December 6, 2015 - St. Matthew RC Church
December 6, 2015 - St. Matthew RC Church
December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 1 Roman Catholic Church of St. Matthew 35 North Service Road, Dix Hills, New York 11746 Tel: (631) 499 -8520 Fax: (631) 499 -1530 Office Hours Monday-Friday in the Parish Center 9am-5pm December 6, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent Pastor: Rev. Robert S. Hewes Parochial Vicar: Rev. Allan Sikorski In Residence: Rev. Lawrence Rafferty Deacons : James McQuade, Carmine DeStefano & Luis Polanco Pastoral Associate: Sister Kathleen McCarthy, O. P. D.R.E.: Mary Donaldson Music Director: Lee Forsythe The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made at least 6 Saturday months in advance and should be made 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass prior to making plans for a reception. Call Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 (Family Mass), the Parish Center for an appointment with 11:00 a.m. (Choir Mass) and 12:30 p.m.. the priest or deacon you wish to witness and 12:30 p.m.. Tridentine Mass in the your wedding. All couples are required to Chapel. Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. mass in the attend Pre-Cana. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE FAITH Church. Those seeking information about the Holyday Will Be Printed In The Bulletin Catholic Faith are invited to contact the CONFESSIONS Parish Center concerning the R.C.I.A. Saturday 4:00–5:00p.m. For any other time, please call to make an Program. DEVOTIONS appointment with a priest. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION BAPTISMS SCHEDULE The 1st and In the chapel, Monday & Wednesday at 3rd Sundays of each month at 1:45 p.m. and the 4th Saturday of the month at 12:30 4:00 and concluding with Benediction at 5:00 p.m. (No Baptisms Easter Sunday or Christmas Weekends). Contact the Parish FIRST FRIDAY Mass is at 9:00a.m. Exposition of the Holy Center to arrange the ceremony and for Eucharist takes place in the chapel from Fri. the Baptismal Preparation Class which meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm until Sat. 8:45 a.m. and concludes with Benediction. 8:00 p.m. The only exception is in FIRST SATURDAY– 8:15 a.m. devotions December when no class is held. SCHEDULE OF MASSES ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament is available EVERY SATURDAY after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The Sacrament is available for those who are to undergo a serious medical procedure the following week or who have a serious illness and who have not been anointed within the past three months. If you wish to be anointed, please let the celebrant know before Mass. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA – Monday 5:00 pm in the chapel PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Holy Communion will be ministered to those confined at home. Those who are seriously ill should request a priest for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. PARISH REGISTRATION New families and new parishioners are encouraged to register at St. Matthew. Registration forms are available at the Parish Center or on line at Kindly notify us when you move so that we may send a letter to your new pastor. PARISH SCHOOL—HOLY FAMILY REGIONAL: 631-543-0202 December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 2 PARISH MINISTRIES: ALTAR SERVERS: John DiGiogio: [email protected], Mark Petosa: [email protected] APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER: Kathryn Giandoreggio: 631-491-3735 ATHLETIC WEB SITE: www. ATHLETICS DIRECTOR: Chris Felice: INTRAMURAL COORDINATOR: Patrick Mantione: [email protected] CYO TRAVEL COORDINATOR: Dom Sabatino: [email protected] ATHLETICS MODERATOR: Rev. Allan Sikorski: 499-8520 x 125 BAPTISMS: Bettyanne Russo: 499-8520 x 126 BEREAVEMENT: Kathryn Monaco Douglas: 495-8541, Anthony Monoco: 516-779-3568 BIBLE STUDY: Anthony Albano : 586-4827 BOY SCOUTS: Ernst Tramposch: 631-254-2656 BULLETIN: Bettyanne Russo 499-8520 x 126. email: [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER: Dolores Tiernan: 499-8520 x 113 CATHOLICS FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION: Ann Podina :858-0684 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL: John Gatto: 499-8520 