SCHOOli SHOES - Atlantic County Library System
SCHOOli SHOES - Atlantic County Library System
PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR tCONTAINS HONEY AND TAR. ',. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. I An improvement over rrtany Coutfh, Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because It rids tlie •yetem of n coldby acting as H cathartic on ^e^w«l»',_Np_opJateg. guaranteed to givel To NIAGARA F 6lfl£T10n OP RHIDCjr FtrURQCQi,"PiriSI7&l'4!U liy ' PIWEUJ-'E I'rAiBDIClWJa tOa^-V Oct. 7,-f-Last of the Season. Tripiate,$ll, from Hammonton. For Coughs, Colds, & Pulmonary Troubles Tickets good eolnc; on rojfnlor tralng day before excursion to Philadelphia, and SPECIAL TRAItf of Pullman Parlor Cars and Day Coaches leavlDR Philadelphia at 8.07 a. m. on above date, running Tia" • Tho Beautiful J>elat»fcre Valley Koute. , Tiokota-good-rotarning-on.reftular'rains-wJthin-Siatteen-Dayfl -including date of excursion. Stop-off within .limit allowed at Buffalo, returning. Illustrated booklet and full Information famished by Ticket'Agents." (JEO. W. BOY1T J. R. WOOD General Passenger Aeent Passenger Traffic Manager " i •• \- OUT Emulsion Of Cod Liver Oil contains 50 per cent pureTSrorwegian Oil, Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites. Colorado W hite Fine Balsam with Muriate or Arnmonuv is effective. Red Cross Laxative Grippe Tablets, -> For the Best Meals WalmeirStrcBfc— ' .. Gor. Second St. and Bellevne Ave. ' ' - } •**". v ' ' V. Hammonton jConcrete.Go. __: Capital, - ' - . *" "V $100,000.00 Surplus, - - $700,000.00 Assets, - - - $6,779,000.00 Harness, Blankets, -Rays-interest :—Trnnk»,-etc. - Robes, Whips, : 2 percent 3 per cent subjecHo check-\jvithout notice, - —Ott-deposits-stibjecttorr4~days'T on average balance of ^zoo and notice, to withdraw. over. Banking by m&il can be done safely and satisfactorily. Write for book. Makes Two Hotel Hammonton Opposite Ponna. I)epot._.,.__.. _, _ _ , o r FinariciHTSgent. Wills kept without charge. Write for book relating to wills and kindred _Bundtesr,of_ .Where but: One Bundle Grew Before . Wmitra S. ScnU ' WfflUm C. D«vtOQ l hy <h" " prescription with its most important drug left out, —MpS'.cpmgiem^fertiUzers.peea rwe.-Totash -to get alt the oop profit yon a r e entitled -to. • . • • ' : . . . •f^ Use a brand with at least 6 per cent of Pqfcish, but if your dealer does not keep it, then mix 15 pounds of Muriate of Potash with>ach 100 pounds of your —fertiIizerr--That will raise taheatl Set clovecftool ; :--.-.- ------er < >P m re pr fit fstash " ' ° ° "profitSend [or pamphlets containing fact} a boat toil/ cropj, manurcj »ndf c r t i l i i t n .Mailed frtt. WORKS ' , DmjCCTOBS AlManUr C. Wood Wllliim <. Prlo " Ctorje Rcjaolds :. . ... tostph II. CwMH <MIIIIJm J g-y.ll, J, Edmund E. Xctd, JiT Ephrtlta Xotullosoo ' . .AM, ' Jo«pirw7coopcr They are fine L ELVINS' STORE ;j ', Cor. Main Road and Bellevuo t . . ' . ' • A^HGYLE - Hammottton I€HEH Hot Water and Steam Dou't uee Lake or Pond Ice. Insist upott having our Ice, made from Hammonton's pure artesian well'Water." • . . * . ICE SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. , -.. THE BEST ROOF CONTRACTOR OprtrighVs Metal ShirjgleB, . Jr.. * GEEENHOTJSE ^ and Embalmer "Twolttn St., between rallroadi. Local Phono 001. Boll 47-n Hammonton, N. Jt A.11 arrangements for burials made . and carefully executed. The Peoples Bank or Hammonton, N. J. Capital, '. .:-. . . . . $50,000 Surplus and. Undivided Froth*,. $28,000" •!•: C ' * . ' • • • 1 Lakeview Hot Air and Gasolene Engines l\'' Iti :. t->:-\ *• V ' ' >. •'•. 1 '•*• '•'*»'•;'; ' - * TJireo pl-r cent intereat paid on time Depooito. ......... /, Large asno ralms,[Forns. HOUBO Plants. Cut Flowers. Funeral DcBlcn In Frcah FlowerB, Wax, or Metal. WATKIS .^NICHOLSON,, Florlatn uiul Laudnonne Gardeners. 1-W „ i nWKOTOHB ,V. J. llyrnoi , N. L, Jnokion ^J. K. <)»K»i>i| Uotirjjn Bl»hii | Klitui Btoaknnll Wm. L. IMtfok ; AVin, .1. Hinltli J, <1. AndnraOb !. . tii.m') AndMwn W.Jt, .' Bi^akfaat Rolls Photograph Souvenir lEostaE-Cards- Is without doubt the toughest and moot durable finish you can get. It's suitable for , all floora, hard or soft wood Ann.' '\noleuma. Also, for nil interior wood work. It'i made in clear and ocvcn beautiful colors, all guaranteed to wear and stand the trend of heavy shoes, and the washing and scrubbing of the kitchen maid. nESOUROES: Loans and Discounts.. OverdrnfU Blocks, UonilR, oto IluuUlQK lioueo, furnltura, etc Otlicr real oBUite. BundBuiul MortKiigca.. Duo from other llunlin, etc.. Cbcclts nncl caali Horns CftBlionliuud ,. SCHOOli SHOES WM. Ij[ 'RoiiiNsoN, Manager Bell Phone 7-L H. HoD. LITTLE, Hammonton. t" . \r i f If your biiBincHM is not worth • you lnul letter ndvcrtlno U for* uulo. . ' i • a. .t»»»i.* ''• • ^S&Ss^a^SaA^J'k,'.,llrr£i«f.li3.(.i 8216078 73 72 63 1O8880 O2 7000 oo 805o oo 51135 So .47715 07 2233 1338003 8511054 00 &•••-'•• WADUJTJE8: CaplUilBlpcU paid In QOoooo oo HurjiliiB Soooo oo Dudlvldod prantn, lOBBOxponuoa . and taxca paid 7451 85 Duoloothor ]lnnlia,ito...._..... 1084 23 Dividends unpaid .y 2071 oo JnaivlUunlUopOHlU on donmud... 180061 11 Individual deponlU oo tln\0 200D03 Ooinand oertmouus »f ileponlt...... 778 B2 TlmonerHncnUisofilciioult 32073 70 Cartlflod choolca 76 00 (511054 00 BTATR oir Nnw jKiujKY.l „ • County ofAtluiilla, ["• II. J. llynicB. Pnmlclont, nnd W. K Tlltnn, (Mshlur ol tlio nliovu n mil eel IlnnU buhiK luvumlly duly nworii, tmcili fur lilinuolf •myn Ihut tho inri>K«li)i( nlutoinoiil In tl>o bvHlafliUkiiowlviTini und heller. for Boys and Girls at It. J. llYltNKH. 1-rcnldiMit. f W, U. Tl I/rON. Cu«liler. Hulmnrltiud and a\vi>rn li> hororo me, ihln lliali ilny of •«pl«inli«r, A.II,, IIXIH, W l l . U A M DOKHKCI.. <'oniuiUhliiuor DI DuudH, Oormol. ii HAU'I. UIKI.'KI.VINM, S-Dlructoru. OUR BREAD is mtide with MILK A NEW HBBD Or OAT.TO3 Dultf «l>on for Inniiootlou. Booklet and Color Card Free OLEPROOF Hose—KuaraotceU ror six monlris. Jirlug back tbo-pulr which bus H u hule and get a new pair at Bauk Bros. R A NEWBARN (J«e Sanitary Milk, and Know you are Getting the Beet. I HANGE Members will UrtVPan opporiuu~F" lly iu Iniur u f6imwiiO'!fe'ii|{ur, •"Farmer Urator.'.'.J«me»-E.MBrilne. at-Onion-Hall, next Friday eveuing. Come a l l ] ID the M. £. Church, special eervices will start to-morrow, moroioj; and evening, and conlmue each evening, at 7.30 o'clock. . Bev. C. H. Butler, an evaogeiiBt, will assist Pastor Pay ran, and is considered an excellent singer, aker» andj)lttye on the aoloharp. _A ........ The State Y. P. S.-CtJ!.:Cbn-Tentiun will be held in Atlantic City, rv week Wednesday, Thursday, and Btndlo closes at 6.00 p.m. Friday. It being eO near, many HamG.•'••JOANDALIi SWAIN montonlauB are expecting to go. ArLocal Phono 533 rangements hnve been made with the PalnleBaEztntctlDg. lludnor Hole), JilsS S. South Carolina "Avor,'at"tho reduced rate of one dollar Stop* Bmln._The pBf'day.'"" " " Grant Pllo Ram., edy. Put up In tube* wltlv reotel O'Donnoll's Buildlujf, . Hammonton. noxzle. SO cents. OfllOB Hours: 7.80 lo 0.00a.m. EPOUT OP THE CONDITION and from 6.00 to 7.00 p. m. EvcniiiKB by appointment. OF THE Peoples Bank of Hammonton, N. J. At Uio oloso or bualncBH on Wednesday. ^ Beptombor 23rd, 1008 SANITARY MUK, The:\Vln»low Dairy la furnish. Ing Hi putronn wltli milk jirodiiood uiidnr the moat •unitary conditions, Btery propoutlon Is toll on to Inauro ' this rernioder will calTliaatteDtlon' to Blore. Hammonton ' Atlantic City, N. J_. Kyanize Floor Finish SMALL'S BAKERY - OorreRpondenceBolloltei). linrtlett Bulldltijr, / J?ies, and L . I have a new line of i BOT'H PHONES Cakes, — Wm. BAKEE, Agent 25 N. Third St.. ' Ice Cream i, i All Flavors Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent Breads n. J. BYRNBBi J?rcmdont M. L. JACKSON, Vlco-PrCB**. W. K. TILTON, Caohlor. • 'N Plumbing in all Branches A. H. Phillips Co. \• .„'-.. Fire Insurance. ' ""• , ** MONEY rou Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton. Mortgage Loans. Central ATB,, Hammonton, N.J, i For which wo are . Bole Agent for Hatnmoiton. MOPE COUGH .WORK OFF "A COLD WITH THB ORIGIBAL They are Best and Cheapest Artesian Wells i Leave raps at my ' ' homo, or send " by~ Photographing in all its brancheer and that U ............. Dentist •-Price, 2 for 5 cents. Will WOOD COAL If yon want coal that will not clinker,. _,. bnt will give you a soft white a«b, with lots of heat,, • we can supply you. —Hammonton Ice Manufacturing Go* The goods in this store, nfT%~Tiapj)y coin"biuation- of newness, goodness, and exclusiveness. ....'„„:.„!-:.„.., JV .A.. BBS'S LAXATIVE COUOH BTRUP. BEST FOB A AKTOJT PJEx, Proprietor, Hammonton, NJJ. - W Naasan street; New York -—AttartB7Oa?-1224X«ndIef -Bundla* Kid Gloves for Men,, known as the best American made gloves, at 95 <y $1.25, $-1.50, $2, $2.50 ME. EDITOR : Wben Thomas C. Elyins took charge of the post" 6fflc~e,'be gave ua a brilliantly lighted room, so .that' t,beJettera-OD the. loctr luun boxee: UUACO j but uui. iit requires good eye* Copley Building, : Hammonton, N.J sight and very close looking to diatinDR. Are very scarce this year. We have just received_a ar^ofireal uice •Clipped Oata._ Try them. EATING-POTATOES— . WfllUra J, B*Jtey 1-,-nrnT J. Btfctn This storejwilVbe'closedjnext.Monday, -'"7-.'_.."...'.".ITI" on:ac«)un^orHoliday,™!'-...... . and open at 6 o'clock p. M. we pay for box reut, I think it is DO 5e»«a^«ff*i^.ir;>c-;rz7;«^8iB:/rjjraBEs^^s^^ ash, is like getting Bank B^Jfiers5 Store 'Choice Oysters and Olams ALEXANDEK C. WOOD, Preildeat " ., Tbo Hammodton Lecture Course Association was formally organized on Wednesday evening, and the following officers elected:" : Next to Bank Bros. Building, President, Albert TJ. Jackson. ' flammonton, Secretary, Wm. O. Hoyt.' , Trcaeurcr, BoBeFtTSteelZl;.:: . -.1 The above named ore included in ttt'e Fntt-Mcals 25 Cents Execntive_Cotnmitteia,]ow§_:_ MeBfra....J3....C._Osgoodf W.^J. Smith, Dr. J. A. Waas, A. E. Holmao, _;_ Served i* all. Styles..—.—.: ----- H. K. Speari J. J. Gali»-ne, N. O. HolW. tt. Tilton, Wm. Colwell, E. Philadelphia Pure Ice Cream dridge, P. Jones. — - 2 8 cente^a-Quartr.™" - " "" Rules were"aabpted7Tnd "otherlterns Families served with Oysters and Ico Cream of importance dincuseed. They will jneet-aHhe-callof-the^Presldeot.—'—— COMMERCIAI* in /ire-proof and burglar-proof'vaults, for valuable and linporUntJ|igjfei, f s and. upwards a year/ -•-••-;- .---._-..—_- • .-. • Getfiug ij somewhat Tower in price. < Oar assortment1 is quite complete. jCO-GUBXii Trtist Department fcecture Committee Organfcesr .OO TO Cramer's Restaurant Samples at J, B. SMALL'S Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Co: Terms, $1,25 per Year; $1 in Atlantic County] HAMMOHTQN, N. J., OCTOBER 3, 19O8 .Established Dniforni Temperature No Dirt Is nuver too. Cold -Is never tooHot Is always Ready Needs no Reheating. Hammonton Electric Light Co. » VOL; 46 OHABLES E. SMALI/S,, At-.the. BED CROSS PHARMACY. 1 3(X:I>ays Free Trial Independent -:..: Phono— Wo. 682 Hoyt & Sony Publishers. To bo'ieon atBtbe yards' TaSteleSS JjO_d_Liver_Oil_with Cherry andJlypopbosphites. NTTtaste of the oil In this preparation."! Electric Flat Irons! Save your Complexion. Save your Clothes Save your Temper -Save-yo5r Health—"Save your Money Save your Time CONCRETE Building Blocks I Use Good Reliable Remedies. < Favorite Shoe Store *\v And nil ollior nuitcrlulii uro the boot \Vliun the Itrnuil onmea from tho oven, ciioli loaf In wrm>I>i*<l I" n iluat, niul uonn |)r<ml wi»|>|"n, winch oiniBim tho lironi t« rntuln IIB Una lUvor und nioiature, Tim com, IH ilui oo uio lib >ou puy for ollinr l»rnfl(l, or IUBB If jou nta our LliONAHD'd.BAKKHY. esentative of triie most <~oor-~ ~ ^ gannenf ~7^~ of concentration in the making of a single- garment has made the manufacturers Trousers Specialists in the full estngense^jack of the Dutchess. The makers stand back of iis, See the warranty. Copyrlght 1908, Dutches* Mfe. C* The new shipment just-opened embraces the most completecollection of trousers ever shown. Scores of patterns to choose from. Bank Brothers Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton Pennsylvania Hailroad PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR To NIAGARA FALLS Oct. 7,—Last oj; the Season. Round Trip Rate, $11, from Hammonton.' Tlokots Rood Knlnrr on reffulnr tralnn day before exclusion to Fhlladolphla, and BHKClAb TftAIN of Pullman Parlor Cart and D.iy Coaohoit luavlng I'hllud.olplilu at 8.07 o. m, on above date, runalng yl» Tho UoautltUl Dolawaro Valley ICouto. Tickets aood returning on regular trains within Blxtoon Days Inolutllug date of oxoiunlon. Btop-off within limit ullowoa ' at Itnd'alo, vcturuinif. IlluHtratod booklet and full liiformniion furiilshed by Tlolcot A«onto. J. U. WOOD OKO. W. BOYD Miuiugor Qoneral 1'aBaongor A«on. Electric Plat Irons! Y ' 30 xJaya Tree Trial Save your Complexion. Savi' your Olothua Save your Ttun|« % r Save your HcuUh fliivo your Monuy Stivu your Tiino [Iniform Temperature N.> Dirt la novt-r too Cold I< never too Hot In alwuyB Ri)u<ly Neoda no Reheating. Electric Light Co.. 7 Silk Threads Superior to Other Substitute mffragettes Wi. of .England and A J 1.UO OUlLlUJiCt.LCJ.1 *^.* .«"— wfiini—HeKQ—advocates—of--jn-ttf*_ The—equ^ITrigKs—advocates—of—. ' ..America could organize their sex as -.successfully as did the leaders of the JHopl women they could accomplish .their ends in short order. Once upon ' xa time (and this is'not ~a fairy tale, poorest imitations of _. men to .. . in two gigantic whorls,.,one over /either) "the" Hopl 'squaws 'grew-tired North American i each ear. -The presence ot^ these among the"""" " whorls indicates that the wearers ;<of the tyranny of the lazy lords of •tthe mesas and went out on strike, (known as "sldewheelers," In the jresiinj»i*i& m o n..,-.-.-.- — it-thr-ATi: miving-to—a are on the matrimonial rmarket^ They 4ncnlt of access that they coull species, and to the convenience of ndefend it against forcible invasion. having them around to do the dirty constitute a danger signal, and Etor a time the men refused to worry, work. Therefore, let the men of xlv- many a Hopi youth has been known ..believing that the women would soon lllzatlon beware of permitting the to lake to the tall timber and remain --tire of their Adamless Eden; but as sceptre to pass Jc^Jhje- gentle . bands^ in hiding • for: moutha^.:oiL"beholdlng •_ _-days-grew -Into-'-weeks_with. Jio_ "ofT femininity," lest they* too,, become- rthls_ indication of matrimonial inten.g>f aurrender from the women tne like the despised H6n8~TiponC^Ke' head of some dainsel began to negotiate for s-restora- •Moki" tribesmen of the Arizona whom he haa~reason to. suspect of ol domestic union. To all overHowever, it is still an open fell designs. Flight Is~the boy's only .:,fi,H.S! this ~Mnd the— women—re- mesas. in-^ether "the "present^ Infe-; hope, as the .mother rarely turns riority or ttie men_ot me xidpi in^ of - -an(i and--comBUl8ton.— - [,..H5' ".M:. 7;-cprouuismu.—.m.ever the men were ready to o Made Males Mere Ciphers T\,l*LlJ .^^J.— t t I * * ' ' 1 ' * " ' " ••—»••"• . . - . ' America's Greatest In an interview- with—Theodora—T..B. : Thompson, • vice-president of . the Eureka Silk Manufacturing Company, regarding the danger of substitutingco.tton's, etc., for silk thread, he said: "It is tlmo tho consumers awoke to the fact; that It would be to their Interests to Insist'upon having''their, wearing apparel • sowed with .i. silk Jthread. In the Jlrstr place, silk being an" anTma'r'proaucf," re'falna'"lts~llfsrt>f""™ lasting power, longer than any product which human ingenuity has so . _ "Let me^tell-you-of-an-lncldent-wlt which all manuracturers are quite familiar. Abobt thirty years ago Massachusetts was the scene of .the grea,t Mill River disaster, where a - dam burst, and carried death and destruction in its path, something . akin, to ' the Johnstown flood of -later- years* .The Skinner silk mills were In taa question whether-the-children-should path of ihe flood and wero .sweptb6_pgrmltteil to uj.Umd Jhe_ govern- away.