February 28, 2016 - SS Peter and Paul Parish
February 28, 2016 - SS Peter and Paul Parish
CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Saints Peter and Paul Church #848 36 N. Ellsworth St. Naperville, IL 60540 PHONE 630-718-2101 CONTACT PERSON Gloria Villasenor EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER KONICA MINOLTA C654 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 15 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN March 6, 2016 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS none March 6, 2016—Fourth Sunday of Lent WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Church: Saturdays; 5:00 & 6:30 PM Sundays; 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00AM, 12:30, 5:30 (Tridentine) & 8:00 PM Holy Family Chapel Sundays; 9:30 & 11:00 AM (Childcare offered during 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Masses. Call 355-1081 for info.) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Mondays — Saturdays; 6:45 & 8:00 AM Mondays — Thursdays; 5:15 PM First Friday — 12:00 NOON in the Adoration Chapel HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE: Consult the parish bulletin or website or call the parish office at 630-355-1081. RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA: Wednesdays at 7:45 AM RESPECT LIFE ROSARY: Wednesdays following 8:00 AM Mass VESPERS & BENEDICTION: Thursdays at 6:00 PM (Adoration Chapel) RECONCILIATIONS: Tuesdays: 11:00 AM (Holy Family Chapel) and 7:00 PM (Church) (No 11:00AM Confessions on 2nd Tuesday of the month) Thursdays: 7:15 AM & 4:30 PM (Church) Saturdays: 4:00 PM (Holy Family Chapel) Sundays: 7:00 PM (Church) (Confessions are also heard at 10:30AM on the 4th Saturday of the Month in the Holy Family Chapel.) 36 North 36 North Ellsworth Ellsworth Street Street Naperville, Naperville, IllinoisIllinois 60540-4619 60540-4619 ♦ 630-355-1081 ♦ 630-355-1081 Visit Ss. Peter and Paul’s www.sspeterandpaul.net ♦ Facebook: ♦ Facebook: SS Peter SSand Peter Paul andNew PaulEvangelization New Evangelization www.sspeterandpaul.net New Website March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent PARISH STAFF DIRECTORY SAINTS PETER AND PAUL CHURCH 36 N. Ellsworth St., Naperville, IL 60540 (PHONE) 630-355-1081 (FAX) 630-355-1179 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30 AM-5 PM; Fri 7:30 AM-1 PM Website: www.sspeterandpaul.net Facebook: SS Peter and Paul New Evangelization PRIESTS Father Thomas Milota, Pastor .......................................... 630-718-2106 Father Raj Kocherla, Parochial Vicar ............................... 630-718-2105 Father Sebastian Gargol, Parochial Vicar ......................... 630-718-2104 PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Ron Brown ............................................................ 630-718-2153 Deacon Michael Crowell .................................................... 630-718-2197 Deacon Will Marrero .......................................................... 630-718-2217 Deacon Kevin Neis ............................................................. 630-718-2216 Deacon Roger Novak ......................................................... 630-718-2258 Deacon Thomas Rehak ....................................................... 630-718-2158 Deacon Joe Verdico............................................................ 630-718-2155 PARISH OFFICE Pastor’s Administrative Asst: Jessica Payne ....................... 630-718-2108 Office Manager: Gloria Villaseñor ..................................... 630-718-2101 Bulletin Editor: . ................................................................ 630-718-2110 BUSINESS OFFICE Finance Manager: Tom Boler ............................................. 630-718-2100 Accountant: Christine LaMourie ........................................ 630-718-2102 Accounting Assistant: Rhonda Mucerino ........................... 630-718-2109 Facilities Manager: Frank Partipilo .................................... 630-718-2163 SCHOOL OFFICE……………………... (PHONE) 630-355-0113 Principal: Karen Meskill………………………….(FAX) 630-355-9803 NEW EVANGELIZATION Director: Sr. Sandra Zorko, OSF ........................................ 630-718-2154 Administrative Asst/Webmaster: Denise Stephen .............. 630-718-2156 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE .........................630-357-2436 (FAX)630-357-2458 ATTENDANCE ......................................................... 630-355-1139 Director of Religious Education & Children’s Ministry: Theresa Pratt ................................. 630-718-2133 Associate director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry: Jared Rutnicki ...................................... 630-718-2131 Office Manager: Peggy Partipilo ........................................ 630-718-2138 RE Administrative Assistant: Debbie Mulay ..................... 630-718-2139 SACRED WORSHIP Director of Sacred Music: Matthew S. Sprinkle .............. .630-718-2119 Liturgical Ministries Coordinator: Deacon Michael Crowell ... 630-718-2197 SERVICE MINISTRY Director: Deacon Joe Verdico ............................................ 630-718-2155 PARISH NURSE / PASTORAL MINISTRY Paulette Shea ...................................................................... 630-718-2127 SENIOR SERVICES Deacon Joe Verdico, Communion Call Coordinator .......... 630-718-2155 Paulette Shea, Parish Nurse ................................................ 630-718-2127 Sr. Sandra Zorko, OSF, Young at Heart Director ............... 630-718-2154 NURSERY COORDINATOR Donna Widmann................................................................. 