualvo lu tlia world for outd, briilgoB, norm, ulcora, imlt rheum, fovc, •area, tetter, chapped haudn, chllhlulnu Odino, uiul all skin ernptlonn, and positively ourou |>ll«a, or no pay required. It In guaranteed to give perfect imtteniotlon or money refunded. Price, 1)5 couta j,)or box. Fui nala at (Jroll'a. Always a Good Stock tlio Beast I Shoes made to Order is my Specialty, and full Batinfaction is guaranteed. Repairing done. : J, MURDOCH, Bollovno Avonuo, f Hammonton. : : N.J. A PATENT PEACH CAEBJEE OR CRATE. 'i'ho long-felt want for something better than a totterlug uiuull bottomod bnaket for Hhlpnlug r/eachoa In, huu been found (it last, lu tho Bhapo of a orato that holda two liaakoto. This currier, husauprlng bottom, like a buok-uoard, llmt »r«»euta f init from bolnit bruli-cd In triiuelt, —on, xn^on or earn, on the way to market. It ,lr llKht, but very Btrou^, and Intended f»r a return package. The cover ia nlnged on, which MftVoa the annoyauoo of lying or wiring cover* On banketa. Prloe complete, IjUrt i»45r 1OO. ' nankota for oai rlera, $'J.r>Q par 100 Huniplo oun bo neon at Itiowu «t Co.'rt eiuro. For eslo by JOHN acUFjLl i confidence of that Dutch, or AfrikanINVENTIONS ARENUMEROUS. j, MAKE YOUR. OWN ICE der, population which had least national sympathy with what is called an' Clieiuicnla Aro Uecd, o Crantt Ii iWnny Enterprising Inventors Produce Turned for Fifteen Minnteo. • New Tlilncs f°r Wheelmen. "imperial British policy."—Century. Inventions In the bicycle line . aro Tho invention of a miniature - Ice machine has caused the kings of con- more and moro numerous." The adGREAT LUCK OF A MINER." gealed water to tremble in their boots. vent 01! warm weather inspired one InMr. J. P. O'Brien Is the Inventor, and ventive genius with tho idea of.a cycle for, YcarcrUe "W'aa Poor QO a Panperl the Ice machines are to be put on 'the K o w Ho Is . U i c l i as a Prince. John' Pierce is a Tombstone, Art., market in the very near future. The f'W'J •V-7H ' f* ^' Ni ^-^ miner vfh'o, up to a year and a half affair consists of a box about the size ago, had difficult work to provide the r^d shape, of an ordinary Ice box. p k / > > / . , 4$S> • necessaries of life .for himself and fam- Down the center of the box runs a cyl•.>j^.#fc|lW" r'/frr^ ily. He Is now/m^San Francisco with inder for the water that is to be turned SUuO.OOO'lri gold^-ebln to .his credit. It to Ice, and around this cylinder are • 'f I'i^'Cr'ihi*-^'* J'I^T-~-**^^T'; /TV 'ivs*" --I'-i is another story of a lucky flnd of rich cells, In which are placed the chem'^$;aS>*£r> '«i';^^'.-%T icals whoso action freezes the water. i». •«'-,•:{*.•&•.;.*£**. x.i-.V^K::<K~;-i; gold and sliver bearing quartz. Pierce Is the name of the new camp, On the top of the bo.t Is a crank like just coming'into prominence, abou the handle of a street piano. ThifTianthirty miles northeast of Tombstone dle is connected with a shaft on which Ynmblincc iV It la 'nald that the tumbling mustard, It is made mote conspicuous because are fastened fan blades. Do you want i weed Introduced from Europe about in addition to its great orje .richness, Ice for the day? Just fill up the cylintwenty years ago, has become very It is about the only gold camp In the der with water, says the inventor of the troublesome In Ifnnltoba and othei parts of Northwestern Canada. Prof. .Fletcher, of Ottawa, estimates that a single plant bears no less than 1,500,000 seeds! . t 1 1 v v THE DAVIS M O N U M E N T ,' JDcsliin Has Been Accepted and- the ~~ Cost Will Be Nearly $2OO,OOO, ~Tho design for the Jeff Da vis, monument, the corner stone of which was' recently laid In Richmond, Is that ol Mr,-Percy Griffin, of New*York. Thle gentleman's plan was selected by |ha' committee of design, composed of wellknown gentlemen. Their choice was Ijii^^^^JC^, '. J'Dark-I.icht," Jnst'tlie picture for a sonnet To be writ upon— , Rogiiish face within a bonnet, Hidden from the ardent sun. . Net.a shroxLof-jnehmcholy In the whole »\vcx;t snainipr day; Sties a blur of blue, and Mollie— Mollie making hay ! • -,. Monsieur Le Bon, a. French expen ,mcnter;-reports that-inr-has-obtained outline photographs on a dry plate ' through a sheet of iron; simply with the aid "of an ordinary kerosene lamp. He gets the'best effects by backing the Iron with a sheet of lead, but the rays do not, like the X-rays, penetrate black paper. He'calls the radiation .which yroduces the photographs "dark light." A CYCLE CANOPT. The recent discovery in Somalllano by Mr. Seton-Karr is regarded as an Important'contribution to the evidence by menus of which men of science hope, eventually, to be able to locate the era31e of the human race. The implements referred to are identical In form.with those found in Northwestern Europe i-and In India, and this fact IB thought to be an indication that !n the remote prehistoric, times called the Palaeolithic JOHW PIERCE, TBB ARIZONA III WEE. ffge the Inhabitants of Asia, Africa and territory. Already there are 500 peoEurope belonged\to a single race. ' ple there, and empty houses from : ~KxtertHinatlnn: Butterflleo. Tombstone are being taken there bodCollectors of butterflies In England ily. An English syndicate has secured ire somewhat alarmed at the prospect the Pierce ledge, and has organized of the extinction of several localized- with $1,500,000, and It is said that species, mainly through the effects of: there is a prospect of the new camp : .overcollectlon: It apeare .that three spe- rivaling Orlppla Creek In Colorado. . eles of butterflie's have already been Pierce about four years ago took up \ exterminated,, at -least from tholt a claim about thirty miles northeast known haunta, and that three other of Tombstone. There was a water hole __Lspecies are In Imminent danger of extlnction, and tho Entomological Society In order to get the water so he could :haa been requested to take some, action raise a few head of stock. One day, for the protection of tha Insects. Some about eighteen months ago, he picked - of the much-hunted'species, it'la said, up a_plece of Btpne_ to throw at ona of tfie cowo whela~fie^otice<i"Eo~w"leavy fens of Norfolk. It was. "Upon closer examination," saya Pierce, "1 saw what looked llko Valuable Fox-Skin*. ' The most expensive and beautiful 01 good quartz and I took home several •all foi fur, according to KnowlQijgo, Ig Tpieces of the rock and horned It out that of the American silver' fox. Tho The-reBUlt~Bhowed 'considerable goldr color la usually almost entirely black, I went back and got more rock and 'except the tip of tha tall, and certain took It Into Tombstone the next day gray-whlto markings on tho ' back, and an assay showed me that I had •thighs and bead. Occasionally a com- found a rich mine. The ledge where I pletely black specimen Is found, and picked up the rock was not over 400 there are also some which ore com- feet from a road that had' been travpletely gray. The animal was onca eled for yearta. It waa Just Inck I comparatively-abundant, but Is now found It" Pierce had no money himself, BO he scarce, qnd about a year ago a »lnglo One skin was sold In London for tho flad to^lo all th« developing work on a • surprising sum of ?8T5. In 1804 many email ovule. He managed to take out skins Were sold for more tlian $BOO Buvnrul tons of ore and nhip It away. . apjoce. The cheapest sklna aro the The result' from thla ihlpmont wag ,pale-colored ones, some of which do nof over $3,000. With thla amount of monny ho aunk a shaft and opened .his •command more than $25. claim BO that It was possible to aucertaln tho extent .of thu l*dgo. After A WnlktnR Fl.li. A queer flah, called tho "walking thla work had been accomplished Home 4oby," or tho "hopping Rah," In found In portion from Silver Olry, M. M., camo tho Indian Ocean a,e well as along the along and bonded tho property for whores of West Africa. Orowdu of $250,000 on n year's tlmo. Before tho thoao curious creatures, rouombllng tad- year bad expired they sold the bond pole* In their outlined, bnak In the to tho -English syndicate for an ad.nun on a muddy shorn and scamper off vance of $100,000 and wlaou the year aiii being disturbed. Mauy of them l((-"|i waa up, which occurred last weok, Mr. . the ciidn of thulr long talln dlppod in Plorce got a draft on Ban Francisco the water, while they Ho on the mm- and ho at onco camo to tho city to got liented mud, or nit on mnngrovn roots, hln coin. Prior to two years ago Pierce waa a und F'rof. Haddon him tinngcHloil that .•there may be an organ of respiration brokim-down miner, a man who had •in the end of the tall, additional to tlm never had to exceed ?10 at ono time, similar OI-KIIIIW In tho Ellin. A nioro re- and who was having u hard atrugglu cent Invent Iga tor, Or. Forbes, of I,lvi»r- to make bo[h onita moat. Now he pool, tlilnku the ll.i Ii aro ulilo to Htoro him $2(50,000, all In gold coin, and, n tmfllelent qiinntlty of wntor In tliolr like, most men In Hlinllnr circumutancofl, «lllM to maintain aqiudlr roNplivillon (loot) not know how to upend hla niouduring tliolr prolonged alwojico» oii'thu oy. His wife, before he ramie tho strike, had to go to Tombatone and bliorc. hulp out tho family exchequer by doHryi-o'ri Trlliulc to <'<-<-ll Ing Biicb ' odd jobs of houne cleaning No man In Houlli Africa linn boon u M she could find, while thu tion, a young more warmly atlachod to tin; Drltliih man, now -*>, horded cattle on the . connootlon, or butt done half HO much to run/?ei». Ilenlden ono aon, he baa a , Hoonro for Ilrltaln thouo VIIH! lurrltorlou duughtor, who was given the advanlo the wo»t and to thu north of tlio tage of the public Bchools of ToiubTninuvaiil, which wore coveted by lioth , t h i > Truimvanl republic nml by tho (lurIiuin oiniilro. llut In liln political ruroor In Oupo ('olony, of which bo WIIH prlmo nitoliilor from .Inly, 1KDO, till .11111111117, 1801!, Mr. HlildOH Miii-i-ocilod In obtaining the support of the Outcli pnrl.v, u n d luborod iiHHliluoiiHly to brliiK about a unity of Hontlmont ami aim lioiwoon tlio Ontch and tin; l l r l l l n h oloinoniu In tba population, 'rim 'un»rKy ami tlrin.nona of liltt rhuril.'lor, anil tlio KHinp of polltlcill uoonomli; qlirHlloim (vlilcli ho IIIIH ovlnood, nuilio him t l i o iiKmt iiniu;, hiX UKUIC union),' tlm oolnnlal HliilcHinon of l l r i l a l n In I l i l n grnitratlon. Ho Imn tioon iloirincil by Homo a loHn ndrolt pnrI l i i i i i o n l n r l i i n l l n i n WIIM tlm I n t o Mir .folin Miiodoiuild In Ciiiiiuln, lint bo IN poiiiioMM'il of ii far wider outlook and far moiv oonnplcnoiin rxociltlVi* c a p a c i t y , Tin- iKiconitancy wb.lcli tlio«o s l f l w j j a v n Mm oinilili-il him, wlillu oxtoixlliiK llrll l.-ili Inlliionco up to and bayoml tin, ut thu aauiu tlmo to rolnlu tlm approved by the Jeff Itavis monument board and the committee of the United Confederate Veterans. There wero twenty-seven competitors. The monument will stand on a con> crete foundation, and the construction Is to be In masonry'and not of Iron. The marble inside and out are t» be "Tuckaho," and the'floors to be mosaics. The estimates of the cost are as follows: Mason work nnd marble work. .$125,000 Statuiry and bronze work 55,000 Decoration 20,000 MtNIATUBE ICE MACHINE. The Cradle of Mankind., . IF' I1- j Down the.meadow, down the mcnnow, See her whore she goes! Surely never lass in Yeihlo Tripped It upon fleeter toes! Hark! how'Jolly!—"Mollie, Mollie," Gomes the call from fur a\vay; And the answer—girlish folly— "MollicV making hay." x now style ice box, turn the crank for fifteen minutes, giving youtself Just enough exercise to make the blood circula'te and to sharpen nn appetite for breakfast. The fan acts on the chemicals, the chemicals act on the water; At .the end of the prescribed time tak< out your cylinder, and, presto! there you have a round block of glistening Ice. The cost of ice produced by this process, it is claimed, will be $1.40 a year. This is the amount the company to be formed'for the sale of the'boxes will charge for chemicals sufficient to last a year. There" Is to be no other expense. The freezer will contain compartments for the storage of household supplies that are usually- kept-in the-icebox. The freezers are to be made to sell, at the household size, for $15 each, and will last for ten years, by renewing the chemicals once a year. These chemicals will be furnished b y ' the freezer company only. The company' will keep the freezers in order and th« chemicals in good condition. TOBACCO-PRODUCTION^ Annual Oatpnt of the States Without Resard to Merit. AN OLD HOttN I1001C. tors aro arranged In tlio form of a I<utbi froHf), with tho A at tho lop and / «/ tho bottom. A Now Word iiiul KH Derivation. TUB TIIOI.I.Br I'I«>W. I'rotootloii Aunlnat f)»ornro. Now a Now Jorooy Jnutlco ban punned Judgment An a man who wan charged w l t l i dlNliirblng tint neighborhood with liln'Miiorlng, which the prouoontloii llkonod unto tho noluo from a liollor factory In full operation. The Juntlc* mlvlnod the man .with the wondarful nuorlng power to niovn or readjust hla In-oiitlilng uppnrntim. It wno claimed by tlio neighbors tlmt bo could bo board nnorlng u HUimro or morn away. An Individual with muih lungs would doiibltimn nuiku a good cornet plajror. Over In .loritoy they ilo not \tnnt If. (jlvi! a man a olmnou to nvon eU-i-p w i t h o u t dlutiirblng him. - - f I a r r l « b u r K I'utrloi. TOIlAOro-OMOWINO OTA.TKB. hla toll und curfl hud to tako medium prlooH. Hut all thla In rhunged now. Weyler alloMTH tho mado-iip olgar to como Into thin country, but Ihoro IH a alight inlannilnratandlnK ubout tho tobacco loaf, und thin IH tho furmor'n rojolclng. Tlio a n n u a l production nf tobacco li> the United Htiiten hnn boeii growing greater and greater for sovnrnl yenru jitiHt. 11 liaH novtT boon known IIH i\ lobucco 1,'rowlnK country, bflciiiiMo It h:ia mil produced n i l tbo lonf It w i i n l r d . H u t nil \vlin k n o w onr iiRrlcnlinriil 11011 Von hove probably remarked how Hlbllltlcii nay thei'c lu no rfnnnn \vliy •oi>n you got over bolng Ln lovo. Woll, a loaf of Mm Imported tolmccn pcoplu who uro lu luvo with you urn ovor bo i):ihl!ti for h.<il'<> Jinit as bad, AN OLD 'It Is of no use!" said Mary desperately. "I can't think of a single thing to say." ' ' • She sat and frowned gloomily, biting ;the end of 'her penholder. Now and /then she ran her band distractedly i through iiirouga her ner hair. aair. Tills HUB was au trick tncjt of 01 ——-•- ^ those of a sleigh. The motive power The oldest horn books were undoubtconsists of the usual chain gearing, edly frequently .used In the schoote and which Imparts motion to a wheel at tho common-rooms of the great monasterrear. The.whnel la sllghtly-ral8ed-f rom ies. In- tho earlleat-apeclmens the-Jetthe ground and has spurs on its rim. When the wheel revolves, the spurs cut Into the ice and thus propel the mathine. Whatever the clgarmakera^ or;Jhe clur seller might have thought of Weyler's prohibition, one clasa of American citizens viewed It with undisguised delight. At first they could not boleve It true; then when they saw It was really aTfactTtbelFjoy"broke out FARMERS RIGHT' I'W LINE. unrestrained. In many parts of tho country moas-meeilngs were held and The Trollor Plow Will Mo ho Their universal rejoicing ^proclaimed. - IiDlaJlnppy One. Tho people who hare ao benefited by The latent application of electrical In?he edict wore the farmers. For years those honeat men have been raising vontlonH on' tho farm. The agriculturtobacco and offering It In the tobacco al is to keep up with the procession markets. Their quality was superior, hereafter. Funny praragrapherB have :helr curing perfect, their leaves unl- made merry with the country cousin liln amazement at Drat qeelng rorm In size, and their leaf without anent trolley cura, and hla nervous fright at ilemlsh. But they could get little. riding therein. The funny man will The magic word "Havana" forbade tho have to fall back on tho mothor-ln-law native Industry from being appreciand the goat, because tho trolley will ated as It should have been. Tobacco aoou decorate every cornfield, and evmanufacturers themselves knew the ery farmer will bo' his own motorauporiorlty of tho native tobacco> but man. they could not convince the man who Mr. ICilward'-^ Bentlcy, of Novr smokes. And BO tho farmer, after V York, has patented nn electrical trolley plough which will chose Itself mor- ttlono. By my faith, ere long'n farmer Every awnin will be, With so lovable a charmer, Going in, for hufibnndry. Ere another lovor tr.