First Edition June 2014
First Edition June 2014
First Edition June 2014 Dates to Remember 6/1: Summer Worship Schedule begins; Communion; Missions Pancake; Chancel Choir Concert 6/8: Pentecost; Confirmation; 2nd & 3rd Grade Bible Distribution; Graduates Recognized 6/15: Fathers’ Day 6/29-7/3: VBS Check Monthly Planner for other events & times! June Worship Schedule **Between Memorial Day and Labor Day we will have one, combined service at 9:30 each Sunday.** Sunday, June 1 Acts 1:6-14 We will welcome the Rev. Janet K. Hess, who will share her experience in mission with the Discovery Service Project. Sara Bergstresser, who has also taken part in this work, will be our lay reader for the day. Join us before the service for a pancake breakfast in support of the project. Sunday, June 8 Acts 2:1-21 “What’s the Good Word?” We will celebrate Pentecost with the rite of Confirmation, the presentation of Bibles to students entering third grade, and recognition of graduates. Sunday, June 15 Matthew 28:16-20 “Being and Making Disciples” Sunday, June 22 Matthew 10:24-39 “The Dangers of Discipleship” Summer Worship Schedule June—August Sunday, June 29 Matthew 10:40-42 Our preacher for the day will be Mr. Rob Mannix, Director of Ministies to Children, Youth, and their Families at Covenant United Methodist Church. After a career in the Navy, he added this ministry to his work as an electrical engineer. He is a graduate of the Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia. FI R ST E D IT I ON July Preview Worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, July 6 Matthew 11:16-24 “You Wouldn’t Want to Live There” Communion will be celebrated at this service. Sunday, July 13 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 “Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow” Sunday, July 20 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 “Weeding” Sunday, July 27 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 “Figuring Out the Kingdom” FOR HEALING – B. Frederick; B. Sadler; B. Johns; B. Steininger; C. Fuga; D. Dunn; D. Montgomery; D. Wood; E. Bates; G. Brower; H. Vaughan; J. Ayres; J. Cook; J. Galeone; K. Bretzius; L. Lamborn; L.Miller; Little Leo; M. MacGoldrick; M. Vircsik; M. Thacker; P.Sweigart; P. Reitmeyer. SPECIAL PERSONS June 1 - H. Vaughan June 8 - M. Vircsik June 15 - A. Webb June 22 - G. Brower June 29 - L. Favinger FUMC CONNECTIONS Rev. Mark Young, Pastor [email protected]; ext. 201 Jane Hulse, Office Administrator [email protected]; ext. 200 David Bryant, Director of Music Ministry [email protected] Laurie Pfahler, Director of Christian Education [email protected]; ext. 202 Cheryl Cini, Director of Youth Ministry [email protected]; ext. 203 865 South Main Street Phoenixville, PA 19460 Phone: (610) 933-5936 Church e-mail address: [email protected] Newsletter deadline: by the 15th of the month email: Jane Hulse [email protected] 610-933-5936 F I RS T E DI TI O N From the Pastor… Francis Asbury was the first bishop of the Methodists in North America. On Wednesday, August 15, 1792, he reported his experience presiding at annual conference in Albany, at which he asked some pointed questions that helped the body determine where to place its attention and how to use its time and energy. Over a few months we are considering a modernized version of his questions. The second of those, this month, is “How can we best share forgiveness and the promise of new life?” Jesus pretty much covered this one when he taught his followers to pray that God forgive them the way that they forgive others. The only way to share the good news that God has forgiven us is by forgiving other people. That part of it is easy to define. It’s just hard to do. It’s like telling somebody who wants to learn to dive, “Just go up that ten-foot ladder, walk to the end of the board at the top, stretch your arms straight up, bend down, and jump off the end so that you go into the water headfirst.” You really have to do all of those things but the truth is that sometimes it won’t happen without either a conscious and courageous act of will, or a decision simply to shut your eyes and jump so you don’t think about it too much. Then, too, just like you wouldn’t dive into water that you know is shallow or filled with rocks, you want to make sure before anything that you aren’t putting yourself in danger. (In cases of domestic abuse, for instance, it’s good to realize that someone can be forgiven from a distance; going back into an abusive situation is not advisable.) It’s vital to admit that we all need forgiveness, not just for small deeds, but for the deeper attitudes that we allow to guide us. That, too, is easier said than done. Maybe I want to be forgiven for speaking hurtful words. That’s good, but why did I do that? Perhaps it was out of anger. What made me angry? Someone hurt me and I wanted to hurt back. Did I bother