630-718-2165 WEDDING COORDINATOR Pam Adamski ..................................................................... 630-355-0222 PERPETUAL ADORATION VOICEMAIL ................630-355-1014 ext 2442 PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas Lupinacci, President/ New Evangelization Commission Brendan Heffron, Vice-President/ Worship Commission Stewart Mattson, Secretary / Member at Large Jerry Buch, Administration Commission Cheri Obendorf, Religious Education Commission Saskhya Roache, Parish Life Representative Dick Pugliese, Christian Service Commission Page 2 Tobias Schlueter, School Board Representative Steward Mattson, Member at Large John Moravecek, Member at Large Kristine Lewandowski, Member at Large Barb Hoyt, Member at Large Steve Keeley, Member at Large Scott Jenkins, Member at Large SACRAMENTS WEDDINGS At least one of the engaged persons (or their parents) must be a registered parishioner for a minimum of three months before the parish will check the calendar for a wedding date. The parish will also permit any individual who has been confirmed in the parish or graduated from our parish school or graduated from North Central College to be married at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church following all other requirements and given the permission of their proper pastor. To schedule a wedding date, one of the engaged persons should phone the Parish Office at 630-355-1081 or stop by the Parish Office during regular office hours. Please review the complete wedding policy at www.sspeterandpaul.net. BAPTISMS We baptize at SSPP each Sunday of the month at 2 PM. Please review the complete baptismal policy at www.sspeterandpaul.net. FOR CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM 1. Your family should be registered with the parish in order to have your child baptized. 2. If this is your first child, you must attend a baptism preparation class before receiving a date for your baby’s baptism. Call the Parish Office to sign up for the class. Classes are held on the 1st Monday of the month. 3. Call the Parish Office to schedule a date for your child’s baptism. For information on scheduling baptisms, weddings, sick calls, hospital calls, home communion visitation, adult instructions in the Catholic faith, or to register as a new parishioner, please call the Parish Office at 630-355-1081. LENTEN REGULATIONS FOR FASTING AND ABSTINENCE Everyone 14 years of age or over is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 years of age is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On these two days of fast and abstinence, only one full meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted on these two days, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices are allowed. When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. To disregard completely the law of fast and abstinence is seriously sinful. Lent is the principal season of penance in the Christian year. All of the faithful are strongly urged to develop and follow a program of voluntary self-denial (in addition to following the Lenten regulations), serious prayer, and a performance of works of charity and mercy. STATIONS OF THE CROSS… ...with Benediction will be offered each Friday during Lent at 7:00 pm in the Church. Please make a special effort to come and pray this beautiful Lenten devotion. March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 3 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Parishioners of Saints Peter and Paul, Parish Mission TheFathersofMercywillbeofferingourparishmissionMarch14‐17at9amand7pmeachday. TheywillalsobepreachingalloftheSundayMassesonMarch12thand13th.Thetwopriestswho willbepreachingthemissionareFr.BillCaseywhoiswellknownnationallyandinternationally andoftenseenonEWTN.Fr.JohnBroussardwillbeassistingFr.BillCasey.Heisayoungpriest presentlyassignedattheShrineofOurLadyofGoodHelpinChampion,WI.Formoreinformation, logontoourwebpage:www.sspeterandpaul.net. Hours for the Lord PopeFrancishasaskedustohearconfessionsfora24‐hourperiodasameansofinvitingthosewhohavenotreceivedthe SacramentforawhiletotakepartintheSacramentofMercy.Therefore,wewillbehearingconfessionsfrom8amto8pm onFriday,March11,andSaturday,March12,intheparishchurch.PleasecomeandreceivetheSacramentofMercy. Clarification on Plenary Indulgence Therehavebeensomequestionsregardingtheobtainingoftheplenaryindulgenceattachedtoavisittoourparishchurch andsoIthoughtsomeclarificationwasinorder: 1. Since you can obtain the indulgence once per day must you receive Holy Communion each time that you receive the indulgence?Yes.Althoughtheindulgencemaybereceived7daysprioror7daysafterhavingreceivedHoly Communionandhavinggonetoconfession,theEnchiridionofIndulgencesstates:"Asinglesacramentalconfessionsuffices forgainingseveralplenaryindulgences;butCommunionmustbereceivedandprayerfortheintentionoftheSovereign Pontiffmustberecitedforthegainingofeachplenaryindulgence." 2. Isit required that you offer the Creed while visiting the pilgrimage site?Yes.TheEnchiridionofIndulgences states:"Theworkprescribedforacquiringaplenaryindulgenceconnectedwithachurchororatoryconsistsinadevout visitandtherecitationduringthevisitofoneOurFatherandtheCreed." 3. Is it required that I pray the Our Father and Hail Mary for the intentions of the Pope in addition to the Creed?TheEnchiridionstates:"TheconditionofprayingfortheintentionoftheSovereignPontiffisfullysatisfiedby recitingoneOurFatherandoneHailMary;nevertheless,eachoneisfreetoreciteanyotherprayeraccordingtohispietyand devotion." 