Twój trening: Czytanie


Twój trening: Czytanie
KARTA PRACY Gimnazjum Test Dobry start Klasa 1
Twój trening: Czytanie
P o w t ó r z
s ł o w o
w y r a ż e n i a
1 Przeczytaj słowa i ich tłumaczenia. Następnie uzupełnij luki wyrazami
z ramki.
bedroom – sypialnia
change – zmieniać, zmiana
family – rodzina
flat – mieszkanie (np. w bloku)
furniture – meble
………… – parter
guest – gość
live – mieszkać, żyć
move – przeprowadzać się
………… – wprowadzać się
own – własny
pack – pakować coś / pakować się
remove – usuwać
room – pokój
share sth with sb – dzielić coś z kimś
tenth floor – dziesiąte piętro
unpack – rozpakowywać
view – widok
Kierunki świata
east – wschód
north – północ
south – południe
………… – południowy wschód
west – zachód
Pory roku
autumn – jesień
spring – wiosna
summer – lato
winter – zima
coast – wybrzeże
country – kraj
………… – las
go sailing – żeglować
………… – wyspa
© Pearson Central Europe sp. z o.o. 2013
move in
ground floor
join sb – dołączyć do kogoś
lake – jezioro
lie on the beach – leżeć na plaży
relax – odpoczywać
ride a bike – jeździć na rowerze
sail – żeglować
………… – turysta
traditional – tradycyjny
trip – wycieczka
unpacking – rozpakowywanie
village – wieś, wioska
visit – zwiedzać, odwiedzać
volcano – wulkan
………… – podróż (np. morska)
yacht – jacht
Forma przeszła czasownika
Pamiętaj, że formę przeszłą czasowników
regularnych tworzymy przez dodanie końcówki
-ed do formy podstawowej, np. remove + ed =
removed (usuwać).
Form przeszłych czasowników nieregularnych
trzeba nauczyć się na pamięć. Oto niektóre z nich:
be – was/were (być)
buy – bought (kupować)
go – went (iść, jechać)
lie – lay (leżeć)
ride – rode (jechać na czymś)
spend – spent (spędzać, wydawać)
see – saw (widzieć)
take – took (brać)
KARTA PRACY Gimnazjum Test Dobry start Klasa 1 Twój trening: Czytanie
R o z g r z e j
s i ę
2 Dopasuj podane wyrazy do opisów ich znaczenia.
1 island
a) known by many people
2 famous
b) chairs, tables, wardrobes… etc.
3 furniture
c) putting things into a suitcase before going away
4 forest
d) a place with a lot of trees
5 packing
e) an area of water with land around it
6 lake
f) a piece of land with water around it
3 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach, kierując się podpowiedziami na obrazkach.
W każdą lukę wpisz jedno słowo.
– What did they do most of the day?
– They lay on the ………… most of the day.
– What are they doing?
– They are sailing in their friend’s ………… .
– What do they usually do at weekend?
– They ………… their bikes in the forest.
© Pearson Central Europe sp. z o.o. 2013
– What did they see from their ship?
– They saw a ………… .
– What did Tom do in the evening?
– He went to the ………… .
– What is Oahu?
– Oahu is an ………… .
KARTA PRACY Gimnazjum Test Dobry start Klasa 1 Twój trening: Czytanie
P o ć w i c z
4 Przeczytaj oba teksty, a następnie podkreśl właściwe odpowiedzi na
pytania 1–6.
Hi Julia,
My family are finally moving to a new house. It is in a small village not very far
from the town we live in now. The biggest change is that now my sister and I are
going to have our own bedrooms. We are both very happy about the change.
We are all busy with packing. We are moving into the new house next week.
Hello Mike,
I am writing from my room in my new flat. My parents bought it a month ago. We
painted the walls and removed the old furniture. We finally moved in two days
ago. I now have to unpack all my things from the boxes. We live on the tenth
floor and the view is wonderful. This is a complete change – the old flat was on
the ground floor! Why don’t you come to visit me at the weekend?
See you,
In which text:
1 has someone already moved into a new place?
Text A / Text B
2 is someone going to live in a village?
Text A / Text B
3 has someone got a beautiful view from his/her window?
Text A / Text B
4 does someone live in a block of flats?
Text A / Text B
5 did someone change the furniture?
Text A / Text B
6 is someone preparing to move?
Text A / Text B
© Pearson Central Europe sp. z o.o. 2013
KARTA PRACY Gimnazjum Test Dobry start Klasa 1 Twój trening: Czytanie
5 Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie wstaw w luki brakujące fragmenty (a–e).
Join us on a 1…… the Hawaiian Islands! The starting point is the island of Hawaii,
in the 2…… island group. We are going to 3…… . On the second day we plan to go
to the island of Molokai and its wonderful beaches. On day three we are going to
watch a fantastic show of 4…… on the island of Maui. The next day we are going
to visit Oahu, in the middle of the Hawaiian Islands. Before we get there, we are
going 5…… . We are going to dance on the ship!
a) south-east of the whole
b) traditional Hawaiian dances
c) to have a disco
d) see its famous volcanoes
e) wonderful trip around
S p r a w d ź
s i ę
6 Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, czy podane zdania są zgodne z jego treścią
(T), czy nie (F).
Come with us on a trip to Scotland! First we
are going to visit Hadrian’s Wall in the south,
then we will move up north to Edinburgh, the
capital of Scotland. It is a beautiful city with
lots of historic buildings, nine hills and tourist attractions. Later we will visit
the fishing port of Aberdeen. We also plan a trip to famous off-shore islands far
in the north. Have you heard or read about the Shetland Islands? You will enjoy
visiting them for sure.
1 Hadrian’s Wall is in the north of Scotland.
2 Edinburgh is the capital Scotland.
3 There aren’t any hills in the capital of Scotland.
4 Aberdeen lies on the coast.
5 The trip is also to the Shetland Islands.
© Pearson Central Europe sp. z o.o. 2013
KARTA PRACY Gimnazjum Test Dobry start Klasa 1 Twój trening: Czytanie
7 Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, które z odpowiedzi (a, b czy c) są zgodne
z jego treścią.
Hello Betty,
My name is Emily. I live in Glasgow. It is a big city in Scotland. I live in a house with my family. There
are four bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen in our house. My brother and I have our own
bedrooms. My brother Tom has a lot of furniture in his bedroom but I have only a bed, a chair and a
table. I like to keep my things in the boxes that are under my bed. My parents also have their own
bedroom and the fourth bedroom is for our guests. The bedrooms are on the first floor and the living
room and the kitchen are on the ground floor. There is a beautiful forest near our house and not far
from the forest you can see a lake. We often ride our bikes there at weekends.
I hope we will be friends and one day you will visit me in Glasgow.
1 Does Betty know Emily?
a) Yes, she does.
b) No she doesn’t.
c) We don’t know.
2 How many bedrooms are there in Emily’s house?
a) two
b) three
c) four
3 Who likes keeping things under the bed?
a) Tom
b) Emily
c) Betty
b) on the second floor
c) on the ground floor
4 Where is Emily’s bedroom?
a) on the first floor
5 What do Emily and her family do at weekends?
© Pearson Central Europe sp. z o.o. 2013