büro kiefer - comitato valdo fusi


büro kiefer - comitato valdo fusi
Dipl. Ing. Gabriele G. Kiefer
[email protected]
Mariannenplatz 23
D-10997 Berlin
Tel. +.49.(0)30.61709870
Fax +.49.(0)30.61709805
Comitato Valdo Fusi
c/o Torino Internazionale
Via Pietro Micca 21
10121 Torino, Italia
via mail: [email protected]
Berlino, lì 22. Novembre 2005
Oggetto: Conferma di partecipazione al bando di concorso per la riqualificazione del
Piazzale Valdo Fusi, Piazza Carlo Emanuele II e Aiuola Balbo.
Egregio Signor Ratti,
Egregio Signor Sassi,
grazie per il gentile invito al bando di concorso indetto per la riprogettazione delle piazze
Valdo Fusi, Calo Emanuele II e dell’aiuola Balbo. L’area ci sembra di grande interesse e
saremo lieti di poter partecipare.
Come richiesto, Le inviamo in allegato un breve Curriculum Vitae della Prof. Kiefer e delle
attività dello Studio Kiefer. Per guadagnare tempo le inviamo il materiale per posta
elettronica (la qualità delle immagini purtroppo ne risente un poco). Nel caso in cui fosse
necessario una copia cartacea, non esiti a volerci contattare in modo da potergliela spedire
al più presto per posta.
Per quanto concerne la presentazione dello studio Kiefer, la Prof. Kiefer sarà lieta di poter
illustrare i suoi nuovi lavori e soprattutto il suo metodo progettuale. La pregerei di voler
comunicare, possibilmente in tempi brevi, la data di quest’incontro in modo da evitare
possibili conflitti con altri appuntamenti.
L’occasione è gradita per porgere cordiali saluti.
Tancredi Capatti
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Gabriele G. Kiefer
Mariannenplatz 23
D -10997 Berlin
Tel. ++49 (0)30 - 61 70 98 70 / 61 70 98 03
Fax ++49 (0)30 - 61 70 98 05
E-mail: [email protected]
Büro Kiefer
existing surrounding of the site. Perceptible space itself becomes the main characteristic.
this approach our design strongly deals with clearness, reduction and a transformed relation to the
"contrasting world" in our time of globalization, speed and worldwide information. Resulting from
The studios design philosophy is based on open space being one of the last categories to achieve a
industrial areas, public urban parks have been the main topic of our interest and work.
care centres and roof gardens. In the last years amongst a ser y of projects for former militar y and
and dimensions. Public plazas and parks, outside spaces of residential and office housing, schools, day
The main goal of our work consists in landscape architectural projects of a broad variety in themes
by Landscape Architect Gabriele G. Kiefer and nowerdays works with a staff of about 15 persons.
BURO KIEFER was founded as a Landscape Architecture Studio in Berlin at the end of the eighties
Restricted urban development realization competition for the KaiserFriedrich- / Pestalozzistraße housing development, Charlottenburg, Berlin;
Architect: Marina Stankovic, Berlin; 1st Prize
Urban ideas and realization development competition for removing buildings
in Hohenstaufenstraße, Schöneberg, Berlin;
in association with Prof. Hans Loidl, Berlin; Architect: Prof. Otto Steidle,
Munich; 1st Prize
Restricted building competition for the Klosterbüsche housing development,
Spandau, Berlin; Architect: Elisabeth Meik, Berlin; 2nd Prize
Restricted realization competition for open spaces on the Schöneberg South
Site, Schöneberg, Berlin; 1st Prize
Workshop for the BUGA Berlin site 1995; Client: BUGA Berlin 1995 GmbH;
Art objects: Petra Tödter, Berlin
Co-operative expert consultation on the Olympics site / Olympic Village,
Charlottenburg, Berlin; in association with Christine Edmaier (1st and 2nd
phases) and Müller/Reimann/Scholz (co-ordination and summary of results)
Design study for the Wall Park, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin;
Client: BUGA Berlin 1995 GmbH