4. Which door is the Holy Door for our parish church? AnyofthedoorsofourchurchwillfunctionastheHoly Doorforthereceptionoftheindulgence;however,fortheeaseofpilgrimsvisitingwhoarenotfromourparish,wehaveput asign"PortaSancta"onthedoorontheNorthsideofthechurch.Pleasenoticethattheindulgenceisattachedonlytoour parishchurchandnottheHolyFamilyChapelnortheAdorationChapel. Ihopethishelps. In Christ, Fr. Thomas A. Milota March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 4 PLEASE NOTE SCHOOL MASSES Saturday, March 5 6:45 AM Meghan McDonagh (B) 8:00 AM For Reparation Vigil Masses for The Fourth Sunday of Lent 5:00 PM Alma E. Burke 6:30 PM Saints Peter and Paul Parishioners Sunday, March 6 -The Fourth Sunday of Lent 6:30 AM John Rund 8:00 AM Gerald J. Gallagher 9:30 AM Haley Gargiulo (A) 11:00 AM Glenn E. Kropp 12:30 PM Jean Colletti 5:30 PM Mary Lou Jansey (LATIN MASS) 8:00 PM Charles E. and Dora Barr Holy Family Chapel 9:30 AM 11:00 AM Thomas Albarran Mary Lipien Monday, March 7—Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs 6:45 AM Peter & Maria Ng.V.Diem 8:00 AM Tom Pavlak 5:15 PM Agitha Foley Tuesday, March 8—Saint John of God 6:45 AM Eleanor Putz 8:00 AM Sue Krug 5:15 PM Pauline Kaufman Wednesday, March 9—Saint Frances of Rome 6:45 AM Purgatorial Society 8:00 AM Arthur Himmilwright 5:15 PM Genevieve A. Jedd (B) Thursday, March 10 6:45 AM Bridget Pekala (A) 8:00 AM Jean Colletti 5:15 PM James Ryan Friday, March 11 6:45 AM Jennie Moro 8:00 AM Ed LeRoux Sr (A) School Masses held this week will be Tuesday, March 8th and Thursday, March 10th at 8:00am. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106:19-23; Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Is 43:16-21; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 3:8-14; Jn 8:1-11; Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] Monday: PARISH SACRIFICIAL GIVING We sincerely thank everyone for their generosity For the new fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 the weekly Sunday collection goal is $46,035 (based on 51 Sundays) February 2016 Sunday Offering – Month Actual Offerings in February 2016 Budget Offerings in February 2016 Month Surplus / (Deficit) February 2016 Sunday Offering – Year-To-Date Saturday, March 12 6:45 AM For the Protection of the Unborn 8:00 AM Gregory Marcotte (A) Vigil Masses for The Fifth Sunday of Lent 5:00 PM Dave Glass (B) 6:30 PM Ted Cleary Actual Total Year-To-Date through February Budget Total Year-To-Date through February Year-To-Date Surplus / (Deficit) Sunday, March 13 -The Fifth Sunday of Lent 6:30 AM Saints Peter and Paul Parishioners 8:00 AM Rita Hutton 9:30 AM Albata Papini 11:00 AM Matthew Suhar (A) 12:30 PM Kay Mansfield 5:30 PM Mary Lou Jansey (LATIN MASS) 8:00 PM Gary Wallace Total Actual – Credit Cards / ACH Total Actual – Mail-In / Stock Donations/ Other Total Actual – In Pew Offerings – Envelopes & Cash Sunday Offering Details – Total Holy Family Chapel 9:30 AM 11:00 AM Gerald J. Gallagher Mike Oliver $ 178,504 $ 184,140 $ (5,636) $1,630,398 $1,611,225 $ 19,173 Sunday Offering Details – February 2016 $ 40,864 $ 13,134 $ 124,505 $ 178,504 Averages – In Pew Offerings and Sunday Collections Average In Pew Offerings – Fiscal Year To Date $ $ 31,126 31,820 Average Sunday Collections-Fiscal Year to Date (35 Sundays) $ 46,583 Average In Pew Offerings – February 2016 (4 Sundays) March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 5 MOMs Group Hours for the Lord at Saints Peter and Paul March 11 and 12 Priests will be available here at Saints Peter and Paul from 8 am until 8 pm on both Friday, March 11th and Saturday, March 12th to hear confessions. Also, the church and the Adoration Chapel will be available for your own personal prayer and reflection. The MOMs (Meeting Other Mothers) Group brings together Catholic mothers committed to family and community service. We meet monthly for support, friendship and affirmation of our role as Catholic mothers. Our fellowship opportunities include playgroups, meals for moms, rosaries, service activities, moms’ night out and children’s activities. Please email [email protected] for more information on group events. MOMs Group is always excited to welcome new members! YOUTH GROUP Please join Saints Peter and Paul’s Parish Lenten Mission, given by the Father’s of Mercy. There will be morning and evening sessions beginning Monday, March 14th through Thursday, March 17th. Morning sessions will be held from 9-10am. Evening sessions will be held from 7-8pm ***Confessions available before and after Mission sessions.*** Last Monday and Tuesday, we had an extraordinary time at the Here I Am Lord Vocation Conference. Matt Fradd spoke, and we were able to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation! Join us this week for a look into the Bible and delicious fish on Friday! Monday, Mar 7th at 7pm: Old and New Testament – How is the New Testament hidden in the Old, and how is the Old Testament fulfilled in the New? Find out Monday night! Thursday, Mar 11th at 6pm: Fish Fry – Join us for a meal together at the Knights of Columbus’ Fish Fry. Meet in the Ministry Center at 6! Jared Rutnicki [email protected] Leap Into FORMED Lent is the principal season of penance in the Christian year. To deepen your understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we recommend the following resources in FORMED.org: Symbolon – Part 2 - Living the Faith: Session 4 on Penance (Part 1 Only) – Why is the Sacrament of Reconciliation essential and potentially life changing for Catholics? [14 Min Video - Find Under Programs=>Augustine Institute Productions=>Symbolon] Confession – Father Larry Richards - Based upon his proven and powerful parish mission presentation, Fr. Larry Richards’ talk on Confession has become the #1 talk