\mple Where my enger heart would sway, (Mollie'a set me an example!) I'll he tnti kins hay. —Detroit Free Press. canopy. It Is constructed of strong matariai and designed so that the shado will-afford a minimum air resistance. The standard la made in two sections, one ot which telescopes Into the other,, and a universal Joint Is provided at the handle bar and also at the top where the shade Is set on to the standard. Another enterprising Inventor has already anticipated the coming winter by contriving a cycle for riding on Ice. A Total ^ .................... $200,000 machine of this kind has Just been constructed. The frame Is similar to the HISTORY OF THE A, B, c. one now generally used, but differs in The Horn Book Vii.n the First Alpha) that Its lower ends carry runners like bet Card. -i The horn book, which was the first; alphabet card, is described by a recent; author as "a board of oak about nine ^ Inches-long, and- five or six- wide, on4 •which was printed the "alphabet, tho | nine digits and sometimes the Lord's J prayer. It had a handle and was cpr- I ered in, front with a sheath of thin" horn ' to prevent Its being soiled, and tho backboard was ornamented with a rudo sketch of St. Oeorge and the Dragon," Thla board and- -Its horn -cover were held together by a narro^frnme or bop.l. rlly along flui Hold, turning tho noil, plugging roolii, unfolding hlddru treuHure, Hpolllng wimpo' in-Hid, and doing tin) vurloiiH MiliiKH related of ploughx, wlilln tlio furinor «lt>l up aloft, enJoying Iho rldo iiml having an eauy tlmo of It. Along oppoHlle iihlOH of tho field to lie. ploughed polcH und wlrea aro eroctoil, tho trolley wlro uolng acronH. Inateiid of being attached to utatlonary poloH mi In olcel.rti! rullwayH, tho trolley wire at oucli end In fuHtonod to i-oller pulleyu which truvorHii tho Htullimury wlri'M uti'img along' tho two ald-M of Ilio Held, (n t h i n way, und by romlng Iho current at tin) end of ouch row, tlio plough can ninku Ilio furrows as HOMO togntlior us dcHlrod. Mr. Ilentley'ii Idea In that In well nettloil f u n n i n g coniiunnltleii a contriil power lioiiHii can fiirnlah power to all who \loiilro It. Tiifrt, H i i n l i i r (of London, ICnnliiii(i) -In ll ilW -I.WIK) Unit Tho next ruvlHoil edition of Murray will contain the word "larrikin." Itn Hlgnlllcanco IH peculiar and Its dorlvu(Ion annmliiH. A "larrikin" IH an Amitrallan toiigh boy or gamin. Ho Iti of tho peculiar Htraln of depravity n u r o , to.bo found In a land lllui Australia, tbo logical offHprlng of the convict oiitrfintn' and tho vvonuui that follow In their train. Ho IH HU|I| to have p<s:nllarltio» not to bo found In any other lough, boy, and phynlcal charaoturlHtlcu which would Identify him whnnmtr found by u ntiidnnt of tint h u m a n nuro. Kor oxamplo, tlio ubapo of liln head In uiunliitakablo. Ilo l.i plentiful In Auiitralla. Ho IM depraved, lucking nllkn In men. tnl a/id In moral hoiillh. Mo wan u n t i l lately without any Individual eoKiiomon, but noMonij n^o ono of tint cliiMH wan In court In Mollmnnio., and t h o ' l r l n l i otlloor who lnul him In charge, belnt,' iiHkod by tho Juilgn wbiit bin otfoiiHO wan, ritpllod: "Ilo VVHM u Inri'kliiK, yor 'onor," w i t h mich a rollliiK of Iho r t h a t the Judge, inlmindiiratood for tho inomont and thought Iho word WIIH a torin npplloil to Ihu lioy. lOvor tilnco In M c l l i n n i n o tho Hlroot Kiimln IIIIH boon Hpokon of an a "larrikin," and tlm word him imttrmri Into tho vorniiiMilnr of Au.-tlriillii. Molboiini/ Corronpondoiit. VOIlll A n i n w l c a i i I m l l i i i m uw -i-iiwu't rul-ui iHliichoM, ildiii.i-lior know? Tuny Ailaiini (of N i s b r a s k a ) - - ! don't, t h i n k •licy run, HIM, wli;i(,'n llio muttor w i t h NoniH ol tho lino hoiul.'i ot hair tlioy rjlsul'—Tr(Jlh. Hwent Olrl I'upu uii.yn yon can't afforil to marry. Ardonl V u i i l h NonNciiHol I can i;ol a prnaclier to porform tlio coromony for two dollara. HwiMit C!lrl--<!an you? How foolluh papu L«.-' Now Xoi'k Wuokly, --.-•"TI V" • • ^ And mother has often told you how Jisy. it wa\-for me to earn »• fcvr pounds, hasn't she?" "Very often," answered the' youn «nan again, with the same gravity. "Well, John," said Mary, lifting a pair of very earnest eyes to his, her accents full-of sorrow and dismay, "I am" some> times afraid I can't keep on'doing It." "What makes you think so?" askeo John gently. "1 can't think of anything," saio Mary the tears brimming up Jnto flei • eypa. "I have eat here this morning foi nearly an hour, and.not n single Idea has come to me. And—I didn't dare tc tell mother and the girlsr— my last story was rejected. It was such a blow, fo I had been, counting'on the money tr buy Jenny's summer dress. She wiu rather cross wljen I told her she musi v/ait a' wliltirionger." "My dear little soul," fald the young man, "you are overworked. That Is tnc simple ex-p'Jnnation af the whole mat ter.'1 The kindness of his tone seemed tc altogether breakdown Mary's compos ure, tor, after a momentary struggle for calmness, she dropped her head lute her hands and cried heartily. John Redmond's fr.ce presented a curious study, so many were the emotionsthat"passed^rapidly" over it; He inad( an involuntary movement toward the little weeping figure, but the next mo ment cheeked himself and waitec" quietly uutll Mary herself spoke. "I don't know whatever you ~wir think of, me," she said rather shame fp.cedly, as she wiped her eyes. "I don'l know what made me do It. But I am so much obliged to you for letting UK 'have It out.' I am better now." "To be sure you do," said John, wltS a friendly and rather tender laugh. "1 have always understood that a 'gooi cry' was a great luxury to young la dies.""For pity's sal?e don't call me t •young lady," cried Mary, with an assumption of her usually energetic man uer. "I do hate that phrase." "Just as you please," returned Joha easily. "What shall I call you? Novelist? Journalist?" i\eiiner one om? nor nor the tne other," otuer, said saia 'Neither penned with perfect seriousness. Bur to proceed with the subject in hand. 1 wish you would begin, John, for the time is (rotting on, and I shall be- miserable unless I succeed in making good ata'rt : thls morning." "There Is a lot In making a gooi\ .start, isn't there?" asked John', with evident anxiety. : "Oh! a great deal," said, Mary. "II la often the most difficult tiling poaalbh to start. Once fairly begmr the work la comparatively easy, because out thlrig seems to lead to another?' "I see!" replied John, " reflectively. Then a IOHR silence fell between them "Do go 011!" said'Mary, Impatiently, :it last. ' ' . ' . . "Well, the fact Is, Mary, I"—with considerable emphasis on the pronour —"find a difficulty In starting. I f h i u l . I could go on if the subject were onlv As If Irresistibly compelled, slie look ' d Into'hls eyes. And In that momen i full knowledge of what she had neve; jofore even guessed swept oyer her ihe knew tho sweetest of all^earthl} hlngs—that she loved, and waa be .oved. • ..;• • "You were quite rlpht. dearest,'.' sale" Tohn a while later. "The difficulty lie: >'n making a start. Everything'comes inite easily afterward.".» , i .••" • "The story is; very hackneyed," whis •)prod Mary. "But, oil, J<ja"n!"—with n lalf-mlschlevous, wholly tpnder'^look —"isn't it wonderful, how anyjtfmg.,so ild ca» be so interesting?"—Loii3bri ko: .'ietv. "I-et me help vhu out." SP f 'l M n r v with'an air of resl/rnntion. "There Is a girl in it, I suppose." "Oh, yes!"' returned John, very de cidedly. "There is a girl In It; arid an uncommonly nice girl, too." "Good gracious!" said'Mary. "It Ii all 'easy enough. Describe me her appearance, character and surroundings. Tell me what «be did, and how she did itr^Therilixplain whcre^the.lriah'comes in—for there is a man In it, I suppose?" "Oh, y^es!" said John, as decidedly as before. "There Is a man In It." "Well, what about him?" askcd.Mary. "Dear me, John! I might as well invent a .thing myself, and have done with it, If you can't tell me straight A COLUWIN OF PARTICULAR'INTEREST TO THEM. "• oft.'' "I'll'tell you!" said John, -with the »lr of a man determined to make the jlunge. "Only—Mary—promise me one tiling. Don't laugh >at my story." Can't I laugh If It is funny?" rejoined Mary. "It Isn't," said John. "Well, not exactly. Br—in fact, I don't know how It will strike you. I meant, don't laugh at my clumsy way of telling it" "Of course not," replied Mary, kindly. "And I'm sure I'm very much obliged to you, John, for taking all this trouble." " —j -hers when-thlnk!ng-hardrand^«sa-ruleTJ-AI.aryT-JUishUjg_a4Ittle,-a-shade-of-hei the result wns more startllug than late -despondency again falling upon glr'i I am thlnkins'of, you know—lived pleasing. her. "I am nothing In the world but at home with her mother and sisters. "It is of no uaej' she said again, but a writer of penny love stories, and los- The father had died some years bethis time with a different Inflection. "I ing even the small-amount of capabil- fore, leaving Just enough money to eupply their bare wants, but no more.1 mustn't sit here and give way to lazi- ity required for that." "1 quite understand," said Mury In a ness like this. If I don't write a talc we "That Is nonsense." exclaimed John .can't pay tbe grocer's bill! I must.uud now speaking earnestly. "As I said tone which had a good deal of "fellow Will begin, only—what on earth am 1 before, you are ove^w^rkied.. You have feeling" in It. to say ?" , "So, of course," went on John,."life been doing too much. Your brain Mary's^braln" wa.s^fertlle^enougliiKind rest, and It ought to have one, Mary." was tnortTcfr less of a struggle with her busy fancy generally delighted In "Well, It can't, just nt present," said them. But, happily, one of the girls— spinning love stories and the like. In Mary, shaking her bond very decided- this special girl I began to talk about the . early days . . ,of. her , ,scribbling 1 1 she had i i I?- "There Is Jenny's new dress aiid —developed quite a talent for—for— been greatly-laughed nt.by.her mother! ^.^.^^ ,,,„ tshirlMmow-lhrprt«r 'or what?" said Mury rather sharpand slaters, but when welcome j until those two things are off my mind.'-1 ly. cheeks began to come In return for "For painting," returned John quickJohn was nllent for a minute, but lit bulky envelopes sent through the post looked troubled. ly. "She used to paint quite lovely the tone of the family altered and Mary "If I could just get an Idea," said little things and sell them to the shops.' —hadjor_3mno,time..l»'1onjiegarded aa_a_ "Yes." Hald Mary, "but when doog • person of Importance. the romance come in, John?" Pcrhups they overrated her powers, work it out. I Boi'iii to have iiBpd up "1 am coming to that," replied John. : for they had come to the conclusion everything! I have written ubout lost 'Give me time, Mary." that Mary could do' rtliuont anything. helrn and lost wills—ubout the helreHB "Oh, of course," said Mary, amiably. Mary's head wus looked upon as u liank who pretended to be poor and the ad- So after a pause John went on again. upon which an unlimited amount of venturess who pretended to be rich. 1 "Years before, when these girls were modest demands could be drawn, and ha.vo told about the. man who express- 'julte. little, their father had nhown a the girl now und then felt a trifle over- ed the utmoHt detestation of 'the new great kindness to un almost friendless whelmed HH H!IO reullxrd what was ex- woman' and ended by f u l l i n g madly In love w i t h ono. I have related the bin- soy." pected of her. "Oh, Mary must write n talc!" her tory of the girl who determined to have Mary started and a faint color crepl mother would say easily, when an ad- a 'career' and Dually gave lip all' for nto her cheeks; bjH John took no heed ditional expense wan HUggeuted. So the love. These things arc all worn out, mil his voice became tlrmor niid clearfancy of the moment would be indulged John! They have become BO feeble r. "To the action of that good man thft In, and Mary would shut herticlf up In that I am atihamod to press the poor joy owed whatever \sUccoss came to tho llrlle room She culli-d her own, things Into f u r t h e r service." ilm In n'/ter life. He never forgot this John mulled. whence In due time nhc would emerge tired but triumphant.' "They are far from dying, Mary Tiid he often wondered how lie could tent repay the debt he owed." On this purtlculur morning, however, They are full of v i t a l i t y yet." John paused, but Mary did not upcuk. she racked her bruins In vain. She tried "Well, Homebody else may have her, hardest to think of imuie slender them," said Mary, r e t u r n i n g the smile. "And an the time went on he found framework upon which to hung the "At leixat, for a while. 1 may be glad (lie debt Increased rather than illiulnusual mild love-iimltlng, but the more to full back on them Home day, but Nlied. For though hln IIrut benefactor rfhc tried to woo "the muHe," tho more Jiuil now 1 nliould llko unmet Mug freiili. nul piiHued away, he hud left kindly obstlnutoly did the mild mime rcfimc to All Rortu of queer things are eonutiiut- leart.s behind him. And IIH tho boy veapond to her advanced. ly happening In real life If I could only grew Into manhood he prized more and "I feu) exactly an If u wet aponge had get to hear them. John, haven't you nore the welcome he ever received heon paused over my brain," nhe an Idea of nny kind? Or uomu llttli 'rom tliOBo good women and felt that thought, despairingly. "There doesn't thing that bus come w i t h i n your own n the whole world there wan no spot Kcoin a ijlngle Idea left." cxperlnuce? Anything that lioldu u BO dear to him an the one they called loino," Just then u gentle rap eamv at tho tiny splcc of romance, you know," Again John paused, but Mary uindt iloor. John looked at her a moment anil o effort to break the ullonco. "Come In," mild Mary, Impatiently. uucmcd Inclined to apeak. Then hU Bhoricver lilted to be Interrupted when mind apparently altered anil he nhook "He loved them all," nuld John, «h« wan trying to work', and Just now his head. 'but"—here a new tenderuo.HH erupt dhc felt more than iimmlly croati. "(»hl" cried -Mary dluappolntedly, nto hlu tolccp-"!!!! learned \l liiHt tlmt Her face relaxed u little, however, "that la too bad. You look exactly a<i 'or one of them lie had the lovo which When nlio uuw her vlnltor. a man only glvtta to one woman In tha If you had an Idea." "You, Johnl I thought It waa Jenny. "Well," Bald John nlowly, "a fain! world. Hbo wau no!, I think, quite I wondered whatever ehe wanted glimmering did eecm to come to me, mdorntood by her mother uiid ulntoru. now." but I uni.afraid you will t h i n k It silly." mich IIH they cured for her, Hlio had "Poor Jenny," oald the newcomer, "Do tell uic!" exclaimed Mury. "I a talent which iihe WIIH glad to turn to laughing. nnofnl account, but the others hardly uhall be BO grateful." \v J "Poor Mury, 1 think," rejoined Xlury, realized that the tauk which wan gen"And I don't know that It In partlcjolofully, irully a plenuure might at tlmou beVilnrly new," went on John In the nainti "Why, whatever In tho matter?" aokcome very bard and Wflurlnome. They doubtful way. ' ^a John Itedmond, taking a ueuit, ond "Well, never mind," nnld Mury, In hniigbt It wan play for her to ult down evidently preparing to make himself ind paint. Ho uoinctlincH her heurt aa comfortable OH rlrnimatanccti p<>r- a lumlneutillUo wny. "A great denl do 'ulled,her u little." inltyed, "o looked iivery ntronlf and ca- pimdii on the Irout^nriil of a mibjeet. Mary'H fue* WIIH very white now, tint pable mi ho smiled, down upon Mury, Homellmru u very hackneyed theme he color mulled middr-nly buck lulu It Olid the girl was conwoloiw of ,u distinct can lie mudo to iiound <)iilto freiili. I » John gently took her liiind Into bin fooling of relief, though uho hardly 1mVo m»<1o<Hl It In uoveriil hiu</lno»-il (lo on, John." .know lt« Hource. "Thin young innn loved her, Mury • "Well," wild Mary, "I feel worried and iHitliorod, You know, John, how much all our follcn have got In tlm way of looking to inn for help In money mullein?" "You, 1 know," replied John, wllh a ruMier -eurlouH In Hoot Inn. "I like lo do II," imlil M'ury quickly. "H million me very Kind anil happy to Ho II. I nliould not HII.V u word about II to anybody but you, but yon already know Ilioiio di'liilln. You uro NIIO|I un Intlnmlo friend of Iho f a m i l y , nivji'l "A very I n l l u i n l o friend of ( l i e f a i n ly," o^'hocd Ilio y(,)\ Shi) fixed her eyon on him expectant ly, and a imillo dawned In thu yonnu ovod her more dourly t h a t 1 can q u i t e rll yon. Hut be waited a Ionic tlmo Woinun'ii oycN ivH ho looUnd at Imr. "lu It hunioroliu?" iiiikeil Mary lnno> (•fore he duj'od to niionli to her. Mi) mow how much depended upon her In contly, IIH tilio HIIW Iho iinille, "I don't know," aimwoi'i'd .lolin, re lio home, und ho fell ho liml no rlj;ht lapnlng Into gravity. "Thai entirely o t u U o her u w i i y u n t i l hli |>imllli>n dcpendH upon how they re'g.'inl It. volild onublo him to orfm- c n m f n r t lo ThliiK'M iipponl mi dllToronlly to dlft'or IIT und lo Iliioio dour In her. It o f t e n eomod n weary w h i l e , and Mn heart ent niliMln, don't ihey V" "They do," rejoined M u r y pr»ni|ill,v. I'ten ached. K i l l (lie l i m e oiiino u| l u s t , "Homotlmoii ( linvo w r i t t e n things The t l m o when he fell free to npeult." Ilo punned, und fur u few m l n u l e i i \vhlrh 1 (ImniiUt ivero I'liliny, lint oilier peoplo ollllroly fulled to nee HIP Jollo, hero \VIIH between t h e m u (loop ullonco. and on Hie nllior I n u n l I I n i v o lioon Vhon lil.i liiind ohiHiiod horn more fn' l at foe liontciic.u;l \vhlch Wul'i! vunlly, und he (uvld "MuryI" FOR MTTLE FOLKS, Something that Will Intercut thp Jn vcnile Member* of Every Household —Quaint Actions and 1?right Sayineo of Many Cute and Cunning Children A Pathetic-Ailnicnt. . . .Mrs. 'Q. .had a severe_ headache, and her complaints made Mr.' <}. a trifle cross, and by arid by he said something which made "Mrs. Q. ay. Whereupon her little boy also burst into tears. , "Dear me!" said his father. "Xow what may be the matter yith you?'" "I've got a headache—In mamma's head!" said the child. A Doctor'** Kxplanniion. : ior.ses Inside the stable. Then they •:onk hold o f ' t h e llirllls, three on one side and three on the other, and drew 'lie coach out of tho grounds and dowc i long hill Into a pine grove.,. . "Wtfn't the? 'Old l.yoat' he finzzled to •:no\v v.