to think what set them off? No? Does that mean that I think of myself before others? If so, perhaps my sin is not only the words I spoke but also focusing on myself alone. To offer forgiveness, even to speak of it, without also offering the transforming grace of God that turns us away from our self-centeredness, perpetuates the cycle of act-and-apology that we can all fall into. Somebody might feel bad about, say, a habit of shoplifting. Forgiveness begins by saying, “Good. You should feel bad about that. What are you going to do to change?” New life comes out of that when someone realizes, not just that it was wrong to take a pair of unprotected earrings or an unwatched cell phone, but that a greater satisfaction comes from being an honest person. Where these outbreaks of unexpected life will show up is unpredictable, but they do happen, and it’s all by God’s grace, with the Holy Spirit working on human hearts. When someone insists that it would never happen for them, either to forgive or be forgiven, let alone experience true and lasting renewal, what we can and should do, is remind them and ourselves of Jesus’ own observation: “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.” [Mark 10:27] Peace, Pastor Mark F IR S T E DI TI O N CHURCH DIRCECTORY UPDATE We would like to finish up pictures for a new pictorial directory during the month of June. Keeping in mind our new summer schedule of church at 9:30 a.m., Deborah Graver will be available to take your photo Sunday, June 1st from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. If you have not had your photo taken, contact Sally Doyle at [email protected] or call her at 610-329-2385 to get on the schedule. There will be one more opportunity to have your photo taken on Sunday, June 22nd from 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. If that presents a difficulty, you can also e-mail a jpeg photo for inclusion. Please email your photo to Jane Hulse at [email protected] by June 30th. (We do ask for one that is not a professional portrait, since that would violate copyrights.) MISSIONS PANCAKE BREAKFAST CHOIR CONCERT at FUMC Sunday, June 1st from 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Sunday, June 1st at 3:00 p.m. The Missions Committee will be holding its pancake breakfast on in Fellowship Hall. We will welcome the Rev. Janet K. Hess, who will share her experience in mission with the Discovery Service Project. Sara Bergstresser, who has also taken part in this work, will be our lay reader for the day. Join us before the service for a pancake breakfast in support of the project. MEN’S NIGHT OUT Tuesday, June 10th @ 5:30 p.m. At Baxter’s Great Valley, 20 Liberty Blvd., Malvern 19355, 610-722-5920; 5:30 p.m. gather; 6:00 p.m. dinner. Any questions, please contact Bill McKinney at 610-420-1399. The Chancel Choir will present a free concert of their favorite anthems from the past few months on Sunday, June 1st at 3:00 p.m. Come and join them for an uplifting and enjoyable time of praise!! LADIES’ NIGHT OUT Tuesday, June 24th @ 5:30 p.m. At Bay Pony Inn, Route 113, Lederach, PA 19450; Early Bird Special, 3 courses + nonalcoholic drink for $24.95. Meet at church to carpool at 4:45 p.m. Please sign up on the bulletin board across from the chapel by Sunday, June 22nd. Contact Linda Lamborn for more information at 610-983-9177. F IR S T E DI TI O N Thank you to everyone who supported the UMW spring sale by purchasing baked goods, hoagie tickets, and garden nursery items at Colonial Gardens. Thanks to your generosity, UMW is able to meet its annual pledge to missions. We hope you enjoyed the food and the garden nursery shopping. The Outreach and Communication Committees would like to thank those that contributed to this year's Phoenixville "Relay for Life" event. The event raised $55k overall, and FUMC was proud to be a part of this important community service. Additionally, we would like to thank the FUMC volunteers at this year's Dogwood Festival who helped promote our Vacation Bible School program and create more awareness of FUMC to the greater Phoenixville community. Thanks again! Thank you to all those who provided meals for St. Mary’s Shelter the week of May 25th. Numerous casseroles and desserts will be delivered to the shelter today. Your hard work and generosity is appreciated. Live Nativity, December 7, 2014 HELP NEEDED set builders traffic flow experts actors publicists animal handlers If you have an interest in this new ministry, please join us. Contact Sally Doyle (610-329-2385) if you have any questions. F I RS T E DI TI O N Greetings from Christian Education!! WOW! We have ended another year of Sunday School… on to the summer and VBS! Before we get TOO far, I need to reiterate how great it has been working with the Sunday School staff this year and say a HUGE THANK YOU to all!! AND another HUGE THANK YOU to all