in North America dealing with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He is riveting, honest, humorous, very human, and often touchingly gentle. Fr. Larry provides listeners with hope for a closer, healing relationship with Jesus Christ. [54 Min Audio - Find Under Audios=>Lent] The Healing Power of Confession – Dr. Scott Hahn - Dr. Hahn presents the historical and biblical origins of the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation). He provides an important guide for new Catholics, a source of renewal for "old hands", and a challenge to all of us to deepen our relationship with Christ through regular use of the Sacrament of Penance. [73 Min Audio - Find Under Audios=>Lent] As part of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, priests will be hearing confessions from 8:00am until 8:00pm on both Friday, March 11th and 12th. If you have not yet registered for FORMED, please see the parish website. March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 6 CHRISTIAN SERVICE HAPPENINGS Give a Gift to our Priests for Easter “One saint after another has declared that the devil’s principal target on earth is the Catholic priest. But if priests are to be truly priestly, they need, how they need, to have the faithful offer their own trials and temptations to obtain from the great High Priest, Jesus Christ, the light and strength that the priesthood demands. I recommend, therefore, that all the faithful daily, in a special and concrete way, pray for priests. I further strongly recommend that all the faithful offer up each day some sacrifice. I am tempted to say some little sacrifice. NO! I suggest it be the most difficult sacrifice of the day [so that] the Church of the future will not only survive, but please God in our own country, will thrive. But that will occur only where and insofar as the priests have not only been faithful to their vocation, but have lived their priesthood in a living martyrdom in union with the first martyr, Jesus Christ. It is, therefore, no mere recommendation or exhortation: Pray and sacrifice for priests.” ~ Father John Hardon, S. J. Join the parish for a Holy Hour with Benediction Tuesday, March 22 at 7:30 PM in the Main Church, to pray for our priests. HUNGERING TO LEARN We journey with CRS Rice Bowl to the Central American country of Honduras, where we meet students who are learning that it’s better to help your neighbor learn and grow than to leave him or her behind. To whom are we called to extend a hand this week? Visit crsricebowl.org for more. Please remember to return your rice bowl Divine Mercy Weekend, April 2nd & 3rd . Legion of Mary Our Lady of Sorrows Praesidium Join the Legion of Mary in praying the rosary and devotional prayers in the spirit of faith and in union with our Blessed Virgin Mother, as we fulfill the spiritual needs of our parish community. We meet every Monday evening from 6:15 to 7:45pm in the Ministry Center, Room 227, upper level. Contact Paulette Shea at 630-718-2127 if you have any questions. Saint Vincent de Paul Society In today’s Gospel Jesus is quite clear in his message: “bear fruit or be cut down.” This Lent we are called to cultivate and fertilize our spiritual lives through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St.Vincent de Paul so that together we can help the suffering and poor. Please continue to help us by placing a donation in a green envelope found at the side and rear entrances of the church and chapel. We may be contacted by calling 630-355-1081. Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and its patron, Saint Vincent de Paul. Transitional Housing Ministry: Looking to make a difference this Lent? The Saints Peter and Paul Transitional Housing Ministry has been helping homeless families with dependent children become selfsufficient since 1992. Your donations in the pink envelopes help the Ministry provide 2 years of temporary housing, lifeskills mentoring, job training and other supportive services for each family in our program. For more information on the Transitional Housing Ministry, call Jack Flowers at 630-355-4886. Elizabeth Ministry If you have experienced infertility, loss of a pregnancy, an infant or child death, you are not alone, many of our parish families have experienced the same and the Elizabeth Ministry would like to help you through it. On the other hand, if you are expecting for the first time, or you are new parents who just had a baby or adopted a child, the Elizabeth Ministry would like to celebrate with you and offer our services to you. Through prayers, adoration hours, and sharing personal experiences, our ministers will try to bring you some peace and comfort no matter what your situation is. Contact Sarah at: 630-809-5925 or email her at: [email protected]. January6,31, March 2016 2016 Fourth Fourth Sunday Sunday in Ordinary of LentTime Page Page107 SCHOOL NEWS Congratulations to three of our 7th grade students, Lily Johnson, Alyssa Garcia, and Cecelia Curtis who were recently presented the Distinguished Writer Award from the VFW Post 3873. Each year, our seventh and eighth grade students participate in the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen Youth Essay Competition. This year there were over 500 essays submitted from both public and non-public Naperville schools and three of our students’ essays were in the top 10 of all of the essays submitted. Pictured with the three recipients is our principal, Mrs. Karen Meskill and Mr. Boger from the VFW Post who presented certificates and lanyards to our students. If you are interested in a Catholic education for your child at Saints Peter and