ADVISOR – ELZBIETA PLAZA KTH Architecture and the Built Environment COMBINED STORM AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR ESTERO DE VALENCIA, SAMPALOC , MANILA, PHILIPPINES Trina Go Listanco March 2008 TRITA-LWR Master Thesis ISSN 1651-064X LWR-EX-08-09 © Trina Listanco 2008 Master Thesis Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincerest gratitude to the following persons and organizations; without them this thesis work would not have been possible… To the Swedish Institute (Si) and Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) for the MKP scholarship grant and the travel grant to complete the EESI Master programme in KTH To the University of the Philippines, Diliman, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Department of Geography for the opportunity to pursue and explore different tracks in applied geographies and other allied disciplines To my adviser, Elzbieta Plaza for many encouragements and valuable advices To Stig Morling and Bengt Hultman for very helpful and stimulating comments and discussions To Francisco Arellano Jr. of Maynilad Water Services Incorporated (MWSI) for generously accommodating my request to access some relevant data for this thesis To Engr. Lucilo Ilio, Engr. Antonio Abayon and Engr. Remigio Abando of the Flood Control Division Central Manila of Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) for sharing data, thoughts and time in Manila City To the helpful and progressive Barangay Officials, Council members and residents of EDV catchment To the Varga family especially to Andras and Martin, for technical support and inspiration To friends, Richard Ian Soliman, Miao Guofang, Amanuel Tecle, Pooja Yadav, Rosa Castillo, “Jun” Ballesteros and Kristian Saguin for their various support and prayers To my parents, Eddie and Anabella for everything And to Endre Balogh for all his time and kindness iii Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER iv Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila SUMMARY This thesis begins by presenting and briefly discussing the complex context and the rationales for a combined storm and wastewater treatment system for Estero de Valencia (EDV) catchment in Sampaloc, Manila e.g. lack of wastewater treatment infrastructures and its conjunctions with local flooding and pollution. Although, the functions of the narrow, polluted and heavily transformed creek (EDV) is continuously being contested by several sectors, the goal of the proposed treatment system is to improve the quality of water discharged into the estero according to the prescribed standard of DAO 35, for Effluents into Inland Waters Class C. The paradigm introduced in this work views drains as potential sites for wastewater treatment which could save capital costs, benefit the local communities, contribute to improvement of environment and alleviate local flooding hazards. The methodology for the design process involves a review of existing technologies and primary and secondary survey of study site profile including physical and socio-economic (willingness to pay) parameters. Since physical wastewater parameters were not measured on-site in this thesis, several estimations on wastewater constituent concentrations and loadings were done. The resulting proposed treatment system is composed of “in line” physical and “2 step biological treatment” methods. Different variations are also presented including possible vegetated submerged bed (VSB) installations in the process sequence. The designs and theoretical performances i.e. BOD and TKN removal are modeled based on functions and guidelines provided in textbooks. The proposed treatment units come with implementation procedures and some risk management plans. This thesis however, can not provide exact costs and financial schedules for the proposed treatment system, but attempts in giving an “idea” of how the system can operate with limited financial resources. A willingness-to-pay (WTP) survey was done in the EDV catchment to elicit a theoretical amount collectible from the residents for the operation and maintenance of the proposed system. This thesis needs pilot-studies to validate the modeled results and performances an can be further strengthened by other assessment tools, e.g. EIA and LCA, and through “integrated water cycle planning and management for “building water sensitive cities”. (Wong, 2008) SAMMANFATTNING Detta examensarbete presenterar och diskuterar kortfattat de komplexa möjligheterna och rimligheten i kombinerat dag- och avloppsvattensystem för Estero de Valencia (EDV) avrinningsområde i Sampoloc, Manila, bl a utifrån avsaknad av infrastruktur för avloppsvattenrening och dess knytning till lokala översvämningar och föroreningar. Fastän funktionerna för den smala, förorenade och starkt belastade bäcken (estero) kontinuerligt har bedömts av olika sektorer har målet med det föreslagna behandlingssytemet varit att förbättra kvalitén för vatten utsläppt till bäcken enligt den föreskrivna standarden DAO 35 för utgående vatten till inlandvatten klass C. Lösningen introducerad i detta arbete ser dräneringdelar som pontentiella platser för avloppsvattenrening vilket inbesparar kapitalkostnader, är till fördel för det lokala samhället, bidrar till förbättring för miljön och minskar lokala översvämningsproblem. Metodiken för utformningen involverar en översikt av existerande teknologier och en första och andra bedömning av den studerade platsen, inkluderande fysiska och socio-ekonomiska (betalningsvilja) faktorer. Eftersom fysiska avloppsvattenparametrar inte mättes på plats i detta examensarbete genomfördes flera bedömningar av avloppsvattens sammansättning med hänsyn till koncentration och belastning. Det framkomna föreslagna behandlingssystemet består av på plats genomförd fysikalisk och 2-stegs biologisk behandlingsmetodik. Olika varianter presenteras också inkluderande beväxta nedsänkta bäddinstallationer (VSB) i processtegen. Utformning och teoretisk bedömning av resultat modelleras utifrån samband och riktlinjer från textböcker och leder till genomförandeprocedurer och några riskplaner för förvaltning. Detta examensarbete kan inte tillgodose exakta kostnader eller finansiella scheman för det föreslagna behandlingssystemet utan avser att ge en idé om hur systemet kan drivas med begränsade resurser. En enkät om betalningsvilja genomfördes i EDVs avrinningsområde för att bedöma en teoretisk summa som skulle kunna insamlas från de boende för drift och underhåll av systemet. Examensarbetet behöver kompletteras med en pilot-studie för genomförande av det föreslagna och utformade systemet och kan ytterligare utvärderas med hjälpmedel som EIA och LCA och genom planering och förvaltning av integrerad vattencykel vid byggande av vattenkänsliga städer. (Wong, 2008). v Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER ACRONYMS ADB BRGY BOD CN CSWWTS CVM CSO DAO DENR DPWH EDV EMB EO HH HLR HRT JICA MTDP MMDA MWSS MWSI MWCI NRW NSWC PD PRRC RA RBC sBOD STP SpTP SWMM TKN VSB WWTP WWTS WTP WB Asian Development Bank Barangay Biological Oxygen Demand Combined BOD removal and nitrification Combined storm and wastewater treatment system Contingency Valuation Method Combined Sewer Overflow Department Administrative Order Department of Environment and Natural Resources Department of Public Work and Highways Estero de Valencia Environmental Management Bureau Executive Order Household Hydraulic loading rate Hydraulic retention time Japan International Cooperation Agency Medium Term Development Plan Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System Maynilad Water Services Incorporated Manila Water Company Incorporated Non revenue waters National Solid Waste Commission Presidential Decree Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission Republic Act Rotating biological contractor soluble biochemical oxygen demand Sewage Treatment Plant Septage Treatment Plant Storm water Modeling Module Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Vegetated submerged bed Wastewater treatment plant Wastewater treatment system Willingness to Pay World Bank vi Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................................. iii Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ v Acronyms .............................................................................................................................................................. vi Appendices............................................................................................................................................................ ix Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Introduction and Background ............................................................................................................................ 10 The Esteros of Manila: Urban Landscapes and Histories ................................................................................. 10 Actors, Efforts and Policies .............................................................................................................................. 11 Study Scope and Site......................................................................................................................................... 12 Topography ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Urban Hydrology and Drainage Network.................................................................................................... 13 Climate ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 Population .................................................................................................................................................. 18 Water sources, Water use and water supplied .............................................................................................. 18 Income levels.............................................................................................................................................. 18 Informal Communities................................................................................................................................ 18 Solid Waste ................................................................................................................................................. 19 The Research Problems and Project Rationales ............................................................................................... 21 Financial, spatial and institutional limitations to establish centralized sewerage treatment system....................... 21 Conveyance of untreated storm and wastewater through drainage system into the Estero de Valencia (EDV) and the consequent flooding ................................................................................................................................... 21 Lack of systematic treatment to improve water quality of EDV ........................................................................ 22 The Objectives..................................................................................................................................................... 23 Methodologies and limitations ........................................................................................................................... 23 Characterization of load for years 2016 and 2025 ........................................................................................ 24 Characterization of load for years 2016 and 2025 ........................................................................................ 25 Flow rate estimation:................................................................................................................................... 25 Rainfall Data Projection .............................................................................................................................. 25 Wastewater Production Estimation Dry Weather Flow ............................................................................... 25 GIS and Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) ................................................................................. 27 Wastewater Characterization: BOD and the TKN load ............................................................................... 28 Willingness to pay survey ............................................................................................................................ 28 Other limitations .............................................................................................................................................. 29 Review of Related Literature............................................................................................................................. 30 Definitions and Concept background.......................................................................................................... 30 Principles for Solids separation ................................................................................................................... 31 Principles for Total Suspended Solids Reduction......................................................................................... 32 Principles for Biological Oxygen Demand Reduction .................................................................................. 34 Principles for Nitrification and NH4-N Removal......................................................................................... 35 Principles for Phosphorus Reduction .......................................................................................................... 37 Principles for Total Coliforms Reduction .................................................................................................... 38 Discussion on relevant Biosolids Management ............................................................................................ 38 Review on Management and Public Acceptability of Wastewater infrastructures.......................................... 42 vii Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Results and Discussions ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Estimation of “Average Rain event for 2016 and 2025”.................................................................................... 44 Estimation of Dry weather flow rates and Wet weather flow rates for 2016 and 2025 ....................................... 44 Dry weather and Wet weather Flow rates in Profiled Manholes ........................................................................ 44 Treatment Goals............................................................................................................................................... 44 Optimal Site Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 45 Process Selection and Choice............................................................................................................................ 48 Why drilled metal plates for inlet screens? ................................................................................................... 53 Why tangential screens for fine screenings? ................................................................................................. 53 Why Rotating Biological Contractors (RBC’s)? ............................................................................................ 53 Why “Biotower”?........................................................................................................................................ 55 Proposed Processes and Sequences and Variations ........................................................................................... 55 Process Identification and Sequence without VSB....................................................................................... 56 Process Identification and Sequence with Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB)................................................ 57 Point of Debate: The Estero de Valencia as a natural wetland for protection or construction?..................... 63 Designs ............................................................................................................................................................ 65 Inlet screens:............................................................................................................................................... 65 Pre RBC – Post RBC filter screens.............................................................................................................. 65 Vegetated Submerged Bed .......................................................................................................................... 67 Rotating Biological Contractors................................................................................................................... 69 “Biotowers” ................................................................................................................................................ 79 Summary of Results .................................................................................................................................... 81 Willingness-to-Pay Survey................................................................................................................................. 81 Results: ....................................................................................................................................................... 83 Implications on pricing: .............................................................................................................................. 83 Implementation and Maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 86 Road Inlet Screens............................................................................................................................................ 86 Pre-RBC and Post-RBC Filters ......................................................................................................................... 86 Rotating Biological Contractors ........................................................................................................................ 87 “Biotowers”...................................................................................................................................................... 87 Costs and Risk Management.............................................................................................................................. 88 Possible Costs Schedules .................................................................................................................................. 88 Risk Management ............................................................................................................................................. 88 Typhoons ................................................................................................................................................... 88 Earthquakes................................................................................................................................................ 88 Nuisances ................................................................................................................................................... 88 Inordinate failures of RBC’s and “Biotowers” ............................................................................................. 88 Conclusion and Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 90 Summary of principles and approach ................................................................................................................ 90 Design Features................................................................................................................................................ 90 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................ 91 References............................................................................................................................................................ 92 viii Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila APPENDICES Appendix I...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Appendix II .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Appendix III .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Appendix IV ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Appendix V..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix VI ..................................................................................................................................................11 Appendix VII ................................................................................................................................................13 Appendix VIII ...............................................................................................................................................15 Appendix IX..................................................................................................................................................17 Appendix X ...................................................................................................................................................19 Appendix XI.…………………………………………………………………………………………………..22 Appendix XII.………………………………………………………………………………………………….26 ix Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER A B S T RA C T Estero de Valencia (EDV) catchment in Sampaloc, Manila is one predominantly low income-high density urban area, drained and served by a polluted “minor tributary” to the Pasig River. Esteros are naturally part of the estuarial network of Pasig River but have been controlled by flood gates and pumping stations have been functioning mostly as a tributary, with relatively low levels of salinity. It has several flood prone subcatchments and non sewered communities, the combination of which, among other issues results in particularly difficult situation for the introduction of major sewerage infrastructure and a centralized wastewater treatment system. This thesis presents a conceptual design of a combined storm and waste water treatment system idealized to address the need for wastewater treatment appropriate for EDV catchment. The proposed system is a combination of reviewed techniques reconfigured and redesigned to run parallel to the track of drainage channels. This work heavily relies on collected and estimated primary and secondary information on both physical and socio-economic (willingness to pay) parameters through qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The adapted “alternative” principles of decentralized, energy conserving, small scale and operable systems yielded a multiple site, “inline” designs including the following treatment processes and units: 1) inline fine and micro screening; 2) vegetated submerged beds (VSB); 3) rotating biological contractors (RBC); and 4) “biotowers”. All are designed to capture and reduce typical wastewater constituents (TSS, BOD, TKN, P and Coliforms) continuously during “dry” and “average wet” conditions until year 2025, to intercept the wastewater flows at certain points upstream or prior to drainage outfalls and to “protect” Estero de Valencia and Pasig River. The designs and their implementation guidelines based on theoretical performance and recommendations from literature resulted in the compliance to the current Philippine effluent standards for Inland Waters Class C (DAO 35). As a whole, the system embodies an alternative approach for wastewater treatment system replicable in other estero catchments in Manila or other high density urban drainage catchment. Key Words: low income high density combined storm and wastewater treatment; inline physical and biological treatment; Estero de Valencia, Manila INTRODUCTION A ND drainage channels which have been functioning as floodwater drainage, sewers and transportation artery since the last century. (Liongson 2000) Even before the Spanish colonizers came to Manila, the estuarial banks of the Pasig river basin have been hosts to thriving communities, dependent on the range of resources and services, these swampy areas provide. Merchants who traded agricultural goods with Arabs, Chinese and other local merchants occupied the river estuaries of Bulacan and Pampanga provinces in the north, (Fox 1961, Liongson 2001). They are groups of people who have settled in riparian banks known as the “Tagalogs” from the word “taga-ilog” (river dwellers) and “Capampangans” from people of “pampang” (bays or banks). (Liongson 2001) Colonization, industrialization and urbanization in different regimes brought historical changes to the estuarial environments. And they are most obviously manifested in the esteros’ transformed morphologies and functions. The rebuilding of Manila after the Second World War was accompanied by urbanization so immense (from 1948-1968) that “the extent of urbanized areas had tripled in 4 cities and 13 municipalities”. (Commandante 1979 in Regis 2001) But the infrastructures did not get accomplished as rapidly. The development in land transportation tha came with urbanization has contributed to major changes in the estero landscape. Estero banks which used to be hosts of fishing communities and merchants became known as “stinking” and marginal public spaces occupied by communities of informal settlers identified with urban poverty and extra legal B A C K G RO U N D This section briefly presents general history and the transformations of the estero landscapes of Manila and their contribution to current issues of urban flooding and water pollution. A brief physical and socio economic profile of Estero de Valencia catchment is presented including the important actors and stakeholders in the study site. The Esteros of Manila: Urban Landscapes and Histories Manila City, with a density of at least 40,000 people for a square kilometer, (PRRP 1990-1995), was called the “Venice of the Orient” in George Miller’s book, “Interesting Manila” for the “system of connected waterways flowing slowly across the gentle slopes of the Spanish Colonial capital”. Manila’s “esteros” are natural waterways of the estuarial network, the “narrow tidal creeks at the expanse of Pasig River Delta” (Liongson 2001). Local and official histories depict how the embankments of the swampy areas have been systematically or illegally reclaimed for private residential, commercial or transportation expansions, and have been “lost under the metropolis”1. In the present Filipino quotidian language, “esteros” most often means (un)maintained Term was used by Mary Anne Ocampo to describe current urbanism in Manila (in a state of “amnesia”) that has forgotten long ties with water, swamps and esteros. Article accessed through the Syracuse University Magazine website, December 2007 1 10 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila economies. Estero waters which used to be intertidal eco-systems have been reduced to sewage and drainage channels which conveyed wastewater and solid from the road drainages wastes year round. Such urban conversion has been metaphorically and literally described as the “turning of backs” of the people from the estero waters. This idea is reflected in the language used by the “Flood Control and Management Division of the MMDA” to refer to esteros or “open drainage channels.” The phrase completely undermines socio-cultural and ecological roles esteros play in the urban system. Informal settlers along the banks of esteros who used to claim the three (3) meter river easements of public lands, have been consistently blamed for the demise of these waterways. This is despite the fact that direct solid wastes and raw sewage from the informal estero communities represent only a small fraction of what the rest of the urban population and institutions systematically put into the estero waters. Esteros have been become convenient sites for discharging untreated storm waters, domestic and commercial wastewaters (especially of non-sewered households and establishments) and solid wastes including road litter, not just of the informal estero communities but of the entire drainage catchment. Volumes of wastewaters and other loads are conveyed by the drainage network untreated, into the estero. This research is an attempt to propose a holistic system or conceptual design not to entirely “fix” the urban history, but to provide ideas and ways to improve and current urban infrastructures and wastewater treatment practice. This thesis calls for elevating estero water quality and landscapes in agreement with the principles of the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004. wastewater characteristics were compared to the Water Quality Criteria provided by the Department Administrative Order 34 series of 1990 (DAO 34) for fresh water. Most esteros have failed to meet standards for several parameters. Although there are differing stakes on esteros among state and local community actors, esteros are generally accepted to function solely or mainly as open channel to flush untreated floodwaters of the catchment to the Pasig River. This thesis calls for elevation of esteros’ functions from mere sewer and drainage outfalls to “naturalized”2 urban ecological spaces with at least “Class B”3 water status in DAO 34. Reclassification of estero waters from Class C4 or Class D5 to Class B waters will lead to stricter effluents standards set by DAO 35, and possibly, to wider practice of water reuse and recycling in the future. As Sharon Beder has written, “standards should therefore not be based on what technologies within the paradigm can achieve but rather on what decision-makers want to be achieved in the longer term. This in turn will force technological innovation.”6 This study takes Estero de Valencia (EDV) catchment and drainage network as site for a combined storm and wastewater treatment system. The proposed treatment system aims to improve water quality of Estero de Valencia without compromising flood control functions of the drains. Quantitative and quality approaches were employed e.g. storm water management modeling (in Balogh 2008) and willingness to pay survey (WTP) to propose and design an appropriate collection and treatment system for the EDV landscape. The resulting system integrates drainage network system improvements, decentralized and continuous wastewater treatment systems along and alongside the drains with small community treatment units i.e. VSB’s as “support” installations. Actors, Efforts and Policies A number of government agencies, organizations and other actors with different stakes, interests and involvement in estero spaces are enumerated Table 1. In 1999, about a decade since the Pasig River was declared “biologically dead”, the Philippine government created an agency, through Executive Order 54, “specially dedicated to rehabilitation of Pasig” called the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission or PRRC. (Regis 2001) Short and medium term measures have been identified to address point and non-point pollution sources which included the esteros or the “tributaries” to the Pasig River, as major pathways of domestic wastewater and solid wastes. In March 2007, a preliminary baseline profiling was done on six (6) major esteros directly draining into the Pasig River. The Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) led the one-time, in situ sampling in Estero de Binondo, Estero de Quiapo, Estero de Valencia, Estero de Pandacan, Francisco River, San Juan River and Estero de Guadalupe Nuevo. The Naturalized meaning non-alienating, people involved in shaping meanings and strategies regarding environment and living with the environment 3 “Class B” or Recreational Water Class I: for primary contact recreation such as bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc. (particularly for those designated for tourism purposes) in Water Quality Criteria for Fresh Water, DAO 34, series of 1990 4 “Class C” waters: include fishery water, recreational water class II, industrial water supply class I in Water Quality Criteria for Fresh Water, DAO 34, series of 1990 5 “Class D” waters: for agriculture, irrigation, livestock watering etc; Industrial Water Class II (e.g. cooling, etc) and other inland waters by their quality belong to this classification 6 On sewage engineering paradigm, in article “Technological Paradigms” 2 11 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 1. Actors and stakeholders of Estero de Valencia catchment system (estero water way, drains, roads and easements) Agency Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Description / Mandate mandated to manage and maintain road drainages, estero waterways and pumping stations for flood control charged for national roads and drainages maintenance; concerned with flood control functions and roles the esteros play as major open waterways for flood control and drainage systems Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) primarily concerned about esteros and Pasig River ecology remediation, sets standards for effluents and water quality criteria. Metro Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) assigned the task of assuring and overlooking the water delivery and sewerage systems in the National Capital Region (NCR) and selected surrounding provinces Maynilad Water and Sewerage Incorporated (MWSI) a private water utilities concessionaire (Manila City zone): for distributing potable water and maintaining (or expanding) existing sewerage services, indirectly use esteros and road drainages e.g. leaks of non revenue waters from water supply pipes and untreated discharges of non-sewered clients Manila City Government including local community government units (Barangays) Informal communities along and in the esteros represents, protects and governs the public including the informal communities; needs capacity building for establishment of local sanitation systems obvious manifestations of severe and worsening housing backlog in Metro Manila and the environmental injustices inherently interconnected with urban primacy, rural poverty, land tenure issues and poverty; communities that have been “legitimized” through their inclusion in the “barangay” – the smallest political unit in the Philippines; some are more organized than the others but most remains threatened by political and environmental hazards of living in filthy, cramped spaces, and of having difficulty to access public utilities and services, and of State evictions; among the most vulnerable sectors to conflagrations and water borne diseases on top of persistent insecurity from lack of land tenure; “scapegoats” for solid wastes disposal into the estero waterways; theirs are also among the major stakes for estero space and estero ecology and their concern speaks of a living space, of a temporary home and opportunities for survival Study Scope and Site Estero de Valencia and its catchment was purposively chosen for this study because apart from being identified by the PRRC to be among the six (6) “key minor tributaries” and point sources of pollution to the Pasig River, it typifies the kind of aging drainage and sanitation infrastructures, population and household densities and their consequences in many other areas in Manila City. The combinations of a number of natural factors and products of historical development e.g. minimal slope gradient, rapidly growing population, increased solid waste production, and historical reclamations of swamps, have made EDV catchment among many low lying areas with low to middle income households frequently flooded. Like many parts of Metro Manila, EDV catchment is only partly served by sewer lines. Those which are connected to a kind of sewerage system are part of only 8% of Metro Manila’s total population. (SEA Presentation, World Bank) Those not served by sewers are let to dispose domestic wastewaters and rain water through roof-leaders (down sprouts), into the drainages clogging inlets and conduits. 12 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Most households rely on individual or collective septic tanks, but a number of households, especially among informal communities live without any. Those without septic tanks discharge raw wastewater directly into the drainages or to EDV itself. Informal communities along the Estero de Valencia easement referred to as “estero communities” in this study, total to about 300 families7 and they represent a distinct wastewater stream to EDV. This wastewater stream includes domestic solid wastes, and is discharged into the Estero de Valencia waters through shallow and narrow pipes from households. Thus, the characteristics of wastewater streams in the EDV drains is a blend partially treated sewage, grey water, raw wastewater and solid wastes similarly as in many other district drainage catchments in Manila. The proposed wastewater treatment system offers concepts and designs to handle these flow streams in the EDV drainages, and can be adapted or replicated in many other estero drainage or river catchments in Manila and perhaps other provinces in the country. The detailed physical and socio-political profile of the EDV catchment follows. Today, the total drainage catchment area of Estero de Valencia is 256.81 hectares. Its upstream areas reach Quezon City, which covers around 25% of the entire channeled catchment area. The slope is steepest at this northernmost portion and substantially diminishes from the Cebu Street. One among many other areas with lowest gradients is what used to be a swamp in the central portion of the catchment (green circle in Fig. 4). It is where rain water naturally accumulates and frequently floods. The southeastern portion of the EDV catchment which is separated by the central ridge (red circle in Fig. 4) was where a swamp enclosing Pureza and Hippodromo Streets along Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard was. (blue circle in Fig. 4) It was developed to be “drainage district 30N” in 1950’s. This area is has been reclaimed and made to be drained by a lateral now called “NL 054”. Urban Hydrology and Drainage Network The drainage block of Estero de Valencia is primarily residential with a number of small scale businesses and schools. For most parts of the drainage catchment, sewage together with grey water is partially treated in septic tanks and then disposed of through the drainages and into the EDV without further treatment. The drainage network is thus described to be a “combined sewer and drainage system”. In general, the drainage network was designed to follow the natural topography, i.e.slope and aspect, of the catchment except for the swamps that were reclaimed and refurbished with drainage pipes. The current drainage network design is composed of five (5) drainage laterals coded as: NL 049, 050, 051; and a main drainage along Visayas Street, coded “DM 10” or Drainage Main 10. This drainage main discharges into the EDV at “Manhole 193”. The profiles of these drainages are summarized in Balogh (2008) and can be requested from certain Philippine authorities. The Estero de Valencia drainage catchment has four (4) major geographic storm and wastewater flow area, where treatment systems can be installed independent of each other or in series. Topography Prior to the development of the Estero de Valencia drainage block, “the natural watershed of Estero de Valencia covers an area of 164 hectares”. (DPWH 1952) To present, the more elevated areas are found on the northern portions along the streets of Santol and Balic-Balic and G. Tuazon. From there, it slopes abruptly towards a low lying basin which used to be large swampy area with an elevation range of 9.60 to 11.0 meters--- below the mean water level of the Pasig River. (Fig. 2) Thus, prior its reclamation and to the installation of the Visayas Drainage Main and the pumping station, this swamp has been continuously under water. (DPWH 1956) Three (3) more pocket swamps in the EDV catchment were the basis for the planned development of the Estero de Valencia drainage block (Figure 3). Fig. 1 Different wastewater sources and streams into EDV: road drains for domestic grey waters; narrow aisles between houses as make shift septic tank; and communal septic tank, Photos taken August-November 2007 7 Compiled from interviews and survey from Barangay Chairmen of Barangays along Estero de Valencia: Barangay 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 576, 633, 634, 636, 628. 13 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Fig. 2 An exaggerated (10 times) topographic image of EDV catchment, Sampaloc, Manila in 3D, with the Pasig River on the foreground Quezon City Fig. 3 Plan showing the 1956 land cover and drainages of Estero de Valencia catchment (DPWH 1952) 14 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Quezon City Fig. 4 Map shows slope of the EDV catchment (Not scaled). Middle ridgeline (red circle) cuts the catchment into the northern and southern slopes. The northern slope naturally drains towards the swampy and low lying area of Visayas St., and the southern slope drains towards the Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard. (DPWH 1956) 15 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Fig. 5 Photos showing conditions of: 1) domestic wastewater pipes directly connected to drainage lines (top left) 2) combined drainage and sewers along narrow alleys in informal communities (top right) 3) clogged drainage inlets (bottom left) and 4) DM10 outfall in EDV almost completely full/submerged (bottom right, lower center of image) Photos taken near Loreto St. and DM10, September 2007 Fig. 6 Photos of: 1) cluster of informal houses along the EDV easement and Quintina Street (top left and right) 2) a child standing on EDV easement in front of his make shift house and an overhanging structure (bottom left) and 3) informal estero community in front of the EDV Pumping station, supplied with drinking water through black rubber tubes hanging on the ester walls along the yellow fence (bottom right) Photos taken in August and September 2007. 