x 117 C.C.D. -RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Mary Donaldson ,D.R.E. 864-3321, Rita Minder, Assistant CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Nicole Nicholson: [email protected] CHOIR: Lee Forsythe 631-499-8520 x116 Ed Oriani– Cantor for Tridentine Mass COMPASSIONATE CARE & CONSOLATION MINISTRY: Sr. Kathleen McCarthy 499-8520 x124 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Ray Smolenski: 243-0449 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS TO THE HOMEBOUND: Sr. Kay McCarthy: 499-8520 x 124 FEED THE POOR MINISTRY: Frank Harnos: 499-0074 OR Julie Maddaloni: 242-2183 FOOD PANTRY: Sr. Kay McCarthy: 499-8520 x 124 HOSPITALITY: Hugo & Lisa Hugasian: 586-3932 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Tony De Losa GK, 748 - 0900 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SQUIRES: Sir Francis Scotti: 917-567-9829 LECTORS: Helen Campa: 586-0682 LEGION OF MARY: Judy Archbold: 667-4629 MINISTRY OF PRAISE: Rosemary Sammon: 499-5176 MOMMY and ME: Jessica Larsen: 258-3965 PARISH OUTREACH: Sr. Kay McCarthy: 499-8520x124 PILGRIM MADONNA: Rosa Nappo: 920-2446 Lucia Agnone: 940-4015 PLANT ENGINEER: Luis Flores: 492-7881 PRE-CANA: Deacon Carmine DeStefano 631-643-8077 RCIA: Marie Prainito: 499-4725, Robert A. Ruvio: 917-589-8473 RIGHT TO LIFE: Toni Shannon: 586-3807 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY: Mary Lou Lea: 631-581-2804 PASTOR/PARISH SECRETARY: Bettyanne Russo: 499-8520 x 126 SONS OF ITALY : Joseph Tursi: 543-9491 SPANISH MINISTRY: Deacon Luis R. Polanco 648 7330 ST. VINCENT de PAUL: John Gatto: 499-8520 USHERS: Thomas Siegler: 920-2055 YOUNG SENIORS MODERATOR: Fr. Allan Sikorski 499-8520 x125 YOUTH MINISTRY: Gina Drost: 631-835-3088, Email: [email protected] Mondays HELPFUL PHONE NUMBERS Novena 5:15 p.m. AL-ANON / ALATEEN Family Group: 631-669-2827 Legion of Mary 2:30 p.m. in the A. A. 24·Hr Hotline: 631· 669·1124 Blessed Mother Classroom Birthright: 631· 821-9727 Tuesdays Brighter Tomorrows: 631· 395·1800 Rosary Society meets the first Tuesday after the Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info): 631· 789first Sunday of each month at 7:00 p.m. 9546 K of C General/Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. Child Abuse: 631-439-0480 (2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month) Day top: 1-800·2·DAYTOP Thursdays Domestic Violence Hotline: Young Seniors: 9:00 a.m. The Retreat 631· 329·1200 Apostleship of Prayer: 1st Thursday after 9:00 Mass Emotions Anonymous: Fatima Spiritual Formation Prayer Group Call Dominick with any questions: 631-321-1980 1st Saturday of the month after 9 a.m. Mass in Good Shepherd Hospice: 631-376-3758 Blessed Mother Room Life Center of Long Island: 631-243-2373 Adult Choir practice 7:30 p.m. in Family Room Long Island Women's Coalition: 631- 666-8833 Festival Choir: 2nd and 3rd Thursday in Family Room Suicide Prevention 1-800·SUICIDE Saturdays Victims Info. Bureau of Suffolk: 631-360-3606 Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Diocese of Rockville Centre (D.R.V.C.) Spanish Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Tridentine Mass Choir (Latin) 4:00 p.m. in Family Room Special phone line for reporting allegations of sexual Youth Ministry: 8-10 p.m. abuse by church personnel and volunteers: 516-594·9063. December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 3 Business Manager Dolores Tiernan Finance Chairperson Richard Bove Trustees Deacon Carmine DeStefano and Joseph Napolitano Weekly Collection November 21 & 22 $16,128.00 Human Development: $3507.00 Thanksgiving Collection for St. Vincent de Paul: $605.00 Rev. Robert Kayser April 16, 1921 - November 28, 2015 O Lord, we pray that the soul of your priest, your servant, Robert Kayser, which while he lived in this world, you adorned with sacred gifts, may ever rejoice in a glorious place in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Altar Flowers are in Loving Memory of The 26 who died In Newton Connecticut Love, The Grue Family The Bread and Wine are In Loving Memory of Jean Garbarino’s 1st Anniversary in Heaven Rose, Donald, Christian, Donna, Billy, Maria and Francesca Saturday, Dec 5 5:00 PM Intention for Jack Tseng Robert Hughes Neil F. Barella Paul Lanwes Kuo-chang Tseng Chun-ming Tseng 7:00 PM Feed the