—Q^to ranoptly^ .f^ i^rortglng out inent school"."" "The Snate^clan" Javbr-" the-rlver-in-the-lnterests-of-navii. ed aendlrig the 'children to school, tlon, there was brought .to light a while the "Eagle'.iclan" "opposed it-; as package of -the- silk carried- away- at tending to-break down'ancient cua- that time, which, upon being dried ' toms. The dispute Vaxed so acri- and examined,'was found to have remonious that both sides resorted to tained almost the same tensile arms, and for ' four "days 'and nights strength and life .for..which, it-Was de- . the-battle raged.. As the aboriginal signed at'the tlmo of its manufacture. "I have also in my possession some bow and arrow constituted the only wgapor. weremot~a8 great as-mlgh^—be ex- which _ratalns_ Its btilHancy..: and :elagvery favorable comparison pected, only four men being killed ticity in goods • made quite" 'recently. and about a score, suffering injuries with Then troops were summoned .from These facts should convince the moat Fort-Wlngater and the obstrcnttfwa the- tenacity of-a bull -dogf any~ seanr members -of .the Eagle .clan.were- cart- with'whlch'lt is sewedv:;:-^•—^--" ed oft T to .Gallup and lodged in Jalt have come" As soon asi-they were released they to "Numerous..substitutes from time to time—high Imsremoved to a distant part of the tor light cotton, linen -thread-and mereer__^ inded a new village, "yefusing to have rtmy tioned substitutes (which are pro- "^ttnT taken__dircct "waraleif" mills of America and the'cbn- For Little Men and Little Women c! , president. It la the knowledge of nil this that makes the Taft manngcra glad that be Is- to go out «nd meet the people. partlcs. . . . . -Last year.'w'p Imported $10,000.000 wortb of .materials which went Into back .was 'paid, on about 0 por cent of oar Imports. Tuln would maki? It possible for tho American manufacturers toflcll about 5 per cent of 'their exports: or 5120,000.000 worth, cheaper abroad than at borne. Tbe advantage. given, by the drawlrack' was given for the pur pose of .enabling them to go Into for clgn - markets and . compete, even I/ they bad lo spll cheaper t h a n at home And this advantage \was given lu thv had been In the Meklnley act of 1800 and as It 1:5 now glvoii hy tlip Dlngloy act of IS9T. - ; . _ " —It— l^thprof"ir<CjViir-i^|)iirtTsa^ZqueB-7 llflin. iH'oiilwo It bus b:id recognition ri-o:n liotb |>n'ntlml parties. -It Is a part or tbo |ii)!lc-.v to meet competition in roreijxn ninrliotn rather than protection for tlii- home market.•""Its definite pnrpos<r is to enable manufacturers In this country fo give employment to American labor for the production of ^oodfi~for^TOii8triBption~ln~Enrope Instead of leaving that mnnufactnre to European^ producers employing European labor. plBfranchlsement of us many colored voters us possible is'advocated by Jobn B. Atwood. Democratic.. national coinmltteniun from Kansas, chairman of Ihe-flj^uUer^-liureau-of-tbe-Deniocratle laUonnl coinmHtee, one of Bryan's <jO8est=tHeiida=«HKl n laid... Mr- Bryan Intends to raake attorney general if lie should be elected president. Dlsf ranch isenient of t he_cplored men at Kansas svas- advocated -by ...Mr. At- peals strongest to the man who wants his full money's worth and a little bit more-—that is here, because .we are ainong the^ world's greatest t)uyers olgojKjs-jr Hienry V\". " r^awtpn... He realized the n tbe KnnEU's City 1'ost of Kansas Ideal American jsojdler as, _compjetely City., Kan-rMay 1. 11)08: .:.:r: • as any of hl« i-ontempprarles, and"bls~ \\iir Tor tue union, in va- to '~ "That man has n One '.'face: I would trust him anywhere," 'said n -West Virginia -woman who with a large party came over the mountains to bear Taft speak at Hot Springs. Those who meet him feel that bo Is not only sincere, tut that ho possesses tbe ability and courage to handle safe cause It became the policy of the -tinen t goods in all its history/and has'fashioned them in the latest .fall modes7 by that honest, thorough method that has put this house.jn the van of the world's clothing makers — .yet keeping steadily in view the moderajfion" of pirice'tliat is characteristic of ^ our se We invite your inspection of the complete lines of clothing for Men, Yduths and Boys—especially the ex- tended lines of ready-made-clothing— in wonderfully varied shades, new la weaving, delighttttHrrcolortn|r ,. „ of th'pse sack suits in r dark,^hard-twistea worsteds thatlast lor-seasons and seasons. Prices range from $ id ^to $39,, but-every suit is equally well made; every suitis al i ve with style; every- suit can be -bought Suits crops- so-far— have-been—very-- poorj '"Tibia: ~If was"-a'bitter "pill,-without mascullneJnferiority; the wedding day ttie whorls are taken and food Is scarce, so that. they5per•ing" so much in comparison as catgut, sugar-coating, but the men were comdown, never again to be. worn. They Therefore eight Hop! villages, lo-their children to .attend' tho and hemp, or twine of tbe same .thick.. squash inlt ••' swallow it. ; •• cated .upon three separate mesas, are said' to represent school at -Reams -Canyon.:utder._pra JJRS3. This -earliest and .most .successful with aToTSniopulatlpn of not far. "The greatest' efforts of the snhdresser~who shall In_ ._ tradition reached either from Holb*ook, Ariz., troduce the Hopl whorls into the me- starvation. Nevertheless, It IB .well stitute manufacturers have been diD _=_ understood that aa soon. as ithecont ,, ,^o 'no =hlnt" of- the epoch, andf-the OT -from Gallup, N. rM., the , former tropolis Is- sure- of both fame - a n d dltlon' of their "larders ".will" permit; rected rts-the- dyeing -of - the-goods,- 89 : fci that they will the most resemble silk, name of the female .Napoleon who point eighty .miles and the latter 110 fortune. The effect .Is quite as -carried through this remarkable cam- miles distant from the first mesa. amazing (but not more •: so) : as that the children will he taken home. The and in some lines of braidings -and name of their village, faote'yelt, 8lg ornament they have > been quite paign has been lost in the mists of Owing to the distance from the ra'lf- produced by the wire "rats" affected vages. Nevertheless, the work of the road the Hopi towns are rarely vis- by waitresses, shop girls :and the nifles "sand hills." ..It Is most com- successful. I refer now to', the; finish JHopi suffragettes still lives. In the ited by tourists and sightseers, and ultra-fashionable. -. That the -"side- monly referred to as the "hostile vil- and appearance; so that It is possible for the substitute to pass for the gen.-.strange "stone cities, perched high on primitive manners and customs here wheelers" of the Arizona mesa land lage." uine without more than a passing the summits of the Arizona mesas, tne survive to a greater! extent than will some day be counterfeited- by _ SUrroimdlng each of the throe •'Women stnnul&~the- rpost-^and—the among any other tribe in" the" South- "£n"e~ blondes "Of "the Great White Way mesas are- vast peach~orchards, and glance. " "The garments -into, which thesejjnen ploy a sorry second fiddle. west, excepting among the Navajos. is just as sure as fate and taxes. cornfields covering many thousands substitutes are sewed cost the conAmong all other tribes of American ' inhabit the-very houses ,lx>-day_ In Kenma Canyon^ ^eleven corn Is oCia.!BmalLanJ aborigines—tHe-squaws—are—drud _ ""they~dwelt—lii when~Goronado-located--the Inferior variety, that no white"farm "8umer-pracUcally-ihe-8amo-a8-lt--pntesilk had been used. The ditrer•rand beasts of burden, trained and his lieutenants first marched, this Hop! reservation school, In which a er would bo content to, grow at all, dye ence In cost Is very small. Consumers _^v,fetch and carry and cater to the ca- way 368 years ago. Their religion, paternal government makes a strenuand the crops are poor .and Inadeare, therefore, entitled to garments ~ prices of the dirty braves with ab- .heir ceremonies, their domestic hab- ous effort to train the Hopl children ject humility. In Hopiland the posl- ts, their industries and their manner In the "ways of civilization. So far quate;, but the Hopl husbandmen sewed with silk, and iMbey will In•vtloiia of_ the sexes are exactly re- of life are just tho same In most par- the effort has not been a startling would risk starvation rather than sist c= -this they can bo__ sure consent to try Improved "varieties, ments that will hang better, wear betversed. • :. • ' • ticulars as they were uncounted gen- success, but Inasmuch, as nearly all What was „good enough .._ ..for their ter, look better and last longer. Pick There the men' perform the most erations ago. the people can understand the Engfathers' fathers is quite good enough any periodical and toll me If you •menial of household tasks, till the Among the Hopl Indians alone does lish language and crin make them- for them. To give up the.'.old.'.ln their up think 'any of these larger clothing •«elds, attend to the sheep, goats and the aboriginal industry of the potter selves understood, It cannot be conestimation,. constitutes _ the worst manufacturers who are spending hun1-bniros, -weave blankets, belts and survive in all its former perfection, sidered a failure. To overturn a sokind o f 'Impiety. " • ' - ' . ' . dreds of thousands of dollars a year -.ceremonial- robes, mind the , babies, uncontaminated by commercialism cial system .that may have had Us -,as)B,:3n general, do as their wives bid and uncorrupted by Ideas borrowed obscurt: and unrecorded beginning : To the Hop! Indians came some of In advertising, use anything but silk. In the manufacture of their clothing. ' xlhem.'The fine art work of the Hopls frpm_the_ whites. The_materlalB_ara -whentheuBrltQHS-.stllL.wpre garments the earliest of the JJYanclscan mis- L.can_jiam(),yjitt,nJtty .houaeg offhand. iUlng-and-pottery-manu- selected" with the utmost"core,", the reservcd for the women, pigments applied with the most made of the skins 'of -wildbeasts ftsf sionaries, three •fulf centuries "ago: wbo use nothing but silk, and their '-apparently in the .belief that man's painstaking accuracy, and no de- a labor that may not be accomplish- These, planted the first poach trees, trade Is growing all the time, The '.inferiority renders him unfit for tho ilgns used excepting those that ed In a single generation, and the Introduced melons and other Euro- reasons are obvious." -serious business of life. It is worthy inye, a symbolic meaning hand- work of the-government school has pean vegetables, fruits and grains, wot. note that the blankets woven by ed down from immemorial an- doubtless progressed as rapidly ^ as and brought .goats, swine, sheep, MEDICINE FOR A MISER. ffte Hopl men are BO inferior to those Iqnity. Consequently the ceramics could reasonably be expected. On burros and poultry. All these contribute largely to thematerial welthe second mesa are also .three vil.»woven by the Navajo women that of tho Hopl command prices four or The celebrated French physician-, -there is no room for comparison, while Ivo times as high as those paid for i lages— UllshongnoVl, Sblpaulovl and fare of the Hopls of the, Rlcord, waa one day Walking along but otherwise the footprints of the Shumopovl—the first, two not more 'the pottery made by the Hopi women ho work, of other. Indian pottery' tho boulevards In Paris, when he met !ls tho finest of Its.kind in the world, makers, and 'are used "ftfr the decora- than a quaqrter of a mile apart, but padres have boon entirely Tobllterat an old gentleman who was very rich, •-and their baskets have no superiors. Ion of homes of wealth and refine- tho last named reached by a labo- ed. The people long ago forgot tho but who was at tho same tlmo noted "Even the most denrly cherished pre- ment the civilized world over. The rious trail extending two miles from strange White God L and relapsed Into for his extreme stinginess. The old rogative of masculinity in .other most famous of all Indian pottery Shlpaulovl, its nearest neighbor., On paganism, and the old mission man,, who was somewhat of a hy1 parts of the world—that of Bfilectlng makers IB Nampeya, on tho first the third mesa, thirteen miles from churches were torn down BO long pochondriac, Imagined that ho could the second and nineteen miles from ago that no one can recall their ex- get some medical a'dvlce from Rlcord ::n life partner—has boon usurped by istence. In ono village on the Bec- without paying for It. t'Ahe women of the- Hopls. Whenever one fortunate enough to' secure a :A clrt makes lier choice of a husband specimen of Nampoyn's -workmanship Hotevolte, The last named Is tho ond mesa the faint outlines of an an"Doctor, l a m fooling very poorly.," s^Sie SOBS to consult the youth's moth- not only poRsesBCB an Interesting and most modern of all Hopl towns, hav- cient church may still bo traced, and "Where do you suffer moat?" the observant visitor will notice tho -er. If tho mother is 'willing to ac- valuable relic, but a real work of art ing been founded only a. little more "In my-stomach, doctor." than a year ogo-as a result of rivalry fact that tho ends of aqnare-hewn cept tho candidate for a dnughtor-ln- as well. "Ah! that's bad. Please shut your timbers project from some of the between the Snake and Gaglo clans 'law the buslncBR la settled on the oyos. -Now put out your tongue; so Of tho curious customs of-the Hopl klvax, or underground council cham- that I can examine It closely/' vapot, -and tho man In the case must none attracts more attention than ofOralbl. -.make the best of It To consult either that practiced by the girls of marThe Individual did ad he was told. Tho long Btandlnc Jealousy of. Jbo bers. Inasmuch as no other square '•him or his father or tho girl's father riageable ago, of doing up their hair two clana come to a head over tbo timbers can be Been elsewhere- In tho Aftqr ho had waited'"'patiently.' for Hopl communities those are often about ten mlnutoii, ho opened his eyes 'would bo considered as ridiculous as tbo BUbJect of remark. It seems cop and found himself surrounded by a, • unnecessary. tnln that they were tho timbers used crowd, who supposed that ho waa <Qnco tho quontlon of marriage has In tho old misBlon churches—built crazy.' Dr. Klcord, In the meantime <*>eon Bottlod the Klrl must grind boforo tbe Pilgrims landed at Ply- had disappeared." •moal for thirty duyt) for hor prowpoomouth. Every timber used in the .