16 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila (PAGASA) 8. Type I climate subtypes “has two pronounced seasons” associated with the monsoons. Generally, the dry season begins from November until April. The rest of year is wet. The Estero Aviles Pumping Station (nearest pumping station, west of the Estero de Valencia) has been regularly collecting rainfall data in rain gauges since 2006. This hourly rainfall profile was used to create rainfall scenarios for Estero de Valencia catchment. The graph below summarizes the 2006 rainfall data in the Aviles Pumping Station. Projections or prognosis of average rainfall events for 2016 and 2025 are presented in detail in the thesis of Balogh (2008). The first major inflow is through the DM10 Visayan Drainage Main from north of the catchment, to which at least 3 laterals (NL049, NL050 and NL51) drain to; channeling waters from the streets of Negros, Cebu and Leyte respectively. Collectively they are discharged to EDV at Outfall 02. This whole region is not served by the MWSI sewer network. An “un-profiled” lateral from Luzon Avenue flows directly into the EDV and is identified as Outfall 01. A small scale in line treatment for this lateral has been designed. A more realistic design can be accomplished if this lateral will be re-surveyed and profiled. The second major flow source comes from the southeastern portion of the catchment through the combined contributions of NL053 and NL054, discharged to EDV through combined outfall near “Manhole 225”. NL 054 reaches the south eastern most part of the subcatchment including areas along the Pasig river bank. Parts of these drainage areas are served by the existing MWSI sewer lines but for design purposes, these were assumed to be nonexisting or non-functioning. The third flow sources are contributions from un-profiled/ un-coded, smaller laterals that drain directly to the Estero de Valencia. All relay storm waters, raw and partially treated sewage waters. The discharges of these outfalls have been estimated based on prescribed standards for canals and slope characteristics of their original drainage design. Estimations were done in Balogh (2008). And these “Outfalls” are identified along the streets of: Annual rainfall 2006 600 505,95 500 418,728 Depth [mm] 400 287,431 300 230,125 200 152,629 100 102,814 86,582 57,456 28,808 3,183 18,144 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Month 8 9 10 11 12 Fig. 7 Graph shows the accumulated rainfall for each month in the year 2006 Annual rainfall exceedence 2006 0, 1; 5 31 600 500 73 0, 5; 3 30 50 60 70 1 1 1 1 2 40 80 80 ; 20 70 ; 10 60 ; 0 50 ; 20 ; 0 5 15 10 ; 100 40 ; 200 30 ; 300 1; 2; 27 3 5; ; 14 202 4 92 3 Duration [hr] 400 53 1) Outfall 03: Paltok Street 2) Outfall 04: Prudencio Street 3) Outfall 05: Constancia Street 4) Outfall 06: Lardizabal Street West 5) Outfall 07: Lardizabal Street East 6) Outfall 08: Valencia Street 7) Outfall 09: Nadelco Street 90 Intensity [mm/hr] Fig. 8 Graph shows the number of hours of rain that exceeded certain intensity based on the 2006 Aviles rainfall data (Graphic representation by Balogh, 2008) Together, these point sources or “drainage outfalls” totaled 10; each of them with a delineated subcatchment. These sources are taken to convey both storm waters and “partially” treated wastewater, as most of the households have claimed to have individual or shared septic tanks and as some of the households also claim to have sewerage connections. The fourth flow source is from the formal and informal households along the estero banks. Wastewaters discharged as raw sewage, grey waters or both, directly flushed to the EDV. Daily pattern 1,80 De viatio n fro m averag e 1,60 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 Climate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hours The Climate of Manila is classified as “Type I” according to the Modified Coronas Classification System of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration Fig. 9 Graph average daily water consumption (Graph adapted from figures of European daily consumption pattern) 8 Modified Coronas Classification is a Philippine local climate classification based on rainfall distribution, PAGASA, DOST 17 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Other Environmental hazards clusters of 20-40 households11, or shanties and makeshift dwellings occupying partly or entirely, 0-20 meters of public or private spaces from easements of the estero waterway. (see also Fig. 6) Occasional overhanging structures like temporary stores or kitchen extensions are set up by residents along Estero de Valencia. Their number is considerably less compared to other estero communities in Manila who have encroached and covered almost the entire width of some other esteros. Although measures to reclaim the waterways and the easements have been expressed, the realities of housing shortages and bureaucracy make the processes and the plans of relocating informal communities not viable in the next five years, according to an interview with an MMDA Engineer. From interviews, estero residents along EDV have come to settle illegally on easements, since 2-40 years ago. Most of them found employment in Manila suburbs as laborers. Although some families raise 1 -2 chickens or ducks, no full scale manufacturing and poultry raising activities are present in the cramped spaces of the household clusters. Unemployment can not be officially determined as some are engaged in informal economies. The average household size ranges from 5-6 persons per family. Interviews of barangay community leaders reveal that 1 house in these informal communities is usually is sometimes shared by 2-3 families. Drinking water to these informal settlements is supplied through rubber tubes running from main distribution pipes. They hang in the walls of the estero and into household faucets. Some families have water meters while others fetch water in plastic barrels from neighbors or from public taps. From interviews, all toilets, sinks and bathrooms are made to drain directly to EDV. According to interviewed residents, the lack of spaces at home and bin stations, the irregular and infrequent garbage collection in the informal communities are few of the reasons why household wastes are disposed into the EDV. Interviewed government workers on the other hand, are convinced that the illegal settlers along the esteros are hopelessly undisciplined and should be relocated. Until now, the estero banks remain contested by illegal settlers and government agencies. Tectonic hazards such as earthquakes and consequent liquefaction in flood plain areas are relatively frequent in Manila. But typhoons, tropical depressions and tropical storms and associated hazards e.g. torrential rains, strong winds, storm surges etc are more frequent. These natural hazards must be considered in any infrastructure design in the study site. Population The drainage block includes Zones: 43, 44, 54, 56-59, 62-63 and their Barangays. (Fig. 10) The total population for all barangays in the EDV catchment (including barangays whose areas are not entirely within the EDV catchment boundary) is approximately 136,373.9 The years 2016 and 2025 projections are from year 2000; and were calculated “National annual population growth rate figures” of 2.36% from 1995 to 2000.10 Water sources, Water use and water supplied The Estero de Valencia drainage block corresponds, although not exactly, to the Maynilad Water Services Incorporated (MWSI) Sampaloc Business Zones 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9. (Fig. 11) A number of households use private deep wells as supplementary sources of water but from the survey conducted, their number is fairly low. A total of 86 Barangays comprise the entire EDV catchment but only a portion of Business Zone 6 is connected to the sewer network. Water consumption in a day is expected to peak twice (in the morning and in the evening) as in most cases in other countries. (Fig. 9) For design purposes and simplifications in this thesis, only the estimated average flow rate of wastewater in drainage manholes was used. The table for estimated daily water consumption per barangay is presented in the Results and Discussion chapter and summarized in Table 15. Income levels Income levels in the EDV area are generally categorized to be “low income”, except for the “Class 1 residential area in Piña Private Subdivision on the east part of the catchment” (DPWH 1952). The average household income for each barangay was estimated in the willingness-to-pay survey. The results of the survey are presented in the section “Willingness-to-Pay survey” in the Results and Discussion chapter, Table 51. Informal Communities The informal communities in EDV catchment vary in extent and population. Some are more established and more organized than others but typically, estero communities along the Estero de Valencia refer to 11 “Households” are defined in the Philippines quite similarly as in described in the website: nt-control/planning-terms.asp as: “One person living alone or a group of people (who may or may not be related) living at the same address with common housekeeping, sharing at least one meal a day or occupying a common living or sitting room”. Computed from the 2000 Philippine Census data provided by the Manila City Barangay Bureau 10 Value was taken from the 2000 Philippine Census Report, the latest Philippine National Census commenced in August 2007. 9 18 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Fig. 10 Barangay Map (numbers are BRGY ID numbers) of EDV catchment with manhole subcatchment data layer (Data sourced from Samaploc Business Center, MWSI and Balogh 2008) Solid Waste for more characterization and measurements of solid wastes parameters in EDV. With the total population of EDV catchment, an estimated 17,755 kilograms of garbage is produced daily, a fraction of which finds its way to the estero waters and are collected in the EDV pumping station. Solid waste collection occurs daily in most barangays, but interviews with local residents reveal that collection trucks do not stay long enough to wait for all residents to take out their garbage bags. Solid waste generated per capita in Metro Manila is an average of 0.5 kg per person per day. (ADB 2003) This number does not reflect the variations of solid waste production across varying income ranges in EDV communities and households. Characteristics of solid waste components, especially the amounts of toxic compounds and elements are not available in detail, but their effects and implications on the selection of appropriate wastewater and biosolids treatment facility is very important. This thesis calls 19 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Fig. 11 Map showing barangays in MWSI Sampaloc Business Zones within EDV catchment. (Data sourced from Samaploc Business Center, MWSI and Google Map) Collected solid wastes are transported to landfills and dumpsites outside the city. No materials recovery facility (MRF) in any of the barangays in EDV has been noted in field surveys between August and November 2007. Solid waste (mis)management and the lack of education about solid waste and wastewater treatment systems at the community and household levels are most usual explanations for the “estero problem”. In general, resentment towards people who illegally reside along the estero banks grow from the realities that some of them dispose of their domestic wastes into the estero, worsening the water pollution. Empowerment and capacity building of the estero communities were rarely mentioned in State proposed solutions. The State solution to the issue has been publicly announced several years ago as an urban environment policy to “restore” the esteros primarily by retrieving spaces from the “squatter communities” and by reclaiming the banks and easements of the demeaned rivers, or in simpler words, displacing thousands of people and families. Recent experiences in “rehabilitation” of public spaces e.g. railroad tracks and pedestrian overpasses, by government entailed massive displacement of informal settlers that were often violent. As prescribed relocation sites become fully occupied, government struggles to maintain order in these contested spaces. Since August 2007, the rehabilitation of esteros has been fully mandated to the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA). According to recent reports, a “task force” for streamlining the process of relocating families has been set up. Amid efforts to “clean” esteros, the water quality of the waterway is never given much attention and priority. Efforts to clean the estero meant only “dredging” and maintaining its capacity to discharge untreated wastewater and storm water into the Pasig River. 20 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS PROJECT RATIONALES only be done during non-work and no-rush hours and 40 percent of the West zone comprises depressed areas with no septic tanks. Likewise, the public has poor sanitation awareness and is not keen on desludging their septic tanks.” (World Bank, 2003 p. 29) A ND This section presents three research problems that are very interrelated. They occur in combinations not just in EDV catchment but in many other densely populated cities and districts in the capital region. Further, the report reveals that “the allocation for sewerage and sanitation are sacrificed to address high demands for water supply. As consequence, sewerage and sanitation have been relegated a small portion of the budget despite having fives times the investment cost for the water supply” (World Bank, PEM, p. 23). According to the Medium Term development Plan (MTDP) “investment trends in sanitation have been increasing in recent years but are due to decline in the near future”. (World Bank, PEM 2003, p. 28) A realistic scenario was described by the head of Sewerage Department, MWSI in interview: “the sewerage network upgrading is a priority project”. However, no plans for network expansion and inclusion of non sewered areas were mentioned. According to the World Bank’s Projected Investment Plan, the conjectural amount of Php 25 Billion per year for physical infrastructure for wastewater and sanitation, for the next 10 years would experience constraints like insufficiency of funds, site and rightof-way acquisition, environmental and social problems among others. Thus, it has recommended a phased implementation schedule such as an up scale model of a given system in Figure 13 which could eventually be upgraded or built up into a full blown wastewater treatment system in the future. Such model features collecting and intercepting wastewaters and diverting to a sewage treatment facility, prior to discharge into creeks. It only functions in the dry season, and is thus called a “dry weather flow interceptor” (DWF). The framework provides the foundations from which the proposed wastewater treatment system in this thesis takes from. This thesis address the limitation of the DWF interceptor by designing a system that will possibly treat wastewater flows even in average rain conditions until 2025, and that can also be implemented in phases. This paper addresses this issue by proposing a continuous treatment system “in line” or along the existing drainage network. Financial, spatial and institutional limitations to establish centralized sewerage treatment system Republic Act (RA) 6234, the creation of the Metropolitan Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System Administration (MWSS) in 1971, delegated (MWSS) as the primary enforcer to “construct, properly operate and maintain water systems, for drinking and others, sewerage, sanitation and other public services vital to public health and safety in the National Capital Region (NCR) including some cities of nearby provinces.” It has been declared a policy of the state that the establishment, operation and maintenance of such systems must be supervised and controlled by the State.12 But the privatization of MWSS in 1997--- a strategy listed first among nine conventional sources of funds financing sewerage and sanitation program by a World Bank report13, led to the creation of two concessionaires, Manila Water Company Incorporated (MWCI) and Maynilad Water Services Incorporated (MWSI). Each respectively, handles the “East” and the “West” zones of Metro Manila’s water pipes and distribution networks. However, to present, many areas remain “nonsewered”; relying mostly on drainage lines to rid domestic and commercial grey water and sewage. (Fig. 14) Estero de Valencia drainage catchment is partially included in the MWSI west Business zone (Business Zones 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9), but only a limited portion is served by the existing sewer line. According to the World Bank Environment Monitor Report 2003, the “privatization laid the foundation for improvements in the sewerage and sanitation services which experiences delays due to a number of reasons, but specifically for MWSI: “MWSI had difficult time in accelerating desludging services because such services could Conveyance of untreated storm and wastewater through drainage system into the Estero de Valencia (EDV) and the consequent flooding Meanwhile, the existing drainage system of EDV is expected to continue to convey at least about 130,000 peoples’ sewage and greywater; while draining about 256 hectares of low lying basin. The EDV drainage network represents the underground channeled flow streams of combined storm and wastewaters. The five (5) profiled drainage laterals and a main drainage line, ends in ten (10) identified outfalls relaying untreated storm and wastewater into the Estero de Valencia at different flow rates. Law states that privatization of MWSS should not be an option, but concessions were approved and distributed in 1997 13 World Bank Philippine Environment Monitor 2003 p 29, recommended that national assistance and training efforts concentrate on these nine areas: 1) privatization, 2) internal revenue allotment, 3) special levies, 4) development fees (permits, development impact fees and groundwater protection fees), 5) surplus funds, 6) sewerage surcharges, 7) property tax, 8) credit and 9) other private sector finance beneficiary cash contributions, contributions in kind and user fees) 12 21 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Storm water or run off quality and quantity in EDV catchment are mainly dependent on land cover and seasonal precipitation in the catchment. Qualities and quantities of domestic wastewaters, including solid wastes, can be generalized as mixture of grey water, sewage, wastewaters from wet market place, carwash services, restaurants and hair salons. No large scale manufacturing activity was registered in EDV. The combination of storm and wastewater puts enormous loads in the drainages, and aggravates the flooding hazard vulnerability of the catchment. A pumping station flushes untreated EDV waters into the Pasig River and annually hauls about 360 cubic meters14 of solid wastes with mechanical grits. Symptoms an ineffective and overloaded drainage system include local floods which manifest similarly as “overflows” in clogged manholes and inlets because of heavily silted drains, especially in the monsoon season (June – early September). Flooding is not simply a consequence of overloaded drains. It is also the reason why wastewater treatment projects can not be adequately funded yet. According to the World Bank PEM, 2003: Lack of systematic programme to improve water quality of EDV Section 8 of the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 states: “Within five (5) years following the effectivity of this Act, the agency vested to provide water supply and sewerage facilities and/or concessionaires in Metro Manila and other highly urbanized cities (HUC’s) as defined in Republic Act No. 7160, in coordination with LGUs, shall be required to connect the existing sewage line found in all subdivisions, condominiums, commercial centers, hotels, sports and recreational facilities, hospitals, market places, public buildings, industrial complex and other similar establishments including households to available sewerage system: Provided, that the said connection shall be subject to sewerage services charge/fees in accordance with existing laws, rules or regulations unless the sources had already utilized their own sewerage system: Provided, further, that all sources of sewage and septage shall comply with the requirements herein. In areas not considered as HUCs, the DPWH in coordination with the Department, DOH and other concerned agencies, shall employ septage or combined sewerage-septage management system.” 15 “Wastewater treatment facilities with large spatial footprints can not be accommodated by high density low income suburban areas. Conventional sewerage projects and expansions cannot be realized because of other urgent and conduit issues like solid waste management, lack of sewerage network, inefficient drainage systems, water supply.” (World Bank, PEM, 2003, p. 29) The Manila Third Sewerage Project (MTSP) is an US $85 million-World Bank assisted initiative by the Manila Water Company Incorporated (MWCI), for building combined sewage-drainage systems, modernized large scale septic tank de-sludging program, education campaigns, off site and underground sewage treatment facilities, from 2005 to 2010 in the “East Zone” concession. However, no systemic counterpart project in the “West Zone” been disclosed yet. This means that EDV catchment and the rest of the “West zone” esteros will continue to collect sewage. There are plans of upgrading the existing sewerage network but because of the density of built up area in Manila, the installation of centralized sewage treatment system seems too costly an option. Constructions of new sewer lines across non sewered areas can be highly disruptive and capital intensive. This idea is also reflected in the Philippine Environment Monitor of 2003: Flooding has been a perennial “experience” and a familiar “reality” not just in the EDV catchment but in Manila City in general. Drainage lateral, NL 049, particularly manhole “iii 11A4197”, was especially noted for “urgent works” because of frequent clogging. (JICA 2000) According to local residents, the low lying basin around Cebu and Pureza Streets are usually flooded even with slight downpours of rains. The current conditions of the drainages and the practices in drainage maintenance are the reasons, challenges and opportunities for introducing a wastewater treatment system along the drains without compromising the capacity of drainages to discharge storm waters. This thesis highlights that many problems occur and accrue in the drainages, and thus proposes solutions for it and in it. “Even with highly urbanized cities, the implementation of a conventional sewerage project cannot be realized in the short term because of other environmental concerns facing the LGU’s such as solid waste management, drainage, water supply etc.” (World Bank, PEM, 2003, p. 26) 14 Figure value for year 2006, taken from the Report of Flood Control Division “Volume of Garbage Accumulated and Uncollected from each Pumping Station, MMDA RA 9275: is the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 15 22 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Aligned with the implementation of the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, prioritization of Government investments for sanitation and principles of participative community development, this project specifically aims to: Traditional urban water management had physically, philosophically and institutionally compartmentalized water supply, sewerage and storm waters leading to “sub-optimal outcomes”. (Wong 2008) There is thus a need for a new paradigm that would allow infrastructural development with goals of hazard minimization and better urban ecology. This thesis operates in a framework and contributes to the establishment of new approaches to traditional wastewater management, such that sanitation and wastewater treatment technologies can provide solutions based on pressing local realities not just for “environmental protection from a threat but as a valuable resource for the benefit of the communities.” (Trejo 2007) Figure 15 encapsulates flow paths and presents the drainage system as a nexus of “wastes” sources and environmental hazards (flooding and estero deterioration) in which technological interventions such as a continuous combined storm and wastewater treatment system could be introduced. This paradigm is most useful for densely populated urban areas without sewerage networks and with limited spaces and funds for an off site and centralized wastewater treatment plant. Understanding the urban hydrology, drainage profiles, water supply trajectories and community sanitation practices is crucial to contextualize the technological system that can optimize the existing urban infrastructures and achieves an effective continuous flow storm and wastewater treatment system like an “in-line, integrated storm and wastewater treatment system”. This thesis thus addresses the following questions: 1) Propose wastewater and storm waters treatment methods or combinations of methods to achieve the standards for effluents to Inland Waters Class C in the DAO 35. The proposed measures and systems are primarily for reduction of four parameters and wastewater constituents i.e. Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Nitrogen (TKN) and Phosphorus and Total coliforms; 2) Design the unit processes, configurations and installations to satisfy operational requirements of: a) minimal capital/ infrastructural costs, area footprint and skilled maintenance; and 2) flexibility to seasonal variations in volumetric and organic loadings; for several selected and optimal sites, along the existing drainage network in EDV catchment appropriate for until years 2016 or 2025; and 3) Propose implementation guidelines for management, operation and maintenance of the proposed design e.g. treatment by-pass procedures, including financial challenges according to amount willing to be paid by residents. M E T H O DO L O G I E S AND LIMITATIONS A review of related literature was done on selected technologies, published literature and models from pilot or full scale treatment plant studies. An overview is presented in the section Review of Related Literature. Because of the lack of regular parameter measurements on wastewater characteristics and flows in the drainages on site, a number of estimation had to be done based on available information. 1) How can Estero de Valencia waterscape be rehabilitated through an integrative wastewater treatment system along the drainages? 2) What will be the features of an appropriate EDV combined storm and wastewater treatment system, considering aspects of the site’s physical and socio economic geographies e.g. hydrology, wastewater characteristics, public acceptability and sustainability? THE OBJECTIVES Ultimately this study embodies an alternative paradigm for wastewater treatment system in EDV. It views drainages as potential sites for wastewater treatment which through appropriate technologies can benefit local communities. Fig. 12 Photo on left shows grits and back hoe used to rid the estero pumping station of solid wastes. Photo on right shows wide assortment of solid wastes trapped at the closed gate of the pumping station. Photos taken in September 2007 23 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Fig. 13 Development of drainage and sewerage infrastructure including an intermediate option for combined sewers, taken from World Bank (2003) Philippine Environment Monitor 2003, p. 27 Fig. 14 Photo on the top left shows typical connection of house roof leaders and domestic wastewater pipe directly into the road drains; photo on the bottom left shows manholes along Leyte St. (foreground) and Visayas Drainage Main behind; photo on top right shows resident doing laundry on the street and disposing wastewater to the drain and photo on bottom right, is the Estero de Valencia Pumping station. (Photos taken, September 2007) 24 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Characterization of load for years 2016 and 2025 The above mentioned estimated flow rates (dry and wet) for each drainage conduit and manholes were derived from SWMM model of Balogh (2008). The loads in different manholes are calculated from the estimated flow rates and the parameter (BOD and TKN) concentrations. These data are estimated for each profiled manhole in the EDV drainage system. These projected figures for each manhole are cumulative down the drainage lines. The manhole information is the basis for optimal treatment site selection and for treatment installations. For design purposes, only the average flow rates and projected concentrations for dry and wet weather were used. Using the average flow rates introduces a number of risks that have to be considered for implementation and assessment of the designed treatment system. Rainfall Data Projection Storm water flow rates are based on interpolated monthly rain distribution from the 4-year data base. Available hourly rainfall data from year 2003-2006 was collected from MMDA-PAGASA rain gauge station nearest the EDV catchment, “Science Garden Station.” Estimation details are discussed in Balogh (2008). Another available hourly rainfall data source (year 2006) is from the adjacent pumping station, “Aviles Pumping Station”. From the Aviles 2006 rainfall data, the maximum and average rainfall event-curve of 2006 was derived. The average and maximum rainfall curves have been projected using the LogPearson Type III distribution (Chow et al 1988 in Balogh 2008) for year 2025. The result yielded the maximum intensity rain that can be expected to occur until 2025 (inclusive of 2016). Using the projected peak intensities for 2025, the “design rain event” has been created and was used as an input to the SWMM. The “design rain event” is such a rain event which occurs once between 2006 and 2025. This design rain event was applied in SWMM to get the maximum hydraulic loads in the drainage lines. For the purposes of combined storm water and wastewater, this “design rainfall event” was considered a “by – pass” condition and is more relevant for drainage pipe designs. According to Balogh (2008) design rain event for until 2025 yielded a maximum rainfall of 92.5 mm depth occurring in 1 hour. The design storm or rain event is presented in Figure 16. The “average rain events” for 2016 and 2025 have been computed from the Aviles 2006 monthly hourly rainfall data. (Fig. 17) A rank list of the rains in 2006 has been made using the ratio of maximum intensity and average intensity that yielded the “maximum – average rain intensity-duration” curve. These average values have been used for designing the combined storm and wastewater treatment system. Using these average flow rate values introduces invalid concentrations and loadings especially during times of minimum and maximum daily wastewater production. Balogh (2008) has used one of many methods to estimate and project rainfall for future scenarios. These results are the only hydrological information and prognosis accessible and available to the author at the time of this writing. This complimenting thesis work of Balogh (2008), including its projections and recommendations were directly used and quoted. Flow rate estimation: The flow rate estimation is discussed in more detail in the complimenting thesis: “GIS based Hydraulic Model of Estero de Valencia, Manila Philippines” of Balogh (2008). Flow rates along the drainages were derived by identifying subcatchments of each component drainage manhole. Each drainage subcatchment was identified and overlaid with the barangay boundary data and with the MWSI zones (with figures of supplied volume, billed volume and NRW) to derive the wastewater production per barangay and per subcatchment. The estimation of wastewater production is discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. The barangay population data and population projections were used to estimate not just the wastewater production per capita but also the average water consumption per barangay for 2016 and 2025. The dry weather flow rate in this thesis meant the average daily wastewater production. Without rainfall, only domestic wastewater flows in the drains. The dry weather flow varies within the day with patterns of water consumption, and the supplied water volume provided by the utilities company (MWSI). This wastewater discharges are composed of grey water, sewage (partially treated and raw) and portions of water pipe leakages from households, water pipes and establishments. For the treatment system design purposes, only the “average daily wastewater production” and flow rate was used, equivalent to the dry weather flow rate. The wet weather flow rate includes the rainfall in the drains and is thus, the sum of domestic wastewater production and the average rain projected for years 2016 and 2025. For treatment design, it is assumed that the rainwater adds to the volumetric dry weather flow, dilutes concentrations of average dry weather flow constituents and adds other constituents e.g. grease and oil. Safety factors used to account for higher BOD concentrations in combined storm and wastewater streams. Preliminary unit operations were included and designed to handle additional loads from “first flush” and other typical storm waters constituents like grease and oils, organic and inorganic sediments and solid wastes. Wastewater Production Estimation Dry Weather Flow Wastewater production in the EDV catchment was derived from the MWSI (Sampaloc Business Center) supplied volume data from 2004-2006. The data is a summary of monthly supplied water volume for each of the 9 constituent zones. 25 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER D G R D G R D S S G R Drainage route downstream with cumulative flow rate, drain area and load Decentralized “inline” treatment system installations SP Fig. 15 The framework of “Inline wastewater treatment system” where drainages are represented to be sites of the problem and sites where interventions can be introduced SP SP S Storm and wastewater on the drains: D = Direct rain fall R = run off G = Gray water S = Sewage raw Sp = septage The supplied volume measures the sum of client billed volume and “non revenue waters” (NRW). The NRW is composed of the illegally tapped water, leakages and pipe losses. Sampaloc business zone data reveals that only an average of 30% of the monthly supplied volume is being billed or legally paid for. And around 70% of the supplied volume is NRW or “lost”. Only 50% of the NRW was considered to be flowing directly into the drains, the rest are assumed to be supplied water that seeps through the ground or gets evaporated. Suppliedvo lume = 0 .30 billedvolu me + It is assumed that the whole area of EDV is not covered by the existing sewerage network of MWSI, such that all sewage waters end up in the drainage system. This assumption could be realistic, but can introduce overestimations of loads in certain manholes. The wastewater production was projected for years 2016 and 2025 by adjusting the billed volume values that represents water demand. 0.65Suppliedvolume = wastewaterproduction = = 0.30billedvolume + 0.35 NRW + 0 .7 NRW For a non conservative estimation of the wastewater production in EDV catchment, all “used” water ending up in the drainages was considered and thus, 65% (30% billed volume + 35% of NRW) of the MWSI supplied volume in zones within the EDV drainage catchment was used as total wastewater produced. 26 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila The population was projected using the 2.36% annual growth rate from Philippine Census of 2000 and so were their equivalent wastewater production. In barangays outside Manila city, and in barangays without population data, the estimated wastewater production was derived from the average wastewater production per unit area per year. The estimation assumes that the population density and wastewater generation in the Quezon City is most likely the same as in Manila City, but the fact is that, the barangays in Quezon City are with lower population density. This yields a probable overestimation of wastewater production, but can be regarded as “safety precaution and assumption” of the treatment system design. All these methods were done with GIS tools for spatial computing. Note that a population-based estimation for wastewater production in EDV (e.g. multiplying an average wastewater production per capita of 150 liters per capita per day, to the catchment population) was not preferred because of the limitations in population data available (latest publication was that of Philippine Census 2000). In some barangays the computed average water consumption per capita is less than 100 liters while others have values of more than 200 liters per day. This value can be explained by the fact that in many barangays, water supply connections are limited, illegal or defective, while in others are properly working and with meters correctly read. The 2.36% national population growth rate (NSO, 2000), could be in fact lower than the Sampaloc growth rate figures. The income ranges and patterns of water consumption and diet among residents also vary widely. To account for a more accurate and realistic wastewater flow volume, the water supplied data was used as basis for this thesis. Design storm for 2025 92.5 Intensity[m m ] 100 80 60 40 20 10.9 4.4 4.1 3.4 4 5 0 1 2 3 Elapse d time [hr] Fig. 16 Projected design rain events for 2025 Graph results lifted from Balogh (2008) Average rainfall for 2016 Intensity [mm] 10 9 8 6.5 6 4 2 0.3 0.6 0.5 4 5 1.3 1.7 1.7 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 Elapsed time [hr] Average rainfall for 2025 Intensity [mm] 12 10.5 10 7.5 8 6 4 2 0.3 0.8 0.6 4 5 1.4 2 2 7 8 0 1 2 3 6 Elapsed time [hr] Fig. 17 Graphs of estimated average rain events for 2016(top) and 2025 (bottom), lifted from Balogh (2008) GIS and Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) SWMM model results were lifted from Balogh (2008) where a Digital Elevation model (DEM) was created in GIS environment from the manhole elevation data and topographical survey collected from the Study of Existing Drainage Laterals (JICA 2000). From the digital elevation model, hydrologic properties of the catchment were derived e.g. flow direction and accumulation were derived to delineate further the subcatchments within the EDV catchment block. (Fig. 18) Surface topography interpolated from manhole elevations and contours have inherent spatial errors. The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) package (open source software from the U.S. EPA) computes and models the channel flow in the drainage catchment given a rain event. The SWMM model can simulate hydrological events including dry weather flow in drainage lines and flooding in the catchment and its components. Since not all drainages were profiled, (especially the ones outside Manila City administrative border) estimated slopes and lateral cross sections had to be interpolated. For 2016 projections, the 2006 billed volume was increased by the national population growth rate of 2.36% per year such that the billed volume (the water demand of increased population) is 10% more than the 2006 figure, while the NRW is assumed to not change. 0.75Suppliedvo lume 2006 = wastewater production 2016 = = 0.40billedvolu me + 0.35 NRW For the year 2025, the billed volume was projected accordingly (with the population growth rate) as well, such that the billed volume is 18% more than in 2006. The NRW for 2025 is assumed to have decreased by 2 % from 2006, to account for possibilities of infrastructural improvements. 0 .81 Suppliedvo lume 2006 = = wastewater production 2025 = = 0 .48 billedvolu me + 0 .33 NRW 27 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER The model considered pipe profiles as they were designed. In reality, the drainage pipes are mostly filled with silt and different sediments and solid wastes. It is important thus to the implementation of the proposed inline treatment design, that drainage conduits are cleared and maintained for treatment operations. More recommendations for drainage maintenance are provided in Balogh (2008). Table 2. Metadata for Wastewater Production Estimation: Wastewater Characterization: BOD and the TKN load Since no exact and on site measurements of wastewater quality parameters are available e.g. drainage wastewater quality. A survey of published figures on typical sewage and wastewater characteristics from other countries were gathered and taken as proxy values for EDV catchment. Specifically, for TKN production per capita, the published values for Japan, (1-3 g TKN/ person*day) was used to estimate for TKN production in EDV. Japanese diet (rise based and fish proteins) closely resemble, at least the Filipino food consumption. BOD and TKN loading in a manhole were estimated by using published data. Qian et al (1998) provided a production rate in Metro Manila of 40 g BOD/per capita per day; and Metcalf and Eddy (2003) presented the average Japanese TKN production rated per capita per day of 1-3 g TKN/ capita per day. The above values were modified to accommodate errors and safety factors i.e. to account for organic constituents other than from domestic wastewater sources, (e.g. solid wastes, road litter), solid wastes and other organic constituents from rainwater runoff. For BOD, a value of 45 gBOD/per capita per day was used. As recommended by the reviewer (Morling, S.) a BOD: N ratio of 7-8:1 would be usually used in design practice. Thus, 7.5 gTKN/per capita per day was also used for further calculations. These values are multiplied to the estimated population figures to yield a BOD and TKN daily load in [g/day] for each manhole subcatchment. These BOD and TKN production per capita figures were used and assumed to be valid until year 2025. The BOD and TKN concentrations in wastewaters in wet weather were computed as the product of the BOD and TKN production per day and the dry or wet weather flow rates. Qualitative data was collected by EDV catchment appraisal and was complimented by gathering data through semi-structured interviews, focused group discussions and survey. Data Data type Data Source Supplied water volume, billed volume and non revenue water volume 20042007 Spreadsheet, monthly data per Sampaloc Business zone Maynilad Waters System Incorporated, (MWSI) Sampaloc Business Center Population and number of households per Barangay 2000 Spreadsheet, population figures per barangay Philippine Census 2000, Manila City Barangay Bureau Barangay boundaries CAD/ GIS layer, referenced MWSI Sampaloc Business zones boundaries CAD/ GIS layer, referenced MWSI and businesses was used to survey a range of amount willing to be paid by residents across the EDV catchment. Neumann Optimum function was used to determine the optimal sample size from a total household population of 30, 186 of all 85 barangays. The standard error defined for this sampling is 0.5%. From a preliminary sample of ten (10) barangays with five (5) household respondents each, the determined optimal sample was 972 households for the entire EDV catchment area. Proportionate sample allocation per barangay was determined such that depending on the household population of a barangay, the proportionate numbers of respondents were surveyed. Unfortunately, only 505 household respondents from 83 barangays were successful surveyed out of the optimal 972 households. This survey’s results introduce more statistical inaccuracies than planned. The scenario developed for the questionnaire is the installation of compact filter-interceptors along major drainage lines and manholes, to treat influent wastewaters discharged into the drains by households and business segments of the catchment and to help rehabilitate EDV. Some of the surveyed forms were distributed to local community leaders and the rest were conducted personally by the author. The survey was undertaken from August to November 2007. The survey does not fully address scope of public acceptability component of this study because of limited resources. A full perception surveys can be conducted in the future. Bias and errors introduced in the WTP survey include: Willingness to pay survey The Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) survey is a method of soliciting the maximum amount the residents of EDV catchment are willing to pay for a proposed wastewater treatment infrastructure. This survey also carried out supplementary questions to estimate a number of other socio-economic conditions and opinions related to this thesis. For the sampling design, a stratified random sampling method of households (formal and informal houses) 1) Errors from false answers 2) Non binding document and survey of WTP 3) Institutional biases 4) Incomplete and imperfect information 28 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Table 3. Input parameters in the model and metadata used in the SWMM model (Balogh 2008) Data Data type Data Source Conduit profiles and original designs: Spread sheet, CAD file JICA Study 2000, from MMDA Spreadsheet, population figures per barangay JICA Study 2000, from MMDA Manning’s roughness coefficient Spreadsheet for drainage design Central Manila Division, MMDA Time series of rain events Spreadsheet, hourly rainfall data PAGASA- MMDA Rainfall gauging stations (Aviles and Science Garden stations); Balogh (2008) notes Time series of dry weather flow rates Spreadsheet, hourly pattern for each manhole (using Assumed wastewater production Cross-section area, diameters, conduit length surface and invert elevation Estero de Valencia cross-sections 0, 100, 300, 340, 400, 450, 500, 560, 615 Other limitations There are substantial study gaps on the wastewater production and quality in the EDV catchment. Such arises from the difficulties in collecting information on water consumption e.g. on illegal connections, household population etc. Actual on site measurement of the wastewater parameters in the conduits were not available. Also, the effects of solid wastes on the organic load in the drainage pipes were lacking. Such can only be considered in the application of safety factors in the design. Unfortunately, this research study alone can not address all the data gaps needed for very detailed design. The value of this work can be mostly attributed to the ideas of alternative system it proposes and designs. This research necessitates pilot studies for design calibration and testing. For the hydrological calculations, this research has adapted approximate the rainfall patterns in the EDV catchment from available rainfall data from near by sources, (Aviles Pumping station and Science Garden rain gauge station) from Balogh (2008) with a model assuming minimal infiltration. The catchment subsurface/groundwater flow dynamics were also ignored in the design process. Solid waste constituent characterizations on the study site were not available in the time of this writing. Solid wastes contribute to the pollutants’ load in the drainages and will consequently affect not just the choice of wastewater treatment system but also of the biosolids management system. Most of the designs and recommendations were lifted from published materials e.g. textbook of Metcalf and Eddy (2003) and EPA (2000) on existing techniques and methodologies for various wastewater treatment systems design. Thus, the capacities and the efficiencies discussed and taken herein were not from independent laboratory experiment but from published experimental researches, reviews, manufac- Flood Control turer’s information and full scale plant study for specific unit processes. Most of the given formulas quoted from other publication were taken as they are, and were not proven in this Master’s thesis, design project. It is thus highly recommended to pursue further experimental investigation to validate this thesis treatment system designs and findings. Fig. 18 Snap photo of flow direction and flow accumulation model for EDV catchment in GIS software interface Fig. 19 Drilled Metal plates and different hole geometries for surface filtration, taken from Dickenson (1997) 29 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Review of Related Literature “Holistic technologies” are “schemes that require knowledge, experience discernment over a given situation” highlighting the importance of “variant and dynamic” contexts; and more importantly, as what differentiates it from “prescriptive technologies”; intends to minimize disaster rather than to maximize gain. (Franklin 2001) The first part of this literature review presents an overview of highly relevant methodologies and processes published to be effective for achieving the pre selected constituent removal or reduction. The second part presents related concepts and frameworks for selection, management and the intended benefits of particular treatment systems. Table 4. According to several sources, typical concentration values and ranges (in mg/L) for TSS Strauss et al (1997) and Mara (1978) Typical values for tropical countries (g/m3) MWSS Typical septic tank analysis (g/m3) Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in municipal wastewater (g/m3) Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in combined sewers and drainage systems (g/m3) EDV waters baseline data (PRRC, 2007) (g/m3) Definitions and Concept background This chapter briefly presents operational definitions of frequently used concepts, parameters and terms mentioned in this thesis. Total Suspended solids (TSS) Total suspended solids are described “categorically” as particulate solids that can be filtered out (usually by Whitglass filter, of 1.28µm) after evaporating a water sample by 105° Centigrade. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) Consequently, different sites at the EDV catchment have a variety of TSS concentration values. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Soluble BOD BOD is the typical parameter used to measure the amount of biodegradable organic matter in wastewater. Soluble BOD is the fraction of organic matter in dissolved form. Because no exact data for EDV wastewaters for sBOD was available, a fixed fraction of 0.6 BOD was used for sBOD constituent. Nitrogen and Phosphorus compounds Nitrogen, Phosphorus and their compounds are oftentimes referred to as “nutrients”. But in large quantities, they create imbalances in water bodies such that certain organisms thrive and dominate the ecosystem resulting in “eutrophication”. Total coliform Total coliform is one of the most often used indicators and measured, among many other pathogenic organisms in wastewaters. In take of coliform bacteria can lead to gastrointestinal problems, thus remain to be a major public hazard if not reduced or removed in waters. Biosolids Referred traditionally as “sludge”, is a collective term for harmful by-product of various biological processes in wastewater treatment operations, occurring in a mixture of liquid and solids. Biofilm “Biofilm” refers to the thin layer of “slime” that grows in fixed surfaces capable of assimilating and degrading substrates in influent wastewaters. 200-700 90-120 120-370 270-550 20 Table 5. Typical values for BOD in wastewaters according to different sources Strauss et al (1997) and Mara (1978) Typical values for tropical countries (g/m3) MWSS Typical septic tank analysis 3 (g/m ) Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in municipal wastewater (g/m3) Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in combined sewers and drainage systems (g/m3) EDV baseline data (PRRC, 2007) BOD5 (g/m3) 250-1250 150-250 120-380 60-220 40 Table 6. Typical values of N and P constitituents in wastewaters according to surveyed literature. 30 Strauss et al (1997) and Mara (1978) Typical values for tropical countries NH4-N (g/m3) MWSS Typical septic tank analysis NO2 – N (g/m3) Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in municipal wastewater TKN (g/m3) 30-70 Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in combined sewers and drainage systems TKN (g/m3 ) and 3 Total P (g/m ) EDV baseline data (PRRC, 2007) 3 Nitrate-N and Phosphate-P (g/m ) 4-17 TKN 1.2-2.8 n/d 20-705 <0.010; 1.38 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila properties of which, must be able to mechanically separate at least 20mm of solid particles. The coarse surface screening handle particles of the size of about 12-50 mm size such as rock debris, branches, leaves, plastics etc (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). Such coarse screens must be rigid enough to handle not just weight of screenings but additional pressure from vehicles and possibly pedestrians. Perforated metal plates or drilled plates are strong filter media which could be made durable for road inlet straining. (Fi.g. 19). And to reduce flow resistance and clogging, Dickenson (1997) recommends a conical or “stepped holes” geometry in a thick plate. Drill metal plates installed must be regularly maintained and secured. In dry weather, the inlet metal plates can be fixed with a woven mesh screen bag, of finer openings hole as support container that can be emptied of trapped fine solids and can be reused regularly. (Fig. 21) The preliminary solids separation for the CSWWTS in EDV at the road inlet only separates solids from the roads. Successive screens or filters must also be installed along the drains, to separate solids in the conduits from the household pipes connected to the drains. Tangential flow screening is among other “fine screens” developed for removal of floatable and other solids especially for combine sewer overflows. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) The technical unit involves a continuous separation process and without any moving parts. (Fig. 20) A unit requires small area; and is suitable for installations inline with the drains. Such can also be easily maintained. It is composed of a separation chamber and a cylindrical screen (to about 1 mm screening) where wastewater or surface water can pass in a circular motion while deflecting the solids towards the center. (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003) The solids can then be collected in the bottom central sump, while the floatables are trapped in the removable cylindrical chamber screen. (Williams 2000, in Metcalf and Eddy 2003) This kind of stationary, non powered, fine screen is a manageable option for an inline installation. The chamber it self can be adjusted to detain and accommodate a small fraction of storm water and help alleviate early discharge. The net effect of such detention chambers are mentioned in Balogh (2008), as measured by its “retention efficiency” especially during historic rainfall records (Bekele et al 1993 in Argue 1995). Head loss calculation through the fine screens was provided in Metcalf and Eddy, (2003) and notes that fine screens should be preceded by coarse screens especially in combined storm and sanitary collection systems and especially during the “first flush”. Other fine screens options e.g. fine screen plates and rotary drum screens are presented in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) and is summarized in Table 8 Since drains are known for accumulating fragments and bulks of solid wastes and solid particles of all sorts, e.g. sand, rocks and debris; multiple solids separation units along the drainage network is integral to the design to avoid deposition of particles along the conduits in case of reduced flow rate causing clogged drains and wearing out of subsequent treatment installations e.g. RBC’s and “biotowers”. Table 7. Typical measured values of coliforms from different literature Strauss et al (1997) and Mara (1978) Typical values for tropical countries Helminth eggs (nµm/L) MWSS Typical septic tank analysis Total Coliform and Fecal Colifrom (MPN/100 ml) Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in municipal wastewater Fecal Coliform (MPN/100 ml) Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Typical values in combined sewers and drainage systems Fecal Coliform (MPN/100 ml) EDV baseline data (PRRC, 2007) Total and Fecal Coliform (MPN/100 ml) 300-2000 6 7 10 -10 5 7 10 - 10 105-106 5 24 x 10 Principles for Solids separation Solid waste constituents in the wastewater stream, along the drains and in the estero waterways are to be addressed foremost in a CSWWTS. The Solid Waste study reveals the average solid waste production in the National Capital Region is 0.5 kg per capita per day, composed mostly, (50%) food and other organics, (25%) plastics and (12%) paper.16 (ADB 2003) It is important to note that different sectors and socio-economic groups will produce different amounts and kinds of solid wastes. The disposal and management of which is even more difficult an issue but is integral to the implementation and operation of an in line wastewater treatment system. The volume of solid wastes accumulated and disposed from the Estero de Valencia Pumping Station reached 1035 cubic meters in 2002; and from years 2003 to 2006 has been slowly decreasing from 554 to 725 to 418 and to 360 cubic meters each year. These solid wastes are not sorted and are typically mixtures of non-biodegradable materials and organic wastes from communities along the estero and from sources upstream. (EDV Pumping Station Report, MMDA 2006) Screening, which is the physical separation of solids from the liquid carrier by straining materials larger than the pore sizes or holes of the screen, is a an important step to ensure the efficiency of the subsequent treatment methods. Since the drainage has a number of solid waste entry points, e.g. road side inlets, household pipes connected to the conduits, series of screens must be used along the drainage lines or surfaces. The materials and 16Waste Analysis and Characterization Survey (WACS) reveals remaining solid waste characterization: 5% met als, 4% residual, 3% glass and 1% special/ hazardous waste 31 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Principles for Total Suspended Solids Reduction Solids separation is crucial to the capacity of an in line combined storm and wastewater treatment system and pose the biggest challenge for such a wastewater treatment system management. Sedimentation is among the most practical methods of separating solids from influent wastewater in the preliminary treatment stage. This process of separation of solids mostly relies on differential densities of particles that if allowed ample time, will settle naturally because of gravity. Solid particle settling in a still fluid has “vertical velocity or settling rate proportional to the particle density and the square of its diameter, and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the fluid.” (Dickenson 1997) The typical BOD and TSS performance of primary settling tanks is represented as a function of detention time, in a graph from Greeley (1938) in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) following the relationship that was quoted from Crites and Tchobanoglous (1998). The functions are hyperbolas dependent on 2 empirical constants at 20 °C. (Fig. 22) The function presented may have been from most well maintained settings reflecting only the most optimum performances. For safer assumptions, a lower BOD and TSS removal will have to be expected for the proposed units. The design consideration for setting up a sedimentation tank considers the influent flow rates and flow velocity to estimate a maximum depth and retention time for settling to be optimal apart from controlling thermal stratification, eddy currents and wind induced circulation cells. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) Particle separation by settling can be achieved in designed chamber also acting as flow buffer in dry or wet weather. A primary sedimentation tank is an infrastructure that could be difficult to maintain and monitor if built underground, but may prove to be useful if configured and integrated for an “inline” system or for future upgrading. Tangential or cylindrical fine screens in chambers can thus be re adjusted to serve as a basin and surface filter along the drainage lines. Instead of using just one fine screen, the chamber can be fitted and sized Fig. 20 Image of a tangential flow fine screen filter, downloaded from manufacturer’s website. Figure was taken from SurfSep’s (manufacturer) website. to allow settling of solids to a collecting chute, which could be lined with micro screen bucket to collect settled solids. The volume of the chamber directly influences the retention times and thus the TSS removal capacity. From the graph provided by Metcalf and Eddy (2003) for settling tanks, influent wastewaters with TSS concentrations of 100-300 g/m3, can be (optimistically) expected to be reduced, maximum 40% at a retention time of 0.5 hour. Micro-screens are very fine surface filters with a range of 20-35 µm openings. It can, to some degree collect TSS constituents prior to the RBC’s and “biotowers”, and collect biosolids after the biological treatments. This is possibly achievable if sedimentation or settling chambers can be introduced prior to the micro-screen installations. Metcalf and Eddy (2003) adapted from Tchobanoglous (1998) “typical design information for micro screens used for screening secondary settled effluent”. Apart from surface filtration, depth filtration methods provide another mechanical filtration that “employs a medium with a significant amount of thickness providing filtering depth, such that the path of flow through the medium is much longer and random.” Dickenson (1997) Fig. 21 Images of different enlarged woven mesh screens in “twilled square weave”. Adapted from Dickenson (1997) Table 8. Typical Properties of Fine Screen bars and rotary drum screen, Lifted from Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Fine Screen type Size of opening, mm Moisture content, % Specific weight, 3 kg/m Volume of screenings 3 L / 1000m Range Typical Fine screen bars 12.5 80 -90 900-1100 44-110 75 Rotary drum screens 6.5 80- 90 900-1100 30-60 45 32 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Table 9. “Typical Removal Efficiencies” of Sand filters (Lifted from Cheremisinoff, N. (2002) p. 262) Pollutant Percent Removal Pollutant Percent Removal Faecal coliform 76 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 48 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 70 Total Nitrogen (TN) 21 TSS 70 Iron, Lead and Zinc 45 “The overall performance of depth-type filter can be better than purely mechanical action because direct interception as inertia of particles impinging on to the filter medium may generate absortive surface forces.” (Dickenson 1997, p. 31) In slow granular sand filters, with usually fine sands and relatively lower hydraulic performance, with an average filtration velocities range from 2 – 5 meters per day, thus biochemical processes e.g. biodegradation may also be facilitated especially in the early operation stages. (Cheremisinoff 2002). Depth-type filters with granular media for on site and inline filtration is apparently viable for parallel and support installations in the drainages. The above mentioned mechanisms of filtration or solids separation are known properties of constructed wetlands e.g. a reed bed (EPA 2000 and Wood, 1995). The VSB is essentially a subsurface flow constructed wetland sometimes designed in a conformed reed bed. The reed bed is an adapted system mimicking the matter flows and interaction in a natural wetland system. The term subsurface flow in both reed bed and constructed wetland techniques refers to the discharge of influent wastewater to the reed bed through the pipes buried in the reed bed. And as in constructed wetlands “the provision of a suitably permeable substrate in relation to the hydraulic loading rate to obviate surface ponding is the most expensive component of subsurface flow system” (Crites 1994 in Wood 1995) The subsurface media, of a design specification, provides opportunities for flocculation and settling of suspended solids, primarily through gravity. With high surface area and very slow flow velocities, VSB can be used for settling colloidal and supra colloidal solids with less probability of re-suspension. (EPA 2000) Reed beds with planted macrophytes or vegetated submerged reed bed (VSB) may enhance habitat values, aesthetics and perceived “naturalness” of the domestic wastewater treatment process (Tanner, 2001) although the role of plant roots in oxygen transfer and biofilm attachment is still not clear. In general it was found out that most of most of the “fraction of the wastewater flow passes below the root system in VSB facilities and that the role of the roots in TSS removal has not been proven experimentally” (EPA 2000) Other significant functions and applications of small scale VSB in wastewater treatment systems are reviewed in the succeeding sections. Such depth-type media is usually made of diatomaceous earth, sands, clays, wooden fibers and cotton fibers. (Dickenson, 1997) High rate depth filtration is discussed in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) as one of “advance wastewater treatments” for potable water treatment, for supplementary effluent treatment, for conditioning before disinfection and for membrane filtration pre treatment. But the principles of slow rate depth filtration (2-6 L/ m2*min) for small scale installations is applicable at lower hydraulic loading rates and at larger filter media surface areas. Unlike, rapid depth type filtration which needs regular backwashing, slow rate filters need not be intricately operated. Its top layer may have to be replaced every few months. Further, depth filter process can be enhanced by using sorptive media. Coconut shell carbon, a material cheaply available in the Philippines, “is one particular type of activated carbon that has proved a success in metal recovery, gas purification and nuclear protection” and can provide cheap source of sorptive filter media. (Dickenson, 1997) Slow rate depth type-filtration achieved by VSB’s can be installed (in multiple sites) as another step to reduce TSS prior to or parallel to the RBC’s and “biotowers”, especially in pocket spaces. And since raw wastewater and storm water contain widely distributed particle sizes, a “triple–type” bed with gravel, sand, coconut shell charcoal or soil can be appropriate for a VSB depth-type filter. The use of sand in the VSB media, as part of the depth filter, can be described by principles of slow rate granular filtration described in Cheremisinoff (2002) as: “The filter media consists of a bed of granular particles (typically sand or sand with anthracite or coal). The anthracite has adsorptive characteristics and hence can be beneficial in removing some biological and chemical contaminants in the wastewater”. (Cheremisinoff 2002, p. 243 ) 33 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Principles for Biological Oxygen Demand Reduction Biological treatment methods and performance are largely dependent on temperatures. Warmer temperatures are generally conducive to effective rate of biological processing or degradation. Attached growth systems for biological treatment use organic wastewater “sprayed over” and let to percolate over fixed packing material or high surface area: volume, filter media. This media is where a microbial slime layer (biofilm) is allowed to develop on the surface thus, is also referred to as fixed-film system (Kiely 1997) where mechanisms of mass transfer of substrate and electron acceptors occur. (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003) The outer biofilm layer (0.1 – 0.2 mm) is where organic material from the influent wastewater can be adsorbed and degraded by aerobic microorganisms and as water penetrates into the biofilm, oxygen is consumed and an anaerobic environment is met. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) Thus, controlled BOD removal and nitrification could be achieved in such fixed spaces and reactors by providing sufficient hydraulic and organic loading and air. The biofilm thickness may range from 100 µm to 10 mm (WEF 2000 in Metcalf and Eddy 2003) Trickling filters were originally used with rock materials as media, but since the 1950’s plastic packing capable of high loading rates and taller filters have been introduced in the U.S. and are called “biotowers”. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) The “biotower” can be configured to have a low footprint but should be assessed further for risks of reported media cracking. Other advantages of the “biotower” trickling filters, particularly over the activated-sludge process are enumerated in Metcalf and Eddy (2003): Fig. 22 Graph of typical BOD and TSS removal in primary sedimentation tanks from Greeley (1938) in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) basis for rock type CN ““biotowers”” in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) cited the U.S. EPA (1975) for the relationship of BOD volumetric loading to nitrification efficiency, and that:. “For 90% nitrification efficiency, a BOD loading of 80 g BOD/m3*d is recommended. At a loading of 220 g BOD/m3*d, about 50% nitrification efficiency could be expected.” (Metcalf and Eddy 2003, p. 923) The quotation may be true at certain temperatures or may be most optimum values. It is mentioned further that a “dissolved oxygen (DO) of 2.8 g/m3 is required for nitrification without oxygen diffusion limitations, at a liquid concentration of NH4-N concentration of 1.0 g/m3.”(Metcalf and Eddy 2003, p. 924) And so to maximize the nitrification and NH4 -N removal capabilities of the “biotower”, another BOD removal treatment stage prior to the trickling filter process his ideal. Such pre- CN treatment method can be installed along the upstream drainage conduits, to “condition” the influent wastewater load by diluting the BOD concentrations of primary effluent from upstream sources before subjecting the wastewaters to the CN treatment in “biotower”. The estimated BOD removal in plastic packing was found to be related to the hydraulic loading application rate, and that BOD remaining along the depth is a first-order function. (Velz 1948 in Metcalf and Eddy 2003) Thus, multiple installations and designs of “biotowers” depend largely on site-specific wastewater flow rates and influent BOD concentrations along the specific drainages. “Sloughing” is the dislodging of biofilm fragments from the filter media surfaces in the course of the treatment cycles. Such biosolids from the “biotower” can be handled through surface filtration and composting. (Discussed in the subsequent section on “Biosolids”) “…1) low energy required, 2) simple operation with no issues of mixed liquor inventory control, 3) no problems of bulking sludge in secondary clarifiers, 4) better sludge thickening properties, 5) less equipments maintenance needs and 6) better recovery from shock loading are among the advantages of trickling filters over activatedsludge process. “ (Metcalf and Eddy 2003, p. 889) Gonzales (1996) summarized the factors affecting the choice of aerobic processes for biological treatment. (Table 10) And for EDV catchment, the trickling filter option is apparently among most suitable treatment process. The “biotower” can be retrofitted in limited space and could be expanded vertically. They are also reviewed to be a treatment alternative which requires moderate skilled personnel and operation costs. The estimation of BOD removal performance has been derived by Schulze (1966) from a first order reaction considering the changes in BOD concentration in the filter with time; and the derivation has been applied by Germain (WEF, 2000) for trickling filters with plastic packing. The “biotower” is potentially capable of “combined BOD removal and nitrification” (CN). The design 34 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila A VSB unit functions as a horizontal fixed-film bioreactor that mostly takes an anaerobic (anoxic) metabolic pathway. (EPA 2000) The vertical submerged bed is described in Wood (1995) to “function a bit more than in situ contact chamber and attached growth biofilter”. The substratum apart from providing anaerobic or anoxic environment also “acts as a simple filter for retention of influent suspended solids and generated microbial solids, which are then degraded and stabilized over an extended period within the bed, such that outflow suspended solids levels are generally limited.” (Wood 1999) Although the main contribution of plants in a VSB is still debatable, it is generally accepted that at least near the immediate zone of plant roots (Brix, 1994) oxygen could be delivered to the media bed, the rates of oxygen transfer by macrophytes ranges from 0- 3g O2 /m2 day. (EPA 2000) But for most parts, the reed bed remains predominantly anaerobic environment where methanogenesis, sulfate reduction and denitrification proceed. (EPA 2000) Thus, VSB installations function as a TSS filter and a biological treatment “support” installation before, parallel or after the biotowers. Fig. 23 Components of a typical rotating biological contractor adapted from Kiely (1997) The estimation for BOD effluent concentration is thus computed from the assumed secondary clarifier effluent sBOD/BOD ratio of 0.5. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) Since sBOD data of influent wastewaters in EDV drainages is not available, a range of sBOD/BOD ratio can be assumed from 0.5 to 0.75. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) For design assessment purpose, a ratio of sBOD/BOD of 0.6 was also used. The ratio used for EDV design is a major assumption entirely based on the average of the typical provided range of 0.5-0.75. Since no ratio is available for EDV catchment, on site measurements are strongly recommended to be estimated. The sBOD/BOD ratio in wastewaters during dry and wet weather and along the treatment process may actually differ. A computation procedure for RBC BOD removal process was detailed in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) and was used for EDV design. Rotating Biological Contractor is thus a preparatory treatment in the upstream sites in EDV. Such could be staged in series, alongside the drainage conduits, such that area requirement for shafts could be reduced and the influent BOD loading for each successive stage could be substantial for the mass transfer. RBC design information was also summarized by Metcalf and Eddy (2003) and Cortez et al (2008) enumerates the important design parameters for RBC. A staged rotating biological contractor (RBC) is also a non submerged, fixed-film biological reactor that is typically made with high density plastic attached in a rotating shaft to form a cylinder; and is presented in Cortes et al (2008) as “unique and superior alternative for biodegradable matter and nitrogen removal”. The partially submerged disc of high surface area is made to rotate in a shaft, and as it comes in contact with influent wastewater exposes the liquid to air. As it turns, the liquid trickles, delivering oxygen to the reactor and providing conditions for aerobic biomass and nitrification. (Kiely 1997, Metcalf and Eddy 2003) The RBC has been known as secondary treatment unit for a variety of applications e.g. nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal in landfills leachate, food industries, pulp and paper industries etc. (Cortes et al 2008) The RBC design criteria provided by Metcalf and Eddy (2003) on BRC units for BOD removal quoted a second-order model by Opatken (U.S. EPA 1985) further developed by Grady et al (1999) which yielded the estimation function for soluble BOD (sBOD) concentration at each successive RBC disc. Sn = Principles for Nitrification and NH4-N Removal Designing a fixed-film trickling system for “combined BOD removal and nitrification treatment” was lifted from Metcalf and Eddy (2003). Okey and Albertson (WEF 2000) in Metcalf and Eddy 2003) have “found a linear relationship between the specific nitrification rate and the influent BOD/TKN ratio for combined systems”. And that “the amount of nitrification can be estimated by using the volumetric oxidation rate (VOR) defined by Daigger et al (1994). − 1 + 1 + (4)(0.00974( As / Q) S n −1 (2)(0.00974)( As / Q) Where: S n = sBOD concentration in stage n (g/ m3) As = disk surface area n (m2) Q = flowrate (m3/day) 35 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 10. Summary of comparison of 3 aerobic biological treatment systems, lifted from Rich (1980) in Gonzalez (1996) OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS System Resistance to shock organics or toxics Lagoons Trickling filters Activated (sludge) loads of Sensitivity to intermittent Degree of skill needed operations Maximum Minimum Minimum Moderate Moderate Moderate Minimum Maximum Maximum Land needed Initial costs Operating costs Maximum Minimum Minimum Moderate Moderate Moderate Minimum Maximum Maximum COST CONSIDERATIONS System Lagoons Trickling filters Activated (sludge) It is important to note also that according to Okey and Albertson (WEF, 2000), the DO concentration affects the nitrification rates more than the temperature and that a bulk liquid dissolved (DO) concentration of “2.8 mg/L is required for nitrification without oxygen diffusion limitations, at a liquid NH4–N concentration of 1.0 mg/L.” (Metcalf and Eddy 2003, p. 924) Airflow in “biotowers” is essential for the efficacy of operations. Natural draft, powered by the temperature gradient between ambient air and the air inside the “biotower”, has been traditionally used. Draft or the “pressure head resulting from the temperature and moisture differences can be determined from the equation provided by Schroeder and Tchobanoglous (1976) in Metcalf and Eddy, (2003). In Manila where temperature differentials could be small, air flow by natural draft may not be sufficient. Maintenance and operation of “biotowers” would have been much more convenient and simple if air delivery by natural draft could be relied on. A study by Dow Chemical during the development of plastic packing provided a quantification of required oxygen supply for a combined BOD removal and nitrification tower. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) The calculation for total airflow requirement is also provided with the air temperature and pressure correction because for each degree above 20 °C, the airflow rate increases by 1%. Manila sewage has typical temperature of 27.9 °C, and atmospheric temperatures can often, if not always be higher than 20°C, the temperature correction equation provided in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) was used. The measures and “needs” have been enumerated by Metcalf and Eddy (2003) for the design of a “biotower” using natural draft; e.g. “underdrains that should not be more than half full; ventilating access ports at the central and ends of the collection channel; vent stacks in the peripheries of the filter; open area of the slots in the top of the underdrain blocks (at least 15% of filter area); and open grating of 1 m2 in ventilating manholes for every 23 m2 of filter area.” Information on natural drafts possible in the EDV catchment sites have not been investigated in detail at the time of this thesis’ writing. It is noted that airflow dynamics in the proposed system is crucial to airflow design of the system, but design for supplemental air delivery is provided, and is thus another limitation of this thesis. Further, Metcalf and Eddy (2003) provided and summarized process design criteria for a combined BOD and nitrification “biotower” and stressed that the “major impacts on nitrification performance are the influent BOD concentration and dissolved oxygen concentration within the trickling filter bulk liquid.” Metcalf and eddy (2003), p923 Referenced studies for nitrification design were also summarized in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) p.923 as follows: “Nitrification 1) could occur at a maximum rate at soluble BOD (sBOD) concentrations below 5 mg/L, 2) was inhibited in proportion to the sBOD concentration above 5 mg/L, and 3) was insignificant, in proportion to the sBOD concentration of 30 mg/L or more.” Harremoes (1982) “A steady inhibition of nitrification rates occurred as the sBOD concentration was increased from 1.0 to 8.0 mg/L.” Huang and Hopson (1974) 36 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Fig. 24 “Typical” Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB) Lifted from EPA, (2000) “Nitrification rates in fixed film processes are inhibited at BOD concentrations above 10 mg/L.” (Figueroa and Silverstein 1991) Constructed wetlands as in VSB’s have popularly represented low-cost alternative to wastewater treatment to expensive energy intensive treatment technologies as they provide filter media, sedimentation spaces, adsorptive spaces for solids separation and bio-geo-chemical transformations. However, wetlands systems come not without problems and challenges. Among issues like nutrient removal, ecological protection, space requirements and disinfection capabilities; maintenance, sustainability and capacities of such technology are continually being questioned. Brix et al (2001) notes that on site solutions e.g. compact bio-film systems, sand filters and constructed reed beds “are able to fulfill standards for suspended solids, BOD removal and nitrification but P removal remains to be a problem”. Nutrient removal in constructed wetlands is rather complex to model; and the role of macrophytes in nutrient removal can not be reduced to just nutrient uptake. (EPA 2000, Tanner 2001) In a study by Dolan et al (1981) mentioned in DeBusk et al (2001) on a highly loaded treatment marsh plots in Florida it was found that “69.2% of the loaded P was stored in the soil complex, 23.2% in below-ground biomass and 5.2% in above-ground biomass”. This highlights the significant effect of substrate media for long term phosphorus removal. Further, phosphorus removing capacity of substrate media was found to depend largely on the mineral content i.e. Calcium (Ca), Aluminum (Al) , Iron (Fe) that can adsorb and bind phosphorus, Brix et al (2001) especially when Netter (1992) in Brix et al (2001) found that P removal in constructed reed beds with ferruginous sand was efficient. “The nitrification efficiency for both rock and plastic packing was similar at similar BOD surface loading rates (g BOD/ m2*d); and that a surface loading rate as low as 2.4 g BOD/m2*d is necessary for more than or equal to 90 % NH4-N removal.” (Parker and Richards 1986) “The oxidation of BOD and NH4-N in trickling filters with plastic packing could be characterized by a volumetric oxidation rate:” (Daigger et al 1994) It is therefore necessary for the overall process design in upstream installations to substantially reduce BOD through attached growth treatment, (RBC) prior to introducing the effluent wastewaters to the “combined BOD removal and nitrification biotower”. This component of the treatment system shall be installed close to the outfalls, to maximize and complete treatment procedure where space could be less difficult to acquire and negotiate for. RBC units are reported to be capable of nitrification as well, but nitrification is generally achieved only after a minimum of 4 stages. (Cortez et al 2008) In an inline setup, 4 RBC stages can occupy longer roads and could mean intercepting another manhole. RBC nitrification stages remain one possible option for installation instead of the “biotower”. This option is not further assessed in this thesis, but is recommended to be tested and compared on site. Principles for Phosphorus Reduction Phosphorus in form of phosphate in Estero de Valencia and all other esteros profiled in March 2007 exceeded the maximum allowed limit for Class C waters. (PRRC 2007) This necessitates P removal in the estero waters or in the influent waters to the esteros. “P chemistry in natural and constructed wetlands is controlled by organic P pool and the iron/aluminum bound fraction.” (Gale et al 1994 in DeBusk 2001, p. 42) Ciupa (1996) in Brix et al (2001) noted that uptake of P is initially high but decreases over time as the Psorption capacity of the sand media is being used up. 37 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER commercially valuable emergent macrophyte (Pontedaria Cordata, L.) a sustainable means of P removal”. From an influent wastewater with 1.7 mg P/L and hydraulic retention rate (HLR) of 42cm/day, a removal rate of 7 g P per year was projected. (DeBusk et al 1995 and DeBusk et al 2001) VSB’s can be installed in small plot gardens in upstream communities or household clusters, along roadside the drainage canals, along street corners or along the estero. Variations and details of VSB installations will be presented in the Results and Discussion chapter. The application of VSB treatment for the informal settlements along EDV has to be assessed further. For P removal, Brix et al (2001) observed that Ca content of media is important, while Al and Fe content are less important since precipitations of calcium phosphates are the main processes responsible for the removal of P in their study. Brix et al (2001) also found out that grain size distribution of media for subsurface flow constructed reed beds is important criterion for selection, and recommends Danish EPA (1999), the effective grain size of d10 should be in the range of 0.3 to 2.0 mm, d60 between 0.5 to 8.0 mm and uniformity coefficient d60/d10 should be less than four in order to secure hydraulic conductivity and to minimize risk of clogging. Although plant nutrient uptake and storage (e.g. N and P) have been measured to be a small fraction of the improved performance of the planted system, and that the amount of oxygen released through plant roots were found to be limited to immediate environment according to Brix (1994); Tanner (2001) summarizes and highlights the indirect complex roles and function plants play in a treatment wetland treatment system: Principles for Total Coliforms Reduction Pathogens carried by TSS and exposed to biofilms treatment systems are made to compete in conditions (with a degree of sunlight UV irradiation) where they are not likely to survive. In VSB’s pathogen removal is found to be connected with TSS removal and hydraulic retention times. (Gearheart et al 1999, Gersberg et al 1989 in EPA 2000) In EPA (2000) it was quoted that Gersberg et al. (1989) “found a two log reduction in total coliforms is a VSB system treating primary effluent.” Gravel bed hydroponics constructed wetlands are also known to remove pathogens by “mechanisms of adsorption, sedimentation, filtration, predation and inactivation due to environmental stress.” (Gersberg et al 1989 in Williams et al 1995) In the study of Williams et al (1995) it was found out that the primary removal mechanism for BOD in biofilm systems is adsorption, which is also important for pathogen removal more than sedimentation. They also suggested that with the higher temperature (i.e. >27 degrees centigrade in Eygpt field experiment) BOD treatment and pathogen removal are improved; and that anaerobic conditions prolong the survival of faecal coliform in natural waters (Gray 1989 in Williams et al 1995) and should be avoided. On site installations of small community VSB can thus only provide support treatment for other components of entire treatment system. Their effects on primary effluents in the drains could include degrees of BOD reduction, minimal nitrification, phosphorus removal and pathogen reduction. The VSB although can not treat all influent wastewaters in the EDV because of limited sizing, presents a low cost alternative for distributed and small installations. Produced biosolids e.g. sloughed biofilms in “biotowers” and RBC shafts could be handled systematically within the EDV catchment before disposal or reuse. “Wetland plants generally provide low improvements in BOD and COD removal, and disinfection. The primarily affect treatment performance through ecosystem engineering, enhancing key nutrient transformation processes (e.g. nitrification and denitrification) by root-zone oxygen release and supply of organic matter.” (Tanner, 2001, p. 15) Wood (1995) claimed that plants also help “control odour and nuisance insects (e.g. mosquitoes and gnats) as they act as biofilter and over-shades in open water, making it possible for such treatment systems to be installed close to the communities they serve”. Macrophyte Based Systems (MBS) for wastewater treatment is another low cost alternative that rely on plant assimilation of nutrients and plant harvesting to reduce nutrients in influent wastewater streams. “Most studies demonstrated that the floating water hyacinth was the most productive aquatic species (Reddy et al 1983, Reddy and DeBusk 1985), capable of sustained biomass production rates of 42g dry weight/ m2 day, P assimilation rates of 135 g P/ m2 year, under optimum conditions.” (DeBusk et al 2001, p. 41) Thullen et al (2005) suggests establishing “hammocks” or “shallow plant beds” within the wetland as part of vegetation management to enhance treatment function in surface-flow constructed wetlands. Such could be adapted in the EDV waterways to achieve treatment polishing. Hammocks can be made to hold and anchor floating macrophytes in EDV, to avoid clogging of flood pumps. Although introducing floating macrophytes can decrease the effect of sunlight in killing pathogens in flowing waters, the amount of floating “hammocks” must also be limited and determined. One of several mesocosm studies in Lake Okeechobee, Florida found “culturing and harvesting Discussion on relevant Biosolids Management “Biosolids” (historically known as sewage sludge) are the solid organic matter produced from private or community wastewater treatment processes that can be beneficially used, especially as a soil amendment. They contain 93-99 % water and as well as solids and dissolved substances present in the wastewater treatment or added during wastewater or biosolids 38 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila treatment processes” (EPA 1999 p. 13). Biosolids management is integral to the entire treatment system. This thesis briefly discusses a potential way for biosolids management for the proposed combined storm and wastewater treatment system. Biosolids characterization depends mostly on the wastewater composition, the wastewater treatment and the subsequent biosolids treatment methods used. EPA (1999) and can vary seasonally along with wastewater characteristics etc. Biosolids with significantly reduced pollutants, become more viable for composting. (EPA 1999) Biosolids expected from RBC units and their screenings and the slough produced by the “biotowers,” compose the bulk of the biosolids to be handled by the EDV wastewater treatment system. Although composting as a way for biolsolids treatment is one option, further assessments on expected performance must be done. This thesis presents it as one possible alternative that can be adapted by communities in support of the wastewater treatment system. In the U.S. biosolids that passed certain requirement e.g. pathogen reduction, vector attraction reduction, and metal content are allowed for composting. (EPA 1999) Stabilization refers to processes to reduce pathogens, volatile solids, and odor. The screenings from preliminary filtrations, pre and post bio treatment solids can vary in sizes and constituents. The handling of screenings for the EDV catchment shall include further segregation before any kind of disposal. Since Metro Manila typically disposes municipal solid wastes in landfills, bulky screenings e.g. non biodegradable solid wastes can be taken to landfill sites. The finer screenings can be made to be handled in the composting facility to be established in each Barangay’s “Materials Recovery Facility” (MRF)17 as described in the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 and: biosolids with bulking agent and the “decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms in a controlled environment with temperatures as typically 55-60 °C.” (EPA 1999) The bulking agent may be derived from municipal solid wastes (MSW) and divert them from getting dumped in landfills. “The high organic matter content and low nitrogen content common in compost biosolds is comparable to wetland soils which provides strong organic substrate, prevents nitrogen overloading, adsorbs ammonium.” (Peot 1998 in EPA document, undated) Raw and digested solids can possibly be composted but both will require some degree of stabilization. Carbon and nitrogen ratio of 25-35: 1 will provide needed balance. (EPA document, undated) “Composting reduces bacterial and viral pathogens to nondetectable levels if the temperature of the compost is maintained at greater than 55 °C for 15 days or more. