February 21, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
February 21, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
HOLY FAMILY PARISH A Catholic faith community called to serve God and others through Eucharist, prayer, education, and daily living of the Gospel values. PARISH OFFICE: 201 CLARK STREET, MIDDLETOWN, OH 45042 (513) 422-0602 www.holyfamilymiddletown.com WEEKEND MASSES ST. JOHN CHURCH HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 1405 FIRST AVENUE SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 10:30 AM 201 CLARK STREET SUNDAY 9:00 AM ADORATION HOLY TRINITY CHURCH MONDAY- FRIDAY 12:30 - 4:30 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ST. JOHN CHURCH SATURDAY 3:30 PM February 21, 2016 2nd Sunday of Lent First of Two Lent Talks TODAY! 11:30 AM - 1 PM St John Undercroft Lent with Pope Francis - The Challenge to be Merciful With the theme of Mercy, Pope Francis gives us all food for thought this Lenten season. Refreshments will be served - no RSVP necessary. Please join us! Communal Penance Services - Monday & Tuesday This Week! Join us for a Communal Lenten Penance Service after the 12:10 PM Mass on Monday, February 22nd or at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 23rd both services at Holy Trinity Church. Lenten Resolutions COMING EVENTS We’ve been receiving lots of positive comments about our parish efforts in making others feel welcome. Keep up the good work! Knights of Columbus Fish Fry ...………….………… Fridays in Lent Fr. Civille Scout Sunday …………….…..…………………………………. Sun Feb 28 St. John Sound System Thanks to parishioner Tom Newsad and sound engineer John Hutton, we have better reception in the sanctuary and vestibule and aisles and hopefully in the main body of the church. If you have any trouble hearing, please call the parish office 422-0602. Stations of the Cross / Benediction …………...… Fridays in Lent Family Eucharist Workshop …………........…..…....…... Sat Mar 5 Daylight Savings Time Begins …………….....…....…... Sun Mar 13 Second of Two Lent Talk …………….…….…..…....…... Sun Mar 13 Baptism Preparation Class ……………...…..…....…... Thur Mar 17 Palm Sunday …………….…………………….......…....…... Sun Mar 20 Donut Sunday @ Holy Trinity …………….....…....…... Sun Mar 20 HOLY FAMILY MASS SCHEDULE Daily Scripture Readings Saturday and Sunday - February 20 and 21 4:30 PM Mass SJ Bocho & Cecilia Elieff - Wed Anniv Rem 9:00 AM Mass HT Gary Fligor 10:30 AM Mass SJ Paul Crone - Birthday Remembrance NOTE: SPECIAL LENT SCHEDULE Monday, February 22 12:10 PM Mass HT William & Sabina Hall - Wed. Anniv. Rem. Tuesday, February 23 8:30 AM Mass J23 Tom Abell 12:10 PM Communion Service HT Wednesday, February 24 12:10 PM Mass HT Mary Helen Chupka - Anniversary Rem. Thursday, February 25 12:10 PM Mass HT Ruby Takach Friday, February 26 8:00 AM Mass HT Ambrose Herman 12:10 PM Communion Service HT Saturday, February 27 8:00 AM Mass HT Jean Hesselbrock 4:30 PM Mass SJ Pat Byrne - Birthday Remembrance Sunday, February 28 3rd Sunday of Lent 9:00 AM Mass HT JoAnn Fiessinger - Anniversary Rem. 10:30 AM Mass SJ Sue J. Kulick - Anniversary Remembrance Weekly Collections Stewardship Sunday, February 14th $16,653.15 Thank you for your generous stewardship! MINISTERS NEXT WEEK Feb 27/28 4:30 PM SAT 9:00 AM SUN 10:30 AM SUN Eucharistic Ministers Carolyn Kraft 1B Cecilie Ricke 2B Marilyn Kowalczyk 3B Ellen Krause 1C Linda Weaver 2C Frank Pressler 3C Ann Fishbaugh 4C Michael Paddock Kathryn Brooks Nicholas Hill Linda Day 1B Don Accurso 2B Andrea Accurso 3B John Lyons 1C Mike Clarey 2C Gail Clarey 3C Janet Chase 4C Saundra Pearce 1B Jane Romer 2B Roger Romer 3B Rosetta DiCristoforo 1C Christine Whittington 2C Rhonda Koenig 3C Bridget Clark 4C Henrietta Nye Rick Gregosky Leo Bell Will Eiken Jane Romer D1 Roger Romer D1 Fred DeBiasi Dan Dobrozsi Jeff Gephart Dave Leighton Lectors Servers Greeters Ray Barger D1 Phoebe Pearce D1 Frank Pressler Paul Presta Don Schwab Mike Rossi Boy Scout Volunteers Mon: 1 Pt 5:1-4 / Mt 16:13-19 Tues: Is 1:10,16-20 / Mt 23:1-12 Wed: Jer 18:18-20 / Mt 20:17-28 Thurs: Jer 17:5-10 / Lk 16:19-31 Fri: Gn 37:3-4,12-13,17-28 / Mt 21:33-43,45-46 Sat: Mi 7:14-15,18-20 / Lk 