Realization of the Pestalozzistraße garden court, Charlottenburg, Berlin;
Client: WIR in Berlin GmbH; Architect: Marina Stankovic, Berlin;
Date: 1990 to 1993
Realization of inner courtyard with rotunda, Mitte, Berlin;
in association with Ariane Röntz, Berlin; Client: GEHE Immobilien GmbH,
Stuttgart; Architects: Architektengemeinschaft KFK, Berlin; Date: 1991to 1993
Realization competition for the Berliner Volksbank eG, Charlottenburg,
Berlin, Architects: Becker, Gewers, Kühn & Kühn, Berlin;1 st Prize
Restricted competition for 6 children's;day-car e centres in Buchholz-West,
Pankow, Berlin; Architects: Barkow Leibinger, Berlin; 1st Prize
Planning concept for the new Olympic Park, Charlottenburg, Berlin; Client:
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umweltschutz Berlin; Architects:
Müller/Reimann/Scholz, Berlin
Landscape art competition for 'Outdoor space - installation in public space',
Donaustadtstraße,Vienna; 1st Prize
Realization for the shadow cinema installation,Vienna; Client: Magistrat der
Stadt Wien; Date: 1995
Realization of a garden court for the Bayerische Vereinsbank, Potsdam; Client:
Bayrische Vereinsbank, Munich; Architects: Hoffmann Uellendahl, Berlin;
Date: 1994 to 1995
Co-operative consultancy for the former airfield at Johannisthal-Adlershof,
Treptow, Berlin; 1st Prize
Design advice for the Ferropolis 'City of Iron' arena; Client: EXPO 2000
Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH
Consultancy for a green area on the site of the former Eilenburg station,
Leipzig; 1st Prize
Landscape architecture consultancy for an urban square in at Kronsberg for
EXPO 2000 Hannover; 1st Prize
Realization of garden courts for the extended Goerzallee, Zehlendorf, Berlin;
Client: GEHAG GmbH; Architects: Architekten GEHAG GmbH, Berlin;
Date: 1993 to 1998
Realization of Flämingstraße low energy building, Marzahn, Berlin;
Client: WBG Marzahn; Architects: Assmann, Salomon und Scheidt;
Architekten, Berlin; Date: 1994 to 1998
Realization of the 7 Karow-Nord children's day-care centre, Weißensee,
Berlin; Client: Senatsverwaltung für Bauen,Wohnen und Verkehr, Berlin;
Architects: Höhne und Rapp Architekten, Berlin; Date: 1994 to 1998
Selection of Projects
Landscape planning realization competition for the accountable planning realization competition for the Kirschallee Bornstedter Feld allotments and
green space for BUGA Potsdam 2001; 1st Prize
Open space realization competition for the South Forecourt at the Lehrter
Bahnhof, Tiergarten, Berlin; in association with Martha Schwartz Inc.
Landscape Design Cambridge Ma. USA;1st Prize
Restricted realization competition for flower hall/biosphere at the
Bundesgartenschau 2001, Potsdam; Architects: Barkow Leibinger, Berlin;
1st Prize
Realization of allotments and green area on Kirschallee, Potsdam Bornstedter
Feld; Client: Entwicklungsträger Bornstedter Feld GmbH Potsdam;
Date: 1999 to 2000
Realization of Trumpf Gründerzentrum, Grüsch (Switzerland); Client:Trumpf
Grüsch GmbH; Architects: Barkow Leibinger Architekten, Berlin;
Date: 1999 to 2000
Open space planning realization competition for the Blankensteinpark,
Berlin-Friedrichshain; in association with Christine Edmaier, Architekt;
1st Prize
Realization of Kirschallee allotemnts, BUGA 2001, Bornstedter Feld, Potsdam;
Client: Entwicklungsträger Bornstedter Feld GmbH Potsdam;
Date: 1999 - 2001
Forecourt and surroundings for the Biosphere hall - BUGA 2001,
Bornstedter Feld, Potsdam; Client: Entwicklungsträger Bornstedter Feld
GmbH Potsdam; Architects: Barkow Leibinger Architekten, Berlin;
Date: 1999 - 2001
Realization of the Hans-Baluschek-Park, Schöneberg, Berlin; Client: Grün
Berlin GmbH; Date: 1999 to 2001
Open space planning realization competition for the Glattpark, Opfikon,
Zurich; in association with Kai Vöckler, Carola Schäfers Architekten BDA,