Paul School, please contact Meg Olsen, Marketing and Enrollment Director, at 630-718-2214 to learn more about our programs and to schedule a personal tour of our school. Saints Peter and Paul Parishioners are cordially invited to an evening of fun and fellowship at Saints Peter and Paul School’s 23rd Annual Auction. We hope you are ready to “PUT YOUR GAME FACE ON!!” and come spend an evening at this year’s theme… COLLEGE GAMEDAY! Come and enjoy a special night in our College Game day atmosphere - show your school spirit with your favorite fan gear (prizes will be awarded), stroll through The Quad, Spin the Wheel, Listen to our Mix Tape DJ, grab a refreshment at The Beer Run, play some fun games reminiscent of your college days and stay until closing time for Late Night Munchies! It promises to be a great night full of fun, laughter, walks down memory lane and, most importantly, FUNDRAISING for SAINTS PETER AND PAUL SCHOOL and its biggest fans…THE STUDENTS!! WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2016 TIME: 6PM-MIDNIGHT WHERE: Bobak's Signature Events, Woodridge,IL RSVP and Get Your Tickets Today at: www.sspeterandpaulaluction.com For more information on SSPP College Gameday, please contact: Christina Hoeppel - [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Register for Summer Programs at Saints Peter and Paul! Sign up information for both programs now available online. Check out the “Summer Programs” page of the parish website. Vacation Bible School: Gear up for an over-the-top underground adventure! Ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s dark times. CAVE QUEST Vacation Bible School will take place June 13 -17, 9 AM – 11:30 PM for children ages 4 through entering 4th grade. Totus Tuus will begin Sunday, June 26th for Junior High/High School youth and Monday, June 27th for children in 1st through 6th grade. Totus Tuus is a Catholic summer youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel through catechesis, Christian witness, Eucharistic worship, and Marian devotion. The goal of Totus Tuus is to help young people grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and have fun in the process. March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 8 PRAY WITH US ROSARY Come pray with us each Tuesday evening in the Church beginning at 7:30 PM. With our Rosaries, we will ask Our Lady to intercede for our Holy Father’s special intention of the month, as well as for our own intentions and for world peace without the threat of terrorism. If there is a special intention that you would like to have remembered during the weekly Rosary, please email [email protected] or come to the Tuesday Rosary to add your intention. Women’s Morning of Recollection All women are warmly invited to our next MOR which will be held on Tuesday, March 8th from 10am to noon in the Holy Family Chapel. The recollection includes Confession, meditations, a practical talk, time for private prayer and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. We hope you can join us! For more information, call Mary Buch at 630-9618342. Child care is also available, please call or text Juliana Hepburn at 630-877-0010. Saint Josemaria is on Facebook! Follow the official “Saint Josemaria” page today, get daily inspirational quotes and testimonies, and share with your family and friends at www.facebook.com/stjosemaria St. Francis Chapel of Eucharistic Adoration Flame of Faith Candles Six candles burn perpetually around the Blessed Sacrament in our St. Francis Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. The burning candles serve as a constant prayer before the Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament. Envelopes for you to have your intention remembered with one of these candles and prayed for ONE WEEK (Sunday to Sunday) are available in the Adoration Chapel. The intentions will be published in the bulletin. Flame of Faith intentions for the week of February 21: The seven-day Devotional Candles, at the altar of our FLAME OF Lord, in the Saint Francis Adoration Chapel, are being FAITH offered for the following intentions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For Grandma Marie’s return to good health. For the repose of the soul of Judge Scalia. In thanksgiving for personal intentions for family. For my daughter to conceive a baby. For the repose of the soul of Caroline Dolan. For the protection of the unborn. Please consider spending an hour with our Lord. Adorers are needed for the following hours: Sunday 1pm Tuesday 1am Tuesday 10am Thursday 2am Men’s Evening of Recollection “Whoever follows after Christ, the perfect man, becomes himself more of a man” (Gaudium et Spes 41) Men’s Evening of Recollection is typically held on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 7:30 to 9:15 PM in the Church. The evening includes two meditations and time for quiet prayer followed by Benediction. We conclude with a practical talk and get together. A priest of Opus Dei will offer the meditations and be available for Confession. All men from the area are invited to attend. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 630-355-1081. Saint Josemaria is on Facebook! Follow the official “Saint Josemaria” page today, get daily inspirational quotes and testimonies, and share with your family and friends at www.facebook.com/ stjosemaria. PLEASE NOTE: Due to special scheduling during Holy Week, the men's evening of Recollection at SSPP will be canceled in March. Those interested are encouraged to attend one of the Evenings of Recollections at the Darien Center. March 7 - 7:30pm-9:30pm Place: 7800 S Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 Contact info: Michael Van Bree Ph 812-989-5460 http://dariencenter.org/activities/retreats-men/ Please consider visiting with our Lord at this time. Call Barb at 630-885-1726 or [email protected] PRAYER NETWORK If prayers are needed, please call Jay Albarran at 630-961-3835 or Connie Wanberg at 630-355-3056. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Waterleaf Women's Center National Birthright National Pregnancy Hotline National Adoption Hotline Rachel’s Vineyard Natural Family Planning The Nurturing Network Crisis Pregnancy Woman’s Choice Services Project Gabriel 630-701-6270 1-800-848-LOVE 1-800-535-9947 1-202-463-7563 1-866-99-4-GIVE 1-815-221-6251 1-800-TNN-4MOM 1-800-67-BABY-6 1-800-NO-ABORT 630-261-9221 1-877-734-2444 March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 9 PRAYER INTENTIONS PRAY FOR THE SICK Please remember in your prayers, the following people who are seriously ill and others who are suffering with long-term or terminal illnesses: Kelsey Allen, Don Anderson, Anna Bandera, Alli Bayer, John Bayer, Marge Bean, Eleanor Bermes, Steven Bermes, Drew Birdsall, Matt Bloodgood, Donna Booth, Rose Briceno, Reynaldo and Teresita Brooks, Evelyn Brown, Charles Bruce, Mary Bruce, Chris Bruni, Rachel Bryan, Don Cassa, Colette Cerulla, Mary Beth Cesare, Kirstin Chernawsky, Kathy Condon, Sr. Mary Cran, Edward Cussick, Tom Daly Sr., Scott Dawson, Connor DeKeyser, Anthony Dominick, Mary Dorn, Donald Drever, Karen Eggen, Charles Farrell, Thomas Farrell, George Franicevic, Mary Ann Freitag, and Geraldine Gallagher, Joe Gorman, Nikki Gudall, Bryan Guttello, Don Haas, Sue Hall, Mark Hansen, Mary Beth Harmon, Eileen Hawell, Mary Lou Haywood, James Heffron, Sami Henderson, Constance Hennessy, Penny Holtz, Jan Janczak, Ron Kelson, Marion Kenny, Kevin Konvalinka, Maddie Kowalski, Caroline Kraft, Nancy Kratville, Suzanne Krauss, Thomas Krauss, Kathleen Krutak, Jeanine LaBelle, Jack Langland, Ken Lietz, Michael Lietz, Noah Joseph Lindsay, Vi Livernash, Colleen Llacsa, Maria Macedo, Monica Macedo, Rosalia Magana, Joan Marchaterre, Geraldine Marra, Sam Marra Jr., Michael Marren, Lori Maxwell, Jeanette Prochorow McCann, Nore Mcgee, Ray Michel, Father Don McLaughlin, Barb Moceri, Diane Mrizek, Cesar Naguit, Zeny Naguit, Robert Neis, Maria Suong Nguyen, Eugene and Mercedes Niziolek, Ann Nowak, Matthew Ousterout, Ben Parrilli, Barbara Perry, Carson Pytell, Lisa Rakowski, James Riedy, Marion Ruocco, Harrison Ruzicka, Maria San Juan, Connie Savaglio, Catherine Sawner, Charles Schenk, Lisa Schlueter, Rita Schmidt, Roger Schmith, Bernice Shanahan, Debra Shea, Ysabelle Simbol, Irene Slowik, Edward Slowik, Laura Sniegowski, Erwin Stark, John Stewart, Joan Stone, Tom Stone, Jim Sullivan, Mark Szachnitowski, Frances Tavernaro, Jeannie and John Thorpe, Bernice Tokarski, Akiko Toyohara, Diane Varner, Carmen Vasquez, Charles Villaseñor, Stephanie Watts, David Wayne, John Weizeorick, Marie Williams, Douglas Wilson, Janice Wilson, Eva Wimpffen, Audrey Witnik, Sylvia Wolfe, James Wolter, Estelle Wroble Beverly Wyatt, Dorothy Zaba, Nick Zadak, Deacon Kevin Zeeb, Jayne Zenker, Mary Newly added: Joseph Szarek, Joe Condon, Dan Condon, Bruce Fagin, Elmer Brummel, Alex Levin, Edmund Gaikowski, Lorry Luchsinger, & Nicholas Selig. May they and their families be comforted by our prayers and Our Lord’s compassion. We wish to offer our sympathy and a promise of our prayers to family and friends on the death of Anand Pereira, Mary Lemieux, Vivian Generoso, Dorothy Martin, & James, Riedy. PRAYING FOR THE SICK AND DECEASED Please note that if you wish to have a family member or friend’s name included with the petition for the sick which is read at weekend Masses, you must call the parish office by 9 AM on Friday. Your loved one’s name will automatically be added into the sick list in the bulletin the following weekend. If you add a loved one’s name to the petition when you come to Mass, please follow up with a phone call to the parish office on Monday so the name may be included with the sick list in the bulletin. In the interest of keeping our sick list current, the first weekend in March we will remove names put on prior to February 1st, unless we hear from you or a family member that you wish a name to remain on the list. Call the Office, 630-355-1081, to add, remove or keep a name on the sick list. Any names received after 9 AM on Friday will be included in the following weekend’s prayers. Deceased loved ones who are buried from Saints Peter and Paul Parish are automatically named in the bulletin and in the petition read at weekend Masses. Other recently deceased loved ones may be added to the petitions by calling the parish office by 9 AM on Friday. Please Remember in Prayer our Men and Women Serving in the Military U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Joseph Burns Daniel Caddigan Lt. Nick DuPre Major Frank Girdwain Sgt. Mike McDonnell Sr. Airman Steve McDonnell Sgt. Zachary McKenty Captain Scott Paeth Major Tamara Prasse Sr. Airman Daniel Shea Senior Airman Amanda Shea Sgt. Dan Steenstra Sgt. Nicole Finnigan Underwood U.S. Army Captain Michael Caddigan Captain John J. Case Major Mary Cassidy Lt. Col. Richard Collage Captain Tom Crane Major Thomas E. Goerling Sgt. Anthony Gorup Cpl. Jon Gurnik Lt. Col. Sean Hermick Sgt. Kellen Jones 1 Lt. Josh Laz Captain Stephen Laz Captain Aimee Laz Park PFC Steven Powell Major Michael Predny Captain Andrew J. Prunty Captain Daniel Rickert 1st Lt. David Rickert Harrison Ruzicka, SPEC. 4 Sgt. 1st Class Pamela Schmecht Sgt. Jeremy See U.S. Army (cont’d) Captain Stephen Stoll SPC Robert Surran Sgt. Craig