-liore-lils coach Is?" snfi^onc'follow, with a laugh, ' n which the othcra joined. yOId'Goat'" was a term of affectionate familiarity which the boys applied to the professor behind his back, and which really savored nothing of disrespect. The roguish youllis indulged In jokes and merriment as they tugged the coach Into a position out of which it. would be difficult, to remove it. This they had Just accomplished' when,' to rlielr consternation, Professor Harrison pjit his head out of the qpac-!i window, tils, eyes twinkling, ami nald, iti Ills dignified. H!OW way:' "Well, bojs, you've had Iho fun of /i.i;illng me down here, and,how I must request you to haul me.back n;j:iln." Smiles fled: fqces grew loni;. and thj boys stood aghast. • . . "A-H—right—sir," stammered one. The professor settled back on the "ushlons. rc.suini»'.l thp book which bo bad been qu lei iy sending wijfl the "fun" began, 'jnd the boys .proceeded" to drag the coach back to the grbmras;— How they worked! The hill was never before half so long nor half so steep, but after almost au hour of puffing and perspiration -the job was done. Then Professor Harrison opened the coach door, and descending, said, with marked courtesy: "I thank you for my ride; I hope you have enjoyed It as much as I .have." "Yes, sir," answered one of the boys,' who Xhow not. what else to "say, and felt . that some Answer was called for. There the matter ended, so far as the professor WffS"corfcerned,"fdr-hS never alluded to It again. The culprits on their part resolved never to mention . It,.but It was too good.a story to keep. Dr. J.'s little boy, four years Old, ha& never seen a funeral procession, for they are of rare occurrence In the quiet side streets where "the doctor lives. Lately, however, one of the doctor's patients died, and there was a burial from the street. A«-.the procession moved along the little boy came running to his father The Trnth About Mr. Frotr. and pointing to the hearse, asked: If ever there is a happy creature It "O, papa, what is that?" ''That, my child," said the doctor, Is Mr. Frog. A more comfortable lookwith a deep sigh, "Is an erroneous diag- ing fellow can hardly be found, as he sits on that log that lies partly in the nosis!" water of that swamp. As you watch She Saved the-Pie; him 1 you see him-t-wlnkle his bright ~ Bessie announced one day recently nV eyes, as though the little fly.he has luncheon: "We^wouldn't have had any just eaten was a moat delicious one. puddlug to-day if it hadn't been for But let us look Into Mr.. Frog's hisme." The rest of the family air looked tory and see how he grew into the pretup at her, considerably surprised, for ty, black-spotted, white-breasted green .< Bessie Is only five years old, and they hopper he is nq\y,' for you may be sure knew she could not have made the des- that he was not always so handsome. sert. "I saw It on the table," she went At first you never would have knowrv on,—'and-I-mlght^hBve-let4n-r he-eatr -frlm;-for-before-he-cou)d move at all he you know. Then Whiskers, miprnt have was a tiny bluett spot the size of a. Jumped on a chair and eaten it, and small pea and was surrounded by a . then we wouldn't have bad any pud- clear. Jelly-like substance to keep him Tluies. Wnftinc for the Btrd. A small boy who bad a great d'lsllkt for school returned home for dinner a little earlier than usual. f . "Tommy, you naughty noy, you have been playing truant," Biiid Ida mother; "a little dicky bird came In at the window and told me BO." The next morning Tommy set out for school us usual. During; the morning his mother beard a noise from the fur end of the kitchen, and, looking round there, oaw Tommy crouched under the table. "Tommy, yon ru.scul, what are yoil doing there?" Seeing that he was discovered he crawled out, and, holding up a brick which he hud by him, said: "1 was wultlu' to croak that dicky bird." limit Ir. sticks In the water. ' For many days he lived thus, fastened with a cluster of other such, to the stem of a plant that grew under the surface In the still part of a brook. This bunch of eggs was lie biinl; wlloTo tho Walrif Waa shallow, and BO the sun warmed them, and by and by they had tails and were BO Ktronp: that they broke, through the white Jelly and begun to wiggle about. Fora week or two they were.content lo rest In the soft mud, whore they lived peacefully and Krew rapidly. But one day they went f u r t h e r away from their l i t t l e pool I n t o another one. Here ' were more brown lumps with, tails on, • .ind Home were very fi'.7.:ih!o Indeed. Our l i t t l e frog was then called u pollywog or tadpole, and he probably felt proud to own t w o lontf und hlKli-aomid- . UK names? Mo played with Ills brothI'M ahd sinters und w i t h the other pollyWOKH, or h u n t e d for b!s food In the mud, and enjoyed life us much as anything cnn t h a t has plenty to oat. nothing to t h i n k a b o u l ' a i u l lots of f u n . All this lime our friend was growing, und It WUH not long before a curlOUH t h i n g ' h a p p e n e d . It was ilita—a • pulr of hlml logs KI-C\V out of his body, und though he dlil not use them at lirsl he know he Hhonld Inter, Next', n pair of legK could be seen In front, and now In; could crawl an well us HWlm. The pollywog ,Jiud gained the.si) lej;n. hut he wa« loulng hlu tali—not (hut It wus falling off( an many people believe, oh no! bin tall wuti being iilworbed Into hla body, that IN, It WUK becoming 11 part of bin body, and IIH he broadened the tall wan shortened until only theHtubby end WIIH left. HIM head WUH smaller, and more IIH It In now. Altogether, he WUH Improving wonderfully I5nntlo wan n tiny little black dot <\\ n Ininlum ben, and Bertlo WUH a liny riiHy-cheokod dot of a boy. Hantle belonged to Bertie, and nht WIIH no sure of 11 few crumbs whenever he came to the door t l m t Hbe would leave .Speckle, and Brownie and all the rent of her companion*!, even to old Buff, the huge Cochin, whenever Bertlo'u lltth; white head appeared at the door, One duy, the hint of April, Bertlt cfime Into the bonne crying bitterly. "IJuntle'B gone," he nobbed, "an" won't never come buck no uioru!" We cheered him up by telling him that he would surely ore her again, und Hiire enough, In about three weekn Bertie rnuliod Into the lioiif.o an flint nfi liln two little feet would carry him, nliont"Iluntle'H come, llantle'H come, an' brought ten little black IwnUeu with 111 looks. He did not cure to be lu/.y any more, but Jumped and frlHlcei) herl" I about In high glee. J0*nn for th« 1'rofeanor. Who would have thought (lint no Tho lnt«« Prof. W. H. Ilnrrliion, 'W'hft many ehungOH could poHnlhly occur to for many ycaru WUH ut Iho head of u Ko tiny u croutiiro! lie h.id t r a d e d ' popular boyu' uchool In Amelia County, hlu brown olotlioa for u pretty H u l l w l l h Virginia, wan much loved und retipcct- black HpotH, unil wore n yellowlsli <-d by hla many piipllu, und hud a run'' while VCM! In fuel, be looked IIM hifaculty for niunaglng them. "He wan iloe.i now, biit WIIH iiinulleil. When n't forever nii|(glii|i; UK, but, a« Homo of Iho end of hl|i lull hud hdon nil ab nil learned by experience, be let tbo uorbed lie wu« no more u pollywog, unit piinitilimcnt lit the crime." Ho mild one upoiil half bin t l m o on tin- luiul t r a v e l of hlti former pnplbi, now n prominent Ing from pool to pool, or exploring the lawyer In Illchmnml; and Ilion ho ro | Hold f o r a Hoft, inai'Mhy pluee. Here hiluted the following utory: loved dourly In ^dl In (lie moist KI-UHH. The profi-nnor WIIM uccuntnmcd \<\ und d i i r l mil his tonguii ut tlleii. u n i l , tnke u drive every minny ul'lornonn In n v.'irlniiH n l l i o r limoctH. heavy, old rutdiionod couch i l i n w i i by A f t e r M-v i.'il wookii \vo f i n d h i m u lurKii gray homo. Ono. i l u y , iiliorll.v f u l l grown.. t'jr. l i e ban Icariioil t l i o u f l u r ho bud returned from hi d r i v e , j wa.vii ol' H \ \ n r l i l . mill IUIOWM Imw I l l l l f U (lo'/.oll o f I l i o b l i J ' H t - M p l e i l t i l l I In l,oi'|i I M I I ,' iliincer'ii way. Von hlml! ciiucli ( i l i i m l l n i ; I n I h o d r l v o w a y , w l i o r i j H i - o u l i i l t lie i liio-i w h e n \ v o p i i l v o a l I l l l l l It liud been l e f t l o n i p o r u r l l y , und \veri w l l h Hi',. i , , ! i ,,-l,. A l l , i l i o n i ho B»OM n, hol/.eil W i t h t h e Idoil Unit It would In Die liotliiin of t h e |i. ml! l,i, ,i|( liiird. K i ' o u l fiport t o iiecrelo I t . l i n t y o u \ \ l l l not i.oo h i m , I'm- bo II:IM ('lincklliiK tioflly IIIIIIIIIK llioniHelvoN ii hlin-.rll' In e mini n t h e y ntnlo Hour I n n n i l . e i n i n - U n i t t i n KliiUo niul h Mr. l''ro; euljred di'Iv.'r WUH Ini.-iled w l l h t i n 'rim (.'I'lmroi \ [Entered as second class matter. ] Big Stock SATURDAY. AUG. IB, isoo. You are invited to • call and see it. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President. Wm. For Vice-president, Garret A^Hobart. •Furniture^ There are many millions of silver dollars in the government vaults, and nobody seems to want them. Yet men are advocating the free and unlimited coinage of these same dollars. What for ? Only mine owners and heavy capitalists could accumulate silver bullion In quantity for the mint. What could they do with the dollars? .Buy labor ? But laboring men don't want the bulky things, now. Suppose they take them, then try to buy a dollar's worth of goods with one. The dealer bought his goods in England, and the English manufacturer wouldn't accept American silver, so the dealer had to pay his banker nearly two white dollars for a gold one, to pay his bill. Will he then accept the man's silver dollar tor the.. goods ?. Ot course not. It 1 will spoil two. And it is surprising how quickly the prices of domestic goods follow an advance in importations. What is the laboring man going to do about it V Strike for double pay ? There are five men waiting for bis job,, and more on the way Irom Europe. The fact is, "free and unlimited coinage of silver at the present ratio of sixteen to one," is not in the interest of poor men,—cannot benefit them in any way. ~m^ richer, at the expense of others, until the pauper, still retaining his manhoed and love of justice, revolts. Then MARRY Our Repairing Gives Satisfaction, Bring your watch in now. If. will rfinftivftBpftp.jn.1 qt Our work we fully guarantee. We have made great advancement in the Optical line, and many leave our place rejoicing to know that they can once more see to read the REPUBLICAN. All optical prescriptions filled. Robert Steel, Hammonton Jeweler, George M. Bowies' Handy Meat is kept stocked with Fresh and Salt Meats and in Season HIS WAGONS RUN EVERYWHERE. W. & H. O'Donnell Steam Barrel Factory ' Swannon and Moore StH., Philadelphia. Barrels lor Apples, Pears, Cranberries, etc, Any nizo reqffirliSMhade and shipped promptly. 09flP" The Philadelphia Weekly Press and the Republican, both one year for $1.25, cash. On Wednesday, about one hundred survivors of the "old Twenty-third Ohio regiment, of which Mr. McKinley was first a private soldier, and In which he won his 'promotions, called on their Major, at his home, Canton. In response to an address'by Captain Allen, Mr.McKiuley made an address which no man but a soldier could make, and that to comrades with ,whom he had shared many dangers. One sentence we' especially commend to our readers: "I do not know what you think about it, but I believe that it is a good deal better to open up the mills of, the United States to the labor*of American people than to open up the mints of the United States to the sliver of the silver of the world." A leading business man of Kansas, who baa been in Washington, says: There is an Intense feeling of disgust and distrust of Populist control which prevailed there three -or four years ago, and still lingers in the minds of people in that section, and they are not prepared nor do they intend, if it can possibly be avoided, to let them get the ascendency again. . I am, he added, in thorough touch with all classes of our people, and from actual knowledge can state as a fact that in the coming contest party lines will bo obliterated. Men will forget that they are Bepnblicans or Democrats and join hands heartily to beat Populism and whatever section of Democracy may be allied with it. I know personally men who have always voted the Democratic ticket who will do all in their power to aid MoKinley. The intelligent farmers and workingmen are beginning to see that While'free silver may be'a' big'throg for the mine owners, it won't help them to get better prices for their products, or higher wages. • • • The truth is that when the State of Kansas was in the hands of Populists the" ed its good name. When you come to size up a Populist, ho is a repudiator nine times out of ten. Repudiation is really back of the present fight, disguise it as they may. But the Republicans, aided by hundreds of honest and patriotic Democrats, are going to bury them so deep that they will-never be able to future. Information of a similar character is daily received at the headquarters of the Republican Congressional Committee in Washington, from a number of Western It seems that the terrible crime of States, including Minnesota, Michigan, 1373, as the Populists call it was op- Wisconsin, Iowa, and I.linoia. posed by Senator Sherman, who voted The Ideal Panacea. against the bill byjsvhich the coining JameTL. Francis, alderman, Chicago, of silver dollars was stopped, but Stewsays : "I regard Dr. King's New Discovart and Jones from the Silver State of ery aa*an ideal panacea for coughs, colds, Nevada, both voted for it. Jones said and lung complaint*, having used it in on that occasion : "I believe the sooner myTainily Tor thd last five years, to the ot physicians' prescriptions or we come . down to a purely gold 'stand- exclusion other preparations." ard the better it will bo for thu counRev. John Burgns, Keoknk, Iowa, try." Senator Stewart of Nevada, writes: "I have been a minister of tho said : "The laboring man fa p.ntiLlBd "ui -Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 yoara or mure, and havo never louud anytniug have bis labor measured by the same so beneficial, or that gave mo such speedy standard of the world that measured reliof as Dr. King's New Discovery." our national debt," and that the ques- Try this ideal cough Iremedy now. Trial bottles free at Croft's. tion of money would never be stilled "until you determine the simple question whether the laboring man is entitled to have a gold dollar, if ho earns it, or whether you are going to cheat him with something else." Again Stewart said that the English had tried to get along without gold, and had to come back to it ; and ho closed up the whole matter, so far as he was concerned, saying, "You must coma to the same conclusion that all other people have,— that gold is recognized us the universal standard of vuluo." Editors of country newspapers In the West complain ol tooling the effect of Itoo silver agitation. Advcrtlucra have Tailed to rouow their yearly contracts, and if coniracta uru madu it is with a proviso that II a frou silver policy la adopted the contract shall bo cancelled at tho option of the advertiser. Thus they are having an object ICOMOIJ na to wlmt may bu expected if tree coinage ircvnilB. Hun tern capital Is timid about nvcs ting In Western sccliritlee, and iroporty owners lire llndlng it hard to •enow loans. Eopccially lu this thu case n Stuten which arc regarded ae likely o be carried by fuuion. The Inventor ears not only that 1m will ha paid lu a louroclatod currency, but uluo that H 'opullBtu gut into power they will mus luwit that will damage tho credit of Iio Stales. Ho In tawnu and dlUm. tupudiutlou IM popullatlc, and for fear f repudiation they cannot not money. A. bunker BUYH, "Nobody ovor lout tiumy.by buying Urn bonds of u Ucpubllcaii Ity ; thontmnda hnvu lout money thro' eimdlatlQii or barikiuptcy of DemocraticHUUco." T.ogan Carlisle, lion of the Secretary, f the Treimury, IIUD declared blamcl! s opposed to tho Democratic Chluijjo chet, and miyu Unit in one, Kentucky oiinty (HI Democrats havo nlgnud nir grcouMiiit to voto lor thu Republican HUM! money ticket. lie tliluko them 111 bo thoumindo of Kentucky Demoruta who will cant thuir ballots »Kalnut rynii. Second District Congressional . Convention. LOCflL MISCELLANY. And Go-Operative Soo'y,Um. We have several light driving sets that we , are offering at a very low figure. They are of the very best leather, and finished ia"the beat"" 7 rubber finish. "We have but a few of them. Our Harness department is always in line. Fly Nets, from 30 lash ,r -up to8Q. •:_._ Summer Robes and Blankets are very cheap. Remember, That if you want any j Pear Barrels, . •\ Peach Baskets ; co veraV or Grape Baskets, ft we are fully prepared to If serve you with the best quality and the lowest prices. Flour,-The Pillsbury — and Hungarian OO are the'best. We sell them. Bring the Cash and get the discount. EruitGrowers'Unioii lliuuinoiitou Stoniu (Established In 1830) Macaroni, Vermicelli, • and Fancy Paste, Tlio beat made in tuo United States. Sold Wholesale and Retail. J Bicycle Sundries Sporting Dealer in Imported & Domestic Imported Olive Oil. Afullasaortmontof hand and macula made,—for work or driving. Trunto, Valises, Whips; Kiding Saddles, Nets, oto. W. H, Bernshouse Rutherford Building. The Republican voters of the Second Congressional District of New Jersey, comprising the Counties of Atlantic, Burlington, Mercer, and Ocean, are requested to select delegates to a Congressional Convention, to be held at Atlantic City on Thursday, Sept. 3, Motto: A .dollar's worth 1806, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose nominating a candidate for Congress. of dollar for a dollar's worth of The basis of representation for each township and ward will be one delegate Of work. for each one hundred votes cast for the Republican candidate for Congress in 1894. and one for each fraction of the same- above fifty,' provided that each £0- Ease ball to-day, at 3:00. township and ward shall be entitled to at igf; Mies Emma Arlitz spent Sunday least one delegate. >f in Atlantic City. . ' ISRAEL G-ADA MS, WM.H. CARTER. - 8QT Dr. Waas and family will spend WM. H. SKIRM, "• THOMAS J, SPHOWL. to-morrow at Atlantic. Congressional Com. 6®, Harold Rogers, of Philadelphia, Lyle Allendar has returned from •was in town Wednesday. Stockton, 111., where he spent nearly iSF Mr. H. D. Mporo, of Haddonfleld, two years. He visited relatives in •was in town on Thursday. . ' . Maryland on the way home. E®. Cbester.Brown visited his uncle,' A slight change in the A. C. .A. H. Simons, in Vmeland. E. E. gives us another very desirable Bgk. Misa Ethel, Davies ia spending express,. leaving -Philadelphia at 5:40 a few weeks iu Atlantic City. p.:m.,.reaching Hammonton at GtfJl. ;... Ijsr Fire Company'8 monthly business ALL'S HAIR RENE WER enjoys the confidence and patronage of people all meeting next Monday evening. over the civilized world, who use U to restore and keep the hair a natural color, . (QT Miss Grace Thayer is visiting Egr In 1891 Hammonton cast 246 friends and relatives in Millville. -•> B®. Miss Mamie Headman, of Ocean- Republican votes for Congressman, hence is entitled to two delegates to the ville, is visiting Miss Ollie Lear. coming convention at Atlantic City. Egj, Robert Moore, of HaddonQeld, Tbe Board of Education met on is visiting bis cousin, F. H. Tomlin. the school house steps, Tuesday evening, —GST Walter Stringer, of Philadelphia, —the class rooms were like ovens. But is visiting his cousin, Edwin Thayer. little was done except routine business. Bgy Special meeting of the H. A. A. OfiQ ACRES of good land for sale, mostly ODO wild, between Huveutn Bireel and Monday night. Important business. WeyinoutU Road, —to close up the A. G. Cattoll Will be sold very cheap, at a 8@" Miss Nellie Monfort expects to nominalestate. price, and easy terms given. Also, 221 acres In addition, ou Seventh et. start eoon for a visit at Parksjey, Va. adjolulne above, will be sold with It or uvpa. see EST School will commence on the rate. For particulars, N. B. AAHONSON, 12lh and Grand 8ts., Hammonton., second Monday in September, the 14th. 6S" Will O. Hoyt and his bicycle I©, G. Herbert Rogers, of Williamstown, was in Hammonton, on Tuesday. were in Cam don and Cumberland B®" Herbert Cordery, of Ocean City, Counties for a couple of days this week, ia upending"ton' dayo with hio brother —took in a picnic and enjoyed himself well. OEd. C©. That vinegar advertlsed.by John • E®. The club race will be paced by Treat and Setley on a tandem, Labor Scullin is certainly the best we ever used. It is every drop apple juice, clear Day. as amber, and as sour as you would tea- E. W. Strickland will build the ever want. Boseddle school house, he being the URE OLD CIDER VINEQAR for sale nt 2U cents por gallon. Cedar roeto and lowest bidder. SATURDAY, AUG, 15, 1896. Hammonton. N. J. Ohas, Cunningham, M,D. Physician and Surgeon. lltll'a Block, lluiimioiiton. Oflloo Ifouri, 7:80 to 10:00 A.M. 1:00 to 8:00 and 7:00 to 0:00 P.M. H The John F. Rhodes concert announced for last evening was postponed on acconnt of Mr. Rhodes' illness. &&~ A special meeting of Town Council will be held next Tuesday, to revise the work of the assessors. It is said that they wi.l take action in regard to flngQTj4joards on all road crossings in town, which a State law requires them to keep up, under heavy penalty. 