Generating Quality. Since 7925 GASOLINE ELECTRIC PLANT AIR COOLED - 3600 R.P.M. I / EGSA WINPOWER CORPORATION NEWTON, IOWA 50208 U.S.A. PHONE: (515) 792-1301 /CABLE: WINPOWER / TELEX 11: 910-520-1557 Printed in U.S.A INTRODUCTION This manual covers the safety, operating and maintenance instructions for the WINPOWER line of air-cooled generator sets. Included as a part of the package is a parts l i s t and wiring diagram covering the particular model you have purchased. The engine manufacturer's manual i s also furnished with the set, and gives the necessary operating and maintenance information for the engine. GENERAL The engine generator sets covered by this manual are of the single bearing type. The rotating member of the generator i s mounted on a tapered extension of the engine crankshaft. All sets have'been thoroughly tested a t the factory. The normal carburetor and engine speed adjustments have been made. The set should be carefully inspected upon delivery for evidence of possible shipping damage. If damage has occurred, a notation should be made on the freight bill, and you should file a claim, i f necessary. If the damage appears to be of a major nature, the set should not be operated until the fault has been corrected. The model number and serial number of the set must be given when contacting the dealer or the factqry. * ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION The generators used in the WI NPOWE R line of air-cooled engine generator sets are revolving armature type. The static, or electronic excitation system, uses rectifiers t o change part of the output of the AC generator l o DC for excitation of the field. On most models using static excitation, this system i s extended s t i l l further by using current feedback through rectifiers in order t o obtain increasing field strength with load increase t o give better voltage regulation. OPERATION ENGINE STARTING The engine manual should be followed in regards t o operation. The engine crankcase must be filled with an oil recommended by the engine manufacturer. The fuel should be regular grade automotive gasoline. When filling the tank, allow for fuel expansion. Never fill tank when engine i s running, or while engine is hot. The carburetor choke should be adjusted as required by temperature conditions. When starting the generator, the operator should assume a stable stance-to prevent injury in the event of engine kickback. Pull the start rope with a quick, smooth pull, to crank the engine. Be sure t o pull the rope completely-through until it clears the starting pulley. After the engine starts, return choke t o i t s normal position. In cold temperatures, it may be necessary to keep the choke in the choke position longer. HIGH MOISTURE CONDITIONS The use of electrical equipment under extremely wet conditions should be avoided. EXHAUST Generator units must be operated in a well ventilated area to provide adequate cooling air for the engine and proper discharge of exhaust fumes. STAB1LlTY . Generator units should be placed on a solid level surface for proper engine operation. I f there i s any indication that the unit may shift during operation, the use of t i e downs i s recommended. EXTENSION CORDS The proper selection of an extension cord is necessary for optimum tool operation. Consult the following chart for proper wire size to carry the required load current. Voltage drops due t o the extension cord should not exceed five volts, - WIRE SIZE AWG MAXIMUM AMPS 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 70 55 40 30 25 18 13 VOLTAGE DROP 8 M A X I M U M AMPS FOR GIVEN WIRE LENGTHS 25' .87 1.08 1.25 1.50 1.98 2.27 2.65 50' 1.74 2.17 2.51 3.00 3.97 4.55 5.22 75' 2.60 3.25 3.87 4.50 5.95 6.82 7.84 100' 3.48 4.35 5.03 6.00 7.95 9.10 10.45 MAINTENANCE ENGINE Refer t o engine manual. GENERATOR Check brush lengths after 500 hours of running and every 100 hours thereafter. If brush length i s less than the brush should be replaced with a new one. %I1, .. SANDING BRUSHES It is important that the brushes make good contact with the collector rings. When installing a new set of brushes, they should be sanded in by using 00 sandpaper. Grit side of sandpaper ~ h sandpaper k should be pulled in the direction of rotation. When pulled in the opposite direction t o start a new stroke, the brush should be raised. Continue thesanding until the brushes are fully seated. Do not use emery cloth. The collector rings should be cleaned if dirty. Dirt and the moisture it will hold are detrimental t o generators. If dust and dirt accumulate, the generator should be cleaned periodically. THE FOLLOWING SERVICE PROCEDURES SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY AUTHORIZED WINPOWER SERVICE CENTERS OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. TESTING FOR OPEN CIRCUITS The most likely place for an open circuit t o occur is the shunt field circuit. The shunt f'ield i s connected t o the rectifier output. One end of the shunt field should be disconnected. An ohmmeter reading should be taken between the disconnected end and the other end to determine continuity. If no reading is obtained, there i s an open circuit. Its exact location should then be determined and the open circuit should be repaired. The output leads should be checked for continuity. RESTORING RESIDUAL MAGNETISM PROCEDURE It can be done by applying DC voltage (6-24 volts) across the terminals of the shunt field. Care must be taken that the polarity i s correct. Incorrect