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that viruses and helminthes ova do not regrow after thermal inactivation.” (Hay 1996 in EPA undated) Composting as a “biosolids” management method has been widely accepted for reasons enumerated in EPA document18 because of limited landfill spaces, beneficial reuse in local, federal and state levels, easy to handle and store and also because of the following: 1) Proven method for pathogen reduction and production of valuable product 2) Compost soils can suppress disease and ward off pest 3) Some municipalities, compost is used to filter storm runoff to remove hazardous chemicals 4) Aside from good soil conditioners, compost products can be used in mulching for erosion control, silviculture crop establishment, 5) Compost soils can degrade and alter other pollutants, e.g. wood preservatives, solvent, heavy metals, petroleum products “For this purpose, the barangay or cluster of barangays shall allocate a certain parcel of land for the MRF. The MRF shall receive mixed waste for final sorting, segregation, composting, and recycling. The resulting residual wastes shall be transferred to a long term storage or disposal facility or sanitary landfill.” Section 32, Article 4 of the R.A. 9003 “Additionally, biosolid compost is often used for soil blending, landfill cover, application to golf courses, mine reclamation, degradation of toxics, pollution prevention, erosion control, and wetlands restoration. It also is used for agricultural purposes, such as application to citrus crops. Composts made from biosolids can also be tailored to remediate contaminated soils.” (BioCycle 1997, U.S. EPA 1997a and U.S. EPA 1998a in EPA 1999, p. 19) To achieve a composting facility with integrated biolsolids management from the wastewater treatment system, capacity building of communities is crucial. It is especially true in implementing solid wastes management, that “things are easier said than done”. This thesis, although primarily concerned with wastewater treatment system design, calls for more research on appropriate biosolids management. Composting biosolids involves mixing dewatered Table 11 Summarizes and describes the benefits of using composted biosolids. It is projected that due to 18 U.S. EPA publication, “Biosolids Technology Fact sheet, Use of Composting for Biosolids Management Accessed January 2008 Defined in Section 32 of the Republic Act 9003, ”Ecological Waste Management Act” 17 39 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER meeting the minimum pathogen and vector attraction reduction.” (EPA 1999 p. 17) the beneficial uses of composted biosolids, technological remediation and efforts to educate public, EPA (1999) estimated a total increase of beneficial composted solids use from 60% in 1998 to 70% in year 2010. (EPA 1999) Butler et al in PWEA document19 found out from bench and full scale studies on 21 Class B biosolid producing plants that “minimal lime dosages, coupled with highly effective mixing can eliminate or delay production of offensive odor compounds.” (Butler et al, p.1) Advanced alkaline stabilization methods have also emerged and are available but are mostly propriety technologies. (EPA 1999) For EDV applications, traditional liming with CaO or other alkaline materials e.g. fly-ash, coupled with effective mixing, could be more economically viable. But because reports of adverse effects of liming to soil acidity and leaching, use of lime as stabilizing and bulking agent must be assessed further. This topic is not pursued further in this thesis. Anaerobic digestion for biosolid stabilization involves the biological degradation of organic portion of the biosolids and production of carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia by anaerobic microorganisms in a closed tank. (EPA 1999) At bigger digestion scales, methane gas could be recovered and potentially power drying and mixing processes. “Anaerobic digestion is typically operated at about 35 °C (95 °F), but also can be operated at higher temperatures (greater than 55 °C [131 °F]) to further reduce solids and pathogen content of the stabilized biosolids.” (EPA 1999 p.17) Although liquid biosolids can also be done for land application e.g. soil injection or surface incorporation, dewatering is necessary prior to composting or incineration treatments. (EPA 1999) Gravity thickening is most common practice prior to dewatering. (Walker 1998 in EPA 1999) Air drying is typical method for 40-90% liquid reduction in biosolids. The process uses sand beds where biosolids are laid and let to dry by evaporation and drainage. For EDV wastewater treatment system, solid waste screenings from road inlets and coarse screens can be air dried first before disposing to landfill. Fine screenings, before and after the RBC units e.g. sands and silts and sloughed biofilm from shafts, can also be dried and dewatered by air drying. These screenings can be processed together with the screenings from the “biotowers”. Biosolids containing more offensive constituents and can be dewatered through combinations of filter cloths and presses and air drying. For rainy season, acquisition of centrifuges may be necessary. Table 11. Benefits and applications of composted biosolids, adapted from Garland et al (1995) in EPA (1999) The are a number of issues arising from adapting composting for biosolids management, among which are generation of malodors, survival of primary pathogenic organisms, generation of secondary pathogenic bacteria, and lack of consistency in producing stabilized quality product. (EPA document, undated) The establishment of such composting facility in the barangays of EDV should be assessed further. Among kinds of composting facility, an aerated static pile provides low cost, easy to operate, but labor intensive option for EDV wastewater treatment system. (Fig. 25) Small communities or community clusters can adapt a small scale operation of such aerated static pile compost which could be handle biodegradable domestic solid wastes and at the same time, biosolids produced in the biofilm system installations in EDV wastewater treatment system. Alkaline stabilization results in decreased biological action and thus, odor in the mixture, by the elevation of pH to 12 for about 2 hours (EPA 1999) and is described: “Alkaline stabilization is the addition of either quicklime (CaO) or hydrated lime (CA[OH]2), which is added to either liquid biosolids before dewatering or dewatered biosolids in a contained mechanical mixer. Traditional lime stabilization processes are capable of producing biosolids 19 Butler et al report for Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA) publication document available at ward%20Butler.pdf last accessed on January 2008 40 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Table 12 Different mechanical dewatering systems used in biosolids management System Description Achieved solids content Vacuum filter Reported to be not in use anymore, the model involves rotating a drum submerged in a vat of biosolids and applying a vacuum from within the drum, drawing water into the drum, and leaving the solids or “filter cake” on the outer drum filter medium 12-32 % Centrifuges spin biosolids in a horizontal, cylindrical vessel at high speeds, with the solids concentrating on the outside of the vessel 25-35% Belt-filter presses Work by exerting pressure on biosolids placed between two filter elts, which are passed through a series of rollers. The pressure forces water out of the biosolids, and the dried biosolids cake is retained on the filter belt 20-32% Plate and presses Work by squeezing the biosolids between two porous plates or Diaphragms. The pressure forces water out of the biosolids, and the dried biosolids cake is retained on the plates. 35-45% frame Dewatered biosolids could then be stabilized by addition of alkaline materials or by anaerobic digestion prior to composting. Note that the detailed assessment of needed biosolids management is beyond the scope of this thesis. Currently, final dumping of stabilized and digested “biosolids” in Lahar fields of Pampanga, is an accepted practice of MWCI for their STP and SpTP operations. Although, no reviews on the effects and other possible applications are available in the time of this writing, further studies are called for by the biosolids to these barren Lahar fields presents itself author. For EDV, the final disposal of stabilized as another option. Fig. 25 Aerated static pile adapted from Hickman (1999) in EPA Fact Sheet 41 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER for the public or at least the local communities is necessary. Academic institutions and their research and extension work can be tapped and focused on the goals of IUWM or EDV wastewater treatment system. The combined storm and wastewater system equally addresses the problem of untreated runoff during rain events, with out compensating the need to effectively drain the city of storm waters. Ellis (1995) defines “sustainable storm drainage management in urban catchments intended not only to achieve effective and safe conveyance of floodwater and pollution control but also to provide self-supporting ecological and aesthetic benefits.” He also emphasized that a “successful integrated approaches to the management of river corridor requirements in urban catchments therefore demand not only the implementation of sound and sustainable ecotechnology but also appropriate institutional cooperation and local planning.” Estero de Valencia catchment provides a good setting to establish integrated storm and domestic wastewater treatment system with its natural and built environment assets and properties e.g. several low lying basins, relatively homogenous land uses. However, institutional capacities and coordination of local government and State agencies and the private utilities company will have to be strengthened. Gardiner (1994) in Ellis (1995) stressed that the integrated and realistic approach to urban catchment planning is a function of water use management programmes, catchment management plans and local authority development plans. The study site is primarily a residential area where community plans can be made to adapt principles of “natural engineering”--- a system where runoff system can be integrated into the site landscaping or into “blue-green” developments using permanent lakes, aquatic vegetation and unit cluster techniques. (Ellis 1995) The decentralized combined storm and wastewater treatment system apart from addressing flooding and pollution issues, provide possibilities of wastewater reuse and resource recovery, community political participation according to WTP and improvements in local environmental health conditions. Parkinson and Tayler in World Bank 2003 cited an example where night soil treatment plants in Japan have substituted piped sewerage system, and thus encourages adaptation of “intermediate solutions between on site treatment and piped system” in high density urban areas” (World Bank, PEM, 2003) Several literatures highlight the need for improved sanitation coupled with improvements in water supply delivery. Noll (et al) in a study of water and sanitation systems in eight developing countries found that improved wastewater and sanitation policies significantly improved the health and body weight of children, especially in urban areas, and that improvements in the quality of delivered water im- Review on Management and Public Acceptability of Wastewater infrastructures The operational definition of “appropriate technology” is defined by a treatment system that is 1) affordable, 2) operable and 3) reliable. (EPA 2000) The ideals of decentralized wastewater treatment system have also been adapted in foresights of sustainable residential development in tropical urban areas like Singapore. Lim et al (2002) in their paper on decentralized grey wastewater treatment system in Singapore public housing explored how water infrastructure systems could be integrated into urban housing architecture to create decentralized wastewater treatment systems that is a core element of the overall waterscape of the area. Such decentralized, underground and on site wastewater treatment system which also features constructed ponds and wetlands, may have been ideal for the development of EDV communities. The adaptation of such system e.g. for “urban renewal projects” remains an option for the future but requires intense assessment and financing especially for private properties. Ujang and Buckley in 2002 presented and proposed the realities and strategies for water and wastewater management in developing countries. Some of the key strategic points mentioned were the adaptation of an “Integrated Urban Water Management” (IUWM). IUWM as quoted from Ujang and Buckley 2002 “implies an integrated approach in planning and implementing all water-related urban activities and components, including water and wastewater management, solid and hazardous waste, economic and social factors, as well as community and governance. Odendaal (2000) in Ujang and Buckley (2002) considers the “urban environment, as ideal platform for pioneering integrated water management”. EDV drainages provide a “public space” where public and private sectors can take stock in for an integrated water management scheme. Ujang and Buckley (2002) also referred to a strategy where available technologies in “package forms” that developed without the progression from a general public understanding of the environmental issues. Such are made to be instantly adapted into technocratic development agenda that is sometimes labeled “technology leap.” Appropriate technology is meant to consider not just the suitability and reliability of the proposed technologies, but emphasize the process of involving people through consultations and assessments of their valuations and cognition of any “technological solutions”. The question of ownership and acceptability of introduced technological development has been identified as crucial element of developmental works. Further, while an “appropriate technology” is being developed and planned, a parallel education campaign 42 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila proved health only if accompanied by improvements in sanitation. (Noll et al ) Yearly, the MMDA de-clog manholes and scrape clean roadside canals and culverts and dredge Estero de Valencia. DPWH also began an intensive flood control program with more than 200 maintenance personnel to pursue the Bantay Estero program to ensure the cleanliness of 16 critical esteros in Metro Manila. (DPWH website) Bantay Estero program attempted to involve estero dwellers integral into a community based, labor intensive approach in maintaining the estero environment. Now, bulk of the work has been relegated to the MMDA. The Bantay Estero Project did not really effectively changed ideas and conditions in the esteros because it lacked the systemic involvement of the entire catchment’s stakeholders in maintaining and protecting drainage systems, including the estero itself. There remains to be a lack of regard in the fundamental issue of sanitation system in the area. 1) to understand and communicate community impacts of any proposed infrastructural investments, 2) to solicit perceptions of the people about public waste water treatment infrastructure, including their needs or economic/ effective demands20, 3) to propose a range of options for future wastewater treatment system investments and 4) to plan pricing systems. The term “demand” has different meanings to different people three definitions were presented: “Felt needs” are reflective of the communities aspirations that could be driven political and economic issues. Engineers particularly are drawn to measure “consumption” as manifestation of demands. The third definition is the most meaningful definition that was lifted from White (1997) and Pearce (1991). “Effective demand” is defined as “demands for goods and services which is backed up with the resources to pay for it”. (Webster 1999 in Woodwedge 2003) “The pollution issue raises a problem of institutional design: how can government commit to a long-term pollution policy that reduces the harms from pollution while avoiding overzealous pursuit of environmental policy that indirectly expropriates the investments of the water utility? “The economist's stock solution for this problem is to impose a tax on pollution (Polluters Pay Principle) that fully reflects the marginal cost of pollution on others. Taxes create a financial penalty for water pollution, and so provide a financial reason to invest in either sewers or water treatment facilities.” (Noll et al) The contingency valuation survey section of this study assessed the “demands” of the catchment stakeholders according to the three abovementioned definitions and their interactions. The “felt needs” for wastewater treatment facilities to help rehabilitate the Estero de Valencia, is an important factor assessed in this study to establish a backdrop of environmental values and prioritizations amid the low and irregularities of income realities of the residents and respondents. The current averaged “consumption based demand” was derived from the audited values of 2004-2007 billed and non-revenue water supplied by the MWSI. Lastly, “economic / effective demand” was obtained through the elicited maximum contribution or fees willing to be paid or willingness-to-pay (WTP)21. Investment planning process is a complex series of assessments and planning. It commences in needs and services assessments and technical designing allows planners to assess peoples’ willingness to pay for service options and “provides the necessary basis for projecting sales and revenue”. (Wedgewood and Samson 2003 publication) More importantly, the information from CVM is “essential to support community participation and enable ‘informed choice’ at the household level as well as for the community as a whole.” (WSP 2002) The Contingency Valuation Method (CVM) is used: 20 Effective demand is term defined by White (1997) and Pearce (1981), as “demand for goods which backed up with resources to pay for ” in Wedgewood and Samson, 2003 publication. 21 WTP is the maximum amount that an individual states they are willing to pay for a good or service (DFID, 1999) 43 Trina Go Listanco R E S U LT S AND TRITA LWR MASTER period rain fall for until 2016 and 2025. These data were used as input to SWMM module of the designed dimensions of the existing profiled conduits and drainage laterals in EDV. And these data are all summarized in the maps below. (See also Methodology, Flow rate estimation) The estimation of dry weather and wet weather flow rates are also discussed; and more in detail in Balogh (2008). The results are reflected in GIS maps. (Figures 26 and 27) DISCUSSIONS This chapter presents the estimated flow rates, concentrations and loads for each EDV manhole subcathment. Selected manholes for treatment installations are enumerated and selected treatment processes and sequence are discussed. Designs are detailed in figures and the theoretical performance according to some published models is also presented. Treatment Goals The goals set for the proposed EDV wastewater treatment system is provided by Philippine law through the requirements of DAO 35 series of 1990: “Revised Effluent Regulations of 1990” for all municipal wastewater effluents discharged to different “classes of waters”. The DAO 34 series of 1990 provides definition and water quality criteria for the “classes of water”. And it is good to reflect at this point, how esteros like Estero de Valencia should be operationally classified in the first place. Different set of standards exist for “Coastal” and “Inland Waters” receiving waters. Esteros are naturally are somewhere in between those classes. They are narrow marshes/ creeks that are not protected, thus not Class SC22 but possibly Class SD23; and they are inland waters but not used for recreational purposes and agriculture. By definition according to current use and conditions, esteros are closest to “Inland waters Class D”24, since tidal flows are controlled by the pumping station although its waters are not used at all. The proposed treatment design takes the highest of 3 set of standards, and takes EDV as “Inland Waters Class C”. Setting the effluent standards dictates the practical and realistic goals for treatment system. Comparing other countries’ standards generally gives ideas on how Philippines water policy fair with other established practices abroad and gives insight on how ready the economy and society is for “standard driven sustainability”. Five wastewater constituent parameters were originally selected to be removed i.e Total suspended solids (TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Phosphorus (P), Nitrogen (N) and Total Coliforms. Estimation of “Average Rain event for 2016 and 2025” Storm water flow rates are based on interpolated monthly rain distribution from the 4-year data base. Available hourly rainfall data from year 2003-2006 was collected from MMDA-PAGASA rain gauge station nearest the EDV catchment, “Science Garden Station.” Another available hourly rainfall data source (year 2006) is from the adjacent pumping station, “Aviles Pumping Station”. From the Aviles 2006 rainfall data, the maximum and average rainfall event-curve of 2006 was derived. The average and maximum rainfall curves have been projected using the Log-Pearson Type III distribution (Chow et al. 1988) for year 2025. The result yielded the maximum intensity rain that can be expected to occur until 2025 (inclusive of 2016). Using the projected peak intensities for 2025, the “design rain event” has been created and was used as an input to the SWMM. The “design rain event” is such a rain event which occurs once between 2006 and 2025. The design rain event has been calculated using the formula from Chow et al, (1988, p. 392) in the notes of Balogh (2008). The following characteristics of average rain are defined by Balogh (2008). Such was adapted for design of proposed unit operations. Estimation of Dry weather flow rates and Wet weather flow rates for 2016 and 2025 The wastewater production or the average dry weather flow is estimated to be a fraction of the supplied volume (by the MWSI utilities and water supply data) to all barangays in the catchments. (Calculation methods and assumptions are presented in Methodology) On the average, the estimated wastewater produced (inclusive of “NRW”) for the entire EDV catchment in 222 m3/ day; with a range of 90- 300 L/ day. The differences in the water consumption and wastewater production in each Barangay reflects different conditions of water supply, wastewater characteristics and concentrations. The variation can be seen in Appendix I Class SC: Coastal/ Marine waters, Recreational Water Class II (e.g. boating); Fishery Water Class II (commercial and sustenance fishing); marshy and/or mangrove areas declared as fish and wildlife sanctuaries 23 Class SD: Coastal/ Marine waters Industrial Water Class II (e.g. cooling, etc); other coastal and marine waters, by their quality, belong to this classification 24 “Class D” waters: for agriculture, irrigation, livestock watering etc; Industrial Water Class II (e.g. cooling, etc) and other inland waters by their quality belong to this classification 22 Dry weather and Wet weather Flow rates in Profiled Manholes The dry weather flow represents the basic flow of wastewater in the drains, with absolutely no rainfall. The wet weather flow rate on the other hand is includes the basic dry weather flow and the average 44 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Optimal Site Selection Optimal sites were chosen according to the locations and empirical and observed conditions in the upstream networks of EDV drainage catchment. Generally, manholes in the upstream drainage areas or site which serve the following criteria are acceptable and preferred treatment sites: Unfortunately, only BOD and TKN-N loadings were quantified and modeled in the design process. And of these parameters only TSS and BOD have specific standards provided by the policy. “Conventional and Other Pollutants Affecting Aesthetics and Oxygen Demand and their Standards for a wastewater treatment system effluent” are presented in Table 13. Note that quoted standards are “limiting 90th percentile values. But this clause is only applicable when the discharger undertakes daily monitoring of its effluent quality otherwise the numerical values in the table are not to be exceeded once a year”. (DAO 34) Currently, and according to the baseline study of PRRC, EDV water quality itself in terms of BOD and TSS are substantially lower compared to other esteros. (PRRC 2001) It is not modeled in this work, how the loadings on each manhole summed up to the measured BOD5 concentrations in EDV waters of 41 mg/L (value from PRRC 2001). It is assumed that the introduction of treatment installations in the upstream conduits will reduce the total loading along the downstream conduits and will dilute the concentration of the wastewaters and storm waters discharged to the EDV. Detailed clauses on water criteria (which might be introduced in policy in the future) especially for combined storm and wastewater treatment systems such as minimum and maximum, dry/ wet weather average allowable effluent concentrations at certain or all stages, will affect the choice of unit operations and monitoring needed in the proposed system. The proposed treatment system focuses on the effluents concentration at the outfalls to EDV and not on effluents at each of the multiple installations at multiple sites. The distributed unit operations reduce load upstream and dilutes constituent concentrations only at certain locations such that the final effluent at the outfall will satisfy the set standards. Thus, the effluent concentrations in the outfalls and not all concentrations along all the drainage segments matter more. In wet weather effluent concentrations will be slightly higher than the set standards. But the number days when rains would occur higher than the average wet weather flow rates, is not likely to exceed 30 days or 10% of the year. Considering the 90th percentile values and the current policy for treatment systems with daily monitoring, the proposed treatment system can still pass. This research calls for further monitoring of the estero water quality and the assessment of current water quality criteria. Understanding the bio-geochemical dynamics and socio-economic interplays in the inter-tidal environment will guide future policies and policy clauses for sound designs of treatment systems for estero use, rehabilitation or remediation. 1) Manholes which serve considerable population and have relatively low flow rates were ideally chosen for designs such that proposed treatment installations would achieve significant load reduction while still being in relatively small scale; 2) Manholes with considerably less downstream population are also desirable, such that the reduced loads and constituent concentrations by the upstream treatment installations will not substantially increase again as it flows through downstream; 3) Manholes where vacant lands could be available or acquired especially for above-ground treatment infrastructures. Realistically, this criterion is difficult to fulfill; 4) Manholes which are frequently flooded due to combinations of very low elevation, negative slopes and drainage clogging are also purposively considered to be ideal sites for treatment installations, as treatment installations would have to reconstruct the existing drainage structure and can be made to accommodate rain waters as temporary retention spaces or flow routes. It is suggested that other systematic assessments systems e.g. EIA not covered in this thesis, investigate, weigh and manage the impacts of the proposed treatment installations. The effects of the proposed treatment system in the overall functions and hydraulic dynamics of the drainages in EDV are discussed in the complimentary thesis of Balogh (2008). Figure 28 shows the selected manholeconduits to introduce the proposed inline combined storm and wastewater treatment. Note labels on the map for Figure 26 and 27. Figure 26 Projected Manhole Data 2016, Dry and Wet Weather (Balogh, 2008) ► Figure 27 Projected Manhole Data 2025, Dry and Wet Weather (Balogh, 2008) ►► 45 Projected Manhole Data, 2016 Outflowing data for the manholes. 105 3.8 10.5 1063 Label guide: Manhole ID Dry weather flowrate [Liter/sec] Dry weather + Average rain flowrate [Liter/sec] Cumulated population $ 1 Color shading - Subcatchments Wide frame - Catchment of an outfall (Outfall ID ) 101 10.8 29.7 7047 55 9.6 26.4 6043 $ 1 $ 1 267 1.1 1.9 200 60 40.1 90.3 27281 200 0.9 2.7 1448 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 4 134 7.7 13.2 2089 19 13.3 23.6 4467 $ 1 $ 2112.2 1 $ 1 177 10.5 26.5 8882 94 80.7 206.2 54759 197 7.3 18.7 7437 81 122.3 312.4 76118 $ 1 $ 1 21.5 3943 74 124.9 320.4 79790 11 46 75.9 15338 $ 1 $ 1 111 37.2 105.6 23997 63 152.4 399.2 97118 185 56.7 96.6 19519 8 64.5 109.8 24573 205 37.8 94.4 16525 2 $ 1 5 124 33 92.6 21487 $ 1 114 35.6 100.7 23137 801 $ 1 2659.2 71 36.8 91.3 16088 $ 1 12680 $ 1 39 17.3 34.3 8291 $ 1 $ 1 243 66 112.9 24573 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 68 138.8 357.6 91371 $ 1 123 34.3 96.5 22273 99 78.6 199.7 52543 $ 1 $ 1 128 26.9 73.9 19354 1 193 167.3 445.1 113585 903 5 10.4 1979 902 3.4 10.4 4389 51 162.8 431.2 108456 $ 1 $ 1 154 16.4 31.4 7625 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 77 9.7 29.7 2126 56 160.8 424.8 106090 171 13.8 23.2 6344 44 $ 1 $ 1 164.3 435.7 $ 1 110087 $ 1 905 1029 36.1 88.9 17007 $ 1 13.7 28.7 18561 909 41.5 99.9 18561 6 252 3.5 6.1 1552 $ 1 253 3 $ 1 $ 1 906 9 23.1 36.9 10460 10183 28.3 73 14463 10 4805 230 96 171.4 42698 251 20 53.4 11284 225 124.5 247.3 56787 247 41.4 64.9 19932 227 44.6 73.3 21681 $ 1 $ 1 908 $ 1 17.7 35 8 173 42.1 66.5 14.8 20303 45.1 8325 $ 1$ 1 $ 1 40 80.9 131.6 37899 $ 1 $ 1 1.9 3.2 860 $ 1 $ 1 1090 12.2 37 $ 1 7210 $ 1 265 43.3 69.6 20931 181 11.9 31.7 7716 907 12.4 18.9 5500 10159 19.9 55.7 10976 $ 1 $ 1258 $ 1 7 161 0.3 0.5 120 1089 4.6 14.4 4247 248 37 56.4 17809 $ 1 260 79.7 128.5 37535 261 26.1 35.3 12573 263 32.9 48.5 15854 262 28.7 40.2 13787 $ 1 $ 1 256 11.2 13.7 5394 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 224 124.2 246.6 56600 1 $$ 1 $ 1 911 475.2 1044.6 248435 A S I P G R I V E R F BaloS0FT 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Meters Drawing code: PF2016 Manila, Estero de Valencia, Hydraulical analysis, 27/02-2008 Projected Manhole Data, 2025 Outflowing data for the manholes. 105 3.8 11.6 1329 Label guide: Manhole ID Dry weather flowrate [Liter/sec] Dry weather + Average rain flowrate [Liter/sec] Cumulated population ! . Color shading - Subcatchments Wide frame - Catchment of an outfall (Outfall ID ) 101 10.7 32.9 8808 55 9.6 29.3 7554 ! . ! . 267 1.2 2.1 250 ! . 4 177 11.3 30 11102 ! . ! . 21 13.1 ! . 11 49.6 84.6 19172 74 132.6 362 99738 ! . 63 162.3 451.5 121397 185 61.2 107.8 24398 ! . ! . 243 71.3 126 30716 5 902 3.7 11.9 5486 2 193 178.4 903 503.8 5.4 11.8 141981 2474 ! . 84.9 232.4 68449 ! . ! . 51 173.5 488 135570 ! . ! . 112.5 28922 ! . ! . 205 40.8 107 20656 71 39.7 103.5 20110 ! . 28 66.8 15849 ! . 39 18.7 38.5 10364 154 17.7 35.1 9532 77 10.5 33.9 2657 56 171.3 480.8 132612 ! . 171 14.8 25.9 7930 ! . ! . 44 ! . 137609 1029 38.9 100.6 21259 905 23201 252 3.8 6.8 1939 ! . 3 ! . ! . 906 25 41.1 13074 10159 21.5 63.2 13720 10183 30.6 82.8 18079 258 46.7 77.5 26163 ! . 181 12.9 36.2 9645 907 13.4 21 6875 251 21.6 60.8 14105 ! . ! . ! . ! .! . 10 230 103.6 191.7 53373 ! . 260 86 143 46918 248 39.9 62.6 22262 ! . 263 35.5 53.8 19818 262 30.9 44.4 17233 ! . ! . 253 2 3.6 1075 261 28.2 38.9 15716 ! . 256 12.1 15 6742 ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . 224 134 277.3 70750 . !! . ! . 911 510.4 A 265 16 247 51.3 44.7 10407 72.2 24914 173 45.4 73.9 25379 ! . ! . 908 ! . 19.1 39.4 1177.4 310543 ! . ! . ! . 227 48.1 81.6 27101 40 87.3 146.5 47373 ! . 6006 161 0.3 0.6 150 1089 5 16.3 5308 9 225 134.3 278.2 70983 ! . 114 36.3 ! . 175.1 493.2 ! . ! . 15 32.1 8 ! . ! . 124 33.5 103.3 26859 801 68 147.6 404 114214 ! . ! . 909 44.8 113 23201 ! . 111 38 118.1 29996 ! .94 ! . 8 69.6 122.5 30716 7 81 129.8 352.7 95148 ! . ! . 123 34.8 107.7 27841 99 82.6 225 65679 197 7.8 21.2 9297 ! . 6 ! . ! . 24 4929 128 26.9 81.9 24193 1 ! . 134 8.3 14.7 2611 19 14.3 26.3 5584 60 43.3 102.5 34102 200 0.9 3 1810 S I P G R I V E R F BaloS0FT 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Meters Drawing code: PF2025 Manila, Estero de Valencia, Hydraulical analysis, 27/02-2008 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 13. “Effluent Standards for Conventional and Other pollutants in Protected Waters Category I and II, and in Inland Water Class C.” adapted from DAO 35 – 1990, p. 5 and other practiced standards in Sweden and E.U. Note: No effluent standards exist for phosphorus and nitrogen in the Philippines Parameter Unit pH Philippine Effluent Standards Swedish Standards Effluent E.U. Effluent Standards, E.U. Directive EEC 271/91 6.5 -9 COD mg/L 100 < 70 ppm, not officially used, but in actual practice < 125 ppm BOD5 at 20 °C mg/L 50 BOD7 < 10 or 15 ppm < 25 ppm Total Suspended Solids mg/l 70 Total Coliforms MPN/ 100 mL 10000 Total Nitrogen ppm - < 10 or 15 < 15 for plants with < 100,000 pe nominal design < 10 for plants with > 100,000 pe nominal design Total Phosphorus ppm - <0.3 or 0.5 < 2.0 for plants with < 100,000 pe nominal design) < 1.0 (plants > 100,000 pe nominal design) < 35 ppm The selected drainage segments or roads for proposed treatment installations are highlighted in Fig. 28, but their area dimensions (width and lengths) are not definitive and not scaled according to the designed dimensions. Note that the selected sites are actually valid only in the immediate downstream (outlet) of the selected manholes, as all derived flow rates, loading and population figures are in this thesis. All profiled manholes and conduits in EDV with their differences in loading, BOD and TKN concentrations are estimated and presented in Appendix I including values for highlighted arbitrarily chosen manholes. Note that 2 manholes along DM 10 which is a major drainage line for flood control, Manhole 94 and 44 were also selected for RBC shaft installation. These 2 manholes were chosen to “re-treat” the incoming wastewater previously treated in manhole-installations further upstream. Table 15 presents selected manholes and their wastewater characteristics and flows (Flow rate estimations also discussed in Balogh, 2008) BOD and TKN concentrations estimated from (Qian et al 1998 and Metcalf and Eddy 2003) Inline physical separation methodologies such as tangential filters provided the principle and idea of continuous filtration or screening without needing external power sources. Biological treatment system is theoretically more effective in Philippine setting than chemical treatment methods, because of the temperature factor. Biological activity for wastewater treatment is higher and conducive to effective degradation of organic constituents, whereas chemical treatment involves “adding” constituents to the influent wastewaters (Metcalf and Eddy 2003). The annual temperature in Manila does not fluctuate so much in a day or in a year, such that a more consistent treatment can be expected throughout the year. There are different principles for biological treatment. Among possibly many others, “attached, submerged and suspended growth systems” were reviewed. And of the 3 widely practiced biological treatment methods, the attached growth system offers the simplest operation and maintenance. Submerged growth systems are mostly proprietary units and would require backwashing. Suspended growth systems e.g. activated sludge processes, require operation conditions needing “special attention for process control” e.g. regulating return sludge, maintaining dissolved oxygen levels etc. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003, p. 689) Although submerged and suspended growth systems are reviewed to be reliable and effective, their costs, process control, operation and maintenance tend to be more sophisticated than that of attached growth systems. Process Selection and Choice Among many other treatment technologies surveyed, the models used for this thesis design are chosen to be the most appropriate for EDV. The evaluation is a summary of “appropriateness” criteria: low cost, operable and reliable (EPA 2000), and the desired inline configurations. 48 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Fig. 28 Map showing profiled manhole locations in EDV overlaid on Google Map image (taken year 2005) of the site 49 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 15a. Selected manhole and their estimated flowrates and wastewater characteristics for years 2016 and 2025 YEAR 2016 Manhole Id Dry weather flow rateday Avg (m3/sec) Wet weather flow rate Dry + Avg rain Population Daily cons (Liters/day) BOD conc DRY [mg/l] BOD conc DRY+avg rain [mg/l] TKN Concentration Dry (mg/L) TKN Concentration Wet (mg/L) Avg (m3/sec) 101 0.01 0.0185 8833 105 380 221.49 28.5 16.6 114 0.03 0.0621 27499 112 357 204.87 26.7 15.3 60 0.04 0.0608 14989 231 173 114.07 12.9 8.5 94 0.08 0.1321 47931 145 275 168.02 20.6 12.6 44 0.16 0.2750 115809 123 326 194.99 24.4 14.6 200 0.0009 0.0016 1808 41 975 530.96 73.1 39.8 177 0.0105 0.0170 11122 81 491 303.76 36.8 22.7 77 0.0097 0.0179 3846 219 183 99.52 13.7 7.4 253 0.0019 0.0024 1079 152 263 205.71 19.7 15.4 171 0.0138 0.0176 7944 150 267 209.21 20.0 15.6 71 0.0368 0.0590 18704 170 236 146.89 17.6 11.0 205 0.0378 0.0608 19251 170 236 146.55 17.69 10.9 11 0.0460 0.0581 19231 207 194 153.15 14.5 11.4 8 0.0646 0.0829 30804 181 221 172.03 16.5 12.9 263 0.0329 0.0393 19866 143 279 234.30 20.9 17.5 227 0.0446 0.0562 27160 142 282 223.73 21.1 16.7 40 0.0809 0.1014 47471 147 272 216.73 20.3 16.2 230 0.0960 0.1266 53487 155 258 195.60 19.3 14.6 181 0.0120 0.0201 9663 107 374 222.87 28.0 16.7 251 0.0200 0.0337 14135 122 327 194.33 24.5 14.5 Outfall02 0.0034 0.0063 4050 73 551 299.94 41.3 22.4 Outfall05 0.0140 0.0197 7293 166 241 171.66 18.0 12.8 Outfall09 0.0415 0.0638 23199 154 259 168.24 19.4 12.6 Outfall06 0.0231 0.0287 13109 152 262 211.14 19.6 15.8 Outfall07 0.0124 0.0151 6851 157 255 210.49 19.1 15.7 Outfall08 0.0177 0.0248 6011 254 157 112.35 11.8 8.4 Outfall EdV 0.4753 0.7070 287604 143 280 188.32 21.0 14.1 50 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Table 15b. Selected manhole and their estimated flowrates and wastewater characteristics for years 2016 and 2025 YEAR 2025 Dry + Avg rain Population Daily cons (Liters/day) BOD conc DRY [mg/l] BOD conc DRY+avg rain [mg/l] TKN Concentration Dry (mg/L) TKN Concentration Wet (mg/L) Avg (m3/sec) 101 0.0108 0.0294 10906 85 470 171.73 35.2 12.8 114 0.0363 0.1012 33954 92 433 155.32 32.4 11.6 QC Avg (m3/sec) Wet weather flow rate 60 0.0433 0.0949 18507 202 198 90.33 14.8 6.7 DM10 Manhole Id Dry weather flow rateday 94 0.0850 0.2122 59182 124 322 129.11 24.1 9.6 44 0.1753 0.4517 142992 106 378 146.57 28.3 10.9 200 0.0009 0.0026 2231 36 1114 400.90 83.5 30.0 177 0.0113 0.0267 13733 71 561 238.45 42.0 17.8 77 0.0105 0.0304 4749 191 209 72.25 15.6 5.4 253 0.0021 0.0032 1333 133 301 192.47 22.5 14.4 171 0.0149 0.0237 9809 131 306 191.90 22.9 14.3 Outfalls NL053 NL049 NL050 71 0.0397 0.0939 23094 149 269 113.86 20.1 8.5 205 0.0408 0.0973 23770 148 270 113.07 20.2 8.4 11 0.0497 0.0785 23745 181 221 140.05 16.6 10.5 8 0.0697 0.1140 38034 158 253 154.40 18.9 11.5 263 0.0356 0.0506 24528 125 319 224.60 23.9 16.8 227 0.0482 0.0770 33535 124 322 201.71 24.1 15.1 40 0.0873 0.1386 58614 129 311 195.77 23.3 14.6 230 0.1037 0.1800 66042 136 295 169.85 22.1 12.7 181 0.0129 0.0330 11931 94 428 167.49 32.0 12.5 251 0.0216 0.0555 17453 107 374 145.61 28.0 10.9 Outfall02 0.0037 0.0105 5001 64 630 221.37 47.2 16.6 Outfall05 0.0151 0.0290 9004 145 276 143.59 20.6 10.7 Outfall09 0.0448 0.1010 28643 135 296 131.29 22.2 9.8 Outfall06 0.0250 0.0388 16186 133 300 193.26 22.4 14.4 Outfall07 0.0134 0.0197 8459 137 292 198.33 21.8 14.8 Outfall08 0.0191 0.0366 7422 222 180 93.97 13.5 7.0 Outfall EdV 0.5107 1.0955 355109 124 322 150.07 24.1 11.2 51 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 16. The summary of major decision criteria for manhole treatment site selection Lateral ID Manhole ID Remarks NL 050 101 Fairly upstream location with low flow rates; intercepts flow from the northern most, less densely populated parts of catchment (Quezon City) 114 Negative drainage slope; serves high cumulative population, recommended to be redesigned and reconstructed (Balogh, 2008) possibly during the proposed treatment installation construction QC 60 (Un-profiled manhole) Serves the northern portions of the catchment; low flow rates. DM 10 94 Along main drainage (Visayan Main or “DM 10”) collecting and accumulating all flows from the northern subcatchments 44 Also along main drainage accumulating flows just before discharge to EDV 200 Most upstream manhole of NL 049 with low flow rates but serving at least 2000 people by 2025; close to informal and low income communities 177 Mid point manhole along NL 049, with relatively wider roads, serves high cumulative population (13,733 persons by 2025) 77 (Un-profiled manhole) Serves, eastern portion of DM 10 along Masbate Street; with estimated high population (4,749 persons) served by 2025 253 Upstream source in NL051; relatively less densely populated residential and mixed land use area 171 Serves very high population (9,809 persons by 2025); with very low drainage slope; recommended to be redesigned or reconstructed (Balogh, 2008) 39 Serves 3000 persons (in 2025) in addition to population served by Manhole 171; with relatively low flow rates 71 Serves very high population in a residential area, close to high density low income and low density high income communities; may have available open space for treatment installations 205 Manhole in highly populated, low income area; last manhole in NL051 before joining to DM 10 11 Manhole in highly populated, low income area; with negative drainage slope; frequently clogged (JICA, 2000) recommended for “urgent works” 8 Serves very high population, close to commercial establishments; located along major road traffic 263 Serves high population in residential area 227 Serves high population in residential area, close to public institutional spaces and public lands 40 Serves high population in mixed land use area; close to the EDV pumping station 230 Serves high population in mixed land use area; serve as continuation or support to proposed treatment installations in upstream manholes or sites 181 Upstream source for NL 053; relatively low flow rate and serving high populations in mixed land use 251 Midpoint manhole in NL 053; serving about additional 6000 persons (by 2025) from upstream Manhole 181. NL049 NL051 NL048 NL054 NL053 Outfall 02 Outfall 05 Outfall 09 Outfall 06 Outfalls are important sites for treatment prior to release of effluents to the EDV. Outfall 02 is the smallest and is the least demanding of treatment processes and is located in a dense residential community. Outfall 05 drains residential roads while Outfall 09 and 06 drain areas with mixed land use and roads. Outfall 08 serves relatively low population and low density residential and school areas. Outfall 07 Outfall 08 EDV site is highly populated but is not likely to afford enough number of specialized professionals to handle and operate multiple installations of fragile treatment systems. Two of attached growth fixed film systems: RBC and biotower, with quite passive maintenance schemes were decisively chosen as inline biological treatment components of the treatment system. Table 17 summarizes the different proposed unit processes of the proposed treatment system and each of their apparent advantages and disadvantages. The remarks highlight the rationale behind their choice and inclusion in the proposed treatment system. The variety of the site specific conditions in EDV demands same variety of applicable configuration or variations to be well suited to these conditions. For example, the dimensions of road inlets are not always maintained to standards; the pipe diameter is not the same for all drainage lines; and the manhole depth are different depending on the date of construction and design. The designs for each of the units presented in this thesis are generic models or prototypes that could be further redesigned to fit exact conditions of site selected for them. The summary of remarks and rationales for choosing and proposing the proposed system components for the EDV site based on reported failures and comments in published literatures are presented below. 52 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Why drilled metal plates for inlet screens? But as the subsequent biological treatment installations i.e. RBC requires influent wastewaters to have been effectively removed of grit, debris, and excessive oil and grease, the relevance of VSB installations (especially Variation 3) becomes more crucial. Although not integral to the proposed treatment train, the VSB provides support measures to reduce TSS, grease and oil from the RBC influent waters. Drilled metal screens are presented in Dickenson (1997) as a sturdy and effective strainer for various applications. The need for screens in inlets is imperative because of indiscriminate solid waste disposal practiced on roads. Litter and sediments tend to clog drains and reduce their effective sizes. Metal bar-type strainers have been adapted in several drains, but the openings and gaps are still big enough for bits of solid wastes e.g. dead leaves, plastic bags etc can infiltrate. Metal bars are also found to be easy to lift and dismantle. There have been several reports of vandalism and theft of these drain-screens, making them ineffective, if not “non-existing” in the site. Thus, for infrastructure protection, heavier drilled metal plates difficult to carry away and with locking feature is practical to consider. Longer drilled metal plates would also mean increased total area of opening for drainage, making solid screening possible even in sudden heavy downpour of rain. It has been observed that street sweepers sometimes sweep the road dust and soot and other litter into the inlet drains. Apart from correcting this practice through education and training of employed sweepers or public, infrastructural measures should also plot to better road drainage maintenance. Smaller openings in the strainer would mean less bulky solids penetrating the screens and would “signal” the message that: road drainages are not supposed to collect solid wastes. A finer screen installation can be made to handle the smaller solids, collect and separate them from the influent wastewater, in preparation for the successive treatment units. Why Rotating Biological Contractors (RBC’s)? RBC’s are among the attached growth biological treatment systems that are compact and cost efficient, two of the most important criteria for EDV site and for proposed combined storm and wastewater treatment systems. In Najafpour et al (2006), aerobic RBC systems were modeled as an applicable attached growth system for treating high level organic compounds in food canning wastewaters. In the same work, the authors refer to Yamaguchi et al (1999) in enumerating the general advantages of an aerated RBC as: “short hydraulic retention time (HRT), high biomass concentration, high specific surface area, low energy consumption, operational simplicity, insensitivity to toxic substrate, less accumulation of sloughed biofilm and partial stir.” (Najafpour et al 2006) The treatment principle primarily involves substrate removal through biofilm processes and the alternate exposure of wastewater to air for aerobic biological degradation of organic compounds. Other advantages over trickling filters and activated sludge are reported to be: “a longer contact time (8 to 10 times longer than trickling filters), a higher level of treatment than conventional high-rate trickling filters, and less susceptibility to upset from changes in hydraulic or organic loading than the conventional activated sludge process.