Vladika Captain Eileen White U.S. Navy LCDR Thomas Bock Captain Anthony Giglio Lt. Tom Kuhrt Commander Chris Kurgan Ensign Patrick Marsh Lt. Kaleb Moore Lt. Kasey Scheel Lt. Matthew Scheel Ensign Michael Schmitz U.S. Marine Corps Captain Kevin Bowler Captain Donald J. Carlsen CWO2 John Crites Sgt. Richard DiBiaso PFC Jonathon Dragovan Sgt. Luke Focer LCPL Daniel P. Hodgman 2nd Lt. Eric Hovey Sgt. Ivan Karamysev Major Pete Keough Gy Sgt. Conor Mahoney Sgt. Steven Oleksy II LCPL Matthew Prasse Corporal Joseph Taylor Staff Sgt. Marcin Tutaj U.S. Coast Guard P.D. John McNellis If you would like to have a serviceman or woman included in the military remembrance list in the bulletin, please call the parish office at 630-355-1081. To arrange a welcome home for your soldier or marine, contact Donna Morsovillo of Operation Welcome You Home at 630-302-2638 or [email protected]. March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 10 BACK TO BASICS The corporal works of mercy are the response Christ expects of His followers when faced with the material needs and sufferings of others. Taken mostly from the scene of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25, the corporal works of mercy are not optional for Christians, nor are they hyperbole or mere figures of speech. Our Lord is quite adamant that we will be judged on how we responded to the least of our sisters and brothers in need: “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life” (Matthew 25:41-46). Feed the Hungry There are many people in this world who go without food. When so much of our food goes to waste, consider how good stewardship practices of your own food habits can benefit others who do not have those same resources. • Carry grocery or fast-food gift cards with you. When you meet someone asking for money, give them one of these gift cards. • • • • • • Ask the person’s name and speak with them as well! Keep granola bars in your car to pass out to people in need at stoplights. Having delicious food at Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? Donate to a Thanksgiving or Christmas food drive so everyone can have something to eat. Research, identify and contribute financially to organizations that serve the hungry. The next time you make a recipe that can be easily frozen, make a double batch and donate one to your local food pantry or soup kitchen. Prepare and take a meal to someone in your community who is seriously ill or welcoming home a newborn. Try not to purchase more food than you are able to eat. If you notice that you end up throwing groceries away each week, purchasing less groceries would eliminate waste and allow you to donate the savings to those in need. Give Drink to the Thirsty Many of our brothers and sisters do not have access to clean water and suffer from the lack of this basic necessity. We should support the efforts of those working towards greater accessibility of this essential resource. • We take it for granted that we have access to clean water. Donate to help build wells for water for those in need. • Organize a group of children to collect bottled water to distribute at a shelter for families. If parents can be involved, ask them to • • • • • accompany their children in delivering the water to the families. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you at a coffee shop. Take a cold glass of water to a neighbor doing yard work. Donate baby formula to a local pregnancy help center. Work a drink station at a local charity race. Make an effort not to waste water. Have a question about the Liturgy? Email [email protected] March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 11 LUKE’S GOSPEL CORNER Today’sGospel,takenfromLuke15:1‐3,11‐32,beginswiththedescriptionofJesus eatingwithtaxcollectorsandsinnerswhilethePhariseesandScribesgrumblebecause Jesus,whomthecrowdsregardasaholyman,associateswithgodlesspeople.The Gospelthenpicksupwiththeparableoftheprodigalson,who,unwillingtowaitforhis father’sdeath,demandshisinheritancebeforegoingofftoadistantlandtospenditon prostitutesanddissoluteliving. ThefocusoftheGospelisbestunderstoodincontextoftheentiretyofLukeChapter15. Followingtheintroduction,Jesusrelatesthreeparables:thestoryoftheshepherdwho leavestheninety‐ninesheeptoseekouttheonelostsheep;thewoman,whohavinglost asmallcoin,ripsherhouseapartuntilitisfound;andlastly,thestoryofafatherwho looksforhisson’sreturnandwhenheisstill a long way off goesouttohim,kisseshim, andcelebratesheson’sreturn.Allthreeparablesdescribeanincessantsearchforwhat islost,andwhenfound,therejoicingandcelebrationthatensues. ThesethreeparablesaresocentraltoLuke’sportraitofJesusthattheyareconsideredtobetheheartofLuke’sGospel. LukedescribesaGodwhoseeksoutthelost,themisfit,thedisenfranchised,thescorned,theselfish,andthehardened sinner,callingeachonebacktoHimselfandutterlyrejoicingupontheirreturn.LukeportraysaGodwholovessinners evenwhiletheyareinthemidstofsinandwhochosetodwellamongthempreciselybecausetheyareinmostneedof Hismercyandlove.Thesethreeparablesaffirmthat“Hecametocallsinners,notthejust”(Lk5:32). PopeFrancisinhisapostolicmissionsandinhispreachingreachesouttothoseinmostneedofGod’smercy.He associateswiththosethattheworldshunsandremindsallChristiansthatwearecalledtodothesame. Astheshepherdrejoicedwhenhefoundthelostsheepandthewomanwhofoundhercoincalledallherfriendsto celebratewithher,ourGodisaGodwhorejoiceswhenwereturntoHimintheSacramentofReconciliation.Thefocal pointofthestoryoftheProdigalSonisnottheson,butthefatherbecauseofwhatheshowsusaboutGodtheFather. Thefatherrespectshisson’sfreedomwhilestillseekinghimoutevenwhenheisfaraway.Thefatherinthisparable showershisblessingsonhisrepentantson,welcominghimbackevenafterthethingshissonhasdone.Itisafatherwho uponhearingthathisoldersonisscandalizedbyhismercy,urgeshimtorejoicethathisbrotherhasreturned. Theparableoftheprodigalsonassuresusthatnomatterhowgrievouslyorhowfrequentlywehavesinned,Godstands readytoclotheusinHismostpreciousgarment,placearingonourfinger,andrejoicewithusinourgoodfortune.This Gospelencouragesusnottoapproach“theconfessionalwithdraggingfeet,butasifweweregoingtoafeast”(Fr.JeanC. J.D’Elbee,I believe in Love: A personal retreat based on the teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux, pp.34‐35). ThisisthemessageoftheGospel–themessageLukewantsustohear,tomodelforourchildrenandsharewithallthose wemeet.