polarity will destroy the diodes in the rectifier bridge if a limiting resistor i s not used. TESTING RECTIFIERS AND DIODES DEFINITIONS F. ,-w-, A diode is a single rectifying element represented graphically as shown: L When a diode is used alone such as in half wave rectification, it can also be called a rectifier. Two diodes are used in full wave rectification as shown: Four diodes are used in a single phase rectifier bridge as shown: TESTING An ohmmeter i s required for testing a diode or rectifier assembly. It i s necessary to remove the leads going t o the rectifier for testing it. A single diode will show a very high resistance in one direction and low resistance in the other direction. -m+ @- . + V e r y H i g h Reading Low Reading Ac AC ,Y !,--. - A shorted diode will have a low reading in both directions. An open diode will have a high reading in both directions. Each diode in an assembly can be tested as shown: Low Reading V e r y High Reading This reading has t o be repeated on every diode. If the rectifier assembly i s a molded assembly, t e s t as follows: Using a volt-amp-ohm meter (multi meter), check the rectifier assembly in the following sequence: A, I I I I I I I I fc I For purposes of order in checking, consider one AC terminal as r 1 , the other as r 2 . - 0 Check Between meter lead on AC #1 + Meter lead on + terminal + Meter lead on + terminal + Meter lead on -terminal + Meter lead on -terminal + Meter lead on AC el + Meter lead on AC el + Meter lead on AC ,-2 + Meter lead on AC ;2 - meter lead on AC r 2 meter lead on AC r 1 meter lead on AC r 2 meter lead on + terminal meter lead on -terminal meter lead on + terminal meter lead on -terminal Expected Resistance Reading I I I I I I I High High Low Low Low High Low Hiqh I I I I I I I If any readings do not comply with the above chart, the rectifier assembly i s defective and should be replaced. ECON-0-MIZER MAGNET ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place Econ-o-mizer switch in off position, s t a r t engine. 2. Manually push Econ-o-mizerarm oncarburetor up or down to reach an idle speed. Adjust engine idle set screw clockwise to reach 50-60 volts AC at 120 volt receptacle. 3. Stop engine. Adjust magnet up or down so that it just touches the Econ-o-mizerarm. While holding the arm in idle position, tighten magnet into this position. 4. Turn idle set screw one-half turn counterclockwise so that screw does not touch stop on carburetor when arm i s against magnet. Adjustment is complete. 5. I f Econ-o-mizerwill not hold at idle, off load and switch turned on, adjust the magnet farther from the carburetor arm. TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART TROUBLE REMEDY CAUSE No output voltage Loss of residual magnetism. residual magnetism. ' Low output voltage at no load. Defective diode in rectifier bridges (see instructions for testing rectifier bridges). Replace diode or rectifier assembly. Poor brush contact (brush can be stuck in holder, worn or spring can be weak). Free brush i f stuck. Replace with new brush i f worn. Replace brush spring i f weak. Open circuit (see instructions for testing of open circuits). Complete circuit if in external wiring. Shorted armature coils i n revolving armature unit. Replace armature. Engine speed too low. Adjust engine speed to correct value. Low engine speed. Adjust engine speed to correct value. Shorted diode (see instructions Replace diode or rectifier for testing rectifier bridge). assembly. - 0.k. at no load, but drops off rapidly on load application. Shorted diode in series field bridge (see instructions for testing rectifier bridge). Replace diode or rectifier assembly. Engine speed drops off rapidly. See engine manual. High output voltage Excessive engine speed. Adjust'engine speed to correct value. Excessive.generator heating. Overload on generator. Reduce load. clogged ventilating inlets and/or outlets. Clean inlets and outlets. Brushes not seated properly. See instructions for sanding brushes. 1 I I Arcing a t brushes I MODEL TYPE PAilT . NO. REF. DESCRIPTION N.S. 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 Engine-Briggs & S t r a t t o n ~ i b r ai o tn C a r r y i n g Frame Generator Support panel S u p p rt F i e l d coil Armature S t u d Fan End Hood Field ~ r ' . a k Bearing . ~rmature" D r i v e End B e l l Stud N o t Applicable L i f t Eye F i e l d Frame . ~ s s & = i .~. Field Coil Coil Shield Field Pole Brush Gear Assembly Diode Heat S i n k Generator Support Rectifier Brush S p r i n g Brush Studs Diode R e v e r s e P o l a r i t y R e c e p t a c l e L5-20R C i r c u i t B r e a k e r 20A Not A p p l i c a b l e Duplex R e c e p t a c l e 5-20R P a n e l Box P a n e l Top R e c e p t a c l e 6-50R Brush Ring C i r c u i t B r e a k e r 30A C i r c u i t B r e a k e r 40A Back P l a t e R e c e p t a c l e L6-30R Panel Side Panel Side Economizer ~ o d u l e SPST T o g g l e S w i t c h 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 N.S. N.S. N.S. ,-N ,S. . , Economizer Electromaanet Wiring Diaqram P a r t s Drawlna IF-5552-1. IE-11794 8COOBEP/IC 1 QTY - I I OWNER'S S E R V I C E RECORD CONSULT E N G I N E MANUALFOR SUGGESTED MAINTENANCE AND S E R V I C E I N T E R V A L S CONSULT GENERATOR S E T OWNER'S MANUAL FOR GENERATOR S E R V I C E AND M A I N T E N A N C E G E N E R A T O R SET: Model No. S e r i a l No. P u r c h a s e d From Placed i n Service ENGINE : Type Model S e r i a l No. I O S - u o r ( , L h A A U m o d - ~