Primary Engineer - Engineering Professors` Council
Primary Engineer - Engineering Professors` Council
Primary Engineer Programmes Primary The first steps...Engineer Programmes Susan Scurlock CEO & Founder Primary Engineer Programmes Primary Engineer Programmes Primary The first steps...Engineer Programmes The End Game Children deeply engaged with learning from an early age, aware of what engineering is and what it provides to society. Young people aspiring towards becoming engineers. Primary Engineer & Secondary Engineer Engineers working with teachers on Primary Engineer teacher training days. Primary Engineer Programmes The first steps... Primary Engineer Secondary Engineer Primary Engineer Early Years Engineer 2 3 The End Game Education is not always about employment. Employment is always about education. Employment Education Skills The End Game The Curriculum IPrimEng & ISecEng Fellow Chartered Members Award Skills / Competencies IPrimEng / ISecEng The Institution of Primary Engineers The Institution of Secondary Engineers Institution Roll out: Jan 2014 Bolton Primary Schools: 5 Primary schools and local industry August 2014 East Ayrshire: East Ayrshire Council, local industry 52 Primary Schools, 8 Secondary Schools, Ayrshire College 3 year plan to raise attainment and aspirations across the county June 2015 Burnley: AMS NEVE, Burnley Bondholders 28 Primary Schools, 6 Secondary Schools, 1 Burnley College Advanced skills industry and local skills requirements June 2015 Levenmouth: Skills Development Scotland, local industry and Fife College 10 Primary Schools, 1 Secondary School, Fife College Pathways Apprenticeships Primary Engineer ISecEng IPrimEng Secondary Engineer Primary Engineer Nursery Engineer 2 3 Primary Engineer Programmes The first steps... Primary Engineer Programmes The first steps... Susan Scurlock Chief Executive and Founder [email protected] Head Office and Training Centre. Floor 2 | AMS Office Tower, AMS Technology Park, Billington Rd. Burnley Lancashire Scottish Office: Scottish Engineering | 105 West George Street Glasgow G2 1QL | |