“Parents,educators,givethechildrenconfidedtoyourcareanunderstandingofthisdivinemercybybelieving initandpracticingityourselves.Itisthisfaiththatwillpreventthemfromfallingagain,and,iftheyfall,theywillrise again;theywillcomeback,becauseyouwillhaveacquaintedthemwiththegentlenessofGod”(Fr.JeanC.J.D’Elbee,p. 35). For more information about Luke’s Gospel Corner email [email protected]. March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 12 Saints Peter and Paul The Easter Bunny is on her way! All parish children are invited to an Easter egg hunt following 12:30 p.m. Mass on March 20. Bring your own basket and get ready to hunt for candy-filled eggs. Age groups are: <2, 3-4, 5-6, 7+ Organized by SSPP Moms Group, Knights of Columbus, & Saints Peter & Paul School We should open our eyes. Sometimes we blindfold ourselves to bad behavior (in ourselves, in others), to wrongdoing, to injustice. Sometimes we pretend that sin is not here, sin is not there. We do not look. We do not see. But Christ, who is Light from Light (we proclaim in the Creed), changes it all. Just like the Man Born Blind, when we do what Christ tells us to do (go and wash…think Baptism and Renewal of Baptism), we see with new eyes and we tell the truth. What blinds me from seeing with eyes of sacramental faith? What truth must I tell? March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 13 AROUND TOWN AND BEYOND NEWS FROM THE KNIGHTS Knights of Columbus Council No. 1369 615 E. Ogden Ave., Naperville, IL 60563 www.napervillekofc.org 03-11 – Friday – Fish Fry – (Tom Rogers) – WORKERS NEEDED 03-12 – Saturday – Darrell Hutton Memorial Blood Drive – 7:00 AM to 11:30 PM (Stewart Mattson) 03-12 – Saturday – St. Patrick’s Day Parade – 10:00 AM - Coordinating Council 1369 - Luncheon at KC Hall immediately following the Parade (Randy Stall) – HELP IS NEEDED 03-18 – Friday – Fish Fry – (Tom Rogers) – WORKERS NEEDED 03-19 – Saturday – Pro-Life Rosary at Planned Parenthood – 9:00 AM (John Zabinski) – PRAYERS NEEDED 03-20 – Sunday – Easter Egg Hunt – 1:30 PM – SSPP Grounds – with M.O.M.S. Group (Nick Thompson) Donate a Car, Transform a Life Have an old car taking up space in your garage or driveway? Donate it to Naperville CARES. Not all car programs are the same. Our car program repairs donated vehicles and gives them to families in need of transportation. Our waiting list far exceeds the cars we have available, so please consider donating your used car today. Call the Naperville CARES office at (630) 369-0200 or e-mail us at [email protected]. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Service Organization founded by Father McGivney. All of the good works we do are informed by our four core principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Knights also have an insurance program that has a top notch rating. For more information, please contact our Grand Knight, John Moravecek at 983-9209 or our Membership Director, Nick Thompson at 815-871-4218. The KC Hall is available for parties and meetings. Contact Al Knoeck at 630-369-2992 for more information. Our aluminum can collection has been a great success. It has provided us the funding we need to support our priests and seminarians. Please continue to drop off your aluminum cans next to the trailer behind the KC Hall. SS Peter and Paul Troop IL0908 American Heritage Girls Troop IL0908 at SS Peter and Paul Parish meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 4:30-6:00PM. We have some exciting camping trips coming up as well as a Lenten Retreat, a night at the Museum and some great service projects helping St. Patrick’s Residence, The Knights of Columbus, Feed My Starving Children and Pads. American Heritage Girls is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. The organization offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences to its members. Home school, Public school and SS Peter and Paul students are welcome to join as well as girls from surrounding parishes. Our troop meets every second and fourth Monday of the month from 4:30-6:00PM from September – May. New members are always welcome. For more information, please contact Mary Beth Zabinski [email protected] or Lisa Walton [email protected] for more details. November March 6, 2016 10, 2013 Thirty-Second FourthSunday SundayinofOrdinary Lent Time Page 14 Protecting God’s Children All volunteers who work with children are required to take the Protecting God’s Children workshop. It is about 3 hours and only needed to be taken once. This workshop is very informative. You can go to the parish website http://www.sspeterandpaul.net/about/protectinggods-children to find a list of workshops. It can be taken at any location. You would turn in a copy of your certificate along with acknowledgement form for 2 policies and a volunteer background form. These papers can also be found on that web page. For additional information or questions call Peggy Partipilo at 630-718-2138.