referral broker program
referral broker program
PRINT FORM EMAIL FORM REFERRAL BROKER PROGRAM Name: Company Address: City State Zip Code Telephone: Cell Phone: Email Rancho Pacifico Estates Chomes , Puntarenas, Costa Rica 1. This agreement("the agreement") serves an a binding document between Pacific Land Sales of Costa Rica LLC("the developer") and the real estate professional("the agent) that registers through this agreement for the following purpose. 2. This agreement is for the expressed purpose of promoting the sale of the project known as Rancho Pacifico Estates ("the project"). The project is twenty titled buildable home sites with Ocean and Mountain views located in Chomes, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. 3. Non-Exclusive. The developer retains the right to sell the project to buyers or through other registered agents. 4. Buyer Registration. Commissions shall only be paid when the broker registered through this agreement is the contact of origin of the buyer, all buyers must be entered into the purpose reservation system through Pacific Land Sales of Costa Rica LLC. 5. Commission. The developer agrees to pay the broker a commission of 8%(eight percent) of the net price. The net sale price means the actual purchase price paid in full by the purchaser for the home site. 6. Commission Payout. The 8% commission shall be paid anytime non-refundable money is placed into our account from a buyer whether it is in one payment or multiple payments. The parties hereby acknowledge and comply with the terms set forth in the agreement. DATE: mm/dd/yyyy Agent/Broker SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: Agent/Co-Owner U.S Toll Free 1-877-90-Costa Costa Rica 506-204-7020 Cell 954-328-3073 Cell 954-234-9060 Mitchell Cohen Digitally signed by Mitchell Cohen DN: cn=Mitchell Cohen, o=Pacific Land Sales of Costa Rica LLC, ou, [email protected], c=US Date: 2009.05.13 02:05:08 -04'00'
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