•live ntothor-ln-lftw, while tlio man A CIRCUS WISH POLITE, construction r o f tho Hopl mlflfilonB '.mntft woiwo hln future wife's wedding AN. INSECT THAT THROWS was cut upon the slopes of tho flnn t'droBB, erabrolilor it by .hand, and A potato I would chooao to bo Itat-a-tat knocks tho woodpecker -plant tho -cropu -for -tho maintenance Francisco mountains, and -laboriously The African, explorer put on a pair "On ono day of tho year, On tho old tree, ' packed upon7, the1 patient backs of ,6f smoked glanafifl. for ho found tho i of bis bouROhold. And if you like, I'll toll you why Hoys MiuH Prim, "Ho'n polite. mon throuKh . tho •Boverity-flvo nillcs August aim on the white sand too ! Innvltnbly , tlilu relegation of tho For you nuiflt think. It queer. , As /a blfdlo can bo, /, -masculine H,O,X to a HiKondiiry poal of intorvonlnR~dosort, ' * bright ovon for hlB oyoa, used to tho And Junt 'why tho old nqnlrrol •<lon hnri been prodiic.tlvo ol_curlo»it To write of tho Hopl communities full , blnzo of the Sahara. "In the 'Twould bo on "clrcun day," bocauno Who llvna there should hide .txnd InHtructlvo Boclal results. Not No matter what my size without Home mention of tho Snake Sahara," ho aald, "there IB a little And not oniiwor his knock. BtrlkliiR of tbcno In tba poor UKDance would bo a ruthless violation inooct that throws sand Ilka thono could B«O everything thoro was— Why, I'cnnno.t, decide!" Ilio Hop! tribesmen alwayii have I'd hnvo.HO many eyes! • of precedent. Yet this moat remark- children there, on.)y It thrown .hotter; •»cut 'In warfare, In tbo , porminlal able o f ' all savage coromonloB has Ita volleya slay; thoy call It tho.foarUSE -wnrs waged against thorn by tbo boon dCHCrlhod so often and «o '«* mlllon. "What'do you think makes the sea Nava]oH the HoplH alwayH worn "Tlio fourmlllon digs Itaolf a'funnelhaufltlvoly that further attempts milt?" WBB a auoBtlon put to a school Mttlo Will—Our teacher whipped a • -worsted. Hut for tho Inaocouiilnlllty along that line would bo unclean shaped bole of tho circumference of of tbn'location of Ibolr townii, \ipon boy to-day because bo whlnporod; but clnun. workfl of supererogation. However, a silver dollar. It lloa hidden and A brilliant Idea Btruclc a boy. •tho mimmltn of lofly mOBitii, thn Nuv It didn't do any good. It IB worthy of remark thnt ovon horn watchful In tho bottom of thta hole, "1'lonno, Hlr, tho horrlngB." -ajon would havo oxlcrrmliiatcd tliom Mamma—Why not? the Hopl -women -are, -!n~-B*-w«y,—--ira- and..whan.,ft-sp|ilor_ftr...n.j 1 "In Ttnrtomvt tho warlike nomfldi • •T;itt1o"-Wlll--Woll, cauno It-mane promo. Before tho Snake Danco bo- camoii cautiously prospecting down gallon xhom "Mokl," nlKiilfylUK "(load him h o l l e r - m u c h loiidor . than ho A riviw Knu naine Into tho Zoo. tho utoop and ullppory sides tho In'filnfl, each participant bathos In n •••mm," while their propor appellation whlcpored. And wo fluid: "I'ruy, what can wo dot preparation of horbB, and taken a honpltntilo fourmlllon launohus upon Its ""Hopl," nlgnlfUin "mon of peace." •> Ho will hot oat moat: curtain quantity Intornaljy, to render gnout volloy after volloy of Band—a ELIZABETHS ANSWER ' Tho mon of I ho Hopl communltloa . Ho wlmt can ho oat?" him - immune • to tho polnon of tho hall of stinging Band HO abundant, BO "are dwarfed and undorid?ed. Intel At noon tho now gnu know wo know. doadly rattlesnake. Ono woman In BiiffocatlnEf, BO • bllndlni? that • the "Now, Iflllzabotb," rtnld thu toaohor, Ho^tainMy IIH wo.ll nn physically, they visitor IOBOO hla bond; ho rolla tinthe Snake clan of each village known coiiBcloiiH ( ^»r« BtnntVMl. On tbo other haiirt, tut "If I havo tilx cggH and uuo three of for tho nonce to the bottom True Duilne^a Caution. tbo secret of tho formula after • women nr.o • -muscular, well formed tliom to bako n cako, what-will I have Mnndmll Klold, Mil, iiccorilliiR to a ] which tho "Hnako'Medicine" Is cora: of the hole, kind the fourmlllon cnlrnly -robUBt and Kraceful, and many JIOH left?" ' 1 now BoltiK tho rounds, bldn fair pounded. When alio fools that tho dluinembnrH him" boforo ho ban tlmo "Tlio nhellH, ma'am," Bald Kllzabotb, Ht,ory •moHB TX beauty Of foaturo that In truly to bonoiiin a very cantloiui luminous 1 hour of her dissolution IB, npproaah- to comu to blnnielf nRatn and puU1 •lunnzlnK to any one, familiar with th Innocently. man wlion ho Brown u)). Aiiproaohlng aim conflrtoa her Boorot to hor him in the larder for tho next meal. ' "flrtt-Ttu*rt nquawa of tun tr|hon of tin an old ludy In a Lnkowood hotel, ho Of what Ingredients thin AN APPEAL Yttrium In a vnry raro mntM,' dark Haiti: • Infallible) nntldoto to the bite of the 'A 'Claatsnt-lmi^l ntudy of Ibn Hopl "Gnu you crank luitn?" rattlesnake eonnlMri no man 1ms over gray In color, and vory brittle. Froddlo wao much ImproDB«a by "Qndlanii, In fnct, Imulii ono* to lliljkk "No, dear," tho old lady ropllod; "I lieon able to discover; nnd ovon the "No," Bald tho oijltor, "we can't IIBO ••Jhirt -(iiirlcaturlBtii and newnpiipor the Bunday school teacbor'u plon for lout my tooth ago*! a«o." export (rhomlfltB In tbo employ of the In tliolr humoroufl al.- mlBsloiifl, aud had (locldnd to »avo his "Then," r«o,uo«tod Maxtor Field, Unllort .Btntofi Government arc quKo your Btory. Thorn'n too much orlBlui "to poUfay " 'prnnitTiUt <!0»<ll- liouiiloi) for tho heathen. Ho failed (ixtondliiK two liiindn full of piicunn, an much In tba dark nn nro the m.iiit alltv almut It." •"•• •;• • <lonti "»fhcin ivoiniin at lanl iilmll hnvo onco or twice, although bo inade n "plenmi hold tboao while I RO and"got Ignorant and downtrodden of the "Too much orlBlnalllyi" echoed tlio X hor •way iiiKtoiiHclounly como protty groat effort. Th«n ho prayed. "Oh, more." hanpocknd htiubandli of Hopiland. contributor. "Why, I tboiigltt you Mo thn t r u t h . Tlio lirii|>ocl(0(l Lord," ho boKRod .oarnputly, "ploano Af|or thin, who will havo tho temer- wanted original nmttorl" of tho Hopl nmiuoim boar holi> me to ilnvo up for' tho honthen, "Ho yo do," nnnworod tho other, ity to say that -a woman cannot keep I.eiithiir travullnx triinka woro iiaod •fuo 'umnliituHftlilo HllKinn of pbynlcnl and—don't lot Joint tho peanut mau, In lloi)|o |n t|ii> t|nio of Oatinnr. "but we draw tho lino nt spelling." a DAcrotT • j-,irfd'«pW>tuM»forlorlty. '.Thoy 'rtro tho oonio down our «troot." ly. ' jrct thorp were few Ip the J?H6_^n)lzed • thai, be .was.311i!cui58lc;abstruse .legal prohlpmn Without resort Ing to ••bewildering' Irgal phraseology. ^7*_?5T ^^IPJ*1????!.! 'jypicttam goes. Tnfr and Bryan ~are nearly <^unl. But wuprfe 'Brynn'ft personality IB one Unit creates Interest: and enibtfBtobm Taft'0 iSah'is'lefFoutr • "l. National Commilteeman Atwood, Bryan'* Close Friend, Openly Favor* 'Taking Vct« From, Colored Men of Kaniai. _ , TI77" PROPHETIC WORDS. ^ tement of Lawton Like ah Aocmation From th« Crave.— XiBong tlu» uiuit.v •oldlers whose lives were"i)acflficedr:lri tbe difficult task of euppresslng the Filipino- liisiirrretloa -none - was-, wore beloved either by his brother officers We always pay round-trip carfare • upon »hepurchae« of a reasonable •rnount. - . . ^ariamaker; & Brown Sixth and Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA Already i nn IJKH ueguu tuaklug ueriOUB tmproxNloim on bis audiences. Bry•an w -ncver-fnllH-to tickle-lilB-Rudleuoes. In most liiHliuicen lie arouses eulhuslBSUJ. but It IB nn entbtiHlaHtii whlcli rarely l«Hts. Those who listen and applaud go away and forget, Wltli the Taft audiences It la different Hy tbe cIcarnoxM of his-exposition and the ab«<thtiT>Blneorlty of big manner; lie carries conviction. . tils.auditors art* soon Impretwed by two things—Ta'fi'p ability aud Tnft's Hlncerliy. "That'man inennH what he says.** l> a couimiMit freqncnily lionrd after Tafi baa spokvii. Another Taft. rlniracti-r Istle (but IB wltinliiK iiiniiy frlendn fin the Iteptibllea u candidate ainoiiK tUm;i who knew nothing of .him t>efore they saw aud heard him U hlu groat courage. He Hiiys wlint he thinks, and •ays It In Biioh n wiiy that It rcmntns fixed In the inliulH of those who lieai him, — At-Athens, O., he wa^ nddreai Ing 4(H) union coal miners, Ho told them about ImvltiK lasned InjiinctlotiH. "1 IHNIIIH! tliein," lie (>n)d, "hQcnuHc tho rlKliln of the plulntlffH dcnnuiiloil It. When I inn on the bench I enforce tbo Inw. And 1 hnve no npolotcy to muke." | For a inlniite (here WIIH nbiuilute H| 'lencc, dramntle In IIH Intoiinlly. Then tho -t(K) inlnem broke not merely Into applnuse, but Into entlniHhiBtlc chcerH After tho inrrtltiR they \vero hoard exprpNMJiiK their v!e\vn. "Tlnil limn IH oil (hi; level," HIIId one "IJo doi'Hii'l uiuid out any Von' talk. Ho knovvB where hu HtnnilN nnd hi not afraid to comu «tralnht out wltb n tbliirr. Ho ain't tbo orator llrynn IN, but Iiu HII.VB thliiffB that llrynn wouldn't dnrc uny." Uullki)..niuny of^Urynu'a utterances, Tnft'B iitlerancoN will lx>iir inspection. Ho will iniiko no ileelrntlon t h a t \i opon lo doubt. "I hnve to deal*with fnctH," ho Mid, In BOIIIH of bin oporclien Hryiui. Intoxlciilcd w i t h tl\i> Bound of II!B own wonlw. rreinicnlly makpH i KtiUeinontN not entirely Irimtworthy. Taft linn hnnn tm> IOIIR un tint bench, (no long In high Kovorninent pndltloim, whore hln ntleninccn carried welRht, trrpprnilt of bin iiinkliiK cureICHH HtillomontH. Kiirthornioi'e, T|ifl posHonHon to n iniirki'd dei;i'<^ the nlill- • Ity to illxciiHN tho inoHt Intrlcnto HiiliJeetH In (he nliiipUmt |IUH;IIIH:C. llo proved IhlH ino'it coneliiHlvoly nt HundiiHky wlie-i he n-iulo porfoctly philn lo hlx nntlleiice the (lovolojiinonl of null. tniHt loKh'liitlnii niul th" po\vei'n niul Ilinltntliiim of tho fi'doiitl r n v c i n n i c i i i ly Utii'V omictl.v i' he v :i ' ln>::( n'.iO tiiiiti'Mloi'il It e'l'jv. 11 SPEAKER, 'His Talks to the People Winning Many Votes. OOESfiT POSE AS AN ORATOR. Vord Ploturci Not. N«»d»d to 8taU Fact* Plainly— Rtpublloan CandidaU'c Cl»«rn«tt and Sincerity Carry Conviction. From bylng decidedly apprehensive da to the outcome of ; Judge Taft's ijpeaklnt; tours'' Republican loaders arc now convinced that ono of the wisest ^novca of thu cainpatffU waa the doclBlon to lot the Uepubllcan candidate ' itelt n»' intiiiy' sections of the country «a pOHtilblv between now and election <iay and tulk to us many voters as tho time will iiernilt. When apcaklns toUi-w for Tnf t \vcrt- tli'Ht dlHirunacil tbe opponents of the plun bdscd their oppO»l tltm oq tbe fact that as an orator Tan cannot lip .compared to Oryqu, They fu-gued tlmt Taft, .who mukeviuo. pro Iftsaso \u urnlory, would bo pluocd at, u disadvantage appearing on the atitmii Kgalnst, tho Klftvd Kobraakuu, Utii Judge Tuft liliimolf solved tiiu problem find clou rod tbo vrholo situation \vltli pne ,iwnteuco. In bis recent apcot'b ai tiniiduHlty, O. "I cannot dwell In tbo cerulean blue, tut btive to dual with facts," Iiu do clarcd. It la tblH dcnllnn with fiu'tx In a clenv, dlupuNHlonnto iiiannur that bit. uadu William Howard Tuft \vlmt In•very tlmo Iiu ai'lieuni In public. Tut'tV boat frlondn cannot claim for him (Inn ho IH an urn tor. Hut bo can tell Untruth and docH toll it. Ho will not biivo to paint beautiful \vonl iilctnruu . ol . what uliotild bo iloiio. llo will not haw to |>l«nil. with HlhTl'.v «'|oijuoni'i> foi- tinallcgoil downtroilitou nor cull on "Ilio manuoH" to rliui up ami HIIVO tln> coiiii try from tho ruin \vliluli Urymi Innboon |iro(llctlti|( niul iliullnu I>amK'oiiH foi' iliii'lnic tbo piuit \Vlmt Tuft bau lit do In to Hlutu • cold, cloaf cut fnctH, \u loll (Iiu i null About .hliuuulf. l» ulvu to til* uuUUiini n clunr niul iiuiulHiukiililo itloii of wlmi Taft tbv iiiiiu lu anil \vliut lio Htitml» for, Ami thin lui run do, nuil dn \voll. 'lly niituro In.' lu frauu mill o|i»n. it woiilil bo (lliik'iill r«ir blin to illHtiiuiil>l« If bv ,vvlnlu'.l to du mi. in Traveling a SOLID ROAD BED IB essential.—— —— Underwood Cajrilagerldei securely afici smoothly^ dijr by day and year by year. fo Spreadlnz ol ^ „,. ,.,.^-y.^---....,-,, ^_ ..jCT t., - •-, wofk vrilicjiFcailed bliml to the" Pb[liip~ races the stare of Kaunas. bas pines constitutes a lustrous chapter in done-more Dcrhiilrs for the nifcto than -Is braver offlcer ever Wore his .country's now • .suffering a grievous political uniform. No -gentler, more considerate fcomltnafider-ever-yled-rhhirr- troops -Into man iin(J bis desceodajata. battle. No ' more cblyalrlc leader ever 'William A: Harris would now be .gave up bis life In defense of bis conngovernor,of K»nstis had. It not been for try's flag. ' •" '; tb> iflnorant negro ycte, and there bave General fawton was killed In battle: been times In the past when the Demo- -wttb-lnsurrectoai la' the Island orEazW cratic party could bave elected Its in 1000 while flgbtlng at tbe bead, of state ticket bud It not been for the hla troops. A sbok time before tfa'e Ignorant-black vote of Kansas Clt>. tragic close of !hbi caVeer-httJiiul writ Kan., Leavonwortb. Atchison. Law- ten to a friend In the Dnited^Jm,es n letter, In which, be. said:____ i__1__: _______ ~~W, I am »,hot by • Fil!pirio~1>u1let~tr vote was not u coui;iJeraMe factor tu mfoht a* well com* from one trf tiny Kansas politics, but that time has own men, because I know from obpassed. Tbi-'InRux of negroes from tbo servation. confirmed by 9»ptvre<l™prJs-, south, the rapid multiplication of those oners, that the continuance of fighting native to KanmiH soil and tb^icreas- I* chiefly due to report*.. that are eent Ing Insistence of the ne?-i upuu social out frorr. America." equality muke the Ka i negro not ' The words of . I-awton, fighting a only a political factor, _«t u social and treacherous foe In a tropical country. political menace. were meuht us a protest against the, Atwood Fcvors "Jim Crew" Sohoolt. unpatriotic "anti-Imperialist" agitators' "If tlu- lust election be a criterion, here In tbe -United States, where ex tht ne^ro t>o\v-liold9 tlie-balance of po- presslons-or-Bympatby-for-the Innurlltloal t'ower In Kaunas, as he does in rectlou gave- constant aid snd comfort Missouri Tills In Itself Is bad enough, to the enemy. Army officers of blgh but In KaiiKiiH we have suffered for character and rugged experience lo long .voHrs tbe outrage of mixed the Philippines have frequently «xschools. faxiiMied upon us by the Rc- presseil the ojiinlon tbut the InsurrecBABY'S VALUE publlcau politician. tion would not have lasted ninety days "Mixed svhuolu Ivud tbe negroes lo had It not boon for tbe support, moral aspire to a- mixed society, and this and ollicnvlne. \vblcb Ita leaders re- She Isn't worth a fortune, and hasn't any stocks; close contact of tbe races Is productive ceived from tlielr Hyuipatblzcrs In Her wealth Is all in little shoes an& of troubles from which Kansas would America. pinafores and frocks, b«.fr*« If th« negro had leli politic*! Chief II'IIIUUK tuose sympathizers, tin- In HUlo rings of curling hair and pow«r and were not admitted to the InslHtcnt niul most reckless of all. vnui blue,'.laughing eyes. same schools with the whites. William .Icmiln^H Itryun, and ngiilnst In leaves and -grass, and bads "KnnBiin has long been weary of the him tho prophetic words of the lament flowers, and begs and butterflt9fC negro politician, and It IB wore (ban ed I.awton stand lll;e nn iiccimntliin But when she comes in tired front I play, and crawls up on my Jtnee» weary of the mixed school.'