Start Media, Müller-Kalchreuth; 1st Prize
Open space planning realization competition for the Landesgartenschau
Wolfsburg 2004, Wolfsburg; 1st Prize
Restricted realization competition for the Olympic pavilion, Leipzig;
Architects: Barkow Leibinger, Berlin; 1st Prize
Realization of Adlershof close-to-nature landscape and recreation park,
Berlin; Client: BAAG Berlin Adlershof Aufbaugesellschaft mbH;
Date: 1997 to 2003
Realization of Reudnitz district park, Leipzig; Client: Stadt Leipzig;
Date: 1998 to 2003
Realization of outdoor areas for Trumpf Sachsen, Neukirch; Client:Trumpf
Sachsen GmbH; Architects: Barkow Leibinger; Architekten, Berlin;
Date: 1999 - 2003
Trumpf Ditzingen forecourt, Ditzingen; Client:Trumpf GmbH; Architects:
Barkow Leibinger; Architekten, Berlin; Date: 2000 - 2003
Urban development realization competition for the RathenauplatzGoetheplatz-Rossmarkt, Frankfurt am Main; 1st Prize
Realization of Landesgartenschau Wolfsburg 2004; Client: Marketing- und
Service-Gesellschaft mbH,Wolfsburg, Allerpark i.Gr. (MSGA);
Date: 2002 to 2004
Realization of outdoor areas for the Dutch Embassy, Mitte, Berlin; Client:
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Architects: OMA, Rotterdam;
Date: 2003 - 2004
Masterplan for Trumpf Ditzingen; Client:Trumpf GmbH; Architects: Barkow
Leibinger, Berlin
Open space planning realization competition for “Zwei Parks auf dem
Friedrichswerder”, Berlin-Mitte; 1st Prize
Open space planning realization competition for the Messeplatz/Ottoplatz,
Köln-Deutz; in association with Ana Viader and Astrid Bornheim; 2nd Prize
Biennal de Paisage 1999, Barcelona
Project: Adlershof Nature and Recreation Park, Berlin
Public design-award 2001
Project: Flämingstraße dwellings, Berlin-Marzahn
European Prize for Urban Open Space awarded by the Centre de Cultura
Contemporania de Barcelona, Architekturzentrum Wien, Institut Francais
d'Architecture, Nederlands Architectuur Instituut and The Architektur
Project: Reudnitz Park, Leipzig
Hugo-Häring-Prize 2003
Bund Deutscher Architekten Baden-Württemberg regional
Project: Laser factory and logistics centre, Ditzingen
Prize for German Landscapearchitecture 2005
Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten
Project: Allerpark, Landesgartenschau Wolfsburg 2004
Lehrter Stadtbahnhof, Berlin; in association with Martha Schwartz Inc.
Landscape Design Cambridge Ma. USA; Client: Senatsverwaltung für
Stadtentwicklung Berlin; Architects: von Gerkan, Marg und Partner; Date:
2000 to 2007
Outdoor areas for the Blindeninstitutsstiftung, Regensburg; Client:
Blindeninstitutsstiftung Würzburg; Architects: GSW Architekten, Berlin; Date:
2001 to 2005
Blankensteinpark, Pankow, Berlin; Client: SES Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft
Eldenaer Straße mbH; Date: 2002 to 2005
Opfikerpark, Zürich-Opfikon; Client: Stadt Opfikon; in association with Büro
Hager, Zürich, Carola Schäfers Architekten BDA, Berlin, Kai Vöckler, urban
developer, Berlin; Date: 2002 to 2006
Anger-Crottendorfer railway line, Leipzig; Client: Stadt Leipzig;Date: 2003 to
Goetheplatz-Rathenauplatz-Roßmarkt, Frankfurt am Main;
Client: Stadt Frankfurt am Main; Date: 2004 to 2005
Forecourt and Skylink car park, Vienna airport; Client: P.ARC Baumschlager
Eberle Gartenmann Raab GmbH; Architects: P.ARC Baumschlager Eberle
Gartenmann Raab GmbH;
Date: 2003 to 2008
Outdoor areas for the Trumpf Sachsen canteen building, Neukirch; Client:
Trumpf Sachsen GmbH; Architects: Barkow Leibinger Architekten, Berlin
“2 Parks at Friedrichswerder”, Berlin-Mitte;
Client: DSK Deutsche Stadt- und Grundstückentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH;
Date: 2007-2008
Projects in preparation
Gabriele G. Kiefer studied landscape architecture at the Technische
Universität Berlin. She worked there as an academic assistant under Prof.