Poor, Shelter the Homeless & Respect for Life Sunday, Dec 6 7:30 AM Deceased Members of Patocka, Risato & Vokolek Families 9:30 AM Harriet Patronis 11:00 AM Joseph Mannino 12:30 PM (L) People of the Parish 12:30 PM Carl Pica Monday, Dec 7 9:00 AM Vincent Costello 7:00 PM Rev. Alessandro Jasper da Luz Intentions Tuesday, Dec 8 6:30 AM Intentions of Rev. Arcoleo 9:00 AM Mary Jo Sullivan 10:30 AM People of the Parish 12:15 PM Legion of Mary Honors Our Ladys Wednesday, Dec 9 9:00 AM John, Enrichetta & Valentino Manetta Thursday, Dec 10 9:00 AM Rosalie Frisch Friday, Dec 11 9:00 AM Ernest Scandiffio Saturday, Dec 12 9:00 AM Mary Jo Sullivan & Billy Burke Devasia Koozhampala Alexander A. Lombardi 25th Anniversary In Heaven Anne Mele Eileen Santoriello Anthonio Branchinelli 5:00 PM Mary Jo Sullivan & Billy Burke Intention for Jack Tseng Devasia Koozhampala L. Bruce McMahon Chung-ming Tseng Mary Pierro 7:00 PM For Mary to Help for World Peace Sunday, Dec 13 7:30 AM Teresa Debono 9:30 AM Living Intention - Stephanie Lubin 11:00 AM Louis A. Garafalo 12:30 PM (L) People of the Parish 12:30 PM Michael Banks December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 4 Mass Schedule Monday December 7th, 7:00 PM Tuesday December 8, 2015 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM Latin, and 12:15 PM No Evening Mass on December 8 December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 5 Dear friends, As we enter this second week of Advent I take a brief look back, and a look forward. We look backwards this past week to the Funeral Rites for Father Robert Kayser who served in this parish as a steady “visiting” priest for many years. At his death on Saturday November 28th he was one of the oldest priests of the Diocese and we had just seen him at our Golden Jubilee Gala in September. The arrangements had not been made in time for me to announce to you dates and times last weekend, nor had we even been officially notified of his death by the Diocese till last Sunday night. Nonetheless the two Masses that are offered for a deceased priests were celebrated here and many of you had the chance to pay your respects to this dedicated and long-serving priest of God. Looking forward, this week we celebrate the great feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th, a holy day of obligation. This year it also marks the opening of the specially proclaimed “Year of Mercy” throughout the Universal Church at the command of Pope Francis. In this parish we are blessed in that the number of penitents at Confession every Saturday shows that God’s Mercy is already valued and cherished. However, as we lead up towards Christmas, I have asked that two priests be available on the following Saturday afternoons till Christmas as well as the extra Confession times before the feast itself. As they say about the “Christmas rush” for shopping, don’t wait till the last minute to make a good and thoughtful Confession before December 25th. God’s blessings, Father Hewes The Colors of Advent Historically, the primary sanctuary color of Advent is Purple. This is the color of penitence and fasting as well as the color of royalty to welcome the Advent of the King. Purple is used in Catholic churches. The purple of Advent is also the color of suffering used during Lent and Holy Week. This points to an important connection between Jesus’ birth and death. The Nativity, the Incarnation, cannot be separated from the Crucifixion. The purpose of Jesus’ coming into the world, of the "Word made flesh" and dwelling among us, is to reveal God and His grace to the world through Jesus’ life and teaching, but also through his suffering, death, and resurrection. To reflect this emphasis, originally Advent was a time of penitence and fasting, much as the Season of Lent and so shared the color of Lent. In the four weeks of Advent the third Sunday came to be a time of rejoicing that the fasting was almost over (in some traditions it is called Gaudete Sunday, from the Latin word for "rejoice"). The shift from the purple of the Season to pink or rose for the third Sunday Advent candles reflected this lessening emphasis on penitence as attention turned more to celebration of the season. In recent times, however, Advent has undergone a shift in emphasis, reflected in a change of colors used in many