0* The Camden County Board of Freeholders received a petition, Wednesday, asking that the County complete the improved-road from Berlin to the Atlantic County line. No doubt this petition will be granted, andi thus a fine drive be completed across the- State. TOWN LOT for sale cheap. LARGE EBtutc." REPUBLICAN OFFICE - BSU M!BB SiiBlo Lucus, ol Ithaca, N. Y., will spend n luw duys with, her . coualna thu Mlttuoa Monfort. ff Kirk Hponr haa boon awarded the contract for a stono and brlok building for the Egg Harbor City Bank. $2F Tho Mothodlut Sunday School aturted out about 100 strong yesterday morning for tho plciiiowroundat Inaklp. BST 8onutor Ponromi, of 1'hlladolphia, epont a night at thu Hiunmonton Hotel. Landlord Bockluu IB proving hlnieoll a model host. W The lluao Ball Club will play tho ricaaantylllo nine to duy. Last year they defeated tlio Iluminontnnu, with n score of 20 to 111. 4fT A Itopubllcan oatioiiH will probably ho called lor Mondny tivuuln^, 'J-ltli Inst., to oleot dnluKUleu to Hlato and Dletrlut Conviiiitloiin. - WM. CTTNNIKGHAM, .Captain. fig?-Somei of the juvenile politicians of Hamhjontbnrhave^ organized a MeKinley and Hobart Club, with about a score of members. Arrangements are being made for uniform caps, etc. Officers have not yet been elected but Master George Wilson is acting President. Of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Small and party called on R. R. Jones, M. D., at Ocean City, Wednesday. Tho Doctor is reported as being very well located aui with very encouraging prospects for the future. Mr Hammouton "kids" wont to Egg Harbor City lust Saturday, and played a game of bueo ball. They wore defeated, —22 to g. A return game has boon arranged, when plenty ol sport is promised. ®r Do you attend the semi-diurnal political mass meetings on Squire Atkinson's corner ? All phases of the financial situation are there discussed, the various candidates compared, and national questions settled to the satisfaction of—the loudest talker. However, all seem to enjoy it, C@r The W. R. C. lawn social, last week Friday night, was a success in every way. The Sons of Veterans attended in a body, but owing to many members being out of town, did not givoa drill as was expected,. An excellent program of tableaux, music, etc., was rendered by home talent. I am still weaving carpets a <the old stand. Pleasant (Street, above CARPET. Third. Samples at B laok'u store. J. H. WOLFENDEN. allow the body of Dominick Bomo to be buried in their cemetery ; that our informant must have misunderstood what was said to thorn. We cheerfully make this statement, wishing to misrepresent no one. Tho local accommodation on the Reading Railroad, Thursday evening, ran into an open switch at Winslow Junction, derailing the engine and baggage car and tearing out tho switch. Tho train was moving slowly at the time, and a serious wreck thus averted. 'A moment of forgctlulness on tho part of tho tower man was responsible for the llccidont. A new operator is now in charge at the tower. You can Save Money by buying a 0f J. J. Albertson has boon luntructed by tho Carndon County Freeholders tOBurvoyaml draw pinna for tho County road from Merlin to the Atlantic County lino i>(«. Watorford. Tills will run the road along Main Road and down llollovuo Avo. ,1(1 It HAM*',. A lino hrlcik ranlilnnon In ' lluimmmloM, nlultt riMiiiiM, lii'iUi-"-. liroud 1jilunr.uo, wltli nearly n v« uiiriin "f oiilllvitlml (nuil. Will Inoliiilo linran , «nrrliiK«, WI>KOIIK, row, und furmluu tooln liniutullnto ponutm. furl cunli, In<|iilro nt lUi'iiiu.ICAN tug- Hov. J. O. Kllllau and brother, nliiii. olUmi. Chas. W., Hturtod on Wednesday lor a 6BT A. R. I'lnmloy, fornov«rBl years two wrcoka' cnmpliiK uxpodltloii iir.ur leanou ol thu Nuwcoutb farm, on Middle Woymouth. Mr. JCIum Hlockwoll and Moator Frank Aduirm went with Ilium Road, ban decided that farming doctm't pay. Last wuuk hu Hold olf hia pernniia' for a uouplo of iluyu' Muhlna. property at atiutlon, und linn gonu to C2T Innuru with A. II. rhllllim & Co., Now York, not Intending to rulura to IluiiniiouUm to rculdo. IC'iB Atlantic Avo., Atlantic City. YET the rapidity with which some business is built up is really surprising. The quality of the goods in stock, and the fair and honest dealing which people meet with at such "places, account in part for the rapid growth of the enterprise. . '. ^ To be convinced of this, visit v Eckhardt's Meat Market, corner Bellevue Avenue and Third Street, '• ^^ Print Butter a specialty. STOEE Children's Straw Hate has been reduced to cost price : 50 cent Hats now 35 cents $1 Hats now 75 cents 25 cent Hats now 2Q cents Palm Leaf Fans,—plenty of them. T OTUNrir, M A R K I N G I'l.ATKM of nil <lo O BnrlptlonK. Itutihor Htmiipa und nlniup. euppllon itt tlio nliortunl notion. 1 A. h. 1'ATTKN. At Hurnnhoiina'* llloyolo Htoro. was not built in a day,-— No more is a business. This is Shirt Waist weather. We have a lot left yet of those we are closing out at cost. O RENT. My roomy amj convenient roHliloncn, on llnlliwuo Avonno, lu for rout. Apply to Mm. (Jojiloy, noxt door. MUM. K. M. I'-AIROHILD. fW~ A score or so of friends spent Wednesday ovoninij very pleasantly at Mr. 0. A. Wood's, on tho occasion of hie birthday. Instrumental and vocal music of a high order contributed to tho enjoyment of the guests. B®. Tho Junior Epworth League lawn social, on Mr. Swank's lawn, last Tuesday OVHIIIHK was well attended. The various numbers on the program were well received, and all agreed that It was an evening noil epont. Ba>kery and Confectionery; PAPERS and Popular Magazines DAILY lit LAYER & DAVI3*. "— STORE FOR REN'r, N0.217 Bollovuo lluuiuioulou. Apply to N EWAvenue, H. M. TUOWBUHXJE. Are among the specialties d uring hot weather, at OST Sons of Veterans' drill noxt Monday night, by moonlight. Meet on the school house grounds at 8 p. m. sharp. A full attendance is urged. Bring guns and waist-belts, but no uniform. By order of P Wm. Rutherford has his annual curse, hay fever, on full head. If his eyes look-like- weopingj don't-«ttrib\ite it to sorrow for bis Bins, or for advocating Bryan and So wall. JB9* That alarm bell at Orchard St. crossing of the G. & A._R. R. is a relief to those who so frequently witnessed narrow escapes there; or- would be a relief if it would really, ring. With choice syrups, and "Rca We are requested by members of tho Lutheran Church Council, of FolUrapo Blukea fur sale at prices to milt the I J U ing relatives in Merchuntville, returned homo Tuesday. ~W~Mr. M. D. DePny- and family •are enjoying comparatively cool weather In Bath, N. Y. fjf Don't fail to see tho fight between • Cordory and Slack for first :placo in the club race, Sept 7. C8L. J. Lathrop Mack, of West Philadelphia, with his camera, took in tho town, Wednesday. QT The winner of tho club race on Labor JJrty will probably bo tho next countw champion. 0g-%. L. Irons wont to Philadelphia Thursday, as delegate from tho local branch of Iron Hull. j@- As wo RO to press1, Mrs. Dr. Bowles is lying very low, with but slight prospects of recovery. 86gr Willis liuaoh has recovered tmfllciontly to &i>ond Wednesday at Atlantic City, with hio family. ta, Mr. L. H. Parkhurat is having linudooino Improvement)! Uiado to iho .interior oi his renUlenco. _, ESST Mine Mary Woodnutt, of Bridgeton, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Olma. Woodnutt. Soda'Water, •f e No. 9 Special is only $60 We have some low-price goods in Enameled Ware. Black's >Store« and is giving satisfaction. We know of no bettor wheel under $75, and there are few BO good. Wo anticipated tho rush for thie model, and haVo them ready for prompt delivery. Wo are headquarters (or the beet in lamps nnd sundries. Give U9 a call. , Thettonfort Cycle Co I havo (Ittod up a a hop ou Third Htrcot, AII<! BID prepared to do any tiling In tho lluaof Tin und Nlioot Iron Work. Jobbing and lte|)ftlrlii|{ promptly attended to, at rooKonnblo julcco. JIAlUJIt, Extract from the North American, July ICth,— BOGUS, LAKD,— A great deal of the ntuff JB now Bold in the city. None of tlio lard ever manufactured under the name of "Choice Family Lurd," "Lard Compound," or "Silver Leaf," etc., is pure. For instance, Choice Family Lard contains 40 per cent of lard, with tho remaining 00 per cent equally divided between tflllow,cotton oil, and "off" lard, which in a quality not fit to enter a human Htomaeh. * * * These animals, even after they are putrid and exhale a fetid Htench, are made into ft "pure" lard, after being deodorized by the ..use of permanganate of potash, bichromate of potiwh, 'nndI washing eoda. * !* * Lord maimluciurors are required 10 use grout caro in handling these decomposed hogw, OH they will produce blood poisoning if allowed to touch a Hcratchcd hand. . . . yet they are perfectly fit to produce lard which' cntevo into tho human eystenw WHY I1 ARE THE fe/VNCES of using such etuiT, when you crtn get HOlfe MADE LARD of Second Street and Bellevue. Er A SONG OF THREE VOICEa , 'Wavo and wind and willow treo Speak a epecch that no man knowoth; Htce that sigbeta, wind that blowoth, Wavo that bioweth to the sen, N Wave and wind and willow treo, . Peerless perfect poets ye, ..Singing songs all songs excelling, •Fine as crystal music dwelling , In a welling fountain free, ~:' Peerless perfect poots three.' /'Wind and wave and willow tree, |Khow not aught of poet's rhyming, *Tet they make a silver1 chiming Sunward climbing minstrelsv. Soother than all songs that be. •• Blows the wind it knows not why, Flows the wave it knows not whitlier, And the willow swayeth hither, Swayeth thithef witlessly, Nothing knowing save to sigh. —William Watson, PITH AM)_POINT. Always on" top.—The sky. A rash affair—Scarlet fever. —.—-A-summor-roScctioh—A-shaddw, _ A _ t r i a l balance—The judge's charge, 'A slaughter pen—Tho critic's pencil. !'v*". A bone of contention—The jawbone. A turkey gobbler—The average small boy. Mt r ' k; SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON. Verse 10.—"He that tnuteth in tli Lord, mercy shall compaai bain r ;_ . ' about." (1) The supreme object'of trust; (2) The simple act of trust; (S; • Dayld'3 Confession and.Fonrlyeness, The blessed consequences of trust. '•GOLDEN TEXT.—(;:c.atc in me. a.dean Verse 11.—"Be glad in the Lord." /ic(irt, 0 God; and WHKW a right spirit (1) The MuW of gladness; (2) The within inc.—fl'sa. 51: 10. sphere of'gladness; (8) The incentive* (Poo. 32 :1-11. Memory verses, 1-5.) to gladness. , • , * . Kcud also IValm ,'>1. :: / stop; Tlio umullur otica aro nil far down In tha bottom, And tho LI); tellowu toiler, i^-uto up at th« toj). — Dc'llniiuo Nuwrt. "Wbat means thia coolnoaM liutwrcit Joiiiion Joaues— ia theru a dillocuuco bubetween them?" "Uillurvnco? 1 nliould aay no I An iiiiioh clllferrncc UH tlicro in between a (rontlmnun and ft do/ikoy." '•M'ml But which ia tlm guiitlyninu and which tho donkey?" "Well, U IH jast there wlierotlioy dirtor." — Houton Trailucript. rrdlrolloii AK'I'II«< Hiiornrn. . Now Uitivvi .loraoy jinitlrc ban |IIIHHOI| .|nd(!i'icnt "H n mini who win* oharKi'd with (llHturlilni; the ni'lKliborliDoil u l l h lilu Hiiorlii^, wlilob tlio pniMociilloii lllccncd uiiin HID iiiilin from a biillor factory In f u l l n|ioratlini. Tlio Jmitlcu uilvlui'il Ilic mn n with tlm woiiili-rful Hiiorln^ power to movo or ivndjiiiit hln brciitbliiK npluiniliiH. It UMIM clalincil liy tin- nolKbb'irx Hint lid ciinld lii' li.'anl mmrliiK ti ni|imni or mnro invay. An Individual w l l l i iiiii'b |IIIII;M wiiulil dollbtli'Mn liilikc a |;<iod ronirl pliiyoi'. Over In .liM'Hoy they do not w a n t lo I'lvr n mail u cliaiiri) lo even nln-p wllhont illutiirlilnir, him. IlarrlH Nervous Prostration VEST'S START IN LIFE /' LESSON PLAN AND ANALYSIS. TOPIC OF. THE moARTEK: God's Care fiia Join; on a Crowd of Poker Ployera Drove Him West. of Ha Chosen. ' ' One of the conspicuous figures In tin GOI.IIES TEXT ron T!IE QUARTER:— He chose David aim hia teriinnt, and took Chicago convention was Senator Vest, of Missouri. Vest, eays, a correspondhim from the sheep fold*,—Psa. 78 : 70. ent, IB a Kentucklan. He began dlfo by monkeying wfth a poker game that LFPSON Tore: Blessing witfi Abund- was foreign to him. It was at a little village on -the Ohio River. Vest was a ant Forsiivcncsg. ' poor boy and did not play poker. Draw .-•> - i , ~ ^ poker la only for very wealthy men. 1. The lilesslns' of '"•Forglvcncsa, That night a game was raging In the •(.tNP,;| ,. _ VS 1..^. ( i l l - 1 1 . OvrtjN 2. Tin- Way to Forgiveness, vs. cabin of a flatboat, which was moored to the levee. The temper of the town was fltfnl and they Indicted folk who played poker. So the Judge and tho DAILY HOME BEAMINGS: Prosecuting Attorney and others who M.—Psa. 32 rMl. David's con- desired relaxation went down to this _feasioD nnd forgiven esa. flatboat-so— tbat~tbe—town—wonld-not" T.—Bom. 7 : 1.4-25. The*dnful got onto their sinful curves and put a crimp in them. Vest came strolling \V.—Joel 2 : 12-19. Hope for'the along about 10 p. m. where the flatboat penitent. rose and fell on the sobbing tide. He T.—Ezra 9 : 5-]5. Confession of perceived the poker game In Its crimsin. inal progress. Vest loved a good Jest, F.—Pc-a. 51 : 7;19J Prayer for B6 he quietly made loose the lines of forgiveness. the flatboat and cast the poker game S.—.Ezek. 36 : 22-31. Cleansinr.. adrift on the dark, shimmering bosom K.—Psa. 103 : 1-18. Praise for of the river. The malefactors played pardon. , on, little heeding that they were now (These Home kpadings arc the selec- afloat. At 4 o'clock a. m. old man Taytions of the International Bible Bead- lor had won ?70 In Sleslcan silver ing Association.1 money. Then he got cold feet Old old (3). Got thee up; wherefore art thou thus fell I cm upon thy face? (.lonh. 7 : 10). What doeet thou here, IClijah? ...... Go, return (1 Kingn ]'.) : 14, 1C). 1. tint Appeal unto God: 1 acknowledged my tin unto Ttico (5). Thny cried- a"d there cuino up unto Cod (Exocl. 2 :2il). Draw nigh to (iod, mid Ho will draw nigh to you (.Inn. 4 : H). >, W i t h Confession of Gin: • • 1 miid, 1 will oonfons my trniiHgronH ionii (ft). Wliono cotifoMOtli and fomnkoth thorn tiliull obtain inorcy (I'rov. "H : III). If wo cniifuHB our HJIIH, Ho in fnithful to forgivo (I 'John 1 : HJ. V«rm> 1. — "HIcsBwMtt Im wlxino InumgroHnion in forgivra." (1) 'i'hii wrolobodiHiMfl of HID nil) nor; (2) Tho eloinimry of (Iod; (!l)Tli(> bit-lined none of iho pardoned. Veino 4. — "Dnyiand n i g l i t t h y hand wnti he/ivy upon mo-" (1) Divlno dinlilcaniiK! with "in; (2) Minium mifferini; under HID. V<irm> l>. ••- "Thou forgiivent (ho ini(juity of my nin." ( I ) . Sin r o i n i i i i t t o i l ; (2) I V n a l t y incurred; (H) l''orgiv<iiic«n One of tlio n n l i l i i n i ' i l thin'.; in plain truth. VOIHO '/.