S T. F R A N C I S O F A S S I S I C A T H O L I C C H U RC H T H E T W E N T Y - F I F T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E — S E PT E M B E R 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 8151ChimneyrockBoulevard Cordova,TN38016-5157 (901)756-1213-ParishOf ice (901)755-2168-Fax (901)753-1494-Priests’Rectory MASSSCHEDULE: Saturday 5:00pmVigil Sunday 7:15,8:45,10:30&12:15and 5:30pm(September-May) 7:15pm(InSpanish) HolyDays8:15am;12:00Noon;7:00pm Weekdays8:15am&12:00Noon RECONCILIATION: Saturday4:00-4:45pmorbyappt. FIRSTEUCHARIST,PENANCE& CONFIRMATION:AttendanceatReligious EducationClassesrequired.Parentsmust alsoattendtheparentsessions.CallParish Of iceforinformation. RELIGIOUSEDUCATIONCLASSES: September—May;4yrold-5thgrade, 10:15am-11:45amSundayatSt.Francisof AssisiSchool 6th—12thgrade,7:00pm-8:45pmWednesdaySt.FrancisSchool,St.JohnNeumann Hall YOUTHMINISTRY: LIFETEEN—-HighSchool(9th-12thGrade) 6:30-8:30pmfollowing5:30pmMassSundays EDGE—MiddleSchool-(7th-8thGrade) Praise&Worship-FirstTuesdayofevery monthduringschoolyear(6:30-8:00pm) OFFICEHOURS: Monday-Friday9:00-5:00pm Closedforlunch1:00pm-1:30pm The wisdom from above is full of mercy and good fruits. James 3:17 Photo courtesy of Lee Arnoult, Parishioner PRIESTS: Rev.RobertW.Marshall,Pastor Rev.PatrickGallagher,AssociatePastor Rev.JollySebastian,M.C.B.S.,AssociatePastor DEACONS: BillDavis,Deacon MickHovanec,Deacon JohnKnight,Deacon ChuckLightcap,Deacon RELIGIOUSEDUCATION: TerryHarvey,DirectorofReligiousEducation DonnaHofer,ReligiousEducationAdm.Assistant PARISHSTAFF: EllenScott,Of iceManager BarbaraKing,BulletinEditor CharleneLane,Bookkeeper TerryJackson,BuildingSupervisor MarkMorra,Maintenance ChelseaNegray,InterimDirectorof TraditionalChoirand BellsofSt.FrancisHandbellChoir CherylScott,ContemporaryChoirDirector JudyBrewer,Organist TimVaziri,YouthMusicMinistry YOUTH: ChrisBrooks,Jr.HighYouthDirector MichaelBrooks,Sr.HighYouthMinister CHURCHWEBSITE: BAPTISMS:CalltheChurchOf ice(M-F)tomakearrangements.BaptismofadultsandschoolagechildrenisscheduledthroughparticipationintheJourneytoCatholicismprogram.Parents wishingtohaveachild(6andunder)baptizedmustberegisteredandactiveparishionersfora S .F minimumofthree(3)monthspriortothedateofbaptismandarerequiredtoattendaBaptism OFASSISIS PreparationClasspriortosettingadate.Datesandtimesofclasseswillbenotedinthebulle2100N.GermantownPkwy tin.Godparentsmustmeettherequirementsofcanonlaw. Cordova,TN38016 (901)388-7321Of ice (901)388-8201Fax Mrs.BethYork,Principal Mrs.VickiBoyd,Asst.Principal Mrs.MaryAnnetteKeating,Asst.Principal PLUS/Enhance ANOINTINGOFTHESICK:Pleasehave someonecontacttheParishOf ice ifyouarehospitalizedorareseriouslyill.Duetoprivacylaws,hospitalsdonotnotifychurcheswhentheirparishionersareadmitted.Catholicsareencouragedtoseekthesacramentinadvanceofscheduledsurgery. MATRIMONY:Couples planning to marry must call at least nine (9) months prior to setting date.Ifeitherparty(evenonenotCatholic)hashadapreviousmarriage,adatecannotbeset For more information, new student appli- untilthefreedomtomarryhasbeenestablishedbytheDiocesanTribunal. cations,oratourofourschool,pleasecall PARISHEMAIL:[email protected] (901)381-2548. BULLETINDEADLINE:Informationforthebulletinmustbesubmittednolaterthan4:45pmon P D O Tuesdays.AnnouncementsmustbesubmittedinwritingandaccompaniedbynameanddayP timephonenumber.Tosubmitinformation,pleasee-mailinformationto: (PDO)(901)624-0146Of ice [email protected]. September 23, 2012 Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me. Mark 9:37 This Week at St. Francis SUNDAY, September 23rd 10:15AM P.R.E.