churches. Except in the Eastern churches, the penitential aspect of the Season has been almost totally replaced by an emphasis on hope and anticipation. In many churches the third Sunday remains the Sunday of Joy marked by pink or rose. December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 6 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The Place for Learning and Praying Our Family/Children’s Mass is Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Mary Donaldson, Director, Rita Minder, Assistant Religion Office Phone 864-3321 Fax 499-1530 Email: [email protected] . LOOKING AHEAD When registering a new student, 1st thru 8th grade, you must come into the Religion Office, on the second floor of the Parish Center, Monday through Thursday, between 11:00AM and 5:00PM. Please be sure to bring a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate when you come. The fee of $175.00 per child is due at that time. GRADE LEVEL MASSES FOR WINTER AND SUMMER PROGRAM STUDENTS Sunday, December 6, 2015, 7th & 8th grade will attend the 9:30 Mass. Sunday, December 13, 2015, 1st & 2nd grade will attend the 9:30 Mass. Sunday, December 20, 2015, 3rd & 4th grade will attend the 9:30 Mass. Sunday, January 10, 2016, 5th & 6th grade will attend the 9:30 Mass. These Masses do include all the Summer Program students as well. For those students attending grade level Masses listed above, please sit in the front of the Church, try to arrive by 9:10AM and remember your tithing envelopes as they are not only used for a donation but also for taking attendance. All family members are invited to join us at these Masses. SPECIAL NOTES Thank you to all the families who donated food to our Thanksgiving drive. I know those on the receiving end of your generosity enjoyed the holiday much more. Classes are cancelled on Tuesday, December 8th, as it is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass is required - you can check the bulletin or the website for the schedule of Masses. Classes are cancelled for the Christmas holidays from Monday, December 21st thru Friday, January 1, 2016. We resume classes on Monday, January 4, 2016. December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 7 CHRISTMAS 50/50 Raffle TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 2015 In the Parish Center at 11:00 AM Tickets will be on sale at the main entrance of the church after all Masses on December 12th, 13th and December 19th and 20th $25.00 each Ticket 5 Tickets for $100.00 December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 8 Presenting Emmanuel, God With Us! A Contemporary Collection of Lessons and Carols Featuring The Saint Matthew Adult Choir and Youth Choir Come join us in Scripture and Song Sunday, December 20th 3:00pm Reception to Follow The St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Angel Tree is located in the back of the church . Please consider taking an ornament from the tree. It will have the information needed in order to choose an appropriate gift. You will be making someone’s Christmas a little brighter this year. Please return the ornament attached to a wrapped present no later than Dec. 13th. Returning the gift sooner would be appreciated. It would be a great help if you return the paper ornament completely filled out and attached to the wrapped present. If you are donating a gift certificate, please put the gift certificate inside the special gift certificate box under the tree. December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 9 WELCOME AND GOD BLESS OUR NEW FAMILIES AT ST. MATTHEW’S Aaronson Abenes Alaimo Albicocco Albrecht Ambrisio Arnone Aronowitz Azzariti Barthelemy Bello Birrer Boggio Brzozka Burke Cafiso Cameron Capaccio Cardace Casello Castro Catanzano Chioritti Cobelo Colace Commisso Cornetta Corso Crowther Czoch DeLodi Devivio DiRienzo Dunninger Dunst Fernandez Fidalgo Filipe Fisher Fream Fuentes Gannon Geiger Geiss Germano Giordano Golden Gonis Grabow Grgas Grosso Haley Hall Hoehlein Hunte Jackson Kopko Kuhner Lafontant Lally Lamendola Leonard Licari Loglisci Loguercio Lovaglio Lydon Maloy Marino Marsanico Martino McCaffery McCoy Mileta Miller Milohnic Mongelli Morelli Morrison Morocco Murphy Mussacchia Nicollia O’Connor Ottomano Passavia Paszel Patella Paul Petraglia Pinto Rebelo Restrepo Rochester Rodriquez Rosado