---"'I'luni w i l t prrM^rvo preHorvo m o wo Tlioro aro morn projil<M\||o run f u r - from trouble." (1) A l i o ut ilhi l o tui n world; I'i't l l n ' i i i f n l v i ' i i l i m n i;iivoin I l i o n i - , (") A |;raoioiiH 1'ronorvor; (!l) A t r i uni])liaul pi''"'rrvatii)ii. 4' P -1: I ''It's a Good Thing/ PUsh it Along/* - M M Iv- 101 Why buy a newspaper unless you can profit by the expense ? For 5 • cents you can get almost as much (I ^BATTLE AX" as you c^n of ~ other high grade brands for JO cents* Here's news ^iat will repay you for p the cost of your newspaper to-day. In 4 no Orchard. "~ ™ TT Tlip orchard trees nro all oblo.w; Like downy drifts of mimic snow Against the clear blue sky they show. The floocy clouds thnt hurry liy Half panne, ae If they spy • Sonic cuniradca waauleriny from tho ekj. Heneath the beauty of tht-lr bloom, In tleekcrcd npiice of light and gloom 1 ri-Kt, and broatlie thi' awcet perfume. Down d r i f t i n g from the laden trees, Slirred by tho Inng'roua uouthern brccza That many a uiowy petnl frct'H And w a f t s about, IIB If In play, Till, tired 1 out they fall, and lay Upon tin- t'niHu their "milky wny." :•» Sarsaparilla \ Tnumanlnn Apples. Apples ripened this year and success-i fully transported a distance of 30,000 tnllts are on exhibition In tho East -They wero grown in Tasmania, AUBtrnlnsla, nnd were shipped by way of the Suez Canal to London, thenco to' Soutbnmpton, from which port- they were brought to Now York by tho -American—llnejr—New—Yorkj—arriving— about fifty days after' being picked from tho tree. This probably Is tho champion long-distance applo shipment on record In this country. Tho fruit IB not very large, nor IB It especially handsome, but It IB In fine condition, and the aroma Is certainly delightful,' while tho flavor Is very good. Tlio npploa nrc separately wrapped In paper of odd style, and the crates also show tliolr foreign manufacture. Tho ship.' mont was partly as an experiment and partly to furnish n curiosity to Providence people, who aro Interested, Iv frnltu. SENATOR VKST. man Taylor said he had promised his "wTfe"tliat~Be"w6uI3" come home early. The others jeered. This did not daunt old man Taylor. He slnkered bis spoil about his honest old frame and saying "adols" left the. cabin of the flatboat itnd caiefuly plctoetnns" way overboard lnt<> .about twenty feet of water. He was nsbed out and rolled on a barrel by the other players to'get the water and the money out of him. Wh£n thoy at laet were towed back to town and found the entire village awaiting them at the levee, they began to hate Vest for the Jocose role he had played. They at once laid for the coming Senator with slxshootem. Now, If there Is one thing about Vest more thau another. It IB the fact that IIP'B what they call out Wewt "guu-Hby." Vcat won't Btaud for artillery a moment So he fled wcHtward and went so fa«t ho Mmply burned up the region lying bfftwoon Kentucky and Mliuiourl. Afterward Vest jfn»w up with the country. ^•~\7 ?' . - SfW^s-j. . •• Time out of mind—^Delirious intervals. • Depends on the whether—The engagement. ' With the lawyer, casea alter circumstances. A friend in need is a friend indeed, ;• But a friend, indeed, is never in need. —Truth. A" The outcomo of a courtship nowadays is largely a question of income.—Elmira LESSUN ANALYSIS. Gazette. ,. I. THE BLESSIKGS OF FOIiGIVENESS. ' It appears to us that these meetings JU Sin Is Covered: between debtors an3 creditors are largely Blessed is he whose sin is covover dun. ered (1). , A lady describing aa ill-natured man 1 says, "he never aaiiles but .he feels Thou bast covered all their sin (Pan. 85 : 2). ashamed of it." Blessed are they whose sins ace The Asfor baby has a $1000 cradle. aQy.ered-fjJflriC itm5^^^— : —It will take lota of "r6cte>>"to~gecp"tulit 2. Iniauity is not Imputed: going.—Yonkers Statesman.. • Unlo whom the Lord imputeth not •' "Did you get |hat bald head of.yours iniquity (2). /rom your father, Brown?".* "No; my ' father never had but one bald head and Righteousness might be reckoned unto them {Kom. 4 : 11). he's got that yet."—Pharmaceutical Era. What makes you wnic for the chango It was reckoned unto him for righteOU8D' ss (Jaa. '2 : 23). before you select your gloves?" "Be: ' - cause there may be some new style be- 3. Guild is Eradicated: fore it gets back."—Chicago Inter-Ocean. _JrLwJiose_spiriLithereJs-no-guUe_(2l^ He looks down on tenement drtellcrs An Israelite indeed, iu whom is no With a vision full oC gloom; guile! (John 1 : 47). But 'tis not, witb prido or scam on his side, For lib is an attic roam.---------_ -------- .Keither WHS guile Jound in his mouth. —Truth. (1 Pet. 2 : 22). "Your behavior IB most singular, sir," «. Security is Assured : said a young lady to (('gentleman who The great waters shall -not reach had just stolen u kisa. "If this is all," onto him ((»;.. Baid he, "I will soon make it plural.'1—* (laa. 43r Mercury.-=-;-•--2r Young Man—"I wish your opinion, air, as to whether your daughter would Tbanks be to God, which giveth ua the victory (1 Cor. 15 :' 57). '"make mea good wile?" L;uvyer — "No, air. She would not. Five dollars, 5. Itiat ruction la Acsured : I will inetruct thee nud teach thee please." — Boston Bulletin. Brown — "The facial feature? plainly (8). indicate character aud diiiposiliou. In Ho irjndc thee (o hear bis voice, that selecting your wife were you governed ho might instruct tbee (l)eut. 4 : 3G). by her chin?" Jones — ''No, but I buvo HIH Ood doth itiftnict him nriglit, and been ever since I married." dolh teach him (lea. liS : 2d). "I wish I was one of my jokes," 6, Kercy is Aosnrcil: groaned the humorist, as he picked Merry bliull compusf) him about himself up from the slippery sidewalk. (10). ''Whenever they fall fl^t Iiu ouo luu^hu' My m e r c y ' h a l l not depart from him at thorn."— Iiiiliuniipolia Journal. (2 Sam. 7 : ].">) "I want," fcuid thu astronomer, "an Btindy uoodni-Hs and mercy Khali follow inscription for my new tcliMC'ipu wliicli MiMl'sn. 23 : ( i ) , shall bu in the nature ot an mlilrew to f. Joy is Apiiroprinte: the stars." "ITow would 'lleru'a lookBo glad in the Lord, and rejoieo, ye ing ut you' do'l"—-Bulfajo Kxjirc.w. The fat man ia iiot u Biiicero boliovc. 1-e.t tlio riglilitoufl bo glad; ...... lot them In the ideas of tho greatest. gon;i to thu rejoice (I'tia. 08 : ,'J). greatest number. If ho wore ho would Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the bo tho first to , give up uis sent when Lord (Phil. .'! : 1). ladies aro standing iu u lioroe car. —• II. TII1C WAY TO KOIUIIVKNIJH. Washington Star. I. Hot MourulDp In Despondency: lilfo pjrwttly reaembloa a bashot of apploi You'll Iliul, If to Ui In U fur u luuuiuuL you Wheu 1 kept eilouco, iny bonce waxed -Anlietam,-anrl F wont intoi:he hospitals nf-' declare this day ov«rta6tin(» war: aRalnst all RAM'S HORN tor the battle and said to a man: "Whero drinking hablrs, nil Ramirig practices; all are you hurt?" Ho made no answer, but houses o[ sin. Half-and-half warlc will ITarnluft Notes Cnlllns tho Wlchad ft> Re. held up his arm, swollen ami spliruc-rnil. I • amount to nothing. It must bo a Waterloo; -iiimJofiD— ..' , saw. where he was hurt." 'Thesluinl'! fact, is, Shrink back now, nnd you nro lost! Push When a'mun has a wounded .foul; all iiu I,a- on. and you ;iro saved! A Spartan General Ht rjB ls al do 1< to hoi,I it up ljuforo u syrupatliolli! fell at tho very monwnt.of victory, but h« The Eminent Divine's Sunday ' ,1 to Lord and get it healed. It do'S nor la'.co iliij dlpptfil his fliipter in his blood iimV wroto on Xv/ ways paying divDiscourse. Comploto Recovery by the Us'o of lotip; prayer; Just hold up the wound. Oil, a, rock, nuur which he was dyiii^'. "Spurtii i _. _^idond:). It is no small thing when a man in n«v<iii- jlins nominnreil." Tlioush jour strngtt'.o to i; 'h'Ht rldof slh.may ,s«em topn almost n. doatli Subject: "Reformation of Habits;" ^evl! ways,to fool tha'fGo'i pins l\vu 0,1111111- atruKS' 0 ! >'ou ( ' fl " - d i p your linger in hurti .dturit uruiB around h i n i ' i i u i i says: "'louii:, your own lilooil ami write on tho Eock ol j TEXT: ."Waan shall I a\va!;e? I will art-l- ,'mau, I will stand liy you. T h o m o ' . i n ; r i i i < A.'-'OS,"Victor" through our Lord Jeaai ; " Somo years ago, as a result of too ' | it y«t aKiiin." ' "• '.may depart, and tlio lu'iis Ija rumovnd; but i Chrirfl!" "Ti'iou shnlfc Oh, wh.it glorious, oo'ivs it would ho for j 'close atteiHion to business, my health 'will never fail you." , lo.vo thy neltfh-, With .an inslcrht inlo iiu-nan nnturn sucli •';. Blesfod, bo God-for so'iii » Kss'Xil .is Ibi? some of the*) youuK m*n to solid homo to i failed. I became >i.vcak, nervous, was bor as thyself." 1 ns art other nmimvcr ri'.i«k']d, Solomou in '".'lit the .«lic"s thin," paid the wife to tli. thhlr paroma in t!w 'iOimtry! Thoy - g o to j my tuxt, skctflhea tlio aiental oncration's ol ftmbnin), "or thero will not bo enough ti tho pOEtofileo i:?«ry day or to sue if there j uuablo to look after my intoreata, and A ..MAN'.-; true one Vli<>, having stcpiiod aslilo from the Bo iiM-aroimd for the cbll-lrna; out the slice manifested all the symptoms'of a deliris any letters from you. How anxious spirit la.wliat horiathof rwtitucli', (lefiiru.s to return. witli thin." Blessail ne Ood there is a full Ion thoy, aru to liear! Xothiu:,' would pU'a.ie ! cline. I took three bottles o£ Ajer'a ls under lire. a wish for somctliiiK; barter hi) Kiiys- "When f n r u v o r v o i i H that wants It. Bread euoii.zl them half BO miieh :n tlm u»w.5 youmlKlil ! shall I nwafco? \Vh«n shall I como out ol iind scind homo to-morrow that you had giver j Saraaparilla, bejian to improve at once, THE man vvlio to spare. No tliiu slices at tbo Lord': this horrid niprhtir.ari) of Jnlquity'-" .Jiut vour'hcnrtto God. I know how it is iu flu 1 I remember when the Master Stree forms a good habit helps God. country. Tim iii^ht comes on. Tun e:ittl< ! seta! upon by UQcriuIloatBil habit 'aiid table. in Philadelphia was opened durta( stand under tho rack .through, which burs' forcedl down hill by his passions, hn orii-s Kospit.il COV.ETOUSNEHB is the niotlidr. of all war, a-tKli'gram'eamo-saying, "Then the trujse 1 ) of hay. Tho horses, just liuviTif [ out: 'I will seek it yut axain. I will try It (ho will 'oo three hundred wounded men to-night other sins. /'< • - 4f .. ' onco more." frisked up through the meadow at tlui uiu'jt i ready to take earo of them;" and front AVnuN love works it (never looks at fall, stand.kiiiit) d«ep iu the hri^'hc htrav Our libraries ij.ro ailornnd wlth : an iilecant hn my church Ihero went in somo twenty 01 Hint Invites tJtein to lie <ir;«!\ ali'l n.'st. TI-, Jltorjiturp_pointiaff out all the dangers and the -clock. . , ' men and women to look after thesi porch of the hovel is full of fowl. lii th, perils of life—complete maps of tho voyage thirty poor wounded follows.' 'As thoy oame, somt Tim Christian who complains finds Old farm house'at iiit'lit no eiimllo i showing all tho rocka, tho quicksands tlio ; one port ot the hind,,somo from an- lighted, fai/lt with God. for th« llami'S elnp hand.'< anout lii fhoals. But supposea raaa B'as already raado from nther/no ono asked whether this man wa! shipwreck; suppose ho is already oft tho .from Oregon, or from Massashusotts, or from ftreat backlog, nud slmku tho shallow <: A ioo:c toward the devil fa as dantrnolc; Biippoao h'o has already gone astray Minnesota, or from Now'Yorlt. There was a tw group up and down Hie wa'l. Ritlio? aa a leap. .,, ," " how Is ho to got back? That 'is a field eom- vvonndod soldier, aud tho only question, was and mother sit there.for half nn hour, sayf God had no penalties .his laws 5 para-lively untouched. I propose to ndrtrosu llow to take oil tho .rags the most gently. ing nothing.. I woii'lewvliat they aro think' mysolf this evening to~su?b. There arothosn -a_whll" fl " -and-piit-on-tho-bandago^ana-admlnistar-the-—Uusarf. cordial. Aud when a soul comes to God,*H« ailenoo aud says: "Well. I winder where '•WHATSOEVER.a man soweth, that _... jthalr jv.?oui!5i;(l..aoul, aro roady to hear this iloes not ask i^hei-e you c,i 110 from, or wh.il' iiir boy is la town to-ntprht?" ™ And ' tha shall he also reap."."• discussion. They compatjo thomaplves with your ancestry was. .Healing for, all youi mother answers: "la no had plnco. I warwhat ihoy wero too years aso, ami cry out wouniis. Pardon for all your "guilt. . Com- rant yon; we always conld trust him'when So BUHDBN is ever heavy that lov» froni tho bomlapro la'.wliloh thoy aro incar- fort for nil your troubles. he wa? home, and since ha hai beon. away gives us to carry.,, cerated. thero have been'so many pravnrs offered for Then, also, I counsel you if you w.int tc Habit Is a tas* maitor. • A3 Ion? as WD it back to quit all your, bad associations, htm.we can trust him still." Thou at 8 ! EVERY good man kuows that thera Oboy it it docs not niiastlso nsj but lot us ro- iiu unholy intimacy will HU your soul witt o'olonk— for they retire'early in tuw country I s a persoaal'devil'. eist, nnd wo Ilivi wo aro to bo lash oil with —at 3 o'clock tliny knenj flown and comI oral distemper. Iu all the ages of th( THE . unconverted man sees no eoorploa whips nnd bound with ship cable and gradually increased my wcigbtfrom iinv'h tlicro has not been an Instance when mend you to that "God who watches in counand thrown into tho tractor boii'v^r'-a'cin" . ' iimn kept one ovil associate and was re- try and ia town, on the' land and on thp one hundred and twenty-live to two higher than he lives. Jucgcrnaiics. Durinsr tlio.war of ISlithoro irmfiil. sea. . •• . / WHAT is the good of good that is hundred pounds. Since then, I-and my was a ship s c t ' o n f l r u just abova Nfii"ara Somo one said to a Grecian General: \yhnn a man deliberately chooses bad asnot doing and being? Falls, anil then, cut looao from its moorinw, oeiation because he lilceskmxthat rrian hoi "What was the r/roudest moment of your family have used this medicine when • U came on down through tlio niqht, and arted on the road down. Oh, I do Tiot car< •life?" Ho'thought a moment, and said: man who wqrlca for the deyll_ nei'ileil, ahd we arei all in;..th_e_bcst of tossed ovor !ho falls. It was said, to havo hat you call It, that association 'will des, Thn proudest moment of 'my life was when h e a l t h , ' a fact which we attribute to never getsia.vacation. been a scunn lirilllaut beyond all dosorip- oil your soul.' After you are destroyed, I I snnt word home to my oarenta that I had Ayor's SarsapariUa. I believe my chilTHE-man who ia religious anywhere tlOn. Well, thora aro thousanils ot men on oily, mind and soul, what will they do foi gained the victory." And the proudest and fire of ovil habit, coming down thfoaKii tho ouV what willtheydoforyour family? They most brilliant moment in 'your life will ha dren would have been fatherless to-day a lellprious everywhere! rapids, au;t through tho awful night ol ill not givo one cent to support yaurchil- the moment whnn you can send word to hail it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, IT never does anybody any good to . temptatmn. toward tlio oternnl'pliinjri'. Oh, ran afteryou are dead. They will not weep your parents in the country that you have of wliieli preparation'I cannot say too five away rotten apples'. how hard it Is to arrest them! God only can no tear at yourburlul. They will ohuokla 'conquered your evil habits by the grace of .ari'fst thom. nineli."—H. 0. HIJJSOK, Postmaster and ver yonr damnation. ; God, and become eternal victor. You can't check the dovil'3 bagSupposo a man, nttor llvn. or ton, or twenty Oh! desplss pot paternal anxiety. The I'luid a raro friend at the West. He was Planter, Kinard's, S. C. . . ape on the Lord s railroad. ynars ot ovil doinif reso,Ivcs to do xla-ht. ill ;of welcome when I veot thereto live. time will coma when, you hayo • neither Why, all tho forces of darkness iro allleil WHEN sin hides, It forgets that It i ImdspliJU'lld personalappea,ranee. Thera father nor motherland you will KO around fn . ngalnsthlm. Ho cauuot, aleop m'chts. Ho not u qrauder looking pwrspn in this housd the place where th'ey used to watch you, and annot cover up its tracks. Q ONLY pots down on his Juions in tho midnight; and o-day thaa -he was; and to this grand per- find them stone from ths, house, and crone IF you have no trials, -how do you cries, "Qpd help mo!" Ho bitas his lip-, ho' onnl appearance he Added all geniality and from the field, a'nd proua from the noiRhborRECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. prinds his tooth; ho clenches his flst in a II kindness of soul—tender as a child, :now you have any faith? ood. Cry as loud for forcrivflneas as you determination to keophls parposn. Ho dare boauiiful and loving nature, and .1 loved may over the mound in tho churchyard they THE Christian's , God is the only AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills! not loolc ut tho bottles ia the. windows of. a im as n brother; but I saw ovil people com- will not answer. Dead! Dead! And then rod 'who wants the children. wjrfoMori'. • It Is ono Ions, bitter, eihans- ng tip around him, ovil men coming up ou will take out the white look df hair that tiv'o,.lmD.flT.tp-liaml fluht withjin infl.imfld, rom bad places of amusement, and they •as cut from your mother's brow just before THE amaHest sin is big enough to 1iil.ta.i:zliiK ,-tnd mofilless habit. -When ho ilzed hold of his social aad genial nature, hey burled h«r, and you will take the ceep Christ out of the heart. Gorillas Are Easily t'-iiireslto Is uot'lroly freo tho old inolinatlona nd they began to drag him down, and ho anewlth which your father used to walk, :' pouaeo upon him Ilkoa pack of hounds, wltt A LIE i? one degree worse than the Tbe latest up^tojdate gorilla tbat has nd you will think and think, and wish that isnt further and further. • , tholr muzzles tearing away at thn-flanks ol ou had done just as then wanted you XS como ipto civllimtiOTi is a young Ijidy in which it'tries to conceal. I usod to say to him, "Now, why don't you , . ono poor reindeer, tn Parlsthoreis a sculp- top these bad habits nnd bocomo a.Ohrisnd would give the world If you had nafrer CHRIST will' not remain in any heart tured roprosunttttlon of Bacchus, tho god ol nn'i" for I talked with him just as I would irust a pang through their dear old hearts. •orllla tfiat hasMnijt been placed on rovo ry. Ho Is ridlnc; on a panther at full alk with a brother, and he understood- mo, God pity the younB"nmn who hns brought exbibition In theSHJological gardens In where sin is.'a welcome guest. Io:ip4 Oh, how sngsostlvo! Let evory onfl nd I understood him. I aald, "Why dou't Isgraoe on h'l§ father's name! God pity the Regent's park, London, h-avlng travelTflE wickedest man on earth de- ( who is fipfiodfne on had ways understand bo ou give up thoso' things and become a OhrJs- oungmanwho has broKeu his mother's ed direct from her borne In Ngorc, inanda thut God shall be good. is not rldlnif a rtoollo and woll broken ateed, anV" "Oh,"he said to mo one day, loaneart! Better If he had nevor been born— but ho la riding a monster, wild aad blood' ng over bis eouutor—just after I bad asicod etter If, In the first hour of his life, Instead which is on the French. Congo. This there Is more kindness in thirsty, KOlnK at a death leap. 1m for a hundred dollars tajjiolp educate a f being laid against the warm bosom of ma- particular young female Is of th« fam- jLYgrY hflnrf. than we Inrtlc J*niLHow many thore aro who resolyp on a hotmnn for tlm ministry, nnd hn_hn^_ ernaHendernessrhB had been oofflned and .l/'~of' gorilla savagely a •facTof vvTilcF THE greatest enemy that any man (or llfo, and any, "When shall I awako?" but Iven me the money before I had the story, epuloh^redl There Is no bnlm powerful flolzed on by their old habits, cry, "I will alf told—"if It will .do the young man any to heal the heart of oho who has the most Illiterate and unscientific of an have la sin in his own soul. try It oiiow'more. 1 will 3»ok It yet again." ood, hero Is a, hundred dollars." Right rought parents to a sorrowful grave, and 3er captors Is fully aware. When she THERE Is no promise in the Bible Years a^o tht-ro woro somo Princeton stu* fter that conversation I said, ''Now, you! ho wanders about through the dlemal oem- was captured she was -a bit coy and or i.ooplo-who borrow t ouble. ; denta...who wero skatlnjj, and the loo wa! ro n .splendid follow; why don't you glv* tory.