—4K thru 5th Grade 10:30AM Bible Study 1:15 PM Basketball Regis. Gr. 5-8 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM SFA School Rm. 111 PLC by Holy Family Statue Cub Scouts—Ross Rm. 107 Scouts #457, Den 8—Bosque Rm. 110 Tiger Cubs—McBride Rm. 107` Youth Group Rm. 107 Good Friends Rm. 108 MONDAY, September 24th 3:30 PM SFA 8th Grade Drama Group 3:30 SFA Sports—Bula 5:00 PM SFA Sports—Scruggs 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Ladies’ Bible Study Prayer Group Bells of St. Francis SF/SC A/C A/C Rm. 113 Rm. 112 Chapel Rm. 109 TUESDAY, September 25th 6:45 AM Toastmasters Rm. 110 7:45 AM SBA Freshman Retreat ALL PLC Rooms 3:30 PM SFA 8th Grade Drama SF/SC 6:00 PM Cub Scouts #457—Rochette Rm. 110 7:00 PM Rosary Makers Rm. 111 WEDNESDAY, September 26th 3:00 PM SFA Sports– Bula A/C 3:15 PM Girl Scouts—Brown Rm. 107 6:30 PM Arts & Crafts Rm. 110 7:00 PM P. R. E.—Grades 6th-8th SFA School JTC/RCIA Rm. 108 Traditional Choir Rm. 109 Contemporary Choir Sanctuary Scouts # 457—Hahn Rm. 111 THURSDAY, September 27th 10:00AM TOPS Rm. 110 10:30AM Prayer Shawl Morning Group Rm. 111 4:30 PM SFA Sports—Koch A/C 3:30 PM SFA 8th Grade Drama SF/SC 6:30 PM K of C Officer/Committee Mtg. Rm. 112 7:00 PM Holy Hour/ Rosary Chapel FRIDAY, September 28th PLC BUILDING CLOSED—FALL FEST SATURDAY, September 29th PLC BUILDING CLOSED—FALL FEST Mass Intentions for the Week MONDAY, September 24th 8:15AM REV. RICHARD BUCHIGNANI by Barrow Family 12:00PM INT/ROBERT MOERER by Evelyn Harmeier TUESDAY, September 25th 8:15AM LAWRENCE & CATHERINE BENJAMIN by Hart Estate 12:00PM CATHERINE MORGAN by Family WEDNESDAY, September 26th 8:15AM CATHY LINXWILER by Frank Linxwiler 12:00PM SHIRLEY GREHAN by Shirley Hollahan THURSDAY, September 27th 8:15AM DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE MASSA/STOVALL FAMILIES 12:00PM THOMAS B. & ROSE HART by Hart Estate FRIDAY, September 28th 8:15AM DOROTHY STEENROD by Susan & Michael Hanifl 12:00PM INT/MSGR. PETER BUCHIGNANI & FAMILY by Barrow Family SATURDAY, September 29th 8:15 AM ANDREW BARNETT by Family 5:00 PM JAMES HENZE by Carolyn Henze SUNDAY, September 30th 7:15AM HARRY CROSBY by Crosby Family 8:45AM PARISH 10:30AM INT/MSGR. PETER BUCHIGNANI & FAMILY by Barrow Family 12:15PM LAWRENCE & CATHERINE BENJAMIN by Hart Estate 5:30 PM MARY SPENCER by Vikki & Allen Remkus 7:15 PM Mass in Spanish Flowers on the altar this weekend are in loving memory of Sandy Neri by Tony Neri. If you would like to donate flowers in honor of or in memory of someone, please call the Parish Office, 756-1213. We invite you to attend our Football Homecoming games on Monday, September 24th, when the St. Francis Timberwolves take on the Suns of St. Dominic School! The 5th/6th grade game will begin at 6pm and the 7th/8th game will begin at 7pm. Both games will be at St. Benedict’s stadium. Support the SFA Timberwolves and wear your Burgundy, Black and White! Please visit our website at to view our current calendar and activities. ST. FRANCIS PARENT’S DAY OUT & PRESCHOOL NEWS—Parent’s Day Out andPre-Schoolwouldliketoinviteanyinterestedfamiliestocomeandvisitourprogram.Weareenrollingnewfamiliesforthe 2012-2013Programyear.Ifyouhaveachildbetween theagesoftwoandfourandareinterestedinourState Certi ied Program, please call Lisa Kubick or Toni Burnettat(901)624-0146! Journey To Catholicism (JTC) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Are you interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Are you Catholic and desire a deeper understanding of your Faith? Join us every WEDNESDAY in Room 108 in the Parish Life Center. Sessions are 7:00—9:00 PM. If you know anyone who may be interested in learning about the Catholic Faith, please invite them to come and journey with us. No registration is required. Questions? Call the Church Office at (901) 756-1213. Childcare available. IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO START! Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is always great to be away on vacation and it is always great to get home. I enjoyed myself, of course, and I learned that the St. Louis Cardinals didn’t really need me in the stands cheering on – they just needed me fervently praying that they would win! Last weekend, our parish was pleased to welcome Fr. Francis Kodiyan, M.C.B.S., Fr. Jolly’s provincial superior. Thank you for your generous support of their community, the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. Because of our visitor, we postponed until this weekend our observance of Catechetical Sunday. Immediately before his Ascension into heaven, Jesus challenged the Church to “go . . . and make disciples of all nations.” Our educational efforts are integral to the process of making disciples, introducing our brothers and sisters to Jesus Christ and building up his Mystical Body, the Church. The word “catechesis,” which comes to us from the Greek language, literally means “to echo the teaching.” Catechesis is more than reading a book or attending a lecture, more than learning algebra or history. At the heart of true catechesis is the living God. It is the faith that echoes, that resounds among the proclaimer, the one receiving the message, and the Holy Spirit. On this Catechetical Sunday, we give thanks for all of those who proclaim the faith in our parish – teachers in our parish school and in our parish religious education program, those involved in adult religious education, and – most of all – to parents who are the primary educators of their children. We ask God to bless the ministry of catechesis in this parish. May the Gospel, the Incarnate Word of God, echo in our lives and in our hearts. Pax et bonum, REMEMBERINPRAYER Let us pray for the sick in our community. Please remember these parishioners and friends of St. Francis in your prayers: DodyBell,PeteBoyd,MichaelBuza,MariannCallahan,Velma Carter,OlgaChurch,CharlesCounts,JohnDuffy,JohnFarmer, JeffreyFortner,JamesGardello,Jr.,MercedesGonzalez,Juan DiegoGuadalupe,RobertoGuadalupe,KarenGaydos,John Haluska,JohnHannahan,HollyHudson,MarionKellyKehoe, DeaconJohnKnight,LissetteKrayenhagen,JohnKuzio,Nicole Lewis,CarmenMartinez,DaveMasterson,PatriciaMacbrohn, MaryLouMassa,SmithMcWaters,TonyNeri,MariaOcasio, ConniePirani,LeePowell,BobbyRaburn,JerryReynolds,Kay Robilio,KarenRourke,DarleneSampietro,ClementSanti, CharlieSchmidle,BobbieJoSchneck,JeffreyShelton,Baby LynnleeFaithSmith,JanaStressel,JoanTruman,RustyVance, Hulon&SandraWarlick&DonnaWoolley. Recentlyadded:Charles,Murrell,ByronNestler Names will run for one month . Please call the church ofϔice at 756- 1213 to extend. PRAY FOR OUR EXPECTANT FAMILIES AND FOR THOSE PRAYING AND DESIRING TO HAVE A CHILD Rob&DarleneDennis,Todd&AngelMay,Letitia &JesusMireles,Denise&JohnMorris,andNeil& RachelTabor. Thursday, October 4th is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The Blessing of the Pets will be in the parking lot at 9:15am. ***There will be another Blessing of the Pets on the church grounds on Sunday, October 7th at 1:30pm, after the 12:15pm Mass. STEWARDSHIP Giving helps us to understand the true purpose