Rosario Rudden Ruiz Russo Ryan Rzeplinski Santomero Savino Scalera Scannell Scheiner Scherer Schiebelhuth Schneiderman Sexton Sforza Smith Sommo Stauder Stelz Sugrue Tobin Tolentino Trainor Trujillo Trotta Ubertini Vasquez Vassel Vierling Wallace Williams Yanez Zanchelli December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 10 December 12th & 13th 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM B. Vogt H. Campa J. DiGiorgio E. McEvoy Youth Group 5:00 P.M. D. Tiernan 7:30 AM J. D’ Agostino 9:30 AM J. Napolitano 11:00 AM B. Pape 12:30 PM A. Fazio J. Commisso B. Hermosura C. DeStefano E. McEvoy M. Shef C. Vogt K. DiGiovanna B. Napolitano G. Cruz A. Sosnilo M. Brennan M. Garaffa G. Gurrieri Students 7th Grade and older are invited to be lectors at the 9:30 AM Mass on Sunday. This is an opportunity to be part of the ministry of the church. Community Service time may be credited. Please call Mrs. Campa: 586-0682 My thanks and prayers to so many who have prayed for me during my recent hospitalizations. Your prayers, cards and words of encouragement helped to speed the recovery process. With gratitude I remember you in my daily prayers. Sr. Anthony Therese,OP our Sick Margarita Abelaruiz Frank Agoglia Richard J. Albergo Baby Chloe Atienza Alfonse Barone Vivian Blom Eric Bohlsen Shirley Brown Christian Brown Andrew Camanaco Anthony Carabba Baby Michael V. Cintorino Gerard Costa Joseph Costa Jeanette Davis B. Abadom Mary Jane DiPaoli Madeline Fazio Jo Ferlini Marino Figueroa Josephine Flynn Thomas Frecletn Bryan Gabriellini Karen Garrison Connor Golden Lauren Heinz Andrew Janusz Carol Kelly Harold Kelly Barbara Labate Greg Makarius Terrence Martin Michael Mazzara Helen McDowell John McIntyre Anne Merentino Angela Miller Marie Pecoraro Emily Pederson Greg Pederson Ann Perillo Vincenza Petrozziello Gloria Jean Prochilo Marge Puccio Mario Puliciani Alice Reilly Helen Reineking Charles Sanzone Cecelia Sanzone George Schnell June Sheehan Margaret Stachler Ed Stein Diego Stincone Terry Tanzer Brian Tripp Antoinette Vidal Emerson Vidal Emerson Vidal II Lisa Vidal John Vierling Jr. Matthew Wagner Michael Winston Becky Zallek Bernard Zoborowski Mary Zuccaro We Pray, especially for our Service Men and Women: Matthew Kirchner– Army, Noah Kirchner—Airforce, Ensign Melanie Thompson - Navy, Capt. Joseph De Monte IV-Pilot-United States Air Force, 1st Lieut. 1st Lt.Gerard J. Connolly II-Army-10th Mountain Division-Afghanistan, Pvt. Michael Dore, U.S. Army, Lt. Brendan Johnston, U.S. Navy, , LCPL Michael Porfidio, Marine in Afghanistan, Ga Jeffrey Gabriellini - Airforce , Cpl Louis AnguloAfghanistan, Corporal Michael Grella — Navy Airman, Julien-Army-Iraq., Lt. Col. Robert Wright-Marines, Lance Corporal Robert Kirschenheiter-Marines-Iraq, Sgt. Travis Coleir, Sean Keeffe -Army, Tara Kelly, Chris Skala Marines, Sr Airman Leah Dunne, Paul Ryder - Marines, Nicky Bivona - Navy, Michael Wissemann, LPL San Sievero -Marines, Ambrose Michelino, Jarod Racuot-Army, Robert Scarpelli, Anthony Lazado -Marines , Richard Freese, Jr. -Navy, Rho Nagasguna - Marines ,Michael Doherty -Army, Pablo Quirindongo-CW4-Army, Cpl. Ronnie Belmarez- Marines, Lt. Commander Christopher Grande-Navy. December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 11 Respect Life News Spiritual Adoption Program For more information, please see the “Frequently Asked Questions” on the Respect Life bulletin board in the breezeway or call Lisa at 499-6684 Respect Life News Spiritual Adoption Program Month Three – Developing Baby Your baby is quite active in the womb now - - although his/her mother won’t feel him/her for another couple of months. If his/her mother’s womb had a window, you could watch your spiritually adopted baby squint, swallow and move his/her tongue. He/she can make a tight fist if you touch his/her palm. He/she is breathing fluid which he continues until birth. He/she obtains the oxygen his/her body needs through the umbilical cord. The baby you are praying for weighs one ounce. Please join the millions worldwide who pray each day for the monthly prayer intentions of Pope Benedict XVI. Since 1844 the members of the Apostleship of Prayer have offered themselves to God for the salvation of souls, the Church, the intentions of all Apostles of Prayer, and the intentions of the Pope. The