the students who participated in classes this year!! THANK YOU!!! In the Peace and Grace of Christ, Laurie Pfahler Sunday School to Resume… See Youuuu in Septehhhmber Classes will resume in September on RALLY DAY, September 7th, followed by the annual Rally Day Picnic!! ADULTS, a reminder…let me know if you would like to meet in the summer!! Summer Schedule Church and Bible Buddies We will be going to ONE service on summer Sundays at 9:30 a.m. starting JUNE 1st. There will be NO BIBLE BUDDIES during the summer. Bible Buddies and Sunday School will resume on Rally Day, September 7th. Confirmation/Graduates/Bible Presentation Sunday BUSY DAY!! On Sunday, June 8th, we will be celebrating many of our church youth members. If your child is in the 2nd or 3rd grade NOW (in the 2013-14 school year), we would love very much to present him/her with a new, “grown-up” Bible. If you or your child is graduating high school, college, or graduate school, PLEASE LET US KNOW so that we may acknowledge that amazing accomplishments. It also Confirmation Sunday! All our confirmands will be confirmed!! WOW! What an exciting day in the life of our church community!! Please make a special effort to be here and celebrate these wonderful students with us on June 8th!! 2014 Summer Vacation Bible School YES!! VBS is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!! The dates for vacation Bible school: JUNE 29TH through JULY 3RD 5:45 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Our theme this year is life in the desert with Moses and is entitled WILDERNESS ESCAPE! The volunteer sign-up sheets (2!!) are UP and located on the bulletin board across the hall from the Chapel. Yes, there are two sheets this year…one for program/support people, and the other for kitchen people. THERE WILL BE A THIRD SIGN-UP FORTHCOMING for FOOD donations. Hard copies of the registration forms are available in both offices and by mail. They can also be emailed and we are working with our webmasters to enable you to register online…Stay tuned!! Summer Bible Studies at FUMC - - we DO have air conditioning…! Wednesday Night Bible Study with Rev. Young will continue to meet at 6:00 p.m. each week through the summer. nd th Bible 101.5, Monday evenings at 7:00. June 2 through APROXIMATELY August 4 with th st June 30 off (VBS), and July 21 off. Tuesday Women’s Bible Study will continue to meet at 10:00 a.m. each week through the summer. SAVE THE DATE!! Blessing of the Backpacks - - August 24th!! F I RS T E DI TI O N VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!! Wilderness Escape! June 29 – July 3, 2014 5:45 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Registration Form Child’s Name: Child Age: Gender: Date of Birth: / / 2013-2014 Grade Level Dietary Concerns: __ Allergies/Medical Conditions VBS needs to know about: ________ __ Any Other Information or Behaviors VBS should know about your child: ________ __ Address: __ Street Apt Town/City State Name of Legal Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Telephone Numbers: Home ( ) __ __ Zip Code __ Cell ( ) Home email address: Home church/house of worship: Volunteer opportunities may be available. May we contact you? EMERGENCY CONTACTS: (If we cannot get a hold of you, who may we contact?): Name: Telephone Numbers: Home ( Relation to child: ) Name: Telephone Numbers: Home ( Cell ( ) Relation to child: ) Cell ( ) For FUMC use only Crew assignment: Dietary Concerns relayed to kitchen crew Allergy/Med Concerns relayed to crew leader Other Concerns relayed to crew leader F I RS T E DI TI O N Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NLT) Weight watchers. Jenny Craig. Atkins. We all have heard about these diet plans. Some of you may have even tried them, with various degrees of success. The one thing they all have in common is their idea that we cannot lose weight without an environment and community of support. The Wellness Ministry wants to bring this idea to FUMC. We won’t make you buy expensive meals. You don’t have to sign up for a 10 week course. You don’t even have to diet. All we ask is that you help out anyone who may need support in their efforts to get healthy. For instance, if you know someone trying to quit smoking, give them encouragement and prayers. We will be endeavoring to use our various social media to offer support to each other as well, so look out for new opportunities to get and give support. We’ll even provide weekly encouragement on our bulletin board. Ready to make some positive changes to your spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health? Take our Wellness Challenge. Each month, try one new thing to improve your wellbeing. One way to do this is to sign up for our Walking Buddies. Walking is not only a great physical exercise, but walking with someone helps you mentally and emotionally. You’ll find yourself more dedicated to a weekly