. •Putlvncc from the Brave. For bin unpatriotic luia Its limits,- and I hollovo Hint coin-so iltirlnK tlio Filipino Insurrection She's worth a hundred millions to heir mother and to jno. the time baa come when the people of Mr. Bryan lucked even tlu- Kbudow oi" Kansas will join with the people of au oxciixtt. lie had entered the mill among hor dolla and tor«i. MlKBourl In restricting negro cuffrcQe. tary service during (lie H|uml»b wiir us fine el{8 and d6esn't seem to care 'I do not advocate the (Jlnfriii)uulHO- • voluutcer olllcer, mid lie knew that If wealth Is all ; in rosy/ cheokn an4 mcut of tni- negro on the ground of bin the u'nr iiml tlio limmrcctlon In the Islocks of curly hair. color. T)¥>t Idea la abhnrrotit to l!i<- lands could ho concluded only wltb Ihe She toddles up to mo, find, like at lnciplf'iWjr our free Kov<Tnmonr, niul uminullllcd i-eciiKiiltlon of American dainty fay, will write , It* oxiTiillon would be In conflict \vllli authority \\lierover It wan nsaertcd A cheque drawn on love's bank with Just her glances »wcet atifc the conntltutlon. Dut In uplte of Hint lie encouraged tbo bright. • ''But ouc conttltutlon will permit the Filipino to continue In armed resist And when Blip puts her soft' arm* dUfranchliement of tnc. Ignorant, do- bncc, ami lib red; lent) exprcsnlons tin round my neck and coos In gtee.. praved, bmy, vlclotiii and dobnuchi'd iloubtcill.v licliK'd (o proloiiK a dower- She'd worth uncounted millions to heir Rfo. and this dlefrnnchltement nto ami coxtly ntrngglo which bo knew mother and to me. should bo •ocomplUhed to thn end that In his bear! could never -end except In our frve Ins'ltutlona may not suffer." the way It wns ended. Mr.1 Bryan'p And when she's In hor crib at nighty i-oiiduct (lironuhout that conflict, whlcli and cosily tucked In, rOMt HO much nllliO to the United BtatuH The wealth of Croesus couldn't bar AMERICAN GOODS*AB30AD. nnd tho dimple In hor chin. t<> (ho tleliiilod Filipinos themAnd mi 11)10 blinks hor roguish eyes toj, Policy of Cheaper 8«le« Hue Conient BelvcH, iiinonntt'il lo nionil trcaaon, nnd play at pcok-a-boo. It will 'iiover ho for({ ll|io »nirof Doth Partite. She chucklOB me a fortune with cacbvlrorn of those ^iillunt men from whom archly-spoken coo. Hoerctnry Hlmw eutlinateH that out It exacted the Innt full measure of 'MIC- And though she boa no fortune, I anv of every $l.(l(«t worth of imimifi^tturca I'lflce In devotion to duty. imro you will agree, cxiiiirted fnim thin country 1)0 centu' The' wonlu of l.nuton will confound flhu'u a fortune, more than money, to. rUj nr« Hold abroad.ctnenpflr.tlmn nt Mr. Jlryun ovory llnio bo on«im bis • hor motbir and to mo. home. 80 far the complaint of thu mouth to ii pen It on tbo Philippine!) In DeinocrnlM Unit our iiniiiiifiictiirvH No.ll the (ircBflnt cumpiilKii. Iiu ciiunot CH The tUHto of the moment la fair. . ithi-(Hul clicn|ier (linn nt libinv KceniH to capo them. They Indict him for giving heavy trlmmlnga of tlilo bo true, , Hut thin In not nn iireiit u ilia- nld and comfort to tho ai'mcd enemloii handHomo, novel order, which fnll' fanhlonH count In the export Undo IIH tba iul- of Ainerlean uutlmrlty anil (bey lirund miroly dnvolop. vunliiite nlvcn lo iiiiuilifiielurL'B lu' tbo him JIH u mail* who openly uncoili'iiRci) Importation of raw iiiutorliiln, that they b dcnpiTiito uprlHliiK npriiliiHt the tlni; In — llreuthliiK «ix«\relH<in wero I may employ Auierli'iiii labor nt Ainer- flofomio of which Knwton illotl, In nomn I'urlnluii Hchonln not ican NVIIKOH In Ilio iiiiinufacliire of gooda o, luxl liunflflclul ronnllH \vnro nixn* tiiiinlt<tHt«<). hat nro lo ho mild uhroiul In coiupoll: -,I, 1'lcrpont Morfiim l>t tiollcved to tm Ion. Nnvor boforo WIIH thorn ntinli n. nhowtuiyor of, 'Viirnnr'n fiunona It IIIIH ticen' the (iiillcy of Ilio ltc|Hll> «r of iloeorivtlonB and. orders • nnd pro- tho Ton-line," rnt!«ntly «ohl In thn niotloiiB anil jubllcn troan«u pouTfiil llcan imrl.v for » nuniber of yvnra to nut In AiiHtrla nn \von announced on tlio niiln. AnoDuir gvuum In Hint II; C. I'TIoJc ncoimiKo Kiu'li ciiiiipollllon..ln forelKn Mmruiror'n birthday, .Altogether tho ro- In tbn iinrclmm-r. ' •—Accontlnn l» n, recent <^e|tBtt», , Una > iiurlditH. 'I lie ilniwliiick on niiitiii'lalu elplnntii cannot f a l l ' f u r nliort of 400,000, number of imnt eimlli lined uniHKXllv In iii|iiii'lc(l for iiiuiiiifiu'liircti Clint nrc to iiccordhilt to tlui Tall Mull Qaxotte. Ornnnny nmmmtn to -liliM nilltlomn. Im <>X|ioi'leil IH not |ic<-nllnr lo Ilio —A younir Now Yorker who WBB <lrcnt llrltuln UMOM only XiK> mllltoiin of l)lni;lc,v ln\v. Tlio niiine |)COV|H|OII WIIH hiu'ttod with HtnalliiK a. Idim wulil lie pont eiinln yearly, in llu> McKlnli'.v ln\v, nnil It wan Incor- wouldn't huvo curnd for It If It hurt —Tim irolti innrtlil of '^lio irvoneb A»offnrert blm, Tho wolaht of thin rtoi'lutloii fur 1 tli« Adviineoinnnt of tfctponilod In tbo \\'lliniii-()ori]inn law liy boon llodoiihlciil ilmvlarntlon ImproHnod the «ui-<i WOH iirc«er\ted to Blr "Willlnn* the lleiiiocnitii. It WIIH Kept In tlio lu\v ,Tudi;o no deeply that ho poHtpouod hla Itiinumy ('IniniiDiitj-Fvrrixild, n fovr <l»»v» \vholf 111;- I H i l l t l O J I Ill't 'WIIH puHHl'l) III ileclnlon. No Failure of Signals The Underwood ship at The National (Business SfibW.— Underwood Typewriter Company (Inc.) 725 Chestnut Street I. SEwolte^S^ifciSi^^ Speed, Safety and Surety No Flat WheeU To thxi8crwho~wguld ccme to th« F6Uhdtr'«"Weefcl8»lcbratlenj— OAK HALL DEMOCRAT ADVOCATES NEGRO DISFRANCHISEMENT. Typewriter ' f ; .''^:.;'^;:!'' -H''M^^ '•• ••-•=-•• ^..:W~,. -......-•.: _^_^___a___ivM>»<»>>*—••«••••»••«•«»••••••««•«••«« ~» ; . - , • • ; ' ' . :.:,.,•:., •:>:,,;,,• .,;...-;,.-:;;.i:'':.::i,^;^:^l Monday brought us the marsh nT' It c'aibfiW pdwSrfdl ebttw-' all dft riiftnd.!;.;;.'... •. ...• .^.;.,..'_...... _ and accompanied by thunder and llght1 QDSEIttE Postols.—tbo tnteit ou,t, Jt tor 6^ Medium sized houaea. aro In il ?fb?fo''HiMhE*^^ > cant«;BtrBWain'«Gallery. '";••• ,-•- -~ ,.,-- •L'-'".'; *• ' !,'•'' ' •'» • ' . ' • - |-;u:'1 rT*" li-vi **-|«:3 r -.-^V...-r."' ^ ; : SATURDAY. GOT, ,'3, 1908 '-•-.-- Keeping1 Step with r - - - - ' " -' *• f. ",-'-• • - • • ' V ".-.'f •'.'". . ' . • ' '' " •'• ' • . .. ' ••'•_- .'-.~\ jfisSlriresi felt vety. comfortafilflfTfBIs ' ' ' ' Policy ^oT TEe ~PrudeStial7~is~ a policy strictly abreast of the -times; The- payment -of -thepremiums by the insured guar- r antees to the beneficiary a regu Tar MoritEly~pCpcome foF"twenty years or for life. ..;.': ^^1;: are f , ^Eastman f / > . ITAMBONE'8. Cr«am and eoru net for Phonographs '.._•-..-'.; and: Cameras. Musical Goods. Inyestigate it. All supplies."' "• Jewelry. -;; ;•' soed every Saturday morning f Enured as second olasunatter.l _ ._;_. -I lave -a room especially: •A good;selection of fitted Up for thisv branch.Do tiot neglect your eyes: tihese stones with great care. SATURDAY. OCT. 8, 1908 —Wateianan and Wirfcc . , within nine mouihs from this '' et barred^frem BAKTO Q; D'A.aosTiKo, i«igr:Nrifi 10, 1908,. For PresJdent, For'Vlbe-Preslderitr- • Beginning this week Tuesday, the Pennsy's .newspaper_;train,^due_JD Hammonton at, 5.40 every jnorning,' was discontinued.- This is deplored -by.our_;newsdcaler, and by all ivho value a m.prrjing paper and 'have Xefc-ufl supply yon vi ith tth the-Kest-grade the-oest-grai eceiving'—ifr of coal. If .iL_LJoea not satisfy you. tell us; it. it does, ' r-t«ll j/oufnei&liborsr-' , But the worst feature in the cas -LocaVT hone 704. — is, "that/Cfain'. brbugHtTour" mailTfrom" Philadelphia and beyond,— really the most important of the day,—and TflE was distributed before seven o'clock, enabling. business men to receive and reply to letters before the day's has insuriwl the j>r<'i'nrty of its member*, rush of business began. ' There are pald-»ll losMs-promi'tly, and aayod .many, also,_who.go_to.the-0,ity. every rthe assured from 1:5 to fiO per cent, of the day and found it very convenient to oast in u stock company. For parllculara «co receive their letters before taking the train. » ' Corner Second nim Cherry Streeta, Altogether, Hunimonton (eels very • IfamniontoniN. J. much aggrieved at this last move, afUir a number of years of accommodation in this regard. Yet there seems to be no remedy, Tho train •is oil', GUI' early radii and morning papers go to Atlantic on the electric road, and. come up on tho accommodation at 7.15. : towns all along tho lino aro equally indignant. ,' Office,'Speur Building, Heretofore,*the Handing has Imd •'.'.''. . Hammonton. train-service which could be used wlicn tho PeniiHy'failed, but now wo aro holjiloBH UII!CHH tho oonipany cau Now is the time to have your bo pormmded tbat It is to tholr interest to restore tho lost train. PlumTbii/g1 and is ono of the disadvantages . Hot Water Heating of llaro being Bulijoot to tho will and 3>ut In, before col<i weather sola In. pluamiro of a rich corporation which Boo, or pliono , connidorn Its own interest first, last WALTJBK J. VERNIER and all tbe time. 15nt what are you going to do about it. . about it? . CaiUial Avo, ftboyo Park Avei ICE : This store offers a freedom, to.- come aud look over the of ^ OurCapital arid Surplus of $625,000 insures safety. We fcring-ourbanking facilities to you by mail. '__!_._ Ll "_ V- \ ROBERT €uin.berlpnd Mutual Five oe Co. Wayland PePuy, Agt, ^Notary Public, ' €ommiBsiquer of Deeds, We are now doing business, and iuvlie you to call and innpeot our stock of " Groceries,. Dlaccuroni. .JPnro , Olivo .Oil, Imported Cheese, - Fresh-nnrt-BaU'-Meftts. — Wo sell for Cosh only, and on the lowent possible margin, therefore we feel sure oar prices aro right and ourquallty will suit. HopltiR to servo you, we aro BAKEUimOS., 208 Bellevuo Ave., Hammonton. " ..... ' Hamraonton Star Bottling Co, Ginger Ale, Sorsaparilla Soda, Etc, Ordorw Promptly Attended To. Local Phono 642 Anran* ••fitting n •ketqh mid deiorlntlon mm luloHly Moorlnln nur opinion fr«* wlietnor'nfl ItiTonllon u prolmulr pAtaiiljibln. OonmiunlciA. lloniiilrlotliroonailtntU. HANDBOOK on r«t«itUi ma rroa. ffldmi >aonor for •oourln* p«l«ui». r«tonn t*kan tlirouah Muiiii Alfo. rtciirt Ififlal natm, without, cliuze, In tu« Scientific America A liandiflnitlr lltu«lr«t«<l wwHlr, I.«r«««t atf. uuUiloji of «hr iol*iulDn liniriinl. Tonm. |9 * KTiiiiiiron "•"• 8811d"01l>1''«llj1«"")yl"f- MUNN & Co, " " ""'. New YiirK Unuinh oniw. AM V fit. \VMbln«iun,!». 0. '»'.»•'•*•' ' ' . ' • - : '.'M^^W i^^n__ Harold E. BoRers'spent pa.rt-of -r ll.'f In th^'Oret do>« ,,.C..••>•&;. job-lpt^ at very low prices,'—some .'-f-gii rmen ts-selling_asJLQ3Y-^s. ' .TEN CSN^Sr— Bnndrtdi of lorman tnuglil by anUxnerTTIR.BNCH'and German JD enoed teacher . Apply lo BnrotfBtllirrled, open for-boainess in a short time. Their Egg Harbor Koacl vault 'Will'., pa ;.J)ttilt jo." tfio rear, qt- con* g&rUn. Edwin-Jones, pi WoodsWOrlg TinilinjI^"''<1allgnter- Mf8' ^be considered, .t.iv.?--.!^.'..-:;^ •••'•-.".'•: u<XJloyU Z AMBONE'S. New lot or madras walaiB. A. faw nieces or enadow plaid ceuls, reduced from Wuoii.SScts. |®* George Berry's honae, on upper : Bellbvue, baa. been spruced; up by tbe wuh - bbqnet'a- of - dahliaB', jegterdaVi from J. painters; -,-•-•-——^-_-_...-..-.. ANK Bros. Store will be closed .on Mon day,Oct. 6th, on acoountpf HolCWtty, ana - opeu tor business at 6 p.m. B I.1OR ' RENT.—Store l«o«-ai .BeHev'.'Aye.; JT H ' ' glar proot eatgs, aoa one hunurea tSF-.-TheNeedlework Guild:niet last newliiie^of Infants' -:: ' :I' Caps, •DressestT"and Uf.^.R^ijaet^lng^wiH-vfie 8ietf/*t.D;^Ber)41:ih' theif: garrbe'niB.'op utbber 3R 8AI<B.:- HilKht-rootn lioo»e, all con VCD. '°""°° J''w° acres groi0id.. BofZTL, I6T Carpenters aro m a k n g e'xtensive Kgg Huruor Hoau. Extra Large. Terms easy • ' A. J. KlUg. -' -' .Alterations on the : oorib. aide of "A. J. tSF Mr.-D. C. Poker and hia daugh. Blder'si"taou«e; " '.'-"' ..... etj Mrs. D. t.ake, were guebts at Mra " 1 O D V D — a bicycle. Call nt Simons' storo, n d — tnkerr f . majrreyour.whcel Dr.~aod Mr«. Bitler ar« enter- mniD.' Mr. and Mra , Edwafd " SSffi i pje; C^OB SALE—12 acres,- good house and barn, V alao2U ucrcs, In fruit nnd b»rrlcB. <jt Atlanliopiiy.; ^ li. Notlo, 13th Street and 2ud HoaU. OMK Yca'-old Wynndotte Hens Jor Rale,— tSf We are indebted to Wm. F. to maun room. Also, soruo yoani; Inl roosters. I'hone IQSi. Baaselt for duo samples of dahlias,'one SST-Tbts iDdcpendeni. Fire Company variety measuring .over six inuliea a; E ^^^^^mfl^-^flfei;tel*fc . - : ... . ., -. . .---.-"HBU; 9th lost. ~wbei} Holji Jaiues E; Ma'rtiue; oi Plaitrtield; -N. J\-, -'Vfritr. be on band : tl>' jpeak. on I be great and- vital issues of widely kno.wn as the "Pafnier~0ratorj" : crowd8 flock-. Ing ~to~ heaT~btm~wh'erover^h6~i8nanF nouuccd to speak. He is a close personal friend of William JoouiugsBryan. Mrv Marline's knowledge of our State'e uffuirs a'nd Issues .is second to noue, and -hia_lftide__pcqrJaintancfl_wittlpoliticaL leaders* equips him with more than or^ .dinarjlauthflrltyjn^trealling-pf-publlo .queiBtlo'na.^J-DQ-iiat 'mlaHihiB~mRcilng.;. come, and.bring a friend or two. Eight o'clock is the hour. . , COM; ; a razor.V We have a, line of the^best. Step in and look at them. — DnPUY.- On Thursday, Moj 16, 1907, at tho Church of the ISTOur dikblia men aro bnpii.g that (gy II. R. Monlprt bua taken Mrs. Traiibflxuvatiou, JTew York City, by fiosts wi _ John- Tiaylnr's-honsot for.. Iho., winter. . th»._.Bev. Di-.^nouKhton,... Dr. .Boas It luukbd migliiy dubiuns, lust niybt!" Kobert Myroso nnd-MIsS Olivo Qulnn Mr«rT;n\rUl go'to Vlrfiirila'lor a few DePuy. . ^ ri>\V() l,()l'rtoii rnmiDOro Aveuuo lor mile, months.' • — JL' —(a n/1.00— oilcan fur cattti. Thia IHIWS oamo at qnito n anrpriso' to H. K. Mon fur I. • Liven of ImnltruptB should remind us, thplr runny Hammonton friends, tho' we jay VV. J. Craig enrno on frorn Ohio ... Thiit It'll tltue thiit we woru wise,— , all knew "it was to be, sometime." They last Friiiay, lor a viett, IIu and bis Tolllnn lloyt A Hon, tliu Frluten, will keep libuae at Pitmun Grovo, at \vlfuojny-ruiuulu In tbo east,- pormu> ..' Tliut wo wish loiidvorllHp. which plaoo Dr. M. has a prosporouo nenllyi . VST Mrs, D. U. Moore and ton Clin- (iontiil praolioo. • They will bo accomIlonncii for Kent,— all improvements. ton navu returned from Huston, They panied hy mnny words of o'mgrntulatlou • . Inqulroof J. B. Mart. Imvo been speudlUK ilio Bummer with and good es, you cua be registered on C'upt. Mooru, on his Veesol. Oct. 27lb, Iroro ouu to nino.o'clock, Peo on HALK. On nccminl of III licnllh. will it your uikiuo, aud thutol your uol«libor, sell nil ray hreedprh— rorhs, black barred,' iuirnud wlille. US oiraluht worldnn licimnrh, is on tho lint. iiluu burred and ohcokercd. Poultry liouneH, Pure Milk II i Ui r os, wlrefenolnK. OMloif po«i», elo. 80 of tint nliove hena laid nlul eguB rroru Jun. l«t lo AUK. 13. In the inenii time 2T> <ir them were Cau bo nuvn on HoUlli Hill Bt., bolow Kllzaboth R. Hurley died early • t&~ Foot bull to-day, tbo Qrat name xutUiiK. iNlltcmd.ou Alleu ICntalo. Monday morning, Sopti !>8th, nged 25 llox m. M. N. Duliols. «( tbo soiiaon,— Es-IIIuh vs. Franklin •VTIOlt Urcsii Mnkliitf for women and clillilrou JC oiill at AJ miU Ulwrryt ..... K, A. Verulor. -AND Cottage Cheese Dairy Rooms, " ^ 214 Railroad Avenue Local Phono 028 ',!