15:1-3,11-32 Sun: Ex 3:1-8a,13-15 / 1 Cor 10:1-6,10-12 Lk 13:1-9 In Your Prayers Remember Fred DeBiasi at Miami Valley Hospital and Knight Goodman at Atrium Medical Center this week. Health Ministry: 5 Things to Do Instead of Talking Behind Someone's Back We all do it. In all its glorious forms. Gossiping. Dissing. Trash-talking. But no matter what we call it, making a habit out of negativity seems like a waste of precious life energy. Why not instead be the kind of person who always tries to see the good in others, no matter what. The next time you're in negativity's clutches, be the person who doesn't talk about others behind their backs - even if they might seem to be worthy of criticism. Be kind. Try to see the good in others; give everyone the benefit of the doubt and employ compassion instead of criticism. These five generous-of-spirit ideas may help you to rise above negativity: 1. Go silent and notice how especially clean you already feel knowing you're not getting sucked into a whirlpool of negativity. Give yourself big points for restraining yourself from being judge-y and critical. 2. Think of at least three positive things about the annoying person being talked about. 3. If you're two positive-things short, come up with three compassionate thoughts about the person. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" (Plato). 4. Remember that nobody's perfect - yourself included! AND while your opinion may be important to you - it’s still your opinion. 5. Remember how good kindness feels - how it opens your heart instead of shriveling it. Pledge to make it your rule instead of your exception. www.happier.com Special Clothing Collection in February Introductions to Sunday Readings Our parish, in conjunction with CWU - Church Women United - is conducting a month-long collection in February. Anyone wishing to participate is asked to donate new socks and undergarments for men, women and children. These necessary clothing items will fill the shelves of the Middletown CWU Clothing Depot where needy families can receive clothing at no charge. Please place your donation in the blue bins at the church doors. Thank you! by Bishop Ken Untener, in collaboration with Catherine Haven and Fr. Bill Taylor First Reading - Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18 This passage recounts the making of a covenant between God and Abraham. Ancient Near-Eastern people often established a covenant by cutting animals in half and setting the halves opposite each other. The participants then walked in the blood flowing between the halves, thereby establishing a blood relationship. But the covenant we will hear about today involves God, who will participate in a more dramatic way. Second Reading - Philippians 3: 17 ― 4: 1 The ancient city of Philippi was located in what is today northeastern Greece. Paul’s community of converts at Philippi was especially dear to him. In this section of his letter to them, Paul is upset - but not with them. He has heard that false teachers have come to the community, teaching that Jewish food laws and the rite of circumcision applies even to Christians. Anointing of Catechumens at 10:30 AM Mass During the Period of the Catechumenate, a Rite of Anointing the catechumens is celebrated. The oil of the catechumens is ointment for those preparing for baptism. It brings wisdom and strength. The anointing with oil symbolizes their need for God’s help and strength so that they can understand the Gospel and accept the challenge of living a Christian life and professing their faith. The Men’s Fellowship Group Men of the parish are invited to join for prayer and study every second and fourth Saturday of the month. The next meeting is this Saturday, February 27th at 7:00 a.m. - St. John Rectory. Boy Scout Sunday - February 28th 9 AM Mass - Holy Trinity Church Holy Family Parish will celebrate Boy Scout Sunday on February 28th. All Boy Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Cub Scouts and Tiger Cubs in the parish are encouraged to attend the 9:00 AM Mass at Holy Trinity Church to celebrate this occasion with Troop 20 and Pack 85. The Pack 85 Blue and Gold Banquet will be held