“ (Cortez et al 2008) The RBC is also suitable for high density urban municipalities or communities since typical installations can be covered to avoid odor and noise nuisance. The influent-effluent quality achieved by the RBC’s in operating treatment plants are reported to be high according to manufacturer.25 However, Fujie et al (1983) has found that although “RBC has a higher power economy than activated sludge process, the latter has higher BOD removal rate per unit floor area” (RBC only about one-third of the activated sludge process). The authors have concluded that RBC’s are “less suitable for large scale” installations and are more appropriate for small scale applications where the area of the tank is not a major issue. Further, it was recommended that flow balancing tank be used to conserve power economy. Why tangential screens for fine screenings? Tangential filter screens were described in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) as one technology appropriate for both storm water and wastewater screening. They are exactly designed to be installed along the drains for dry or wet weather conditions without compromising the drainage efficiency of the canal and without reducing the inflowing water head. In essence, the tangential filters provide dry and wet weather filter space “in line” with the drains by diverting or “re-routing” the storm or wastewater flow into a separate chamber with a cylindrical filter media and thus theoretically lengthening the drainage path. The chamber is designed to be easily disassembled for collecting the filtrates manually. Further, its chamber can be redesigned to function as a settling tank for additional TSS or BOD removal. This filtration system is also independent of any power or mechanical component. For maintenance, it only requires the collection of filtrates in the bin and putting the bin back. Although this routine can be easily introduced to the schedules of street sweepers and drainage maintenance crews, special equipments may be required for bigger installations. These filters can function and can be maintained in wet season. 25 IWK is a German firm manufacturing made to order and packaged RBC installations, it has claimed that a raw sewage: 200-400 gBOD/ m3 can have effluent BOD = 10-30 g/m3. 53 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 17. Summary of Published Advantages and Disadvantages of Selected Treatment Processes Unit Process Description Advantages Disadvantages Drilled metal plates to be installed in all possible road inlets and manholes Easy to clean and maintain; reduce solids and sediments in the drains Construction and reconstruction cost of road inlets Tangential filters or chambers along drainages Easy to operate and maintain; not externally powered Requires regular maintenance and equipments Involvement and education of households in wastewater treatment Numerous to maintain Household VSB’s Distributed space requirements Difficult to monitor at different private sites Potentially efficient for small loadings Immense demand for household capacity building Combined treatment for wastewater in drains and for household effluent High potential for overloading and “ponding” Combined household and inlet intercepting VSB Variation 3 Streamlined and easy to maintain Exposure of site to public especially, pedestrians Parallel VSB installations along side drainage canal Public education and information tool Take space from sidewalks and gutters Screens VSB Variation 1 Variation 2 Space demanding for high density household clusters Difficult to maintain Easy to maintain in “biotower” compounds Additional aesthetic value Require vast additional above ground space in “biotower” compounds Space saving; requires less number of shafts Overloaded first stage, and inefficient treatment of succeeding stages RBC Configuration 1 Cannot be operated / maintained without disturbing traffic and drainage flow Difficult to operate in events of extremely high loads Configuration 2: Only space requirement is along the drains and less requirement to acquire private lots Require installation of “step feed” distribution system or a “parallel type” distributions system Efficient BOD Reduction a) 15 Maximum first stage shafts b) 7 Maximum first stage shafts Configuration 3 No overloading of first stage and shafts Takes too much space; destruction and reconstruction at longer lengths of drainage, household pipes and roads Effective BOD removal, no fouling of discs Disruptive of traffic for maintenance Probable nitrification in succeeding stage Costly to produce and takes much time to maintain Less space, maintenance requirement Overloaded stages, but can be compensated by supplemental aeration Fits roads, minimum disruption in traffic Aeration entails additional cost and maintenance work Demand simple operation and direct interception of inflow with high flow velocities Wide expanse of space requirement Easy to operate and implement Requires large amount of area for nitrification Require installation of distribution system Biotower Low maintenance demands Produce nuisance like odor and flies if operated poorly 54 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Among the inordinate failures of the RBC published by Ross et al (2008), the major setback identified was related to the structural failure of the shafts. This is explained by the accumulated weight of the shaft discs due to biofilm growth that is usually overlooked in RBC design. The findings confirm suitability of installing RBC units in small scale but multiple small sites in the EDV catchment. The designs for such small scale installations include features for achieving a steady distributed flow, multiple shafts in tapered stages. The designed 2m diameter discs will alleviate dangers of possible shaft structural failures. Since the RBC systems envisioned for this thesis designs are aerobic in nature, sufficient oxygen supply and transfer is crucial. However, underground installations of RBC shafts, lower than drainage pipes’ invert elevations can short-change the supply of air even at high ceiling heights. Metcalf and Eddy (2003), presents an air-feed RBC installation where air diffusers mounted in the tanks serve as oxygen supplier and shaft rotation driver. Such model, can address the inherent limitations of an “inline” RBC. RBC concept is thus theoretically ideal for an “inline” combined storm and wastewater treatment system because of its small demand for space and its straight forward operations. The only major disruption caused by its inline installation and operation is traffic. The surface aeration and biofilm growth can be achieved in drainage and can be supplemented with aeration system. The treatment reaction also resembles a “plug flow” reaction providing continuous treatment of storm and wastewater along the drains, and without compromising the drainage efficiency of the pipes. The tankage of the RBC units can also serve as small detention cells which can theoretically, lengthen the drainage path of the rain waters. treatment- step 1” for substantial BOD reduction to achieve conditions for nitrification in a “biotower” (“biological treatment- step 2”). If RBC stages will be added to achieve nitrification, the length of the installation covers more than 2 manholes and 1 conduit. This will translate into deconstructing and constructing more underground pipes. The “biotower” comes with the risks of structural failures. Other alternative compact systems are presented in table 18 including pertinent reasons why such systems are less ideal for an “inline” treatment system in EDV. In summary the treatment train for the combined storm and wastewater treatment along the drains needed a continuous system that will operate not just in dry weather, but also in wet weather. The system has to be responsive to demands for low cost and compact alternatives at the same time contribute directly or indirectly to storm water management. For these, simple physical and biological treatments i.e. inline filters or screens and attached growth biological treatment systems are found most suitable. Among many other physical and biological treatment operations, the “inline” filter series, the RBC and the “biotower” stood out because of the simplicity of their operating principles and their flexibility to be redesigned for “inline” installations along the drainage spaces. The attached growth system provided advantages of low energy; low space and low cost, over other biological treatment procedures e.g. submerged or suspended growth systems or their combinations. Its operations were reviewed to not need much “process control”. The envisioned treatment sequence and the theoretical performance are discussed in the next chapter. Proposed Processes and Sequences and Variations In general the whole treatment process for the treatment system is a combination of selected physical treatment and biological treatment methods. It is a collection of reviewed compact and costefficient treatment units that can be easily installed in multiple sites along or along side the roads and can be developed in stages. In principle, the system promotes decentralization, community stock taking, involvement and education in drainage and wastewater units and systems. There is much effort to design the system to be easily understandable, labor friendly and potentially community based. The system designs adhere to altruism of “holistic technologies” and community development, such that technology should be understood and implemented to benefit local people. The units proposed were reviewed to be among the least and simplest maintenance requirements e.g. RBC and “biotower” (trickling filters) that would demand not only skilled professionals but also community residents as actors or employees. The choice criteria and basis for unit selection is discussed in more depth in the chapter “Comparative Summary”. Why “Biotower”? Gonzales (1996) has evaluated available aerobic biological treatment systems for aquaculture wastewater application, including lagoons, activated sludge processes, RBC and trickling filters. The applicability of the biotower (trickling filter with synthetic packing) and RBC even for wastewater treatment in aquaculture and production, (higher organic loading than typical municipal or combined storm and wastewaters), can be summarized in two important criteria for EDV applications: 1) moderate demands for operation and 2) moderate costs. Apparently, the RBC and Biotower installations render the same function as a treatment system, but their main goals in EDV site differ although highly related. The RBC units are more compact systems that can be reconfigured along or along side the drainage lines, below the ground, under the road spaces. If the “biotower” installation would have been made to treat the primary effluents, much larger filter areas and land would be needed above the ground, to satisfy its efficient areal and hydraulic loading. Thus, the RBC is essential as “biological 55 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Specifically, the treatment processes includes physical separation of solids for preliminary treatment; attached growth system: (Rotating Biological Contractor) RBC for first step biological treatment; and trickling filter (“Biotower”) as the 2nd step biological treatment process. One possibility of treatment sequence variation includes Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB) unit, with combined physical and biological treatment processes, for “pre-RBC” and “post-biotower” treatment (Variation 3 and Variation 4). All treatment units are fitted along or along side the drainages or roads, except for “biotower” installations which require specific land area above the ground. The system aims to maximize the existing spaces under roads by vertically extending the drainage lines, optimizing sidewalk spaces while minimizing public health and safety risks and improving overall hydrological and community landscapes. The process sequence begins with a or a series of filter units using strainers and surface type or depth type filter screens to separate, collect and trap wide range of solid particles in the wastewater and storm water streams in the drains. The solid separation is succeeded by biological treatment systems e.g. attached growth –fixed film systems. The RBC units are introduced first to reduce BOD of influent waters and simultaneously aerate and degrade organic components mainly through biofilm consumption of influent substrate. There are 2 proposed RBC unit configurations in this thesis, the details of which is discussed in detail in the Design chapter. The dislodged biofilm components are then filtered out and collected in a post RBC screen. Then, the wastewater proceeds to a buffer basin from where it will be pumped up to be distributed over a “biotower” or a trickling filter with plastic packing. The “biotower” units also functions as an attached growth - fixed film system; and are designed to further reduce BOD and introduce nitrification process and total coliform reduction. The biosolids produced in each step is proposed to be managed within the subcatchment or within the community; and will be discussed in a separate chapter. Each of the units’ designs is detailed in the subsequent chapters. There are 2 possible variations of process sequence proposed and discussed in this thesis: one that uses more mechanical screening and filters and the other that introduces vegetated submerged bed (VSB) technologies. Latter, can be further varied depending on the conditions of the sites. treatment unit.” The second part is the beginning of combined mechanical (tangential screens) and biological treatment method. The first biological treatment is a staged RBC unit or a series of RBC shafts mounted along the drains or along side the drains and are partially submerged (40%). The RBC unit is the “core” of the “inline” treatment system that operates an attached growth system, capable of exposing wastewater to air for needed oxygen and air while the biofilm grows, adsorbs and degrades organic constituents in the influent wastewater as they flow through. This treatment process is expected to reduce the BOD of influent wastewaters considerably in preparation for the next biological unit process. Typically, RBC units are externally powered, but since installations of power pumps and engines for an RBC shaft introduces additional public risks along roads and underground along side drainage lines, the RBC shafts can be further designed to be “self-supporting”. The RBC unit comes in a series along a lateral, with a maximum of 7 shaft units that may be with variable disc surface area. For this design exercise, a standard surface area and shaft dimensions was fixed and investigated for its effects on BOD removal. The maximum number of shafts in a series could be variable as well, depending on the target effluent concentration and the target first-stage sBOD loading i.e. 15 g sBOD/ m2*day (as suggested in Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). In the resultant calculations, only 7 shafts were taken to be in operation, and gave acceptable theoretical results for BOD removal. The maintenance and “by – pass” conditions, for RBC units are also important and will be discussed in detail in the subsequent chapter on Design. The third component is another biological unit process with an attached growth, fixed film system. A trickling filter alongside the drainage lines will have a standard plastic packing with 6.1 meter media depth. The “biotower” units will function for combined BOD removal and nitrification. These “biotowers” could be installed closer to the EDV outfalls or could be installed in smaller scales but in multiple sites aster the RBC units. The biosolids produced in the biological treatment units are proposed to be handle within the EDV catchment. From a review of existing technologies for biosolids management and use, 2 selected technologies are considered viable for EDV. The viability of biosolids treatment is judged mostly on the ease and scale of operating an installation. Since biosolid components of the treatment effluent includes mostly fine filter screenings and sloughed biofilms, methods such as alkaline stabilization and composting, already adapted in the Philippine Solid Waste Management Act, are deemed to easily suit communities or cluster of communities and their “Materials Recovert Facility”. The assessment of the existing “MRF’s” in the EDV site is beyond the scope of this thesis, but is important to evaluate and develop for future integration to the proposed Process Identification and Sequence without VSB The combined “inline” storm and wastewater treatment system begins in the physical separation of solid waste and sediments from the water flows. Simplest method is by installing screens in road canal inlets. The maintenance of such inlet screens depend mostly on regular clearing and de-clogging. Traditionally, this process is termed “preliminary 56 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila combined storm and wastewater treatment system. These biosolids management unit processes are briefly presented as an integral component of the entire EDV combined inline storm and wastewater treatment system. Unfortunately, phosphorus and total coliforms removal can not be quantified for this design exercise due mostly to the lack of baseline information on site’s wastewater constituents and other proxy values. It is sufficient to say that these constituents will be handled by other proposed installations not designed in site-specific detail in this thesis, but are mentioned as “support” or options for constituent removal e.g. vegetated submerged beds (VSB). The efficiency of the proposed support unit and installations can not be assessed beyond what has been mentioned in published literature. The general treatment unit operations layout, without the VSB support units, is summarized in Fig. 29. applicable for the proposed VSB treatment unit. Further studies are needed to assess local environmental impacts of such macrophytes. The macrophytes, apart from the adding aesthetics to site, also serve tools for public education and information on wastewater treatment science and urban ecology. The maintenance of such VSB systems can also mobilize community efforts for improved sanitation and quality of living environment. Variation 1) Household VSB type Variation 1) introduces the VSB on site, to treat household primary effluents prior to discharging the partially treated wastewater (septic tank effluent) into the drainage line. (Fig. 31) This variation depends largely on how clusters of households in the community are willing to adapt such system, their willingness to allocate land, space and time. This also banks on the social capital of neighbors in participating in the construction of communal on-site septic tank effluent treatment system. The implementation of this variation entails much public education and capacity building for households involved, and touches on organizational learning and cultures in ecological sanitation. Unfortunately, this thesis can not provide the detailed assessments of this variation for each potential site, but only suggests a generic model or prototype discussed in the subsequent chapter. The design is nonetheless applicable to areas with limited spaces. Note that the designs of such VSB are lifted from the recommendations in the Design Manual of EPA (2000). Another possible on site solution, similar in principle to the household-on site VSB system, is referred to as the “upland-wetland” system. This system is described as a sand mound, or above ground filter for treating domestic wastewater, in the report: “Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by a Constructed Upland-Wetland Wastewater Treatment System” by House et al26 Further assessments of this on site domestic wastewater treatment system is outside the scope of this thesis work, but the idea and principles it provides is of potential relevance to the proposed EDV wastewater treatment system. Process Identification and Sequence with Vegetated Submerged Bed (VSB) This chapter takes off from the above mentioned proposed “process sequence” and introduces the possible applications of VSB treatment installations in the system. Since RBC units are not recommended to handle raw municipal wastewater, primary settling and filtration techniques for pre-RBC treatment, to reduce debris and excessive grease, are needed. The VSB support treatment processes involve constructed wetlands treatment mechanisms and biomechanical treatment principles, in a smaller scale and usually closer to wastewater sources. The VSB system provides combination of physical, geochemical and biological treatment that can further enhance the constituent reduction at multiple sites in prior to the RBC units. These installations or train of installations can be introduced at several points along the “inline” treatment system e.g. in pocket areas of house clusters, or alongside sidewalk plots, before RBC and “biotower” units or/ and after. There are different possible arrangements and scales for VSB applications in different sites, e.g. VSB fitted for residential clusters, VSB incorporated “inline” on public lands e.g. sidewalk, gutter installations or road island plant boxes. Four of such variations are presented in this thesis. However, the detailed assessments of site specific VSB beds and designs are not. Instead, a generic prototype design, applicable for installations alongside drainages or sidewalks (Variation 3) is proposed. The adaptation of these proposed designs, like other proposed components of this thesis will actually require further field and pilot studies and surveys. Macrophytes have been reviewed for the designed VSB prototype. This thesis mentions species known to have nutrient removal capacities according to other constructed wetland studies and may be 26 Internet source: ,Accessed: February 2008 57 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 18. Summary of reported failures of other treatment systems according to capitalization, operation and maintenance and reliability. Treatment System Mechanical and automated grit systems Purpose Physical separation of solid wastes in wastewater streams Capitalization cost Operation and maintenance High capitalization cost for acquisition and retrofitting Demands reliable and consistent power in operation Demands space under or above ground Bulky and space demanding, Difficult to retro fit for EDV inline spaces Reliability Highly reliable if maintained well Public risk if installed unguarded Demands special technician for operation and maintenance Settling tanks and clarifiers TSS reduction High costs due to space requirement (above ground or underground) and structural properties Demands specially skilled personnel to operate and maintain Widely used in wastewater treatment plants Activated Sludge processes Organic constituent reduction High cost of some proprietary technologies Demands specially skilled personnel to operated and to maintain Proven reliable and compact among other benefits (e.g. Methane gas production) in many reports Demands special facility for produced “biosolids/ sludge” Requires critical monitoring and process control High and continuous demand for energy Require controlled loading and sensitive to shock loading unless, provided buffer storage for variable loading High hydraulic retention times Granular Sand bed filtration Organic constituent reduction High cost for retrofitting and acquisition Demands specially skilled personnel to operated and to maintain High and constant demand for energy Demand little space Requires much attention and monitoring High and continuous demand for energy Variation 2) Household + Inlet VSB Type The proposed Variation 2) introduces the VSB not in exactly on-site, but “subtly” off site. The bed is installed at the end of individual household wastewater pipe oriented towards the drains, and just before it intersects with the drainage line. This VSB installation variation is made to handle primary effluent including grey waters an individual Proven reliable and compact among other benefits (e.g. availability of needed materials) Controlled loading required and also buffer storage for variable loading household before wastewater joins the drains. The same VSB bed is made to take some more fraction of wastewaters diverted from the drain. The designs for Variation 2) would require substantial space for effective treatment and safe functioning. Thus, it can only be applicable for very low density residential areas. Its implementation would depend largely on the willingness of the community residents to transform and possibly maintain treatment spaces, 58 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila handling not just their domestically produced wastewater but also the diverted influent from the road canals. A longitudinal VSB along a drainage pipe that takes in wastewaters from households along its slope through multiple inlets would entail much coordination and highly specific estimations of loads. This proposed variation will have to engage not just clusters of houses but households of a subcatchment. Thus, this thesis can only propose this variation without detailing the designs of VSB units. (Fig. 32) Variation 3) VSB Along the drainage line, single inlet Variation 3) introduces the VSB component off site of the households, but parallel to the drainage. Like in the suggested configuration in Variation 2), a weir is put across a drainage pipe to divert a portion of the water flow into the VSB installed parallel all through out a drainage pipe segment. The outlet of the VSB unit reconnects downstream in the same drainage pipe. It can be made to operate only during peak loadings in the day such that it would function as a batch-reactor, and be allowed sufficient resting when not in use or when flow in the drains are minimal. Unlike in Variation 2), no raw domestic wastewaters are allowed to discharge in this VSB. The only inlet and inflow is from the drainage pipe. It is thus, necessary to either provide individual on site treatment facilities for individual households or construct another, small diversion pipe for household effluents that will convey the domestic wastewater to the next conduit downstream. This type of installation can be mounted along sidewalks, following the general slope from the invert elevation of the drainage line. Variation 3) is a set up that will require use long narrow vacant lands (0.8 m – 1 m) to accommodate reliable flow diverted from the drainage lines. It functions similarly as “slow rate filtering system” and “horizontal trickling filters” (EPA 2000). Also, these installations can be put before or/ and after the RBC units in conjunction with other mechanical filters. This way, the VSB can serve multiple functions as a depth-type filter to reduce primary effluent TSS, and/ or, as effluent polishing step after RBC units. This thesis work includes generic design for such a VSB unit variation that can be adapted in EDV catchment streets. Since this VSB installation is very accessible to public and can present risks to public health, this VSB variation shall be ensured not to have overland flows or ponds even for weed control. Moreover, community capacity building for VSB management and maintenance is needed to prevent injuries or harm to public. Note that the designs were lifted from the guidelines provided by the document EPA (2000), “Design Manual: Constructed Wetlands Treatment of Municipal Wastewater” with ample allowance for safety. Variation 4) Polishing VSB Variation 4) is generally similar to the concepts of Variation 3), where the VSB is introduced in the “in line’ treatment system. In this variation, VSB functions mainly as denitrification step after the nitrification process in the “biotowers” is achieved. The main VSB will have to be installed within compounds of the “biotower” installations to handle the secondary effluent from the “biotower”. Ideal sites for Variation 4) installation include “biotower” compounds along the outfalls, where possible VSB can be mounted along EDV vacant easements. Detailed land and public survey in the EDV banks and easements are required for designing such a VSB variation. This thesis presents a generic design of a prototype (Variation 3) which could be modified to suit Variation 4) for post- “biotower” denitrification installed inside the “biotower” compound or along the EDV easements. All the above mentioned variations are general suggestions to fit VSB installations in a diversity of community layouts, drainage spaces, household types and socio-economy. In such conditions, an “inline treatment system” and its components has to provide flexibility and a good range of possible approaches and design for site specificities. The design presented in this thesis, is an attempt to provide such a flexible prototype and to illustrate the need for adjusting VSB installations for various site applications. A prototype for VSB variation 2) is provided in Designs chapter. And as in variation 2) such VSB is envisioned as a “supporting” installation to handle not full loads from the drains but only a fraction of it. 59 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Fig. 29 Process sequence without VSB units Biological treatment 1 Biological treatment 1 Biological treatment 2 Fig. 30 Unit operation layout for process sequence without VSB units Biological treatment 2 Fig. 31 Variation Household type VSB 60 1, Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Biological treatment 1 Biological treatment 2 Fig. 32 Variation 2, Household type with multiple inlet VSB Fig. 33 Variation 3, VSB along drainage line, single inlet 61 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Fig. 34 Plans of Variation 3) VSB seen from upstream, side and from under the road (3D Studio Max Graphic rendering by Martin Varga) Fig. 35 Variation Polishing VSB 62 4, Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila habitat or ecology at least will serve not just plain conservation goals but a deal of improvement in the quality of living environment for marginalized communities. The informal communities along EDV have been associated with the solid wastes in the waterways. “Bantay Estero Project” of the DPWH involves the estero settlers in the maintenance works of the esteros e.g. providing jobs for collecting garbage from banks etc. The project adapted principles of resident involvement, but has not been successful enough. Seriously involving communities in EDV maintenance work should not just mean employing community members but also providing structural support for systematic community development. Macrophyte cultivating as wastewater treatment ancillary process can provide commercially viable results. This thesis recommends further assessment of such approaches involving community and helping local community economies through wastewater treatment system schemes. The success of EDV “clean up” efforts is a function of social capital among the upstream and downstream communities. It is thus important to provide a framework where upstream and downstream communities can be organized to achieve common goal of making EDV solid waste-free. A simple screen, to segment the river length, such as in Figure 36, has probably been employed in other river rehabilitation efforts. The screen features retractable flaps of coarse openings on both edges where solid wastes can be trapped and be easily lifted and collected. Such screens will introduce a sense of extended turfs over segments of the estero to informal and formal residents. These estero segment-turfs induce and relegate responsibility for regular cleaning to local residents. The screen is made to divert the floating solids to the sides of the waterways where they can be easily collected from the bank. In case of high discharges and flow rates e.g. pumping operations or heavy rain fall events, such screens can be folded for by-pass. (This idea is also shared with local informal resident, “Dubert” who is aware of other river rehabilitation models involving community stakeholders’ participation) Floating macrophytes can be introduced to the waters for minor nutrient removal and aesthetics, although these plants would possibly clog pumping station grits and restrict flow. Commercial value of floating macrophytes can be further studied for possibility of providing a potential source of livelihood for community members e.g. fibers for paper, ornamental plants etc. Also, improving over all aesthetics of the estero landscape can counter what the “theory of broken window” implies. Point of Debate: The Estero de Valencia as a natural wetland for protection or construction? Constructed and natural wetlands and their functions i.e. for wastewater treatment, are constantly being contested. The esteros and their functions are not different. Esteros are naturally part of a wetland system which has been “constructed” or modified according to its current urban function. In trying to find and propose ways to rehabilitate and to some degree, protect the estero and estero spaces, there are political ecological issues that have to be reflected upon. While this thesis is not entirely “eco-centric” and “conservationist” in its goals of rehabilitating an estero, EDV presents itself as an interesting potential component for the treatment system apart from being the target receiving water body to be protected. Essentially, the effect of the entire treatment system aims to discharge “cleaner” water to EDV so it can regain functions of its natural ecology and provide a number more of “environmental services” to the communities and to the city. Since EDV itself is naturally an inter-tidal ecological unit, EDV could have served its natural and ecological function as a wetland. The installations of various biological treatments upstream could temper the organic loading EDV receives. With these installations, the remediation and the restoration of function of the EDV can be brought together. Once EDV has regained its ecological soundness, it could function more as wetland that can naturally decompose, recycle and reuse nutrients in complex ways. It thus can perform naturally, a polishing treatment for the proposed upstream treatment train. Morling (2006) has provided limitations and performance of “constructed wetlands integrated in to a modernized wastewater treatment system”. The experience demonstrated how treatment wetlands can be converted to adapt activated sludge processes. There are several challenges to accomplish this remediation process, and most of them can not be addressed in this thesis. But this section briefly enumerates issues and possible ways for EDV remediation, and its foreseeable effect in the whole wastewater and storm water use and reuse. The establishment of the flood control pumping station reflects a lot on how EDV has been “engineered” and made to function. The flood gates and the pumping station highly limit the salinity of the estero waters, completely changing its natural ecology and chemistry. This change also came with the changes in the sociological meaning of the estero easements. What used to be “water frontages” of local dwellers became marginal public lands taken advantaged of by informal sector. Thus, challenging the current roles of the EDV entails not just technical efforts but socio political approaches. The remediation of EDV as a functioning and healthier 63 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Fig. 36 A vision for the EDV, Photo of EDV on the left taken September 2007; photo on right as envisioned for EDV Photoshop effects rendered by Andras Varga Fig. 37 Possible screen applications and designs for a variety of road canal inlets, Photoshop rendering by Andras Varga 64 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Pre RBC – Post RBC filter screens Designs Designs presented in this section are rather generic but considers most of the conditions for the selected conduits or sites. It is important to note that each manhole has site-specific conditions that require further studies and verification to calibrate design parameters, and to more appropriately provide sitespecific designs for each of the manholes. The idea of tangential filter to divert portions of drainage waters specifically, runoff or storm waters, into a loop while separating selected solid components without hindering the flow in canals and pipes. Because it allows continuous flow of wastewaters, it is most ideal physical treatment unit for an inline treatment system. It provides continuous screening and space (underground) for retaining water flows, at least not interfering with the flood waters as it “re-routes” water flows. This technology is apparently proprietary but could be retrofitted to accommodate the EDV site flow rates and solid waste loads. Such screen is also deemed best because of very minimal demand for external power to collect and separate solids (unlike moving mechanical grits). Also the design and form allows easy maintenance by manual labor or assisted with small scale collecting equipments. The design presented in this thesis for pre-RBC and post-RBC is a modification of the published tangential fine screens. In principle it resembles some of the properties of the tangential filter screens. A diversion weir is used to re-route raw wastewater flowing off alongside the drain into a series of chambers of lower elevations (-5 meters from the pipe invert elevation). The diverted flow first empties coarse solids into a cylindrical screen and filtrates further into a second chamber (approximately 48m3) prior to flowing into the RBC series unit. The second chamber for the pre-RBC filter screens is designed to serve as temporary storage where settlement of solids can be partially expected (given the average flow and the computed retention time) while accumulating finer solids into a shoot at the bottom most compartment. The shoot is a basket of micro screen (1.0 µm) that can be lifted off the chamber for regular cleaning. The details of the prototype are described in Appendix XI- Drawings. Figure 38 shows profile of the pre-RBC chamber and the placement of the retractable cylindrical screen. Note that the screen has to be supported by concrete columns. The 2 screens in this chamber are both retractable and replaceable. The proposed generic prototype presented in this thesis with a total effective volume of 48 m3, can retain waters (flowing at computed average flow rates) at varying durations. Metcalf and Eddy (2003) provided a graphic function for settling tank designs where the percentage removals for TSS and BOD influents with concentrations of 100-200 g/m3 were plotted against the retention time. From the graph, influent wastewaters with TSS concentrations of 100300 g/m3 can be reduced to maximum 40%, at retention time of 0.5 hours. The summary for each of the selected sites and manholes are presented in Table 19. Inlet screens: A number of existing road inlets’ photos are shown in Figure 37, none of which is effective in preventing much solid waste from roads from entering into the drainage canals. The constituents to be removed or at least reduced are solid wastes and some fraction of suspended particles. This detail is important to ensure that the succeeding sections of the drains receive minimal sediments and litter; and to provide preliminary supporting measures to the next physical units, where combination and series of filters along the drainage lines should separate and collect even finer solids prior to the beginning of the next unit process, the biological treatment. For upstream manholes and conduits and road inlets, increasing the total size of openings of drainage screens, improve the draining capacity of the road inlets and alleviate surface overflow of storm waters to low lying areas. Since road inlets in the EDV catchment, varies in sizes and dimensions, a generic road inlet screen designed is proposed in this thesis. The dimensions of the proposed prototype were derived estimated from the common road inlet sizes in EDV catchment and roads. The material as prescribed in Dickenson (1997) is a rigid and study metal plate, with thickness of 2 cm, and with perforations or holes, with about 2 cm diameters. Inlet screens in drains will result in over all head loss during rain events, and thus are important to keep unclogged all the time. The metal screens can be expanded over longer lengths than the existing road holes, to increase efficiency of drainages. Since no definitive length of installation has been determined in this thesis, the total maximum flow rate of proposed screens affecting storm run off drainage are assessed in the hydrological and hydraulical models presented in Balogh (2008). The realistic efficiency of the inlet screens is depends largely in maintenance management as much as its technical design. Regular cleaning of these inlet screens is thus imperative all the times. The cleaning process, which will include removal of trapped solids in openings and bags, may have to be delegated to street-cleaning personnel and will have to be systematized together with other implementation procedures of the whole wastewater treatment scheme. 65 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Note in Table 19 that a number of sites (given their average flow rates) have retention times in the pre-RBC chambers of less than 60 minutes. Mechanisms to make the settling of solids through this chamber are suggested to maximize settling in these chambers e.g. flow breakers or weirs. Fig. 38 presents several views of the pre-RBC filter and settling chamber. The bottommost “chute” is lined with micro-screen bucket for collecting settled solids. Section A-A shows the relative elevations of the chamber inlet, drainage and outlet Manhole Id Flow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [m3/day] Retention time with fixed chamber volume of 48m3 [mins] Outfall02 0.0037 13 217.56 0.0105 38 76.49 Outfall05 0.0151 54 52.93 0.0290 105 27.56 Outfall09 0.0448 161 17.86 0.1010 364 7.92 Outfall06 0.0250 90 32.02 0.0388 140 20.63 Outfall07 0.0134 48 59.62 0.0197 71 40.51 Outfall08 0.0191 69 41.92 0.0366 132 21.88 WET Weather Flow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [m3/hr] Retention time with fixed volume of 48m3 [mins] 66 Table 19. Selected sites for RBC installations and expected retention times on prototype preRBC chamber. Designs are valid for until year 2025. (Full Table in Appendix II) Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Areal loading of 6 gBOD/m2*day was also recommended in EPA (2000) but the generic design in this thesis will not be capable of reducing BOD5 of 125 mg/L to 30 mg/L, in a flow rate of 400m3/day. The design is intentionally done for small scale installations only in support of the “combined inline wastewater treatment system”. To increase the effective treatment zone length, it is possible to adapt multiple run race way paths across the VSB. (Fig. 41) The VSB’s can be installed in phases, along sidewalks or pocket gardens.(Fig. 42a) In literature, there is no optimum design for bottom slope, but “generally 0.5 to 1% slope is recommended for ease of construction and proper draining” (EPA 2000). For proposed installations, the bed slope should be lower than the slope of the drain it follows to allow natural draining to the outlet. Media layers The bed media for EDV inline installations are proposed to have 3 bed layers of different hydraulic and physico-chemical properties. (Fig. 42b) The major layer which is the design “bed layer” typically used for VSB is composed of coarse gravel to allow sufficient flow through of the influent wastewater. (EPA 2000) This coarse gravel bed with (40-80 mm rock) near the inlet and the outlet zone can be mixed with chips of coconut shell charcoal to provide space for adsorption and carbon in the anaerobic environment at the bed. A gravel bed media of 20-30 mm diameter was provided by EPA (2000), to be generally sufficient for the “treatment zone” of the VSB. The second layer is an ancillary feature to provide additional space for influent wastewater storage and filtration from top or from bottom is a layer primarily made up of sandy material of calcium or iron or aluminum rich minerals. This sandy layer is an additional bed space for the VSB installations where influent water can be retained for longer times. The post-RBC filter is also a cylindrical micro screen installation for collecting biosolids sloughed from the RBC units and part of the effluent waters. (Fig. 39) The dimensions of the design are different from the pre-RBC kind. The post RBC installations functions mostly for water storage and buffering for pumping after its filtration. The cylindrical micro-screen is installed in a primary chamber where effluent waters will be filtered and let into a buffer chamber. A pump is installed in the secondary chamber to divert the water back to the drainage pipe or to the “biotowers”. Vegetated Submerged Bed The VSB design discussed here is of Variation 3), where the VSB installation alongside the drainage pipes serves as treatment unit for a diverted fraction of a conduit’s load. The generic model provided in this thesis is of pre-determined width and length to fit a narrow stretch of sidewalk or road “shoulder” in the EDV catchment (approximately 30 meters in length). (Fig. 40) The beds can be covered by interlocking grid pavements for public safety and use. In case drains are laid in road mid section, the VSB can be a “road island”. This installation is most suited in low density residential areas with minor traffic. VSB projects can be cooperation between communities or associations. For the design of the generic model, a fixed influent flow rate was determined at 9-10 m3/ day (which could be a very low fraction of the total flow rate in a conduit) for all the possible manhole or conduit sites in EDV. The flow rate (Q) of 9.80 m3/day is higher than the recommended Q for an areal loading (ALR) of 20 g TSS/ m2*day according to the EPA (2000); but is acceptable to satisfy hydraulic requisites for safe wastewater conductance in the VSB. The designs were derived from the guidelines in EPA (2000); following a model presented in Figure 40. Fig. 40 Typical design of VSB (EPA, 2000) Fig. 41 “Run race pathway” for VSB’s, photo adapted from website 67 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER The topmost layer is composed of soil, to which plants can start to take root and grow. A number of macrophytes have been used in different VSB treatment systems and pilot installations. The role of the macrophytes in the treatment process is not clear but the aesthetic and potential social functions it can provide are added values for this treatment unit. (EPA 2000) Together, this 3-media bed functions as depth-filter or horizontal trickling filter for the influent wastewaters and a permeable pavement for alleviation of rapid surface runoff in built up areas. The possible collective effects of VSB’s to urban hydrology is not quantified in this thesis but can be assessed in another research study. The efficiency of 3-media combinations is yet to be tested in EDV site. The design details were all lifted from the manual of EPA (2000), where the typical values with safety factors have been provided. The thickness or depth of the gravel bed is set at 1 meter, plus an additional depth for raising the entire VSB to elevations at road level. The width and length are also fixed at 0.8 – 1.0 m and 30 m respectively. The hydraulic retention times thus vary for each conduit site with different flow rates. EPA (2000) provides that for Inlet zone: 40-80 mm; Treatment zone: 20-30 mm; and for Outlet zone: 4080 mm of diameter of rock/ debris materials. Macrophytes Macrophytes in the VSB are included to serve more social functions than treatment. It is not clear how plants actually affect treatment efficiency of VSB’s (EPA 2000). Planting in monoculture is not necessarily helping the treatment capacity of the beds, and makes the VSB “susceptible to catastrophic plant death due to predation or disease.” (George et al, 2000 in EPA 2000) It was further suggested in Gersberg et al. (1986), Young et al. (2000) in EPA (2000) that the “pollutant removal performance depends and varies according to the types of wetland plant used.” However, these findings were not verified by other researches (EPA 2000). The possible effects of selected macrophytes for EDVVSB are thus recommended to be studied further. A survey of indigenous wetland plants in the Philippines to be tested for nutrient removal in beds includes the reputed namesake of the capital city “Maynila”. Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea commonly called “Nilad” in Filipino language is a wetland shrub indigenous to Manila environment known to blossom in local swamps in abundance. (Fig. 43) Although, no available study has exactly identified potential roles of this plant in nutrient removal or BOD reduction, such plant may be further evaluated to test potential appropriateness as a VSB system emergent plant. But among other tested and used wetland plants for beds, Pontedaria Cordata, L. was found to be commercially valuable plant also capable of phosphorus uptake in field studies in Florida. (DeBusk et al 1995 and DeBusk et al 2001) Fig. 42a Variation 3 VSB, 3 media installation along drainages Cross sections of VSB installations (top and middle) and plane view (bottom) Fig. 42b Prototype 3 layer media VSB The sandy layer also provides temporary storage space in case of water lagged top soil layers. Also, as in depth filtration, sand surfaces provide additional spaces for phosphorus or other chemical adsorption or binding. As reported in the study of Brix (2001) on media selection for constructed wetlands, the calcareous sand media in a reed bed provided the most effect in P removal. This property of calcareous sand is limited to only the first few months of installation, and reaction spaces will be saturated eventually. (EPA 2000) Nonetheless, the sandy layer, which has to be contained in a “geo-textile” material to prevent erosion to the gravel layer, still provide several functions as buffer retention space for excessive influent flow to the VSB, as space for retaining waters available to soil layer on top, and for additional space for rain fall. 68 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila demanding regular maintenance operations. But the service and the benefits it potentially provides in the long term e.g. low energy cost, minimal land use, environmental protection and public education are usually immeasurable. For designing such an RBC, a “Computation procedure for RBC design” has been provided by Metcalf and Eddy (2003). This provided modes and guidelines to determine RBC unit components’ dimensions, capacities and properties. The procedure also provided limits for influent sBOD loading as recommended by RBC manufacturers. This thesis mainly explores designs for EDV system for different possible configurations. The author cautions that the use of the formula and the resulting values must be substantiated by experimental research on field; so that a new formula may be evaluated to more suitably model the designed RBC efficacy. There are thus, 3 configurations for RBC installations mentioned in this work. The first RBC unit configuration is composed of 7 stages of RBC tanks and RBC shafts inline, directly intercepting flowing wastewaters in the drain. (Fig. 44) The tanks top elevation begins at the level of the pipe’s invert elevations. The distance between which can be re-designed according to site specific necessities and limitations e.g. length of available road segment or static analysis of roads and building structures for underground work. But generally, the distance from one RBC tank to the next is from 1-3 meters, such that the whole length of the series of 7 RBC stages and shafts total to 16.5-28.5 meters. The series shall follow the general slope of the drainage line, such that the flow of the wastewater through the units will proceed without external pumping needed. The discs in the shaft shall come in contact with the inflowing waters and then made to rotate by the continuous flow of water in the drain pipe. Theoretically, since the outlet end of the tank is of lower elevation, the drag of the flowing water shall turn shaft. Mechanical simulations of this set up is not covered in this thesis, but the idea it promoted i.e. self –supporting systems, can be relevant and can be developed in the future. Other rotating devices can be installed, e.g. motor drives or air diffusers. RBC units in this kind of series and their effects in BOD reduction was modeled using Grady (1999) equation for estimating sBOD concentration on succeeding shafts. An assumption of constant or conserved sBOD-BOD ratio of 0.6 throughout the treatment process was used. This assumption has to be verified, as increase particulate fraction in the influent wastewaters can prohibit more effective flux of soluble substrate to the biofilm. (Grady et al, 1999 in Cortez et al 2008) For the first RBC configuration, the recommended maximum first stage sBOD loading of 15g sBOD/ m2*day was not considered. This introduces a number of errors in the calculation, but generally, the results illustrate optimistic effects of treatment installations at the given sites. But due to overloaded conditions especially in the first shaft and first stage, problems like fouling, reduced Fig. 43 Macrophytes for constructed wetlands: “Pickerel Weed” Pontedaria Cordata, L., “Calla Lily”: Zantedeschia Aethiopica, and “Nilad”: Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea (Photo credits in the Reference List) Other reported wetland plants to significantly influence removal rate of nitrogen in laboratory – scale subsurface flow wetland, include “Calla lily” Zantedeschia Aeothiopica. (Belmont and Metcalfe, 2003) Liu and Zhaneg (2006) has tested 6 ornamental plants for treatment capacities in wetlands. Macrophytes proposed to be used in the design VSB also include low lying plants and grasses such that VSB installations to replace sidewalk pavements, can be modified to function as a “permeable pavement” of interlocking grids through which the VSB macrophytes can grow. The prototype described in this section features a bed with 0.8 meter width. In more spacious sidewalk locations, possibly with 1.0 meter width, the remaining 0.2 meter stretch can accommodate taller growing macrophytes which could provide additional aesthetic and possibly, some community led activities. Rotating Biological Contractors Conventional RBC units are typically off site treatment installations, but the principles and dynamics of the system are taken in the proposed designs to possibly suit an “in line” drainage configuration. Since RBC resembles a plug-flow reactor, with continuous inflow allowed with continuous outflow, they can allow continuous inline treatment process. This task proves to be challenging for assessment and evaluation of the efficiency of the design, as no actual experiment and laboratory scale study has been implemented neither for this thesis work nor for this particular kind of RBC setting. The assessment models used in this thesis relied on the recommendations and published analytical model of the sBOD concentration by Grady et al (1999) to provide theoretical functioning of the proposed and designed RBC installations in multiple stages. From the implementation perspective, the underground constructions for such drainage retrofitted RBC units can demand substantial capitalization costs and traffic nuisance apart from 69 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER The second RBC configuration is one that would follow the assumption of a fixed sBOD/BOD ratio of 0.6, and the 15 g/ m2*day maximum sBOD loading for the first shaft, as recommended. To somehow meet this sBOD loading criteria a “parallel and tapered” system is used to distribute the influent wastewater along a parallel series to avoid overloading and fouling of the first of the series of shafts. This “longitudinal” parallel configuration features a way for the influent high loading wastewater to be distributed in an array of shafts, working independent and simultaneously or parallel each other, such that one array functions as one stage. Along the drains, the RBC shafts are installed not exactly intercepting the drain, but along side them in a longitudinal parallel distribution. For the succeeding stages, the number may be decreased following a tapered RBC system. This way, the RBC shaft receives diverted flow or filtered effluent and the influent water is made to flow in a horizontal plank, of zero percent slope, and made to rise up to 0.1m height by a weir. Then the water is made to overflow into the RBC tank with the shaft and discs. The shafts and the discs are rotating perpendicular to the inflow and the layout for configuration 2 is provided in Appendix XI- Drawings. Design Prototype for RBC shafts and stages The shafts are very crucial components of the RBC system. Noted failures of the RBC units usually involve breaking of shafts due under-design or unexpectedly heavy load from biofilm growth. It is thus, important that shafts are kept small and built sturdy. The RBC shafts can be turned in a variety of ways, by a variety of mechanisms. One ideal option, like in the first configuration, is to make the influent waters turn the panels and the discs themselves as it continues to flow through the tank. This way, the RBC units will be close to self supporting systems. But for increased reliability of RBC treatment, conventional designs involving externally powered motors can be more useful. An air diffuser system is another driving option for turning the RBC shafts. Additional air cups on discs are usually mounted to ensure the rotation of the shaft at controlled rates (Metcalf and Eddy 2003). The introduced air can increase oxygen transfer and increase dissolved oxygen (DO) in the tanks. An example of an “air driven” RBC is presented in Figure 49. This thesis mentions three possible shaft driving systems, but considers at this point, that an air-driven system in selected RBC shafts is most cost effective to use as shaft driver mechanism and aeration unit. The study of Surampalli and Baumann (1996), confirms the overall advantages of providing supplemental aeration to overloaded RBC stages, specifically for a high BOD loading application such as a combined municipal and industrial dairy wastewaters. treatment efficiency is probable. This configuration can be adapted for post denitrification as overloaded first stage turn anaerobic. Thus, configuration 1 may be applied for recycling effluents. Post denitrification inline RBC configuration is not pursued further in this thesis. The “inline” RBC designed herein are not configured for possible recycling, because of additional pumping required. Further, this configuration must be further evaluated in an experiment, to verify the validity of the results using the Grady et al. (1999) function; and to correct values affecting treatment system efficiency of overloaded first stage and first shaft. A more appropriate model can be developed to analyze dynamics in the RBC treatment process of this kind. The net effect of RBC shafts installations in the upstream conduits, with the first configuration is substantial dilution of influent wastewaters. Each installation is composed of 7 shafts, with fixed surface area of 1800m2. The shaft design was estimated using the diameter of the pipes, such that the RBC tanks and the mounted discs’ radius atop the tanks need not exceed the top elevation of the drainage pipe. (Fig. 45) The results are presented in Table 20a and 20b and they show substantial reduction of sBOD in the effluent waters after the 7th shafts. This theoretical performance reflects the behavior of the function, but is not likely to be realistic. The results should therefore be tested in actual pilot-studies. Also, note that the results in this calculation are with overloaded first stages and must be re modeled using a more appropriate function. Known ways to address overloading of shafts include “step-feed” configurations, tapered distribution or supplemental aeration system. The “step feed” system has been described in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) as in Figure. 46. A tapered distribution means a decreasing number of shafts or tanks in the succeeding stages of the RBC treatment train. But similar in aim of distributing loads, 2 parallel distribution arrangements (longitudinal and lateral) are proposed and mentioned for the inline treatment.(Fig. 47) The parallel distribution system requires less flow control mechanism to be operated, unlike a “step-feed” system. These “solutions” are included in the next proposed RBC configurations. Configuration 1) with overloaded shafts and discs may be supplemented with aeration systems that can turn shafts while allowing faster oxygen transfer to the influent wastewaters. The aeration system design has not been detailed in this thesis but the theoretical oxygen requirements to treat 1 kg BOD have been used. According to EPA (2000), 1.5 kg of oxygen is required to treat 1 kg of BOD such that the BOD load in g/day in each selected site or tank can be assumed to demand a certain amount of oxygen (g/day). Table 20a and 20b provide the influenteffluent BOD characteristics in 7 stages of RBC tank for some selected sites.(See full table in Appendix III) 70 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Fig. 44 Image of RBC first configuration, with 7 RBC units in series, image not drawn to scale, 3D Max Studio rendering by Martin Varga Fig. 45 Prototype design for RBC installations, Configuration 1. 3D Studio Max rendering for this thesis by Martin Varga Fig. 46 Diagram of “stepfeed” RBC distribution, lifted from Metcalf and Eddy (2003) Primary effluent FLOW Fig. 47 - 48 “Longitudinal Parallel” distribution (left) along the drains, Configuration 2) and “Lateral parallel” distribution (right) 71 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 20a. Summary of Configuration 1 RBC Performance in DRY Weather (Full Table in Appendix III) 2025 RBC Configuration 1 Stage 1 sBOD/ BOD ratio = 0.6 Surface area per shaft = 1800m DRY Weather Manhole Id Flow rate [m3/s] Stage 2 Stage 7 2 Flow rate [m3/da y] Daily BOD prod [g/day] BOD conc. [mg/L] In sBOD [g/m3 ] Out sBOD [g/m3 ] E-BOD [g/m3] Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d] In sBOD [g/m3 ] Out sBOD [g/m3] E-BOD [g/m3] Organic loading [g BOD/m2* d] In sBOD [g/m3] Out sBOD [g/m3] E-BOD [g/m3] Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d] 101 0.010753 929.1 436236.3 469.53 281.7 98.5 164.2 84.76 98.5 50.5 84.1 43.4 13.5 11.1 18.5 9.6 114 0.036331 3139.0 1358150 299.19 179.5 110.9 184.8 322.22 110.9 77.4 129.0 225.0 32.4 28.0 46.6 81.3 Outfall02 0.003677 317.7 200046.4 629.65 377.8 74.2 123.6 21.82 74.2 28.7 47.8 8.4 5.5 4.4 7.4 1.3 Outfall05 0.015116 1306.0 360160.8 275.78 165.5 79.9 133.1 96.57 79.9 48.4 80.7 58.5 16.2 13.7 22.8 16.6 Outfall09 0.044796 3870.4 1145734 296.02 177.6 116.3 193.9 416.87 116.3 84.2 140.3 301.8 37.5 32.6 54.4 117.0 Outfall06 0.024987 2158.9 647454.4 299.90 179.9 99.5 165.9 198.93 99.5 65.1 108.5 130.1 24.5 20.9 34.9 41.8 Outfall07 0.013419 1159.4 338358.6 291.83 175.1 79.5 132.5 85.36 79.5 46.6 77.7 50.1 14.9 12.5 20.9 13.5 Outfall08 0.019085 1648.9 296880.4 180.05 108.0 64.2 107.0 98.02 64.2 43.8 73.0 66.9 17.6 15.2 25.3 23.2 Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d] In sBOD [g/m3 ] Out sBO D [g/m3 ] Organic loading [g BOD/m2* d] In sBOD [g/m3] Table 20b Summary of Configuration 1 RBC Performance in WET Weather (Full Table in Appendix III ) WET WeatherFl ow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [m3/da y] BOD conc. [mg/L] In sBOD [g/m3 ] Out sBOD [g/m3 ] Daily BOD prod [g/day] 101 0.02940 2540.2 436236 171.730 103.0 69.60 116.00 163.71 69.60 51.38 85.64 120.85 23.68 20.72 34.53 48.74 114 0.10120 8744.3 1358150 115.461 69.28 61.66 102.76 499.20 61.66 55.48 92.47 449.23 39.39 36.69 61.16 297.09 Outfall02 0.01045 903.66 200046 221.373 132.8 60.89 101.48 50.95 60.89 35.89 59.82 30.03 11.57 9.73 16.21 8.14 Outfall05 0.02903 2508.1 360160 143.594 86.16 60.54 100.90 140.59 60.54 45.85 76.41 106.47 22.16 19.50 32.50 45.28 Outfall09 0.10100 8726.9 1145734 131.287 78.77 69.16 115.27 558.87 69.16 61.55 102.59 497.37 42.43 39.32 65.54 317.74 Outfall06 0.03877 3350.1 647454 193.262 115.9 81.34 135.56 252.30 81.34 61.53 102.54 190.85 29.67 26.10 43.50 80.97 Outfall07 0.01974 1706.0 338358 198.326 119.0 69.44 115.74 109.70 69.44 46.87 78.11 74.04 18.53 15.92 26.54 25.15 Outfall08 0.03656 3159.2 296880 93.9722 56.38 45.10 75.16 131.92 45.10 37.35 62.26 109.27 21.67 19.55 32.58 57.19 Manhole Id E-BOD [g/m3] 72 E-BOD [g/m3] Out sBOD [g/m3] E-BOD [g/m3] Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d] Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila . the dimensions for this “longitudinal parallel” RBC are made to fit the space under the EDV roads. Access to the RBC installations can be done through designed manholes. In case of drainage lines built in the mid-section of the road, the whole drainage segment with designed RBC shall be moved to one side of the road to provide space for the RBC tanks. The maximum width of the installation is 6 meters and the average standard width of EDV roads are approximately 7 meters. The other side of the road where RBC tanks and shafts are installed will have to be provided for with a small diversion pipe to convey wastewaters to the next conduit further downstream. The results for simulated loading and removal figures of this RBC configuration are presented in Table 24. Note that the highlighted values are overloaded stages and thus would require supplemental aeration systems. In “parallel-distribution” configurations, treatment by-pass procedures can not be done separately for each RBC shaft and tanks. By-pass treatment is done by closing sluices or gates to the horizontal distributing plank such that the whole RBC unit process is skipped in events of excessive rain or flow rate. A brief evaluation of the mentioned RBC configuration 2) with “longitudinal parallel distribution” series is summarized in Table 21. All designs considered are for until year 2025, dry weather and the projected population is around 300,000 by 2025. Fig. 49 “Air driven RBC” Diagram lifted from: rtificationStudyGuide/07Fixed%20Media.pdf Configuration 2) would involve several treatment stages. After the wastewaters have been turned in the first stage, the effluent wastewater is channeled to a second or third stage and then into the post-RBC filter-chambers. The effluent will then be pumped and discharged back into the drain pipe or to a “biotower” treatment unit. The number of tanks or shafts for each stage is fixed to theoretically achieve desired BOD concentrations of the effluent at 30g BOD/ m3 or sBOD of 15 g/m3. The ideal number of shafts in the first stage is set to a maximum of 15 to achieve possibly the maximum loading of 15g sBOD/m2*day. This number of shaft is may prove to be challenging to build and maintain. It would require much underground works and space beyond the standard road widths in EDV. Initial results show lesser shafts are needed for the succeeding stages. And so for maximum 15 shafts in the first stage, a maximum of 2 and 3 stages were considered. Table 22 and 23 summarize theoretical sBOD reduction performance of these RBC configurations with 15 first stage shafts and with maximum 2 and 3 stages. Note that the total number of shafts required for both cases would be at least 300 tanks and stages which demand significant amount of maintenance and capital costs. Thus, another overloaded RBC series is proposed. An RBC with longitudinal-parallel distribution, with maximum 7 shafts in the first stage and maximum 3 stages has been designed. The last 2 stages are made to have maximum 2 shafts each so that the entire unit fits the width of the road and 1 continuous conduit. The overloaded stages are also designed to have supplemental aeration systems to compensate the demand for higher oxygen. The optimal designed RBC installation is thus, with 7-2-2 shafts for the first, second and third stages. Other designs for smaller sites e.g. 7-2-0, 4-2-2 and 22-2 are also presented in Appendix XI-Drawings. All Table 21 Summary of RBC configurations RBC series Max 2 stages, max 15 shafts Max 3 stages, max 15 shafts Total number of shafts required, number of people served 376: 797 people per RBC shaft 449: 669 people per RBC shaft Max 3 stages, max 7 shafts (7-2-2 series) (Except for installations along Visayas St, Main Drainage with 8 maximum shafts in the first 2 stages) 73 296: 1014 people per RBC shaft Remarks Too lengthy, not cost-efficient, more efficient in reducing BOD, but will still require “biotowers” for nitrification Ideal with necessary aeration, slightly larger biotowers required for combined BOD removal and nitrification; least demand for construction, maintenance and operation Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 22. Theoretical results for Configuration 2, Maximum 2 stages-maximum 15 shafts at 1st stage, DRY and WET weather 2025 (Full Table in Appendix V) sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Num of Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] DRY Flow rate [m3/d] Num of Shafts at stage 2 Effluent BOD Conc [g/m3] Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] Outfall02 200,046 200,046 318 13.34 5 6.22 1 29.6 11 949,785 949,785 4,291 21.11 15 15.53 6 40.7 8 1,521,357 746,403 6,023 16.59 15 17.50 6 37.5 NL 48 Outfall05 360,161 360,161 1,306 15.01 8 12.65 2 36.6 Outfall09 1,145,734 1,145,734 3,870 25.46 15 15.87 6 43.3 Outfall06 647,454 647,454 2,159 15.42 14 14.24 3 38.1 Outfall07 338,359 338,359 1,159 14.10 8 10.99 2 34.9 Outfall08 296,880 296,880 1,649 14.14 7 14.64 2 36.4 181 477,251 477,251 1,116 15.91 10 11.58 2 36.8 251 698,133 261,918 1,866 14.55 6 15.96 2 36.4 94 2,367,273 498,590 7,342 11.08 15 18.39 5 30.8 44 5,719,664 2,324,585 15,143 51.66 15 83.32 5 67.0 Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] Outfall02 200,046 200,046 NL 53 DM10 Wet 2025 WET Flow rate [m3/d] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 904 13.34 5 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 2 Effluent BOD 3.23 1 53.7 NL 48 11 949,785 949,785 6,782 21.11 15 8.89 6 59.0 8 1,521,357 858,680 9,853 19.08 15 10.70 6 48.9 Outfall05 360,161 360,161 2,508 15.01 8 5.45 2 52.2 Outfall09 1,145,734 1,145,734 8,727 25.46 15 12.01 6 61.9 Outfall06 647,454 647,454 3,350 15.42 14 4.46 3 55.9 Outfall07 338,359 338,359 1,706 14.10 8 3.84 2 54.1 Outfall08 296,880 296,880 3,159 14.14 7 6.86 2 45.6 181 477,251 477,251 2,849 15.91 10 5.24 2 55.2 251 698,133 340,800 4,794 18.93 6 11.92 2 44.7 NL 53 DM 10 94 2,367,273 717,422 18,336 15.94 15 12.59 5 30.9 44 5,719,664 2,735,219 39,024 60.78 15 49.40 5 57.0 74 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Table 23. Results for Configuration 2, Maximum 3 stages-maximum 15 shafts at 1st stage, DRY and WET weather year 2025 (Full Table in Appendix VI ) DRY Inflow conc Flow rate [m3/d] to the 1st shaft [g/m3] Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] Outfall02 200,046 200,046 318 Outfall05 360,161 360,161 1,306 Outfall09 1,145,734 1,145,734 Outfall06 647,454 Outfall07 Outfall08 sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Num of Shafts at Stage 1 629.7 13.34 275.8 15.01 3,870 296.0 647,454 2,159 338,359 338,359 296,880 94 44 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Num of Shafts at stage 2 5 6.22 8 12.65 25.46 15 299.9 15.42 1,159 291.8 296,880 1,649 2,367,273 474,416 5,719,664 2,262,923 Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] Outfall02 200,046 200,046 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Num of Shafts at stage 3 Effluent BOD after final stage BOD after 2nd Stage BOD after 1st Stage 1 3.14 1 18.4 29.6 58.7 2 7.96 2 25.8 36.6 58.1 15.87 6 9.31 6 29.3 43.3 73.8 14 14.24 3 13.72 2 29.6 38.1 59.4 14.10 8 10.99 2 13.47 1 27.8 34.9 56.9 180.0 14.14 7 14.64 2 10.00 2 27.1 36.4 53.3 7,342 64.6 10.54 15 17.77 5 14.63 5 25.3 29.9 36.3 15,143 149.4 50.29 15 81.80 5 66.56 5 55.3 65.9 81.0 Inflow conc to shaft [g/m3] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 2 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 2 BOD after 2nd Stage BOD after 1st Stage 904 221.4 13.34 5 3.23 1 2.25 1 28.2 37.4 53.7 DM10 Wet WET Flow rate [m3/d] Effluent BOD Outfall05 360,161 360,161 2,508 143.6 15.01 8 5.45 2 4.10 2 31.1 39.3 52.2 Outfall09 1,145,734 1,145,734 8,727 131.3 25.46 15 12.01 6 8.99 6 36.7 46.4 61.9 Outfall06 647,454 647,454 3,350 193.3 15.42 14 4.46 3 3.23 2 33.4 40.5 55.9 Outfall07 338,359 338,359 1,706 198.3 14.10 8 3.84 2 2.64 1 31.1 37.1 54.1 Outfall08 296,880 296,880 3,159 94.0 14.14 7 6.86 2 5.51 2 30.5 36.6 45.6 94 2,367,273 878,203 18,336 47.9 19.52 15 14.86 5 13.56 5 30.6 33.3 36.5 44 5,719,664 2,832,778 39,024 72.6 62.95 15 50.88 5 47.39 5 51.1 54.6 58.7 DM 10 75 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER In Outfall 09, the theoretical effluent concentration with the DRY weather 2025 design is slightly above the prescribed limit (56 g/m3). Its lateral lacks detailed profile such that upstream installation design was not possible. Upstream installation along this lateral can possibly reduce the effluent concentration in the outfall. In general, further studies on the drainage profile would allow designing more installations upstream in more appropriate sites. Also, for DM10 installations, 8 shafts in the first and second stage can fit the width of the road, such that the series is 8-8-3. The construction of this RBC series is special since DM10 has 2, 2m X 2m conduits. It is possible that for each of the existing conduit, an 88-3 RBC is put up. Table 24. Theoretical results of 7-2-2 RBC series, all concentrations in g/m3. (Full table in Appendix VII) Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [kg/day] Shaft's inflow load [kg/day] DRY Flow rate [m3/d] Inflow conc to the 1st shaft [g/m3] Remaining mBOD [kg/day] Removed BOD [kg/day] load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] sBOD Shafts at stage 2 load at Stage 3 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 3 Final Effluent BOD Conc BOD Conc after 2ndStg BOD Conc after 1st Stg 114 1,358 0.94 3,139 301.0 154 790 44.98 7 49.15 2 34.18 2 49.1 65.3 93.9 205 950 0.15 3,525 43.8 84 69 7.35 7 16.29 2 284.64 0 24.1 24.2 27.7 177 549 0.46 979 470.5 24 435 21.93 7 11.86 2 6.42 2 25.5 39.4 72.7 77 189 0.18 908 209.2 19 170 15.83 4 8.66 2 4.94 2 21.7 32.6 57.3 Outfall02 200 0.2 318 629.7 6 193 9.53 7 2.65 2 22.19 0 19.7 20.9 50.0 8 1,521 0.79 6,023 132.5 301 496 38.00 7 71.23 2 59.08 2 50.1 58.9 71.0 Outfall05 360 0.36 1,306 275.8 34 325 17.15 7 13.41 2 8.31 2 26.7 38.2 61.6 Outfall09 1,145 1.1 3,870 296.0 215 930 54.56 7 65.28 2 46.81 2 55.7 72.6 101.2 Outfall06 647 0.64 2,159 299.9 831 564 30.83 7 28.87 2 19.05 2 38.5 52.9 80.2 Outfall07 338 0.33 1,159 291.8 290 309 16.11 7 11.67 2 7.03 2 25.0 36.4 60.4 Outfall08 296 0.29 1,649 180.0 446 252 14.14 7 14.64 2 10.00 2 27.1 36.4 53.3 251 698 0.25 1,866 134.7 49 202 11.97 7 14.65 2 10.59 2 26.3 34.0 47.1 230 2,641 0.75 8,956 84.2 413 341 35.92 7 85.48 2 76.32 2 46.1 51.1 57.3 76 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila The third RBC configuration in this thesis has also cautiously considered the maximum sBOD loading of 15g sBOD/m2*day in the first stage or first shaft. It features the shafts spread across perpendicularly to the wastewater flow and to the drainage pipes. (Fig. 48)The influent wastewaters will be diverted for maximum 15 RBC shafts in the first stage for simultaneous treatment. But since 15 RBC tanks would translate to minimum 30 meters of width, this configuration is may not be very viable in a very dense residential area, with narrow roads, like EDV. Although, this configuration would not disrupt the drainage connections of many households along the drains, this will require displacement of several structures across the roads. It also presents high risks in case of excessive flow rates. Thus, this thesis focuses on the design of the “step-feed” longitudinal RBC installation with 7-2-2 maximum shafts for 3 stages. The model used for evaluating the design of all mentioned RBC configurations is provided by the equation: Sn = − 1 + 1 + (4)(0.00974( As / Q) S n −1 (2)(0.00974)( As / Q) Fig. 50 Draft of shaft and disc shapes used for RBC design calculations Where S n = sBOD concentration in stage n (g/ m3) As = disk surface area n The bottom of the tank has to slope gently to the next corridor and should allow water to flow into the next stages. For maintenance, a manhole must be constructed for each of the RBC tank. Three shaft rotation driving systems are briefly mentioned in this thesis. The details of each driving system are not provided in this work, but any can be adapted for the RBC tank design. For supplemental aeration system, at least 2 rows of diffusers are proposed to be mounted beneath the shafts. Although, air diffusers can demand more maintenance and energy, it can keep particles in suspension that could possibly contribute to more effective aerobic degradation and improve sedimentation at the bottom. Power sources: Although the original idea for the inline RBC designs was for flowing water to drive the discs, the proposed design can be externally powered. Each shaft shall be connected to an electrically rotor. But to insist on employing self-supporting principles in the design to enhance criteria of “sustainability” of the proposed wastewater treatment system, a renewable power source of medium scale, e.g. wind turbine, can be explored to power RBC rotations and “biotower” pumps. The details of this component are beyond the scope of this thesis, but such concept can be employed to decrease energy costs of operating the proposed treatment system in the long run. (m2) Q = flowrate (m3/day) (Grady et al 1999 in Metcalf and Eddy 2003, p. 937) Standard Shafts and Discs One shaft in this thesis is meant to be a standard design of 2 meters long. The design is derived from published characteristics of standard discs and shafts, although most of the reviewed RBC installations have shafts of longer lengths, 5-10 meters. The design of the shaft in this thesis supports perforated bladeplanes (parallel to the wastewater flow direction) and cross disc panels across the entire shaft (with folds/ corrugations). The discs’ design is made of light plastic material. The diameter of the disc is kept at 2 meters, such that the center of the shaft is at the level of the invert elevation of the drainage pipe, making 1 meter radius fitted in a tank. The resulting surface area is estimated to be 1800 m2 on which biofilm can grow. This area was used for calculations. This surface area was used as a constant and standard value for each RBC shaft/ unit. There are other existing designs such as packed shafts, discs with foams among many others as mentioned in Cortez et al (2008), but for simplification of design calculation, a “standard density” disc media was used. The entrance to the tank has to have a dike or weir that would cause water to rise and drop at higher velocities into the tank. 77 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Rotational Speed: The turning of the RBC shaft is set at 2 revolutions per minute which is within the recommended guideline for RBC discs with 1-4 meter diameters; and for RBC shafts with 5-10 m length, according to Mathure and Patwardhan (2005) in Cortez et al (2008). Pilot study for EDV RBC will yield more exact optimum rotation speeds, to achieve advantages of efficient oxygen transfer, without stripping the biofilm. Tankage and Hydraulic retention times The “tank” is actually a basin dug below the invert elevation of the drainage pipe, at a level to accommodate the RBC shaft blades and discs. Its dimensions shall also allow some sediment to settle at the bottom. The tanks are assessed to allow hydraulic retention times depending on the flow rates. The range is from least 0.7 hours for each of the RBC units, before the wastewater are to flow downstream through the outlet side. Solids accumulated at the tank bottom can be collected at the lower corner of the tank by manual collection. Although longer retention times would yield better distribution of substrate and effective removal of constituents in influent wastewaters, it would cost more energy. (Hanhan et al 2005, Najafpour et al 2006 in Cortez et al 2008) “Full scale RBC’s have the advantage of requiring short hydraulic retention periods, (generally less than 1 hour)”. (Benefield and Randall 1980 in Cortez et al 2008) The resulting retention times for RBC units (with different flow rates) in selected manholes are as follows: Note that the designed prototype has a fixed effective volume of 6.3m3. Staging The number of stages has been limited in the design to fit a drainage segment or conduit between 2 manholes. Assuming that the distance between 2 manholes are approximately 25-30 meters, RBC installations must be within those lengths. Longer installations would translate to longer diversion pipes for households and pipe connections along the remodeled treatment segment. The width of the design has also been limited to the width of 2-way roads in EDV, at approximately 7-8 meters. And only 3 stages can be accommodated in such limited space. Nitrifcation could have been achieved with more stages in the RBC installation, but the existing road and drainage infrastructure makes it difficult to establish and add 2 more RBC stages to the proposed prototypes. The graph of BOD and sBOD reduction in the Configuration 1) (Manhole 101) shows marginal decrease in BOD removal after the 7th stage. (Fig. 51) The function used to model the removal demonstrates the possible effects of oxygen limitations or substrate limitation in several stages. Configuration 1) allows more than 15g/m2*day of sBOD load in the first stage and the sBOD values are not necessarily true. Table 25. Retention times in each stage of the designed RBC series (7-2-2) configuration with tank volume of 6.3 m3 Retention Retention Retention time - 1st time - 2nd time - 3rd stage [hr] stage [hr] stage [hr] Manhole NL 50 101 1,139 0,325 0,325 114 0,337 0,096 0,096 253 5,971 1,706 0,085 171 0,824 0,236 0,236 39 0,374 0,187 0,187 71 0,308 0,088 0,088 205 0,300 0,086 0,004 200 3,775 3,775 3,775 177 1,081 0,309 0,309 77 0,666 0,333 0,333 60 0,283 0,081 0,081 3,331 0,952 0,048 11 0,247 0,070 0,070 8 0,176 0,050 0,050 Outfall05 0,810 0,232 0,232 Outfall09 0,273 0,078 0,078 Outfall06 0,490 0,140 0,140 Outfall07 0,913 0,261 0,261 Outfall08 0,642 0,183 0,183 181 0,948 0,271 0,271 251 0,567 0,162 0,162 263 0,344 0,098 0,098 227 0,254 0,073 0,073 40 0,140 0,040 0,040 230 0,118 0,034 0,034 94 0,165 0,165 0,062 44 0,080 0,080 0,030 NL 51 NL 49 Outfall02 NL 48 NL 53 NL 54 DM 10 78 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila The hydraulic and the organic loading differ at each manhole site. In RBC Configuration 1), the first stage and first shaft are definitely loaded with more than the recommended 15 g/m2*day of sBOD limit. The adaptation of the 1st configuration will entail less capital cost but would demand additional pre treatment methods e.g. supplemental aeration for effective functioning. In several studies it has been found out that “as the applied organic rate increases, the substrate removal rate increase and removal efficiency decreases.” (Cortez et al 2008) Thus, the second configuration, which allows more oxygen transfer to the RBC reactors, will likely to prevent dissolved oxygen limitation that could cause reduction of removal efficiency in the succeeding stages. This will also prevent nuisance associated with anaerobic conditions. For the second configuration and third configuration, the first stage organic loading is kept at maximum 15 g sBOD/m2*day or close to that. However, the major setback of configuration 2) is the huge area it would require. A more realistic design fit for EDV roads would require limited surface area per stage. The optimum RBC configuration is one with 7-2-2 shafts in terms of staging and loading. The installation of the 7-2-2 series fit a conduit between 2 manholes and the width of the standard road. Although the some of the stages in the 7-2-2 series are “overloaded”, supplemental aeration in the tanks can be used to alleviate the probability of fouling, and reduced efficiency due to overloaded discs in these stages. The same supplemental air diffuser is also chosen to be the driver for the disc rotation. The resultant organic loading for each shaft in 7-2-2 RBC series shafts in 3 stages are provided in Table.24. Decrease in Effluent sBOD "Out sBOD [g/m3]" Manhole 101 from 1st-7th RBC stage (DRY conditions, 2025) Out sBOD [g/m3] sBOD concentration (g/m3) 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Shaft 1 Shaft 2 Shaft 3 Shaft 4 Shaft 5 Shaft 6 Shaft 7 Stages Fig. 51 Graph of marginal decrease of effluent sBOD in 7 stages using the Grady (1999) function. (Manhole 101, at DRY weather conditions for 2025) The second RBC configuration with maximum 15 shafts on the 1st stage and with 2 -3 stages has a total length of at least 40 meters while configuration 2) with 7-2-2 series, would require 30 meters. The numbers of shafts for each stage in configuration 2) are mentioned in the Tables 22-24. The third RBC configuration type would require shorter lengths but increased widths as the shafts are distributed laterally across the drain. Some manholes with very high concentrations of BOD, the RBC unit may have to add 2 or more stages with each stage having more than 1 shaft. Although last-stage effluent recirculation has been reported to “increase RBC activity” (Ayoub and Saikaly 2004 in Cortez et al 2008), recirculation process along the drainage lines is apparently only operable in dry weather. The additional provisions for such recirculation may not be cost efficient for an “inline” RBC set up. Loading Organic loading is expressed as the product of flow rate and the sBOD concentration divided by the surface area of the shaft in g sBOD/m2*day. And the hydraulic loading is the quotient of the flow rate and total surface area in m3/m2*day. “Biotowers” The “biotower” installations are proposed to treat further the effluents of the RBC where the influent BOD concentration has been reduced to allow nitrification. Although RBC units can be designed to have “combined BOD5 and NH4- N removal functions, such require a minimum of 4 stages of treatment”. (Cortes et al 2008) Fig. 52 Configuration 1) staging across the drainage pipe 79 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER The resulting volume provides the dimension needed for containing the entire packing for the “biotower”. Since a standard packing depth of 6.1 meters was assumed for this thesis, the filter area of the “biotower” is determined by: (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003) Four stage RBC units in an “inline” configuration setting translate to lengthier installations, which is theoretically possible but rather impractical. Nitrification process can be introduced post-RBC, when organic concentration has been reduced considerably to make nitrifying bacteria compete better with other bacteria. The design components for the “biotower” units in this thesis are made to be capable of 90% TKN removal. Depending on the RBC configuration and their estimated effluent BOD concentration, differently sized “biotower” designs apply. The different “biotower” filter area requirements for different RBC configuration is presented in Tables 27 and 28. The design procedure was lifted from Metcalf and Eddy (2003), with each installation having a plastic packing media standard for 6.1 meters (height), with assumed packing coefficient value of 0.5.27 For the design, a required minimum wetting rate of 0.5 L/m2*sec was used. All standard measures and properties published for this media type was provided in Metcalf and Eddy (2003), including the following design formula. The nitrification rate Rn was identified for each selected manhole or conduit sites by: (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) ⎛ BOD ⎞ Rn = 0.82⎜ ⎟ ⎝ TKN ⎠ FilterArea = The Hydraulic application rate q is determined by: (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) q= Loading based on volume: (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) BODLoading = −0.44 VOR = [S o + 4.6( NO x ]Q Volume The entire calculation was done in MathCad program and is presented in Appendix XII. The results are summarized in Appendix VIII which includes the filter area required for each chosen manhole- conduit site to achieve 90% TKN removal for RBC configurations 2) maximum 15 shafts and 2 and 3 stages. For RBC 7-2-2 configuration, the resulting “biotower” design is summarized in Appendix IX. All the above calculations assumed a TKN daily production per capita of 3 gTKN/ person *day. This number was reviewed to be lower than realistic figures. And so for the recommended higher TKN value of 7.5 gTKN/ person*day, the resulting “biotower” design is also presented in Appendix IX. Note that the BOD effluent concentrations in these calculations are theoretical values. In reality, such small fractions of BOD can not be expected. For different configurations and staging in the RBC unit, there are consequent differences in the designs for “biotower”. The optimal combination for RBC“biotower” configuration is one which requires the least land area for the “biotower” units, such that not so much land have to be acquired. With the range of filter area required in this design proposal, one biotower installation could mean relocation of 1-4 households. And since the installation is highly The surface area of packing to achieve the set goal of 90% TKN removal was calculated by: (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) TKNremoval Rn The volume of the packing material is determined by assuming the packing property of having specific surface area of 100 m2/ m3. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) 27 (Q )( BODconcentration) volume The volumetric oxidation rate for each designed “biotower” is determined by (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) TKNremoval = 0.90(Q )(InfluentTKNConcentration ) Volume = Q FilterArea Further, the BOD loading for each designed “biotower” is determined by: (Metcalf and Eddy 2008) The TKN removal was then calculated to give the amount of TKN targeted / aimed to be removed per day. (Metcalf and Eddy 2003) As = volume depth packingsur facearea specificsu rfacearea Provided value in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) 80 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila aggregate and discharge wastewaters are: 193 (outfall of DM 10) and 225 (combined outfall of NL 053 and 54). These outfalls have several upstream installations but the estimated BOD load reduction of them is presented in Table 26. Table 26 provides options and the possible “theoretical” performance of the proposed treatment system. In case of phased development and only the RBC units are to be installed and financed initially, the treatment might slightly fail in achieving the set standard for BOD. On optimistic note, since the design has purposively overestimated a percent on populations and BOD production per capita, the effluent at the major outfalls might still comply with the standards. If the proposed combined storm and wastewater treatment system performs daily monitoring of effluent concentrations, it is allowed 10th percentile of exceeding the maximum limits, and can possibly pass the standards. The dry weather designed “biotower” is theoretically for 90% TKN removal, but its operation during average wet weather conditions would translate to about 50% removal in most “biotowers”. From evaluation of results, it is apparently more costeffective to build the designs for DRY weather- 2025, before the system can be upgraded for WET weather conditions until 2025. A short comparison of the “biotower” filter area requirements for dry and wet weather for different RBC configurations is presented in Table 28. visible, the design implementation should entail more thorough and comprehensive assessment and negotiation of installations with the stakeholders. This assessment and negotiation processes are beyond the scope of this thesis. Note that the guideline for trickling filter flushing and normal dosing rates for known BOD loading (kg/m3*day) were provided in Metcalf and Eddy (2003) and WEF (2000) For all the modeled biotower influent wastewaters, the BOD loading is not more than 0.25kg BOD/m3*day. Thus the operating dose was given to be 10-30 mm/pass, and the flushing dose is > or = to 200 mm/pass. Since the biotower design on the effluents of the RBC configuration selected, the biotower design based from the 7-2-2 RBC series is presented below together with the “biotower” design for other RBC configurations. The “biotower” theoretical performance in terms of BOD removal was derived from the function provided by Metcalf and Eddy (2003): n Se = e − kD / q So Where: S e = BOD concentration of settled filter effluent (g/ m3 ) S o = influent BOD concentration to the filter (g/ m3 ) k = wastewater treatability and packing coefficient based on n (L/s)0,5 / m2 D = depth of packing (m) q = hydraulic application rate of primary effluent, excluding recirculation (L/m2sec) Willingness-to-Pay Survey The survey design using stratified random sampling (SRS) and the sample size for each barangay (the single stratum) based on the 2000 Philippine Census. The sampling design for the WTP survey would have to be updated if to use the 2007 Philippine Census results. Survey questionnaire (see Appendix X) was written in Filipino language, pre-tested in personal interviews and was finally administered personally by the author. Some general comments were solicited as well through semi structured interviews. The WTP amount elicited are summarized in Table 29. The first of two parts of the questionnaire is to profile respondents and respondents’ current sanitation and water consumption patterns. Analyses and correlations of these variables are not part of this thesis work. But from tallies, most of the respondents of spend at least about Php 150 (approximately 22 SEK) for MWSI water bill and would spend some more to buy bottled drinking water. The total monthly household expenditure on water compared to monthly income can be very high in some very low income households while higher income households will only spend a small fraction of their income for water. Some respondents even revealed relying on free Barangay Hall water supply or illegally connected tap for their water. n = 0.5 is normally assumed (Metcalf and Eddy 2003, p.917) Using the designed RBC 7-2-2 series and its design “biotower” filter area for “dry weather” 2025 to treat wet weather (with wet weather load) lower TKN removal can be expected. Since there is significant difference in the required filter area to remove 90% TKN in the dry weather and wet weather, it is possible to adapt the design for dry weather 2025 even with the wet weather loads. Table 27 shows that 50-85% TKN removal can still be expected in wet weather operations of the dry weather designed “biotower”. Summary of Results The design most adaptable is the combination of the 7-2-2 Series and its corresponding “biotower” designs for DRY weather until year 2025. For outfalls 02, 05, 09, 06, 07 and 08, the theoretical BOD effluent concentrations are given in Table 24. The 2 other drainage outfalls where several sub catchments 81 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 26. Theoretical TKN removal of “biotower” designed for DRY weather 2025 during average WET weather 2025 Lateral # Filter Area [m2] WET Weather (for 90% TKNremoval) Manhole # Filter Area [m2] WET Weather using 2025 DRY design % removal with DRY weather filter area NL 50 114 363,44 220,00 54 NL 51 205 217,10 138,90 57 NL 49 177 99,38 59,41 54 77 77 52,50 29,56 50 60 60 106,54 113,12 95 34,00 27,70 73 396,67 238,73 54 Outfall02 Outfall02 NL48 8 Outfall05 Outfall05 78,70 75,16 86 Outfall09 Outfall09 340,66 196,98 52 Outfall06 Outfall06 141,20 91,55 58 Outfall07 Outfall07 60,89 50,28 74 Outfall08 Outfall08 76,28 53,69 63 NL 53 251 150,21 117,24 70 NL 54 230 627,96 379,97 54 Table 27. Summary of theoretical load reduction in 2 other outfalls to EDV DRY weather designs BOD prod (g/day) BOD after the RBC shafts (g/day) Flow rate m3/day BOD concentratio n after RBC (g/m3) BOD Loading after BIOTOWE R (g/day) Outfall: 193 5,936,061 817,201 15,428 53.0 WITHOUT TREATMENT 193 5,936,061 5,936,061 15,428 384.7 Outfall: 225 3,513,510 635,822 11,618 54.7 WITHOUT TREATMENT 225 3,513,510 3,513,510 11,618 302.4 Outfall: 193 5,936,061 2,236,979 WITHOUT TREATMENT 193 5,936,061 Outfall: 225 3,513,510 WITHOUT TREATMENT 225 3,513,510 BOD Concentrati on after BIOTOWER (g/m3) 359,559.0 23 173,847 15 1,078,464 .4 27 502,395 22 WET weather designs 39,907 56.1 5,936,061 39,907 148.7 670,422 22,493 29.8 3,513,510 22,493 156.2 82 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Table 28. Comparison of different possible RBC configurations in terms of filter area requirement for succeeding Biotower treatment RBC series configuration DRY weather filter area [m2] Wet weather filter area [m2] Configuration 1) 1895 2772 Configuration 15- 2 stages 2) 1918 2867 Configuration 15-3 stages 2) 1705 2389 Configuration 7-2-2 aerated 2) 1793 2746 wastewater treatment in the catchment gives clues on environmental values or priorities of the respondents. The range of answers is wide. (Fig. 54) The mean WTP amount can be considered as the maximum expected cash flow for the establishment of the wastewater treatment system. There are various opinions on how to collect the hypothetical fees for the proposed wastewater treatment system. Some interview respondents feel that MWSI should be in charge of collecting fees and others feel that management of a wastewater treatment system should remain a government task. Some respondents also wished that a new private organization can lead the management of a new system. The varying opinions and ideas of respondents are not analyzed sociologically in this thesis, but it reflects different sentiments of the residents on water and wastewater issues in EDV catchment. The situation in the catchment can be very disparate as can be seen in Figure 53 and Figure 55, and would translate to various applicable and acceptable wastewater treatment technologies, projects and financing. General sentiments of poor water supply service were also shared in interviews which gave an idea on how water supply can be a more real priority than wastewater treatment for many EDV residents. The second part of the questionnaire introduces the hypothetical wastewater infrastructure and elicits the maximum amount willing to be paid by the residents for such a proposed infrastructure. The introduction describes current conditions and practice in sanitation, sewerage and wastewater treatment facilities (or the lack of) in Metro Manila. A hypothetical compact and combined storm and wastewater treatment alternative was presented. A question on perceived need was also asked. Elicitation method for WTP during the preliminary survey was in the form of “direct open-ended” question and “bargaining session”. This allows the respondents the freedom to honestly weigh and value the wastewater treatment service based on their current income; and to give a reasonable amount to be paid in addition to the existing expenses. The open ended questions do not provide “cues” but sometimes would be answered in extremely low amount. From the initially surveyed samples, a range of amount options from were created. In the actual survey, people are asked an open-ended question and provided the range of possible amounts. The analyses of all other components of the questionnaire are beyond the scope of this thesis. “Strategic bias” was observed when respondents understated their WTP for the proposed wastewater treatment system, or would deliberately choose the smallest amount in the given price ranges. It can be ironic to get higher WTP amount from low income respondents than higher income respondents. Since wastewater treatment is a responsibility traditionally delegated to governments, the WTP for a Results Almost 90% of respondents answered “urgently needed” to the question of felt necessity for the proposed wastewater treatment, which reflects desire for a improvement in urban environment and infrastructure and in public spaces. Many however, tend to believe that these transformations would take a very long in reality. Many also mention how corruption and non-cooperation of many people would further delay infrastructural reforms. About 2% of the respondents answered that the hypothetical and proposed wastewater treatment system is not needed at all. The mean WTP amount for each of the barangay is summarized in Table 29. The mean WTP amount for the entire EDV catchment is derived from the resulting monthly WTP of each barangay. It is estimated to be Php 90.7 or Php 91.00 per month for the whole catchment. Because of the difference in income and WTP ranges of the population in EDV, cross-sectoral subsidies can be introduced. The mode of collection preferred is apparently through the MWSI monthly water bill. However, since not all households have water supply connection with MWSI, an alternative mode must be created. Implications on pricing: Currently, MWSI charges additional 50% of the water consumption as “sewerage fee” for those connections tapped into the sewer lines. A sewerage connection fee of (Php 6000) is also charged initially to a new client. Although the results of the WTP survey predict a total about Php 3.8 million of collection per month, the amount is non binding. Since the amount willing to be paid differs largely among barangays, the average amount of about Php 90.00 estimated for the entire EDV catchment, +/- 10% can be initially charged. The capitalization for the first stages of construction and early stages operations of designed treatment system may have to be financed extermally. The total amount collectible from the barangays may be sufficient for monthly operations. It is necessary to explore other financial arrangement. 83 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Table 29 Amounts willing to be paid by each Barangay, in Philippine Peso, as of Novermber 2007. All amounts are rounded up. BRG Y ID WTP (PhP per mont h) BRG Y BRG Y ID WTP (PhP per mont h) BRG Y ID WTP (PhP per mont h) BRGY ID ID WTP (PhP per mont h) WTP (PhP per month) 417 70.5 526 26.5 547 22.6 568 154 627 0. 418 83.6 527 117.6 548 46 569 40.3 628 394.83 419 112 528 76.2 549 63.4 572 34.8 629 24.65 420 325 529 43.3 552 48.3 573 59.2 630 85.47 421 45.8 530 10.9 554 204 574 37.5 631 38.22 422 233 531 27.2 555 54.4 575 9.70 632 40.77 423 495 532 163.2 556 15 576 119.2 633 41.85 424 94.4 533 68.6 557 33 577 34.8 634 443.30 425 157 534 7.3 558 26.2 578 35.6 636 92.66 426 31.5 535 32.6 559 25.7 579 10 636 92.66 427 34.8 536 229 560 34.4 580 102.4 636 92.66 428 34.4 537 54 561 267.3 581 48.5 436 10.5 538 50 562 543 582 0.00 437 15.6 539 213 563 17 583 192 446 12.0 540 111 564 37.5 584 164. 523 16.6 541 65.3 565 59 585 10 524 12.7 545 17.3 566 14. 626 64 525 17.2 546 60 567 56 627 0.00 Fig. 53 Estimated water consumption per capita per day of each Barangay, values in legend are in liters per day 84 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Fig. 55 Surveyed Mean Income of each Barangay Map values in legend are in Philippine Peso as of November 2007 Fig. 54 Willingness-to-pay Map, values in legend are in Philippine Peso, as of November 2007 85 Trina Go Listanco IMPLEMENTATION M A I N T E NA N C E TRITA LWR MASTER and environmental remediation; and should also be done in a way that appeal to the peoples’ understanding and needs. Ultimately, through the IEC and the visible onsite installations, peoples’ perspectives and ways can be transformed so they will be encouraged to participate, take responsibility for public spaces, and take stock in public infrastructures and urban ecology. A decentralized treatment system in 2025 for about 300,000 people in about 260 hectares of catchment space involves transformation not just of landscapes but also of peoples’ attitudes and urbanism. It demands strong involvement, cooperation and organization, not just of mechanical components, but of all stakeholders. And since the issue is highly connected with other major issues e.g. solid wastes, urban poverty and informality, this proposed treatment system’s success depends also in the sincerity of parallel and complimentary efforts to address these related issues. Monitoring the effluents and performances of the treatment units necessitates multiple site facilities. The organization of wastewater treatment monitoring is not detailed in this thesis, but emerging communication technologies (e.g. SMS based reporting) and remote measuring systems are potentially applicable in the proposed system. Monitoring is preferably done daily and at inletoutlet of RBC and the “biotower”. AND This section summarizes and highlights implementation and maintenance guidelines for all the designed components proposed in this thesis. The guidelines are rather obvious, and take much from basic principles of drainage maintenance. In general, the whole concept of a combined “inline” storm and wastewater treatment demands reliable and flexible treatment units without needing sophisticated maintenance, monitoring and operation. The components that need special attention are the RBC shafts and aeration systems, including the effluent pump. The rest, are rather charges that are straight forward and “not highly technical and delicate”. But due to the spatial and social factors such as high population density, poor (if not lack of) solid waste management, the proposed combined “inline” treatment system along public infrastructural spaces, demands active and regular maintenance. “Drainage maintenance” however, in this thesis means a new and different level of “de-clogging” drains. It is ideal to maintain minimal sediments in the drains. Since the functions of the treatment system depend on the whole train of units from upstream installations, negligence and malfunction in the upstream installations, necessitate preventive treatment bypass. Otherwise, the downstream units can accumulate the damages. It is important that even though the upstream installations e.g. road inlet screens, tangential filters and VSB’s are generally designed with safety factors and simple to maintain, they still must be kept functioning and operating within safe limits. With units at various locations, the level of operation and management will require several distributed units and levels of organizations as well. Issues on institutional arrangements are not discussed further in this thesis, but the roles of local community government and the coordination of public (City Government, MMDA, DPWH) and private sectors (MWSI) are crucial. Since the drainage system and its components are mandated to different government and private agencies, this “inline” treatment along the drainages stimulates discussions and offers an “urban catchment management” framework for combined storm and wastewater. The availability of maintenance personnel in EDV or neighboring districts is not foreseen to be problem. Since, the principles and process monitoring of the treatment system are rather simple, a few specialized experts are foreseen to be enough for the entire system operation. Sustained public information and education campaign (IEC) must be kept strong and aggressive at all times, especially in high density and “depressed” areas. The campaign should be able to effectively explain principles, goals and significance of such new approach to wastewater treatment, flood prevention, Road Inlet Screens Construction of drilled metal plates is foremost but can be done in phases. All road inlets must be replaced to filter out road litter. Resizing and reconstruction of existing inlets must be done with massive IEC. It is also important that the strains are secured. Regular cleaning of strains can be scheduled twice a day on dry weather but more frequently in wet weather. Typically, street sweepers use broom brushes to collect road litter, but for inlet maintenance it is recommended that vacuum type suction cleaner be used, to prevent soft solids to fall into the drains. These equipments required additional capital investment and energy costs, but the maintenance can be made more effective. At least weekly, these strainers should be inspected. Pre-RBC and Post-RBC Filters Both filters must be constructed prior to the construction of other components. With the designed depth of 3-5 meters from the drainage invert elevation, the filter walls and chambers must to be constructed with strong and reinforced concrete. The cylindrical screens made of metal wires should have opening size of 6mm as in fine screens. The designed depth is 1.0 meters to allow space for influent wastewaters in case of reduced efficiency of screen. The secondary chamber serves as primary settling tank, with a retrievable chute to collect settled 86 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila solids. This chute is made of rigid woven material with opening size of 1 um, tied up to a bar, and can be pulled up mechanically with a simple pulley. The chamber is has an effective volume of 48 m3 and depending on the influent flow rates, would have different retention times. At water reach the level (10 cm) less than the influent elevation, it will be turned over to a horizontal distributing plank, where a level of 10 cm must be accumulated before the influent wastewaters are finally let into the RBC shaft tank. These distribution systems should always be maintained and rid of sediments. In case of by-pass, the sluices at the inlet must be shut before the preRBC filter sluice has been closed. Both filters should be cleaned at least once a day. The accumulated garbage and solids in cylindrical screens must be collected everyday, while the micro screen bucket in the pre-RBC secondary chamber can be checked and emptied less often. Approximately 23 personnel, including a van driver and the claw operator should be able to accomplish the task of cleaning several manholes a day. A day’s tasks include checking and collecting the screens and replacing them on empty ones, closing road to traffic. Ideally, site schedules should have regular times. All screenings will be stored in a transit compound prior to landfill disposal or segregations. Inspections and repairs can be done through the access manholes. In case of heavy rains, all treatment must be by passed. The sluices of the filters must be closed manually. And the diversion weirs along the drains must be released. In case of earthquakes, reflectors in manholes must be kept exposed, or other road signals must be put in place. Maintenance costs for regular operations include fuel and labor, losses to traffic. In total the number of man power per day needed for 27 RBC series installations in the EDV site is about 81 per shift. with moderate traffic (near schools). All the rest of the selected manholes are in relatively minor or residential streets. During regular maintenance, of at least 3 times a week, one tank can be closed at a time, while the rest can continue in operation. It is important to limit if not close the pre-RBC effluent during cleaning. Ideally, the pre-RBC chamber must be cleaned first before the RBC unit. The cleaning may last 2 hours in dry weather and longer in wet weather. But in case of treatment “by-pass”, it is recommended to close the entire RBC series and seal the gates from the pre-RBC chamber. Monitoring, on the other hand, should be several times a day, especially during start up. But in full operation, monitoring of biofilm and DO can be often done through provided manholes. It is thus important to have at least 2 regular personnel at each of the remote treatment office to oversee functioning of the unit. This translates to 54 on site (108 total for night shifts), regular monitoring personnel at bay, equipped with radio and emergency pumps. At flow rates above the average wet weather flow rate for 2025, the treatment system must be by-passed. The gates and sluices must be manually sealed. This necessitates a central flood monitoring office and the remote operators’ posts in the distributed installations. “Biotowers” “Biotower” casings can be built locally, but the plastic packing may have to be imported from seasoned manufacturers or contractors abroad. One of the expected expensive components of the bio trickling filter is space. Difficulties arise especially construction would displace several houses and relocating people. The pumping and the dosing operation require most of the attention. The design presented in this thesis mentions a polishing VSB after the “biotower” (Variation 4). This VSB installation may only be applicable for large vacant land that could be function as a park in the “biotower” treatment compound. The dosing rates were provided in the design chapter. The most significant risk to “biotower” efficiency is the rain especially in case of heavy down pour. Although a cover can be installed to conserve the biofilm, times with prolonged rains e.g. typhoons, “biotower” treatment will have to be washed and by-passed. “Biotowers” can also present hazards and risks to public during operation and earthquakes. Using plastic packing instead of rock media alleviates possible injuries to personnel in case of structural failure due to earthquakes or wear and tear. In events of cracking and collapse, the “biotower” must stop operation and must be quickly replaced. Further investigations and risk management are not included in this thesis, but is recommended to undertake. Operational nuisance of the “biotower” include odors and may be avoided with built in aeration systems. Rotating Biological Contractors RBC’s shafts and discs can be made-to-order locally or can be acquired in packages from several foreign manufacturers. Sensitive components of the RBC unit include the aeration system and the shaft discs. The RBC tank construction requires most of the capital cost, because of the amount of earthworks involved. The designed provided in this thesis requires at least 6.0 meters of road width, such that drainage line in a selected site built in the midsection of the road, has to be reconstructed to one side of the street. Also, since the full length of 30 meters of RBC installation will block household pipes connected to the drain sides, a smaller pipe to serve these disconnected pipes will have to be constructed. Maintenance of RBC units with 7-2-2 will require a certain portion of the road to be closed. Alternate routes for private and public transport must be prepared. Manhole 8, is the most critical to handle, because it is on a major thoroughfare, with heavy traffic. Manholes 251, 230, and 40 are also in roads 87 Trina Go Listanco COSTS AND TRITA LWR MASTER Typhoons RISK MANAGEMENT Typhoons are perennial hazard in the Philippines, but EDV is most prone to the floods associated with it. In case of extremely high intensity rainfall and flow rates, the “inline” treatment system must be completely by-passed. Inlet strainers must be kept clear and clean. Regular maintenance of drainage is preventive measure to avoid clogging of drainage lines. Pre-RBC filter sluice must be closed first, in case of heavy rains. The maximum flow rate designed to be accommodated by the treatment system is the average flow rate until 2025. Thus, a central office monitoring the flow rates shall be able to signal by-pass procedures to the remote installations and control personnel early on. The inline treatment system works most effectively with increased weather forecast accuracy. The costs mentioned in this text may not be reflective of current market values and prices. Values presented are either quoted from manufacturers’ websites, or solicited figures from key personnel interviews in 2007. This chapter aims to provide some idea of how much the proposed system can cost. Possible Costs Schedules The figures and values presented in this section are rough estimations of prices and costs from average wages and gasoline values in 2007. Table 30 presents rough amounts for different items in the proposed wastewater treatment system. The amounts presented are enough to compare to the possible financial schedules for capitalization and monthly operations. These amounts shall be subjected to adjustments in actual implementation. It is assumed that most of the employees will be local residents of the site and that part of the capital and maintenance costs are to be shouldered by Local Government funds. Cross sectoral subsidies can be introduced. In general, the WTP amount is possibly enough to fund the monthly operations expenditures of the proposed system. A Barangay chairperson even suggested that part of the sewerage fees being collected by MWSI be used for fund proposed treatment system. Table 30 presents possible cost partitioning of the treatment system to different stake holders, such that funds can be retrieved from multiple sources. Since the combined drainage and sewer serves two functions mandated to 2 agencies: 1 public and 1 private, both organizations can coordinate management and finance the system. It is also possible to dissect the treatment system into components such that, the maintenance of the pre and post RBC filters will be charged to the MMDA and the RBC and the biotower units to MWSI. The local community government or associations can be active in maintaining the VSB. Earthquakes Structural damages to both the underground installations and the biotower present important risks to consider. The construction of underground structures must be reviewed and secured to avoid possible collapse of roads. RBC manhole covers must come with markers and reflectors. In case of overflows, pumps shall also be readily available in remote or site offices. Nuisances Failure to limit the organic loading in RBC shafts and “biotowers” may result to “increased probability of developing excessive biofilm thickness, depletion of oxygen, deterioration of process performance, appearance of H2S odours and excessive growth of nuisance organisms such as Beggiatoa (Tchobanoglous and Burton, 1991; Grady et al 1999 in Cortez et al 2008) Odors, flies and mosquitoes are most associated with “biotower” and VSB hazards that can be avoided with proper unit maintenance. Inordinate failures of RBC’s and “Biotowers” Ross et al (2008) have assessed the “inordinate” failures of different RBC installations worldwide. From experience, shaft overload has been identified as main draw back for the structural design of the RBC. Thus, small light weight material and packing must be closely designed and monitored. Also, down scaling the installation shafts could alleviate wear and tear on shaft mechanisms. Similarly, the wear and tear on “biotower” plastic media may result in cracking and structural failures. The plastic packing for both the “biotower” unit and the RBC requires replacement after sometime and further assessment e.g. LCA and EIA can provide risk management plans and evaluations. Risk Management The EDV catchment and the proposed system come inherently with risks associated to geography and treatment system selection. A few of the major threats to public and infrastructure safety are highlighted in this chapter. Until further assessment can be done, a more reasonable risk management plan can be idealized. 88 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila Table 30. Possible responsibility and resources sharing of treatment system among public and private agencies Installation operations and their WTP fees MWSI sewerage +environmental charges Local Gov’t funds e.g. tax Motorist tax MMDA Funds Inlet screens YES YES YES VSB YES YES YES Pre and post RBC filters YES YES RBC installations YES YES Biotower YES YES Table 31. Possible Cost schedules for infrastructure outlay and operation of proposed treatment system Installation Construction Energy Labor (O&M) recruitment Solids collection and transport 3 personnel per 10 -14 chambers; total of 30 for the entire EDV Costs For local Number items of Pre and post RBC filters Cylindrical screens Micro screen mesh Chamber construction Php 10,000 each * 57 Php 10,000 each * 57 27 cylindrical screens +30 replacements 27 micro screen buckets + 30 replacements 500,000 each * 54 RBC shaft 9 CFM wastewater aerators Diffusers Shafts and tank clearing or more, diffuser Aeration and rotation of discs US$ 150 * 30 (initially) Quoted from CLEAN-FLO brand, Manufacturer: USA. 1 RBC 3,000,000 block * 30 1 special team of 5 persons = (6 aeration units/ personnel) for maintenance and checking 296 total RBC shafts and tanks 2 monitoring personnel with shifts at remote control operators (total 54 personnel day shift + 54 personnel night shift) casing = Php each 3 personnel for regular cleaning operations, for every 5 RBC series installations (total 180 personnel) 1 RBC disc and shaft = 200,000 Php * 300 (approx + spare) Biotower Land Total 1792 m2 Land acquisition at 10,000 Php per m2 Media and casing = 3.5 Million each* 14 Pumping costs 1 each “biotower”, (total 13 personnel for the entire EDV for maintenance and checking 13 biotowers 2000 Php each x 100 Transport of collected solids Street sweepers provided by local government; volunteers or residents’ association At least 150, to replace all road inlets, plus additional coverage in low elevation areas 225 Million Php + contingency Approx. = 3.6 Million Euros + contingency 200,000 Php per month 1,500,000 Php + taxes per month Road inlet strains Drilled plates Metal Total rough estimates Php 1150 per person (initially) 89 Trina Go Listanco TRITA LWR MASTER Design Features The designs presented in this thesis includes “inline” filters or chambers, on-site and alongside VSB installations, RBC series and distributed “biotowers”, all of which are existing technologies for physical and biological treatment. Physical treatment units mainly use principles of filtration for solids separation while biological treatments units (2 aerobic steps) mostly use principles of attach growth, fixed film systems. But the proposed “inline” system is a continuous treatment system, retro-fitted specifically to EDV drainage system and conditions of: 1) high population density urban area 2) expensive lands 3) expensive and disruptive construction of sewage pipes and off site treatment plants and 4) limited skilled labor. Models used in this thesis show theoretical functioning of distributed treatment installations in selected sites along the drainage lines, in effectively reducing loads not “on site” but “as they flow”, to achieve standards for effluents by the time the influent has reached the outfall. The installations were chosen from a collection of other treatment techniques and methods, but were selected because of their affordability, simplicity and their reliability---or “appropriateness”. The selected unit process installations are all considered and “low energy”, “low skill” demanding. Also, they can be built in phases. For example, the proposed “biotowers” can be built after a few years of analyzing the performance of the RBC series; and the air diffusers can be initially placed only for the first stage to test effects on BOD removal. From evaluations, the design for year 2025, dry weather conditions, is most effective to build soonest. The filters, chambers, VSB’s, RBC’s and “biotowers” for dry weather flow 2025 are designed to handle highest concentrations of load. Since components are underground structures, they are difficult and expensive to upgrade. Thus, design valid for 2025 is worth the cost in the long run. Also, with the design RBC and biotower for dry weather, can still meet effluent standards (90 percent of the time), although achieving only 50-85% TKN removal on average wet weather conditions. Upstream trains of installations for dry weather 2025, (if to function as designed) are theoretically capable of reducing BOD influent wastewaters to achieve the standard effluent concentration of 50 gm3 to EDV waters. In wet weather, the predicted effluent is close almost close to the BOD standard, at 56.1g BOD/m3. Also, 50-90% (wet and dry season respectively) of NH4-N is expected to be removed, although no effluent standard exist for nitrogen and nitrogen compounds in Philippines, at the moment. The initial assessment of the “inline” treatment system and installations prove that filter and RBC chambers contributes to efficacy of the drainage system, not just by providing small distributed spaces for temporary retention and re-routing of storm waters, but for promoting preventive maintenance of drains. If maintained and managed diligently, this CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter highlights the new approach, with the combination of process sequence and unit operations for the proposed treatment system. This thesis has presented alternative options to an urgent need in urban development and encourages discussions and further assessments in the future. Summary of principles and approach Calls for remediation of the Pasig River and its tributaries (and distributaries) have been news for decades. This thesis initiates a “non conventional” approach to rehabilitate one estero catchment. Significantly, this work draws one’s attention to what is not as obvious as the solid wastes and fouling waters in the esteros, but to what urbanism hides beneath the roads, in canals and drains almost everywhere. The value of this work lies in planning a different approach to wastewater collection and treatment involving “watershed” approaches to urban storm and wastewater management. The approach focuses on the drains themselves that conveys urban runoff, households’ wastewater and some solid wastes. It proposes to address the problem of wastewater treatment neither “on site” nor “off site, but inline”. This thesis has provided concepts and discussions for the designs of a physical and 2 step aerobic biological treatment train that is set to maximize the drainage spaces, minimize above ground installations. Although, the proposed installations will not capture and treat all the flows, it is theoretically capable of reducing constituent loads before they are discharged into the estero. The design approach has also preferred multiple sites upstream as an alternative to traditional and compartmentalized sewage collection and treatment system. The decentralized system and process design, staged at multiple locations will demand reconstruction of drainages segments; and will require highly coordinated management. It demands a change in paradigm in wastewater treatment as it demands transformation in management of private and public sectors. It also demands engagement of actors and organizations down the community level. The “in line” approach challenges the conventional paradigm in centralized urban sanitation systems and water resources planning by preferring to employ more people than building longer sewer pipes; by raising public awareness and involvement; and finally, by engaging community workers and leaders in urban environmental-systems thinking. The benefits of the “inline” treatment can be shared among stakeholders and the transformation of meanings of esteros and drainages as “public” spaces will begin. 90 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila system, not only addresses water pollution hazards, but also alleviates flooding hazards. The challenges of the proposed treatment system are in effective and safe management. The “inline” treatment requires well coordinated operation and maintenance works. It also requires available and reliable energy to collect solids, aerate, rotate and pump components. These challenges, while difficult can be solved in a number of ways. This thesis has briefly mentioned principles of self supporting systems applicable and renewable energy sources, the details of which are beyond the scope of this thesis work. Also, participative approaches to include informal sectors in urban ecological projects e.g. maintaining VSB’s, or macropyhte based systems were identified. It has brought up possible organizational devolution of tasks to communities and sharing of responsibilities among public and private agencies. It highlights IEC for increased environmental awareness and competence among the stakeholders. For example, specific management duties can be charged to MMDA, to DPWH or to a third party wastewater treatment contractor. Distributed operation quarters can also be established. 1) The hydraulic and hydrological estimations available to the author at the time of writing of this thesis is that of Balogh (2008), no other scenarios were considered in the design, further only average flow rates were used as basis for the proposed processes and dimensions 2) Theoretical quantifications in this thesis can only be done with constituents BOD and TKN, other constituent flows need further analyses 3) Lack of control mechanisms and features for consistent and low risk operation especially for proposed supplementary VSB installations 4) Short assessment of indigenous materials for treatment unit media and construction for the entire proposed installations 5) Brief presentation and assessment of necessary biosolids management system 6) Effective management and monitoring for decentralized treatment units This thesis has only touched on one of many of other potential approaches to combined storm and waste water treatment system in EDV. But importantly, it has begun what could be fruitful discussions in the future for EDV and other urban catchments in developing countries. The issue of sanitation has other facets, and water and wastewater management are just two. It is recommendable that this “inline” treatment approach be used as an opportunity to introduce other sanitation projects and stir innovation for other alternative and appropriate approaches to “sustainable urban development” e.g. self supporting systems. The designs proposed in this study can be made replicated and re adjusted to other sites if proven in at least one pilot plant, and can be integrated in bigger water cycle planning and management for “water sensitive cities” (Wong, 2008) e.g. examinations of groundwater and pollutants in hyporheic zones, impacts of climate changing, continuous monitoring of water, promotion of preventive-adaptive management to natural hazard and continuous capacity building. The rehabilitation of EDV will also involve further investigations on pollutant transport in surface and subsurface inter-phases. Further assessment on socio-cultural factors in water use and wastewater disposal can give more insights to possible organizational approach. Eventually, the proposed wastewater treatment will be just a transition for wastewater reuse. Recommendations The main designs introduced in this thesis are aerobic biological treatment and physical separation methods. Their performances as been written and estimated in this work, is mostly theoretical. The last of the proposed process ends in nitrification and NH4 removal. The proposed sequence can be improved and upgraded to include denitrification. Such can be achieved by recycling28 biotower effluents or introducing some anaerobic batch reactions. This thesis shortly mentions the options for effluent recycling in the RBC stages and biosolids management, but at this point, leaves the task of designing pumping requirements for sludge recycling to future researchers. Essentially, the designs, assumptions and models lifted from other pilot studies should be verified on site. The pilot study can provide site specific conditions for improving the theory and practice of wastewater treatment in tropical low income urban areas while educating the people on waste water treatment, waterways protection and environmental remediation. With heightened information and venues for participation, communities will (hopefully) imbibe the “watershed” perspectives for improved estero water quality, human health and urban environment. Other major technical and implementation weak points of the proposed design in this thesis are the enumerated below. 