>' ^TYLE and Fabric are very important, hut: the ? name of your taitoi is more important itilU i It. you come hefe^ you obtain all the advantages without worrying about results.. The International label on a suit is your guarantee of perfection—and a sign that you arc wearing the finest made-to*measitf<s Clothes in 1 America.; TO' Th-omas E. Harris. Hammonton UNDEB' TAKER 3EMBALMER e and Intido Work . :\i Glnziug, KalBoming, Oil Color, i C '' AlrtbaHtine, nnd Paper Hanging 'Ofllee and Henidenoe, 210 Ddluyne Avo. | Satihfaction Looul I'luuw No. 84a.: 1J«1I, 40-A guaranteed Wax Fioweift, FiftUrt'B, etc., forfuiitrnlH nnd IKith I'lioiie", aar« Oranior'a memorial Hervicce, fiirniHliod on abort uotico. llonlnurimt, ilumrnonloi). Field Club. Tako In Iho game, and ont&~ Miss Del la Hill rolarncd homo «outai{e tho boys. " ", luat rjaturday, alter a doll^hilul sumTJlltlCHH ICI»I> and .Oystora, olio vcirolulilo, mar with hurbrotuorand other rolatlvos Jt? ot<). , Hall my WHKOII. J. II. 1'rlco. and frlonda, in NuirKiiuland . Itoy Our Methodist people bad a very JUiiila cmokfHl ftnd brulnrd (Vnm liuikjuff. ill In dl uel, tan, freckle*, cut* relieved al tinoa willi Vint onjoyivblo tlmo 'laot Sumluy, at their Mlra Unrliollxxl (oolo like «, imnltlcn), rmwi nu now bymn book dedication, A Inrgo tnHamntalton;- PrlcviiOo. Bold by (JHjr- I'bartnARjr It. fl. llboup, l'n>p. number were In attendance* - Mrs. Ohat. Hlnck and ehl Id, and A No. IU Novolly Hrnler, 1JHHt HAI'IC. |iruetl«ally nil iinod au now. J.A.lloylc. Miss Avla Austin, have been upending jyy ConiraonoInK on Thursday, Oo- thrco weeks very ploananlly lu Wmlitbbor 1st, IdtUir postaRo (.0 Bnulnnd and. Inulun, D. 0., at 0. M. Beard 'a. nil Gruul nrllalo Istwounuts pbr ounce, IlliiK. l.lllliv Llror rnu'r»r'1iiilouairi«H| nloti 'ItexlVMint, iiUHlily roiii|ilKXl»n, Thej to no ilin tlvi r j ilo not instuad ol llvo cunts an heretofore. |H|w. Tlioy keep y«u woll, 'J/lo. Hulit hy Ollj Vita- I man to d(>-wlillowa«lili>K. tliln ottlou. W ANTKI),— n lin|iilrt>al inacy, P, H. aiiuua, 1'rop. tor All thoBo who Imvo lillla ouulnst tho UUBO llull (Jlub will plcaao present Dnpllit' toplcn, to-morrow, In E, P. JONKB, Hall, will bo : 10.80 a.m., tliom at oiico to ' ' Muoogor. "Tho Woudnrlul Kntuor," 0.80 p.m., i'llo Heinedy roine* rM<ly lo iue. vrllh noi. •'Our vowsnixt ihoir fulUlmeot,' 1 ,7.80, lluMunKan ktlrtuliixl, Hoottiol, Infill, rediioM Itching unit iilUmiHAtlon, An bnerMllou fur i>ll«4 will nol lia iteo. "Loved, but lost." anity If you me MIUI/.AII, Vrlno fiOu. Mouoy r*' >I,AHriCIUN(l, llMiiont mill Hlone WolU. (JolUr»ii «|)i'olitll.y, HuilKliintlini uimruiii load, Ilium. Mllhl, WonlHeeoiid Htrout. 'unitiul If mil MU.Bo.1. HuM l>y Oily I'lutnnnoy, 1). H,, Illume, Wflr Vulrvluw ATUDUO, frutn Fourth jerTlio front of VV, L. Uluck'n real- Uruet up, la of no uxpuniu to lliu town. dbnco It having n two-otory porch odd' They Imvo neither oluatrlully, HUB, nor ad. Tho supports arc of stooo nnd wiiior,—t<xci>l>l that which (Iowa In Id turned posts, amV wo hfivo alrondy oliannul In tho oontro of iho unlmprovud hoard quite a llttlo favorablo comment. rond-bed during ralm. Wo Bim«ont Hint Ihoy put In n turbine wheel mul munnInauru wlili the A. H. riilllltia Co,, uoluro thttlr own JJax tlolt Uulldlng, Atlitutlo City. -f*T ' ^-rwstessvi 1 ''.!'..]' C ELWOOD p. -JOKES' D. B-OQUET'yA. Prop. ..'...- I?<OltHA.nKAft rtewalxirOoin bungalow, nil OW. for Bale,— n good oho, nix years old, JP o.)iivoiilencoj. Lut lOti x 160 fret. (Sil(,.or Blvlnir nbilit uvulvc quitrtii of milk pur nildri'tu; H. 1C. Klutf, Tulrti aud iirupu nu., AUo, u double barrel breach' lending .Hummonioii. dny. nhulgun, No. 13. John Heed, Wulker Uoud. E. IT. ITR, Y HOUSE PAINTER AND DECORATOR •- '. SBT Fjred;v8pruKua und family spent lancD, N. j., were guests of Mr. .and a few days witb hia.siBters, Mrs. W. F. Mrs. DanleL W.escoat, at Walnut Nook Bakley and Mrs, Margaret Petora. Farm. • . HAMMONTON, N. JBO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' cross. OK' BENT.' Hnnao and ground will be for , will h find Moiilo-Slrcidi. — Address. M l K g M . A. _ _ _ * _ _ » . -TlllcryvH8»-Nr88W St., Philadelphia.— -—-i •"V Orator." Jnineu E. Marline, ut Uulon .Hull. ,*'iiexi Friday VveiiniB. Coroeoll !•. •, " ^1®" Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .Horn," of De- CENTRAL CASH STQEEI Harry M, Wallace OUSE Lot for sale, on Pcncb Street, and anotaeron OropeStreet. Inquire tit thU H office. , ." ' .". portaDt.businesa. W.H. Insurance Agent . S Write for our booklet KVERftBANKINC-FUHCTION.. For Sixty-Two Tears . _ _ j .*.. ^y and HsJJe'r fronblo, AMMONTON V lt« Prettiest.: See Mr, -iev*lbepi. pDCkurdMtreeU;-'-" •i'i.---'- " -••-'—-- 'l)»cV«hb,- rlienpMitlJm:- Plneulea tor"- thf- Kldn»y§ H BWaln'V Bonvenlr'postal cards_2Jn- a-choice:wedding- gift.: - • -. -'Saaiyrd. & Btfanett make. - OF N E J ' E R S ^ JERSEY CITY. ~ JfiT'Watch -qut-forannouoccinent In Jt 18 Bam. regard io tiebetafor the lecture course. T. MlJllRAY BASBi;Tr^..h»<M'*lllht*''jyari^ lor Hammonton 'the second week: In UNION TRUST CO. \VilH»m H. Tatt COA.L We like to sell THE HOWARD; —-They give satisfaction. - J : r ; ,23 centstO $3: CJihiidreii's B *|'t '| '., , We lave practically. -..-. - everything'needed in?. •,-.' lor Nov. loth, when rabbit Bt-asoir Wi of Watches, Clocks :.'..'-.and'Jewelry.. • . ; ' • - TT-r t •• -.- -Work- guaranteed! Fresk Eggs v IT>OB' 8AI.E. a Roil rnDl?e, In good condition: J Mra.B. G. Yocumj Bug Harbor Eoad and .;v : : MapleBlreot. . •-,;• • • • .. Itepairing 8HMH-*'?i'SfejforV^ ^^ Anderaon"is- 'drlvinef a -floe large covered delivery wagon.. • - Silverware; The newest things, ^bought this Fall, in irotice t» Creditors 1 t»iate of DominjooBioooppe, Deceased. Pcrsnautto the or0er of Bmannel C. F' mef, Surrogate of the County of At U"'le, this <|ay made on the application o!~n<ruud«rsigned, Adpiinifltratorotthe >n t| decedent to pxhibii to the subsbribr • r r under bath "or affirmation^ their claims For .Boysj !M;en, iaiid Women,'' at prices in- from F •*0ba«. Sorden'B little son, Lloyd, is quite ill, ;.-•'- '>:;: ~—--,—~-^-:-, .,..•'•.•. ~ J The New Monthly—Income-.- S^5",Workingmen'8 L. &; B. .Aa'eoola? " S&* Mr. Lester Beed:'.Ada.mfl. son of tion 'meeting-nest Monday evening, ' . JOB. E. Adams, of the Penna. R. K., jfAMBONK'3. "A. ftw dressing inquea at 25 and 6. Henderson ^eecoat, .while .tour-'. " [•thefrPierce--ATro;trBicerrvi8Hcd -t£B~jMles Lizzie pufenacht;h epending her week vacation .at her tnotbot's.. •-Beo'iLaiatlvo Couth. Byrap «lw»T» brlngt anl<1'? to congbi, coldi, hoanenoM, whooping caaga ^OK 8ALE.—A C3lia«.: Cyphera Iffff M6d«l 'relief bronchial and throat Uunblo. Mothers wpoc I. Incubator. 260-oBU onpfloity* jsopa as now. and oil recommend It lor chlldrno, a* It li pleuant to Price J10."T. W. Vare, Dollovue Avepua. >. ally tako. It (• gentlor iMotlvo.- Bhonld be la orory. le-^The Btreet Bpriokler i« otitr'of :homo. QaaruntoM. Sold by City Phurnuwy, D. 8. ... '.-.'.''• corn'mi^aion ; BO Is the Ice cream jreezet^ Bh3ub, Prop, .: " Mr. Bottomley is the newly "elected Secretary and Treasnror-oMheG^^^?^«^r^'Si«^ Orator,'' JninOT E.JJarllne, -at "a-1*" "°" HammontoD T.rnet Company,— la here HexvErtday:<i3temnj[.i.Cpi»e_aii.L fpr hnsipess.,. He comes from denly, :andflreawere ainecessity, j day. -4 bn p.riable lo enASSETT'S DahlittBare in theofflebon ^ :tirwlb-'' the .Olvic Club 'next week, "BB lag. ME, Vfto. 3. Sfack ^nit faon«l.v^o.inr carpepters baye taken possesaion ol lending to move back; toi'liBinmou.ton On ^the fall, to all Club yearn. MlH« Hnrloy.'wnB oun of .tho most popular young liidleH of Hiiniiuoiiton, nnd during hur lllnoaH, with typhoid fevor, it Hccincd that everybody wan Intcroatcd nnd mailo dully Inquiries cnncurnliig lior. For Hovornl yeurs tlio poHtintiMur'H th'puty, nh« won the rer Knrd of nil by tho nllUblo manner In which nlio unit tho niiiucrouH nggrnyatloim of the olllce, uiul tho unfulllnp; courUiny with which uha received tho too fn>/|uont ciuiHclcsH coniplalntn. .' -AB'tin-uullvo iuoi)iLILT, of Bt .Marlc'H Ohimih, Hlio Will lieinlBHod In KM work and |(H rooroHtloiiH. H u r Hiimhiy Boliool oliwa of llttlo Rlrlu mourn tholr IOBH, Funeral norvlcou wore held at thn homo, on Third Htrvut, TuuHilay evening ; u requiem lu Bt. Murk'ti at novon o'clock Wednesday morning; burial Horvloow, private, at 0.30. The Houtor, llev. W. H. H to lie, uiul former Uec, Ilov. 1'uul l'\ Huffman, and Hev. K.' O. Aloorn partlulpated lu lliOno Horvlocii. Threo brotheru,—'pr. Halvor, Harry and Wnlluuo llarluy, ami J-oRoy Til ton won) pall-bearorn. InUtrmeut ut (Jroonmount. We, with hOn(n .of other Trleiitlri, tender to the nllllo^il family our wlneeru uympathy. EverylEing in Hardware \ Points, Oils, ! Brushep, iiude^erj thing for tie Luilder. H. Mci). LITTLE. Daniel Webster Flour CoHts more than otjier flours, but tho 'value received* more thari"eqimla the higher cost. You will obtain greater returns in many ways. Your bukinga will' bear el< quent Umimony of this. Your broad will be more yutritioue, will have a fintT flavor, will remain. Bwewt and frebh C o r n longer period'; that annoying dryness will • b«. /ihm<nl, jtp your preut relief j your bukingH will bo inuturially oaait-r and fewer in number.; and u, lout'or two more'may be made each time without the four tbat they will IK-come ntolo. , • Daniel Webtttei flour will nmko conuiderably more bread than an cqurl quantity of any other flour. It will do all thiH, nnd tb^re is'.no need of further argumentn. It will ploiul its own OUBO an cloquentlj am did tho renowned man whoao name it bears. Don't forget tho name Daniel Webnter. "Once Known, never forgotten." Sold by 1VI. X.. JACKSOM A •i. ; \ -' f'^t '- '- ... i.::^- u^-»rt jj.A-Vjrtu;': u^i'.,; ^ i^:^^-^ _^VM-rt .•...,..,-.:..„... ,/f:.V^-r:-,'.•,;••; > -^ He Rehabilitated .Our JNational Reputation.---—-, NECKED COURT ' witch. ABUSES. Mike QiUigan entered one o e Bronx ^police.- stations the -other day7hZ ^u^ P"^ out .Some abominable thief had swiped Mike's watch. It 6 Btch but more 1 ? ' t ""*' bpen^ , S^en *> MlchaeLbjLfather back In County "ClareT— — re told a very Btlrrlng story of its.loss, and the lieutenant on tlio desk. Bjery.muc-h Impressed. - _ « Well. leave no stone unturned •red th* United - State*.. Banner . From th* Dishonor That American Criminal* Had Brought Upon It. , 1 Readjusted Consular Servic*. • It was chiefly through the Influence _M«LfltJbe Instigation of alr.'Taft Jbai the recent rehabilitation of our national reputation In China was accomplished by tbu establishment of tho United (States court lu China. Until Mr; Taft became a paramount figure In the far «ast scandalous conditions bad preTBlied ID Shanghai and other cities of -r<Jhlna~wbcre-the-tJnlted-8tates-exer«l8ed-extfa-<err(torlul-rigat9.—{Jndesf Able subjects of the Dnlted States, men and women,- bad degraded the American flag by using it as a cloak under OW15M BtefprHe erlcan-Eharpera.. gam tiers and promoters of questionable echemes lind long worked iu conjunction with discredited lawyers to their mutual and illegal gain. . In various instances these . criminal endeavors ulileJ aud ubeited by -fjM»salar-offlcers,-who-were-aismlssed- — ftom the service. The former practice of adjudicating all causes In which Americans ...were-parties: In .consular BE5TB ... 'I expect that's long enough. Got It all ready for a fellow to tike?" -"Yea; take a seat In this chair an6V caller, beginning rapidly to remove— -hfB-eoat-and-vesfc—"f ^pull a porous plaster off my back. ; James\zWliItcomb; ^ Carman, though comrades of long: standing In art, did not meet until! accTmost unaelfl3hly"brnvemau I knovi ua^'ienrro—otirer~reisult"liraff JomnnrntltBly_3aeantly._-It_gafl— la.. and will carry the constitution of th to provoke their angry contempt la Washington, and the Canadian poet, head Is fully six feet four .". - " whose Dnlted States In hli very blood.' loos.'.-.;. '.. ,. : •••• • Inches above the ground, was walking: Taft's election will be an assurance parrot politic* will not do this year down Pennsylvania avenue with athat the voters of the United States a Serious questions are before the peo- friend. . '.'__.,'' determlned-to have-In the White^HOUK ple-fordigcnsslon and settlement Tub ObBervIng Riiey approach and? one whose presence there will bo li He attentloa _ _ _ _ Itself a pledge of good government,~6 from them either by the-witless chat- met, the Wa8hlngtonlan_tQgk_occi"''"T» ien>riRn*rots or tne theatrical tricks "to~tntHSince tnem. nnd. educa of[doKngofftes. ..ThisAugmorejLMt. Struggling with suppressed erao-tloB-the-laareate-ot-chHdhood court for China. Lebbeus Redmond IVEN WltH-SENATE OPPOSED. tlooul advancement aud-of— projrespTed; h i p ^ o y e s - t o - t h e ^ p a v e m e J B t •nd proBixrlty In the material affair* Wllfley of Missouri^ who-had-been Mr. ually permitting his glance to travel -Taft's attorney general In the Phil Ip- Admifilctrtrtion and Enforcement of of the. republic. AND DEMOCRACY, upwartJ, as though analyzing a pewpines, WUB named as. Judge. species of skyscraper, and with an exL«W* Would B. In MI«-H*'r,<i«^.Th« Mr. Tnft from the flrst took a deep Would Ot Suicidal For Colored Man to pression of inimitable drollery, ejac: Tr«*iury Would B« 'Und«r Hla ulated:' ' " • • • . . • - . personal Interest In the work of Judge ' Vote For Bryan. "Well,- by Jlmmlny! Your parents Thumb— National Banki Would Be Th* Same Fcath«r«d Nuluno* Tha Wllfiey and his court In a way he One of 'life greatest negroes this must 8cr«*ch«d In 1896. hev' trained yeou on" a trellis."" at Hia Mercy. enpervlsed Its work nnd was frequentIn 1008, an In 1000 and 181)0, tbe dom country has kuowu, a leader of hla — Sunday Magazine. ly appealed to by Judge Wllfley for adNobody with brains enough to get In laant yolce In the Bryiin_.cfllJlp«lBtl-l race and the honored....conB«|nj|iL._flf.Ylce 08 to procedure and ..other detnlls. out "of"i~ blizzard" can haVe patiencii the vojco_of_rhejja.rrgt. _JL J8_JUBt- u, 'PresIdcnVjflraiit uud_J*9crctary..JOIsli, Judges-Have Troo^ —The_lack..of, adequate _law8-bampered recently mi id f "it' "would be sulcidul Jodae Wllfley, hut by proceeding In ac- with the argument so complacently put •brill, just as Insistent and Just aw for colored muu to ^ote for Brynn. foreT ........... . • • " '• • " '• • ". •.': " Prisoner—No, sir. cordance with the common law he forth by some of the Bryanltes who mennlnglenes as It' waa twelve years They have nothing .to hope for from Judge—Have you been In this court quickly made tho court effective. With- want to humbug others Into believing ago and Is bound to become quite as the Democratic party, which, hus dls- before? in a few months after the court was what tbpy don't believe tbemselvcB- wearisome to the public. Prisoner—No, sir. In 1800 tho sleek, green parrot of fraucblaed them lu tbo south nud organized Shanghai and other cltlen In that Rryuu can, do no barm should h» .Judge—Are you certain? which professes to regard them an ,China where conditions were such as be elcvtcd. The usual way of putting Bryanlsm teetered to and fro upon bla unfit' for the ballot anywhere.~~~ ThePrisoner— I am, sir. " " ' to require It were thoroughly and droa- It is that there will be a Ilepubllcau comfortable awing; and screeched only chance for tbo negro la with tin* Judge—Your face looks decidedly "Free silver! Free Btlver!" That waa ttoally cleaned up. Sbyator American Republican party, nud It .will be a aad familiar. Where have I seen It be' . . lawyers were disbarred, BO that the senate aud probably a Hepubllcnii the only phraae tbo bird could utter, day for the negro when a Republican fore? house and tlmt Bryan's hands will be and lu dismal Iteration ao exasperPrisoner— I'm .the bartender in the •amblers, disreputable women and othpresident will bo elected without the er offenders against the law were de- tied eveu If bis tongue continues to ated the people that they grabbed the votes of negroes having helped to saloon across tho way, elr.—Harper'sWeekly. prived of leKal.a«pport. The reputable wag— certainly n poor reason for elect- noisy parrot from hla perch and cast place Mm In power." him Into the garbage heap. American lawyera In good standing ing a president *vt>q were It true. In view of the fact that Bryan himSummer Boarder—You wrote wo But the plumed nuisance survived •Ided Judjfe Wllfley. Heavy Ones and But It Is not true. A grammar school self bus. approved negro diiifniiichlnr- that mosquitoes wore nowhere- In thetarns of Imprisonment exercised a de- boy who baa studied the constitution and appeared In iho mmpalgn of 1900 ment "In tbc south there can be no neighborhood. .; terrent effect upon tbc Jawbreaker*, pf the United Btatca knows that O with n brand new acream. This time1 d o u b t - O f ' I l l s attitude Bliould he bt • Farmer— I rcck'on, , there's someit was "ImperlHllmiil Imperialism." many of whom summarily fled from course Bryan ns'm-caldcnt i face of i mistake, pardner. I must o* writ that n To tbo unthluklng that nlnrmlut outcry elected to tho proeldency, while- iho mosquitoes China before the court could bring were now here In tho aouUicru Democrats would roKord sane congrcsa could not pass laws. Bu •was momentarily terrify lug-, HURgestthem to account for their mlsdeedn, northern neuro votes for tholr candi- neighborhood.