Hans Loidl from 1987 to 1992.
Teaching posts and lectures have taken Kiefer to locations including San
Francisco, Stockholm, Helsinki, Florence, Naples, Milan, Peking, Shenzhen,
Edinburgh and Paris.
Work by Büro Kiefer has been shown in cities including Munich,Vienna.
Berlin, Moscow, Barcelona and Madrid.
Gabriele G. Kiefer was appointed Professor at the TU Braunschweig's
Institute of Urban Development and Landscape
Architecture in 2002.
Completed Projects
Allerpark Wolfsburg
Land Horticultural Show,Wolfsburg 2004 (Allerpark)
Client: Marketing- und Service-Gesellschaft Allerpark mbH
Surface: 130.000 m²
Competition: 1st Prize 2002
Construction: 2002 to 2004
Adlershof Nature Reserve and Recreation Park
Adlershof Nature Reserve and Recreation Park, Berlin
Client: BAAG Berlin Adlershof Aufbaugesellschaft mbH
Surface: 700.000 m²
Competition: 1st Prize 1996
Construction: 1997 to 2003
Biosphere square, Potsdam
Forecourt and surroundings for the Biosphere hall Federal Horticultural Show 2001, Bornstedter Feld, Potsdam
Cooperation: Barkow Leibinger Architekten, Berlin
Client: Entwicklungsträger Bornstedter Feld GmbH
Surface: 36.000 m²
Competition: 1st Prize 1999
Construction: 1999 to 2001
Hans-Baluschek-Park, Berlin-Schöneberg
Client: Grün Berlin GmbH
Surface: 90.000 m²
Competition: 1st Prize 1991
Construction: 1999 to 2001
Outdoor Areas Trumpf-Sachsen
Outdoor areas Trumpf Sachsen, Neukirch
Cooperation: Barkow Leibinger Architekten, Berlin
Client:Trumpf GmbH
Surface: 16.000 m²
Construction: 1999 to 2003
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Outdoor areas Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
Cooperation: Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam
Client: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Surface: 2.000 m²
Construction: 2003 to 2004
Projects in preparation
Washingtonplatz Hauptbahnhof ‘Lehrter Bahnhof’
Washingtonplatz Hauptbahnhof ‘Lehrter Bahnhof ’, Berlin
Cooperation: Martha Schwartz Inc. Landscape Design, Cambridge, USA
Architects: von Gerkan, Marg und Partner
Client: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin
Surface: 14.000 m²
Competition: 1st Prize1999
Construction: 2000 to 2007
Opfiker Park
Opfiker Park, Zürich Opfikon
Cooperation: Büro Hager, Zürich, Carola Schäfers Architekten, Berlin, Kai
Vöckler, Urbanist, Berlin
Client: Stadt Opfikon
Surface: 150.000 m²
Competition: 1st Prize 2002
Construction: 2002 to 2006
Goetheplatz-Rathenauplatz-Rossmarkt, Frankfurt am Main
Client: Stadt Frankfurt am Main
Surface: 19.000 m²
Competition: 1st Prize 2004
Construction: 2004 to 2006
“2 Parks at Friedrichswerder”
Zwei Parks auf dem Friedrichswerder, Berlin-Mitte
Client: DSK Deutsche Stadt- und Grundstücksentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
Surface: 11.600 m²
Competition: 1st Prize 2005
Construction: 2007 to 2008