after Mass at St. John XXIII School. Please call Jim or Mary Jean Kleingers 425-6906 if you have any questions or need further information. Family Eucharist Workshop Saturday, March 5th 9 AM - Noon St. John Church and Center Prayer Partners! Don’t miss this opportunity to share your faith with your 2nd Grade Prayer Partner! You could send them a note letting them know that you are following their journey as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, including their participation in this Family Eucharist Workshop. RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults February 21st & 28th March 6th, 13th & 20th February 21 st - Liturgical Prayer & Personal Prayer If you’re interested in becoming Catholic, or you know someone who may be interested, please contact the parish office 422-0602. Congratulations to these couples celebrating Special Anniversaries in 2016! THANKS TO VOLUNTEER PHOTOGRAPHER ROB MCCULLEY FOR THESE GREAT PHOTOS OF THE SPECIAL ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRATION. FIND LOTS MORE ON THE PARISH WEBSITE PLUS A VIDEO OF MARTY MULHALL’S QUARTET SERENADING THE COUPLES AFTER MASS. MANY THANKS, ROB! 60th & 65th Anniversaries Gary & Carolyn Gustin (60) Claire & Richard Esposito (65) Pat & Chris Moore (60) Hal & Ida Pearce (60) 25th Anniversary left to right group on floor Jerry & Lisa Raleigh Don & Angela Bell Maria & Dan Jeffers left to right group on steps Marty & Terri Mulhall Michelle & Don Brooks Kristen & Larry Mulligan Gina & Jeff Pennington 50th Anniversary left to right group on floor Justin & Patti Holweger Sandy & Carlos Ongkiko Wayne & Peggy Ketron Dennis & Ellen Krause Kathy & Garth Farler left to right group on steps Rob & Jennie Beck Ann Marie & Ray Barger Fran & Dan Sack Claudia & Ed Opbroek not pictured John & Carlyne Schwab Holy Family CYO Spring Sports Sign-Ups for Baseball and Track Sunday, Feb 21st & Tuesday, Feb 23rd 6:30 - 7:30 PM Upper Lobby - St. John XXIII Baseball is open to boys in grades 4-8 who attend St. John XXIII or are members of Holy Family Parish and participate in the PREP program. The teams compete in the Dayton CYO and the fee for baseball is $75.00. Track is open to boys and girls in grades K-8 who attend St. John XXIII or are members of Holy Family Parish and participate in the PREP program. The teams compete in the Cincinnati CYO and the fee for track is $50.00. K - 4th Grade Track Coach Needed Duties can be divided among a few people so one person could run K-2 and another person could run grades 3-4. Practices are up to the coach and can be scheduled based on your availability. Tim and Cari Hellmann (Grade 5-8 coaches) can offer support in sharing practice time and counseling on preparing practices. Guidance regarding track meets and entry forms for participants is available. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding spring sports or to express your interest in coaching the track program - Ryan Mulligan 513-236-6305. TRADITIONAL VALUES. EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION. by Dawn Pickerill / Principal St. John XXIII represents 150 years of Catholic Education dedicated to encouraging and developing well-rounded, self-confident and compassionate children and young adults who lead successful, mindful, service-driven lives. Our school community is the foundation on which our core principles of faith and hard work bind us together as a family. If you are interested in a Catholic education that provides a challenging, structured and thoughtful learning environment led by highly qualified and experienced teachers, please contact Principal Dawn Pickerill at 424-1196 for a meeting and a tour of the school. IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Congratulations go out to Mr. Tommy Kauffmann, Junior High Social Studies Teacher, who qualified and competed in the Olympic Marathon Trials on Saturday in Los Angeles, California. While he didn’t finish in the top 3, which would have earned him a trip to Rio this summer, we are still extremely proud of his effort and determination in being 1 of only 200 runners who were able to compete at this level. Also, we are so proud of