—Judge. the whole mlnilnlHtrutlon of , nutloua Ing throncannd tyrants bent on opWhen Mr. Taft was In SliniiKlml dates as an. ludorucment by tbo iK'Kro lot fall he waa heartily thanked nnd lows. Including their enforcement preaalng the people. Hut It never raco of fioiitliern treatment of the ne . "What nro you paying for ppotry Congratulated- by th v low nhldliiR which In at lcnst as Important as pasti •cared Ihe aane people themselves gro. to-day?" tho long haired man InAmericana there for tbe pint he hnd Ing them, would be In hla bands. Hi even for n .moment. They knew It -t IB liuponsllile to believe jtlmt any quired. . taken In removing tl>c stl^nm from would have tlio treasury under hli was the same old parrot alnglug the icgr.o who lms Bind led Intelligently tho Tho editor glanced at tho cloudy the American dug and restoring tha thumb; the national banks would b( •ame old tune with merely a change dilatory of !I!H race will 'go Into the rolled manuscript In tho visitor's hand. . , ' , . , . • good fame of tlio auUlonnl ivni)it> in the at the mercy of n comptroller ' of . tin of words., To every challenge to a dinting liooth nnd cnot n ballot I u favor "I'll -have to consult tuft Janitor," °"ent. In hlS speech before the Amor- currency appointed by him; tho forelg: cudslon of real political iRSUca thv liar- of Hrynn mid ij|»-:ilimt Taft nnd Hliorrot made |»ut one reply—"Imperial, oian, the Itcpulillcnu oundldnten-tlic ho Hald. "Wo are not buying hoavllr1 Icon association in Cblria he paid i high tribute to Jiiduo Wllfloy. unyliix policy of tho government would bo dl laraf'-'aiul iiKaln tbe feathered pout cuudldntoH of the parly which opened at present. Juat a llttlo now . and; then to accommodate our friends. Hut •octed by him, and mnlmenadors, ruin was torn from hla perch and tossed In pnrt: .ho door of hopu to the colored IIHIII, wo never buy It In loss thnn ton- • "Our government waa fonmute In the ators aud ooimuls would be turned b.v Into the Junk pile by the public whoxo which nave him Ilio I>n|lot mul mife- pouhd'lotB.". . . : . , •election ns tho n™t Judco of the ooun him. Tho iirmy anil navy would be uii patlcnco ho Jiml exhuiiHled. lilni In Us ime In every, ntntn In With hla Inability «lth«r to cliiirm 01 gimrdu of n gentleman who hud hnd four dor hlH coiiimitiul. CollwtorH, pouting which Itcpiibllenna rule. "I am going to marry your ddu'gh- • years' experience In the orient im nt- tcru aud other otllclals of the civil ncrv frifflilen, HO rudely demonstrated In two tor, sir," aald the positive young man. Ice would be nominated by him. Wblli torney Benural of the Philippines mid aucretwHo irlulH, mi ordlnury ,pnrrot "Well, you don't nood to come to, *rho wont to HtiiiiiKhnl wltb nn Intl- he could hot cutabllsli "a tariff for rev would liuvu iledU-nted lilmuelf to u fuMr. Oompcra botruya <Iliillncl »lj;n>i mo for sympathy," replied tho father, euuo only," ho could mako things mucli ture of nllent inedltutlon on the follleii if Irritation |>ccatiHi> noboily tliliilin It "I have troubles enough of my own."' "'riatc'fcnowl'rdeu'of the method of nnli>n« In one udniliilatnitloii the princi- •moothcr and easier for the t-laao thai of talliluK ion much. Kilt the Ilryui'i worth wlillo to got out an 'Injunction ples or the eominon law of the Hulled come buck from European trips loiulcd an cxlriiorilliiury pan'ol, nut Agalnnt lilN vpcaKIng lilu mind to (lie A roan applied at tho factory for *• •Btnlca with the ti'mllllo.m mid n, M dl with nil Bortn of luxuries inircbnsoi' on ordlnury oii<>, and ih«. funipalKii of fullest oxto it. Ho will dwtiKon In Job. , Amongst other questions, tho tloim of » foielgu (-oiniiry, I1|H |«(||ev nlirond to tho detrlmout of Amerlcnr JOOH llmlH him. perched aloft iigitln Novombcr (a I ho fact (but thero IH n foreman naked him why ho loll hlu' i In rulnliiif |,IK|, tUa etuudnrd of admlii labor. with another acrced wbcrowltb to af- Brunt gulf Itutwucn Ills purllHiui mini!' last 'place. Then lie could Pliiimh any hank t h n ' fright tho timid anilnmuno the thoiiKhl •ml tlio BtrK'tly cuinomlf iiiirpoHt'H jif • "Well," ho- replied, "thoy< inked • m**. nloii lo the bur and In proinotlnjj tli<< to ploaqo lanvo, and I didn't Ilko to Ylgoroua prosecution of Amorlcnn vln might offoud h|,,i liy ubl K'>I'"B Into hi: ful, Illn cry this ycar~and Ita acceutn labor unlo:iH. rofiieo thorn." giinraiitue BcliKiue, jiiHt in uliow Hint It him been > rehcuraed with ( lators of law, which eliminated from that ooiiiiiiiiniiy mnny undBHir,,!,!,. ,i trfiiNiirer, <lovi>rn(ir Ilm< rary patlenccr-la, "Shall tho jieoplrf Tlio T1I7AU propOHlClon thnt eoiiB«r\ 1 "Hero, my poor, man," imld a kind: chornctcra who hud hpoiight dlnKrni>i< liell, niiinnliml the liilnrnntloiiiil linn' ruler |t lltii (bo pnrrot'p voice to per, Atlvo liiinltn dlionld pny for the fullnroi "lion tlio nnmo of Americana in the of OonlKnto. Oliln,. to malic n dcni(,;i 1 fectlon, nnd, though It IH an empty an of n|iecM\lnllvo iKinliii vt'Ill not 'appoul old lady, "luiro'a n quarter for you, Mow, don't go and iiprmd It In vll» cltkn «,f ciilnii. enimot but commend Btrutlon of tho uiiiiumtoe I n w for (In bin ow.i betid, lie accoiiipaiilen U with to thn thrifty depoMtor. " Irlnk." Irself to liny one Inturcnted In the Kood Dumoerntlv Denver convention. nn uprollliiK of bio «<yi-H thn I nilKliI I "Thank you, ma'am,1' annworoS thoOh, yea, llrynn could tin hurm HI ncore people If they could forget for name of the United Hluten nmoiiK the I'nlillc inviicrMlilii of (lie rnllioni! .rnmp, heartily; "I'll not. I mippouo CliliiCNo people mid with onr |,r,.n,r(,,, iniiKh Imrui Unit It inl|-h| in!:'.. Hi,. conn a inoiiiuiit tlint It In only u parrot would "'III $1,(K)(I.(I(I(),(KHI to tlu> imlilt you wan a-roforrlng to tho wrotchod of other eomilileH who live In ciilim " (ry many lunjf yearn to n-Ki.'i'r lYoiu uerceeh, nfler nil. dolit, but \Vlllliiin .Icnnlnprn Itryui itulf lh«y 'an at the Dun Cow. inumY* (ho daiiiniie done lij- four yenm o' The volixj of tin) Hryun purrot la nn (loonn'l tvii|'i-y nlMMit u I Into tiling |||,. Ah,, hut . I'll KO to <ho IllaoK null' cliiiiigcd. it in my running, inonotoiioiisi tlmt. trade MiiKlnnd |M iiliirined n K n l > , llrynn in ||,,. While HOIIHC rhuy Iceop tho rlfilit aort thorol" Hut Ili'yiin will do no harm lin-miKi- iiiul iiirlncUtiiK In the'note of cliii'erlt.v «>t t|io pliyilcnl deterioration of "hei i'/in votcm., u III nml«'--41 ... . . , . . ... uii It u'a«.Uvulve yoiuti iii;n, .'i'lii' tienmi ..."Biainivrg«d...cluuH«.nlv • In thln-lnml lit . . . , 1 leim filicide of "Free nllvci'l" coulil uu •"|ie»'rl<-m unt<" w l i l m n i n peer In Hi fnntii' .droHiKiH. In tlm hotter gnidun,. liroldetlon tin- rule of uoeliil progror. VniiMn (li« American pt'oplf nn I'ohut t eluet HH tliclr |ircHldi;iu W i l l i a m |1 mlxloiid (lie people In 1NIKI, Tlic nlnnii niiniliciMir |||H di'fi'iiiii, iu Unit of emergence ,,,,,1 pi \vlil(i' hint Ihu iirofonmc.o. Thuro IH. j ^ ,... Tuff, ltli> cillKllilnlr of III i r<-;r,ili:ic<tt lilt Mcreiim of "liiiperliilliinil" nevec t'.'" menial ami iimrnl development, Mtlll n Rood domand for oolorod ilroniitmriy. Hie ImiuirMiil |u,!i;r (lie .(in tili'hi'il their I'o'.upomii'o for n fl;i;;| llrynu him d I wove red tlir proprr l"l UN. Tho Olliiion nliouldor In vory popKt ll 1| :l11 lr 1 1 ular, ICmpli'o dronno;i nro oxtoniilvoly —A lar(fo niulorlly of ntlniiH adinlttnd' 7 " l" " " ""' " ' "' "''" • MKniicut In H>i«t. Aii.l (ho Hlirlll. In (lo lieluci'ii Jiinrnlj'Hlii and |ir<Mi]ierllv <« (lip jinrl of Nnvi 'York aro under four-I fuaturud, 1'rllioonn oltocta are .IV'-V ''""'• " l! <' I* '!'»• IWIDI Ifiil »UI:IVK »:i.)••'!(, "iJlmll i!u- ,T It In hlniMclf. tren yearn of ncn, tnktin In goiiorouii qunntltloa. Danger -White House. THE "BRYAN PARROT. • L -..--. You conlcnSeaR^hls Jaw or Wack. his eye and he wouldn't feel ft?" _ "Be would know nothing about It* ~ ^"Howrlong^doea he sleep?" About a minute, or probably &. spared their flags the disgrace that deHW net. •T Sure Cure Wanted. A wild looking man rushed Into ar dentist's office, nearly upsetting the butler at the door. ,. "JOo you give gaa here?" asked thfr~ newcomer. • We uo," replied the dentist. It does." "Sound sleep, •_ aollyou _ can't wakehim up?" ' lean flag. In Shanghai particularly. stood for national dishonor in the eyes of.otbematlods who by legislation and government In Manila Mr.. Taft -T>rot!rnlty-:to^H elated—the=-serlousnes9— of— the— ^ " " condl '" foresaw, the iossf of" •tandlng In the eyes of the Chinese to .^whlch _we_jrere Indiffcrently-exposlni: ourselves by our failure to keep In check American criminals. Ho brought -tbe-matter-^o^the-attentlon-of-the-statedepartmonf and Joined with Secretary Boot. Representative Edwin Denby of Michigan, a son of the former United States minister to China; Charles DenJt>y, another son, who la n o w . consul "general afTSUanguuI:"Senator Spooner and some others la ah endeavor to remedy condition*. He exerted his Infln-ence-to-obtalrrtlie-passage-by-conKress" "Thanh you, sbr/' said he. « 'Tw»8 a folne watch." Mr. Gllligan went borne and thereround his watch. It .had slipped onfc from beneath the mattress. He hurried to the police station to-the-poMce*-further trouble. On the way he came across a gang of Italian laborers te»r p: a , *? ?treet for 8ewer Purposes. coll ye Me'IXwoV Z<ord, an< •do not'the things which I say?''—* Imke 0:40. ' . •'"•'.' • Jesus is either a force or a fraud : Hfs word Is truth or it Is.' nonsense His gospel-Is -of silliness. He is either to be foil lowed or not to be .followed. —It H< ia a captain whoso -.commands ar« '•commendable-and'practlcablfr-or-ar untruetwortby leader to obey whom 'is the sheerest senselessness. Then '.la no middle ground. ; Christ is a wist man—the. eternal wisdom of God— •or a fool;'.a vlslpned statesman or a •Visionary; a religious leader beyond '•compare,' or the most illogical and 'nlcn ffhfl'^riB mo^e on with , be discredited > The church Is not tho kingdom sava as the church labors for the consummation of the kingdom. It la not an end in itself. It Is a means to .xthe^attainment of divine conclusions. Tho trouble has been and is that we have mistaken theology for Chris^tlanity, tho organization: for the life, the "membership" roll for the test of membership. Quite the wind of Christ. The test of member' snip ta not how warm we make seata^ or h'pw loud] we sing, or how vehemently we pray. Tha;flhal testing la the testing of service. Do"y'ou worR Qlcious. bocaude it miniaiors to self' , - The Work of the Spirit. • _JThe-gr«atJW«rk of-tha-Hrily- Spirit, what is-it? T» make Christ present with: us/ Look at.tKe, discipl«s3;:;they loved.Him, but ^they were.under tho powee..-Qt.the- flesh. .The..rule of tho" 3eah had not been broken, and Chrlat could not get a lodgment in their hearts; but-He said, the Holy will come, and r will come again to you'(in the .Spirit) and the Father : and.I will take up.Our abode with, you. The Spirit's work Is .revealing •QodandvChrlstln our:-very hearts.— Do you -soula to' rejoice? Do yov regard Andrew Murray. yourself TiotriBBfyour-brothe'r^B'Seeper He 18 AH in All. so much as your .'brother's' brothert all to thee; If thou be hunAre~you:^-tru»-to- Christ?-—Have—you : keenness to serve''.the''King? "1 •'•'• -" gry,. He Is bread; If thirsty, He Is ,"Why call' ye Me Lord; Lord, and water;, if In darkness,'He is light; do not the thlnjfs-whlch I easl" The It naked. He Is a robe of immortal* I question" Is 'as llmeiy and applicable "-- ""' Aueustlne. as It was when. It was propounded. .For there iiever:has.heen a time when the church more' largely was-cogniz- ••"• • - • - lip serv. ' Christian Endeavor. T?OPIC FOR OCTOBER 4, 190S. ship.) HAT Is supposed to hare been God donghts iving. ^on the, blessedness of giving. Therefor? of his Oyster Bay summer -home. the measure' of ^Js giving (a only Hm: Ity Ited by our powe^'to resolve and our The bullet whizzed! harmlessly , over ability • to., expend ,properly. When wo his head and he put spurs to his are able to give all-that we are and 1 horse 'and galloped-aWayr—He~wa»all that we haV6" to Hlfti? then, of a unattended at the time. A little later surety, we shall receive, anything ,that an armed man, evidently a lunatic, we In any way need If we ask for It was arrested in the vicinity and lockIn-falthr But if our consecration of ourselves to_ tho_scrvlco—of^aod-ls-gonjulnej and- —ArThlladelphian-informs-the-poHce wbolo-heartea, we shall long to "be of that he believes the youthful highservice, to. others and sha'll long especially for gifts which we can employ. wayman who held up and robbed In tho service of others. Wo shall then nearly a thousand persons In the find .that the first requirement, of our •Yellowstone Park was his fourteenstewardship la that wo Bliould obtain year-old son. My, if this turns out all the' Sifts which God has In store true "there'll be more Jokes than tof us In order, that^weimay be 'rtblo. J3¥fir_pourfid outjupon Jhe. timid itourto do alT the gx>od that'.'He wouWTfave Ists. , . " -:••::-•-.-"-.:--- Tho wish of earthly parents to glvo FOR OCTOBER 4, 1908. .Jack London Is the latest critic of through-near 2bo6' years1- has; pro-1 sultful and helpful labor than she good gifts to their children Is vory the President, saying that Roosevelt , claimed Him the Incarnate mind oi to-day.^ ^ strong, because. th.oy love much; how 'doesn't BONGS OP THE HBART—X. "OUB -understand-^-evolutionr-i-The-T' i,;the glorious embodiment of the The Protestant church is in danger jnuch-more.strong .musChe. the desire Trtlglblg-llBtB-for the Ananlasf-Chirrara j'-^the-mentor-ol—that-can :befat-theTJfganization of the .Psalm 116. '(Consecration Meeting.) every • way ^abundantly because "His still open and will not be closed unr : • tHe'mlnd as"the Sav'iour'of the soul church; ridden with a priesthood love Is Infinitely m'oro' tender. What til next.March. •of mac. Saints have sung of Hit shorn of compulsory authority and wo need above all thing,-) .Is.-trust. In The summary glvsn by the trans- Him, After all. the best w'ay to get rid a full confidence that HR desires Beauty, philosophers have yielded In whom the authority of\the Christ lators of lms m laIs tnl this nt)Dle noble psalm this; homage to., the purity and profundity is^ top precariously admitted to re-, ,.Tha psaimlst professeth his love and to supply all our. need, and^Js .fully of Castroiis to encourage a. revolu•of Hta thoughtrsages ha^^reveled In smj _^ ablo-to do- so.-•;—-,--.....-— .' • tion that will really revolute. ^TJncle ' HIa--.wl8~d6mV."martyrs, have died for too largely; guilty of.