of our possessions. We should own things in order to increase our ability to serve others. WeekendofSeptember16,2012 Offertory $38,833.00 EnrichingOurFuture $11,414.00 Youth $59.00 ENRICHINGOURFUTUREIIICAMPAIGN RegisteredParishioners/Families2,556 EOFIIIParticipants ContinueduseofEnvelopes (noformalpledge) 545 FormalPledges 424 TotalParticipantsinEOFIII(39%) 969 Total $1,155,801.41 2012BISHOP’SANNUALAPPEAL Thanks to all our parishioners who have made their gift to the 2012 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. St. Francis is 97% towards our goal of $221,000.00. If you have not yet made a gift or pledge, please illoutacommitmentcardlocatedinthevestibule.Please participateinthesupportofourdiocesanchurch. Goal: $221,000.00 Pledges: 620 Totaling: $214,184.25 Sr. High Youth Ministry -"Wouldyourather...?"People arealwaysaskingthisquestion.Sometimesthereisasimple answer.Butsometimesyouneedtotakealittlebitoftimeto igureoutwhattheansweris.JoinusSundayeveningaswe indwaystoanswerthisquestion. IfyouareinterestedinparticipatingintheTheologyOfThe Bodyseries,makesuretotalktoRyanorMichael. Fundraising—IfyouarecurrentlyparticipatingintheKroger Cardfundraiser,contactMichaelfordetailsonthenewprogram.ThecurrentcardswillnotworkafterOctober1st. Jr. High Youth Ministry—ThisSunday,wewillbemakingno-sewblanketsforBirthright.Joinustohelpwiththis project! Wanttohelptheyouthgroup?Wearelookingforvolunteersto cookandservedinnerforourSundaymeetings.Visit www.takethemameal.comtosignup.User:youthPassword: 6846. Follow us on Twitter @sfayouth EDGE(7thand8thGrade) ChrisBrooks,YouthMinister [email protected] LIFETEEN(9th—12thGrade) MichaelBrooks,YouthMinister [email protected] Only$6,815.75togo! ST.FRANCISKITCHENANGELS isreorganizing!Weneedyourhelp! TheKitchenAngelsareaministrythatprovidesareceptionforthebereavedfamilythe dayofafuneral,followingtheFuneral Mass.ReceptionsareheldinourParishLife Center.Membersofthegrouphelptosetup, serveduringthereceptionandclean up.Theyalsokeepalistofvolunteerswho haveagreedtocookorbakeonshortnotice. Good Friends’ September Meeting will be on Sunday, September 23 at 6:30 PM in PLC Room 108. Buffet Dinner provided by: Last name begins with: A-G Salad N-S Main Dish H-M Dessert T-Z Vegetable FOOTBALL NIGHT—Wear your favorite team’s colors!! Please bring a new member with you and contact John Archer (386-2086) if you need a ride. Christmas Party is scheduled for December 2, 2012. ParishReligiousEducation We are now forming new teams of Kitchen Angels! Teamsof4-5peoplewillbeaskedtoeitherSetUp&Serve orServe&CleanUp. SetUp&ServeTeamswillarrive2hoursbeforereception tosetupandacceptfooddropoffs.Thisteamwillbethere forthebeginningofthereception. IMPORTANT CALENDAR DATES There will NOT be any Sunday PRE classes on, Sunday, September 30, due to clean up for Fall Fest and Fall Break! Hope you all have a great time! OCTOBER SPECIAL DATES ON THE CALENDAR Serve&CleanUpTeamwilltakeoverservingforSetUp Team.Asthereceptionends,theygiveleftoverstothe family,cleantrays,table,coffeepot,emptytrashcans,and leavethekitchenclean. TheParishOf icewillcontacttheteamstoschedulethem forfunerals.PleasecontactEllenintheParishOf ice ([email protected])ifyou wouldliketoserveonateamofKitchenAngels! No PRE Classes on Sunday, October 7 – Fall Break No PRE Classes on Wednesday, October 10 – Fall Break No PRE Classes on Sunday, October 14 – Fall Break “We Learn About the Mass” 1st Communion Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary, on Wednesday October 24. 