-rondlng-tho-UMr-imd- wringing the obj ected to eloping "wlFh a "whole party very thiu, and somo ou» warned thn com- p your bad babltn nnd bo n Christian?" anils, and crying: "Mother! mothor!" Oh, THE only right way to start out to pany buolc from tho air hol», and llnallj Oh," tin said, as tho team ran 8own hla mt to-day, by all ths memories of the past, of men simultaneously. She was a bit warned tlmm onlirely to loavo tho place, hoots, ''I can't. I should llko tobeaOhrls. nd hy all tho hopes ot tho futuro, you backward when she heard dog» In e rellcrlous is to dolt publicly. Hut one yoiin^ man, with bravado, after all WHEN a bad man reads the Bible '..... You soe, I havo got thoso habits on mo would yield your heart to God! May your tho.ri'Bl had ntoppod, orlod out. "Ono round o, sir, I can't got rid of thom. I have boon athor's God and your mothor'a God bo the neighborhood of her home. Thero ho devil looks over hia shoulder. wore several of the dogs and they were more!" Ho avront around and went down, IK wronfl lon^nr than you would think our-Godforovort" ho" anil wan brought out a corpse. My friends, or/iinil I can't stop." all. looking for linr, a faclfof which ; thorn nro thousands and twns of thousand! Sometimes, in tho momoata of repentance,, HAZINS AT WEST POINT. she'was not aware whon flrst she heard makes his followers just like him. ot niou losing tholr .souls in that way. It It lO'would go to hla homo and umbraoo hln UNLESS a man has poor health, ho Mieir baying. tho "ouo round morn." Ittlo girl of elgllt years oonvulslviily to his ndot ICunil RacelT«i n , Hentonco That he dofea lind been set on hor track helps tho devil when ho wears a long It a nma wants to rutiirn fronvovll prac- earl, and ho would eovor hor with adornMar Stop thn Cuotoin. tices, nocliity repulses him. Deslrlnn to re- luiits and strew toys and pictures all about by tho--ui(;n, who' wore anxious to cap- ace, form ho Kays, "Now I will nhako off iny old or, uud thon from her boantlful prosonce— Aonordlngto Information received at the GOD and woman gave tho world a ture her. Sho tried to get away from iiMnoltttes and I rfftlll find Christian com- 10 heautfnl presence of hla llttlo child—ho ar Dapartmqnt, basing at tho West Point thorn and failed. Whnn she was busy Saviour. Man and the devil cruel lied panionship." And ho appoam at tlio aharclj muld go to tlio IntoxIcatliiKCup, and to tbo [llltary Academy hnirooolved ahonyyblow. door eoina HabOatJi day and thu n.ihor Knieti ous« otsharao, as ii fool to tlui correction trying to Ituop the dogs off tho men lira. h» court martial which tried Oadet Elliott him with a look an nineli an to say, "Why, locks; and there thoso bad iniin Ujpt pus h- t. Hand for oomnolllng "Plnbns" Harrla unit dashed up and captured her. Jennvy-, IT Is not a pood means'of grace for you here! You are tlm lost man 1 ev»r «x- ag bun on, n ship, full-winged, orashlni;. !n«ly to'stand on tholr tool, reached a vorpnatnil lo HUB at church! Conn), take thll nt,) the breakers. Ict Haturdny afternoon. It eentoncod Kind for HO H!IO Is known now—mad" such ho lieud of the family to do all the liOiit rlnht down by tlm Uoor," Intituuil of aayI was called to his deathbed. I hastened, > onH vnaf'a. confinement, with a doprlvavigorous objection fo being removed flvln'g. inn, "flood mornlni;! I am Kind you an ml when I got Into thu room I was sur-i ton of all nrlvllogos, Including tho throo from hor homo that the mon bad to THE devil always comes back to tho Imre. Com", I will Klv«yoii a llrst-rati) soal )rlsod to Ibid him lu full everyday drosu, ly-j nimth.s furlough next ynar. After tho ca- bind hor; Then they Hlung hor on a man who don't say no as though ho rl(?ht up by thn pulnlt." Wnll, the prodlnal, an on tho top of tbo itoueh. I put out my uls return to burraoka Uand will nlao bo not yi't iIlHcouriii<i)il,niitoraaprayi-r nmntinK, mini and hu greeted mo vory cordially. Hn bilged to walk a tour of guard duty every polo, and In that undignified manner mount it. and nomn Christian man, with morn /.i-altlmq aid: "Now, Mr. Tannage, uit down right nturday nftrrnoon, while tho rost of tho wan tho young lady of tbo tribe ot WHAT tho devil did In tho garden common siinni), say», "Olail to HDD you; tht horn." I mit down and ho mild: "Lnnt adots nro nt liberty. O. Savagcl carted abourd .a t Kdon every olncer would tiy to do ilyinif thlof wus savin! and I mippoan thoro l| light, just whoro you uit now, I saw myi Hand's sovoro ««ntonco hiisstruok terror n lloavoii. tn«r«y for you." Tlm younR man. dlsausti)il| nother, though nil" luui been dead twouty ntotliohoarlB of nil tho would-bohaznrs. Tho ililp.—Now York Weekly. I'hlllod, throws lilmsolf on his dignity, nv «)arn—yea, itir; juiit wliore yon sit now Him vlilnuon did not dlrootly ronneot htm with To M A K E a law w i t h o u t a penalty nolvnil ho will never untor tho IIOIIHO of floil ml. I <:oilldli'l>Jlliv» b«ou ml^tAkon. I won In) linr.hii? of tho two "plobnn," and ha miulo To ItfnK»etlz« JIalrpliiN. s to olTcr u standing invitation to w wide awakV on I am now. Hho Hat junt strong defciiHi) to Huh.itantlato his denial. A No\y York iuiin IUIH received a pat- w.onir doing. I'orhaps not qultn fully dl:wouni|;<til about vhiiru you alt. Wlfo.'I wluli you would take lin 'Unutanoi) may alnr> lutorfnro with tils roforuinllon, hi) Htdles up hy iiomo highly ro- iie.su Blrliiirn oft that they aro weaving liuw standing. Ilo Is at prosont at tho hoad ent for a inagiiotl/.lng box for hair"PEUom1 tlmplf also In the. Lord m>oclabli) man hf imnd to laiow, ^oin^ down iroiind iiioi I wish you would talco them ofl; if Ills class, but tho hazing optsodi) will sorl- l)lnn. Hu docH 'uot olearly Btiito the ind Ilo Hhall K!VO thuo tho desires of tlio ntroot, uud Immodlatuly thu rcspoctabln liny annoy mn very miioii In tills oouvnnw- iily mam hlthorto uiiblomlshod record. bject of blA Invention In magnetIzlng hlno heart." •' ' * >• • man ban an nrrand down uomo othor Htrtiot. lon." I MIIW hi) wax In delirium. Ills wlfo th« [iln.s, but It IH presumed that tho laid: "Thorn In nothing there, mydoar; tlioro MERRILL PERISHED IN QUICKSAND Woll, thn prodlKiil, wlslilni,' to return, SIN ly Its own .dptcctlvo. No man uomo member of a Christian uiuioiiliitlou by a nothing tlioro." >lmrgo,l pliiH urolesB llablo to como out ', (1.waiio hlirwoil'any more than ho tlidhiiiiil. or tries to. Tho Olirl»t|au 'i'lliin lie resumed tho mmvorsivtlon, ami o (j, SlnUliic II n Illronloil Itloii Wlio if tho hair nnd be lost, as thoy aro all*" '?.,„ e!)ca|) eacapo i )( |. ,iild: "Yu.'i, my inothor sat just whiiro you man looloi nt him, luolm at tho fiidml ittraotoil toward ouoli other whon In poTrlnil l.i> HUDOIIII Him, ill now. I Icanw her. Hho liu.l thn snutu and the marliH nf dliMlpniloiij Insti'ad i" Tais Kiirosk way to miilco a man liiK him a warm tfdp ot th» hand, hn offoi. ipmilaiilna, and tho hiiiui) cap and tho tiaiiin Gliarlox Morrlll, n woll-known cltl/.oii ot Hltlon, To romovo olio on them It nniHt nad. quick Is 10 toll h i m tho truth him tli" t i p niidii of thn lulu; H"K°i',i '>' tin Uiroi:. and tin) Hiimo di'o.in. It miint havo iHrllngtoa, VyiH.,wns liurlmlullvan tow days (loin; ngaliiHt tlio magnetic force ibiiut liiiiii.'olf. .nM'ii hm-, Junt an ttho looked • twenty yDiini hilt hiiiid, whli'h In i-i]ual lo nlrlkliu,- n man °. which Icnilii to Ici'op It In plnci) by at-' lu Ihn faoi). (Mil how fmv Clirlillaii pnuplr v^u—Mho haw hoen dead now tW'inty i Hr. Morrlll and othnri woro dlni;lin: a wi)ll ructlng It. In the roiiialnliiK plnn. 'L'liK man \vl:o III>H boon ci.nvnrtod liaili-rHtaii'l huw niiinh foi'i'n and j^usp • \ud hitting thi)ri) ,-)hu Hald to mo. 'ItOMWi-n, * ill a farm throo or four mlion nouth of HnrIglit UIIOWH noinol.iiliiK tluit ho can't tlinro IM la a Kond honiiMt haiulHliaidii};, ivluli you would do I,utter;' nnd 1 (tot up out Ington. Tho tild"U "avoil In aud liurlod htm coop to hliusoir. Koini'tlmi'M, whnn you havo full tin) noDit of1 if Iind, and 1 Icnnlt bwild" hnr and iialit. ip to thi) Hhouldorti. lll:i oonipanlonii 011niu'oiiraKiiiiinat, and HDIIID (JhrlMthiii man hiu 'Mother, f wliili 1 miuhl — I wlidl I nould ilo loavorod to dig him out/ whnn i|uloknaud inaii who doprlvps hin brother ' tal;nu ylu heartily liy the hand, havn yoi letter; f would llltn to do beller. Won't you All tlio vvoriil . i i l i n l n - ' i iind w o i n l i i i ' M )f a rl(,'l»t In tin IwUur than thn onu i utnicik and tho iinfnrtimuto man graduuot foil thrllllui; liiniiiKh "vory Illiruof your iel|i me? Yon \innd to Imlp iu». Why iiaii'l ally sank out of jHlght In tho prmom'.o Ad lihd A l i i i ' l ' l i M i n :ix hnlvt*. Till! ,vho iitoalH Ills pnrsn. •• body, inlnd ami noi^l an nintoiiraKniiieiit that foil help nn) now;,nmtlinrV" " Hut noon 1 )t ihi) nic'ii, who wcirn unalili) to nunlst him. wan junt what you minded? You di> not know (aid. "Noiv wo will pray." I knnlt to pray, rim lioily wai roiinvoi'O'l iioxt inoriiliiK, work A l i i c ' i ' l c i l i l M X I I U i ' i l w l l l i i h ; i l l n ; ; c h l Tint only placo whoro it uiiin really miylllliut at all nhoiit t h i n unlniis yim know lln dlil not ruaHy.n a n y t h i n g I imld, l n u p - lavlni; linon proMonmoil all night hy ii.worul )iisly c u r v e d ;intl u r a c v l ' i i l l y l i i s l i i u n r d IVON l.s in liiti mini, h.oino ponplo liavo whim a niiiii trlo.'i to rntiini from nvll oouraiv IIOSD. 't'hnn 1 i;nt up and nulil "(looit-hy ililflrf' of mon. Hi) wan twonty-.'iyvoii y«ar;i I l i i i l d l i ) hi IL i i i i i i ' v n l u i l s l y I'll'oi'.l l \ i) ' .' ' ' ' • im niiiii UKittiiiit ropiilnliiiiM Innumiirahle. .;OIM|-'I.V!" That nlgni he went to (Iod. ;if agniind limviw u wlfi). / • • ' ' tooupoii, viiAl.ly iniii'i' dpi- lor It'S imr- l very Hinall llfo. Wu nay df;iiomn iuiin, ho MVIVI n hloolc or /yrrttiiKoiui'iitH for tlm.itliM(i(|iili>.i worn l»iWhlli) MorrlU'h hoad wan oxpoaod hu miolly Hisc-i t h a n I.ho til i , i i : ; h l l i : i u i l l c i l I w,) from th,u iihilroh.or half a mil" from tli lii'j ma,l,\ and th"V ii'tfd', "Oh. It won't do to .IliviiMinl thu moil IIDW In work lu orilorto ^iliMt'Oh. Thnrii urn punpln la our oro\vd»< hrliiK him lo thn iihmjpli; In) IIIIM hnnn no il>«- I'OMoiin him, but tlio i|iilolinliuil oii|(iilfod him. i".ailniiiuii'M iix w I t.li whlc.li tjio ll.alA ciinfodonito voiorau wan n. •iDliitn." 1 Miilil, "llrll;: him, lirlni; h i m ; IK nil leu who l l v i i a t l n i U K a n i l mllonfrnm i f c l l M Uvi'ti, or Mm l i r u i u l - l M c c i l Va-t di'.ii'rlH of ImlllTunMiiin liDtwnnm thuii itnml by mo wnon liir--jva.'i alive, uud I'll il Ki npiiak i t t t l u i g r a n i l army liiin1 A WATERMELON BUG. r.clml,• lined I'm Uio H I I I I K I |iai'| n-<n I n and Lhn huiiHti of Uud. Tim funt In, wo IUIIH iitand by him when h o l n d n a d i ill (UK bin: l. Lint n l g h U , Ilo i;lo li-il In tlio Kriiiu-o. 'I'lio A u i o i ' l c i n i ii,v h u l v n Is 1,-nnp our n':i|n'.:liil'IIHy, t h n u u h Ihimminil I n t o ) I m ihurali." Thn Hahhath eumi). An 1 r ol' i(iiii:l Uinllnn." "Wan hlHOlTort, mid tniiii of thiiiinauilii inrl.'ih. Olirht HU itiiinl In thn pulpit and imw hln limly ,'111111111 l''iiriiiorn Almiit l l i i r l l i i K t i i n , N. .>., I w»r ]unli w h a t i n l K l i d havo bi'"n i'X|irr,icil I ..>»l.i U llm I'liillrn <lro|>. r o c o i v i t i l In tluiHiiino frHtorniil hplrll.V" \vllh piililli'ium and Mliiiuui). Hut If (lion ui) thi) alnln, f foil a.'i If I could wnnp I,-HIM o I I I ' ; u i 1 1 1 V n i i l / l V D poopln l a t l n n W l l J i I l i r iMMiirii to Ilio hiiiixiiof (Iod a iuiin wllli mark, lilood. Intood tlini'i) that day and 1 imld Vos; when ho cloHoii thd l.oiintlloiijiiniln 1>. Mtodalior, a prnmlnimt farmor of ilhinlpatliui 1iiiinn him, thn |imi|ilo iilmim 't'l'hln man had bin v.ruuia, and a good mini) llvlni; mm i' llmllii|<lnn, N. .1., nald that 111 illll.y of ( ' i i n i | i i i ' r l l i ^ anil r l v l l i / i i i i ; a niiistor iiuiuoslo.il tlui liiind to play t h r i ) w u[i tlii'li iiaudii In lunTor, an mmili u nttliDiin hn hud lilii filului, and n KOOI! iniiiiy Lwo wookn thoro \vouldii't ho a wiitnnnoloa l'(inwt,'Clai| c i i i i l i l i K M i l , . Tlio wiVi'M I I I I M t n 'llm t.iuio of 'Marclmu; to imy. "lnu't It ulnii'hh»K-" lluw thmi iiflli'iin; lint lot that man In thin Mir iillrou In tho ooiinty, hoiiiiuMo of n piiru- lioon iislni; Mio ;ix slui'.o prolilsliii'Ic li lloornlii.' "•-- .lud«o. ilalhly,1 fatillilloiin (Ihi'lntlami la all mi1 who In without nin naatlhu llrut utonu on ihl; illo that In ranldly Ullllng thn vlnon. Uinos, but., II, n'in;|iiinl I'nr l.lir A i n i i r l I'hiln'lii !) urn KoliHC l<> K°l lu'° hf uvim I ilim .mnln ltd." It In a Hiniill Intnint, not unlllui a ladyhiiK ii piiinooi' in rii'iiiiiin i lie iiifiii ax kiin\v, unlnnii (liny havn an n:ipiinlal train i On thn ono Hldiuif Hi" pulpit «at tho liiuiu Him \VilH I'ri'i. l.i. Hny. n appiMiriiaoo, aud lu a tttn^lnnlKht dopiK llful nhlld, an radiant anil nwnnt faemt an any hoiiMiinihi of OKK# OIL ^' t < k unitor nl.lo 01 <:ai'M, uii:ililnanil and it[ilii)l;itiuiul, nai'.h nno l i u i u l l o , ui,'(ino.o HK|I|,, ui,nun,'ami ohi-.," ulio ropoatod, "1 o.amiol, lovn car lo liliiiiinlf. Thry niiiiiot KO w i t h pulill nhllil that ,'int ut your tiibln thin ioiivo.1 It fuvimi. It iilno loavm a HUni I lo. Tim iix'.'iiu'h ,IM In l i u u i l l . i r In n i l you," lid )>au4ud IrrcMolulo. "Am Klin knew not th» norrown of nn oi'|ilnu iiili.'itnniw whloh inaUon tho plant look gr ( u n n and nliiniMV. n o i ' l o M i i M In rani In Ivnrnpr, a n i l I I , you l l r i u V " lio I'Rll.i'icil. Slid ilnllloil. . Oil! yii ivlni iiurl your Ilii of nodrn at III nhlld; nlin wn'n not old "ii,iii|(li to ninll»i for u tliiio, af(or whlnli tin) l.iavu:i wllli.H- ami l l M In n i l I,lio l i n t . K l i • I'olulili'.i ;IM I lu' fiillnu, 1 t"ll your plainly, If yuu had bnui Hi,mi, Homellmnn whnn I t h i n k ofljuit mvlu Ilo. Sir," ulio'rololiiod, "[ llivvo no d i j - , ' Miirroiinitnd liy tlinuainii liilluiuinii.'i, liuitnai i,',01111, bor faun Imimtii mn l|kn U Im.iutllii Tin) famiorn nriiund llurllngton havoirlml n o r l i M i i iix- N o w V i i r U Sun. lro lo bdiiHl,' b u t ' Hln'i-o you liavn," of iillllii|{ l»-dity amid llm niilturuil, and III 'miD throiiKli a horrid i l n a m . (In tlm ullio ovi'i-y ninann tn HIIVO Iho vlmvi, hut n.nu iliar.';r(l I, Im i.uli]iM',l, In hero 1 am f i r o I'Dllnnit uud Ihn ('hrlnlliiii, yon would liuv ildn of tho p u l i i l t ' n i i t Ilii) inim who lllld tin nviill, iiii.t iiiaiiy aro plowing up tholr T.I. i l l n l i l O I I t i i t IU,. I I i l n r : , I I I I . V I 111 11;; • linnii u nriiuOhlnit wrntidi, iiovnrinl wllli III! itr./ynd him. Thny had put tliu wormwno inilolio.i. It) i,ay t h a i , I liuvoi.'i, worn onl, IJii'im !,' I l l l l l l S I , l i l t l l ^ l l U WTllll iiiiiliiliiimliiatlon. It In not lini'iiiimi ynu iir mil thn Kail lulo ( h u t orpliiin'n imp. Thir MH.M uf l n d . a u c j u l w for niitliln(< ' - : iiiiilmil him olf Iiu) pnii'ipliv,^ 1 iitood tlinr any Ixiltnr, but iM't'iiunn t h n m n n i v "f f i n d h prolnnlnd you. Who urn you l l m l , linmw mil t,ild t h o m Hint tljni'n was a (Iod and \Vnulil yon mtiko onniiui"it-i ol « nmi! Kxoluiii|.'o. •I'li'n nialillvlun InluiKlorH. up In Olirl.