Holy Father gives us two prayer intentions each month, one a general intention and the other an intention for world missions. DAILY OFFERING PRAYER God, our Father, I offer You my day. I offer You my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings in union with Your Son Jesus' Heart, who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to Your love. December Universal: That all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving. Evangelization: That families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope. THANK YOU! The Life Center of Long Island sincerely thanks Saint Matthew Parish for their donation to the baby bottle campaign. Your generosity raised $5,338! May God bless you for your support of life! In today’s Gospel John the Baptist urges us to “Prepare the way of the Lord,” and this is what Advent is all about. We are called to help prepare the way of the Lord by making the real meaning of Christmas come alive in our own hearts, in our family and to reach out to those in need. Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we can help the suffering and poor to celebrate Christmas. NATIONAL NIGHT OF PRAYER FOR LIFE Tuesday, December 8, 2015 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Chapel On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, our parish will participate in the National Night of Prayer for Life. The purpose of this prayerful event is to unite our prayers with Catholics throughout the country in an effort to turn hearts towards Christ, thus bringing an end to abortion and the destruction it causes to all those involved. The hours are chosen to coincide with Our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearance to Juan Diego. Each hour will include formal prayer as a group and silent meditation. We will conclude with Benediction at 1 a.m. PLEASE COME PRAY WITH US! December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 12 The Rosary Altar Society’s Holiday Craft Fair Was Once Again a Huge Success Thank you to our Pastor and Moderator, Father Robert Hughes, and his staff for all their continued support during these past few months. Many thanks to our wonderful parishioners and friends who supported our vendors and the Rosary Altar Society. Most of all, a big thank you to our Rosarians who gave their time and talent in our kitchen, cake sale and selling raffles. Because of all of you our event was a big success. Many thanks to our cooks, Vinny and Mike and also John Gatto and Larry for their contributions. Thank you to all the ladies who baked, wrapped & donated gift baskets, who helped Saturday evening setting up and Sunday the day of the Craft Fair. Thank you, Laurie Mattone for wrapping our beautiful Chinese Auction Baskets, Terry, Peggy, Kathryn G., Judy, Fran McN., Michelle, Mary P., Tina, Rosalie, Joan B. Joan M., Rose, Fran B., Ann P., Chiara, Theresa, Andrea, Laura, Jen, Kiana, Thomas, Stephen, Patricia, Marcia, Molly, Dotty, Mary M., Rosemary, Kay, Susan, Roseanne, and Mary Lou for all your help and Robbie for putting up signs all around town. Thank you to Tina and Joe Murgolo for donating the large sign on our church property to advertise our Craft Fair. It was a great big help and looked amazing all lit up. Thank you to Gina and her Youth Group for helping the vendors carry their merchandise, and for the Saturday night set up. Your love for our Blessed Mother was shining through. The ladies of the Rosary Society are so grateful to the following generous donors for their continued support: Garofalo Carting, Giardoni Foods, Torta Fina Bakery, Bagel Chalet, Dunkin Donuts (Deer Park), Marie Mancini, Rose Esposito, and Commack Abbey. Luis Flores, we can’t thank you enough for all your help Saturday evening and Sunday. Congratulations to the winner of our Lotto Board, Joanne Linden, thank you to Commack Abbey for donating the Lotto Board. Our 50/50 Raffle winner was Kevin Bertolini. Thank you Kevin for donating $100 back to our Rosary Altar Society. Congratulations to all! Once again, many thanks and God’s Blessings during this Advent Season. Louise Benenati - Chairperson December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 13 St. Matthews Youth Ministry December Schedule We invite all teen’s 8th-12th grade to join us on our Journey to Christ We meet every Saturday