the Leatherback Newsletter
the Leatherback Newsletter
MAY 2010 ISSUE NO. 3 BAULAS TIMES WWW.SALVEMOSBAULAS.ORG TEL. (506) 2253-6250 FAX. (506) 2253-7683 Baulas Safe for Now Last Thursday the Environmental Commission of the Costa Rican Congress determined they were lacking procedural documentation to vote law proposal No. 17.383. A lame excuse that proves the effectiveness of the campaign you are a part of. BUSY WEEKS These have been intense weeks for Baulita and the Baulas National Park defenders. First 4 congressmen said they were ready to approve the law proposal that would reduce the Park and degrade most of it’s territory to a supposed wildlife refuge. So Baulita ran for help and the international organization NRDC sent an action alert to its friends and members to write to 2 of the decided congressmen (Yalile Esna & Ovidio Aguero) requesting they reconsider their decision. Yalile mentioned she received between 15,000-20,000 emails against the law project. Great job! Finally, the media played a key role in informing the public of Baula’s critical situation and pressuring the Government to abandon the cause. ROCIO NIEVES Our exceptional volunteer and friend recently found a full time job. Though we’ll miss seeing her in congress, we know she’ll continue making a difference. Baulita celebrates with Mariachis On a Roll... Baulita is more popular than ever. News articles, radio and TV interviews, events, concerts, festivals, and Congress visits. introducing next edition, and lots of great ideas to better protect the natural resources our country depends on. We’ve won the battle, but not the war. So let’s take this time to gather energies and seek real solutions for the very real problems Baulas Park faces. Baulita wants to thank each and every one of you that has helped out in one way or another. You are the change the world needs! We’ve got new spokespersons, volunteer designers we’ll be MICHELLE PANTING The best Baulita ever returns to her homeland Honduras. Her dance moves will be remembered and missed. We’re sure you’ll get that scholarship! JORGE CASTILLO Recently became a full time volunteer, motivating others to do the same. This young master is doing great things for the Park. Keep up the good work! A night for Baulas at Jazz Cafe Escazu Mauricio Ramirez The Artist Federico Miranda & Abel jamming Balerom Going solo BALEROM, FOLLOWED BY FEDERICO MIRANDA & ABEL, ROCKED THE HOUSE! Our first concert was last December with 7 bands and over 300 fans. Then oportunity knocked on our door and we had a more exclusive event in Jazz Cafe Escazu in March. We started off with a short documentary on sea turtles named “Sin Fronteras” or “Without Frontiers”, a national production. Then Balerom took the stage with an acoustic presentation while Baulita danced along. At the same time the artist Mauricio Ramirez painted live on stag. Aimee Leslie gave a speech on the issues Baulas Park faces today, and then Federico Miranda (guitar) and Abel (base) from the band Gandhi improvised an amazing jam session that kept the crowd at awe. When Mauricio finished the beautiful leatherback painting, Miguel Gomez began the bid... ending at $200 that went directly to the artist. Edgar Castrillo ended the night with a motivating chat on the importance of getting involved in what we believe in. Jump in! This event was possible thanks to The Public At a lack for words Mexico Raised its Voice against the reduction of Baulas Lesvia Villalobos & Brenda Rodríguez Environmental Commission Brenda Rodriguez, a campaign volunteer from Mexico works for an Who in return gave the signatures for consideration to the Environmental airline that brings thousands of tourists to Costa Rica each month. Commission. Mexico used to have the most important nesting sites for thank those allies in Congress that always believed in the importance in Leatherbacks on the Pacific Coast, protecting our environment and raised but egg extraction and beach development has made nesting their voice against Arias’ intention to reduce protected areas such as Baulas. We’d like to take this opportunity to populations drop. Today Costa Rica has the most important nesting site for this AROUND CAMPUS endangered sea turtle. Scientists say about 50% of the Pacific population If you went to the University of Costa Rica for “U” week you probably saw this signature recollection stand. Sign up and volunteer! nests in Playa Grande, where the Baulas National Park is. Taking matters into her own hands, Brenda decided to begin a one person campaign in Mexico and on her flights to Costa Rica, recollecting over 1,000 signatures against the reduction of Baulas Park by law project No. 17.383. These signatures were given to Lesvia Villalobos, congresswoman from the opposition party PAC. The Last Journey of the Leatherback documentary was part of what we shared with the students. SUPPORTERS Baulita and friends assisted the march against the Crucitas mine. Hopefully the new Government of Laura Chinchilla will have a better attitude towards nature and the important resources we depend on. Costa Rica
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