-itlan iilndx.i ami \vnl>-h"«l liy i l h r l lUilKinniit itinl n lii'll for tlioin who donji-oy, iViinl.iit AI|\|<IO. \ V l n lurf Il'l-Rrt; ntt'l you w i l l wli« lii» MfthliVliUi luliiiuldrs out aliiiio. H.t tlnn piirnatnifn, yi>u tihould tin no hard oa tli i h u l r f»Ihiw.'i. l>lil limy wniipV"' Oh, il«ii'n MI" tour. Hid lliov:ili;li r,ii'"iiiliu;lv'/ N u t oa foru n meal they rollrn to t l u i mom i«' iniihl. Would you iii.iUn u i:i)iii|in-il u( Tbo N o w I'listor — M y linithor, 1 Klnit uf i-ll, my bMthm-, ( h r n w yoiii'Mnll ,li,li. 111,1 l l u ' V nay. "What u p l l y lh.it tv :l(i(Iod Hpot they ran llml and eat will. it woiimn'l TuUo livr lulml uml Jim "ill i i i l l u r o you to lovo your oniiiiiUv-. Ouil. (In In Him fi'iinkiy and n u r u r r l l y mi i l n i t r o y n i l him?" Oh, no, 'I'tmy nat ain ]riitvn blind" <>r Miirrniiinleil by i win bur luiiirt. Col. Komi (of tho K e n t u c k y union. Mil IIImtliDiin habllii v»i havn, ami a-,I. Ill ija/.i'd ul tlm ni i nin an viilnio'i at llm iMi-nici I f t h o r i i In any Imlp In all llm ITOI>IIIW:I of u lamli vvhuin hititrl limy Iind rlppml oiil irronn. Tlio exnbinatlDii of I h l n pro Ililiiuni llfo is u piny, cnn!ilillii;{ o h h l i m dhlilct)— Can't, dn It-, IIIIMOII. oiaiil|>iitniit luvn to |{|vn It to ynu. t i n n Tho Now 1'uitoi --You 'I'hnt n l t i l i t . l l i u i i K h m v f i h ' U ' l lay lu Onluv»<> m u t t o n IH morn likely to bo four Him nmiiy 'lilfuruiit uounuii; mid tliiitu win Cun't, d o l U K'l Wllli a Idlltf rlnmnt'iiln pimpln nail |U.IV" ()umiit«ry, I hnunl iitlnrwitrd Ilial iliivin inn aioiluaty. In dnya KOIKI by Iho mm urn in tlio world 113 iipttotaiiirj olton could If you would try. «'ol. Koutl — iiiudn up of "olin" and "ah'i ' and "fun v< wmil il«ht nn \vllh tlmlr lii'liiiiltliin, ditttmy ao doubt cmicottled liiniHulf loot uo uuilurutund tho i>lot nnil tlio qliurnctori liuiioHitlblfi. Hain't uot nono to lovo. and nvnr, amimul" <lo to (Iod aud (icy fi Inn HiDiiiMulv^i) mid di>»troyln|{ othurn, b t l p l l m l p l holpl and If you imuiiot .)ry fu , (lathnr up nil lho nnui'^lori of body, mla< plan utrongor than bo ubould uuatcb tlio buttor thaa thow> who mo thoro in Shot tlio ia.'it ono thlfi liolp, juiit look uml llvo. l\i\(\ ooul. auiji appealing to Uol 'or nutint^' hard earned food iiwajr. A'uck. 1 lomeuibor In I lib tato wiir, I wan i OVERWORK A'ugUaUC, '1832. . ••-Mninlo'H IniNliaiiil Mtulloi-H torrlbly. ' . f J'hc merry blrdu onll down to me, And looking nji for them, 1 HIH* On May iS mention wan made In thin A llnnh of pink through yonder tree. column of a eiirloiiH theory concerning (be hlmory of a very old llr-trwi froTn Methlnkii nt flrut It blnuheiT with uhnrao North America, n section of the lower To hear llu jHiorly clioorn uainv) part of vyhosie trunk Is preserved In ICn- Hoxv fair lit lilnuheu nil the name I gland. The growth rlngB In the tninl) • liow tliut tbo tree lived for ucvtrisl 0 halm of twnutjr cvtrywliopel hundred yeuru, and that whon It won 0 Ivi'thu fount for fretting care If I but bathe my eplrlt the re 1 about a century old UQinethlng huppeuod which Interfered with and de- rio blrst IB hu who owns bnt eight. j layed Its growth. The effect woe to pro- Ilia heart may puloe with now delight ' duce a Herleu of rings very narrow and From bliinhlnir morn, Uirough etarry clojio together, followed by rings of tho iilghtl usual width, Indicating that the treo — Ilo»ton TrniiscrluV had uud'denly regained Ita vigor. AcT«TO HlrilH xvltli Ono NtYine. cording to the theory, meotlonei(l the Kuniiy — Yon t a k e lilclc li'ont(>r too Influence that retarded tho growth of the tree wau a uerleB of atmospheric dln- «orl<> Hly. Notlilni; lio Hiiyn IH worth turhaticen In tho Middle Aftou which n inoiiienti'u connldonitlon, N i i n n ) - caimud widespread epidemics In lOnropc llul hi; ln»liiual(!(l thai, 1 wan one of nud Afllu, iind presumably In North t.lio niiiiiluoiiin itr|Ht,(ici'ac,y. l<'urinv —• America ubto. Mr. H. K. Feruow, of I l l l l l l ] l l l ! l i d I l I i H l l ' l , h l ' I I M; ' I ' l l O l l k ' l l ( O Washington, writes to Nature that he t o l l a niuslirooiii iroin , u toad stool. — tlilnUn thin Ilieory lu hardly tenttble. 7,one,i of narrow 'rlugfl, li» najrii, aro A NnM« Aim, eonimon In all of our treed, and ho ougI'm Icor—Toor old I l r o w n l o y ! lie's tfciilii thin explanation: Let a treo, llbn licrnino IIIHIIIIO, I hear, w o r k i n g at, the Or In qnmtloti, grow up under ftt- Mini, loloiihdiio liivoiu.lon. llurkor-—' varuble coiidltlolin for u hundred yearn, Whiit, wi* ho tryliiK I'd liivoiiu? I'arand (ben '"' a hurricane break off a k(^r - A d o v l r o for iirovciitlnu; (icoplo large purl of ll» crown. Huddrnly, at from n i l l h m you u p whon you don'l leant within u year, thn rlnga of growth in t a l k lo Uieni -^1'iicU. will become narrow. Within about A «,!».. Ill I'ollll. thirty yeiu-H the erfcwn rocuporute«, but Htlll tbo fooil-iiiiiteil^il ilenrendlng from "If, an tlio H l i i l o hityh, -all lloHti I: Ibo leaven IH Hcnnty for the lower por- KniNs,' " said Mm n l u r lioanlor at, Mn> "Mil" tion of the trunk and narrow rliiKi con- lii'ral; luui, t,ali|o yc-l'Tilii v, tinue lo form there. Illirbnr up the irve, t l e n k inii^l, lut l.lin k l i n l of ' . l u l l Mnr, however, tbe rliiRH will be found wldrii- I ' h i i ' h M o x i o a u I m i m i i o r l M a r o ni.ulo li>(f. K l n a l l y , mid rather nuddenly, Iho Hiipply becouii'H normal lower dowu A I ' l a i I K i i l !'<•!. and tbe HIIKH I'eniinio I l i e l r rrfjulnr lOllllllll I IlI'lll'VO III li,'l\|n;; jiel w i d t h . ThiiM varlniin nccldouln oceiir1 w l i l r h "i " i>niclli'<il. rlntt In a tiv« record their t-ffeelti In II* I ' M h e l Aro y i m n i tin'! rliiHn of g r o w t h . " \ \ ' l i y , y o u . ' M y l i i n d i i i i i d , y n u l,nim p . A/i a ruTi- a (j»od lunibund lii a uatla- \ln a p l n i t o ^ r n | i l i i ' i ' , mill he l u i ' f l n u ; ; l i l JtMif i i a n u l tu Miy '(.onk | * U ' j | M n n t . ' ' ' Itoil h i i u l K i n d . W h i m \\'liiun.'i. I ( I d O N I l ' t lie'.'" "V«-s; and IIO'H so liniiotuoiiH and hot tempered be f r e q i i o n i l v enilitirniM.se.' tier very much." "Mow KO?" "Wlis, when ho goes to ealj her dnr ling who IH never quite mm." Hint he In uot beginning HI Htvenr m luu-.—T Voctf* nnd PoeiiiH. "I begin to feel like my poeuiH," vlghod (he poet to tbe cruel lady who hud null) nay to bin penile appeal. "In what rcH|iocl, pray?" "I have been rejected no- i.fteij."Dctrdlt Kroo I'I'CHH. Why II Wu«. .ICilltdr-Hinllli, what do you menu by flaying (bat I>o MinudKO WMH tho la(IloH 1 linn at the receiitlon huit night?. I wax there and did not KCO u ulnglu woman near him. / / Society reporter (()f coui'HO iiotj ladled aro afraid' of~-ll«»W).— Now York, World. ' A IMoilcrii I>t-iiionltinion« fibe-In tflr. Itiimbler (inch nn <'lo. (jnciit innnV He—lie IH Indeed. lie once pornuadod a cable cue conductor to ring the boll to Mtiip.— IJfe. l U i t l i I.oiid, Too. 'li'H7.cr An onion lu IIUo u church boll. Wca/.cr Mow HO? Tenw-r ( i n ! a peel on pool.—I'hlludol[ibla I n i j n l i r r . H d i u r l l i l i m (if ii J < i l ( n Ifm-nclTa A \ v i i i i i i i n ' i i Idi-a of a John IM xomo l l i l n i r U n i t "'111 iv i Try a man. — M i l w a u kee .lonrniil. Ovi-rwOTlilutr. 'i --,"1Weary I veil Willie, If yon don't titop \ v o r K l i i K no luiril you'll havo a rolapito,' t l m l ' i i ci'i'liiln. Weary W l l l l o ( l n e r e ( l u l i i i i i ) - M n W d r l t ? Weary I von '.'crt; I never neon a fellor chew liln fond'aw loiii; im you do. r: List of nncallod-for letters in the jSammouton Post-Offlco, on Saturday, Aug. 15, IBM : ' '"• For ill Brunt-sand NERVOUS Discuss. They purify the BIOOD and give HBJALTUV tctioo to the entire Bystem. Best in the World! Get the Genuine! SoIdE^erptiere! Prr.1 , R-I-P-A-N-S The mpdern standard. Family Medicine : :• Cures the T letters will please state that it has been RELIGIOUS. advertised. ' BAPTIST. Rev. J. 0. Killian, pastor; SanJOHN T. FBENCH, P. M. day services: Preaching 10 SO, Sunday-school News from Nebraska eeema encour« aging:forEepuDllcansT~iri8~8aid-that the feeling of State pride over Bryan's nomination has worn away. Tbe indications now are that be will not only lose his own State of Nebraska, bat be is likely to lose bis own county. It went against him on the Senatorial vote in 1301, and is likely to go against him on the Presidential vote this year. ills of humanity.' .A beautiful line of At $7,50 Boys'. Pants at 40 c. BtOCH, Sbpes.*' Shoes. - • Shoes. Shoes made to order. Kepairiiig done at short Boots, Shoes, % Of Hammonton, N. i); 11.45, Junior 0. E. 8.00 p. m., Christian Endeavor 6.30, Prcaohlng 7,30. Weekday prayer meeting Thursday evening 7.45. ~~C4tn"ocicvfiTr~JoBEPn's;—Revr'Splgai'dl rector. Sunday masa 10.30, a. m., vespers at 7.30 p.m. . EPISCOPAL, ST. MARK'S. Rev. A. C. Prcsoott, rector. Sunday: morning prayer 10.39, a. m., [second and fourth Sundays celebration of the Holy Eucharist 7.30 a. m.], Sunday-school 12.00 noon, Evensong 7:30 p.m. Friday ore Evensong, 7.30. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. G. F. Bishop, paator. Sunday services: class 9.30, a. m. preaching 10.'0, Sunday-school 12.00 noon, Epworth League 3!00 p. m., preaching 7.30. Class Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.45. Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. Mission at Pine Road. PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. H. R. Randall pastor Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a. m., Sunday school, 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 p.m. C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday T.30 p.m. Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. Missions at Polaom and Magnolia. /(ad'ati Evangelical. Hev. Thomas Fragalo, Pastor. Sunday School at 10.30.a.m. Preaching at 9 a.m. Saturday, 7 p.m., preaching. U»ivEii8ALiRT. Rev. Cdstello Weston pastor. Sunday services: preaching 10.30 a. m. Sunday school, 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings. WOUAH'B CHRISTIAN TKUPERAHCB UNION. Mrs. Chas. E. Roberts president, Mrs. S. E. Brown secretary, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford corresponding secretary. , Certificates of Deposit Issued, bearing interest at the rate of 2 per Cent, per annum if held six months, and 8 percent!/ held one year. Discount days—Tuesday and Friday of each week. A. H.Phllllps. \V. A. Favmce. A. H. Phillips & Co. Well! Duplex No. 9 Wheeler ••& Wilson Light running, easy to understand, bean* tiful work. Single or double thread stitoh<<-a modern invention. Every machine guaranteed. Are yon interested ? Se td lor a catalog Agents wanted. we are W. & W. Manufacturing Co., FOB SALE BY W^ H. Bernshouse HammoDton, N. J. Wanted-An Idea J. Protect ;our Ideas: !hoy may bring ran irenltlk Write JOHN WEDrJEBBUBN & CO.,., Patent AttS noy», Washlnston, D. C..for their *i,800 prUo otttc and llat of two hundred Uvrentlonii wonted. Sons, Printers9 • ' . \ : Solicit your Order$ guarantee full "' Fruit Jars. D.,G. HERBERT'S.— A Valuable Prescription. • S, "" " - GUITAR arid MANDOLIN Agent for Onitars, Mandolins, Banjos, and other instruments. Also, Music, both vocal and instrumental. Repairing promptly attended to. For terms and prices apply at residence in the evening, or at Herman Fiedler's Cigar Store. fiammonton, W. J. TAKE THE PHILADELPHIA , IHftUIREE More than 500,000 other people aro . reading it every day. They can't afford to miss it, and neither can you. Tho Associated Press, tho beat service of special dispatches in tho State, nnd complete correspondence from tbo Lehlgh Valley, the Sobnylklll Valley, Chester Valley, Central Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, gives all tho news in detail to Inquirer leaders. Pages on sporting subjects, articles of special Interest to women, real estate, financial and marine inuilllgenco, are thoroughly covered eaoh day in Tho Inquirer. THEN THERE'S The Sunday Inquirer The very best paper published anywhere. Contains contributions by all tho loading authors, newsy letters from everywhere, carefully conducted dopurtiu'nta on athletics—both amateur anil profoanlonal,—the stage, society, the olubs, eooreb floolotles,fraternal orders, mnslo, literature, military matter*, tho latent soloutlllo InVoutloiiB, etc. A must popular feature of tho Hundiiy Inquirer is a beautifully colored copy of eomo famous painting issued each week OB an art supplement. For Sale by all Newadealeru Jly mall, postage paid, to uuy part of tho United Htatos or Uanmla,— Daily Kdltlon, Ono t,'oiit a copy Hunday Kdltlon, Five cts. a copy Dally Edition, : «» |,er Year tianduy Edition, $15.00 i>«r Year Editor Morrison, of Worthinqton, Ind. SunL writofii_: lr Xo u have a valuable pre-^ BCriptlon in Electric Bitters,Tand I can" cheerfully recommend it for constipation and niolc headache, and as a general system tonio it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stable, 2625 Cottage Grove Av,, Chicago, waa all ran down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never loft her, and felt tired and weary, but Biz bottles of Electric Bitters restored her health and strength. Prices 50 eta. and $1. Got a bottle at Crolt'o Pharmacy. Win. Iluthortoril, Commissioner of Deeds, Notary Public, Real Estate and Insurance, JIammouton, N. J. Keal Estate FOR SALE. Koko, with Chewing Gum, » Oleine, and Blue India,' are as cheap as dirt, and they ihust he sold. and twenty-five cents buys six bars of most of the standard varieties. We don't quote prices, hut you'll fihd them all right. Stacks and stacks of them. We make a reduction in the price of Powder, thin weekr Grocer. OOWH TRAINS. Geo.. EMns UP TRAINS. Hun Hun. llnin Xx. Ace. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ace. Ex, oau. n-m. a. in. pjn, p.m. ajn. 000 800 OOH 800 822 883 842 8 67 0(M D II 0 18 022 0 Id 01KI 042 foe OSO 10 II) 7«0 10 221 U'n 11U 111 Ace. Ace. An: Exp. a.m. STATION 3 tt> S IXJ 7 65 10 M 4 20 S 30 6 CO itKH 508 8 0311004 211S 37 0 10 4 01 8 H 11 12 I 3D 023 4 12 8 25 12 20 4 45 080 i 22 847 11 K04 55 0 40 4 35 0 0011 46 A 08 OS4 4 40 U Ml 11 M 5 13 058 4 62 0 15 12 03 5 81 709 4 67 0 111 12 08 5 87 7 IS 602 5 21 6 87 6 47 0 10 0 22 riiilndolnhla ..... Camden ......... Colllugawoutl.-.:.. IIuMonflcId ...... 'Kltkwood ....... Borll ............ Atco ........... Wstcrford ....... ..Ancora .......... U 28 12 13 5 42 7 20 .. \Vlmlow Jc.(l'vu). ft 60 U 41 12 20 6 48 0 12 7 80 Hanmionton...... U 63 55U Klwood ......... 0 Si_ Oft 10 01 . U06 Eftg Ilnrlor. ..... 1 IV 10 21 «23 a 80 10 3J 8 85 0 45! ,.....Atlantic 7 40 S 40 8 31 7 II) 8 20 7 10 8 11 II M 8 02 (I 41 7 60 tiuu Hun Ace. Aoc Aoc p.m a.m. 30 7 6" 1 42 10 11 743 1 :w 7 80 I 21 72S 1 7 15 1 IMP 7 Oo II ,' 7 41 1255 O&b 6 2.1 7 2« 12 47 II 4V I) 18 7 20 12 41! 843 1 6(1 10 II l.'l 7 10 « 0,1 7 10 12 110 U II 7 00 (I M II 811 1) 05 032 111 005 S40 830 7w 822703 8 11 6 62 8 05 0 45 7 DO 081 7 39 II 18 7 84 0 12 7 ta 0 OB 722001) 7 185(10 7 11560 0 61) 5 8T 0 48 5 24 (I 3() 6 04 0 204 62 FSE.TILIZEII, • Beautiful line of iTio Shirts Jo GOODMAN Hammonton, tl tt YORK WEEKLY TRIBUTE GEO. W. PRESSEY, Hqmmonton, N. J., Justice of the Peace. Oflloo. Boooml and Ohorrv Bts. One Year fot $1.25,— cash in advance. Address Ml orders to THIS lUil'UltljIOAN, llaiiiiiionton. John Scullin. AND Lumber Yard. Justice of the Peace, All varieties of the Finest Mill Work. Sneh, Doors and Blinds: FIRST GRADE Wsn. ConimiHsioncr of Deeds, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 11AMMONTON, N.J. Insurance pluoud only iu tho most rcllublu companies. DoodH, Louies, MortgagoB, Kto. Oixrofully drawn. A Specialty. Near tho Railroad Stations, Hammonton, N. J. OCEAN TICKETS and from all portnot Kuropo. Oorrespondunoe uolloltuil. * Srtiul a poutikl onrd order for a true sketch of llamnionton. Wring UH your ordorH for Job Printing. Munnfiuituror and Dualer in FAHCY SHINGLES Posts, Pickets, etc. JUERRY Folpoiu, N. J. («X. Lumber .wwod toonlnr. Orders rucelvud by niiill promptly (lllofy Commissioner of Deeds Pension & "Claim Agent. JOHN ATKINSON, Real Estate & Insurance Agt u Win. 1.. Illack, itij foudo, |;roci»rl««, «to. 1>. I), ifta. waooaroul, T*nnacolll. Klaui Olookw.ll, oath Kurt. f. Uau.n, uacoaioul, rureacelll. Wm. Bernshouse, June 28,1800. PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES K. 3 Grocer. 25 c., 35 e., 40 c., 50 c. DOWN TUAIN8. UP TIIAINB. Slilerhood Branch, No. AO, 0. Iron Hall of Daltlmore. Sarah A. Hood, Pres't. Carrie A. •. m. a. m pro. p. m p.m p.m p.m BTATION8. • .Ml «.m. ii.m. A 111, n. nt. p in p.ro p. m p. in.' King, Soo'y. Meets In Mechanics' Hall first 800 10 4f> 1 00 3 00 4 SO 5 41 11,'U FklUdilphta ......... (Till 7 55 H 1« 111 10 10 K 4 -10 U u o liTfiS and third Wednesday eve's, 8 o'clock. H IS 1057 1 12 3 12 < 40 Onmilea II 4!l U W 1 K H 03 U IW 10 III 4 W II 81) 0411 10 4.'t VoLONTEin Vine Co. John M. Austin, 822 0 01 1161 10 Wont Oolllngiwouil 1121 II 62 4 'M ii -a 27 Hmlilim Height* 0 111 A fill 0 111 president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets H ail 0 44 i ia n id 8841 ,,,.,,.. 111 (I IK! 0 17 7 Wl Mngnoll* OSS 4 11(1 H IW 3rd Monday evening of each month. 847 45 (i m 7 10 OlementoD $ 51 7 111 U :tO )l 6l'5 Oil Independent Fire Co. Moats first Wodnon „ A4 860 II 811 7 211 ....Wllllomitown Juno.... "t 45 ...... II 21 :i4il II 4T day evening In eaoh month. 801 60 Cedar Urook ; (I V, 7 81 •> Ull 7 1(1 II ID II 41) 5 <IH f 0 12 j in .. .. ifiii 7 411 ...Wlu»luw Jtmo* (t'vo)... ft 111 1)0,1 U 111 (1 HO 0 ID ii'si 2 111 9 47 s'i'i 70S 7 40 llAmmonton ;.. 'US 7"oi 7 m M 6 I o'iiv •I '.11 r> 20 ib'or MR. EDITOR : It is said that he who straya In your last issue I read Mr. Ruther- around the other side of the Lake, as These monstrous propositions arc ford's article on canning factory. He the' evening phadea descend, has a circus submitted to the people of the United .says be haa 8500 subscribed, and not all to hirnselk Hidden behind a friendone subscription taken by a farmer. Let ly tree, fie may observe a portly figure States in the year of our Lord 1896 : First, "The Government should own m« explain my view. The farmer has emerge from a neighboring house, and, all ho can-do to pay hia interest and peering, cautiously about, slyly lead and operate the railroads." Second, "The telegraph should be taxes at present, without increasing forth a.steel steed, which he mounts by owned and operated by the Govern- them.v Let canning factory stock along, the aid of the steps. Soon comes a ment."