Hannah Wilson, daughter of parishioners Chris and Kathy Wilson, for representing St. John XXIII in the first annual Dayton Catholic School’s Spelling Bee that was held on February 11th at St. Helen’s School. To earn this distinction, Hannah had to first win our School Spelling Bee. Both Mr. Kauffmann and Hannah are wonderful examples of how hard work and determination pays off! We are blessed to have them in the St. John XXIII Family! CALL FOR ALUMNI! Were you a JXXIII Falcon or Knight? We are building up our database of alumni so we can share news and events to involve the family that is our school community past, present and future! Email [email protected] to provide your contact information and any updates that we can share on our soon-to-come Alumni Highlights! The Heart of Holy Family We salute these parish members who again prepared and hosted the truly elegant Special Anniversaries Brunch! Thanks to Angela (Opbroek) & Rob Erhart, Timothy Erhart, Claudia Ross, Maddie Ross, Michelle (Opbroek) Ross, Lauren Opbroek, and Suzanne (Opbroek) Smith. Ed and Claudia Opbroek were there too but this year as a Special Anniversary couple celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary! This was the largest group with 20 couples! THERE ARE SO MANY INCREDIBLE VOLUNTEERS BEHIND THE SCENES HERE AT HOLY FAMILY PARISHIONERS WHO REGULARLY GIVE GENEROUSLY OF THEIR TIME AND TALENTS AND ARE TRULY THE HEART OF HOLY FAMILY. Applebee’s Dine to Donate SUPPORT FENWICK BASEBALL! Sunday, February 28th ALL DAY! Take a night off from the kitchen and support the Bishop Fenwick Varsity Baseball team! Dine to Donate at Applebee's Middletown and West Chester locations or BOTH! You must present a printed flyer to your server at time of order for Fenwick to receive 10% of your bill. Proceeds will be used to help cover costs associated with the Spring trip to Tennessee. Carryout is available but you must mention the flyer at time of order. Find flyers at the doors of the churches and on the parish website or via [email protected]. Volunteer Training Offered at Hospice Care of Middletown American Association of University Women (AAUW) 60th Annual Used Book Sale Thursday - Sunday, April 7th- 10th Middletown Shopping Center The (AAUW) has found a new location for their 60th Annual Used Book Sale - Middletown Shopping Center, 421 South Breiel Blvd. Donations of gently used books, children’s books, puzzles, games, DVD’s and CD’s are needed. Donations are being accepted at the book sale site on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings from 10:00 am to 11:30 a.m. For more information or to arrange for a book pick-up call 424-5458, 424-1120 or 424-7551. Details at Middletown-oh.aauw.net. Athenaeum of Ohio Lay Pastoral Ministry Program Information Meetings - Saturdays, Feb 27th or April 16th 10 AM or Tuesday, March 15th 7 PM Friday, March 11th 9 am - 4:30 pm Join LPMP Directors to learn about the Hospice Care of Middletown office - 3909 Central Ave. benefits of a Lay Ministry degree or Certificate. You must be 18 years of age, not have lost a close loved For 40 years we have equipped busy adults with the one within the past year and pass a background check. Please call Judy Vincent, LSW 424-2273 for an application skills and knowledge needed to become informed and appointment to discuss this opportunity. If you have and passionate missionary disciples. Graduates serve families, parishes and communities in a variety a heart for others, being a Hospice Volunteer is for you! of paid and volunteer roles. Evening and Saturday Experienced Home Health Caregiver classes along with flexible formation components allow you to fit pastoral studies into a busy adult Are you or someone you know in need schedule. The sessions will include program options, of an experienced home health caregiver? courses, fees, the application process and Q & A. Chris is available days and/or overnights and she also All are welcome! Please call 513-231-1200 or email does light housekeeping. Call 513-393-3013 to meet [email protected] for more details. Chris and talk with her about home health care.
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