1st Reconciliation Meeting for Parents, October 17, 10:00 a.m., PLC Rm. 108 No Wednesday PRE Class on October 31 – Halloween— “All Hallows Eve” SFA Athletics Registration is NOW OPEN & available through the church office, or online: YouthAthletics/YouthAthletics.htm A printable registration form can be found at If you want to play – don’t delay – register today!! Walk-up registration for 5th - 8th grade boys and girls BASKETBALL IS THIS Sunday, September 23rd in the PLC from 1:15 - 2:30 pm; $50.00 Participants must be attending St. Francis PRE or be a student at St. Francis School. (DEADLINE IS TODAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd) All 5th - 8th grade Boys & Girls are required to have a physical in order to participate in any Parochial Athletic Association (P.A.A.) sport. Forms are available in the Church office, School office or Athletic Director’s office. The forms will also be available at registration. The Medical Form must be on file by October 19th in order to participate in the evaluations. Any questions, call Kareen @ 381-2569. (Late registrations will only be accepted if space is available.) Basketball Evaluations have been scheduled in the SFA school gym. OCTOBER 22nd OCTOBER 23rd th th 7 grade girls 5:30 – 7:00 5 grade girls 5:30 – 7:00 8th grade girls 7:00 – 8:30 6th grade girls 7:00 – 8:30 OCTOBER 25th OCTOBER 29th 5th grade boys 5:30 – 7:00 7th grade boys 5:30 – 7:00 8th grade boys 7:00 – 8:30 6th grade boys 7:00 – 8:30 SUPPORTOURTROOPSINPRAYEROur sons, daughters and family members are halfway around the world serving our country. Help support our troops in prayer; especially those known personally to our parish: ChristopherAnderson,JeffreyAnderson,GarethBowen,ChristopherRustyBownds,Cmdr.Larry Boyd,Lt.Col.ChadCarroll,1LtCollinsA.Cuyler,AnnieCynkar, Sgt.SeanClark,Spe.DanielEads,Cpl.EricEnsley,Cpl.BobEckardt,Capt.DennisFitzgerald,Sgt.AdamGallick,Cpl.ChristopherJ.Henderson,Sgt.IsrealHernandez,Sgt.DanielHoback, StaffSgt.MatthewDavidHuddleston,StaffSgt.RichardHulshof, Sgt.JonathanKoskey,Lt.Col.TerryLakin,1LtAngelaLewis, LCplJosephThompsonLuebbe,CplMichaelMcCaffrey,USMC, CaptainChrisMcCarver,Sgt.PFCDaleEricMoore,Sgt.Justin Murrell,JamesEdwardOwens,III,CaptainTimPangonas,Capt. TomPetrilak,DanielPresley,Joseph,Presley,DennisProctor, PvtIIJoshuaEdwardRaffanti,SgtRickyRendon,Spc.Joey Scott,Sr.,Sgt.CodySedlacek,AirmanChrisSnavely,Anthony Thompson,Cpt.KellyBakerWade,SPCRyanWeiher, DominiqueWillis.Recentlyadded:Pvt.StevenCarter.*Amy Schober, servingwiththeUSPeaceCorpsinSierraLeone,West Africa.*PleaseprayforKevin Kuehl, whoisservingasamissionary inTrujillo,HondurasataCatholicOrphanage. DIOCESAN NEWS…. INSTITUTEFORLITURGY&SPIRITUALITY-FromLector TrainingtoExtraordinaryMinisterofHolyCommunion Training,,“InstituteofLiturgy& Spirituality”fortheFallscheduleoftrainingclassesandregistrationguidelines. GRADUATESTUDENTSMALLFAITHGROUPS Theof iceofCampusandYoungAdultMinistryisoffering smallfaithgroupsforgraduatestudentsattheUniversityof MemphisandUTHSC.Inyoursmallfaith-sharinggroup,you readscripture,shareyourfaithjourney,andpraytogether; growinginfaithandfriendship.ContactSr.SharonorSamat [email protected]. DIVORCESURVIVAL—THECATHOLIC’SDIVORCESURVIVAL GUIDE. Whether you got divorced ten days ago or ten yearsago,youareinvitedtojoinotherdivorcedCatholicson a 12-week journey toward inding the hope, healing, and peace you may be seeking. You will listen and learn from Catholicmenandwomenwhosharetheirstoriesof inding helpincopingwiththedevastatingeffectsofdivorce.Costis $25for12weeksincludesCatholicDivorceSurvivalPersonalGuideandrefreshments.Scholarshipisavailableonneed