— Populist Platform. as I don't believe that they will pay the sound as of a sudden earthquake, that -farmerTany-more-for-his-fruit-tban-4Be sends-little-ripplela across the moon-lit would cost the United States a sum BO predominating price in the market, lees lake, and, reverberating from hill to hill, great that the public ''debt, at '-flood expenses. If they do, you can expect a from the dark erecn woods to the old tide," would dwindle into insignificance failure, as that is not the style of busi- saw-mill, 0pme a sound re-echoed from compared with it ; and such a stupen- ness now days. Then we will be worse the man who fell,—MIt'a a funny garnet dous proposition as the following would off than. by throwing our fruit into well ! well ! well !"' appall any of the financiers and states- Boston Harbor or the East Kiver. At last,' after persistent agitamen who have at any time in the history I hope. Mr. R. has harped on that; tion, two of bur, farmer readers have reof tbeGovernment managed the finances; enough; it is a rather stale chestnut. but not so the "boy orator" who travels Although I am young, I have had some sponded to the suggestion of a canning factory. ^ But" there are others whose over the country on three platforms, experience, and I have failed to hear of 'opinion is worthy of expression', and we and is endorsed by three parties who any fruit being thrown into either place, wish they would tell our readers why have provided the "ways and means": though "it is quite possible that some they do not favor the project. If it is a "We demand that the_power to,issue stuff called fruit found those places; good thing, let's have it. If not, why : notes be taken from the biiuks, Und that but good fruit generally sells. What not? all paper money shall be issued directly ftom thfi Treasury Department."- Dem- the farmers of this town want ia to use ' iE5" Miss Edna Adams and her friend ocratic Platform. . „ ~ • good judgment in planting, and caring Miss Lida'Ealston, from Philadelphia, "We demand that the Government, for fruit planted,—not Jet it take care of are guests at L. Beverage's. Mrs. Adin payment of its obligations, shall use itself. For instance, don't trim your its option as to tbe kind of lawful money blacks -BO long that the fruit is the size ams and daughter, Miss Mabel, are also expected. iu which they are to be paid."-PopuZisf. of'peas, and expect thom'*to*go to marPlatform.' Mr. James, of Pennington Semiket and find any place but the Harbor. Here is a proposition to take from the nary,. is assisting Pastor Bishop, of tho We .nil admit- times rire hord,^;bnt ;i :'owners 'of "tfieeu" railroad" au3 telegraph hope they will be better with .the uew M>E: Church. ;: lines their private properties, and start administration of McKiuley and Hobart. tbe mills to runnning and make paper KucMin''s\!Rrnic(i Salve Then talk canning factory., , money and compel tbe owners of Uieee The best, salvo ittitjbp world for cuts, LATON M. PAEKUTJEST. properties to receive it in payment ; and bruises, sores, ulcers, s*l.t;rhemn, ,feve, sores, tetter, chiipoed h.iuids,' chilbjaiuu ' honest men are asked to assist in this and all skin eruptions, and posirobbery by their votes. la the same ' Ifgr A young lady living not a thou- cprns, tively cures pitas, or ~uo pay rccjuired^ platforms they have 'denounced the sand miles from Hammonton, at the Ic is guaranteed to give perfeutr sktisfaoExecutive, the JudiciaryTWd the •Btationrthe-otherday-otj her way to At_ . _ gress for moat all the crimes in tbe lantic City for a day's,outing, said to a per box. For sale at Orbit's. catalogue, yet, without anybody to friend, "Just look at these gloves; I guarantee them, this trio with las came away _. in such a hurry that I morals ask the people to place them in hadn't time to go up stairs for better I have fitted up a shop on Third Street, control, and add to tbo office-holding ones. Aren't they a w l u l ? " Then and am prepared to do anything in the class hundreds of thousands of railroad happening to glance at her feet, aho ex- lino of Tin and Sheet Ir'ou Work. and telegraph employees, Who would claimed, " Oh, horrors ! oh, my | look Jobbinc and Repairing promptly, attend-, ed to, at rea«onable prices. ' •' .oliLihiiinposUionH by tbo favor and at at those ahoea 1 " She had on one ueat M BAKEIfe— the pleasure of the politicians in AVash- patent leather tipped shoe ;• the otber iugtou, who could use this vast army of an old plain one. In 'such ft hurry" organized men to porpotuato their ahe had taken one of her. own and one control. ' LEX. of her sister's, and they wore different sizes. But aho went to Atlantic, just Arrangements have been made to heap the aaine. in Btock ouo of tho best forlilixcrtf nuido CANNING FACTORY. And that reminds us that, years ago, at tho prcBont time, and guaranteed as Canning fiietorica all over South when ono of our most promising young per analysis on tho bags. Manufactured Je/eey nru running full-handud, with men waa a "kid," coming in from a by Bruuiljeld <t Foster, Coloni, lid,, and Ol work." \ ' game with tho boys, just at dusk, bare- will bo kept In stock at tho now freight clip7|\;d tho above from fhursday'a footed, hia parents bade him hurry and depot, .0. -§• A. It. R. Apply to .J, H. Ph(lodWphia Record. There ia no doubt get ready,-as they were to attend a BuooicEii, agent, at tho depot, or to it could be v ruado a groat success in preatidigitatory entertainment In tho Haniniouton.^'But who will "bell tho hall. Ho rushed up stairs, flahed shoes cat V" A few have already gone thro' and 'stockings from tho cloaot where ho tho gup, in subscribing their names for had .thrown them, and was ready In a given number of shares. timo. During tho evening, he accepted You published, n year or BO ago, tho the performer's invitation to assist him; lollowlnu, which I clipped from tho and mounted the stage for that purpose, Journal, published in Camdcii, Quolda when the audicnco burst out with a Co.,N. Y. : " \ • roar of laughter,—hu had put ( m o n o "Tho llaveland factory haa put up Xvhlto Blocking and ouo black ono. Bollovuo Avo. and Second St., about 1)0,000 cans of Hiring beans, 10.0UO cans ol lima beans, and ilioy expect to B$)u "Ben's Jump Camp" (or Camp HAMMONTON, : : : N.J. can over 100,000 cuna of BUccotusti this Killian some call it) haa boon Iho Mecca season. Corn packing baa commenced, All buBlncHB placed In my hands will of which article llaveland will p u t ' u p of certain Hammontoniana for a time. j. bo promptly attended to, nvii-40(1,000, the Wooda factory 100,000, Touts aro pitched on a high hllill on Tulhlll nnd Stoddart 250,000, Ueo. G. the south bank of tho Kgg Unrbor Uivor,. Htoddurt about 00,000.'' apparently mllea away from any human This, Mr. Editor, speaks for itself. habitation. It ia an ideal place for such Tho factories of Williamatowuuro doing a camp, with a lino boat, ahundanco of handuomely, i.t'., making money. A llsli, a doon channel for bathing, and a Second tUroot raid Hollovuo Avo., friend ot mluo had over 7000 (tomato clear cold spring. rita|oriKill|au naya vlnon, and 20 acres of corn ton and h« never enjoyed a vucn'tlo/i uo'wull', and twclvo Icet high, which hit iniunda to IB gaining dally-In health und strength. (Innnouta mttdn In tho bnflt manner. market ritjht, there, for good prices, us OhurloH, hia brother, la "chluf cook and Hooiivlnpt ninl liupuiriug promptly don<*. roaHoucihlo. Sntiufaotlou guuranheretofore. bottlo washer," and they sny ho makea toud I it (ivory ouoo. My list la still open lor Hultaarihnra, ut a good ono. Among tho 'pUgrltntt to $10 per shWe. WM. tho vtfniu (for a day, montlv) aro Hey. A PATENT and Mra. J. 1). Killian, Mr. nnd Mrs. I'Yiuity. Luhmaii imil two dainjhtura, E. Mif. ICDiTou : Hlooltwoll and won Henry, Will. ().. and Our frloiul Utithcrford mtmt not be so John K. lloyt, IMvId T. Duvlca, Jr., Oil CRATE. hard on tho iiumoru lor not uubucriblng and Frank Adama. 'ArrangonumlH aro to ihn stock of lliu conUiinplaied canning mado for larger caravan to-day. factory.' Tho long-felt want for oomotliluK bettor (W George Krrlcoon, xvhllo plowing limn a totturing mini 11 bottomed buuketl When (heir borrlon liaroly rcahxod lor shipping I'cudiOH in, bus boon found enough (und In uome CHHUS not enoui>li) recently, on Mr. MllnU'lid'H farm, turned ut IUM,, in tho ubuiie of u cntto Mint, liolda to pav for picking, vvlutro IN tho ten out from tlui noil a gonulno Indian iitono two li.uiliotii. This nurrlur hiia a spring dollars to coum from to pay for a share hattlo-axo which ia eittlmatod to ho lioitoin, lllso a buolt-board, thut proventH three hundred years old. No "canoo" t'niit from buliitr bruliuicl In tninolt,—on of slock V vi an<iii or cuts, on llio way to maikui. ^t hiiHlnuHH In thin. Many have HCCII It, U If ho can lull, ho can do hotter than I. ll«lit. but very utroii^, mill In'i-mlcd Many thlngn our fanners would llko to anil Mr. Mllutoud InvlUm ull who dutilro I >r a roturii imoUngo. Tbn i;<ivur la mi, vrlucb ujivoii tho ninioyaiico of do ; but they miint look on |iatiei)tly ti> HOO tlxu vuuoruhlo \vcn,:ott Uj.oull ut I'Hijjeil lying or wiring uovm-HOu biuiki'tn. and wall "coming uvunlH." A n y w a y , hia rcmldeilco. IMoiteomplnle, $15 |>«r 1O<>, HttulcotH lor imulei'M, $!1.>SO por !(/(! thuy iiiiiht llvn, und this year pay liunl •V Uov. II, T. Taylor In Hpcndlnu a Hamplo eati bo sunu ut Blown ,(: (,\).'B for all thuy get at our Hlonm. couple of weekH with frlunda :it Eaton- iii..no. For sale by OLD FAUMICU. town and Long Branch. J O H N HVUIjMJN. Atjt. MEW : JUNE 39,1890. 1. A. largo and handsome house on o'o'j 0 24 , UftOMtA H 40 Business Organizations. n n Pleasant Street, only a foiv rods from the 7M Kiwooa Tra H 4:1 5 UH ,!.... railroad, very convenient, with heater, Fruit (Jrowcrfl' Union, 11. J. Monfort oooroUry, U083 411 ii'io H IfJ KgK lUrbor 1 41 H 'i\ 0"JM 5 III 5"f,2 V'fo uhlppera of fruit oml produce. 0 4H oonoorvatory; good barn, two lots. llrlHiiitIno lano M 11 4 (W Fruit Urowern' A««ool«tlon, 0. W. Elvlna <co- 10 (XI o' iii N III Tin 4 41 . .. 2. A neat 7-room houoe on Second Bt, 4 2 0 s'iri 10 10 ii iii rolnry, g|>l|>pera of fruit sail produce. H tit AtUutloGlly i -ii 7 m 7 M ii (iii •1 !U 5"i)'(i '0!!U very convenient, bountifully finished, Harauionion l.oon and Oulldlng Amoolatlon. heated; one lot. W. R. Tlltoii ««oretnry. >'• HUNDAY T K A I N B Imro JUriiriiuiit.ui i\a fullowi ; Down tnKnn, ri a in, RIK! (I:0'J p. 111. Up trulnit, acntiiniiKxIiillun, H:OI n. in. mtd ft:f>\\ p, m.j «>x|)rcaH, A 0. Good house and lot on Second St., WorUliigmon'n I,oon and Ilnlldlng Aiaoolatlon, W. II. HrriiBUu.iBO, 0oaro(ary. very desirable. I'ooplo'a llnnk, W. H. Tilton c.slilor. 12. Farm on Pleasant Mills Road, five lUmmoiilon Improvornnnt A«oiicl«llon. M. li. I'HKl'AIlATIONB FOH miles from Hnmmonton post-oflloo. 20 Jioliion proMilont, W. 11. Ilornihouta tea';, aoros, partly in fruit j good house. A (). W. tjttitay treaouror. bargain. 14. Tho Lawson house, Orchard St. LOOAL BDSINESS HOUSES. Fine houso, 0 rooms, heater, cany terms. Holluklo and oniorprlilug partloi, In tholr 15. A laruco house on GVapo Btroot, 7 rmpoollro llnm, whom no can rocomtuond. For dotallB, «e« tholr adlcrllseincnu. rooms, nearly new. Two acres. Of Nov. 3rd are already well under vvuy. A. now 10. Ton uares on First lload, four In Win. Dakrr, tlnimlth. llojrt A Honi, publliliort, printers. berries." Olionp, Gum Dlonh, clothing, tailoring. 17. An attractive and very comfortable II, Mol>. I.llllo, Imnliraro, furnlturo, oarpotB. honso on Central Avenue,—seven rooms, Ilobort Btool, jflnolor. Is to be elected, and the halls, pantry, Imth, hot and cold water, M. Ij. J»nk«on, meat and proJuoo. L, \1. Gogloy, b«rnem. windmill; two acres, apples and other (J, W. 1'romojr, Jujtloo. fruit. Fair torus. W. H. llflrniboUBo, ooal. 18. Thirty acres on Seventh St., partly l)r. J. A. Wa»i, donllit. will, an always, bo found In the thlolcetit; ol' tlio llwlit, buttling cranberry botr,. John Atkl-iiun, Juilloe and tailor. vigorously tor louitit business principles, whleh will bring 10. Forty pores on ()i»lc Hood, irood John Murduok, •hoofl. liroKjierily to the Nation, honso, barn. etc. Nearly all land In Wm. Hulliorford, roul o.uio and Innurnnoe. Tho Now York Weekly Trillium In not only tint I«HI||HK in profit, liioludlng ninall cranberry, bojc. Wuu lloruihouio, planing m i l l , luiolior. 'J, H. Tliaynr, utinlcal liiitruuienta. )to|)iil)llciui puper of the oouiurj, but IB jire-eiitlttiinlly n Itoasouable price. Iloiiry Kr.mor, (Ifolnom), oodar luml>or. Ntttionnl Mnnil]/ ffetaijiaper. "0. A houao nnd largo lot on Kgg Monfort Ojole Oo , blo^olio, nundrloo In oumpnlgn nuws and dlnoiiHiiloim will Interest every Harbor Itoad ; nix rooms, Imlla, attic ; 1>. O. llorliort, <hi>«i. Amorloaii oltlKon. heated. A bargain. (Jcorno KUInn, dry good«, grooerlei, eto. All the news of tlio dny, Foroliru Oorrosnondoiieu, A«rlKlght room house and two lota on Frank 1C. Uoborti, gracorl««. Kokhardt, moat and produoa. uulturiil Doparluient, MuiUel KojmriH, short Atorlvs com pinto Third Btroot; vorv oouYculcut; heutod Jacob I'rull drowon' Union, gontiral morohandUa. In (inoli number, C'omlo I'lotiiU'ii, Fitnlilon l'liu»i< wild nlubn( throughout. Oha«. ()un»lq((hain, Phyilolan and burgeon. ntla dnHnrlptloiiH, und u variety of Uouis of huuauliold Intercut (loo. M. llnwloi, meat and pro<1uoo. niuko up an Idottl family paper. '••• any-.desirud informa- J.I). Hmiill, b«k«r «nd ounfrollij! or. J. Ooodinau, olaiblng »uil nailoni. Wn fiirninh the Houth ,T<THi«y Kiipiilill^an and tliA *-*tion in regard to the above, 11. I,. Molntjro, uinal and produoo. Now York Weekly Trlbuno,— both Wiu. O. Hood, llwrjr » j koardln» ilablog. call upon or address Editor of South Jersey Rqwblican, The shekels come; out goes the wood! How about Soap? first Thursday evening in each month in . Even Colorado has repudiated Teller. Meoti Mechanics' Hall. N. Porker, 8a»h«m_LCh»>. W. Anaiin, Chief of "Records. " TtfeeT every~7nei9ay'ij* BTe"ep IB We Mnionio Hall. M. B. TAYton LODOB. P. & A. M. W. L. Bltok, Master; Alonzo B. Davis, Secretary. 2nd and 4tb Friday nights In Masonic Hall. Jn. OBDBR USITED AUBBIOAM MECUAKICD. Bph^Bakelyi. Councillor : L. W. Pardy, R. S.; A. T. Lobloj, F. 8. Meets every Friday evening in Mechanics' Hall. OKU. D. A. IluaaELL PORT, 0. A. R. Charles E. Robortc, Commander ; W. H. H. Bradbury, Adjutant; L. Beverage, Q. M. Meets 1st and 3rd Saturday nights in Mechanics' Hall. WeuANs' KELJKF Conra. Preiideut, Mrs. M. E. Hutlon j Secretary, Miss Leon a Adam>. 1st and 3rd Satniday eve, Masonlo Hall Qin. D. A. HUBSELL CAUP Sons op VETEIIAWS, No. 14. Oapc., Wm. Cunningham; First Bergt.. A. V. W. Solloy. Every Wednesday ova. Union Hall. THE HAUUONTON ATDLKTIO AsaooiATio'n. David Cottroll, president; Daniel B. Berry, secretary; M. 8. Wblttter, captain. Meets every Monday eve, at Adteciatlon Hall. Hammonloa Base Ball Club. 1'res., Dr. 0. Cunningham. See. and Manager, W. D«Puy. Our little ad., last week, started the ball rolling. \ for 13l!i Chestnut St., Phila. -—MONEY— Mortgage Loans. '- NO. 34 WHAT THEY PROPOSE. If you want a good reliable article brain baa paralyzed the gray matter, N. G.; William H. Bernshouio, Secretary. . «f- foot-wear, at a reasonable and caused him to run mod on that Moots every Wednesday evening, in Masonic Hall. price, you can got it at BnAvniDNKiit TniDE I. 0. R. M. Obarlei one idea. Teacher of HAMMONTON, N. J., AUGUST 22, 189(>. ..VOL.-34. .W. L. Black. The National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will be Fon held at St. Paul, Minnesota, .Sept. 2nd to 4th. For this occasion the Pennsylpania Railroad will Bell, on Ail". 29, Correspondence Solicited. 30, and 31, excursion tickets to St. Paul 1828 Atlantic Avenne, and return at exceedingly low rates, as follows : New York. 828 ; Philadelphia, Atlantic City, N. $26.25; Trenton, 828.05; Baltimore and Washington, §25 ; Harrisbnrg, Williamsport, and Wilkesbarre, 824.75 ; Altoona, $23.50; proportionate rates from other points. Tickets will be good for return passage until Sept. 16,, with HO WoiIANS CnBIBTIAJfTEHPERANCE UNION. an extension to and including Sept. 30 You Miss Minnie B. Newcomb president, Mrs J. R. - ' " • • it deposited with the Joint Agent at St. Moore secretary, Miss M. E. OIney cor. eec'y. Paul on or before Sept. 16. Full inforlEATEBNAL. notice. mation can be obtained on application ARTISANS ORDEB OP MUTUAL PBOIECTION. to ticket agents. A. P. Simpson, M. A.; A. B. .Davis, Secretary. Spring Suits 'Fay Building. Directory. Cheapest and Best Mr.GulseppoAnnataslo , : Mr. QulscppoCanmrota .-.' Aggostlno Caponoojo Authorized Capital, $50,000 .-' Mr. S. B. Congblln . CLERK. J. L. O'Donnoll. ' • Paid in, $30,000. ,.^ NlcoloCulabrcso COLLECTOR i TnEAsonun. A. B. Davis. .'• * Ubtnenlco Dl Crlatlcilo Surplus, $14000. MARSHAL. B. Shoorde. Mr. Floctdo Jacobo JUSTICES. John Atkinsen, 0. W. Prossoy, • Gulooppo Lebeatren, J. B. Ryan. Francesco Lorn mo i CONSTABLES. Goo. Bornahouso, W. B. Wells, R. J. BYRNES, President. Bonj. Eogletto. Vlnccnzo Lombardo per Vonconzo M. L. JACKSON, Vice-Pres't Dl Aeoatlno OVKRBEER OF HIGHWAYS. W. H. BnrgOSS. OVEHBEKR off THE POOR. John W. Logan. Dr Jaraea O MpOlureW. R. TILTON, Cashier NIOBT POLICE. J. II. GartoD. Maria Wlncenzo Lauretto FIRE MARSHAL. 8. E.BrowDi Domoalco Travaglleno DIEECTOBS: ; 'Linda Tonausollo Town COUNCIL. - Wm. Cunningham, Proa't, ' "" John C. Anderson, Daniel M. Ballard, George R. J. Byrnes, . Gattano Tomasollo M. L. Jackson,* King, J. P. Patten, Alvln Adams. Meets Htirianno Tomasslo laat Saturday ore each month. George Elvins, Mr Wlllard BOARD op EDUCATION. C. F. Osgood, presi- _ _ „ \ Elam Btookwoli rOBEION. : dent; J. I*. O'Donnoll, clerk; Edwin Adams, Ii. G. F. Saxton, Mtlazso Nlcolo Monfort, Dr. Edward ;Norlh, P. H. Jacobs, 0. F. Oagood, Vluceozo TrnboBCla Dl Francesco Miss Nellie Socly, Mrs. M. M. Beverage, Miss W. R. TiltoD. Teotlsta Tuso Anna Pressoy. A. J. Smith. Meets second Tuesday ia each month. J. C. Anderson. Persons calling for any of the above , .•Curo DYSPEPSIA. HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and PIMPLES. The People's Bank Huoouimor to Alox. Aitkou lluniiiioiilou llotol Livery and Boarding „ Stable. Carting and Dollverhi); of nil Idndn (lonu promiilly, on eliuit iiotluu, Hlii({lo niul Doulilo Oitrrlu^cH to hire, by tlio duy or hour. Tailor, /Hammonion. PEACH GABBIER