-hiring gtudleth; to bo thankful.." The..refrain' - Why. Is It hard for us to trust and Sam need not take a hand in it, of : Him. We hiye^oeclated Him Alpha do thalr work for them — at salaries: of ttio psalm; which shows the purpose believe that God gives frcqly all good course, but at the same '; time he .thlnga-to_tho3f, that aslc of Him? Tt —J " he Peeinaing ana thr uu --lliu averaea that are-nn lusult to | Of - .because we so often yaslt .1" vain, a ship or two should be loaded down " sena tneir . found inverses 14 and 18: "I will 'pay Is an&Tithat Is bejjause we ;«o commonly with :guns, -and _. ammunition In an. employes to do—rather than^ of call- myu yows ; unto thei Lqrd"ndw" In. tha asOC-lnsalflshhess. or In vVilfulriess: we And yet we fall to practice HIi Ing leaders whose, business it sh4ll| presence of all His people." of course, -what we want,;••-without'; r?fer-; .American_port,_,why—well, trl>thr"to^pply"Hte~1prrn~cTpI^ considers his mercies rei •want to God's will. want to re- -Uncle' Sam " just can't know eVer>Obey Hlfl' mandates, to trust Hit sins, vitalize .the virtues, clarify, the celved from God, and particularly this, ceive gifts that vi'o Wo _ cap .enjoy .our-. . thing;^ihat Is -going on. wordrto Use tha-Jlfe thatHe coanselj-thbifght,Inspire the minds; IntenslfyiLthat. when he was "trreatly afflicted" ,-fS rather than gifts .that wo must : as the OB!/ life that eternally is the spiritual conceptions and'percep- and had been ."brought .low" God, had •••• ::Approximately ^lO^per cent, of th«" •>•=•-- trust for fJocV.. tb'Kb "empToyod »•_ *.*__ _ . « _ • « . . . w«_ .« __.._ A. _ • rri~- *i_ __ __«_ *.«.'*.-. -_*.m*^.-' •--.••—•**-^ j"'*^iir*'-'""»r^i. n AlnAn jiJltl. FTOoftDly' tnG pS&ImiSt 10 TrorthL_ the while.-- Wji^elevateHim^tlons-of-thesons" of. God "wKo'^are" In His service .and -for tho pood,' of entire receipts,of tHe British- Qoverntrouble had •upon a pedestal of dominating prom- members of the church of Christ.' JJ others. We 'do not_recognlzo the ,ob- ment from taxes are derived-, from inence,«and then we laugh at Him. The church of Christ is-full of uiHuT ^ him he,In' turn would do some Illations of bur stewardsTltpT two sources-^-death duties and the "We" Join His church. theri we and -women''who have their names i ficiflc thtncrs for tho - fflory of GocI One evidence of our,. lack of 'ntncss income tax. According to the report "•" — ~ ~ — — ~ ~ ~\~~~ MX a i - • i t t l a V e v r r a e n t H B I f f i y ^ W e ^ B W s a r ^ e a ^ t y ^ ^ p o i ^ l t ^ ^ — ' • -fmMi-XtfirftKf Km^miifK^f^s^ ^^^^ ^ ^*^^^^" under His control, and then we de- than that "It Is'pfilltlc or'proper and declared :thafc are mostly pejltloffs for tomporaT awd. the fiscal year ending March 31 lost, very,; very, thankful • - • • - jiersonal^ hJessIngSi; _ E_opu. _cJPtmnif._ the- gross—amount^-that -passed^-at -a*rt Him In every hour Qfjtne test. J bplite or profitable socially and c< " ' 'lhen^Wj&jMnder.2y>JbyLm"en" pi~; nierelally so'tb be --,.-..--,-.,-^-, :e|ir±ffa^ggioSa;:thaiL . _ ^ . '-not ______ they ch"eer"lfie Ch'rlsC' gone ciuTbf the most of. the meetings n nf e Pf faith and love and good works wolfnre. jrn^ chUjren stun^Ud_.for. lack of any death duties about $?2,500,000._. ' We are amazed at the paltriness ol of the church, the gatherings tor jf GodjvllLonly-grantiasJiis;aldi=but sucli Arid" yet It. Is nomatlmeg, the~church's gi'lp ua'aii organlzed^ff^Trayei^re^enerHly-BC^r-y-^nd-cold^^ tn'rnrry nv^r Into proaa. - - . thinggT pToduceii-— us to be floprived ot gome ^of same government . hi--f. upon- humaalty compared and uninteresting that they are'.a perous, easy times: tho .same feeling of t!ic:-:u taxes on $159,000,000. These two necessary things. II Is our duty with what It ought to be; while the distress to earnest pastors and, dependence upon Qod and of obliga- lo pray for them; hovx-pver. but when' ••wealth, which produce : two-flfthsot ewoop of tho influeaca of Jesus Js be. flection not-Only, UDOJI the Intelligence ^tlonLto J3od fo_r_His_mercies._JWe;are fv?." jiT;i!:e~~»uch - material requests tha the iBrltlsh TGovernment ".'.'. receipts "IsoiclngirniverBlE.l.'" We are^astoundecj ^aM "spiritual experience,rTbut:alao:a!ino*rcady to ascribe our deliverance chief burden of our prayer* we make from taxation, are virtually unknown _ gratitude _ _ ^h»t In an age.when the Lord of Llf« upon the of the"church. j from trouble or our increasing nrosvery Kro'at mlstakp. Th«ro nro other in this country, save where an opcai'The reason for" tils is ~no~t far to ' Perlty. when prosperity comes, to our attiine-s recelves greater homage than erer li :ivo "should \atua - much mpro slonal State imposes a small inherit: ovrn efforts or to some other agency, the" jreach:of;yearBi We church of"th( "seek The laity and not InfrequentT.ove and faith, . hope - and tead se el G d ha a ^? ,°J 8tu. a"» ° '%han " f 1„'"„ 'V Lord—the organized ..body .that bean ly the clergy, have been so busy seek- We tlpri, humility aiid loyalty, i ance tax. y tto he a _Hls. name—Is being weighed in thi Ing material success that they nftpr have to carry **** *° J Hdependence " £" ' "2 be 1nioro to- us than ovon our n n a nof the sonae on lally bread tn because our iplrltual na- • God whlch comes i'iaianr.o of intelligent criticism am to .us In times of tun; IH Infinitely RrcatBr than our; declared wanting. • •••-•. the manner of the Master. The dol- 7™ b ™' a throu^ life And But-it-Is-not-strange.—Too—loni .lar_has.supplledUso^many.wants that «™*\ Ue h^veBmade any promises i.hysii'iil nature. And more than aty; —= •.-«= —•— Tiave you, cried, J^LordLj/ord.I! Tho men have ceased to feel »i««»-««»««i««^—-—-?—=—• — tt has KCCp l l l d l l «ll C L U I ! ? . VY O Ukll I4«t:vi LU world demanda' performance as wel .need ' '.for — IT-- -TJ^= rni^irf*..— ARK TO JBwill In the world by the ostab&a protestations. Tt tlres^fTSe pla been declared Impossible for a nation Pray for thankful hearts and for RUSALEM. ipnt. of the kingdom pt Christw as • litudlnous..- It expscta me,n who pro- to believe Christ, disarm nnd be pre- fidelity to our wt-A of consecration, _ nhlnf Jcslre _of_pur_ hMrU. « 8-Sam.:6.: Print 2 Sam. 6.1-12, Lcar« fees to love the good to be somethlnt served 'against the rapacious' agres-i : jrhero_lslno_command -ln_tho;.BIblo .ot --ht!-.fai'fHfiil""aa ".it«warda ~\t ~in .r than-pious. '=• For -the ,„, piousnesi,-slons—of^he-armedr-Businegs-nien-TioncorninB^thoTTiaklng: of TOWS, but verse 12. .Read 1 Chron., chapters——tie.-irta- we attach jnor» lmport»no» •of the day is 'almost synnoymoud have declared It Impossible to follow the tendency of devout souls to mako 13. 15, Ifcur own Interests than w» do to th» with the .most. dangerous impious' Christ and succeed.' The beat" we vows in recognized and fully approved, ; Christ's kingdom. GOLDEN TEXT.—Enter Into Hla ness. have done, till very lately. In the Th* making of a vow must bo an nn. sates with thanksgiving, and Into Hla ••>•'• -'Bad men haye a suspicion that bad management of criminals has been tlrely voluntary act, but Ood Insists •men will be bad. They.ezpect good to Jail ps execute them. The spirit that a vow once made must be kept A MERE MATTER OF BUSINESS. courts-with praise.—Psalm 100:4. men to be good. They detest ploua 'of the, 'tax tallonlu—the lowest law of There MO a numbor of Instances In, You must understand that this arB talk and a pious mien that gets no -JudHlsm-ls rampant in the'settle- the Bibl^of^ersor^ who recolvo^peThe manager of the big store'^stood wan designed to be that part of tha furth6r than words and loo'xs.: And ment of disputes between nations and some vow. trom O d In stock still'' outside of the little 'box- furnishing of the tabernacle, and afternations, -they ar« right. .._..,.,.,,. ,i--,a- i society -J--4V-Iandi Its n members, ~iir w«in- -V/HD of the vows-which God approves •lllce chamber which held— the^telei Christianity. Is as traitflIy.w.uaIs_andjh«JtJellaH8^-J^ phona .of the " establlshnient, "for he' preseric«7waa "to bo most closely assoas^iris TnenT-ientr "irdenler forgotten'the dod Of life In ths ex- Him as our ffelper 'Mln the, prcionco was a very startled manager, Indeed. ciated.'-. God was in Hls'holy Temple,1 that inr.^hloh,-H profe>aea to believe.. cellency of our livings. We have of ttll ^s poop|o." For by makinir It Within the chamber ho could hear but-In particular In the "holy of holies." It, petrays'its lord With a kiss* Th« prayed for reforms that wo have unown that wo thoroughly believe that Miss Jones, Innermost room. And In that, room the : typist, ape'aklng, and or world baa no use fpr it and wo ought neither advanced, expected or de- QOJ has helped us wondrously' wo was the ark, and upon that 'ark beto have none. A world that could Blred. We have thanked God for the shall encourage others to trust Him. presence. As with t-.e mount that .•contemplate It . with equanimity might of Hla power whllp fearful to NO ono itvcth to himself In this pr any the scandalized man overheard: "I love yoii, dear, and only you! might not be touched because God waa .wouldn't be worth saving. What trust His sufficiency against tho on- other matter. (Horn. H: 7.) If wo •shall we say of a church which too slaufht of Satan. We have talked refrain from praldlntr God for His I'm weeping" my "heart away! Yes on It, the ark waa not to be desccratoi) brotherhood and practiced an Indl- morcies wo shall thereby Influonca' my darling, speak to me once more! by human contact. Sea Num. 4:15; Ex. .largely practices It? 19:12, 13; Heb. 12:18-23. Only Mosai Too much have wo cried, "Lord,, vlduailsm that-has brought sorrow others to pursue a similar course, and I love you, dear—I love you so!" The young- woman rang off and and Aaron were allowed to come Into Lord." JeaiiB says, "Yo are Mj where there la,no need for aught but God will ho robbed ^ot the lionor du« Immediate presence of Ood In stepped o u t ' o f tho cabinet to con- tho friends If yo do whattoever I com. Joy, and strife whore co-operation *°JIifn; < Mn i., and only the High Driest, mand you." Havo wo done His will? would moro thoroughly - . - - .fulfil - . the . . .God IB vory Jealous ot His roputa- front the angry-manager. a lineal of Aaron, waa to bo amonff men bocnuso Ho known "Miss Jones," he said, "that tele- allowed descendant Jeans says "Love your enemies; plans of God, by and with the con- "on to come Into the linmedlato 1 att t <10 w r II m 1 phone has been fixed where It is.for 'bloja them hat curse you; him thai sent—tacit or active—of tho c h u r c h * " " ™" "0 wl " t Ht;^ sr?h AJ ' HT" presence of tho ark after tho Tcmplo taketh .„„, awaj ^ j t h y cloak forbid not to The situation «annot endure. • The''.d°P<""> "P " ^I, .M J" to^"il °Q£'?,' the purpose "of convenience In .con- •service had been fully Installed. ' d a a B ducting business, and not for loVoSpeaking of this Inner minctuary Ood toko thy coat also." And -Jeaun prac, church must reform or relinquish her ?" ..^ " H( i?^act" No ma" b n f B c tlced Hla proclanxatlone. He was the claim to primacy and to the prlvjl- 'hh00 ^ ^t rivoronce God win eVer making In office hours. I am sur- said to Mose.i, "There I will nioet with friend jf QM. He did tho will of tha egos of leadership. Baying "Lord, become like God and to develop a prised at you. • Don't lot It occur thee, and I will commune with thno from above tho mercy scat, from beFather. They or joined Him, He bo. Lord," will mako her acceptable ||konoss to God Is tho nupromo «oal of 'again!" •ought forgiveness for His persocu- neither to coming generatloos nor to n u m n n \\(0 • The young woman froze him with tween the two cliorublm xvhlch ar* upon the ark of the testimony, of all tore. li her bridegroom. Vain repetltlohs one of the most ntrlklnK features of n glance. •.'.,'•' , which I will K'VO thco In comAnd yet i In a land blessed as ia are valuelesa to produco results/. Ac- ,iur Lord's eharartor wan His constant "I'was ordering some now music things unto the children of Israel,"J •ours with the heritage of twenty con- Uon only is < qualified to .transmute recognition of God In everything. The, from tho publishers for No. 3 depart- ouindmcnl (Ex. 25:22.) . turleu of Chrlatlan teaching, cultured Ideas Into achlovomonts. To do Hla author of tho lOplntlo to thn Hobrowa ment," she explained, Icily. Thene things IH necessary to roI auotoH na ono of tho Old Toatament "And then tho manager'felt that this cull In ordor to It undorntand and controlled under tho gospel ol work we must do His will. what th* Joans, tho beat theory ot peace that Jeaua gives ua a picture of the end prediction* concerning Christ the «ay- waa a cold world Indeed. return of the uric from Itu Philwo can practice Is that which bids ua of the institution or tho man guilty Ing, "I will declare Thy name unto istine cap torn must have meant to to bo prepared for war. The vory of Ilp-aorvlce or of lukewarm adher- My broathron; In tho mldHt of tho pious Inracllton, and to understand tha . HE KEPT THE .SECRET •church which alnga tho praises ol th« , ence to tho propagation of the tr,utb. l^Church will I, »ln B prnlso unto Thno. Koverlty of tho punlnlimont moled out to prince of peace la strangely silent be- "Not ovory one that salth 'Unto Me, I <H«» 2; ia; Pan)m 22: 2Z.) irxxah. fpro the, militarism of our age. Pro- Lord, Lord, shall ontor Into the king-1 Ollr -rollglouH iifo belong* not to our. When tho teacher was absent from Also ton nhould call to mind tho two thn schoolroom, Hilly, tho mischievous critical oucatdoiiH \vhon u tho people had paredneBB for ww haa yet to be pro. dom of heaven, but ho that doeth tho "olvoH nlonc' bu ', to ?," jJ10,,1? *' von a Buarantao ot peace Indeed « will of My Father." He forocaatii ^1"^^" S n^." m "Ji* we « ar« boy of tho class, wroto on the black- been helped by the presence of thn ark, mercy, namely nt Ilio rron»lnfc of tho Jordan haa boon Quito otherwlae. It la • tho fate of those, Insincere and paltry ., obligation to nhow forth board, "Dllly Jones can hug tbo girls arid at the nnlgn of Jericho. jiolthor effective nor neceaaary. ItU Christiana who stand before Jehovah Hla morcy, to testify of Ilia lovlilff bettor than any boy ..In. achool." , Ood cluiHO to nudoclutfi 'lllmtinlf |n a .purely expedient and never final In at tho groat aaaUo. Upon her.return tho toucher colled poeullar klndnonn to un-wurd, way With this ark. Tho poo- •"•• . theory or. In practice, Joaua' way la • It la to ho hoped that Jeuuri' plehim up to her desk. " "William, did pin nt*<l«d noitin epcrlal symbol ol 4\ Uottor way. It. all • the nrmamenta turo will not provo a photoKraph of you wrlto that?" she. asked, pointing (lod'n prennnce an a support for their A traveller, .recently returned from to tho blackboard. "You, ma'am." •of tho world were wrecked . thoro us. It la not nocouaary that It should. r«lth In Oort and Ood tho arh would bo a ourer guarnntoo of poaca Wo ahall bo ^ocronnt and without ox- India, wan relating hla Improuiuonn. anld nilly.' "Woll, you may ntny oftor HM the- mont helpful and leant harmful "What n country that la!" hq ex- school," than thoroila to-day and greater proa- cuao If It shall eo provo to be. No aald she, "afl n niinlnhmcut." symbol. that rouM he Riven them. porlty.. . . man and no church need call upon tho claimed, "Thoro everybody koopa MKe all other thlngn lined In Old Tesfor Jouiia' theories 'havo novor had' on Lord In vain. Ho who hath called ua lumfiMt tlmcn for thn purponn of lielpwan to look aftor my InK thn people to know and under* honest opportunity to • provo their nnd'upon whom vro call la both will"No," oald Hilly, "Got JnwodT" ntund Ood, Ihe nrk wnn a typo ol •Worth. Thoao that havo boon tried, Ing And able to perform through ua pipe, Ono brought It to nio, another "No." "Whut did eho do?" thoy ChrlHt. . ' . . however llttlo, Iiavo rovoalod the wla. offoctlvo service (or tbo-wolfuro.and filled It, ft third '••lighted It for n»«~—" nnkod. • • . . . . ' . . '{That a vrry real power iiccompanlod dom of tho Lord. Whoro nation* tho aalvatlbn of Indlvldunlii and tho "And tho fourthT" "Shan't, toll," B ald nilly. "hut It paya the prnHciu'fl uf thn nrk w)VH inane .innnU.