basis. Session begins Monday, September 24th from 6:308:30 PM, Saint Louis Church in the Clunan Center. The church is located at 203 S. White Station Memphis, TN 38117. For more information or to register please call the Of ice of Pastoral Services 373-1224 or go to,nochildcareavailable.)REGISTRATIONFORMSONTABLESINVESTIBULE. WEDDINGANNIVERSARYMASS–Couplesmarriedin1987 (25years)orin1962orbefore(50plusyears)areinvited totheAnnualAnniversaryCelebrationMasscelebratedon Saturday,September29that12noonattheCathedralofthe ImmaculateConception,locatedat1695CentralAvenue. Registrationformsareavailableonthetablesinthe vestibule. Preparing the Way for Christmas A Family Christmas Concert with John Angotti & Friends is approaching! Saturday, Dec 15th @ The Cannon Center ELECTRONIC GIVING If you are NOT using your church envelopes but writing a check to the church each week, consider giving your offering by using electronic funds transfer (EFT). Stop by the Parish Office to fill out the appropriate form, Monday—Friday, 9 AM—5 PM. The Knight of Columbus will hold Corporate Mass on Sunday, September 30th at the 12:15pm Mass. Please join your Brother Knights and their families. • • • Will you buy or help us sell Sponsorships? Sponsorships range from $500 to $10,000 and allow us to keep ticket costs affordable for families. We are seeking Sponsors and we are building a team to get out and solicit sponsorships on our behalf. If interested or if you would like to see a sponsorship prospectus, please call Mike Allen at (901)722-4747 or email [email protected]. September 28-29, 2012 Friday 5PM—10PM Saturday 10AM—10PM -BBQ COMPETITION YOUTH TENT DJ’S -YOUTH ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH— TY HAWKINS FROM Q 107.5 -CORNHOLE COMPETITION -LIVE DJ for TEENS & ADULTS - SPORTS TENT W/ MULTIPLE BIG SCREENS -GAMES AND PRIZES FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES -FESTIVAL FOOD -FAMILY FUN RUN SATURDAY, SPETEMBER 29TH— DJ DIVA Both nights will be from 7-10 in the Youth Tent. Cost is $5 per person. MAIN TENT DJ’S Tent will be open for the entire festival. DJ’s for both nights are being provided by Wyatt Audio. ARTS & CRAFTS VENDORS AND MORE…. Youth Entertainment Lineup 10:30am-11:00am Arlington Dance Arts Please visit and click on the “Volunteers” link at the top of the page to sign up to help out. We couldn’t do this festival without the support of the Parish. 11:00am-11:30 Bartlett Dance Studio 11:30am-12:00pm Cordova Martial Arts 12:00pm-1:00pm Memphis Storm Gymnastics 1:00pm-1:30pm Riverdale Ropers 1:30pm-3:00pm House Of Talent 3:00pm-4:00pm Emma Webb 4:00-4:30 SBA Eagles Wrestling FALL FEST FUN RUN The first annual FUN RUN will be held on Saturday, September 29th at 9:00 AM. This event will take place at the St. Benedict High School track. For more information and registration forms, please visit COMMUNITY NEWS HOLYNAMESCHURCH,697KeelAve.,needsof icevolunteers.Canyoutypeanduseacomputer?Ifyoucanhelpoutintheof ice,please callAngelaat525-9870. BISHOPSTEIBLEADSCIVICPRAYERFORTHEELECTION—JoinBishopSteibinaneveningofprayerasfaithfulcitizensinpreparation fortheNovemberelections.InthequiteofEveningPrayerfollowedbyaHolyHourprayerfullydiscernGod’swillforourcountry.Trust thatprayertransformsallsituations.Bepresentforallorpartoftheevening.Thisisanexcellentopportunityfortheentirefamily.Thursday,October4from7—9PM,TheCathedraloftheImmaculateConception.Needmoreinfo?ContactThereseGustaitisat:722-4794or [email protected]. BISHOPS’DOCUMENTONFAITHFULCITIZENSHIP—The inalsessiononFormingConsciencesforFaithfulCitizenship:TheU.S.Bishops’ Re lectiononCatholicTeachingandPoliticalLifewillbeofferedatSt.Brigid,7801Lowrance,onOctober24thfrom5-7pm.Visit www.usccb.orgtodownloadrequireddocumentsOR$4forcopiesatclass.InstructorsareMsgr.AlKirk,andThereseGustaitis.Nocharge forclass.Registration&Information,emailorcallThereseGustaitisattherese.gustaitis@acc.cdom.orgor901-722-4794. 