Background information - Caribbean Youth Environment Network
Background information - Caribbean Youth Environment Network
Global Environment Outlook for Youth of the Caribbean project GEO-YC BACKGROUND The GEO for Youth of the Caribbean report is part of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) program of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), an environmental assessment process that began in 1995. The youth component of the GEO process presents the environmental concerns and proposals of young people, who are critical stakeholders in environmental issues due to their determining influence on present and future development trends. GEO-YC : Pre-process OBJECTIVES To coordinate the participation of Caribbean youth in the GEO-YC process with the purpose of developing and publishing a youth analysed and written status report on the environment of the Caribbean. PARTICIPATING TERRITORIES 1. Antigua and Barbuda 2. Bahamas 3. Barbados 4. Belize 5. British Virgin Islands 6. Dominica 7. Grenada 8. Guyana 9. Jamaica 10. Saint Kitts and Nevis 11. Saint Lucia 12. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13. Suriname 14. Trinidad and Tobago BASIC PROJECT DESIGN ELEMENTS Project duration: 18 months (started November 2003). Projected completion date: March 2005. 1. Network and contact of youth organizations in the Caribbean and materials development Official presentation of the Project for the Caribbean Introductory workshop for Focal Points Reception and inputs classification Visits to countries Editorial Meeting Design and print of the GEO for Youth in the Caribbean report Launches of the report in countries Distribution of the report in each participating country of the Caribbean 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PROJECT DELIVERABLES Project logo Promotional materials Website Regional Press Conference Participant database GEO-YC document The logo (Concept 13-version 5…… 4 months) PROJECT SLOGAN ‘Securing our environment for the future’ CRITICAL POINTS Launch Introductory meeting Collection of contributions Editorial meeting Publication of GEO-YC Book INTODUCTORY MEETING GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT OUTLOOK FOR YOUTH IN THE CARIBBEAN REPORT OF THE INTRODUCTORY MEETING 18 – 20 February 2004 Glencastle Resort Gros Islet St. Lucia INTODUCTORY MEETING Critical outcomes: Selected coordinators agreed to undertake the required work voluntarily, inclusive of national promotion and follow up A work plan and rules of operation agreed to Decision made to utilize the GEO-YC process to gather information for the input into the Civil Society forum for the SIDS+10 Review meeting in Mauritius (January 2005) Determination was made that an additional US$25,000 would be needed to adequately complete this project. GEO-YC: Editorial Meeting Representatives from 9 of the 14 territories envolved in the GEO-YC project 10 of the 18 participants were funded by the efforts of CYEN (56%) Sponsors of the Editorial meeting: Caribbean Star Airlines Springfield Guest House Caribbean Policy Develipment Centre Dominica Youth Environment Organisation Inc. Government of Dominica Fulfilling sponsorship obligations GEO-YC Pre-Writers Age range: 18 -24 Representatives from 4 territories. Most being from Barbados is an issues of convenience of management ** CARICOM Youth Ambassadors GEO-YC: List of Editors NAME Andrée Griffith Esther Bérubé EMAIL PHONE COUNTRY 1 2 [email protected] [email protected] (246) 426-5373 (52-55) 52026394 ext. 212 Barbados Mexico / Canada 3 Angela St. Denis [email protected] St. Lucia 4 Delroy Williams [email protected] 5 Frederick Arnett 6 Jasmine Hamilton [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (758) 451-9502 (758) 285-4429 (767) 440-3779 (767) 614-2733 (242) 393-0590 Barbados 7 8 Jessica Bellevue Keith Simon [email protected] [email protected] 9 Lenette Lewis [email protected] 10 Melanie Callender [email protected] 11 Melony James 12 Nakita Belgrave [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 13 Quacy Grant [email protected] 14 Sebrenia Roberts [email protected]? [email protected]? 15 16 Shantelle Graham Suparna Bera [email protected] [email protected] 17 Vernon Kersout [email protected] (246) 428-0458 (246) 253-3847 (246) 429-4247 (767) 316 0532 (473) 4038573 (473) 443-5387 (473) 443-3262 (284) 495-4838 h (284) 468-0378 w (284) 443-2708 c (246) 424-8959 (246) 243-1721 (246) 439-7725 (246) 244-0185 (246) 422-3321 (246) 266-3935 (592) 227-1023 (592) 223-8251 (592) 223-5007 (868) 785-0173 c (868) 639-2273 w (767) 614-3759 (246) 423-8004 (246) 235-1355 (597) 888-9533 (597) 48 47 08 18 Victor Nicholas [email protected] Dominica Bahamas Dominica Grenada British Virgin Islands Barbados Barbados Barbados Guyana Trinidad and Tobago Dominica Barbados Suriname Dominica Glimpses of the editorial group CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Introductory planning meeting successfully completed (18-20 February in St. Lucia) Regional launch undertaken National launches held in Guyana, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Barbados, Dominica, Belize (57%) Government support for the project attained in Suriname, Trinidad, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Barbados, Dominica, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Belize (64%) CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Project flier completed and distributed Website completed – however, needs to be uploaded on a host site. Contributions gathered from 13 of the participating states (St. Kitts opted out of the project) Four project management updates have been submitted to UNEP-ROLAC through the CCA CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Editorial meeting held (25-29 October in Dominica) Database still being worked on First draft of the GEO-YC document completed Focus group scheduled for Barbados in December. To date CYEN has contributed US$ 6,600.00 to the project and logged 3,300 hours in volunteer time CHALLENGES Adequacy of finances Management of finances through a third party Volunteer management – priorities Externalities (personal issues) and natural disasters Level of support from UNEP Thanks for your attention