—. have couaod to war and havo brought raco. .Qod uummons u« In Chrlat to "Tho fourth . amokod I t , for mo. font "In thu.'evlln tlmt befell the PhlllNto Rdvertlno." their •dlfllaultlen 'to tho bar of dlvlno- lupromo labor, Ho provides contom- Tobacco 'novor asreoil with me." tlnrn whinn they onored It an u tplbuU ly guldod counaol there have thoj porauoouoly tho powor nuceeuary to (iv Hie nilRht of their HOI|. Driiitoti. A< found, tlio boat rouulta. . T h e Individ- luocood, Ho onorglneH and -vorinoH HE COULDN'T TELU A LIE. to how It came Into their handa, and "Hallo, FlUy, whoro did you K 0k unl 'Who follows In the footatopa ol and Inspires and onthuuou ovory aoul how U troubled tho rhtMntlnon, rnai) hla Saviour and forrfotu Injury, for* and ovory aoclety that with high' d«- that black oyoT" 1 'Hum, 4, R und 0, and the two flrnt "Woll. Kood-byo, doa'rl" nulil Mr. Injuotlco, roqultnu good for ovll, slro and dodlcatod purpose cnlln upon 1 "Oh, It wnn only a lovora* mmrnil." Truohoy to hln holovod /ipouno, "I vemrn of chapter 7, Krom the tln^o ol may aonm Impractical, but ho la tha Ilia name, "Lovom" quarrel? Why, your girl niiiiit go nnd dlrtalo thono lottora—20 Ilio ('upturn of tho nrk to the thno ol that did tih«7" happloat qa tho moat honored among Not "Lord, Lord," hut "Lord, hnro didn't K!VO you Itttmon WIIH ubont n century. of thorn—no you muutn't oxpot't mo ourWhen tho BQHB of men. The man who n u b - . am I, iiond mo," "What wilt Thou Dnvld hud been made Ulim ol "No, It w>u hoc other lovor," homo vory oarly." Inritcl an wnil UH of Judnh, h« had piuoh mlta to poraocutlon whlln hla trtiat havo mo to doT" "All rlRhtt" wait tlio roMponne, IlKhtliiR to ilo And It wan'only when . romnlnH In G o d , m a y loso,hla hood; Brooklyn, N. Y. Amandix-—l wliih I know how I, "Hut I wliih you wouldn't work no Ivn had ronnolldntnd hlH klnKdam nnfl tin will not loan hla notil. lOxtornal could nmlto' you vory, vory happy, hard." mudo liln nuomlen ufrald to attack him, forcoa cannot atoal away that life Kmotlon In tho Hud. doar, Jack. Ilajr an hour lator, Mr. Truohoy that tin rould turn hla uttnntlon to th« •eternal which la tho gift of .Qod. • Wmotlon baa no vnlun In tha Chrlnrnnewnl of thn old tntinrnuelA wornhlp. Jook—Well, wrlto to your father ontorod bin eliil) and out down, with Tho ,church inuut alttiar follow tlun nyutum aavu na It utundn eon; Thnrn coulil be no ire'lulmm centre until •Otiriut or It muut otiaao" to ho. Tho nuctad with right conduct as tlio ouuno and •nak him to double your.dowry." throo others, nt IK card tablo, people v, were freo to rnov« "Junt a moment, yon follown, bofora tHe . roivuon for.ltii .oxlutoitco. lB.,r«ulilont. in, lh« pnopln wcro frno to movn about •'>• 1 1 'I1KV fifllt Hand IB aealt. 'I'vo Rot to Ua roeoRnttlon ot Illn authority. Tha ly''ono"''o'ou plo''o'ilt' 'of''ovorV Mumcountry without four of attnuk. 0. . 0 0 . ' , .. I1\'1T(>I. . . . . llowoi', Ul«lt and IlltVlll nnvor IH 1(1 IL It (I, of valuu V*>IIIU I until llllll nnnd live to colobrato tholr"goldan I»"H> '"X word with my wlfo. Ono of It wan Huvld'n biiHlneflM to fight; It wadding. I y°» J» rt ' tnko down what I dletalo: wan bin ilnllelit to worahlp Ood and to wlllli>KiioiiH to do Hla will, And '... 'A b c d (i f K li I J 1( 1 m n o p q do everything to nncouriiiro hla poopl* vlalonn 01 wmor mlnlutry Tlio n piano In liont Thouo lot In woi'oliln ulno, IHVUB nvr VIHIUHH nuuiHuy ipondlnn elevation-ot-llfo lu worim T10 tono of ft bant when whou ' r n» 't •u• v• w « »x /y»is,'. Thoro! »i ,«nd Impulse to.n sorvlco tho Ilka of '/,,," "uBoloBB| It; la nlmolutoly m- t h « l»»trunn'nt In not. noxt n wall. ;"'.<•» ll'° °« '»* '"l".l! §unday School Lesson rri" '^r^ ^,!: ::, .!:'^.^": u-exwu*. imo«.«ow.r. iavo,-y n,. ia ankisperjt eovfctal days in WaahiDglon, D. C.," and enjoved" ttf-youBo-not,-.yon can flnd out by o very hluiaelf exceedingly well. He1 attended moetingtrof the; Tuberculosis Associallttle< investigation that tion ^fnternationaljr-oi" which he~1s ft member, .nod visited many points of Interest. _ ils the very best pnlnt that was-ever usod ia Hammonton. (OS-Mrs. Samuol W. «llbert, for ' Tieie we BOO?M» of buildings that yon many years a resident in HdmmoDtbn, Tsee every day,.painted with tho? was married .on Sunday, Sept. 27tb, - Hammonton Paint eight to twelve 1008, at Absecon, N. J., to Mr. Robert ' ', years ago, and looking vrell -..---- —rT*at-tho-present time. - — - M, Ayars,-of. Sbiloh. Rev. Thos. 8. .The Hammonton Paint is soldOfor less Brock officiated. They will he at home ?than any otaer first-class Paint. - -Ithaa to.triends,-at Shllon.-—WeJender-best noeqaa), as it works well, covora well, wishes. and'vvoarfl well. -Sold by Wood'ii Ll?er Jlfdlclno in llnnld form for. malaria cbllliiml ftY«r,ngiilKto»Iheillrer,kldnrjiand blad(JOS. I..TAYLOR d»r, bring* quiet relief to lilHouancm. ilck-bradacht, Flruant to t»ko. The 81.00 bottle congonse.-BlgaJtnd_Carriagp'Painter. . coBotlratlon. «2K tInieBih»«u»nU^T-of-tha6Qo_jlM. JFlrat. oiD brings relict Its tonic «fltct8 frit at onco. Bold Second and ^Pleasant Sta., by City Pharmacy, D. S. Khoni), 1'rop. Hammonton, N. J. ME. EDITOB : We wish to express JGtEO. A. BLAKE our gratitude to tbe Bremen aa^ theic helpers, who responded BO nobly to "Our call on Wednesday, Sept." 23rd. Alpd, ---^"Work-Finished asjor_Agreement. pJoiiaoeiteod onr heartfelt tbanbs to all "•fnrnfsfied. " JotibingatfijnledTtcf the filends and neighbors, who have : j>romptly_iBpx-532—Local Phone 806, pfoveino~ur~C!iitt'~:Hiey are tr'nly, -Corner-Egg-Harbor-Road4andL—— "friends indeed." Cherry-Street, Hammoatnp. EESUf "DO YOTTJO'TKHW? CONTAINS- HONEY AMDTAR.——dONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AlMO DRUGS An Improvement over many Cough, Luna and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids ;th«v system of a cold by actlntf as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to Hive satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U. 9. A. The Hammonton Paint Carpenter and Bnilder For Coughs, Colds, & Pulmonary Troubles Stood KeliaWe Remedies. Jj*: OH" contaib's, 60 per cent pure Norwe^ glim Oil, WUcTOlferry a'MHypdphosphTtes. "•" Colorado White.' Fine Balsam with Muriate . >• , .. . ' ... •-• -is effective. Tasteless JO.o.(LLiMiLJ)i^ No taste of the oil in this preparation. ___ Bed Cross Laxative Grippe Tablets. ; _ • -RED CBOSS PHARMACY, •Will not riiflt, nor talia a pwmauentbend at tbe waist lino. ; iltijh-grade material and construction. ;Latest corset creatiou. W~Iistl)f~uiicaTied-foi• lettersin the Hammonton Post Office -cm Wednesday. .Sept. 30, 1808: Bmlding Blocks1 REPUBLICAN OFFICE EonuBonton Mr James DIclison SI I KB Maria Appal uclo (2 postals) -KHJEIOST-GliuappoRerllnn Inlnrn Ur Signer Pletro Bobuoru . Hustle in your orders. Persons calling for any of tho~above letters will please state that it.hat been advertised. ;-'"• "' "~~ THOS; C. lEajyasB, P.M. Others are doing Independent, Phone — No. 682 Terms, $1,25 per Tear J $1 in Atlantic'County! • . To be seen at.tue yards CHAIUJES E. SMALL'S, ——Walmor-Streofe,— Samples at J. B. SMALL'S^ Cor. Second 8t. and Bollovno Ave. Another victim,—a_fl^nished pjrc.. —tgp Last wfle with a.little child, came to town, rented dnct of"Deacon"Giles"'ibistiliery"—was —a-room for & Week, and- proceedcOoi jplcked^p on_the corner of two streets, Rev. Djr, JW. iS^^Crowe; of canvass the town with a furniture p'ol- last Sunday eveningTana "cafried"bomer York City, a lecturer of He was an American, a son, a husband and a father. Suppose it had been wide reputation, will address for a few moments, and on their departure, several articles of valuo and a lit- ybnr boy; would you advise me to vote a meeting in Union Hair on L. tle money • were missing. They were to perpetuate the saloon 1 OOKS Added to the Good-Reading Libra- Tuesday-evening next, Oct. arrested .and given a bearing before Jusry : "Tbo World's FamouB Orotloup,' " " -" Ten YolnmeB William Jennings Bry, j, Friday evening. The evidence -Edt "-MrarWl __ did not connect them directl£_wlth_tha. 1 -Everybody-invited; AlgefT 1808 bpt imnrn Rfi nnar to it that they MMOD'eTVicuiry/ ono cent « we f DlKeet. Ladles' Home Jon Weekly. Literar -^rere^given-twenty-fonr^honre-to-get-oot- nnl, KarmanjrF Painless Extracting. Local Phone 633 of town. They went. Since then, we t6g~ Tbe regular business meeting of PB. B. BOVNTON FltijB see that probably tbe same party visit- tbe Civic Club was held on Tuesday at ed Clayton on Tuesday,—only left be- Miss Cora' Baseett's. A social followed fore their major operations were discov- the business, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Baesott P'Dpnnell's Building, Hatamonton. ered. But searchers were on their troll and daughter gave the Club a very Office Hours: 7.30to».(H) ....... ._....... an< if, oru aooto7.00p.m.. atlast report. •-—•——— -pleasant evening. Miss Wilson orEvenlDES by appolntmunt. • • -ranged-a-very-pIeasiDg-entertainmentr B , Whips, Trnnkg, etc. NO.4L HAMMOiNTON, ST. J., OCTOBER 1O, 1908 Republican Meeting. Harness, Blankets,. Done neatly and promptly at the Hoyt & VOL. 46 1 Hammonton Concrete Co. MB. AND Mas. Jos. MART. ' jVEodels for every figure:! Worn-once—always worn CQNCEETE '. * Fa1- DEWTIST Bank Brothers' Store O matter how far yon look, you'll never see better*/ N clothes than we sell. You don't have to take our word for it; somebody else may offer "the best clothes made," and IhinkJhis worcLas-goocLas-our§. Glothes, and thaFsettles^it. For~aTT-wool quality, for excellence of -tailoring and' correctness of fit, there's nothingTto-match4hem, ._ The new colors and patterns and fabrics are fine ; snappy, styles and models, clothes for every wearer and every taste. LtoJ^;J^ _ _______: _ tl <lnw«r.1ovnrn' git nn nnil tntCfl nnlilnR Whea It IB introduced next year. Mr. W.. K. At Ti. W. COGLEY'S. Hotel Eammontcn In pan owner, and Invites tbe public to see It and served all with cake and cream. Av bin Bellevue Farm. bout forty members were present. Opposite Penna. Depot Mrs. flLSetley, - W, Second Steet ^Brooms If business is good,' Are Bomewh'at" Ibweryfn "pnce^ Our a'saortment is quite complete. .•>' Insist upon haying our Ice,. ( , made from Hanamonton's pure artesian-•well water. advertise^to-GETritr = IceLMkniifacturiiigL€o^ and can ,fit_y-ou-Jn_ ICE SOLD^IN ANY QUANTITY. Hnrnrnonton, "NV J. John J?x>aschv <Jr., Furnishing Are very scarce this year. We have, just received a ^car-ot-real-nice — Clipped Oats. Try them; yoa like.- JOS. E. IMHOFE 'Cut Flowers.—Euneral Iioslj?ns 0-bodC^ts Any Style of Shoe .ANTON PJEiS, Proprietor, CentraFAve., Hammonton, K. J. Large assortment of '. „ Palms, ^erns. House Plants, „., ALL lIODEnN CONVBKIENCEBi in Froih Flowers, Wax, and Embalmer WATKIS & NICHOLSON,- lorists and Landscape Gardeners. . rr . " . . . ft< BF" rk- Ice Cream All JPlavors JOHN A. HOYLE Twelltp St.. between railroads. . =^^=^^.--£SoVTFhone 001. -Bell 47-D Hammonton Hammonton, N. J. • A.11 arrangements for burials made andoarefallyorecnted. -E 8tyle or make not_.lDHfltogltwill be cheerfully ordered -for you. COAL Hot Water and Steam LUMB\ and that'ls Oortright's Met^l Shingles- Pies, and Hot Air and Gasolene Engines Bieakfast Rolls For which .«fe aro . Bolo Agent for Oammonton. ••• • — /. •''.'.' They iire Beet and Cheapest 25 N. Third St.. - Ilumtuonton , Plumbing in all Branches Fire liisurance . . . . Capital, #60,000 Surplus and Undivided' Profile,. $28,000 John W. Roller, . Ilnrnmonton .--S PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SPECIAL T .'-. I l •*/•• Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton. BOTH PHONES A GOOD REASON. lliiiiiinontoii I'coplo Can You \Vlij II IH Ho. . , , . I:. I I L . Mortgage Loans, \J • J Atlantic City, J^. SANITARY MILK. It.....lias Simply Gat-to-be floor G l VJ f f O>»t will »Uy on* f nnrl •"<• how u-.LOOKS. AUCP "vU vnmiflh TWIIIIDH Jnj tloOD Scratching, stamping, moving furniture nCfoaa |t, aweeplng it, washing it, everyone of these repeated-testa is endlessly seeking a ooft spot or a weak place in the floor's finish. KYANIZE FLOOR FINISH 1 will stand it all for weeks and weeks. It's made for that purpose. Seven beautiful colors nnd clear, nil the same grade. Good for nil Inside work. Booklet Free. H, HoD. IJTTLE, Hammontoji. Tlio;Wlnolow Dairy In furnishinir It* pntroua w|th tblllc pro(|poo4 under tlio moab •unitary nondltlona. Every .........nccnutlou la taUoiito Innuro--------».-• olonolluoM. A NEW BARN r A NEW HBED 01T CATTLE Dully open (or fnipuotlou, Sanitary Milk, nnd Know you are Getting tho Best. WM. H ROIIJNBON, Manager Carnival at Atlantic City Bank Brothers Bellevue Avenue, . Hammonton .-The home of Hart Sehaffner & Marx Clothing. Monday, October 12th, 19O8. "Xcavei^Atlantic City '(Soutli'"CaroHnaA^e.) at 10.30 r. M., Electric Flat Irons! For Egg Harbor and Hammonton. 30 Days Free Trial Military, Industrial and Civic Parade at 2.00 P. M, Fireworks and Mardi Gras Festival in the Evening, Dell phone 7-L If 3four biinln«HH. IB not worth rtlahiK» y«m-li advcrtldo it I'or Men's Suits, custom tailored, at $10, $i2-5oand Men's business suits at $5, $6, and $7.50 All clothing will be pressed and cleaned free of chargeif bought of iis. The famous Adler Kid Gloves, for fall and winter wear,;." are ready. Price, 95 c, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 Returning after the Oorrci poodencv Bolloltod . Unrtlett Dulldlng, , fall Dosno'o Klitnejr I'lIU cur« the coimo of dla c»m, mitl ilmt l« vlty (lie ourm urn alwayi lollng. Thl» r<uic<l/ (Hmnglliunii nnd tonot up (ho klilne>>, lielplijK I he in lo drive out of tlift'liijiitrl )>nlion» tlmt onuno bnckThree per cant intorcetpaid (holioily ncho, lioid«cli.« anil illflro»ln)( klilnny mid on time Dcposito. urlnory oninplnlnK, llumuinnton |ieoi>l« I»«(Ify to perul'Mienl curJs." '_"'"" Ilor. JOB. Trnrucflol, living nn Third HI. HamnKKilvn, N. J., fajm "Homo tlmo ngc I lia. gun t^/udcr from ilmrp p«lni through iho mull of in; luoU illraolly i vor my lil.liuy ruR. J. DYnNEB, Prooidont. glani. I wn uitnMo |o IInil « oomforlnlilo poM. L. JAOKBON. Vloo-Proa't. • ulllou at night iii'l w*i In it inlxrablo uun<l|. lion. Oonilti({ la dm oouolunlon ||i«t n<y W. It. TILTON, Oaahlor. klilnoyi wore in » itlionl«r«il oondlilon, wirt li»»lnn R tux or'Dnnua'i JC|,|nof 1'lllr^lii Ilio houno, 1 \itf an lliolr ma, mid nni jrClii In It. .1. Hymen M. L. Jnokxon w«lk iloitli (own Hint nl|(lit. Dunno'/KMnoy 4). V, Ooj-ood (JcDi'^o Klvliu I'ilh «r« »«ry ^uloli In Klv'iig m. r^jftf ul lhl» Klncn Stookwrll Win. L, liluok •anoylng IrouMo, mill I <mn coniiilnnllouiily ccaominenil Ihim l» ullmr pcrroni riilVurluK AVin, J. BmUh ' J. C, AinUrioii from klilnay Ir.mlilo, J |iruonral llomi'n.liJIJ^ I Aiidnriuii W. It. TlUun noy I'llli «(tlio lUil CroM Safe Deposit Boxes for Eont tr Foiriae by Itellovno Avo.. Olr Hammonton, .^N. J. ' >4(V' Copyright 1908 by Hut Schaffher te MM* A. H. Phillips Co. The Peoples Bank H Cor. Main Road and Bellevue Hammonton Don't forget our Repairing Department —MONEY ,r.> Favorite Shoe Store ELVINS' STOBE Wm. BAKER, Agent Artesian Wells SMALL'S BAKERY r / They are fine! . THE BEST BOOF Cakes, Sample our EATING POTATOES If yon want coal that will not clinker,but will give you a «oft white nub, with lota of heat, we can Btrpply you. —i-GET— . CONTRACTOR Bread, IWillWork R. WOOD, i- Traffic Mauagcr. G. W. BO YD, * Gem-Passenger-Agent.- Sftvo your Complexion. SHVC your Clothes Suv»? your Temper Save your Health Snvo your Money Suvo your Timo" Uniform Temperature No Dirt ffl never too Gold In never too Hot IH alwnyH iWdy . Nocde no Roheiiting. Hammonton Eleotri^ Light Co.