5thANNUALFRIENDSOFTHEPOORWALK/RUNissponsoredbySt.VincentDePaulandwillbeheldonSept.29atChristianBrothers HighSchool.Registrationopensat9am& Clickon“FriendsofthePoor.”Requestthatallparticipantsraiseatleast$20,or$50forafamily. HOLYSPIRIT’SHOLLYSHOPPEGIFT&CRAFTFAIRwillbeSaturday,November3,2013from9-5:00p.m.You’reinvitedtobecome apartofa27yearoldtradition!.Thisyear,we’relookingforafewmorevendors,astheorganizerstrytoexpandwithnewcomersselling uniqueitemstocomplement, (preferred)$75. ST.ANNE-SCHOOLANNUALBENEFITAUCTIONisafun- illedeventtoincludeabuffetdinner,beverages&live&silentauction.Saturday,Oc.t13,5:30-9pm,St.SebastianHall,St.AnneChurch,670S.Highland.Tickets$25inadvanceor$30atthedoor.T.V.personalityJoe Birchwillbetheauctioneer. CHARISMATICMASS/ANOINTINGOFTHESICKwillbeheldOctober11th,7pmatHolyRosaryChurchalongwiththeInstallationofthe Priests/LaityAdvisory.Concelebrantsinclude:Frs.JimMartell,BruceNieli&MartinOrjianioke.Praise&worshipmusicwithSacrament ofPenanceat7pmfollowedbytheMassat7:30pm.Forquestions,call454-5314. SEVENTHANNUAL“EDUCATIONTHATWORKS”golftournamentissponsoredbyMemphisCatholicMiddle&HighSchoolandwillbe heldonFriday,October5thatIreneGolf&CountryClub.Check-in&lunchbeginat11:30AMwithashotgunstartat1PM.$100/player includescart,lunchanddoorprizeentry.Holesponsorshipsavailabletopurchasefor$150.FormoreinformationcontactDaniRay Barton,DirectorofDevelopmentat(901)[email protected]. TENTHANNUALDENEUVILLECHARITYGOLFTOURNAMENTwillbeheldFriday,October5,attheLinksatGalloway.Registrationbeginsasnoonandplaystartsat1PM.$ THEWINGS OFAVEMARIA GUILD WILL HOST “TRIVIA NIGHTWITH BROTHER IGNATIUSBROWN”on October 27th at Christian BrothersHighSchool.Doorsopenat6PM.AdvanceRegistrationOnlyforteamsofsixplayers.$15/player.Formoreinformationanda registrationformcontactSharonThompsonat(901)[email protected]. AN“INTERNATIONALADOPTIONOPTIONS”seminarwilltakeplaceonMonday,September24thfrom5:30-6:30pminSt.Joseph’sHall, Room10/ChristianBrothersUniversity,650EastParkwaySouth.AllvisitorsmustparkintheVisitors’ParkingLotaccessiblethrough theCentralAvenueentranceattheEarlyMaxwellintersection.FormoreinfoandtoRSVP,[email protected] (615)352-3087,ext.266. SISTERSOFCHARITYOFNAZARETH—AllfriendsandformerstudentsareinvitedtohonortheSistersofCharityofNazarethontheir 200thbirthday.ThecelebrationisonSunday,Sept.30,atHolyRosary’snewfamilycenterfrom2-4p.m.Let’sgivethanksforthose“who lovedus…wholedustoGod.” SUBIACOACADEMYishostingShadowDaysthisfallforprospectivestudentsandtheirparentsinterestedinexploringtheacademy's juniorandseniorhighcollegepreparatoryprogramforgrades7-12.Theevents,scheduledforFriday’s,September21,October5&26, November16andDecember7,areopentoboysingrades6-10.ProspectiveboardersandearlyarrivalscanspendThursdaynightbefore eachShadowDayinadorm.Parents'accommodationsareprovidedintheguestfacilityoncampus.Allactivities,includingovernightstays andmeals,arefree.Formoreinformationortoreserveaplace,contacttheadmissionof iceat(800)364-7824ore-mail [email protected]. EASTERNCARIBBEANCRUISE—October13,2013.7nightsfromFt.Lauderdale.EnjoyfantasticgroupratesontheAllureofTheSeas cruiseship.VisitSt.Thomas,USVI&St.Martin.Larry’sSea& PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS!!!!