at 8pm in the library Year of Mercy “No one can be excluded from God’s mercy,” Pope Francis Dec 5 Discussion Night What is Mercy Dec 8 Holy Day Opening of the Door of the Year of Mercy See bulletin for Mass Schedule Dec 12 Movie Night Polar Express Dec 13 Youth Mass Church 12:30pm Dec 19 Christmas Party Dec 26 Merry Christmas No Youth Ministry Contact Information: Gina Drost, Youth Minister E-mail [email protected] Phone or Text 631-835-3088 Facebook @ St. Matthews Youth Ministry Insta@stmatthewym 1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Please Join The Saint Matthew Youth Choir and Adult Choir in Scripture and Song Sunday December 20th at 3:00pm Saint Matthew R.C. Church Dix Hills December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 14 Dear Rosarians, Thank you for such a wonderful turnout for our November 3rd meeting. We actually had to put out more chairs to accommodate everyone. We were all eager to hear the beautiful presentation from Mr. Bob Walsh about St. Anne and the miracles that occurred at St. Anne’s Shrine in NYC. The presentation didn’t end that night. On November 17th, Father Hewes blessed a full bus of pilgrims led by Mr. Bob Walsh to St. Anne’s Shrine at St. Jean the Baptiste Church. Other pilgrims met us at the Shrine. And yes, miracles occurred that day. What a beautiful day it was, if you were unable to attend please make a visit, it’s a wonderful experience. Thank you, Mr. Bob Walsh for sharing your gifts from God with us. Thank you, Larry and Vincent for donating the bus. We are considering a future pilgrimage to Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre and St. Joseph’s Oratory in Quebec for the Feast of the Assumption on August 15th. We would like to continue this pilgrimage that our deceased Rosarian, Nailie Germaine ran for many years. Please see future bulletins for more information. On November 15th we had our annual Holiday Craft Fair, thank you to my mom, Louise, for being the chairlady for this fundraiser and for doing a wonderful job. It was a big success as usual and a fun filled day. Thank you to all the Rosarians who helped with the preparation and on that day. There is a separate thank you included in this bulletin. Our meeting for December is our Christmas party at the Bonwit on Monday, December 7 th at 12:00. If you haven’t signed up please contact Louise at 586-4515 or 662-6074. The cost is $27. Please remember to bring your wrapped gift that day for the families that we have adopted. If you were unable to get a tag from the tree at our last meeting for the adopted families you can always bring a donation for the Life Center the day of the party. Items such as diapers, wipes, bottles are always appreciated and don’t need to be wrapped. If you are unable to attend the party and have a gift for an adopted family or donation for the Life Center, please leave it with reception in the Parish Center. To bring any donations of course is up to you to decide. On the weekend of December 12th and December 13th we will be selling poinsettias. If you would like to help us sell please contact me at 513-8146 or come and stand with us after the mass that you are attending that weekend. Please spread the word to help support this fundraiser. Please remember there will be no meetings in January and February due to inclement weather on the day of our meetings the last couple of years. May you and your family have a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. Remember to pray the Rosary, a powerful prayer to God, through His Mother, Mary. Mary Lou Lea President Upcoming Events: 12-7 Christmas Party at the Bonwit at 12:00 12-12 and 12-13 Selling Pointsettias after the Masses Bulletin Deadlines for Christmas and New Year’s December 20th bulletin due December 10th December 27th bulletin due December 17th January 3 bulletin due December 23 December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 15 December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 16 THE MESSIAH BENEFITS THE MERCY INN SOUP KITCHEN Through the generosity of the Church of St. Joseph, the renowned St. Joseph's Choir will present a free concert at St. Joseph's Church in Babylon Village on Sunday, December 13th at 7:00 PM. They will perform selections from Handel's MESSIAH and Vivaldi's GLORIA directed by Dr. Marie