C-CMBC Course 2009 Damascus, Syria Participants list Trainee: Dr. Batool Shanah Present position: PhD Postdoctoral Fellow.The Wistar Institute.Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA email: [email protected] C-CMBC Syria Course participants List # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name Aiyda Khiyami Alia Al Assad Eyyad Tonbakji Fawaz Dadosh Ginneim Eid Hani Rostom Hasna Nahhas Huda Awata Huda Sabah Issam Tayea Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Lubna Teenawi Mohammad Baraa jaouni [email protected] Mohammad Baraa zakkour Rana Dolly Randa Hallak Rania Diab Rola Zaza Sawsan Bouri Shaza Ballat Taleb Chalab Cham Walid Daas [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] C-CMBC COURSE FEED BACK FROM PARTICIPANTS 2009: Damaskus, Syria Participant: Hani Rostom ([email protected]): 1. Why were you interested in this theoretical and practical course? to know more about the products that I'm selling. 2. Which is your academic background and where are you working now? biomedical engineer - Managing director for ( Biorus syria- Biorus dubai - Babirus Dubai) companies. 3. Have you ever applied molecular biology techniques such as PCR? If so, which techique/s have you applied, and what have you done with them? I did for real time PCR for viral load and reverse hybridisation for genotyping 2010. 4. Have you ever heard about molecular biology techniques applied to diagnosis before the course? Where did you hear about them? yes,.. exhibitions 5. What were your expectations for this course? What did you want to learn from this course? Was good but far from the new technology like microarrays but as basics was good. 6. Did the course fulfilled your expectations or not? Do you think that it was useful or not? was good and was useful. 7. Could you apply your skills acquired during the course, or you haven´t had the opportunity yet? Yes in 2009-2010. 8. We appreciate any suggestion in order to improve our theoretical and practical teaching around the world? I think more practice about real time PCR and sequencing. eginner´s Course in olecular iagnostics Committee-Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC-IFCC) December 5th - 9th, Damaskus, Syria, 2009 SELECTED PHOTOS
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