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105 0.0038 0.0092 1333 245 55 0.0096 0.0164 7575 109 Population Daily cons (Liters/day) BOD conc DRY+avg rain [mg/l] TKN Concentration Dry (mg/L) 164 67.41 12.26483 5.055959 366 213.47 27.48252 16.00995 BOD conc DRY [mg/l] TKN Concentration Wet (mg/L) 0.0108 0.0185 8833 105 380 221.49 28.52052 16.61178 128 0.0269 0.0461 24260 96 417 243.71 31.26622 18.27851 124 0.0330 0.0573 25429 112 356 205.30 26.71921 15.39745 123 0.0343 0.0596 26415 112 357 205.12 26.76312 15.38407 0.0356 0.0621 27499 112 357 204.87 26.79467 15.365 111 0.0372 0.0651 28578 113 355 203.30 26.66178 15.24714 60 0.0401 0.0608 14989 231 173 114.07 12.96928 8.555119 99 0.0786 0.1282 45155 150 266 163.07 19.95369 12.23052 NL051 NL049 DM10 114 QC 101 NL050+QC NL050 Projected Manhole data for 2016, Dry and Wet Weather, Highlighted manholes are selected treatment sites 94 0.0807 0.1321 47931 145 275 168.02 20.62863 12.60155 81 0.1223 0.1999 73241 144 277 169.62 20.80067 12.72123 74 0.1249 0.2047 77840 139 289 176.01 21.64252 13.20069 68 0.1388 0.2280 92347 130 308 187.47 23.10055 14.06059 63 0.1524 0.2531 99554 132 302 182.11 22.68043 13.65855 56 0.1608 0.2685 110797 125 319 191.05 23.92823 14.32898 51 0.1628 0.2723 113765 124 323 193.45 24.26138 14.50861 44 0.1643 0.2750 115809 123 326 194.99 24.47801 14.62436 193 0.1673 0.2806 120191 120 333 198.32 24.93929 14.87386 200 0.0009 0.0016 1808 41 975 530.96 73.12386 39.82237 197 0.0073 0.0119 9312 67 593 361.97 44.47709 27.14775 177 0.0105 0.0170 11122 81 491 303.76 36.81566 22.78171 77 0.0097 0.0179 3846 219 183 99.52 13.72486 7.464346 161 0.0003 0.0004 151 158 253 190.77 19.00713 14.3076 253 0.0019 0.0024 1079 152 263 205.71 19.72255 15.42858 252 0.0035 0.0045 1947 155 258 198.50 19.36647 14.88727 171 0.0138 0.0176 7944 150 267 209.21 20.04533 15.69063 154 0.0164 0.0224 9552 148 270 197.05 20.24136 14.77906 39 0.0173 0.0242 10387 144 277 198.68 20.80641 14.90089 NL051plus1 0.0260 0.0394 14437 155 257 169.44 19.30854 12.70764 71 0.0368 0.0590 18704 170 236 146.89 17.66263 11.01646 205 0.0378 0.0608 19251 170 236 146.55 17.69604 10.99136 1 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X I C O N T I NU E D Outfalls NL053 NL054 NL048 Projected Manhole data for 2016, Dry and Wet Weather, Highlighted manholes are selected treatment sites Manhole Id Dry weather flow rateday Avg (m3/sec) Wet weather flow rate Dry + Avg rain Avg (m3/sec) 267 0.0011 134 0.0077 21 19 BOD conc DRY+avg rain [mg/l] TKN Concentration Dry (mg/L) TKN Concentration Wet (mg/L) Population Daily cons (Liters/day) BOD conc DRY [mg/l] 0.0015 251 389 103 80.26 7.716638 6.019431 0.0099 2621 253 158 122.47 11.84236 9.184883 0.0122 0.0159 4947 212 188 143.78 14.12117 10.78354 0.0133 0.0174 5606 204 196 149.02 14.67016 11.17681 11 0.0460 0.0581 19231 207 194 153.15 14.52187 11.48648 185 0.0567 0.0729 24467 200 200 155.38 14.97352 11.65364 8 0.0646 0.0829 30804 181 221 172.03 16.56965 12.90202 243 0.0660 0.0850 33284 171 233 181.21 17.49862 13.59078 256 0.0112 0.0122 6753 143 279 255.93 20.9557 19.19479 261 0.0261 0.0299 15752 143 279 244.24 20.92036 18.31828 262 0.0287 0.0333 17273 143 279 239.93 20.93162 17.99502 263 0.0329 0.0393 19866 143 279 234.30 20.94096 17.57278 248 0.0370 0.0449 22317 143 279 230.32 20.94644 17.27395 247 0.0414 0.0509 24968 143 279 226.95 20.93612 17.02102 173 0.0421 0.0520 25435 143 280 226.52 20.96752 16.98888 258 0.0433 0.0539 26219 143 280 225.03 21.02942 16.8772 227 0.0446 0.0562 27160 142 282 223.73 21.14544 16.77966 260 0.0797 0.0995 47014 147 273 218.76 20.47311 16.40709 40 0.0809 0.1014 47471 147 272 216.73 20.38347 16.25486 230 0.0960 0.1266 53487 155 258 195.60 19.34919 14.6698 224 0.1242 0.1740 70905 151 264 188.63 19.81915 14.14693 225 0.1245 0.1745 71140 151 265 188.73 19.839 14.15454 181 0.0120 0.0201 9663 107 374 222.87 28.05522 16.71507 251 0.0200 0.0337 14135 122 327 194.33 24.54581 14.57498 Outfall02 0.0034 0.0063 4050 73 551 299.94 41.30634 22.49541 Outfall03 0.0050 0.0073 2481 176 228 158.09 17.09253 11.85671 Outfall05 0.0140 0.0197 7293 166 241 171.66 18.09236 12.87446 Outfall09 0.0415 0.0638 23199 154 259 168.24 19.42045 12.61772 Outfall06 0.0231 0.0287 13109 152 262 211.14 19.67388 15.83521 Outfall07 0.0124 0.0151 6851 157 255 210.49 19.14392 15.78654 Outfall08 0.0177 0.0248 6011 254 157 112.35 11.81149 8.426436 Outfall EdV 0.4753 0.7070 287604 143 280 188.32 21.00928 14.12419 2 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X I C O N T I NU E D Manhole Id Dry weather flow rateday Avg (m3/sec) Wet weather flow rate Dry + Avg rain Avg (m3/sec) 105 0.0038 0.0103 Population Daily cons (Liters/day) BOD conc DRY [mg/l] BOD conc DRY+avg rain [mg/l] TKN Concentration Dry (mg/L) TKN Concentration Wet (mg/L) 1645 198 202 74.06 15.14 5.55 0.0096 0.0262 9353 88 452 165.36 33.93 12.40 0.0108 0.0294 10906 85 470 171.73 35.21 12.88 128 0.0269 0.0739 29954 78 515 187.62 38.60 14.07 124 0.0335 0.0930 31397 92 433 156.24 32.51 11.72 123 0.0349 0.0969 32614 92 433 155.78 32.49 11.68 0.0363 0.1012 33954 92 433 155.32 32.45 11.65 111 0.0380 0.1064 35285 93 429 153.52 32.21 11.51 60 0.0433 0.0949 18507 202 198 90.33 14.83 6.77 99 0.0827 0.2055 55753 128 312 125.61 23.41 9.42 NL051 NL049 DM10 114 QC 55 101 NL050+QC NL050 Projected Manhole data for2025, Dry and Wet Weather, Highlighted manholes are selected treatment sites 94 0.0850 0.2122 59182 124 322 129.11 24.18 9.68 81 0.1299 0.3220 90432 124 322 130.00 24.18 9.75 74 0.1327 0.3313 96110 119 335 134.32 25.14 10.07 68 0.1478 0.3693 114023 112 357 142.94 26.80 10.72 63 0.1624 0.4124 122921 114 350 137.99 26.27 10.35 56 0.1715 0.4395 136804 108 369 144.10 27.70 10.81 51 0.1737 0.4465 140466 107 374 145.65 28.08 10.92 44 0.1753 0.4517 142992 106 378 146.57 28.33 10.99 193 0.1786 0.4619 148402 104 385 148.75 28.86 11.16 200 0.0009 0.0026 2231 36 1114 400.90 83.56 30.07 197 0.0079 0.0188 11498 59 678 283.27 50.85 21.25 177 0.0113 0.0267 13733 71 561 238.45 42.09 17.88 77 0.0105 0.0304 4749 191 209 72.25 15.69 5.42 161 0.0003 0.0005 187 138 290 180.20 21.78 13.51 253 0.0021 0.0032 1333 133 301 192.47 22.55 14.44 252 0.0038 0.0061 2403 136 295 182.92 22.14 13.72 171 0.0149 0.0237 9809 131 306 191.90 22.92 14.39 154 0.0177 0.0319 11793 130 309 171.22 23.14 12.84 39 0.0187 0.0350 12825 126 317 169.43 23.79 12.71 NL051plus1 0.0280 0.0606 17825 136 294 136.09 22.07 10.21 71 0.0397 0.0939 23094 149 269 113.86 20.19 8.54 205 0.0408 0.0973 23770 148 270 113.07 20.23 8.48 3 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X I C O N T I NU E D Outfalls NL053 NL054 NL048 Projected Manhole data for2025, Dry and Wet Weather, Highlighted manholes are selected treatment sites Manhole Id Dry weather flow rateday Avg (m3/sec) Wet weather flow rate Dry + Avg rain Avg (m3/sec) 267 0.0012 0.0019 134 0.0083 0.0134 3236 21 0.0131 0.0218 6108 19 0.0143 0.0238 6921 11 0.0497 0.0785 23745 185 0.0613 0.1001 30210 Population Daily cons (Liters/day) BOD conc DRY [mg/l] BOD conc DRY+avg rain [mg/l] TKN Concentration Dry (mg/L) TKN Concentration Wet (mg/L) 310 340 118 74.85 8.81 5.61 222 181 112.18 13.54 8.41 186 215 129.84 16.14 9.74 179 224 134.61 16.77 10.10 181 221 140.05 16.60 10.50 175 228 139.78 17.12 10.48 8 0.0697 0.1140 38034 158 253 154.40 18.94 11.58 243 0.0713 0.1174 41096 150 267 162.10 20.01 12.16 256 0.0121 0.0144 8337 125 319 267.13 23.96 20.03 261 0.0282 0.0371 19449 125 319 242.95 23.92 18.22 262 0.0309 0.0420 21328 125 319 234.98 23.93 17.62 263 0.0356 0.0506 24528 125 319 224.60 23.94 16.85 248 0.0400 0.0588 27555 125 319 217.06 23.95 16.28 247 0.0447 0.0676 30828 125 319 211.20 23.94 15.84 173 0.0455 0.0693 31404 125 320 209.65 23.97 15.72 258 0.0468 0.0727 32373 125 321 206.04 24.04 15.45 227 0.0482 0.0770 33535 124 322 201.71 24.17 15.13 260 0.0861 0.1352 58048 128 312 198.80 23.41 14.91 40 0.0873 0.1386 58614 129 311 195.77 23.30 14.68 230 0.1037 0.1800 66042 136 295 169.85 22.12 12.74 224 0.1342 0.2591 87548 132 302 156.45 22.66 11.73 225 0.1345 0.2603 87838 132 302 156.20 22.68 11.72 181 0.0129 0.0330 11931 94 428 167.49 32.07 12.56 251 0.0216 0.0555 17453 107 374 145.61 28.06 10.92 16.60 Outfall02 0.0037 0.0105 5001 64 630 221.37 47.22 Outfall03 0.0054 0.0110 3064 154 261 129.20 19.54 9.69 Outfall05 0.0151 0.0290 9004 145 276 143.59 20.68 10.77 Outfall09 0.0448 0.1010 28643 135 296 131.29 22.20 9.85 Outfall06 0.0250 0.0388 16186 133 300 193.26 22.49 14.49 Outfall07 0.0134 0.0197 8459 137 292 198.33 21.89 14.87 Outfall08 0.0191 0.0366 7422 222 180 93.97 13.50 7.05 Outfall EdV 0.5107 1.0955 355109 124 322 150.07 24.14 11.26 4 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X II WET Weather Flow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [m3/hr] 212.06 0.0103 37 77.80 34 83.60 0.0262 94 30.55 0.0108 39 74.40 0.0294 106 27.21 128 0.0269 97 29.69 0.0739 266 10.82 124 0.0335 121 23.86 0.0930 335 8.60 123 0.0349 125 22.95 0.0969 349 8.25 114 0.0363 131 22.02 0.1012 364 7.90 111 0.0380 137 21.03 0.1064 383 7.52 QC 60 0.0433 156 18.46 0.0949 341 8.43 NL050+ QC Selected sites for RBC installations and expected retention times on prototype pre-RBC chamber. Designs are valid for until year 2025. Underlined manholes are selected sites for RBC installation 99 0.0827 298 9.67 0.2055 740 3.89 94 0.0850 306 9.41 0.2122 764 3.77 81 0.1299 468 6.16 0.3220 1159 2.48 74 0.1327 478 6.03 0.3313 1193 2.41 68 0.1478 532 5.41 0.3693 1330 2.17 63 0.1624 585 4.92 0.4124 1485 1.94 56 0.1715 617 4.67 0.4395 1582 1.82 51 0.1737 625 4.61 0.4465 1607 1.79 44 0.1753 631 4.56 0.4517 1626 1.77 193 0.1786 643 4.48 0.4619 1663 1.73 200 0.0009 3 862.81 0.0026 9 310.45 197 0.0079 28 101.89 0.0188 68 42.57 177 0.0113 41 70.62 0.0267 96 30.01 NL051 NL049 DM10 NL050 Loc Manhole Id Flow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [m3/day] 105 0.0038 14 55 0.0096 101 Retention time with fixed chamber volume of 48m3 [mins] Retention time with fixed volume of 48m3 [mins] 77 0.0105 38 76.13 0.0304 110 161 0.0003 1 2690.93 0.0005 2 1669.46 253 0.0021 7 389.92 0.0032 12 249.57 252 0.0038 14 212.20 0.0061 22 131.51 171 0.0149 54 53.83 0.0237 85 33.81 154 0.0177 64 45.21 0.0319 115 25.09 39 0.0187 67 42.73 0.0350 126 22.83 NL051plus1 0.0280 101 28.53 0.0606 218 13.19 71 0.0397 143 20.15 0.0939 338 8.52 205 0.0408 147 19.61 0.0973 350 8.22 5 26.29 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X II C O N T I N U E D Outfalls NL053 NL054 NL048 Loc Selected sites for RBC installations and expected retention times on prototype pre-RBC chamber. Designs are valid for until year 2025. Underlined manholes are selected sites for RBC installation Retention time with fixed volume of 48m3 [mins] WET Weather Flow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [m3/hr] 654.66 0.0019 7 416.93 30 96.39 0.0134 48 59.89 0.0131 47 60.90 0.0218 78 36.73 19 0.0143 52 55.83 0.0238 86 33.61 11 0.0497 179 16.11 0.0785 283 10.19 185 0.0613 221 13.06 0.1001 360 8.00 8 0.0697 251 11.48 0.1140 411 7.01 243 0.0713 257 11.22 0.1174 423 6.82 256 0.0121 44 66.20 0.0144 52 55.37 261 0.0282 102 28.33 0.0371 133 21.59 262 0.0309 111 25.85 0.0420 151 19.04 263 0.0356 128 22.49 0.0506 182 15.82 248 0.0400 144 20.02 0.0588 212 13.61 247 0.0447 161 17.89 0.0676 243 11.84 173 0.0455 164 17.59 0.0693 250 11.54 258 0.0468 168 17.11 0.0727 262 11.00 227 0.0482 173 16.61 0.0770 277 10.39 260 0.0861 310 9.29 0.1352 487 5.92 40 0.0873 314 9.16 0.1386 499 5.77 230 0.1037 373 7.72 0.1800 648 4.44 224 0.1342 483 5.96 0.2591 933 3.09 225 0.1345 484 5.95 0.2603 937 3.07 181 0.0129 46 61.94 0.0330 119 24.26 251 0.0216 78 37.04 0.0555 200 14.42 Outfall02 0.0037 13 217.56 0.0105 38 76.49 Outfall03 0.0054 20 146.96 0.0110 40 72.87 Outfall05 0.0151 54 52.93 0.0290 105 27.56 Outfall09 0.0448 161 17.86 0.1010 364 7.92 Outfall06 0.0250 90 32.02 0.0388 140 20.63 Outfall07 0.0134 48 59.62 0.0197 71 40.51 Outfall08 0.0191 69 41.92 0.0366 132 21.88 Outfall EdV 0.5107 1839 1.57 1.0955 3944 0.73 Manhole Id Flow rate [m3/s] Flow rate [m3/day] 267 0.0012 4 134 0.0083 21 Retention time with fixed chamber volume of 48m3 [mins] 6 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X III Summary of Configuration 1 RBC Performance in DRY Weather (From Table 20a) Manhole Id 2025 RBC Configuration 1 sBOD/ BOD ratio = 0.6 Surface area per shaft = 1800m2 DRY Daily Flow Weather BOD rate Flow rate prod [m3/day] [m3/s] [g/day] Stage 1 BOD conc. [mg/L] In sBOD [g/m3] Out sBOD [g/m3] E-BOD [g/m3] Stage 2 Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d] In sBOD [g/m3] Out sBOD [g/m3] E-BOD [g/m3] Stage 7 Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d ] In sBOD [g/m3] Out sBOD [g/m3] E-BOD [g/m3] Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d] 101 0.010753 929.1 436236 469.53 281.7 98.5 164.2 84.76 98.5 50.5 84.1 43.4 13.5 11.1 18.5 9.6 114 0.036331 3139.0 1358150 299.19 179.5 110.9 184.8 322.22 110.9 77.4 129.0 225.0 32.4 28.0 46.6 81.3 94 0.084977 7342.1 2367273 158.03 94.8 79.7 132.8 541.58 79.7 68.5 114.1 465.5 43.3 39.5 65.9 268.7 1052.3 44 0.175261 15142.6 5719664 274.25 164.6 141.4 235.7 1982.58 141.4 123.7 206.1 1734.2 81.6 75.1 125.1 200 0.000927 80.1 89257 1114.18 668.5 53.0 88.4 3.93 53.0 13.4 22.4 1.0 1.7 1.3 2.2 0.1 177 0.011329 978.8 549306 470.19 282.1 100.7 167.8 91.22 100.7 52.1 86.8 47.2 14.1 11.6 19.4 10.6 8.1 77 0.010508 907.9 189957 209.23 125.5 58.8 98.0 49.42 58.8 35.1 58.4 29.5 11.5 9.7 16.1 253 0.002052 177.3 53307 300.72 180.4 38.0 63.3 6.23 38.0 15.2 25.3 2.5 3.0 2.4 4.0 0.4 171 0.014862 1284.1 392361 470.19 282.1 111.7 186.2 132.82 111.7 61.0 101.6 72.5 17.7 14.7 24.5 17.5 39 0.018721 1617.5 513007 94.05 56.4 39.5 65.9 59.18 39.5 29.9 49.8 44.7 14.4 12.6 21.1 18.9 71 0.039712 3431.1 923769 129.64 77.8 59.6 99.4 189.42 59.6 47.9 79.8 152.2 26.0 23.3 38.8 73.9 205 0.040796 3524.8 950790 45.40 27.2 24.3 40.5 79.31 24.3 21.9 36.5 71.5 15.6 14.6 24.3 47.6 11 0.04966 4290.6 949785 221.36 132.8 95.5 159.2 379.52 95.5 73.5 122.5 291.9 36.6 32.3 53.8 128.3 183.1 8 0.069715 6023.3 1521357 133.25 79.9 66.9 111.5 373.20 66.9 57.3 95.6 319.8 36.0 32.8 54.7 263 0.035575 3073.6 981135 319.21 191.5 115.5 192.5 328.63 115.5 79.5 132.4 226.1 32.4 28.0 46.6 79.6 227 0.048167 4161.7 1341412 120.99 72.6 58.3 97.1 224.59 58.3 48.4 80.7 186.5 28.3 25.5 42.5 98.3 40 0.087334 7545.7 2344543 156.40 93.8 79.2 132.1 553.67 79.2 68.4 114.0 477.8 43.6 39.9 66.5 278.8 230 0.103662 8956.4 2641694 89.22 53.5 48.9 81.4 405.18 48.9 44.9 74.8 372.4 33.8 31.8 53.1 264.1 181 0.012916 1116.0 477250 427.65 256.6 99.9 166.5 103.20 99.9 54.0 90.0 55.8 15.5 12.9 21.4 13.3 251 0.021596 1865.9 698132 131.21 78.7 52.7 87.8 90.99 52.7 38.6 64.4 66.8 17.6 15.4 25.6 26.6 Outfall02 0.003677 317.7 200046 629.65 377.8 74.2 123.6 21.82 74.2 28.7 47.8 8.4 5.5 4.4 7.4 1.3 Outfall05 0.015116 1306.0 360160 275.78 165.5 79.9 133.1 96.57 79.9 48.4 80.7 58.5 16.2 13.7 22.8 16.6 Outfall09 0.044796 3870.4 1145734 296.02 177.6 116.3 193.9 416.87 116.3 84.2 140.3 301.8 37.5 32.6 54.4 117.0 Outfall06 0.024987 2158.9 647454 299.90 179.9 99.5 165.9 198.93 99.5 65.1 108.5 130.1 24.5 20.9 34.9 41.8 Outfall07 0.013419 1159.4 338358 291.83 175.1 79.5 132.5 85.36 79.5 46.6 77.7 50.1 14.9 12.5 20.9 13.5 Outfall08 0.019085 1648.9 296880 180.05 108.0 64.2 107.0 98.02 64.2 43.8 73.0 66.9 17.6 15.2 25.3 23.2 7 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X IV Summary of Configuration 1 RBC Performance in WET Weather (From Table 20b) 025 RBC Configuration 1 sBOD/ BOD ratio = 0.6 2 Surface area per shaft = 1800m Manhole Id 101 114 60 94 44 200 177 77 253 171 39 71 205 11 8 263 227 40 230 181 251 Outfall02 Outfall05 Outfall09 Outfall06 Outfall07 Outfall08 WET WeatherFlo w rate [m3/s] 0.02940 0.10120 0.09485 0.21222 0.45166 0.00257 0.02666 0.03043 0.00320 0.02366 0.03504 0.09390 0.09732 0.07849 0.11404 0.05055 0.07697 0.13861 0.18001 0.03298 0.05549 0.01045 0.02903 0.10100 0.03877 0.01974 0.03656 Flow rate [m3/day] 2540.2 8744.3 8195.2 18335 39023 222.64 2303.6 2629.2 276.95 2044.6 3027.7 8113.2 8408.6 6781.7 9853.4 4368.2 6650.3 11975 15553 2849.4 4794.3 903.66 2508.1 8726.9 3350.1 1706.0 3159.2 Daily BOD prod [g/day] 436236 1358150 740268 2367273 5719664 89257 549306 189957 53307 392361 513007 923769 950790 949785 1521357 981135 1341412 2344543 2641694 477250 698132 200046 360160 1145734 647454 338358 296880 Stage 1 BOD conc. [mg/L] 171.73 115.46 90.328 129.10 146.56 400.89 200.20 72.246 192.47 166.60 59.579 60.347 41.619 140.05 99.083 224.60 90.142 109.96 71.034 167.48 68.186 221.37 143.59 131.27 193.26 198.32 93.972 In sBOD [g/m3] 103.0 69.28 54.20 77.46 87.94 240.5 120.1 43.35 115.4 99.96 35.75 36.21 24.97 84.03 59.45 134.7 54.09 65.98 42.62 100.4 40.91 132.8 86.16 78.77 115.9 119.0 56.38 Out sBOD [g/m3] 69.60 61.66 49.05 72.45 84.72 49.28 76.07 35.12 35.54 64.40 30.40 33.75 23.79 71.00 54.22 97.00 48.01 60.60 40.75 70.19 36.14 60.89 60.54 69.16 81.34 69.44 45.10 E-BOD [g/m3] 116.00 102.76 81.75 120.74 141.19 82.14 126.79 58.54 59.23 107.33 50.66 56.25 39.65 118.33 90.37 161.67 80.02 101.01 67.92 116.98 60.23 101.48 100.90 115.27 135.56 115.74 75.16 Stage 2 Organic loading [g BOD/m2*d] 163.71 499.20 372.20 1229.95 3061.08 10.16 162.27 85.51 9.11 121.92 85.22 253.52 185.24 445.83 494.67 392.34 295.63 672.03 586.84 185.17 160.42 50.95 140.59 558.87 252.30 109.70 131.92 8 In sBOD [g/m3] 69.60 61.66 49.05 72.45 84.72 49.28 76.07 35.12 35.54 64.40 30.40 33.75 23.79 71.00 54.22 97.00 48.01 60.60 40.75 70.19 36.14 60.89 60.54 69.16 81.34 69.44 45.10 Out sBOD [g/m3] 51.38 55.48 44.76 68.02 81.72 19.46 53.94 29.37 17.08 46.14 26.37 31.59 22.72 61.29 49.81 74.64 43.11 56.01 39.03 52.94 32.32 35.89 45.85 61.55 61.53 46.87 37.35 E-BOD [g/m3] 85.64 92.47 74.61 113.37 136.19 32.43 89.89 48.95 28.46 76.91 43.95 52.65 37.86 102.15 83.01 124.40 71.85 93.35 65.05 88.23 53.86 59.82 76.41 102.59 102.54 78.11 62.26 Stage 7 Organic loading [g BOD/m2* d] 120.85 449.23 339.68 1154.84 2952.68 4.01 115.04 71.50 4.38 87.36 73.93 237.32 176.86 384.85 454.40 301.90 265.46 621.10 562.11 139.68 143.46 30.03 106.47 497.37 190.85 74.04 109.27 In sBOD [g/m3] 23.68 39.39 33.03 54.58 71.55 3.81 23.15 17.41 4.20 20.17 17.04 25.12 19.22 39.12 37.45 37.19 30.43 42.86 33.38 25.39 22.57 11.57 22.16 42.43 29.67 18.53 21.67 Out sBOD [g/m3] 20.72 36.69 30.98 52.00 69.39 3.07 20.08 15.75 3.45 17.53 15.63 23.88 18.51 35.81 35.24 32.86 28.32 40.47 32.21 22.33 20.96 9.73 19.50 39.32 26.10 15.92 19.55 E-BOD [g/m3] 34.53 61.16 51.64 86.66 115.65 5.11 33.47 26.25 5.75 29.22 26.04 39.80 30.85 59.68 58.73 54.76 47.19 67.44 53.69 37.21 34.93 16.21 32.50 65.54 43.50 26.54 32.58 Organic loading [g BOD/m 2*d] 48.74 297.09 235.10 882.78 2507.25 0.63 42.83 38.35 0.89 33.19 43.81 179.41 144.10 224.86 321.48 132.89 174.36 448.71 463.90 58.90 93.04 8.14 45.28 317.74 80.97 25.15 57.19 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices APPENDIX V Results for RBC Configuration 2, maximum 2 stages, maximum 15 shafts per stage, DRY Weather 2025 Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] DRY Flow rate [m3/d] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Num of Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Num of Shafts at stage 2 Effluent BOD Conc [g/m3] NL 50 101 436,236 436,236 929 14.54 10 6.21 3 29.9 114 1,358,150 949,653 3,139 21.10 15 4.76 15 28.2 253 53,307 53,307 177 17.77 1 3.74 1 25.3 171 392,361 343,538 1,284 14.42 14 12.82 2 37.2 39 513,008 168,434 1,618 14.04 4 12.64 2 32.9 NL 51 71 923,770 463,913 3,431 15.46 10 14.89 4 36.1 205 950,790 150,869 3,525 16.76 3 19.41 2 28.3 200 89,257 89,257 80 14.88 2 1.69 1 18.5 177 549,306 461,528 979 15.38 10 10.07 2 35.2 77 189,957 189,957 908 15.83 4 8.66 2 32.6 60 740,268 740,268 3,744 16.45 15 14.39 5 37.7 Outfall02 200,046 200,046 318 13.34 5 6.22 1 29.6 11 949,785 949,785 4,291 21.11 15 15.53 6 40.7 8 1,521,357 746,403 6,023 16.59 15 17.50 6 37.5 Outfall05 360,161 360,161 1,306 15.01 8 12.65 2 36.6 Outfall09 1,145,734 1,145,734 3,870 25.46 15 15.87 6 43.3 Outfall06 647,454 647,454 2,159 15.42 14 14.24 3 38.1 NL 49 NL 48 Outfall07 338,359 338,359 1,159 14.10 8 10.99 2 34.9 Outfall08 296,880 296,880 1,649 14.14 7 14.64 2 36.4 181 477,251 477,251 1,116 15.91 10 11.58 2 36.8 251 698,133 261,918 1,866 14.55 6 15.96 2 36.4 263 981,136 981,136 3,074 21.80 15 14.29 5 41.0 227 1,341,412 486,231 4,162 16.21 10 14.16 5 35.3 40 2,344,543 1,149,987 7,546 25.56 15 27.14 6 46.6 230 2,641,694 648,702 8,956 18.02 12 22.15 6 35.6 94 2,367,273 498,590 7,342 11.08 15 18.39 5 30.8 44 5,719,664 2,324,585 15,143 51.66 15 83.32 5 67.0 NL 53 NL 54 DM10 9 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices APPENDIX V CONTINUED Results for RBC Configuration 2, maximum 2 stages, maximum 15 shafts per stage, WET Weather 2025 Manhol e Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] WET Flow rate [m3/d] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 2 Effluen t BOD NL 50 101 436,236 436,236 2,540 14.54 10 4.53 3 53.4 114 1,358,150 1,015,158 8,744 22.56 15 11.11 15 57.2 NL 51 253 53,307 53,307 277 17.77 1 5.47 1 59.2 171 392,361 346,937 2,045 8.26 14 2.05 2 42.1 39 513,008 185,521 3,028 15.46 4 9.98 2 39.5 71 205 923,770 950,790 508,547 308,551 8,113 8,409 16.95 34.28 10 3 11.07 30.54 4 2 40.9 32.7 200 89,257 89,257 223 14.88 2 2.23 1 60.1 177 549,306 465,973 2,304 15.53 10 4.34 2 56.5 77 189,957 189,957 2,629 15.83 4 9.39 2 42.9 60 740,268 740,268 3,744 16.45 15 8.61 5 47.3 Outfall02 200,046 200,046 904 13.34 5 3.23 1 53.7 11 949,785 949,785 6,782 21.11 15 8.89 6 59.0 8 NL 49 NL 48 1,521,357 858,680 9,853 19.08 15 10.70 6 48.9 Outfall05 360,161 360,161 2,508 15.01 8 5.45 2 52.2 Outfall09 1,145,734 1,145,734 8,727 25.46 15 12.01 6 61.9 Outfall06 647,454 647,454 3,350 15.42 14 4.46 3 55.9 Outfall07 338,359 338,359 1,706 14.10 8 3.84 2 54.1 Outfall08 296,880 296,880 3,159 14.14 7 6.86 2 45.6 181 477,251 477,251 2,849 15.91 10 5.24 2 55.2 251 698,133 340,800 4,794 18.93 6 11.92 2 44.7 263 981,136 981,136 4,368 21.80 15 6.43 5 66.2 227 1,341,412 550,158 6,650 18.34 10 10.49 5 47.3 40 2,344,543 1,247,042 11,976 27.71 15 15.63 6 58.7 230 2,641,694 860,580 15,553 23.90 12 17.89 6 41.4 94 2,367,273 717,422 18,336 15.94 15 12.59 5 30.9 44 5,719,664 2,735,219 39,024 60.78 15 49.40 5 57.0 NL 53 NL 54 DM 10 10 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X VI Results for RBC Configuration 2, maximum 3 stages, maximum 15 shafts per stage, DRY Weather 2025 Manhole NL 50 101 114 NL 51 253 171 39 71 205 NL 49 200 177 77 60 Outfall02 NL 48 11 8 Outfall05 Outfall09 Outfall06 Outfall07 Outfall08 NL 53 181 251 NL 54 263 227 40 230 DM10 94 44 Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] DRY Flow rate [m3/d] Inflow conc to the 1st shaft [g/m3] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 Shafts at stage 2 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 3 Effluent BOD after final stage BOD after 2nd Stage BOD after 1st Stage 436,236 1,358,150 436,236 946,263 929 3,139 469.5 301.5 14.54 21.03 10 15 9.31 11.88 2 6 10.52 13.40 1 3 26.2 29.6 34.0 38.4 60.1 68.1 53,307 392,361 513,008 923,770 950,790 53,307 341,514 159,012 454,660 124,315 177 1,284 1,618 3,431 3,525 300.7 266.0 98.3 132.5 35.3 17.77 14.39 13.25 15.16 13.81 1 14 4 10 3 3.74 12.81 12.18 14.70 16.55 1 2 2 4 2 1.49 15.92 17.22 13.63 14.43 1 1 1 3 2 13.9 29.9 27.1 28.4 21.7 25.3 37.2 31.9 35.8 24.6 63.3 59.9 45.2 51.4 28.2 89,257 549,306 189,957 740,268 200,046 89,257 460,741 189,957 740,268 200,046 80 979 908 3,744 318 1114.2 470.7 209.2 197.7 629.7 14.88 15.36 15.83 16.45 13.34 2 10 4 15 5 1.69 10.06 8.66 14.39 6.22 1 2 2 5 1 0.49 11.47 9.87 15.68 3.14 1 1 1 3 1 8.6 27.2 25.2 30.1 18.4 18.5 35.1 32.6 37.7 29.6 63.3 61.7 57.3 57.6 58.7 949,785 1,521,357 360,161 1,145,734 647,454 338,359 296,880 949,785 694,552 360,161 1,145,734 647,454 338,359 296,880 4,291 6,023 1,306 3,870 2,159 1,159 1,649 221.4 115.3 275.8 296.0 299.9 291.8 180.0 21.11 15.43 15.01 25.46 15.42 14.10 14.14 15 15 8 15 14 8 7 15.53 16.71 12.65 15.87 14.24 10.99 14.64 6 6 2 6 3 2 2 9.71 12.12 7.96 9.31 13.72 13.47 10.00 6 6 2 6 2 1 2 28.7 28.0 25.8 29.3 29.6 27.8 27.1 40.7 36.2 36.6 43.3 38.1 34.9 36.4 65.2 50.0 58.1 73.8 59.4 56.9 53.3 477,251 698,133 477,251 253,133 1,116 1,866 427.7 135.7 15.91 14.06 10 6 11.58 15.63 2 2 13.68 11.13 1 2 28.9 27.4 36.8 35.8 62.3 50.3 981,136 1,341,412 2,344,543 2,641,694 981,136 450,209 1,114,431 536,409 3,074 4,162 7,546 8,956 319.2 108.2 147.7 59.9 21.80 15.01 24.77 14.90 15 10 15 12 14.29 13.47 19.95 14.46 5 5 8 8 10.50 11.78 13.49 15.02 4 4 8 6 29.3 26.7 31.7 25.6 41.0 34.0 42.9 30.2 69.7 48.6 63.5 38.7 2,367,273 5,719,664 474,416 2,262,923 7,342 15,143 64.6 149.4 10.54 50.29 15 15 17.77 81.80 5 5 14.63 66.56 5 5 25.3 55.3 29.9 65.9 36.3 81.0 11 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X VI C O N T I N U E D Results for RBC Configuration 2, maximum 3 stages, maximum 15 shafts per stage, WET Weather 2025 Manhole NL 50 101 114 NL 51 253 171 39 71 205 NL 49 200 177 77 Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] WET Flow rate [m3/d] Inflow conc to shaft [g/m3] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 2 Shafts at stage 2 Effluent BOD BOD after 2nd Stage BOD after 1st Stage 436,236 1,358,150 436,236 1,010,909 2,540 8,744 171.7 115.6 14.54 22.46 10 15 4.53 11.07 2 6 3.40 8.43 1 3 35.0 38.1 40.1 43.4 53.4 57.0 53,307 392,361 513,008 923,770 950,790 53,307 343,821 177,204 497,202 274,999 277 2,045 3,028 8,113 8,409 192.5 168.2 58.5 61.3 32.7 17.77 8.19 14.77 16.57 30.56 1 14 4 10 3 5.47 2.04 9.64 10.89 27.51 1 2 2 4 2 2.63 1.54 7.92 9.25 25.74 1 1 1 3 2 17.2 27.7 28.5 30.6 25.9 28.5 31.6 31.4 34.2 27.6 59.2 41.9 38.2 40.3 29.4 89,257 549,306 189,957 89,257 463,478 189,957 223 2,304 2,629 400.9 201.2 72.2 14.88 15.45 15.83 2 10 4 2.23 4.33 9.39 1 2 2 0.99 3.15 7.39 1 1 1 15.4 35.3 30.1 26.6 41.0 33.7 60.1 56.3 42.9 60 740,268 740,268 8,195 90.3 16.45 15 8.61 5 6.92 3 33.7 38.0 47.3 Outfall02 NL 48 11 8 Outfall05 Outfall09 Outfall06 Outfall07 Outfall08 NL 53 181 251 NL 54 263 227 40 200,046 200,046 904 221.4 13.34 5 3.23 1 2.25 1 28.2 37.4 53.7 949,785 1,521,357 360,161 1,145,734 647,454 338,359 296,880 949,785 792,001 360,161 1,145,734 647,454 338,359 296,880 6,782 9,853 2,508 8,727 3,350 1,706 3,159 140.1 80.4 143.6 131.3 193.3 198.3 94.0 21.11 17.60 15.01 25.46 15.42 14.10 14.14 15 15 8 15 14 8 7 8.89 10.12 5.45 12.01 4.46 3.84 6.86 6 6 2 6 3 2 2 6.38 8.17 4.10 8.99 3.23 2.64 5.51 6 6 2 6 2 1 2 32.5 31.1 31.1 36.7 33.4 31.1 30.5 42.3 37.3 39.3 46.4 40.5 37.1 36.6 59.0 46.2 52.2 61.9 55.9 54.1 45.6 477,251 698,133 477,251 326,380 2,849 4,794 167.5 68.1 15.91 18.13 10 6 5.24 11.54 2 2 4.00 9.92 1 2 37.0 32.6 42.1 37.3 55.2 43.3 981,136 1,341,412 2,344,543 981,136 504,373 1,198,723 4,368 6,650 11,976 224.6 75.8 100.1 21.80 16.81 26.64 15 10 15 6.43 9.87 15.20 5 5 8 4.22 7.73 11.63 4 4 8 33.0 29.4 35.1 43.5 34.9 43.7 66.2 44.5 57.1 2,641,694 717,023 15,553 46.1 19.92 12 15.44 8 13.24 6 27.6 30.7 35.7 2,367,273 5,719,664 878,203 2,832,778 18,336 39,024 47.9 72.6 19.52 62.95 15 15 14.86 50.88 5 5 13.56 47.39 5 5 30.6 51.1 33.3 54.6 36.5 58.7 230 DM 10 94 44 12 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X VII Theoretical results RBC configuration with 7-2-2 stage series Note: Underlined figures denote overloaded shafts, and highlighted manholes are installations followed by “biotower” unit.. BOD conc = concentration in g/m3 (From Table 24) Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] DRY Flow rate [m3/d] Inflow conc to the 1st shaft [g/m3] BOD conc after stages [g/m3] Remaining mBOD [g/day] Removed BOD [g/day] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 2 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 3 Final Effluent BOD Conc BOD Conc after 2nd BOD Conc after 1st NL 50 101 436,236 436,236 929 469.5 24.5 22758 413,478 20.77 7 10.98 2 5.90 2 24.5 38.1 70.9 114 1,358,150 944,672 3,139 301.0 49.1 154263 790,409 44.98 7 49.15 2 34.18 2 49.1 65.3 93.9 NL 51 253 53,307 53,307 177 300.7 10.5 1853 51,454 2.54 7 0.76 2 6.56 0 10.5 11.1 25.7 171 392,361 340,907 1,284 265.5 30.9 39738 301,169 28.77 7 17.61 2 9.98 2 30.9 46.6 82.3 39 513,008 160,385 1,618 99.2 24.4 39392 120,993 13.37 4 12.25 2 8.64 2 24.4 32.1 45.4 71 923,770 450,153 3,431 131.2 37.1 127341 322,812 21.44 7 33.33 2 26.05 2 37.1 45.6 58.3 205 950,790 154,362 3,525 43.8 24.1 84785 69,578 7.35 7 16.29 2 284.64 0 24.1 24.2 27.7 200 89,257 89,257 80 1114.2 5.6 447 88,811 14.88 2 0.84 2 0.18 2 5.6 13.7 63.3 177 549,306 460,495 979 470.5 25.5 24915 435,580 21.93 7 11.86 2 6.42 2 25.5 39.4 72.7 77 189,957 189,957 908 209.2 21.7 19703 170,255 15.83 4 8.66 2 4.94 2 21.7 32.6 57.3 60 740,268 740,268 3,744 197.7 46.5 174176 566,092 35.25 7 48.69 2 36.62 2 46.5 58.7 78.0 Outfall02 200,046 200,046 318 629.7 19.7 6249 193,798 9.53 7 2.65 2 22.19 0 19.7 20.9 50.0 11 949,785 949,785 4,291 221.4 52.8 226513 723,273 45.23 7 63.01 2 47.52 2 52.8 66.5 88.1 8 1,521,357 798,085 6,023 132.5 50.1 301715 496,370 38.00 7 71.23 2 59.08 2 50.1 58.9 71.0 NL 49 NL 48 Outfall05 360,161 360,161 1,306 275.8 26.7 34856 325,305 17.15 7 13.41 2 8.31 2 26.7 38.2 61.6 Outfall09 1,145,734 1,145,734 3,870 296.0 55.7 215594 930,140 54.56 7 65.28 2 46.81 2 55.7 72.6 101.2 Outfall06 647,454 647,454 2,159 299.9 38.5 83110 564,344 30.83 7 28.87 2 19.05 2 38.5 52.9 80.2 Outfall07 338,359 338,359 1,159 291.8 25.0 29003 309,356 16.11 7 11.67 2 7.03 2 25.0 36.4 60.4 Outfall08 296,880 296,880 1,649 180.0 27.1 44604 252,276 14.14 7 14.64 2 10.00 2 27.1 36.4 53.3 13 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X VII C O N T I N U E D Theoretical results RBC configuration with 7-2-2 stage series Note: Underlined figures denote overloaded shafts, and highlighted manholes are installations followed by “biotower” unit.. BOD conc = concentration in g/m3 (From Table 24) Manhole Original daily load, mBOD [g/day] Shaft's inflow load [g/day] DRY Flow rate [m3/d] Inflow conc to the 1st shaft [g/m3] BOD conc after stages [g/m3] Remaining mBOD [g/day] Removed BOD [g/day] sBOD load at Stage 1 [g/m2*day] Shafts at Stage 1 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 2 sBOD load at Stage 2 [g/m2*day] Shafts at stage 3 Final Effluent BOD Conc BOD Conc after 2nd BOD Conc after 1st 181 477,251 477,251 1,116 427.7 27.2 30402 446,849 22.73 7 13.63 2 7.67 2 27.2 41.2 73.3 251 698,133 251,284 1,866 134.7 26.3 49003 202,281 11.97 7 14.65 2 10.59 2 26.3 34.0 47.1 263 981,136 981,136 3,074 319.2 49.5 152240 828,895 46.72 7 49.40 2 33.98 2 49.5 66.3 96.4 227 1,341,412 512,517 4,162 123.2 40.0 166559 345,958 24.41 7 41.50 2 33.38 2 40.0 48.1 59.8 40 2,344,543 1,169,690 7,546 155.0 60.6 457209 712,481 55.70 7 106.67 2 89.07 2 60.6 70.8 84.8 230 2,641,694 754,360 8,956 84.2 46.1 413136 341,224 35.92 7 85.48 2 76.32 2 46.1 51.1 57.3 94 2,367,273 597,294 7,342 81.4 31.9 233876 363,418 24.89 8 15.68 8 29.54 3 31.9 36.2 51.2 44 5,719,664 2,389,033 15,143 157.8 63.7 964221 1,424,812 99.54 8 63.75 8 121.35 3 63.7 72.1 101.0 NL 54 DM10 14 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X VIII Biotower design for RBC configuration 2) with maximum 15 shafts at first stage and maximum 2 stages; DRY and WET weather 2025 Manhole ID 114 205 177 77 60 Outfall02 8 Outfall05 Outfall09 Outfall06 Outfall07 Outfall08 251 230 Wet weather 114 205 177 77 60 Outfall02 8 Outfall05 Outfall09 Outfall06 Outfall07 Outfall08 251 230 3,139 3525 979 908 3744 318 6023 1306 3870 2159 1159 1649 1,866 8956 28.22 28.26 35.17 32.61 37.69 29.64 37.53 36.57 43.28 38.13 34.85 36.39 36.38 35.59 32.45 20.23 42.09 15.69 14.83 47.22 18.94 20.68 22.20 22.49 21.89 13.50 28.06 22.12 172.36 148.64 68.49 35.37 150.60 21.99 277.36 62.46 207.40 110.21 56.03 61.97 105.62 439.42 Eff. BOD conc [g/m3] 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.03 8744 8409 2304 2629 3744 904 9853 2508 8727 3350 1706 3159 4794 15553 57.15 32.69 56.50 30.12 47.28 53.68 48.88 52.19 61.93 55.90 54.08 45.57 44.74 41.41 11.65 8.48 17.88 5.42 6.77 16.60 11.58 10.77 9.85 14.49 14.87 7.05 10.92 12.74 369.01 232.31 122.97 54.52 107.31 45.24 386.89 97.33 347.25 158.23 80.57 91.08 175.21 598.86 0.31 0.12 0.15 0.20 0.42 0.15 0.21 0.28 0.48 0.21 0.19 0.36 0.18 0.12 Q Dry Weather (m^3/day) BOD (g/m^3) TKN DRY(g/m^3) Filter Area [m2] 15 TowerDiam [m] AirFlow [m3/s] 86.18 74.32 34.25 17.68 75.30 11.00 138.68 31.23 103.70 55.11 28.02 30.98 52.81 219.71 9 7.8 3.6 1.8 7.9 1.1 14.5 3.3 10.8 5.8 2.9 3.2 5.5 22.9 0.25 0.27 0.10 0.08 0.35 0.03 0.58 0.13 0.43 0.22 0.11 0.15 0.18 0.84 BOD loading A [g/m2*day] 0.84 1.10 0.82 1.37 1.54 0.70 1.34 1.25 1.32 1.22 1.18 1.59 1.05 1.19 184.51 116.16 61.48 27.26 53.66 22.62 193.44 48.66 173.63 79.12 40.29 45.54 87.60 299.43 19.3 12.1 6.4 2.8 5.6 2.4 20.2 5.1 18.1 8.3 4.2 4.8 9.1 31.2 1.15 0.65 0.32 0.18 0.39 0.12 1.13 0.30 1.21 0.44 0.22 0.32 0.51 1.56 2.22 1.94 1.74 2.38 2.70 1.76 2.04 2.20 2.55 1.94 1.88 2.59 2.01 1.76 Pumping rate [L/s] BOD loading V [kg/m3*day] 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.14 0.15 0.07 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.16 0.11 0.12 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.24 0.27 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.26 0.19 0.19 0.26 0.20 0.18 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X VIII C O NT I N U E D “Biotower” design for RBC configuration 2), maximum 15 shafts in first stage, maximum 3 stages in DRY Weather, 2025 Manhole # Q Dry Weather (m^3/day BOD (g/m^3) 29.61 Filter Area [m2] Effluent BOD conc [g/m3] Pumping rate [L/s] 32.45 176.05 0.01 88.02 TKN DRY(g/m^3) TowerDiam [m] 9.2 AirFlow [m3/s] 0.26 BOD loading A [g/m2*day] 0.87 BOD loading V [kg/m3*day] 114 3,139 0.09 205 3525 21.74 20.23 132.44 0.01 66.22 6.9 0.21 0.95 0.09 177 979 27.20 42.09 61.17 0.00 30.58 3.2 0.08 0.71 0.07 77 908 25.24 15.69 31.59 0.02 15.80 1.6 0.06 1.19 0.12 60 3744 30.07 14.83 136.36 0.04 68.18 7.1 0.29 1.35 0.14 Outfall02 318 18.41 47.22 17.84 0.00 8.92 0.9 0.02 0.54 0.05 8 6023 28.00 18.94 243.80 0.02 121.90 12.7 0.45 1.13 0.11 Outfall05 1306 25.83 20.68 53.59 0.01 26.80 2.8 0.09 1.03 0.10 Outfall09 3870 29.29 22.20 174.66 0.02 87.33 9.1 0.31 1.06 0.11 Outfall06 2159 29.59 22.49 98.58 0.02 49.29 5.1 0.17 1.06 0.11 Outfall07 1159 27.83 21.89 50.75 0.01 25.37 2.6 0.09 1.04 0.10 Outfall08 1649 27.05 13.50 54.39 0.03 27.19 2.8 0.12 1.34 0.13 251 1,866 27.36 28.06 93.16 0.01 46.58 4.9 0.14 0.90 0.09 230 8956 25.57 22.12 379.97 0.01 189.98 19.8 0.63 0.99 0.10 16 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X IX “Biotower” design for RBC configuration 7-2-2 in DRY Weather, 2025 Manhole # Q (m^3/day BOD (g/m^3) TKN DRY(g/m^3) Filter Area [m2] Effluent BOD conc [g/m3] Pumping rate [L/s] TowerDiam [m] AirFlow [m3/s] BOD BOD loading V loading A [kg/m3*day] [g/m2*day] 114 3,139 49.14 32.45 220.00 0.035 110.0 11.5 0.41 1.15 0.11 205 3525 24.23 20.23 138.90 0.010 69.4 7.2 0.23 1.01 0.10 177 979 25.45 42.09 59.41 0.002 29.7 3.1 0.07 0.69 0.07 77 908 21.70 15.69 29.56 0.013 14.8 1.5 0.05 1.09 0.11 60 3744 19.67 14.83 113.12 0.011 56.6 5.9 0.20 1.07 0.11 Outfall02 318 50.09 47.22 27.70 0.017 13.9 1.4 0.04 0.94 0.09 8 6023 26.69 18.94 238.73 0.016 119.4 12.5 0.43 1.10 0.11 Outfall05 1306 55.70 20.68 75.16 0.116 37.6 3.9 0.18 1.59 0.16 Outfall09 3870 38.50 22.20 196.98 0.036 98.5 10.3 0.39 1.24 0.12 Outfall06 2159 25.01 22.49 91.55 0.009 45.8 4.8 0.15 0.97 0.10 Outfall07 1159 27.24 21.89 50.28 0.013 25.1 2.6 0.09 1.03 0.10 Outfall08 1649 26.26 13.50 53.69 0.030 26.8 2.8 0.11 1.32 0.13 251 1,866 46.13 28.06 117.24 0.039 58.6 6.1 0.23 1.20 0.12 230 8956 25.57 22.12 379.97 0.010 190.0 19.8 0.63 0.99 0.10 17 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X IX C O NT I N U E D “Biotower” design for RBC configuration 7-2-2 in DRY Weather, 2025 with TKN production per capita per day of 7.5 g Manhole # Q (m^3/day BOD (g/m^3) TKN DRY(g/m^3) 81.13 Filter Area [m2] Effluent BOD conc [g/m3] 515.9819 0.020018 257.991 Pumping rate [L/s] AirFlow [m3/s] BOD loading A [g/m2*day] BOD loading V [kg/m3*day] 26.9 0.906010068 1.059807257 0.105980726 TowerDiam [m] 114 3,139 29.61 205 3525 21.74 50.57732 350.1662 0.011674 175.0831 18.3 0.595928156 1.018649726 0.101864973 177 979 27.20 105.2247 167.0068 0.005861 83.50342 8.7 0.233776655 0.798121971 0.079812197 77 908 25.24 39.22997 91.0804 0.044699 45.5402 4.8 0.201516796 1.425206681 0.142520668 60 3744 30.07 37.06796 154.3506 0.040557 77.17529 8.1 0.325225895 1.338268926 0.133826893 318 18.41 118.0601 56.90088 0.003208 28.45044 3 0.074326404 0.733241868 0.073324187 6023 28.00 47.35824 529.6701 0.0106 264.835 27.6 0.851699019 0.948363307 0.094836331 Outfall05 1306 25.83 51.70834 129.5245 0.012491 64.76223 6.8 0.215216093 0.988317144 0.098831714 Outfall09 3870 29.29 55.50467 460.5577 0.02511 230.2788 24 0.855647207 1.138743713 0.113874371 Outfall06 2159 29.59 56.2315 210.8605 0.008063 105.4302 11 0.316783649 0.87112552 0.087112552 Outfall07 1159 27.83 54.71888 105.559 0.005956 52.77952 5.5 0.151743387 0.824748698 0.08247487 Outfall08 1649 27.05 33.75875 127.4264 0.028098 63.71319 6.6 0.252689712 1.237856498 0.12378565 251 1,866 27.36 70.15549 254.612 0.014017 127.306 13.3 0.429080538 1.006100434 0.100610043 230 8956 25.57 55.30318 836.4069 0.005715 418.2035 43.6 1.220756832 0.840404897 0.08404049 Outfall02 8 18 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices APPENDIX X Willingness to Pay Survey Questionnaire Good Day. I am a student of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure in the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. This survey is needed for my Master´s Thesis about the establishment of a “wastewater treatment system” for the Rehabilitation of Estero de Valencia and Flood control. This system is for the remediation of our esteros and wastewaters in the canal to also alleviate flooding and pollution. I ask that you answer the questions as accurate and as honest as possible. Please encircle your answer: 1) Ownership of house and land: a) Legitimate Owner of house and land b) Tenant / renter c) Owner of the house but not the land 2) How much is your total household income per month? Please specify the amount in Pesos____________ 3) Does your household have a private metered connection to Maynilad Water Service Inc (MWSI) ? a) Yes, we have 2) None 3.a) If yes you have a metered private water supply connection, is it a) residential b) semi-business c) high rise d) commercial water connection type? How much is your usual monthly bill for this water connection/ supply? Please specify amount in Pesos ___________. 3. b) If your household has no connection to the MWSI, where do you get your water for washing? a) deep well b) buy from neighbours who has MWSI connection c) others, specify__________ Where do you get your water for drinking? a) Drinking (bottled) water vendors b) boil water bought from neighbors c) others, specify__________ How much do you spend for buying and getting water in a month? Please specify in Pesos _______________ 4) Does your household have a septic tank or is connected to one? a) yes b) no If no, how much are you willing to pay for you to have one? Please specify amount__________ Currently, many of the houses are not connected to the Sewer lines of MWSI / MWSS, and so most of the wastewater from the houses e.g. grey water, sewage etc, go directly into the drains instead of going to the sewers. These wastewaters thus are discharged without any treatment into the estero (Estero de Valencia). One of the main aims of my thesis is to design a combined storm and wastewater treatment system where the wastewaters in the drains will have to be “cleaned” before it gets discharged in the EDV. 5) In your opinion, do you think that for those who are not connected to the sewer line, this combined storm and wastewater treatment system is needed for the cleanliness of waters in drains and for the rehabilitation of the estero? a) Yes, urgently needed b) needed but in the next 5 years c) needed but in the next 10 years d) not needed at all Currently, MWSI charges 50% of your water consumption in addition to your total water bill if you are connected to their sewer lines. However, there are alternatives to putting new sewer lines in your area to minimize the costs and disruptions of ground works for the laying of pipes. One such treatment alternative can make use of the drainage 19 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices line to be the site of the treatment where wastewater can be mechanically, physically filtered or cleaned as it passes through the drainages. Such a treatment alternative can be called an “interceptor system” in the drains. 6) If there will be a possibility of installing such drain interceptors system for wastewater treatment system, how is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for such a service? a) 50% of monthly bill b) fixed user fee, 20-50 pesos monthly c) fixed user fee, 50-100 pesos monthly d) fixed user fee, 100 – 200 pesos monthly e) fixed user fee, 200 – 300 pesos monthly f) fixed user fee, mahigit sa 300 pesos monthly g) other amount please specify______________pesos 7) Which agency would you rather or prefer to handle such wastewater treatment management? a) MWSI b) DPWH c) MMDA d) DENR e) new private company specializing in wastewater treatment system Thank you for your participation in this survey. Questionnaire in Filipino Language Magandang Araw Po. Ako po ay isang estudyante ng Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure sa Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Ang survey na ito ay kailangan ko para sa aking Master’s Thesis tungkol sa pag–tatayo ng isang: “wastewater treatment system” (Establishment of Wastewater Treatment System for Estero Rehabilitation and Flood Control) Ito po ay para sa ikalilininis ng mga estero at ng mga tubig sa ating mga kanal para makaiwas sa pagbaha at polusyon. Kung maaari ay paki sagot po nang matapat at tama ang mga katanungan. Paki-bilugan ang letra ng inyong sagot: 1) Pag mamay ari ng tinitirahan at lupa, Kayo po ba ay: a) may-ari ng lupa at bahay (owner) b) nangungupahan (renter/ tenant) c) hindi may ari ng lupa pero may ari ng bahay 2) Magkano po ang kabuuang kita (total monthly income of household) ng inyong “household” o kabahayan sa isang buwan? Kung renter, magkano po ang inyong kita o ang kita ng ningyong mag-anak na nangungupahan buwan buwan? Pakisulat po ang sagot: ( _________________ )Pesos sa isang buwan (kahit hindi eksaktong halaga) 3) Kayo po ba o ang inyong tinitirahan ay may linya (may metro) o kaya ay naka kunekta sa linya ng tubig ng Maynilad? a) Meron b) Wala 3.a) Kung meron: (Pakibilugan ang letra ng inyong sagot) Ang linya po ba na iyon ay: a) residential line b) semi-business line c) high rise line d) commercial line Magkano po ang karaniwang konsumo o bayarin ninyo ng tubig sa isang buwan? (Karaniwang Maynilad Billing o kaya’y kontribusyon sa bayarin ng tubig sa isang buwan) Pakisulat ang sagot: _______________pesos sa isang buwan 3.b) Kung walang linya sa Maynilad: (Pakibilugan po ang letra ng inyong sagot) Saan po kayo kumukuha ng tubig pang hugas? a) deep well b) bumibili sa kapit bahay na may linya o metro sa Maynilad c) kung sa iba pakisulat po kung saan __________. Saan po kayo kumukuha ng tubig na maiinom (drinking water)? a) bumibili b) pinakukuluuan ang tubig sa deep well or binili sa kapit bahay c) kung sa iba pa, pakisulat po kung saan __________ 20 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices Magkano po ang karaniwang nagagastos ninyo para sa pag bili at pag kuha ng tubig at pag bili ng tubig sa isang buwan? (Kahit sa inyong tansya o estima) Pakisulat po ang halaga: _________________ pesos kada buwan. 4) Kayo po ba ay may septic tank o “poso negro” o hukay para sa dumi mula sa kubeta? a) oo, meron b) wala, Kung wala, magkano po ang kaya ninyong bayaran para magkaroon ng “septic tank”/ “poso negro” Pakisulat ang sagot: _____________ (Pesos) Sa ngayon, hindi po lahat ng kabahayan at negosyo ay nakakabit sa “sewer lines” ng Maynilad. Ibig sabihin po nito, ang tubig na ginamit sa kubeta (kung walang septic tank), kusina, labada o mga “waste water” ay pumupunta diretso sa ating mga “drainage canals” (sa halip na sa “sewer lines”) at tutuloy sa ating mga estero nang hindi man lamang nalilinis (walang treatment). Isa po ito sa mga dahilan ng polusyon at pag dumi ng ating mga kanal at mga estero. Isa po sa layunin ng aking pag aaral ay ang pag-disenyo ng isang “wastewater treatment system” kung saan ang tubig na dumadaloy sa mga kanal na galing sa kalsada, ulan at kabahayan, ay lilinisin bago dumating sa estero. 5) Sa inyong palagay, kinakailangan po ba ang isang ”waste water treatment” para sa mga walang ”sewer lines” upang malinis ang tubig at mabuhay ang mga estero? Paki bilugan ang inyong sagot. a) kailangang kailangan sa ngayon c) kailangan sa loob ng 10 taon b) kailangan sa loob ng 5 taon d) hindi kailangan Sa kasalukuyan, kapag nakakunekta ang bahay sa ”sewer lines” o tubo ng Maynilad na papuntang Tondo waste water treatment plant, sinisingil po sila ng karagdagang 50% ng konsumo sa tubig bilang ”sewerage fee”. Isang mas matipid at alternatibong paraan ang pag kolekta ng waste water ay ang pag linis nito sa mismong ”drainage canals” upang hindi na po mag huhukay ng mga kalsada para sa maglagay pa ng bagong mga tubo para sa ”sewer lines”. Sa ganito pong paraan, sasalain (filter) na lang ng mabuti ang mga waste water, tubig ulan at tubig galing sa kalsada sa ating mga manholes, bago po ito makadating sa mga ilog at estero. Ito po ay maaring tawaging ”interceptor wastewater treatment system”. 6) Kung sakali pong magkaroon ng ganitong ”interceptor waste water treatment system” sa inyong lugar, at sakaling sisingilin kayo ng “user fee”, magkano po ang pinaka malaking halaga na inyong kayang bayaran buwan-buwan, para sa proyektong ito? (Ang tanong po na ito ay para malaman ang ”maximum amount willing to be paid” o kakayahan ng mga tao na makapag bayad para sa pag tatayo, operasyon and “maintenance” ng isang waste water treatment system.) Paki bilugan ang inyong sagot: a) depende sa aking konsumo ng tubig; hanggang 50% ng aking bayarin sa tubig buwan-buwan b) fixed na user fee, hanggang 20-50 pesos lamang buwan buwan c) fixed na user fee, kaya hanggang 50-100 pesos buwan buwan d) fixed na user fee, kaya hanggang 100 – 200 pesos buwan buwan e) fixed na user fee, kaya hanggang 200 – 300 pesos buwan buwan f) fixed na user fee, mahigit sa 300 pesos g) iba pang halaga, pakisulat ang sagot ______________pesos 7) Sinong ahensya o kumpanya ang nais ninyong mangalaga at mag-asikaso ng ”waste water treatment system” sa mga kanal at estero? Paki bilugan ang letra ng inyong sagot. a) Maynilad b) DPWH c) MMDA na kumpanya espesyalidad ang ”waste water treatment system” d) DENR e) isang bagong pribado Maraming Salamat po sa inyong pakikiisa sa survey. Sana po ay maging matumpay ang layunin ng inyong komunidad at mapalinis po natin ang ating mga kanal at estero. Salamat pong muli! Gumagalang, Trina Listanco, Estudyante (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden) (Residence) 13 Viola St. U.P Diliman, Quezon City 21 Combined Storm and Wastewater Treatment System for Estero de Valencia, Sampaloc, Manila – Appendices A P P E N D I X XIDrawings 1. Manila, Estero de Valencia (EDV); In-line RBC Wastewater Treatment – Typical design for 7-2-2 Series I; Scale = 1:100; Size: A3; RBC-T1 2. Manila, Estero de Valencia (EDV); In-line RBC Wastewater Treatment – Typical design for 7-2-2 Series II; Scale = 1:100; Size: A3; RBC-T2 3. Manila, Estero de Valencia (EDV); In-line RBC Wastewater Treatment – Other Layouts; Scale = 1:150; Size: A3; RBC-T3 22 1/9 InEx := InputVarNEW3.xls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 InEx = 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 "Lateral #" "NL 50" 2 "Manhole #" 114 "NL 51" "NL 49" 77 60 "Outfall02" "NL48" "Outfall05" "Outfall09" "Outfall06" "Outfall07" "Outfall08" "NL 53" "NL 54" 205 177 77 60 "Outfall02" 8 "Outfall05" "Outfall09" "Outfall06" "Outfall07" "Outfall08" 251 230 〈3〉 Qa := InEx i := 15 3 m Q := Qa ⋅ i day 3 "Q (m^3/day" 8.744·103 8.409·103 2.304·103 2.629·103 3.744·103 903.661 9.853·103 2.508·103 8.727·103 3.35·103 1.706·103 3.159·103 4.794·103 1.555·104 4 "BOD (g/m^3)" 38.147 25.875 35.296 30.116 33.65 28.164 31.097 31.133 36.659 33.446 31.128 30.456 32.592 27.568 〈5〉 TKNa := InEx 〈4〉 BODa := InEx g TKN := TKNa ⋅ i 3 m g BOD := BODa ⋅ i 3 m 5 "TKN (g/m^3)" 11.649 8.48 17.884 5.418 6.775 16.603 11.58 10.77 9.847 14.495 14.875 7.048 10.921 12.739 6 2/9 Combined BOD Removal and Nitrification Trickling Filter 0. Input values 3 Q = 15553 TKN = 12.7 m day * g g BOD = 27.6 3 3 m m Filter depth: depth := 6.1m Density of packaging material: DensPack := 100 2 m 3 m BOD ⎞ 1. Determine the specific TKN removal rateRn := 0.82⋅ ⎛⎜ ⎝ TKN ⎠ 2. Determine the TKN removal − 0.44 g ⋅ m ⋅ day TKNrem := 0.9⋅ Q⋅ TKN 3. Determine the required surface area of packing As := FilterArea := q := 3 Vol 2 FilterArea = 501 m depth Q q = 0.36 FilterArea a. Loading based on volume 1kg 1000g Vol BODloadingV = 0.14 kg 3 m ⋅ day b. Loading based on area 1 ⎛ ⎞ ⋅ 1000 g BODloadingA := BODloadingV⋅ ⎜ kg ⎝ DensPack ⎠ BODloadingA = 1.404 7. Determine the volumetric oxidation rate g So := BOD So = 27.568 NOx := 0.9⋅ TKN NOx = 11.465 VOR := (So + 4.6 ⋅ NOx)⋅ Q Vol⋅ 1000 g kg 3 m g 3 m VOR = 0.409 kg 3 m ⋅ day L 2 m ⋅s 6. Determine the BOD loading based on volume and surface area BODloadingV := day Vol = 3054 m DensPack To meet the minimum hydraulic application given previously as 0.5 L/m^2*s recirculation will be required. Q⋅ BOD g 2 As 5. Determine the hydraulic application rate m ⋅ day As = 305423 m Rn Vol := g 2 TKNrem = 178314 TKNrem 4. Determine the volume of packing material Hydraulic application rate, q Rn = 0.584 2 g 2 m ⋅ day 3/9 Computation for BOD removal 1. Determine k20 for design conditions (WEF 2000) 0.5 ⎛ L⎞ ⎜ ⎝s⎠ k1 := 0.210 2 0.5 D1 := depth D2 := depth m S1 := 150 ⎛ D1 ⎞ k20 := k1⋅ ⎜ ⎝ D2 ⎠ g 3 m 0.5 ⎛ S1 ⎞ 0.5 ⋅⎜ ⎝ So ⎠ ⎛ L⎞ ⎜ ⎝s⎠ k20 = 0.49 2 m 0.5 Correction for temperature effect (Matcalf and Eddy, 2003, p917) k28 := k20⋅ 1.035 28− 20 ⎛ L⎞ ⎜ ⎝s⎠ k28 = 0.645 2 2. Determine the effluent BOD concentration m − k28⋅ D 2 Se So =e q 0.5 Se = 0.039 g 3 m 3. Determine the recirculation rate and recirculation ratio The minimum wetting rate: Wr := 0.5 Determine the recirculation ratio 4. Pumping rate L 2 m ⋅s R := Dow Chemical (WEF, 2000), page 919 - Metcalf and Eddy 2003 q + qr = Wr qr q Pr := Wr⋅ FilterArea R = 0.391 qr = 0.14 L 2 m ⋅s L Pr = 250.346 s 5. Determine the rotational speed 3 R = 0.391 q = 1.294 m A := 2 number of arms 2 m ⋅ hr DRn := 10mm DRf := 200mm DR: Dosing Rate nn := nf := ( 1 + R) ⋅ q A⋅ DRn ( 1 + R) ⋅ q A⋅ DRf 1 nn = 1.5 min rotational speed - normal dosing 1 nf = 0.075 min rotational speed - flushing 4/9 Determine trickling filter airflow rate requirements and pressure drop for forced ventillation Input values 3 Wastewater flowrate: Q = 15553 Primary effluent: BOD = 28 m Temperature: day g T := 28K So := BOD 3 m Design assumptions BOD loading: BODloadingV = 0.14 Organic loading peak factor: 3 kg LB := BODloadingV⋅ 3 m ⋅ day kg Tower diameter, calculated from the filter area: ⎛ ⎜ d := round⎜ ⎝ ⎞ FilterArea depth π ⋅ 1 m , 1 ⋅m ⎠ nd := 1 depth = 6.1 m Depth of packing: Headloss correction factor for inlet and other minor losses: Lin := 1.5 Headloss correction factor for cross-flow packing: Lcross := 1.3 Air temperature: Tmin := 18K Tmax := 38K Solution 1. Determine the required oxygen rate Ro := 20 kg kg ⎛ ⋅ ⎝ 0.80 ⋅ e − 9⋅ LB + 1.2⋅ e − 0.17 ⋅ LB⎞ ⎠ ⋅ PF Ro = 45.849 2. Determine airflow rate for the given conditions a. Determine the airflow rate at standard conditions 3 ARSTD := Ro⋅ Q⋅ So⋅ 3.58 g 1000 kg ⋅ 1440 m 3 m ARSTD = 48.875 min kg min day b. Correct the air flowrate for temperature and pressure ⎛ 273.15K + Tmax ⎞ 273.15K ⎝ ⎠ ART := ARSTD⋅ ⎜ 3 m ART = 55.674 min c. Correct the air flowrate for lower oxygen saturation ⎛ Tmax − 20K ⎞ ⎝ 100K AR := ART⋅ ⎜ 1 + ⎠ LB = 0.14 same as flowrate peak factor PF := 1.64 Number of towers: m ⋅ day 3 AR = 65.695 m min kg⋅ O2 kg⋅ BOD d = 26.1 m