Drohan and accompanied by soloists, trumpeters, harpsichord and the Sophisticated Strings. The concert will include other beautiful choral selections and -will be preceded by a moving candlelight procession. The choir has sung on Fox 5 and on European national television and in the presence of many prominent figures, including Pope Benedict XVI, Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Bevilaqua, Cardinal Egan, Cardinal Myers, the late Cardinal O'Connor, Helen Hayes, Ossie Davis and the jazz legend, Dave Brubeck. Recently they embarked on a third European concert tour to the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany with great successes. St. Joseph's R.C. Church is located on North Carll Ave. in Babylon Village, one block north of Main St. and two blocks south of the Babylon railroad station. Early arrival is recommended as the church is put in complete darkness promptly at 7:00pm. Baskets at the doors will welcome a free-will offering. Last year's concert generated over $11,000 for the needy. Checks may be made payable to The Mercy INN Soup Kitchen. All proceeds benefit the Mercy INN Soup Kitchen in Wyandanch. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Married Couples! Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for each other? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend just might be what you are looking for. Renew, Restore, Refresh and Rekindle Your Sacramental Relationship. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for February 12-14, 2016 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, NY. Space is limited. For more information about the weekends or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at This Advent the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington will hold a series of events during the second week of December – a Marian Mission. In partnership with St. Joseph’s Seminary and the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist. There will be opportunities for prayer, retreat, study, and fellowship. Please see our website,, for information about the week and its many opportunities to honor the Mother of Our Lord and to give glory to God. [Seminary Development Office, 631.423.0483 x 102; [email protected] "Let us preserve freedom. Let us cherish freedom. Freedom of conscience, religious freedom ... And may you defend these rights, especially religious freedom, for it has been given to you by God himself." Pope Francis, 9/26/15 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia Little Sisters of the Poor and U.S. Supreme Court: The Supreme Court’s decision to hear Little Sisters of the Poor vs Burwell means that another group of Christians must beg permission to practice their faith unmolested. The Little Sisters is an international Roman Catholic Congregation founded in 1836 and operates nursing homes for the poor in 31 countries including 30 homes in the U.S. "Our Mission is to offer the neediest elderly of every race and religion a home ... care ... until God calls them to himself." As Catholics, they follow Church doctrine and thus don't include coverage for abortion-drugs, contraception or sterilization, in their employee health plans. The Becket Fund explains, "Although the government exempts church and churchrun ministries from the HHS (contraception) mandate, it argues the Little Sisters aren't religious enough for this exemption. Instead, it demands that the Little Sisters comply or pay crippling IRS fines." (, 11/16/15) However, many labor unions and large corporations, including McDonald's and Cracker Barrel, have received a waiver for an exemption from ACA (Affordable Care Act). (, 2/3/15) "Selective enforcement of the law is the first sign of tyranny," wrote The Washington Times. "So far, seven states and 1,372 businesses, unions and other institutions have received waivers from the (ACA) law. (, 4/26/14) "We will not compromise our faith. We will not accept rules and regulations that violate our consciences or impose actions and practices that go against the moral teachings of our faith and our Church." Bishop William Murphy, Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY December 6th, 2015 The Second Sunday of Advent 17 Poinsettias Sale by the Rosary Altar Society th December 12 th & December 13 After all the Masses