walk if you have a partner to encourage you. You can commune with God’s creation during this beautiful spring and summer as well. A sign-up sheet is located on the Wellness Ministry bulletin board (next to the nursery) if you’d like a walking buddy but don’t have one. And don’t worry if you can’t walk for long stretches, we’ll try to pair you up with someone your speed. Or you can try a new recipe with an old food and give “Peas a Chance!” This take on fresh peas (available in abundance in June) will erase all memories of mushy peas from the school cafeteria: Pea Pesto Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups (from approximately 1 1/2 pounds peas in pods) fresh pea or a 10-ounce package frozen peas, defrosted 1 small garlic clove, minced 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted and cooled 1/2 cup (1 1/8 ounces) finely grated parmesan cheese 1/4 teaspoon table salt, plus more for pasta water 1/3 cup olive oil Directions: Prepare an ice bath, a large bowl filled with ice water. Bring a small saucepan of lightly salted water to a boil. Add peas and cook for 2 minutes (this leaves them with a bit of structure). Drain peas then add them to the ice bath (if using) and drain again. If you haven’t used an ice bath, let your peas cool to lukewarm before making the pesto. Set aside 1/2 cup of your cooked peas. Whirl the remaining cup of peas in the work bowl of a food processor with garlic, pine nuts, 1/3 cup parmesan and salt until smooth, about 2 to 3 minutes, scraping down the bowl as necessary. With the machine running, drizzle in olive oil. Add to pasta with reserved peas, or spread on crostini topped with reserved peas. F I RS T E DI TI O N FI R ST E D IT I ON SERVING IN WORSHIP MINISTRY 9:30 a.m. Greeters: June 1 8 15 22 29 Howard & Linda Lamborn Keith & Deborah Graver Gwen Miller The Hennessey Family Janet Molvie ******************************** Ushers: June 1 Phil & Doris Bolinger Bob Hyland, Carl Burkhart 8 Mike & Jon Zadrejko Jay Haas, Doug Hook 15 Darlene Devaney, Bill Sadler Gwen Miller 22 Jerry Knepp, Joe McGown Marc Pochet, Brad Thompson 29 Charlie & Marianne Peffall Scott Hill, Dick Allebach ******************************** Lay Readers: June 1 8 15 22 29 Sara Bergstresser Dave Hayes Mike Zadrejko Bob Hyland Jay Haas ******************************** Acolytes: June 1 8 15 22 29 Kaitlyn Hennessey Julianna Haas Luke Bagley Taylor Allen Alyssa Dobrischkin June 2014 June 2014 Sunday Jun 1 Monday 2 7:00pm Bible Study 101.5 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Staff Office) Jun 1 - 7 Communion 8:00am Missions Pancake Breakfast 9:30am Worship 11:30am Girl Scout Meeting (Fellowship Hall) 3:00pm Chancel Choir Concert (Sanctuary) 8 9 Jun 8 - 14 10 16 Jun 15 - 21 22 23 Jun 29 - Jul 5 29 30 9:30am Worship 10:30am Fellowship Hall (Lamborn's) 5:45pm VBS FUMC Communications Th Fr Sa 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 Friday Saturday 7 VFKH/Last Student Day 4:30pm Magic Memories Graduation (Fellowship Hall) 13 Confirmation Dinner 14 7:30pm Ocean Grove Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 19 Good Works 20 21 27 28 5:45pm Martial Arts (Fellowship Hall) 7:30pm Ocean Grove Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 26 6:00pm Bible Study 2 Su 6 5:00pm East Pikeland Celebration (Fellowship Hall) 6:00pm Jubilation Ringers Rehearsal 7:30pm Ocean Grove Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 6:00pm Bible Study 25 Jul 1 We 12 18 9:00am PARN Meeting (Fellowship Hall) 10:00am Women's Bible Study (Church Library) 5:30pm Ladies' Night Out 5:45pm Martial Arts (Fellowship Hall) Tu Thursday 12:00pm Staff Meeting 6:00pm CANCELLED/Bible Studay 10:00am Women's Bible Study (Church Library) 5:45pm Martial Arts (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Cancelled/Finance Meeting 24 7:00pm Bible Study 101.5 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Staff Office) Jun 22 - 28 9:30am Worship 11 17 Mo 5 6:00pm VFKH/Graduation (Fellowship Hall) 6:00pm Bible Study 10:00am Women's Bible Study (Church Library) 1:00pm Afternoon Music Club Board Meeting (Church Lounge) 1:00pm Meals on Wheels Meeting (Fellowship Hall) 5:30pm Men's Night Out 6:30pm Trustees Meeting 7:00pm Bible Study 101.5 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Staff Office) Fathers' Day 9:30am Worship Wednesday 4 10:00am Women's Bible Study (Church Library) 5:00pm Lydia Circle Picnic 7:00pm Bible Study 101.5 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Staff Office) 2nd & 3rd grade Bible Distribution Confirmation Graduates Recognized 9:30am Worship 15 Tuesday 3 July 2014 Su 5:45pm Martial Arts (Fellowship Hall) 7:30pm Ocean Grove Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) 3 1:00pm Scholfield's (Tentative) (Fellowship Hall) 4 5 5:45pm VBS 7:00pm Cancelled/Bible Study 101.5 7:00pm Cancelled/Prayer Shawl Ministry 1 5/29/2014 2:05 PM